The Missing Captains.

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Despite Selene's many shouts for him to stop, Elio didn't cease storming down the road until he was standing in front of a Pokemon Center.

"Elio! What the heck? Why did you just storm off like that?" Selene shouted, her face red from trying to keep up with him.

"Yeah man! Zzzzt-Zzzzt! That was totally uncalled for and way not tubular!" Rotom Dex buzzed behind her.

"Colress is so infuriating! He says he wants to save the world but he won't even fight to help free Alola! What is with him!" Elio ranted, pacing back and fourth as he shouted. Elio was sick and tired of everyone sitting around on their lazy butts and not doing anything about Team Skull.

"Elio calm down. I know you're upset but you need to remain calm." Selene told him, Elio knew he should listen to her but he was beyond angry. Colress was mostly a scapegoat for rage that had been building up for a few years. His face felt hot with rage and his blood boiled, steam would've flown from his ears if he was in a cartoon.

"No! Being calm isn't going to help! It never has before! Nothing helps! Our word is just full of lazy bums who only leave others with their problems!" Elio screamed.

"Something tells me this isn't about Colress." Selene said.

"What was your first clue?" Rotom Dex muttered.

Elio stormed off further, towards the shore. A Wimpod scuttled into a small cave and stared at him cautiously. Elio glanced over and the Wimpod dashed deeper into the cave. Elio frowned, he knew Wimpod were normally terrified of people, but perhaps his furious expression drove its fear higher.

Elio stared at the water and sat down, his feet inches from the water. Elio was aware of Selene sitting down next to him and Rotom Dex hovering behind him.

"Elio..." Selene started. "You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but you might feel better if you did."

Elio sighed, he dreaded talking about this subject but he felt like after all Selene and him n=had been through that he could tell her.

"My father left my mom a few weeks after I was due to be born. She had to then worry about providing for a child on her own. My mom had nowhere to go since her parents had passed on and she had no siblings. The first few years were rough, eventually we moved from Kanto to Alola. Of course things just had to get even worse, Team Skull lead their mass takeover less than a year after we moved." Elio said, Selene was certainly right. Elio felt much better to get all of that off his chest, although he also disliked remembering his deadbeat father.

"Oh Elio. I'm so sorry, I had no idea!" Selene said.

"Now I'm glad I don't have parents. Zzzt-Zzzzt!" Rotom Dex muttered beneath his breath.

"It's fine. You were definitely right, I feel a lot better." Elio assured her.

"Alright, if you say so. Just remember, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here." Selene said, Elio grinned and stood up, Selene following.

"Now let's go recruit some captains!" Selene cheered, she ran down the path leading to the Lush Jungle. Elio and Rotom Dex close behind her.

The entrance of the jungle reminded Elio of a mouth. About to swallow them into the darkness, the way the sharp branches curved downwards wasn't helping the thought. 

Elio could see why it would be the perfect place for the Trial Captains to hide out. It was out of the way, even if the grunts were willing to make the commute they'd have to get past Colress and his crazy science stuff. Then they'd have to resist jumping down the ledges to cool off at Brooklet Hill. And then they'd have to navigate the large, dark, and humid jungle. A jungle where they could be easily jumped by the three powerful Trial Captains.

There also was probably a lot of rain, and rivers for fresh water. Food would be no issue in an area flourishing with berry trees. 

"Well here goes nothing." Selene said, they plunged into the darkness of the forest.

Almost immediately Elio wanted to leave, tons of wild Pokemon moved about in the grass, hiding themselves behind plants, in patches of darkness, or just really tall grass. Elio hated how the plants moved, the mushrooms turning out to be a pack of Parasect gave him quite a fright.

Fortunately none of the Pokemon were hostile, although they were watching the trio curiously, almost as if they were waiting for them to do something that gave them permission to attack.

"I have a bad feeling about this. Not very gnarly. Zzzzt-Zzzzt!" Rotom Dex said.

"Why do you talk in outdated slang?" Elio queried. 

Rotom Dex gave him a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what? Never mind." Elio waved it away.

"Boy this jungle is huge." Selene mumbled, they stopped at a river that couldn't have been more than 4 feet in diameter. 

"I'm not even sure the captains are here. They could've left or Colress might've just been wrong." Elio said.

"Have faith. They could be hiding in those bushes watching us." Selene suggested, pointing at some shrubs off to the side.

"Mallow did you tell them!?" A male voice shouted accusingly from the bushes.

"No I didn't! When would I be able to tell them!" A female voice shouted back.

"You two should get a room, because you're going to get me killed." Another female voice sighed.

Three figures walked out from the bushes.

The first one was a man, he looked to be about 17. His skin was charcoal dark, he wore no shirt exposing his muscles. Around his neck was a necklace with a charm shaped like a clover, the charm was golden except for the top part being bright red. His hair was styled like a fire, with red tufts on the bottom and brown hair sticking upwards. All he wore was a pair or red shorts and red and black sandals. He was frowning and his cold eyes bore into Elio.

The next person was a girl, she seemed to be the same age as the man. She smiled warmly at them, her green eyes sparkling with wonder. Her forest green hair came down in two long ponytails, her hair curled upwards over her right eye, Fixated in her hair was a pink flower. The girl was dressed in a grey apron, a pink shirt and white shorts visible underneath. At the waist of the apron was a charm similar to the mans, although instead of red, green was at the top. She had on green running shoes and held a ladle in her right hand.

The final person was another girl. She looked much younger than the previous two, maybe about 13 or so. Her dark blue eyes shone with curiosity. The girl's ocean blue hair was cut short, a little above chin level. In her hair was a headband that looked like a net.In the front of her face a large triangular bang fell right next to her eyebrows. She was dressed in a white sailor shirt. Underneath the shirt was a black swimsuit. She was also dressed in long blue pants with wave patterns on the bottoms, and rubbery sandals that were a size or two too big. Hanging from the string of her pants was a charm like the other two, but it was blue on the top. In her left hand was a giant fishing pole.

"Y-you're the Trial Captains." Elio stuttered.

"Were." The man corrected. "Were the Trial Captains."

"Always a downer." The blue-haired girl sighed.

"So can I get an introduction?" Selene requested.

"I am Kiawe." The boy said.

"I'm Mallow, pleasure to meet you." The green-haired girl introduced.

"And I'm Lana." The blue-haired girl said.

"This is so radical!" Rotom Dex shouted. "Three Trial Captains all in one place! I never thought things could get so tubular but this is righteous! Zzzzt-Zzzt!" Everyone was speechless for a moment when Mallow finally spoke.

"I haven't seen a Rotom Dex in forever, much less one like you." Mallow said, trying to be as polite as possible.

"So who are you two?" Lana asked, not taking her eyes off of Elio.

"I'm Elio and this is Selene. We were hoping you guys could help us." Elio introduced, he then proceeded to explain the situation and why they needed the captains' help.

"Well of course we'll help you!" Mallow said once they were done explaining.

"Wait we?" Kiawe asked,as if he hadn't heard her correctly.

"Yes we." Mallow said to him, an edge in her tone.

"I'm in. It'll be fun to beat those guys down, maybe I could even find my totem Wishiwashi!" Lana said hopefully.

"Speaking of totems, that's another reason we can't help you. We've been trying to locate Mallow's Lurantis for months ever since she realized she lost it." Kiawe reminded them.

"Well she wouldn't have left if you hadn't forgotten to feed her!" Mallow countered, then the two began bickering.

"Do you guys think you could do us a solid and help us look for Lurantis, just for a bit so Kiawe will be forced to return the favor?" Lana requested, seemingly unphased by the two bickering.

"Yeah we can handle it.... But what's a Totem Pokemon?" Selene asked.

"They're Pokemon that you have to defeat to complete trials. They have an aura that powers them up even further." Elio explained. 

"Oh. So do you have to find them in the trial?" 

"Normally the totem comes to you after you complete the requirements. Like for Mallow's trial she would have you find ingredients for food and then make a dish that attracts Lurantis." Lana informed them.

"Why doesn't she just do that now?" Selene wondered.

"Well Mallow is too stubborn to cook without the 'proper utensils.' So without the rocky helmet, fresh water, thick club, and rare bone Mallow won't prepare the dish." Lana sighed.

"Hold on. Selene isn't your bag full of items?" Elio asked, Selene nodded and opened up her bag. Searching through random pockets. 

"Rare bone, thick club, rocky helmet, and fresh water right?" Selene asked.

"Yep." Lana confirmed, Selene pulled out the four exact items they required. "No way! Both of you stop fighting!" Lana shouted at the two bickering Trial Captains. They ceased arguing when they noticed the items.

"This is perfect! I don't know where you're from but they clearly love cooking!" Mallow shouted, scooping up the items and dashing off.

"There she goes again." Kiawe mumbled.

"Well let's hurry before she ends up being destroyed by the totem." Lana said, the five of them ran after Mallow. 

Mallow was in a clearing not far from the exit of the forest, preparing the food. She was smashing berries and mixing ingredients swiftly. Elio was sure she had to be a machine the way she worked. Soon the meal was finished and a smell wafted through the forest.

"Ok everyone, be ready to take on the totem when she gets here. She's really strong and watch out for her solar blade." Mallow advised, everyone clutched a Pokeball in their hand.

"And while you guys battle I will take pictures and make a totally radical highlight reel! Zzzt-zzzt!" Rotom Dex announced. 

"Seriously stop talking like that!" Kiawe commanded.

"Eat my shorts!"

"Guys! Here it comes!" Selene yelled at them, a loud stomping rumbled through the forest and a Lurantis charged from the bushes. Lana stepped back and put her foot on a mushroom, before Elio could realize it wasn't a mushroom a cloud of green powder flew into her and the other two Trial Captains' faces. The three crumbled to the ground and the Parasect scuttled away, leaving only Selene, and Elio to defeat the Pokemon charging forward.

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