Eclipse Showdown

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Wrist length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Invisibility Glyph: Located on the wrist of the left hand

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Eda's and Lilith's Glyph Gloves (1 each):Fingerless gloves that reach the forearm with the four glyphs down the center of the arm in the order of light, ice, plant, and fire.

Eda's Glove: Right hand.

Lilith's Glove: Left hand.

Luz Noceda, The Fighter Opening: Believe in Myself Cover By NateWantsToBattle (I do not own this song)

Luz stands before the cliff over the boiling sea next to the owl house, letting the wind blow through her hair and clothes.

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

It will never end

Luz lifted her hands up, looking at her glyph gloves before she clenched them into fists, gaining a looking of determination.

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

She activated her fire glyphs and slammed her fists together in a flash!

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Now I'll just believe in myself

Luz is now walking through Bonesborough, thinking of her life.

You light my fire

Your touch ignites

The flames in my heart

Makes me want to feel your emotion

Her life on Earth, lonely and full of anger with the only person by her side being her mother, Camila.

Whatever will be, will be

How our hearts are crashing waves

And our souls are vast like an ocean

Her life in the demon realm however, was full of adventures, close friends, and love with Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity by her side.

With the strongest tides we'll drown our sorrows

In a dark void, Eda and Lilith side by side while facing a shadow silhouette of the owl beast, pointing their glyph gloves at it.

Take my hand and tell me

Are you ready to play fair?

Luz and the Golden Guard stood on the battlefield, ready to fight each other!

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

Luz blasted towards G.G., throwing a punch and a kick that he dodged before he jumped into the air.

It will never end

Golden Guard fired a barrage of red energy blasts at Luz, creating a smokescreen!

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

Luz jumped from the smoke and punched at Golden Guard, clashing her fist against his staff!

Believe in myself

You're not alone now

A transparent silhouette of Luz was running as she passed by all the friends she made (Eda, King, Willow, Gus, the Blight twins, Boscha and her crew, the Human Appreciation Society, the dual track students, and Amity).

And our future is near

It's coming

Luz was now running past a line up of her enemies, the Emperor's Coven (including Kikimora and the Golden Guard).

Let's speed up!

Speed up!

The ultimate enemy rose like a giant, Belos, with his eyes glowing before lightning flashed before him.

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Luz was back at the cliff near the owl house, sitting as she looked up to the moon before Amity walked up to her.

Now I'll just believe in myself

She sat down next to Luz before holding her hand, gazing at the moon with her.

At the Owl House, Luz was lying in her bed with a wet rag on her head and a thermometer in her mouth. Apparently she was sick with a common flu called the "common mold" and would be bedridden for at least a day but she felt completely fine, even with her face looking a little flushed.

"Common mold, my ass. I'm fine." Luz muttered, her voice a LITTLE slurred as she looked to Jerry in his terrarium. "You think I'm fine, right?"

If mice could speak, this one would tell her to lay the fuck down, you look half dead.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Luz said, turning to the other side of her and seeing her gloves near her clothes chest. "Just need a little help from my healing glyph sigil."

Luz removed the rag from her head and grunts, getting up and crawling over to her gloves. She reached them and put them on.

"Finally, now just need a little of that healing magic." Luz muttered, pushing the back of her left hand and touching her forehead.

It helped her feel better immediately, pushing back the stuffiness of her nose and sourness of her throat. It was even healing her headache.

'That's the stuff.' Luz thought, smiling as her flushed face was dying down and the bags under her eyes began to reduce.

Now with her common mold reduced, comes the more important issue... Amity, Eda, and King went to the Knee to get something very special WITHOUT HER! The reason besides the Common Mold? Apparently Jerry had managed to play a new journal entry about Titan's Blood, the key component to making a portal door, and how an entire lake was hidden inside of a mine on the Knee. So, while they went to get the blood, Luz was left with Gus and Willow to look after her.

'I need to get out of here and help get that blood but how? Gus and Willow will just force me back if I try something.' Luz thought, rubbing her chin.

Suddenly, Luz had an idea and grabbed everything she would need stuff for the Knee, INCLUDING with her multiverse belt, before putting them all on waited for Willow and Gus to enter the room.

'They should be bringing me something to eat soon.' Luz thought, laying back down and putting the wet cloth back on her forehead and laying back in her sleeping bag to pretend to be sick.

As if fate was on her side and on cue, Willow and Gus came in her room.

"Luz, we've got some lunch for you." Willow said softly, holding a tray with a bowl of soup.

"It's chicken noodle with crackers." Gus said, holding a sleeve of crackers. "The perfect meal for any sickness."

Luz looked at them with a soft smile, before using her gloves to freeze their feet to the floor.

"HEY!" Willow said, nearly dropping the soup.

"What the what what?!" Gus shouted, completely dropping the crackers.

"Sorry guys, but I don't have time to be sick." Luz said, removing the sleeping bag and standing up.

They tried to make spell circles, but Luz used the ice glyph to lock their hands in place, before running out the door and into the hall.

"LUZ!" They screamed at her.

'I'll have to repay them for this later but I'll think about that later.' Luz thought as she pulled out a small device from her pockets and texts Amity.

Before Luz could do anything, she was stopped by Hooty.

"Whoa there, little lady! You're sick, you should be in bed!" Hooty said to Luz.

"Hooty, let me go! I'm fine!" Luz said to him.

"No! I made a promise to keep you inside the house until you are at full health!" Hooty said, pushing back and wrapping around her.

Groaning, Luz used the strength glyph and wiggled out of his grip before doing the one thing she figured could take him out long enough... she backflip kicked with her metal leg.

"UGH!" Hooty grunts, his mind spinning as he wobbled around.

"Sorry, not sorry, but you need to take a nap." Luz said before raising her leg up and SLAMMING her heel down in his head.

With him down and out, Luz was free to leave the house. Her next stop was the Knee and she would need a way to get there as quickly as possible. So, she used her gloves and blasted off into h the air using her fire glyphs! She was excited to get there as this could be the next big step in returning to Earth.

Too bad what she didn't know, was that her friends and girlfriend weren't the ONLY ones at the Knee.

Because at the Knee at that very moment, Amity, Eda, and King led their prisoner into a titan vien aka an old mine cave.

"Keep moving, Golden Stooge." Eda said as Amity held her staff at his back.

"It's Golden Gua-Hey!" Hunter said as he was wearing a scout uniform while he was jabbed in the back.

Amity didn't take her eyes off him, knowing how tricky and cunning he could be if she let her guard down.

"Can you out that down? I'm not going to run." Hunter said to her.

"No, because I don't trust you." Amity said as they walked into the mines.

The mines were as old as they expected with worn out tracks before them, old equipment scattered around the cave, a turned over cart, and a lantern that somehow is still lit.

"Man, this stuff is older than I thought." Eda said, kicking aside a rock.

"Well, of course it is. Ancient witches used this equipment to mine for the blood. What they did with it-" Hunter was cut off by Amity.

"Interesting as this is, genuinely, they aren't paying attention." She said, looking blankly as Hunter did the same.

It was true, King and Eda were NOT paying attention.

"Come on, hit me with it!" Eda said, standing in front of an old mining tool.

"And you're sure this will make you go Harpy?" King asked, manning it.

"As sure as the sea burns!" Eda said with a nod.

"They're going to get us killed." Hunter said.

Amity ignored him and called out to them.

"Eda, King! Don't do that!" Amity shouted at them.

They didn't listen as King started up the drill, charging it with magic energy and firing! It missed Eda and began ricocheting around the cave, then heading right for Amity!

"Hmm!" She grunted, summoning abomination muck to catch and contain the blast.

"Oops." King said as he and Eda looked at her.

"Oops is right! These walls are made of the Titan's veins, any magic shot at them will bounce right back at you!" Hunter said, scolding Eda and King.

"Heh, you must be fun at parties." Eda said, rolling her eyes at him.

"Ugh, I think I actually prefer the human over you two!" Hunter said, groaning at Eda.

Eda ignored him and went to talk to King.

"Hey, King, try using your new power to echolocate the lake." She asked, gesturing further down the cave.

"Echolocation? Awesome!" King said as he jumped off the drill and walked on the tracks.

"Since when can you echolocate?" Amity asked, putting the abomination muck in a tiny jaw on her hip.

"I don't know if I can but I want to try." King said before taking a deep breath. "WEH!"

After a minute of waiting, and nothing happening, they just decided to keep going forward in hopes they'll just stumble upon it.

"These two are going to get us caught." Hunter said with a frown.

"First, there is no "us." There's just me, Eda, and King with you as our prisoner." Amity said before getting a message on the device she got from Luz.

"What's that?" Hunter asked.

"None of your business." Amity said as she tried and failed to decipher the message.

They kept walking into the vein cave as right outside of it, was when Luz arrived on the Knee. She looked around, seeing lot of footprints in the snow and decided to follow them, coming upon the cave where the Coven scouts were on look out.

"Okay, I need to... to... ah... achoo!" Luz said before sneezing LOUDLY!

So much for being sneaky, as she just gave her location away.

"What was that?!" One scout shouted and pointing his finger out like a gun.

"I came from over there! Maybe it's an animal like a Slitherbeast." Another said, pointing towards where Luz was hiding.

'Fuck!' Luz thought, using the healing glyph to help a bit.

If she didn't think of something soon, she could be captured and sent to Conformatorium! Looking at her gloves, Luz glanced at them all for a solution before seeing her newest glyphs. Invisibility.

"Perfect. So long as I don't sneeze again." Luz whispered as she quickly pushed the glyph and held her breath.

The Coven guards came over to the spot and aimed at...nothing. No animal, human, or witch to be found.

"I don't see anything." A scout said, putting her finger down.

"Maybe this guard duty is getting to us. Making us hear things." Another one suggested.

Behind them, a few footprints appeared in the snow and into the cave.

'Piece of cake.' Luz thought before breathing, becoming visible again.

"Whew! That spell glyph is cool but I need to fix that breath thing." Luz said.

She went into the cave, messaging Amity and hoping to catch up with them soon.

"Now, if I was Eda, where would I go?" Luz asked, looking around the cave.

She stopped and looked over to something that was very damaged. Either deliberately or accidentally, it was damaged beyond repair.

"This way." Luz said.

Knowing her mentor and mother figure, Eda would go down the more dangerous path or make her own path with mindless destruction.

It made her pretty easy to track. But unknown to her, she was tracking more than just her friends as they reached a new part of the mines. These parts with strange, hard bubbles surrounding the ground.

"What's this stuff?" Eda asked.

"I think it's the Titan's blood but really dry." King said as he poked the hard bubble.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Hunter shouted, causing everyone to jump. "That's not Titan's Blood, it's Fool's Blood!"

"Fool's Blood?" Amity asked, keeping an eye on Hunter.

"It's happens when a vein begins to decay and dry. If you crack it or even touch it, it could create a series of collapses and we would all be buried alive!" Hunter said.

"Mmmhmm, and what if you're lying?" Eda asked, not believing him.

"Why would I lie about this? And even if I am, do you really want to risk it? A cave in could kill us all!" Hunter said to her.

Eda raised her staff and looked at Hunter... like when a cat stares at you before knocking a glass off a table.

"NO!" Hunter shouted as Eda broke the bubble.

A crack appeared, slowly spreading down the middle before the cave began to shake, the cracks spreading all the way up to the ceiling!

"I TOLD YOU SO!" Hunter shouted.

"Move!" Amity said.

Amity and Hunter moved back before the crack spread to the floor, opening into a large opening that swallowed King and Eda!

"Eda! King!" Amity yelled.

"What was that?!" A female voice screamed, making Amity and Hunter look back.

They weren't the only ones inside of the tunnels and that other party was known other than Kikimora with a group of scouts under her command.

"It came from down this way!" A scout shouted!

"We need to get out of here!" Hunter said, not wanting to be caught.

"I'm not leaving without my friends!" Amity said, looking back down into the chasm.

Hunter did what he thought was the best option... and kicked Amity's staff away before kicking her into the opening.

"WAAAH!" Amity screamed in surprise.

"Sorry, but you forced my hand! Er, foot!" Hunter shouted, running off.

Suddenly, he felt his restraints melting the further he got away from Amity. In the opening, Amity was thinking things that would make a sailor blush.

'That motherfucking, shit faced bastard, son of a cunt!' Amity thought.

She had obviously been around Luz too lo and picked up a lot of swears. She was lucky to have been caught and holding onto Eda's staff, which had been lodged between the chasm walls.

"What happened?" King asked.

"The coven squad was coming and he kicked me when my back was turned! That son of a bitch is going for the blood now!" Amity shouted in anger, still pissed off.

"Yeah, well, I think we'll be the blood if Owlbert isn't able to hold much longer!" Eda said, noting the massive drop that would leave them as a couple of stains.

Not to mention that Owlbert was slowly cracking from the strain of holding them all up! If something doesn't change, the bird palisman might break into pieces!

"The noise came from around here but I don't see anyone." Kikimora said, making the trio look up.

"Maybe they went ahead, ma'am, or maybe they're hiding done this chasm." A coven captain said, looking down into the chasm.

Thinking quickly, Amity used the small amount of Abomination goo she had left to make a large cover to hide them, it would buy a couple minutes before it began to fall apart.

"Eda, do something!" Amity whisper-shouts.

"I know, I know. Just give me a second." Eda said before shutting her eyes. "Hey, beast. I know you're still there. Maybe you can... uh... help me out here?"

Meanwhile up on top of the chasm, the coven group was converting their next move.

"What should we do now, Kikimora?" A scout asked.

"Hmmm, not that I'm worried but half of you stay here while I and the rest continue to the lake. The mission remains the same, it doesn't matter if there is a dead body or two in my way." Kikimora said.

Kikimora turned and walked deeper into the mine, with some coven scouts following her.

Once she and the others were gone, the remaining scouts began to talk.

"Do you really want to check in the chasm, Captain?" A scout asked.

"I just said that to please her but why not? It's not like anyone is in there." The Captain said, not even noticing Amity's tossed aside staff.

This made the trio worry as King and Amity looked towards Eda, who was still mentally bargaining with the owl beast.

They hoped for a miracle of some kind, any kind and they would get one. But it wasn't what they expected, so they would have to settle for a light in the dark.

"Hey! What are you doing-"


The scout was knocked out with a punch, making the rest of them turn to see Luz standing at the entrance to this part of the cave.

"Hel-ACHOO!" Luz said, her epic speech that she came up with on the way here ruined by her illness.

'Goddamn common mold!' Luz thought.

"Freeze, human! Make another move and we will shoot!" The captain said, pointing her spear at Luz.

'Human?! Luz?!' The trio in the chasm thought in shock.

"Hm... but what if you can't see me?" Luz asked, quickly using her invisibility glyph.

She vanished before their eyes, making the coven group jolt and look around for her.

"Spread out and stay on guard! She could still be here!" The captain shouted.

"Yes, ma'am!" The scouts screamed.

Despite being a bit sick, she was still good at strategy, it's how she was good at fighting. She had to seperate them. She picked up a rock and threw it away from where she was.

"I heard something!" A scout said before rushing down the cave. "This way!"

With most of them going towards the rock, Luz let out a breath before sneaking up on one of the remaining guards.

'A little boost in strength.' Luz thought, pushing her power glyph. 'Now time for a little nap.'

With swift and "gentle" chops, she hit them on the back of the neck and they passed out.

"And that is that." Luz said, clapping her hands clean.

A flapping sound was head as Luz turns to the chasm and saw Eda in her happy mode flying out with Amity, King, and Owlbert her arms.

Amity quickly reclaimed her staff and turned to Luz, shaking her bright red face!

"Why are you here!?" Amity yelled.

"Making sure you don't get -ACHHOOO!" Luz sneezed again, cutting herself off.

Luckily, she covered her mouth with her hand but it was now full of snot.

"Guh. I hate the common mold." Luz said, pulling her hand away and using her fire glyph to burn away the snot. "Didn't you get my messages?"

"Yes I got them but they made no sense!" Amity shouted, admitting guilt while angry.

"Did you turn it sideways?" Luz asked.

"What?" Amity asked, curious and pulling out the device to check.

"Kid, why and HOW are you out of bed?!" Eda shouted at her.

"Healing patch." Luz said, using said patch on herself to push her fever away again.

"That's not a good enough reason to-" Eda was cut off by Amity.

Who was relieved yet embarrassed at seeing all of the messages Luz sent but didn't understand them until now.

"Enough!" Amity yelled, "We can chain her to bed when we get the Titans Blood... and we WILL be chaining you to the bed!"

"Really? Isn't that a bit much?" Luz asked.

"NO!" Eda, Amity, and King shouted.

Eventually, the rest of coven guards came back and saw the group.

"Look can we talk about this later and deal with them before they get to the lake?" Luz asked, gesturing to the guards.

"I'll take care of them. You three get to the lake and get that blood." Eda said, putting King on Luz's head.

The trio nodded before they ran deeper into the cave.

"Oh no, you don't!" The captain shouted as she threw her spear at Amity.

Eda quickly caught it and snapped it in half, growling at the captain.

"Oh you just made a BIG mistake." Eda said with a growl. "I've been meaning to test this bad boy out and you just became my target."

Eda dropped the broken spear and reached into her hair, pulling out the Glyping Gun and a bandolier of toilet paper with glyphs drawn on!

"SAY HELLO TO MY STRANGE FRIEND!" Eda shouted, putting a TP roll with fire glyphs on it.

Eda was going to have some fun with this.

Meanwhile, Luz and Amity were running through the tunnel as King still rode on the human's head.

"So you basically had Hunter as your prisoner the whole time you were here?" Luz asked after Amity explained things.

"Yes but since when were you two on a first basis?" Amity asked.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Luz said.

"Fine. We'll got plenty of time after we chain you to your bed." Amity said.

"Seriously still on that?" Luz asked.

"YES!" Amity and King shouted.

Luz groaned at them before they arrived at Eclipse Lake but it actually wasn't a lake, instead it was just a large pit of dirt in the ground and in the middle was Hunter.

"It's empty?" Luz muttered, surprised by this.

"But how?" King asked.

The trio slide down into the pit and slowly approached Hunter, his back was turned as he was just digging into the ground with the familiar palisman at his side. Possibly digging for any titan's blood that could remain.

"Stop what you're doing." Amity said, pointing her staff at him.

"You don't have to do that you know. I won't pick a fight. There's no point with noTitan Blood." Hunter said, sounding depressed. "I can't return to Belos empty handed... there's no blood here so... I'm digging my grave."

"But, why? I mean, I know the blood is important but why dig your grave?" Luz asked him.

"Why? You wanna know why? Hehehehehehe. SIMPLE!" Hunter shouted madly, turning to the trio. "The blood is the key to it all, literally! No portal key with titans blood in it and no working portal!"

"The portal key?" Amity muttered, grabbing the first portal key in her jacket.

'Wait, are you fucking kidding me? The key was the LITERAL key ingredient the whole time?!' Luz thought, her right eyes twitching a bit. 'I have this belt that can bring me literally everywhere EXCEPT my home dimension, and the damn key was the thing I needed!?'

"And like I said before, I can't go back empty handed! Ahahahahaha" Hunter said, having a breakdown before calming down. "So, without blood or the previous key, I'm just going to lay here and die. I can't return to the emperor, especially after not even being allowed on this mission."

Stopping his digging, Hunter laid in the dirt and waited to die as Flapjack tweeted sadly at him.

The trio glanced at each other, feeling sorry for Hunter as he was giving up on life just from one inconvenience. A BIG inconvenience but just one nonetheless.

"Look, Hunter, I think- Achoo!" Luz sneezed again as she groaned.

Amity put a hand on Luz's shoulder.

"You stay there, I'll handle this." She said to her.

Luz couldn't reply as she sneezed to the side, her nose becoming red again as her common mold fever was returning again.

Amity walked closer to Hunter, seeing the red bird palisman was still trying to her Hunter up.

"Stop it. Go find another witch, one that can actually do magic." Hunter bemoaned to Flapjack.

Amity kneeled down next to him, getting Flapjack's attention.

"Hunter, listen to me." Amity said as Hunter glanced toward her. "If you want, you... don't have to go back to Belos."

"Then where would I go?" Hunter asked.

"Anywhere that accepts you for you. Not puts a mountain of expectations on you and threatens you for failure." Amity said, sympathizing with Hunter. "I know what it's like to have pressure like that placed on you but I never knew I had a choice for a better life or that there were people out there that could make me happy."

'Like Luz.' Amity thought, glancing at her girlfriend.

Hunter did the same, figuring that the human was a key factor in helping Amity find happiness.

"I see." He said softly, looking back to the ground.

"All you have to do is find them." Amity said, holding a hand out, "And give them a chance."

Hunter looked at her, before his gaze moved down... towards the portal key. Dangling outside of her coat.

'She's wearing the key, she's been wearing it this whole time...' Hunter thought, slowly rising from the ground as new hope returned to his eyes.

But not the hope that Luz and Amity had hoped for, something the former saw as she was healing her fever once again!

"AMITY, GET BACK!" Luz shouted

Right as Hunter lunged at Amity, she was barely able to dodge and get back on her feet.

"Oh come on, this always works for Luz." Amity said, complaining.

Hunter turned around to try again but Luz jumped in front of him.

"Hunter, stop! You don't have to do this!" Luz shouted at him.

"Get out of my way!" Hunter shouted back, moving from side to side and slipping past Luz! "That key is mine!"

'Okay, please tell me that this belt has a way to trap people.' Luz thought, looking at her belt.

Luz never took the time to check if the belt had any other settings but now was better than never.

"WEEEEH!" King screamed, sending a sound wave at Hunter.

Flapjack flew in front of Hunter and became a staff, preventing Hunter from getting hit. He didn't believe any of them should be fighting, but he also would do anything to keep Hunter from being hurt.

Hunter grabbed his new staff and got ready, teleporting a short distance with a stumble. Palisman/real magic was nothing like the artificial magic he was used to.

"Ugh, this is gonna suck." Hunter muttered before he was wrapped in abomination goo!

"That should hold you." Amity comments, having trapped Hunter.

"You think-UGH!" Hunter was then hit with a plant bomb, further wrapping him up in vines.

"Last chance, Hunter. You're outnumbered, just give up!" Luz shouted at him.

"I can't give up." Hunter said, desperate and angry! "I need that key!"

Focusing on Flapjack's magic, Hunter teleported out of the vines and goo before appearing in the air above them!

"RAAAAH!" Hunter screamed, unleashing a shower of magic bolts.

"Look out!" Luz shouted, quickly creating an ice shield over her head.

Amity quickly grabbed King and flew to Luz, taking cover next to her.

Hunter then teleported over to Amity. He reached for the key but Luz uppercut him, making him tumble back!

"WEH!" King roared, blasting him again.

Hunter recovered and teleports to dodge, rushing to Amity again. Both Luz and Amity worked together, back to back to block and attack him to knock him away.

Eventually, a new idea came to mind as he stopped at the other side of the dry lake! He spun his staff and shot a magic beam at Amity, only for Luz to jump in the way and quickly pressing the button on her belt to activate her suit.

'I hope this works, because if not, I'm going to be in a lot of pain.' Luz thought.

Luz crossed her arms and tanked the hit, consumed by an explosion!

"LUZ!" Amity yelled, assuming that Luz just died.

"NO!" King screamed with tears.

Hurler was shocked and slightly horrified by this but he pressed one, focusing back on Amity and the key.

'She shouldn't have gotten in my way. It was her own fault.' Hunter thought.

They all heard a laugh and looked up, seeing Luz was covered in her multiverse travel suit. Helmet and all while laughing a bit.

"I was hoping for something more." Luz said in relief.

"You're alive?!" Everyone shouted in shock/happiness.

"This thing helped me travel through dimensions, with temperatures hotter than a spell can handle." Luz said, looking at Hunter, "If you think a simple magic beam would mess with me, you must be-ACHHOOOO! DAMN IT!"

With her helmet on, Luz got a face full of her own snot and rushed to get the helmet to retract before wiping her face clean!

'Fucking demon realm cold!' Luz thought, being able to see again and looking at Hunter.

"Okay, ignoring that. Hunter, please as your FRIEND, stand down or I'll kick you ass." Luz warned him.

Hunter didn't listen, he needed the key. He teleported to Amity, swinging at her but she blocked with her staff!

"You REALLY should have listened to Luz." Amity said, tears still in her eyes as she glared at Hunter.

She pushed him back and used Abomination Goo to make a giant spiked fist, punching him with it.

"OW!" Hunter grunted, stumbling back.

Amity didn't stop as she drew a large spell circle, creating a large abomination behind Hunter and smothering him with it! She then flew on her staff and flew to Luz, picking up King along the way.

But Hunter refused to give up and smashed his way out, using his staff to make a fist of rock shoot up from the ground and knock Amity off her staff and into the air.

"Amity!" Luz said as she rushed to her.

King was impaled by his horns as Luz caught Amity in her arms, right as Hunter teleported beside them!

"You wanna help?! Then give me that key!" Hunter shouted.


A kick to the chin shut him up, making him groan as Luz gave a barrage of kicks with her left leg before a strong front kick with her strong right leg and sent Hunter into the other side of the lake wall!

"What was that!?" Amity yelled.

"I'll explain when we aren't being attacked!" Luz quickly said.

Luz took off running as she carried her friends, heading back through the cave as Eda stood victorious over the injured coven captain and other scouts.

"Oh hey! Did you get the blood?" Eda asked, still holding the Glyphing Gun.

"It's always been in the key! The lake was empty! We can go!" Luz screamed quickly as she ran past Eda.

She hoped that they wouldn't get stopped by Hunter. But the familiar golden light flashed in front of them and slammed into the ground! His staff embedded and making the earth around him rise up and block the exit!

"HUH! HUH! HUH! HUH!" Hunter breathed heavily, exhausted from the fighting, injuries, and the chasing.

'Damn it!' Luz thought as she stopped.

"No one is going ANYWHERE until I get that key!" Hunter shouted, pointing his staff at them. "Give it to me NOW or else!"

Luz put Amity, King, and the key behind her.

"Or else what?" Luz asked with a glare.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it, stoogie?" Harpy Eda asked, pointing the Glyphing Gun at Hunter.

"Or else I will have EVERYONE you care about hunted by the Emperor's Coven. You might be able to endure it but what about your friends?" Hunter asked, slowly calming down.

Luz and Eda growled at that, both having the exact same thoughts at this.

'Mother fucking, cheap shotting, son of a bitch!' Luz thought in anger.

Despite wanting to help him, Luz had to remember that he was still Belos's right hand witch. Loyal out of fear but loyal nonetheless.

She had to make a decision, and she wasn't sure that either option were the right ones.

Amity wasn't either as she squeezed the key in her hand, worried about their friends and her family if Hunter was serious about this threat.

"Fine, you can have the key." Luz said, shocking everyone.

"WHAT?!" Eda, King, and Amity shouted at her.

"Kid, is the common mold rotting your fucking brain?!" Eda shouted, pointing to her own head.

"We don't have a choice! Just do it!" Luz said, "Because it's either that, or I call for a friend."

She put a hand on her belt, right over the portal button.

That was a gamble since her friend might not be wearing her belt but it was something she just had to have faith in. Plus, opening a dimensional portal could suck all of them in and kill without suits, so there's that too.

(For anyone who doesn't remember, in The Golden Opportunity chapter is a note that says this story is connected with Multiverse Madness by I and 3.)

It was the riskiest thing she's ever thought of, but so was giving the key to Hunter. Both sucked, but one would at least let them leave without bloodshed.

Amity glanced at the belt that saved Luz's life, wondering what else it could do that was either good or bad. In this scenario, where they're between a rock and a hard place, Amity had to think of the best option. No matter how much she hated it as she squeezed the key harder.


"Fine. The key is yours." Amity said, walking to Hunter and holding the key out to him.

Hunter took the key, feeling a great sense of calm wash over him.

"Good choice. " Hunter said, holding the key and turning to leave.

He used Flapjack to uncover the exit, taking a step forward before he halted. He glanced back at the group, showing some guilt in his eyes for what he did.

"Stay safe, I mean that." Hunter said to them, turning to leave again. "And don't worry, your friends and their families won't be touched now. I promise."

"Good... because I will call my friend if you try." Luz said, moving her hand away from the belt. "You might be able to take me on, but you won't be able to stop the Unkillable Fire God herself."

'Unkillable Fire God?' Everyone thought, curious about this powerful friend.

She would have a lot to explain when they got back as Hunter got on his staff and flew off. Once out of sight, Luz let out a sigh before she sneezed again.

Once again, Luz forgot about her common mold and it seemed like it was getting worse.

"Let's get you home and CHAINED into your bed." Amity said, looking at Luz.

"And a good explanation." Eda said before storing the Glyphing Gun in her hair. "I am unsure of who this Unkillable Fire God you're talking about is, but I'm very sure I haven't seen them hang out at the house."

"That's mostly because she lives in a castle." Luz said, with a small smirk, before having a coughing fit.

"Eda, a little help?" Amity asked.

"I got it." Eda said, walking to Luz and picking her up. "I'll carry her. I've had the mold so I won't get sick again. Speaking of, you are in SO much trouble, young lady."

"Oh like you wouldn't do the same." Luz said, pushing a button to retract her multiverse travel suit.

"Not with something like this!" Eda said as they walked out of the caves.

The group went straight back to the Owl House, though they had to stop once so Eda could eat a group of voles right in front of everyone, saying it was part of the "deal" she made with the owl beast to go Harpy Mode.

Luz wasn't surprised, she's seen Eda eat those before getting Harpy mode.

'How is the owl beast even going to enjoy those anyway? Eat memory version of them or their ghosts?' Luz thought as Eda ate the tenth vole.

-10 minutes later-

Luz sneezed again, making Eda grimace as they landed right outside of the house.

"Oh, Willow and Gus are probably going to be mad." Luz said as Eda put her down.

"Why?" King asked, riding on Amity's staff.

"Because I kind of froze their feet and hands in ice." Luz said.

"Oh, yeah, they're going to be mad." Amity said.

"Why not just ask your mysterious fire god friend to thaw them out?" Eda asked.

"Okay, hear my story first before you make comments like that, you probably wouldn't believe me before hand." Luz said, pointing at Eda. "It's not a pleasant thing, I get nightmares from it still."

"Nightmares?" Amity asked.

Luz opened the door and was greeted by the sight of her angry friends sitting on the couch.

"Welcome home, Luz." Willow and Gus said angrily.

"Yeah, hi." Luz said, blankly waving."I'm not going to apologize, because these three might've died if I didn't go to Eclipse Lake."

"We would've been fine." Eda said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, you were only surrounded by coven guards and about to fall to your deaths in a chasm!" Luz said.

"We were fine! I was about to transform!" Eda said.

"Not soon enough." King comments.

"That's besides the point." Amity said, before wrapping abomination goo around Luz, "You aren't allowed down here until you're temperatures is under triple digits!"

Willow and Gus smirked and nodded at this as Amity walked behind Luz as she made her go up the stairs.

"Ugh, do you really have to do this?" Luz asked.

"YES! It's called tough love." Amity said to Luz.

Luz rolled her eyes.

'She's lucky I love her too or else I would break out of her using my gloves.' Luz thought as she was letting Amity hold her prisoner.

She would let Amity act like this... for now. At least until the common mold passed.

Once they reached Luz's room, Amity made Luz lay down as the abomination restraints thinned enough for her to take off the glyph gloves and the multiverse suit belt.

"So you can't cheat your recovery this time." Amity said, placing them in Luz's trunk.

"Fine, I won't use them." Luz said, rolling her eyes before noticing the something. "Huh?"

The same chicken noodle soup that Willow prepared for her was still in the room, laying on top of a small puddle of water/melted ice with a note beside it.

'Heat it up and eat it!' Written in Willow's angry writing.

"I take it that's where you stuck them?" Amity asked, seeing the soup too.

"Yeah...." Luz said with a sheepish chuckle.

Rolling her eyes but grinning, Amity got up and claimed the soup. She then used a fire spell to quickly reheat it before going back to her restrained girlfriend.

"Here. I'll feed you." Amity said, lifting up the spoon. "Say ah."

'Oh god, this is so corny. Like out of a romcom.' Luz thought with a blush but still opened her mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." Luz let out before Amity fed her some soup. "Hmm?"

'What's that on Amity's glove?' Luz thought, noticing a large blue stain on her right glove that didn't notice before.

It then dawned on her that this must've been the Titan's blood that was held inside of the key! Amity must've squeezed the key so hard, she accidentally cracked it and spilled some blood on her glove before giving it to Hunter!

This brought a smile to Luz's face as she continued eating the soup for her Common Mold.

It seemed like their mission turned out to be a success after all.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Invisibility Glyph Uses: Turns user and anybody they have close by invisible to the naked eyes, so long as their breath is held

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Power and Healing= High Speed Recovery

Ice and Power= Large Ice Gauntlets

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

The Glyphing Gun: a red leaf blower with an empty paint roller was attached with a layer of duct tape at the bottom to the front nuzzle tube while a two point handle is attached to the top of the tube with two screws.

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Fire Glyphs = Flamethrower

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Ice Glyphs = Armor Piercing Spikes

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Plant Glyphs = Grappling hooks or Vine Rope Shots

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