Intro + Mark Andrews vs. Flash Morgan Webster

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"You Better Pray" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus started to play, and Mauro Ranallo started to speak as the camera panned around the arena.

Mauro: It is time, once again to take centre stage in the City of Heroes with another round of action! Welcome to Night 2 of Wrestlepalooza! I'm Mauro Ranallo along with Nigel McGuiness, WWE Hall Of Famer Beth Phoenix, and Wrestlepalooza Host and UA Faculty Member, the Voice Hero, Present  Mic!  We are coming to you live again from the Sports Festival Stadium at UA High School! The fest may be over, but the action has in no way stopped! 

Present Mic: You're so right, Mauro my man! LWF made this event so huge, it just had to go another night, and I'm so happy it did! We got some blockbuster matches coming our way tonight, including a 4-Way ladder match for the LWF Tag Team Championships, and of course, the Last Ride and Last Siren Standing matches!

Nigel: We also have some high level grudge matches tuned up for tonight, examples being Trent vs. Chuck Taylor, and a bigger one in Charlie Bonifer vs Japanese Wrestling icon, Kenny Omega! And let's not forget our main event! Starlight Glimmer will defend the LWF Reborn Championship against Will Ospreay!

Beth: And if anyone dares to watch Robert Squared go up against Lord Mirage, be sure to stay tuned to Rick C's YouTube channel to see that daring challenge to the Devil himself in full!


The crowd cheers as Flash Morgan Webster makes his entrance. 

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your opening contest of this evening is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Brynmawr, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 165 lbs, The Modfather… “Flash” MORGAN WEBSTER!!!!

Present Mic: And we're kickin’ things off tonight with the Modfather! Webster's been waiting forever to get his hands on his former buddy Mark Andrews, but now the wait is over!

Beth: FSU screwed him on his chance at Championship gold, and since then they've been a thorn in Webster's side, and now he looks to teach them some manners by scoring a win over his former tag team partner who stabbed him in the back!

Webster enters the ring and shows off a little to the crowd. And then…

Nigel: And here comes his friend turned enemy!

The crowd boos as Mark Andrews makes his entrance, all alone, no Eddie Dennis by his side.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing his opponent, Representing FSU! From Cardiff, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 147 pounds… MARK ANDREWS!!!!

Mauro: On the flipside of the argument from FSU's side of the story, it's Webster who's been a thorn in the side of FSU, and tonight, this is gonna be-

Mauro didn't get to finish his sentence because as soon as Mark was at the bottom of the ramp, antagonizing a fan, he turned and immediately got wiped out with a Tope Con Giro from Webster who had by now, taken off his bomber jacket and shades!

Present Mic: Whoa, don't finish that Mauro! The fight's already on! I told you Webster was done waiting!

The bell immediately rang, and Webster picked up Andrews, and pulled Andrews' hoodie off before slamming him into the steel steps!

Mauro: And Andrews, driven into the steel steps!

Both Welsh natives then got in the ring, albeit Andrews was tossed inside as  Webster slid in, and then the former friends began attacking each other.

They started out by hammering each other with blows to the others bodies. And then Andrews raked the eyes to create some distance to the chagrin of the crowd.

Mark Andrews then placed Webster in the nearest corner, and then started to land more strikes on Webster.

Andrews then throws Webster to the corner diagonally across, Andrews charges but Webster cuts him off with a back elbow. Then Webster, with a running start, takes Andrews down with a Hurricanrana, and Andrews tumbles into a corner!

Andrews gets up and is disoriented. Webster then charges right at him and flattens him with a corner splash! He then throws him out of the corner and hops onto the second turnbuckle. 

Andrews got up, and then grabbed his left leg, and swept Webster off the second turnbuckle, with the back of Webster's head making contact on the top turnbuckle on the way down!

Mauro: Oh, and Andrews brings Webster's momentum screeching to a halt!

Nigel: You can't ever give somebody an opening as big as going up top to the ropes too early!

Present Mic: If Webster continues to make mistakes like this, Andrews will have no problem beating him here tonight!

Now with the advantage, Andrews lays his own pressure on Webster. He mounted his former friend and punched away at him. He then picked him up and threw him into a corner. Andrews then charges, and lands a double knee strike across Webster's chest!

Webster slumps down in the corner, and then Andrews presses his foot across Webster's throat!

Nigel: Andrews now laying more punishment on the Modfather!

Present Mic: This is about more than just beating the other guy for these two! It's about punishing the other from their own point of view!

The referee enforces the 5 count, and Andrews releases him at 3. "Shut up! I know!" Andrews shouts at the ref. Mark Andrews then picks up Webster, and then slams him down with a Northern Lights Suplex.

Andrews then bridges into the cover, but Webster kicks out at 2. 

Andrews continues to lay on the pressure as he continues to do damage to Webster. After a couple of jabs on the restand, Andrews threw Webster to the ropes, but Webster held on to the ropes to stop the momentum. Andrews then runs up to Webster, but Webster sends him over the top rope! Andrews lands on the apron, and goes to rebound with a springboard attack, but Webster knocks him off the top rope with a dead-centre dropkick, sending him crashing to the floor!

The crowd cheers Webster on as goes to hit the ropes, but Webster stops as Andrews jumps out of the way.

Mauro: Oh, and Webster, looking to join Andrews on the outside, but Andrews gets out of dodge!

Andrews leans against the commentary desk, Webster then hits the ropes and goes for a Suicide Dive on Andrews but Andrews deflected it by side stepping him, and Webster smacked the side of the commentary desk with a sickening thud!

Nigel: Webster gonna try again… oh! Didn't look before he leaped, Andrews set a trap!

Beth: Webster crashed and burned right in front of us, hitting our desk hard!

Andrews grabbed Webster after he hit the desk and tossed him back into the ring. Andrews then covers him, but Webster kicks out at 2.

Present Mic: Webster fights out, but is there damage done?!

Webster slowly gets up, and the camera got a good shot of his back, where it had a massive welt where he made contact with the desk.

Mauro: And there you see the welt on Webster's back! 

Beth: Ooh! Man, that's gotta hurt!

Andrews focused on the weak point in Webster's back, kneeing him in the welt continuously and causing Webster lots of pain. After a couple knee strikes to the back, Andrews then placed one knee on his back, and then grabbed him by his chin as if going for a Camel Clutch, and then wrenched back as far as he could.

Nigel: WIth the injury to Webster, Andrews locks in this unique submission! We could see an early tapout!

The Camel clutch was applied for a long bit on Webster, and the damage to his back wasn't helping. But the Modfather did not give in. After a minute or so, Webster was able to slip away and out from under Andrews’s knees. But the damage done on his back took its toll, and all he could do was hobble into a nearby corner.

This gave Andrews the perfect opportunity. He walks over to Webster, and lands a few stomps to incapacitate him. He then walked backwards to make some distance, then he charged, looking for the Double Knee Strike again, but Webster got just enough energy to jump out of the way, and Andrews got nothing but the middle turnbuckle!

Mauro: Andrews damaging webster some more- OH! Webster found some energy to evade another disaster in the corner!

Nigel: But after all the damage done to his back, what's webster got left?!

The crowd cheers Webster on, and the Modfather slowly gets back to his feet.

Andrews recovered, and then Webster started to mount a comeback. Webster lands a Forearm to knock him down. Andrews then gets up, and then Webster hits a Dropkick. 

Andrews gets up, and then goes for a clothesline, but Webster ducks, hits the ropes, and then connects with a flying clothesline!

After that, Webster then positioned himself in front of Andrews, and landed his signature Standing Imploding Senton!

He goes for the cover immediately after its connection, but Andrews gets out at 2!

Mauro: And Webster- no! Andrews gets the shoulder up!

Present Mic: White Lightning's still got a spark!

Webster, despite his damage, still aimed to finish Andrews off. He went for the climb on the top turnbuckle, but Andrews got up, and swept Webster's  feet off the turnbuckle to knock him back down to the ground!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: And Mark Andrews, making sure Flash Morgan Webster does not take flight!

Nigel: Well that's an effective way to do just that!

Andrews then looked to finish Webster off in kind. He picked up Webster, and looked for a Suplex, but Webster fought back. Webster then goes for a Suplex of his own, but Andrews turns it into a Stun-dog Millionaire!

Nigel: Oh, Stun-dog Millionaire!

Beth: Perfectly calculated by Andrews!

Andrews then went up to the top rope, looking for his patented Shooting Star Press, Fall to Pieces. 

He then goes for it, but Webster rolls out of the way! Andrews lands on his feet, turns around, and gets a bicycle knee strike right under his jaw!

Present Mic: And now Andrews off the top-! Nearly crashed with "Fall To Pieces"-OOOOH! Webster with a hard shot to the face!

And that bicycle knee was followed up, as Webster, with the crowd fully behind him, and with all the strength he could muster, went for the Eton rifle. But alas, he didn't have enough strength to fully rotate, and Andrews quickly turned it into a Backbreaker!

Mauro: Oh, the damage to Webster's back catches up with him! And Andrews lays on more punishment to the back!

Andrews gets up, and the crowd boos him. 

"Like I give a damn what you think!" Andrews shouts at the fans before turning his attention back to his former tag team partner. He was ready to finally defeat him, and at last, put Webster behind him. He then goes for a Shooting Star Press with a running start, but Webster got his knees up, wrapped him up into an inside cradle, but only got a 2 count!

Andrews recovered from the near fall, and then both men got up. Andrews ducks a clothesline from Webster, and then drilled him with a Poisoned Frankensteiner!

Webster gets up in a daze, Andrews then hits the ropes, and Webster clocks him with a clothesline! Now both men were laying in the middle of the ring!

Present Mic: What a BATTLE to kick off Night 2 of Wrestlepalooza! Both these guys are hitting the other with all they got!

Mauro: This is a war! A personal war between two former friends! This will only end when one can't go no more!

Webster gets up, and then picks up Andrews. He goes for a Suplex, but Andrews went for the Stun-dog Millionaire again, but Webster knew it was coming and shoved Andrews away!

Andrews gets up, goes on the attack, but Webster ducked, went for the Eton Rifle again, this time he got the full rotation and planted Andrews!

Present Mic: Andrews going for Stun dog million are again, Webster shoves him off! Andrews goes back in- Oh, he got too overzealous, right into the- ETON RIFLE!!!

Nigel: Webster got it!!!

Webster gets up, and then the crowd cheered as he made the climb.

Beth: And Webster going up top again, third time may be the charm!

But as soon as the Modfather made it to the top, the referee was soon distracted. The camera turned, and there was Wally Beatles and Adam Brooks at ringside.

Mauro: Wait a minute!

Nigel: Brooks and Beatles! What on earth are they doing out here?!

Present Mic: Whatever the heck they want! We saw 'em come out and beat the daylights outta Faith and Kindness and Velvet after they won last night, but it's anyone's guess why they're out here for Webster and Andrews’s match!

Beth: Hey wait a second!

The camera turns back to Webster, just in time to catch Shane Thorne shoving the Modfather off the top turnbuckle and back down to the mat, before running away from the crime scene!

Mauro: And Shane Thorne! He pushed Webster off the top while the referee was dealing with Brooks and Beatles! 

Andrews gets up, and surveys the scene, not having a single clue that the trio of Thorne, Brooks, and Beatles had intervened. Nevertheless, with the opening now presented, Mark Andrews climbed the top rope, and connected Fall to Pieces on Webster!

Present Mic: Andrews has no clue what just happened, but he aint gonna  waste the opening! FALL TO  PIECES! And the new Aussie crew on the block are gonna hand the victory in this match to Andrews!

Andrews covered webster, and indeed gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And you're correct Yamada! Andrews wins, courtesy of the Aussies!

**Bell rings!**

(Start at 0:07)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, MARK ANDREWS!!!

Beth: That's a heck of a way to finish a match! Webster basically had the match won, but at the last second, Brooke, beatles and thorne came in and spoiled Webster's victory!

Present Mic: And no Eddie Dennis in sight! Eddie was banned from ringside, but nobody said that those three men couldn't be there either!

Andrews gets his hand raised in victory and finally notices the presence of the three Aussies. Brooks, Beatles, and Thorne then surround the ring, and Andrews,  quickly realizing what's about to happen, quickly gets out of the ring, and bailed. They looked at Andrews leaving, before turning their attention to Webster. 

Mauro: And Andrews, sensing a bad presence, getting out of town!

Nigel: But i dont think Webster will be so lucky!

Webster then gets up, and sees that the three men were now in the ring. Webster, seeing no way out, then threw the first punch by hitting Adam Brooks, but then Thorne and Wally quickly swarmed him!

Mauro: And Webster, seeing what predicament he is in, trying to fight back, but it's 3 on 1! 

After a couple seconds of a beat down, Adam Brooks drilled Webster with a Fisherman Driver, followed by a running forearm from Wally, and to top it all off, Brooks and Wally held Webster up, as Thorne finished the Modfather off with his Flying Penalty Kick!

Mauro: And the same scene we saw in Night 1, has repeated itself, as these three Australians decimate Webster  with their brutal combination!

Suddenly, a presence walked out on the entrance stage. A minotaur, with an impressed expression on his face.

Mauro: Oh my god, that's- that's Iron Will! 

Present Mic: You know that guy?!

Beth: Who doesn't?! He used to lead an Assertiveness Seminar in equestria, and his results were pretty impactful!

Then, the three Aussies exit the ring, and walk up to Iron Will, as he made it to the bottom of the ramp.

"Well done, boys! You've done Iron Will proud!" He shouts as they all gather around and hug. As they did that, they looked back at the now motionless Webster, who was now being checked on by referees as they walked backwards up the ramp, admiring their work.

Nigel: And Iron Will has made his part in this trio known! Thorne, Beatles, and Brooks, are all under his guidance!

Present Mic: Oh man, I wouldn't wanna mess with them now that they've got Iron Will as their Manager! LWF post-palooza is gonna get a lot more brutal with the four of them around!

Mauro: What will happen when Iron Will sets those three loose on LWF as time goes on? Time will tell for sure! But coming up next, things are about to take a violent turn, as Mandy and Bombay Suarez fight in a hardcore match, no rules, anything goes!

Present Mic: A fair warning, this could get REAL ugly!

UP NEXT: Bombay Suarez vs. Mandy

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