Knocking and Swapping Heads

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough. (Added to attire since chapter 5)

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

A new day had come as Luz and King were currently at Eda's stand with nothing much to do. Business was slow, like really slow, as the duo were doing whatever they could to pass the time until a customer came along. The self proclaimed king of demon was currently trying to reach for a flag hanging on a string above the stand, jumping with all the strength his tiny legs could give him, while the kickboxer was writing something on notepad of paper.

"Nyeh! Nyeh! Nyeh! Nye-AAH!" King shouted before falling of the table, quickly picking himself back up to curse the flag with a sock over his eye. "Stupid flag!"

"You're not gonna get the flag, King. It's too high." Luz said as she looked to him for a second before going back to her writing.

"I will get that flag!" King shouted at Luz as he threw the sock off his face, marching over to her and looking up to what she was doing. "And what are you doing anyway?"

"Making a lesson plan for my next kickboxing class." Luz said as she looked over the lesson. "The first one I gave had a few things left out and I wanna make sure to over them next time."

King gave Luz a simple shrug as 3 Hexside students came to the stand. Boscha, Skara, and a male student with light pinkish-red skin and and dirty blonde hair wearing a black skull cap, uniform violet sleeves and leggings, red boots with white outlines and bat wings.

"Sup teach." Boscha said as Luz looked up to see them.

"Oh, hey Boscha. Skara. Hexisidian." Luz said as she put the lesson plan aside and stood up straight before them. "Can I interest you in any human items?"

Looking over the stand, Boscha saw a variety off human items that she didn't really find all that interesting. The only think she found interesting of the human world so far was this kickboxing Luz was teaching them.

"No thanks, teach but I hope you don't mind an ironic Penstagram between you and this stand. Something of value in front of tons of trash." Boscha said with snark as she summoned her scroll and took the photo with her and Luz in it.

"Look you're entitled to make fun of whatever you want but if you're not gonna buy anything, then leave." Luz said with a dull tone as Boscha turned back to her.

"Geez, teach. It's just a little photo. Don't get your fists in a frenzy." Boscha replied with snark and slight fear.

Boscha wouldn't admit it but she does fear Luz for her physical prowess and fighting skills. One wrong word and she could end up losing a few teeth.

"Speaking of, why aren't your fists in a frenzy?! You should be knocking her teeth in for the snark she's giving you!" King protested as Luz kneeled down before him.

"Look King, even when I can, I'm not going too. Boscha's one of my students and besides, I've dealt with enough of her type to know when she's afraid of me. Teens like her are easy to read." Luz said as she nodded her head to Boscha.

"So you're just gonna cower out because she's taking your class?" King asked as he pulled her to his face.

"Hey, I never said "cower." And he being my student has nothing to do with it. She's just not worth it." Luz said with narrow eyes at King, getting a bit angry at his attitude towards this.

"You have the strength to dominate others and you choose not to use it! Well if you won't, I will!" King said as he let go of Luz and jumped onto the stand table, facing Boscha, Skara, and the skull cap boy. "You will bow before me, weaklings!"

The trio just stared at King for a moment before they smiled at him with Boscha gushing at his cuteness.

"Oh my titan! He is adorable!" She said as she grabbed King, hugging him in one arm while summoning her scroll again.

King struggling to get out of her grip as Boscha took a picture of them, having a special filter on her scroll to give them large, cute eyes, thick eye lashes, and blush with flower crowns on their heads.

"How much for him? I have to own him." Boscha said as she wanted to buy King.

"Though I am tempted to give you a price, King isn't for sale." Luz said as King finally got out of the triclops' arm, kicking off her face to land on the table.

"Honey, you can't put a price on this." King said with his eyes close and wagging in finger.

This just made King even cuter as everyone gushed at his sass.

"Someone's sassy." Luz commented as King glared at her.

"Shut up! I am not sassy!" King shouted at Luz, who just giggled at his failure to intimidate.

From behind the Luz and the stand curtain, Eda stuck her nose out and snuggled the air.

"Ooh. Easy customers." Eda said as Luz heard her and turned around.

"No they're not, Eda. It's just two students from my first class with a friend. They're not interested in buying anything." Luz said as Eda stuck her head out of the curtain.

"Well maybe that just because you don't know how to sell it." Eda said.

"No, I'm just sure how a teenager thinks and trusts me, if you try and convince them they will just laugh and walk away." Luz said with a warning as she nodded to Boscha's group, who were still paying attention to King.

"Well I think otherwise. Watch and learn, kid." Eda said before she jumped to the front of the stand, making Boscha's group move back at her sudden appearance.

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you." Luz said as she went back to the lesson plan for her next class, reviewing it to see if she missed anything important to add.

"Hey, kid. How would you like the latest fashion clothes from the human realm?" Eda offered as she drew a spell circle in front of herself and covered herself in smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Eda was now wearing a Russian red star hat, heart shaped sunglasses, a brown leather jacket over a black "100 % Dad" shirt, blue fish oven mitts while holding a golf club, a pink shirt, and zigzag stockings.

'Oh god, Eda. You know nothing about human fashion.' Luz thought with a cringe.

"Ahahahahahaha." Skara and the skullcap boy laughed as Boscha just giggle at Eda.

"Uh, no thanks, lady. See ya next class, teach." Boscha said to Eda and Luz as they walked away from Eda's stand.

"Well, I hate the kid now." Eda said as she made the "fashionable" outfit poof away and returned to her normal clothes.

"I told you so, Eda. Most teens can be snarky and mean." Luz said as she put her lesson plan to the side again. "It's just in some of their nature."

"Well what do you think would've gotten their eye, little miss human?" Eda asked Luz.

"Well for one, I have a better fashion sense than you. Two, my knowledge of human stuff is better then yours. And three, a flashier presentation would help too." Luz said as she remembered some kickboxing matches she watched back home. "In professional matches, the commentator would hype up the crowd before the fight started. Sometimes weeks in advance to sell tickets."

"Hmm. While flashy sounds like a nice route, I can't afford to be flashy since I'm a wanted woman." Eda said as she pulled out her wanted poster. "If I go all razzle dazzle just to get customers, the guards would be on my hide faster than you punching someone in the face."

"Okay, I see your point there. Better to be safe." Luz said as Eda rolled up wanted poster. "Though if I had your magic power, I could just use it to make things go a lot better."

King scoffed at Luz as he walked between her and Eda, who stuff the wanted poster in her hair.

"Like magic makes anything easier! You may have your little kickboxing and teenage problems, but only Eda and I really have it hard in life." King said as he gestured to him and Eda.

"Like you have anything to say, you're treated like a precious baby and pampered by anyone taken in by your adorable nature." Eda said as she waved her hands to the side. "You have it easier than Luz, who has gotten into who knows how many fights."

"I am not a baby, I am a fierce DEMON!" King shouted as he threw his wand up.

"If you're not a baby, then why don't you stop whining like one?" Luz asked him as King turned to her.

"BECAUSE MY LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE!" He screamed to her as he shook his hands in the air.

"Okay, you two. There's only one way to solve a problem when a group of friends can't see eye to eye on a topic." Eda said as she rubbed her hands together.

"Sit down and talk things out?" Luz asked.

"Fight each other to the death!" King suggested as Luz turned to him with a blank face.

"You do know what that means for you, right?" Luz questioned him as she thought of her, him, and Eda fighting to the death.

It goes without saying that King would be the first to die, cuteness or not.

"Wrong answers. We swap bodies!" Eda said as she crossed her arms in front of them.

King and Luz just stared at Eda and her crazy idea for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Are ready to frenzy your fists now?" King asked Luz, wanting her to knock some sense into Eda.

"No but I will say this." Luz said before looking Eda dead in the eyes. "Are you out of your goddamn mind, Eda?"

"I most certainly am not. There's nothing more refreshing than a good body swap." Eda said as she summoned her staff. "It's like your possessing the body of a loved one."

"How is that a good thing?" Luz asked as she wasn't keen on this crazy idea. "How is that even possible? There's no way magic can do that, can it?"

"It most certainly can, and most certain will." Eda said as she quickly pulled Luz and King closer to her. "Just wait and see."

"Hey! Wait, I never agre-" Luz shouted as she tried to pull away.

"Body swap!" Eda shouted as she quickly spun her staff above them, covering the trio in green smoke.

The smoke lasted for a few seconds before the staff stopped spinning and fell to the ground as Luz began to cough.

"Cuh! Cuh! Cuh! Eda, what the fuck?! I never agreed to this!" Luz called out as she waved the smoke away, walking forward before finding herself in front of the mirror near the stand.

Gazing into it, Luz expected to see herself looking back away her but instead she found Eda was the one looking back at her. Or at least it looked like Eda since she had Luz's eyes and mouth on the face.

"Aah!" Luz/Eda screamed as she grabbed her face, feeling it to see if this was real. "I'm Eda!"

'Just when I think this world couldn't get crazier, Eda swaps our bodies!' Luz/Eda thought as she put her hands down. 'And if I'm Eda, then either King or Eda is in my body!'

Almost like clockwork, Luz/Eda saw her body walk up to the mirror at look at it's reflection with a few differences. Her hair was now messy like early morning bed head, her eyes were now yellow with purple pupils, and there was a fang sticking out of the right side of her mouth. 

Just from the eyes, Luz/Eda could puzzle together who was in her body now.

"Oh no, King?" Luz/Eda asked as her face smiled into the mirror.

"Oh yeah! Now this is more like it! I can feel this body's power!" King/Luz said with a smile as he/she flexed her arms, seeing the thin muscle bulge. "Now they will learn to fear King!"

"No no no! You can not be on my body, King!" Luz/Eda said before looking into the remaining smoke on the table. "I actually would've felt better if Eda had taken my body instead!"

The smoke slowly cleared to reveal King's original body standing with it's hands on the hips with a golden fang on the right side of the skull face and Eda's golden eyes and lashes.

"How do I look?" Eda/King asked, still in her/his pose.

"I've got some...mixed emotions about this." King/Luz said as he/she stared at Eda/King.

"Well, I only have one emotion and that's frustration! You switched our bodies when I was about to say "no!"" Luz/Eda yelled at Eda/King with a glare.

"So what? I'm gonna switch us back. Just not until after this little bet." Eda/King said as she/he walked forward to them. "Whichever one of us can prove who has the easiest time in these new bodies doesn't have to wash the house and Hooty. And you both know what I'm talking about."

The trio shivered in disgust as they remembered the last time they had to wash the house along with Hooty. Never in Luz's life had she ever experienced anything so disgusting about this world then when Eda had told her to clean force first time.

'He had mud and slime in places a house SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE!' Luz/Eda thought in disgust as they quickly recovered from the chore/torture.

"Well I can assure it won't be me." King/Luz said as he/she pointed to him/herself. "With this body and it's skills, I'll be ruling off all other teens by the end of the day!"

"You will not be ruling anything!" Luz/Eda shouted as she grabbed her King/Luz by the shirt and pulled him/her to her face, giving a deadly glare. "And if I find out you've been doing ANYTHING I don't like, you are going to be in big trouble when we switch back! Do I may myself clear?!"

Even in Eda's body, Luz still had her fierce glare and the knowledge of a fighter. That was more than enough to put the fear into King to prevent him from making Luz look like an ass for no reason.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" King/Luz stuttered out with a shaky nod.

"Good and for good measure, I'm taking my gloves." Luz/Eda said as she removed the glyph gloves from King's/Luz's arms, releasing her human body as she put the gloves in her personal bag along with the lesson plan for her next kickboxing class.

"Hahahaha! Well while you two discuss how to act right, I will be going to be pampered like a queen." Eda/King said as she/he jumped off the table and walked away.

"My life is not about being pampered!" King/Luz said as he/she pointed to Eda/King. "You'll learn the hard way!"

"And you'll learn the same if you don't remember what I said, got it, King?" Luz/Eda said to her with another glare.

"R-Right, right! I'll behave! Bye!" King/Luz said with a nervous nod before scurrying off.

"You better." Luz/Eda muttered before walking to the stand, wobbling a bit as she wasn't used to wearing heeled shoes. "Oh man, this is gonna take some getting used to."

Using the table to keep her balance, Luz/Eda went into the back tent area of the stand and worked to get used to this new body. For about the next half hour, Luz/Eda had did a few exercises to to get used to her taller and older body. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, throwing air jabs, and even a few kicks to help with balance on one leg for each. Though there was the occasional magic blast that came from her hands and forced her off her feet but she eventually got that under control so long as she was careful how and where she pointed her hands.

'Okay, I think I've got enough to walk normally for now until this stupid bet is over.' Luz/Eda thought as she walked out to man the stand, thinking that she could at least sell some stuff for personal snails to keeps.

Eda was never one to willingly give Luz an allowance or pay her since she wasn't her mother and she was given room and food for free. Anyway, Luz/Eda walked out of the tent and stood at the counter to wait for someone to come to the stand but since no one had come long before the body swap, she had to think of a way to get people attention without getting a guard's attention.

'Okay, think. How could I draw people's attention without being too flashy?' Luz/Eda thought as she tapped her finger against the table. 'Act like those old timey salesmen with those strange tones of voice, show off a product to a random person? What to do?'

As Luz/Eda kept thinking of a good way to drum up business, a random customer had walked back and accidentally knocked a lamp to the ground. The item broke as Luz/Eda snapped out of her thoughts and looked to the broken blue lamp with a white shade and the one who broke it.

"Hey! Watch where you're walking! These items aren't cheap you know!" She said to him, a man with green skin and a head shaped like an upside down Egyptian ankh wearing a slight dirty tunic and dark blue pants, while walking over to him.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it!" He said with a feminine tone as he looked saddened a bit. "If you need to replace it, I can pay for it."

"Hmm, well that would be the right thing to do but I think I should be able to fix it." Luz/Eda said as she gazed cautious at Eda's hands.

'Drawing a spell circle can't be that hard, can it?' She thought before slowly holding a finger over the broken lamp.

Luz/Eda took a deep breath before slowly drawing a spell circle over the lamp, causing it to glow before exploring in a bloom of smoke. Luz and the man covered their eyes at the flash before looking at the lamp to see it had been not only fixed but greatly improved! It now stood taller than both of them with muscled man legs under a large colorful lamp shade with two more lamps sticking out from each end and the original, fixed lamp on top.

"Wow." Luz/Eda mumbled out as she looked at her hand. "It worked on the first try."

"Oooh! It's so extravagant, now! Now I gotta buy it, how much?" The man asked as he turned to Luz/Eda.

"Oh! Uh...10 snails please." Luz/Eda quickly priced as the man quickly got out the money needed.

"Such a steal! Here you go!" He said as he gave Luz/Eda the money and walked away with the lamp, happy and excited to put it in his home.

Looking down to the money in her hand, Luz/Eda smiled a bit as she went back to the stand and put the money away.

"That wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be, now let's see if I can sell a bit more." Luz/Eda said to herself before she began to call out to her customers attention. "Step right up, step right up! One of a kind items for sale if you fancy yourself with an appreciation of the unique!"

Her words seemed to draw a crowd as multiple creature people of all shapes and sizes came over.

"Unique huh? What do you got that's so unique?" Asked a man with a hunched back, squinting eyes, large buck teeth, and green skin with lumps wearing a gray hooded robe with black belt.

"Well good sir, I have a good example for you." Luz/Eda said as she picked up a feather duster with a brown handle. "Right here is a rare human item known as a "feather duster." Good for keeping the home righty with gentle movements and it's not just for cleaning. It can also be the perfect tool for torturous pleasure!"

To make her point, she used a bit of magic to make the feather duster float and began to tickle the hunched man with it, forcing him into a fit of laughter!

"Oh oh oh oh my! This is torturous pleasure!" He said as he grabbed the feather duster and pulled out a handful of snail coins. "I'll take this one and another for my enemies!"

"Can do, sir!" Luz/Eda said with a bit of surprise, glad that this act was working, and got him a second feather duster.

"Hey, you got any human artifact for me?" Asked a centaur with a blank face on his head and eyes with a mouth on his chest.

'Oh I remember this guy.' Luz/Eda thought as she recalled her first delivery run for Eda.

"I've got just the think for you!" She said as she picked up a ink market and pulled off the cap. "Come here and hold still for a bit."

Getting a nod from the strange centaur, Luz/Eda held his face and began sketching on the blank face to give him a new, second face.

"And...there you go. See if you like it." Luz/Eda said as she put the market down.

The chest faced centaur looked up to his head and saw that his head was now downing a strong jawed smile with blue eyes.

(Jotaro Kujo "Heh" smile from Jojo manga.)

"I-I-I love it." He said with tears coming down his chest eyes. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

To show his gratitude, he pulled out two handfuls of gold snail coins and put them in a pile on the table.

"You're very welcome, sir." Luz/Eda said as she began to put all of the snails in her personal bag.

"Excuse me." A woman that looked kinda like a brown rat in a rag dress and hood while pushing a baby carriage, which had a crying baby in it. "Do you have anything for babies?"

"Ma'am, I have the perfect thing!" Luz/Eda said as she went into the back of the stand, rummaging through items before finding a large yellow pacifier. "This is a special tool for comforting a crying child, a pacifier! Designed for when an infant is either not hungry or too full to eat but still needs the comfort. It can be helpful to parents by allowing the baby to soothe themselves during periods of crying."

To show her up close, Luz/Eda stuck the pacifier in the crying infants mouth and watched as it went silent. The baby gave it a few tries before it began to doze off, sleeping with a sense of comfort.

"It works! I'll take it!" The mother said before dumping a large amount of snail coins on the stand table.

"Thank you for your business, ma'am!" Luz/Eda said as she turned to the other customers. "Any thing else catches your fancy, just say the word and I'll tell you all about it."

For the next several minutes, Luz/Eda had been introducing and selling various items from Earth like a professional saleswoman. Making dozens upon dozens of snails in one day then the stand could make in a week! It was so fast paced that when it was over, Luz/Eda was left sweating with a large sense of satisfaction as the patrons left and she leaned against the stand.

"Come back anytime for more human artifacts. Just keep quiet on who you got them from!" Luz/Eda said to them as they left. "Whew, that was a bit harder then I thought but it all worked out. I drew a crowd with a flashier presentation and made a shit load of snails for myself. And no guard was the wiser."

Luz/Eda turned to her bag on the ground, almost over flowing with snails, before a new customer with a brownish black cloak came to her and the stand.

"Excuse me, are you the lady selling human artifacts?" he asked in a gruff, familiar voice.

'Wait, that voice.' Luz/Eda thought as she remembered that familiar tone and large built, like on the first day she came to the Boiling Isles.

"Maybe." Luz/Eda answered as she watched him with caution, pushing herself up to stand before the man. "Is there anything that catches your eye?"

"Well nothing really except for one thing." the man said before removing his cloak, revealing himself to be a guard and point at Luz/Eda. "You, Eda the Owl Lady! You are under arrest!"

"And don't even think of running for it, we've got you surrounded!" Another guard said as he came from behind Luz/Eda. "Come quietly or else things will get messy!"

Luz/Eda looked between the guards and grew a slight smirk on her face, knowing she could take them like she did the day she met Eda/King. Only this time she was in an older and stronger body, so her hits would hurt even more now.

"Really? Well that's too bad." Luz/Eda said as the guard in front of her pulled out a pair of shackles.

"And why's that?" the guard asked as he reached for Luz/Eda.

"Because I like it when things get MESSY!" Luz/Eda screamed as she spun around and delivered a back kick to the guard behind her in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Hey!" the guard in front of her shouted before Luz/Eda rushed him and delivered a volley of jabs to his masked face.

'I was right! Eda's body does hit harder then my own even if it's a bit slower, but I can work with that!' Luz/Eda thought as she finished her volley with an uppercut, knocking the guard to the ground.

"Ha!" Luz/Eda celebrated before the guard from before, who got up from the ground, grabbed her in a bear hug.

"Resistance is futile!" he said to Luz/Eda before she began to bang her head into his mask. "Hey! Stop that!"

"Not a chance!" Luz/Eda shouted back stomping on his foot.

"OW!" he shouted in pain as he let Luz/Eda go before she gave him a side elbow to the face, knocking him back.

"That all you got?!" Luz/Eda asked him as the first guard charged and was able to shackle her arms from behind.

"HA! Got you!" he shouted in Luz's/Eda's face before she smirked at him.

"My arms maybe but not my legs!" Luz/Eda shouted as she pulled away and hook kicked him to the ground. "Give it up, you can't beat me!"

"Challenge accepted, Owl Lady!" the two guards shouted as they charged at Luz/Eda again.

Over the next couple of minutes, Luz/Eda had held off the guards with kicks, elbows, and the occasional headbutt before they were able to take her to the ground and hold her by the legs.

"Grab the staff!" one of the guards said as they quick grabbed the owl staff before taking a struggling Luz/Eda to what they called "Police Precinct 128," which looked like a mix of a police station and court house.

After a begrudging due process with a talking camera and seeing Owlbert bet put in a shackle before being thrown in a jail cell, Luz/Eda was put in an interrogation room with a third, new guard watching over her with arms crossed. Luz/Eda just sat at the table and stared back at the guard while keeping quiet, thinking that the best way to get out of this was to keep quiet until something came along so she could escape though it didn't make her as nervous as she thought it would be.

'Could all those visits to the principal's office desensitized me to this? Is that bad or good in this situation?' Luz/Eda thought to herself before the door to the room opened and walking in came the last person, Luz/Eda had expected to see.

"Lilith?" she said aloud as the head of the Emperor's Coven walked up to the table with her arms behind her back.

"Yes, it's me. Hello, Edalyn." Lilith said as she gazed down at her "sister" with a serious and straight face. "I suppose your surprise at my presence here is understandable."

"Yeah it is and I suppose you're here because of my track record?" Luz/Eda said as she didn't try to explain the body swap situation to Lilith, not knowing if she'd believe her or not.

"Though that is an understatement, it is." Lilith said as she pulled out a long list from behind her back, a list of Eda's crimes. "Your "track record" is insurmountable and nearly indefinite. Operating a stand without the proper permit, in possession of a "hocus" without a "pocus.""

"Hocus pocus?" Luz/Eda mumbled to herself as she looked over the LONG list of Eda's crimes. "Dear gods."

""Dear gods" is right, sister. These charges are serious and it's time to stop running." Lilith said as she rolled the list back up and set it to the side.

"Yeah, I kinda get it. A person can only run for so long before their problems catch up to them." Luz/Eda said as she looked away, SORT of thinking about her own problems of getting into fights and not thinking things through some times. "Magic or not, you can't solve your problems with it."

"Yes but that doesn't mean you can't have help. You just need to ask." Lilith said as she moved next to Luz/Eda, smiling at her while she grabbed her shoulders. "And this was the only way you could because you were too prideful to ask. Join me and become a member of the Emperor's Coven, like we dreamed of when we were kids and then we can heal your curse together."

"Join the Emperor's Coven, like when we were kids?" Luz/Eda questioned with wide eyes as she was shocked over this news about Eda.

'Eda WANTED to be in a coven when she was a kid?! I thought she always hated this "crooked" system?' Luz/Eda thought as Lilith continued.

"Yes, just like back then. You don't have to be afraid and you won't have to hide anymore. Everything is going to be alright." Lilith said as she took Luz's/Eda's shackled hands and moving them from the table. "Guard, bring out the Branding Glove!"

"Branding what?" Luz/Eda said as she was pulled out of her thought, suddenly restrained in blue magic ropes courtesy of Lilith.

Turning to the guard, Luz/Eda saw the guard in the room placed a a light brown glove with an orange rim over his right hand with the symbol of the Emperor's Coven on it, gloving with power and heat as he turned to the "sisters."

 He threw the table to the other side of the room and cracked his knuckles, ready to finally put the Owl Lady into a coven.

"Oh no! OH hell no! You are not branding me like some live stock!" Luz/Eda shouted as she pulled away from Lilith, who kept her gripped on her.

"Edalyn, please. It's alright, it will only hurt for a moment." Lilith said as she pulled Luz/Eda back to prevent her from moving away.

"I said "NO!"" Luz screamed before kicking Lilith in the stomach, sending her back before she parried the guard's hand but unfortunately or fortunately that ended up forcing her to draw a large spell circle in front of her. "Oh crap."

A large beam of magic blasted from the circle and hit the wall, causing an explosion to rock the room and knock everyone away. Thankfully Luz/Eda was quick to recover and notice her arms were free of the metal shackles and Lilith's magic ropes. Waving some smoke away with her hand, she looked around the destroyed before gazing to Owlbert as he was the only one intact because he was still in the cell.

"Owlbert, come on!" Luz/Eda called him out as he nodded, easily busting through the cell to get to Luz/Eda before she caught him right in front of his face. "Gotcha! Now let's find the others!"

Drawing a quick spell circle to break his shackle, Luz/Eda ran out of police precinct to look for Eda/King and King/Luz but as she left, she missed the sight of Lilith getting up from the ground and watching her ran away.

"Grr!" Lilith growled with unkept hair and slight bruises on her face.

Back with the human inside a witch body, she continued to run to find her friends but the problem was she didn't know where to look! They could be anywhere in all of Bonesborough right now doing who knows what! And one of them was a tiny ego maniac inside her body! While she continued to think the worse, the sound of poundings drew her attention and caused her to stop and turned around to the source. When she did, Luz/Eda was met with the relieving sight of her a display window...for a kitten or tiny animal café.

'What the fuck?' Luz/Eda thought ins surprise as she saw Eda/King was wearing a tiny bee costume and King/Luz was wearing a blue shirt that had 'volunteer' written on it

"Luz! Get over here with my body!" Eda/King shouted through the glass as King/Luz banged the glass with a panicked expression.

Deciding to ask questions later on how her friends got this way, Luz/Eda rushed over to the window and looked inside the café to see who else was inside, only finding two elderly women. If this was Earth, then Luz/Eda would have nothing to worry about but looks can be deceiving on the Boiling Isles so she had to be careful not to get there attention while freeing her friends but as she looked closer, she saw a lamp a few inches away from them.

'I got it!' Luz/Eda thought as she recalled what she did at the stand and planned to do it again.

"Alright guys, stand back. I'm gonna try something." Luz/Eda said as she held up a finger to the glass, startling Eda/King and King/Luz as they didn't know what she was doing or that she had any control over the magic in her body. "I hope this works."

Dragging her finger on the glass, Luz/Eda draw a spell circle to try to cut through it while also casting the spell. As the trio watched with baited breath as the spell circle was burning through the glass, the two old women turned to their lamp and saw it glow for moment before it poofed in a puff of smoke and transformed into the same "extravagant" lamp Luz/Eda sold earlier.

"Dottie, why did our lamp suddenly become so extravagant?" the taller old woman asked her friend.

She had blue eyes has under eye bags, pale skin, brownish-gray spiked hair, pale skin, and a large birthmark by her chin. She wore heart earrings, a sleeveless hot pink collared shirt on top of a pastel pink and blue striped long sleeved top, with a yellow apron advertising her café over it. She also had a name tag with the name "Roselle" on her shirt.

"Mmmm." Dottie replied with a shrug.

Dottie had pale skin with chubby, drooping cheeks and a wart on her right cheek while wearing blue glasses with pink rims, and a tuft of light brown hair peeking out of her hair net. She wears a blue and pink striped top with a yellow apron advertising the café as well with a name tag on her shirt as well.

As the two were examining their remodeled lamp, Luz's/Eda's spell circle was able to cut through the glass and make a hole big enough for Eda/King and King/Luz to get out.

"Sweet freedom." Eda/King said as she/he pushed the glass out, making a perfect hole but unfortunately broke the glass and altered the old woman. "Oops."

"HEY!" Roselle screamed as Luz/Eda practically ripped her friends from the display window and ran away. "Get them!"

"RAAAHH!" Dottie screamed like a monster as she and her friend ran after the trio.

"Just what kind of crazy stuff did you get into today?!" Luz/Eda asked them as they ran down an alley but stopped when a group came before them.

"There they are." Lilith said with two guards by her side along with the multi-mouth dog, which bark a few times.

"Right back at ya, Luz!" Eda/King said as they tried to run again but were cut off once more by another group.

Boscha and her group of friends, with one more girl with green cropped hair, a pointy nose, and brown eyes in a plant track uniform, were flying towards them with the same red bat winged boots on all their feet.

"Shoot, I forgot about them." King/Luz said as Luz/Eda glared at him/her.

"Didn't I warn you what would happen if I find out you've been doing ANYTHING I don't like in my body?!" she screamed as them as King/Luz flinched in fear, catching the sight of the two old women from the café running up to them from behind.

"Look you can punish King later but I think we've all learned how hard each of our lives are so let's end this chaos!" Eda/King said as she/he took the staff and landed on the ground. "Body swap!"

Throwing the staff into the air with a spin, the trio were once again consumed in green smoke and a few seconds later it cleared to reveal they were back in their original bodies but they were wearing what the had on before swapping back.

"Yes! I've got my body back!" King celebrated as the volunteer shirt was now a dress on him.

"And I've got mine back." Luz said as she patted her body before seeing Eda in the small, bumblebee costume before it ripped off her body.

"Edalyn, this has gone on long enough! Time and time again, I've offered you help and every time you choose to run back to your criminal way. Well, I'm done trying!" Lilith shouted to Eda before pointing to her. "Your days of running are over!"

Eda looked back to Luz, giving her a sort of glare for getting her body arrested but Luz just glared back at her.

"Hey don't look at me like that, I never wanted to swap bodies remember?" Luz said to her as as Eda groaned a bit.

"Yeah I know but it just may get us out of here." Eda said before holding her staff in the air and spinning it. "Body swap!"

From the staff, a beam of green smoke was fired as Eda aimed all around her group and swapped the bodies of all three groups. Everyone was silent for a moment before the coven dog began barking before suddenly speaking!

"Eda, you wretch of a sister! Switch me back!" Lilith demanded as she was now in the dog's body!

"What's happening? Who are you?" A coven guard asked inside the body of the taller old woman as he/she asked Dottie's body next to her.

"I'm a Coven guard, bub! Who are you?!" the other guard/Dottie said as he/she pointed at the former.

"No you're not. I am!" he/she said back before the skullcap boy dived at her.

"Give me back my body, you brute!" Roselle screamed as she/he tackled her original body.

"Fight!" the guard/Dottie screamed as he/she tried to rush in to fight but stopped when the body's knees pop. "Ow, my knees!"

From then the swapped bodies began to fight each other with whoever was inside of their original bodies.

"Wow, this escalated fast." Luz commented as she, King, and Eda watched the chaos.

"Are they gonna be okay?" King asked as he threw away the shirt and climbed onto Luz's shoulder.

"Eh, maybe? I've never done a body swap this big, so it'll probably wear off in a couple of hours." Eda said to them as Luz looked to her.

"The lets get back to the stand, pack up, and get home. After a day like this, I need to relax!" Luz said with a sigh before looking to her friends again. "And I wanna say that even if life gets crazy and complicated, I'm glad that you guys are around to make things less crazy and complicated."

"Aw, how sweet, kid. Now let's get out of here and never speak of this again." Eda said as she tapped her staff, making Owlbert unfurl his wings.

The trio boarded the staff and flew away as the swapped people continued to fight amongst themselves.

Time had passed and the moon had risen as the trio were now flying back to the owl house.

"So since we all technically lost your little bet, Eda, who's gonna clean the house and Hooty?" Luz asked from the middle of the staff with King in front of her and Eda behind her, her glyph gloves returned to her arms and holding her personal bag full of snail coins. "It's gotta be either one of us o-"

"Not it!" Eda and King said at the same time, not wanting to clean a dirty house and dirtier Hooty after a long day.

This was not going to fly with the kickboxer as she immediately grabbed Eda by the nose.

"OW!" Eda nasally screamed in pain as she looked down to Luz, who turned her head to her.

"May I remind you that YOU switched our bodies when I didn't give consent," Luz said as she yanked Eda's nose a bit, hard, before grabbing King by his horn and forcing him to look at her glare. "And YOU explicitly ignored my warning about doing something stupid in my body! So either both of you are going to help me clean the house or Hooty gonna remain disgusting for the rest of my summer vacation! So what's it's gonna be?!"

To say they were a bit afraid was an understatement as they had to agreed that she was right on both accounts. Eda didn't really give her Luz a choice and King didn't listen to her fearful warning and if anything, if Eda had just not done the body swap then today's madness wouldn't have come to pass.

"Fine, kid! We'll help you just let me go so I can stir!" Eda said with a nasal tone as she tried to focus on flying.

"Good." Luz said as she let go of Eda, focusing on King now. "Little demon?"

"Yes yes! I'll help clean, just don't hurt me!" King said with a quiver, fearful on his friend.

"Good, now let's get to work. We're home." Luz said as she put King back on the the staff, only for Eda to land it in front of Hooty, who was extended and curled up like a filthy snake.

"Oh hey guys! Welcome home! Are you ready for my bath?!" He asked them as they muck, gunk, and grim was visible.

"Uh!" Eda gagged a bit as Luz walked to the door.

"Come on guys, we're gonna need mops, scrub brushes, and LOTS of soapy hot water." she said as the trio spent the remained of the daylight cleaning the most disgusting house demon on the Boiling Isles.

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars

Glyph Glove Combo Spells: Light Fire = Golden Flames

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