Chapter 5 - Friends!?

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She said, " Actually, I wanted to scare you, but you looked too cute and I was worried that you will faint. But this doesn't end here, I have planned something else too." I asked, "Why are you doing this?" She replied, "Just for fun Mr.Abhi. Just for Fun." All reached near the next stop which was Mirror house. Both Abhi and Pragya saw Divya throwing tantrums. When they were nearing them, they heard it. Divya said, "No way, I am not going to get inside that Mirror house. My Astrologer told me not to see myself in the mirror from 12:00 to 1:00 PM." Bulbul said, "Why are you throwing tantrums like this? Divi di please just come with us before Pragya di sees you like this." Divya replied, " No Bulbul, I am not going inside and that's final." Pragya enters saying, "Offo Pujari! You started again? Please don't tell me that your astrologer said some stupid stuff and you are not entering inside because you had to follow it." Divi excitedly replies, "See my Pragya understands me so well, Yes of course dear. You know right, I don't feel comfortable in doing what my astrologer prohibited. Please don't force me."

Pragya thought for a while and said, "Ok, No problem you stay here with Nikhil and Tanu till we all get back from Mirror house ok?" Pragya, Abhi, Aaliya and Bulbul went inside 'The Mirror house' all they could see was their reflection. Abhi confidently walked forward only to end up bumping into one of the mirrors. All 3 laughs at him, he moves back embarrassed. When Pragya stepped forward someone pulled her inside immediately. Now Abhi, Bulbul and Aaliya can only hear her shouting at someone, "You? Oh, you came along with your friends? You thought I would get scared seeing your friends? Please give me a break, I need to get back and guide my friends." There were totally 4 people against Pragya, one of them had a knife in his hand. He went near her and tried to tear off her dress, but he was thrown away with a powerful kick. (Guess who?).

(Come on guys, Did you guess it?)

He went near her and tried to tear off her dress, but he was thrown away with a powerful kick. None other than Pragya, she learnt karate in her younger days and is a black belt holder. He lay down holding his abdomen. Another guy tried to hold her from behind, she threw her right arm back hitting him on his chest with her elbow. He fell down clutching his chest in extreme pain. The Third guy came with that knife the first guy was holding and tried to harm her. She moved back and came forward in a swift motion, swinging her right leg, making him take a step back and without giving him time to recover, she holds his hand and twists it making him lose his grip on the knife. Fourth guy who was watching this ran away shouting, "Somebody help me! Help me." He came back flying and landed near Pragya's leg. (This time you guys will guess it right ;) ) Yes, Abhi kicked him.

He ran towards Pragya and saw the sleeve of her 'Anarkali' torn. He became furious and kicked a guy lying near his legs. Pragya said, "Hey, stop it, he is already lying holding his chest. I gave him a hard blow." Before she could speak something further the first guy held her from behind and took a pocket knife and aimed her neck. He held it so tight that she started to draw a few drops of blood. Abhi said, "Idiot, why do you want to get hurt again? That too by a girl? Silly guy!" With each word he moved closer to that guy and after reaching him, he held that guy's hand and twisted it making him lose his grip on the knife and kept it in his pocket (Abhi's Pocket) and said, "You guys will come with that knife again if I throw it somewhere so it is always better to keep it with me. Now tata" Abhi kicked him in his shin, that guy growled in pain.

Pragya said, "Hmmm... Not bad Mr, you even know how to tackle stupid people. Actually, I would have thrown him away easily, but wanted to give you a chance." *Winked at him*. Abhi took out his Handkerchief gave it to her and said, "Wipe off those blood droplets before others come." She wiped it off and said, "So... Friends?" holding her hand out for him. He held her hand shook it and said, "Yes.. Friends! Please stop calling me Mr ok?" Pragya chuckled and said, "Ok, hereafter I will call you DG." And said, "Oops!" Abhi who was very curious, asked, "What is DG?" Pragya said, "None of your business." Abhi asked, "Really?" Pragya replied, "Yes, of course." He said, "Come on, you are going to call me by that name and you won't tell me what it is? Not fair not at all fair Fuggi" He pouted like a kid and she said, "Cool DG! You will get to know eventually no worries."

By the time Bulbul and Aaliya reached there and saw four people lying on the floor and whining in pain. Bulbul said, "Di, you smashed them right?" Aaliya said, "No, my bhai would have smashed them." Bulbul said, "No my di did it!" Aaliya said, "No way, my Bhai did it." Bulbul and Aaliya are now standing facing each other if they move a bit closer both of their nose would collide. They were looking at each other with such an intense glare that they might vaporize each other. Pragya who saw this said, "Why don't ask those people who are lying down?" Both Aaliya and Bulbul turned immediately to ask one of them only to find all 4 leaving in such a hurry holding their abdomen, chest,shin and head respectively.

Divya along with Nikhil and Tanu came in hurriedly, Divi asked, "What happened? We heard a lot of commotion from outside." Tanu moved towards Abhi held his hand, which has blood droplets (Pragya's) and asked him, "What happened to you? Why are you bleeding?" Nikhil who saw this became sad and moved towards Pragya and asked, " Who tore your sleeve Pragya?" Tanu shot a jealous look towards Nikhil and turned away immediately. Pragya replied, "One jerk tried to tear off my clothes and ended up tearing my sleeves instead." She saw Tanu holding Abhi's hand and looking at it non- stop . She went between Tanu and Abhi and said, "That is my blood on his hands." (He tried to wipe it away from her neck, but ended up giving handkerchief to her since she denied his help). Tanu backed away from him and went towards Nikhil. Divi said, "Oh My God! I saw myself in the mirror, that is because of you guys. My day is ruined! My day is ruined, I have to call my astrologer and ask him if there is any way to make things normal." All laughed hearing her speak except for Tanu who was eying Abhi continuously and glaring at Pragya in between.

It was around 1:00PM so all decided to have their lunch except for Divi. Her astrologer told her to keep fast to wade away her bad time today. Pragya made fun of her saying, " You will only face bad time if you don't eat properly." Divi turned her face away from her and walked away from her. All went towards a food place inside the theme park Divi following them. Abhi and Nikhil pushed two tables together and made it a table for 8 and sat (I know only 7 members are there). One side of the table sat Aaliya,Bulbul, Pragya and Divi. On the other side sat Tanu, Nikhil and Abhi. (They were sitting opposite to each other in the mentioned order). The Waiter came and asked for their order. Both Abhi and Bulbul immediately shouted, "Pulav!" And smiled at each other. Pragya chuckled, seeing them, whereas Tanu eyed Bulbul Viscioulsy but let it go. Divi ordered, "Watermelon Juice please." All looked at her in disbelief, she replied, " I can't starve all day so I asked my astrologer again he said I can have some juice if I want to." Pragya shook her head in disbelief and looked at Tanu and Nikhil who were arguing about ordering food. She moved her gaze towards Aaliya and Bulbul seeing whom she felt like they would eat up the menu card. Her gaze, then met Abhi's...

A/N : My dear silent readers you can cast your votes if you feel too shy to comment I would welcome that happily thanks a lot for reading Love you all


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