The Blightful Challenge

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Wrist length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Eda's and Lilith's Glyph Gloves (1 each):Fingerless gloves that reach the forearm with the four glyphs down the center of the arm in the order of light, ice, plant, and fire.

Eda's Glove: Right hand.

Lilith's Glove: Left hand.

Luz Noceda, The Fighter Opening: Believe in Myself Cover By NateWantsToBattle (I do not own this song)

Luz stands before the cliff over the boiling sea next to the owl house, letting the wind blow through her hair and clothes.

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

It will never end

Luz lifted her hands up, looking at her glyph gloves before she clenched them into fists, gaining a looking of determination.

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

She activated her fire glyphs and slammed her first together in a flash!

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Now I'll just believe in myself

Luz is now walking through Bonesborough, thinking of her life.

You light my fire

Your touch ignites

The flames in my heart

Makes me want to feel your emotion

Her life on Earth, lonely and full of anger with the only person by her side being her mother, Camila.

Whatever will be, will be

How our hearts are crashing waves

And our souls are vast like an ocean

Her life in the demon realm however, was full of adventures, close friends, and love with Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity by her side.

With the strongest tides we'll drown our sorrows

In a dark void, Eda and Lilith side by side while facing a shadow silhouette of the owl beast, pointing their glyph gloves at it.

Take my hand and tell me

Are you ready to play fair?

Luz and the Golden Guard stood on the battlefield, ready to fight each other!

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

Luz blasted towards G.G., throwing a punch and a kick that he dodged before he jumped into the air.

It will never end

Golden Guard fired a barrage of red energy blasts at Luz, creating a smokescreen!

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

Luz jumped from the smoke and punched at Golden Guard, clashing her fist against his staff!

Believe in myself

You're not alone now

A transparent silhouette of Luz was running as she passed by all the friends she made (Eda, King, Willow, Gus, the Blight twins, Bosch and her crew, the Human Appreciation Society, the dual track students, and Amity).

And our future is near

It's coming

Luz was now running past a line up of her enemies, the Emperor's Coven (including Kikimora and the Golden Guard).

Let's speed up!

Speed up!

The ultimate enemy rose like a giant, Belos, with his eyes glowing before lightning flashed before him.

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Luz was back at the cliff near the owl house, sitting as she looked up to the moon before Amity walked up to her.

Now I'll just believe in myself

She sat down next to Luz before holding her hand, gazing at the moon with her.

Today was not only a new day but a special day as the break from Hexside was at an end. Meaning Luz could see her friends again, she could start teacher her kick boxing class, and...she could see her girlfriend Amity again. It had been so long since they had seen each other since the Petrification ceremony and just couldn't find the time to see each other during the small break from school but that all ends today! She just had to get to school, greet her friends and give Amity a nice smooch to start the school day off right, though before that, Luz teaching a school of her own as she stood before Eda and Lilith outside of the owl house. The two older witches sat in school desks with Luz, wearing her school uniform, standing before them with a covered chalkboard behind her as at King was sleeping on her left side. There was also a sword stabbed in the ground next to Luz.

"Alright, ladies, it's day three of Glyph Magic and Glyph Glove boot camp." Luz said as she held up a fire glyph in her left hand.

Igniting the glyph in her hand, Luz made two pillars of fire blast, startling King awake as he ran off. Lilith happily clapped at the display while Eda wasn't paying attention, carving something into her desk with a knife.

"Up to now, I've been teaching you about the four glyphs and about how to use the glyph gloves." Luz said as she pulled the cover from the chalkboard, revealing the four glyphs drawn on it. "So today, I'm going to teach you something new."

"Oh! Oh! Is it a new glyph, Luz?" Lilith asked with her hand raised, excited.

"I would if I could but so far, I haven't been able to find more outside of the four main ones right here. But that doesn't mean you're limited to them." Luz said as she flipped the chalkboard, showing slightly altered glyphs and combinations between two glyphs. "Because today you will be experimenting with glyphs and glyph combinations?"

"Experimenting?" Eda asked, paying attention now.

"Combinations?" Lilith asked with interest.

"Yes, you see with the smallest alterations to the glyphs, you can change the glyphs for new effects or create a new glyph entirely." Luz said before holding up her hands, showing the glyphs on her gloves. "As for combinations, the glyph glove can apply to this as all as by pressing two or more glyphs, you can achieve a combination element. Like fire and ice becoming water."

To make her point, Luz pressed the fire and ice glyphs on her right hand before she faced her palm to a tree and shot a stream of water at it!

"Oooh!" Lilith said with applause.

"Aside from these, you can also experiment to create glyph weapons by applying a glyph note to a weapon or carving it into a weapon." Luz said as she pulled the sword from the ground and put a plant glyph in it, making the blade glow green as several briar vines came from the sword!

"Oh! Mama likes this." Eda said as she rubbed her hands, new ideas coming to mind. "With that, we'll be back to being the most powerful witches in no time!"

"Indeed." Lilith agreed before holding up a page of paper with a four ice glyphs connected in a circle. "Teacher, is this right?"

Removing the glyph from the sword and stabbing it back into the ground, Luz walked to Lilith's desk and judged the glyph combo.

"Very good, Lilith. Excellent work." Luz said with a pat on her shoulder as Lilith pumped her fist. "With the basics and your smarts, you both will be great with glyph magic."

"Ugh, basics. So stupid. I prefer to skip the basics and get to the good stuff, like this." Eda said as she pointed to her desk.

Looking over her desk, Luz saw that Eda had carved a glyph combo into her desk but it wasn't like Lilith's. It was the ice and fire glyphs overlaying, spilling into each other.

"Eda, while I appreciate your drive, I don't think that's a good idea." Luz warned her.

"You worry too much, this is gonna be perfect!" Eda said before she raised her hand. "Go, double glyph combo!"

Slapping her hand on the combo, everyone watched as the two glyphs glowed before flicking! Slowly sparking against each other before causing a short mushroom explosion on the desk, making them move back and cover their faces with their arms.

"Dang it! I was hoping for blue fire that would give you freezer burn." Eda said as she looked at her failed combo.

"While that didn't end like you wanted it to, you e got drive. Just master the basics first and you'll be good to go." Luz said as she gestured to the chalkboard again.

"Urgh! When did you become just as boring as Lily?" Eda asked with her arms crossed, looking away as Lilith gave a slight glare to her.

"Well if you don't want to master the basics, why don't you just make glyph weapons instead?" Lilith said with sarcasm.

"Maybe I will, Ms. Teacher's Pet!" Eda said to Lilith, being completely serious.

"Toot toot! The Hexside train has reached the station!" Hooty called out, popping up between Eda and Lilith before stretching to Luz. "Time to get to school, Luz!"

"Oh! Okay!" Luz said as Hooty picked Luz up by her cloak, wanting to carry her to school. "Remember what I said and King, look after them while I'm at school! Bye!"

"Yes! I have the power!" King cheered as he got up from the ground, pumping his fists.

Watching Luz left the house, Eda rose from her desk and began marching to the house.

"Where are you going?" Lilith ask her sister.

"To my weapons room! I have a good finite amount of weapons to test glyphs with." Eda said, looking back at Lilith.

"Teacher said we should go over the basics and..." Lilith said until Eda cut her off.

"I know enough of the basics thank to our gloves. And like you said, I should try making glyph weapons instead. So get ready sister, because I'm going to make a glyph weapon that will knock your socks off!" Eda said before she continued to the house and opened the door. "Then we'll see who is the better student!"

Seeing the door slammed shut, Lilith looked to King and gestured for him to do something! He was technically in charge.

"Okay, geez! I hate it when powers comes with responsibility!" King said as he marched to the owl house.


Meanwhile with Luz, after she was dropped off by Hooty, she took a minute to stand before the doors of the school to calm herself and gather her thoughts.

"Here it is. After 2 weeks of odd jobs, bounty hunting, and a multiverse adventure; I'm back at Hexside." Luz said to herself, taking a deep breath before exhaling to calm herself. "Nothing big happens in the first day, you'll be fine. You've got your friends and your girlfriend with you, is everyone will be fine."

Working up the courage, Luz put both hands on the doors and pushed them open to enter the school. Students of all shapes and sizes, many she recognized, walked around the halls with smiles as they talked to their classmates that they possibly hadn't in the 2 week break.

'Glad to see I'm not the only one happy to be back.' Luz thought as she gained a small smile, walking into the school and down the hall.

Coming down another hall, her two best friends, Willow and Gus, saw Luz and cheered, running to give her a big hug!

"Guys!" Luz said as she hugged them.

"Luz, you're okay!" they said as they stopped hugging her.

Upon gazing at them closely, Luz saw that Gus had changed a bit since they last saw each other. He was as tall as Willow now with a sharper looking chin.

"Wow, Gus. You hit a growth spurt while we were away?" Luz asked in surprise.

"Heck yeah. Witch puberty comes with it's perks." Gus said, a slightly deeper voice, as he stood next to Willow.

"I agree. Also, I want to thank you guys for what you did. Amity told me how you rallied everyone against Eda's petrification." Luz said to him.

"It's no problem. Eda's our friend too. Plus, I kinda hope this gets her to remember my name right. She keeps calling me "Goops."" Gus said as he rubbed the back of his head.

A random Oracle student with a lizard like face walked from the hall behind them, waving to Gus as he called out his "name."

"Hey, Goops!" He said as Gus waved back before slumping before his friends.

"It's spreading." He said as Willow patted him on the back and Luz giggled a bit.

"Sorry about that." Luz said, trying not to giggle at her friend.

"Hey, Luz." A voice said from behind.

Turning around, Luz smiled as she saw Amity walking towards her with her necklace out and something in her hands.

"Amity, hey." Luz said as Amity stopped before her. "It's good to see you again."

"You too. And in celebration of our return, I have brought you a homemade fairy pie." Amity said as she held up a small pie to Luz.

Looking down to the pie, Luz felt her smile waver as it was unlike any pie she had ever seen before. The top looked like a normal pie with crossing crusts, but it had several fairies stuffed together to form a purple filling. It also had wings, arms, and legs sticking out of the top with some of them still moving! There was even sounds of screaming inside to prove some were still alive!

'What am I looking at?' Luz thought in shock as he stomach growled, telling her that she was hungry! 'And WHY am I finding this appetizing!? I forgotten to eat and skipped breakfast!'

Maybe being in the demon realm changed her appetite too much, most things she couldn't eat but her body must've slowly adapting to stomach them. Still, not wanting to hurt her girlfriend's feelings, Luz took the pie and smiled at Amity.

"Thanks. You didn't have to but I think I'll need it since I skipped breakfast." Luz said to her.

"I hope you like it. The ingredients are very fresh." Amity said with a small blush, having made the pie fresh this morning.

"I can tell." Luz said as the group stood together. "After everything that's happened for 2 weeks, I want to get back to some sense of normalcy with you guys."

Sudden, the school PA system came on and the sound of struggling with the microphone came with Principal Bump on the other end.

"YOU can't just barge in here!" Principal Bump said with a grunt! "Let go of my microphone!"

"Oh, yes we can! We are the Parent Creature Association!" A woman of high class said back to Bump as everyone in the school looked to the speakers. "Will the following students report to Principal Bump's office immediately? Luz Noceda, Willow Parks, and Gus Porter. And you too, Amity."

This made Amity shocked as she now recognized the voice!

"Mom?!" She said with confusion.

After the P.A. System shut off, the group of four looked towards each other with a mix of curiosity, worry, and slight fear. They all still remember, after telling Gus, of how Amity's parents threatened Willow's future in Hexside. If they could do that, it made them worry why they were here now. Amity especially since she knew how influential her parents could be.

"Hey." Luz said, noticing her look. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together. All of us."

Gus and Willow nodded in agreement, ready to stand by each other no matter what.

"Okay." Amity said, smiling a bit to her girlfriend and friends.

The group began to make their way to the principal's office as Luz's stomach growled again, reminding her that she didn't eat breakfast and that she still held the fairy pie in her hands.

'Well...I did eat Adegast. I should be able to stomach this, right?' Luz thought to herself as she brought the pie to her lips and took a slow bite.

Luz braced herself as she chewed slowly, feeling fairy meat and bones grinding in her mouth, as she took in the...strangely good taste?

'It tastes like...a hamburger with frosting and sugar?' Luz thought as she took another bite, this time eating a fairy's head and tasting it's brain. 'With raspberry filling? I guess those old stories are true, fairies really are beings of pure sweetness.'

Amity noticed that Luz was eating the pie with a smile, making her feel happier and more confident to face whatever her parents wanted at the school. Also...

'I may have to prepare a picnic for our next date. Luz seems to like my fairy pie.' Amity thought as Luz finished the fairy pie and rubbed her stomach.

"Now that hit the spot." Luz said before they arrived at the principal's office.

The group saw four seats waiting for them and sat down as they say Mr. and Mrs. Blight standing on either side of Principal Bump.

The woman to the right of Principal Bump, Amity's mother, was a witch with a curvaceous build contrasted by the sharp features in her face. She had tufted hair similar to Amity's but is two-toned bright green, similar to Edric's and Emira's dark green hair, with a lighter streak across the top. Unlike her children, she had blue eyes. Her hairstyle is reminiscent of a Roman nodus. She wears a violet blouse with a white petticoat that has a three interlocking orb pattern, navy trousers and gray heeled boots. She accessorizes with a necklace with a pink, oval gem that matches the one Amity wears, purple lipstick, and golden earrings.

On the left of Principal Bump was Amity's father, a pale-skinned witch who had a disheveled look, unkempt hair with sideburns, hairy arms, and a stubble. He has golden eyes and brown hair like his Amity's roots. He was dressed in a dark gray lab coat covered in stains from abominations, light gray pants with black boots which are also stained, and wears golden goggles with purple lenses on his head. Furthermore, he has the Abomination symbol on his right arm, symbolizing his allegiance to the Abomination coven.

"Good morning, students. I take it your curious as to why you're here." Bump said as he addressed them. "Firstly, if you do not know who is standing next to me, these are Amity's parents, Odalia and Alador."

"And the reason we are here is because we are representing the Parent Creature Association to talk about several concerning incidents that have happened to at school. Incidents that have blatantly put the student body in danger!" Odalia said before she pointed to Luz, Gus, and Willow! "Incidents you three are responsible for!"

"WHAT?!" the they said in shock.

"That's crazy!" Willow said.

"Where's your proof, lady?" Luz asked her, glaring at Odalia.

"I'd watch your tone with me, Ms. Noceda. As for the incidents, do these three ring a bell? The abomination incident, the destruction of detention, and last but certainly not least, the disaster at Grom!" Odalia said as she counting the incidents with her fingers!

Whoever this woman or whatever she wanted, she knew how to get it because she listed all three magic events that Luz had a hand in with Willow or Gus but that last one wasn't that bad.

"Hey, that last one wasn't an incident! I beat Grom!" Luz said as she pointed to herself.

"Victory or not, our dear daughter was forced to fight the beast and almost lost her life in the process! I would count that as an incident." Odalia said with her arms crossed, looking to her husband.

Odalia saw that he was curiously flicking Bump's devil hat tail before she cleared her throat, making him focus.

"Indeed. And we believe actions must be taken to ensure these events don't happen once more" Alador said as he looked to the kids. "I think the best course of action is EXECUTION."

"WHAT?!" everyone said in shock, not thinking a sluggish man like him could suggest something so cruel.

"Wait wait, pardon me. These late night work hours get to me. I accidentally mixed up my words." Alador said as he rubbed his head before clearing his throat. "What I meant to saw was expulsion. The 3 students accused should be expelled from Hexside."

"WHAT?!" Luz, Willow, and Gus sat up in shock as Amity grit her teeth, glaring at her mother.

Suddenly, the necklace around her neck glowed as her mother was holding a similar charm.

'Take this as a lesson, Mittens. A Blight always upholds their end of the deal.' she communicated with a smug tone, making Amity sit down in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, you three but sadly, I have no choice in the matter." Bumps said sadly Ashe looked to Luz, Willow, and Gus. "As of this moment, you three are expelled from Hexside Academy."

"But you can't honestly believe this bullshit! You know us and you know those incidents have good explanations to them!" Luz shouted at Bump before turning to her girlfriend! "Amity, say something! You can't possibly agree with this!"

Amity looked to Luz before looking at her mother, seeing her stern look, and remained silent. Odalia had a mental grip on Amity for years and even after everything she had went through to become a better person, she still couldn't stand up to her.

"Amity." Luz said sadly, frowning at her girlfriend's silence.

"Excellent. Now, you'll be taking double the classes to make up for lost time. If fact, I'm appalled by you being here instead of in class." Odalia said as Alador went back to poking the devil hat tail.

'Is she mental?! She called Amity here too!' Luz thought as she got angry at Odalia!

"Right, I'm sorry." Amity said, standing up.

Luz looked at Amity in shock, seeing her purposely take the blame, as Odalia snapped her fingers. The door suddenly slammed open as five Trouble Sniffers came in and dragged the trio out of the room! One of them was for Gus and Willow while the other four went to Luz, they knew she was a lot more trouble and had to her her out with more effort!

"No! Amity, say something! Amity please!" Luz shouted out to her as Odalia went to her daughter with a smug look on her face. "Amity!"

The blight girl could only turn with a small gaze of regret and sadness as the door shut, a feeling of betrayal lodged into both their hearts.

'Amity...' Luz thought as she and her friends were thrown out out of the school.

The world seemed to fade away as Luz laid on the ground, staring up to the sky. The school where you could learn magic, a place a younger Luz would be so excited to be at, just expelled Luz because of a stoner looking man and an uptight controlling bitch! And Amity just did NOTHING! Luz thought she could trust her to standing up for them but she...just sat that. It was heartbreaking that one person Luz thought she could trust the most ,outside of Eda, King, Gus, and Willow, would betray her like this.

'I guess that's just life.' Luz thought in despair before noticing Odalia and Alador walking past her, slowly overcoming her despair with anger. 'That may be MY life but not Gus' and Willow!'

Getting up and wiping away any tears, Luz turned to the blight parents and got their attention!

"HEY!" She shouted, making Odalia stop and turn to her and see her glare. "I don't know what your problem is but you had NO RIGHT to do that! We didn't do anything to you, so why the hell are you doing this to us?!"

"Hmm, Luz was it? Despite your gruff exterior, I admire your tenacity. It's nothing personal but we're just trying to teach Amity an important lesson in business." Odalai said as Alador began following a small, purple flying head with horns and butterfly wings.

"How is any of this gonnateach her business?! Besides, we can still see her outside of school! So I'm calling bullshit on the "lesson" you're trying to teach her!" Luz said as she crossed her arms.

Odalia had to admit, Luz was right but she wasn't going to back down easily.

"You know, despite the swearing, I can see your point." Odalia said as Alador followed the small creature to her before she crushed it in her hand, making him stop as he watched it fall to the ground. "If you really want to talk about this, then why don't you come by when you have the time and we came come to an agreement?"

Reaching into her husband's coat, Odalia pulled out a shiny black business card with the family last name on it in purple.

Curious yet angry, Luz snatched the card and looked it over to see an address on the back.







"What sort of agreement?" Luz asked in a low tone, still glaring at Odalia.

"Any kind if you're willing to barter." Odalia said with an "innocent" smile. "I can help you get back into Hexside just as easily as you were expelled, just come find us when you're ready."

Luz glared at Odalia for a few more second before crushing the card and putting it in her pocket, turning to walk to her friends.

'She didn't throw it away, good.' Odalia thought as she grabbed Alador by his shoulders and guided him off of school grounds. 'I'll be waiting human, when you're ready to barter.'

-Owl House-

Meanwhile back at the owl house, Eda was doing as she promised and began making glyph weapons from the stock she had in her weapons room. Even if she was limited to four glyph, she could apply them to a lot of weapons in different ways.

"Just a bit more and..." Eda said as she was using a paint brush to draw a fire glyph on an arrow head before she finish. "DONE! An entire bundle of glyph arrows!"

Next to her on the couch, King was laying down an watching as Eda put the arrow into a quiver full of arrows that had different glyphs on them with a bow next to it.

"As impressive as it was to see you paint ALL of those arrow heads with a glyph, isn't this a bit simple compared to Lilith?" King asked her.

"Simple is better most times! Besides, I've already made enough weapons to show that Lily still can't hold a candle to me." Eda said before gesturing to 5 other weapons on the other couch. "I've got a fire axe, an ice sword, two light daggers, and a plant halberd!"

Just as she said, Eda had carved the glyphs on the weapons and had them laying on the other couch. The fire axe was a double bladed axe with the glyph on both blades, the ice sword was a katana sword with the glyph painted onto the handle, the twin daggers had the light glyphs carved on the handle guards, and plant halberd had the glyph carved into the axe blade.

"I'm not saying that simple isn't good but you gonna have to be more creative if you really want to be powerful again, don't you think?" King asked Eda.

"Hmm." Eda hummed, rubbing her chin a bit.

"Hootly Mootly!" Hooty shouted, making Eda and King turn outside to see the house demon being amazed by Lilith's glyph mastery.

With just a fold of a paper, she created an ice crown for Hooty. With slapping to together, Lilith made them both ice popsicles. And finally, tapping one on the ground, Lilith made an ice swan statue with Hooty as the head!

"OHOHOHO! Incredible! I don't think even Eda could top this!" Hooty said as Lilith admired her work with her hands behind her back.

"Grrrr!" Eda growled in jealousy and anger.

"So...about those basics?" King said from the couch.

"I said it before and I'll say it again! I know enough of the basics to get by, I just need to be more creative with my weapons! And I know JUST the thing to help me!" Eda said as she marched off, leaving King on the couch.

"Oh boy." King said with worry, watching her go.


Luz, Gus, and Willow stood before the steps of Hexside as BANNED posters of them hung from the door. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't use TERRIBLE pictures of them for the posters.

"We need a way to get back into the school so we can talk with Principal Bump. We know he didn't want this, so maybe we can convince him to let us back in." Luz said to her friends.

"Maybe we could send him a message and ask to talk? Just because we can't enter the school, doesn't mean we can't contact him." Willow suggested.

"That could work! Do either of you have his scroll number?" Luz asked them.

"I remember it from the school's directory! I'll call him right now." Gus said as he summoned his scroll and typed in the number with his scroll on speaker.

The trio listened to the dial tone with hope before it suddenly cut off with a voice answer.

"Sorry, but this scroll has been blocked from all school affiliated numbers. Goodbye." The voice said before the call ended itself.

"Aw man! They blocked out scrolls!" Gus said with a groan.

"Well, there's still other ways." Luz said as she rubbed her chin before snapping her fingers. "Got it! Disguise us as teacher and we'll walk right into the school!"

"That could work and then we can talk to Bump without getting caught." Willow said, agreeing with the plan.

"Sounds good to me." Gus said as he put his scroll away. "Let's get some distance and I can work my magic."

Though, before they could put their plan into action, a crow flew to the group and landed on Willow's head. The plant witch felt her worries increase as she looked up to the crow.

"Oh no." Willow said as the crow opened its mouth.

"Willow Park, did you get expelled, young lady?" A voice came out, one of Willow dads, as Willow covers her ears from the volume.

Luz and Gus looked with worry before another crow landed on Gus' head, making them look to it.

"This is Perry Porter with a special news bulletin. In light of recent events leading to his expulsion, Gus Porter is now ground for at least a year." The crow said as it picked up Gus, somehow incredibly strong to carry him while flying!

"Gus!" Luz said as she reached out, grabbing him to stop the crow but she lost her grip!

"Just one? Willow will be ground for at least 3!" The other crow said as it picked Willow by her cowl and flew off with her!

"No! Stop!" Willow said as she and Gus looked to Luz as she stood alone. "Luz! Help!"

"Save us!" Gus called out before they flew out of view.

"Guys!" Luz called out to them, about to fly after them before hearing something drop behind her.

Turning her head, Luz saw Amity with a large bundle of books in her arms and struggling to carry them all. She was about to try and pick up the one on the ground before she noticed Luz's gaze in her.

"Oh! Hey." Amity said as Luz walked to her. "Luz, look. I'm sorry for not speaking up back there but you have to understand. My mom, she's just..."

Luz stopped before Amity, not replying to her "explanation" as she took all of the books she held and picked up the book she dropped. Setting them all in a pile, Luz used her left glove's plant glyph to make a vine before using it to tie all of the books together in a griddle book lease like humans used hundreds of years ago.

"Here." Luz said, picking up the vine griddle by its leash and giving it to Amity before walking away.

Though Amity was thankful for this, she was hurt that Luz wasn't talking to her or even looking her in the eyes after she helped her! She was still her girlfriend...right?

"Luz, will you please talk to me?! I'm sorry about what happened, okay?! I just couldn't say anything because-!" Amity shouted, begged, to her as Luz stopped.

"Do you remember what I said to you about fear?" Luz asked, making Amity stop shouting to listen. "Being a fighter isn't about being fearless, it's about taking your fear and mastering it."

"Y-Yeah?" Amity replied with a stutter.

"If you can't take the fear of your mother and overcome it to stand up for people who care about you, you'll never be able to grow and you'll always be under her foot." Luz said as she began walking away again. "If you can't do that for Willow, Gus, or...or even me, then you'll never be able to do it for yourself. Goodbye, Amity."

Watching her leave, Amity felt her heart break. She didn't know why but she felt like Luz just dumped her because she couldn't stand up to her mother!

'No! No! Luz please, don't go!' Amity thought as she was about to go after her until the school bell rang and she had to go or else Odalia would be angry with her again.

Though her heart was heavy and she wanted to go after Luz, Amity held back her tears and carried the vine griddle of her book to the school. As Amity returned to the school, Luz was walking away with tears falling down her face as that was just as hard for her as it was for Amity.

'I can't cry right now, I don't have the time to cry.' Luz thought as she wiped her tears away and focused. 'Your friends still need you and you can't let them down.'

Reaching into her pocket, Luz pulled out the crumbled business card for Blight Industries. She was going to pay Odalia a little visit and MAKE her undo what she did to them.

-The Owl House-

After a lot of scouring through her junk and gathering the right tools for her weapon, Eda had brought her creation before King and placed it on the coffee table so he could see it all.

"Well? What do you think?" Eda asked with pride, crossing her arms as she smirked at King.

"I...I don't know what to think. What even is this?" King asked as he pointed to the "weapon."

Sitting on the coffee table was a "weapon" that king had never seen before. It's base was a wind blower that Eda got years ago from the human world, a red leaf blower as Luz would call it, with a few attachments she added. At the front of the nuzzle tube, an empty paint roller was attaced with a layer of duct tape at the bottom while a two point handle was attached to the top of the tube with two screws.

(Property of moringmark on Tumblr.)

"I call it, "The Glyphing Gun!" Trademark Edalyn Clawthorne." Eda said as she patted the weapon. "This baby can fire off glyphs so fast, you won't even get the chance to blink before you're hit."

"And how exactly are you gonna fire the glyphs? Crumble them up and stick them inside?" King asked as he pointed to the tube.

"Nope but it's almost like that." Eda said before reaching into her hair and pulling out 8 rolls of toilet paper. "I'm going to draw the glyphs on each square of toilet paper and then when I load them, I gently press my finger to activate the glyph while firing! Boom! Rapid fire magic, baby!"

"Uh huh, I'm getting that but one problem. Do you know how long it's going to take to draw a glyph on ALL of that toilet paper?" King asked as he pointed to the eight rolls.

"No but you will since you're going to help me." Eda said as she sat down next to King and handed him a roll of t.p. "Now pick up a pencil and get drawing. That one's gonna be fire glyphs."

"What?! Why do I have to help you?!" King shouted outrage!

"Because I need an extra pair of hands and I want this to be kept secret from Lily! Also, do you want to pay rent?" Eda said to him, using a familiar threat to her what she wanted from him.

"GRRRRRRRR! Fine!" King said with a whine before he grabbed a pencil and began drawing fire glyphs on the toilet paper squares. "I hate it when you use that against me."

"I know but trust me, when this is done, you'll love it." Eda said as she began to draw ice glyphs on the toilet paper squares.

-Blight Manor-

After remembering the way to Blight Manor from the moonlight conjuring night, Luz walked up to the front door and banged on it as hard as she could with her fist.

"Blight! Open up!" Luz shouted before she heard the door being opened.

Crossing her arms, Luz waited to see Odalia standing before her at the door but unfortunately was met with an abomination butler instead. What made it different from normal abominations is that it has some darker mush in it's head to act as a comb over hair, a bow tie molded onto its chest and two buttons molded below the bow tie.

"Ugh..." it groaned out as it "greeted" Luz.

"I'm here you see Mrs. Blight." Luz said to the creature.

"Ugh..." it groaned again with a nod before it moved away and lead Luz into the mansion.

As Luz expected, the mansion house was full of fancy decor, extravagant paintings, and expensive objects probably worth more than the owl house.

'Bunch of flashy trash.' Luz thought as the abomination butler lead her into a den, where a family portrait painting of the Blights hung above the fire place.

Glancing at it for a second, Luz saw the entire family was dressed nice and posing on/behind a couch. Odalia stood on the left side with a hand on Edric's shoulder while Alador stood on the right with a hand on the couch. The twins and Amity sat on the couch with Amity in the middle and the twins each having a hand in her. Odalia smiled smugly, Alador had a blank smirk on his lips, Edric and Emira smiled confidently, and Amity didn't smile at all. Just had a small, respectful frown on her face.

'One big "happy" family.' Luz thought as the butler lead her to a door at the other side of the den.

"Ugh." The butler said as it gave Luz a small bow

"Thanks, Muk. And here's your tip." Luz said before she messed with its face, making look like a cat.

It lasted for a few moments before it flopped down to look like one of those floppy faced dogs but as a cat instead.

'I expected that to happen.' Luz thought before she opened the door to the basement and headed down.

The stairway down had abomination stains on the walls and floor, making Luz wonder if they even have staff to clean it before she reached the bottom, a lab of sorts, and saw a severed hand hit the wall next to her!

"Ugh!" Luz said in disgust before noticing it was purple, made of abomination muck, that slowly slide to the ground.

"Oh don't mind, Alador. He's just hard at work for our demonstration tonight." Odalia said, sitting on a table with a cup of tear as Alador was RIPPING a solid abomination to apart and putting it back together. "Doing great, hon."

"Thank you, dear." Alador said with his googled down, ripping out what looked like an organ made of much before he began molding it into something else.

'Oh, that's unsettling.' Luz thought before focusing on Odalia.

"Alright, Blights, I'm going to cut to the chase. I want my friends and I back in Hexside. So what do YOU want in return?" Luz asked as she walked up to the matriarch.

"Honest and blunt, I like that." Odalia said as she swished her tea in her cup. "We have an important presentation tonight to show off new products for our company."

"And I take they're all abomination based?" Luz asked as Alador walked by while carrying a "head."

"Yes, they are." Odalai said as she set her saucer in the table and traced her finger around her teacup. "Normally, Amity would be helping us but she's a bit busy catching up on her school work."

The look she gave Luz was meant to guilt trip her but it just made the human angry as she glared at Odalia.

'The extra school work YOU pushed on her.' Luz thought before letting out a breath.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So if I take her place, you'll SWEAR you'll get me and my friends back into school, right?" Luz asked her.

"Of course, human. Our family motto is "A Blight always upholds their end of the deal."" Odalia said as she held her hand out for Luz to shake, which she did. "Now, go freshen yourself up quickly because we have a long night ahead of us."

"Yeah, thanks for the heads up." Luz said sarcastically.

As they broke their hand shock, Odalia took notice of Luz's gloves.

"Hold on a moment, what are those on your hands?" Odalia asked, points to Luz's hands.

"My gloves. What of it?" Luz asked as she put her hands in her pockets.

"It's just that I've never seen anything like them before and I could've sworn I saw the Healing and Construction Coven symbols on them." Odalia said as she tapped her lips.

"Well you did and that all you're gonna know." Luz said as she turned around to head upstairs. "My gloves, my secrets."

"Hmmm, very well." Odalia said as she let Luz leave but her interest in those gloves was far from over.

-Blight Industries-

After a quick bathroom break and something to eat from the Blight home, Luz rode with the matriarch and patriarch to a large factory set up just a mile or so away from the manor with a large crowd of hooded people inside. Luz was in the middle of the stage with large abominations behind her and several types of abomination style weapons around her. Blades, guns, bombs etc.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome you all back to Blight Industries! I hope you're ready to be amazed by our latest products because we have a long night ahead of us!" She said as the hooded crowed cheered and clapped for her.

'You can do this. You can do this.' Luz thought as she gave a determination frown to the crowd, not showing any fear. 'Just get through this and your friends and you will be back in Hexside by tomorrow.'

Hearing footsteps approaching her, Luz looked to her left and saw Alador had come on stage and stood beside her with his arms behind his back.

"Human." He said with a small nod.

"Mr. Blight, and it's Luz by the way." She said before asking him a question. "So, can I assume weaponry is the specialty of your company?"

"In a way, yes but we also dabble in a variety of abomination based appliances for home security. But yes, weaponry is our specialty." Alador said as he and the abomination with the weapons began walking off stage. "You might want to duck, Luz."

"Duck?" Luz asked before she was suddenly hit with abomination muck, sticking to the wall! "Guh!"

'Aw! My mouth was open!' Luz thought before she spit out the muck in her mouth.

Standing in stage, Odalia was holding a small of cannon with a small abomination head as the barrel. It was smoking to signify that she had fired upon Luz without warning as the crowd cheered for her.

"Yes, folks. With our Sticky Launcher, you can peacefully subdue any for with just one shot. But if you want to go the other route instead, a simple flip of the switch will change the setting." Odalia said as she pushed a switch down near the barrel and fired into the air, revealing a stream of green flames!

Luz got one of her hands free and wiped her face to see the weapon firing it's green fire, making her look on in shock.

'Cool...but I'm fucked.' Luz thought as she slowly freed herself.

Luz was more right than she thought as for the past two hours, she was used as a target. The crowd cheered for Odalia and the abomination creations while Luz dodged for her life from everything that was thrown at her! Whether it was blades or blasters, her job was the make the products look good or else the deal was off.

'I am gonna kill that woman!' Luz thought as she was covered in injuries, light bruises and scraps, as she dodged arrows being shot at her from an abomination holding a hi-tech crossbow!

Luz used her glows to shoot fireballs back but the abomination was faster than most, dodging her attacks she dodge it's. It was like a fire fight and the crowd loved it. Before look, the crossbow abomination shot three arrows at Luz to make her dodge left, right, and even leaned back as one ALMOST hit her in the face before she created an ice shield to stop another one.

"Whew." Luz let out before the arrow exploded and sent her to the ground! "Ugh!"

Suddenly, an large abomination fist punched her into the air as the crowd cheered! She screamed before the first caught her and brought her to the ground, where the crossbow abomination was preparing another shot.

"No no no!" Luz said as she squirmed in the giant hand, needing to escape.

"Thank you. Thank you. They say crossbows are old fashioned but nothing can be the classics." Odalia said as the giant abomination hand released Luz and melted into the ground. "Next, we are happy to show you all our last product of this line."

"Oh! Gracias a Dios y al niño Jesús." Luz said in Spanish, relieved that this is almost over.

"My dear husband, has been toiling away to bring you his latest masterpiece." Odalia said as the stage opened up near Luz, making her move away as something rose from Belos. "I present to you, the Abomiton 2.0!"

Standing on the stage, the Abomiton 2.0 looked like a large abomination with saddened green eyes and a deformed face. It wore brown body armor consisting of a large chest plate with a pink, glowing core in its torso, shoulder pads, armlets, and small armor boots on its legs.

"Better than the first model in every way, the Abomiton 2.0 will not rest until it has eliminated its enemy!" Odalia said as the crowd clapped and she exited the stage.

"Wait, it won't rest until it eliminates its enemy?" Luz repeated as she turned to the Abomiton. "But that means..."

The Abomiton turned its sight to Luz as its arms transformed into two deadly weapons, its right hand becoming four sharp blades and its left hand becoming a morning star mace!

"Oh shit!" Luz cursed before she jumped away, dodging its weapons as she got on her feet and turned to it!

'Fucking bitch set me up! She never wanted me to help her, she just wanted to kill me!' Luz thought in rage as she glanced at Odalia, seeing a smug and sinister smirk on her face. 'Okay, fine! You want a show?! I'll give you a show you'll never forget!'

"You wanna a piece of me?!" Luz shouted as she activated her power glyph and used the ice glyph to make large ice gauntlets, slamming them together to make a loud boom that silenced and shocked the crowd! "Come and get some, you slimy fuck!"

The Abomiton charged at Luz with its right fist enlarged, it went for a punch that Luz dodged before she slammed a right straight into the stomach and send it back a few feet! Luz charged at the magic robot, ducking and weaving past two more attacks before she jumped, delivering a flying Russian Hook to the face and almost destroying it!

"GGUUH!" the Abomiton groaned as he stumbled more before reforming it's face whipping it's right arm at Luz, which turned into 5 whips!

Luz raised her ice gauntlets to block, but she was pushed back as her gauntlets cracked from the force! Once she got her footing again, Luz charged again as more abomination whips came at her but her gauntlets blocked each one while chipping the ice away.

"Let's see you handle this!" Luz said as the left one broke, freeing her hand as she used the plant glyph to make plant bomb!

Luz threw the plant bomb as the Abomiton knocked it away, making it explode and wrapped around it's left arm and waist while the right arm was free! It turned it's hand into a cannon of sorts and began firing at Luz, making her duck and dodge the blasts as the Blight Parents ducked away!

'I really should've made it spatially aware!' Alador thought as he and his wife crawled over to the crowd, where they were cheering for the display!

They didn't care that Luz was surviving, they were cheering for the Abomiton's destructive power! They didn't stop cheering as Luz dodged more abomination whip lashes before one managed to wrapped around her!

"Damn it!" Luz said as she struggled in it's grip.

The abomiton's glowed brightly as it broke free of the plant bomb and threw Luz into the air, straight to the ceiling! Luz screamed before she used her gloves to stop herself with flame thrusters before she hovered in the air. The abomiton then turned both hands into cannons and began firing energy blasts at her as the human dodges in the air while firing back!

'This thing is too damn tough!' Luz thought as she dodged another energy blast and threw a fire balls back.

Meanwhile in the crowd of cheering secret buyers, three witches were looking on in awe and worry as Luz dived bombed back to the stage. Who were they and why were they here? Well, they were none other than Amity, Willow, and Gus who were clad in cloaks as well. The reason they were here is because Amity had learned that Luz had taken her place in the presentation for tonight and immediately grew worried her parents might do something horrible to her. So horrible that she had to get the help of her other friends to help her.

"This is crazy!" Willow said over the cheering crowd as continued her fight with the magic robot.

"We need to stop this! Who knows how long Luz can last against that thing before she tires out!" Gus said with worry.

Amity agreed with this as she looked at her parents, glaring at them. She had been on that stage so many times before but this was just wrong!

"You guys help Luz, I'm going to knock some sense into my parents...literally." Amity said in a serious tone.

Looking to Amity, Gus and Willow shivered at the glare she was sending to her parents before she began walking towards them.

"Remind me not to get in Amity's bad side." Gus said to Willow.

"Ditto." Willow said before turning to the stage. "Come on, let's get up there."

Back on the stage, just as Gus predicted, Luz was running out of strength from the long battle before she knocked down by the Abomiton. She groaned as she pushed herself up to her knees before seeing it raised its right hand, which formed into an axe.

'This...this is it, isn't it?' Luz thought as she breathed heavily, trying to use her healing glyph to regain some strength.

The axe was about come crashing down on her and split Luz down the middle like a piece of meat at a butchers, when vines rose up and stopped it before wrapping the body up.

"Huh?" Luz let out in confusion, same with the rest of the crowd before two people sprang into the air!

"Luz!" They called out, making Luz turn as they landed in front of her and removed their hoods.

"Gus?! Willow?!" She said in shock. "What are you guys doing here?!"

"Saving you, what does it look like?" Willow said, focusing on keeping the Abomiton restrained. "What were you thinking coming here?!"

"I was thinking that I could get us back into Hexside by making a deal with Amity's bitch of a mom!" Luz said, as she finished healing herself, standing up again. "Turns out, she double crossed and now wants to kill me!"

"You're just learning this now!?" Gus asked, as he turns to Luz. "We can find another way to get back into school but not if it means losing you' Let's go before that thing-"

The Abomiton broke free and slammed the axe hand down, causing the Gus and Willow to fly off stage as Luz was sent back to the edge

"Ugh." Luz groaned as she stood up, once again alone as the Abomiton swung at her again.

Luz dodged to the left as the axe took a few pieces of her hair off before hitting the stage! It was getting deadlier as they continued fighting, making Luz sweat as it prepared to attack her again.

'If I don't think of something, I might actually die!' Luz thought.

Amity thought the same thing as she made it to her parents and glared up to them.

"Stop this, Mom!" Amity said, knowing this was Odalia's doing and not Alador's.

"Oh, hello, Mittens. Surprised to see you here?" Odalia said, turning to Amity." How's the homework coming? You should have I done by now, yes?"

"Forget about my homework! I'm more worried about you sicking an Abomiton on my girlfriend!" Amity shouted as she pointed to Luz.

Well, your friend just made - GIRLFRIEND?!" Odalia said in shock to her daughter. "That human is your girlfriend?!"

"Yes, she is! And she told me something I should've done a long time ago!" Amity said as she pointed to her parents. "For once, I am going to talk and you are going to listen!"

"Amity Blight, do not-" Odalia said before Amity cut her off.

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN!" Amity shouted, startling her parents as they leaned back from her.

They had never seen this side of Amity before, so angry yet passionate with a fire in her eyes that they never knew existed.

"In just a few months, Luz has shown me more care and love than either of you have in years! Willow and Gus too! Being with them has shown me who I really want to be, not who you both groom me to be!" Amity said before she took off her necklace, an Oracle charm Odalia used to mentally communicate with her, and crushed it! "And if you're going to mess with my life, I'm going to mess with yours."

Amity dropped the broken pieces and turned to the stage as her parents came out of their shock, seeing Amity walk onto it.

"What? What are you doing, Mittens?!" Odalia asked as she and Alador gazed at their daughter.

"I'm going to show you what I learned from Luz and WRECK your presentation." Amity said as she drew a spell circle, aiming it at the Abomiton.

The large magic robot came to a halt as Luz put her arms up to block an attack, only to see it freeze in place with a glow around it.

"Huh?" Luz let out as the crowd stopped cheering, looking confused.

Luz looked beyond the robot and saw Amity standing on stage with her hand aimed at the Abomiton, making her piece together what had happened.

'So you finally mastered your fear.' Luz thought with a proud smile to her girlfriend.

"RAH!" Amity shouted, throwing her hand to the ground and forcing the Abomiton onto its knees. "Here's my deal, let my friends back into Hexside, or I tear your machine apart!"

Odalia looked at the sales meter, seeing it going down as the crowd began booing. This was going to cost a fortune in lost profits if the didn't agree to it.

"Okay, fine! Just stop it already!" Odalia said as Alador looked at Amity with interest.

"AND you'll let me date Luz in peace! And if I ever find out you threaten or blackmail her after this, I will bring this warehouse down to the ground!" Amity shouted as Luz walked up next to her, smirking at Odalia.

Turning back to the sales meter, Odalia noticed the sales getting to the point of no return.

"Fine! Fine! Just stop!" Odalia said, nearly begging.

Amity looked at Luz, who smiled and nodded in agreement of the terms. Amity smiled back as she stopped stopped controlling the Abomiton, allowing it to move and raise it's arm to attack them. It formed a large hammer and swung it down to the young couple. Amity moved before Luz, using her magic to make the hammer cave in, leaning them unharmed as a crater formed on the stage from the impact.

"Quick, lay down and pretend to be dead." Amity said quickly.

"Okay." Luz said as they laid down, holding Amity close. "And I forgive you. I'm sorry for the cold shoulder earlier."

"It's alright, I needed it." Amity said as she kissed Luz quickly before they both "died."

The Abomiton pulled back and showed everyone their "dead" bodies as it shut down, completing its mission. The crowd gasped at the sight of them before they cheered louder and the sales meter shot up to the highest point! The crowd left the warehouse and the Blights as Willow and Gus went over to Luz and Amity, who stopped faking and rose from the ground.

"So, how did we look? Convincing enough?" Luz asked before Gus and Willow hugged her tightly.

"Too much." They said as Luz chuckled at hugged them back.

A few feet away, Odalia was seething. Not only had her plan been ruined to get rid of the human but now her daughter was defying them!

"That damned Human, if they think I'm going to let her back into Hexside, she has another thing coming!" Odalia said as she raised her finger. "I am going to make sure she-"

Odalai was cut off as Alador pulled her back and turned her to face him.

"That's enough, Odalia. The deal has been honor and a new deal has been made. As you said, a Blight always upholds their end of the deal." He said with a firm tone and matching expression before gesturing to Amity. "Besides, you saw what she did, she was able to make the Abomiton 2.0 kneel with only ONE hand. Whatever that human has done to Amity, it's lit a fire in her stronger than we could have ever hoped. A fire that could lead her to become one of the strongest coven heads in history."

Upon realizing the benefits of Amity's "rebellion," Odalia smiled a bit and calmed down. Sure, Luz was a thorn in her side, but it seemed she was able to bring out the greatest potential in Amity. Potential she couldn't see until now, potential that could be VERY fortunate for the family in the future as she watched her daughter leave with her friends and GIRLFRIEND.

'That is going to take some getting used to.' She bitterly thought before shaking her had.

"Very wise, dear." Odalia said, turning around, "I think-Alador!"

Seeing her husband gone, Odalia saw that he was distracted once again by a butterfly demon. How a man could be so brilliant yet so empty headed was beyond her but she still loved him. Even if his mind can wander too much.

-The Owl House-

After receiving confirmation they were back in Hexside, bidding her friends goodbye for the night, and giving Amity a big kiss to show their relationship was still strong; Luz had finally arrived back at the owl house to rest and sleep off the longest day in her life. She opened the door, giving Hooty a small hello, before seeing Eda standing before her.

"Luz, you're home. Perfect!" Eda said as she suddenly guided Luz to the couch while Lilith was on the lounge chair to look over all the notes she made on glyphs today. "Me and Lily have something special to tell you and to show you."

'Never a dull moment, huh?' Luz thought before sighing and putting on a smile, sitting on the couch.

"Alright, sure. What do you guys have?" Luz asked as she sat down next to King.

"Well, I learned something about the glyphs while studying and experimenting with Hooty. While our bile sacks contain magic, the glyphs command the magic from the air around it like words. And the changes you suggested and combos we create help us organize the commands for specific spells." Lilith said as she held up a glyph combo of four glyphs in a connect circle with a light glyph on top, two ice glyphs in the middle, and a fire glyph at the bottom. "Like this combo turns ice into snow."

"Interesting." Luz said with a nod, taking the knowledge to heart.

"Thank you, and I also believe that the reason you can't find anymore glyphs is because these four may be the only glyphs out there. Meaning if we want to learn new spells, we will have to think of new combinations to create." Lilith said as she smiled, eager to discover so much more with the glyphs.

"That's good news. Now you guys can add your own glyphs to your gloves." Luz said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah kid but before that, I've got a little surprise for you." Eda said as she ran off into the kitchen. "I took what you suggested to heart and created my own glyph weapons!"

"Here we go." King said with a groan, having spent HOURS drawing on all of that toilet paper.

"King, drum roll please!" Eda called out, still in the kitchen.

The small demon groaned again before he got up and jumped onto the coffee table, stomping his feet rhythmically like a dream.

"Witches, demons, and humans of the owl house, I am honored to present the next level in glyph weaponry!" Eda said as she ran out, showing off her weapon with a bandolier of toilet paper on her body. "I present to you, trademark of Edalyn Clawthorne, the Glyphing Gun!"

King stopped stomping and jumped back on the couch as Luz and Lilith gazed at the weapons in curiosity.

'It looks like a minigun.' Luz thought as she noticed the toilet paper had glyphs on them.

"If your wondering how this little beauty works, it's quick simple." Eda said as she pulled off a roll of toilet paper and showed them the glyphs, ice glyphs to be exact. "With each square of toilet paper marked with a glyph, you have custom ammunition that can be slipped gently on the paint roller. Then you crank the engine up and press your fingers on toilet paper to activate the glyphs as it rolls off to archive rapid fire magic attacks! Observe!"

Turning to the door, Eda whistled for Hooty to open it as she started the leaf blower and gently pressed her fingers at the end.

"Yes, Eda?" Hooty asked before seeing the weapon. "OH TITAN!"

Quickly hitting the all in the house, Hooty dodged as the toilet paper flew and transformed into ice spikes that shoot out of the door at high speed. An unlucky tree was pierced into and through before Eda stopped, leaving half of the toilet paper roll remaining.

"And that's just ONE of the rolls I made. I have also made a flame thrower from the fire glyph and a grappling hook or rope shot from the plant glyph." Eda said as she turned to Luz, smirking with pride. "So what do you think, teach? What's my grade?"

Luz couldn't answer right away as her jaw was dropped onto the ground, along with Lilith's. King had already seen Eda test out her weapon but it was still amazing to see the destructive power it could hold. Still, with her basic motor skills still functional, Luz grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a grade for both Eda and Lilith before she went upstairs to bed. Eda went to the paper and picked it up, smiling brightly as she jumped with joy!

Lilith's grade: A+

Eda's grade: A+++

"WOO! YEAH BABY! Read it and weep, Lilly!" Eda said as she held the paper up to her shocked sister's face. "A plus plus plus while you got only one plus! Hot dog, this is the best night I've had all week!"

Though Lilith was still in a state of shock from the Glyphing Gun, she still felt the sting of Eda one upping her. Just like when they were kids. No matter how many years past, that stink still hurts.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Power and Healing= High Speed Recovery

Ice and Power= Large Ice Gauntlets

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

The Glyphing Gun, a red leaf blower with an empty paint roller was attached with a layer of duct tape at the bottom to the front nuzzle tube while a two point handle is attached to the top of the tube with two screws.

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Fire Glyphs = Flamethrower

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Ice Glyphs = Armor Piercing Spikes

T.P. Glyph Ammunition: Plant Glyphs = Grappling hooks or Vine Rope Shots

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