The Human Appreciation Society

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough. (Added to attire since chapter 5)

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Warning: Spoiler for a glyph.

The afternoon was fresh and the sky was mildly clear as Luz was outside practicing of the owl house, striking her punching bag as as the day was drawing to a close. Over time she improved her workout area behind the house to include a spinning sparring post from her classroom at Hexside, a bench with some rusty or cobbled together lifting weights, and the biggest, a small shack like seat up to house it all with a roof and two walls to keep it standing while also letting the branch that held Luz's punching bag inside. On the bench was her hoodie vest, glyph gloves, a towel, and a half full pitcher of water for after she was done.

"Huh. Huh. Okay, few more hits and I can call it a day." Luz said to herself as she bounced on the soles of her feet, her fists up as she had beads of sweat on her forehead.

With a quick rush to the punching bag, Luz delivered a front kick, followed by two jabs, a right hook and a side elbow that flowed into a backhand. Her final hit was a strong roundhouse kick that sent the punching bag back and made it swing a few times as she stood up straight and took a deep breath to calm her breathing.

'Good workout.' Luz thought as she walked to her things on the bench, grabbing the towel to wipe her face clean of sweat and the water pitcher to take a drink.

Letting out a sigh from her drink, Luz slung the towel around her neck and grabbed her hoodie and gloves, sticking the gloves in her pockets before grabbing the pitcher and heading inside the house through the back door.

"Well look who's finally done with her punching." Eda said as she and King looked over to her from the den, with dozens of boxes full of random Earth objects that Eda would sell, keep, or throw away in the future. "Surprised to see how sweaty you can get just from punching a bag of sand."

"Everyone has their way of exercise and mine is mainly punching things." Luz said as she came in to the den, sitting on the couch. "So, you still organizing all of your stuff?"

"Yes and it would go a lot faster with your help and your opinion. A lot of this stuff may be junk to you humans but it's a goldmine of new uses for me to sell." Eda said as she pulled out a green bulb like object with a hook on top. "Like this...fancy big earring!"

"Which is actually a decorative ornament for a human holiday but it could be used as an earring too." Luz corrected with a shrug, taking another sip from the pitcher before setting it on the nightstand next to the couch.

"Exactly! I can still sell it like how I wanted and it's technically not lying!" Eda said as she set the ornament aside to sell.

Luz rolled her eyes at Eda as she decided to help her organize all the stuff she had from Earth, maybe she would get lucky and find something she liked as well. About half an hour later of opening boxes, sorting, and placing some stuff aside to keep, the trio soon heard the door knocked on before Hooty swung the door open.

"Hoot hoot! We've to company!" Hooty said as Gus came walking into the house.

"I'm actually just here to see, Luz." Gus said as he walked towards Luz, ignoring the plethora of human items around him.

"What for, Gus?" Luz asked as Eda kept looking though a box.

"The Human Apperception Society just got a new member and he claims the artifacts he brought in are genuine, unlike all the other stuff you've shown and explained to us. He even claims he could make a better president than me!" Gus said as he gestured to himself, getting upset before calming down and kneading his hands together. "Anyway, since your ban was lifted so you could teach your kickboxing class, I was wondering if you could come with me to school tomorrow and expose his stuff as fake."

"Hmm, expose a liar, huh? I guess I could do that, besides I could also see more of the school." Luz said with a nod, agreeing to go with Gus tomorrow.

A groan escaped Eda's throat as she kept looking through a box of items, getting Luz's and Gus' attention.

"I still don't know why you like that place so much. Aside from the punching and kicking classes you give, it's nothing but a dweebus making factory, anyway." Eda said as she pulled out a purple coffee mug, turning to Gus with a small smile. "No offense to you, dweebus."

"It's fine, I actually come from a long line proud dweebuses." Gus said as he placed a hand on his chest.

While the illusion boy was fine with Eda's rantings, Luz was a little sick of it. She gets why Eda hates the school and coven system too but Luz still thought there were things she could learn from the school. Sure Eda helped her learn two spell by using her phone's camera and editing app but there has to be other ways to find spell glyphs that Hexside could possibly teach her.

"Look, Eda." Luz said as she placed a box on the ground before standing up. "Dweebus factory or not, I'd still like to go to Hexside. Sure, your lessons are useful and unique but I still want to learn everything Hexside has to offer. And no offense but most of the stuff I learn from you is mostly manual labor."

"Oh, "mostly manual labor," huh?" Eda repeated as she stood up, facing Luz with her hands on her hips.

"OH! Are you gonna fight?! My money's on Luz!" King said as he jumped up from the couch and onto a stack of boxes.

"Quiet you!" Eda said to King before turning to Luz. "First of all, manual labor is just a small part of my "Bad Girl Coven" and the other parts are key survival facts that you can't get at Hexside! They teach through theory, I teach through experience!"

"I'm not saying your method is wrong but I'd still like to learn through another method!" Luz said before gesturing to Gus and his uniform. "Like the theories at Hexside! Safe and controlled theories!"

"Safe and controlled?!" Eda said in offense, hating those words whenever they were associated with learning magic! "I thought I taught you that magic isn't safe and controlled, it's wild and free! But if you want to learn from those stuffy nerds at Hexside, be my guest! Just don't come running to me when those stuffy, rule loving nerds cram your mind with garbage!"

Turning to the front door, Eda marched out in a huff and slammed the door behind her as Luz, Gus, and King stayed to stare at the door.

"Wow, Eda's really upset about it." King said with concern before it vanished, rubbing his hands together. "I'm gonna go rub it in some more!"

Ignoring the small demon going to mock Eda, Luz took a deep breath to calm herself down before turning back to Gus.

"Ignoring all the drama that just happened, I'd still like to come with you to your the H.A.S. and help with this new member of your's." Luz said as she grew a small smile to her friend, who gave a huge smile back to her.

"AWESOME! I'll see you tomorrow, Luz!" Gus said before rushing out of the house, closing the front door behind him before breaking into a little dance. "Yes! You do it, you did it, you do it, Gus! Yeah!"

Throwing a spin kick in the air, Gus strutted away from the house as he thought about tomorrow and how Luz would save his presidency in the Human Appreciation Society club.

"Dang, sweet moves." Hooty said as he watched Gus strut away, not making a sound while he was doing his victory jig.

-Timeskip, tomorrow-

The day was new and the air was crisp as Luz walked towards Hexside with a small kick in her step, though she hadn't talked to Eda since their little argument over her lessons VS the lessons she could learn at Hexside but she hoped Eda would come around so they could really talk it out.

'There's nothing wrong with your lessons, Eda. Not after I learned how useful they really are.' Luz thought as she remembered the day she met Willow and how the seed Eda gave her helped save her. 'But I still want to learn more and Hexside is the next best place to learn it, maybe I could talk to Principal Bump about enrollment after I patch things up with Eda.'

Seeing the school coming up in the distance, Luz walked a bit faster as she saw Gus, with a school bag, and Willow waiting outside of Hexside for her.

"Hey guys." Luz said as she walked up to them with a smile while she put her hands in her pockets.

"Luz! You made it!" Gus said with a smile as Willow waved to her.

"I told you I would and I'm here." Luz said before looking to Gus. "So, when's your club meeting exactly?"

"In just a few minutes, I had an alarm set so we won't be late. I also grabbed you a little something so you can blend in." Gus said as he reached into his school bag and pulled out a uniform cowl/hood. "I got it so you can make your appearance at the club a surprise for our new member, he didn't stay at the Covention for your match, so he won't know you're human."

"Well, while it is nice you thought of it, I don't think it would help with everyone else in school." Luz said as she pushed the cowl back to Gus. "They were at the Covention and some of them have seen me around town or after I leave from my kickboxing classes. I'm afraid hiding in plain sight is not an option."

Though Gus was sad that he lost the attempt to surprise the new member, he could see the logic in that and put the cowl back in his bag.

"So, do you have anything planned after school? I was wondering if you guys could help me with a little something that's been on my mind." Luz said to Gus and Willow.

"No really? Just some-" Willow tried to say before an screaming sound cut her off.

Gus jolted at the sound and shut his left eye before pulling up his sleeve, revealing the source of the noise to be a small purple devil with a large eye that had clock hands in it and four yellow teeth biting into Gus' wrist.

'What the fuck?! Is that supposed to be a watch?' Luz thought in shock as Gus pocked the eye and the screaming stopped as he pulled his sleeve back down.

"That's the alarm, we better get going." Gus said as he grabbed Luz's hand and dragged her too the school. "See you after school, Willow!"

"I still want to talk to you about what I brought up!" Luz said to her quickly as they rushed into the school.

As Gus and Luz walked into the school, everything seemed as normal as a human school to Luz. Students opening their lockers to get their stuff for class, friends talking and walking with each other, and some teachers greeting their students as they came in. Nothing out of the ordinary, except a few students remembering Luz from the Covention and fawned over her a bit.

'That's a first.' Luz thought as no student back on Earth fawned over her for her kickboxing, most of the time just jolting and walking away rapidly.

But those thoughts weren't meant for today as Luz refocused on why she was here until she saw two students being dragged away with dull hooked staffs used by two weird looking guys. They were black, puffy sleeved outfits with gray gloves, pointed boots, and belts with long, hooded blue tunics, with a symbol of a nose with an eyeball on it, to covered their front and back but leave their sides free. The most disturbing features were the upside down face masks with the eyes stitched shut and rows of round, buck teeth sticking out over their heads.

"No! Not detention!" one said, a lizard/turtle like mouth with green skin in an Oracle Track uniform.

"I admit nothing of guilt!" the other said, with light tan skin, a pointy nose, and wearing a brown Construction Track uniform.

"...Gus." Luz said as she slowly turned her head to Gus. "What the hell were those...things?"

"Things" was putting it lightly as those were the FREAKISEH creatures Luz had seen on the Boiling Isles! Even freakier then the Bat Queen and she is basically a giant head that could fly!

"Oh, those guys...kinda showed up after your first visit as you know, Willow's project. They're the new school guards." Gus said as he whispered the last part to Luz before looking at the two guards. "They can literally smell trouble and deal with before things get out of hand."

One of the guards stopped for a moment before "looking" to Luz and Gus with a bone popping sound comings from his neck.

"Trouble..." he said in a ghostly voice.

Luz and Gus just stared at him for a moment before Luz slowly moved herself and Gus away from the area.

"I take that Principal Bump decided to keep the "Trouble Sniffers" even after we patched things up?" Luz asked Gus as they walked at a fast pace.

"Yeah, I can guess. And they give me the creeps too." Gus said as he walked ahead of Luz before bumping into someone at a drinking fountain.

As Gus fell to the ground and a crown with the word "President" taped on it rolled away, Luz looked up to the student he ran into and instantly recognized him. It was the same guy that Luz and Eda sat behind at the Covention, the one who turned his head giant to serve as Principal Bumps example of a magical achievement. The same beige skin, dark brown eyes, and brown hair shaved at the sides with his uniform hood up but now Luz could see he was about as tall as Gus and wearing a brown, Construction track uniform as he turned to Gus and put his wrists on his hips.

"Augustus, hey. You know you should really be more careful where you're going." he said sarcastically as he picked up the crown, wiping off anything from it with a smug smile on his face. "We wouldn't want anything to happen to the president of the H.A.S. on his LAST day of office."

As Gus gulped at those words, Luz was getting annoyed with this guy and she hadn't known him for more than a few minutes. His condescending town and smug look were the things of the type people Luz HATED to deal with, thinking that they knew so much more than anyone else about something. Well, that was far from the case here and Luz was gonna prove it.

"And who beside you think it's his last day in office?" Luz asked as she marched to him and snatched the crown from his hands, towering over him as she gave him a tiny glare.

"Hey, just who do you-" he tried to reply before seeing Luz's ears, her ROUND ears, and letting out a high pitched short screech. "H-Human?!"

"Yes, I am a human." Luz said as she smirked a bit, spinning the crown with her left finger. "A human who so happened to be at the Covention for the dual of the century and teaches a little class called "Kickboxing" on Fridays. Though you wouldn't know the first one since you didn't stick around at the Covention to see it. Also, friend and human expert that Gus asked to authenticate any human items you've brought."

"That I have." Gus said as he got up from the ground and gave a victoriously smug look, taking back his crown and putting it back in his bag. "See you at today's club meeting, Mattholomule."

The big mouthed boy, Mattholomule, stood frozen in the hall as Luz and Gus walked past him. The smug air of superiority he had was gone and left with an air of fear and panic, Luz could tell he was lying about his "human items" and soon all of H.A.S. would know.

"You know, I can't help but feel bad for him since I'm the president of the H.A.S. and he's our newest member." Gus said as they arrived in a clear hallway, actually the same hallway she and Willow were when Luz gave her the seed from her first visit.

"But really you don't, do you?" Luz asked with a smirk as she put a hand on her right hip.

"NOPE! I just feel doing a dance!" Gus said before busting in a strange dance as Luz went over to a Hexside trophy case.

"Hmm, most bones? What kind of trophy is this, Gus?" Luz asked as one of the Trouble Sniffers stopped and smelled in Luz's direction, making her turn to him.

She stood there, staring at him for a few more seconds before going back to Gus and urging him down another hallway.

'Seriously, those things are unnaturally as shit.' Luz thought as she stopped pushing Gus and walked normally next to him. 'And why do they keep smelling in my direction? Can they smell the justified trouble I got in from Earth when I went to school?'

If that question was the truth, then this was going to be a rather difficult day if those things followed them around but she put those thoughts aside as Gus kept his promise and gave Luz a proper tour of Hexside to make up for the part of school she didn't see from her time with Willow or after her classes. They came to a sort of football/basketball field with bleaches and goals to play what Gus called "the sport."

Skara was playing but lost as she was grabbed by a griffin and dropped into the opposing goal. The next stop was the Plant Track homeroom, where a mock Garden of Eden was present as students did their work.

Like at the field outside, another one of Luz's students, Amelia, got into a bit of trouble as a giant, carnivorous plant with an eye on each petal tried to eat her but thankfully Willow was able to save her and make the plant puke her out. They shared a short wave before Gus lead Luz to his homeroom, the Illusion Track homeroom.

"And now, you get to see where I spend most of my time at school." Gus said as he gestured to the room, strangely full of a lot of mirrors as a teacher was grading three students, two of which were Edric and Emira.

The teacher, a female devil with light pink skin, blue hair, devil horns, and a pointed tail wearing a large hat over her head and a blue black dress with white shoes was stopping by each student. She watched as Emira impressively made her legs longer,

Edric turning himself into a handsome prince,

and the last student making her own face disappear along with her ability to breath.

The teacher quickly fixed that before the poor girl suffocated.

'Dios mio/My god, illusions are next level.' Luz thought before looking to the classroom across the hall and seeing a second Gus taking notes.

"Hey, is that one of your's?" Luz asked as she got his attention and pointed to it.

"Oh yeah, he's one of my illusion clones. I use them to take notes for me in other classes." Gus said before his double picked up a paper he was writing on to show...

"Though they don't always do as they're told!" Gus said as he began marching to the classroom.

"Wow, you're pretty good. You must've moved up some grades." Luz said as Gus stopped marching.

"Well, yeah, give or take a few." he said before he jolted and screaming was heard again, making him lift his arm up to see his devil watch biting him again.

"Can I suggest getting a new watch? One that doesn't bite?" Luz sarcastically asked as Gus poked the eye, shutting off the alarm again.

"Later! Now's the time for the H.A.S. meeting, let's go." Gus said as he and Luz left for the club.

But as they left, Gus' illusion clone was leaning back with a smirk on his face before Gus went back to his line of sight. The original Gus frown and gave a dangerous hand across the throat gesture that made the clone shiver before Gus walked away with a content look on his face while the clone was left in horror.

'That'll teach him to not do as he's told.' Gus thought as he lead Luz to the room of the Human Appreciation Society meeting.

On the way to the H.A.S. meeting room, Gus reached into his bag and put on the crown with "President" on it before gesturing Luz to wait.

'Of course he want's to make an entrance.' Luz thought with a smile as she did as he wanted.

Gus opened the door and greeting Bo, Elieen, and Asriel with a smile as Mattholomule sat at the end of the table, looking out the window.

"Human Appreciation Society, it is my distinct honor to welcome a familiar face to our humble meeting." Gus said before he stepped away from the door and gestured to it, watching as Luz came in with her hood up. "Say hello to our fare teacher of Kickboxing, Luz Noceda the human!"

Pulling her hood back, Luz gave a smile to the group before throwing 5 quick jab and a spinkick as they cheered for her.

"Luz!" "It's great to see you!" "Mmmmhmmhmhm!" they said with smiles as Gus and Luz walked to the front of their table, where Mattholomule's "human items" were placed.

If you can call them that.

'You have got to be fucking with me.' Luz thought as she stifled a laugh at the "artifacts."

One was a simple rock with a touch screen phone app drawn on the front with the label "Cellular Phone" taped to it, a beige stress ball with drawn skull on it labeled "Human Skull," and a large shoe that was made of leaves, mud, and twigs labeled "Sports Footwear."

'I'll admit this, the shoe is impressively accurate of a real sports sneaker.' Luz thought as Gus turned to her.

"Luz, as the bonified expect on human culture and items, could you please-" Gus said before Luz cut him off.

"Nope, none of them are real." she quickly said with a head shake before turning to Mattholomule, who then had all eyes on him. "Care to explain why you brought fake, human artifacts to our attention, "Matt?""

Mattholomule looked around nervously as he was internally panicking as his lies were revealed, what was he to do? Tell more lies, try to convince them Luz was the one lying, or...just tell the truth.

"I...I...I'm sorry that I lied about the human stuff I brought." he said as he looked away, showing sadness. "It's's tough being the new kid at school and making friends hasn't been easy, so I thought if I could impress you guys, you'd want to be friends with me but that was wrong. I see that now. If you want me to go, then I'll go."

After his heartfelt explanation, everyone couldn't help but feel bad for Mattholomule after he explained himself. It really was understandable, wanting to make yourself seem like a popular guy to make some friends in a new place, any one of them would've done the same thing if they were in his place. Especially Gus, since he was the youngest in his class year due to moving up a few grades. Gus looked towards Luz, a soft look in his eyes as he had construction coven student all wrong, and nodded to her.

"Look man, though it's not right to lie just to make friends, any one could relate if they were in a strange new place." Luz said with a shrug. "How about from now on, just be honest with others and maybe they'll like to be friends with the real you instead of trying to impress them with lies?"

"I guess but where would I start?" he asked Luz as Gus smiled at him.

"Right here, in the H.A.S." Gus said as the other members clapped for him.

"It's alright, Mattholomule." Bo said wit ha smile.

"You've got a place here with us, buddy." Asriel said with a thumbs up.

"Mm hm hmhm mm hmmm mm./We'd be happy to have you." Elieen mumbled as she held her hands together and gave a closed eye smile.

At their acceptance, Mattholomule smiled at them as they accepted him into their club, even if he lied at first to get in.

"Thanks, guys. Thank you so much." he said as he bashfully looked at the ground.

"Now, since I'm here, how about I tell you guys about any artifacts you already have?" Luz asked with a smile as Gus quickly nodded to the idea.

"I completely agree!" he said as the club cheered, ready to see what sort of wonders the human items they had could do with a real human using them.

Over the next 30 minutes, Luz had been shown the items the Human Appreciation Society had and gave them some proper information on what they really were. A cheese grader they thought was nail clippers, a bag of chips with a flip phone to act as a clip they thought was a whoopie cushion, an old umbrella hat they thought was a bowl, a rubix cube they thought was a weapon, and a paper clip that Gus pronounced "pay-per-clorp." It was safe to say they were both embarrassed and amazed by what the items really were, especially Gus when Luz explained that the rubix cube was a puzzle of intelligence to get all the sides to match. Safe to say, he vowed to conquer it and prove his intelligence over it. Once the meeting was done, everyone took their leave with smile on their faces and a new sense of knowledge on their minds.

"Thanks for coming to day, Luz." Bo said as she waved goodbye to Gus, Luz, and Mattholomule.

"See you at kick boxing class, teach!" Asriel said with a smile.

"Hmm huu./Thank you." Elieen said before jogging away with glee.

When all of them left, Mattholomule turned to Luz and Gus while rubbing his head nervously.

"Hey, Luz, Augustus. Thanks again for being so forgiving and accepting." he said with a smile.

"It's not big deal, Matt. Everyone's been the new kid at one point in their live." Luz said with her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah, it's no trouble." Gus said with a friendly smile to Mattholomule, feeling that he could be a new friend.

"Well, before I go, I just have one thing left to say." he said as he tilted his head to them.

The door to the H.A.S. clubroom was flung open and two Trouble Sniffers stood in the doorway.

Gus and Luz were surprised to see them as Mattholomule's smirk grew smug again and he pointed to Luz.

"There she is, she's the one who vandalized the school trophy case!" he said as Luz turned to him.

One of the Trouble Sniffers walked into the room and sniffed the air, turning to the trio.

"Trouble." he said as he prepared his hook staff.

""Now wait just a minute! I'm innocent, I haven't done a single thing wrong today!" Luz said as she turned to Mattholomule, glaring at him with fury. "And you! You no good lying piece of-"

Before Luz could finish, she was grabbed by a hook and dragged out of the classroom!

"Hey! Let me go! I am innocent!" Luz shouted as she unhooked herself by ducking and moved away from the Trouble Sniffers. "I didn't vandalize the trophy case, I just looked at it for a second!"

"Trouble, reek." the other Trouble Sniffer said as he pointed to Luz. "Big trouble."

'Aw fuck, I knew they could smell the trouble I caused back home but it was all justified...mostly.' Luz thought as she remembered the fights she got into a school, most were to defend or help someone that was bullied.

Seeing as the Trouble Sniffers didn't seem to want to listen, Luz got into her stance to fight them. The Trouble Sniffers recognized her sign of struggle and charged at her, twirling their staffs like seasoned martial artists! Luz dodged to the left, to the right, and leaned back before quickly jumping back from a under hook to her legs! She jumped back and threw a flying kick, but it was blocked before they landed on the ground and a rush of straight punches. One Trouble Sniffer used his staff to block each punch as the other flipped over Luz and landed behind her, he swung his staff at Luz's feet as she stopped her rush to jumped up to dodge but it left her open as the Trouble Sniffer in front of her hooked her shirt and threw her into the hallway!

"Aah!" Luz shouted as she rolled against the ground and hopped back on her feet, turning to the door as ran out towards her. "Damn these guys are good!"

Taking off to her right, Luz ran as the Trouble Sniffers rushed after her while Gus and Mattholomule stayed at the H.A.S. meeting room.

'Their reflexes are insane and their teamwork is just as impressive!' Luz thought as she touched the glyphs on her gloves. 'Let's see if they can take this!'

Spinning on the balls of her feet, Luz sent two ball of light them and watched as they flashed in their faces but it didn't stop them as Luz dodged left and right before backflipping away.

'Shit, I forgot their eyes are stitched shut!' Luz thought as she moved to the fire glyphs on her gloves.

But with a burst of speed, the Trouble Sniffers appeared behind and in front of Luz. The one in front swept Luz off her feet before the one behind hooked her by her hoodie vest and pulled her over head to slam into the ground, stomach first to knock the air out of her!

"GUHHA!" Luz coughed in pain before she pulled up to her feet and was restrained by their hooks, her arms up against to her chest as both Trouble Sniffer had their hooks around her in a perfect circle.

"Trouble." they said together before they began dragging Luz away, the human still in pain front the impact to her stomach to resist.

She groaned as her breath was a bit ragged, taking deep breathes to deal with the pain.

"Where...are you taking me?" Luz said loud enough for them to hear.

"Detention." one said to her as they kept walking.

"Detention?" Luz repeated as the threw of them came to a stop in front of a hallway, looking down it.

At the end of the corridor was a large door with three large closed eyes that was colored brown and dusty gold accents.

The eyes suddenly opened to show red sclera, and golden reptile pupils before it opened like a large mouth with a enormous, sharp teeth!

"SANTA MIERDA!" Luz cursed before she was swiftly thrown into the door, not chewed by the teeth and landing on the floor inside before the door closed it's mouth.

Getting up with a groan and holding her still aching stomach, Luz looked around the room she was in and saw nothing that put her at ease. Large slash marks on the walls and columns, large pieces of rubble on the floor, and no one else in sight. Not even the two guys the Trouble Sniffers caught earlier.

'I've to a bad feeling about this.' Luz thought as she took a cautious step forward but that was the only step she could take.

The room suddenly shook as the floor began to crack open, causing Luz to quick jump over and move to the far wall as it formed into giant mouth! Taking a cautious look inside, Luz could only describe what she saw as a literal "Hell Hole" when she saw a pit of moving purple tentacles with blue pods that had students in them, golden eyes balls, massive sharp fangs, and giant worms with humanoid faces on them!

'THIS IS DETENTION?!' Luz thought in shock and horror as she looked further down to see a humanoid skeleton at the bottom, someone had DIED in there! 'I'm starting to think Eda was right for wanting to keep me away from this place!'

Seeing a worm moving up to the surface, Luz quickly ducked behind some large piece of rubble to hide as it looked around for it's new detentionaire to imprison but it saw no one or heard anyone as it listened around. A few minutes past before it retreated back into the pit as the mouth slowly closed itself to make the floor normal again. Luz sighed in relief as she leaned against the rubble and rubbed her stomach a bit, still recovering from the gut shot as the pain was fading away.

"I have got to get out of here." Luz said as she remembered who was responsible for getting her in her, growing angry at Mattholomule. "And when I do, I'm gonna cave Matt's teeth in!"

Spending the next few minutes taking deep breathes, Luz stomach was almost back to normal before she heard the three eyed door open again and turned to see Gus and Mattholomule getting thrown inside, both soaking wet for some reason.

"No no no no!" the lying boy said as he ran back to the door and banged his hand against it. "Let me out! I don't belong here!"

"Oh don't you dare pull that innocent shit again after what you pulled!" Luz shouted at him as Gus looked towards her.

"Luz, you're okay!" Gus said in relief before the floor opened up again, causing him to move away in a panic as he saw the "Hell Hole" reveal itself.

"This is what Hexside does for detention?! This is nothing like detention back on Earth!" Luz shouted as Gus got up and moved against the wall. "This is death, a school sanctioned execution!"

"I didn't know! I've never had detention before, Luz!" he said with his back against the wall.

"But I have." Mattholomule said as he moved against the wall, right next to Gus. "Welcome to my world, kiddies. Believe it or not, I was thrown into detention a dozen times back at my old school."

Feeling a bright light heading towards him, Mattholomule turned and quickly ducks with an "Eep!" as a fireball hits where his head was.

"Now that sounds like the genuine truth, you damn, silver tongued rat!" Luz shouted as she made another fireball in her right hand with her glyph glove. "If we don't make it out of here alive, I'm gonna roast you here and now!"

"I'd reconsider that since this "rat" was the king of detention at his old school!" Mattholomule said as he stood up and was against the wall again. "So if you and Augustus wanna get out of here, you better do what I say to the letter!"

Seeing as he looked to be telling the truth again, Luz growled and closed her fist to snuff out her fireball while glaring at him.

"Fine! What's the plan?" Luz asked him as he smiled to her and stepped to the mouth.

"Alright, first thing we gotta do is-" Mattholomule was cut off as a humanoid face worm came out and turned to him, it spat purple slim from it's mouth and wrapped it around his right leg.

"Oh shot, already?"

He was the pulled into the pit and screamed as Luz looked inside, seeing him being engulfed by the slime before being formed into a pod and his eyes go wide and blue.

'Well he was a lot of help.' Luz thought but was sort of happy he got his just desserts.

"Looks like we're on our own, Gus." she said as she looked up to her friend, seeing him move cautiously against the wall to her.

"Right, got any ideas?" Gus asked with fear as he couldn't stop looking into the "Hell Hole" that was detention.

"Well, it main involves rushing to the door and burning until it reacts and opens up to scream before diving out!" Luz said before they heard a loud hissing sound and turned to the pit.

Looking down, they saw all of the worms slithering up to them with their eyes glowing red and fangs ready. One rose and hissed at them before Luz knocked it back down with a overhand punch.

"Well, I do have an idea but it involves jumping into the pit and rescuing Mattholomule." Gus said as another worm rose and hissed, before he straight kicked it away!

"...Hell no, he got what he deserved." Luz said as she grabbed Gus by the arm. "Sorry, Gus but we're going with my plan and burning the door!"

Not wanting to anger his teacher/friend, Gus nodded as they took off running to the door with more of the human faced worms crawling towards them and hissing.

"Get back!" Luz said as she turned and began throwing fire balls at the worms, burning them and pushing them back. "Gus, I need a distraction!"

"I've got it!" Gus said as he drew multiple spell circles in the air, creating multiple clones of Luz and Gus around the room.

The worms hissed at all the illusions as they rushed to attack them with the illusions fighting, getting in a punch or two before they were hit and vanished.

"It won't hold them for long!" Gus shouted as he and Luz ran to the door again.

"I'll hold them long enough!" Luz said as she prepared her plan.

Moving back from the door and to the left wall, Luz quickly pressed the fire glyphs on her gloves before she dragged her hands down the wall, across the floor, and to the other wall to create a barrier of flames between them and the worms.

"Whoa! When did you learn that!" Gus asked in awe before Luz turned to the door.

"I'll explain later, we're getting out of here now!" Luz said as she pressed her fire glyphs again, igniting her gloves on her before she pressed her hands against the door. "Wakey wakey!"

As Luz was busy burning the door from inside detention, outside of the door, Willow was trying to open it to free her friend after seeing Luz being unjustly taken to the detention from the Plant Track homeroom window. She was about to use her magic to opened the door until she head footsteps heading this way.

"The living graffiti has been washed away, I apologized the Miss Jenkinmeyer for her teeth, caught all those wild cerebi." Eda said as she counted off tasks with her fingers. while walking with Principal Bump. "I think that's enough to settle all of my debits to Hexside."

"It does but I must admit, I was surprised to see you wanting to enroll Ms. Noceda in Hexside but I'm glad to did." Bump said as he held out his had to her, getting a handshake from Eda. "Some students have already benefited from her Kickboxing class and I believe they can benefit more with her as human exchange student."

"And you'll be sure to not let anyone from the Emperor's Coven know about our deal?" Eda asked with caution.

"Not at all. From now on, Hexside School is officially a safe haven for you both." Bump said with a hand up. "I'm a principal, not a stooge. Your pupil is now our pupil."

As Eda was thankful for that assurance, a groan of pain caught their attention and a burning smell made them turn down the hall to the detention door. They turned to the door and saw it was smoking beginning to cough before it screamed in pain, opening it's large mouth to show Luz and Gus jump through to the floor as the wall of flames Luz made died down and the worms charged at them but were stopped as the door shut it's mouth.

"Uh. Shit that was close." Luz said as she looked up to see Willow, Eda, and Bump staring at her and Gus. "Eda? Willow?"

"...Guess who got you applied for Hexside?!" Eda said with a smile and her arms up in celebration.

"Huh?" Luz let out before the large door was banged on by the worms from detention. "Ah!"

The banging continued before several worms busted through the door, screeching loudly until Principal Bump raised his has to do a simple snap and caused them to stop. They all blinked as their teeth became normal and their eyes stopped glowing red.

"Oh, uh, sorry Principals Bump, sir." they all said in the same voice before they slithered back into the door and back to their "hell hole," leaving the door full of about 20 holes.

'Whoa.' Luz thought before Bump walked up to her.

"May I ask why you were in detention and why did you and Augustus somehow break out?" he asked with his hands curled into fists.

"I can explain everything, nothing was destroyed if that what's your worried about but you door was burned a bit." Luz said as she and Gus got up from the floor, the latter dusting himself off.

"And I can fill in on why I was detention." Gus said with a finger up.

"The please, elaborate you two." he said with his arms crossed and his tone firm.

-7 minutes later-

"And that's when I got the idea of burning the door to make it open up and get us out." Luz said as she and Gus finished their explanation on how they got to this point in time.

"Hmm, as hard to believe as that may seem, I can tell from both your eyes neither of you are liars so I shall take your words." Bump said as he turned to Gus. "Though, since this all began because you wished to keep your club presidency, I'm afraid you will have to receive punishment for the actions of your current new member in detention."

"Hey, wait, that's not-" Luz said before Gus stopped her.

"It's fine, Luz. I'm sure it won't be too bad." Gus said as he took a glance back at detention and it's hole filled door.

'No way I'm getting detention with the door like that.' Gus thought as Principal Bump turned to Luz.

"Very well, since Edalyn's debt has been paid and the damage done is minimal, you will happily enrolled in Hexside School next semester." Bump said with a smile to Luz as the kickboxer gave a small smile but was jumping for joy inside.

She got in and now she can learn more magic from Hexside AND Eda!

"Now now, let me just say something first." Eda said as she went to Luz and brought her a bit away from the group, leaning down to speak a bit privately to her.

"Though I won't take back what I said about this place yesterday, I'm only doing this I have faith in you to keep to your wits about magic and the coven system." Eda said with a serious face, reminding Luz about what she said about the Coven system and how it limits witches. "You can learn a lot from the witches here and can teach a few of these kids the "Bad Girl" coven magic."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Bump said as he could hear their conversation before he turned to Gus. "As for you, Augustus, seeing as detention is going to be in need of repairs for the time being, I'm prohibiting any meetings of the H.A.S. on school ground until then next semester."

At the mention of the punishment, Willow gave a slight wince as she saw Gus pale a bit and gulp at notion.

'Oh, that is not gonna go well with the others.' Willow thought.

'The H.A.S. is not going to like this.' Gus thought as he just nodded to Bump, who nodded back before walking away.

"Now come along, Edalyn,. There's still the matter of paperwork for Luz's enrollment." he said with his hands behind his back.

"What? I gotta do paperwork now?" Eda said before groaning and looking to Luz. "You better appreciate this kid."

"Don't worry, I will." Luz said with a small smirk as Eda smirked back and tussled her hair before following Bump.

As the trio of friends was left alone outside of detention, Luz turned to her friends and remembered what she wanted to ask Willow from this morning.

"Hey Gus, how about we get back to the tour?" Luz asked with a smile, relieved to have things calmed down.

"Sure, right this way. You can come too, if you want Willow." Gus said as he took Luz's hand.

"After hearing the antics you two got in without me, someone's gonna have to help you guys in line." Willow said as she took Luz's other hand.

"Very well them, let the tour continue!" Gus shouted as the group ran off, laughing in excitement as they left the detention hall.

As the tour went on, they group went back by the Plant Track and what Luz wanted to talk about with Willow this morning came back to mind.

"Hey, Willow, do you mind if we stop stop for a bit? I want to ask you something." Luz said as the trio stopped in the hall.

"What is it, Luz?" Willow asked as Luz pulled out her phone.

"I was wondering if you could do a plant spell circle for me so I could find the glyph for my gloves. After seeing all you can do with your plants, I think it would be a good addition to my gloves." Luz said as she held up her left hand to show her two current glyphs.

"OH wow, really?" Willow asked with a smile.

"Hey wait! What about my illusions? Don't you want an illusion spell glyph?" Gus asked, a little jealous.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Gus. Illusion Magic is really cool but it's a bit more complex than Plant Magic, I want to learn more about it before adding it to my gloves. Sorry." Luz said as she turned back to Willow with her phone ready, camera video ready. "Ready, Willow?"

"Ready, Luz." Willow said as she drew a large, green spell circle in front of her and make some large vines ground around her.

"Got it. Now just need to work my magic. Hehehe." Luz said with a small joke as she saved and edited the video.

Invert the colors of the video, turn on bold for any lines, slow down the video, go frame by frame, and zoom in on the circle. Luz played the video back and watched closely as Willow drew the spell circle with the new glyph appearing in a slow flash but the way it looked made Luz stare blankly at it.

'Seriously, that's what it looks like.' Luz thought as she saw the glyph look ironically like a rose or tulip; a circle with an upside down triangle with a line across the bottom, connected to a line heading down to a smaller circle at the bottom with a dot in the center and two other lines stick out at the top of the smaller circle.

'The witches of old must've been pretty simple to make it like this.'

Putting that aside, Luz saved the photo and just needed something to draw it on her gloves.

"Hey, either of your guys have a pencil?" Luz asked them she asked them while showing the glyph photo on her phone.

After taking time to marvel at the glyph, with Willow wondering if she could get a picture just to have cause she loves how it looks like a flower, the group continued their tour through Hexside while finding a pencil for Luz to add it to her gloves. Right in the area above the right at the base of the hands below the wrist. When Luz first tried it, vines grew out of her palms to make improve whips or ropes she could use to swing around. She would need some practice if she was going to make more creative uses for them like Willow and Luz was looking forward to it.

-Timeskip, late evening-

After a full tour of her future school the next semester, Luz went back to the owl house and saw that Eda was sitting against the couch while looking over a large stack of papers.

'Is that the paperwork she complained about?' Luz thought before seeing Eda smile fondly at the papers. 'No, it's something else.'

Moving quietly to not disturb her, Luz sat on the couch and looked over Eda's shoulder to see what she was smiling over. Turns out, it was her school record from when she attended Hexside (who knew Eda had bright red orange hair?) and it was filled with nothing but disasters she caused!

Incident #5523: Eda unleashed the ghosts in the Hexside Ladies room.

Incident #3421: Eda summoned an army of abominations to help her sister, Lilith, get her lunch money back from a thief.

Incident #9677: Eda hexed the school bells to sing a ridiculously catchy pop song nonstop and no one was even able to go home early because of it.

Incident #2601: Eda found and let two giant bugs into the school that ate everything in sight with Eda laying on one's back and posing for the camera!

"...Holy shit! You were a horrible student!" Luz said before she busted out laughing, falling back on the couch as Eda was surprised to notice that Luz was behind her and she didn't know it until now. "Ahahahahahahahaha!"

Kickboxing Class Students: Gus, Willow, Amity, Boscha, Skara, Bo, Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Amelia, and Kyle (skulls cap kid)

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars

Glyph Glove Combo Spells: Light Fire = Golden Flames

New Glyph: Plant Glyph

Location: The area above the right at the base of the hand below the wrist.

Uses: Vine growth, vine whips

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