Chris Brookes vs. Ilja Dragunov

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Mirajane Strauss was standing by, backstage, in the interviewing area.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the winner of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, and inaugural Adrenaline Champion, Arthur Watts!

Arthur then walks in, with the Adrenaline Championship on his shoulder.

Mirajane: Arthur, first of all, congratulations on becoming the first ever Adrenaline Champion, um, do you have any words you would like to say?

Arthur: As a matter of fact, I do. See, I've told everyone that intellect was the way to win. And this… (holds up the Adrenaline Championship), proves it. By winning the Tournament, I have now just proven that hard work doesn't always pay off. And if anyone disagrees, and wants to prove me wrong… be my guest. 

He smirks, then walks off.

The camera cuts back to the commentary desk. 

Mauro: Arthur Watts with a very bold choice of words, and a challenge to go with it as he is our first Adrenaline Champion.

Present Mic: I like that from him! Lotta people will wanna come after watts for that title, and instead of hanging back, he's sayin’ “come and get me!”!

Beth: It's nice to know that Watts will accept all challengers should they come after him, but that could end up disastrous if he doesn't play things smart.

Nigel: We’ll see what happens to the technical gentleman as he goes forth as the Adrenaline champion, but for right now, there's a fight we need to get to!


The crowd cheers, as Ilja Dragunov makes his entrance. 

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, he weighs in tonight at 210 Pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Present Mic: The Muscovite Madman is in the house! I may be new to commentating on this wrestling stuff, but lookin’ in Ilija Dragunovs red eyes, I can totally see a guy whos always ready to punch someone in the face!

Mauro: That's only just for starters, Mic! Get ready, because you've never seen intensity and ferocity quite like Dragunov's before!

Nigel: Assuredly he has not, because when Dragunov's steps through those ropes and faces down his target, he is absolutely relentless!

Beth: Everything about Dragunov hurts, and we already know where he's gonna direct all that pain to tonight!

Dragunov enters the ring, and orchestrates the crowd. After doing that for a couple of seconds, he takes off his fur coat, and awaits his opponent with intensity in his eyes.


The lights dim, and the crowd boos as Chris Brookes makes his entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing his opponent, hailing from Tipton, England, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, "The Calamari Catch King", CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: Not where, Beth, who! Because it's that man right there, Chris Brookes, who after viciously attacking Dragunov, put him on the shelf where Brookes thought it would be indefinite, but did Dragunov prove him wrong!

Beth: And Brookes is coming into this match probably angrier than usual, because he was denied earning title opportunity via winning the casino battle royale by his old “friend” Kid Lykos just before in Night 1!

Nigel: Both Brookes and Dragunov have some pent up anger to take out on each other for sure. Dragunov wants revenge, and Brookes wants to vent his frustrations by making sure Dragunov does not come back at all this time!

Present Mic: You said it, Nigel! Safe to say this match is gonna be one heck of slobberknocker in every sense of the word-!

Present Mic was cut off as Brookes made it to the bottom of the ramp, and Dragunov was not wanting to wait any longer. He charged, and wiped out Brookes with a Suicide Dive, wasting no time in hammering away on him!

Mauro: Oh, and Dragunov! Not wanting to wait for the bell!

Present Mic: All he sees are Brookes and red, and he wants to get his hands on the Calamari Catch King ASAP, and boy did he do it!

Dragunov yanks off Brookes' jacket, then throws him onto the steel ring post. 

He then threw him into the ring, and once Dragunov slid into the ring, the referee called for the bell. Once the bell sounded, Dragunov charged at Brookes again, and rained down a flurry of strikes on him!

Mauro: And it begins! Dragunov charges towards Brookes, unleashing a series of lightning-fast strikes! Lefts and rights, vicious combinations that would make any boxer envious!

Present Mic: YEAAAH! Dragunov wants a fight, and he's gonna give Brookes a fight! It's a brawl at the sports fest, baby!

Dragunov then went for another strike, but Brookes avoided it. When he turned around, Dragunov knocked the wind out of him with a clothesline!

Mauro: Ooh, Dragunov with a stunning clothesline! You can hear the impact reverberate through the stadium!

Nigel: Dragunov is like a human tornado, relentless with his offense!

Beth: He's not slowing down for anything, giving Brookes no room to even breathe!

Dragunov goes for the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2, and slides out of the ring. 

Mauro: Brookes now, making a tactical retreat for the time being!

Dragunov wasn't gonna let him breathe, though. He hits the ropes again, and wipes him out with a Suicide Dive!

Dragunov then picked him up, but then Brookes grabbed him, and threw him face first into the ring post!

Mauro: Oooh, and Brookes caught Dragunov when his guard was down!

Brookes then grabbed Dragunov, and slammed him down onto the apron with a Back Suplex!

Dragunov then slumps down to the floor, with his arm still draped on the apron. Brookes sees this, gets on the apron, and then stomps on Dragunov's hand!

Present Mic: Oh, man! What a vicious attack by Brookes!

Nigel: That's his style, Mic! Brutal and effective torture that compiments his technicality!

Dragunov then clutched his hand, wincing. Brookes then throws him back in the ring, goes for a quick cover, but Dragunov kicks out at 2.

Brookes continues to damage Dragunov's hand. He stomps on it, and even does a double knee drop right across his arm.

Mauro: And with a target in sight, Brookes continues to do even MORE damage!

Brookes then picks up Dragunov, and then connects with an overhead kick to his arm, inflicting more damage!

Present Mic: Oooh, and there's some more! That's gotta hurt!

Now with Ilja's arm compromised, Brookes then puts him in a camel clutch. He then wets his index finger, and gives Ilja a wet willy!

Mauro: Oh, and to the disgust of all in attendance, there's Chris Brookes’ trademark!

Nigel: Hideous, but effective!

Beth: I think it's just hideous!

Present Mic: You can say that again! Totally gross, uncalled for, but otherwise effective! YIKES!

Brookes then gets off of Dragunov, and goes back to softening his arm. Chris Brookes then puts Dragunov in a Fujiwara Armbar, in the centre of the ring. 

Mauro: And now, Chris Brookes, slowing the pace down to his liking and further rendering that arm of Dragunov's, useless!

Present Mic: Gonna be hard for him to hit those strikes of his now! 

After a couple of minutes, Dragunov slowly but surely gets back to his feet. The crowd rallies Dragunov as he punches Brookes in the gut with his free hand. Brookes then responds by wrapping Dragunov's own arm around his neck in a cobra clutch, and then stunning him with a knee lift!

Mauro: Ooh, and Brookes with an emphatic knee across the face!

Chris Brookes then lifted Dragunov onto his shoulders, but Dragunov elbows him, escaping from his grasp.

Dragunov lands on his feet, goes for a clothesline, but Brookes blocks it. Brookes goes for a clothesline of his own, but Dragunov ducks, and goes for his patented tiger feint clothesline, the Constantine Special.

But as he went for it, Brookes caught him on the jaw with a bicycle kick! Dragunov then spins around, and backhands Brookes!

Brookes then responded with a Superkick, and then Dragunov went for a clothesline again, but then Brookes got him on his shoulders once more, and slammed him face first onto the canvas!

Mauro: And Brookes emphatically slamming Dragunov down on the canvas!

Dragunov was now down, and Chris Brookes climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Chris Brookes, looking to go airborne, and put the nail in Dragunov's coffin!

Brookes then takes a moment to steady his balance. Once he was steady, he went for a diving senton, but Dragunov got his knees up!

Mauro: Oooh, no!

Present Mic: And Chris Brookes gets nothing but Dragunov's knees! Ilja Dragunov may have just created an opening!

Dragunov slowly gets up, and the crowd continues to cheer him on.

When Brookes got up, Dragunov knocked him down with a clothesline. Brookes gets up again, and Dragunov hits him with another clothesline. 

Brookes gets up, then swings with a right jab. Dragunov catches the punch, then while holding Brookes by his wrist, Dragunov chops him, slowly speeding up as he does so.

Mauro: Ilja now, delivering machine gun chops!

Present Mic: Look at him go, with each one he throws, he gets faster! 

Dragunov then threw Brookes’ arm down, and then levelled him with a discus chop!

Nigel: Oooh, ho-ho!

Mauro: And that one dropped Brookes!

Dragunov goes for the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2!

Dragunov then gets into a corner, and sizes up Brookes. 

Mauro: Ilja Dragunov, looking to end the match right here!

Chris Brookes sensed this, and when he looked at Dragunov, he quickly slid out of the ring. 

Nigel: Oh, Brookes knew Dragunov was looking for Torpedo Moskau and got the heck out of there!

Present Mic: Man, talk about being a pansy!

Beth: Brookes has felt that before and did not wanna feel it again!

Dragunov then slid out of the ring, and chased after him. After running around ringside for a minute, Brookes slid back into the ring. 

When Dragunov did the same, he slid right into Brookes’ arms! Brookes then hooked Dragunov's arms, and drilled him with the Praying Mantis Bomb!

Mauro: Oh no, Brookes suckered Dragunov in-there's the Praying Mantis Bomb!!!

Nigel: That's it!

Brookes then covered Dragunov, but only got a 2.5 count out of it!

Mauro: No, not quite, Nigel! Dragunov escapes at 2 and a half!

Present Mic: What the heck is this guy made of?!

Beth: Nothing special Mic, Dragunov just got that drive like you wouldn't believe!

Dragunov was now dazed, and then Brookes picked him up, and draped Dragunov's feet on the top rope. 

Mauro: But Brookes, not about to waste the opportunity he has, relentless in his own right!

Brookes then sets him up for his devastating swinging neckbreaker, but Dragunov was able to get his feet off the top rope, and then slammed Brookes to the ground with a double leg takedown!

Present Mic: Uh oh, Brookes lookin’ for that Neckbreaker of his, but Dragunov gets out- oooh, and he takes Brookes down hard!

Dragunov then leaped up as high as he could, and looked to drive his forearm into Brookes’ face, but Brookes rolled out of the way, and Dragunov hit nothing but the hard mat!

Mauro: Oooh! Dragunov was looking to cave in Brookes’ face, but Brookes got out of harm's way!

Nigel: A rare mistake from Dragunov, which cost him dearly in this regard!

Dragunov immediately clutched his arm, and then Brookes took advantage by locking Dragunov in a grounded octopus stretch!

Mauro: Dragunov reeling from his crash-and-burn, and Brookes takes advantage… right into the submission hold that has cemented his namesake!

Nigel: Grounded Octopus Stretch, centre of the ring!

Present Mic: Oh, so THAT'S why he's called the Calamari Catch King!

Beth: It wasn't for any other reason, especially not a pun!

After several minutes, Dragunov begins to fade. The referee then takes Dragunov's free hand, lifts it up into the air. The arm drops down, and the referee counts one.

Mauro: And Brookes, making Dragunov fade! 

Nigel: The Muscovite Madman never submits, but that could be his downfall right now!

The referee repeats the process. Dragunov's arm goes down a second time, and the referee counts two.

Present Mic: Oh man, this is gonna be tight! If Dragunov isn't conscious by this third check, Brookes wins!

Beth: Brookes is actually gonna make Dragunov pass out!

The referee does the process for a third time, but Dragunov's arm doesn't go down!

Mauro: And there's the third check- wait just a second! Dragunov is still conscious!

The crowd started to cheer him on, and Dragunov slowly rose to his feet!

Present Mic: This guy isn't HUMAN! Nobody should be even moving after something like this!

Once Dragunov got back on his feet, he got a hold of Brookes! Brookes tries to elbow his way out, but Dragunov drove Brookes into the corner with a Death Valley Driver to break the hold!

Mauro: And Dragunov! My GOD!

Nigel: Driving Brookes into the corner to break the hold, that has to hurt!

Beth: Yeah, but Dragunov might've hurt himself in the process!

Present Mic: It's hard to tell who got the worst of that!

Both men are now laying on the mat, and the referee starts to count.

Mauro: The referee now, counting both men…

At the count of 5, both men start to stir. Dragunov was the first to get up, and once again, started measuring Brookes once again.

Present Mic: And Dragunov back to his feet AGAIN! And he's locked on Brookes!

Nigel: This could be the end!!!

Brookes gets up, and then Dragunov, along with the crowd, shouted “UN… BE… SIEG… BAR!!!!”, and then Dragunov connected with the Moscow Torpedo!

Mauro: It could very well be, here comes Dragunov- TORPEDO MOSKAU CONNECTS!

Dragunov drapes his arm across Brookes’ chest, the referee counts, but Brookes kicks out at 2 and ⅞’s!


Present Mic: That couldn't have come any closer without the bell ringing! That had to be 3, but Brookes somehow got out before that! WOW!

Nigel: We talk about how resilient Dragunov is, but Brookes is proving just how tough he is right this instant!

Dragunov then dragged Brookes into position, and climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Dragunov now, looking for one more nail in the coffin to put Brookes away, and avenge the time lost courtesy of the Calamari Catch King!

Nigel: This didn't work out for Dragunov before, can he rectify the problem this time?

Beth: What does Ilija have in mind for Brookes up there?

Present Mic: Whatever it's gonna be, it's gonna end badly for one of them!

As Dragunov was regaining his balance, Brookes got up, and met him at the top. Brookes lands a few blows to stun Dragunov momentarily, but Dragunov responds by delivering some headbutts!

Mauro: And Dragunov takes too much time, and brookes meets him at the top! But Dragunov, fighting back regardless!

Brookes is knocked off the top, and is dazed. Dragunov then leapt, looking for a diving clothesline, but then Brookes caught him with a Cutter!

Present Mic: Brookes knocked off the top, here comes Dragunov- HOLY COW!!!

Mauro: What an incredible counter by Chris Brookes!!!

Dragunov gets up, and is stumbling around. Brookes then rolls him up, and with the referee not looking, he holds onto the middle rope for leverage, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Dragunov stunned, Brookes rollis him up- hold on! Brookes is holding the second rope! The referee doesn't see it! 

**Bell rings!**

Mauro: You have got to be kidding me! Chris Brookes has just committed thievery!

Upon the sound of the bell, Chris Brookes quickly slid out of the ring, holding the back of his head and laughing as he raised his hand up into the air.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match… CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Present Mic: Aww, c’mon, really?! Brookes and Dragunov put on a banger of a match like that, and Brookes has to cheat to get the win?!

Mauro: My thoughts exactly, Yamada! Brookes and Dragunov were back and forth through this entire contest, but right when Brookes had Dragunov to be ended the right way, he had to go underhanded to win!

Nigel: By any means necessary, you two! Brookes is savvy and knows how to get one over on even the most resilient of people!

Beth: If you ask me, I think Brookes did it because he could not keep Dragunov down!

Dragunov comes to, and looks at Brookes with rage in his eyes.

Mauro: Dragunov is furious, and rightfully so! He wanted to get his hands on brookes badly tonight, but Brookes escaped, and lives to fight another day!

Nigel: But rest assured, Dragunov won't forget this! I have a feeling this is far from over between these two!

Present Mic: Oh, I'd bet! This is one grudge that isn't gonna be settled anytime soon, trust me!

Beth: I second that Mic! Dragunov won't rest until he gets his hands on Brookes, that's for sure!

Mauro: From one grudge to another, we now go to a rivalry that is even more personal! Once they were sisters, but now, they are bitter enemies! They've fought several times, and now, once and for, the rivalry will be settled tonight

Present Mic: Oh yeah! Two Sirens, one more match, one big opportunity on the line! Who's gonna walk out superior?! It's all goin’ down next! Adagio Dazzle! Sonata Dusk! LAST! SIREN! STANDING!!!!

UP NEXT: Sonata vs. Adagio: Last Siren Standing

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