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"I, Deepstar, leader of Gorgeclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these Three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them as warriors to you in their turn. Webpaw, Snowpaw, and Snakepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Webpaw said confidently.

"I do." Said Snowpaw in the cold, expressionless voice it had become.

"I do." Snakepaw's eyes gleamed.

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Webpaw, from this moment onward, you will be known as Webspin. Starclan honors your eyesight and honesty. Snowpaw, from this moment onward, you will be known as Snowscratch. Starclan honors your strength and speed."

Lurkingsnake noticed the change in tradition. Usually, Deepstar said one good physical thing and one good mental thing.

"Snakepaw, from this moment onward, you will be known as Snakefang. Starclan honors your cunning and reflexes. You will all take a silent vigil protecting the clan."

"Webspin! Snowscratch! Snakefang!" Called the clan.

She saw Stormnose looking at his apprentice proudly. She walked up to him. "What have you been doing to my daughter? She is so... Dark. Distant. She never seems cheerful. What have you done?" "I- I don't know what you are talking about." "Liar." "What?" The grey tom asked.

"I know you have been super hard on her." "I have not!" She glared at her brother and flicked her tail. "I don't trust you now. You have turned my daughter into an emotionless soldier."

"Lurkingsnake!" She jerked awake. "What?" "Its No-ear! He's- he's..." Oh no! Lurkingsnake thought. Someone must be targeting Lionbreeze! His mate, his sister, his father... She walked outside.

Noear lay on the ground, badly scratched, his neck broken. His other ear was missing. Lionwind stood in a state of shock, his eyes widening with horror.

"I must choose a new deputy." Called Deepstar, his voice troubled and full of sorrow. Lurkingsnake glanced at Stormnose. His eyes showed no negative emotion.

Snowscratch showed a little gleam in her eyes. Lurkingsnake's heart turned to ice. Wait for the fur color in the claws. She told herself.

"Cream!" Called Petalshine. Relief let her fur lie flat. It wasn't Snowscratch!

"Noear watches us in Starclan, and we honor him. Now I must choose a new deputy. I name the new deputy in the presence of No-ear's body, so that he may see and approve of my choice. Lionbreeze, will you be the Gorgeclan deputy?"

Lurkingsnake saw determination harden Lionbreeze's gaze. "In honor of my mate, my sister, and my father, I accept. I have a proposal to make." He looked at his mother.

"Turtlepelt, never leave camp without telling someone, and take someone with you as well. Be extra careful. I will put some of our stronger warriors around you. I think my family are being targeted."

Turtlepelt nodded.

"Keep your eyes open!" Lionbreeze called to the clan.

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