The Abandoned Life?

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Wrist length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Invisibility Glyph: Located on the wrist of the left hand

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Eda's and Lilith's Glyph Gloves (1 each):Fingerless gloves that reach the forearm with the four glyphs down the center of the arm in the order of light, ice, plant, and fire.

Eda's Glove: Right hand.

Lilith's Glove: Left hand.

Luz Noceda, The Fighter Opening: Believe in Myself Cover By NateWantsToBattle (I do not own this song)

Luz stands before the cliff over the boiling sea next to the owl house, letting the wind blow through her hair and clothes.

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

It will never end

Luz lifted her hands up, looking at her glyph gloves before she clenched them into fists, gaining a looking of determination.

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

She activated her fire glyphs and slammed her fists together in a flash!

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Now I'll just believe in myself

Luz is now walking through Bonesborough, thinking of her life.

You light my fire

Your touch ignites

The flames in my heart

Makes me want to feel your emotion

Her life on Earth, lonely and full of anger with the only person by her side being her mother, Camila.

Whatever will be, will be

How our hearts are crashing waves

And our souls are vast like an ocean

Her life in the demon realm however, was full of adventures, close friends, and love with Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity by her side.

With the strongest tides we'll drown our sorrows

In a dark void, Eda and Lilith side by side while facing a shadow silhouette of the owl beast, pointing their glyph gloves at it.

Take my hand and tell me

Are you ready to play fair?

Luz and the Golden Guard stood on the battlefield, ready to fight each other!

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

Luz blasted towards G.G., throwing a punch and a kick that he dodged before he jumped into the air.

It will never end

Golden Guard fired a barrage of red energy blasts at Luz, creating a smokescreen!

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

Luz jumped from the smoke and punched at Golden Guard, clashing her fist against his staff!

Believe in myself

You're not alone now

A transparent silhouette of Luz was running as she passed by all the friends she made (Eda, King, Willow, Gus, the Blight twins, Boscha and her crew, the Human Appreciation Society, the dual track students, and Amity).

And our future is near

It's coming

Luz was now running past a line up of her enemies, the Emperor's Coven (including Kikimora and the Golden Guard).

Let's speed up!

Speed up!

The ultimate enemy rose like a giant, Belos, with his eyes glowing before lightning flashed before him.

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Luz was back at the cliff near the owl house, sitting as she looked up to the moon before Amity walked up to her.

Now I'll just believe in myself

She sat down next to Luz before holding her hand, gazing at the moon with her.

Luz was standing outside of the owl house with Eda, King and Hooty; looking over a list of things they needed and needed to do for the new portal door to Earth.

"Okay, I think I got everything I need." Luz said.

"You sure, Luz?" King asked.

"Yeah. I double checked the list twice when I was getting this stuff with Eda." Luz said, looking over a paper list of materials.

"And what if this just blows up?" King asked

Luz pressed her belt and was covered by her multiverse travel suit.

"I've got this. Remember?" Luz asked.

"Yeah....I still don't fully believe that story you told us." Eda said.

"Well, you'll just have to because I'm not letting anyone into my head. Not after what happened to Willow." Luz said before looking over the list again. "Now, according to Philip's instructions, the hardest part to making the portal was finding someone who knew how to build it. Thankfully, you had most of the items from your apocalypse supplies, Eda."

"And people called me crazy for having those." Eda said with a grin.

"I really hope the apocalypse doesn't happen soon, I have a class to teach next week." Luz said.

"Can I come this time?" King asked with his hand up.

"Sure. I guess." Luz said to him.

'Plus, Barcus could use a sparring partner around his size.' Luz thought.

"Alright, time to start it up!" Luz said to Eda.

"Don't forget this." King said, walking up and showing Luz Amity's glove.

The same glove that was soaked in Titan's Blood from the cracked key. The same glove Luz had to explain and ask for after she finished her soup. Amity was so happy that they didn't fail, she almost kissed Luz but the human stopped her because of her cold.

"Right. Thanks, King." Luz said, taking the glove and noticing his sad expression.

He was worried and scared for Luz, until she tussled his head with her left hand.

"Hey, relax, if this works, I can go back and forth between the human and demon realms." Luz said, "You're not getting my room to yourself that easily."

Luz tickled his chin, making King giggle a bit as he tried pushing her hand away.

"What about me? Where are my tickles?" Hooty asked.

"...Just this once." Luz said before scratching Hooty's chin.

"Oh yeah..." Hooty said with a lazy grin.

'This is so weird.' Luz thought.

She made a mental note to wash that hand... with acid... after she was done.

Once the petting was done, Luz turned to the amalgamation of a door and its parts before tearing off one finger from Amity's glove.

"Alright, let's test this out." Luz said, sticking it to the door and taking a few steps back. "Alright, Eda! Let er rip!"

She was in her bathtub boat and the propeller attached to transfer the kinetic energy to jump start the fusion process into a fully functional theory.

"You sure this won't explode?" Eda asked.

"Since when do you care? You like destruction." Luz said to her.

"...Good point but at certain times." Eda said before she began pedaling.

"I'm about 30% sure it won't explode." Luz said quickly.

"Still good enough for me!" Eda shouted as the kinetic energy began to spark the ingredients.

They all gained a magic glow, spreading around the ingredients as the Titan's Blood was reacting and slowly fusing it together. A few seconds later, it made a portal... sort of.

"Uh, are you sure this is going to work? That... doesn't look good." King said.

The portal looked jagged and slanted, a slightly different color with no yellow eye.

"I'm... sure it's fine." Luz said, trying a rope around her waist.

"Wait, you're gonna got in that thing?" Hooty asked in worry.

"Well, who else could test it? Besides, my belt can protect me with the suit in case anything goes back." Luz said. "The rope is in case the portal starts to close, I need you to pull me back, and my suit can bring me to Phoenix's world, and then I can come back in case the rope breaks."

"Are you sure about this, kid?" Eda asked, walking to Luz and handing her her Witch's Wool cloak.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now when I give the signal or if something looks back, you guys pull me out as hard as you can." Luz said as she took the cloak and gave the other end of the rope to Eda, King, and Hooty. "Alright, see you on the other side!"

Luz ran to ahead before jumping into the portal.

The trio gripped the rope tightly as Luz vanished, into the strange rippling portal.

'Luz, please be careful.' Eda thought.

Inside of the portal, Luz suddenly opened her eyes and found herself... somewhere.

'Wait, this isn't earth.' Luz thought, floating up from a pool of water(?) before standing up.

This place wasn't the Boiling Isles either. It was abstract, yet seemingly small, consisting of a nebulous space occupied by a black reflective pool on both surfaces of the dimension. In the pools themselves are structures of iridescent, abstract architecture stretching upward, forming a continuous canyon, while black cubes float from the bottom pool toward the pool raised above.

"What the hell this place?" Luz muttered, looking around as a cube floated in front of her. "Guess King was right about the portal."

A glow draw Luz's attention, making her look at the cube as one side turned white. Suddenly, Luz found herself outside of the owl house. Or at least she thought she was.

"Wait, how did... am I IN the reflection!?" Luz said, looking around herself to see she was INSIDE of the window.

"Do you think she's alright in there?" King asked, drawing Luz's attention.

"Luz is the toughest kid I know. She'll be fine and if not, we've still got this rope." Eda said, holding firmly onto the rope.

"Eda! King!" Luz shouted but they couldn't heart her.

The window flashed before Luz found herself back in the mysterious realm, standing in front of the same floating cube.

"Whoa! I'm back." Luz said, looking around before back at the cube. "So, these things can let me see whoever i speak about through any reflective item. Hmm, let's try.... Amity!"

A cube rose from the floor, and Luz saw Amity, practicing her kickboxing on a stuffed animal. Luz blushed at this as what Amity was wearing was purple sweat pants and a black sports bra.

'Dios mio, gracias.' Luz thought, committing the image to memory before pushing the cube away. 'Okay! Okay! Time to focus! I might not be able to get to Earth but at least this gives me a chance to see how mom is doing.'

Luz cleared her throat and spoke clearly.

"Camila Noceda, please." She said.

A cube floated nearby. Luz gazed into it before a the cube flashed white, showing Camila dancing in the kitchen while cooking.

"Mom!" Luz said with a smile but was drown out by the music.

Evne so, Luz still tried to find a way to get her attention.

"Mom! Mom!" Luz screamed, banging her fist against the phone her reflection was on.

"Vee, could you come here please?" Camila asked.

Luz stopped banging her fists at this.

'Vee? Whose Vee?' Luz thought.

"Coming, Camila!" A new voice said.

To Luz's surprise, someone that looked exactly like Luz, except for neat hair, yellow shirt, blue hoodie, and leggings, came by.

'WHAT THE FUCK?!' Luz thought as she dropped her jaw.

What the fuck was going on?! Who was this doppelgänger named "Vee?!" And how long has she been living with her mother?! Luz felt a lot of emotions right now.

"What do you need?" Vee asked with a smile. "I just finished cleaning up my room. Boxed up some of Luz's old stuff too."

'Boxing up my stuff?! You're remodeling my room?!' Luz thought with a growl.

"That's good, make sure to put it in the closet." Camila said.

"I will. So what did you need help with?" Vee asked.

"Can you get me the bananas from the fridge? I'm going to make some banana bread." Camila said.

"You got it." Vee said.

Before Luz could see anything else, she found herself back in the mystery realm as the cube floated away!

"What the fuck?! I wasn't done!" Luz shouted before looking around, grabbing another cube! "Take me back! Show me that double again! Show me Vee!"

The cube listened as in another flash of light, Luz was now inside of her own room's relfective closet door/mirror and saw Vee was there as well!

'Wait a minute. Where are my posters? My kickboxing magazines?! And my training stuff?!' Luz thought, pushing against the glass!

Vee closed the door to the closet, revealing Luz.

"YOU!" Luz yelled.

Vee screamed as she jumped back, dropping a shirt she was getting!


"WHO ARE YOU?!" Vee screamed in a panic, grabbing a wooden bat that was on the room.

"I'M LUZ FUCKING NOCEDA! The girl whose life you're trying to steal!" Luz screamed.

Vee began to panic, shaking in fear of what/who she was seeing.

"B-B-But you're supposed-"

"Yeah! I know! Now start talking! Who are you!?" Luz shouted at her.

A knock on the door came, making them turn to it.

"Vee, is everything alright? I heard screaming." Camila said.

Not wanting to reveal this or freak Camila out right now, Vee decided to lie.

"Yeah, everything... everything is good!" Vee said.

"Are you sure?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure!" Vee said, slowly putting the bat down.

"Okay, but call me if you need anything." Camila said before walking away.

Luz let out a literal GROWL.

"Talk, now." Luz said slowly.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll explain everything, just PLEASE don't scream or be mad, Luz." Vee said softly with her hands up.

"Too late in BOTH accounts. Now talk." Luz said.

"My name is Vee, and... I saw you talking with the Owl Lady, I figured I could go through the portal and..."

"Replace me for some mission from Belos?" Luz asked.

"NO! I came here to get AWAY from that monster!" Vee said, surprising Luz.

"Wait, what? You're not working for Belos like that last basilisk that rampaged at Hexside a while ago?" Luz asked, her anger being replaced by confusion.

"The other basilisk are alive?" Vee asked.

"Basilisk? So that's what you are, kind of small." Luz said before shaking her head. "And I don't know, that big one is the only one I've seen so far."

Luz then began to get her anger back. The memory of seeing her friends, girlfriend, and students being turned into nearly lifeless husks; it infuriated her. And even if there was no magic on Earth, this basilisk may have some way of draining the life force from people, despite saying she can her just to get away from Belos.

"So that's what happened to I." Vee said.

"I? Her name was "I?"" Luz asked.

"More so the Roman letter for one. And you can guess my name means the Roman 5." Vee said to Luz.

"Okay, Vee, since I now know how you were made, how are you here and why are you stealing my life?!" Luz shouted.

"It's not like I wanted to! I just...when I came out of the portal, Camila was close by and saw me before I changed into you to blend in." Vee said with her hands up.

Luz's fist slammed on the mirror making Vee jump back.

"And so she's just been letting you stay here for no reason?" Luz asked slowly.

"I-I just needed help! A fresh start! A place-A place where I don't need to be afraid." Vee said, holding herself. "Belos brought us back to life for something horrible and I didn't want any part of it. So, me and a few others escaped, wanting nothing but to be somewhere safe."

'I want to be angry at her but considering her choice and what she said could be true....' Luz thought as she put her hand down.

She sighed loudly before scratching her head.

"How's it been?" She said.

"What?" Vee asked.

"How's it been here?" Luz asked.

"Oh! You mean as you or-"

"Just in general. Are you safe? Is mom fine? Have you made any HUMAN friends?" Luz asked after interrupting Vee.

"Well, it's been pretty cool... your mom is horribly worried though, when she tried texting and it didn't go through... she's trying not to think about you possibly being dead." Vee said.

"Yeah...that's because the portal was destroyed." Luz said before muttering. "By me, but I'm working on a new one."

"Really? That's great to hear! Camila will be so relieved." Vee said.

"Yeah, but can you...hold off on that for a while?" Luz asked, looking away.

"Why?" Vee asked, confused.

"Because...Because I want to know exactly what you've been doing as me first, that's all." Luz said, half lying to the basilisk.

"Okay, what would you like to know first?" Vee asked.

" was that dumbass camp? I'm assuming you went, right?" Luz asked.

"Oh! Yeah, I did! It was actually not that bad. I even made a few friends that live here in town." Vee said with a smile.

'Friends? Just like that?' Luz thought.

"Do you want to meet them?" Vee asked.

Luz blinked twice.

"Uh, how?" Luz asked, gestruing to her closet door. "Kind of in the mirror."

"Well, can't you switch to another one?" Vee asked.

Luz opened her mouth but closed it, slapping her forehead before sighing.

"Right, shit. Give me a few and grab a hand mirror or something. I'll "meet" you outside." Luz said before vanishing from the mirror closet door.

Seeing her gone, Vee quickly grabbed a pocket mirror before she left "her" room and went back downstairs.

"Camila, I'm going out!" Vee called out.

"Okay, be safe!" Camila said, still in the kitchen.

Vee walked out of the door and to the sidewalk in front of the house, opening the hand mirror and waiting for Luz.

'I hope this works.' Vee thought.

Meanwhile in the mystery dimension, Luz was rubbing her chin as she thought of everything Vee told her about her life before taking her place.

"I can't be made at her but still, what other changes has she done while I was gone?" Luz asked before looking at the rope around her waist. "And I don't know how much time I have left before I'm pulled out, so I gotta make this fast. Show me Vee."

In another flash of white light, Luz appeared in the small compact mirror.

"It worked." Vee said with a smile.

"Yeah, thank god for that." Luz said, looking to see they were outside now. "So, let's go meet these friends of yours."

And away they go. Luz became silent the whole time as she looked around the town, re-familiarizing herself with her hometown. She didn't know what to think about it.

It almost felt like she was a stranger in her own home, yet it was all so familiar. Before long, they were in the park and Luz saw a group of people sitting under a tree and chuckling at a joke, the main person holding a stack of tarot cards in hand.

"Hey, guys!" Vee called out, approaching them.

"Luz!" They said, referring to Vee instead of Luz.

'Of course, she's been using my name. This might be a problem when I come back.' Luz thought as Vee sat down before them.

Luz managed to get a good look at the three of them, two being girls and one being a boy.

The boy had dark skin, wild black hair that covered his eyes, a blue shirt and beige shorts with running shoes.

One girl was somewhat big with white skin, short red hair and glasses. She was wearing a striped blue and white shirt with black shorts, and sneakers.

The last girl had dark hair, tan skin, and a gap in her teeth. Her clothes were a noodle-strap black dress that dons a small white bow on the top of the chest portion. Underneath the dress, they wear a dusty-mauve sweater with a thin turtleneck and bell sleeves. She also wears pastel mauve stockings, and black ankle boots that have crater brown accents on the inner sides.

"How have you guys been?" Vee asked, sitting down before them.

"We've been pretty good. I just got these cool new tarot cards. I was just about to try them out." The "girl" in black said as she held up the cards.

'Wait, that design!' Luz thought with wide eyes! 'Those are Hexus Hold Em cards!'

"Want a reading, Luz?" "She" asked.

"Sure, Masha. Go ahead." Vee said with a nod.

Masha began to do a reading as Vee turned the small mirror so Luz could watch as Masha drew three cards and placed them before her.

'Oh, she would be a good oracle.' Luz thought if Masha was in the demon realm.

The first card shows a crescent moon as the whitespace of an abstract sideways face. The second card shows a skeleton with a golden chalice, and the third card shows a fish with two Y-shaped arrows behind it.

"Hmm, interesting. The card says you're running from your past, a previous life that was not kind to you. You don't worry about it but the guilt and fear you carry will not go away. Eventually, they will catch you in a self-fulfilling prophecy that you won't be able to escape from." Masha said, looking at the cards.

Vee went pale at that, it was basically saying "Yeah, we know you're trying to start a new life in peace... well tough shit". Yeah, she was a bit nervous.

"Whoa!" The other two said in awe.

"W-Wow. Cool reading, Masha." Vee said to them.

"Thanks. I'm pretty good if I do say so myself." Masha said with closed eyes and a proud smile.

"Those cards are cool too, where did you get them?" Luz quickly said, making Vee jolt in surprise and close the compact.

Vee was glad everyone's eyes were closed.

"Oh! You like them? I got these from the Gravesfield Historical Society, in the gift shop." Masha revealed, putting the cards back.

"Really? Cool!" Vee said, slowly opening the compact mirror again.

'Luz, why would you do that?!' Vee thought.

'If those are Hexus Hold Em cards, even copies, then that means someone must've found them after Eda left them or Eda gave them to someone on purpose. Either way, this is worth looking into while I have the chance.' Luz thought.

Maybe something here could be helpful for making a portal that doesn't get her stuck in this strange place.

Vee got up and headed towards the Gravesfield Historical Society, waving goodbye to the friends she made at camp.

"Why did you say that?" Vee whispered, glaring at the mirror.

"Those cards are from the Boiling Isles and they are DANGEROUS, even if it is just a game. If whoever sold those to Masha has more, then they are playing with fire. We need to stop them." Luz said.

Vee sighed... that was a good point.

Plus, she was a BIT hungry for some magic. It had been literally months since she transformed and maintaining Luz's form was surprisingly draining.

'I wonder if this is a world record for longest maintained transformation?' Vee thought.

Vee walked through the doors to the Gravesfield Historical Society building.

"Hello?" Vee called out.

"Just a moment." A male voice said, opening a door and coming out with a broom and dustpan. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Oh hello, sir. Sorry to drop in like this." Vee said politely.

"Oh, it's no trouble. It's my job to answer any questions the youth have about our city's history." He said.

"A friend of mine said they got cards here, is that right?" Vee asked.

"Oh, you mean the tarot cards? I've got some more in the back. Look at our exhibits a bit while I grab you a deck." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr..." Vee said before reading his name tag. "...Jacob Hopkins."

Vee walked away and began looking around, Luz looked around as well since she has never been her before or just didn't remember coming here. Either way, it was still a mission to find out if Mr. Hopkins has the magic Hexus Hold Em cards or not.

Somehow, Luz moved from the compact to the bigger reflective surface Vee was looking at.

"Okay, so while we have time, I just wanted to make some things clear." Luz said to Vee. "You better not have made me quit kickboxing, because if you did, I will be VERY angry."

"Not so much "quit," more of taking a break." Vee said.

"A break?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, like for summer camp but I sort of "extended it" when I came back." Vee said, scratching her head. "It's... too violent for me."

"Okay and if someone comes up on you with ill intent?" Luz asked.

"I just run, plain and simple." Vee said.

"And if you can't?" Luz pressed on.

"Why are you so interested on someone attacking me?" Vee asked.

"I'm more interested in you not changing my reputation TOO much along with protecting yourself. You can't exactly run from everything." Luz said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, so what you did WASN'T running away?" Vee replied, glaring at Luz. "You left your entire life behind."

"I DID NOT leave my life! What I did was decide to stay but I always intended on coming back!" Luz said, glaring at Vee. "And who are you to judge me?! since you ran away from the demon realm and stole my life!"

"I had no choice! What I went through, what I had to endure! You couldn't possibly understand how traumatic it was!" Vee said, beginning to cry.

"Oh, you do NOT get to pull that on me if you knew the SHIT I have been through! Even BEFORE coming to the demon realm!" Luz shouted, punching the glass.

Luz began to feel her anger rising again, everything that's happened to her was flashing before her eyes and she still has nightmares about it.

The trauma from her childhood, the convention, the stranger! All of that mixed with what she experienced in Athena's The Void dimension, it was like a permanent scar on her very soul.

"Do you have any idea what it's like your entire mind be played with? To be forced to suffer through the worst day of your life over and over again?" Luz asked, "I do, because I was forced to relive it, and I've gotten multiple broken bones, I've had to have a metal rod inserted into my leg!"

"And I was born in a cage, beaten and abused for 14 years!" Vee said.

They two of them didn't know their argument was getting louder, making anyone inside of the building draw towards them. And the only person inside was the curator, Jacob Hopkins. And that was the last person they needed knowing.

"Little girl? Everything okay?" Jacob asked, walking towards "Luz's" direction.

"Uh, yeah." Vee said quickly wiping away her tears.

"Are you sure? You were screaming. Did something happen?" Jacob said, looking around the area.

"No." Vee said, shaking her head.

Vee gave Jacob a nervous smile, trying to show that everything was alright while Luz tried to be her reflection and do the same as Vee.

'God, if you can hear me, PLEASE don't let him look in the reflection!' Luz and Vee thought.

They hoped it would work.

"Hmmm." Jacob said, looking around the exhibit to make sure everything was okay.

He then shrugged and left, but not entirely as he hides and kept watching around the corner.

"Hmmm." He hummed, keeping an eye on "Luz" as she sighed in relief.

Vee turned back to her "reflection."

"Look at what you did! I was almost caught!" She whisepr-shouts at Luz.

"Hey! This isn't my fault; you started this shit when you said I ran away from Earth when you don't fucking know my side of the story!" Luz said, jabbing her finger against the glass at Vee.

"At least I had the courage to tell Camila the truth." Vee said.

"More like she caught you and you didn't have a choice, lizard lips." Luz said, crossing her arms.

See this little girl "taking to herself," made Jacob giddy.

"Oh my gosh!" He whispered, gazing at "Luz" in awe as she "talked" to herself. "She's not human! She's really not human!"

Moving back, Jacob rushed to his office to get something important. While this happened, Vee and Luz were still in their argument.

"Why is it so hard to admit that camp would've been GOOD for you?" Vee asked, pointing at Luz.

"Because I didn't need it! I protected that kid from those bullies, just like all the other kids I protected, and I'd do it again! You can't reason with people that just hurt others for their own enjoyment!" Luz shouted at Vee.

"Like you?" Vee asked.

"What?! I don't fight people because I enjoy it! I do it so I protect people!" Luz shouted at Vee.

"Even after THAT incident happened?" Vee asked.

"Don't you even DARE bring that up!" Luz yelled.

"Why not? You don't seem to care about poking at my trauma!" Vee said, gesturing to herself.

"I didn't poke at it! I just said you ran away!" Luz shouted!

"I didn't have a choice!" Vee shouted as something was coming from behind her.

"Vee-" Luz said.

"NO! I am going to talk and you are going to listen!" Vee said, ignoring Luz.

"No! Vee look out!" Luz shouted, pointing behind her.

Suddenly, a cloth was put against Vee's mouth and nose, and she felt very sleepy.

"VEE!" Luz screamed, seeing Jacob holding the cloth while grabbing Vee's arm.

Everything flashed before Luz found herself in the between realm again.

'SHIT! Shit shit shit shit!' Luz thought as she saw the cube float away. 'I need to hurry back!'

She somewhat hated Vee for taking her life and making all of these stupid changes, but she never wanted anything BAD to happen to her! Especially being knocked out and kidnapped by some random asshole!

"I gotta get back! I need a cube!" Luz shouted before rushing to a new cube, grabbing it. "Take me back! Show me Vee!"

A new cube floated before Luz and consumed her in a flash of light. Luz soon found herself in a new place, still in the Gravesfield Historical Society but in the back office. The lights were on and showed multiple weapons in display cases such as a sword, a drill and an axe. An old picture with the words "THE HUNTING OF A DANGEROUS WITCH" was hanging on the wall above a table with a flashing toy witch on a guillotine with the words "YE OLDE WITCH". A few books can be seen beside the toy. Looking closer and squinting at a computer set up, Luz saw a deck of glowing Hexes Hold'em cards next to it as well as a bulletin board with multiple pictures of Eda. The pictures are connected to each other using red strings.

"Oh shit. This guy is a-"!

"Witch hunter enthusiast?" Vee asked.

Luz glanced back and saw that Vee was in a human sized cage, but not only was she trapped but she wasn't looking like her anymore. She looked herself.

A basilisk beast demon that has a small, chubby serpentine body with two arms and a tail in place of legs. Her face is round with wide eyes and a turned-up nose. She has a catlike mouth in a "W" shape with two small teeth poking out from her bottom jaw with her lower lip being a dark maroon color. She has pale, swamp-green scales with cream-colored spots on her head, tail, underbelly, and the bottom half of her face. There are tufts of navy-blue hair on her head, back, and ears. Her eyes consist of yellow-gold pupils, black irises, and aqua sclera. She has off-white fins on the sides and tip of her tail, along with a dull peacock-blue piercing on the tip.

'That's what she really looks like?' Luz thought before shaking her head and refocusing.

"Come on, Vee, you can get out of this!" Luz said, trying to encourage her.

Before Vee could reply, Jacob entered the room and walked up to her with a camera in his hands.

"I can't believe it! What a lucky break!" Heavy said before taking photos of Vee. "A real-life demon! I knew they existed!"

Vee was scared and almost having a panic attack, she hated cages. Any kind of cage and any size!

"W-What are you gonna do t-to me?" Vee asked with a stutter.

"What am I gonna do to you? It's simple really." Jacob said, putting his camera down. "I'm going to expose you to the world and prove to everyone that witches and demons are real. I'll be world renowned as the man who uncovered the supernatural."

Luz glared at him, hating how he was going to use Vee for publicity!

"And that you all come from Mars to harvest our teeth! You demons need them to power up your time machines." Jacob said, poking Vee in the forehead.

Luz inhaled deeply and made a face that said, "The fuck he is talking about?"

'So, he's a witch hunter wannabe and conspiracy nut case. Not the best combination.' Luz thought.

Luz's first priority is getting Vee away from this nut job. He then went to his computer and used it to save the pictures on a flash drive before leaving to do something else.

"Come on Vee, you can get out of this!" Luz said.

"How? I'm stuck in here and I lost the last of my strength changing back to normal. I can't shapeshift without eating some magic." Vee said, becoming hopeless.

"You can figure something out, I'm sure of it!" Luz said before looking at the cards on Jacob's desk. "Maybe you can suck the magic from the cards in his desk if you breathe hard enough!"

Vee didn't listen to her, she just kept gazing down at the ground. She had just given up.

"I was brought back and stuck in a cage... my entire life I've been in a cage...Maybe I'm just meant to be here." Vee said.

"No! You're not! Look, I'm sorry for being such a bitch about you impersonating me but I never wanted you to be put back in a cage!" Luz said sadly.

"I know but some things are just out of our control and no matter how hard we want, we can't change things." Vee said, moving her tail to the mirror. "But look on the bright side, you get your life and mom back, so it's not all bad."

"Vee, no-!" Vee slammed her tail against the mirror, breaking it.

"Shit! Again?!" Luz shouted, finding herself back in the between realm! "Damn it, Vee! You stubborn bitch!"

Luz tried to figure out what to do, when she suddenly had an idea.

"Camila Noceda." she said softly.

A new cube rose in front of her, allowing Luz to glare at it with determination as it flashed white in front of her.

She looked and saw that she was in the kitchen, in the phone connected to the charger.

"Mom!" Luz called.

"Aaah!" Camila yelled, jolting and nearly dropping a plate to the floor.

Camila looked around, trying to see where Luz's voice came from.

"Vee? Is that you? You know how I feel about you using Luz's voice inside the house." Camila said, looking for her second "daughter."

"It's not Vee, mom! It's really me! Look at your phone!" Luz shouted.

Camila looked at her phone and gasped.

"Luz?" she said.

Luz could see tears building up in her mother's eyes, most likely thinking she would never see the real her again outside of Vee's shapeshifting.

"Luz, there is-"

"Mom, there's no time, it's Vee, she's in trouble!" Luz said.

"What? Vee is in trouble?!" Camila asked, grabbing her phone. "Where is she?! And how do you-"

"Mom, just get to the car! I'll explain as you drive! Hurry!" Luz shouted.

Camila wasted no time and got in the car.

"Where is she?!" Camila asked, putting Luz in the cup holder and putting on her seatbelt!

"Gravesfield Historical Society!" Luz said.

Camila put it in reversed and pressed on the gas pedal, backing up quickly before tearing down the road.

"Okay, now it's time to explain! Why are you in my phone, where have you been, and what has happened to Vee?!" Camila shouted.

"It's a long story involving magic and I tried making this portal to get home, but I'm in this strange... in between place that lets me look at everyone I say the name of." Luz said, "I was trying to figure out what was going on, and someone kidnapped Vee, saying they're going to use her to reveal magic to the world."

"Reveal magic? You mean that man who works there?" Camila asked, dodging traffic.

"Yeah! His names Jacob Hopkins and he's a witch hunting fanatic." Luz explained.

"Ugh, I knew there was something creepy about that guy!" Camila said. "Now, back to you! Why did you leave?!"

"Okay, I didn't necessarily "leave!" I just chased after a magic owl that took my magazine." Luz explained before sighing. "I always planned on coming back but... the portal was destroyed...and it was my fault. But it was that or someone I cared about dies. I will NOT apologize for saving someone's life."

"I....I would never punish you for that, Mija." Camila said, thinking about how it would've been to be Luz.

"Mom, that's how this started." Luz said, remembering that she was being sent to camp because of her defending others at school, "Can... we need to focus on Vee, she needs help."

Camila wanted to say something, but she knew Luz was right, sighing in guilt before focusing on driving to the historical society. Once she arrived, she parked the car, grabbed her phone, and marched inside.

"Is there anything I need to know about him?" Camila asked, holding her phone to her ear to hide Luz.

"He's kind of a nerd with imitation weaponry in display cases, which may be real, so be careful." Luz said.

Camila pushed through the doors and looked around, searching for Luz.

"Where is she?" she asked.

"My guess is the room behind the front desk." Luz said, pointing to it.

Camila looked at the room and walked towards it.

'He doesn't seem to be around, so that's good. We can get Vee and go before he knows it' Camila thought as she opened the door quietly.

She didn't see him in the room either as she closed the door behind her. But what she did see was Vee inside of a giant cage with rope on her wrists and tape over her mouth!

"MMMM?!" Vee muffled in surprise.

"Vee!" Camila screamed, rushing to her. "Don't worry, I'll get you out!"

Camila put Luz in her pocket, still an allowing her to see just a bit as she looked around for something to unlock the cage.

"Mom, use that knife over there!" Luz said, spotting a knife in a display case.

Camila walked over tothe case and opened it before she grabbed the knife.

Before she knew it, Luz moved from her phone and into the knife. Startling her a bit!

"Okay, this is both cool and a bit creepy." Luz said, tapping her "prison".

Camila silently agrees as she used the knife to pick the lock on Vee's cage.

'Come on, come on!' Camila thought before a click was heard.

The lock came off and Camila opened the cage, quickly cutting Vee's hands free and taking the tape off her mouth. The two of them hugged before the door was opened.

"Alright, not that I have my armor, it's time- Who are you?!" Jacob shouted, now standing in old school warlock armor and helmet!

"I am her mother and I am taking Vee home!" Camila said, holding the knife out to Jacob.

"Hey! Watch where you point me, mom! I'd rather not be used as an instrument of murder!" Luz shouted.

"You two aren't going anywhere!" Jacob said.

"Give me one good reason why!" Camila said, glaring at Jacob.

"You're helping a disgusting beast! Jacob shouted."

The room went silent.

'Great... I'm going to be used to kill someone.' Luz thought, knowing that Camila was about to go off.

"A disgusting creature? Did you just call my daughter a DISGUSTING CREATURE?!" Camila shouted as she stepped forward. "Do you have ANY idea what she has gone through? All the pain she suffered? And you have the nerve to call her a disgusting creature!?"

"I-I-I mean just look at her!" Jacob said, stuttering in fear he points to Vee. "She's-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Camila glanced back and smirked, seeing Vee eating 6 magic cards on Jacob's desk before transforming back to her version of Luz.

"Aaaaaah! Magic tastes so good after so long!" Vee said before walking around to the computer. "Now, where did you store those photos of me?"

The entire time, Luz was hoping that Camila wouldn't use the knife to kill Jacob... sure she also thinks he should die, but she'd really like to NOT be used to kill him.

"Well, it looks like you're losing your "false evidence" and have nothing to show the government about a magical monster." Camila said to Jacob.

"Mom, don't kill him!" Luz said.

"Kill me?!" Jacob shouted, suddenly feeling fear.

Camila tightened her grip on the handle. as she was now in front of Jacob. She wanted to kill him for making her second daughter suffer in that cage... more than anything. She closed her eyes and raised the knife... before changing her mind and punching him instead, knocking him out.

"Dang! Nice left hook!" Vee commented after moving the photos of her to a flash drive.

She then took off the drive and threw it into her mouth, chewing it and eating it just to be safe.

"That's... okay I didn't know you could eat that." Luz said, seeing this.

"Basilisk have strong jaws and strong stomachs." Vee said, picking up the rest of the Hexus Hold 'Em cards. "Let's get out of here."

"No just yet." Camila said, putting the knife back in the display case.

This allowed Luz to move back to Camila's phone.

"Sure. Why not?" Luz asked, glad to be in the phone again.

"We need to make sure he doesn't follow us." Camila said, grabbing the ropes Jacob used to tie up Vee.

Camila wrapped him up and then chucked him into the cage. When he hit his head, Camila hoped that he got a concussion.

"Now we can go home." Camila said, pulling out her phone and gazing at her daughter. "I still have...some things to talk to you about, mija."

"I had a feeling." Luz commented.

The drive back to the house was silent, aside from Vee eating a few more cards just in case. Suddenly, it had begun to rain, which just added to the somber mood.

Pulling into the driveway, Camila looked down to see Luz slowly vanish from her phone screen.

"Luz? Luz?!" Camila hooted in worry.

"Mom! Look!" Vee said, pointing ahead.

Looking up, Camila gasped in awe as Luz was now standing in front of the car's headlights but was transparent and golden.

"Woah, if this wasn't a magical miracle, I'd be the coolest Halloween decoration ever." Luz said, looking through her hands.

Camila and Vee rushed out of the car, not bothered by the rain.

"Whoa.." Vee said with wide eyes.

"Right? This is pretty cool." Luz said.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool." Camila said before sniffling, trying not to cry.

'She's right in front of me...and I can't even touch her.' Camila thought.

"Mom?" Luz asked before sighing, quickly figuring out what she's crying about.

"Vee, can you go inside?" Camila asked.

Vee glance between them before nodding, walking into the house to let the two of them talk. Luz watched her leave before taking a breath to talk.

"Mom, look-" Luz stopped when she saw Camila trying not to try, and failing. "Mom, please."

"I...I'm sorry, it's just..." Camila said, wiping tears away and whimpering. "I know what I did was wrong but...was running away really necessary? Did you really think I couldn't understand you?"

"It's not like that, there's so much I want to tell you, but I don't have time." Luz said, gazing up to the normal rain falling. "I found a place I belong, I made friends, fallen in love, I never would've found that in the human realm... I never planned on staying gone, but like I said, I had to make a choice, the portal or someone that I care about... I made my decision."

"And what about me? You don't think I would be worried about you in such a dangerous place?" Camila asked.

"It's not about you, mom. And I can take care of myself." Luz said, shaking her head. "I just... I've changed since I've been here, I'm not the same person that left, hell I'm a kickboxing teacher now! This place has actually helped me grow, more than that camp ever could've."

"I-I'm happy about that but what about here? What about Earth?" Camila asked.

"I'm still coming back but I'm going to live both my lives. On Earth and on the Boiling Isles." Luz said before she felt herself being lifted up? "Huh? What?"

Luz looked down at the rope around her waist was being pulled.

'The prototype portal! Something must be going wrong with it!' Luz thought.

"M-mom, I'm being pulled back!" Luz said.

"LUZ!" Camila shouted, rushing and grabbing Luz's wrists.

She actually was able to do it because of the reflective rainwater on her hands.

"No, please, don't go!" she said, feeling Luz was "slipping" from her grip and crying harder. "Please don't leave again! I'm sorry for wanting you to change, I should've taken your side more!"

"Mom, it's gonna be okay! I promise! Like I said, I'll make a new portal and come back home!" Luz said to her.

And before either could say more, Luz was yanked out of her grip and into the sky.

"Mija!" Camila cried, seeing Luz fly away and fade into the night.

"WHOA!" Luz let out, back in the Realm In Between and being pulled into the sky there!

All the way back through the prototype door, just seconds before it collapsed into itself and burst into nothing. King and Eda caught Luz as they fell into a pile, breathing heavily from the effort of pulling her back.

"That...was TOO close!" Eda said.

"REALLY close!" King said as Luz moved to stand on her knees.

'That was...not what I expected from the portal but more or less, it was good to see mom again. Despite having a new sister...huh. I've got a sister now.' Luz thought with a tiny grin.

"So, did it work. Did you see your mom?" King asked, standing next to Luz.

"Yeah, I did. And it was...kind of an awkward visit." Luz said, scratching her head.

"Well, at least you know you're a step in the right direction." Eda said, patting Luz's back.

"And that's a good step towards a good future!" Hooty shouted as he came towards Luz. "So, how was your mom? Did you tell her about us?!"

"I... think I did." Luz said, "There's a lot I had to talk about in a short amount of time."

"Well, don't keep us waiting. Spill, kid." Eda said as they all looked at Luz.

"Let's head inside first. It's a LOT to explain." Luz said, mentally and physically exhausted.

And she was NOT sure what to do next.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Invisibility Glyph Uses: Turns user and anybody they have close by invisible to the naked eyes, so long as their breath is held

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Power and Healing= High Speed Recovery

Ice and Power= Large Ice Gauntlets

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

The Glyphing Gun: a red leaf blower with an empty paint roller was attached with a layer of duct tape at the bottom to the front nuzzle tube while a two point handle is attached to the top of the tube with two screws.

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Fire Glyphs = Flamethrower

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Ice Glyphs = Armor Piercing Spikes

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Plant Glyphs = Grappling hooks or Vine Rope Shots

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