Chapter 22. Adjust

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Hey guys, so what did you think about last chapter? It was a bit crammed so I'm sorry if there is any confusion! Please comment and vote!

Not edited

I was immediately shocked and it took me a few seconds to understand what was happening right now. 

I closed my eyes, leaned in and clasped my hands behind his neck. He lightly clamped his teeth on my bottom lip, causing me to lean my head back in delight. I let his tongue slip through like a smooth snake slithering through the forest. Our tongues danced together as one, and I felt whole - something I hadn't felt in years.

I needed air so I backed away, looking into Dalton's shadowed eyes, which were as black as coal. We were each taking deep breaths of air, fully aware we'd sucked most of it from each other. 

"Why did you . ." I trailed off, still panting. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, it's okay!" I rushed, holding my hands out in front of me in defense. "It's not your fault or anyone's. I just want to make sure that . . . I mean, it was great, perfect but-"

"You want to make sure I'm not going to just leave you with that again," He said with an offered smile. I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning. I felt so light on my feet, like at any second I would lift off the ground and fly into the air without a care in the world. Was this the true feelings a mate brought? I tried to keep my excitement and happiness down for I knew that anything could jeopardize this moment.

"I want to ask you something Carter."

I looked up and saw him staring at me. His eyes were serious and almost, nervous? I hid my smile. What on earth would make Mr. Alpha Dalton Valerio, nervous?

"And what would that be?"

"I want . . . a chance to make things right. I'm clearly not the best with these things but . ." He trailed off again, almost unsure of what to say. I watched him, noticing he was squeamish now, and wanted the ground to swallow him up. Though it was cruel, I felt superior - like the a Luna, no the Luna. The Luna I was meant to be since my old pack. 

"Okay," I muttered.  Never before I had I dealt with problems involving significant others nor had I needed to. I never needed to give anyone a second chance, but rather people give them to me. My grandmother gave me ultimatum after ultimatum, granting chance after chance once I had done something wrong or "unladylike" in her eyes. Nat even gave me a second chance after one of my old reckless actions had fused a fight between us.

A small sense of pride and dignity swelled up from inside me like a balloon.

I backed away and fought my smile. He raised an eyebrow, obviously not too fond of the murky answer.

I smiled. 

"When are we going home?"


The answer was soon. Within a few hours, I was back in the pack house with Nat at my side in my bedroom. Everything was slowly returning to normal or so it had seemed. 

I went for daily runs with either with Gavin or Nat, and at some times, even Kaz. I returned to my training sessions at the gym with Kaz and met some more packmates that I wouldn't mind calling my friends in the future. Nat seemed to love Nebraska and the cold weather that came with it. She seldom seemed sad or upset about our old home, though she rarely spoke of it often. 

We spent our time catching up on our favorite shows, Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy included, shopping - much to my dismay, and of course my favorite just having girl time. She had managed to convince my grandmother that she was going to stay with me because I had been homesick - and much to my surprise, she had let her go without a single word against it. Though I remained grateful, I remained annoyed with the woman who so easily tossed me out too.

I stayed close with Gavin too. Our gaming now involved Nat, who proved to be just as competitive as the young Valerio brother when playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

As for Dalton and I? Well, it was an understatement to say we were still adjusting. We didn't avoid each other like usual, but it wasn't all love and kisses either. I still had many questions to ask him, but it was obvious we both needed time to let everything sink in. I planned on asking him more questions later, but as for now I think we both needed some TLC.

I brushed my hair after getting out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body.  I walked out, wringing my hair, and noticing a paper on my bed. I looked around the corners of the bathroom, a new habit I had as I walked in and out of rooms. 

Noting that the coast was clear, I walked to the bed, picked up the note and read it. 

Going for a run in a few . .

Join me if you want


I shrugged. I quickly threw on some running shorts, tank top and some Nike running shoes before putting my hair up. I walked down the stairs, ignoring the curious eyes of Nat as she sat at the counter with Gavin, snacking on some fruit.

"Going somewhere?" Nat asked with a grin. Gavin snickered to the side.

"A run," I answered with the roll of my eyes.

"Do you uh, need some company or you already have some?" Gavin added with a smirk. I lightly growled in my throat, playing it off like I was annoyed, but I couldn't at all and ended up laughing with them them as I walked out the door.

The cold blew across my bare shoulders, but it never bothered me. I looked around to make sure no one was in sight, before making my way to the back of the house and shifting.

My ginger and grey wolf padded out into the forest, each paw sinking lightly into the snow with each step.

I let the clearing, and entered the forest that lured me inside. 

I trotted about, not really caring where I led myself. I stopped short when I heard a few leaves rustle from my side. I growled, and bared my teeth as my muscles twitched with anticipation. Yet instead of a rogue wolf or even perhaps Vince, a tall grey and masculine wolf appeared in front of me with little to no worry in his eyes.

I observed the other wolf. He stood tall, much taller than me, and the way his two front paws were placed evenly apart under his shoulders, I could tell he reeked of authority and pride. His daunting blue eyes gazed into my own, and I realized this was Dalton. I stopped baring my teeth, and returned to my average self; semi average if you discount the fact I'm not only a girl who can turn into a huge dog but was also reincarnated over and over again.

He flicked his ears, and turned his back to me, descending into the winter forest.  Though I wasn't sure what I was getting into, I forced myself to follow him, a tornado of excitement and angst building in my stomach. 

His body disappeared behind a fallen trunk. I nonchalantly hopped over the wreck, and nearly had to stop myself short from falling. It was that same hill in which I had been attacked those weeks ago. I remembered how it had felt to lose myself to the ridge with no control over my body. I shivered, watching as Dalton cautiously slid down, making it seem easy.

I could have groaned, but I put on my prideful front. I took a slight paw-step down the slope, making sure I wouldn't fall into a snow patch. I decided it was safe enough, so I angled myself sideways and began to make my way down. Had only it been easier the first time around.

[He's watching us.] My wolf chimed in with distaste. Distaste for the fact she indeed wanted to impress him. I understood that feeling all too well. 

I ignored her though I felt my face warm up considerably even in the below freezing temperature of the place I had been forced to call home. 

I came to a rocky part of the slope and immediately I felt my back tingle. It clearly remembered its awful clash the slope.

I tried to side step it, and barely managed to. As I hopped over the last few feet of the rocky slope, my front paw caught a few sharp rocks, but I played it off when meeting the solid ground. I took a deep breath, glad it had been over. I ignored the stinging of my paw, and padded towards my - dare I say it now - mate. 

Dalton narrowed his eyes at me before letting off a low growl in his throat. It wasn't meant to be condescending or upset, but encouraging. Raising my brows,  I watched him take a slight step back, his muscles shifting in his chest as he did so. He bowed his head, keeping his eyes on me. I realized he was allowing me to start the run, an honor given to those who often ran with their Alpha's or those of high ranking. 

My first time being invited like this was by my grandmother's neighbor who held a high status with her. Noticing my shock and hesitance, he flicked his ears. I snapped out of it, and began to trot in front of him, with nothing but the rest of the woods in my view. 

My instincts kicked in, and I pounced off my haunches with haste. I took off fast, kicking behind some snow. I felt another presence behind me starting to catch up. If I was a human, I'd be giggling and smirking like an arrogant teenager. 

I hadn't yet forgotten that at one point I was deemed to take to the place of my Luna, and some of that blood lingers within me. I had to prove I was powerful, and I couldn't exactly know why, but I just knew I had to, perhaps for respect. The whole time I had been in this pack's presence, they'd witnessed the lowest part of myself, a part that I refuse to ever show again even if it was against my will. 

I had to show I was strong and independent, no matter the risks. 

I picked up my pace, feeling the upperhand as I realized I was one of the fastest and agile of my old pack. Granted he was an Alpha, I was a Luna, whether or not the title had been given to me by right or by connections. I forced my legs to take faster and longer strides, the world around me blurring as I whizzed past. 

He took a smaller step behind me, and I knew I had shocked him. I could have grinned and howled but I kept things in the down low. I continued to fasten my pace, but in a few seconds he was right beside me. I was determined to keep going, even if I was going to burn my lungs at the end of this run.

I ducked under a tree, almost not able to see it in time after focusing on my pride. Dalton wasn't fazed as he easily slid under the tree with grace. He gave me a sideways glance, igniting my fire. He was challenging me, if not studying me. I had to give it my best, still recovering or not. I would not look weak in front of him again, I refused to.

I picked up the pace, the snow barely grazing my paws anymore. Dalton was the same seeing as he kept up the same pace as me. Who would give up first?


We each walked back home in silence. Dalton was giving me the silent treatment, of course, but it wasn't my fault! Not that I would admit it even if it was.

You see, all that had happened was we were running, faster than I had ever experienced, and then one second he totally cuts me off and starts to growl like I'm the bad guy! Of course my momentum didn't just stop so I ran into him and we tumbled so much that we landed on the top of a frozen pond where a creek ended. 

He growled to no end until I made my way across the ice and back onto solid ground. Yes I was horrified but there was no way I'd openly say that, thus I couldn't either way since we're each wolves. 

Now he was ignoring me. Great, just when I thought I had made progress. 

The house came into view as we both walked up. I lightly growled, portraying my frustration and took off ahead of him to grab my clothes and shift behind the house. 

I came back, pulling my hair to the side and walking to the porch.

"Do you have a death wish?" Someone shouted before I opened the door. I turned, unclasping my fingers from the knob and placing them on my hips. 

Dalton had shifted back, wearing basketball shorts and a white tee that hugged his torso. His hair was wily and his eyes were fierce. 

"Me? You pushed me over or do you not remember that?" I hissed, angrily stomping off the porch and back onto the snow.

"I was seeing if you'd really push yourself, especially since your recovering from nearly having died Carter," He explained, lightly growling in his throat. 

"I don't need your tests, I can handle myself now again," I seethed, clenching my fists and crossing my arms over my chest.  He angrily marched towards me, expecting me to move but I stood my ground.

"You could over work yourself and collapse onto the ground for all you know! How could you be so stupid?" He shouted in my face, making me jerk back. I had to stare up at him to look him directly in the eye.

"I'm finally me again, I don't need protection or safety guidelines." 

"Clearly you do since you can't seem to know your limits," He barked. 

"You're being immature! Didn't you see how I was? I was doing good and you know it so why are you trying to take this from me?" I growled. It felt like steam was flying off my body in waves. 

Dalton dropped his head and held back his wolf. He closed his eyes and seemed to take a deep breath.

I bit my inner lip, and lightly touched his shoulder. At my touch, his head snapped towards me.

"I understand your worries, even if you don't make them known. You need to trust me, even if it's hard, you have to promise me you'll try. At least promise me that you'll try," I whispered, holding down my frustration. He stayed quiet for a moment longer, still staring at me. I nearly shied away from him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. 

"I promise . . . But you can't just go off and-"

I laughed, my anger fading away. He narrowed his eyes at me and crossed his arms, fighting back a smile. I giggled because I had gotten Mr. Meanie to actually give in and trust me a bit more, and because he was trying to defend himself though he'd already lost.

Carter Blake 1, Dalton Valerio 0 - though given past experiences I'm sure it's safe to assume Dalton is at 100, but hey, I can catch up can't I?


I showered for the second time that day, ridding myself of my dirt and grime. While the shower still ran, I couldn't help but think about how things would be from now on. It was clear they were going to change, but what of me and Dalton? What about my new status in the pack? Would everyone know I was going to be their Luna? When would Dalton and I talk about these things? What would my grandmother think? Did my grandmother know any of this?

My head began to pound as questions filled my brain. I stopped the water, got out and looked for some clothes. I settled for some simple leggings, a white tee and some converse that hugged my feet. I walked downstairs, eager to see what everyone was up to.

I stepped down the stairs with ease and made my way to the kitchen. I decided that once I ate that I could settle with some one on one time with of my friends. I realized the house was eerily silent. Where was everyone? My wolf began to pace and growl with angst building up from her paws to her tail. My own paranoia spiked to new levels and I found myself against the fridge wielding a kitchen knife.

I took a steady breath to calm myself down, but I stayed quiet and hidden nonetheless.  Up above, my sensitive hearing picked the creaking of the wood floors near where my room was. I held the knife against my stomach, and held it so tight my knuckles began to to pale up. 

Beads of sweat began to form near my hair line and my stomach felt like an indoor roller coaster. The creaks turned into footsteps and made their way towards the stairs. I crept to the edge of the kitchen wall, readying the knife. 

Each step down the stairs took at least a 3 second interval. I counted how many the intruder took. I was at 6, and I knew the first set of stairs had 7. One more and they'd be on the first floor with me. As I'd anticipated, they had taken the last step and began to make their way to the kitchen of all places. Squeezing my eyes shut, I held my breath.

With a warrior scream, I turned the corner, knife in the air, and prepared myself for a fight. 

"Dalton?" My hand stopped midair. His eyes were wide and he held his hands up in defense. 

"It's just me Carter," He said. I let out the deep breath I had been holding in as relief filled my being. I lightly stepped back, lowering the knife. 

"What are you doing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at me like I was a dangerous lion on the prowl.

"Don't just sneak up on me like that!" I panted, clutching my chest with my free hand. 

He gave me a flat look, obviously annoyed. "I was just walking."

I nodded and rolled my eyes, "Yeah-huh, you may be right about that." I took a few more deep breaths before my heart calmed back down.

I looked up to see him staring at me with concern in his eyes but I ignored him and continued to focus on my breathing. "Why don't you either put that back or give it to me?" Dalton asked with a huff. I frowned and handed him my newly appreciated defense weapon. He replaced his concerned look with one of irritation. I turned my back to him and reached for the fridge with unease knowing he was staring holes into the back of my eyes.

I pulled out the means for making a peanut butter sandwich along with some Lays potato chips before grasping a plate from the cupboard. I slightly turned my head over my shoulders, and noticed he was still there, and still staring. My face heated up so I turned my back on him in embarrassment. 

After spreading the peanut butter on my bread, I pulled out some chips and laid them on top of the peanut butter goodness. 

I turned to go sit down but a baffled Dalton was in my way. His eyes traveled to my sandwich where potato chip corners stuck out from the bread. 

He raised a brow but I said nothing and sat at the counter. 

I took a bite of my lunch, feeling the awkwardness around us wafting about in the air. He went into the fridge for his own lunch reasons and began to prepare what seemed like a salami sandwich. For some reason, I found this situation oddly situation.

"Hey, I still have a few questions about um . . your um . . heritage," I said with confusion. What was I supposed to call it?

"I assumed as much," He grunted before putting away some condiments. 

I sighed and set down my cluttered peanut butter and lays sandwich.

"Does my grandma know about this?"

He sighed and set down his plate on the island. "She did. She agreed to let you come with me because though we'd met before, she believed I could keep you safer here."

"But us being together - at least in your stories - made it seem like that's what makes me always die off. Correct me if I'm wrong," I said, nipping at my meal.

"Each situation is different, which gives us a disadvantage. On April 15th of 1912 we were barely what you would call dating and you still managed to go down with the ship despite our relationship." I frowned, imagining going down with the Titanic and all those it brought it with it. A part of me was glad I couldn't quite remember these events. 

"I see. And if my grandmother knew why didn't she tell me? Granted we don't sit around and braid each other's hair," I muttered with irritation.

"She was going to but I stopped her. I wanted to be the one to tell you, but it happened sooner than I had expected."

"Who does know? About this?" I gestured to in between us with my pointer finger. 

"Gavin, Kaz, I'm assuming Natalie, Luna Helen, and whoever she chose to speak to."

"Trust me, she didn't tell anyone," I replied with bitter in my tone. My grandmother had no friends, and who would even want to even call themselves one of them anyways?

I realized Dalton hadn't even made a dent in his lunch, as I had mine. I shrugged it off. 

"Will I die soon?" I asked, fear building in my stomach.

"No." He seemed sure enough. "Well then was the sickness and everything apart of this little curse and Vince and everything?" I asked. 

"I can only assume so. All I know is you die in every century you're reborn into and I never die. I see it happen, and live my immortal life as much as I can."

"What are you going to do about the pack when time has passed? What about Gavin? Does this happen to him as well?" I asked with curiosity dripping from each word. He hung his head for a bit and glared at his plate. Guess I shouldn't have asked. 

"I'm going to cross that bridge when I get to it. Gavin isn't my real brother. He's my adoptive so the gene doesn't run through his body. Even if it did, I would be the only one with long lasting life considering I'm the oldest son in my family. As for right now, there is more information being discovered each and every day with this new ear along with new technology. Gavin and I have been doing research, looking for others who may also have this burden as I call it."

"But you said last week it was-"

"Only the original pack members yes. There's only 2 more standing today. The Greenacre Pack and the Navajo pack. The Greenacre pack consisted of the cavemen and barbarians that roamed earth much before our time. The Navajo pack was the ones who had created the first Indian tribe, feathers and all. I've tried to track each pack down with Kaz doing some outside research, but apparently they like to keep their whereabouts private."

I nearly fell over. 

The first Indians and cavemen? Just how old did our race run?

"What about the other packs? What happened to them?"

Dalton furrowed his brows. "No one knows for sure, but I prefer to stick to the legend of the witches. I told you about how they punished their kind for creating ours, and one of the lead Covens destroyed some of the first remaining packs before they could make it to 100 years. Of course it's a myth, but in the world of humans so are we," He countered.  

"How old are you? I mean, how long have you been alive?"

"My Great Grandfather's great grandfather's aunt was the Luna of my pack. I have a direct line."

"And what of your parents?"

"I always wondered that, but they died when I was young. I assume since my grandfather had the gene, that perhaps my dad did and it would prove dominant in the males of our family. I can only assume he got tired of watching my mother die over and over, so the next time it happened rather than live with the grief, he took his own life."

"I'm sorry," I said with a frown. He shook his head. 

"And what of your parents?"

I widened my eyes in shock and turned my head to my plate. 

"They were murdered."

"What happened?" He asked although it didn't seem to throw him off. I bit my lip. Was I ready to talk about it?

"They went on a mission when I was younger. A pack a few states over had been witnessing the cruel effects of having rogues on their borders, and somehow word got out to the humans. So a few from our pack went over to try and help since we'd been allies for many years. They didn't come back."

I felt my heart clench when I remembered the way my mother hugged me in her arms for the last time before she left and never came back. I remember my father made a try at a joke that day, and it was the last time I had laughed in years. 

I began to yearn for my mother's sweet embrace. I wanted to tell her everything that had happened in the past year. I had made a best friend, and gained a new one. I also had an enemy that helped take my mind off my troubles. I stole a book I wasn't allowed to read. I'm mated to one of the grumpiest and coldest, most strongest Alpha in the state if not country. I was kidnapped by crazy wolf hunters. I've been dying and been reborn though the last 5 or so centuries.

"I met your father when he was a teenager. Richard Blake?"

My eyes snapped open to see Dalton there with black eyes.

"Yes," I was breathless.

"I met him when I was in the woods on a run. He was kind, and treated me well. Though of course, I remained in my 20's and he was still at least 15. He was a good kid, kind of picked on but he never faltered and always treated others with respect. He was a good, so I imagine he was a good man," He revealed. 

My eyes unknowingly filled with tears but I didn't dare let any of them drip onto my cheeks.

"I'm glad to hear that."

We sat in silence for a moment longer. 

"You said you, Kaz and Gavin had been doing research. What exactly were you doing?"

He rubbed his temples, and let out a sigh. "I want to find the other originating packs and see if they have the same curse I do. For all I know, there's a way to reverse it."

"Sounds cool to me. When can we  start to research because personally, I don't want to die - again," I said with a slight dry laugh. 

"I don't know. There's a lot to do, but I suppose I can keep Kaz on it."

I smiled. Though I was destined to be kissed by death, there had to be something we could do. Anything.

"But right now, in the meantime, we keep you away from Vince, and all others who might have their own intentions."

"Right, but don't you dare coddle me," I warned. He rolled his eyes and finally bit into his sandwich. 

I smiled lazily, though the image of me dying didn't leave my head.

"Carter," Dalton grunted. I paused, my mouth full of chips and peanut buttery goodness. 

"There's an Upperclass meeting for those with high ranks in both my packs and those nearby. One of my good friends will be there and he played a vital role in saving your life, so I feel it's proper you should thank him."

Surprised, I sat there with my lunch practically hanging out of my mouth. Was this his way of inviting me to something?

"What is it exactly?"

He grunted in his throat. "Some of the old fashioned like your grandma refer to it as Walker's Ball. You dress cordial and it's almost like the nice get to together I had at my old house while searching for the foolish one who tried to take the Code right out from under me."

I shrunk in my seat. I had totally forgotten about the incident that had led me to Dalton along with the bitch who helped make things possible. 

"Er, right, okay," I murmured. 

"That's a story for anther time I suppose. The meet-up is tomorrow night."

And with that, he left both me and his half eaten sandwich in the kitchen, leaving me to sit in all that I had learned today.

Hey ya'll! Fast update wouldn't ya say? And long!!

Hope you liked it and if you have more questions, leave a comment or message me personally! I answer ALL messages (:

Vote and comment your thoughts!

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