Chapter 5

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"Get them!" Haru screamed as he soared through the air. He was filled with rage and fury, wanting to kill every dragon in Ecilar, even his own son. And his son was exactly the dragon he really wanted to kill. His own son, who wanted to lead an army against his own father. What a mouse-brained fellow!

He pointed his claw at the fleeing dragons, and yowled, "attack!" He heard the sounds of whiskers flapping in the wind beside him. Lord Kaito was flying right next to him.

"Your son was such a nuisance, Haru," Kaito mused.

"I know! We need to kill him. And his supporters too."

Kaito just shrugged and blasted off, his golden tail flapping in the wind, streaming away with a swarm of colorful dragons.

Haru narrowed his eyes and he located a dragon with pink scales, pink-lavender. A Lunar Dragon... Yes. It was because Tatsuo was a Lunar Dragon, and Haru was a pink dragon. That dragon was Ryoto.

He swerved down, reaching his talons towards his son. He was so close, so close to his tail...

A blast of water threw him off course. He screamed as the water dug into his scales, pushing him backwards, making him fly through the air. He slammed into a tree, stars appearing before his eyes.

"Haru! Get up here!" Kaito yelled, fighting with a black dragon with amber eyes.

The black dragon roared and blew fire into Kaito's direction, and Kaito swerved aside, lunging for the dragon's throat. "Kill him!" Haru screamed, but the dragon twirled around gracefully and met Kaito's attack with a well-aimed swipe, sending Kaito reeling away, clutching his face.

Haru felt dizzy, but he knew he had to kill his son. But not now. He was not in the condition to fight his son's army. As he looked around, he saw his soldiers being pinned down to the ground, fleeing. They were losing.

"Retreat!" Haru yelled, but the sudden burst of air caused him to get a headache.

His soldiers immediately flew up, blood trailing from their wounds, flying away. Haru looked around, but he realized something drastic.

"Where is Shenron?"

He looked around nervously, but he saw a flying dark-green dragon. He flew up to the dragon, but it wasn't Shenron. He nearly dropped in disappointment. It was Shenlong.

"Shenlong! Have you seen your brother?"

Shenlong twirled around in shock, but relaxed when he saw that it was Haru. But he looked so serious. "The last time I saw him was when you sent him to go fetch your son. And now he's gone. General Viserion told me that he saw a white dragon taking him away. He's being held hostage, Haru."

Haru gasped. He should've known! Shenron was going to kill him if Haru didn't free him! Shenron and Shenlong were his best friends; but he was in no condition to fight Ryoto. He sighed and looked into his friend's eyes. "Shenron, I'm so sorry. I should've known that they would take hostages! But I promise you, we will free him, and we will murder that ruthless dragonet of mine."

Shenron only stared ahead.

Haru sighed and he left his friend alone. He immediately started searching for General Viserion. General Viserion was a pale-blue dragon and he was all covered in bloody scratches. He was clearly seriously injured.

"Ah, Lord Haru. What are you going to do?" General Viserion murmured in a raspy voice. He was an old dragon, the wrinkles on his scaly forehead creasing.

Haru flew next to Viserion, thinking. When he was done, he opened his mouth and spoke. "Viserion, I need you to tell me what happened to Shenron. Shenlong said that you saw Shenron getting kidnapped."

"Indeed, Lord Haru," Viserion murmured, sadness showing in his ice blue eyes. "I know who that white dragon was."

"Who? We need to kill that dragon!" Haru roared, flaring his wings.

"Young Prince Haku, Lord Haru," Viserion stated. "He is actually Lord Falkor's son."

"Lord Falkor?" Haru wrinkled his nose in disgust. "That old brat had a son? Luckily he's off the throne and buried in the ground so that he won't be able to see what we're going to do with his stupid son!"

"My lord, you have a nasty gash on your head," Viserion said, concerned.

Haru touched his head, and it came away with his blood. "Ah, I'll be okay. Must have been that water— but wait! Which dragon had water powers? Are powers even real?"

Viserion said, "ah. I've never seen a dragon with powers in my entire life."

Haru looked at the wilderness below him, and soon the castle came into view. He motioned to the castle, and together they flew down with the rest of the army. He noticed Shenlong flying in the opposite direction, terror blanching his face, but he decided not to go after Shenlong.

"Call the medics!" Kaito roared, and immediately, three dragons ran into the castle and rang the large bell. The bell made a big boom, and Haru admitted that he could see the walls shaking.

The medics ran down. Haru immediately started looking for his girlfriend. The next dragon he fell in love with. She was a medic, always caring for him.

"Lien!" Haru called as the white dragon with pink scales dotting her wings dashed over, tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Haru! I wish I could've helped you in the battleground!" Lien sobbed, as she clasped his talons.

"It's okay, Lien," Haru sighed as he felt the ice-cold scales against his own. "Can you please... fix me?"

Lien nodded vigorously, and immediately she blew some ice breath on his wound. The wound started to hurt, but Haru grit his teeth. He didn't want Lien to see him as a coward, afraid of a small pain just like this. Then Lien sprayed some sanitizer on the wound, and the real pain started. Haru cringed, but he let out a small whimper to mask his pain. Finally, Lien put a bandage around his head.

Haru wanted to stay with Lien longer, but he couldn't. His soldiers needed healing too. He waved goodbye to Lien, and he called the cooks. "Ehecatl, Belindo. Please make us a meal. We are all hungry."

The two dragons, one turquoise and one crimson, nodded. They flew towards the kitchen.

"We need a plan, old friend," Haru whispered as he dragged himself to Kaito. Kaito looked battered as well, but his only amber eye was narrowing, glimmering in the light, the other eye lost to the black dragon in the fight.

"We do need a plan, a smart plan. We can't just go rushing into them like that. That'll get us all killed!" Kaito snapped, his eyes suddenly full of fury. He turned to the Strategists. "Aiden! Glaurung! Hurry up and strategize on how to kill Ryoto and his army! Now!"

The copper dragon cringed and squeaked out, "but Lord Kaito, we don't even know where Ryoto's camp is!"

"Oh, Aiden! Do you expect me to go tell you the exact coordinates? Well, I don't know! I know where we fought the battle, yes. It was next to the Jaw Canyon. So go! Go sketch."

The gray dragon jerked back and squeaked, "okay, Lord Kaito! W-We're on it!" Glaurung grabbed Aiden and they started flying away.

Haru sighed as he slumped into the smaller throne. He was exhausted. "Kaito, why do we always have to have bad luck?" He wheezed, his mind whirring.

"Why, my friend, I have no idea. But we will inflict it on Ryoto. I promise."

Haru sighed as he slipped into a deep sleep.

Ryoto snapped a stalk of aloe vera between his talons, and it revealed the transparent gel trapped within. He scooped the gel out, and started applying it onto his burns.

Haru had led an army to kill him and his army, but they fled. He looked around at each of his friends. "Are you all okay?"

They were sitting in the middle of Firnen's camp in the Lost Spirits Forest, with bamboo growing around the borders. The pale yellow rug was now stained with blood, the sunlight filtering from the roof making their blood seem more scarlet. Paintings of Ecilar decorated the walls, turning yellow with age. Rice paper covered the square windows on the wooden doors, filtering yet letting some light in. The sound of bamboo leaves rustling filled the entire room.

Firnen was rushing around with his homemade healing potion. Fafnir had arrived with Coatl right after the battle, and they had helped transport the injured dragons to the hut. "I'm so sorry— this hut is too small for all of us!"

"No, Firnen, it's okay— we can help build it!" Ryoto murmured, smoothing the gel on his forearm. He then looked up and surveyed his army.

Leviathan only had a few scratches, but he was drenched in water. Diaval had been fighting with Lord Kaito, slashing one of Lord Kaito's eyes off. Diaval was tired, burns showing on each side of his body. Lord Kaito did all of that... Firnen had a slash across the bridge of his snout, Longwei had a bent tail, Haku had a torn ear, Rhaegal had a slice on her torso, Dracul had a crooked talon, and Thorn had a broken tooth. Drago, Uruloki, and Drakon had been hiding.

"Wait— how about Shenron?" Ryoto suddenly asked, the cruel smirk of the dragon crossing his mind.

Firnen replied, "I have connected multiple tunnels to my base through a secret trapdoor. It can be the prison where we hold dragons hostage."

Haku nodded. "Yes, Ryoto. We have installed the cells— We made the cells out of hard rock. When we tried to blast through it, it held and forced us to stay inside. We have the taloncuffs ready, and enough silencers. In total we could hold about 50 dragons."

"50? That's more than enough! Thank you so much, Haku and Firnen," Ryoto beamed. "But we need someone to check on Shenron right now, but everyone's tired right now. I think I'll go."

"And me," Leviathan interrupted. "I'll come with you. I'll protect you and make sure that dragon doesn't kill you!" He walked next to Ryoto and stood his ground firmly.

Ryoto nodded, and Haku led them to the trapdoor, the rest of the army resting in the bamboo mattresses. Then he dipped his head under the trapdoor.

The hallway was lit up by torches, and he could see each cell door. They were made of rock. He nodded, and Haku told him, "Cell 001."

Ryoto and Leviathan made their way through the dark and gloomy hallways, the torches glowing and fading. When they reached Cell 001, he peered through the door. He saw a pair of angry eyes, beady black eyeballs staring at him through the door. He screamed and fell back. Leviathan was there immediately, punching the eyes that had scared Ryoto. There was a sound, and the eyes were gone.

Ryoto sighed and roared, "Shen—ron!" His voice echoed throughout the hallways.

Shenron moaned as he picked himself up.

"Shenron!" Ryoto roared. "Your army just attacked my army today!"

"Well, well, well! Who won?" Shenron was suddenly interested, the bruise under his eyes swelling already.

Ryoto huffed in anger. "Well, if I'm standing, that means I won. They fled, and one of my seniors slashed one of Kaito's eyes off. Ha!" He let out a laugh.

Shenron's expression darkened immediately, but he didn't say anything.

Leviathan snapped suddenly, "don't give us that look. I could easily beat the hell out of you!" He glared at Shenron.

Shenron raised his talons in surrender, also raising an eyebrow. "Okay, okay, Levi. Let me go."

"Don't call me Levi!"

"Why? It's short for Leviathan, eh?"

Ryoto snapped, "stop it. Now. We need answers."

"For what?"

"What are Kaito and Haru going to do next?" He glared at Shenron through the bars of the cell door.

Shenron rolled his eyes. "Well, I don't know! You have trapped me inside here and I'm separated from them. How would I know?"

Ryoto sighed. Shenron had a point. But how would he know if Kaito and Haru would come again? He needed answers, and immediately he knew who would help him.

"Forget it. Leviathan, let's go," Ryoto snapped, whirling back and stomping towards the trapdoor. Leviathan glared at Shenron through the door before following Ryoto.

"What? You're just leaving me here?" Shenron roared. "I'm hungry, cold, and lonely!"

Ryoto rolled his eyes and yelled back, "whatever! We'll get you food later! And maybe a companion too, maybe a bird or something." Then he climbed back to the surface, Leviathan following him.

Everyone was still resting. Ryoto made his way to the center of the room, where a round cushion was resting. He then whistled softly. Kato, a stream of red, orange, and gold, flew in and landed on his shoulder.

"Kato, can you tell me, when will Kaito's army attack us again?" Ryoto stroked Kato's delicate head. Kato purred, and then with his light blue beak, he pointed up to the ceiling and closed his eyes.

Rhaegal looked sleepily at Kato. "Huh? What is Kato doing?"

Kato then opened his eyes and stared into Ryoto's eyes. I will sing a warning song when they come. It goes like this: Kato then started singing, full of sorrow and anger and action. Ryoto remembered the melody.

"Thank you, Kato," Ryoto whispered, hugging the phoenix to his chest.

Then there was soft knocking. Some dragon was knocking on the door. Leviathan and the others immediately tensed, raising their heads. Ryoto peeked through the peephole.

It was Shenlong. Shenron's brother.

"Guys, it's Shenlong," Ryoto whisper-called. His friends groaned, and they all stood up, ready to take him down.

Shenlong's voice rang out: "Ryoto, please. I can't do this anymore. I'm sick of following Kaito and Haru. They didn't do anything to stop Shenron's capture. I didn't want all of these Lunar Dragons to die. Please. Please! I beg you with my life; I really want to join you. I want to kill Haru and Kaito. I swear."

Ryoto sighed as he opened the door. "Shenlong, how did you find this place?"

Shenlong sighed, his wings draping down to the ground. "I... I felt a presence here, as if it was calling me here. I'm magically bonded to Shenron. If I die, he dies."

"Talking of Shenron, we do have him," Ryoto muttered. What if this was a trap?

Shenlong cried, "please, Ryoto. I love my brother, but I have seen the dark side of Haru and Kaito. I have seen them murdering your mother, Ryoto. Kaito ordered the guards to murder your mother, and Haru didn't even try to stop them."

Ryoto nodded. "Very well. Leviathan, Diaval. Please check if there are any weapons on him, or is there any dragon following him."

Leviathan and Diaval stood up, and grabbed Shenlong. Shenlong let himself be checked, and Ryoto could tell that he was telling the truth. He really didn't like Haru and Kaito.

"Welcome to the Rebellion, Shenlong," Ryoto murmured, placing a pink talon on Shenlong's dark-green one.

"Thank you," Shenlong breathed. "I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have disturbed your sleep."

"I wasn't sleeping anyway," Ryoto shook his head. "You shall now be a Warrior, with Haku, Rhaegal, Coatl, and Drakon."

The five Warriors met each other, holding their talons over their hearts, saying each other's names. Ryoto felt tired, and he fell onto the round cushion and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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