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Episode 2, everyone!

After what we saw in Episode 1, I wonder what will happen in Episode 2?

Let's find out...



The Camera pans around the Chase Center in San Francisco California as pyro goes off.

Then Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: By the bay in beautiful San Francisco, this is LWF: Reborn! As always, Mauro Ranallo here with my colleagues, Nigel McGuinnes and WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix, and tonight, we have for you, a great show!

Nigel: Yes, indeed, later tonight we will see Ilja Dragunov in action! What will be on the Muscovite Madman's mind after what Chris Brookes said last episode.

Suddenly, The Dazzlings came out, and they were in the foulest of moods. Well, only Adagio and Aria were. Sonata was just... well, concerned for them

Beth: Wait, guys, look who's here!

Mauro: The Dazzlings, obviously unhappy after what went down last Episode when Aria and Sonata went against Team Wheels extreme. They promised to unleash hell on whoever and whatever is in their way...

Nigel: ... But unfortunately, it was Alex Shelley who foiled that promise after stopping Adagio from getting involved.

The Dazzlings get in the ring as all three grab mics.

The crowd booed loudly, making Adagio even angrier.

Adagio: Okay, I don't have the patience to deal with you morons, so I'm just gonna say what I have to say.

The crowd continues to boo.

Adagio: What happened last Episode, was an absolute Disaster! That was our only chance to show what was gonna happen to anyone who gets in our way, and Alex Shelley RUINED IT!!!

The crowd cheers at the mention of Shelley's name.

Sonata: Uh... Dagi? He wouldn't have ruined it if we hadn't... y'know... beat up Chris Sabin?

Aria: *facepalms* I don't think you're ready to have a mic in your hand, Sonata.

She then snags the mic out of her hands.

Adagio: Do you even remember why we attacked Sabin, Sonata!? It's the same reason why we attacked Kushida and Alex Shelley at Resurgence! They cost our chance to get to the top, and if we're not gonna be at the top, then no one will get to the top!

Aria: And let's make one thing clear! If any tag team or singles wants their shot at championships around here, they've gotta-

Adagio: No, Aria. Right now, I'm going to make Shelley pay for interfering in our business.

Aria: What?! Why does it have to be you?!

Adagio: Because you and Sonata have failed not once, but TWICE! If you want something done right, you do it yourself. *Turns to the entrance way* So Alex Shelley, get out here so I can give you another lesson about messing with us!

Mauro: Looks like Adagio wants a piece of Alex Shelley!

Nigel: I can understand why. I would want to get my hands on the person who meddles in my business, too!



24 seconds into the song, out came Alex Shelley.

Beth: And here he comes! And guys, I just got word, that Chard just made this match official!

Nigel: Looks like we're gonna have Adagio vs. Alex Shelley to start off this Episode!

Mauro: Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back!

A video Package for Elimination Enclosure plays.

Elimination Enclosure. A first of its kind. A 20 foot tall cage surrounding the ringside, with nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

Two people start it off, then one by one, another combatant steps into the cage.

20 worthy warriors will walk in, but only one will be standing tall, with a future opportunity for a title of their choosing at LWF's biggest stage, Wrestlepalooza!

.... Who will survive...

.... The Elimination Enclosure?

(Start at 0:33)


🎶We are dirt! We are alone! You know we're far from sober! We are fake! We are afraid! You know it's far from over! We are dirt! We are alone! You know we're far from sober! Look closer, are you like me? Are you ugly?🎶




Back at ringside, the match between Alex Shelley and Adagio Dazzle was in full swing, with Adagio having Shelley in a Side Headlock.

(OPENING MATCH: Adagio Dazzle vs. Alex Shelley)

Mauro: We are back on LWF: Reborn, where we are in the middle of a personal impromptu match between the leader of The Dazzlings Adagio Dazzle, and one half of the Time Splitters, Alex Shelley...

Shelley then shoves Adagio off of him, and onto the ropes. She rebounds, and Shelley lands a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Shelley! Dropkick landing on target! And Nigel, this has become quite the rivalry already ever since Resurgence when Alex Shelley and his running mate Kushida knocked off Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk in the Tag Team Championship Gauntlet Match!

Nigel: Indeed it has, but let's not forget, that in the 5-Way Match Adagio was in, it was Chris Sabin, a friend of Alex Shelley, who eliminated Adagio, and that's what lead to of course the attacks on Shelley and Kushida at Resurgence, and the attack on Sabin in Episode 1.

Beth: You can definitely tell The Dazzlings have nothing but disdain for all three men, no matter what path they take.

Adagio recovered from Shelley's hit, and the two began trading blows. Shelly knocked Adagio back with a right hand, but she returns the favor by trying to land a Superkick, but Shelley sidestepped, and then got her up for an Air Raid Crash!

Mauro: Shelly sidestepping the superkick, now going for the Air Raid Crash....

Adagio manages to counter into a Sunset Flip pin, but gets a 2 count out of it.

They both get up, and then Shelley connects with a Back Elbow to stun Adagio momentarily.

Shelley then sets up for Sliced Bread #2. He goes for it, but Adagio threw him over her head to counter out of it!

Shelley lands on his feet, but Adagio delivered a big Lariat, and connected!

Mauro: OH WOW! What a Lariat!

Nigel: Nearly took Shelly's head clean off!

Adagio then began hyping herself up as Shelley was slowly getting back to his feet.

Once he got up, Adagio charged towards him, but then Shelley caught her with an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Adagio was now out on her feet, but then she landed an Enzuigiri of her own, and now both her and Shelley were down!

Mauro: Enzuigiri kicks left and right! Now both competitors are down!

Beth: Back and forth this goes, I don't know who has the advantage!

Aria slams the apron to will Adagio back to her feet. Sonata also did the same, and it was Adagio who got up first.

She then gets to the second turnbuckle, and measures Shelley up.

Mauro: Adagio, up on the second turnbuckle now...

Nigel: Could be looking for anything from up there!

Shelley is now back on his feet then Adagio went for a Diving Hurricanrana, but Shelley blocked it!

He then lifted her up, looking for a Powerbomb, but then Adagio countered into a DDT!

Mauro: Oh! Alex Shelley almost had Adagio, but she plants him with a DDT!!!

Adagio wasted no time Lifting Shelley up onto her shoulders, and then delivered an Ushi-garoshi!

Mauro: And Adagio! Ushi-garoshi to Alex Shelley!

She goes for the cover, but Shelley kicks out at 2, and Adagio couldn't believe it!

Mauro: Kick out by Shelley, and Adagio is absolutely beside herself!

Adagio began arguing with the ref, and saying it was 3, when suddenly a Schoolboy Roll-up from Shelley gets Adagio by surprise, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

They both get up, but this time, Shelley got her with a Clothesline, sending her over the top rope, and onto the floor!

Mauro: Shelley now sending Adagio tumbling out of the ring!

Aria and Sonata quickly help Adagio up, but then Shelley came flying at them with a Suicide Dive, and he took all 3 of The Dazzlings out!

Mauro: And Shelley with a Tope Suicida!

Beth: Alex Shelley is climbing back!

Shelley then threw Adagio back into the ring, and then got her hooked up for a Dragon Suplex, and quickly delivered it!

Mauro: Dragon Suplex!

Beth: Dropped her right on her head!

Adagio rolled back onto her knees, and she was stunned.

Shelley quickly measured her, and then landed a Superkick!

Nigel: Oooohhh!

Mauro: Superkick to the face!

Shelley dove into the cover, hooked the leg, but Adagio kicked out at 2!

Mauro: No! Shelley only got a 2 out of it!

Shelley picks Adagio up, and goes for the Sliced Bread #2 again!

But again, Adagio manages to slip away before he could deliver it, and then Adagio delivered a Backstabber!

Mauro: Sliced Bread #2 averted again! And a Backstabber from Adagio!

She then sat him up, and then delivered a Superkick to the back of his neck, calling it the "Blind Kiss"!

Mauro: OH!!!

Beth: Oh my gosh!

Nigel: She calls that the Blind Kiss!

Adagio then dragged Shelley to the center of the ring, goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Adagio picks up the win!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: And Adagio Dazzle picking up her first win in LWF, at the expense of Alex Shelley!

Nigel: Adagio's Resurgence loss has been redeemed...

That's when Aria and Sonata slid in, and they, along with Adagio began assaulting the downed Alex Shelley!

Mauro: Oh, and here comes Aria and Sonata! Like a pack of wolves, assaulting Alex Shelley!

Beth: The Dazzlings clearly want to send one more message to the entire LWF Locker room!

Nigel: I think it's more than that at this point!

The three continued to wail on Alex Shelley, but soon the crowd lifted in spirits as Kushida came running out!

Mauro: Oh but here comes Kushida! He has a bone to pick with the dazzlings as well from that attack at Resurgence!

Kushida slid into the ring, and knocked down Aria and Sonata with strong right handed jabs!

Adagio went for a clothesline, but he ducked it, and then he clocked her with his patented Wind-up Punch to her jaw!

Mauro: And the Time Splitter! Cleaning house!

Kushida looked to continue his offense on Adagio, but then Aria and Sonata managed to pull her away.

Mauro: And just in the nick of time, Aria and Sonata, pulling their sister out of harm's way!

Kushida helps up Shelley, and both Shelley and Kushida stared down The Dazzlings as they walked back up the ramp.

Beth: Thank goodness for Kushida to make the save! Shelley would have been more hurt than he already is!

Nigel: Looks like the bad blood between The Dazzlings and the Time Splitters is starting to boil!


A video plays as the dark and old room was shown again, and Bombay Suarez was watching LWF clips on a new tv.

Bombay: It's been too long. After LWF Died, I seemed to have lost my grip on Fanfic competition. Then I called to another company, but went nowhere. Now that LWF is back...

He gets up, and looks deep into the camera.

Bombay: ... So am I.


Bombay: I'm coming back with Filipino pride, And I'm gonna show all these people... how I KILL... THIS... B*TCH!

The song continued to play as the caption read...



Back in the ring, the crowd was cheering as Jeremy Borash was standing by with four tag teams in the ring.

(MATCH 2: Fatal 4 Way Tag Match)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen! This next match is a Fatal 4 way tag team match, scheduled for one fall, with the winners moving on to challenge Team Weird and Wild at Elimination Enclosure!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing the first team! Being accompanied to the ring by "Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy...

The crowd popped as the camera showed Orange Cassidy leaning in the corner of where Trent and Chuck Taylor we're standing in, and gave his laid back thumbs up.

Jeremy Borash: ... At a combined weight of 418 lbs, Chuck Taylor, and Trent... BEST FRIENDS!!!

Chuck and Trent went to the center of the ring, and joined hands, raising their free ones in the air.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, first, at a combined weight of 401 pounds, James Drake, and "Liverpool's Number One", Zack Gibson, GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS!!!

The crowd boos as Drake and Gibson threw their hands up into the air.

Jeremy Borash: Next, the team of Mark Andrews and "FLASH" MORGAN WEBSTER!!!

Andrews played off the crowd as Webster was on the top turnbuckle hyping the crowd as well.

Jeremy Borash: And, the team of Jenny, and Mauricia, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

The crowd cheers as Jenny and Mauricia threw up their hands. Mauricia throwing up 1 finger, and Jenny throwing up 2 fingers.

With the introductions set, all four teams went to their corners.

Trent and Mark Andrews start it off, and the bell rings.

Mauro: And we are officially underway here, fatal 4 way tag team match with Andrews and Trent starting it off, winner will go on to Elimination Enclosure to face Team Weird N' Wild for the Tag Team Championships! And we are joined, surprisingly, by Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder on commentary! Great to have you two here!

The camera quickly switches to Hawkins and Ryder putting on their headsets.

Curt: Yeah, happy to be here, right Zack?

Zack: Yeah, Bro.

In the ring, Trent and Andrews already locked up, and Trent now has Mark Andrews in a Side Headlock.

Nigel: It's interesting you two are out here, because all four of these teams, you two included, were in the gauntlet match at Resurgence to crown the first ever LWF Reborn tag team champions, and now it seems, you're more interested in getting Trent back with you guys. Could you tell us why you're so interested in wanting Trent back?

Curt: That's simple really, Nigel. We've got no hatred towards where Trent is now with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy, but returning to us, is for his own good. If he wants to be in the top of LWF, he needs to be with us.

Zack: Exactly. Friends don't last forever, family does, and we are his family!

Curt: Right you are, Zack. Why have Best Friends, when you have Brothers?

Back in the match, Andrews has Trent in a Headlock of his own, then Trent shoves him into the ropes.

Andrews rebounds, and Trent levels him with a Back Elbow!

He then tags in Chuck, and Chuck quickly picks up where Trent left off.

Mauro: As told previously, all four of these teams were in the Gauntlet match at resurgence to crown the first ever LWF Reborn Tag Team Champions. But you have to think that Andrews and Webster have the most pressure coming into this match, because they were close to knocking off Team Weird and Wild to becoming champions themselves.

Nigel: Everybody was close, actually. But you're right Mauro, you would have to think that Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, after getting the last entrant advantage, they would have had an easy picking.

Andrews was able to break off from Chucks' grasp, hitting the ropes again.

Chuck went for a clothesline, but Andrews was ready for him, and slid on his knees, popped back up and landed a Backflip Kick!

Mauro: Andrews goes to the ropes again, this time ducks Chuck, and Mark Andrews showing just how agile he is!

Curt: You gotta love these Welsh Boys, they're talented, young, and have incredible potential!

Zack: But not as talented as us, let's be real, bro!

Curt: Well, yeah, of course!

Andrews finds his opening, and tags Webster into the match.

They then work together and slammed Chuck on his back, followed by a Standing Imploding Senton by Webster, and a Standing Moonsault by Andrews!

Mauro: And there's more of that High flying style, from Wale's Favorite Sons!

Andrews hops over the top rope, and onto the apron, Webster goes for the cover, but Chuck kicks out at 2.

Webster gets up, and stumbles into Team Wheels Extremes' corner, and Mauricia tags herself in.

Beth: Tag is made unbeknownst to Webster, here comes Mauricia!

Mauricia then unloads on Chuck with a couple of quick Elbow Drops.

Mauro: Team Wheels Extreme have been on a big roll lately! Coming up short at Resurgence, and was able to bounce back last Episode by getting a win over The Dazzlings!

Mauricia then kept Chuck on the ground with a Grounded Headlock.

Nigel: And Mauricia keeping Chuck at bay...

Curt: See this is why we want Trent with us. Look at him! Chuck is literally taking a beating! He can't even land an offensive move in the last couple of seconds!

However, Curt ate his words as out of nowhere, Chuck was able to stand back up right against Mauricia, and Followed up with a Standing Shiranui!

Mauro: Oh, you were saying, Curt?!

Curt: Uh... He was lucky! I'll give him that!

Chuck desperately went to his corner to tag Trent in.

But just before he did, James Drake yanked him down, and threw him onto the Barricade!

Beth: Chuck looking for the tag... oh no!!!

Mauro: James drake! Getting his measure of revenge on Best Friends after they were eliminated at Resurgence by a Small Package from Trent himself!

But the Veterans weren't done yet. Trent was now leaning on the barricade, Gibson got on his hands and knees, and Drake, coming at Trent with a full head of steam, launched of Gibsons' back, and landed a Single Leg Front Dropkick, launching Trent into the front row!

Mauro: And G.Y.V! taking Trent out of the equation!

Curt: Hopefully this is what makes Trent finally see the disadvantage of having Chuck Taylor and that... Orange Cassidy guy by his side.

Chuck Taylor was now left high and dry, and Mauricia tags Jenny in.

Jenny quickly gets to work, and she quickly delivered a Double Foot Stomp to the back of Taylor, and then picked him up.

She then plants him with a Back Suplex, picked him up, and threw Chuck to the ropes.

Chuck rebounds, and she pops him up into the air, and delivered a Knee Strike!

Mauro: Knee to the face!

Chuck was now down to one knee, Jenny hits the ropes, but she was close enough to Zack Gibson where he can tag himself in.

Nigel: Gibson now legal!

He then grabs Chuck's arm, and pulled him into a Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh! What a clothesline!

He proceeds to stomp on the head of Taylor. Then he deadlifts him for a Helter Skelter, and slams him down!

Nigel: And a Helter Skelter to follow up!

Gibson goes for the cover, Taylor kicks out at 2!

Trent has now gotten up, and has climbed back onto the apron, and Chuck is now desperately reaching out for Trent.

Trent extending his arm out as much as he can, but Zack Gibson cuts Chuck off by pulling him far away from Trent!

Gibson then tags in Drake, and Drake rains down on him. Unloading on Chuck with a bombardment of Forearms.

He throws Chuck to his corner, and then tags in Gibson.

Gibson enters the ring, and delivers blows to the midsection of Chuck Taylor in the corner.

Taylor slumps down, and Gibson now begins to stomp away on him.

Mauro: Gibson now dissecting what is left of Chuck Taylor!

The crowd boos Gibson as he starts to gloat.

Nigel: Liverpool's Number 1, showing off his arrogance as always.

Trent is once again back up on the apron, and now Gibson is taunting Trent.

Beth: Oh, and Zack Gibson is just teasing Trent now!

Trent was now fuming, and was about to enter the ring, but the referee was keeping him from doing so.

"Yeah! Keep him there, ref!" Gibson shouted.

But as soon as he turned around, Chuck Taylor nailed him with a running Front Dropkick!


Nigel: Wasted too much time, and Taylor was able to regroup!

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, Chuck dove to Trent, making the hot tag!

Mauro: Tag is made! Trent is in!

Trent is all fired up. Landing clothesline after clothesline on Gibson!

Trent hits the ropes, Gibson goes for a clothesline of his own, but Trent ducks, hits the ropes again, and decked Gibson with a Back Elbow!

Beth: Firing at all cylinders!

Mauro: Trent has been chomping at the bit, and now Trent is legal and unleashing that energy!

Chuck then enters the ring, and shares a hug with Trent, getting a loud cheer from the crowd.

Mauro: And now giving the people what they want!

Curt: That's just pathetic.

Zack: Yeah, things like that don't get you anywhere!

Gibson staggers, but he staggered into Andrews and Webster's corner, and Flash Morgan Webster tags himself in!

Webster hops into the ring, and locks up with Trent before quickly going behind him.

Trent hits a Back Elbow to stun him momentarily, and then Trent got him hooked for the Dudebuster DDT!

Mauro: Trent is calling for it!

Nigel: He hits it, it's over!

Trent goes for it, but Webster blocks it on the landing, and turned it into a Northern Lights Suplex!

Mauro: No! Webster countered!

Webster bridges into the cover, but Trent was just close enough to stick his foot under the bottom rope to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Trent! What great ring awareness!

Beth: Able to know where he is still, and get the foot underneath the ropes!

Webster gets up, and looks to get more offense in.

Trent was beginning reel back from the incoming strikes being delivered from Webster.

Mauro: Flash Morgan Webster now, landing a series of strikes to weaken Trent!

Zack: Come on, Trent! You got this bro, fight back!

Webster then hits the ropes, and Trent blasts him with a big Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And Trent blasting Webster as he was coming off the ropes!

Zack: That's it, Trent! Keep going!

Curt: Come on, buddy!

Trent tags Taylor back in, and begins to size him up.

Webster then gets to his feet, and Chuck delivered his Inverted Stomp Facebreaker, called "Sole Food", and connects!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: Sole Food from Taylor!

Chuck hooks the leg, but then from out of the sky, Mauricia broke the count at 2 with a Heat Seeking Elbow!

Nigel: OH, WOW!

Mauro: A Heat Seeking Elbow by Mauricia breaks the count!

Chuck rolled to his corner, makes the tag to Trent, and once Mauricia was back in her corner, Trent charged full speed, and hits a Springboard Back Elbow to knock her off the apron, and then landed a right hand punch to knock Jenny off!

This gave Webster the chance to roll Trent up, but Trent kicks out at 2, rolled through, and delivered the Gobstopper knee strike!


Beth: OH!

Curt: BOOM! There it is!

Mauro: Gobstopper to the face!

Trent tags in Chuck Taylor, and Taylor immediately Dropkicks both Gibson and Drake off the apron!

Mauro: Down go the Grizzled Young Veterans!

Drake and Gibson tried to get back in the ring, but Team Wheels Extreme were getting in their way. This led to a bit of a crowded brawl between the two teams.

While all that was happening, Orange Cassidy was slowly making his way up to the top turnbuckle where the fight was going.

Mauro: And now both GYV and Team Wheels extreme fighting on the outside!

Beth: But look up top, there's Orange Cassidy! What's he got in mind?!

They then look up, and saw Cassidy leap off the top, and he landed on everyone!


Curt: What does that do, exactly?

Zack: Nothing. That was just unnecessary.

But Zack was about to be proven wrong. Because Orange Cassidy took the other two teams out, and when Taylor knocked Andrews off the apron, there was now no one to interfere.

Chuck tags in Trent, and he puts Webster in Sunset Driver position as Chuck goes to the top.

Mauro: Unnecessary, Zack? Because it looks like Orange Cassidy gave Trent and Chuck the time they need to set up the...

Chuck then leaps of the top, and with a Diving Double Foot Stomp, he and Trent connect with Strong Zero!


Mauro: .... STRONG ZERO!!!!

Nigel: That is it!

With Trent landing into a pin, Trent gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: That it is! Best Friends are going to Elimination Enclosure!

(Start at 0:06)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, BEST FRIENDS!!!!

Mauro: If that connects at Elimination Enclosure, we may very well be looking at the NEW LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions!

Zack: Okay they may have won there, but that doesn't mean they will become champions!

Curt: Exactly. Chuck may have been useful here, but it won't be long until he and Cassidy drag him down.

Beth: You guys can continue to believe that, but for now, it looks like the Best Friends are the first tag team that will challenge Team Weird N' Wild officially for the LWF Reborn Tag Team championships, and it will happen at Elimination Enclosure!

Mauro: And speaking of Elimination Enclosure, it is our pleasure to tell you all reading at home the official revealed rules for the Elimination Enclosure match!

The camera then switches to a video package of differing shots of the cage as Mauro reads out the rules.

Mauro: Here's how the match works: 2 competitors start off in the ring. Once a Pinfall or Submission is made, a new entrant will enter the cage. This will continue until all 20 entrants have entered the cage. The last participant standing wins, and earns the opportunity to challenge for any title of his or her choosing!

Beth: That is gonna be one heck of a match, just think of the carnage that will ensue!

Nigel: And who knows who will be in that match!



The crowd boos, and Starlight Glimmer, with a big smile on her face, makes her entrance.

Soon after she did, Dark Danny, Spongebob, Trixie, and Kassius Ohno followed suit.

Mauro: And there's the champion, Starlight Glimmer, with Dark Danny and Spongebob, along with her 2 newest members, Trixie and Kassius Ohno behind her!

Nigel: And I guess we might know, why did Ohno and Trixie side with the trio of Starlight, Danny, and Spongebob.

Mauro: And more importantly, does this gang have a name?

The group enter the ring, and Starlight hands Ohno and Trixie a mic before getting one herself.

Starlight: So come Elimination Enclosure, I once again stand toe to toe, with the same person I beat to win this title, Ricochet.

The crowd cheers at the mention of his name.

Starlight: You can cheer all you want, but history is gonna repeat itself when I beat him again, and keep equality alive by remaining the LWF: Reborn Champion. But enough of that. Now let's go to our second order of business, because it seems that the light of equality just gets brighter everyday, because last Episode, we just gained 2 new followers that will fight for my cause. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Trixie Lulamoon, and Kassius Ohno!

Trixie and Ohno step forward and the crowd boos.

Trixie was the first to speak.

Trixie: It all started when Starlight and I were the last two remaining in the 5 way at Resurgence. After she beat me, I didn't think much of it I just thought after this I could just... bounce back, but after losing to Kacy, Starlight was the first to come to me afterwards, and she told me that if I side with her, I'll find myself. Now, I'm in a better place, thanks to Starlight Glimmer.

She then hugs Starlight, and it's Ohno's turn to speak.

Kassius: All my life, I thought being different was okay. All my life, I thought that being a Wrestling Genius, was gonna get me somewhere. But now I realize, that being smarter than everyone else, was wrong. Being smarter, causes more people to compete with me, and competition is not the way to Equality! And besides, I wasn't going anywhere by being smarter than anyone else. But thanks to Starlight Glimmer showing me a better way to success, I now fight for an equal LWF, and soon the whole Wrestling World will become equal.

"That's right!" Starlight says.

Starlight: You're exactly right, Kassius. Our fight for Equality in LWF, is just beginning! But it'll be over soon, and it will end with me, and the Society of Complete Equality, standing tall, because true friendship comes from being equal, and being equal, means true peace. Oh and by the way, Will Ospreay and Ricochet, I have a message for you, and it's from Spongebob and Dark Danny, I think it's best you hear it.

Ohno hands Danny his mic, and Starlight hands Spongebob her mic.

SpongeBob: Ricky, Ricky, Ricky... You couldn't just accept the facts, could you? You couldn't realize the truth, could you? You just HAD to fight back! Well, that's fine by us. We enjoy a challenge.

Dark Danny: The more you resist, the worse this will get. Whatever happens next is completely your own doing. And it will only get worse until you join us, or parish trying to resist us. Either way, we WILL win.

They then exit the ring as Starlight's theme plays once more.

Mauro: And with a stern warning, Starlight and her Society of Complete Equality leave yet another warning towards Ricochet.

Nigel: Uh huh, but Ricochet will meet her at Elimination Enclosure, tonight, he and Ospreay will be facing Spongebob and Dark Danny.

Beth: Yeah, that will be our main event, but up next, Ilja Dragunov will be in action! Last time we saw him, he came up short in his 5 way match at Resurgence, let's see if he can bounce back here tonight!

The camera then switches to a field. It's in black and white, and an eerie tune played on a piano was playing.

A pickup truck drove in, and then out came Darby Allin.

Darby then took out a body bag, laid it on the ground, and unzipped it.

He then placed a mannequin with Dennis's face taped on it inside, and zipped it back up.

Darby now drags it across the ground, towards a 6 foot hole, and he dumps the body bag inside it before filling the hole up with dirt.

He then turns around to look into the camera, and the screen goes black.

The camera switches back to ringside, and then...


A few seconds into the song, Shane Thorne makes his entrance.

**Bell rings**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Perth, Western Australia, weighing in at 220 pounds, SHANE THORNE!!!

Mauro: Australia's own, Shane Thorne, making his first appearance in LWF: Reborn, but he has a big challenge ahead of him tonight!

Beth: Indeed he does. This won't be a walk in the park.

Nigel: Thorne is a very skilled man, but will it be enough to get through opponent?

Thorne enters the ring. Then...


Out comes Ilja Dragunov. He gets down on his knees, and he smacks the ground before popping back up to his feet, and storming to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: His opponent, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 187 pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Nigel: And there's the opponent! The Muscovite Madman, Ilja Dragunov!

Mauro: And you gotta be thinking, Chris Brookes is somewhere watching this very closely.

Beth: But Brookes shouldn't be in his mind right now, he's got Shane Thorne in the ring.

Dragunov enters the ring, and he begins to orchestrate the crowd.

He then throws himself onto the ropes, and stares deeply into the camera before taking his jacket off.

He then stares deeply into Thorne's eyes, and Thorne looks a little rattled.

The bell rings, Thorne shakes off the nerves, and gets a Clothesline from Dragunov for it!

Mauro: OH!!!

Nigel: What a Clothesline!

Dragunov then crushes Thorne with a Senton!

Mauro: Senton!

Beth: Thorne just got squished!

Shane Thorne knew he was in trouble, and used whatever strength he had left to crawl out of the ring.

Nigel: Thorne doing the wisest thing now, and crawls to the outside.

Dragunov follows him to the outside, and then out of desperation, Thorne threw Dragunov onto the steel post!

Mauro: And Shane Thorne! Face first onto the post goes Dragunov!

Thorne throws Dragunov back into the ring, goes for the cover, Dragunov kicks out at 2.

Dragunov starts to stir, and Thorne lands a Basement Dropkick.

Shane Thorne then picks up Dragunov, and slams him down again with a Snap Suplex.

Thorne goes for the cover again, and Dragunov still kicks out at 2!

Thorne then gets Dragunov in a Grounded Headlock.

Mauro: 2 consecutive kick outs by Dragunov, and now Thorne trying to keep Dragunov down!

Beth: All it took was that shot to the post for Thorne to turn the tables, and Thorne is making the best of this moment right now!

Nigel: If he can somehow beat Dragunov here, imagine what wonders it will make for him!

The crowd begins to fire up Dragunov, and Ilja Dragunov begins to slowly rise to his feet!

Mauro: Dragunov now! Feeding off of the fans here!

Dragunov is now back on his feet, and delivers a Back Elbow to Thorne's midsection, then another, and finally he reverses Thorne's hold, and drops him on his head with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Dragunov with a DEVASTATING Saito Suplex!

Beth: Dumping Shane Thorne on his head!

Dragunov slowly rises to his feet, eyes wide open.

Shane Thorne gets up, and was now staggering around, before falling into a corner.

Dragunov didn't hesitate. He immediately flattened Thorne with a Running Clothesline!

He then backward rolls, and delivered another one!

Mauro: Ilja Dragunov, unloading on Thorne!

Dragunov then goes to the corner diagonally across, goes for a third but Thorne jumped out of the way, and then from behind, delivered a Lariat!

Mauro: OH! Thorne getting out of the way, and again turns the match around!

Nigel: A lot of aggression behind that Lariat!

Thorne picks up Dragunov, and then slams him down with a Falcon Arrow!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: And now a Falcon Arrow by Shane Thorne!

Thorne scrambled into the cover, but Dragunov kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Ilja Dragunov somehow survived!

Shane Thorne was now beside himself. Thorne gets up, and is now daring Dragunov to get up.

Dragunov gets up, Thorne delivers a kick to the gut, hits the ropes, went for a knee lift, but Dragunov sidestepped him, grabbed Thorne from behind, and threw him across the ring with a German Suplex!

Nigel: OH-HO-HO!!!

Mauro: Ilja Dragunov out of nowhere with that German Suplex!

Shane Thorne now has no clue where he is, and Dragunov was beginning to feel it.

He got to the nearest corner, and measured Thorne up. The second Thorne got to his feet, Dragunov, along with the crowd, shouted "UN! BE! SEIG! BAR!" Before running full speed, and hurtling himself across the air, delivering the Torpedo Moskau to Shane Thorne!


Mauro: Shane Thorne felt every single bit of it!

Dragunov hooks the leg, and gets a convincing 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Dragunov picks up the victory!

**Bell Rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Mauro: Shane Thorne gave Dragunov a run for his money, but it was Dragunov who stands tall!

Beth: You can say that again! Dragunov went in there with a game Shane Thorne!

Nigel: Good effort by Thorne, no doubt about it.

Dragunov orchestrated the crowd, but the crowd began to get louder.

When Dragunov turned around, Chris Brookes landed a Single Leg Front Dropkick, leveling him!

Mauro: OH NO!

Nigel: It's Chris Brookes!

Beth: Where did he come from!?

Chris Brookes then threw Dragunov out of the ring before slamming him onto the side of the barricade repeatedly.

Mauro: Chris Brookes now tearing Dragunov apart after his match with Thorne!

That's when Brookes grabbed a steel chair from under the ring, and multiple referees came out, and told him not to hit Dragunov.

Chris Brookes lunged at them as if to hit them with the chair, making the refs jump back a bit, then when Dragunov got up, Chris Brookes swatted him in the back with the chair, and Dragunov dropped to the floor, wailing in pain!

Mauro: Oh, and CHRIS BROOKES! Chair shot to the spine of Dragunov!

Beth: That impact echoed through the arena!

Chris Brookes continues to whack Dragunov with the chair to the point where the chair was completely bent.

Nigel: Brookes is absolutely hell bent on destroying Ilja Dragunov!

Chris Brookes then drops his chair, picks up Dragunov, and draped his feet on the bottom rope, holding him in a Front Facelock.

Mauro: Oh no, Brookes now...

Then in one swift motion, Brookes connected the Swinging Neckbreaker!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: There's that devastating Neckbreaker from Chris Brookes!

Chris Brookes sits on the ground, and looks at downed Dragunov for a few seconds before picking up the bent chair, and leave.

As he did, the referees begin to check on Dragunov.

Mauro: Dragunov has been laid to waste by Chris Brookes, who is basically a man on a mission, to prove he can beat Dragunov!

Beth: And he is for sure not gonna stop until he does so!

The referees continued to check on Dragunov as Chris Brookes looks at the bent chair in his hands, and then looked back at where Dragunov is laying with an evil smirk across his face.


Team Wheels Extreme were in the back, when Kayla Braxton walked up to them.

Kayla: Team Wheels Extreme, tough loss out there earlier tonight, any words?

Jenny: You know what, Kayla? From Resurgence to now, it's been loss, win, and then another loss. This career here in LWF for the two of us, is just like we thought it would be, a bumpy ride.

Mauricia: Yeah, and being Team Wheels Extreme, we just ride that road out. And when we do, that road will smooth out, and in the end of that road, will be the Tag Team Championships.

Jenny: Exactly.

That's when Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest walked up to them.

Indigo: Pfft! Wow, big talk coming from two losers.

Jenny: Well I don't see the Tag Team Championships around your waists, what gives you the right to say that?

Lemon: Not yet, dweebs extreme. Because we know... *points at both Jenny and Mauricia* and I know you both know, Indigo and I will get there first!

Mauricia: Ha! As if! How can you be so sure?

That's when Indigo fired the first shot. She landed a right jab to Mauricia, and then Lemon and Jenny began duking it out!

Mauro: Oh! And Team Wheels Extreme, brawling with Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap backstage!

Soon both teams began taking the fight across the whole backstage area. One punch from Mauricia stunned Indigo, then her and Jenny threw Zest over a table, and onto a pile of rubble.

Before Jenny and Mauricia could do the same to Indigo, officials rushed over to separate her from the two Wayside students

"Hey, that's enough!" Multiple officials shout.

Unbeknownst to everyone, where Lemon Zest was thrown, there was a 15 foot Scaffold immediately to Zest's left.

While the officials were trying to get some separation between Indigo and Team Wheels Extreme, Lemon was already climbing her way up.

Mauro: Officials now trying to break up these two teams...

Beth: Wait! Look up there! On the scaffold!

When she reached the top, and leapt off and take out everybody below her!

Nigel: WOW!!!


Lemon took out Team Wheels Extreme and a bunch of officials as she got up off the pile. Dusting herself off, she saw her accidental contact.

Lemon: Whoops! Sorry refs, i was kinda just aiming for the girls! *Helps Indigo up* Come on, let's go.

Zap and Zest walk away from the crowd like Zest had made.

(MAIN EVENT: Dark Danny and Spongebob vs. Will Ospreay and Ricochet)


Out comes Starlight Glimmer, with Abrasive Spongebob and Dark Danny behind her.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Tag Team bout, is your Main Event of the evening, set for one fall, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Starlight Glimmer, the team of Dark Danny, and the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: Main event time, and our Champion, Starlight Glimmer, leading the team of Dark Danny and Spongebob!

Nigel: I really hope Ospreay and Ricochet know what they've gotten themselves into.

Beth: I'm sure they do, Nigel. And Ricochet is not gonna stop until Starlight Glimmer is dethroned, and he becomes the Champion.

Danny and Spongebob enter the ring, and await for their opponents.


The lights are out, and then the spotlight shone down on Ricochet, and then...


The lights come back on, and out comes Will Ospreay.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Ricochet, and the Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!!

Mauro: Last Episode, we saw Ospreay side with Ricochet and Kacy Catanzaro to make the save before Kassius Ohno came out and laid him to waste.

Nigel: I'm sure Ospreay hasn't forgotten about that, but in front of him is Dark Danny and Spongebob, so he needs to focus on them!

Beth: But there's also Starlight Glimmer running around at ringside, so he and Ricochet need to worry about her too!

Ospreay and Ricochet enter the ring, and they get face to face with Spongebob and Dark Danny.

Mauro: And the bad blood boiling once again, before the bell even rings!

The referee breaks them up, and once they were apart, Ricochet and Spongebob start it off.

The bell rings, and they lock up in the middle of the ring. 

Spongebob immediately gets Ricochet in a wrist lock, and then transitions into a Side Headlock. 

Ricochet elbows him in the midsection to loosen the hold before going for a Back Suplex. 

Mauro: Ricochet now looking to turn the tables on Spongebob...

Spongebob lands on his feet, and then delivered a Clothesline from behind!

Mauro: OH! But Spongebob doesn't let him!

Spongebob now aggressively stomps away on Ricochet before throwing him into his corner, and tagging in Dark Danny.

Mauro: There's the tag! In comes Dark Danny!

Danny picks up where Spongebob left off, and clubs away on Ricochet in the corner. 

It wasn't long before Ricochet slumped down, then Danny started pressing his foot across Ricochet's throat.

Nigel: Ricochet is just being picked apart right now…

Beth: They have cut the ring in half in the early going!

Danny then picked him up, and then Ricochet kicked him in the knee, creating some distance!

Mauro: Oh but Ricochet! Shot to the knee, he may have an opening!

Ricochet then landed a few chops and uppercuts, and then tags in Ospreay!

Mauro: And there's the tag!

Danny was still staggering, and then Ospreay springs off the top rope, and he delivered, and connected, a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: Ospreay with a Forearm off the top rope!

Ospreay goes for the cover, but Danny kicks out at 2.

Danny gets to one knee, but before he could fully get up, Ospreay delivered a right hand jab, stunning him momentarily. 

Ospreay hits the ropes, but then Danny planted him out of nowhere with a Spinebuster!

Mauro: OH! Danny with a Spinebuster!

Danny tags Spngebob in, and Spongebob unloads on Ospreay with some stomps.

Spongebob then picks him up, and drops him with a Vertical Suplex. 

Spongebob goes for the cover, and Ospreay kicks out at 2.

Spongebob picks up Ospreay again, and throws him into a corner. 

Spongebob then delivered a High Knee before delivering a combination of punches and kicks.

Nigel: Look at Spongebob go! Devastating Ospreay!

The referee pulls him away, and Spongebob backs off with his hands up, then delivers a kick to the midsection to Ospreay.

Spongebob then brings Ospreay to the middle of the ring, and pulls him into an STO!


Mauro: Spongebob again taking Will Ospreay off of his feet!

Spongebob goes for the cover, Ospreay kicks out at 2.

Ospreay is now being dragged into Spongebob's corner, and Spongebob tags Danny in.

Danny now puts Ospreay on his shoulders, drops him, and connects with a right handed Forearm Smash on the way down!

Mauro: OH! Wicked right Forearm by Dark Danny!

Beth: Ospreay is gonna feel that in the morning!

Danny then picked up Ospreay, and slams him down with a Saito Suplex. Ospreay rolled into a corner, clutching his head.

Mauro: And Danny just brutalizing the Aerial Assassin!

Ospreay starts to get up in the corner, but Danny knocks him back down with a Bicycle Kick!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: What a boot!

He throws Ospreay out of the corner, goes for the cover, and Ospreay STILL kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Will Ospreay AGAIN kicks out!

Ospreay starts to reach out to Ricochet, but Danny knocks Ricochet off the apron, and Starlight stood there, and was enjoying every second of it.

Mauro: Danny taking out Ricochet, and Starlight Glimmer is loving this!

Starlight holds on tightly to the Championship belt that's on her shoulder as she is watching Danny obliterate Ospreay.

But as Danny was picking Ospreay up, Ospreay countered into a Jawbreaker, followed by a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Ospreay now! Enzuigiri creating some distance!

Danny was now bent over, Ricochet was back on the apron, and Ospreay rolled over Danny's back, and tagged in Ricochet!

Mauro: And there's the tag! In comes Ricochet!

Danny was back up, and Ricochet took him down with a Springboard Clothesline!

Danny gets back up, and Ricochet knocks him down with a Dropkick!

Beth: Ricochet is all fired up!

Ricochet was now starting to gain more momentum, and he lit up Dark Danny with kick to the gut, followed by an Axe Kick to the back of the head, topped off with a high kick to the temple!

Starlight Glimmer, who was still watching at ringside, was not pleased by this, and is now starting to show looks of concern.

Mauro: And Ricochet, climbing back into this match, much to the chagrin of the Champion!

Ricochet then lifted Danny on his shoulders for the Benadryller, but Danny saw it coming, and began to elbow Ricochet in the face.

Mauro: Ricochet looking for the Benadryller, Dark Danny not giving him the chance to do it!

This brings Ricochet down to one knee, and Danny retaliated with a running Bicycle Knee Strike to the jaw!

Mauro: OH, MAN! What a knee by Dark Danny!

Danny goes for the cover, but Ospreay breaks the count at 2 with a Springboard 450 Splash!

Mauro: And Ospreay with a 450, saving the match!

Spongebob gets in the ring, and clotheslines Ospreay over the top rope, and Ospreay tumbles to the floor below.

Mauro: Spongebob now! Getting rid of Will Ospreay!

Spongebob then hits the ropes, and takes him out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: And a Tope Suicida wipes him out!

Spongebob then gets back on the apron and Danny makes the tag to Spongebob. 

Spongebob picks up Ricochet, but Ricochet caught him in a Small Package pin, but only got a 2 count out of it!

Mauro: Oh, Ricochet almost had it there!

They both get up, and then Ricochet landed a Spinning Hook Kick on Spongebob!

Nigel: And a perfectly placed kick takes him down!

Ricochet then drags Spongebob into position, then climbs to the top turnbuckle for the 630 Senton!

Mauro: And here we go!

Beth: Ricochet getting ready for Takeoff!

But that's when Starlight hopped onto the apron, stopping Ricochet!

Mauro: Oh and the Champion now getting involved!

The referee is now ordering Starlight to get off the apron, and then Ospreay forcefully yanked her down!

Mauro: Oh! Ospreay! Pulling the Champion down!

Starlight was now sitting on the ground, with her hands up, begging for mercy, and then from behind, Danny clocked him with a Boot!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: And Dark Danny from behind!

This gave Spongebob enough time to recover, and he brought Ricochet back down with a Scoop Slam off the top!

Mauro: And Spongebob took advantage off the distraction!

He picks him up, and then delivered the final blow with his patented Tornado Kick, Hurricane Sandy!

Mauro: Hurricane Sandy connects!

Spongebob hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Danny and Spongebob of the Society of Complete Equality, get the win!

**Bell Rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, Dark Danny, and SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: A little bit of retribution for Starlight Glimmer here tonight, as Danny and Spongebob defeat the team of Ricochet and Ospreay!

Beth: All thanks to the Champion giving Spongebob enough time to regroup, and like the ultimate opportunist he was, Spongebob took advantage!

Starlight enters the ring, and she raises the hands of Danny and Spongebob. 

Mauro: And will this, in due time, be the sight we will see come Elimination Enclosure? Starlight Standing tall, still Champion?

Nigel: Unless Ricochet can somehow beat the odds. But until then, you could be right.

Beth: And if it really does happen, then this could very be an equal LWF, with Starlight Glimmer, on the throne.

And Episode 2 is done!

Looks like we have a new gang in LWF called the Society of Complete Equality, with Starlight as the leader. Can Ricochet bounce back, and dethrone Starlight at Elimination Enclosure before her vision of Equality is in Full Swing?

And also, looks like the rivalry between The Dazzlings and The Time Splitters are heating up, same goes to Chris Brookes and Ilja Dragunov! What will happen now? We'll see in Episode 3!

See ya then! 😊

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