Mandy vs. Bombay Suarez (Hardcore Rules)

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Mirajane Strauss was standing by.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Sonata Dusk. 

The crowd cheered as Sonata walked in.

Mirajane: Sonata, later tonight you're gonna be battling Adagio in a last Siren Standing match, where the winner gets a future LWF: Reborn Championship opportunity, so I just wanna know if you have any final thoughts before your match.

Sonata: Mira, I've been waiting for a chance like this my entire career in LWF. So I'm gonna give it everything I got in this match to make sure Dagi stays down, and I go forward. And if she thinks she can keep me down long enough for a 10 count easy… well, she's got another thing coming.

Smiling at that last part, Sonata then left Mirajane's side to prepare for her upcoming match.


Back at ringside…

Mauro: Sonata, confidence in spades heading into this Last Siren Standing match! We’ll see who walks away the better of the species later on!


The crowd cheers, and Bombay Suarez makes his entrance, carrying a full garbage bag. He then spits out red mist, and continues down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a No Rules Hardcore Match, set for one fall! Introducing first, from Taguig City in the Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 200 lbs ... BOMBAY SUAREZ!!!!

Beth: There's no match Bombay feels more at home in than a Hardcore match with no rules to speak of! And it looks like he's ready to rumble here in the Sports Festival stadium if that Garbage bag full of weapons is anything to go by!

Present Mic: You can say that again! This is right up Bombay's alley!

Nigel: Bombay came back to LWF for one reason and one reason only, and that is to be dominant and take down anybody in his way, and even teach some respect to the ones who don't get a clue the first time! But I don't think he's ever faced an individual quite like the one he's going to face tonight!

Bombay tossed his bag into the ring before getting inside himself, climbing to the top turnbuckle and spitting out more red mist before throwing his fist up in the air.

And then, the lights went out, and the crowd started cheering.

After a few seconds…

Mauro: Present Mic, when you said that this match was right up Bombay's alley, I think the same can be said to this individual!

Spotlights danced around, and then all of a sudden, a group of people wearing bloodstained masks and dressed in black dress pants and white dress shirts also covered in blood, came out. 
The masked people stood there as the intro played. Once "I Hope You Suffer" began, a spotlight shone down on the middle of the stage. Then, Mandy walked out, wearing a long hooded coat. She unzips it, and then two of the masked people help to take it off, revealing her usual ring attire, that being her devil themed red and black wrestling gear, accompanied of course with her long black cape. Mandy then took a good look around the Sports Festival Stadium before walking down the entrance way slowly, taking her time. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent! Wrestling out of Endsville, MANDY!!!

Present Mic: If you're looking for somebody who's the devil in human form, look no further than this girl! She enslaved a Grim Reaper, death itself!

Mauro: And when it comes to in-ring brutality, look no further than her reputation in other places she's appeared! In RCCW, she obtained the Internet Championship from Lana Loud in brutal and convincing fashion, and has held that title ever since!

Nigel: The entrance and the gear say it all about what Mandy's like in the ring, and that is "Get out of my way, or I will cut you down!".

Mandy soon made her way to the ring as she walked up the steps and got inside the ropes, directly across from Bombay, taking her cape off as she prepared for battle.

Present Mic: No two ways about it, this isn't gonna be a wrestling match. This is gonna be a FIGHT! One I think we're all dying to see finally start!

Mauro: Pretty sure this is gonna be more than a fight. This is gonna be a war! Now, I know we're on UA High School Grounds, and have the best heroes around, but I don't think even the best pro hero can prevent the brutality that's about to unfold!

Bombay and Mandy stare at each other for a few seconds, each with respective looks on their faces. The referee checks to see if both were ready, which they were, and then calls for the match to begin, as the bell rings!

Immediately, Bombay reached into his trash bag, and pulled out a Kendo Stick. Mandy didn't back down, despite having no weapons of her own, and the two soon approached each other.

Then, Bombay goes for a swing, Mandy ducks, and she swiftly reaches into the trash bag, and pulls out a light tube. Bombay swings again, but in doing so, he exposes his torso and Mandy strikes Bombay in the gut with the light tube!

Present Mic: Oh, Bombay misses the first strike! Mandy, able to get in Bombay's plunder, ducks another swing-OOOOOH!!!! Light Tube right across the torso!

Mandy then took the broken light tube edge, and some of the fans started to react in disgust as she pierced Bombay's forehead with the light tube edge!

Mauro: And Mandy immediately goes for the bloodshed!

Nigel: We all knew this was coming from the very start! If given the chance, Mandy can be one sick, sadistic son of a bitch!

Despite the pain and being first to shed blood, Bombay wasn't about to give in. He's been in so many Hardcore Matches, he was used to things going this way.

So, Despite the broken tube digging into his forehead, he was able to fight his way back up to standing position, and break free of Mandys suffering grip! Before Mandy could take another stab with her broken tube, Bombay shut her down with a Straight Right Hand!

Mandy stumbled after the punch to the face, dropping the broken tube. Bombay was now bleeding profusely from the forehead now, but Bombay soldiered on. He grabbed Mandy and proceeded to pay her back for busting him open, giving her more hard shots to the face. Mandy then fires back with forearms of her own, but Bombay responds with a jab. 

Mandy stumbles back, and then pulls a staple gun out from her pants! Bombay goes up to her, and then Mandy plants a staple on his forehead!

Present Mic: Oh, MAN! Mandy with a Staple Gun to Bombay's head!

Nigel: For Mandy, this is all about inflicting pain, and getting the win, while also taking a piece of Bombay Suarez!

Bombay gets up, and then Mandy clotheslines Bombay over the barricade, spilling him into the LWF Fans seated at ground level. 

Mauro: And now they're taking the fight into the seats of the LWF Faithful! 

Mandy and Suarez fought through the crowd, trying to gain the advantage over another so they could weaken each other to the point where they could get back to the ring to finish things off.

Bombay laid more punches on Mandy as he pushed her further into the crowd, but then Mandy blocked a punch, and then threw him into a wall. Bombay bounces off, and stumbled into a clothesline. 

Mandy then spots a production box with wheels on it, and gets the idea to use it to her advantage. While bombay was down, she headed to the production box and then proceeded to try and ram Bombay with it. 

Bombay jumped out of the way just in the nick of time, and the box made contact with the wall so hard, it chipped a piece off the wall!

Mauro: And Bombay, coming so close to becoming mush!

Beth: And that could've been it for Bombay!

Mandy then closed in on Bombay after he dodged, aiming to attack him before he could recover. But as she walked up to him, Bombay tossed a trash can at her!

Present Mic: Whoa! Where the heck did Bombay get that?!

Mandy was stunned as the trash can hit her in the head, giving Bombay Suarez an opening. Suarez then started to land some forearms before looking around for some weapons. He then gets his hands on a metal pipe, and then proceeds to strike Mandy across her back.

Beth: Oh, and Bombay with a pipe to Mandy's back!

Bombay then picked up Mandy, and threw her against the wall. Bombay then pressed the pipe across her throat, and started to strangle her.

Mauro: And again with the pipe, Bombay Suarez is choking the life out of Mandy!

Nigel: Brutal, yet effective way to wear somebody down!

Bombay had Mandy pinned for about a minute or so before Mandy broke free by hitting a low blow!

Present Mic: Ooooh! And Mandy goes below the belt to escape!

Mandy pushed Suarez away after that before nailing him in the face with a punch of her own! She then continued to wail on Bombay as they continued battling around the crowd.

Mandy then walks out the exit, and disappears. 

Mauro: Oh, where is Mandy going?

Present Mic: Wherever she's goin’, but I dont think it's leaving the stadium!

Over a minute later, Mandy was now up on the first level of the stadium! She then climbed up on the barrier, and numerous referees and security down below then tried to tell her not to jump!

Beth: Oh, you're right Mic! Mandy's  up on the first level, and I think she's gonna go all out!

Nigel: This is gonna be disastrous if Mandy misses-!

Despite the officials' warnings, Mandy did not heed them, and took the risk anyway ! She jumped off the barrier and flattened everyone including Bombay!

Mauro: And Mandy dive bombs onto Bombay, taking out everyone within proximity as well!

Mandy and Bombay lay there for a few minutes, then Mandy gets up and grabs Bombay. She then took him back towards the ringside area, back through the crowd in another route, and threw him over the barricade.

She then sets Bombay up for the Acid Rainmaker, but after the full ripcord, Bombay smacks her arm away, and then sprayed red mist, but Mandy shielded herself with a steel chair!

Present Mic: Oh, Bombay wanted the Red Mist in Mandy's face, but she got a shield just in time!

With the chair still in hand, Mandy then used it as a weapon, throwing it right at Bombay's head and scoring a direct hit!

Mauro: And Mandy! Throwing a fastball straight into Bombay Suarez!

Mandy then charged right to her target and prepared to strike Bombay, but Suarez got to her first, and knocked her down hard with a big time Clothesline!

Nigel: Mandy now getting Suarez back in the ring-OH! Suarez just knocked her out of her boots with that big lariat!

Bombay then peeled off the protective padding to expose the hard stadium ground, and then scooped her up for the Bomb Shelter. 

Beth: Uh oh, Bombay thinking Bomb Shelter right onto the exposed ring floor!

Present Mic: This is gonna hurt badly for Mandy if Bombay hits this…!

Bombay goes for one of his best shots, but as he swung her around, Mandy countered it into a DDT, and both of them landed hard on the floor! Bombay was down and out, and Mandy marched back and writhed in pain!

Mauro: OOOH, Mandy! DDT counter to Suarez onto the exposed ring floor!

Nigel: That's exactly what Aria blaze did to Suarez at Velocity's very first episode! Mandy did more than just watch and intervene in that match, she studied!

Mandy then fought through the pain, making her way over to Bombay and made the cover. She hooks the inside leg, but Bombay kicks out just when she got the leg hooked at 2.

Mauro: Oh, Bombay kicks out! The Heart and Soul of PWR, as resilient as ever!

Beth: If Mandy didn't take as much time to get into the cover, this would've been over for sure with that DDT to the exposed floor, but she hurt herself in the process!

Mandy gets up, and rolls Bombay's unconscious body back into the ring. Mandy goes for the cover, but Bombay kicks out at 2.

Mandy gets up, and spots the trash bag. She rummages through the bag, and pulls out a steel chair. She then walks over to Bombay, and proceeds to choke him out with it!

Mauro: And now Mandy, crushing Suarez's windpipe!

Present Mic: And the referee can't stop her! There are no rules in this match, other than get the first pin or submission!

Mandy strangled Bombay for a good minute or so, and then she proceeded to jab the chair straight down onto his ribcage.

Beth: Mandy just wearing Bombay down using that chair!

Mandy goes back to the trash bag, and pulls out more light tubes. She takes one, lays it on Bombay, and then stomps on the tube to break it!

Bombay was now bleeding profusely from the forehead, probably from the carving Mandy had done earlier, and then rolled out of the ring.

Nigel: This whole match, it has all been Mandy! Bombay Suarez hasn't been able to get a lick of offense in!

Mandy then peeked through between the bottom and middle rope to try and get to him, but was met by a blast of white smoke! Bombay had just blinded Mandy with a fire extinguisher!

Present Mic: WHOA, BABY! Bombay with a Fire Extinguisher blast to Mandy's face! That’ll slow her down!

Bombay then slid in, and rammed the fire extinguisher into her gut before ramming it into the side of her head to knock her down.

Bombay then rummaged through the trash bag, and pulled out a metal baking tray. Mandy gets up, and then takes a baking tray across the head!

Mandy stumbles into a corner, and that's when Bombay started rummaging through his trash bag once more. Then, with a big grin on his face, he pulled out a bottle of rubbing alcohol. 

Present Mic: Oh, boy! Bombay's got flammable liquid in his hand, and I think I know what he's gonna do with it!

Mauro: We all do, Yamada! 

Bombay then doused his hand in the liquid, and then pulled a lighter out of his pocket!

Nigel: Oh man! I've delivered some nasty chops in my career, but none of them can compare to this!

Bombay then lit his hand on fire, and delivered the flaming chop on Mandy!

Mauro: And there it is! The flaming chop!

But, to the shock of everyone in attendance, even Bombay himself, Mandy took it, and wasn't fazed by it!

Present Mic: What the-?! Mandy took Bombay's fire chop to the chest and she's not even in pain! What is that girl made of?!

Mauro: Mandy's built differently! That's all I'm gonna say! 

Bombay went for a swing, but his momentary lapse in focus enabled Mandy to dodge, and she was able to hoist Bombay, 200 lb body and all, up on the top rope. She then pulled back a bit, before hitting him with a Rising Uppercut. She then pulled the stunned bombay off the top, and drilled him with a Rolling Death Valley Driver, which was then followed up by a devastating Penalty Kick!

Nigel: And now Mandy gets back to laying in the offense, what a combination!

Mandy goes for the cover off the Penalty Kick, but Bombay kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And bombay kicks out again! You could say the same thing about resiliency for him!

Mandy doesn't hesitate, and then picks up Bombay for the Acid Rainmaker. Mandy goes for it again, but Bombay countered it into a Spinebuster!

Present Mic: Mandy doesn't waste time after that kick out! Goin’ for the Acid Rainmaker again… Bombay- SPINEBUSTER!

Bombay stood up with Mandy finally down, and took a minute to recuperate. 

Nigel: Bombay made a bit of breathing room for himself, but he's gotta get back on the attack! Mandy's not gonna stay down for long!

Once Suarez had recovered enough, Mandy was slowly getting back to her feet. As she did that, Bombay acted immediately, and knocked her down with a clothesline! Mandy gets up again, and gets hit with another clothesline!

Mandy tries to get up, but then Bombay hits the ropes, and then connects with a scissors kick!

Beth: Bombay mounting an incredible comeback, and Mandy's down again!

Bombay covers off the scissors kick, but Mandy kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Bombay finally able to get mandy for a cover- mandy escapes at 2!

Bombay sits up off the cover and starts getting his groove back despite the bleeding. That's when an idea came to him. He then rolled out of the ring, and then lifted up the ring skirt and looked around.

After a few seconds, he pulled out a table, and the crowd started to roar in excitement!

Present Mic: ALRIGHT! Get the Tables!

Nigel: You'd have to be pretty stupid to think Bombay wouldn't bring tables into this!

Bombay sets the table up at ringside, and decides to up the ante. He grabbed the rubbing alcohol he had used earlier, and poured it on the table.

Mauro: Oh no…

Present Mic: Oh yeah! We're not just gonna get a table… we're gonna see a FLAMING table!

Beth: As if the flaming chop wasn't enough!

Bombay then lights the table up, and the crowd cheers loudly!

Nigel: And the Table is Lit! Mandy better recover fast, because she won't be coming back from this!

Bombay goes back in the ring with the intention to find a way to put Mandy through the Flaming Table, but he only made it to the apron. Because as Bombay was putting that table up, that gave Mandy enough time to regroup. 

Beth: Bombay now wants Mandy through that flaming table-wait, Mandy's back up again!

So once Bombay hopped up onto the apron to get back in the ring, Mandy charged and speared Bombay through the ropes, and through the flaming table!

Mauro: And Mandy!!! Mamma Mia!!! Spear to Bombay Suarez through the flaming table!

Mandy and Bombay lay for a few minutes, and then Mandy gets up. Despite the epic spear that drove them both through a flaming table, she somehow got moving, grabbed Bombay, and brought him up to a standing position.

Nigel: How on earth is Mandy still moving?! 

Mauro: It's like I said, Mandy's built differently!

Bombay then started to fight back. Landing a few shots, as both he and Mandy just hit each other as the crowd switched from cheers to boos everytime. 

Mandy then goes for a swing, but Bombay parries it, and then delivers a slap! 

Mandy stumbles, and then Bombay, with a running start, plants Mandy with a bulldog right on the ringside floor!

Mauro: Bulldog!

Nigel: Despite Mandy's resiliency, everytime she mounts some offense, Bombay still fights back!

Bombay then grabs Mandy and tosses her back into the ring. Bombay then climbs to the top turnbuckle, and measures Mandy up.

Present Mic: And now Bombay goin’ up high, normally he doesn't do this very often!

Beth: He's pulling out all the stops to find some way to wear Mandy down!

Unbeknownst to Bombay, Mandy had grabbed the steel chair that was used earlier, and once she got up, she cracked it across his head, stunning him!

Nigel: Oh, and Mandy caught Bombay, he took too much time! Now he's stuck up top at Mandy's mercy!

While Bombay is incapacitated, Mandy pulls out a velvet bag from the trash bag. She then dumps out the contents… which are thumbtacks!

Present Mic: Oh, boy! Mandy brought her own toys to the party after all!

Nigel: Thumbtacks! If Mandy drives Bombay onto those things, it's gonna hurt!

And that's exactly what Mandy planned to do. She meets Bombay up top, and hooks him up for a Superplex, aiming to drive his back into the thumbtacks scattered below. But because of the time she took to dump the tacks, this gave Bomaby enough time to regroup. He blocks the Superplex, and lands some punches to the gut.

Mandy then lands a few punches of her own, and then lands a few headbutts. But Bombay lands a couple headbutts of his own, and then shoves Mandy down, and onto the tacks below!

Present Mic: OOOOH! Bombay spoils Mandys plans, shoving her down into her own thumbtacks! Inhuman or not, she's gotta be in SERIOUS pain with all those in her back!

Nigel: She has become a human pincushion!

As Mandy struggled to keep up with the pressure of the pain from the numerous tacks in her back, Bombay made his move. He climbs down, and quickly goes for the cover. 

Mauro: And Suarez, looking to take advantage!

Mandy kicks out at 2, and Bombay smacks the mat frustrated. 

Beth: Right now, Bombay has to be thinking what does he have to do to keep Mandy down for a 3 count. She's endured every single thing thrown at her!

Bombay then rolls out of the ring, and looks underneath for more weapons. 

And that's when he pulled out a barbed wire board, the size of an average table!

Mauro: Oh my god… we promised this match was gonna be violent!

Present Mic: A board wrapped with Barbed wire?! If you thought thumbtacks hurt, just wait til somebody lands hard on that!

Bombay slides the Barbed Wire Board into the ring, and then leans it up against a nearby corner. Bombay then lifts up Mandy up onto his shoulders, then goes for a Death Valley Driver, but Mandy wriggled free and shoved him into the board, but Bombay was able to stop himself.

Nigel: Oh, that would have been disastrous for Bombay Suarez…!

Before Nigel could finish that sentence, Bombay turned around. And at the same time, Mandy got back up and then sent Bombay back-first into the barbed wire board with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Present Mic: Oh, but Mandy– HOLY, JEEZ! I told you guys! I told you!

Mauro: Bombay's strategy backfired, and now The Heart and Soul of PWR, is tangled in a web of barbed wire!

Bombay was now stuck in the barbed wire, and in a lot of pain. Mandy then pulled him out the hard way, covered him, but got a 2 count only.

Beth: But bombay still kicks out!

Nigel: If I were Bombay, I would've just given up right there, to be honest with you. I can't even handle that punishment, and I'm considered one of the toughest to step foot in a ring!

Mandy takes a minute to recuperate, and then picks up Bomaby. Mandy tried the Acid Rainmaker again, but Bombay ducked it! Mandy turns around, and gets nailed with the KOTD!

Mauro: Acid Rain- no!!! Kick Of The Day connects!!!

Present Mic: And Mandy felt every single bit of it!

However, after everything he endured, Bombay didn't have the strength to even crawl to the cover!

Beth: But after everything Bombay has gone through in this match, he can't capitalize!

Present Mic: Mandy saved herself a loss to Suarez thanks to all the damage she did to him! While on the flipside, she barely got any major scars herself!

After a few minutes, Mandy sat up, and noticed the bottle of rubbing alcohol that Bombay had used earlier. She goes over to it, and starts to douse her hand.

Mauro: Uh oh! Mandy, looking to take a page out of Bombay's playbook!

Mandy then waited on her knees for Bombay to get up. Once he was up, she lit her hand on fire, and the crowd reacted in shock as Mandy, from behind, delivered a flaming low blow!

Present Mic: Oh MAN! Mandy takes the heat downstairs, and hitting Suarez where it really hurts!

Nigel: Deja vu all over again for Bombay! 

With Bombay reliving the nasty flaming low blow he suffered at the Hands of Ken Warren back in 2017, Mandy then picked him up, and sets him up for an execution. 

Present Mic: And now Mandy, finally ready to end this! Here it comes, can I say it?!

Beth: Take it away, Mic!

Mandy then goes for the Acid Rainmaker one more time, and this time it finally connects!

Present Mic: ACID RAINMAKER!!!

Mandy then covers Bombay, and gets the 3 count! Finally, the unforgiving battle was over!

Mauro: And Mandy knocks off Bombay Suarez!

Nigel: My god, what a battle!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies gentlemen, your winner of the match, MANDY!!!

Mauro: That was nothing short of an execution of Bombay Suarez for Mandy, but in our eyes, it was a fight to the death!

Present Mic: It was a heck of a fight! Both sides went back and forth, beating and battering each other! Just when you think one would have the advantage, the other would come back stronger! But even though Bombay is a Hardcore King, he couldn't keep up with Mandy!

Nigel: No Yamada, he definitely could not! There's no one in the fanfic wrestling world with Hardcore Resiliency like Mandys! She powered through everything Bombay threw at her, and tossed it right back in his face tenfold!

Mandy then leaves through the crowd, leaving Bombay in the ring, a bloody mess.

Beth: And as always whenever Mandy finishes a fight, she leaves nothing but destruction behind!

Present Mic: We better get this all cleaned up, cuz when we come back, we move from one war to another! Up next, it's the much anticipated clash between Lord Mirage and Robert Squared!

Mauro: Robert wanted it, he got it. What fate will befall Robert Squared here tonight?!


UP NEXT: Lord Mirage vs. Robert Squared

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