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Episode 3 everyone!

Let's see what happens after what happened in Episode 2...



The opening pyro goes off in the Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan.

After the pyro, Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Another action packed Episode for LWF here in the Ford Field in D-Town, Detroit, Michigan! Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix. Guys, Episode 2, had a lot of interesting stuff, didn't it?

Beth: Indeed it has. Starting with Darby Allin and his ominous message to Dennis, and in the fallout, it's said he has a response for Allin, here tonight!

Nigel: And then an backstage altercation between Team Wheels Extreme, and the Crystal Prep baddies, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest lead to a Tag Team match here tonight.

Mauro: Speaking of altercations, we also have a 3 on 2 Handicap Match between the Time Splitters, and The Dazzlings. After Adagio defeated Alex Shelley in a one on one bout, and proceeded to inflict more pain on Shelley before ultimately getting stopped by Kushida.

Beth: 3 on 2 doesn't sound good if you ask me...



And out comes the Society of Complete Equality.

Mauro: And now it looks like we're gonna hear from the SCE!

Nigel: After Ricochet defeated Starlight in Episode 1, Ricochet earned another shot at the title at Elimination Enclosure.

Beth: And it seems Starlight has some more words to say to her Challenger!

The Society of Complete Equality enter the ring, and they stand in a line as Starlight paced around with a mic in her hand.

Starlight: So it's no surprise that come Elimination Enclosure, Ricochet will once again attempt to take this title away from me.

The crowd cheers at the mention of Ricochet.

Starlight: *Smirks* But just because he's gonna challenge me, doesn't mean he's gonna beat me! Ricochet will still lose, come Elimination Enclosure, and hopefully by then, he sees our vision. But enough of me, I feel it's only fair, that my other Champion, has some action...

She then hands the mic to Abraisive Spongebob.

SpongeBob: When I won this championship, I expected more... I expected actual competition to step up and yet no one has! Ya see, I'm not like SOME champions who never once defend their titles before their LWF knock-off fed shuts its doors, I'm a REAL champion, and I want a challenge for Elimination Enclosure! And I don't care who, or even WHAT accepts my challenge. Somebody is gonna face me or I'll take matters into my own hands!



The lights dim, and out comes "The Archer of Infamy" Damian Priest!

Mauro: Well ask, and you shall receive! Here comes Damian Priest, and despite a loss against Dark Danny in Episode 1, his eyes are still on the Wattpad Championship it looks like!

Damian had a mic in his hand, and chuckles a little.

Damian: Y'know, your friend over there may have beaten me in the past, but if you think for one second that it was gonna stop me from coming to you, Spongebob... you got another thing coming.

That's when he dropped his mic, and took his vest off.

Nigel: Oh boy!

Beth: I don't think he wants to wait until Elimination Enclosure!

Mauro: Damian Priest making a B-Line for the Wattpad Champion, but it's 5 on 1!

But before Priest could enter the ring...


Nigel: Oh wait just a second!

Mauro: This is gonna get interesting now!

Out came "The" Brian Kendrick, and he also had a mic in his hand.

Brian: Since my loss at Resurgence, I've been asking myself, "What went wrong?" Did I get to cocky, did I become careless, what did I do wrong? Then it hit me. I was looking too far into the future. My Destiny, was not ready for me just yet. There were a few more steps, I needed to take. One of those steps... *Points to Spongebob's Wattpad Championship* is right there in your hands, Spongebob.

Mauro: Oh wow! Looks like Kendrick has his eyes on the Abrasive one also!

Brian: *Turns to Damian* Now Priest, I know you have a right to a rematch, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna step aside, and let you through. I'm a man on a mission, Damian. And people who are, are the most dangerous.

At the bottom of the ramp, Kendrick and Priest began to stare daggers into each other, Spongebob and the rest of the Society of Complete Equality watch on in joy.



Mauro: Oh here comes another competitor from the 5-way match!

Dezmond Xavier comes out, and walks up to both Kendrick and Priest before a ringside crew member hands him a mic.

Beth: Looks like Dezmond Xavier is wanting to call his shot also!

His music fades, and Xavier looks at both Kendrick and Priest.

Dezmond: Now I don't know about y'all, but after that 5-way match at Resurgence, I think I just proved myself, that I have Championship Material.

The crowd cheers.

Dezmond: *Looks at Spongebob* If anyone should step up to you, Spongebob, it's me. I'm hungry for Gold, and I wanna call my shot-

Dezmond was cut off by Kendrick blasting him from behind!

Mauro: OH! Kendrick from Behind!

Kendrick then goes to enter the ring, but Damian stopped him, and threw him into the ring post!

Mauro: And Priest throwing Kendrick onto the post!

Nigel: 3 guys, eyeing the same prize...

Priest enters the ring, then the Society of Complete Equality tried to swarm him, but the second Damian pulled out his retractable nightstick, Starlight backed them off, and they stepped back.

Spongebob didn't back down however, and he was ready to go when I make an appearance on the titantron.

Me: Ok, now allow me to de-escalate this situation before it goes into total chaos! First and foremost, it was Damian Priest who answered first, so Damian you got your match at Elimination Enclosure.

Priest and Spongebob smile at that.

Me: However, since Dezmond Xavier, and "The" Brian Kendrick want a shot as well, this Championship match is gonna be a triple threat! So it's gonna be you, Spongebob, taking on Damian Priest, and the winner of tonight's Main Event. Either "The" Brian Kendrick, or Dezmond Xavier!

Spongebob's confident demeanor soon changed to one of shock as the crowd cheers loudly at the announcement.

Mauro: Wow! What an announcement!

Beth: Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. And boy did Spongebob get it!

Nigel: Now he has to worry about 2 guys at Elimination Enclosure! Not one, but TWO!


(OPENING MATCH: Chris Brookes vs. Ilja Dragunov)


Mauro: After what we just witnessed earlier tonight, it's now time to get to our first match!

Ilja Dragunov comes out. He then stands in the middle of the stage, gets down, and smacks the ground, before walking down the ramp.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Moscow, Russia, he weighs in tonight at 187 pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Mauro: Dragunov has Brookes here tonight, and will also be facing Brookes at Elimination Enclosure, but he wants to get a little bit of revenge before then.

Beth: And think about this. If Dragunov beats Brookes tonight, this can be a big advantage for Dragunov!

Nigel: Same goes to Brookes if he beats Dragunov.

Dragunov enters the ring, and he orchestrates the crowd before taking off his long coat.


Out comes Chris Brookes, and he spits out water into the air before making his way down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: His opponent, from Tipton, England, weighing in at 187 Pounds, the Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: This all started when Dragunov eliminated Brookes in Resurgence, and later on the match, Brookes cost Dragunov by hitting a knee before delivering the Swinging Neckbreaker. Since then, Brookes has been on a mission to bring Dragunov down!

A replay of Dragunov celebrating after his match in Episode 2 plays.

Nigel: And that all started last Episode, when Dragunov won in his match against Shane Thorne...

In the replay, Dragunov turned around, and Brookes struck with his patented Single Leg Front Dropkick.

Nigel: ... and BAM! Chris Brookes with that devastating flying kick of his, right on the jaw!

The replay then cuts to where Brookes had Dragunov outside getting beat down with Chair Shots, and then set for the Swinging Neckbreaker.

Beth: And that was not all, Brookes would then set him up for this...

Brookes hits the Neckbreaker in one swift motion in the replay.

Beth: ... that quick and deadly Swinging Neckbreaker onto the floor!

The replay ends, and Brookes had made his way down the ramp, and is smirking as he looks at Dragunov.

Mauro: Chris Brookes said before that Dragunov stole his moment, and that if he wasn't gonna have his moment, then Dragunov wasn't going to have his either!

Brookes then enters the ring, and takes his jacket off.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Dragunov and Brookes circle the ring before finally locking up.

Dragunov gets Brookes in a Side Headlock, but Brookes slips out, and gets Dragunov in a Wrist Lock.

Mauro: Brookes getting out of a Side Headlock attempt...

Dragunov tries to reverse the hold, but Brookes had it on good, and then Brookes takes him down, with the Wrist Lock still applied.

Mauro: Brookes has Dragunov down, and is in full control of the match!

Dragunov slowly gets back up, and then kicks Brookes in the midsection to break the hold.

Dragunov goes for a chop, but Brookes ducked, caught Dragunov from behind, goes for a German Suplex, but he countered into a Victory Roll-up, but only got a 2 count out of it.

Brookes and Dragunov get up, and then Dragunov gets Brookes in a Side Headlock of his own before taking him down, and keeping him grounded with the Headlock still on.

Dragunov quickly tries to get up, but Brookes hits him in the face to bring him back down.

That however, didn't do anything to faze Dragunov. He got right back up, went for a Back Suplex, but luckily Brookes lands on his feet!

Mauro: Brookes trying to keep Dragunov down, but Dragunov was unaffected!

Nigel: And Brookes landing on his feet off of the Back Suplex attempt!

Brookes then went for a Knife Edge Chop, but missed wildly as Dragunov stepped out of the way.

Dragunov then swung with a heavy right jab, Brookes parried to evade it, goes for a jab of his own, Dragunov ducks it, then connects with a Dropkick on Brookes!

Mauro: And Brookes! Sent flying with a Dropkick by Dragunov!

Beth: Ilja Dragunov looking to take control of the match now!

Brookes gets up, and Dragunov stays on him. He continues to get more offense in with some chops, then he delivers a spinning one.

He then hits the ropes, and Brookes knocks him down on the rebound with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes with a Shoulder Block, stopping Dragunov dead in his tracks!

Brookes hits the ropes, Dragunov drops down, Brookes hops over, hits the ropes again, Dragunov gets up, and then delivered a Boot to Brookes!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Dragunov with a boot!

Nigel: Probably knocked a tooth out!

Brookes doubles over, holding his jaw, Dragunov goes for a Knee Lift, but Brookes evades, goes for a Backslide pin, Dragunov kicks out at 2.

They both get up, and Brookes connected with a Bicycle Kick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And Brookes with a Boot of his own!

Dragunov is now stunned, and Brookes attempts a quick pin again with a Victory Roll-up, but again only gets a 2 count.

Mauro: And Brookes again trying to pull a fast one!

Dragunov gets up, and Brookes clotheslines him over the top rope.

Dragunov manages to land on the apron, however. Brookes sees this, and with a Front Dropkick, knocks Dragunov off the apron, sending him flying into the barricade!

Beth: Oh no!

Mauro: Brookes sends Dragunov flying into the air with a Shotgun Dropkick, and Dragunov crashed and burned!

Upon landing, Dragunov begins to favor his right arm.

Nigel: Oh and it looks like Dragunov might be badly hurt!

Beth: He did take a nasty fall from the apron....

It didn't take long for Brookes to notice. The second he threw Dragunov back into the ring, he immediately went to work on the arm.

Mauro: And like a Shark smelling blood in the water, Chris Brookes is now dissecting the injured arm of Ilja Dragunov!

Brookes picks him up, gets Dragunov in a Wrist Lock, then delivers an Overhead Kick to the arm.

Dragunov falls into a heap, wincing as he clutches his arm. Brookes then proceeded to stomp away on him before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar.

Mauro: Fujiwara Armbar cinched in. After that Dropkick to knock Dragunov off the apron, it's been all Brookes since!

Nigel: Yeah, that fall made a target on his arm, and Brookes went at it like a Falcon swooping in to catch its prey.

With his free hand, Dragunov tries to fight his way out. Getting up onto one knee, and delivering blows to the nearest arm.

Mauro: Dragunov now! With one good hand, trying to break free!

Chris Brookes lets go, and Dragunov gets up.

Brookes tries to knock him back down, but gets absolutely pummeled by some rapid open handed strikes from Dragunov!

Mauro: Dragunov now! Bad arm and all, lighting up Brookes like a Christmas Tree, and it's not even the holidays!

But that made it worse for Dragunov's arm. When he went for a DDT, he connected, but clutched his arm immediately after instead of going for a pin.

Beth: Looks like the damage to the arm is beginning to take its toll on Dragunov!

Dragunov still went for the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Brookes kicks out at 2, and you're right, Beth. All that work done on Dragunov's arm, is starting to take effect!

Dragunov and Brookes got up, but then Brookes landed a Roundhouse Kick to the temple of Dragunov!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes with a Kick-

But then Dragunov spun back around and clocked Brookes with a Headbutt!

Mauro: OH! And Dragunov answers back with the mother of all Headbutts!

Brookes was out, Dragunov falls into the cover, but Brookes somehow kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And- oh! Brookes again kicks out!

Beth: That had to have been by instinct alone!

Dragunov slowly begins to come to, and then picks Brookes up.

Brookes then delivered a big Downward Chop to create a little bit of distance, then he delivers a Superkick to the midsection.

Brookes then sets him up for his Double Underhook Piledriver, the "Praying Mantis Bomb", but Dragunov counters with a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: Oh, Dragunov! Getting out of that predicament!

That's when his eyes widened. And by the loud roar of the crowd they knew he was feeling it.

Mauro: And it looks like it could be time!

Beth: Chris Brookes is not gonna like what's coming next!

Then the crowd yelled "UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!!" along with Dragunov, and then he connects with the Torpedo Moskau!

Mauro: THERE IT IS!!!


Brookes ends up rolling out of the ring before Dragunov could even pin him!

Mauro: Oh but Brookes, I don't know if that was instinct, or Dragunov hit him so hard he rolled, but Brookes rolls out of the ring!

Beth: Whatever the case may be, Brookes now has some time to regroup!

A look of heartbreak was on Dragunov's face as he watched Brookes roll out and onto the floor.

He gets up, still favoring his arm, and goes to try and put him back in the ring.

But what he doesn't know... is that Brookes had pulled out a steel chair from under the ring.

But it wasn't any steel chair, it was the same steel chair he used on him from last Episode!

Then, the moment Dragunov stuck his head out between the top and middle ropes, Brookes clocked him with the chair! The referee sees this, and calls for the bell!

Mauro: OH! Brookes with the steel chair to Dragunov!

*Bell rings!*

Despite the match being over, Brookes continues to hammer away on Dragunov.

Mauro: And Brookes using that chair! That same chair he bent across the back of Dragunov last Episode!

Brookes then lays it flat, and proceeded to hit the Praying Mantis Bomb onto it!

Mauro: And Brookes with a Praying Mantis Bomb onto the chair!

Nigel: Brookes wasn't kidding when he said he was hell bent on ending Dragunov!

Beth: Come Elimination Enclosure, Brookes and Dragunov are gonna tear each other apart!

Referees began rushing out, and telling Brookes to back off of Dragunov. He complies, and walks away.

"I'll see you at Elimination Enclosure!" Brookes shouted as he walked up the ramp, looking back at the ring.


Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest were getting ready for their match later on in the night, and then Kayla Braxton walked up to them.

Kayla: Indigo, Lemon, after what went down with you guys and Team Wheels Extreme last Episode, you will be facing Team Wheels Extreme tonight. Any thoughts?

Indigo: Any thoughts? Kayla, that's such a bland question, but we'll answer it anyway. Zest and I, we're Crystal Prep Shadowbolts. That automatically makes us better than any Tag Team in this roster.

Lemon: Yeah! It was just bad luck at Resurgence!

Indigo: Exactly. If anything, WE should have been in that 4 Way Tag Team match for Title Contention, not those two Wayside losers! Tonight, we're gonna fix that mistake. *Taps Lemon* Let's go, Zest.

And with that, Zap and Zest walk off.

The main LWF theme then plays as in another part of the backstage area, Alex Shelley and Kushida are warming up. With Shelley and Kushida doing some stretches, then some shadow sparring.

Mauro: And there you see the Time Splitters, Kushida and Alex Shelley, getting ready for their 3 on 2 Handicap match against The Dazzlings later tonight!

Nigel: Not sure if that was a wise decision on their part to take on all 3 of them being short on one man...

Beth: I agree with you there, Nigel, but Shelley and Kushida have the experience. So they might have a chance.

(MATCH 2: Dennis in action)


Out comes Dennis in his Motorcycle.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, DENNIS!!!

Then the camera switches to the ring where a short haired, bearded man was standing in the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, weighing in at 172 pounds, COLIN DELANEY!!!

Delaney then raised his fist up into the air.

Mauro: Last Episode, Darby Allin sent an ominous message to Dennis, and tonight, we may hear a response from Dennis himself!

Beth: Well tonight he doesn't have Allin, he has Colin Delaney, a well-rounded wrestler in the Indy Circuit.

Nigel: And just by looking at his Win-loss Record, which is not quite the best, chances of him walking out alive against Dennis, is slim to no chance.

Mauro: Well in Wrestling Nigel, anything can happen.

After Dennis circled around the ring on his bike, he parked it beside the bottom of the entrance ramp, and got off.

He enters the ring and took off his hat, Shades, and bandana.

The bell rings, and immediately, Delaney went straight for the attack, rapidly landing forearm after forearm!

Mauro: There's the bell, and there goes Delaney! Bringing the fight to Dennis!

Beth: Delaney right out of the box, bringing the fight to him!

Dennis ate the shots, and forcefully shoves Delaney off.

Delaney gets up, and gets hit with a vicious Clothesline!

Mauro: OH MY!!!

Beth: That looked like it had enough force to take an Oak Tree down!

Nigel: All Delaney had done was piss Dennis off...

Then Dennis lifted Delaney up for a Powerbomb, and he Powerbombs him into the corner!

Delaney staggered forward, Dennis hits the ropes, and delivered a Boot to the face, and the impact made Delaney flip!


Mauro: Big Boot turns Delaney inside out!

Dennis then hooked him up for the Hellevator, and with authority, plants him on the canvas!

Mauro: And a Hellevator to Delaney!

Dennis gets up, puts his foot on Delaney's chest, and gets a convincing 3 count.

Mauro: And Dennis quickly disposes Colin Delaney!

*Bell Rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Mauro: Like I said, anything can happen, and that is one of them. Complete and total dominance shown by the massive and dangerous Dennis!

Dennis looks down at the destroyed Colin Delaney at his feet for a moment, giving him a hollow stare before he marches towards Jeremy Borash, and snatches the mic from him.

Nigel: I think we're about to hear his response!

Dennis taps the mic a bit before speaking.

Dennis: Darby... Allin... You think you can intimidate me? You think your games scare me? I'm not impressed. But seeing as though you wanna pick a fight with me, who am I to deny someone their requested death? Anytime.... Anywhere... I accept.

Dennis drops the mic and looks to leave the ring, before stopping and slowly turning towards the mangled Delaney.

Mauro: Oh, I don't think Dennis is through just yet!

He marches back towards him, deadlifts him off the ground and drops him with a Last Ride Powerbomb that not only folds him in half on impact, but leaves a dent in the wood panel below the canvas!

Mauro: OH, GOD!!!

Beth: What a Powerbomb!

Nigel: He just dented the ring!

Mauro: Oh man, no matter where this will take place, next Episode, Elimination Enclosure, hell, even out in the parking lot! Dennis and Darby Allin are gonna rip each other apart!



Bombay Suarez's theme plays as another vignette of Suarez plays.

But instead of being in a dark room, it was in a gym. And there was Bombay, punching away on a Punching Bag.

He continues to punch away as Bombay narrates.

Bombay: I'm Bombay Suarez, and there's a reason I'm called "The Bitch Killer". Back in The Philippines, I tore through every single person who stood in my way. And those that pissed me off, I made an example out of them.

It then switches to Bombay in the middle of a ring, sparring with a guy slightly shorter than him.

In the sparring match, Bombay manhandles his opponent as he continues to narrate.

Bombay: With LWF reopening, and new faces showing up, there are a whole lot of people, who I should make an example of.

Bombay is now standing in the ring alone, and speaking to the camera.

Bombay: And when I return to LWF, I promise you, those who get in my way, are gonna learn... how I KILL! THIS! BITCH!

The vignette ends with the caption:


It then switches back to the backstage area where The Dazzlings were walking down a hall, when Charly Caruso walked up to them.

Charly: Adagio, after you and The Dazzlings assaulted Alex Shelley in Episode 2, Shelley demanded for a 3 on 2 Handicap Match against you, along with Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk-

Adagio laughs.

Adagio: Charly, I'm gonna stop you there. 3 on 2???

Aria and Sonata laugh along with Adagio.

Adagio: Wha-what is he, an idiot!? Gimme the mic!

She snagged the mic out of Charly's hands, and stared deep into the camera.

Adagio: Shelley... *Smirks* You and Kushida may be in-ring Veterans, but if you think for one second, that the 2 of you, are gonna beat the 3 of us? You have another thing coming. Your time in the spotlight has past you by, Shelley. And Kushida, you don't deserve the spotlight. And you're gonna learn that, when my sisters and I, outshine you.

Adagio then throws the mic behind her, and The Dazzlings walk away.

(MATCH 3: Team Wheels Extreme vs. Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest)


Out comes Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: Last Episode, Zap and Zest had some words for Jenny and Mauricia. 

Beth: Yeah, saying that they were gonna get the Tag Team Championships before Team Wheels Extreme, and Team Wheels Extreme didn't take lightly to this claim, and a brawl would ensue!

Nigel: And that brawl would end with Zest climbing to the top of a nearby scaffold, and took out everyone in the bottom!

Zap and Zest enter the ring, and the await their opponents. 


Out comes Jenny throwing her fist forward, followed by Mauricia who smiles as she points to the crowd.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Jenny and Mauricia, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

Mauro: Team Wheels Extreme, despite having 2 losses in their LWF tenure, are showing no signs of slowing down as of late!

Nigel: With a win over Aria and Sonata in Episode 1 after coming up short in Resurgence, followed by a loss in the 4 way Tag Match last Episode, they said it themselves, it's a bumpy road, but they're not gonna let that stop them.

Beth: And Zap and Zest look to do just that. Slow them down, and stop them in their tracks.

Team Wheels Extreme slide into the ring, and keep a close eye on Zap and Zest.

After a few seconds, it was Zest and Mauricia starting it off, and the bell rings. 

Zest and Mauricia lock up in the middle of the ring, Zest drops down and goes behind her, keeping her grip.

Mauricia breaks the hold, and gets Zest in a Wrist Lock. Zest rolls forward to reverse it, and she does, getting Mauricia in a Wrist Lock of her own!

Mauro: Lemon Zest and Mauricia going back and forth right now, and Mauricia seems to have gotten the upper hand!

Mauricia slaps off the Wrist Lock, goes for a straight punch, Zest avoided it, and once again, gets her from behind with a Rear Waistlock. 

Mauricia quickly breaks free, grabs Zest from behind, and with a Rear Waistlock Takedown, Mauricia brings Lemon Zest down to the mat!

Nigel: Oh, wow! What a Takedown!

Mauricia then transitions into a Front Facelock, and Lemon Zest begins to struggle. 

Beth: Mauricia, keeping control of Lemon Zest, bringing her down to the canvas!

Lemon gets to her feet, but is still in the hold. Mauricia then walks backwards into her corner, and Jenny tags herself in.

Mauro: There's the tag, here comes Jenny!

Jenny grabs Lemon's legs, then throws Zest with a Wheelbarrow Suplex!

Lemon reaches for Indigo, but Jenny stops her with a Double Stomp to her back.

Mauro: And now Jenny with a stomp to the spine!

Jenny rolls her over, covers her, only gets a 2 count out of it. 

Jenny drags Lemon to her corner, and then tags in Mauricia. 

Nigel: Mauricia back in now…

Jenny with a Shoulder Barge, pins Lemon in the corner, then Mauricia with a running start, connected with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Nigel: Oh!!! What a Kick!

Beth: Lemon Zest is just getting pummeled right now!

Mauricia then goes for a Snap Suplex, but then Zest out of nowhere gets Mauricia in a Small Package pin, but Mauricia kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh! Lemon Zest almost stole it there!

Zest and Mauricia get up, Zest ducks an incoming Clothesline from Mauricia, then Zest gets her with a Running Inverted DDT!

Nigel: Oh, wow! 

Mauro: Planting Mauricia onto the mat!

Zest then tags Indigo in, and Indigo hops over the top rope, and into the ring.

Then, once Mauricia slowly began to rise, Indigo lands a low Dropkick to the side of her face! 

Mauro: And here's Indigo Zap! Much more slow paced than her partner, Lemon Zest. 

Mauricia gets up and then Zap connects with a Calf Kick!

Mauro: And a perfectly placed kick brings Mauricia back down!

Mauricia is now holding her face, then Zap pinned her down, but Mauricia kicks out at 2.

Mauricia is now using the ropes to pull herself back up to her feet, but then Indigo Zap, with one swift soccer kick to her right arm, knocks Mauricia back down, and now Zap has a target.

Beth: Oh! Nasty kick by Indigo Zap!

Mauro: And Mauricia is known for her hard hitting punches, this could be the disadvantage for her!

With a target acquired, Zap began working on the arm, hammering away at it as hard as she can before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar. 

Mauro: And now Indigo Zap, working on the bad arm of Mauricia!

Nigel: She's smart. Taking away the opponent's foundation. In this case, Mauricia's arms!

Mauricia tries to break free, but to no avail. She does however, manage to get her left foot on the bottom rope to force a break.

Mauro: And Mauricia, forcing a break by getting her foot on the bottom rope!

Beth: Well, that was the ONLY thing she could do there, and it helped!

Zap has no choice but to let go, and give space. 

Mauricia clutches at her arm, Zap advances towards her, but then Mauricia headbutts her in the gut, and then followed up with an Uppercut!

Mauro: Oh, Mauricia fighting back!

Zap gets back up, turns around, and then landed a Péle Kick on Mauricia, and now both of them are down!

Mauro: OH! Indigo with a Péle Kick! Zap and Mauricia are now down, and in the center of the ring!

The referee begins to count.

Nigel: The referee is counting now, who's getting up first?

Both Mauricia and Indigo begin to stir, and started to crawl to their respective corners. Jenny and Lemon Zest frantically reaching out to their respective partners.

Beth: Both Jenny and Lemon Zest are chomping at the bit! 

After a few seconds of slow crawling, Zap and Mauricia make the hot tag, and Jenny and Lemon Zest fired at all cylinders!

Mauro: There's the tag!

Zest and Jenny go at each other, trading blows with one another. 

Then Jenny pushed Zest away to create separation, and then lands a Dropkick!

Zest gets up, but Jenny takes her down with an Arm Drag! 

Zest gets up again, goes for a clothesline, but Jenny ducks, hits the ropes, and then lands a flying Back Elbow!

Mauro: Explosive offense from Jenny!

Beth: Quickening the pace for Team Wheels Extreme!

Lemon Zest holds her face as she gets up, and then Jenny from behind, takes her down with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Neckbreaker by Jenny!

Jenny tags in Mauricia, and then Jenny measured up Zest.

Mauricia goes behind Zest, and then oce Zest got up, Jenny lands a running Front Dropkick, sending Zest flying into Mauricia, who catches her, and connects with a German Suplex!

Mauro: WOW!!!

Nigel: Front Dropkick into a German Suplex!

Beth: Lemon Zest is just getting destroyed right now!

Mauricia goes for the cover, but then Indigo Zap breaks the count just before 3!

Mauro: Oh! Zap just in the nick of time!

Zap gets up, and Jenny clotheslines her over the top rope, and down to the floor!

Nigel: Oop! There goes Indigo!

Jenny then goes onto the apron, goes for a Diving Clothesline, but then gets caught with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh MAN!!! A sudden Superkick by Indigo Zap, and Zap may have knocked Jenny's lights out!

Beth: This is probably what Zap and Zest need! 

Back in the ring, Mauricia was just about to fight her way back into the match, but Lemon Zest kicked her in the gut, and then Zest drops Mauricia with a Sitout Gourdbuster!

Zest tags in Zap, and then Zap picks her up for a Brainbuster, but then Mauricia fights out of it, and then lands a perfect Wind-up punch!

Mauro: Oh! Mauricia with a Wind-up Punch! 

Immediately off the punch, Mauricia clutches her arm.

Nigel: And there you can see the damage is starting to affect that bad arm!

Beth: How much more can she endure???

Indigo Zap stumbles into her corner, and Zest tags herself in.

Mauro: Tag made!

Zest then grabs her arm, and connects with an Overhead Kick to the arm!

Zest then got her in a Backslide pin, and the referee didn't notice Zest putting her feet on the middle rope, and Zap holding her feet there!

Mauro: Backslide by Zest, and Zap holding her feet on the middle rope!

And with the ref not noticing, Zest gets the 3 count!

**Bell rings!**

Zap lets go, and Zest gets her feet off the ropes before the ref saw it!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!!

Mauro: Zap and Zest took the low road, and walked away with the win!

Nigel: Yes it was low, but you can't argue with the results!

Beth: They must be very proud of themselves. 

Mauricia and Jenny looked at Zap and Zest with pure anger in their faces, as Zap and Zest looked back with smug looks.


Backstage in the interviewing area, "The" Brian Kendrick was standing in front of a camera, by himself.

Brian: Like I said earlier, the reason I lost at Resurgence, was because I didn't see the hurdles that were right in front of me. Now that I see them, I'm gonna make sure I jump over those hurdles, starting with beating Dezmond Xavier. Dezmond may be a Young up and comer, with a bright future in LWF, but he's in my way. Dezmond, you may be younger and faster, but I'm much smarter. And tonight, you're gonna learn firsthand, just how much my destiny means to me.

Kendrick continues to look into the camera after his promo.


In another part backstage, Spongebob was sitting on a Production box, with a look of disgust on his face, then Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Spongebob, earlier tonight, you just learned that your Championship match is a Triple Threat Match. Do you have a pick on who you want winning?

SpongeBob: Does it look like it matters to me who wins? It's not like their going to beat me for my title! Regardless of which of those schmucks walk out with the win tonight, they won't be doing the same at Elimination Enclosure. Hell! They may not even WALK out if I have anything to say about it! So regardless of who wins tonight, I'm going to show once again why I am not only Wattpad Champion for a reason, but why the SCE will be this company's most dominant force of all time!

And before Kayla could what that meant, Spongebob walks off.

Mauro: What does Spongebob mean by them not walking out tonight?

(MATCH 4: Time Splitters vs. The Dazzlings (3 ON 2 HANDICAP MATCH)


The lights dim, then the spotlights flickered changing from purple and yellow as Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk came out.

Then finally Adagio comes out last. She turns around, and seductively sways her hips left and right before looking over her shoulder, winking at the camera, then she turns around, and The Dazzlings walk down the ramp.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a 3 on 2 Handicap Match, set for one fall, introducing first, the team of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, THE DAZZLINGS!!!

Mauro: Well now it's time for the handicap match, and you gotta wonder. Is this a smart move by Shelley and Kushida?

Nigel: I always wonder about that very thing. I mean yes, Shelley and Kushida have the experience. They're future legends in the industry, but 3 against 2 is not the best odds.

Beth: Still though, you said it, Nigel. Shelley and Kushida have plenty of experience together, you have to think they know what they're doing.

The Dazzlings enter the ring, and await Shelley and Kushida. 


The crowd cheers as Kushida and Shelley come out.

Kushida kneels down, while Shelley threw his arms up, and looked up into the sky as smoke emitted from the stage.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 407 pounds, the team of Alex Shelley, and Kushida, THE TIME SPLITTERS!!!

Mauro: 2-Time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, and winner of the 2012 Super Junior Tag Tournament over in Japan, Shelley and Kushida have proven that they are a well-oiled duo!

Nigel: And as single units, they've done quite a lot. Kushida winning the Best of The Super Juniors Tournament in 2 separate occasions, former ROH TV Champion, and former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion. Alex Shelley, a former X-Division Champion, and multiple Tag Team Championship wins with Chris Sabin.

Beth: And now looking to grab gold here in LWF but they gotta get past The Dazzlings first.

Shelley and Kushida enter the ring, and they remove their vests, and stretched out in their corner.

Then Kushida and Adagio start it off, and the bell rings.

Kushida and Adagio lock up in the middle of the ring, then Adagio gets Kushida in a Side Headlock.

Mauro: Match is underway, and Adagio looking to gain control of the match here with a Headlock...

Kushida then grabs her arm, and gets her in a Wrist Lock. 

Mauro: Oh but Kushida, though! Slipping out...

Kushida then lets her go, drops down, and brings Adagio to the ground with a Drop Toe Hold. 

Mauro: … and brings Adagio down to the mat with a Drop Toe Hold!

Nigel: Can't out-wrestle the Time Splitter!

With Adagio down, Kushida quickly gets her in a grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: And now Kushida, keeping Adagio grounded.

Beth: Looking good so far…

Kushida transitions into a Front Facelock, Adagio tries to escape, but Kushida rolls a bit to keep her down.

Adagio eventually manages to get back up and lands some shots to his gut to break out of the hold.

Adagio then hits the ropes, Kushida drops down, Adagio hops over him, and once again hits the ropes. 

Kushida gets up, tries for a Clothesline, but Adagio ducks, and gets him in a Crucifix Pin, but she only gets a 2 count!

Mauro: Oh Crucifix by Adagio, only gets a 2 count!

They both get up, Adagio fakes a high Superkick to make Kushida flinch, and then connects with a Soccer Kick to the shin to trip up Kushida!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Adagio tripping Kushida!

Adagio smirks as she taps her head as if to say "I'm that smart".

She then tags in Sonata, and Sonata gets on Kushida, and punches away at her.

Mauro: Sonata out of the gate, letting out her wild side!

Sonata then gets up, and taunts at Shelley to get at his nerves.

Shelley tries to enter the ring, but the referee stops him.

Mauro: Sonata now teasing Alex Shelley and the referee keeping Shelley on the apron…

Sonata then turns around, and almost got clocked by a Wind-up Punch from Kushida, luckily she dodged it!

Mauro: And Kushida with a Wind-up Punch attempt, but Sonata Dusk avoided it!

Then from behind, Sonata drives Kushida into the mat with a Sleeper Slam!

Mauro: And Sonata from behind! 

Nigel: Sleeper Slam bringing Kushida down!

Sonata goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2.

Sonata then tags in Aria Blaze, and Blaze immediately rushed towards Shelley, and knocks him off with a Bicycle Kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Aria Blaze, kicking Shelley off the apron, and he crashes and burns on the floor below!

Kushida gets up, and Aria with an MMA style clinch, knees Kushida in the torso. 

This brings Kushida down to one knee, Aria releases him, hits the ropes, and connects with a Sliding Cutter!

Mauro: Cutter by Blaze!

Aria goes for the cover, Kushida kicks out at 2!

Off the kick out, Blaze continues to keep her offense going with stomps to Kushida's chest.

Nigel: Blaze now the aggressor in this match!

Mauro: Kushida in quite a predicament right now…

Aria now has Kushida in a Cravate. 

Meanwhile outside the ring, Sonata and Adagio were beating down Shelley!

Mauro: Oh but outside the ring! Adagio and Sonata! Beating the crap out of Alex Shelley!

Adagio then grabs Shelley from behind and connects with a Shin Breaker!

Adagio then holds him there off the impact, and Sonata delivers a Running Blockbuster!

Beth: OH, MAN!!!

Nigel: Double team offense from Sonata and Adagio!

Mauro: Shelley may have been taken out of the equation because of that!

Beth: As if it couldn't get any worse, this is now 3 on 1!

Adagio was the first to get up on the apron, and Aria makes the tag to her.

Mauro: Tag made, Adagio is back in.

Aria and Adagio pick Kushida up, Adagio has Kushida in Wheelbarrow position, Aria holds his head, and plants him with a DDT!

Immediately off the impact, Adagio throws Kushida with a Wheelbarrow Suplex!

Mauro: And there's more of that Double Team offense from The Dazzlings!

Adagio drags Kushida to the center, goes for the cover with the leg hooked, but Kushida still manages to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Kick out by Kushida!

Nigel: Kushida trying to withstand this punishment now…

Kushida tries to pull himself up, but the relentless Adagio kicks him back down.

Adagio then picks him up, and slams him down with a Northern Lights Suplex, rolls through, and sits him up.

Mauro: Adagio now, Northern Lights Suplex, rolls through…

She creates a small distance, and with a running start, lands a Boot on his face!

Mauro: OH! And Adagio connects with a Boot!

Beth: Catching Kushida right in the mush!

Adagio goes for the cover, but Kushida STILL manages to kick out at 2 somehow!

Mauro: And Kushida AGAIN kicking out!

Beth: Kushida with the wear-with-all of the 3 on 1 onslaught! 

Nigel: Part of me is thinking Kushida and Shelley are regretting this decision…

Adagio is surprised that Kushida was still able to kick out, but she continues to keep going.

She picks up Kushida, but then he pushes her away, and he sends some spit flying out of Adagio's mouth with a Shotei Palm Strike!


Beth: Right under the chin!

Nigel: Adagio may be out!

Adagio was now sitting on the mat dazed, Kushida staggers a bit as he goes behind her, and then he does his signature Cartwheel into a Basement Dropkick combo!

Mauro: Kushida now showing life! 

Kushida goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Kushida then grabs her arm, looking for the Hoverboard Lock, and Adagio was now screaming in terror as she scrambles to make sure he didn't lock it in!

Mauro: Oh now Kushida looking for the Hoverboard Lock! Adagio trying to escape!

Adagio manages to get to the bottom rope, and Kushida is forced to let go.

Adagio gets up, Kushida advances towards her, and Adagio lands a Leaping Enzuigiri! 

Kushida turns around, Adagio gets up again, and Kushida answers with an Overhead Kick, and now both Adagio and Kushida are down!

Nigel: Oh, wow!

Mauro: Kick after Kick! Now both of them are down!

At this point, Alex Shelley has finally recovered, and was about to climb back onto the apron. 

Mauro: Alex Shelley, finally coming to, looking to finally get in this match!

Aria and Sonata see this, and look to keep him down. Shelley sees them coming, got on the apron as fast as he could, and wiped them both out with a Diving Clothesline!

Mauro: WHOA, ALEX SHELLEY! Clothesline off the apron taking out Aria and Sonata!

Shelley climbs back up onto the apron, where Kushida is finally back up, and makes the tag!

Mauro: Tag made! Here comes Alex Shelley!!!!

Adagio also got up, but was met with a clothesline by Shelley!

Adagio gets up again, and gets hit with another clothesline!

Adagio gets up for a third time, and Shelley throws her into a corner with an Irish Whip. 

Shelley then charges, and delivered a Forearm Smash in the corner, then follows up with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: DDT by Shelley, and now it's Adagio who's in trouble!

Shelley goes for the cover off the Tornado DDT, but Aria slid in to break the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh, but Aria Blaze breaks the count!

Aria continues to batter Shelley with hammer fists, and then Sonata slides in to join the beat down.

The referee tries to get some order back in the match, but Aria and Sonata were not listening. Soon Adagio got up and joined the beating, and the referee had no choice but to call for the bell.

Mauro: The referee trying to regain some order, but to no avail! This match is over!

**Bell rings repeatedly**

Kushida comes in to try and save Shelley, but Aria sees him coming, and begins to brawl with him. 

Mauro: Kushida now coming to Shelley's aid,  but Aria thwarted that rescue!

She has Kushida on the ropes, and she clotheslines him over the top rope, but in the process, she also went with him!

Mauro: Oh! Aria spilling to the outside trying to take Kushida out!

Aria and Kushida get up but Aria had grabbed a chair from under the ring, and she hits Kushida in the ribs with it, and then hits him on the back!

Mauro: Oh, MAN! Aria Blaze with a steel chair!

Beth: Right on the spine of Kushida!

Aria then slides back into the ring, chair in hand. 

Sonata and Adagio then threw Shelley towards her with a Double Irish Whip, and Aria did the same thing to Shelley like she did to Kushida!

Beth: And now Aria giving Shelley the same treatment!

Aria then hands Sonata the chair, and props Shelley up to one knee by lifting him up with her foot on his chin.

Sonata then holds the chair up to the back of Shelley's head, and Adagio was now looking to hit the Blind Kiss, her patented Superkick to the back of the head!

Mauro: Oh this is bad!

Beth: The Dazzlings looking to end Alex Shelley right there on the spot!

Nigel: Somebody stop them!

Adagio then blew a kiss, went for the Blind Kiss, but before she even connected…



The crowd popped once the song played, and The Dazzlings turned to look at the stage with shocked looks on their faces.

A few seconds later, Chris Sabin came sprinting down the ramp!

Nigel: HE'S HERE!!!


Beth: After that assault in Episode 1, Chris Sabin has returned!!!

Sabin slid into the ring, Aria tries to stop him, but he sidestepped, and threw Aria out of the ring!

Mauro: There goes Aria Blaze!

Sonata goes for a cheap shot from behind, hammering away on the back of Sabin to try and chop him down, but Sabin popped back up, and delivered a massive Elbow Smash to knock her out!

Nigel: Sonata follows her!

Adagio couldn't believe her eyes as Sabin stared right at her.

“What're you doing here?! We put you on the shelf!" Adagio shouted.

"You didn't finish the job." Sabin says.

Unbeknownst to Adagio, Kushida had slid back in, and stood right behind her.

Adagio, seeing that Sabin was not backing down, turns to run... only to see Kushida standing right there in front of her.

Shelley also got up, and stared directly at her.

Mauro: Oh, this is bad for Adagio!

Soon Adagio had her hands up, and was now backing up slowly. She began to plead for mercy before ultimately bumping into Sabin.

Adagio gulps, and slowly turned to look at Chris Sabin. 

Beth: Adagio is caught in between three problems now!

Mauro: Yeah, caught between 2 rocks, and a hard place!

Just when it seemed like Adagio had nowhere to go, Aria and Sonata grabbed her ankles, and pulled her away.

The Dazzlings would live to see another day, but now Kushida and Shelley were all alone with Sabin.

Nigel: The Dazzlings got away, but look at this! 

Mauro: A reunion of Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, what could this mean!?

Sabin then asks for a mic, and he gets one.

Chris Sabin: Hey, Adagio! Aria! Sonata! Where are you guys going!? You three look like you've seen a ghost or something! Maybe it's because you thought you got rid of me 2 episodes ago, when you attacked me backstage. Well you didn't put me down for long! Here I am!!!!

The crowd cheers as The Dazzlings continue to look on.

Chris Sabin: And while I was recovering from your attack, I got a phone call from Chard, and he said to me that the doctors have medically cleared me for competition-

He gets cut off by a crowd pop.

Chris Sabin: … And not only did he tell me that I was medically cleared, but he also told me that I was also gonna join my partner in crime Alex Shelley, and his friend Kushida, to take on you three at Elimination Enclosure!

The crowd did a loud pop at the news.

And the Dazzlings' faces right now:

Chris Sabin: You three may have gotten away for now. But come Elimination Enclosure, you got nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. See you there! *throws mic behind him*

Sabin's theme plays again as Shelley and Sabin then made finger Guns, and pointed them towards The Dazzlings. Kushida also did the same, and all three of them fired.

Mauro: WOW! The Motorcity Machine Guns are back, plus Kushida is in the mix!

Nigel: And not only that, they're gonna face The Dazzlings at Elimination Enclosure!

Beth: Looks like this 3 on 2 handicap match was a setup! The Dazzlings thought they were gonna have an easy picking, but they got more than what they thought!

Mauro: What's gonna happen when these two factions collide at Elimination Enclosure!?


In my office, I was sending some text messages, when I heard a knock on my door.

Me: Door is open.

The door opens, and in came Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest. 

Indigo: You wanted to see us?

Me: Yes, have a seat you two.

They sat down on the chairs in front of my desk.

Me: So Elimination Enclosure is drawing near, and this news I'm about to tell you both, is regarding about that stunt you pulled earlier tonight in your match.

Lemon: What stunt?

Me: I was watching the match, and I saw that you had your feet on the ropes, and your friend held you there for good measure. So come Elimination Enclosure, in the Pre-show, it's gonna be you two, against Team Wheels Extreme in a rematch.

Lemon and Indigo: WHAT!?

Indigo: You can't be serious!

Me: And not just that, since you guys wanna take the low road to win, this match will be under anything goes, and Tornado Tag rules. You're free to go now.

Zap and Zest had no more words, and stormed out of my office.

(MAIN EVENT: Dezmond Xavier vs. "The" Brian Kendrick (Winner is added to the Wattpad Championship Match))


Dezmond's theme plays, and Dezmond Xavier makes his entrance.  

**Bell Rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Dayton, Ohio, weighing in at 183 pounds, DEZMOND XAVIER!!!

Mauro: Main Event time, winner goes on to meet Damian Priest, and Spongebob in the Triple Threat match at Elimination Enclosure!

Nigel: We heard from Kendrick earlier tonight, and it just shows just how much this opportunity means to Kendrick. He wants to fulfill his destiny, and to get there, he has to get past this man, Dezmond Xavier!

Beth: And get this, guys. In the Triple Threat, Spongebob doesn't have to he involved in the finish to lose his title! So the deck is highly stacked on the champion!

Dezmond slides into the ring, and then stretches out in a corner. 


Out comes "The" Brian Kendrick, and he waves his pirate flag around as he walks down the ramp. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Venice, California, weighing in at 170 pounds, "THE" BRIAN KENDRICK!!!

Mauro: And there's the man on a mission! While Dezmond is in to make a name for himself by going after the Wattpad Championship, Kendrick is in it to get past step 1 on his way to his "Destiny"!

Beth: And he said it before. He'll stop at nothing to ensure he gets there!

Nigel: And he also said that a man on a mission is a dangerous man, and I agree with him!

Kendrick enters the ring, and he poses on the turnbuckles before taking off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Kendrick and Dezmond lock up in the middle of the ring, Kendrick then gets Dezmond in a Wrist Lock, then transitions into a standing Arm-bar.

Dezmond tries to reverse the hold, but Kendrick maintains his hold on him by switching into a Hammerlock.

Mauro: Kendrick in the early going, wisely keeping Xavier down, making sure he doesn't get the chance to fly!

Dezmond then uses his free hand, and throws Kendrick with a Snapmare to get out.

Mauro: And Dezmond Xavier escaping with the Snapmare!

Kendrick gets up, charges at him, and Dezmond leap frogs over to evade.

Kendrick hits the ropes, Dezmond drops down, Kendrick hops over, rebounds, and Dezmond lands a Dropkick!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Dropkick by Dezmond!

Kendrick sat up checking for blood on his face, then Dezmond picked him up, goes for a Brainbuster, but Kendrick countered into a Small Package pin, but Dezmond kicks out at 2!

Beth: Oooh! Small Package attempt right there, and it almost paid off!

They both get up, and it's Kendrick who lands a Calf Kick to turn the match to his favor!

Mauro: Oh, what a Kick! 

Nigel: Landed perfectly on target!

Kendrick goes for the cover again, but Xavier kicks out at 2.

Kendrick, without any hestitation, quickly gets Dezmond in a Grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: Dezmond is now in a position he doesn't wanna be in at the moment! 

Nigel: Not a lot for him to do there. Because if he tried anything, Kendrick is gonna have an answer for it.

Dezmond sits up to try and at least scoot over to the ropes, but Kendrick quickly switches into a Sleeper Hold!

Mauro: Kendrick trying his hardest now to make sure Dezmond doesn't have the chance to regroup!

Kendrick begins to lean back now to try and go for a Submission win with the sleeper, but this gave Dezmond the chance to pin his shoulders down, and Dezmond leans into a pinning predicament!

Mauro: Oh wait a minute! Dezmond has Kendrick's shoulders down!

Kendrick kicks out at 2, Dezmond and Kendrick get up, and Dezmond hits a Step-up Enzuigiri! 

Mauro: Dezmond now climbing back into this!

Dezmond then throws Kendrick in the corner, and delivered a running Forearm Smash!

From there, Dezmond began unloading on Kendrick with Chops and Forearms!

Beth: Dezmond Xavier giving Kendrick everything he has!

Nigel: He's all fired up!

Dezmond then goes to the corner diagonally across, charges back at Kendrick looking for an uppercut, but Kendrick boots him in the face to stop him!

Mauro: Oh! Kendrick with a boot, stopping Dezmond dead in his tracks!

Dezmond is down on one knee, Kendrick walks towards him, but Dezmond continues to fight back with a Two-handed smack to the gut!

Mauro: But a shot to the midsection by Xavier stuns Kendrick momentarily!

Dezmond then fires away with more strikes to the upper body, followed by a kick to the leg, and topped off with a cutter!

Kendrick rolls to the outside, and Dezmond kips up, and pounds his chest, and the crowd continues to cheer him on.

Mauro: And the fire inside Dezmond Xavier continues to grow!

Nigel: This is what Kendrick was trying to avoid!

Kendrick starts to get up, and Dezmond hits the ropes, looking to go airborne!

Beth: Uh oh! Keep your eyes on Dez!

Kendrick is back on his feet, but gets immediately wiped out with a Space Tiger Drop by Dezmond!

Mauro: And Xavier takes to the skies!

Nigel: The Kardiak Kid went for a high risk maneuver, and it paid off!

Kendrick gets thrown back in, and then Dezmond begins to measure him up.

Mauro: Looks like Dezmond Xavier is looking for the end!

Beth: He's just one big move away to the 1-2-3!

Kendrick gets up, Dezmond turns around, and does a back Handspring, followed by a Backflip kick…

Which Kendrick avoided!

Mauro: Oh wait! Kendrick evaded it! Kendrick avoided the Backflip Kick!

While Xavier was still down, Kendrick instantly locked on the Captain's Hook!

Mauro: And there's the Captain's Hook! Captain's Hook on Dezmond Xavier!

Nigel: Got a little too flashy with that move, and Kendrick made him pay!

Dezmond tried reaching for the ropes, but he was too far away.

Kendrick continues to keep his hold on him, and Dezmond was already getting close to submitting.

But just as Dezmond was about to tap, Spongebob slid in, and attacked them both!

Mauro: Oh no! It's the Wattpad Champion!

**Bell rings repeatedly**

The match ends, but Spongebob's assault still continues. He picks up Kendrick, and throws him out of the ring. 

He then picks up Dezmond, and clocks him with Hurricane Sandy!

Mauro: I think this is what he meant when he said they say not walk out of her tonight! Spongebob knew this was gonna be bad for his chances of walking out still Champ, so he sabotaged the match to make sure that Triple Threat Match wasn't gonna happen!



I storm out immediately.

Me: Alright, that's enough! 

I stare at Spongebob, and the recovering Dezmond and Kendrick.

Me: Spongebob, if your intention was to make sure the Triple Threat didn't happen, well congratulations you did it!

Spongebob was now smiling.

Me: Oh you're proud of that? Well I think you're gonna like this then. At Elimination Enclosure, for the Wattpad Championship, it's gonna be you, Spongebob, versus Damian Priest… *Smiles from ear to ear* versus Dezmond Xavier, versus "The" Brian Kendrick, IN A DAMN FATAL 4 WAY, BABY!

"NOOOOO!" Spongebob cried out.

The crowd cheers as Kendrick and Dezmond smiled at the news.

Me: Have fun, Champ. And good luck. You're gonna need it.

My theme plays once more, as Spongebob begins to show signs of worry. 

Mauro: WOW! A Fatal 4 Way Match for the Wattpad Championship?! Chard has laid down the law on Spongebob, and now the Champion has to worry about 3 more men!

Beth: Looks like things have gone from bad to worse for the Wattpad Champion!

Nigel: What will happen at Elimination Enclosure when these four men collide?!

And there you have it! Episode 3!

What an Episode this was! A 3 Way now becomes a 4 Way, and we saw the return of Chris Sabin!

Elimination Enclosure is sure getting more and more hyped up! What will come in Episode 4? Stay tuned to find out.

See y'all there!

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