Chapter 4 - Mood swings

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I woke up to find Pragya missing near me, I was searching for her frantically and found her in the balcony sleeping on the couch there. She looks very cute while sleeping, Oh! How much I wanted to kiss her cheeks now. The sunrays are falling on her face, making her cheeks glow in that light. Her face was glowing like a moon, which borrows light from the Sun. Yes, she is my Moon, which is now borrowing light from the rising sun. She stirred in her sleep, yawned, opened her eyes and saw me staring at her like a crazy young lover. I am not that old right? So obviously I am a crazy young lover. She said, "You woke up so soon? I thought my DG (DemiGod) won't be waking up anytime soon." She scanned me from top to down and said, " Wow! You still look Hot DG (DemiGod) ." I saw myself in the reflection of our window, my hair was a mess, my eyes are probably half closed and my dress was an utter mess. She still thinks I am hot? My goodness I am so lucky to have her.

She never stopped staring at me, she came near me and pecked on my lips and said, "Go Fresh up and come down for your breakfast my dear hubby." I smiled at her and pecked on her forehead and said, "Ok, my dear wifey." She gave an irritated look and said wifey really? It seems like Wi-Fi stop calling me that ok? So irritating I hate it! I hate it!" I stopped her and said, "I am sorry Fuggi, I won't, don't get hyper. I am so hungry, please fuggi bring my coffee, will you please?" She replied, "Ok DG, Love you." She threw flying kisses and left our room. I got ready for my first breakfast prepared by her. I saw both Aaliya and Nikhil waiting in the dinning room. Both waved at me and asked, "Tell us what happened yesterday? Did you initiate? Or again Pragya initiated? Come on tell us, tell us, tell us."

I shooed them off and said, "Please guys leave me alone." My face was flushed with red. They didn't leave me so I just slipped a few hot details both were left shocked hearing it. That's when we heard Pragya saying, "Breakfast is ready guys." My heart almost came out and went right back in. If she had even heard a single detail I am dead for sure. She called me privately I understood so I said, " I will come after finishing my breakfast." She just nodded her head and went back inside the kitchen. Both Nikhil and Aaliya signalled me to go and followed me without me knowing it. I reached the kitchen and said, "Pragya." That's it, she came near me, kissed me on my lips and bit it hard enough to bleed. I shouted, " Ah!!! Stop this Pragya it's so embarrassing to find an excuse for this mark." She replied, "You should have thought about it, before slipping in those hot details RC (Red Chilli). Now go back and manage them, this is your punishment." I went back to the dinning room pouting. Both Aaliya and Nikhil were waiting for another story. Nikhil said, "We both thought there would be a huge fight, we had to come behind you to console you guys." Aaliya continued, "Yeah, exactly! But what we saw was entirely different. She kissed you, OMG, we both were shocked and ran back to the dinning room. What's happening Bhai?" she winked at me.

I said, "Idiots! She punished me and you both are saying she was romancing with me. Ok listen guys, she has 3 moods (There are more) and she expresses it in 3ways. If she Pecks me on my lips, it means she is very happy. If she kisses me and bites my lips, it means she is very angry with me. If you guys see us kissing passionately just leave the place, Because she is in a damn romantic mood. I love her mood swings a lot!" Both were laughing at me and Aaliya asked, "So, you hid this from us for a long time because If I am not wrong I have seen your lips bleed so many times. So, she was mad to all those times?"

I replied, "Actually, yes!" smiling sheepishly. Nikhil said, "You are a lucky man! Even I have been dating a woman for a long time now, not even a passionate kiss has passed between us. Don't know what is her problem." He became very sad, I hugged him and said, "You know right? She loved me and I rejected her. You know how badly she took it? You have to give her some space. I know it's been a long time, but still give her some space."

Nikhil said, "It's ok, I do understand, but why did she accept me if it is too much for her to handle at that time? It hurts me a lot man." I don't know how to console him now, I can understand his situation. I have no idea why Tanu did so? May be to prove a point? Who knows? We all had our breakfast and I decided to take some rest in my study room listening to some music. Ok, I understand your question, it's Sunday guys tomorrow onwards for a week we both will be going out for honeymoon. She came inside and locked the door behind her and said, " I am so sorry DG, I just lost my cool." I looked at her and pouted and said, "Shh.. Ahhh.." She had a lip balm in her hand and applied that onto my lips and pecked me on my lips again and said, "Sorry" (See, she feels guilty so she pecks! Can't decide her mood swings, but as usual, I am loving it ;) ), I asked her, "Do you remember our first outing as a gang?" She said, "Yes, and do you remember what happened?" I blushed and said, "Yes, I do!"

Back To FB...

How dare he! Why doesn't he just kiss me? Even if he dint kiss me I would have let him go. But no, he was playing with my emotions. So Mr. be ready to face my wrath dear.

Abhi's POV

I can assume my fate just by looking at her face, she is planning something, something big! A Biggie plan! Only God can help me here. We both were called by Aaliya and Bulbul, we walked towards them. We both noticed something strange around us, the path which we are walking right now is not at all wet. How is this possible? Just now clouds poured their hearts and lungs out. We both looked at each other and at our gang. I asked them, "Guys, didn't it rain just now?" They all were looking in all directions except towards us. So it was their plan! Anyhow, I loved spending some time with my Fuggi. We would have kissed if these idiots din't stop it at the right time. I saw Pragya, her nostrils flared, eyes and cheek area red. If you ever see Pragya in that way, just run! Run for your life. Bulbul , Aaliya and Divya ran away. Tanu looked disinterested and Nikhil was going on and on about him to Tanu.I wonder how did she agreed to go with him, she always had her eye on me. Nevermind, I have to save my sister, Bulbul and Divya from Pragya's wrath.

I found them near a water pool, Pragya pushed both Aaliya and Bulbul into that pool and said, "Next time if you guys plan something inform me, I will give you a better plan ok?" Divya was standing there and looking at Pragya with shivering hands. Here I was smiling happily and jumped up and down in excitement like a little kid that's when I heard her voice, "Mr.Abhi, don't get overexcited! The Plan was to unite Tanu and Nikhil." I looked behind her to confirm with Aaliya and Bulbul. They both shook their head, so they planned to unite us and it almost worked, but then again Lady Mogambo arrived at the right time to destroy my Fuggi's mood. I hate her! Pragya walked away with Divya . I helped them out and asked them, "What was your plan my dear sisters?" They both said, "To unite Abhigya." I asked, "What?" The understood their motive and smiled with my head bent down. Bulbul said, "Bhai, if you had smiled with your head held high we wouldn't have noticed, now we can see you smile like an idiot clearly." She ran away after saying that. This Bulbul, she is like a peculiar item, just like my 'Fuggi'. Thank God, they are not sisters, I can't even imagine that situation now.

Aaliya shook me from my thoughts and said, "Bhai, we saw you both romance. You love each other, right? Why not express your love? " I replied, "Aaliya, something is stopping Pragya and I have to know about it is then I will Propose her. And I have to know about her too right? She has to know about me. So it will take some time I hope." She said, "Bhai, you are a very old fashioned one! I think she will propose you after loosing her patience. Mark my words." She ran away saying this.

Next stop was Haunted house, Only two are allowed at a time I really feel bad for Divya, she is always left out. Aaliya and Bulbul teamed as usual. So Pragya decided to go with me and Divya separately, I said, " No idea Pragya, I don't want to go inside, it will be very childish and I am not at all afraid of all these stuffs." Aaliya laughed hearing it, I rolled my eyes (I have the best sister in this whole world! I don't need any enemies if I have her.) First Aaliya and Bulbul went followed by Tanu and Nikhil, then Pragya and Divya at last it was me and her. If it was something else I would have enjoyed, but my bad 'Haunted house' (Crying within myself). Pragya came and said, "Shall we go Mr?" I nodded my head. We both went in I closed my eyes and held her hands tightly. Something fell on my hands, I screamed and let go off her hands opened my eyes to find her missing. I called, "Pragya? Fuggi? Lady Mogambo? Is anybody here?" I dint get any reply.

I felt something move behind me, I turned to find nothing or nobody, It was so dark with minimal light. You can only make out silhouettes. Again, I felt something moving behind me, I turned back to find nothing. I screamed, "Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Somebody help!" I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I screamed again, "Leave me, Go away! See I have all those sacred threads tied around my hands. See.. See..." I heard her voice, " Mr. Abhi! Please open your eyes, it's me." I opened my eyes to find her standing (I mean her silhouette), I hugged her tight and said, "I was scared Fuggi, please don't leave me and go." She hugged me back and said, " I will never leave you. No, let's walk towards the exit." I said, "No, I can't, I am scared please." She said, "Close your eyes and hold my hands, I will lead you to the exit." I obliged to her and closed my eyes and walked.

She said, " Actually, I wanted to scare you, but you looked too cute and I was worried that you will faint. But this doesn't end here, I have planned something else too." I asked, "Why are you doing this?" She replied, "Just for fun Mr.Abhi. Just for Fun."

A/N : My dear silent readers you can cast your votes if you feel too shy to comment I would welcome that happily thanks a lot for reading Love you all


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