The Power of Science!

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Selene yawned as she awoke. She rubbed the grogginess out of her eyes and sat up, still in the destroyed Pokémon Center.

Rotom Dex was asleep on the desk Nurse Joy normally worked behind, Elio was standing at the door.

"Elio. What time is it?" Selene asked.

"I'd say about two or three PM." Elio replied

"You let me sleep that long?" Selene asked.

"You let me sleep longer on the way here. Now come on, let's see if the Malasada shop still has some food, I'm starving." Elio said.

Selene hadn't even noticed how hungry she was until Elio mentioned food. She stood up, made sure she had all her stuff and then went to wake up Rotom Dex.

"Rotom. Wake up." She poked the electronic, it continued to snooze away. "Well I guess you'll miss out on food." Selene shrugged. Suddenly it's eyes shot open and Rotom Dex flew around the Pokémon Center three or four times.

"Good morning! Let's get some food!" It yelled.

"Can you even eat?" Elio asked.

Rotom Dex frowned. "No. But I can eat electricity! Which would be really tasty right now, my battery is at 24%. Zzt-zzzt!"

"Why didn't you say something? There should still be electricity here, we could've plugged you in while you slept."

It facepalmed. "Zzzzt-Zzzzt! Why didn't I think of that? Whatever let's go go go!" Elio stepped out of the door and motioned for them to follow.

"Coast is clear guys." They walked outside and Selene got to take in the Royal Avenue.

The was a giant dome shining behind the Pokémon Center, clearly it was the highlight of the area.

In the corner near the exit was a store, although it was completely trashed. Not too far from them was the Malasada shop, its orange roof shining in the light. It looked to be in decent condition, which meant the Team Skull grunts liked Malasada.

They walked through a small garden area, multiple plants were blossoming and the aroma was delightful. They stopped at the entrance, a picture of a Slurpuff with a half-eaten malasada on his head stood above the door. They pushed the door open and the two trainers and Pokedex went in.

There was an attendant behind a service counter at the entrance. She was wearing a red apron and smiled when she saw the two. There were multiple booths off to the side of the shop.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Two sweet malasadas please." Elio said, Selene reached into her bag and took out some money.

After their orders were fulfilled and they'd paid for the food they sat down at a table, Rotom Dex hovering over them.

"Hey guys, what about me! I still need to charge! Zzzt-Zzzt!" It complained.

"These are so good!" Selene said after she bit into hers.

"I know right! I'm just glad they've started carrying sweet malasadas here, they used to be exclusive to Hau 'oli city." The two trainers talked as they ate, ignoring Rotom Dex and its many complaints.

Once they finished they thanked the woman and left.

"Guys seriously! I'm at 20%!" Rotom Dex pleaded.

"We'll find you somewhere to charge Rotom. Don't worry." Selene assured it.

"Get down!" Elio commanded, falling to the ground. Selene did the same and Rotom Dex flew to the ground.

"Yo man I don't think they're here." A voice said, Selene saw two Team Skull grunts standing outside the Pokémon Center.

"Well we still need to check yo!" The other grunt said.

"Alright man. But if we don't find anything you're getting me a malasada."

"You there!" A new voice said. A man in a white lab coat walked over to the two grunts. "Would you be interested in helping me with something? It is for science!"

"Yo man you better get out of here, you know the boss isn't a fan of other teams."

"As I have already said, I am no longer a member of Team Plasma. They disbanded years ago."

"Yo dawg. I think this dude wants to go!"

"Now now, there is no need for that." The new voice chided. "I only wish to bring out the full potential of Pokémon. That is the theme of my research."

"You're saying a lot of weird words. But I'm pretty sure they're insults." Before the scientist could reply the other added.

"Let's school this fool!"

"Fine. I suppose we'll have to test the bonds between our Pokémon in a battle." The scientist tossed a Pokeball into the air, a grey Pokémon with magnets at the sides of its body.

"Yo man, I don't like our odds. I'm outta here dawg!" The one grunt said, and he ran off back towards HeaHea city.

The second grunt wasn't far behind him. "Wait for me yo!"

The scientist shook his head as he returned Magnezone. "Such a shame."

Elio, Rotom Dex, and Selene stood up, Selene got a better look at the man.

He had short blond hair and a large strand of blue hair styled around his hair. The man wore glasses that were fashioned so they'd only work when he glanced down. The scientist stared at them with curious and knowledgeable yellow eyes.

In his hand was a white tablet. Beneath his white lab coat was a black shirt with blue outlines. He also wore black pants and black shoes.

"Oh good! Perhaps you three could assist me in my study." The man walked over to them. "I am Colress."

"Whoa! You look like a totally tubular scientist!" Rotom Dex awed. Colress chuckled.

"You're a Rotom Dex? My I haven't seen one for quite a while."

"What's a scientist doing here, the worst place to be?" Elio asked.

"Well you see I didn't want to get stuck here. But with the Aether Foundation leaving behind one of their trailers, I've managed. How about you come back there with me, I can tell your Rotom isle on battery." Colress offered.

"That'd be nice sir." Selene said.

"No need for that. Just call me Colress. Now that I think of it I never got your names, what might they be?" Colress inquired.

"I'm Selene."

"I'm Elio."

"Selene... Elio. I won't forget those names. Now come with me." Colress lead them to the north exit of the city.

They walked through a path that branched off to a volcano, although they continued to walk forward until they reached another route. A white trailer came into view, Colress opened the door and stepped inside, beckoning the trainers to follow.

The interior of the trailer was full of Pokeballs and random devices scattered on the floor. Everything was bright white and Selene could see the Aether Foundation insignia in the wall.

"I'm sorry it's so cluttered. I haven't been cleaning up after myself as much as I should."

"So how come I don't see any Team Skull grunts here?" Elio asked.

"It's the same reason you don't see them past Hau 'oli city on Melemele. You have nowhere to go but back to where they're occupying. You can't leave from here, if you managed to get through Brooklet Hill and get a water type you could just surf away. So they guard that area." Colress explained.

"That makes sense." Selene said.

"Hey guys. Zzzt-zzzzt! I'm really low on power." Rotom Dex said tiredly.

"Oh right! Come here." Colress said, Rotom Dex floated over weakly. Colress fished out a charged and put it into his head. Rotom shut down and Colress caught him, setting him down on the table.

"I wish we could just beat Team Skull." Selene said. "Then we could figure out how to get me home, and people could stop dying."

"Team Skull is mostly run by fear. If you were to defeat Guzma in battle I'm sure at least half of Team Skull would quit. Knowing that the boss they fear could be stopped would bring many who converted only since they had no choice could renew their confidence and Team Skull would be able to be defeated soon after." Colress proposed.

"We need to challenge Guzma to a battle then. One where he doesn't have his admins to get in the way." Elio said.

"Yeah! We'll teach him what happens when you mess with Alola!" Selene felt new hope form as the idea developed.

"Of course Guzma's base is atop Mount Lanakila. Which is on Ula 'ula island." Colress said.

"We're going there anyways to get Professor Burnett's research from Po town." Elio told Colress.

"Well you still need to get off this island. This area has many Team Skull grunts, I'm sure all of them will be getting in your way."

"We can't take the Marina this time. We'll never be able to get through before Guzma and Marrow arrive." Selene said.

"Then perhaps you should take the Diglett Tunnel to Konikoni city. There you can take a boat and travel to Malie city on Ula 'ula." Colress suggested.

"Great idea Colress! Thanks so much!" Selene thanked.

"It is my pleasure." Colress said. "Although I recommend stopping at the Lush Jungle first. There you can find the Trial Captains of Akala island, hopefully they will be willing to assist you."

"I'm sure they will be! So after Rotom Dex is charged let's head to Lush Jungle and lead an assault!" Elio said excitedly.

"I wish you luck on the attack." Colress said.

Selene frowned. "You're not coming with us?"

"No. I'm afraid I won't be." Colress shook his head.

"But why?"

"I prefer to not dabble with other people's issues. Although I will certainly be keeping an eye out for the battle, I want to see if you can bring out the potential of your Pokémon."

"Wouldn't you like to be free from being confined to this small lab? You could work for the Aether Foundation. Or you could leave!" Elio persuaded.

Colress smiled and shook his head. "If Team Skull is driven away it will not be because of me. I did terrible things before, and thought it was ok just because it was for science. So I can not try to be a hero using battles, I can only redeem myself through my inventions." 

"That's not true! You can't just sit on your butt and do nothing!" Elio protested.

"Elio..." Selene started.

"You have no idea what you are saying!" Colress stood up.

"Oh boy." Fearing for the worst Selene unplugged Rotom Dex. "Well thanks for helping us out Colress, we'll be on our way!" She said loudly.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here." Elio stormed out of the trailer. Rotom Dex's eyes slowly opened and he floated up.

"Man... What did I miss?" Rotom Dex asked.

"Just follow me, I'll catch you up on the way." Selene said, the two followed after Elio.

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