Omega vs. Bonifer (FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE)

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The trio of Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta, and Zack Ryder were standing backstage.

Curt Hawkins: Chuck, you couldn't leave us alone, can you?

Zack Ryder: You lost, but you still wanted more? What's up with that?

Trent: Fellas, don't sweat it. We won't have to worry about him any longer. (Looks into the camera) Chuckie T, tonight, this ends. You and me, one last time, and soon, there will be no doubt that I was always better than to be family, rather than with… best friends.

Mauro: Yes ladies and gentlemen, Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor, after what transpired in the Casino Battle Royale just last night, will face off for one final time! This is a battle between former best friends!

Nigel: A competitive match to be sure, but could this not have waited till after Wrestlepalooza?

Present Mic: Hey, c’mon Nig, be real here! This is the perfect night to establish who's better! Especially since I’ve heard you've got something’ big coming up that's gonna shake things up for the Future of LWF!

Beth: Your sources are correct Mic, because immediately following Wrestlepalooza, LWF is going to host its first ever Draft! With so many promising stars in the company, it's about time we determine the course of the future, by deciding the direction of our talent to our Flagship show Reborn, or our fast rising new brand, Velocity!

Mauro: And we will see all that later after Wrestlepalooza, but for now, the show must go on! And right now, we're about to see what should be another big fight here tonight!

Nigel: Charlie Bonifer made a promise! He promised that here in Japan, he would defeat one of its most successful Superstars, Kenny Omega! The two of them have become foes ever since their encounter at Elimination Enclosure, and tonight, they finally clash for real!

Present Mic: Omega’s no stranger to winnin’ big in Japan, can he cap off another victory here in the orient? He's gonna need all he's got to battle Bonifer, and then some! Oh, and did we forget to mention this match is Falls Count Anywhere? Well, it is!

Beth: With that stipulation in place, we could see these two fighting all over the stadium and maybe even onto UA’s Campus Grounds! 

Then, the lights go out, and eerie music starts to play. 

Then, a few people, dressed as druids, carried a coffin out. They then stood the coffin up, and sounds of thunder and lightning surrounded the Stadium.

The crowd watched in awe, and then Motionless In White started playing Voices live.

They played for a few minutes, and once the chorus hit, Charlie Bonifer bursted out of the coffin. He looks out at the crowd before making his way to the ring.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match! In this match there are no disqualifications, anything goes, and pinfalls and submissions count anywhere in the arena! Introducing first, “The Death Dealer”, CHARLIE BONIFER!!!

Mauro: Sadistic, Psychotic, and completely unhinged! Those are just a few of the words that describe Charlie Bonifer, the Death Dealer!

Present Mic: I totally agree with you Mauro, I mean Look at this guy! He's not the kinda guy you wanna meet in a back alley, even in a society of heroes! He wouldn't even care if somebody has a quirk, he'd just beat you up anyway!

Nigel: Fortunately  for everyone in attendance, the only target he has in his sights right now is Kenny Omega, and I'd be hard pressed not to bet against Bonifer in this situation!

Beth: You're right Nigel, Bonifer knows he has an edge in a match with no rules to speak of, and I think knowing how competitive and defiant Kenny is, he might have lured him into accepting a Falls Count Anywhere Match on purpose to get an advantage! But we can't count Omega out, as he's no stranger to feeling the pressure of matches like this!

Bonifer soon gets in the ring, awaiting his opponent. And soon enough, the lights go out. Then…

The crowd watched in awe as Kenny Omega rose up, dressed as The Terminator, when the song picked up.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, he weighs in tonight at 229 pounds, KENNY OMEGA!!!

Mauro: And it's the rise of the Best Bout Machine! And an apropos entrance to boot!

Present Mic: Understatement, Mauro! He's comin’ out to the metal as hell theme he's used to using in New Japan, dressed as the freakin’ TERMINATOR! If that isn't enough to hype up the hardcore fans here in Japan, I dunno what is!

Nigel: An awe inspiring sight to behold, that's for sure!

Omega makes it to the bottom of the ramp, and takes off his leather jacket. When Omega entered the ring, Bonifer immediately went on the attack, and the bell immediately sounded!

Mauro: And right as Omega gets in the ring, it is on like Donkey Kong! 

Present Mic: These two have been waiting FOREVER to get their hands on one another, and now they do! Have at it, fellas!

Bonifer then quickly got Omega up for the Widowmaker, but Omega elbows out of his grasp, and then went for the V-Trigger, only for Bonifer to avoid it.

Nigel: Both men, wanting their signature moves looking to end it early, right from the start of the match!

Bonifer then went for a bicycle kick, but Omega sidesteps and goes for his snap Dragon Suplex, but Bonifer countered with a back elbow! Omega responded with a double leg takedown, and then hammered away on Bonifer. 

Beth: Both men are out for blood!

Bonifer shoves Omega off, and gets up. Omega then went for a clothesline, but Bonifer blocked it, and started biting on his forehead!

Mauro: Oh my god! Out for blood is right!

Nigel: We knew he was sadistic, but not to this level!

Present Mic: In all my time providing color commentary to events, NEVER have I seen this level of sick brutality!

The bite drew blood, and now Omega was bleeding from the forehead. Bonifer then tried to clothesline Omega out of the ring, but Omega pulled down the top rope, sending Bonifer out of the ring.

Omega then looked at the crowd, and the crowd in the Sports Festival Stadium began to clap the beats of the Terminator theme.

Mauro: Bonifer knocked outside the ring, and Omega’s rocking a familiar beat! You know what this means, Mic?!

Omega then got down to one knee, fists on the mat…

Present Mic: They are rockin’ it in the Stadium, Omega cleared for takeoff! Here we GO…!

Omega then hits the ropes, but Bonifer has slid back into the ring! When Omega rebounded, he ran right into a clothesline by Bonifer, turning inside out!

Present Mic: OH, INTERCEPTION!!!

Mauro: Bonifer may have just knocked Omega into tomorrow!

Bonifer quickly went into the cover, but only got a 2 count out of it.

Omega was still loopy and Bonifer quickly took advantage. He slid out of the ring, and then grabbed a strand of barbed wire. He then slid back into the ring, and got on top of Omega. He then wrapped the barbed wire around his fist, and hammered away on Omega!

Mauro: And now Bonifer! Smelling blood like a shark!

Nigel: Brutality right out of the gate!

Bonifer then gets up, and Omega is now bleeding profusely. 

Bonifer then gets out of the ring again, and pulls out a Kendo Stick. He gets back in the ring, and starts beating down Omega with it, hitting him across the back.

Nigel: And Bonifer, going for more plunder and making good use of it! As there are no disqualifications in a Falls Count anywhere match, use of weapons is permitted!

Mauro: Anything and everything is as legal as an elbow drop and a headlock!

Bonifer then placed the Kendo Stick across Kenny's face, and applied a camel clutch.

Beth: And he's using that advantage to full effect, mixing a weapon with a submission!

After several minutes, Kenny then got up, and ran backwards into the nearest corner to break the hold!

He was able to separate himself from Bonifers grasp in that instance, and then he goes looking for weapons under the ring. He then pulls out a barbed wire wrapped broom, and a grin is now across Kenny's face.

Mauro: And Omega, pulling out a Barbed wire broom!

Present Mic: That sick smile, I know what he's gonna use it for, and it's not sweeping!

Kenny gets back in the ring, and Bonifer, still on all fours, was then hit across the back with the barbed wire broom!

Kenny then lays the broom across Bonifer's back, hits the ropes, and then connects with a double foot stomp!

Mauro: And Omega, stomping the Barbed wire broom into the spine!

Omega then rolls him onto his back, covers him, but only gets a 2 count.

Omega then picked Bonifer up, and threw him out of the ring. Bonifer gets up, Omega then hops onto the apron, and springs off the second rope, landing on Bonifer with a Moonsault!

Present Mic: Omega’s back in the fight now, and he takes Bonifer outside! And it looks like he wants to give chase- WHOA, baby what a Moonsault!

Once Bonifer and Omega recovered, the fight soon escalated enough to send the two over the barricade and into the front row crowd.

Bonifer tries to get away, but Omega gives chase. Omega then grabbed Bonifer, and threw him into a wall, incapacitating Bonifer. Omega then disappeared through the exit.

Mauro: Where the heck's Omega going???

Present Mic: Definitely not runnin away! I know this stadium inside out, and if I know my stuff…!

Then, up on the advertising billboards, Omega was standing tall!

Present Mic: Yep! 

Mauro: Look how high he is!

Beth: He's not gonna do what we think he is, is he?!

Nigel: All the way up there?! That's a straight drop down! If Kenny misses this…!

Bonifer got up, and immediately got out of dodge before he jumped.

Mauro: And thankfully, Omega’s life is saved due to Bonifer recovering!

Then a minute later, Bonifer shows up where Omega is at, and the two men begin to brawl in the sea of fans.

Present Mic: But this ain't over yet! When we say Falls Count Anywhere, we totally mean it! The actions are not completely limited to the ring, you can fight up and down the stadium, and even go for Pinfalls and Submissions in the crowd! 

Omega ducks a punch from Bonifer, and then lifts him up in the electric chair position. 

But instead of going for the One Winged Angel, he instead dropped him on his feet before throwing him with a German Suplex!

Mauro: And Omega! Croyt's Wrath on the hard floor!

The referee was there as Omega covered him, but Bonifer kicked out at 2!

Omega gets up, blood still dripping down his face, and stomps on Bonifer. Bonifer slowly gets up, and then grabs a fans’ drink and tosses it in Omega's face!

Present Mic: Oooh, the disrespect!

Nigel: Any means necessary, Mic!

Omega was now disoriented, and then Bonifer incapacitated him with a roundhouse kick to the ear!

Bonifer then grabbed him and took him up the stairs and into the concessions area, where they both continued to brawl. 

Bonifer then spots a merch table, and throws Omega over it, and into the wall of merchandise. He then stomps on Omega before clearing the table, and laying him on it.

He then grabbed a nearby ladder, and placed it in front of the table before climbing up. 

Beth: Bonifer's going high risk again!

While Omega was lying prone on the table, Bonifer steaded himself. He then leaped off the ladder, and dropped an elbow on Omega, putting him through the table!

Mauro: And Bonifer with an elbow through the heart of Omega!

Present Mic: And right through the table!

Bonifer covers Omega, but only gets a 2 count out of it!

Bonifer then picks up Omega, and smashes him against a wall. Bonifer then advances towards him, but Omega back elbows Bonifer to send him stumbling back.

After a few minutes recuperating, Omega then lifted Bonifer up onto his shoulders, and spotted a nearby concession stand. With a running start, Omega then dropped Bonifer with a rolling senton, and then hopped onto the counter of the concession stand, and leapt off it, flattening Bonifer with a Moonsault!

Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: Off the concession stand!

Omega takes a moment as he clutches his abdomen, then covers Bonifer for only a 2 count.

But Kenny does not let up, getting Bonifer up for more punishment. Bonifer gets up, and then Kenny delivers a few clubbing blows across his back.

Omega then spots a production box, and then attempts to roll it towards Bonifer. Bonifer was able to jump out of the way, and the box hits the wall with a loud crash.

Bonifer then went for a clothesline, but Omega ducked and then dropped him with a snap Dragon Suplex!

Mauro: And Omega! 

Nigel: Bonifer could be out!

Omega goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2!

Omega then gets up, and kicks Bonifer while he's down. He then picked up Bonifer, and brought him back towards the seats.

They then find themselves back in the stadium amongst the fans, Omega landing a few blows across Bonifer's back.

Nigel: And now the action is coming back into the stadium! 

Omega then goes for the V-Trigger, but Bonifer evades it! Bonifer then connected with an European Uppercut, sending Omega tumbling down the stairs!

Present Mic: Oh, Omega missed with the V-Trigger again-BOOM! An uppercut by Bonifer, and Omega goes tumbling!

Mauro: That's a long way down those flights of stairs!

Bonifer goes down the stairs, and meets Omega at the bottom. Bonifer then leans Omega against the barrier, and delivers a knife edge chop. He then props him up, and delivers another one.

He then looks down, and sees a stack of tables. With a grin on his face, walks over to Omega, and grabs him. He then climbs on top of the barrier, and puts Omega on his shoulders. 

Beth: Uh oh, Bonifer's got a mad look in his eye and Omega on his shoulders!

Present Mic: I think he's gonna go for the Widowmaker onto that stack of tables!

Omega then elbows out of his grasp, saving himself. Both men were teetering on the barrier, trading blows with each other. Omega then goes for a jab, but Bonifer blocked it! He then spun him around, and applied a rear naked choke on him!

Nigel: Omega able to escape disaster for the moment, but not for long! Bonifer has him in his grasp!

Mauro: Rear Naked Choke applied on Kenny! Bonifer is looking to make him Submit! What a humiliating defeat this would be for Omega, if Bonifer makes him tap out here!

There was no way out for Omega, and no way to break the submission. Omega fades, the blood flowing out of the cut, forming a crimson mask. Omega was now on the brink of unconsciousness and then Bonifer lets go. He then shoves Omega off the barrier, sending him crashing through the stack of tables!

Mauro: And Bonifer!!! Oh my God!!! 

Present Mic: Holy crap, did he just kill Omega!?

Nigel: It certainly looks that way! My goodness!!!

Beth: Omega might be out!

The crowd cheered loudly at what they just saw, and Bonifer lets out a roar as he raised his fists up in the air. 

EMT's checked on Omega, and surprisingly, Omega was still alive and willing to continue! As they helped him up, Bonifer then leaped off the barrier, and landed on top of everyone!

Mauro: And look at Bonifer! The Death Dealer took out everybody!

Nigel: That was a LONG way down, I'm surprised Omega is still in this, first of all! But then Bonifer threw caution to the wind! 

Bonifer then grabbed Omega, and hooked him up for his signature move: Death's Hand!

Present Mic: And here comes the final nail! Bonifer goin’ for Death's Hand!

He goes for it, but Omega spun right out of it, and connected with the V-Trigger under the jaw!

Mauro: And Omega- BANG!!! V-Trigger! Omega got it!

Nigel: That one rattled the Death Dealer!

Bonifer then stumbled, and slumped down, leaning against the barricade. Then Omega, with eyes wide, and a look of intensity on his face, points at Bonifer with his finger gun taunt as the fans cheered him on.

Beth: Oh, Omega's not done! Here comes another one!

Present Mic: Omega’s sayin’ to Bonifer, goodbye and goodnight!

Omega then charges with a full head of steam, and connects with a third V-Trigger, crashing through the barricade!

Mauro: And the V-Trigger, right through the barricade!!!

Nigel: Good Lord!!!

Now Omega and Bonifer found themselves near the stage area, and not only that, the second V-Trigger had cut Bonifer under his right eye!

Present Mic: And Bonifer's busted open! Both men are bleeding now!

They soon climbed up the stage, exchanging blows. Bonifer then grabbed Omega, and connected with another uppercut. Bonifer then connected with a big boot, Omega then spun back around, and landed a rolling elbow! 

Mauro: Bonifer and Omega! Strike after strike!

Omega then gets hit with a pump kick from Bonifer, and answers back with a knee lift! 

Mauro: Oooh, and a big knee!

Bonifer falls onto a heap, and then Omega covers him, only for Bonifer to kick out at 2.5, but he did so by hitting a low blow on Omega!

Mauro: Kick out at 2- and oooh, Bonifer with a low blow!

Present Mic: Geez! After all that punishment through the match by omega and to himself, how's Bonifer still fighting?!

Nigel: Let's not talk about that, Mic! Did you see what he did?!

Present Mic: I DID see it! Bonifer, using whatever means he can to win, even if it means scrambling some eggs!

Bonifer then takes advantage of the opening he had created, and picks him up. He then lifted Omega up high, and slammed him down with a Gutwrench Powerbomb, but he wasn't done! He then rolled Omega over so that he was on his knees, and then he grabbed him and dropped him on his head with a Piledriver!

Mauro: And Bonifer! Piledriver on the stage!

Bonifer then covered Omega, and at 2.5, Omega kicked out!

Present Mic: And Omega out at 2?!

Nigel: How in the world did he find the strength to kick out of THAT?!

Bonifer then takes a moment to catch his breath as blood trickles down his face. He then grabbed Omega, looking for another Piledriver, but Omega countered into a back body drop!

Bonifer arches back in pain as he sat up, and then Omega, recovering from the low blow, runs with whatever energy he had left, and connects with a V-Trigger to the back of his head!


Bonifer then rolls off the stage before Omega could go for the cover. 

Mauro: And Bonifer retreats before omega can capitalize!

Nigel: That had to be out of instinct alone!

Present Mic: You're right, Nigel! There's just no way Bonifer could've kicked out of that nasty shot!

Beth: But is Bonifer still able to keep going after that?!

Omega gets up, and sees Bonifer lying motionless on the floor, when an idea pops into his head. Omega creates some distance, and then Omega gets on one knee, and the fans begin beating the barricade or clapping, the Terminator theme once again!

Present Mic: And here goes Omega, rockin’ the battle theme again! Is the second time the charm for a leap of faith?!

Bonifer slowly gets up, and Omega then sprints full speed, and with a Tope con Giro off the stage, he wipes out Bonifer!

Mauro: And Take 2 was the lucky one!  Omega wipes out Bonifer!

Omega covers Bonifer, but Bonifer AGAIN kicks out at 2.5!

Both men laid there, spent, and out of breath for a few minutes, and then Omega, got up first. He picks up Bonifer, and then they go through one of the exits again, this time, it led to the food stands that were outside. 

Mauro: And now Bonifer and Omega again, taking this outside the stadium!

Present Mic: This Falls Count Anywhere match is beyond chaotic! I hope they don't wreck those food stands, though.

Omega then delivered a couple more clubbing forearms across Bonifer's back, and then they made their way to the production trucks.

Bonifer then smashes Omega against the side of the trailer, and then grabs a pipe that was sitting on a nearby production box. Bonifer swings but misses, and then Omega kicks Bonifer's right leg out from under him! Omega then grabbed his wrists, and connected with a Kamigoye Knee Strike right on the cut under Bonifer's eye! 

Mauro: And Omega, right to the open wound!

He then falls on top of Bonifer for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: And Bonifer, despite the damage dealt to him, kicks out AGAIN!

Nigel: This man, if we can even call him that, his resilience, is INHUMAN!

Bonifer was now laying on the pavement, and then Omega climbed the 18-Wheeler. After a couple minutes, Bonifer got up and followed Omega, and then they fought atop of the trailer. 

Back and forth the two went, slugging it out on the trailer itself. Then Omega blocked a punch from Bonifer, and landed a jab of his own. 

Both men, still bleeding from their wounds, continued trading kicks and punches until Bonifer caught a kick from Omega. Omega then counters with an Enzuigiri! 

Bonifer staggers back, and then Omega puts him in position for a ripcord, and then Omega connects with a ripcord V-Trigger!

Mauro: Another V-Trigger!

Present Mic: He is spamming that move just to put the Death Dealer away!

Bonifer falls into a heap again, but Omega isn't done! He then picks him up and sets him up for the One Winged Angel!

Mauro: And now Omega, has Bonifer where he wants him!

Nigel: Lifting dead weight up on his shoulders!

Present Mic: One-Winged Angel Time…!

But before he could hit it, Bonifer dug his fingers into Omega's busted forehead!

Beth: Oh my god!

Mauro: Out of desperation, Bonifer sticks his fingers into the cut on Omega's forehead!

Omega was stunned, and from there, Bonifer set Kenny up for a Tombstone Piledriver, and dropped Omega!

Mauro: Tombstone, on the trailer!

He didn't cover him just yet, he then picked up Omega, and as blood dripped down Bonifer's face, he yelled at the top of his lungs before drilling Omega with Death's Hand!

Mauro: And there it is, Death's Hand!

Present Mic: Oh my god, I think Bonifer just clinched it!

Then, Bonifer, with what little energy he had left, placed his arm across Omega's unconscious body, and the referee counted to three, ending the match!


**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match… The Death Dealer, CHARLIE BONIFER!!!

Present Mic: Oh… my… GOOD… GOD! You talk about a big time comeback on the big stage, that was it, RIGHT THERE!

Mauro: He lost to Dipper Pines inside Hell in a Cell at Beach Blast, but here in Japan at Wrestlepalooza, Charlie Bonifer has just bested the Best Bout Machine!

Bonifer then gets up, and screams in victory as he holds his bloody head up high, and raises his fists in the air, standing tall on top of the trailer.

Mauro: What a feeling of redemption this must be for Bonifer, after that count-out loss many Episodes ago, and that Hell in a Cell loss, Bonifer has proven to not just himself, but to the whole world, that he could indeed, beat Kenny Omega!

Nigel: The promise has been fulfilled, and Bonifer looks fulfilled himself! But now, from one battle to another, it’s time for another grudge match! From Best Friends, to now bitter enemies, Chuck Taylor looks to avenge what happened at End Of The Line, and get even with his former partner and friend, Trent Baretta!

Beth: We heard from Trent, Zack, and Curt before this match started that Trent would prove once and for all that he is the better man! Will he prove good on his word and finally put this feud to rest once and for all?

Present Mic: Well let's not wait any longer to find out! Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta, The Rubber Match! It's on the way, next!


Up Next: Trent Beretta vs Chuck Taylor

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