Kickboxer in a Magical World

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I do not own the few images in this.

It was a bright and sunny day as a middle school came into view and in what looked like the door to a principal's office. Outside the door was a a Dominican-American woman wearing a light blue medical nurse outfit and glasses with dark brown eyes, tan skin, and dark titian hair.

She had been called to the school because of a certain incident and she had a good feeling what it was.

"Please no." she let out with a sigh before walking to the door and opening it.

Camilia walked into the principal's office and saw two people in the office waiting for her. One was the principal of the school, Principal Hal, an adult male with dark skin, gray hair and a mustache wearing a light gray shirt with a blue tie.

(This guys is so forgettable, I thought I'd put his image in. Sorry if it's blurry.)

The other person was her daughter trouble making but good-hearted daughter, Luz Noceda, sitting in a chair while wearing red sleeveless open hoodie, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

"Hello, Mrs. Noceda. I'm glad you could make it." Principal Hal said as he nodded to her. "I take it you've been informed about why you're here?"

"Not entirely." Camilia said as she walked in and stood next to her daughter, who just looked to the ground with her hands in her pockets. "I was just told that Luz got into a little confrontation."

"Yes and that confrontation lead to a few students getting sent to the nurses office. You're daughter got into another fight." the principal said as he turned to Luz, seeing her growl a bit at the mention of the students.

Camilla sighed once more, not liking having to hear about Luz fighting again.

"Mija, why? Why do you get into all the flights?" she asked as she rubbed her left temple.

"They were picking on another kid, I couldn't just let them pick on him." Luz said as she looked at her mother.

"I know but you could've just reported them to the proper faculty, not fight them yourself." Camilia said as she moved away from her temple. "When I signed you up for those kickboxing classes when you were younger, I did it so you could make some friends and learn protect yourself. Not dish out unwanted justice like some vigilante."

"Well, that kid thanked me." Luz argued back as she looked away again.

"Ay Dios Mio, sweetheart, please. Don't do this to me." Camilia requested, not wanting her daughter to think negative actions could produce positive results.

She was lucky enough that Luz keep her weirder habits at home and behind closed doors, not to say she didn't love her daughter for who she is but it was a bit much at times.

"While she did help a student, she did so by harming several others. We cannot condole this type of behavior or let it happen again, next semester. So, Mrs. Noceda, if you don't find a way to rope in your daughter's violent and vigilante attitude, we will have no choice but to expel her from our school." Hal said with a serous tone.

"Expel?!" Luz and Camilia said in shock as the later removed her hands from her pockets.

"You can't expel me just for standing up for others!" Luz argued as she stood up from her seat, balling her hands into fists.

"Maybe not, but your methods can get you expelled. And only a few of your fights in the past were in the defense of others." the principal said as he reached into his desk and pulled out a brochure. "If you don't fix this attitude of your's, then this is the future you will be faced with."

The brochure was army camouflaged and had red letters on the front. 'Military School.'

"What?!" Luz shouted in more shock, staring at the brochure for Military School with disgust.

Camilia thought the same thing about the brochure, not wanting to go that far to help her daughter, and was thinking of a better yet less serious solution. A few moments later, she remembering getting something in the mail and thought that it was the solution she needed.

"Wait, I think I know a place that could work better." Camilia said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a summer camp pamphlet.

She handed it to the principal as he put the military school brochure down and opened it to read. Luz looked at the title of the pamphlet and immediately reeled back.

"Reality Check Camp?!" She said in shock as the principal read the motto.

"Think inside the box. Hm." he said as he rubbed his chin and read a bit more. "Yes, I think this is the perfect alternative to expelling you, little miss Noceda."

Luz, a young kickboxer, mixed with a boring camp named "Reality Check Camp?!" Only 3 words came to her mind and out of her mouth.

"Oh. Hell no!" She shouted as she waved her arms to the sides.

"Luz!" Camilia shouted at her daughter for cursing.

"You can't send me to that place just for helping someone!" Luz screamed to her mother.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's either this or military school and we both know I don't want to send you to military school." Camilia said with a sad look on her face.

With herself being a rock in a hard place, Luz could take military school for the rest of her school life or she could take Reality Camp for the next 3 months on her summer vacation.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine" To assess her point, Camilia took her daughter by the shoulders and gently pushed her back into the chair while looking at her with caring eyes.

Luz hated that look, she knew it was because her mother loved her but it was also a way of begging her to do something without being ordered to do it. Luz let out a sigh in defeat, crossing her arms as she looked away from her mother.

"Fine." she let out in a low tone.

Once the meeting with the principal was done and school let out for the summer, Luz was now standing on the sidewalk outside of her house as she waited for the bus for Reality Camp with her satchel on her side and her hands in her pocket. She was frowning in anger at the ground as her mother stepped out of their home.

"Luz, don't look like that. I'm sure time will go by so fast, you won't even notice." Camilia said as she tried to cheer Luz up from this situation.

"How? All they'll have us do all day is balance check books and listen to talk radio." Luz said as she turned away and pulled out a book called 'The Good Witch Azura.' and a magazine for kickboxers.

"It'll be like an eternity by day 3. I'd rather go to LARPing camp or Kickboxing camp, anywhere other than Reality Check camp."

"Sweetie, this is the only way to help you keep out of trouble and make some friends. Not rivals that you always want to one up." Camilia said as she gently took the old magazine from Luz and put it in the trash next to her. "I know you were just doing what you thought was right, but there is always a better way then with your fists, do you understand?"

"Huuh. I understand, mom." Luz said with a sigh.

Camilia then got an alert on her phone for work and quickly left, giving Luz a few kisses on the forehead before she walked away. Luz waited a few moments for her to be a good distance away before reaching back into the trash for her magazine but found that it was gone.

"What?! Where did it go?" Luz asked before hearing something and looking ahead.

It was the strangest sight as an owl had a sack in it's mouth and in the sack was Luz's kickboxing magazine.

"Hey!" Luz shouted at the owl as it began toddling away. "Get back here with my magazine!"

Luz ran after the owl as it headed into the woods, moving surprisingly fast for a small bird, until she came upon an old house abandoned in the woods. She saw the owl fly into it before running after him again.

"I ain't gonna play chicken with an owl!" Luz said as she ran into the house, the door shutting behind her before an eerie green flash came from the house.

Suddenly, in a new location, a doorway appeared and the owl with the sack had walked out with Luz still running after it.

"Get back here, you little thief!" Luz said before she stopped and looked around the place, a sort of tent filled to the brim with all sorts of weird things. "Whoa, this is kinda freaky...and kinda cool."

Luz then suddenly heard a voice and calmly moved towards it, peaking post the tent cover to see a woman with a red scarf with white polka dots wrapped around her head standing in front of a table.

"There you are!" a woman said to the little owl as Luz saw the owl fly on on top of a statff, standing still as the woman started twisting it around until the owl suddenly became wooden.

Luz let out a gasp as the woman rummaged through the bag for items.

"Now let's see what you brought me today." she said as she pulled out an Iphone, a diamond ring and a shining golden chalice. "Garbage, garbage, garbage."

Luz looked at her like she was crazy as she threw those items away like their were nothing before she pulled out springy eye glasses. She gasped at the sight of them before putting them on and seeing the eye spring pop out.

"Now, this is a treasure worth selling." she said before reaching in and pulling out Luz's kickboxing magazine. "Oh, now this'll make some good kindling."

The woman held the magazine over a lit candle, letting it burn before Luz gasped and got angry.

"Hey! Keep your mitts over my magazine!" she said as she ran towards the lady and snatched it from her. "This is rare edition, you can't just burn it!"

"What the heck, who are you?!" the woman demanded as she looked at Luz.

"None of your business!" Luz said before she ran back into the tent, aiming to go back through the door that brought her here.

Her exit was soon shut as the door suddenly folded in on itself into a briefcase and floated into the air.

"Think again, kid." the lady said as she stepped into the tent, holding a strange key while taking off the googly glasses and showing her serious face.

Luz didn't stop as she quickly put her magazine in her bag and climbed out from under the tents edge, running away until she found she was at a cliff and stopped while gasping at the sight before her.

"Oh, damn." she let out as the world before her was that of fantasy and monsters just like in the book series she read, Azura.

Creatures of all shapes in sizes in a society of their own going about their day, walking to work, purchasing goods from vendors and saying hello to whoever they knew. It was both amazing and frightening to see in real life.

"Where the hell am I?" Luz asked herself as she back away from the cliff before looking to see a purple little fairy girl flying near her had, causing her to jump a bit." AH! Oh, it's just a fairy. Okay, this has to be a dream. Please tell me this is a dream."

The fairy just smiled at Luz before it opened it's mouth, showing Luz it was much larger than it shoulder been with teeth completely non corresponding with her size.

"Give me your skin!" she said to Luz as she flew closer, her maw dripping with drool as she planned to eat Luz's skin.

"OH HELL NO!" Luz quickly shouted before bringing her fists up and launching a left uppercut to the fairy, sending her flying over the cliff Luz was staring off of. "Okay! This is insane! Either this is a nightmare or I'm dead and in hell!"

A hand suddenly grabbed her shoulder and caused Luz to knock it off before throwing a high kick to the person who grabbed her, who was the lady from before that quickly back away before the kick could hit her chin.

"Whoa, Kid! You're not going anywhere." she said as she subconsciously rubbed her chin, feeling some phantom pain from the possible impact.

"Oh yeah? How are you gonna make me?" Luz asked as she got in a kickboxing stance.

"Well it's either me or you try and survive out there." the lady said as she pointed towards the civilization that Luz looked over just a moment ago. "See how long you last."

Luz growled at her, hating that whoever this woman was, was right. She didn't think she would be able to survive, much less get back home without at least some help. So Luz lowered her fists and stop up straight as she glared at the lady.

"Fine." Luz said before the lady lead her back to the tent front and put her in a stool in front of her tent.

"Great! Now, how's about you buy some of this wonderful human treasure?!" the woman said as she became like an old time sales person.

Luz blinked in surprise as the woman began pulling our human items that were not considered treasures. A yellow croc shoe she said was a "foot full of holes," a bar of men's gel deodorant she thought was "green candy," and finally a small portable TV that she called "a black shadow box the reflects only sadness." It was too much as Luz let out a small chuckle before standing up and taking the TV.

"This "shadow box" can do more than you think, watch." Luz said as she looked around, finding a small bowl with a "Human Candy?" label on it and took two batteries out of it. "Now watch closely."

Luz held the TV before the woman before she placed the batteries in and turned it own, showing an old dance aerobics video that seemed to catch the attention of all the creatures around this bazaar. Luz quickly put the TV on the table before stepping away and letting everyone crowd around it. They were transfixed by the image and the TV, bursting with a desire to own it!

"I'll give you 40 snails for it!" A random creature said while holding up green money that looked like US dollars.

"I'll give you 100!" another said.

"Can I eat the tiny person inside?" a third one asked.

"I'll give you 200!" a fourth voice said as they all held up money and shouted for the box.

The woman was impressed by Luz's knowledge of human artifacts and loved how it was steering up her business.

"What did you say your name was?" she asked as she looked to Luz.

"Luz Noceda." Luz said with a small smirk, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Well, Luz, I can to admit that was pretty impress. Especially those moves of your's. "the woman said as she began taking the snails from the creatures at her stand. "Well, for a human at least."

"Human, huh? Well, then tell me, what are you if you don't see yourself as human?" Luz asked with a raised brow.

"Well, dear kicking and punching child, I am not like you." the woman said before pulling off her scarf and showing Luz her two pointy ears and jumped on the table. "I am the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, Eda the Owl Lady."

"A witch? Like a for real witch?" Luz asked as she quickly pulled out her Azura book and looked at the cover, seeing that the hooded old witch looked a lot like Eda.

"Yes. And I am respected, feared..." Eda said before a shadow made it's way to the front of her stand.

"Busted." it said in a male voice before it smashed the TV with it's large fist, causing everyone to disperse and run away wile Luz took a step back.

The large figure that cast the shadow was a man in a hooded tunic with a white wrap over his shoulders, black gloves, black pants with a belt and sword on his right him, and black boots. He also had a large metal cone with eye holes on the sides on his face.

"Eda the Owl Lady, for your misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors, you are under arrest!" the burly man, a sort of guard, said as he held up a wanted poster with Eda and a strange black creature on it.

"Wait, you're a criminal!?" Luz asked as she turned to Eda, quickly shoving her book back in her bag.

"Yes, she is and she is hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium." the guard said as he grabbed Eda's arm but she pulled her arm away.

"Would you guards quit hassling me? I haven't done anything!" Eda said as she crossed her arms but the guard didn't listen.

"And since you're affiliated with her, you're coming too." he said as he held his hand out to grabbed Luz but she slapped it away.

"Forget it, creep! I'm not going anywhere with you!" she screamed at him as she got into a kickboxing stance.

"Resistance will only make things harder for you!" the guard said as he tried to grab Luz again but she ducked under his swing.

Luz then got up and got close, throwing 3 punches into his stomach before delivering a knee kick to the guard's left knee.

"AH!" he let out as he fell to his knee, the little girl throwing harder hits than he anticipated.

The guard looked out to Luz and saw her deliver a high kick to his masked face, knocking in Eda's direction as the owl lady pulled out her staff and smacked the guard to the ground.

"You know what? I'm beginning to like you human." Eda said as looked to Luz.

Eda then slammed her staff on the ground and caused her table, human objects, and tent to wrap up in a bag and attach to the end of her staff.

"Now follow me!" Eda said as she dragged Luz away from the guard, who was slowly getting up after the two hits to the head.

"This is insane! and if I die, I'm gonna haunt your ass!" Luz shouted to Eda, who was still dragging her by her arm.

"Hey, don't worry kid! After what you showed me at the market, you're much more valuable alive than dead." Eda said to Luz.

"Than-HEY! I'm not your-" Luz tried to retort before Eda jumped into the air.

"WOOOO!" she cheered before her staff's owl top unfurled it's wings while its eyes glowed, allowing Eda and Luz to hope on and fly away like a classic witch on a broomstick while the guard caught up and watched them fly away.

Luz held on for dear life as they flew the landscape of the mysterious place.

"What the hell kinda place is this?!" Luz shouted to Eda, hanging on.

"This is the Boiling Isles, the home to every myth you humans have before it leaked into your world." Eda said as a large griffin flew beside them before spitting out spiders.

"Wow! This is all actually real?!" Luz said as she looked back to Eda.

"Yep, you name it." Eda said before counting them off with her fingers. "Griffins, vampires, giraffes."

"Wait, giraffes are from here?" Luz questioned as she thought of the long necked species.

"Well, they were until we banished them. Bunch of freaks if you ask me." Eda said as she landed her staff in the woods, dismounting it while Luz stayed on.

Thee young kickboxer then noticed something on the staff and freaked out a bit before jumping off and stepping back.

"You call giraffes freaks yet you can detach you limbs!" Luz said as she pointed to Eda's left hand, still gripping her staff.

"Whoops. That is not intentional." Eda said as she quickly grabbed her hand and put it back on.

"Well, I think I've experienced enough freaky, fairy tale stuff for one day." Luz said as she walked a head of Eda before turning back to her. "Now, are you gonna send me home or what?"

Eda pointed her staff at Luz, who caught it with her hand.

"Only if you do something for me first." Eda said before she laughed and dragged her bag of stuff with her. "This way, human."

"If you need me to bust somebody up, I'm in." Luz quickly said as she followed, wanting to get the favor over with so she can leave.

"Well, not now but I'll keep that in mind." Eda said as she lead Luz to a strange yet mystical looking large house made from white brick with a sloping blue roof, a stained glass window above the door gives the impression of a large orange demon eye and most of the house consists of a crumbling stone tower with orange moss growing on it.

"Nice place but aren't you worried more of those guards will show up?" Luz asked looking around in suspicion.

"Not at all because my house has a state of the art defense system." Eda said, gesturing to her home before looking to the owl face shaped ornament on the door.

"Hoot hoot. What is the password?" the ornament asked, revealing itself to be sentient before Eda poked it in the eyes. "AH!"

"We don't have time for this, Hooty. Just open up." Eda said with Luz stared at the door with a looked of deadpan and surprise.

"Alright, alright! Never wanna play along, do you?" Hooty said before he opened up and let them inside.

"Welcome to the Owl House." Eda said as she snapped her fingers, causing the candles in the room to light themselves as a large owl like craving on the ceiling came glowed as well.

"Nice." Luz commented as she walked and looked around a bit.

Looking around the inside of the house, Luz saw that it was a mix of mythical and junky as she saw a bunch of human items around the house in boxes.

"This house is my little hidey hole from the pressures of life, the cops, and a few ex-boyfriends." Eda said with a short laugh and snort.

"I can agree on that. All this space to yourself?" Luz asked as she turned around to Eda.

"Well no." Eda said before the room started to shake, causing bit of rubble to fall from the ceiling. "I do have a room mate."

The shaking continued as Luz turned to a doorway and saw a shadow coming towards them.

"Who is the fool that dares intrude upon me?" it said with an intimidating voice before it was revealed to be a small creature with a skull head and wrapped in bath towels while holding a rubber duck. "The king of demons?" he said once again but in a high unintimidating voice.

"Dios mio." Luz said as she slowly walked towards the small creature, a blush on her face as she gently picked it up. "You are the most adorable thing I have ever seen!"

Luz hugged the small creature to her face as she rubbed her cheek against his. The little creature, the supposed King of Demon, didn't like this hugging and tried to break free.

"No No! I am not cute, let me go!" he shouted while pushing away from Luz. "Eda! Who is this creature?!"

"This creature, King, is Luz Noceda the human." Eda said as she pulled Luz away from King. "And she is going to help us with a certain problem. If you get me."

"Oh, then in that case, welcome." King said as Luz broke away from Eda a bit.

"So...what's the issue?" Luz asked as she turned to Eda.

"Here, let me explain." Eda said as she steeped back and waved her fingers in a circle, creating a magic visual as she explained their issue. "King used to be the powerful King of demons until his crown of power was stolen from him, reducing his might to that of the state he is before us." Eda said as Luz looked to him.

"Yeesh, I feel sorry fro you." Luz quickly said before she went back to listening.

"The crown was stolen by the evil head of the Conformatorium, Warden Wrath, and placed behind a force field that prevents all magical beings from crossing." Eda said as she stopped her magic visual. "Though we won't be able to pass through, a magicless human such as yourself can slip through easily. If you do this for us, you will be granted safe passage home. So, do we have a deal? And if you're thinking of backing out, can you really say "no" to this face?"

Eda then held King up by his face and showed him off to Luz, much to his dismay.

"NO! Do not encourage this, Eda!" King said before Eda dropped him back to the floor.

"Though, it would be pointless since-" Eda said before Luz interrupted her with a hand up.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. You're my only hope." she said before putting her hand down and sighing, crossing her arms. "Guess, that's a "yes" either way you look at it. So let's get this over with."

"That's the spirit! Now let's go!" Eda said as she suddenly picked Luz up over her shoulder and walked out of the house.

"YES!" King cheered as he picked up his rubber duck and ran after Eda. "Soon, I will have my power back, Mr. Ducky, then nothing shall stand in our way!"

"Okay, you need to seriously learn boundaries, lady!" Luz said as she hated Eda's rough handling. "Also, what is this Conformatorium, anyway?"

"I'm glad you asked, little human." Eda said as they got on her staff and flew off to the destination.

A sort of dark fortress surrounded by a tower as the sky was soulless and gray, giving a feeling of dread. As looked up to it, she found herself underwhelmed as she sort of expect this for a "Conformatorium."

"Hmm, it kinda reminds me of juvie." Luz said with a bored tone.

"Is this "juvie" a place for those considered unsuitable for society?" Eda asked as she looked to Luz.

"Yes, it's kinda like preteen prison." Luz said as King was on her head, remembering a brief stay at juvie back home.

"Then that's something the Conformatorium has in common." Eda said as she rolled her eyes.

Luz then noticed a the same wanted poster that guard had a while ago on the wall next to her and stared at it.

"Wow, they must really hate you to have this high a price." Luz commented as she took it down and gazed at the amount of zeroes on the poster, 12 to be exact.

"Hmm, I like to call it "desiring" me but they can never catch us because were slippery." Eda said with a wink.

"Yep yep. Just try to catch me when I'm covered in grease! It can't be done. MYEH!" King said as he pointed to himself before jumping off Luz's head, pointing towards the Conformatorium tower.. "You and me are gonna sneak to the top where my crown is!"

"While I distract the warden, so you two can get the crown." Eda said as she gestured to herself.

"Hmm, alright. I can do that but first, I gotta hide my face." Luz said as she put the poster in her bag and pulled up her hood, adjusting it so it hides her face in shadows but show her mouth. "How do I look?"

"Mysterious and creepy." King said as he looked up to her.

"Yep, you'll fit in." Eda said before she tapped her staff on the ground, creating a glowing platform for King and Luz. "Hang on to your butts."

Eda stepped back as the platform rose them up and towards window to the Conformatorium before it suddenly vanished and caused them to fall, if not for Luz grabbing the edge of the window and King grabbing Luz. Eda just smirked as she made her staff fly and sat on it with a lazy demeanor.

"Meet you guys at the top." she said with her eyes closed as she flew.

"You god damn witch!" Luz cursed in angry as she held on for her life as King used her to climb into the building.

The girl groaned at the little demon before she climbed up and landed in a crouch on the floor.

"Took you long enough." King said with snark before Luz threw a backhand into his face, stopping right before his eyes as he flinched in fear.

"Don't test me. Just because you're cute, doesn't mean you won't make me angry." Luz said with narrowed eyes to King before she got up and walked forward, taking in the number of cages inside the tower prison.

King hopped on her shoulder as she stopped at the edge and looked down all the way to the bottom.

"High tower." Luz commented before hearing something.

"Hey, hooded girl." a female voice said as Luz and King turned to see a woman with black hair in a high pony, notorious fangs, and green eyes wearing a yellow choker, purple dress with sleeves, stockings, and black boots, in a cell with her arms crossed. "How'd you get out of your cell?"

"Well for one thing, I'm actually broke in, so I'm not a criminal here." Luz said as she kept her hood up.

"Not yet, you're not." King said as he sat on her shoulder.

"The crazy warden likes the lock people up just because their a little different or weird." she said as she turned to Luz and pulled out a book, opening it to show Luz her writing and pictures. "Like I like to write fanfiction of food falling in love. That's not criminal, is it?"

"No, it's actually pretty interesting." Luz said as she leaned in towards the book.

"I'm here cuz I like to eat my eye balls." from the cell next to the fanfiction writer, said a large male creature with blue pants on and 5 eyeballs, 2 spots being empty before he suddenly ate one of his eyes and instantly grew it back.

"Okay, that is a bit weird but everyone has different tastes. You shouldn't be in jail for it, some things are just taste different to others than you." Luz said as she looked at the man monster.

"We are agents of free expression! Our voices will never be contained!" shouted a small female voice from the other cell next to the fanfiction writer, a small round creature with large blueish eyes, a rather prominent nose, and reddish hair. She's practically just a head with no body, with her limbs coming out of it.

"She's a real conspiracy buff, can't get enough of them." the fanfiction writer said as she rolled her eyes, but internally she didn't deny the free expression claim.

"Reality is just a simulation! We are but pawns of a higher cause!" she said while grabbing her cell bars.

"Okay, now that sounds like something from my home but these crimes are ridiculous! You didn't do anything wrong!" Luz said as she began pacing in front of them before stopping and realizing something. "You were just doing what what your heart felt was right, even if other people hated it."

Luz pulled out Eda's poster and gazed at it, wondering if she really was a criminal or someone who was just misunderstood. A loud rumble soon took Luz out of her thought as it came at a steady pace and got closer to a door she saw.

"Oh no! It's Warden Wrath!" the fanfiction writer said as she turned to Luz. "You need to hide! Quick!"

Luz looked around for a place to hide before seeing an open cell right next to the tiny nosed monster and quickly went in, shutting the bars down before stepping into the back left corner to hide. There she waited with sweat building on her brow as he began walking towards the other prisoners. Revealing himself to be a large, humanoid muscular build. He wore a hood and a mask with yellow button-like lenses that resembles a plague doctor, a white sleeveless tunic with brass buttons, a leather belt with a brass buckle, and black trousers tucked into dark purple shoes. There was also a triangular brass badge on his right pectoral.

"I can hear you." he said as he looked to his prisoners. "What are you fools talking about?"

The warden looked down and saw a wanted poster of Eda on the floor, the one that Luz dropped when she ran to hide.

"Eda the owl lady." he said as he picked up the poster and crushed it in his fist before shape shifting his hand into a hammer and slamming it into Luz's cell bars. "Your capture will be soon. I promise you that."

The warden looked in the cell and saw Luz inside, her face still concealed as she hide a cowering King behind her.

"We will never truly be captured! Freedom shall always be within our grasp against the oppressors and we will never be afraid of you, you giant creep!" the tiny nose monster said as she got Warden Wrath's attention, making him turn his hand back to normal before he walked over to her cell.

He then randomly pulled the handle next to her cell door up and freed her.

"Freedom! Hurray!" she cheered before Wrath suddenly grabbed her in his hand, shutting her mouth as he moved from her cell.

"Let this be a lesson, you criminals. You will never find a place in society if you don't learn to fit in." he said as he crushed the tiny monster a bit, getting a short squeak of pain from her.

He then walked back to the door he came from with the tiny monster still in hand to teach her a lesson, crushing the poster he crumbled and dropped before under his foot. Luz waited until the door closed before she opened her cell and want over to the two monsters left.

"Don't worry guys. I'm gonna get you out of here!" Luz said as she came to the fanfiction writer's cell handle, tried to push it up to free her. "UGH! Come on!"

Her efforts began to show as she was able to move it slowly before she stopped to rest.

"Just get out of here while you can, kid. At least one of us will be free." the fanfiction writer said as she turned away from Luz, closing her eyes as she gave up on escape before it could even happen.

Luz looked at her in shock, not believing she would just give up so easily before she clenched her fists and looked to her with fury.

"I'm not giving up on you, I'll be back." she said before turning and walking away, heading towards the contraband room where King's crown was being held.

Along the way, King decided to walk for himself and jump off of Luz's shoulder before Eda came flying in on her staff.

"Hey, good news, the warden is busy torturing some tiny creature so we should be good to get the crown and beat it." she said as she jumped off her staff but was ignored as Luz had an angry look on her face and walked past her.

She was soon brought face to face with a large, decorative door with the word "CONTRABAND" spelled out on it.

"My crown, I can sense it!" King said as he ran to the door, scratching up to the doorknob before jumping on it.

"Aww, ain't it just adorable when he's like this?" Eda asked Luz but saw she was gushing like last time with the angry look still on her face. "Hey, what's up with you, kid? You've been quieter than before."

"This place, makes me sick." Luz said as she stepped forward and grabbed King from the doorknob.

"Hey!" he said before Luz threw him to Eda, who caught him.

"This place, these laws. It's all wrong. They're not criminals just for being different, just for doing what they felt was right to them." Luz said as she slowly clenched her fists. "Why...does everyone think that just because they act differently...THAT THEY NEED TO CHANGE TO FIT IN?!"

Luz raised her right leg up high and brought it down on the doorknob, busting it off the door with an axe kick before she used her left to kick door open. Inside the room was only a large tube of light as the rest of the room was barren in all but the wall designs.

"Let's go." Luz said as she walked forward, jerking off her hood as Eda and King held each other in a bit of fear.

"Remind me not to make her mad." King quickly said to Eda as she carried him inside.

"So, I just walk in, get the crown and we leave?" Luz asked Eda.

"Yeah, pretty much. And since your a human, you won't get hurt by the barrier." Eda said as Luz nodded to her.

Luz walked towards the barrier and took a breath, going through with only a bit of worry she'd get hurt even with Eda's confidence it wouldn't hurt. After passing through, she gazed at the large mountain of confiscated treasures from so many people before seeing a crown on top.

"There it is." she said before she began to climb up the mountain towards it.

Once she reached he top, Luz immediately stopped and gazed at the crown in curiosity.

"You gotta be kidding me." Luz said to herself as she took the crown and climbed back down to the barrier, knocking over a smaller piles near the edge before exiting and walking to Eda with the crown. "THIS is his crown of power?"

The crown in Luz's hands wasn't that of gold and jewel but of paper and white ink with a logo of a local fast food chain on it, "Burger Queen."

"Yes, that it!" King said as ran and took the crown, placing it on his head. "Yes, YES! My powers are returning!"

Luz and Eda simply watched as King went over to the knocked over pile and pulled out a stuffed bunny he named "Francois."

"That thing's just for show isn't it?" Luz guessed as she looked to Eda.

"Uh, yeah." Eda said as she looked to Luz, who was deadpanning her. "Okay, look here Luz. King and I, we don't have much in this life to call our own but we have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me. And besides, we all follow our hearts no matter what. Even if it leads us to trouble but sometimes it can us to those who can we can understand, you get it?"

Luz looked to Eda with surprise before she smiled at bit, understanding that even if it's a stupid or reckless reason they followed did what they knew was good for themselves or others.

"Yeah, I get it." Luz said with a smile.

"Good and now that you've helped us, we can vamous before the warden gets here and he loses his head." Eda said but unknown to her, Warden Wrath was coming right behind her with two guards behind him.

Luz, however, did notice.

"EDA, LOOKOUT!" she screamed to her but it was too late as Warden Wrath changed his hand into a blade and sliced Eda's head off, having Luz catch it on instinct. "HOLY GOD!"

She held Eda's head at a distance, seeing her look dead but no blood spraying anywhere. Eda's head then blinked before she screamed in pain.

"OW! I hate that!" she said, somehow still alive and deadpanning.

"HOLY FUCK!" Luz screamed as she gazed at the still living Eda. "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!"

"Oh calm down, kid! This just happens when you get old." Eda said causally as Luz held her head.

"Not where I'm from!" Luz said as she held Eda up to her face.

"Huh?" Eda half asked in curiosity.

"After so long, I finally have you, Eda." Warden Wrath said as he shifted his hand back to normal and walked towards them, taking King "crown of power" and held it above his head.

"WAH?!" He let out before jumping to reach his crown while Eda's body crawled around in the background.

"I knew if I took something precious to your little minion, you would come willingly instead of escaping my guards." he said before he crushed the paper crown in his hand.

"NO! My crown of power!" King said before he fell to his knees crying.

"Just what do you want with Eda so badly that you'd do all this!?" Luz asked as she held Eda's head to her chest.

"Yeah, I haven't broken any of your lame laws. With you knowing." Eda said as she glared up to him.

"What I wanted, Eda..." Warden Wrath said as he reached behind his back and pulled out a bouquet of flowers while getting on a knee. "Is for you to go out with me."

"What?" Eda let out in confusion.

"What what?!" Luz said in even more confusion.

"Yeah! Go boss!" the guards behind him cheered.

"For as long as I've known about you, you've always eluded our capture. Always finding a way to get out of even the worst situations." Warden Wrath said as he leaned in a bit. "I find that enticing in a woman."


"Mind your place, kid!" Warden Wrath said as he threw the flowers away, shifting his hand into tentacles before launching them at Luz.

The human girl quickly jumped to her left, grabbing King, and dodging the loved crazed monster warden. After rolled in to a landing, Luz quickly dropped King and handed Eda's head to him before standing in front of them in her kickboxing stance.

"Luz, what are you doing? You can't really be serious about fighting, are you?!" Eda screamed to her as King held her head. "We can just think of something else!"

"Sorry, Eda but I can't." Luz said as she turned an eye to her. "Like you said, I gotta follow me heart."

Luz turned back to Warden Wrath and charged at him, throwing a punch to his stomach as he retracted his tentacles. The warden barely moved as he looked down to Luz.

"Do you really think you can beat me?!" he said to Luz as he raised his left hand, shifting it into a hammer and bringing it down to crush Luz.

The human girl dodged to her left, barely dodging the hit before she moved to his ride side. She began punching and kicking his stomach and legs while moving around him as Warden Wrath just stood there and took the damage.

"Urgh! I told you, it's pointless!" Warden Wrath said before throwing a kick, but Luz jumped to dodge and kicking him in his plague mask.

The kick her just a bit and annoy Warden Wrath as he growled and reached for Luz, grabbed her in the air and slamming her into the ground.

"AH!" Luz screamed in pain before Wrath shifted his hand into tentacles to hold Luz and pull her back up.

"Now, what is your choice, Owl Lady? Come to me and be my girl or watch as the small girl that fought for you suffer?" Warden Wrath said as he turned to Eda's head in King's hands. "Not much of a choice here, is it?"

Eda looked between Warden Wrath, the love crazed law man that did all of this just for a relationship with a criminal, and Luz, the small human girl that did nothing but try to help them after she dragged her into this. She might not show it much but Eda does have some humanity and she knew it would be required in this moment.

"Alright, Warden. Come over here." Eda said with a sigh. "I'd like to tell you something first."

"Good." Warden Wrath said as he walked over to her, Luz still struggling in pain in his grip.

He leaned down and took her head from King before waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.

"A little closer." Eda said as Wrath did what she asked. "A little closer still. A little bit closer, yeah that's perfect."

But instead of saying something, Eda just blew her tongue in his mask covered face and spit in it.

"GAH! Impudent witch!" Wrath said as he let Luz go and wiped his mask, getting the spit off it while Eda laugh. "Do you have any idea how many germs are in a person's mouth?"

"Oh blow it out your air hole! You had your guards stalk me, you cut off my head, and you think still think I would date you after you hurt my friends?" Eda said as he held her by her hair. "Get this through your head, I will never go out with you!"

"Well, Eda, if you don't accept my offer, then I-" Wrath tried to say he was suddenly hit in the side of the head. "OW!" Who did that!?"

Wrath spun around just in time to see Luz, holding Eda's staff, and was swung in the face to knock him to the ground.

"That was for earlier, you ass!" Luz shouted at him.

"Nice hits, kid!" Eda cheered before noticing the two guards from before were standing over her head, until her body suddenly sprung up and pulled their hoods over their eyes.

"Alright, let's go!" Luz shouted as she ran, picking up King, Eda's head, and grabbing the arm of her body to drag it.

She placed Eda's staff in a take off position after everyone got on, seeing the owl on top unfurl it's wings.

"Get moving, stick!" Luz shouted to it before punching it, causing it to suddenly take off with everyone holding on.

As the trio flew through the Conformatorium, they rounded back to the cells holding the wrongly imprisoned trio. With the tiny nosed female back in her cell with a black eye.

"Eda, can your body give me a hand?!" Luz asked as she raised her right hand.

"You heard the lady!" Eda ordered her body is it raised it's right hand and cupped it oh Luz's.

Luz quickly opened all their cells before they flew out the main down, descending down to a lower floor before they hoped off the staff.

"Why are we stopping?! we need to be running!" King said as he gestured to the sky to fly away.

"I am not flying with some witch's head in my arms anymore! It's creepy!" Luz said before she jammed Eda's head back on her body, though it was backwards.

"Uh, kid?" Eda let out.

"Just spin it around and let's-" Luz tried to say before someone big landed a few feet from them.

A dusk cloud kicked up as the trio turned to it and saw Warden Wrath before them, back on his feet and shifting his hands into blades again. Eda quickly spun her head back around and quickly pulled out the key to her magic doorway.

"Luz, go back home!" Eda said as she handed Luz the key.

"You can't just expect to leave you with him?!" Luz shouted to Eda.

Instead of answering her, Eda grabbed Luz by her hood and put her on her staff, slapping the handle and making it fly off with her on it!

"WHOA!" Luz screamed as she flew off, looking back to see Eda and King trying to fight Warden Wrath. "I don't care if it is dangerous, I'm not gonna leave you guys behind!"

Luz gripped the staff by the wing and made it stop in mid air.

"Take me back, now!" Luz said as she made it turn back around to help them.

Luz released the wing and let the staff fly on it's own, right towards Warden Wrath. She screamed in defiance as she jumped off the staff towards him.

"Yo, ugly!" Luz screamed to him, causing Warden Wrath to look up to her. "Kiss my foot!"

The warden was soon met with a flying kick to the face and send him stumbling back. The warden shook his head before growling to the human, ripping his mask off to reveal a large toothy maw and small beady eyes. He roared at Luz, unleashing a stream of fire at her.

"Duck, kid!" Eda shouted to her as Luz ducked under the fire.

Eda quickly drew a spell circle to let in the flames before moving and drawing another, launching them back to Warden Wrath as he flew into the wall away from them.

"Nice!" Luz said as she got up and gave a thumbs up to Eda, who ran past her to fight Warden Wrath.

Luz watched the warden get back up to fight and run to them before noticing the wall the warden collided with had a hole in it, with the other prisoners she freed gazing out of it. She quickly went over to them, heading right for Warden Wrath before sliding under him while Eda got his attention again.

"What are you standing around for? You're free, hurry and get out of here!" Luz said as she pointed to the left, telling them to run.

"What's the point? The warden will just catch us again in no time." the eye eater said, with all his eyes regrown.

"We belong here." The fanfiction writer said as she frowned to Luz.

"Doubt is the only prison you could never escape, for it is always your prison." Tiny Nose said as she looked down in doubt.

The other two agreed with her as Luz lowered her hand and sighed.

"Look, I get it. You do things differently than others would, you do thinks that make you seem crazy or stupid, but that's what make you you! It's what makes everyone unique in their own way!" Luz said as she raised her fist in the air.

"Why are you so determined to help us?" the fanfiction writer asked.

"Cause I'm no different than you. I think with actions some times and that's fine, as long as my heart's in the right place, nothing's gonna stop me!" Luz said as she smashed her fists together. "So what do you say, are you guys with me!?"

They all seemed to agree with her as they cheered and stepped out of the hole in the wall.

"Then let's show that warden who he's messing with!" Luz said as she spun around and charged at Warden Wrath, the three unjustly imprisoned citizens behind her as they saw Eda and King were cornered by Wrath and two guards.

Their battle cries seem to catch his attention as he was about to slice down on Eda and King with two blade hands.

"Huh?" he let out as he turned his head to them.

"Eat it!" Luz said as she jump to him, stepping on his stomach to grab Wrath's hood and deliver a knee to his jaw while the others tackled him away from Eda and King.

"Luz!" Eda said in shock from the human and prisoners' attack.

The fanfiction writer and Luz repeatedly punch Wrath in his monstrous face as the 5 eyed creature continued to tackle him.

"I eat my eyes!" he shouted!

"I think the world is rectangular!" Tiny Nose said as ran around and tripped Wrath with her body.

"And I write fanfiction!" the writer said as they all held Wrath down and tied his tentacle like arms together in a bow before flipping him on his stomach.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Luz asked as she stepped off Wrath and stood in front of him.

"GRR! Just who the heck do you think you are!?" Wrath demanded as he looked up to Luz.

"The name is Luz Noceda, the kickboxer!" Luz said as the wind blew through her hair and hood. "Now say good night!"

Luz took several steps back before charging at Wrath, running as fast as she could before she cartwheeling and jumping into the air. She spun in a wheel before delivering a devastating axe kick to the top of Wrath's head, knocking him out.

The former prisoner trio cheered as the two guards picked Wrath up and carried him back into the Conformatorium to get medical attention.

"Impressive." Eda said as she walked up to Luz with King on her shoulder.

"Thanks." Luz said as she crossed her arms.

"And that was probably the best out of all Eda's break ups." King commented.

"It wasn't a break up since he wasn't my boyfriend. Now let's get out of here." Eda said before they all hopped on her staff and flew back to the owl house.

After returning to the owl house, Eda place her staff on the table and turned to Luz.

"Well, a deal's a deal, kid. You can go home." Eda said as she snapped her fingers, making the key she gave to Luz float back to her before she clicked it like a button.

The doorway that brought her to the Boiling Isles soon opened up behind and waited for Luz to open it to return home, but as Luz turned to it, she felt a bit of hesitation before turning back to them and seeing King's crestfallen expression.

"Hey, King, about your crown." Luz said as she turned and walked to him, opening her bag and pulling out the crumbled up crown. "I snatched it up before we left, I know it's not in the best condition but a king should never be without his crown."

Luz uncrumbled the crown and set it on his head, smiling a bit at him.

"It is not perfect, but it is mine." King said as he smiled up to Luz.

"Thanks kid and take care." Eda said to her.

"Yeah, I will." Luz said as she turned to the door, pulling out the brochure for Reality Check camp , Azura book and her kickboxing magazine. She gazed at the three in silence before she looking at the quote on the magazine.

"You only live once, you might as well be a badass!" it said.

'Only live once, huh?' Luz thought before looking to her Azura book, seeing a confident witch with her two companions behind her.

Luz looked up for a moment and saw a mirror behind the door, reflecting her with Eda and King standing right behind her. Just like Azura and her friends. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

"Hey, guys. I know today wasn't exactly what any of us imagined it would be but if i'm being honest, it was the most fun I've had in my life. Even more than winning my fist junior kickboxing tournament." Luz said as she turned to Eda and King, who were silent and listened to the human. "Look, I don't fit in much at home cause I think more with my heart and gut than with my head, and you guys don't fit in that well here either. So maybe, we could all fit together? And maybe, I could learn something here?"

"Learn something? Like magic?" Eda joked as Luz took the brochure for Reality Check camp and crushed it in her hand.

"Yeah, learn magic. Maybe even become a witch like you." Luz suggested as she put everything back in her bag.

"What's going on here?" Eda questioned while looking at Luz like she's crazy. "Human can not be witches, everyone knows that."

"Maybe you only think that because you don't know of a single human that's tried yet." Luz countered as she looked up to Eda, putting her hands in her pockets. "You teach me to be a witch, I'll help you with stuff like earlier with your human trinkets stand. Deal?"

King jumped on Eda's shoulder as the owl lady was thinking about it.

"Say yes, say yes!" he said to her before whispering. "She might know how to make snacks."

"Hmm, well if you did stay, you could help me keep this goofball out of the cupboards." Eda said as she took King off her shoulder. "All right. I'll teach you how to be a witch. but you gotta do what I say to the letter, understand?"

"Whatever you say, teach." Luz said before she suddenly hugged them, much to Eda and King's discomfort.

"Too tight! Too tight!" King shouted in the hug.

"Okay, what are you doing?" Eda questioned.

"It's called a hug. Deal with it." Luz said before letting go.

Eda then showed Luz to a room where she'd be staying for the time being, letting her unfurled her red and black sleeping bag before laying down on it. Luz sighed in relaxation before she felt her phone vibrate, pulling it out to see a text from her mother.

'Are you liking summer camp?' it read, causing Luz to groan before being sad and feeling guilty that she would be lying to her over the phone.

A cleared thought sound was heard before Luz looked up to see King standing in the door way with a stuffed rabbit in his arms.

"Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy." he said, not looking at her.

"Hehe. Get a spot, ya cute little demon." Luz said, gesturing King to come in.

The little demon smiled at the human and walked in, settling himself at the foot of her sleeping bag before going to sleep. Luz turned back to her phone and typed something that was honest yet also a lie about the subject.

'I think I can get used to this place.' she wrote before sending the next and going to sleep herself.

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