The Second Class

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough. (Added to attire since chapter 5)

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Another week hand come and gone as Luz was now before her second kickboxing class with the same students as before, well almost the same. The students from last week were Gus, Willow, the Human Appreciation Society (Bo, Asriel, and Elieen), Amity, Boscha and Skara. The students that were new to this class are two from Boscha's friend group. One of them was a male student from the day Eda did the body swap, light pinkish-red skin and and dirty blonde hair wearing a black skull cap, uniform violet sleeves and leggings, red boots with white outlines and bat wings; and the other was a girl with white skin, green cropped hair, a pointy nose, and brown eyes wearing a plant track uniform and modest open-top black slip-ons.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad to see everyone from the last class has retuned for more lessons and I'm happy to see some new faces joining us today." Luz said with a smile before looking to see Boscha, Skara, and their other two friends were glaring at her a bit. "But before we start today, I'd like to clear something up about a certain incident that some of you were involved in with me."

"Incident?" Gus asked as he raised his hand.

"Yes, are anyone of you familiar with a spell that can swap people's bodies?" Luz asked the class as nearly everyone raised their hand to answer. "Good, because the incident I am talking about involves that spell and my unwilling participation."

"So, you were put into a situation where you swapped bodies with someone else and they chaos all that trouble with us yesterday?" Boscha asked with some sarcasm.

"Yes, even after I warned them NOT to cause trouble in my body. They got a very painful lesson for that." Luz said as she growled a bit before refocusing on class. "Anyway, putting that aside, I see two new faces joining us today. Before we start, why don't you two introduce yourselves to everyone? Just give us your name, your school track, and your specialty or favorite type of magic to use."

Looking towards each other, the two new students nodded toward each other before standing up before everyone.

"Sup? Name's Kyle." The skullcap boy said as he crossed his arms. "My track is Oracle, aka witches that can see the future, and my favorite spell to use is a little hard but I can use it for a bit. It's called "Foresight.""

"Foresight, huh? Interesting. What can you tell us about it?" Luz asked with intrigue as Kyle gave a small look of arrogance at her interest.

"Not much to it, the spell just lets me take a short peak into the future. Just a small 3 seconds, but it's enough to have a bit of fun with." He said with a small chuckle in his throat.

"Have fun with, huh?" Luz repeated as she thought about how he would use it, being friends with Boscha and all.

'He most likely uses his Foresight magic to avoid getting caught by the teachers if he pulls pranks around the school.' Luz thought before thinking about the upsides to "Foresight." 'Though looking into the future proves to be a powerful ability to use in a fight, always being able to see the next strike and dodge with ease. Though, he'd be too reliant on it.'

Luz gave a nod to Kyle before turning towards the girl in the Plant track uniform.

"Well, hello everyone. My name is Amelia, I am in the Plant track, and my current specialty is Plant magic."

'Another plant magic user like Willow, I wonder how she would compare to Willow if they sparred.' Luz thought before gesturing for them to sit down.

"Alright everyone, with our two new students joining us, I'd like to start of this lesson with another spar but not from me. I want to see what you all can do with what I showed you last week, I hope you've been practicing." She said as she looked over her previous students. "Now, who would like to volunteer?"

Looking over them all, Luz saw that some of them were pretty nervous to show their process while others were more confident to show off.

"Hmmm, okay. Boscha and...Willow. Step into the ring." Luz said with a smile as the two she called for were surprised.

"What?!" They said as they turned to each other's direction.

'I have to fight her?!' They thought at the same time.

"Come on, guys hurry up. The sooner the spar is finished, the sooner we can move on with class." Luz said as she gestured for them to come up into the ring.

Moving with a bit of stiffness from both of them, Boscha and Willow climbed into the boxing ring and went to separate corners with Luz standing in the middle.

"Alright you two, this spar will last only five minutes and in that time I want to see if you've been practicing from what I showed you last week or how you improvised from it." Luz said as she pulled out her phone and opened the timer app. "When I give the word, the spar will begin and will end when I give it again. I don't want to see any foul play of any kind or any blows in inappropriate place, magic is free to use as well but nothing that will lead to serious injury, alright?"

Both girls nodded as they readied themselves for the spar, Willow took some deep breathes to calm herself and Boscha did a bit of stretching while trying to get her mind right.

'Calm down and get your head in the game! This is just Willow, the same witch that struggled for most of her life. She's not stronger then you just because of some extra lessons from Luz.' she thought while putting the way Willow looked last week out of her mind. 'STOP IT! This is not time to be goofy! This is time to show remind them how strong you are!'

With the self preparations done, both girls took their stances and were at the ready. Willow's stance was no different with legs wider apart and her left fist higher than her right while Boscha's was normal but she bounced a bit on her feet.

'So, she's going for speed.' Luz thought as she saw the quick movements of the triclops. 'She's aiming towards using quicker movements to get around Willow's higher build and frame.'

"Ready?!" Luz said with her hand up and looking at her phone to press the timer, set for 5 minutes, to start as she threw her raised hand down. "Begin!"

Both girls moved towards each other as Boscha made the first move and threw some jabs as Willow, forcing her to block.

'Boscha's hits are just as I expected. With her being captain of the Grudgby team, she already had a strong body for the class but I'm not going down that easy!' Willow thought as she dodged another jab and gave an uppercut to the stomach but that barely phased Boscha.

'Good punch but I've deal with worse.' Boscha thought as she began to dodge and block punches from Willow before she was kicked in the stomach again, stumbling back a bit. 'Still, she's got some power behind her.'

Boscha dodged left and right from two blows before ducking and giving a spin kick to Willow's stomach, which Willow managed to block before kicking Boscha's leg out from under her and making her fall to the boxing ring ground.

"Urh!" Boscha grunted before she quickly rolled back onto her feet and faed Willow again. "You know, even I can admit you're good. I didn't think you could be this good to be honest."

"Um...thanks." Willow said with surprise as she and everyone that knew Boscha knew she doesn't give out compliments so easily. "You're...good too even if it's only been a week since you learned."

"I'm sort of a natural at sports so this "combat sport" should be easy to pick up. But now, let's see how you can handle some magic." Boscha said as she drew two yellow spell circles over her hands, washing them over and turning her hands into stone fists.

Willow came out of her shock and quickly followed, drawing a large spell circle around herself and summoned vines around her feet. The vines moved to wrap around her waist as four floated around her and grew into fists.

'More knuckle plants, huh? And she took inspiration from Amity.' Boscha thought before charging at Willow, who sent the knuckle plants to hit her.

Duck left, dodge right, jump and roll, Boscha used all she could to dodge the green fists before getting close and throwing several hooks that forced Willow to block them with her bare arms. Since Boscha's fists had transformed into stone, the damage was harder than normal and Willow wouldn't last much longer if this kept up. She ducked under a right hook, sending two vine punches into Boscha's face and sending her back then rushing her. The triclops was one the defense as she dodging left, right, down, leaning back against the flurry of vine punches before her arms were knocked away and she was left open. Refocusing, Boscha saw Willow dropped into a deep kneel to build up power for a strong uppercut, the same determined look on her face that sent a shiver down Boscha's a good way.

'Wh-What is it with this look?!' she thought in surprise as she refocused on the uppercut coming to her, coming so close to her chin. 'Block it! Block it! Find a way to block it!'

Moving on it's own, Boscha's body jumped and knocked the punch with her knee as she reeled a fist back to strike Willow down but for some reason, Boscha hesitated and didn't throw the punch. Before either of them could think about it more, a beeping alarm rang through the room.

"That's enough, the 5 minutes are up!" Luz said to them as she shut off the alarm as Boscha landed on the ring floor and Willow stumbled back a bit. "Interesting why to block, Boscha but a bit unethical and leave you open in the air. Still, interesting technique."

"T-Thanks." Boscha said as she turned her hands back to normal, quickly walking out of the ring to her friend group.

"And Willow, you've really improved since the last class and you used your vines that makes them mobile." Luz said as Willow made the vines wilt while rubbing her sore arms. "Go to Bo so she can fix you up and then we'll continue with class, okay?"

"Right, Luz." Willow said as she walked out of the ring and to Gus and the H.A.S. (Human Appreciation Society).

After Willow's arms were back to normal thanks to Bo, Luz went on to show her class the new lesson plan she came up with. It wasn't easy to make it in a week but Luz thought it would be good for them, especially with her newest students, Amelia and Kyle.

1. Warm Up Exercises: Various exercises that Luz wasn't sure they had on the Boiling Isles but she thought they would be good to limber them up. Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, squats, and mountain climbers.

2. Stance and Movement Drills: Basic review of the stances, strikes, and movements from the last class. It's also best for the Amelia and Kyle to learn as well so they could catch up quickly with the others. Luz also shows anything new they didn't learn from her last week, leading them movement by movement.

3. Review Rounds: Everyone shows what they learned from before and how they mix it with their favored magic spells, like Gus with his illusions to create multiple copies to help him or Bo with her snow magic for freezing punches.

4. A short break for them to rest with some water provided by the school. Lasting 15 to about 20 minutes.

5. Solo Drills: Everyone is given something to work on, either from before or something new they learned today. The goal would be for flawless execution and slow movements so they could perform any punch, kick, dodge, or movement perfectly before they perform it at a normal speed.

6. Attack and Defense Drills: Luz has them show everything they can do in attacking and defending with a sparring partner. This was the perfect way for Amelia and Kyle to learn and improve themselves while watching their fellow learners.

7. Another water break to rest and refuel for about 20 minutes.

8. Situational Sparring Games: Sets of games with preset rules to help them improve in certain areas, everyone had a choice of which game they wanted to play. Give three, get three (throwing three strikes before giving three of your own), Limit (Only using one set of punches or kicks in a certain stance), Evasion (One person is constantly attack with the other only defends or dodges), Cat and Mouse (One person pressures the other, who does all they can to evade and keep a good distance), and Punch and Clutch (Introducing clinches to the class, two people go in with one trying to clinch while the other tries to keep their distance).

9. Review Rounds 2: Choosing two newly learned exercises, everyone participates in 30 second rounds against Luz to show her how much they've picked up from today's lesson.

10. Cool down and stretch: Ending the class with this, everyone stretches to make sure their muscles are relaxed and avoid the risk of soreness in the morning.

After all was done, class was over for another week as Luz opened the door for everyone to leave.

"Alright everyone, I hope you learned a lot from today's class. I'll see you next week." Luz said as everyone walked past her, some smiling and talking while others were still stretching from the work out the class gave them.

"Thanks, Luz. See ya, later, teach! Can't wait for next week!" they said to her as they left in their groups until Amity walked up to Luz.

"Hey." she said after being the last one in the room with Luz, leaving them both alone to talk.

"Hey, Amity. Something you need to talk about?" Luz asked her as Amity blushed a bit and took a breath.

"Just...are those private lessons still open? If they are, I'd like to schedule some with you. If that's fine." Amity said as she kicked the ground a bit. "I understand if you don't want to but I-"

"Sure, I'd be happy to give you some extra lessons." Luz quickly said with a blush and a smile. "And maybe you could teach me a few spells too. I've been dying to learn about making abominations know."

Luz was referring to how they first met, the day she impersonated Willow's project and snuck into Hexside.

"Yeah, I know. So, how about when I return your book, we can talk about it?" Amity asked as she held out her hand to Luz.

"Sounds like a plan, Blight. I look forward to it." Luz said as they shook hands, smiling towards each other as their relationship took another step forward.

How big a step forward would be seen in the future.

Kickboxing Class Students: Gus, Willow, Amity, Boscha, Skara, Bo, Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Amelia, and Kyle (skulls cap kid)

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars

Glyph Glove Combo Spells: Light Fire = Golden Flames

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