The Deliveries and the "Quest"

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In the Owl House, Luz slept in peace as everything that happened the previous day rewound in her mind. The chase for her kickboxing magazine, meeting Eda, learning that magic was real, and the Conformatorium before she woke up and looked around to see she was in the room given to her by Eda for her stay here.

"So, it was all real." she said as she looked to see King still sleeping on her sleeping back, smiling at him before getting up to stretch and heading to the window in the room to open it, gazing at the horizon. "Good morning, crazy magical world."

"Good morning, little girl." said a random, green, multi eyed creature from the ocean that waved to Luz before sinking back into the ocean.

"Yikes." Luz let out as she reeled back in a small shudder.

Before showering, Luz decided to walk downstairs and see what she could check out the kitchen to see what's for breakfast.

"Huh? Looks almost like a normal kitchen back home." Luz commented before she saw the fridge and went to check it out, opening it to see a whole box full of strange looking food and drinks that she didn't recognize or want to. "Okay, this is NOT a normal kitchen."

She then decided to close the fridge and find the bathroom so she can get ready for the day, hopefully starting her day of right so she could get on with her first lesson in magic from Eda.

After finding the bathroom, hitting an intruding Hooty who could stretch from the door, Luz went back downstairs to wait for Eda to come down. Eventually, Eda did come down in a plum sweater with amber cuffs, a stained, long, violet nightgown, and light yellow bunny slippers.

"Morning, teach. I'm ready and waiting for my first lesson." Luz said, fully clothed and calm while being extremely eager inside but she had to play to cool.

A good skill she picked up from her Kickboxing lessons, keeping calm and rational.

"Uh huh. And who are you again?" Eda asked as she cleaned out her ear and flicked what she got out away.

Luz's face twitched a little at her words before realizing that not everyone is a morning person, but it still stung a bit as Eda walked past her to the kitchen.

"Um, my name is Luz Noceda. Kickboxing human girl? The one that saved your butt at the Conformatorium? And the one that you agreed to teach magic?" Luz said as she walked behind Eda with her arms crossed. "Ringing any bells?"

Eda groaned from the questioning as she rubbed her head and continued watching.

"I need my apple blood." Eda mumbled as she walked into the kitchen, heading to the fridge and opening it to pull out a normal looking mug filled with the alleged "apple blood."

"Apple blood? Is that like apple juice?" Luz asked with slight hope it was.

"No." Eda said before taking a sip of it and showing Luz the contents. "See?"

It was in fact blood going from the way it moved and the irony smell hitting her nose.

"Okay, gonna try and ignore the fact that you drink blood." Luz said as Eda went to the table, where King was sitting with a plate of green goo and eyeballs, and sat on it. "What's the plan for today, Eda? Learning a spell, doing chores, or learning about old texts? Come on, teach, I'm your student here."

"Okay kid, just calm down with your questions." Eda said as she held up a hand to stop Luz's talking. "Becoming a witch takes time, it's not something you can just learn over night."

"I assumed so, everything takes time. So when exactly do I know I've become a witch, will I get a staff like your's?" Luz asked as Eda looked more awake now, thanks to her apple blood.

"Smart kid." Eda said while pulling her mug away and having a blood mustache, sipping it away before holding out her left hand. "Magic staff, to me!"

The trio waited in the kitchen as a plethora of crashes and things breaking was heard as Luz looked to the door and saw Eda staff flying to her and smack her in the head.

"What the hell?" Luz commented as Eda recoiled in pain, laughing a small bit..

Eda rubbed her head a bit before she picked up her staff and twirled it to her side.

"It's early." she said to Luz.

"Still..." Luz said before Eda poked her forehead.

"Save your questions for later. Now, a witch is awarded her staff after completing the necessary school route but with me, you're going to be doing something completely different." Eda I said as she crossed her arms behind her back.

"What kind of approach?" Luz asked as Eda leaned forward a bit.

"Hard work." She said to Luz before dropping a burlap sack full of bottle in front of her. "Now follow me."

Luz nodded to the witch before she picked up the sack and threw it over her shoulder, carrying it as she followed Eda through the owl house.

"I run a few businesses here and there, like the stand you saw full of human treasures that little Owlbert drags over from your realm." Eda said as she stopped in front of a fire place and picked up a toy sword, clicking the button.

"I shall smite my enemies!" The sword said as the blade glowed a bit. "For ages 6-11."

Eda tossed the sword away before pointing towards the sack she gave Luz.

"But my main business is brewing the finest of homemade elixirs and potions around." Eda said before pointing to Luz, right in her face. "And that is where you come in, my little delivery girl."

"Okay, I guess." Luz said while shrugging.

"Good, now follow me again." Eda said as she lead Luz upstairs and to a balcony. "Today, you'll be delivering packages and potions to that town there, Bonesborough."

Pointing with her staff, Eda showed Luz a large city like village across the horizon with large rib bones next to it and a bone like structure looming over the town.

"Dios Mio." Luz said at the sight of the town from the horizon.

"I don't know what you said but be warned, I have rivals all over that want to take me and my business down. And since you're my delivery girl, they'll go for you too but I've got confidence you can handle yourself with all those fighting moves of your's. So are you up for it, kid?" Eda said to Luz as she put a hand on her hip.

"Well, it sounds a little too crazy for a delivery girl but I like a challenge, so you can count on me, teach." Luz said with a smile while giving Eda a two finger salute with her free left hand.

The duo then walked back to the front door of the owl house and Luz stepped out with Eda watched her leave.

"Alright, just a few more things. Never trust a man who wears sandals, always measure twice and cut once, and be sure to be back before sunset or face doom!" Eda said with a cheery smile and tone before shutting the door.

"Have a nice trip, Luz!" Hooty added with a normal tone.

"Ooooookay." Luz said before walking away from the house with the sack as Eda watched her leave from the window next to the door.

"Don't worry about her. She's tough. I think she can take it." King commented on Luz's capabilities as he laid on a chest near the door.

"Maybe, but she'll need a guide to help her and that's why you'll be going with her." Eda said as she pointed to him, who looked like he was going to argue about it before Eda quickly said. "Or do you want to start paying me rent to live here?"

King groaned in frustration before he accepted his job.

"Fine!" he said as he got up from his spot, the perfect spot for him to sleep in his opinion, and ran to catch up with Luz. "Hey human!"

His call out caused Luz to stop her walking into town and turn to see him running to him.

"Eda said you need a local guide, so I have to tag along!" King shouted to her.

"Oh good, I thought she was just gonna leave me clueless on these runs." Luz said as King stopped next to her and began climbing up to her right shoulder to ride on.

"Let's get this over with!" King said as Luz walked back into town and began delivering/selling the elixirs and potions Eda brewed up.

As she delivered the potions, Luz quickly found out that this could've gone better. MUCH better, it could've been more of people wanting to buy Eda's potions and less people wanting to touch her weirdly or eat her. All the while she tried not to get angry and knock them out, she didn't want to make the most power witch that was her teacher angry by beating away her customers.

"Well, this task has been a load of crap." Luz commented as she and King sat in a sidewalk, the little demon was eating a "notdog" made of bugs and other strange things while Luz just ate a normal bun from a close by stand. "Behind all the crazy cool weirdness of this place, it's either cannibalistic or rude."

"Yeah. Humans are NOT well liked here." he commented as he ate his food.

"I at least thought this would be more magical, like finding some rare object while we were making deliveries." Luz said as she and King finished their food. "Kickboxing helped me see that it's not all fairy tales and magic glitter in this world or mine but I hoped for some wonder. Like some magical quest."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Luz but there's no random witch or wizard that's going to be dressed like some grand master of magic around here." King said while pointing to the Notdog vender, who was a blob of green goo with a visible brain and eyes while wearing a cap.

"Yeah, I guess but I'm glad this is almost over. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a real magic lesson." Luz said as she got up and picked up sack of potions and elixirs. "We've got one last drop off and then we can head back."

The duo made their way down a poor looking alley way before they got to a tarp at the end of it.

"Alright, let's see who's the luckily customer her-" Luz said before pulling the tarp back and freezing in surprising. "Holy hell!"

Standing before them was a large and lavish castle with beams of sun light shining down on it from above giving it a shine of presentation like what she'd seen in movies.

"Okay, now this is straight out of my Azura books!" Luz said as they walked to the large door and saw a doorbell on the side. "Even comes with a doorbell."

King immediately felt very uneasy about this place as Luz rang the bell, hearing it ring like a normal doorbell from back home. The large doors suddenly opened by themselves as Luz and King looked inside.

"Luz, whatever you're thinking, don't. Houses like these usually belong to huge weirdos." King said as he wanted to leave this place.

"Back home, eccentric types are always a bit weird but we still gotta deliver this order." Luz said as she walked inside the large castle, King didn't want to wait outside by himself so he followed Luz in and stuck close. "Anyone here? I've got a special package from the owl lady!"

As Luz looked around the darkened interior, she saw lights suddenly appear around the room in the form of torches and allow her to see that she and King were standing in a large library and a portrait of the castle owner was displayed on the wall above a large staircase. It was a wizard with a long white beard and a blue robe with stars on it along with a matching pointy hat.

'He looks like he jumped right out of a fairy tale.' Luz thought of the picture before the real life wizard made himself known and walked from the top of the steps, looking down at Luz with a smile.

Though it was friendly, Luz couldn't help but fell it held an alternate motive. Just like the confident smiles or smirks from her kickboxing matches.

"Hello, young lady." he said as he walked down.

"Holy crap." Luz said in shock, gently putting down the sack of potions as the man walked down to him.

"Luz, remember what I said." King reminded her.

"I know, I know but still." She said back, keeping her guard up as the wizard reached the bottom of the steps.

"Who might you be with eyes full of wonder?" The man asked Luz.

"I'm Luz." she said slowly.

"Well, pardon my gaze, but I sense something unique about you, miss." The wizard said before stepping back and drawing a magic circle, summoning two chair and a table full of tea and snacks. "Would join me for a cup of tea?"

"I...don't know if I should, sir. I should really be getting back." Luz said as King jumped on her shoulder.

"Yeah, the boss gets ticked if we don't come right back after we'r-" King agreed before his stomach loudly growled, showing that he was still hungry even after that Notdog.

"A good delivery person must never return on an empty stomach, at least have a small bite before you leave." The wizard said as he gestured towards all the snack on the table.

"Well...we can at least stay for a quick bite." Luz said as she picked up the delivery and walked to the table, setting it down as a King jumped off her shoulder and dug into the snack.

And though he enjoyed the treat, King still didn't trust the guy. He still thought this guy was a weirdo and he didn't trust just any weirdos, not like the punch happy, Luz, and owl lady, Eda.

'But Luz seems to like him, so naive.' King thought

Even if her fighting instincts were screaming at her not to trust him, she sat and talked with him but kept her guard up.

"Now young miss, I heard that Eda herself delivered her goods instead of a delivery girl." The wizard said to Luz.

"Well, yeah but I'm her new apprentice so she has me to do deliveries. For now any way." Luz said as she took a snack and ate it, the last one since King had eaten the rest.

"Hmm, and how are you finding your stay here as Eda's new ward?" The wizard asked as he stroked his bed.

"Well, Mr..." Luz said.

"Adegast." He answered for her.

"It's been...enlightening to say the least. I'm not trying to get my hopes up for a magical quest right off the bat but I wouldn't mind going on one." Luz admitted to the wizard as she tossed her snack up and down like a ball.

"I see. Well then, would you like one?" He asked her as Luz looked up to him, getting her attention as she caught her snack in her hand.

King got up from the table and pulled Luz aside to whisper in her ear.

"Careful. Wizards can be shifty." he whispered to her.

"I get it but still, I kinda wanna see what's got." Luz said as she saw Adegast pulled out a scroll from his beard and unrolled it in front of her.

"There lies a prophecy that states that a young grave girl shall save this world from a great evil by claiming the legendary, Celestial Staff." He said before handing Luz the scroll. "Human or not, perhaps that girl is you."

"Me, huh?" Luz said with half caution, thinking this was just like a fantasy series back home.

A bit TOO much like it.

"But be wary, it is fought with peril and dangers. And I need to know if you believe you can handle it." Adegast said as he put his hands behind his back.

"No, no she can't! And since we're full we can leave now!" King said as he grabbed Luz and dragged her out of the castle. "So long, Mr. Gast!"

"Adagast, little friend." The wizard corrected as he waved them good bye to the duo, seeing the scroll he gave Alex still in her hand.

After King and Luz, who ripped her hand from him and warned him not to do that again, returned to the owl house, the human girl was currently in her closet/room looking over the map and mentally debating if it was real or not.

'I know this quest could be fake but I kinda wanna see what happens. Though, I saw that this place isn't like how it's made to be back home but that's normal with fantasy and reality.' She thought as she leaned against the back wall with the map in hand.

King was currently napping on her rolled up sleeping bag during her internal debate before Eda entered the room with a purple severed monster hand in her left hand.

"Heyo, you two! How the deliveries go?" Eda asked.

"It was alright but that wizard client of your's was creepy." King commented as he looked towards Eda.

"They always are, it's surprisingly common with the older ones." Eda said while waving the severed hand like it was her own hand. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, he kept yammering on about Luz being some sort of, hehehehe, chosen one! But she looks like she doesn't believe it." King said with a little laugh as he pointed to a still contemplating Luz against the wall.

Eda began to join in the laugh as Luz looked up to them and slowly got mad.

"A-A chosen one?! Luz?!" Eda let out between her laughter before Luz got up and marched to them.

Luz gripped the scroll in her hand before reeling her fist back and rammed it into Eda's stomach, causing her to stop her laughing and lean over while groaning in pain.


Eda took a few breathes to get over the pain before standing straight and grabbing Luz roughly by her arm.

"What was that?!" Eda asked in anger from the punch and the insult!

"I said I think this might be a trick for you! That Adegast guy seem keen on knowing my time here with you! Like he was getting information for soemthing, tell me that doesn't sound fishy!" Luz said as she jerked her arm back and shoved the map into Eda's chest.

The witch took the map off her chest and looked it over, seeing if it was genuine for this chosen one nonsense.




"The insult and punch aside, kid, you're onto something. This is a bunk map, if there was a Celestial Staff anywhere around her, I would've gotten my hands on it years ago." Eda said as she looked it over before holding it up to the light, seeing words written in invisible ink appear. "It's even got the off brand invisible ink message. You really think this is all just to get to me?"

"I can feel it in my gut, like in one of my matches. This bad feeling always turned up just by the look on someone's face, his seemed too nice." Luz said while calming down a bit.

"Alright, so the map is fake and this weirdo wants Eda for something. What's next? Cuz I vote we ignore him." King said as he jumped off Luz's sleeping bag.

"Hmm, you know what? I say we let Luz do his little quest the wizard gave her but with a little tag along for you and I, King." Eda said as he turned to look at him. "We'll be cloaked by my magic and follow Luz on her little quest to see if it's the real deal."

"And if it's not?" King asked the witch.

"Then we'll deal with it and that wizard if he's a pulling something on the kid. Or just let her do the butt kicking if she wants to." Eda said while gesturing to Luz.

"Luz do the butt kicking? That's fine by me." King said as he nodded to Eda.

"So in total, I get to go on the quest I wanted, which may be just a trap for you, and then at the end, we jump wizard if anything seems funny?" Luz asked them for confirmation.

"Yeah, pretty much but look at it like this, it shows that I care about my apprentice's safety." Eda said as she rubbed Luz's head. "Even if she's anger prone."

"Don't laugh at me and we won't have any problems." Luz commented as she pushed Eda's hand away but still had a small smile on her face.

"Deal, kid." Eda said with a smirk to Luz.

With that out of the way and a little flick on Luz's forehead as payback for what she did to Eda, the human girl took back the map and began following the path on it out of Bonesborough to the target of her "quest," the legendary "Celestial Lake." And while she was heading down the path, she knew Eda and King were following her with a magic spell cloaking them.

The quest had been about as what Luz expected. Magical town, jolly cohorts that joined her along the way, and gifts from her new friends along the way Luz was cautious and didn't put them on, storing them in her side bag she brought along.

'Piece of cake.' Luz thought about the quest.

Luz and her adventure group reached the legendary lake with the Celestial Staff standing right in the middle of a platform on the lake.

'Alright, Eda, you better be ready for whatever happens next.' Luz thought as she walked to the lake, a stone pathway to the staff forming to the staff as Luz got to the edge of the lake.

Luz walked down the path way to the staff, entranced by it's glow and almost forgetting he plan as she grabbed the staff with both hands. A pulse of magic energy soon exited the crystal tip as the water rocked around her before calming as she pulled it from the platform.

"Whoa." Luz let out as she reached for the crystal tip, sliding her fingers on it before it's glow began to dim.

When it stopped flowing all together, the staff suddenly turned to dust in her hands as the magical forest around her began to decay and dull into a hollow and abandoned ruins. The water drained from the lake, the trees lost their color, and the leaves blew away in the wind to leave the trees bare and lifeless with a thick fog rolling in.

'I...I knew this couldn't be real, I...always knew but...' Luz thought to herself as she clenched her fists, tears slowly building in her eyes as she faced the reality she knew was real but wished it wasn't.

She wasn't a chosen one, she was just a little girl that some trickster used in his scheme. Luz hated this feeling, this feeling of self pity and she needed to do something about it!

"ADEGAST!" Luz screamed as she threw her bag to the side, the "gifts" from her adventure spilling out to the floor, as she got into her stance and glared into the the fog. "GET OUT HERE, NOW!"

From the cover of Eda's spell, the owl lady and little demon could see the pain and anger etched on Luz's face as she cautiously moved around the fog, ready to beat the crap out of anyone who stepped out.

'Kid.' Eda thought with a slightly downed expression, feeling sorry that she was hit with the reality of this fake quest.

And with her knowing it was fake yet still a bit fooled, made it all he more painful.

"Don't worry, this'll be over soon." Eda whispered to herself as the fog began to clear a bit.

Out of the fog, came the wizard himself as Luz turned to him.

"Greetings, Luz the human." He said to her as he kept a calm face while had an angry facce.

"Drop the act! I'm not falling for it!" Luz demanded as she glared at him.

"Oh, so you've caught on," Adegast said before his eyes suddenly went dead and crossed like a doll. "have you now?!"

Stepping out from behind Agegast and the fog was a large squid like with black eyes and yellow irises, he had a tentacle in Agegast's back like he was just a puppet he was controlling.

 Which in reality, he was as well as the other "friends" she made on her quest here. All of them just Adegast's puppets to trick her.

"Yes I caught on, you jackass!" Luz cursed at him.

"If that is true, then why did you come? If you figured out this was nothing but a trap, why follow the quest I gave you?" Adegast asked in curiosity. "You could've just stayed with your business stealing teacher and her pathetic lessons!"

'So Eda just stole his customers? Talk about shallow.' Luz thought before focusing at the task at hand.

"So Eda could see your slimy mug and cave it in!" Luz said as Eda lowered her spell over her and King to appear behind Adegast.

"Couldn't have said it better myself!" Eda said as she drew a spell circle and blasted fire at Adegast's back.

"Ahh!" He screamed in pain before growling and turning to Eda. "You'll pay for that, Owl Lady! With your life and your apprentice's!"

"Don't count on it." Eda said as she the deceitful squid.

Adegast sent 3 puppets to attack Luz, a sort of fairy queen, a raggedy cat, and a sort of warrior with an eyepatch. Luz dodged the cat before kicking its head off and making the puppet crumple to dust.

'Just like his quest, they turn to dust.' Luz thought as she turn to the fairy and give a 4 punch barrage before a high knee to the stomach, cracking it and making it crumble into dust.

"Huuuu!" The warrior puppet scream as he charged at Luz with a sword, swinging twice as the kickboxer dodged the swings before he threw a back hand at her.

Luz blocked the hit before getting close, knocking the sword hand away before forcing the puppet to drop it and grabbed it to stab it through the chest.

"AHHH! My flawless pecs!" It screamed before crumbling to dust while Luz kept the sword.

"Nice work, Luz!" Eda said as she ducked under a puppte and made a fire spell circle, turning it and the others into dust.

"Thanks!" She thanked her teacher before Adegast held his hands out to both of them.

"Enough! Stand down or the dog gets it!" He said as he had one last cat puppet he used to hold King hostage.

"I AM NOT A DOG!" King screamed in protest.

"Silence!" Adegast said as he wrapped his tentacle to close King's mouth. "Hands up, now!"

Eda and Luz looked at each other and slowly put their hands up, but as Eda dropped her staff, Luz keep the sword in her hand.

"Hey, throw that sword away, girl!" Adegast said as he pointed to his puppet's sword.

"Really? You throw it away?" Luz asked, getting an idea from his phrasing.

"I said throw it away! Now!" Adegast demanded as he squeezed King harder.

"Okay, okay! Look, I'm throwing it..." Luz said slowly before smirking before spinning the sword to a reverse position. "AWAY!"

Luz threw the sword like a javelin and impalled the giant squid in the head, making him scream in pain as he dropped King on instinct.

"Good throw, kid!" Eda said as King ran towards here.

Luz just gave a thumbs up as Adegast began shrinking and shrinking until he was the size of a baseball. He tried to scurry away but couldn't as Luz stepped on him to prevent him from escaping.

"I don't think so, ya creep." Luz said as she pick him up by the tentacles, seeing him begin to sweet in fear. "So this is what you really are inside, huh? Now that we got you, what do we do with you?"

"Let me handle it, kid." Eda said as she and King walked to Luz while she held her hand out.

Luz nodded to her teacher before her stomach started growling, causing her to pause as she was about to give Agedast to Eda.

"Looks like all that fighting worked up an appetite. Good thing you've got something to eat in your hand." Eda said as she pointed to the little squid.

"Wait, what?! You want me to eat him?!" Luz asked in shock while pointing to the little squid, who shook his head in disagreement.

"Well, yeah. You're hungry right? And besides, he's technically a fish. Good protein." Eda said as she licked her lips. "I was planning on him myself before your gut decided to speed up."

"You're insane if you think I am going to eat him!" Luz said before her stomach growled once again.

"Well, either you eat him or I will. I don't want that little pest bugging us again with his little tricks." Eda said to her as she crossed her arms. "So what's it gonna be kid? Let him go to bug us another day or he gets eaten by one of us?"

This was a tough choice to make, especially with her growling stomach needing substance. Luz looked to Adegast before looking to Eda, who waited on her response. She knew Eda was right but she wished she wasn't, even if they tried to turn him into the coven guards, the guards in turn would arrest them! And Luz can't just let him go since he would possibly grow back to his giant size and attack them again for vengeance. So, the decision was clear and Luz did what she never imagined she'd do.

"Just to make this clear, you little deceiver, you brought this on yourself." Luz said as her stomach growled again, making it clear what she was about to do. "And you better taste like the sea food from back home too. Otherwise this will be more painful for both of us."

Luz moved Adegast above her head and opened her mouth, lowering the small squid into her open mouth as the squid moved some tentacles to hold himself back.

"Yur jus delyying de inuvideble./Your just delaying the inevitable." Luz said with an open mouth before using both hands to force Adegast into her mouth and began to chew.

All in all the taste was.......slightly better than she thought, Luz never had calamari before but she did know what it was like to eat slightly raw fish before.

'Hmm, never thought evil squid wizard would taste so much like that sushi place from back home.' she thought as she continued to chew.

"So, how is he?" Eda asked her young apprentice as she saw Luz swallow the tricky squid.

"I don't EVER want to talk about that experience again." Luz said as she turned to her bag, seeing the gifts now gone from turning dust, and walked to pick it up. "I just wanna head back to the house and forget this day ever happened."

Luz sighed as she turned away to look where the "Celestial Staff" used to be.

"Yeah. Just...Yeah." Luz said as she looked to her shoes.

This world was just as she figured it'd be, magical yet crushingly truthful, behind the wonder and awe laid darkness that could crush anyone's spirit. Especially Luz with what little spirit she has for fantasy.

"Hey, kid. I know this place may not seem that special but let me show you something that is special." Eda said as she put a hand on Luz's shoulder and lead her away from the fake quest lake.

They all board her staff and flew away from the empty lake, Luz having to close her eyes upon Eda's request for the surprise. After a couple minutes of flying, Eda stopped flying and "parked her staff in the sky."

"You can open your eyes now." she said to Luz.

Luz opened her eyes to see something beautiful.

"Behold, the bones of the Isles." Eda said as Luz took in the awe the giant skeleton that made the Boiling Isles, glowing over the sunset.

It was unlike anything she had ever seen before and it was the most majestic thing she had ever seen, where when one life ended other lives can begin.

"Up close, everything on the Isles seems stinky, slimy, and gross," Eda said to Luz.

"Especially gross." King commented.

"Yeah, that. But if see it from a new perspective, it really is a wonderful place." Eda said while gesturing Luz to look up to the sky and see the stares beginning to appear.

"Yeah, it is." Luz said before looking back to Eda. "But why did you bring me here?"

Eda looked away a bit while thinking of an answer before she turned back to Luz.

"To try to get you to understand." Eda said to her.

"Understand?" Luz asked.

"That I've been where you've been. At a time, I too wished that something great was meant for me like a prophecy or something but if you keep waiting for it to happen, you'll miss your whole life waiting." Eda said as she put a hand on Luz's shoulder, smiling. "The only one who can decide how great you will become is you and believe me, from what I've seen, that kickboxing you do is already a great start."

Luz smile at her magic teacher as a new hope sparked in her, maybe this world can still be good to Luz. Even if there are some bad parts to it.

"Thanks, Eda." Luz said before asking one more question. "So, I guess this'll be a good start to getting my own magic staff in the future, huh?"

"It sure is, kid. Not a great start but a good start." Eda said as they watched the sunset over the horizon.

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