Chuck Taylor vs. Trent Beretta

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Adagio Dazzle has just finished being checked on by medical staff, and as she was about to walk off, she bumps into Pretty Cure. 

Adagio: So… you're the next in line for the World Championship, huh?

Nagisa: Yeah?

Adagio: Listen here, I don't care who the champ is at the end of the night, nor do I care if you win the Championship or not. That belt is coming to me, regardless. If you win the belt… you can bet your LIFE, I will kill your dream before you could live it!

Adagio then walks off, and Honoka, despite being in crutches, had to hold Nagisa back.

Nagisa: Honoka… which one of us has the right to challenge for the LWF Reborn Word Championship first?

Honoka: Well… I think Adagio will get her shot whenever she wants…

The camera then cuts back to ringside, and then…

The crowd booed as Trent Beretta, accompanied by Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, made their entrance.

**Bell Rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first at this time, being accompanied to the ring by Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, from Long Island, New York, he weighs in tonight at 201 lbs…. TRENT BERETTA!!

Hawkins and Ryder then pat Trent on the back, and head backstage as Trent continued to the ring.

Mauro: The New York boys are back in town, as Trent Beretta looks to settle a score! This match came about last minute after what happened the previous night at Wrestlepalooza, where Trent was eliminated from the Casino Battle Royale due to an untimely intervention.

Nigel: The New Yorkers thought they could band together and win the Battle Royale, but during Trents time in the ring, who should impede his progress, but Orange Cassidy! He appeared out of the blue and grabbed Trents leg from below, allowing him to be eliminated by Gray Fullbuster! Needless to say, Trent and the boys were not happy about the result, and here we are now!

Trent enters the ring, soaking in the jeers from the fans with a smug grin. 

Mauro: And Trent looks to do this all on his own, finally aiming to prove he doesn't need Best Friends, only family!

Trent paces around the ring, waiting for his adversary. Then, the lights go out. 

After a minute or so, A light shines down on the right side of the stage, where the band, The Pixels, were standing. They then started playing “Where Is My Mind?” live.

Once they sang the second verse, Chuck Taylor, along with Orange Cassidy, made his entrance to cheers from the audience.

Jeremy Borash: And introducing his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Orange Cassidy, from Murray, Kentucky, he weighs in tonight at 210 lbs… CHUCK TAYLOR!!

Orange Cassidy gave Chuck his signature thumbs up as Jeremy was announcing his arrival, before he headed down to the ring.

Beth: On the other side of things, think about how Chuck Taylor feels about all this! As Best Friends, he and Trent made a great team for a long time, and then at High Acceleration, Trent just attacked Chuck and ended it so he could be with Hawkins and Ryder! Chuck took it pretty hard, so for him, this is personal!

Present Mic: And that's probably why Chuck also wants to do things himself tonight! Both he and Trent want to prove to each other they can beat one another all on their own without any sorta help! A fair throwdown straight from the starting bell!

Chuck then enters the ring, takes off his jacket, and stares Trent down. Both were ready to go.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Instead of going for a lockup, Trent charges at Chuck straight away, attempting to connect with a Gobstopper Knee Strike! Chuck evades in time, as Trent stops himself from colliding with the turnbuckles. Chuck then rolls Trent up, but Trent kicks out at 2!

Present Mic: Whoa! Trent went big right from the start, tried to surprise Chuck with the Gobstopper, but Chuck saw it coming, and almost had it won himself!

Both men get up, and then Chuck scooped him up for the Awful Waffle, but Trent countered it into a Hurricanrana, and into a pin of his own, but Chuck kicked out at 2!

Trent gets up first, then Chuck sweeps him off his feet, and pins him for a one count. Chuck gets up before Trent, and Trent sweeps him off his feet for a quick cover, but he gets a one count as well.

Both men get up, Chuck ducks an Enzuigiri and then gets him in a rear waist lock when he gets up. Trent breaks free, and then gets behind Chuck and grabs him for a Half-Nelson Suplex, but Chuck blocked it, and countered with a go behind and set up for a Half-and-Half Suplex of his own, but Trent broke free.

Trent then spun around, looking for a clothesline, but Chuck ducks it. Chuck then goes for a Superkick, but Trent catches it.

Chuck then used his free leg and Dropkicks Trent off of him! Both men got up, both men went for a Dropkick, then got up, and the crowd applauded as they stared each other down.

Nigel: And we have a Stalemate!

Beth: This is what happens when tag team competitors go one on one, especially ones who have teamed up for so long like Chuck and Trent!

Mauro: Both men know the other so well, they can easily tell what the other is going to do before they do it themselves!

After a minute of staring at each other, Trent then opens his arms out for a hug, and Chuck looks at him suspiciously. 

“Come on, for old times sake?” Trent asks.

Mauro: And Trent Beretta, looking to hug it out with Chuck Taylor. 

Chuck then goes up to Trent to hug him, but then he sweeps Trent's leg, taking him down!

Mauro: And Chuck Taylor, he wasn't gonna fall for it!

Nigel: He gave the people what they wanted alright, but it wasn't what we thought!

Chuck gives Trent a finger wag, then he hits the ropes. Trent does a drop down, Chuck hops over him, then Trent gets up. Trent leapfrogged over him, looked to do a monkey flip, but Chuck leapt over him to avoid it, and somersaulted back to his feet.

Chuck charges, Trent then sidesteps Chuck, Chuck rebounds off the ropes, and takes Trent down with a Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors, sending Trent into a corner!

Present Mic: And a beautiful Headscissors by Chuck Taylor!

Trent is taken aback by that, and he cautiously gets up. 

Beth: I think Trent may have been taken off his game. 

Nigel: I think so, he may have underestimated his own former partner.

Trent and Chuck then lock up, and Chuck quickly gets Trent in a side headlock. He was able to bring Trent down to one knee before Trent got back up, and used the ropes to shove off Chuck. Chuck rebounds, and then knocks Trent down with a shoulder block!

Trent does a drop down as Chuck hits the ropes, Chuck rebounds again, and Trent again leapfrogged over Chuck. Trent does one more drop down after Chuck hits the ropes, then Trent gets up, and cuts Chuck off with a back elbow!

Mauro: And a back elbow by Beretta!

Nigel: Caught him flush on the jaw!

Chuck rolls out of the ring, and then Chuck gets hit with a baseball slide by Trent!

Chuck was now leaning against the barricade, and Trent slid out of the ring to grab him. He then brought him towards the ring, and slammed his face into the ring apron! He goes for it again, but Chuck kicks him in the gut. Chuck then grabs Trent, and slams his face into the ring apron! 

Trent then stumbles away, but Chuck grabs him by the hair, and then throws him into the barricade!

Mauro: And Chuck Taylor, making Trent pay for the betrayal!

Chuck then throws him back into the ring, and looks to throw him into a corner. Trent however, was able to put on the brakes. Chuck then charges at him, but Trent jumps out of the way. 

Chuck was able to stop himself from crashing into the corner as well, but when he turned around, Trent kicked him in the gut. He then goes to a corner with Chuck in his grasp, and looks to throw him into the corner diagonally across. Chuck stops himself with a baseball slide, then gets up and kicks Trent in the gut. He then tries to throw Trent in the corner one more time, but Trent reverses, and throws Chuck into the corner with all the strength he had!

Mauro: And Trent Beretta! Throwing Chuck Taylor into the corner with authority!

Nigel: He's not underestimating Taylor anymore, I can say that now!

Present Mic: Oh yeah, Trent finally sees what Chuck is, and now we're gonna get a serious fight!

Trent then grabbed Chuck Taylor, and called for the Dudebuster DDT, but Chuck countered into a small package pin!

Mauro: Oh, Trent looking for the Dudebuster DDT, but Chuck Taylor with a small package!

Trent kicks out at 2, both men get up, and Trent stuns Chuck with a flying clothesline!

Mauro: Trent out at 2, and almost decapitated Chuck Taylor with a vicious clothesline!

Chuck Taylor rolls into a nearby corner, and sits on the mat, checking if his jaw was still intact. But as he was, he wasn't aware of Trent coming in with a full head of steam. When he did, Trent had connected with a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: And Beretta with a Dropkick in the corner!

Trent goes for the cover, but Chuck kicks out at 2. As Chuck grabbed the bottom rope to try and pull himself up, Trent stomped on his back. He then sat him up, and puts on a grounded headlock. He then lets him go, goes to pick him up, but Chuck fights back with punches to the gut, only for Trent to cut him off with a knee strike to the side of his head. 

Chuck, still sitting on the mat, was now leaning against the bottom rope. Trent then scraped his boot across Chuck's face, and the crowd continued to boo Trent.

Chuck was now in a nearby corner, and tried to kick Trent away when he walked up to him. But Trent kicked back before raining down on Chuck with a barrage of knee strikes across Chuck's body!

Mauro: And now Trent, showing off a more aggressive side!

The referee pulls Trent away from Chuck, and Chuck rolls out of the corner. Trent then goes for the cover, but Chuck kicks out at 2.

Chuck sits up, but then Trent grabs him, and proceeds to twist Chuck's head, contorting his neck in an uncomfortable manner.

After a couple of minutes, Chuck gets up, and elbows Trent in the gut once again. Once he was free, Chuck hits the ropes, but Trent cuts him off again, this time with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Chuck again! Cut off at the pass by Trent Beretta!

Beth: Beretta timed that Dropkick perfectly!

Trent was now on his knees, and grinned as he outstretched his arms, soaking in the jeers from the crowd.

Present Mic: And now the arrogance is beginning to show! 

Trent then covers Chuck, but he once again kicks out at 2. Chuck gets to his knees, and stumbles into a nearby corner again.

Chuck then gets back to his feet, but then Trent smacks him with a knife edge chop across his chest! 

Mauro: Oooh, and Trent with a knife edge chop!

Chuck winces, then Trent connects with another knife edge chop. Chuck responds by landing a downward chop of his own, and Trent quickly answers back with a Forearm Smash. 

He then throws Chuck into the corner diagonally across, charges, but Chuck cuts him off with a boot before hopping onto the middle turnbuckle. 

Trent then looks up, and Chuck leaps into the air, and connects with a shotgun Dropkick!

Mauro: Dropkick off the second turnbuckle! Both men are now down!

Chuck smacks the mat repeatedly to try and regain some energy. The crowd clapped along, trying to rally Chuck on, and when both men got back up, Chuck began to fire away, knocking Trent down with a clothesline!

Trent gets up, and gets hit with another clothesline! Chuck looks for another one, but Trent punches him in the midsection to cut him off. Trent then hits the ropes, but Chuck lands a Dropkick, knocking Trent off his feet!

Mauro: Oh Trent trying to cut off Chuck's momentum- oooh, Chuck Taylor, intercepts with a picture perfect dropkick!

Present Mic: He was not gonna let Trent come back that easy!

“Here we freaking go!” Chuck shouts before grabbing Trent by his leg, and dragging him into the centre of the ring.

Trent then begged Chuck not to do it, but Chuck didn't listen, and wrapped Trent's legs in a Figure Four leg lock!

Mauro: And Chuck Taylor with a Figure Four applied!

Nigel: In the centre of the ring, Trent oh so far from the ropes!

Present Mic: Chuck might submit him here in the Sports Festival Stadium!

Trent then began to rock from side to side, looking to roll over.

Beth: Trent now, looking to roll over, trying to reverse the pressure!

He successfully does, and was close enough to reach the bottom rope to break the hold.

Chuck gets up, and stumbles into a corner, and Trent does the same. Chuck then charges at Trent, but he gets out of the way!

Trent then grabs Chuck, and goes for the Dudebuster DDT, but Chuck shoves him off to block it! Trent charges back in, but Chuck stuns him with a Rising Knee Strike in the corner!

Mauro: Trent breaks the hold, Chuck not letting  up- Oh, Trent looking for the Dudebuster DDT again but got blocked- BIG KNEE!

Trent stumbled out of the corner, completely stunned. Chuck then kicked him in the gut, and drilled him with a DDT of his own!

Mauro: And Chuck Taylor with textbook DDT!

Chuck covers Trent, but he kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, only a 2 count!

Present Mic: Spiked Trent on his head, but could not put him away!

Trent rolls onto the apron, and then Chuck grabs him. He then looks to suplex Trent over the top rope and back into the ring, but Trent blocks the attempt. He then shoves Chuck away, but Chuck came back with another knee strike to stun him!

Chuck then looks to knock him off the apron with a shoulder barge, but Trent leaped up into the air to avoid it, and then landed a leg drop across Chuck's back on the way down, driving Chuck's head into the apron!

Mauro: And Beretta! What agility!

Trent then stumbles into the ring, while Chuck slumped down to the floor below. Chuck then gets up, and then Trent starts to hit the ropes. Once he was fast enough, Trent leaps over the top rope, wiping Chuck out with a Tope Con Giro!

Mauro: And Beretta flies!

Nigel: Chuck Taylor, knocked down like a bowling pin!

Trent then throws Chuck back into the ring, and as he did, Trent enters the ring, and sized up Chuck. 

Chuck then gets up to his feet, leaning against the corner, then Trent charges and hops off the second rope to hit a back elbow! Then immediately, Trent grabs Chuck in a front face lock, goes for the Dudebuster DDT, and connects!

Present Mic: Trent rollin’ now, he's got Taylor…! DUDEBUSTER!!!

Mauro: That might be it right there!

Trent covers Chuck, but Chuck kicks out at 2.5!

Present Mic: It might be, Pin 1, 2- No! 2 and a half! Chuck escaped!

Nigel: Chuck was not gonna go 2 and 0 against Trent Beretta that easily!

Trent was absolutely beside himself. He thought for sure that would have been it. But he quickly refocused, and as Chuck was slowly getting up, Trent lowered his kneepad, and stalked Chuck, waiting in the corner to strike.

Beth: Trent can’t believe Chuck is still in this, but maybe not for long!

Nigel: You're right Beth, he's now exposing his knee for the Gobstopper, and this time he does not intend to miss!

Chuck gets up, Trent goes for the Gobstopper, but Chuck again evades it, getting Trent in a ripcord position! Chuck then spins him out, and into Chuck's patented signature move, Sole Food!

Mauro: Here comes Trent- oh, he missed again, and Chuck has him this time- SOLE FOOD!

As Trent stumbles in place, Chuck then goes for a clothesline, but Trent ducks, and connects with an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Trent ducking a clothesline, and now an Enzuigiri!

Chuck was now stunned, then Trent went into the corner, then charged, screaming at the top of his lungs, and finally connected with the Gobstopper Knee!

Mauro: And there it is! The Gobstopper!

Present Mic: Trent Beretta got all of that one!

Trent quickly covers Chuck, but at 2.9, Chuck Taylor gets his shoulder up!


Nigel: That was perhaps Beretta's best shot yet in this match!

Present Mic: Yeah, but it wasn't enough! Taylor still kicked out! That's insane! And I thought I knew guys who were gutsy!

Beth: What will it take to beat a former friend now, Trent must be thinking!

Both men slow to get to their feet, but Trent gets up first. Chuck was back in the corner, and Trent went back to hitting chops across Chuck's chest. He then transitioned into landing a combination of chops and forearms before seating Chuck on the top turnbuckle. 

Trent then steadied himself, and went for a hurricanrana off the top, but Chuck rolled through into a Sunset Flip, but only got a 2 count!

Both men get up, Trent charges, but Chuck throws him into the corner with an overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

Mauro: Chuck escapes a possible predicament that would have ended the match, and Trent tries to do so again- And Chuck throws Trent into the corner!

Both men are down once again, then Chuck crawls to the cover, only to get a 2 count!

Both men then get up, showing the wear and tear they have inflicted on each other, then begin trading punches and forearms. 

After going back and forth, landing chops, punches, and Forearms, Trent then knees Chuck in the gut. Trent then hits the ropes, but Chuck catches him with a Pop-up Powerbomb, slamming Trent into the mat!

Mauro: Both men hitting each other as they desperately recover! Trent with a good shot, off the ropes- Chuck catches him- Pop up powerbomb!

Chuck folds up Trent for the cover, Trent kicks out at 2 but as he did, Chuck rolled over into a Single-leg Boston Crab!

Mauro: Trent escapes, but Chuck into a Single Crab!

Nigel: Yet another submission by the Kentucky Gentleman!

Trent scratched the mat, trying to crawl to the ropes, and after a couple agonizing minutes, Trent made it to the ropes. 

The referee enforces the 5 count, and Chuck lets go at 3. He gets up, and calls for the Awful Waffle.

Present Mic: Chuck ready to serve up one order of an Awful Waffle now, is the second time the charm?!

Chuck picks up Trent, but as he went for it, Trent flipped over, and landed on his feet! He then hoisted Chuck up for a Sunset Driver, but Chuck again countered it into a Sunset Flip!

Trent kicks out at 2, both men get up, and then Chuck stuns Trent with a second Sole Food!

Mauro: A second Sole Food!

Nigel: How much more can these men take?!

Chuck Taylor then hops onto the top turnbuckle, only for Trent to stun him with another Enzuigiri before meeting him up at the top.

Trent then goes for a Superplex, but Chuck blocks it, punching Trent in the gut. Once he broke free, both men once again traded forearms. 

Present Mic: Trent and Chuck trading blows yet AGAIN! Just like in the first round of the battle tournament between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu!

Chuck then lands one really strong Forearm which made Trent almost lose his footing, but Chuck caught him before he fell… in position for an Awful Waffle! The crowd begins to cheer in anticipation as Chuck looks at the crowd with determination in his eyes.

Mauro: OH! Chuck lands a big one, and Trent falls- right into his arms! Wait a minute! You don't think?! Not from up top!

Nigel: He's in the perfect position now!

Present Mic: YES! Give it to ‘em, Chuckie boy! Give it to ‘em!

As Chuck steadied himself on the top turnbuckle, He yelled at the top of his lungs, before leaping off the top turnbuckle, and landing the Awful Waffle!


Present mic: Order Up! This one's hot and Extra Large!

Beth: Talk about going out with a bang!

Chuck Taylor then crawls over to Trent, drapes his arm across his chest, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Chuck Taylor, finally exacts revenge!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:15)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHUCK TAYLOR!!!

Present Mic: Now THAT was a fight! It may have been added into the card at the last second,but I'm sure you guys can agree with me here on this, it was SO worth it!

Beth: You got that right Mic, Chuck needed this match to happen, and so did Trent! It settled things once and for all between two estranged tag team partners. The series may be tied now, but Chuck proved something to Trent today!

Nigel: Exactly! Chuck proved to Trent that he can stand on his own and defeat his own partner! And neither he nor Trent had had any help to do it!

Chuck slowly recovered and was able to get to his feet as he slumped out of the ring. Orange Cassidy came to his side, and draped his arm around Chuck's shoulder, as the two of them walked up the entrance ramp, leaving Trent in the ring.

Mauro: There's Orange Cassidy, helping Taylor to the back, but nevertheless, this is a match neither men are gonna forget! Speaking of a match neither men are gonna forget, this next match is gonna be unforgettable for sure!

Nigel: That, I will absolutely agree with! Violence, just barely describes what's going to happen in this bout, as Darby Allin looks to get even with Dennis… in a Last Ride Match!

Present Mic: Two guys are gonna enter this stadium, but only one is gonna leave in the back of a hearse headed to the cemetery! 

Up next: The Penultimate Match- Dennis vs Darby Allin in a Last Ride Match

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