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Let's not waste anytime, let's get into this!

The show opens with a wide shot of the inside of Scotiabank Arena in Toronto. The fans were cheering as Mauro Ranallo spoke.

Mauro: Hello, everyone to another Episode of LWF: Reborn! We are inside Scotiabank Arena, in beautiful Toronto, Ontario, Canada where another action packed show is about to take place!

Suddenly, the lights go out.


The crowd began to boo as the song began to play.

32 seconds into the song, spotlights began to flash with the beat of the drums, then 14 seconds later, red lights came on, then "Scarlet and Graves" popped up on the titantron, and out came Dave Crist, with Zachary Wentz and Dezmond Xavier following behind.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome at this time, Zachary Wentz, Dezmond Xavier, and DAVE CRIST!!!

Mauro: Last episode, this trio named Scarlet and Graves put LWF on notice! It all started when Dez and Wentz put on a show stopping main event against the Motorcity Machine Guns, and actually beat them in the match! But then all of a sudden, after the match, things shifted to a whole other level!

Nigel: It definitely did! After that match, the masked person, who would later be revealed as Dave Crist, came out, gave Wentz and Dezmond an opening, and then after The Rascalz won, footage from Kushida's attack in Episode 8 was played and it revealed that Wentz and Dez were behind the 2 masks, then Crist revealed himself as the third, and it's safe to assume, he was the mastermind.

Beth: But what we don't know is why did they go after Kushida and The Guns?

Dave Crist gets a mic, then Wentz and Dezmond stand in the middle of the ring while Dave slowly paces left and right as the crowd booed the three men.

Dave: So all of you people are probably asking one question. That question is... "Why?". Simple, why not? But I know, that's enough for you all, so here's an explanation. See, ever since LWF came back, I wanted to come back. But as days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, I've never been contacted at all by LWF to come back! So when I heard that Wentz and Dezmond here got brought in, I knew just how to come back. And It started... by getting rid of Kushida.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction, booing for what Crist did, and cheering at the mention of Kushida.

Dave: And now with Kushida out of the equation, it was onto stage 2, getting rid of Sabin and Shelley.

The crowd gave the same reaction.

Dave: Now Chris Sabin, I heard that tonight you'll be competing for a spot in the Casino Scramble! Well I'll just say 2 things. 1, Chris Brookes is gonna be the least of your worries. And 2, Scarlet and Graves, is gonna be watching closely. *Grins*

Their theme played once more as they made their way out of the ring.

Mauro: Oh man, if I were Sabin right now, I'd keep eyes in the back of my head!

Nigel: Sabin's already banged up from the last Episode, then he's got Brookes tonight, and to top it all off, Scarlet and Graves are gonna be watching!?

Beth: Can Sabin even deal with Brookes, and his newfound ruthlessness and keep his eye on Scarlet and Graves at the same time?! We're gonna find out when they go head to head later tonight!

Mauro: But up next, Sonata Dusk looks to get even after Neo and Adagio got involved in her match with Erza Scarlet. It's Sonata vs. Neopolitan, next!


Chris Brookes was sitting on the floor, in a corner of a dark, and secluded area, with only a dim incandescent lightbulb showing half of his face.

Chris Brookes: Tonight, it's the first step in my journey to the top of the mountain. The first step, in my journey to solidify myself as the king of LWF: Reborn. The one person standing in my way at the moment, is Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin, don't think for a second that I don't know about what happened to you. Tonight, I'm gonna destroy what's left of you, and to whoever is in the Casino Scramble, take heed. Because when I punch my ticket into the match, I will break whoever comes my way, and Starlight Glimmer, when I become the #1 Contender, I will dissect you, and contort you, and become the NEW LWF: Reborn Champion! And to everyone in the LWF: Reborn locker room, you better be on notice. *stands up and looks into the camera* Because when I become the Champion, I will rule this company with an iron fist, and EVERYONE better know my name, and fear it!

The lightbulb then began to flicker.

Chris Brookes: You've all been warned.

Brookes continued to look into the camera as the promo ended.

In another area backstage, Koneko was chatting with Faith and Kindness.

Asia: It's okay, Koneko, you did great, that's all that matters.

Koneko: *sigh* maybe it's not the right time to go for the LWF: Reborn title just yet. *looks over Asia's shoulder* oh HELL no.

Then, in walked Ravel Phenex.

Ravel: The Ravel-ation is here! *Notices Koneko* oh hi, Koneko fancy seeing you here.

Koneko: I saw the notice you were coming here on Youtube... I didn't think you'd actually come in person.

Ravel: Well, surprise.

Koneko: Why are you even here, besides to get on my nerves?

Ravel: Well tonight, I'm gonna do something you haven't done.

Koneko: What's that?

Ravel: Win a match. *grins* I hope you watch my debut. *Walks away chuckling*

Koneko: Man I hate that blonde fried chicken.

(Back out at ringside....)

Mauro: Well tonight, Ravel Phenex will be bringing the Ravel-ation as she faces one half of Pretty Cure, Nagisa Misumi here tonight!



Out comes Neopolitan, and she sticks her open umbrella in front of her.

Then 12 seconds into the song, she lifts her umbrella up, winks at the camera, then makes her way to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, NEOPOLITAN!!!

Nigel: Looks like Neo's all on her lonesome tonight, but we'd better keep our eyes peeled! Adagio could be right behind her at any given second!

Beth: I agree Nigel. Last episode Adagio made it clear she wants one more match with Sonata to prove that her success won't last long.

Mauro: Also last Episode, Sonata gave her answer, which was "no", and she didn't take that lightly!

Neo then closed her umbrella, entered the ring, and placed her umbrella in a corner before sitting on the middle rope, legs crossed, waiting for Sonata.


The crowd cheers as Sonata Dusk makes her way out.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent! SONATA DUSK!

Mauro: Well Sonata Dusk is none too pleased with Adagio's actions towards her as of late. Earlier tonight before this match, she had this to say!

A Picture-in-picture screen then appeared, with Sonata on screen eating a taco.

Sonata: *swallows a bite* So Adagio wants to get her hands on me SO badly, she made me lose against Erza, and she didn't even realize Dagi handed her the win. Well tonight, I'm gonna send a message back to Adagio through Neo. If me saying "No", wasn't enough, then maybe I'll try beating up her sidekick to get my point across!

The picture-in-picture ends, and it cuts back to ringside, where Sonata had already entered the ring.

Nigel: And Sonata will for sure want to do that plenty, and she is focused on it! But Neo is one very tricky competitor. What we saw in her debut match against Zayden Trudeau, that might be just the tip of the iceberg, and we might see more impressive stuff.

The bell then rings, Sonata goes on the attack right away, but then Neo swiftly evades her!

Sonata gets on the attack again with a Clothesline, but then Neo does a matrix-esque evasion to dodge it!

Neo gets up, then Sonata goes for a punch, but Neo blocks it, goes for a high Kick but Sonata dodges, then Neo swiftly takes her off her feet with a Leg Sweep!

Neo goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2!

Neo then picks Sonata up, throws her to the ropes, then connects with a Clothesline!

Neo then turned Sonata around, draped her on the middle rope, then she stepped back a bit before hitting the ropes and slamming Sonata down with a sliding German Suplex!

Mauro: And Neo, swiftly planting Sonata with that German Suplex!

Neo slides back into the ring, goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Neo then got up, wrapped Sonata's leg around hers, then she bridged back and applied an Inverted Muta Lock.

Nigel: And Neo with a unique submission hold now...

Beth: Neo is one interesting individual! One second she's evasive and fast, the next she's got you wrapped up in these really unique holds!

Sonata manages to roll over to the bottom rope to force a break, and Neo lets her go.

Sonata pulls herself back up to her feet, then Neo goes for the Clothesline again, but Sonata jumps out of the way!

Neo was now draped on the ropes, then Sonata connected with a Backstabber!

Mauro: Ooh! Sonata with a Lungblower!

Sonata then goes for the cover, but Neo kicks out at 2!

Sonata gets up, Neo slowly begins to get up as well, but then as Sonata went up to her, Neo jumped up to her feet, and connected with a Jumping Spin Kick!

Nigel: Whoa!

Mauro: And Neopolitan with a kick to Sonata's face!

Neo goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2!

Sonata sits up, holding her face, then Neo picks her up, but Sonata creates separation with a Jawbreaker!

Sonata then gets up, hits the ropes, Neo tries to stop her with a Clothesline but Sonata ducks! Neo then hits the ropes, but Sonata stops her with an Enzuigiri!

Sonata then got up, Neo got up as well, then Sonata took her down with a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And now Sonata is building up steam!

Sonata goes for the cover, but Neo kicks out at 2!

Sonata gets back up, only to see Adagio come down the ramp.

Mauro: Oh no, it's Adagio again!

Nigel: She looks to get involved for the second time in a row!

"Again!? Are you kidding me!?" Sonata exclaims.

"All you had to do was give me a rematch!" Says Adagio.

"For the last time, I WON'T fight you!" Sonata exclaims. Unbeknownst to Sonata, Neo had recovered, then from behind, Neo grabbed her for the Shattered Silence, her patented Inverted Snapmare Driver, and she connects!

Mauro: OH! Neo with the Shattered Silence!

Beth: Adagio gave Neo just enough time to regroup!

Neo then rolled her over, went for the cover, and got the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And for the second time in a row, Adagio costs Sonata her match!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:12)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match-

Before Jeremy Borash could announce Neo as the victor, Adagio rushed the ring, and together with Neo, started beating Sonata down!

Mauro: And now Adagio and Neo, like a pack of wolves smelling blood, attack Sonata again!

After a few stomps, adagio grabs sonata by the face.

"You're gonna give me my rematch!" Adagio demanded. "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!" she shouts, letting her go.

Neo then holds her up, and Adagio hits the Blind Kiss once again!

Beth: Oh!

Nigel: The Blind Kiss, once again to a defenseless Sonata!

Molly then plays as Neo and Adagio stand tall.

Mauro: Adagio has one goal in mind, one more match with Sonata! And she's not gonna stop until she gets it!

Nigel: Until that day comes, Sonata will have to endure all this harassment! How long can she endure the torture untill she gives in?!


After a quick commercial break, a vignette plays.

It showed the Minecraft forest at night.

Narrator: Ah, back in the Minecraft forest once again. And it's night time, so that means nocturnal creatures are out and about.

That's when a sword being drawn was heard.

Narrator: Uh oh, it sounds like there's a battle afoot!

The camera then cuts to The Workin' Miners, sporting Diamond Armor, battling zombies and skeletons.

Narrator: Well look at that! It's the Workin' Miners once again! And it looks like they're fighting for survival!

Big Mac then sliced through a skeleton before getting cornered by 2 zombies.

Then Steve came in and took down the zombies.

Narrator: Well isn't that a close call! Lucky for them, they were ready to battle whatever enemy comes at them! Because when the Workin' Miners come to LWF, they don't just get the job done, they're always ready for a battle! Isn't that right?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Minecraft Steve: *Nods*

The vignette then ends with the caption: "THE WORKIN' MINERS - COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN"

Once the vignette ends, the camera cuts to Kayla Braxton standing by with Will Ospreay.

Kayla: I'm standing by with Will Ospreay, Will, tonight you are gonna be competing later tonight against Kassius Ohno, what is your current state of mind heading into this match, knowing what transpired at High Acceleration?

Will: Well Kayla, for starters, I'm a bit devastated by the fact Ricochet is with the SCE now, but I will not let that affect me. Because I'm gonna make it my mission to free Ricochet. Starting by taking down Ohno later tonight!

Ospreay then leaves.

Mauro: Will Ospreay with a strong message, making it his mission to free Ricochet from the SCE, and tonight it starts with beating Ohno! Also, I cannot wait for when the workin' miners arrive at LWF reborn! What sort of changes will rookie sensation Steve and RCCW Veteran Big Macintosh have in store for us?!



Nigel: Uh oh, switching gears now, here comes the man who went to the RCCW brand and acquired a title!

Out comes Dennis on his motorcycle. He stops at the center of the stage, and then he held the Hardcore Championship up high before riding his way down the ramp.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, for those who don't know, Dennis recently had made his presence felt at RCCW NXT TakeOver: Washington D.C, and claiming the Hardcore title in the process!

Nigel: With how destructive Dennis has been as of late, I'd say we better get used to Dennis holding that belt for a LONG time!

Dennis circles around the ring before stopping at the bottom of the ramp. He then dismounts, grabs a chair, and enters the ring.

Beth: If it was anybody else holding that title, I would say that it's a good opportunity, but since it's Dennis, you'd be gutsy, but not the smartest!

Dennis then opens the chair up, grabs a mic, and sits in the middle of the ring.

He then looked around as the crowd gave him mixed reactions before speaking.

Dennis: I would like an actual challenge. The only challenge I've had in my entire life was when I got out played by Square for brains. I've made damn near everyone on this show fall at my feet. Don't believe me? Just ask Darby Allin. So I decided to take my ball to RCCW, and even then there wasn't a challenge! You people really expect to see someone like Drax the Destroyer carry a belt like this? *Holds up the RCCW NXT Hardcore Championship* Even if someone came down that ramp right now they couldn't take this away from me because if it isn't in RCCW's jurisdiction then it can't be official. See, I'm sick and tired of being fed the small fish, I'm sick and tired of being given the runts of the litter, when will I get a REAL challenge, and more importantly when will I be getting an LWF World Title match!? I don't give a damn about Equality, I don't care what Wrestlepalooza has, I don't give two shits for who is challenging for it because in the end I will make sure that I am the first person they meet after that night ends. I will not be a footnote in history and my path of destruction is going to continue so should any of you get in my way, then don't expect to be able to walk into work the next week! *drops mic*

Dennis's theme plays once more, and he exits the ring, and starts up his motorcycle.

Mauro: Wow, an emphatic statement by the Hardcore Champion! Folks, he's put the entire LWF: Reborn roster on notice!

Nigel: It's clear as day, Dennis wants the LWF: Reborn title, and no one's gonna get in his way!

Beth: We've still got plenty of action to get to guys! Two more Casino Scramble matches, and a new debut! Coming up next, it's one of our Casino Scramble Qualifiers! It's the "Light Bringer" Quatro, taking on "The Modfather", Flash Morgan Webster!

Mauro: Two amazing high flyers, but only one will claim that slot! But before we go any forward, we would like to take you back to Episode 11, where FSU had this to say!

A replay of Episode 11 plays. The Replay was FSU backstage, just after the matchup between Sonata Dusk and Erza Scarlet.

Mark Andrews: Eddie, just now, we had an Interpromotional Match, Erza Scarlet versus Sonata Dusk.

Eddie Dennis: Yeah... wait, wasn't Erza part of a group?

Mark Andrews: Yeah, and I think I know why they didn't bother to show up here.

Eddie Dennis: Why is that, Mark?

Mark Andrews: *Looks into the camera* It's because if they did, we would have dropped them where they stood! Listen here, Alexis Rhodes, and Asuka Langley Soryu, It was pretty wise of you two to not show up. Because if you crossed paths with us over here, you two would have been on the floor laying!

Eddie Dennis: But you can't duck us forever! Since End Of The Line is the next event, allow us to invite you over to our turf! At End Of The Line, you two, versus us!

Mark Andrews: Come on over if you're not cowards! Or if you are too scared to come here, we might as well come over there, and pay you guys a visit!

Eddie Dennis: Keep your head on a swivel, ladies. Otherwise you'll never see us coming.

The replay then ends.

Mauro: And shortly after that message was sent, I understand that we actually have a response from Alexis and Asuka themselves! Have a look!

Then, a clip from BTWF plays. It was a backstage interview with Todd Grisham, and The Beautiful People were beside him.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Erza Scarlet, Asuka Langley Soryu, and Alexis Rhodes of the Beautiful People, who competed in the pre-show of Trouble in Tokyo. Now girls, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis of LWF Reborn have called you out after Erza's victory on the recent episode of LWF: Reborn.

Asuka: We heard, Todd. And this Mark Dennis and Eddie Andrews, whoever they are, decide to call us out so they can make a name off of us!

Erza: I defeated Sonata of the LWF last time I was there, what do you think is going to happen when Asuka and Alexis go down there, and wrestle the Welsh Evan Bourne and that outlaw mudshow looking loser?

Alexis: The answer is that they're going to get their asses kicked! They are beneath us! They're nothing but losers, and we're going to show the LWF where the REAL talent is!

Asuka nods, and patted both Erza and Alexis on their shoulders.

Asuka: The BTWF is trying to have these working connections with all these other companies, but the LWF is beneath us. When the Beautiful People go down to the LWF, we're going to show BTWF higher-ups that we're not in the same league as these LWF losers!

The Beautiful People then leave, and the exclusive clip ends.



Ruby was happily walking backstage, smiling to herself before Charly Caruso walked up.

Charly: Ruby! Glad I ran into you. You seem very happy despite everything The Society of Complete Equality said at the top of the show. Are you still going to pursue Spongebob and the LWF Wattpad Title?

Ruby: Of course! At High Acceleration, I came SUPER close! Seeing just how close I was, shows that I have what it takes to beat Spongebob! So Spongebob-

Suddenly Adagio and Neo jumped Ruby from behind, and began to beat her down!

Adagio: *Picks up Ruby* So you're Sonata's new friend, huh? Maybe after what we do to you, she'll change her mind!

Adagio then shoved her into Neo, who then drops her with the Shattered Silence!

Adagio: *Looks into the Camera* Do I have your attention now, Sonata? HUH?! There's only one way this could all stop. You know what to do.

Adagio and Neo then walked away, and Ruby clutched the back of her head as she came to, groaning in pain.

(Back at ringside...)

Mauro: Adagio and Neo with a hellacious assault on an innocent Ruby Rose, all to try and get Sonata to change her mind!

Beth: And Adagio is willing to do anything, and hurt those closest to Sonata to get her to do so!

(MATCH 2: Quatro vs. Flash Morgan Webster (CASINO SCRAMBLE QUALIFIER))


The crowd boos as out came Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis.

Mauro: Well back to the action, where we're supposed to be scheduled for a Casino Scramble Qualifier, what brings FSU out here, I have no idea!

The crowd continued to boo them, then FSU made their way to the commentary desk.

Mauro: And it looks like we're going to be joined by FSU! Welcome aboard!

Mark Andrews: *Puts on headset* Why thank you, Mr. Ranallo, it's a pleasure to be here.

Eddie Dennis: *Puts on a secondary headset* Indeed it is.

Mauro: Now before we could move on to the match, I wanna get this out of the way. Now you're out here for a reason, surely.

Mark Andrews: Yes, certainly we are. 2 reasons as a matter of fact! 1, first and foremost, we didn't forget what Webster did at High Acceleration! That was our Tag Team Championship opportunity, and Webster had to make it about himself!

Eddie Dennis: Exactly! And we're not letting that slide! 2nd, we heard Alexis and Asuka's response, but you'll hear our thoughts about it soon enough!

Mark Andrews: Yeah, they're just girls with pretty faces, what can they do!? See, they know without Erza Scarlet, they're nothing!

Eddie Dennis: That's right, Mark! Erza, she has a pretty face, but she's a force to be reckoned with! We saw her match with Sonata Dusk, we know what she's capable of! But is it the same when her and the rest of the gang step up to us? I don't think so!

As FSU continued on with their explanation...


4 seconds into the song, Flash Morgan Webster comes out, strutting down the ramp to the beat of his theme.

Mark Andrews: Oh and there's the twerp that screwed us at High Acceleration!

Eddie Dennis: I hope he doesn't win.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is a Casino Scramble Qualifier match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Brynmawr, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 165 pounds, FLASH MORGAN WEBSTER!!!

Mauro: Well there's the man that... well, cost you and Eddie Dennis your Tag Team Championship match, Mark!

Mark: You don't need to remind me! I'd rather forget that happened!

Nigel: Well in a matter of moments, he's gonna be fighting for a spot in the Casino Scramble, which will determine a #1 Contender for the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line!

Eddie Dennis: Which we hope he loses.

Mark Andrews: Yeah, and when he loses, he's gonna feel what WE felt at High Acceleration!

Webster makes his way down the ramp, walks around ringside, then looks at FSU.

Mark Andrews: Yeah, keep looking at us, we haven't forgotten about High Acceleration, you weasel!

Eddie Dennis: We hope you lose!

Webster enters the ring, and he takes off his jacket and shirt.


"Good day for a swell battle! Now GO!"


The crowd cheers once the song begins.

Then, 18 seconds into the song, out came Quatro!

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from The Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 145 pounds... he is the "Light Bringer", QUATRO!!!

Mauro: At Elimination Enclosure, Quatro came in at a fitting #4, he may not have lasted long, but it hasn't slowed him down! Now, he has an opportunity to climb that mountain again!

Nigel: He was the ultimate underdog over in his home country, overcame every obstacle that was in front of him, and now here he is, looking to get back into title contention!

Quatro slides into the ring, and takes off his shirt.

Beth: Two decorative High Flyers in their own right, but only one spot in the Casino Scramble is up for grabs!

Mauro: Quatro vs. Webster, Destino vs. Eton Rifle! Here we go!

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Webster and Quatro lock up in the middle of the ring, Webster gets Quatro in a Side Headlock, but then Quatro slips out, and gets Webster in a Side Headlock of his own.

Webster then shoves him off, sending him to the ropes. Quatro rebounds, and Webster takes him down with an Arm Drag!

Webster now has Quatro in a grounded Wrist Lock, then Quatro gets back up. Quatro then tried to reverse it, but Webster kept the hold tight.

Quatro struggles, but he is able to reverse it into a Hammerlock.

Webster then counters out of the Hammerlock with a Drop Toe Hold, then he immediately locks on a Front Facelock!

Quatro then gets to his feet, and counters into a Northern Lights Suplex! He bridges into the cover, but Webster kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Quatro with a Northern Lights Suplex, only a 2 count!

Nigel: Nice back and forth action between the two!

Both Quatro and Webster got up, then Webster went for a Clothesline. Quatro ducks it, hits the ropes, then takes down Webster with a Hurricanrana!

Webster gets back up, and he narrowly dodges a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Quatro gets up, then Webster connects with a jumping High Knee Strike!

Webster then slams him down with a Snap Suplex, floats over into the cover, but Quatro kicks out at 2.

Mauro: And now Webster attempts a pin, Quatro out at 2!

Mark Andrews: No surprise there.

Eddie Dennis: Yeah, not even surprised.

Mauro: Well, let's just touch on the subject of End Of The Line for a second. Last Episode you and Eddie called out Erza's comrades, Alexis Rhodes and Asuka Langley Soryu. Care to explain more on why?

Mark Andrews: Well, if you were paying attention, you would have heard us say that without Erza, Alexis and Asuka are nothing!

Eddie Dennis: Yeah, and at End Of The Line, we're gonna prove that point!

Back in the match, Webster picked up Quatro, but then Quatro created separation with a Jawbreaker!

Webster staggers back, then Quatro throws him into a corner.

Quatro then flattens Webster with a running Forearm Smash, then he goes to the corner diagonally across, and runs back, goes for a jumping Back Elbow, but Webster gets out of the way!

Then, holding the ropes, Webster clocks Quatro with an Enzuigiri, then takes him down with a Snapmare.

He then drags him to the center of the ring, goes for a standing Imploding Senton, but Quatro rolls out of the way!

Mauro: Oooh! Webster went for the Senton, Quatro getting out of the way in time!

Quatro gets up, then he connects with a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: And Quatro with a Standing Moonsault!

Quatro hooks the leg, but Webster kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Not enough, Webster out at 2!

Mark Andrews: Cmon, it's not that hard!

Beth: Are you two rooting for Quatro to win?

Eddie Dennis: Well, we really don't want Webster to win, so of course by default we're rooting for Quatro!

Quatro picks up Webster, but then Webster begins to fight back with some Forearm Smashes!

Webster then goes to hit the ropes, but then Quatro ran right behind him, and clocks Webster with a Bicycle Knee Strike on the ropes!

Nigel: Oh my word! The hit on that knee strike!

Quatro then pulled Webster off the ropes, and then quickly hooked him up for his signature Sit-out Last Ride Powerbomb, the "Hyperbomb", and connected with it!

Mauro: And there's the Hyperbomb for a follow up! That could be it!

Quatro sat into the pin and hooked his arm under the waist, the referee getting into counting position.

Mark Andrews: Cmon, 3 count...!

But at 2 and a half, Webster kicks out!

Mauro: Almost had him, Webster out at 2!

Beth: Quatro nearly had him there, if he was a bit faster, that could've been a 3 count!

Mark Andrews: Could've been? That should have been 3!

Eddie Dennis: We're no fan of Quatro himself by any means, but I will say I am impressed with his performance so far.

Beth: You two had better not interfere in the match. Quatro always wants to get things done himself, with no one helping him.

Eddie Dennis: Beth, what do you take me and Andrews for!? That young man's attitude is similar to Mark's, so who are we to interfere?

Mark Andrews: As much as Eddie and I hate Webster, I can agree that Quatro and I are alike. So out of personal respect from one underdog to another, Eddie and I are staying right here at this booth.

Back in the match, Quatro picked up Webster for the Destino, went for it, but Webster reversed it by pushing him off!

Nigel: Oh! Quatro went for the Destino, but Webster reversed it!

Eddie Dennis: Both of these two use variations of the same move so of course Webster could reverse it!

Quatro then goes for a Clothesline, but Webster ducks, then immediately planted Quatro with the Eton Rifle!

Nigel: And there's Webster's version, the Eton Rifle!

Beth: Is Webster gonna advance in the Casino Scramble?!

Mark Andrews: I don't think so!

Then Eddie and Andrews threw down their headsets, and got up and surrounded the ring.

Mauro: Uh oh! So much for not butting into Quatros match!

Andrews hops onto the apron, Webster tries to knock him off but Andrews hops down in time.

Webster then turned around and walked into Quatro's Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Then Quatro wasted no time, and connected with the Destino!

Mauro: And Quatro catching Webster off guard! Destino connects!

Quatro quickly hooked the leg, and got the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:18)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, QUATRO!

Quatro sat up, looked at FSU and asked them why they got involved.

Mauro: Give the assist to FSU, but it looks like Quatro is not happy with that win!

Nigel: Well I wouldn't be either if someone got involved in my match, helping me or not!

Eddie and Andrews didn't even hesitate. They rushed into the ring and began to beat both Webster and Quatro down!

Mauro: And now FSU! Not even saying a word! Assaulting Quatro and Webster!

Eddie Dennis then tosses Quatro out of the ring, while Andrews keeps hammering away at Webster.

"This is for High Acceleration, you punk!" Andrews screams as he keeps pummeling away at Webster.

He then throws Webster to Eddie, who then sets him up for the Neck Stop Driver, and hoists him up.

Andrews then climbed to the top turnbuckle, and FSU connected the Double Foot Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo!

Mauro: And FSU with the exclamation point!

Andrews then demanded for mics, and a production crew member handed him two.

Mark Andrews: Eddie, take out the trash.

Eddie nods, and unceremoniously dumped Webster out of the ring.

Andrews hands him the other mic, and the crowd continues to boo them.

Mark Andrews: Now with that piece of sh*t dealt with, Eddie and I want to address a couple of things!

Eddie Dennis: First, we know what you fans are saying. Ever since we called out Asuka and Alexis, we've been getting these responses. *In a mocking voice* "Oooh, does FSU have a death wish!?", "Wow, that's a strange way to commit suicide, FSU!", and my favorite one, *Back to a mocking voice* "Did FSU ever learn the rule of 'Never underestimate opponents when you don't know what the f*ck they're capable of'!?" To that we say, you all are f*cking morons!

Mark Andrews: At End of The Line, when we BEAT the Beautiful People, you all are gonna eat your words, and we hope it tastes bitter!

Eddie Dennis: Second, Alexis, Asuka, we heard your response.

Mark Andrews: Yeah, "Welsh Evan Bourne"! Very f*cking cute!

Eddie Dennis: And "Outlaw Mudshow looking loser"? Heh, real mature. But there was one thing that caught our attention. You said that we're beneath you guys, and that we're losers... B*TCH DO YOU KNOW WHO THE F*CK WE ARE!?

Mark Andrews: We are former PROGRESS Tag Team Champions for f*cks sake! And you're better than us!? Fat f*cking chance!

Eddie Dennis: And you're gonna show us where the "REAL talent is"? Real Talent my ass!

Mark Andrews: The only talent you three will ever have is getting a following on your OnlyFans!

Eddie Dennis: When we finally collide, let's see if your opinions still stay the same!

Mark Andrews: Alexis Rhodes, Asuka Langley Soryu, at End Of The Line, not only are gonna make you eat YOUR words, but you will remember the three letters, F... S... U! *Drops mic*

(Start at 0:08)


Mauro: An emphatic statement sent to Asuka and Alexis by FSU! Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, showing a lot of confidence!

FSU continued to stand in the middle of the ring, when the crowd suddenly began to cheer.

Eddie and Andrews looked at each other confused, when from behind, Erza Scarlet, Alexis Rhodes, and Asuka Langley Soryu jumped the barricade, and rushed the ring! FSU turned around, then Alexis went after Andrews, while Erza and Asuka went after Eddie!

Beth: What the hell!?

Mauro: Oh my god!!! Guys!!!

Nigel: It's The Beautiful People!!!

Mauro: Erza Scarlet! Alexis Rhodes! Asuka Langley Soryu! The Beautiful People are in full strength here in Scotiabank Arena!

Alexis delivers a knee to Mark's gut, then throws him out of the ring!

Eddie pushes Asuka and Erza off, then takes Asuka out with a boot!

Mauro: And Eddie with a Boot! Asuka laid out!

Eddie then turned around, and he and Erza had a standoff!

Mauro: Oh, well isn't THIS interesting!

Nigel: Look at this! The Welsh Dragon, standing off with Titania, Erza Scarlet!

The crowd began doing the "Yes!" Chant as Erza and Eddie stood tall. But before either Erza or Eddie could do anything, Asuka and Alexis take him down with chop blocks to the back of his legs!

Mauro: Oooh! But Asuka and Alexis from behind!

Nigel: The Beautiful People, here to make a statement! Proving they are more than just pretty faces!

Asuka and Alexis then looked up, and saw Mark Andrews spring off the top rope, and he knocked them down with a Front Dropkick!

Mark began to talk trash as Asuka and Alexis rolled out of the ring. But doing so, he walked backwards into Erza Scarlet!

Andrews nervously smiles, turns around with his hands up, and tries to talk his way out.

Mauro: Uh oh...

Nigel: Not so confident now, huh Andrews?

And it looks like Andrews' Front Dropkick didn't keep Asuka and Alexis down for long, because they got up, though still shaking off the effects from it, and then entered the ring, to surround him.

Beth: Mark Andrews, now in quite a predicament!

"You got anything else to say!?" Asuka asks Mark.

Mark Andrews continues to try and talk his way out, but then he swiftly turns and decked Erza with a Forearm Smash, but unfortunately Asuka and Alexis quickly swarmed him!

Andrews struggles to try and escape, and he barely manages to slip out, roll out of the ring, and into Eddie's arms as FSU begins to retreat!

Beth: FSU now, running away like scalded dogs!

Mauro: All the talk from Eddie and Andrews, yet The Beautiful People got the best of them tonight!

Asuka then drew a line with her finger on the mat, and then dared them to get back in the ring as Asuka, Alexis, and Erza stood tall.


Mauro: The battle lines have been drawn! This is gonna be one hell of an encounter!

Nigel: What's gonna happen when Asuka and Alexis finally collide with FSU come End Of The Line!?

Beth: I can assure you, it's gonna be chaotic! What a match this is gonna be!

Mauro: And up next, what a match THIS will be! Ravel Phenex, making her debut, against Nagisa Misumi!

Nigel: The Ravel-ation is upon us!


Kayla Braxton was standing in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest, Chris Sabin.

In walks Chris Sabin, ribs taped up.

Kayla: Sabin, obviously wearing the battlescars of last Episode, and on top of that, you're gonna be vying for the last spot in the Casino Scramble against Chris Brookes, how are you going to, at the least, survive the match, knowing you're not 100%, and the fact Scarlet and Graves are gonna be watching closely?

Chris Sabin: Well Kayla, I'll just say if I'm going down, I'm going down swinging. Chris Brookes is ruthless and methodical, and I'm aware he's going to be targeting my taped up ribs. So Chris Brookes, he can do whatever he wants. Now as far as Scarlet and Graves goes...

Sabin then looked back, and in walked Alex Shelley.

Alex Shelley: We'll be waiting.

Sabin and Shelley then leave.

(MATCH 3: Ravel Phenex vs. Nagisa Misumi (Ravel Phenex's LWF Debut))


Out came Nagisa and Honoka, and the crowd cheers.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Honoka Yukishiro, NAGISA MISUMI!!!

Mauro: Well now we know Chris Sabin is gonna be ready for Scarlet and Graves, but is Nagisa ready for the debuting Ravel Phenex?

Beth: Well we've seen what Nagisa can do, but Ravel... oh man, I can't wait to see what she could bring!

Nigel: And this is coming off a Tag Team win against The Hybrid 2, so she's got a lot of momentum heading into this match!

Nagisa enters the ring, and Honoka watches from ringside.

Nagisa warms up in a corner, then stretches out as she waits for her opponent.

Then, the lights go out.


Spotlights danced around, the crowd cheered, some chanted for Ravel.

Then about 19 seconds into the song, the song immediately changes.

(Start at 0:05)


The arena was now pitch black, then when the lyrics hit, a spotlight shone down on the center of the stage, where Ravel was standing, back turned to the ring.

Then when the chorus came, she turned around, and threw her fist into the air. She then stood there for a couple more seconds before walking to the ring in an Alexa Bliss like attitude.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, making her LWF debut, RAVEL PHENEX!!!

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to live the Ravel-ation!

Nigel: It was announced on Youtube several weeks ago that Ravel would be coming to LWF! Now she hopes to make a big impression!

Beth: She was very vocal about getting her first win to her fellow... "friend" Koneko. I'm pretty sure she wants to get a win over Nagisa just so she can rub it in Koneko's face.

Mauro: It's true that Koneko hasn't had the best of luck when it comes to winning matches, but Ravel could just as easily be overconfident.

Ravel slides into the ring, and walks back into a corner, looking at Nagisa.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Nagisa and Ravel lock up in the middle of the ring, Nagisa then takes Ravel down with an Arm Drag and keeps a hold of her with a Wrist Lock.

Ravel then got up to her knees, and countered with a Fireman's Carry Takeover. She then gets up, Nagisa gets up too, and then Ravel throws her with a Hip Toss, but Nagisa lands on her feet!

Nagisa turns around, Ravel tries to knock her down with a Clothesline, but Nagisa ducks, then she rolls her up for a pin, only to get a 2 count!

Mauro: And Nagisa with a roll up, only a 2 count!

They both get up, then Nagisa clocks Ravel with a Rolling Elbow!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Rolling Elbow by Nagisa Misumi!

Ravel falls, then Nagisa goes for the cover, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

Nagisa then grabbed Ravel's arm, and locked on an Americana Lock.

Since Ravel's shoulders were down, the referee counted, but Ravel was able to kick out at 2.

Nagisa however, was able to keep the hold tight, and she kept her in the lock.

Ravel however was able to reverse out of it, then pulled Nagisa into a Clothesline!

Ravel pulls her back up, goes for another Clothesline, but Nagisa floats over it, and into a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Ohhh, Nagisa! Swinging Neckbreaker to Ravel!

Nigel: Just as soon as Ravel was about to turn tables, Nagisa was able to prevent her from doing so!

Nagisa then went into the cover, but Ravel kicked out at 2!

Mauro: No, Ravel out at 2!

Both of them get up, Ravel staggers, Nagisa tries to spin her around, but Ravel clocks her with a Pélé Kick!

Ravel then gets up, Nagisa slowly sits up, but she also gets up to her feet shortly after.

Ravel then hits the ropes, and knocks her down with a Clothesline! Nagisa gets up, and then Ravel knocks her down with a Double Axe-handle! Ravel then picks her up, and then drops Nagisa with a Swinging Cutter!

Ravel now rolls her over, and into the cover, but Nagisa kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ravel with a near fall!

Ravel then gets up, goes for a Standing Moonsault, but Nagisa gets her knees up!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Ravel got nothing but knees off the Moonsault!

Nagisa then rolled Ravel up into a Small Package pin, but Ravel was able to kick out at 2!

They both get up, Nagisa staggers into the ropes, Ravel charges but Nagisa kicks her, and flips onto the apron!

Ravel gets back up, then Nagisa slings over the top rope, and springs off the second rope, connecting with an Uppercut!

Nagisa then dragged her into position, then with a running start she sprung off the second rope again, connecting with a Leg Drop!

Mauro: And now Nagisa with a flurry of offense!

Nagisa gets up, and shouts "Come on!", gaining a cheer from the fans.

But then…


Both Nagisa and Honoka look up at the stage confused.

Mauro: What?

Beth: What's going on here?

18 seconds into the song, Jack Evans, dressed in Nagisa's Cure Black outfit and wearing a pale orange haired wig, came out, and then Angelico came out in Honoka's Cure White Dress and wore a black haired wig, and they mocked Pretty Cure's signature pose.

Mauro: Aw, look at this! Last Episode it was Pretty Cure mocking The Hybrid 2, this Episode The Hybrid 2 brought it back to them!

Nagisa looked offended, but she quickly turned her attention back to Ravel. Unfortunately, that bought enough time for Ravel to recover, and she flattened Nagisa with a Meteora!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Nagisa turns her attention back to Ravel, walks right into a Meteora!

Beth: The Hybrid 2 bought Ravel just enough time to regroup!

Ravel then goes to the apron, and climbs to the top rope.

Mauro: And Ravel now! Looking to close in!

Nagisa gets up, then Ravel leaps off the top turnbuckle, and hits her finishing move, the "Ravel-ation"!

Mauro: And there it is!

Nigel: The Ravel-ation!

Ravel then hooked the leg, and Ravel gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And the Ravel-ation, gives Ravel the victory!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:05)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, RAVEL PHENEX!

Nigel: Well, it's no secret that Evans and Angelico are far from finished with Pretty cure, and they gave Ravel her debut victory!

Beth: The game of 1-upsmanship continues between these two tag teams!

As Ravel continued her way to the back, celebrating as she did so, Honoka joined a recovering Nagisa in the ring. Then Evans and Angelico got there too, and then Pretty Cure and The Hybrid 2 began a brawl!

Mauro: And now, it's getting physical! The Hybrid 2, and Pretty Cure, going at one another!

The brawl didn't last long as Nagisa, already weak from her match with Ravel, was easily taken down by Angelico, then he and Evans pummeled away on Honoka!

After that, Jack Evans got a mic.

Jack Evans: *Looks down at Nagisa* How does it feel? A lot funnier when it's on someone else, huh?

The crowd booed them.

Jack Evans: Well last Episode, that OBVIOUSLY was not funny to me! You two are nothing but jokes! And you know what, at End of the Line, the whole world is gonna see that truth for themselves! Let's see how well you magical losers do, in a Tornado Tag Team Match! *Tosses mic away*

The Hybrid 2's theme then plays as Evans and Angelico taunt the crowd.

Mauro: I like that idea! What better way to put Pretty Cure to the test under the bright lights and settle the score with The Hybrid 2, than a Tornado Tag Match at End Of The Line?

Nigel: I'm all for that! All tag team members are legal at the same time, chaos is definitely gonna ensue!

Beth: End Of The Line just keeps getting better and better! Speaking of End Of The Line, it's been made official! The Tag Team Match between The Beautiful People and FSU, is gonna happen at End Of The Line! 

Mauro: That's gonna be a barn-buster! And on the subject of End Of The Line...

(Start at 0:50)


Mauro: We'd like to take this time to extend a "thank you" to the band that provided the main theme music for the event, Three Days Grace, with their song “Strange Days”! You can get this song, and their album "Outsider" in Apple Music, and on Spotify!

Nigel: And coming up next, it's the last of today's two Casino Scramble Qualifying matches! Chris Brookes, versus Chris Sabin! Can Sabin beat the odds with a big target on his injured ribs, the looming threat of Scarlet and Graves, and a very determined, and sadistic, Calamari Catch King to advance? Or will it all be too much for Sabin to handle? Well we're about to find out!


Trent, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder were all in the locker room.

Curt: Alright boys. Now that we've left Trent's "former” best friends in the dust, it's time we moved onto the bigger prize, the LWF Reborn Tag Team Championships.

Zack: No doubt about it, bro. It's about time we got a shot at Tag Team gold! 

Trent: Whoa, but there's three of us, and two of Mabel and Star. 

Curt: … And?

Trent: Good point.

The three of them then laughed, then a knock was on their door.

Zack: Yo, Trent, can you get that?

Trent shrugs, answers the door, only to be met by a Forearm to the face!

It was Chuck Taylor at the door! He then threw Trent out of the locker room, Hawkins and Ryder tried to stop him, but Orange Cassidy, hands in pockets, jumped off a Production Box, and wiped out Hawkins and Ryder!

Chuck continued to hammer away on Trent, then referees rushed in to separate the two men.


(Back at ringside…)


Mauro: Broken friendships lead to bitter rivalries. The tension between Chuck, Cassidy and the New York Trio of Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, and Trent, is just heating up! 

Nigel: Well right now, it's time for our last Casino Scramble Qualifier! Who's gonna advance to become the #1 Contender for the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line?

26 seconds into the song, Chris Brookes slowly walks out.

(MATCH 4: Chris Brookes vs. Chris Sabin (CASINO SCRAMBLE QUALIFIER))

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your final Casino Scramble Qualifier, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Tipton, England, he weighs in tonight at 187 pounds, he is the "Calamari Catch King", CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: Earlier tonight, we heard Chris Brookes say that he's gonna destroy what's left of Chris Sabin, and when he does advance to the Casino Scramble, he's gonna break everyone in the match! Then, he sent a message to Starlight Glimmer, saying that once he's the #1 Contender, he was gonna dissect her, and contort her!

Nigel: If I were Starlight Glimmer, I'd be on the lookout for Brookes!

Beth: I agree. Brookes has become more and more dangerous ever since Elimination Enclosure! How ruthless can this new Chris Brookes get!?

Brookes enters the ring then climbs up a corner and yanks the bandanna off his face, and spat out water.



The crowd cheers as Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley come out. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Alex Shelley, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in tonight at 205 pounds, CHRIS SABIN!!!

Mauro: The odds are heavily stacked against Sabin here tonight! He not only has to worry about Chris Brookes, potentially targeting his injured ribs, but he's got the looming threat of Scarlet and Graves, and I don't think having Alex Shelley in his corner is gonna be enough!

Nigel: I agree, just because you have someone in your corner doesn't mean the odds are now even. Yes, Shelley and Sabin are a great duo, they have overcome the biggest of odds, but after what transpired last Episode, the Guns are basically sitting ducks! You may as well call this a 4 on 2 Handicap match!

Beth: In any other case I would disagree, but you're right! There's no way either Shelley or Sabin are 100% after what happened, and Chris Brookes did say he was gonna destroy whatever is left of Chris Sabin!

Sabin enters the ring, then he climbs up the turnbuckles and does his signature MCMG taunt.

Sabin then climbed down, turned around and got a Flying Kick to the face from Brookes!

Mauro: Oooh!!! Brookes with a Kick to the face! The match hasn't even started yet!

Sabin slumped down in the corner, and then Brookes began stomping Sabin in the midsection! The referee tries to pry him off, but Brookes resists.

Brookes eventually backs up, then Sabin pulls himself back up to his feet, clutching his ribs.

The referee asks Sabin if he could continue. Sabin nods, then the referee calls for the bell.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

But then before anyone could do anything…

(Start at 0:32)


Everyone looked at the entrance way as Scarlet And Graves walked out, and stood in the center of the stage.

Mauro: And there's Scarlet and Graves, just like Dave Crist promised! They're here to watch the match very closely!

Chris Sabin had no time to worry about Scarlet and Graves, he had a match to compete in. He turned his attention back to Brookes, but it was Brookes who rushed back to him, and attacked the injured ribs again!

Mauro: And now Sabin refocuses on the match, but it's Brookes who has the upper hand!

Since Brookes was in the corner again, the referee stepped up to issue a 5 count. Brookes breaks at 4, then he slapped Sabin in the face after, smirking as he stepped back.

Despite the pain in his ribs, the former X-Division and Heavyweight Champion didn't back down. Sabin took advantage of Brookes’s overconfidence and swept him off his feet with a Double-leg Takedown!

Mauro: And now Sabin! Injured ribs and all! Taking the fight to Chris Brookes!

Nigel: Sabin said it earlier, he may be injured, but if he's to lose, he's going down swinging!

Sabin continues to pummel away on Brookes. Then he picks him up, immediately going for the Cradle Shock but Brookes elbows him to get out of it!

Beth: Oh, Sabin thinking about the Cradle shock, but it's still too early for Brookes to be finished off!

Brookes then tried for the Praying Mantis Bomb, but Sabin counters into a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: And Brookes looking to end the match early as well, but Sabin with a Back Body Drop!

Meanwhile, outside the ring, Alex Shelley was keeping an eye on Scarlet and Graves, making sure they weren't going to come down, and interfere in the match, or even worse, attack him and Sabin both. 

Dave, Wentz, and Xavier continued to keep their distance, while back in the ring, Sabin had picked up Brookes, and then he dropped him with a Back Suplex!

Sabin goes for the cover, but then Brookes kicks out at 2.

Sabin then gets up, Brookes then also begins to rise up. Sabin hits the ropes, but then Brookes shoots up to his feet, and then clocks Sabin with a Bicycle Knee Strike!

Nigel: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Chris Brookes with a knee!

Beth: May have knocked Sabin's lights out there!

Brookes then throws Sabin out of the ring, then goes to the apron.

Sabin gets up, but then he placed his hand on the apron, and Brookes jumped up and stomps on it!

Mauro: Oh! And Chris Brookes to the hand of Sabin!

Sabin clutches his arm, then Brookes throws him back into the ring.

Then Brookes measured up Sabin, and then stomped on his hand again!

Mauro: And now Brookes is going to work on the hand of Sabin!

Up on the stage, Scarlet and Graves were smiling seeing Sabin suffer. 

Mauro: And Scarlet and Graves like what they're seeing, as Sabin's punishment continues!

Brookes then locks on a Camel Clutch, and Sabin begins to struggle, trying to free himself. 

Nigel: Chris Brookes now, Camel Clutch applied, this isn't looking good for Chris Sabin!

After a few minutes in the hold, Sabin began to get up, and piggybacked Brookes!

Once Sabin got a firm hold of him, he then connected with a Backpack Stunner!

Mauro: Oh! Not for long! Sabin with a Backpack Stunner!

Chris Brookes falls over, then gets up staggering, and walks into Sabin who then hoists him up onto his shoulders.

Then with an emphatic battle cry, Sabin slams Brookes down with a Fireman's Carry Takeover!

Mauro: And now slamming down Brookes with authority!

Beth: Sabin getting a second wind!

Sabin gets up, Brookes gets up also, then Sabin connects with a Clothesline!

Brookes gets up, then gets hit with another Clothesline!

Brookes gets up again, goes for a Clothesline of his own but Sabin ducks, springs off the second rope, and plants Brookes with a Tornado DDT!

Sabin then gets up to one knee, and raises his arms to hype up the crowd.

Mauro: Sabin now, looking to fight through the injured ribs!

Nigel: Adrenaline can make a man do crazy things!

Up on the stage, Dave Crist then looked at Wentz and Dezmond, and told them to go. 

Wentz and Dezmond nod, then begin making their way down the ramp. Alex Shelley sees this, and quickly pulls out a steel chair from under the ring!

Mauro: Uh oh! Dave Crist sends out Wentz and Dezmond, and Alex Shelley wisely gets an equalizer!

Wentz was the first to make a move, and Shelley jabs the chair into his midsection!

Mauro: Wentz goes for the first shot, gets a chair to the gut!

Shelley then looks to hit Dezmond on the head, but Dezmond smacks Shelley in the gut with a Double-handed Palm Strike!

Mauro: Oh! but it's Dezmond Xavier who takes out Shelley!

Wentz gets up, and now he and Dezmond swarmed Shelley!

Mauro: And just like that, the numbers quickly caught up to him!

Beth: Scarlet and Graves waited for the right moment to strike!

Dave Crist then makes his way down the ramp, and while Wentz and Dezmond were taking care of Shelley, Crist climbed up to the apron.

Sabin sees this, and he immediately knocks him off with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Sabin knocks Crist off the apron!

Nigel: Sabin making sure Crist wasn't gonna cost him the match!

Sabin then hits the ropes, and with a Suicide Dive, he wipes out both Wentz and Dezmond! 

Mauro: Sabin taking out Scarlet and Graves!

Nigel: Well that takes care of them!

Sabin gets up, and immediately clutches his ribs.

Mauro: Oooh, but the ribs, it's starting to catch up to him!

At this point, Brookes had recovered. So when Sabin turned around, Brookes wipes him out with a Suicide Dive of his own!

Mauro: Oh!!! Brookes with a Tope Suicida!

Brookes gets up, throws him back in the ring, then he wasted no time, and swiftly sets him up for the Rope-hung Swinging Neckbreaker.

He then slid his thumb across his throat, and swiftly connected the Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And with no hesitation! Chris Brookes with his devastating Neckbreaker!

Chris Brookes then hooked the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And just like that, it's over!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:26)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: It was a 4 on 2 disadvantage for Sabin, the numbers were too much!

Nigel: Sabin had injured ribs, fighting a ruthless and methodical opponent, with a threat of 3 other men at Ringside, with his only equalizer being Alex Shelley! This may not have stopped Sabin, but alas his effort wasn't enough to secure the last spot in the Casino Scramble!

Before Brookes could even celebrate, the lights suddenly went out, and glitchy sound effects were heard.

Mauro: Whoa! 

Beth: Wha-what's going on!?

The titantron then lit up, and static was on the screen.

Then… this was read on the titantron. 

"I̵̡̘̙̿͋ṇ̸̗̗̉̾̽͘ ̴̡͍͔̥̒̕͜Ṭ̶̗̝͙̘̈̈̓̎̔Į̸̺̗́̍́͘m̸͔̹̈́̌̀͝ͅĔ̷̘̟̯̓ͅ.̷̧̝̗̗̕.̴̬̖̺̭̂͝͠.̸̞̣͛̇"


"Y̸͖̌̃o̷̥̾U̵͇̾ ̴̪̅ͅÄ̷̹́̋n̶̯̉̕D̵̝͛͑ ̶͉̣̔̈́I̵̦̙̾ ̸̬̍͆͜ẘ̴̝i̴͚͎̔͆L̷̢̡̅L̸̰̦̂͝ ̶͖̒̅c̷̖͕͗̍R̸̯͊Ö̴̭͎́S̵̘̽ś̸̹̪ ̸͚́̀p̶͍̉̈́A̷̳̦̅T̴̞̫͠h̸̰̟͗̚s̶̼̲̎.̸͜͝.̶̲̦͐.̴̧͈̎ ̴̬̗̇̎"

The screen begins to freak out as the glitchy effects get more intense.

Then, in a clear font… the screen said one name…


Then the screen glitches out once more before finally going black, and then the lights come back on.

Chris Brookes just stood in the middle of the ring, confused, and trying to process what just happened. 

Mauro: What… the hell was that???

Nigel: Well whatever it was, IT called out Brookes!

Beth: This should be interesting to figure out who, or what, that was!

Mauro: Oh definitely. 

Then a split-screen plays. One side had Will Ospreay, stretching out, and the other, Kassius Ohno doing some air punches. Then they both stopped what their doing, fixed up their ring gear, and began walking to the stage entrance. 

Mauro: And there you see our two men that will be coming up next! It's the Elimination Enclosure winner goes head to head with one of the SCE's Muscle, the Knockout Artist, Kassius Ohno! It's our main event, and it's next!


After a commercial break….


Kayla Braxton was standing by in the interviewing area once more.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, what a night it has been-

She gets cut off by loud noises in the backstage area. 

Kayla goes to see what was making the noise, the cameraman then follows behind.

They find the source of the noise. It was FSU flipping tables, and kicking production boxes.

Kayla: FSU, clearly you guys are mad over what happened out there earlier tonight between you and The Beautiful People-

Mark Andrews: F*CK YES WE'RE MAD!!! You wanna know why!? It's because The Beautiful People came here! By that, we didn't mean in general, we mean, Asuka and Alexis came, with their insurance policy, Erza Scarlet!

Eddie Dennis: They knew we were right about them! So what do they do? They brought their enforcer to save them from being embarrassed!

Mark Andrews: *Looks into the camera* Asuka! Alexis! You two proved us right, but you also fired a shot. And THAT is where you made a fatal mistake!

Eddie Dennis: You see, when someone fires at us, we fire back, with heavier artillery! So you know what, since we're gentlemen- we're gentlemen, right, Mark?

Mark Andrews: Yes we are, since we're gentlemen, we'll let you bring Erza along to End Of The Line, while WE bring our equalizers, steel chairs, tables, Kendo Sticks, ladders, trash cans…

Eddie Dennis: In case you two are unintelligent, WE'RE MAKING OUR MATCH, A NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH!

Mark Andrews: And by the way, since it's been announced that my friend Eddie here, is facing Erza Scarlet next Episode, we'll see if there's anything left of her for you two to bring at End Of The Line!

Eddie Dennis: Erza, you may be an S-class Mage, but you're gonna be slain by the Welsh Dragon, courtesy of 3 words… NECK… STOP… DRIVER!

FSU then walked off. 

(Back at ringside…)

Mauro: FSU are obviously very angry about what transpired, and made their match, a No DQ match at End Of The Line, and Eddie Dennis clashes with Erza next episode!

Nigel: That's gonna happen in the next episode, but right now, it's Main Event Time!


The crowd boos and out walks Kassius Ohno. 

(MAIN EVENT: Will Ospreay vs Kassius Ohno)

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS, is your MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first at this time representing the Society of Complete Equality, from Dayton, Ohio, he weighs in tonight at 270 pounds, KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Mauro: Kassius Ohno, walking to the ring, with only one thing in mind, "Knock out Ospreay"!

Nigel: And if you need further proof of his viciousness, let's go back to XLR8ion, where after Ricochet lost to Cesaro, he knocked him out, to teach him a hard lesson in losing in front of Starlight!

Beth: Safe to say the SCE doesn't take failure lightly!

Ohno enters the ring, and he takes off his hooded robe.



The crowd cheers, as out walked Will Ospreay. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Rainham, Essex, England, he weighs in tonight at 231 pounds, he is the Aerial Assassin… WILL OSPREAY!!!

Mauro: At Wrestlepalooza, this man has an opportunity of a lifetime! Winning the first ever Elimination Enclosure match to earn that shot, and looks to be the one to dethrone Starlight Glimmer! That is if she's still the Champion by then it is!

Beth: Yeah that could all change at End Of The Line, if whoever wins the Casino Scramble, and then successfully dethrone Starlight! Nevertheless, with Ricochet now in the SCE, Ospreay only has Kacy Catanzaro, and Robbie Eagles left to help him out. But Ospreay never backs down from anything!

Nigel: As a 3-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, a former ROH World Television Champion, and a 2-time Best Of The Super Juniors Tournament winner, Ospreay knows what it takes to win the gold, but can he overcome the SCE’s Kassius Ohno?

Ospreay then slides into the ring, poses on the turnbuckle, then climbs down and takes off his coat.

With both competitors ready, the ref signaled for the bell to ring. 

The bell then rings, and the match is underway!

Mauro: The stage is set for what will be a clash of different technical styles! It's Will Ospreay, the master of the aerial game, vs Kassius Ohno’s pure hard hitting strikes!

Ohno went for an Elbow Strike, but Ospreay quickly ducked, and sprung off the second rope for the OsCutter, but Ohno caught him!

Ohno then went for a German Suplex, but Ospreay landed on his feet, went for a standing Shooting Star Press but Ohno rolled out of the way!

Ospreay lands on his feet, Ohno then goes behind him, rolls him up, but gets a 2 count!

They both get up, Ospreay goes high with a head-level Roundhouse Kick but Ohno blocks it! Ohno then goes for a straight left jab but Ospreay parries it, goes for a jab of his own but Ohno blocks it, and then connects with a straight right jab!

Mauro: Back and forth these two go, but Ohno connects with the first blow!

Nigel: Nothing pretty about that, it's just effective!

Ohno goes for the cover, but Ospreay kicks out at 2!

Ohno then gets up, and then continues to hammer away on Ospreay. 

Ospreay tried to block some of the punches, but Ohno kept on going. He then picked Ospreay, and planted him on the ground with a Body Slam, then followed up with a Senton!

Ohno then goes for the cover again, but Ospreay was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Ohno off the Senton, still not enough to put Ospreay away!

Ohno then propped Ospreay up to his knees, and applied a grounded Cravate Headlock. 

Beth: One thing Ohno is also good at, is wearing down his opponents bodies, like what he's doing to Ospreay now!

Mauro: Cravate Headlock applied, Ospreay is in a world of hurt in the early going!

Ospreay then gets up, and begins to fight out of it. He successfully does so, but Ohno quickly kneed him in the gut!

Ospreay drops to his knees and clutches his midsection. Then Ohno delivers a Boot to the side of his face, and connects!

Ohno goes for the cover, but Ospreay manages to kick out at 2.

Ohno gets up, and repeatedly stomps on Ospreay's head!

Ohno then picked him up, lifted him up for a Suplex but then Ospreay countered with a Stunner!

Mauro: Oooh! Ospreay with a Stundog Millionaire!

Nigel: Ospreay may have created an opening!

Ospreay gets to his feet, and Ohno is now shaking off the Stundog Millionaire effects. He then went for a Low Dropkick but Ospreay leapt up and flattened Ohno with a Double Foot Stomp!

Mauro: And Ospreay!!! Ohno looked to go low, but Ospreay had him scouted!

Both Ohno and Ospreay get up, then Ospreay knocked him down with a Forearm Smash!

Ohno gets up, then Ospreay hits him with a Clothesline!

Ospreay then lifted Ohno up onto his shoulders, dropped him on his feet, then connected with a Superkick!

Mauro: Ospreay dropping Ohno!

Ospreay fell into the cover, but Ohno kicked out at 2!

Mauro: No! Ohno out at 2!

Nigel: Not enough to put Ohno away yet!

Ospreay then gets up, then goes to the apron and sizes up Ohno.

Mauro: Ospreay now, looking to do what he does best!

Beth: Ospreay is about to show why he's called the Aerial Assassin!

Ohno gets up, Ospreay then goes for a Springboard Forearm Smash, but Ohno headbutts him out of the air!

Nigel: Ooooh!!!

Mauro: Oh my god! Ohno with a devastating Headbutt!!!

Ohno falls into the cover, but Ospreay instinctively kicks out at 2 and a half!

Mauro: No! Ospreay is still in this! How the hell did he kick out of that!?

Beth: Totally out of instinct!

Ohno sat up in disbelief, then he angrily picked up Ospreay.

Ohno then went for his signature Rolling Release Suplex, the "Crash Landing", but Ospreay was able to land on his feet, and hit his patented Spinning Kick, the "Robinson Special"! 

Mauro: Oh! Ospreay! What a Kick!!!

Beth: How many spins was that!?

The crowd began to cheer as off the Robinson Special, Ospreay immediately sprung off the second rope, and planted Ohno with the OsCutter!

Mauro: And there it is! The OsCutter!!!

The crowd cheered as Ospreay rolled him over, then the crowd counted along as he got the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Kassius Ohno has been vanquished by the Aerial Assassin!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen your winner-

Jeremy Borash gets cut off as Starlight and the SCE came out!

Everyone rushed to the ring and swarmed Ospreay while Ricochet just stayed outside the ring!

Mauro: Oh and now the SCE! Match is over, and now a post match assault!

Nigel: Ricochet is not getting involved, doesn't wanna hurt his friend!

The bell rings repeatedly, but that didn't stop the SCE.

Ohno slowly gets up, then when he did, he joined in on the beatdown.

Ricochet then finally slid in, but instead of going the beatdown as well, he pushed the SCE away and helped Ospreay up.

Starlight then pushed Ricochet away from him. "What are you doing!?" She asks him.

"I can't let you do this to him!" Ricochet says.

"This is for Equality!" Screamed Starlight.

Ricochet responds with, "Equality!? He's still my friend!"

"Fine, if he's still your friend, how about you join him!" Starlight says.

Then she snapped her fingers and the SCE began beating down both Ospreay and Ricochet!

Mauro: Oh! The SCE now! Attacking both Ospreay and Ricochet!

Nigel: Ricochet still cares for Ospreay, and now he's paying the price for it!

Kacy Catanzaro and Robbie Eagles then came out, looking to fight them off, but alas they were outnumbered. Once they slid into the ring, Trixie, Danny, Ohno, and Spongebob quickly jumped onto them, and pummeled away on them!

Mauro: Kacy and Eagles now trying to come to their aid, but the SCE quickly shuts them down!

Danny then picks up Kacy, throws her to Ohno who then knocks her out with the Rolling Elbow!

Mauro: And Ohno! Rolling Elbow knocks out Catanzaro!

Eagles tries to fight back, but then Danny popped him up into the air, and then landed a straight right jab to his face on the way down!

Mauro: And Dark Danny taking care of Eagles!

Starlight then slid a steel chair into the ring. Trixie then positioned it, picked up Ospreay, and planted him on the chair with a Killswitch!

Mauro: Killswitch on the chair!

Starlight then entered the ring, and looked down at Ricochet who was now starting to get up.

"You're really stubborn aren't you? I'm sure that will all change." She says before hitting the ropes, and clocking Ricochet with her patented Flying Knee to the back of his head!

Mauro: And the Champion with that devastating Knee Strike!

Starlight then gets up, picks up her LWF: Reborn Championship, then the SCE stood tall, and Starlight held her belt up high.


Mauro: Ohno may have lost the match, but it's he and the Society of Complete Equality who are the last ones standing!

Nigel: Whoever is winning the Casino Scramble, they better be very VERY aware of the SCE!

Beth: Starlight Glimmer's reign is still going strong, but that may change come End Of The Line!

Mauro: And if whoever wins the Casino Scramble fails at End Of The Line, then we better get used to seeing this for a long time!

And there you go! That's Episode 12!

The Casino Scramble is set, The SCE are showing no signs of slowing down, Adagio still wants that rematch, and even the Ravel-ation has arrived! What an Episode this has been! Episode 13 is gonna be more intense now as we continue getting closer to End Of The Line!

What's gonna happen? Well stay tuned!

See ya!

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