4-Way Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championships

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Mirajane Strauss was standing by in the backstage area. 

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer. 

Starlight Glimmer walked into the picture, wearing her usual purple suit.

Mirajane: Starlight, tonight you and Will Ospreay will finally collide in what should be an instant classic, but I'm just wondering… will it strictly be one on one?

Starlight: Of course it will be. I can't believe you would think my society would stoop that low when I face Ospreay later tonight. Do you want to know why? Because I acknowledge Ospreay as a worthy opponent. Here in Japan, he's recognized as one of the most accomplished stars in professional wrestling to date, and his resume speaks for himself. But even still, for all his skill and status, it won't mean a thing. He’ll still become another example I make of those who dare to defy our message to the wrestling world. Equality will continue to be a force of peace, just like it will be in a few minutes. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must continue to prepare for my match. 

Mirajane: Speaking of matches, The Tag Team Ladder match is next, and Danny and Ohno are in it. Are you worried at all that they might have problems?

Starlight: Where are you getting these questions?

Mirajane: Well… I am a backstage reporter, and asking questions is kinda my-

Starlight: Well you're not doing a good job at it by asking that! Of course there aren't any problems! But since you are new here, I can't fault you for asking such a ridiculous question. But if you continue to ask questions like that… then you have a lot to learn about the Society, and our cause.

Starlight then leaves the scene, and Mirajane simply just looks on as Starlight walks away. 

The camera then cuts back to the ringside area of Wrestlepalooza, where things were all set for the next match, the 4-Way Tag Team Ladder match for the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships. Ladders were littered all over the ringside area, some already set up, and some lying around at ringside. The LWF Reborn Tag Team titles were already suspended high above the ring, to be retrieved by the team who endured and climbed to the top to grab them.

Mauro: Welcome back to coverage of Wrestlepalooza Night 2, right here on Wattpad! And you can tell by the way we redecorated the place, that it is time for some multi man mayhem!

Present Mic: It's Ladder Match time, baby! 4 teams looking to become the LWF Reborn Tag Champs are gonna duke it out right here in the Sports Festival Stadium, and it's gonna be totally awesome carnage in the ring!

Mauro: Let's now hand things over to Jeremy Borash, our ring announcer, to make things official!

The camera then cuts to the ring, where Jeremy Borash was standing in the center.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match, and it is for the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships!

The crowd cheers, and soon, the teams start to make their entrances…

That's when the lights go out. Then…


Once the bass dropped, the lights come back on and then Ravel struts her way out. Then Jack Evans comes out doing back flips, and Angelico dances his way out to the stage.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, team number one, accompanied by Ravel Phenex at a combined weight of 380 Pounds, Jack Evans and Angelico… THE HYBRID 2!!!

Present Mic: Wow, sick neon green and yellow schemes from these two! I heard these dudes got the aerial finesse that leaves the fans breathless, and their opponents layin'!

Nigel: They are quite the team as you've so heard, Mic! True to their name, Evans brings the aerial heights, and Angelico brings the technicality! And of course, they are accompanied by their new associate, Ravel Phenex, who looks to take them to the very top of the industry tonight!

Mauro: And with ladders involved, who knows what heights those two will reach?!

Evans and Angelico boost Ravel up by her shoulders to the ring apron as they come to ringside, and then the trio enter the ring themselves. Ravel slips herself through the middle ropes and then sits in between the middle and top ropes, brushing one of her pigtails back, as she gives room to show Jack Evans breakdancing in the center of the ring, and Angelico shakes his jacket off. 



The crowd cheers, and the duo of Steve and Big Macintosh made their entrance. Steve was bringing out a ladder that he had handcrafted himself, and Big Mac also carried a ladder of his own.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing team number two… the team of Steve and Big Macintosh… THE WORKIN' MINERS!!!

Mauro: A new Tag Team that just burst into the scene, and what a big moment for these two in just a short amount of time!

Nigel: Well it was supposed to just be Big Mac and Steve getting this opportunity here at Wrestlepalooza against Team Weird n’ Wild, but then The SCE and The Ravel-ution all wanted a shot at the titles, and from there things escalated! LWF Founder Chard Caranto then permitted all three teams to compete against Star and Mabel, and just to make it more interesting, he upped the stakes so that the titles would be defended in a ladder match!

Once Big Mac and Steve got to ringside, Steve set his ladder aside to use for later, as Big Mac got in the ring. Once Steve placed the ladder in a good position to get later, he joined him in the ring as they pumped up the fans.

Beth: This might not be what Big Mac and Steve had planned on their map to gold, but you can bet they're ready for this match no matter how many teams are in! I can't wait to see what Steve can do with a ladder in his hands!



The Mood immediately turned sour as Kassius Ohno and Dark Danny, the representative Tag Team of the SCE, made their entrance.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing Team Number 3, representing the Society of Complete Equality, the team of Dark Danny, and KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Present Mic: No love lost for the SCE tonight, but you gotta admit, it's hard to bet against Onho and Danny's odds in this match! Danny's in-ring dominance paired with Ohnos years of experience? It's hard to say they won't be winning this!

Beth: A Ladder match isn't really what the SCE wanted out of a championship match, but I dont think these two will back down. I said I wondered what Steve could do with a ladder, but let's hope Dark Danny doesn't get his hands on a ladder!

Dark Danny discards his tattered black cloak and Ohno takes off his hooded robe, and the two enter the ring and demonstrate themselves to the crowd. And that only leaves one team left to enter .… the Tag Team Champions. 

The camera cuts to the stage, where Panic! At The Disco was standing by. Then they start to play Roaring 20's live.


Once the bridge of the song came on, Star Butterfly made her entrance. Then the moment it came to the chorus, Mabel came out and leapfrogged over her. 

Jeremy Borash: And finally, team Number Four… they are the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions… Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly… TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

For their choice of gear, Mabel and Star were wearing their Fashion Police inspired outfits. They then made their way down to the ring, dancing along to Panic! At the Disco jamming their theme song. Even Present Mic joined in on the fun.

Present Mic: Oh yeah!!!! Of all the entrances I've seen, this is the best one yet! It's got me movin' and groovin'! 

Mnuro: That is the magnetic personality we have become accustomed to, from Team Weird n’ Wild! Despite their flamboyancy and love for fun, they have been incredible champions, holding the titles ever since capturing them at Resurgence!

Once the two of them got to ringside, Star jumped into the ring as Mabel skirted the ringside Area, before she hopped up onto the apron and chilled there a la Tyler Breeze, Star posing right behind her before Mabel rolled into the ring and faced down The Hybrid 2, the Workin Miners and Danny & Ohno as the tag champs took off their sunglasses as Panic! At the Disco finished their performance.

Beth: And now it's time to get down to business, guys! One of these teams is gonna climb the ladder to the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships, and become their owners!

Present Mic: We haven't seen a Ladder Match in LWF Since the Queens of Strong Style took on oVe at Hell 2 Pay before the Original Brand shut down, this is gonna be good!

With all four teams ready, the prizes hanging above the ring, and Ladders all around, the bell rings, and the crowd cheers as all 4 teams go for a ladder immediately. 

Big Mac grabbed the ladder he brought to the ring, Evans and Angelico got a 16 ft ladder, Danny and Ohno Settled on a 10 footer, and Mabel and Star got another 10 ft. Ladder.

Mauro: And it is on like Donkey Kong already as every team gets ladders of varying heights!

Once the teams had their ladders they then proceeded to get back in the ring with them. They slide the ladders into the ring and follow after them. Evans and Angelico were faster as they tried setting up their ladder to climb to get the titles early, but just before Evans could try to prop the ladder up, Dark Danny grabbed the ladder and attempted to pull it out of his hands!

Present Mic: Ooh, Jack Evans was tryin’ to put this away early by going for the gold, but Dark Danny says no to that!

Nigel: Of all the members in this match for the Hybrid 2 to face first, it had to be the SCE's Dark Danny!

Angelico then tried to help Evans win the tug-of-war with Danny, but Mabel and Star jumped in. Mabel dropkicks Evans into Angelico, and Star dropkicks Danny, knocking him back a bit!

Steve then tries to grab the ladder for himself, but Kassius Ohno cuts him off at the pass. Angelico gets up and tries to stop Ohno, and from there all 4 Tag Teams got up and started brawling just to get that ladder!

Present Mic: There we go, fight!

Beth: One ladder, two titles, one huge opportunity, who wants it?!

Angelico and Ohno spill to the outside, so did Steve and Mabel. That only left Danny, Big Mac, Star and Jack in the ring. But that didn't last long as Jack Evans got levelled by Danny with a right hook punch! 

Jack Evans rolls out of the ring, and Star Butterfly then starts to fight back against the 2 men!

Star lands a jumping knee to Big Mac, then a pump kick to Danny. Big Mac goes for a boot but Star catches it, and throws his leg to Danny. Danny held his leg in place, and then Star swept Mac's other leg to take him down!

Nigel: Amazing innovation by Star right there! But unfortunately, she's still gotta deal with the X Factor in this match!

Nigel was right, as with Big Mac down, Star was the only one left between Dark Danny and a ladder. They both looked at the ladder, and then Star made the first move. Danny quickly grabbed her, lifted her up for a Powerbomb, but Star hammered away to escape.

Meanwhile, outside the ring, Ohno and Angelico were trading lefts and rights. Angelico landed an Uppercut, and Ohno responded with a Forearm Smash! Inside the ring, Star had just escaped Danny's grasp. Danny then charged at her, and Star pulled down the top rope to send him flying out of the ring!

Steve and Mabel were now back in the ring, and Steve was landing some chops to Mabel who was leaning against the ropes. Steve then hits the ropes, but is cut off by Star! Mabel then grabbed Steve, and the Tag Team Champions hit an Eat De-feet/Side Russian Leg Sweep combo on Steve!

Mauro: And the Tag Team Champions! Look at that combo!

Present Mic: Star and Mabel have incredible chemistry! It's no wonder they've been the champs for so long.

Mabel and Star then throw their hands up into the air, and the crowd cheers. They then see that Steve had regrouped with Big Mac, and decide to take flight. But as they turned to hit the ropes, Dark Danny had flung himself over the top rope, and knocked them down with a flying Shoulder Tackle!

Nigel: Oh, my word!

Mauro: Dark Danny just knocked down Team Weird N' Wild like they were a row of bowling pins!

Now with the champions down, Dark Danny chucks Star out of the ring as Mabel rolls out.

Beth: Dark Danny might have a chance now to grab a ladder and get up to the tiles, but he also has to worry about the other two teams in the match!

But instead of that, Kassius Ohno came in to regroup with his partner. They look up at the titles, and back to the teams scattered around ringside. But they look outside and see that Star and The Hybrid 2 had formed a little huddle, trying to recuperate. 

Danny then nods at Ohno, and Ohno starts to hit the ropes.

Mauro: Oh no!

Beth: Oh my god, no way!

And  with an assist from Dark Danny via a Back Body Drop, Kassius Ohno flipped over the top rope, and wiped out Star and The Hybrid 2!


Mauro: In a rare scene of aerialism from the SCE, Kassius Ohno wipes out one half of Team Weird N' Wild and both Evans and Angelico!

A replay of Ohno's epic leap was now beginning to play as Ohno, Star, Evans, and Angelico laid on the floor.

Nigel:  Let's look at this again, I'm shocked Ohno even did this! Normally Starlight wouldn't permit that kind of stuff!

Mauro: Well she does preach Equality as also teamwork, and that was teamwork!

After the replays ended, The Workin' Miners regrouped once again, and chucked Danny out of the ring. 

Mauro: And Steve and Big Mac, taking care of Danny!

Then, Steve eyed the nearest turnbuckle, and when Ohno, Evans, and Angelico got up again, Steve ran with a full head of steam, and then wiped all three of them out with a crossbody!

Mauro: And Steve again, falling from a high place, and wiping out the competition!

That's when Big Mac stood in the middle of the ring, and an idea popped into his head. The crowd began to cheer loudly, for they knew exactly what he was thinking.

Present Mic: Oh boy, I think Big Mac wants to join in on the fun!

Beth: Ohno flying is one thing, but Big Macintosh?! No way can he do this!

Big Mac then hits the ropes, but then The Hybrid 2 cut him off at the pass, which gained some boos from the LWF Faithful.

Present Mic: Oooh, not so fast! Just when Big Macintosh was gonna do something awesome, Evans and Angelico cut him off!

Evans then directed Angelico to take flight while Mac was down, and then Angelico, after hitting the ropes, soared through the air, and wiped out Ohno, Star, and Dark Danny with a Tope Con Giro!

Mauro: And Angelico! Wowing the fans here with his agility!

Jack Evans then hyped up the fans, and attempted to take flight himself! 

Present Mic: Oh, and Jack Evans, probably looking to do the same thing!

Jack Evans hits the ropes, but then stops in the middle of the ring, and breakdances, gaining boos from the fans.

Mauro: And the overflowing arrogance on display, from Jack Evans…

"Awww, come on! I thought you all loved my moves!" Jack Evans says to the fans. But as Jack Evans was too busy showing off, drowning in his ego, he didn't notice that Big Mac had gotten back up!

Mauro: …and that may be about to cost him!

Present Mic: Don't turn around Evans, you're not gonna like what you see!

Evans unfortunately turns around, and sees Big Mac towering over him. Evans tries to beg his way out, but Mac scoops him up, and gets planted with a Tour of The Farm!


Beth: And Jack Evans! Getting punished big time!

Big Mac then picks up Evans, and sends Evans flying into the pile!

Mauro: And Jack Evans, being disposed like yesterday's trash!

In the midst of all the carnage outside, Mabel had pulled Star away from the pile up unbeknownst to Danny. 

Big Mac then tried again to hit the ropes to take flight, but then Star and Mabel grabbed his ankles, and swept him off his feet!

Nigel: And the tag team champions this time, stalling Mac's flight!

Star and Mabel get in the ring, and then they hit the ropes, and Mabel does a Tope Con Giro, while Star does a Fosbury Flop, and Team Weird N' Wild wipes out the pile!

Present Mic: And Star and Mabel fly in place of him! Everybody's down except Big Mac!

With Big Mac being the only one left standing, he now finally had the opportunity to wipe out everyone. He hits the ropes a few times to get some momentum, and once everyone was up, Big Mac sprung off the second rope and wiped out the pile with a Tope Con Giro of his own!

Mauro: And Big Mac finally cleared for takeoff- MAMA MIA!!!

Present MIc: Everybodys goin' all in on this one!

All 8 superstars were laying outside the ring, and so far no one had made a grab for the Tag Titles. But after a few minutes, Dark Danny was the first to get back up. He grabbed an already standing ladder from nearby, but Big Mac and Steve got up, and stopped him.

Nigel: And it's Dark Danny, who is first up! He's got a ladder in hand, but the Workin' Miners are not gonna let him use it!

Angelico gets up, and tries to assist in cutting Danny down, and soon enough, everyone gets up. 

Ohno tries to help Danny, but the 3 other Tag Teams in the match swarmed them. All the while, for whatever reason, Ravel Phenex decided to climb that very ladder that they were grabbing!

Beth: Wait, what the heck?!

Mauro: What's Ravel doing?! She's not even in the match!

Present Mic: But it's no DQ in a ladder match, so she's perfectly legal! Besides, she's a Phenex, she can do whatever she wants! By the way, any relation to you, Beth?

Beth: No, Mic. No relation.

Everyone then looked up, and Ravel leaped from the top of the ladder and wiped out everyone!

Nigel: And Ravel from the skies- OH MY!!!

Mauro: Ravel Phenex just made her own moment in this ladder match! 

Ravel then rises from the pile, and since Evans was incapacitated, she goes to Angelico and gives him the orders to grab the ladder the teams were fighting over. 

Angelico took the ladder, and slid it into the ring to set up. Once he did, Angelico quickly began making the climb.

Present Mic: And now Ravel giving Angelico the marching orders! He's goin’ for the Tag Titles!

Angelico didn't get very far before Star and Mabel came in  and pulled him off the ladder. Star shoves the ladder down, and then Mabel throws Angelico into a corner. 

Mauro: Oh, but it's Mabel and Star in to save their titles!

Beth: Well, Angelico didn't get very far. This isn't an easy match when you got like so many Tag Teams coming from every which way!

The Tag Team Champions then pull him out of the corner, and throw him back into the corner hard. However, Angelico bounced back, hitting Mabel with a clothesline, and then knocked down Star with a bicycle knee strike!

Angelico then resets the ladder, and then makes the climb. He, again, didn't make it far. Big Mac is now the one who cuts him off, and he levels Angelico with a big boot after yanking him off the ladder!

Big Mac then takes the ladder, and places it underneath the belts. But then the second he saw all of the opposing Tag Teams getting up, he changed plans. He took the ladder, placed his head in between the rungs, and started swinging it at everyone that charged at him!

Mauro: And now Big Mac of The Workin' Miners! Swinging that ladder at everyone that comes at him!

Big Mac knocked down Jack Evans, Kassius Ohno, Mabel Pines, and then Angelico. But then Dark Danny ducked the ladder, and then struck Big Mac in the gut to stop him, and took the ladder for himself. 

Mauro: And Danny now! Disarming Big Macintosh!

Danny properly places the ladder right below the belts, but then Big Mac recovers and cuts him off before he could climb. Big Mac then proceeded to land a couple straight jabs to Danny before winding up, and landing a Bionic Elbow on the top of his head!


Mauro: Oh, Big Macintosh however, fighting back!
Present Mic: look at him go, channeling the American Dream himself with that combo!

Danny staggers backwards into a corner, and then The Hybrid 2 stepped in! Big Mac then delivered jabs to Evans and Angelico, and then delivered a Bionic Elbow to them as well!

Mauro: And Bionic Elbows for Evans and Angelico as well!

Nigel: Everybodys getting some of Big Macs offense!

Present Mic: I love it, this is what big matches are all about!

Evans leaned against the ropes, and then Big Mac clotheslines him over the top rope, sending Evans out of the ring, but Big Mac himself also spilled out of the ring!

Present Mic: And Big Macintosh! Like an out of control freight train, took Jack Evans out of the ring, including himself!

Beth: You have to take those kinds of risks if you wanna become a champion in this match!

Meanwhile back in the ring, Angelico was recovering from the Bionic Elbow, when all of a sudden, Dark Danny blasted out of the corner, and connected with a big boot, before knocking Angelico down with a clothesline to the back of his head!

Mauro: Oooh, wow!!! Dark Danny, knocking Angelico into next week!

Present Mic: How does Angelico even still have a head after that big hit?!

Nigel: You've got me there Mic, I don't even know how he's still alive!

Dark Danny takes a minute to recover, still reeling from the Bionic Elbow from Big Mac, who was now sliding another Ladder into the ring. He props it up and makes the climb, but Dark Danny pulls him down, then grabs him by the throat and plants him with a Chokeslam!

Mauro: Big Mac still has an opening to go for the titles, and now he's climbing the ladder- oh, but Danny prevents him and grabs him! And a CHOKESLAM plants Big Mac!

Present Mic: Dark Danny wasn't gonna let Big Mac get the titles that Easy!

Steve then slid into the ring to help his partner, and started hammering away at Dark Danny. Dark Danny wasn't fazed by the assault, and simply slammed him into the mat! 

Mauro: And now Steve, trying to come to Big Mac's aid, but he is no match for the SCE's Dark Danny!

Nigel: I’ll give Steve props for having the courage to stand up to Dark Danny. Or he's either crazy,  or just stupid!

Present Mic: There was no way Steve was gonna knock down the big guy with just his fists, and did you just see the way Danny just pushed him away?!

Beth: Dark Danny isn't the Society's muscle for nothing, so far in Reborn's history, no one's been able to submit him, or get him down for a 3-count!

Danny then sees that Jack Evans was getting up, and picks up Steve. Once Evans was back on his feet, Danny would put Steve up high above his head with a Gorilla Press, and then tossed Steve into Jack Evans!

Present Mic: Oh, and look at the power from Dark Danny- OH!! Just THROWING the blockman right into Jack Evans outside!

Dark Danny then headed back to the ladder big mac set up, and began climbing his way up to the LWF Reborn Tag titles.

Nigel: Dark Danny has laid waste to everybody by himself, and now he once again makes the climb towards the titles!

Dark Danny only got halfway up when Jack Evans got back in the ring, and spears Danny off the ladder by chucking the other ladder into him!

Mauro: Oh, but Jack Evans stops Danny in his tracks, driving another ladder into him.

Danny was dislodged from the ladder, and rolled out of the ring. This allowed Evans to take his turn to try and grab the belts, now that he's the only person in the ring.

Meanwhile, outside the ring, the Workin' Miners and Angelico formed a small truce, and assisted each other in cutting down Dark Danny. Ohno tries to make the save, but Steve and Big Mac quickly cut him off. 

They then took two ladders and set them up with one end on the barricade, and the other end on the apron, creating a makeshift table of sorts.

Mauro: And now, the action outside of the ring, we have Steve and Big Mac, laying the ladders up like a makeshift board!

Present Mic: I love these parts about ladder matches! You can get so creative with how you use ladders in so many ways other than climbing!

Nigel: So true Yamada, ladders are more than just things to climb in wrestling, they're also used to lay down punishment, to others and yourself!

Angelico then takes a third ladder, and sets it up outside the ring and climbs it.

Present Mic: Wait, what's Angelico doing?! He can't get the belts from there!

Beth: I think he may have something else in mind here!

Then, Steve and Big Mac laid Ohno and Danny on the ladders they set up, all the while Angelico stood tall on the tippy top of the ladder, and the crowd began to cheer wildly in anticipation!

Mauro: Indeed he does! Look how high Angelico is!

Nigel: Long way down, this could turn out badly for Angelico or his targets!

Angelico looks around the packed Sports Festival Stadium for a brief moment, before looking down at Ohno and Danny. 

Mauro: No-No! Angelico! don't tell me…!

He then leaps, and with a Swanton Bomb, he sends Ohno and Danny through the ladders, which folded the ladders!

Mauro: MAMA MIA!!! MAMA MIA!!! 

Present Mic: Godspeed, good glory, from all the way up in the air!!! Angelico with the mother of all Swanton Bombs, just took out the SCE's reps in the match!

And back inside the ring, Jack Evans was at the top of the ladder, and he nearly had his hands on the tag titles! 

Nigel: And look there, back in the ring! Jack Evans is almost at the titles!

And Ravel Phenex was cheering Evans on… or at least, that's what Evans thought.

Because all the while Evans was getting closer to the titles, Star Butterfly had grabbed the ladder Evans used earlier to knock Danny down, and created a makeshift ramp, and Ravel was warning Evans about it!

Present Mic: Evans is almost there, we might never hear the end of it if he grabs the belts and the Hybrid 2 become the champs!

"Don't worry, Ravel! I got this!" Was the last thing he said before Mabel got in the ring, ran up the ramp Star had made, and clotheslined Evans off the ladder, and crashed down hard on the mat below!


Beth: Oh hold on a second, here comes Mabel…OOOH!!!

Present Mic: What a move by Mabel!!!  She used Star's makeshift ramp and knocked Jack outta the sky before he could grab the belts! 

Nigel: Evans took way too much time soaking the championship glory in, and it gave her that opening to play defense!

With Evans down, Star had a clear shot up herself. She quickly climbed up the ladder, looking to retain the titles. Mabel then sets a ladder up right beside her, and climbs up to join her partner.

Mauro: And now Star and Mabel, looking to reclaim their titles as one! Will we see the Tag Team Division stay Weird and Wild?!

Star and Mabel were at the top of their respective ladders, and together, as one, it looked like they were going to retain, but that's when Ravel stepped into the match again! She slid into the ring, and started to tip Star's ladder over!

Beth: And they've almost got them back- wait a second!

Present Mic: Ravel’s cutting into the match again!

Nigel: After all the hard work she did to make sure the Hybrid 2 got to this level of competition she does not want to see their opportunity go up in smoke-look out!!!

Nigel was cut off when Ravel completely tipped Star's ladder over, knocking down hers and Mabel's ladders like dominos and sending them crashing to the ground!

Jack Evans and Angelico then fixed the ladders, and then made the climb themselves. Ravel kept a close eye, and even warned them to keep eyes at the back of their heads.

Present Mic: And now it's the Hybrid 2's turn! 

The Workin' Miners then came in to stop Evans and Angelico. Big Mac tries to yank down Evans, while Steve climbs to the top of Angelico's ladder to meet him up there.

Mauro: But here come the workin’ miners! 

Angelico tried to knock Steve off his ladder, but Steve held on. Meanwhile, Big Mac kept on delivering some clubbing blows to try and knock Evans down, but Evans did not budge.

Angelico and Steve continue to trade blows, but then Steve bashed Angelico's face onto the top of the ladder, before grabbing Angelico, and connecting with a Single-handed Bulldog off the ladder!

Mauro: And Steve! WOW! 

Present Mic: He risked it all to get Angelico off that ladder! That blockman is gutsy!

Big Mac, realizing he can't knock him down, decided to take a new approach. He then slipped in between Evans' legs into a Powerbomb position, and planted Evans with a Powerbomb, making a loud thud upon impact!

Mauro: Oooh! Wow, what a Powerbomb!

Nigel: Big Mac got Evans off the ladder the hard way! Man, that had to hurt!

Beth: You could hear the impact off that!

Out of that carnage, Mabel Pines had just got back into the ring, and was now making the climb.

Present Mic: Oh, look guys! Mabel's lookin' to sneak through the backdoor!

Mabel makes it halfway, but then The Hybrid 2 grabbed her ankles and yanked her back down to the mat. Angelico then took over and took care of Mabel, while Jack Evans shifted his focus to Big Mac. Once he was done with him, Evans climbs the ladder.

Mauro: The Hybrid 2 clearing house of all the other competitors and now, Once again, Jack Evans is climbing the ladder!

Nigel: There's no one else around, Jack Evans can get there!

Present Mic: Like I said, we're never gonna hear the end of this from him if he makes the Hybrid 2 champs!

Evans actually made it to the top, but as he was reaching for the belts, Dark Danny came back into the match! 

Mauro: Evans there, reaching for the titles- but hold your horses, there's Dark Danny!

Danny then tipped the ladder, and Jack Evans fell off the ladder, landing on the top rope, getting his eggs scrambled!

Mauro: OH!!! And Dark Danny hangs Evans out to dry!

Present Mic: Right where the sun doesn't shine! Man, I felt that, and it didn't feel good!

Danny then turned around, and Star Butterfly leaped off the top of a nearby turnbuckle, but Danny caught her and slammed her into the mat. He then picked her up, threw her into a corner, and then, with a running start, Dark Danny flattened her with a clothesline! Star staggers out of the corner, and then Danny connects with a big Uppercut!

Nigel: And now Danny picks up where he left off, and just destroys Star!

Present Mic: You called him being the X-Factor in this match, Nigel! 

Star rolls out of the ring, then Danny sets the ladder up. But just as he was about to climb, Steve came in and grabbed his leg to prevent him from climbing!

Mauro: And look at Steve! Gutsy little block trying to stop the big Dark Danny once again!

Nigel: He is one courageous Character!

Danny climbs down, and then Steve lands a few punches to the gut before hitting the ropes. But as Steve came off the rebound, Kassius Ohno slid into the ring, and cuts Steve off, nailing him with an elbow strike!

Beth: Oooh, and there's Ohno, he's back in it too!

Present Mic: That was Steve's head, versus Ohno's rock solid elbow! It doesn't take a genius to know who won that affair! 

Danny then folded the ladder up, and then rammed it into Steve, knocking him out of the ring. Danny then turns around, only to be met with a flying thrust kick by Jack Evans! 

Danny stumbles into a corner, but before Evans could capitalize, Ohno comes to his aid, and knocks Evans down with a boot! But before Ohno could do anything else afterwards, Mabel came in and chucked a ladder at Ohno!

Ohno was now down on all fours, Danny was still in the corner, and then Mabel's partner, Star, came back in the ring. Mabel then throws Star with an Irish Whip, and Star, launching off Ohno's back, hits a Poetry In Motion on Danny!

Present Mic: And Team Weird and Wild, with a little Poetry in Motion! 

But the Weird N' Wild offense didn't stop there. With Danny sitting down on the ground in the corner, Star then repositioned Danny a bit before pinning him with a ladder as Mabel went to the corner perpendicular to Danny. 

Mauro: And now the tag team champions, setting Dark Danny up for something big!

Mabel then measured Danny up, and then went coast-to-coast, and Dropkicks the ladder into Danny!

Mauro: Dark Danny precariously pinned, and Mabel-MY GOD!!!

Present Mic: COAST TO COAST!!! 

Nigel: the ladder right into Danny's face!

Mabel was now writhing in pain after that Dropkick, and then Angelico came in and picked up Star, looking to Suplex her onto the laying ladder. Star blocks the Suplex, and then turns it around on him, and it's Star who suplexes Angelico into the laying ladder!

Mauro: And Angelico! Spine first into the ladder!

Beth: The tag team champions are rolling!

Star gets up, and sees Jack Evans climbing to the top turnbuckle. Star then cuts him off with a rope-assisted Enzuigiri, and then throws him off the top turnbuckle, and into the same laying ladder she had suplexed Angelico onto!

Mauro: And Jack Evans, meeting the same fate as his partner!

Nigel: The Human body isn't meant to be slammed into a ladder like that!

Star finally sets the ladder up, and then starts to climb. Big Mac then gets back in the mix, and climbs up the other end to meet her. Big Mac punches Star in the gut, and then bashes her head onto the ladder. He then sets her up for a superplex, and the crowd starts to cheer in anticipation. 

Present Mic: Oh boy…! This is gonna be awesome, and Painful!

Mauro: Big Mac is aiming to bring Star crashing down like a meteor!

Beth: Aptly fitting!

Star blocked it for a few seconds, but then Ohno came in, and grabbed Big Mac. After a few minutes of struggle, Ohno then Powerbombed Big Mac while simultaneously Big Mac superplexed Star off the ladder!

Mauro: Oh, but here come Ohno-TOWER OF DOOM OFF THE LADDER!!!

Present Mic: The Knockout Artist getting two for the price of one!

Ohno then sees the ladder behind him, but before he could make the climb, Steve jumped in, and wildly punched away at Ohno.

Nigel: Ohno looking to climb, but Steve again,  showing his guts and courage!

Ohno then kneed him in the gut, which dropped the small blockhead to all fours. Danny then recovered and Ohno told him to get a steel chair. Ohno then folded the ladder, and placed Steve's head in between the rungs.

Mauro: And the SCE, it looks like they've had enough of Steve!

Present Mic: Steve's career could be cut short right here!

Danny then comes back with a chair, Ohno holds Steve in place, and Danny smacks the ladder, crushing Steve's head!

Mauro: MY GOD!!!!

Beth: Steve's head just got sandwiched between a ladder and a chair!

Nigel: There's no getting up from that!

With Steve finally down, Ohno and Danny now set their sights on the tag titles. All the while, replays of that shot began to play.

Mauro: Take a look at this! Ugh, that's so hard to watch!

Beth: Steve is resilient, but there's no getting up from that!

After the replays ended, Danny and Ohno had set up two ladders, and then brought up a third ladder, and laid it down, creating a makeshift bridge of sorts.

Nigel: And now Danny and Ohno, doing a little construction work!

Present Mic: Looks to me they're making a more stable platform. Pretty clever!

Danny, from one end, then makes the walk towards the Tag Team titles. Ohno then does the same. Soon enough, they make it to the prize. Unbeknownst to them, Mabel and Star had set up their own ladders, and started climbing up!

Mauro: Wait just a second, the Tag Team Champions are not down and out just yet!

Beth: Danny and Ohno don't realize that they're in pursuit!

Then, Danny and Ohno turned and saw them.

Beth: Oh, but now they do!

And once they did, Star and Mabel leaped off, and Mabel, landing on Danny, while Star landed on Ohno, both did Hurricanranas off the makeshift platform, sending the SCE Reps back down to the floor below!

Present Mic: But it's too little too late, the tag champs take 'em down with DOUBLE Hurricanranas!

The Tag Team Champions, and the SCE Reps are now both laying on the floor, writhing in pain, and that's when The Workin' Miners got back up.

Mauro: And it looks like Steve and Big Mac just found their window of opportunity!

Nigel: This is a great time to try and reach for the gold! 

Steve rolls back into the ring, but is too fatigued to climb. Big Mac then lifted him up on his shoulders to give him a boost, and that's when Steve finally started climbing.

Nigel: And Big Macintosh, giving Steve a boost to the titles! After all the pain he's been through, can Steve get there with a little help?!

But that was when Ravel Phenex, once again getting involved, climbed over Big Mac, and yanked Steve down!

Mauro: And Ravel AGAIN, trying to give The Hybrid 2 an opening!

At this point, Steve and Big Mac were fed up with Ravel. They threw her into the ropes, and off the rebound, Big Mac knocked her out with a big boot!

Mauro: And the Workin' Miners, looking to eliminate Phenex out of the equation!

But it didn't stop there. Big Mac then tossed her out of the ring, and then all four commentators got up as Big Mac started to clear the announce table!

Mauro: And it looks like they wanna do it the hard way!

Beth: Big Mac clearing out announce position..!

Present Mic: You know what's comin’!

Big Mac then placed Ravel on the announce table, and Steve climbed to the top of the nearest turnbuckle. However, Evans and Angelico made the save for Ravel, as Angelico blasted Big Mac from behind, and Evans shoving Steve off the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And The Hybrid 2, saving their comrade!

But then The Tag Team Champions got up, and started fighting The Hybrid 2 almost immediately, which gave Steve enough time to climb back up, and size up his target!

Beth: Wait a second!

Mauro: Star and Mabel now, jumping on Evans and Angelico, and now Steve is back up! Steve is back up, and Ravel is still laying on our announce table prone!

Present Mic: Uh oh…! Steve's got a look in his square eyes..!

Steve then takes a leap of faith, and connects with an elbow to Ravel's heart, crashing through the announce table!



Mauro: If that doesn't take Ravel out of the equation, I don't know what will!

Both Ravel and Steve are now lying motionless, and Big Mac tries to rally his partner.

Nigel: But that move may have taken Steve out as well!

Beth: Yeah he may have hit the ground too hard, and now Big Mac, trying to get his partner to get up!

Big Mac then mustered up enough strength to lift his buddy up, and throw him back into the ring. Steve then begins to stir, and slowly starts to pull himself up. He was able to get on the ladder, and climb his way to the top of the makeshift bridge, slowly but surely, all the way.

Present Mic: Holy crap, Steve is STILL fighting his way up to the Tag Titles!

Nigel: How in the world is he doing this?!

However, slowly gaining on him, was Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, climbing on separate ends of the makeshift bridge they had made. Big Mac tries to fight off Ohno, but he only gets to yank Ohno down before getting levelled by a Cyclone Kick!

Meanwhile, up at the top, Steve was slowly starting to undo the titles when he finally noticed that Dark Danny was standing in front of him, and then shortly after, he turns and sees Ohno finally climbing back up to the top, trapping Steve in the middle!

Mauro: Uh oh, poor Steve is caught between a rock and a hard place!

Beth: I think Steve's Cinderella story is about to strike Midnight!

Danny then grabbed him by his head, but as he did, Steve fought back with a low blow! He then turned around, and landed one on him too!

Present Mic: Oh, but Steve goes low and escapes another beating!

Mauro: You do what it takes to survive, and Steve knows all the ways to do it!

Star and Mabel then decide to join the party and they climb up. Mabel trades punches with Ohno, while Star and Steve swarm Dark Danny, but Danny shoves Star off the platform, and she crashes down onto the mat below, shortly followed by her partner, who gets hit with a wicked right hand jab, and slowly falls off the platform!

Mauro: And Danny clears Star out of the way!

Present Mic: And Ohno gets rid of Mabel! Steve's still there though!

The Hybrid 2 then tried their luck and climbed up. Angelico and Steve swarmed Danny, and Evans attempted a Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors on Ohno, but got blocked! Ohno then sends Evans flying with an X-Plex and Angelico loses his footing and is hanging off the edge of the platform, only for Danny to stomp on his hand, and Angelico falls To the mat below!

Mauro: And the Hybrid 2 falls to Equality!

Beth: But Steve is still on the ladder fighting for his life and the titles!

Nigel: But for how much longer?!

That leaves Steve alone with Danny and Ohno once more. They then grabbed him, as if to go for a Chokeslam, and they hoisted him up high!

Present Mic: Not for much longer, Nige! The SCE's about to send him crashing down! This could be Game Over for Steve, in just a few short seconds…!

But then Big Mac climbed up, and saved his partner just in time, fighting off Dark Danny!

Mauro: And Big Mac! Steve's partner! Coming to his aid!

Nigel: Steve was almost about to suffer a big fall, but his mining buddy came to the rescue just in time!

Present Mic: Nothin' like a good friendship to save the day!

The Workin' Miners were now battling it out on the makeshift platform. Steve began to land some body punches to Ohno, causing him to double over, and Big Mac was able to stun Danny with a Big Boot! 

Beth: Look at the Workin' Miners go! Taking it to The SCE!

Both Danny and Ohno drop to one knee, and then Steve grabs Ohno, and Mac grabs Danny, the crowd cheering in anticipation!

Mauro: And it looks like Danny and Ohno are gonna take a fall next!

Present Mic: This could be the big moment for the Workin' Miners!

Beth: The treasures in sight, all they have to do is take out the SCE!

Nigel: It's time to hit paydirt-!

But as Big Mac went to scoop up Danny, Danny stuck his thumb into his eye! And when Steve attempted a Hurricanrana, Ohno blocked it!

Mauro: No, the SCE! Regaining the upper hand!

Present Mic: Just when they were down and out, Ohno and Danny pulled a fast one!

Ohno then lifted Steve up high, while Danny grabbed Big Mac by his throat. Meanwhile back on the ground, Team Weird N' Wild and The Hybrid 2 got back up. 

That's when Danny Chokeslammed Big Mac and Ohno Powerbombed Steve simultaneously off the platform, and onto the two other Tag Teams down below!

Mauro: And Danny and Ohno, dropping Big Mac and Steve onto their opposition and clearing the field!

Nigel: And they're at the top as well! I think we have our winners!

Danny and Ohno then take a moment to catch their breath. Once they did, they then began to unhook the belts!

Mauro: We do indeed Nigel! Dark Danny and Ohno are on the cusp! The SCE…!

They then successfully unhook the LWF Reborn tag team titles, and pulled them off their hangers ending the match to loud boos.

Mauro: … have now added more gold to their ranks! The SCE have claimed the Tag Team Championships!

**Bell rings**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, AND THE NEW, LWF: REBORN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… DARK DANNY, AND KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Present Mic: Wow! I'm no fan of theirs, but you can't deny how DOMINANT Danny and Ohno were in this! This match was fast paced from start to finish, with all sorts of ladder spots! The carnage was real, and it was everything you'd expect from a ladder match!

Beth: Danny and Ohno persevered and showed why they were the Dark horses! We thought that it would be the grit and determination of the Workin' Miners that would get them to the top, but that wasn't the case at all!

Nigel: In the end, it was Ohno's experience and Dark Danny's dominating power that would propel them to the promised land! And the SCE has more belts to add to their band!

Danny and Ohno victoriously raise their acquired titles above their shoulders, with Team Weird n’ Wild, The Hybrid 2 and Workin Miners all laid out in the ring!

Mauro: Starlight Glimmer, The LWF Reborn Champion! “Abrasive” Spongebob, the Wattpad Champion! And now, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, are the NEW Tag Team Champions! They have without a doubt proven that Equality is the way of life!

Present Mic: But the night is not over yet for the Society! Starlight’s still gotta defend her title against Will Ospreay, and we'll see if the Aerial Assassin can claim yet another title for himself, right here in Japan! But coming up next, we got one heck of a match between the Russian sensation, Ilja Dragunov, who after being sidelined for what felt like an eternity, finally looks to get his hands on the man that shelved him in the first place, the Calamari Catch King, Chris Brookes! It's the grudge match of Dragunov and Brookes, coming your way next!


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