Last Ride Match

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Flash Morgan Webster steps out of the first aid room after being checked on. Then Mirajane Strauss walked up to him.

Mirajane: Flash Morgan Webster, tough loss out there against Mark Andrews earlier tonight, so I guess the only question I have is… what's next for Flash Morgan Webster?

Before Webster could respond, Quatro walked up to him.

Quatro: … I think I can answer that. *Holds out his hand*

Webster doesn't say a word, and shakes his hand with a smile. They then walk off, and Mirajane looks on.


Nigel: Flash Morgan Webster may have suffered a loss tonight against Mark Andrews, but I think Quatro may have shed some light on what next for the Modfather.

Present Mic: You could say the futures lookin’ Bright for Quatro and Webster, eh?

Beth: Too soon, Yamada.

Inside the Sports Festival Stadium, things were all set up for the Penultimate match of Wrestlepalooza's 2nd Night. Up on the Stage, a Hearse pulled up just beside the stage.

Mauro: And there you see the Hearse, pulling up into the arena. That's what awaits either of two men next to come out, as one of them will be put inside the back of it!

The bell rings, prompting Jeremy Borash to speak.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match… is a LAST RIDE MATCH! There are no disqualifications, no pinfalls, no count outs, and no submissions. The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent and put them inside of the hearse!

After a few seconds, the lights dim, and on the left side of the stage, the band, Voodoo Johnson, starts to play Black Skies Mist live.

While they did this, a drone camera caught live feed of Dennis riding through the streets of  Musutafu on his motorcycle, en route to the Sports Festival Stadium. And he was dragging a body bag at the end of his bike that had “Darby” written across it. The drone caught multiple angles of Dennis’ drive, including a closeup of his shades glinting in the moonlight, and his custom “I-Kill-U” rear license plate.

Dennis arrived at the Sports Festival Stadium once Voodoo Johnson sang the chorus a second time. 

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first… DENNIS!!!

Present Mic: The Bikini Bottom Bounty Hunter is in the Building! He's here because he's got one job, and it's personal… to finally defeat Darby Allin and send him six feet under!

Nigel: This all started back in Elimination Enclosure, when Darby thwarted Dennis’ quest to Championship gold, and that was after Dennis choked out Darby in the very first Episode, which led to that hellacious Chicago Street Fight they went through! Despite taking a loss and so much damage, Darby made Dennis suffer defeat at the hands of winner Will Ospreay, even though Dennis was the final entrant!

Beth: And tonight, it all ends here, Wrestlepalooza, Darby and Dennis, have their last ride!

Dennis parks his motorcycle at the bottom of the ramp, then enters the ring. Dennis then paces around the ring, awaiting his opponent. 

Then, the lights go out. Then, up on the tron, a montage of all the vignettes of Darby Allin and Lucy Loud that played in the last few Episodes, began to play, along with melancholic music, as Lucy's voice echoed throughout the Sports Festival Stadium, reciting the John Murdock poem, “His Last Ride”.

Lucy: Into the path of the sinking sun, over the far horizon's rim… He's gone, a smile in his kindly eyes, a song in the heart of him. Gone with the friends of his Yesterdays, where the souls of men ride free… And the stars look down in a boundless range, as wide as eternity.

Then, the montage showed Darby skating around Musutafu, dragging a body bag of his own, that had “Dennis” written on it. With Lucy following behind him on her scooter, as her voice continues reciting the poem.

Lucy: Where cattle roamed the sagebrush plain, their bones in the moon gleam white… and the woeful wail of the lone coyote awakens the echoes of night. Gone are the comrades he knew so well. Mute are the cowboys' guitars, that strummed as plaintive serenades, they sang to the glistening stars.

In the video, Darby and Lucy then meet up with some strangers, and then Darby puts himself in the body bag, and the strangers carry him away, with Lucy leading the way.

Lucy: Ah, never his kind shall ride again, over the trails where the wild cayuse… aped in the van of the prairie wind, like a streak of lightning loosed. But he'll ride again beyond the skies, his soul unfettered and free… Where white stars gleam on an endless trail…

The video then cuts to black before Lucy says the last line.

Lucy: … Through the whole… of Eternity. 

The Sports Festival Stadium was now shrouded in darkness as the crowd cheered.


A spotlight then shines down on the stage, where Lucy Loud, on her scooter, leads an army of 6 men, carrying the body bag Darby was in.

They then lay the body bag at the top of the ramp, and then Darby unzips it from the inside before sitting up, and staring down Dennis as the crowd cheered. 

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing his opponent, accompanied by Lucy Loud, hailing from Seattle, Washington, he weighs in tonight at 174 pounds… DARBY ALLIN!!!

Present Mic: Guys?! I just got major Goosebumps! 

Beth: There's only one person in the world who can make a Big entrance like that, and it's none other than Darby Allin!

Mauro: Accompanied of course by his new confidant, Lucy Loud, the poem reciting goth girl of the Loud Family. She and Darby formed this new union not only for Darby's future in LWF, but to take down Dennis, the one who almost destroyed Darby Allin! 

Darby skates down the ramp, with Lucy following behind him. Darby is not taking his eyes off of Dennis, and he enters the ring, spins around, and chucks his skateboard at Dennis! Darby then lunged at him, and landed body punches as the bell rings to start the match!

Mauro: And Darby! Not wasting any time!

Dennis easily shoves Darby away, and then instantly shuts him down with a clothesline!

Mauro: And Dennis! Just like that, with one clothesline!

Present Mic: Can someone check if Darby's head is still intact?

Darby, for his part, did indeed still have his head attached to his body. And he was loopy as well. Dennis then grabs him by his throat, and deadlifts him up into a Chokeslam to the floor!

Nigel: Good lord!

Mauro: Dennis is manhandling Darby Allin right now!

Dennis laughed off the Chokeslam he just did. “I love this job!” he yelled to the crowd, who cheered right back at him in kind.

He then exits the ring, and throws Darby into the barricade. Darby writhes in pain, and Dennis continues pummeling away on him, finding immense joy doing so. Dennis then drags Darby towards the hearse, and opens the back door.

Mauro: And Dennis now, looking to end this as quickly as it began!

Darby then fought back, and kicked Dennis off of himself before getting back up to his feet.

Darby stumbles away to create some distance, but Dennis quickly follows suit. He then notices Lucy out of the corner of his eye, and looks towards her. All the while Lucy stared back at him, no emotion whatsoever. 

Present Mic: Whoa, Dennis is locking his eyes on Lucy, but look at her! No fear in her eyes behind all that hair!

Beth: I don't think there's ANY emotion in that face!

Dennis then slowly inched towards Lucy, but before he could do anything, Darby struck him in the back of the knee with a tire iron!

Present Mic: And Dennis, eyes on Lucy-oooh! Took his eyes off the prize, and Darby got him! 

Mauro: And thank goodness for Darby! Who knows what Dennis could've been thinking of doing to her!

Dennis was now down to one knee, and then Darby got on the apron, and with a running start, he leaps off, and knocks Dennis down with a Coffin Drop!

Mauro: And a Coffin Drop off the apron! Now all Darby needs to do is get that big carcass into the back of the hearse, and shut the door!

Darby does exactly that, although he was struggling to drag Dennis over to the hearse, which gave Dennis enough time to recover. Dennis then grabbed Darby's leg, and slowly rose back to his feet. He then lifted Darby up into the air, and planted him on the steel ramp with the Dead End!

Present Mic: Oooh, man! 

Mauro: The Dead End, on the steel ramp!

And now it was Dennis’ turn to haul Darby to the hearse, as he lifted him up on his shoulder and carried him. Once they got back to the hearse, Darby manages to wriggle free, and shove Dennis face first onto the hearse, stunning him momentarily. 

Darby then looks around the area for weapons, and conveniently finds a steel chair. He rams it into Dennis' gut, and then swatted him across the back with it.

Dennis then stumbled away from the hearse, and dropped to one knee at the bottom of the ramp. Lucy then handed Darby his skateboard, and Darby climbed up the stage, and stood at the top of the ramp.

Mauro: What does Darby have in mind?

Darby then skated down the ramp, and once he was close enough, he leaped off the skateboard, and struck Dennis in the face with the chair!

Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: What an impressive showing of innovation by Darby Allin, the Half-Dead Daredevil!

Present Mic: Only he can pull off skateboard tricks like that! No one else, try his stunts at home!

Beth: Dennis has been rocked again, and Darby has to take advantage!

Dennis was once again stunned, and was now leaning on the barricade. Darby then repositioned the steel steps, before taking a few steps back. Darby then comes back, running with a full head of steam, only for Dennis to cut him off at the pass, and slamming him onto the floor with the Deep Six!

Present Mic: and here he goes- oh, Dennis got him-DEEP SIX!

Mauro: Whatever Darby was going for there, Dennis had it scouted!

Darby starts to crawl away, and rather than trying to get Darby to the hearse, Dennis opted to punish Darby more before doing so again. He gets on top of Darby, and hammers away with a barrage of forearms to the back of his head.

Mauro: And Dennis now, wearing Darby down with vicious blows!

Nigel: There's no disqualifications in this match, so Dennis can do this as much as he wants!

He then looks under the ring, and pulls out a Kendo Stick. He points it at Darby, and then starts hitting him across the back.

Mauro: Dennis, just torturing Darby! All to make sure he gets put in that hearse!

Beth: Well I'm sure Darby has gone through a lot worse…

Darby Allin tries to get up, but Dennis keeps on striking him down with the Kendo Stick. Dennis then grabs the chair, and rams it into Darby's ribs.

Present Mic: Man, Dennis is just picking Darby Allin apart!

Nigel: If Darby wants to win this match, he’ll have to show lots of that relentlessness he's known for!

Dennis pulled the chair overhead, looking for another shot to the ribs, but just as he drove it down, Darby rolled out of the way.

He gets up, clutching his ribs. He then leans against the ring post, and Dennis goes to swing the chair at Darby. Darby luckily gets out of the way, and the chair makes contact with the ring post with a loud crash. 

Darby then hits a Shotgun Dropkick on Dennis, knocking him back a bit. Darby then jumped onto Dennis, hammering away on him like a wild animal. Dennis however, being much bigger than him, was able to overpower him, and with a running start, he slams Darby through the barricade, and into the crowd!

Mauro: And Dennis, Darby on his shoulders and ploughing through the barricade!!!

Both men recover, and Dennis and Darby continue their fight straight into the space organized for the front row seats.

The brawl was mostly one sided. Darby only managing to hit a few body shots here and there, but Dennis constantly shuts him down with one clubbing blow.

Present Mic: Dang, Darby's not lookin’ so hot! It's like everytime he tries to mount some offense, Dennis shuts him right down everytime!

Darby soon finds himself back against the wall, and then Dennis reveals the spikes in his boot.

“Don't worry, Darby. This will only hurt a lot!” Dennis says with a laugh.

Present Mic: Oh boy, this doesn't look good!

Nigel: Dennis brought out his boot spikes! He used these on Darby to sideline him, and he's gonna repeat history right now!

Dennis measured up Darby allin, and then shouts “I love this job!”, before spinning up for the Bigger Boot with his spiked boot…

Mauro: He's gonna go for the Bigger Boot with his armed footwear-!

….but Darby gets out of the way, and Dennis hits the wall! Thanks to the spikes in his boot, Dennis was now stuck to the wall!

Mauro: -OH, and this time Darby dodges!

Beth: And look, Dennis put too much force into the Bigger Boot, he’s wedged the spikes into the wall and now he's stuck!

Present Mic: Yow, Major Support Item Malfunction!

Darby, instead of taking advantage, decides to go through one of the exits, and disappears. Dennis aggressively tries to pull himself free to try and go after him, but he was stuck pretty good.

Mauro: Darby now, disappearing through one of the exits, Dennis is completely wedged against the wall, but the big question is… why is Darby not taking advantage of the situation!?

The crowd then suddenly lit up, and that was because Darby was now up high on the billboards. 

Nigel: Oh, wait! Does that answer your question, Mauro?!

Mauro: I think it does! But wait… is Darby actually thinking…?!

Present Mic: Oh, no way… no freakin’ way! We just saw Bonifer do something like this earlier!

Dennis finally frees himself, but the second he looked up, Darby leapt, and landed on Dennis with the Coffin Drop!


The crowd goes wild as Darby and Dennis laid on the floor.

Mauro: Oh… My… GOD! Darby with the mother of all Coffin Drops! But how is he gonna get Dennis to the hearse?!

Present Mic: Well you got me! I'm not sure how he's gonna be able to drag that guy to the hearse!

Darby barely mustered up enough strength to get back up to his feet, but is unable to drag Dennis to the hearse.

That's when Lucy came in, pushing a production box towards Darby, and told him to lift him up onto it, and push it to the hearse.

Beth: Looks like Lucy just gave Darby a plan!

Darby uses whatever energy he still has, and puts the incapacitated Dennis on the box, and pushed it all the way to the hearse.

Nigel: And now Darby, wheeling Dennis towards the hearse, and put an end to this Last Ride Match!

But once he got to the hearse, Dennis finally comes to, and gets off the production box. He rams the box into Darby to knock him off his feet, and then Dennis lifts him up onto his left shoulder. Dennis then charges, and launches Darby head first into the side of the hearse!

Present Mic: Oooh!

Mauro: Darby launched into that hearse like a human missile!

With Darby down at the foot of the hearse, it was now Dennis’ turn to finally end the match. And he would do it in the literal sense.

He grabbed Darby and brung him to the back of the hearse, bringing him level to his shades.

“You've been a real pain in the side, kid! And you were more of a challenge than anybody else they threw at me.” Dennis admitted.  “But this is over. It’s time you learned that Dennis ALWAYS gets his man!”

He then opened the hearse's back door, and proceeded to throw Darby inside, but Darby puts his foot on the rear bumper to stop him. He then elbowed his gut, and climbed up to the top of the hearse.

As Dennis staggered back, Darby charged, and then did a Cannonball Senton off the top of the hearse!

Darby quickly got up, picked up Dennis, but then Dennis grabbed Darby, and threw him to a nearby truss to try and knock him out, but Darby grabbed the truss, and started climbing. Dennis sees this, and proceeds to climb up after him.

Mauro: And Darby, again climbing up, this time scaling the staging, and Dennis is on his trail!

Darby and Dennis soon find themselves over 30 feet above the hearse, balancing on the metal truss that was holding up the stage lights.

Mauro: Oh my goodness, both Darby and Dennis are 30 plus feet high on the stage lights!

Beth: It’s a bad landing for either of them if one or both fall!

Nigel: Just ask Sonata Dusk, she did a Swanton off that very truss earlier tonight, and it didn't end well for her!

Darby and Dennis traded punches, but when Darby went for a gut kick, Dennis caught it, and lifted him up for the Dead End!

Present Mic: Holy crap, Dennis! He's gonna go for the Dead End from WAY up there!

“See ya later, fool!” Dennis says. But Darby elbows him on his head, and lands on the truss, escaping his grasp.

Present Mic: But Darby escapes his grasp! 

Both men suddenly feel the truss shake under them, then Dennis grabs Darby, looking to throw him off, but Darby tries his damndest to block his attempt. Darby then tries to do the same to Dennis, and both of them are now trying to throw the other off the truss.

Unfortunately, both men lose their footing, and they both fall from the truss, and crash through the roof of the hearse!

Nigel: NOOO!!!

Mauro: OH MY GOD!!!

Present Mic: Holy shit!!!

The crowd was in shock, chanting the same thing Present Mic just said.

Present Mic: Sorry for my language, but WHAT ON EARTH JUST HAPPENED?!?!?

Mauro: Both Darby and Dennis were trying to throw each other off the stage, but both of them fell and plummeted 30 fert and crashed down into the hearse!

Present Mic: But who wins?! Both combatants are in the hearse, does that mean it's a tie?!

Nigel: Not quite! If one competitor is still active and the other is still inside the hearse, then we might see a victor!

There was no activity from either Darby or Dennis for a couple of minutes. 

Until suddenly the back door of the hearse slowly opens. 

It was Darby Allin! Lucy helped him out of the hearse, but seeing how weak Darby was, she helped him shut the door, ending the match in Darby's victory!

Mauro: And it's over! Darby Allin has defeated Dennis!

*Bell rings*

Darby then collapses, smiling as he lays on the concrete floor. Lucy directs the hearse driver to leave, as the vehicle drives away, taking Dennis out of the Sports Festival Stadium.

Jeremy Borah: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner of the Last Ride Match…. DARBY ALLIN!!!

Present Mic: I… I-I honestly have no words to say about what I just witnessed!

Beth: I do! Darby Allin has done the impossible! He defeated someone who up to this point, has been Unbeatable since Resurgence!

Nigel: I never thought it could be done, Beth! Darby was put through pain and turmoil throughout this entire match, but everytime he got knocked down, he just kept getting back up! And the match was so intense, neither he nor Dennis came away unhurt!

Mauro: It all came down to who was the most resilient! And after both suffered a 30 ft fall from the stage crashing down on the Hearse, it was Darby, hanging onto his remaining half of life by a thread, who persevered, and with the help of Lucy, is victorious, and as he promised, at Wrestlepalooza, Dennis takes his Last Ride!

With the help of multiple referees, Darby gets back on his feet, but refuses help to the back, walking under his own power, with Lucy following suit.

Mauro: Darby Allin, feeling fulfilled here tonight, after that physical Last Ride Match, but speaking of Fulfilment, up next is the match you've all been waiting for!

Present Mic: OH, YEAH!!!

Mauro: The LWF: Reborn Championship is on the line, in the battle for Equality! The Champion, Starlight Glimmer, facing off against her toughest challenger since Robert Squared, the world renowned Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay!

Nigel: It's our Main Event! And it… is NEXT!


Up Next: The Main Event of Wrestlepalooza Night 2 - Will Ospreay vs. Starlight Glimmer for the LWF: Reborn Championship

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