Chapter 3 - Don't tell me that! No

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It has become a routine for him to come to college daily, I know it's not for his sister but for me. Now the other guy, I got to know his name now. He is Nikhil and the good news is, his eyes are always around that 'Witch'. Bulbul spoke to him and found out that he has a crush on Tanu. Wow! Now that's what we call as a ' Good News'. I want her to stay away from my 'DG', 'RC'. How many pet names would I give him? No idea! Even he is not far behind, he started to call me 'Fuggi'. I asked him, " Mr.Abhi, why do you call me as 'Fuggi'? And what the hell does that mean?" He chuckled and said, " Oh my dear Fuggi!" I gave him a 'Stop calling me that look'. I think it was a terrific one because he gulped before he could continue with his explanation. He continued, " I am sorry to say this, but this is the truth you look like a balloon when you are angry. You are like full time roaming with an angry face so I named you 'Fuggi'." He looked at me and pleaded no don't scold me, I am scared! You terrify me. I almost laughed, but I dint I kept my poker face and walked away.

I know what you would be thinking now 'DG' I am really sorry that is not happening. I can't hurt you or hurt myself again. Bulbul came running towards us (He was following me as usual) and said, " Di, we all have planned to go out to a theme park named 'Merry Land'. Are you coming with us? And Bhai how about you?" She was beaming when she questioned us. We both said at the same time, "Not interested baby." I turned back to look at him, he turned his face away. We saw Nikhil coming towards us, he said, " Abhi, these people have planned an outing shall we go?" He rejected his friend's plea. I really felt sorry for that guy, and I want Tanu away from my 'DG' So I said, "Hey Bulbul, I thought about it and you know what? I am in." she was so happy and looked at his direction. He just said, "Your word, my command!" Nikhil and Bulbul both were jumping up and down in excitement. I was laughing looking at them. I felt someone's eyes peering at me that's when I found him staring at me happily.

We planned for the outing on a weekend, Aaliya, Bulbul, Nikhil, Tanu, Me, Abhi and my dear 'Pujari'. Aaliya, Bulbul and Pujari (Divya) decided to hang out together so that Nikhil and Tanu can spend some time together. Only we two were left out, we had no other option so decided to hang out together. I don't know how Tanu left Abhi and went with Nikhil, but I am happy that she is away from Abhi. At first we all decided to go for the water rides. I reluctantly agreed to go, because I was afraid of water, like river, pools that sort. We took our first water ride, it was a 2 seater totally 8 seats. Aaliya and Bulbul, Nikhil and Tanu, Me and Abhi got into our seats. So Poor Pujari had to sit alone in that one. When the ride started, I held on to his hands and gripped it tight, and held it the same way throughout the ride. I closed my eyes tight, too . When it stopped, the ride started again. I had no idea how that happened, we paid only for one ride. I opened my eyes to see my 'DG' Grinning widely looking at me. That's when I noticed I was not just holding his hands, but was holding his neck so close to me. If other people saw us they would think I was trying to kiss him on his neck. I let go of him and sat straight in my seat. Yes, I was scared indeed, but dint show it off again. How dare he does something like that? And why did I hug him? Oh No, please, no, no! I shouldn't be doing this.

We all got down when the second round was over. I was really very mad at him. I walked away from there, Divi and Bulbul came running towards me and enquired, "Hey, what is your problem?" I said, "Guys, please I am really mad at him don't try to cool me down." Divi asked, "Why are you mad at him?" I said, "Dint you guys notice?" Bulbul said, "If someone has to be mad, it must be him! You were the one yelling, screaming through the ride and you were holding his neck so tight I don't know how he managed to sit like that throughout the ride." I ran back to where he was standing and said, " I am so sorry, I dint mean to hurt you, by the way, did it hurt?" He replied, "You dint hurt me Fuggy, you can never hurt me." I was taken back to those days, I have heard those same words from him too and we both were hurt eventually. He shook me from my thoughts, I saw everyone standing around me with a worried face. I changed my tone and asked , " What? What now? I said sorry because it was my mistake! Why are you all looking worried?" Divi said, " You spaced out and you were breathing was so rapid we thought you would faint. What happened Pragya? We were worried about you." I replied, looking at him , "Nobody here needs to worry about me, I can take care of myself."

Divi was saying something like, "She is like that! Never wants anyone to worry about her, but she worries about everyone. Such a silly Girl!" I was laughing, Since my back was towards them they dint see me laugh. I thought I have got such an awesome friend who has understood me very well. I must be lucky indeed. I felt someone coming towards me and stopped smiling and became normal again. I felt someone pull me towards them with such a force that I would have fallen down even before I could turn. I managed to turn back and saw a guy smirking at me. He said, "Hey beautiful, I saw you walking alone! Want to hang out with me?" I said, "No, thank you." And tried to walk away, that's when he held my wrist and tried to pull me towards him. I released my wrist from his grasp and slapped him so hard that he started to count stars and said, "Don't think all Women are weak, we have the power to make you people vanish from the face of this Earth. It never happens because we choose not to do something like that. That doesn't mean guys like you can do things like this to every woman like me. Remember this slap whenever you are in the vicinity of a woman. Now, Get lost from my eyesight! If I see you again, I will have to do what I said earlier. Hope you love yourself more than this stupid pleasure you get while harassing a woman." That guy just nodded his head and ran away.

I was about to walk again when I saw him. He looked horrified and was looking at me with his mouth wide open. I went towards him playfully and said, "Hey Mr, did you know around 10 mosquitoes just exited your mouth after visiting it." He realized his mouth was wide open, closed it and opened it again to tell, "Lady Mogambo" I was like, "What? What did you just say?" He replied, "You! You just scared away that poor guy by slapping him and giving him a month worth lecture and you are asking me what did I say? By the way, just thought of a new name for you that's what I said just now and it is 'Lady Mogambo'." I looked at him, he looked very terrified, I wanted to laugh and I did laugh. He said, " Wow! You look so beautiful when you laugh, and do you want to hang out with me?" he held out his hands and I gave mine to him. We were walking holding hands. Song plays...

Un peyaril En Perai Serthu

Viralodu Uyir Kooda Koorthu

Oor Munne Ondraga Naamum

Nadandhaal Enna

(Adding my name to your name

Joning my life along with your fingers

In front of people in city,

what if we both walk?)

(Listen to the song while reading these descriptions to get the actual feel)

*I was looking at him and smiling like an idiot continuously, am I falling for him? What about my resolution of not falling in Love?? Oh better screw that! He is such a nice guy. * All the while she was just looking at him and smiling continuously

En Nenjin Theeye

Ul Engum Neeye

Kan Moodumbothum

Kan Mun Nindraaye

(O the fire of my heart

Inside me, you are fully occupied

Even when I close my eyes

You stood before my eyes)

*Oh My Goodness! She is smiling, and smiling by looking at me. I never thought a smile can kill someone so badly like this. I closed my eyes and pinched myself opened it to see her still there smiling at me so I am not dreaming all this while* He shook her off her dream land and both walked towards an area fully covered with flowered pants.

Sirikadhe Sirikadhe

Siripale Maykadhe

Adikadhe Adikadhe

Azhagale Adikadhe

(Don't laugh, don't laugh

Do not seduce me, With your laugh

Don't beat, don't beat

Don't beat with your beauty)

*Come on, she is still smiling at me, stop it please I won't be able to control myself now, please please you are killing me with your smile. Stop it Fuggy* Both were walking silently throwing glances at each other in between filled with thoughts of each other

Nanaika Theriyadha

Adai mazhaiye

Nanaiya Theriyadha

Malar Kudaiye

Maraiya Theriyadha

Pagal Nilave

Ennai Theriyadha

Nan Azhage

(Don't you know how to drench?

O persistent rain

don't you know to get drenched?

O flower umbrella

Don't you know to disappear?

O the noon moon

Don't you know me?

O good beauty)

*We both reached that flower garden, Wow, it is so beautiful! How would it be if it rains now? Please God, make it rain. Yes, I am scared of water bodies not of rain. Please!*

*Rain started, everyone moved to find a shade except for her. I don't understand, from what I have heard from Divi and Bulbul I know that she is afraid of water. I think she loves the rain. What!? Is she trying to dance? Oh, my crazy Fuggy! She looks like an umbrella made of flowers now in her dark pink salwar*

Pragya was dancing crazily in the rain and Abhi was admiring her without taking his eyes off her.

Manam Vittu unmai mattum

Unnodu Pesida Vendum

Nee ketkum kadhalai Alli

Un Mel naan Poosida Vendum

(I want to speak only the truth to you opening my heart

The love which you ask for

I want to apply it all over you)

*Where is he? Oh no he is admiring me now? Wow, so sweet of you DG. He is fully drenched in rain and I can make out his body outline clearly now. Sure, he must be exercising a lot. Look at him, he looks even hotter in the rain. Why does he always wear Black dress, that's my weakness. I just want to say 'I Love you' right now because again, I might change my mind. Oh, no he is coming near me. Is he going to Propose me?*

Naan Kaanum Otraai Kanavai

Un Kaadhil Ularida Vendum

Ennai meeri Unnidam mayangum

Ennai Naan thaduthida Vendum

(The one dream that I see

I want to murmur that into my ears

I want control myself, which overpowers me to fall for you)

*I stood still waiting for him to join me, he came near me and said, " Come on, let's go you will catch cold." He dragged me towards a shade. I am very sure everything was happening in a slow motion right now. I am falling for him so hard.*

Koodathey Koodathey

Innal Mudiya Koodathey

Pogathey Pogathey

Ennai thaandi Pogathey

(Should not, should not

Today should not be over

Don't go away, don't go away

Don't go away past me)

*I am holding her hands and dragging her towards a shed, she dint say anything usually if I try to hold her wrist she would have been like, "Mr, stay away!" but now she is just silently following me. Am I dreaming? Even if this is a dream I don't want this to end here. I want to freeze this moment and keep it with me in my memories forever and ever.*

Nerungathey Nerungathey

En Penmai Thaangathey

Thirakadhe Thirakadhe

En Manadhai Thirakathey

(Don't come near, don't come near

My Shy nature is not able to cope with it

Don't open, don't open

Don't open my heart)

*So many people were standing under the shade and we both were standing so close to each other. If any one of us move even a bit we might end up kissing each other. My bad rain stopped everyone left the place. Only we both were standing staring at each other, he took my hand in his. I wanted him to kiss me, at least kiss my hand! Ugh! I know I am acting weird today!*

Nanaika Theriyadha

Adai mazhaiye

Nanaiya Theriyadha

Malar Kudaiye

Maraiya Theriyadha

Pagal Nilave

Ennai Theriyadha

Nan Azhage...

(Don't you know how to drench?

O persistent rain

don't you know to get drenched?

O flower umbrella

Don't you know to disappear?

O the noon moon

Don't you know me?

O good beauty)

*I took her hands in mine and lifted it up near my lips, I wanted to kiss her hands at least. By the way she was looking at me, I can clearly understand even she wanted the same thing. I let my lips near her hands dangerously making her close her eyes and.. and.. Just blew off those droplets in her hands and left her hand. I can see disappointment clearly written all over her face.*

How dare he! Why doesn't he just kiss me? Even if he dint kiss me I would have let him go. But no, he was playing with my emotions. RC, oh yes idea! I am going to call him 'RC' whenever I am mad at him other times I am going to call him as 'DG'. So Mr. RC be ready to face my wrath dear. Scene ends with Pragya smirking at him.

A/N : My dear silent readers you can cast your votes if you feel too shy to comment I would welcome that happily thanks a lot for reading Love you all


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