The Golden Bounty

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Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Wrist length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

Eda's and Lilith's Glyph Gloves (1 each):Fingerless gloves that reach the forearm with the four glyphs down the center of the arm in the order of light, ice, plant, and fire.

Eda's Glove: Right hand.

Lilith's Glove: Left hand.

Luz Noceda, The Fighter Opening: Believe in Myself Cover By NateWantsToBattle (I do not own this song)

Luz stands before the cliff over the boiling sea next to the owl house, letting the wind blow through her hair and clothes.

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

It will never end

Luz lifted her hands up, looking at her glyph gloves before she clenched them into fists, gaining a looking of determination.

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

She activated her fire glyphs and slammed her first together in a flash!

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Now I'll just believe in myself

Luz is now walking through Bonesborough, thinking of her life.

You light my fire

Your touch ignites

The flames in my heart

Makes me want to feel your emotion

Her life on Earth, lonely and full of anger with the only person by her side being her mother, Camila.

Whatever will be, will be

How our hearts are crashing waves

And our souls are vast like an ocean

Her life in the demon realm however, was full of adventures, close friends, and lovewith Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity by her side.

With the strongest tides we'll drown our sorrows

In a dark void, Eda and Lilith side by side while facing a shadow silhouette of the owl beast, pointing their glyph gloves at it.

Take my hand and tell me

Are you ready to play fair?

Luz and the Golden Guard stood on the battlefield, ready to fight each other!

Believe in myself

And my dream this world

Luz blasted towards G.G., throwing a punch and a kick that he dodged before he jumped into the air.

It will never end

Golden Guard fired a barrage of red energy blasts at Luz, creating a smokescreen!

I'll chase it

I'll speed up!

Speed up!

Luz jumped from the smoke and punched at Golden Guard, clashing her fist against his staff!

Believe in myself

You're not alone now

A transparent silhouette of Luz was running as she passed by all the friends she made (Eda, King, Willow, Gus, the Blight twins, Bosch and her crew, the Human Appreciation Society, the dual track students, and Amity).

And our future is near

It's coming

Luz was now running past a line up of her enemies, the Emperor's Coven (including Kikimora and the Golden Guard).

Let's speed up!

Speed up!

The ultimate enemy rose like a giant, Belos, with his eyes glowing before lightning flashed before him.

I'm running faster

Chasing what's in front of me

Luz was back at the cliff near the owl house, sitting as she looked up to the moon before Amity walked up to her.

Now I'll just believe in myself

She sat down next to Luz before holding her hand, gazing at the moon with her.

Somewhere in the boiling Isles, inside a dark and dank cave, Luz was exploring it while on guard with an orb of light shining her path. It had been some time since her multiversal adventure and life had been a bit different since the petrification ceremony. Without the portal to Earth, money was a bit tight at the owl house, so the group had to resort to various odd jobs to put food on the table and today, Luz was gaining experience as a bounty hunter.

'The poster said he would be around this area, so where I he?' Luz thought as she looked around.

The titan had answered her prayers as the sound of laughter echoed through the cave and a new light shined! Luz extinguished her light orb and turned around to see a large hulking shadow on the cave wall, it's shape that of a beast man.

"Foolish creature! You dare to enter my domain?!" the shadow said before pointing to the entrance. "Begone from this place or face my wrath!"

"I'm not going anywhere, Garlog. I've spent took long finding this place to go back empty handed!" Luz shouted as she ignited her gloves in flames. "I am Luz Noceda and you are going down!"

Luz charged at Galrog with her fists ready to fight and collect his bounty until she stopped with a confused look on her face. Following the shadow on the wall, Luz saw that Galrog wasn't as big or menacing as his shadow but instead he was a tiny bunny like demon with brown gray fur, a white gray underbelly, two black horns pointing up, one yellow eye with a black pupil, and a sharp tooth sticking out from his mouth. Next to him was a lantern, shining on him to make his shadow big and intimidating.

"Eep!" he said in a deep voice before Luz stepped on his tail to keep him from leaving.

"You have got to be kidding me." Luz said as she extinguished her hands and picked up Garlog. "You're wanted for 4,000 snails?"

Reaching into her pocket, Luz pulled out a wanted poster of Garlog that looked bigger, scarier, and more intimidating than the original demon.

'This guy CANNOT be worth 4,000 snails.' Luz thought with a groan, this whole hunt was a waste of time!

"Do not underestimate me by my size, for I am-" Garlog said before King suddenly jumped up and ate him whole in his mouth.

Luz stared at King as she still had a grip on Garlog, gazing at the demon dog/cat as he gazed back at her.

"...King, let him go." Luz said slowly.

"Mmm." King hummed but didn't release Garlog.

"King, if you don't let him go, we can't collect his bounty. Now drop him." Luz said firmly but King still didn't let out. "Fine, I guess we'll have to do this the HARD WAY."

Holding up a finger, Luz moved it to King's stomach and poked him gently before she began wiggling her finger around the area to tickle him. The small demon didn't seem effected at first but soon began giggling before trying to hide it and keep his mouth shut.

'No! Don't laugh! Don't laugh!' King thought as as Luz began tickling him more.

"Come on, King. Open wide." Luz said with a a small smirk, using her entire right hand to tickle his stomach.

Almost an entire minute passed before King gave in and laughed loudly, releasing Garlog and falling to the ground holding his stomach.

"Yuck!" Garlog said, covered in saliva as his fur was wet.

"Deal with it, you'll soon be seeing the inside of a when we get back." Luz said as she took the lantern and began leaving the cave.

"Hey, wait for me!" King said, stopping his laughing and running after Luz.

After returning to the owl house and putting Garlog into a small jar to hold him, Luz went up to her room and set her phone on a nightstand for a video log. She couldn't send them to her mother on Earth but she could use them to help her coop with the fact she destroyed the portal, plus it could help her think of her next step. Luz pushed for the video to record before she began speaking.

"Hola, Mama. I know you haven't heard from me in a while and that probably worrying but you have to understand why. It's been about a week and a half now since the petrification ceremony. Back then, I had to go save Eda with King but I ran into a few snags, which lead to me making one of the hardest decisions of my life but...I had to destroy the portal to protect you and Earth." Luz said sadly before taking a breath. "This world is full of magic and wonder but it's also just as hard and realistic as Earth. Times can be tough but I'm not giving up, I still have the portal key to work with and that's enough to have hope. I swear, I'll find a way back home and I'll introduce you to all the friends I've made. Such as the one attached to my leg."

Luz lifted her leg up to show King was clutching it tightly before she pulled him off and held him like a baby in her arms.

"This is King, self proclaimed King of demons, and he's been a bit clingy but that's just because he's worried." Luz said with a small smile.

"I'm never letting you go! You're not going back to the human realm!" King said before Luz began rocking him in her arms to calm him down.

"He's been saying stuff like that but I know it's only out of worry." Luz said before she grabbed the camera and changed the video to a new scene.

In the kitchen of the owl house, Eda was currently pouring herself a cup of apple blood from a large bottle while Luz filmed her.

"This is Eda the Owl Lady, former most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. It's been hard for her to adjust without her magic due to her curse, but she's been getting by thanks to the glyph glove I've given her." Luz said as Eda put the bottle down and sipped from her cup.

"Mmm, not cold enough." Eda said as she put the cup down and tapped the ice glyph of her right glyph glove, making two ice cubes in her hand before she put them in her apple blood.

Eda sipped her apple blood before she nodded with a smile.

"Perfect." she said as the scene changed again.

It now showed Lilith in a new outfit as she put her old dress away in a briefcase. Lilith now wore the bottom half of one of Eda's dresses and a light beige shirt with short sleeves and an almost empty battery symbol on the front. She also had her own glyph glove on her left hand.

"This is Eda's sister, Lilith. She's the one who cursed Eda by accident and spent her whole life trying to make it right. Eventually, she did by betraying Emperor Belos and splitting the curse between her and Eda but it cost her most of her magic too. She's been living with us now and is adjusting to her new life." Luz said as Lilith looked out of the window before gazing at her left glyph glove. "It was hard to trust her at first but she's gained my trust and I see her as a friend, maybe family too some day."

Lilith gazed back out the window with a small smile on her face before Hooty suddenly popped up!

"Hello!" he shouted!

"AAAH!" Lilith screamed as she slammed the window shut on Hooty's face.

"Hehehehe, that's Hooty. Lovable yet annoying guardian demon of the house. It's sort of his body too." Luz said as the video changed again.

The video was now outside of the owl house to show Eda cobbling something together from old stuff from the house.

"Without the portal, Eda doesn't have her best way of making money by selling human items, we've had to use other ways to make money for the house." Luz said as she recorded Eda presenting a makeshift spear using a broken piece of an old harpoon and a net.

"Check out my new weapon, Luz! I call, "The Stab Catcher!"" Eda said with a smirk, holding it in her left hand as her right fist was on her hip.

"This week, we're bounty hunters." Luz said as Eda turned towards something.

"Hey, King, fruit is also considered a hat in some cultures in the human realm." Eda said as she held her "Stab Catcher" like she was going to throw it.

"Really?" King asked, standing before a target board and picking up an apple.

"King, put it down!" Luz said to him.

"But-" King said, looking to the phone.

"NOW! Eda just wants to use you for target practice to hit the apple!" Luz said to him.

"WYEH!?" he let out as he dropped the apple and ran away!

"Dang it, kid!" Eda complained.

Luz changed the video back to her room and set her phone back on the nightstand.

"And that's pretty much it, mom, but don't worry. You know I can handle myself. And I'll come back a better person than that dumb summer camp could ever make me, I promise. Te quiero, Mama. Te lo prometo, regresaré a casa pronto./I love you mom. I promise you, I'll be back home soon." Luz said as she reached for the phone and ended the video.

Luz saved the video to her phone memory and stood up, she felt a lot better now that she "talked" to her mother a bit before she headed out of the house. Walking to the outside, Luz saw that Eda, Lilith, and King were with a wagon cart that was full of other bounties they caught with two rat slugs on reigns, Lilith held as she sat up front.

"There you are kid. I was just about to call you so we can head into town, we need to cash out bounties." Eda said as she jerked her thumb to the cart.

"The sooner we get then in, the better." Lilith said before noticing feathers on her shirt, wiping them off. "Ugh! Do you own ANYTHING that isn't covered in your feathers?"

"Hey, I've dealt with this curse for 30 years, and now you have to deal with it. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Eda said to her sister.

-Timeskip into town-

After a short wagon ride into Bonesborough, the group had noticed a lot of changes that had happened since the petrification ceremony. Belos wanted to remind everyone that he was still in power by making a large statue of himself with more guard posts, symbols of his coven everywhere, and recruitment posters on nearly every wall.

"Man, Belos has really taken over. He's putting his foot down everywhere." Luz said, referring to all the statues, propaganda, and guards.

"Yeah, kid. I see it too." Eda said as the wagon stopped and Eda pulled out a bag of bounties. "And I'm doing my best to stay civil and not burn it all down."

Along the way, Eda kicked away a man covered Belos merchandise away before reaching the bounty hunting stand. Here they can turn in all the bounties they've caught in exchange for the reward money on each the wanted bounty's posters. Eda put the sack of of their bounties on a scale and waited as a dog-man like demon with four eyes, a shall on his head, and a bone necklace calculated the amount of snails they would get.

"Alright, here's your money." he said before giving them...

"A SINGLE SNAIL?! For all of that?!" Eda shouted in outrage, gesturing to the large bag she put on the scale.

"You can't be serious, man!" Luz shouted, equally outraged!

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hehehe I miscalculated." the shopkeeper said before he SNAPPED the snail coin in half! "Here you go."

He flipped the half snail to Eda before Luz caught it, growling at the dog-man.

"YOU RED MOTHERFUCKER! You know you owe us more than this!" Luz screamed at him, drawing a crowd around her and Luz. "Do you have any idea who you're messing with?!"

"Well, yeah. Everyone knows the owl lady, who is now powerless, and her little human pet, who can't even do magic." the shopkeeper said with a shrug. "What can you possible do?"

Luz narrowed her eyes before Eda put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back as she stepped forward.

"So you think I'm powerless, eh? Then tell me," Eda said as she pushed the fire glyph on her glove and made a large fireball in her right hand, holding it up to the shopkeeper's face! "does this look powerless to you?!"

The crowd gasped at the sight of this, they thought Eda would be strip of her magic because of her curse like Belos said but that wasn't the case. At least to them since only Luz knew about the glyph glove she gave her and Lilith.

"Now, are you gonna give us what we really earned or are we gonna have to get messy?" Eda asked as she made the fireball vanish with a smirk on her face.

"R-Right! My mistake!" The dog man said as he quickly pulled out a large sack of snails. "Here's your money!"

"Thank you." Eda said as the crowd slowly dispersed slowly. "That's right, people. I may be weaker but I'm still the most wanted woman on the Isles!"

As Eda said that, a random garbage man came by and took down a wanted poster of her to throw into the trash. This made Eda slouch a bit as Lilith walked up to her, giggling a bit as King walked with her.

"True as it may be, sister it seems like the public as moved on. At least my image still commands respected." Lilith said with a smirk before posing similar to a poster for recruitment to the Emperor's Coven.

The former coven head gave a similar pose next to one of her "Join the Emperor's Coven Today!" posters before they saw someone burning the poster of Lilith to be replaced with posters of someone called, "The Golden Guard." He was humanoid man wearing a white hooded cloak with a golden triangle clasp like other members of the Emperor's Coven. Under the cloak is a gold tunic with darker sleeves, black leggings, and wears brown gloves and knee-high boots. He wears a golden pauldron on his left shoulder and a pointed two-faceted mask with a thin slot across it.

"Ahahahahaha! You forgot you're a traitor too!" King said as he laughed.

"The Golden Guard?" Luz asked as she pulled a poster off and looked at it. "Who's he?"

"Nothing a a brat that got special treatment. An arrogant upstart that got special treatment for being a teen prodigy." Lilith said as she took the poster and balled it up. "If he's in charge of the coven now, I can only gag at the results."

Using her glyph glove, Lilith set the crumbled poster on fire and dropped it to the ground before stomping it into ash.

"Do you need to talk about something?" Luz asked Lilith.

"No, I'm fine. A bit better now that I did that." Lilith said as she smirked down to the destroyed poster before walking back to the wagon.

"If you say so." Luz said before walking off. "I'm going to check out anymore bounties we can do today."

Walking up the bounty board, named Greg's list with several posters in display, Luz looked around for a decent bounty to catch but found other things aside from bounties.

'Lost Cerberus, no. Witch cackling lessons, hell no.' Luz thought before coming across a big one.

Pulling the poster from the wall, Luz looked at a photo of a large, strange beast that looked like the mix of a walrus, hippo, and whale. It was worth 1,000,000 snails, a large and very genius bounty.

"A "Selkidomus?" Sea beast that has been ravaging boats up and down the coast." Luz read from the poster before looking to Eda and King. "You guys up for a high seas adventure for a sea beast?"

"Hmmmmm. It's tempting but no." Eda said as she walked up to Luz. "Even with the gloves, we need to keep a low profile with my magic weakened. Plus, we need quick cash like this one."

Looking at another poster, Luz saw it was of a young looking demon with tiny horns, bat wings, and holding a lollipop with a pink and white swirl.

"600 snails for the "The abominable cutie pie?" You can't be serious, Eda." Luz said as she gave a band look to her mentor.

"No no. I hear he's extremely dangerous!" Eda said before gasping, pointing to the street. "There he is!"

Looking to where she was pointing, Luz saw that the wanted "criminal" was only about 2 feet tall, looked like a pig man and wore a ripped pink shirt with magenta shorts and a matching hat. He was also holding a white and pink swirl lollipop.

He ran off from two witches and climbed up a statue of Belos before stopping on it's hand.

"You'll never catch me." He said in a cute voice.

'This is just pathetic but money is money I guess.' Luz thought as she walked to the statue and used the ice glyph to elevate herself to her hand before she grabbed with small demon.

"You did it, you caught me." He said with no reaction, almost expecting this.

"You are a disgrace to bounties, you know that. Even Garlog is worth more then you." Luz said before she heard Eda and Lilith talking in the wagon.

"This bounty hunter thing just barely puts food on the table." Eda said with a worried look as she loaded the sack of snails the got into the cart.

"It would if we could go on bigger bounties. We both know what Luz is capable of." Lilith said to Eda, at the reigns again.

"I know what Luz can do but things are too sensitive right now. If we want to eat, we gotta make priorities and make no mistakes. So we'll have to stick to small bounties with less danger for now." Eda said to Lilith.

"I suppose that's true but what about our apple blood?" Lilith asked, not wanting to part with her favorite drink.

"We can splurge a bit on that and some griffin eggs for Luz. There isn't much she can eat here, so we gotta get her favorites for her. She may be a tough kid but she doesn't have an iron stomach." Eda joked a bit as the sisters headed back to the owl house.

Back at the statue, Luz felt down and angry as the cutie pie and King sat on the Belos statue arm.

"Wow, that's rough, man." The cutie pie said in a manly voice before King took his lollipop and slapped him to the ground.

'Even after all this time, she still thinks I can handle things and pull my weight!' Luz thought as she jumped down, stomping cutie pie. 'It's just like Grom all over again but I'll show her! I'm gonna prove that I can bring home the big snails!'

Picking up the cutie pie, Luz and King marched t othe bounty stand and threw the small demon inside.

"Give me my 600 snails and the location for the Selkidomus hunt!" Luz said as King ran up to her.

"But Luz, Eda said-" King said before Luz cut him off.

"Screw Eda! I ain't no weakling and I'm gonna show it by bringing in a big ass load of money." Luz said as she was given a small sack of 600 snails before looking at the dog man. "Now, back to the Selkidomus."

"Head west to the Bonesborough port, there's a pirate ship waiting. Show the captain the flyer and you're in." The dog man said with a shrug.

"Got it." Luz said as she headed to the port with King by her side.

"Wait! I'm coming with you! I want to earn my keep too!" He said as he jumped onto Luz's shoulder.

Not seeing any problems with that, Luz continued through town towards the pier. Once she arrived, Luz saw the captain of the ship was waiting for anyone to join the hunt with a barrel in front of him. He looked like a mix of a parrot man, fish, and a crab with his red tone, hook beak mouth, and two pointy frills under his chin. He also had a pointy fin on his back, a opened claw for hair, a scar over his right eye, and a crab claw with a white blotch on it for his left hand.

Luz walked up to him and slammed the poster on the barrel with a determined glare in her eyes.

"We want in on the hunt, now." Luz said to him.

"You want in? You think you can handle it, runt?" he asked in a classic, gruff pirate voice.

"You have no idea what I can handle." Luz said as she punch her open hand. "So you gonna let us in, or what?"

The captain looked over Luz for a moment, seeing the fire in her eyes and the strength of her will. She was just what he needed before he nodded.

"You're in. Here." he said before tossing Luz a uniform and shoes. "Change into uniform and report at the bell. Name's Captain Salty by the way."

"Aye aye, captain." Luz said with a smirk and a salute as she turned to board the ship.

What she missed was Salty turning to a window on his ship, nodding to someone in the shadows!

'All according to plan.' the person thought before shutting the window, revealing an Emperor's Coven symbol on the glass!

-One Change of Clothes and Setting Sail Later-

Luz and King stood at the bow of the ship as the sea air blew past them, it was hotter than Luz expected but that must've been why it was called the Boiling Sea. Her pirate uniform was that of a grunt with a blue scarf that had a white fish on the front wrapped around her head, a purple ascot with a spider head on the front, a dark beige shirt with green lies on the sleeves with a torn rim, and blue pants with torn ends while wearing black flats on her feet.

"Just think of it, King. We beat that beast and get that money, we won't have to worry about food and supplies for a long time." Luz said as she smiled to her friend, who was still on her right shoulder like a parrot.

"King want a cracker!" he said exactly like a parrot.

"All hands on deck!" Salty called out, making Luz turn and head towards the deck with the rest of the crew.

From right to left, the crew was a literal mix of demons of all shapes and sizes. One had dark green skin with bumps on his face, his left eye shut, no right hand and a red scarf on his head; one man was large with purple skin, no shirt, and portly with a clam for a head wearing a sailor cap; one had teal skin with one eye, and a jellyfish for hair with a salamander tail; and the final made was just a red fish with legs and small fin arms.

"Alright men, listen up and listen well! The Selkidomus that's been ravaging the coast line was last seen in the Shimmer Shoals!" Salty said as he paced in front of everyone before stopping before Luz. "You know the drill, if you catch the quarry, you gets the money galore-y!"

To make his point, Salty pulled a large bag of snails from his back and dropped it on deck! Luz smiled at the sight of it, her goal was just in reach.

"We all do the work, we all get our cut when it's done!" Salty said as the crew cheered.

"I have many debts to pay!" the red fish demon said as he waved his fins.

"Until the beast is sighted, keep everything in shipshape!" Salty said as he pulled out a broom and threw it to Luz, who caught it with one hand. "Especially you, sea squirt. We don't need a newbie burden."

"Like I told you before, you have no idea what I can handle." Luz said with a challenging smirk.

From that point, Luz did various tasks around the ship to prove her worth to the captain and the crew.

Random Task One: Barnacle Duty.

The barnacles on the lower parts of the ship needed to be scrapped off, a task made harder due tothe barnacles being alive and with sharp teeth. Salty offer Luz a scrapper to get the job done but Luz declined and showed him her glyph gloves.

"These are the only tools I need." Luz said before using the plant glyph to create a harness around her waist before she jumped off the ship with King on her shoulder.

The duo dangled before the living barnacles, who were barking like rapid dogs, before Luz barked louder and faster to make them shut up. She then used the ice glyph to create ice pick for her and King to scrap them off together.

Random Task Two: Engine Maintenance.

The engine of the ship was like a furnace from a classic train, requiring coal to be shoveled inside to maintain speed or go faster. Salty showed Luz by example by shoveling coal inside before he held the shovel out to Luz.

"Once again, no need." Luz said before using her gloves to make a fireball the side of a bowling ball. "Mama is going for a strike!"

Moving like she was actually bowling, Luz took a few steps back before stepping forward and rolling the fireball into the furnace, making the door shut along the way as smoke SHOT from all corners before the ship sped off faster than before! Half of Salty's face was covered in soot but he didn't care as he smiled at Luz with a nod.

"Nice work, squirt." he said to her.

Random Task 3: Swabbing the Deck.

This task was the easiest and the most fun as Luz used two brushes for skates and used her water combination to spread the soap so she can skate and scrub with easy, she even did a few tricks that caught the eyes of her crew mates. It looked so much fun, the other's joined her and completed that task in a a matter of minutes.

Random Task 4: Pest Control.

This task proved both easy and difficult as Luz smash and stomped any bugs, which were HUGE, she saw until blue parasite-looking bug crawled up her back and she had to knock it off. Something the crew thought was a dance as Luz was doing it in the form of a jig on the boat until she knocked it off her back and into the sea, missing King.

"Whoa!" King said as he dodged the parasite, sitting on the edge of the ship with 3 weird demon realm parrots, while eating a cracker.

One looked exactly like a white parrot but had no eyes and a mouth of green teeth, one was red but had a hand for a head with a single yellow eye on it's chest, and the last one was a dull green squid with a parrot head that had wings on it and a black beak.

"I really hate bugs now." Luz said before Salty slapped her on the back.

"Good work, squirt! You beat my bias into the dirt and molded it into nothing be respect for ya. You're a real sailor, now." Salty said with a proud smile.

"Hehehe, thanks captain. You seemed like a hard ass at first but you're alright. I'd be an honor to serve on your crew in another life." Luz said with a small smile and a salute to him.

"Agreed! Three cheers for Luz!" Salty said as he put his an arm around Luz while the rest of the crew cheered.

King booed the scene, thinking Luz was too good to be a pirate before the hand headed parrot grabbed his cracker.

"Hey! That's mine! Get your own!" King said as he tugged with the hand head parrot.

As their fight went on, the boat was rocked by a large wave and King was sent tumbling on the deck with his cracker with the hand parrot. He kept rolling and rolling until he burst through to doors to the captain's quarters and landed on his stomach.

"Hey, no far!" King said as he turned to push the door, trying to get out. "I want my cracker!"

He stopped to rest before he noticed a box on the captain's desk, a box of Kraken Crisps crackers!

"Jackpot!" King said before he ran to the desk and crawled on top, taking a star shaped cracker and eating it.

Though as he ate, King noticed something under the book and picked it up. Using the light of a candle lantern, King saw that it was a letter stamped with the sigal of the Emperor's Coven! Turning up the flame of the lanturn, King saw that the room of full items that represented the coven or items with the coven's symbol on them! Meaning that this ship belonged to Belos and they were in a possible trap!

"Oh no! I have to get to Luz!" King said as he dropped the letter.

"Sorry to break you heart but you won't get the change." someone said, making King turn around before he was caught!

"AAAH!" King shouted but no one heard him.

Back with Luz, she didn't seem to notice King was gone after a short celebration from the crew and another hour of sailing before the ship had finally arrived at it's desired location.

"We're here, mates. The Shimmering Shoals." Salty said as he looked through a telescope to an island far from the Boiling Isles in the middle of the boiling sea, bathed in an eerie mist. "Keep your eyes peeled mates."

One of the crew took this order seriously and peeled his eyelids back before tying them behind his head like a blindfold. The ship sailed into the deathly calm waters as they passed by the flaming remains of another ship, one that the Selkidomus must have destroyed. Some of the sailors took off their hats to pay their respects as Luz gave a silent prayer for them as well.

"She's close. I can feel it in me shell." Salty said as he joined the crew at the side.

His hunch was right as suddenly, a large blue tail came from the water and smacked the ship! The ship shook wildly as some of the crew grabbed the side to stay up.

"She's right here!" Luz shouted as she gazed down to the water.

As the sea beast came around the boat with it's back poking out of the water, the crew began to throw spears at it but the Selkidomus dived to dodge them. The sea beast rose with a spin and puffed up with it's spike covered belly showing! It fired the spikes like cannons as several crew members ducked, but the one with the clam for a head was hit as his head was knock off.

"AAH!" Luz screamed before his body moved on it's on to grab the head and reattach it.

'That brings back memories.' Luz thought with a shiver, remembering holding Eda's living, severed head.

Jumping on the railing of the ship, Luz powered up with the power glyph before began shooting fireballs at the Selkidomus! The beast dodged two of them before turning to run, before Luz used her ice glyph to create a large spike to throw into sea before it grew into a large wall to block it's escape!

"ROOOOOAH!" The Selkidomus roared to to the sky.

"I got you now!" Luz shouted as she used her plant glyphs, making a large plant bomb with a vine attached before throwing it at the beast, ensnaring it!

She pulled her hardest to prevent the beast from escaping as the crew watched in awe!

"Hurry and help her, boys!" Salty said as he and the crew grabbed the vine and helped Luz pull. "Put your back into it!"

"Roooh!" the Selkidomus roared as it was pulled out of the water, being bound to the side of the ship as Luz's tied the vine to a knotting post.

"We got it!" Luz cheered before a sudden explosion rocked the ship! "Woah!"

The explosion shook the ship as the rest of the crew fell to the deck, loosing their grip and allowing the Selkidomus to break free and swim away! Luz leaned up and looked around, seeing smoke filling the ship as a figure dressed like a pirate was stealing the sack of snails!

"I can't believe it. A ghost pirate!" Salty said in fear as he pointed to the "ghost" as they jumped off the ship.

"They've got the money!" Luz said as she ran after them to the edge of the ship, looking down to see the thief inside a tub with a propeller and stirring wheel drive away!

Salty joined Luz as they saw the thief heading towards the island in the Shoals, avoid the wreckage around them.

"They're not getting away!" Luz said as she used her fire glyph, propelling herself in the air and flying towards the island with her hands behind her.

"Ahahahaha! Got get em, Luz! Show that thief what for!" Salty said as he watched Luz fly towards the island.

About 1 minute of high speed flying later, Luz saw the island become clearer as the thief that took the money was stepping onto the shore!

"Now I got you!" Luz shouted as she landed in front of the thief and ignited her firsts in flames! "If you think I-"

Luz paused mid threat as she got a good look at the thief, seeing that they were a woman with a black captain hat, a black mouth mask, matching jacket with a bandolier of potion bottles, dark gray pantaloons and black heal boots. What caught Luz's attention the most was the familiar pale skin, orange earnings, mismatched eyes, and purple glove on her right hand!

"EDA?!" Luz asked in shock and anger, snuffing out her fists.

"LUZ?!" Eda said in shock as she took off her mask. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm earning money from the Selkidomus hunt! What are you doing here?!" Luz asked as Eda stepped out of her tub and pulled the sack of snails with her.

"I'm robbing a coven ship for loot!" Eda said as she gestured to the bag before pointing to Luz. "Though I didn't expect you to be ON that ship! You could've gotten hurt or killed!"

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble as the boiling sea ruptured before forming a fist with someone inside it! The first crashed down on the beach and revealed the person to be the Golden Guard, kneeling with a staff in his left hand and a covered cage in his right hand!

"That can still be arranged." he said, looking to them with steam coming from his body and the eye holes of his mask.

Eda looked worried at the young guard while Luz put on a brave face, clenching her fists as the new Emperor's Coven head stood up.

'So this is the new coven head? He's shorter than I thought he'd be.' Luz thought as Eda moved in front of her a bit, gazing towards his staff. 'His staff is similar to Belos' too, no palisman with a white and gold wing along with a red jewel tip.'

"Greetings, criminals. If you do what I say and don't anything, this should be relatively painless." He said to them as the wind blew through his mask.

"And why should we listen to a lap dog like you?" Luz asked him.

"Maybe because neither of you can use real magic?" He asked with a quip, smirking under his mask.

"Shows what you know, chump!" Eda said as she pointed to him.

"Oh? Shows what I know? Well, I know that you two are standing in a patch of flesh eating plants." G.G. said to them.

Looking down, Luz and Eda saw they were standing on seaweed like plants with spike covered bulbs and their feet began smoking like they were in fire!

"AAH!" they said as they jumped away from the plants, stomping on the sand to try and put out the smoke as Golden Guard laughed at them.

"Hehehehehehe. Okay, serious now. The owl lady will be coming with me for the crime of stealing from one of the emperor's ships while the human can go free since she pursued the Owl Lady to reclaimed the payment." He said as he pointed to Eda while looking at Luz.

"You really think I'm going to let that happen?" Luz asked with a glare as Eda stepped forward.

"Also, why are you hunting the Selkidomus? It's a peaceful creature and you're unjustly provoking it!" Eda said to him, revealing that the hunted beast was innocent!

"I was ordered to slay one by his majesty and I don't question it when I don't see the reason to question." Golden Guard said with a shrug.

"Hmm, well when you think of it like that, I guess I shouldn't question smacking you around a little!" Eda shouted as she charge, using her glyph glove to create an ice club/bat!

Eda jumped at swung at G.G., who just put the cage down and held his staff on both shoulders as he lazily dodged Eda's attacks before tripping her up to fall to the group!

"Is that all you've got? I'm disappointed." Golden Guard said to Eda.

"Well maybe I can impress you!" Luz shouted as she charge and threw a punch to the Golden Guard, who dodge before she threw a side kick to push him away!

Luz didn't stop as she continued to throw attacks, punches and kicks, G.G. dodged before Luz tripped up low kick. With her fire fists, Luz punched him in the face, chest, and stomach before blasting him away with a fireball!

"UH!" He grunted before he landed on his feet and used his staff, which gained a red glow at the tip, and sent a wave of sand at Luz.

Luz made and ice wall to block the sand before using the power glyph, increasing her strength, and punched the ice wall towards him, making the guard teleport rush behind Luz.

"Got you!" He shouted as he swung his staff at Luz, who jumped in the air and span to kick him, but he blocked before behind sent away!

"Power glyph, bitch!" Luz shouted before holding her left hand out, blasting forwards him with an ice gauntlet forming around her arm arm. "Eat this!"

Golden Guard looked up to see Luz about to punch his mask before he created a shield around him, stopping Luz dead as the punch cracked it.

"ENOUGH!" he shouted as he expanded the shield, sending Luz flying to Eda as the witch got up to catch her with a slight skid!

"You okay?" Eda asked as she set Luz down.

"Yeah. Thanks." Luz said as the Golden Guard returned to his original spot next to the covered cage, using his staff to bring the large bag of snails to him.

"Okay, since you obviously are more skill then I thought, how about a trade? You both get to got free with the snails in exchange that you slay the Selkidomus for me." He said as he pointed to a large trail in the sand, the tracks of the Selkidomus.

"What if we don't want to trade with you?" Luz asked him.

"Then your little friend here, gets to swim in the sea." he said as he picked up the cage, pulling up the cover to reveal King inside!

"Eh!" King let out in surprise before the cover was dropped. "Ah, it's dark again. Back to sleep."

Luz groaned in anger, before sighing through her nose and standing up. What other choice did she have? If she fought, the Golden Guard could throw King into the boiling sea in an instant. So the only option was to do what he says.

"Fine. I'll be right back." Luz said as she began walking to the cave.

"Luz! Wait! Luz!" Eda said as she got up and went after Luz.

Entering the cave, the duo saw it was disgusting and slimy with pillars of rotting titan flesh, barnacles and coral growing on the walls or pillars. Other wrecked ships were inside while a large hole that lead to a deeper part of the cave was in the middle.

"Luz, you can't hurt the Selkidomus, it's a peaceful creature." Eda said to her as they walked to the mast of a ship sticking out from the large hole. "We can find another way out of this and save King."

"This is not other way. It's either this or King is boiling alive." Luz said as she jumped onto the mass of the broken ship. "I gotta do this."

"But you don't have to do this alone! Remember what I said, even if it leads us to trouble, following our hearts can lead us to those who can understand us." Eda said to Luz.

"I still remember that Eda but look where it got you. You lost your magic, you almost got turned to stone, and you still think I can't handle things or pull my weight when you KNOW I can." Luz said as she turned to softly glare at Eda. "So how about you stop worrying about me like you're my damn mother when you know I can handle myself?!"

Eda looked shocked and saddened by this before the Selkidomus roared, shaking the cave as they both looked down the whole.

"This is something I have to do, so just do me a favor and sit your ass down right there." Luz said before she glared down into the pit and jumped in.

"LUZ!" Eda shouted as she watched Luz fall into the pit.

The human landed on the soft ground before realizing it wasn't the ground but on the head of the Selkidomus as it's eyes glowed in the darkness.

'Oh shit.' Luz thought before the beast tossed her off it's body to land near a bush of seaweed.

The sea beast rose with glowing green eyes as it turned to Luz, puffing it's chest as it's spiked belly was ready to fire!

"Shit!" Luz said as she made an ice wall for cover, hearing the spike fire before two cracked her wall. "Alright, blubbery bastard. Let's end this!"

Luz blasted into the air with her fire glyph and dove at the beast, preparing a flaming fir as it opened it's mouth to bite her! Right as they were about to clash, Eda swung in with a plant vine in her right hand from her glove and grabbed Luz, sending them both inside of the seaweed bush as her hat fell off.

"EDA! I said-" Luz shouted before Eda pointed in her face.

"I know what you said and I DON'T CARE! You think doing a crazy thing like this is going to prove something to me? We'll it's not because I already know you're tough! And I know you can handle yourself and pull your weight because you've done things no normal person can do! You helped me get King's crown back when you barely knew me, you saved my ass from being turned to stone, and you even got me to be on good terms with Lily again." Eda said as she looked away getting emotional. "Truth of the matter is, I'm happy you came into my life and I'm happy to have a tough as stone friend like you. So yeah, I may come off as a nagging mom, but it's only because I care about you kid and I want to keep you in my life."

Luz couldn't reply to this as she felt her anger and worries fade away, Eda really cared for her and knew she could pull her weight. She didn't just say that because she thought Luz was soft but because she was still worried.

'Damn, I'm an idiot.' Luz thought as she quickly wipes away some tears.

"Now, if you're done being all edge and wanting to prove something, we need to think of a way to get out of this without anyone getting hurt." Eda said as she looked to where the Selkidomus was waiting for them.

Suddenly, a shrill noise caught their attention as the looked back to see a small, round baby Selkidomus was right behind them with a smell plant sprout on it's head. The sprout glowed with a green light as the baby looked up to them with an innocent look on it's face.

'A glowing plant.' Luz thought as an idea came to her and she turned to Eda.

"Hey, Eda. You up for a glyph lesson and a glove lesson?" Luz asked her as she pulled out a stack of stick notes.

Outside of the cave, the Golden Guard waited for the duo to get the job done while playing with the cover of the cage that held King. The little demon acting exactly like a bird as he woke up every time he lifted the cover and went to sleep after he let it down.

"Hehehehe, you are an oddly enduring for a small creature." He said about King, smiling under his mask.

"No I'm...not." King mumbled as he went back to sleep.

A sudden roar came as the Golden Guard looked to see shadows of Luz fighting the Selkidomus by herself! The beast puffed it's chest to push her back as Luz held on the the ground, throwing fireballs at it before she formed an ice sword from her gloves!

"YAAAH!" Luz screamed as she charged, jumping into the air to dodge a bite from the beast. "Off with your damn head!"

With a slash of the ice blade, Luz cut through the Selkidomus' neck, killing it as the body flailed with it's blood spilling everywhere. Luz grabbed the head by the plant like whiskers and dragged it to the entrance before Golden Guard took a step back.

"Ugh! That's far enough, I can smell the death from here. Ugh! I can't believe you're touching that thing, so gross!" He said as he waved a hand in front of his helmet.

"Shut up! Now give me my friend and my money!" Luz said as she dropped the seaweed whiskers.

"Sure, sure. Your friend smell pretty bad too, so give him a bath when you get home." Golden Guard said as he threw Luz the cage holding King and the bag of snails at her feet. "Thank you for your service. You'll have to find your own way home."

"No shit, man." Luz said to him as Golden Guard turned to walk away, summoning his staff.

"By the way, try to stay out of trouble." he said as he turned to Luz, pointing to her. "You may have gotten lucky once and escaped but you won't escape again if he catches you. The Emperor is NOT a merciful witch to his enemies...Okay, BYE!"

With a silly goodbye, G.G. got on his staff and blasted off in a trail of red magic.

"What a weirdo." Luz said as she pulled the cover off and brought King out of the cage.

Turning back to the cave, Luz and King saw Eda was inside drawing a light glyph while her right hand glowed green. Next to her was a fake Selkiomus made from seaweed that she controlled thanks to a quick lesson from Luz.

"So? Did the golden stooge buy it?" Eda asked the two.

"Hook, line, and sinker." Luz said as she walked in with King on her shoulder and the bag of snails in her right hand.

The real mother and by Selkidomuses came from hidding and saw that their real enemy was gone, leading the baby to crawl off the seaweed double and hug Luz.

"Awww, you adorable little thing." Luz said as she hugged the baby back.

"Luz, what is that think?" King asked in slight fear, pointing to it.

"It's alright, King. Once the mother saw we meant no harm to her baby, she calmed down." Eda said as she petted the baby Selkidomus before turning to the mother. "It's too dangerous to stay here anymore. You need to take your baby and move further out into the boiling sea."

The mother nodded in understanding to Eda, knowing that they might return for her again if she and her child stays, before it suddenly began...regurgitating something. Luz was a bit disgusted by this before it spat up...liquid gold?

" I looking at?" Luz asked, very disturbed.

"That, Luz, the the treasure of the sea!" Eda said as she took some into her hands. "This is Selkigriss. People pay top snail for it at the Night Market. One of its uses is lotion!"

Before Luz could reply, Eda had began rubbing some on Luz's face cheeks!

"AAH! EDA! Stop!" Luz said before she felt her cheeks. "Oh! My face has never been this soft before, it's like velvet!"

"See what I mean? Not only will those snails help, but this selkigriss will have us loaded!" Eda said before throwing Luz into the pile! "Banzai!"

Eda jumped into the pile and made it splatter onto King, who noticed a witch skull in the pile as Luz and Eda laughed together.

-Timeskip to the Owl House-

After gathering all the selkigriss and using Eda's bicycle tub boat to get home with held of Luz using her gloves for boosters, with a little side trip to get Luz's clothes from Salty's pirate ship, the trio entered the owl house to see an injured Hooty covered in blisters and Lilith on the couch with the coffee table covered in medical supplies and a bubbling caldron.

"What happened while we were gone?" Eda asked, carrying the large bag of snails.

"Not important but what is important is that I have a gift for you!" Lilith said as she gestured everyone to the caldron. "To prove my loyalty and trustworthiness, I have made a Scrying Spell that will allow us to peek inside the Emperor's castle."

Everyone watched the the purple potion bubbled with an image forming of several Emperor's Coven members just relaxing around in a hallway. Some slouched, one leaned against the wall, and some of them were looking at the scroll while one sat on the floor bored.

"Wow, this is their finest?" Luz commented before looking to Lilith. "But what are we suppose to do with this?"

"Anything. You know have full access to the secrets of the coven, not to mention without me, they're as clueless as newborns." Lilith said as she laid on the side couch. "Do whatever you wish, that is my gift to you."

OOH! Lily, I couldn't love you more than I do right now!" Eda said as she cracked her knuckles. "And that Golden Guard? He's nothing but a chump, Luz had his butt on the ropes! Well, I'm in a great mood now! How about we order some take out and draw some faces on Hooty?"

"YEAH!" Luz and King shouted in glee, following Eda into the kitchen.

"Noooooo." Hooty said as he shook his head but they couldn't hear him.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you, Hootcifer." Lilith said with a smile, making Hooty smile.

As everyone went about their business to order food for dinner, Scyring Spell began to dive deeper into the castle and reveal Belos in a large chamber with the portal door reconstructed! He was putting a piece on the reconstructed portal to complete the golden eye as his cowl was gone to reveal his long gray hair and his mask was off. Turning around, Belos placed it back on as he felt someone was gazing at him and he had a good idea of who it was!

"Knock knock, human." Belos said, feeling it was the owl house watching him.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway/Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall, ice weapons

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Power and Healing= High Speed Recovery

Ice and Power= Large Ice Gauntlets

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

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