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No, you're not seeing things, I am bringing back Loud Wrestling Federation, everybody!

Welcome to LWF: REBORN!


The opening pyro goes off inside the BC Place Stadium in Vancouver, fist stage and all.

The camera pans around, showing the hyped up crowd as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: It was in December of 2016, LWF was born, in 2 years we have been in ups and downs, and bow after a 1 year hiatus, LWF has been rebuilt, and is looking to take back its spot in Fanfiction Wrestling! Welcome to LWF: Reborn everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo alongside my NXT colleagues, Nigel McGuinness, and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Beth: It's a Pleasure to be here, guys, and since you guys have been in LWF, how was it before?

Nigel: Well I wasn't here since day one, but I WAS here in its later days, and from what I have seen, a lot of weird things, and some cool ones. Hopefully LWF: Reborn will remake those awesome moments, and make new ones too!



Mauro: And also, we are coming off LWF's first event back, Resurgence, and tonight we are kicking it off with the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Out comes Starlight Glimmer, and following her, the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, Spongebob Squarepants, and his friend, Dark Danny.

Nigel: And wherever she goes, Dark Danny and Spongebob are not far behind!

Beth: This allegiance is surely gonna be a force to be reckoned with, but what we don't know is why did Spongebob and Danny join forces with Starlight?

The trio enters the ring, and they all get mics

Mauro: I'm guessing we will find out now!

Starlight Glimmer stands there, and boos begin to rain down.

Starlight: If you did not see what happened at Resurgence, let me fill you in. Resurgence was the beginning of my crusade for an equal LWF! With me as the LWF: Reborn Champion, this is a good start to my quest to make this place, a place with no disarray, a place where we don't compete, a place where judgement is nonexistent! Because when I'm champ, EVERYONE is champ. Because that's how Equality works. And I never would have done it, without my fellow followers.

Spongebob and Dark Danny, as if on cue, step forward.

Starlight: Spongebob, Danny, I believe you two have some explaining to do, as to why you made the right choice, siding with me.

Spongebob and Danny waited for a moment for the crowd to die down, but after a few seconds, they decided to speak.

Spongebob: It's simple. Because for too long, we too, have also been victims of inequality!

Dark Danny: Yeah, The Nick Club held us both down, and used us to build a pyramid for Loud to sit on top of. But now? Now we have seen the light.

Spongebob: And let me just throw this out there, THIS ISN'T A BRANCH OF NICK CLUB! Nick Club in LWF is DEAD! It always was dead BECAUSE of the inequality at the time! The biased treatment of those Filipino nobodies, and even these Loonatic freaks & overhyped anime bitches that seemingly popped from nowhere! They were HANDED everything and worked for NOTHING!

Dark Danny: With myself, Spongebob and Starlight leading the way, we will equalize LWF, and there is not a soul on this or any roster who can stop us! But, anyone is welcome to join us. To see things OUR way. Together, we will purge the injustice of inequality from virtual wrestling. We will make this place a place where ALL are given equal opportunities to EARN their place and aren't handed them over the bias of the ones running the machine.

Spongebob: It doesn't matter if you're a Loonatic, a Pony, an original character, a member of that ragtag faction of Team RWBY, a wrestler from WWE or even PWR. Everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE is gonna fall in line with us! Because if they don't, they will be wiped out!

Starlight: You tell them, Spongebob. Now, onto my second of order of business-


Out comes Ricochet, mic in hand.

Mauro: Oh, looks like business is about to pick up! Here comes the man Starlight beat at Resurgence!

Nigel: And I'm sure he hasn't forgotten how he lost!

Ricochet's theme fades, then he speaks.

Ricochet: You know, with all this talk about inequality in LWF, and how you wanna make this place, a place with no Judgement, no competition, everyone is the same, well nobody, *Points to Danny and Spongebob* well with the exception of those two, are not buying it one single bit. You're a hypocrite, Starlight! You said one thing, but what you did at Resurgence, was another!

Dark Danny: What we did is for the greater good of this company, and the virtual wrestling world! There is a Method to our Madness that you, and many of these parasites here, are too dim to understand!

Spongebob: Listen Ricochet, for people to become equal, they must face their issues, and overcome them! Those with flaws and advantages have no place in this society! All they do, is hinder the rest of the pack by getting ahead or lagging behind, and if need be, they get cut down.

Starlight: Exactly. Now if you still have a problem with that, we're just gonna have to do the same thing we did to you at Resurgence.

Ricochet: Oh is that so? Well then-

He drops the mic, and makes his way to the ring.

But then...


I come out before he could get any further.

Me: Okay hold up! Ricochet don't take a step further!

Ricochet stops, and looks back at me.

Me: It seems to me that you still have a bone to pick with Starlight. Don't worry you'll get your title rematch. That is if you beat her in the main event tonight in a non-title match.

Starlight smirks, so does Ricochet.

Me: And don't think for one second that you got this in bag because of your insurance policy. Because Danny and Spongebob are gonna be banned from ringside.

Danny and Spongebob are livid about that.

Me: As a matter of fact, one of you guys has a match right now. *Points to Dark Danny* Dark Danny, don't you go anywhere. You're match is right now, and it's against someone who wants to get even with you.



Out comes Damian Priest, and he was walking to the ring with purpose.

Mauro: Oh it's somebody who wants to get even, alright! The Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest, with nothing but revenge in his mind right now!

Nigel: He clearly has not forgotten what Danny did at Resurgence, and Priest looks to bring it back to Dark Danny!

Priest takes off his vest, and Spongebob slides out.

Priest then slides into the ring, and then Danny and Priest began throwing blows, and the bell rings!

(OPENING MATCH: Dark Danny vs. Damian Priest)

Mauro: And the fight is on! Damian Priest laying it to Dark Danny!

Damian then shoves him away to create distance, and then he delivers a Shoot Kick to the chest!

Danny clutches his chest, but as soon as Priest went to deliver another kick, Danny caught it, and clocks Priest with a big Elbow Smash!

Beth: Oooooo!

Mauro: What a blow by Dark Danny! Just leveling Damian Priest!

Danny Scoops him up, and plants him with a simple Body Slam. Spongebob clapping as he did so.

He then goes for the cover, Priest kicks out at 2.

Danny gets up, and delivers quick knee drops.

He then sits him up, and delivers a boot to the face.

Mauro: Dark Danny letting his mean streak loose here in this matchup!

Nigel: Nothing pretty about those attacks, but they hurt!

Danny picks Priest up again, and then hits a clubbing forearm to his back!

Danny picks him up, and delivers another one!

Mauro: Dark Danny in control right now...

Damian Priest now slowly gets up, Danny hits the ropes, and then Priest out of nowhere hits a Spinning Roundhouse Kick onto Danny!

Mauro: OH! Maybe I spoke too soon!

Dark Danny rolls out of the ring, and the referee checks on him.

Priest is thinking of flying, but as he hit the ropes, Spongebob grabbed his ankle, tripping Priest!

Mauro: And now Spongebob gets involved!

Nigel: He knew if Priest took to the skies it would mean bad news!

Priest slides out of the ring, with his eyes on Spongebob, who then tries to run away.

Mauro: And Damian Priest! Wattpad Champion in his crosshairs now!

Beth: Damian Priest is gonna make him regret that!

Spongebob runs around the ring, Priest gives chase, but Danny intercepted with a Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh! Dark Danny with a clothesline!

Danny then throws him back in, and then hits his signature Pumphandle Shell Shock!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: Danny did this to Priest in Resurgence, and now he does it to Priest again!

Danny goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And history repeats itself!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DARK DANNY!!!

Mauro: Twice now, Danny has laid out Priest with that very move!

Nigel: If that can keep a man like Damian Priest down, then I'm gonna feel bad for many others who will fall victim to Danny or anyone who crosses paths with him, Spongebob, and Starlight Glimmer.

The ref goes to raise his hand, but Spongebob pushes the ref away, and he raises Danny's hand.

Beth: And now Spongebob, our LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, raising the hand of tonight's winner, and still to come, Ricochet takes on Starlight Glimmer, if he wins, he gets his rematch for the title

Mauro: Can he pull it off? We'll see later tonight. But up next, a competitor who has shown just how vicious he can be, the biker known as Dennis, takes on a man who is willing to go through anything and everything, Darby Allin!

Nigel: One if these guys are gonna give, it's just a matter of when!


Charly Caruso is standing by in the interviewing area.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, The Dazzlings.

The trio of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk then walk in.

Charly: Ladies, Resurgence may not have been your night, but can you explain your actions in this Exclusive?

The exclusive in question was played on the TV Screen beside them.

It was Alex Shelley's interview.

Alex: Of course not. You see, as long as there's a chance to climb to the top, Kushida and I, we'll keep climbing until we reach the top. We may not have gotten to the top today, but improving from here will get us back to the-

Suddenly, Sonata Dusk with a scream of rage blasted Alex from behind!

Shortly after Aria and Adagio joined in, and assaulted Kushida!

The Dazzlings continue to beat down the Time Splitters. Then Sonata hits her G.B.2.S Cutter on Shelley, Aria plants Kushida with a Pumphandle Driver, then she sits up Kushida, and Adagio lands a Last Shot!

The Dazzlings then walk away, leaving the Time Spitters to waste.


The Dazzlings smile at their dirty work.

Adagio: Oh, that little incident. Well things didn't go our way that night, so we did what we had to do. Take out the source of our frustrations, in Resurgence, all Aria and Sonata was take care of their frustration. But we're not done yet. We're going one step further. You see, attacking them from behind was step one. Step two, is attacking the heart. Come, let us show you what we mean.

The Dazzlings then lead the cameraman to a dark, and secluded spot backstage, to display a knocked out Chris Sabin!

Mauro: Oh my God!

Beth: That's Chris Sabin!

Nigel: Someone Alex Shelley knows very well!

The Dazzlings began to laugh.

Adagio: You know, it was very fitting that it was him who eliminated me. This just makes it even sweeter.

Aria: Maybe then those guys will learn not to screw with us again!

Sonata: Agreed!

The Dazzlings then walk off.

Mauro: The Dazzlings have struck again, and Chris Sabin, a long time friend of Alex Shelley, is their latest victim!

Nigel: This is clearly far from over between Kushida, Shelley, and The Dazzlings.

(MATCH 2: Dennis vs. Darby Allin)


Out comes Darby Allin, and he kneels down on the top of the ramp holding his Skateboard in front of him, before skating down to the ring.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 173 pounds, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Mauro: There's a reason the word "Relentless" is tattooed on the back of his neck. It's because that's the word you describe Darby Allin.

Nigel: 50 percent dead because of the tragic car accident that took place in his childhood, he does not care who the opponent is, he is going to do as much damage to them as humanly possible.

Darby dismounted off his board, enters the ring, and does his signature pose on the turnbuckle.

Then he hops off, and does the same thing in another corner.



Out comes Dennis in his Motorcycle.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, DENNIS!!!

Mauro: In Resurgence, we saw just how physical Dennis can get, and we also saw how he picked off Darby Allin.

Nigel: Darby fell to the hands of Dennis, and he doesn't intend on falling again.

Dennis makes a full lap around the ringside area on his Motorcycle.

Then he dismounted, and enters the ring.

He takes off his shades and bandana before taking off his hat, then the bell rings.

Darby straight away throws some forearms, and then Dennis steps to the side, and throws Darby to the mat.

Darby immediately gets up, but Dennis grabs him, and and hits a Uranage Slam!

Darby sits up, and then Dennis lands a boot to the face!

Mauro: And now the mean streak on display!

Dennis goes for the cover but Darby kicks out at 2.

Dennis then gets a lying Headlock applied on Darby Allin.

Darby is now reaching for the ropes, and Dennis lands some punches.

Darby Allin is now stunned, and that lead to Dennis locking in the Headlock more.

Nigel: Dennis weakening Darby Allin now.

The crowd begins to cheer Darby Allin on, and Allin is beginning to slowly rise.

Mauro: Allin now, trying to stay in this match!

Allin is back on his feet, and elbows Dennis in the gut.

Allin is now free, but then Dennis delivered a Spinning Backfist to the back of his head!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: Dennis with the mother of Backhands!

He then picks Allin up, goes for a Saito Suplex, but Allin lands on his feet, rolls him up, Dennis kicks out at 2, but off the kick out, Darby sprung off the ropes, and hits a Crossbody, and into a Lateral Press!

Nigel: Oh, wow!

Mauro: Crossbody off the bottom rope!

Dennis still kicks out at 2!

Allin and Dennis get up, Dennis goes for a Right Jab, but Allin caught it, and connects with a left Forearm.

Darby hits the ropes, Dennis side steps, but Allin held on, and Allin takes him down with an Arm Drag!

Mauro: Arm Drag takes down Dennis!

Dennis gets up, goes for a clothesline, but Darby ducks, hits the ropes, and Dennis shuts him down with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: OH! Darby Allin just got blasted!

Dennis goes for the cover, but Darby Allin kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Allin stays alive!

Darby Allin is now dazed, and Dennis then sets him up for a Powerbomb.

Darby throws a couple punches to try and escape. Darby does escape, and lands on his feet.

Darby Allin then lands a couple of Forearms, Dennis answers back with one big Forearm Smash!

That made Darby stagger backwards, but he bounced off the ropes, and delivered a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Dropkick by Darby Allin off the Forearm by Dennis!

The dropkick sends Dennis rolling to the outside.

Darby starts to regain some awareness, and then he hits the ropes, and then flip dives through the ropes to wipe Dennis out!

Mauro: Cannonball through the ropes! Dennis is reeling!

Nigel: Darby Allin fighting with everything he has!

He then climbs onto the apron, and measures Dennis up.

Beth: Now Darby Allin looking to hurt Dennis some more! What does he have in mind!?

Darby then turns around, goes for a Springboard Coffin Drop, but Dennis caught him, and slams him onto his head with a Saito Suplex on the ramp!

Mauro: OH, NO!

Nigel: Darby Allin got nothing but the steel ramp!

Dennis then throws Allin back in, and sets him up for a Powerbomb again.

Dennis now has Darby up, and Dennis Powerbombs Darby into a corner!

Darby takes a few steps forward before Dennis landed a running Big Boot!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: What a Boot!

It didn't take for Dennis to sent Allin up for the Hellavator, and with Allin held up high, Dennis connects the Hellavator, planting Allin hard on the mat!

Mauro: And a Hellavator to follow up!

Dennis covers him, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Dennis stands tall!

**Bell Rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Mauro: Dennis eliminated Darby in the 5 way match at Resurgence, and he now has a win over Darby Allin here tonight.

The referee raises Dennis's hand, but shortly after, Dennis began to stomp away on Allin!

Mauro: Oh, what!?

Nigel: Come on!

Beth: What's all this for!?

Dennis then lands some punches before going to the outside, and looking under the ring.

He then pulls out a chain, and multiple referees came out, and tell him to leave.

Mauro: Oh, and Dennis has found a chain, and referees coming out and making sure he doesn't get to use it!

All Dennis does is advance towards them, and they backed up.

Mauro: And there you see, the referees trying to get Dennis to leave, but they don't wanna be victims in his wrath!

He then enters the ring, and proceeded to Choke Darby out with his newly found chain!

Mauro: And now Dennis strangling Darby Allin!

Beth: He's gonna break his windpipe!

Referees now storm the ring, and try to pull Dennis away from Allin.

Dennis eventually backs off, and he exits on his Motorcycle.

Mauro: Just when you thought Dennis couldn't be any more dangerous, he just showed just how nasty he could be!

Beth: If that was the message he was sending, he definitely made it clear.

Nigel: Yeah, at Darby Allin's expense.


Ricochet is warming up for his match in the backstage area.

Mauro: And there is the man who came so close to winning the title at Resurgence, Ricochet. All Ricochet has to do tonight is to beat the champion in a non title match, and he will get one more chance at the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Nigel: And with Danny and Spongebob banned from ringside, all he has to worry about, is the champ herself, Starlight Glimmer!

Ricochet continues his warm up routine.
In another area backstage, Starlight Glimmer was doing her warm up routine.

Mauro: And speaking of Starlight Glimmer, there's the champion herself!

Nigel: And she needs to rethink her game plan now that Spongebob and Dark Danny will not be at ringside. She needs to do this all on her own.

(MATCH 3: Aria and Sonata vs. Team Wheels Extreme)


Out comes The Dazzlings.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Tag Team Contest is set for one fall, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Adagio Dazzle, representing The Dazzlings, Aria Blaze, and SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: Resurgence didn't go the way The Dazzlings wanted it to for them, and their frustrations showed when they attacked Alex Shelley and Kushida in a Resurgence Exclusive, and then earlier tonight when they attacked Chris Sabin.

Beth: And they intend to send a message to the Tag Team division, by beating their opponents tonight.

The Dazzlings enter the ring, and Adagio grabs a mic.

Nigel: And it looks like Adagio has more to say!

The crowd boos The Dazzlings.

Adagio: What we did to Alex Shelley, Kushida, and Chris Sabin, was just a warning. What happened in Resurgence, was a complete disaster, and those three men we attacked, were the reasons we lost!

The crowd began to chant "Shut the f*ck up!".

Adagio: How about you all shut the f*ck up when I'm talking!

The crowd continues to boo.

Adagio: Now with that out of the way, this is to the Tag Team division. I hope you all saw what we did, because the worst is yet to come. Don't believe me? Watch what my sisters, Aria and Sonata will do right now.

Then she exits the ring.

Mauro: And message is definitely sent to the entire Tag Team Division!

Nigel: And not only that, they said that the worst is yet to come, what more can they do?



Out comes Jenny and Mauricia, A.K.A, Team Wheels Extreme.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Jenny and Mauricia, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

Mauro: Even though they came up short, Team Wheels Extreme showed just what they were capable of.

Nigel: A very unorthodox style these two can bring, you just don't know what they will have up their sleeve.

Team Wheels Extreme enter the ring, and they climb up the turnbuckle and they throw their hands up to fire up the crowd.

Beth: And it looks like their loss hasn't affected them one bit.

After a few minutes, Aria and Jenny start it off, and the bell rings.

Aria and Jenny lock up in the middle of the ring, Jenny then gets Aria in a wrist lock.

Aria reverses into a wrist lock of her own, but she immediately lets go, and smacks Jenny in the face.

Aria takes a step back, and smirks as Jenny holds her face, and looks at her with a smile saying "Ok, I know what game you're playing now.".

Mauro: Aria Blaze showing no respect to Jenny with that slap.

Beth: I don't think she respects anyone.

Nigel: And look at Jenny, not fazed at all.

Jenny and Aria then lock up again, and Jenny gets her in a Side Headlock, then immediately takes Aria down to the ground.

Jenny has the grounded Headlock on tight, but Aria rolls over into a Crucifix Pin, but Jenny kicks out at 2.

They both get up, and they stare each other down.

They then tag in their respective partners, and now Sonata and Mauricia are in the ring.

Sonata goes for a lock up on Mauricia, but Mauricia quickly took her down, locked on a crossface, but Sonata was fast enough to get her foot on the bottom rope before Mauricia could apply pressure.

The referee counts to 5, and Mauricia broke the hold at 3.

Mauro: Sonata getting to the ropes before any damage can be inflicted!

Sonata gets up, Mauricia charges towards her, and Sonata low bridges her, sending Mauricia flying out of the ring!

Nigel: There she goes!

Mauro: Sonata sending Mauricia to the outside!

Sonata then hits the ropes, goes for a Suicide Dive, but then she got clocked coming through the ropes by a right hand punch by Mauricia!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: Wow what a right!

Sonata slumped down and onto the floor, and Mauricia rolled her back into the ring.

She then goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Sonata sits up, but gets picked up to her feet by Mauricia, who then throws her to the ground with a Body Slam.

Then Mauricia tags in Jenny, and Jenny delivers a lightning quick Elbow Drop.

She then measures Sonata, and goes for a Calf Kick once Sonata was on her feet.

But before Jenny leapt off her feet, Sonata caught her with a Calf Kick of her own!

Mauro: And- OH! Sonata catching Jenny by surprise!

Sonata stumbles towards Aria, and Aria tags herself in.

Mauro: Tag is made, here comes Aria Blaze!

Aria sees Jenny is on both her knees, and Aria plants her with a DDT!

Mauro: And Blaze planting Jenny!

Aria Blaze then goes for the cover, but Jenny kicks out at 2.

Jenny then starts to crawl to the ropes to try and pull herself up, but Blaze stops her with a stomp to the back.

Aria then delivered another stomp to the back before picking her up, and then planted Jenny with an STO Backbreaker, followed by a Neckbreaker!

Nigel: A little Double Whammy to Jenny!

Aria goes for the cover, Jenny still manages to kick out at 2.

Aria Blaze then puts Jenny on her shoulders, but before she could do anything, Jenny elbows her way out.

Mauro: Jenny now, averting certain disaster for the time being...

Aria shakes off the effects of the elbows, turns around, and Jenny blasted Aria with an Uppercut!

Mauro: And OH WOW! Blasting Aria Blaze with an uppercut out of desperation!

Jenny goes for the cover, but Aria kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Blaze kicks out!

Nigel: Not enough for 3, but just enough to keep her at bay!

Jenny is now starting to crawl to Mauricia.

Mauro: Jenny now, looking to tag her partner in...

Nigel: Mauricia is just BEGGING to get the tag!

Jenny was getting closer, but just as she was a fingertip away, Sonata pulled Mauricia down, and threw her onto the steel steps!

Mauro: OH! Sonata Dusk not letting it happen!

Beth: Face first onto the steps she went!

Because Sonata's back was turned, she didn't see Jenny hit the ropes.

When she turned back around, Jenny wiped her out with a Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: Tope Con Hilo by Jenny!

Nigel: Sonata never saw it coming!

Jenny got up, but so did Aria, and Aria hits a Suicide Dive on Jenny!

Mauro: OH! But Jenny didn't see THAT coming!

Aria then throws Jenny back into the ring, and then climbs onto the apron.

Once Jenny was on her feet, Aria plants her with a Slingshot DDT!

Mauro: Slingshot DDT!

Adagio was now clapping, and Aria began running her mouth at the fans who were booing her.

Nigel: Aria now trash talking the LWF fans here!

Beth: I don't think that's such a good idea. Aria should have had Jenny beat there.

The referee checks on Jenny, and Adagio pulls out a spiky fingerless glove.

Mauro: Oh, no...

Nigel: That is one spiky glove!

She looks to hand the glove to Aria, but then Alex Shelley jumped the barricade, and blasted Adagio before she could do so!

Mauro: Oh! From the crowd!

Nigel: It's Alex Shelley!

Beth: Shelley not letting Dazzle get involved!

In the midst of all this, Mauricia had recovered, and Jenny tagged her in, and Aria never saw it!

Mauro: Tag is made, Aria Blaze is in for a big surprise!

When Aria turned around, she got hit with the Flying Clothesline/Spear Combo!

Nigel: There it is!

Mauricia goes for the cover, and Team Wheels Extreme get the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And there's the 3!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

Mauro: And team Wheels Extreme pick up their first Victory in LWF!

Nigel: So much for The Dazzlings' message to the Tag Team division!

Adagio sat up, clutching her head, and is absolutely livid about the loss as Alex Shelley walks up the ramp.


It started with a Resurgence...

... and it doesn't stop there...

The rebirth of LWF continues...

... Enclosed.

(Start at 0:34)


🎶We are dirt! We are alone! You know we're far from sober! We are fake! We are afraid! You know it's far from over! We are dirt! We are alone! You know we're far from sober! Look closer, are you like me? Are you ugly?🎶



Mauro: You heard it here first, folks! Elimination Enclosure is gonna be our version of WWE's Royal Rumble, but with a twist.

Nigel: Instead of over the top rope rules, it's played in gauntlet match rules, where you eliminate by pinfall or submission, then a new entrant comes out, and this also takes place in a 20 foot tall Hell in a Cell structure.

Beth: I can't wait for that event to come! That's gonna be a show for sure.



Mauro: Speaking of things coming soon, he was last seen making a name for himself in the 5 way match in Resurgence, Ilja Dragunov will be in action next episode of LWF: Reborn!

Nigel: Mr. Unbeseigbar himself, this man will be a force to be reckoned with for sure.


(MATCH 4: Kacy Catanzaro vs. Trixie Lulamoon)


Out comes Trixie Lulamoon 10 seconds into the song.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall, introducing first, she is The Great and Powerful... TRIXIE LULAMOON!!!

Mauro: Now how this match came about was after Resurgence when Kacy Catanzaro was giving Ricochet her congratulations on his effort, when suddenly Trixie gave them a piece of her mind!

Nigel: What happened next, well Kacy gave her one heck of a smack, and thus leads us to here.

Trixie enters the ring, and she awaits for Kacy in a corner.



And out come Kacy Catanzaro.

Jeremy Borash: Her opponent, from Belleville, New Jersey, KACY CATANZARO!!!

Mauro: The always impressive, Kacy Catanzaro, making her LWF debut.

Beth: A former American Ninja Warrior competitor, who has also been impressive in NXT, looks to wow the crowd here tonight, but also get a piece of Trixie's dignity too!

Kacy climbs up the post, and then enters the ring.

The bell rings, and Kacy and Trixie lock up in the middle of the ring.

Kacy gets shoved into a corner, Trixie goes for a corner Forearm Smash, but Kacy evaded.

Kacy then connects with a running Dropkick!

Mauro: Catanzaro with a Dropkick in the early going!

Kacy then hops onto the apron, and with Trixie staggering, she then did a handstand on the top rope, spun around, and did a Headscissors Takedown!


Beth: And there's that athleticism!

Kacy quickly goes for the cover, but Trixie kicks out easily at 1.

They both get up, Kacy fires away with some forearms, then she hits the ropes, but Trixie clocked her with a Back Elbow!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Back Elbow to the the face leveling Catanzaro!

Trixie goes for the cover, Catanzaro kicks out at 2.

Trixie gets up, and she kicks her on the side before stepping back a bit.

Kacy slowly rises, and gets up to her knees, and that is when Trixie struck with a low Dropkick!

Mauro: And Trixie striking without hesitation!

Nigel: Waited for the right moment, and struck when she saw the opening!

Trixie goes for the cover again, but Kacy still kicks out at 2.

Kacy now back down, Trixie locks on a Cravate.

Beth: Kacy in trouble now...

Mauro: Indeed she is, Trixie making sure Catanzaro doesn't get an opening.

Kacy struggles to her feet, and attempts to elbow her way out.

Mauro: Kacy now, fighting her way free!

Trixie attempts to turn it around into a Neckbreaker, but Kacy countered into a Backslide pin!

Nigel: Oh wait a second!

Mauro: Backslide pin!

Trixie gets out at 2, Kacy gets up first, and quickly hits the ropes.

Mauro: No! Kick out at 2!

Trixie gets up as well, and Kacy plants her with a Satellite DDT!

Mauro: OH! DDT!

Nigel: She spiked her!

Kacy gets back up, and follows up with a Standing Corkscrew Splash!


Beth: And a big splash to top it off!

Kacy hooks the leg, but Trixie kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Still not enough to keep The Great and Powerful one down!

Nigel: But Kacy is beginning to climb back into this match!

Trixie begins to come to, and Kacy Catanzaro looks to continue her momentum.

She starts with a couple of forearms to the face of Trixie, bringing Trixie back down to all fours.

Trixie now momentarily stunned, Kacy hits a Somersault Axe Kick.


Mauro: Oh! Axe kick to the back!

Trixie arches her back in pain, while inadvertently rolling into perfect position in a corner.

Kacy doesn't hesitate. She climbed up to the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: Catanzaro now! Looking to pit Trixie away!

Beth: What does she have in mind!?

Kacy then goes for the same Corkscrew Splash she did a moment ago...

But Trixie rolled out of the way, and Kacy got nothing but the mat!

Mauro: OH!

Nigel: Nobody was there!

Trixie then picked her up, sets her up for the Killswitch, and connects!

Mauro: There's the Killswitch!

Trixie rolled her over, goes for the cover, but Kacy kicks out at the very last moment!

Mauro: NO, WHAT!?

Beth: Kacy is still in this!

Nigel: How!?

Trixie sat up, and was absolutely beside herself!

Nigel: Trixie is now in total shock, and rightfully so!

Mauro: That may have been Trixie's best, and only chance at getting the win!

Trixie was now pleading to the referee that it should have been 3, and unbeknownst to her, Kacy had rolled out onto the apron, and got up.

After a few seconds of argument, Trixe focused her attention back to Kacy, who hits her with a shoulder Barge to the midsection.

Trixie staggers back, and then Kacy hits a Springboard Dropkick!


Kacy then follows up with a high kick, and Trixie is down again!

Mauro: And a kick knocks Trixie down!

Trixie is once again in perfect position, and Kacy goes for the same big Corkscrew Splash one more time!

Mauro: And Kacy looking for it again!

Nigel: Take 2!

She goes for it, and this time she connects!

Mauro: And second time's the charm!

Kacy hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And it's over!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, KACY CATANZARO!!!

Mauro: And it's a successful debut for Kacy Catanzaro!

Beth: But it wasn't easy! Trixie brought her A-Game tonight, and it was too much for "The Great and Powerful" Trixie to handle!

Nigel: Trixie clearly underestimated her, I'm sure she won't make that same mistake again when these two cross paths once more in the future.

The referee raises Kacy's hand in victory, and then Trixie gets up.

Trixie spins her around, but doesn't do anything.

Mauro: Oh...

Nigel: Trixie understandably bitter about the result...

After a few seconds, Trixie holds her hand out, and Kacy shakes it.

Mauro: And there's some good sportsmanship.

Nigel: It's always nice to see things like this after a good match.

Then Trixie leaves, and Kacy celebrates in the middle of the ring.

Suddenly a video plays.

The video showed a dark and old room, with a TV that is on.

The TV was playing old LWF clips, and someone on a steel chair was watching.

Suddenly the man gets off his chair, and knocks the TV down.

He then turns around and...


Then the caption read...




Starlight Glimmer was standing with Charly Caruso.

Charly: Starlight, in just a few moments, you will be facing Ricochet in a non-title match, and if he wins, he has another shot at your LWF: Reborn Championship.

Starlight: And I'm supposed to be afraid? Charly, Ricochet is nothing more than a catalyst for disaster. His over-the-top abilities are what's gonna be the cause of a disarrayed warzone that LWF once became, and many others will follow him! I'm gonna make sure that tonight, will be the last time, he steps foot in here, and bring inequality back into LWF.


Her theme played, and Starlight makes her entrance.

(MAIN EVENT: Starlight Glimmer vs. Ricochet (NON-TITLE MATCH))

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this is your main event, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, she is the LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: Main event time, folks, and Starlight of course going in this alone after our LWF Founder, Chard Caranto banned Spongebob and Dark Danny from ringside!

Nigel: And if Ricochet beats her tonight, he gets another shot at Starlight's title!

Starlight enters the ring, and then holds the belt high above her head.

Then the lights go out.


After the "One and only!" Sounded, a colorful spotlight shone down on the center of the main entrance stage.

And there stood Ricochet.

Then the lights come on, and he makes his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Paducah, Kentucky, weighing in at 195 pounds... RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: For Starlight, it's starting a movement by making an example out of him, for this man, it's another climb up the mountain, and Starlight is sitting on the throne up at the top.

Beth: He came so close at Resurgence only to have the title slip away from him because of the involvement of Spongebob and Dark Danny!

Nigel: And he needs to treat this like it's his last chance. Because you'll never know if you're gonna get another shot again!

Ricochet slides into the ring, and then he and Starlight got into each other's faces.

Mauro: And it looks like things are getting heated, and the match hasn't started!

The referee breaks them apart, and Ricochet and Starlight head to their corners.

They get into their corners, and then the ref calls for the bell.

Once the bell rings, Starlight and Ricochet start to go at it.

The lock up only lasted for a couple seconds, then Ricochet went around, and grabbed Starlight from behind via a Rear Waistlock.

Starlight grabs one of his hands, breaks free, and gets him in a standard Wrist Lock.

Ricochet rolls forward to reverse the hold, and successfully gets Starlight in a Wrist Lock of his own.

Starlight twirls around under the arm, and takes Ricochet down.

Mauro: Starlight showing aggression early in the match!

Starlight then measures Ricochet up, and once he was on his knees, Starlight clocks him with a running Knee Lift!

Mauro: Oh! What a knee!

Starlight goes for the cover, Ricochet kicks out at 2.

Starlight picks up Ricochet, but then Ricochet takes her off her feet with a Double Leg Takedown, goes into a Jackknife cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Almost had her there!

They both get up again, then Starlight lands a Back Elbow to stun Ricochet!

She then throws Ricochet to the ropes with an Irish Whip, Ricochet rebounds, and then knocks Starlight down with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: Ricochet bringing her down with a Shoulder Block!

He then hits the ropes again, Starlight does a drop down, Ricochet hops over, Starlight gets up, side steps him, Ricochet hits the ropes again, then Starlight lands a Dropkick!

Beth: Oh!

Nigel: Landed all of that Dropkick!

Ricochet sat up stunned, and then Starlight connects with a boot to the face.

She then picks up Ricochet, and slams him to the mat with a Single Underhook Suplex before floating over into the cover, but Ricochet still kicks out at 2.

Off the kick out, Starlight used his momentum to roll him over so that he's now face down, and then locked on a Camel Clutch.

Mauro: And Starlight now, Camel Clutch applied, keeping Ricochet at bay.

Nigel: This is definitely a smart move, she knows just how dangerous he could be if he ever picked up speed. She felt it firsthand at Resurgence, and she's now doing what she can to make sure it won't happen again.

Ricochet then began to slowly rise up as the crowd began to cheer him on.

He was now back on his feet, with Starlight on his back, but then Starlight hopped off, and then spun him around, and smacked him in the face with an open handed strike.

Ricochet staggers backwards, and Starlight then drops him with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: Back Suplex! Starlight starting to pick up some more steam!

She then sits him up, and connects with a Sliding Lariat!

Nigel: OH! HO-HO!

Mauro: And now a low Lariat to top it off!

She then goes for the cover, but Ricochet still kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ricochet is still in this!

Starlight picks up Ricochet, and then gets him in a Front Facelock, and delivered some knees and punches to his ribs.

This brings him down to one knee, Starlight hits the ropes, but then out of desperation, so did Ricochet, and he caught her with an Ace Crusher!

Mauro: WHOA!

Beth: Ricochet with a cutter to Starlight!

Starlight rolls out of the ring, and tries to regroup.

But then Ricochet came charging in with a full head of steam, and flipped over the corner, knocking Starlight down!

Mauro: And Ricochet flies!

Ricochet then throws Starlight back into the ring.

Starlight gets up, dazed and confused, Ricochet gets onto the apron, sized Starlight up, and then he knocks her down with a Springboard Clothesline!

Mauro: And now Ricochet gaining steam!

Ricochet begins to feed off of the crowd. When Starlight got up, he knocked her down with a Running Forearm!

Starlight gets up again, and he hits her with another Running Forearm!

Beth: This is what Starlight was trying to avoid!

Nigel: Yeah the second he gets going, it'll be hard to stop him!

He then goes for a right hook punch, but Starlight blocks it, and then stuns Ricochet with a Pump Kick!

Mauro: Oh! Well there's that! A pump kick to the jaw!

Starlight backs up a bit, takes a running start, but then Ricochet lifted her off the ground, and planted her with a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Mauro: Oh but that didn't keep him down for long! Blue Thunder Bomb by Ricochet!

Ricochet landed into the cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Starlight Glimmer survives it!

Ricochet gets up, and looks to hit the Recoil.

Beth: Uh oh!

Nigel: Ricochet might be closing in here!

Mauro: Once it hits, Starlight will be down and out!

Starlight was now back up, Ricochet then went for the Recoil, but Starlight caught him, and dropped him with a Sit-out Powerbomb!


Starlight then immediately picked him up, and then planted him with a Double Underhook DDT!

Mauro: DDT!!!

Starlight goes for the cover, but then Ricochet kicked out at 2!

Nigel: Ricochet is still alive!

Starlight is now smacking the ground in frustration.

Beth: And now frustration beginning to sink in, Starlight had better not let it get to her...

She gets up, picks up Ricochet, who then shoves her off.

She advances towards him, but gets a Hook Kick to the face by Ricochet!

Nigel: OOOOOHHH!!!

Mauro: What a kick by Ricochet!

He then hits a Northern Lights Suplex, then he rolls through, deadlifts her, and followed up with a Brainbuster!

He then gets up, and sees that Starlight is now in the drop zone.

The crowd cheers as Ricochet climbs up to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: It looks like Ricochet is feeling it!

Ricochet is now perched up top, and then he connects with the 630 Senton!

Mauro: 630!!!!

Ricochet hooks the leg, then the crowd counted along, and Ricochet got the 1-2-3!

**Bell Rings**

(Start at 0:05)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: Ricochet now has another chance at the LWF: Reborn Championship against the person he lost to!

Nigel: A shot at redemption for Resurgence, and it looks to me-

Nigel is cut off by Spongebob and Dark Danny rushing to the ring, and beating down Ricochet!

Mauro: Oh and now Spongebob and Dark Danny! Like a pack of wolves!

Starlight gets up, and starts barking out orders at them.

Then Kacy Catanzaro came running out and fought off Spongebob and Dark Danny!

Beth: Hey, look!

Nigel: Here comes Kacy!

Catanzaro starts teeing off on Spongebob, Ricochet gets back up, and he starts fighting off Dark Danny.

Mauro: And Ricochet is back up!

He then clotheslines Danny over the top rope, and Kacy plants Spongebob with a Satellite DDT!

Kacy gets up, but then Trixie Lulamoon slid in.

Mauro: Oh, wait! It's Trixie!

Nigel: What on earth is she doing here???

Trixie then grabbed her from behind, and drilled her with the Killswitch!

Mauro: OH!!!

Nigel: Killswitch!

Then from behind, Starlight clocked Ricochet with the LWF: Reborn title belt!

Mauro: And Starlight from behind.

Trixie continues to pummel away on Trixie, and Starlight, Danny, and Spongebob did the same to Ricochet.



Once the song hit, out came Will Ospreay!

Mauro: HEY!

Nigel: Here comes Will Ospreay!

Ospreay hopped onto the apron, and took out Dark Danny with a Springboard Forearm Smash!

Beth: Looks like Ricochet just got an unexpected ally!

Spongebob then charged at him, and Ospreay countered with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: And there goes Spongebob and Dark Danny!

Ospreay was now standing tall, and the crowd cheered.

But then a big man with long hair jumped the barricade, and blasted Ospreay from behind!

Mauro: Oh!

Nigel: Who on earth!?

The man then moved his hair away from his face.

It was Kassius Ohno!

Mauro: OH MY GOD!!!


Beth: Where did he come from!?

Mauro: He came through the crowd, and jumped the barricade!

Ohno then stomped away on Ospreay before tossing him out of the ring.

Trixie then picked Kacy up, and threw her out of the ring as well.

Starlight gets off of Ricochet, and Ricochet was slowly getting up.

Once he did, Ohno delivered a Rolling Elbow, and Ricochet was now out in his feet.

Then Spongebob landed a Torpedo Kick, Trixie picks him up, and delivered a Killswitch!

Dark Danny then picked him up, and planted him with his Pumphandle Shell Shock!

Nigel: They are just manhandling Ricochet right now!

Beth: Ricochet is completely helpless! He can't defend himself!

Starlight then ordered Danny and Ohno to pick him up.

Starlight then sets Ricochet up for a Double Underhook DDT, and connects!

Mauro: And a DDT to put the nail in the coffin!

Starlight gets up, and then Trixie, Ohno, Dark Danny, and Spongebob stood behind Starlight as she held her belt up high with her theme playing in the background.


Mauro: What a turn of events that was in the conclusion of the first episode of LWF: Reborn!

Nigel: Yeah, Starlight Glimmer just gained 2 new followers for her cause!

Beth: Starlight's road to an equal LWF has indeed begun...

Nigel: ... And it looks like the worst is yet to come.

And that concludes the first Episode of LWF: REBORN!

Was it enjoyable? Did it entertain you? Let me know in the comments below!

See you in Episode 2!

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