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Let's see what's in store for us!



38 seconds into the song, the intro now cuts to the camera panning around Kohl Center in Madison, Wisconsin.

Then Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Another Episode, means more action packed moments here in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin! Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness, and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix, guys what a night we have for you tonight! If you thought last Episode was eventful, check out-


The crowd cheers, then out came The Motorcity Machine Guns, mics in hand, and in casual clothing rather than their ring gear, looking all furious as they walked to the ring with purpose.

Mauro: Oh! Well it looks like before I could say what was in store for tonight, it looks like we're going to be hearing from the Motorcity Machine Guns right now!

Nigel: Well Scarlet and Graves had a hand in what happened last Episode when Sabin battled Chris Brookes for a spot in the Casino Scramble match, when Scarlet and Graves took Alex Shelley out, Sabin would come to his buddy's aid, but this gave Brookes an opening, and Brookes secured the last spot in the scramble match!

Beth: And as you can see, Sabin and Shelley only have one thing in mind, and that is Scarlet and Graves!

Sabin and Shelley entered the ring, then they paced around the ring.


The crowd continued to cheer the Guns.

Chris Sabin: Scarlet and Graves, you wanted our attention, well you got it, and here we are! See last Episode, you said you were gonna be watching my match closely, and honestly, I thought you guys were just saying that to keep me second guessing. But nope, there you guys were, you kept your word and you were there, watching REAL closely.

Alex Shelley: But here, here's where you made a big mistake! In an attempt to get our attention, you attacked... me. Granted you got our attention, but fellas, you were throwing rocks... at a Machine Gun. Actually, scratch that! You were throwing rocks... at Machine GUNS!

Chris Sabin: There's a reason we're called the Motorcity Machine Guns, and it's not because it's a cool name! See, we're from Detroit, baby! That's where muscle was built! We're built to last, and we're built strong!

Alex Shelley: And since you fired the first shot, then we'll rapidly fire back! You wanna eradicate us, Scarlet and Graves!? Then get your asses out here! Take your best shot!

Sabin and Shelley then looked up at the stage, and waited for Scarlet and Graves.

Mauro: Sabin and Shelley, calling out Scarlet and Graves, they want some payback for the last Episode!

Nigel: The Guns are outmanned, but they don't care! They just want to get their hands on Crist, Wentz, Dezmond!


(Start at 0:31)


Sabin and Shelley smiled as the lights dimmed and turned into red and orange lighting.

Then out came Dave Crist, Zachary Wentz, and Dezmond Xavier. Crist had a mic in his hand, and was chuckling.

Dave Crist: Sabin... Shelley... Do you two even see the disadvantage? In case you forgot, WE took out your buddy, Kushida, and in case you didn't hear me last episode Sabin, you and Shelley are next!

Alex Shelley: Oh we heard you! Come on!

Chris Sabin: Come on, guys! There's two of us, and three of you, you don't have a problem with that, right!?

Dave Crist: ... You guys are dumber and I thought. But you know what, fine. But whatever happens, is on you, not us. Thanks for making this easy.

He drops the mic, Sabin and Shelley do the same, and Scarlet and Graves begin making their way down the ramp.

Mauro: And now Scarlet and Graves, they're coming to the ring, Sabin and Shelley looking to throw down!

Nigel: I don't know if this is smart of The Guns! Sabin and Shelley still not 100%, this is basically easy picking for Scarlet and Graves!

Crist, Wentz, and Dezmond then began to surround the ring. Then they hopped onto the apron.

Beth: And now The Guns, The Guns are cornered!

Nigel: Scarlet and Graves, like a pack of wolves stalking their prey!

After a few seconds of standoff, Scarlet and Graves quickly entered the ring!

But before Scarlet and Graves could proceed with the beatdown, the lights suddenly go out!

Mauro: Oh now what!?

Beth: The lights just suddenly went out inside Kohl Center!

Nigel: It's pitch black! I can't see a thing!

After a minute or so in darkness, the lights came back on, and to a loud pop and a standing ovation, there was Kushida, standing with Sabin and Shelley!

Nigel: OH!!! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!


Crist then went for a shot, but Kushida clocks him with a Wind-up Punch!

Mauro: And down goes Crist!

Sabin and Shelley then brawled with Wentz and Dezmond! Dezmond goes for a Clothesline on Shelley, but he ducked it, then landed a Superkick on Dezmond's jaw!

Wentz was raining down on Sabin with Forearm Smashes, but Sabin shoves him off, Wentz then tries again, but Sabin catches him, puts Wentz on his shoulders, and plants him on the mat with the Cradle Shock!

Mauro: And now The Guns, getting rid of Wentz and Dezmond!

Scarlet and Graves then rolled out of the ring, and then Kushida dared them to get back in the ring!

(Start at 0:14)


Mauro: And now Scarlet and Graves, taking the high road!

Nigel: Kushida and The Motorcity Machine Guns are back in full strength!

Beth: Looks like this rivalry between Scarlet and Graves and the trio of Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns is just beginning!

Mauro: Speaking of "Beginning", this night is ONLY beginning! We still have a lot of action that'll take place! Like this interpromotional match later tonight! Eddie Dennis of FSU, taking on The Beautiful People's Erza Scarlet!

Nigel: Also later on, The Hybrid 2 and Pretty Cure will be facing each other in Singles Competition! Nagisa vs. Jack Evans, and Honoka vs. Angelico!

Beth: And coming off a successful debut, Ravel Phenex is gonna be in action, looking to keep her "Ravel-ation" going!

Mauro: And after a vicious attack from Charlie Bonifier at High Acceleration, Bombay looks to call out Bonifer, in what may be, an intense confrontation!



The crowd cheers, then Ruby walks out, hood up.

She then removes her hood, and smoke emitted from the stage as she raised her arms up.

Mauro: And now, it looks like we're about to have a grudge match between Ruby and Adagio!

(OPENING MATCH: Ruby Rose vs. Adagio Dazzle)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this opening contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from the Kingdom of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: Ruby Rose, all smiles at the moment, but once that bell rings, all she's going to be thinking about is getting even with Adagio!

Nigel: In case you need a recap, last Episode, Ruby was making her claim that she's still going after Spongebob after how close she got at High Acceleration, when all of a sudden Adagio and Neo jumped her, and left her laying!

Beth: Well Ruby has to keep her head in the game. It's clear she's not done with Spongebob, but her current task in hand is Adagio Dazzle, and let's not forget that Adagio has Neo running around!

Ruby enters the ring, then she climbs up climbs up to the second turnbuckle and puts one hand behind her back as she looks around.



The crowd boos as her theme begins to play.

But instead of Adagio coming out, it was Neopolitan.

Mauro: Huh? We were supposed to have Ruby vs. Adagio right now... but it's Neo coming out!

Ruby looked confused, but then the crowd reacted loudly as Adagio slid into the ring and attacked Ruby from behind!

Mauro: Ooooh!!! And from behind!

Beth: Where the hell did Adagio come from!?

Adagio is now stomping away on Ruby, and the referee pulls Adagio off of her.

Ruby gets up and staggers into a corner. The referee asks her if she can still compete. She nods, then the referee calls for the bell.

The bell rings, and Adagio charges and flattens Ruby with a Forearm Smash in the corner!

Adagio, as if possessed, continues to unload on Ruby. The referee does the 5 count, and Adagio breaks off at 4, screaming "Get off of me!" At the referee.

Beth: Look at Adagio, she is like a Siren Possessed!

Nigel: She's willing to go to ANY length to get Sonata's attention!

Adagio then slides out of the ring and gets a mic.

Adagio: Sonata! You can only duck me for so long! Give me my rematch, or else your friend here, is gonna become an example!

The crowd boos her, but then when she turned around Ruby dove through the ropes, and planted Adagio with a Tornado DDT, getting a lod cheer from the fans!

Mauro: Oh, Adagio took her eyes off Ruby! Tope, into the DDT, WOW!

Ruby tossed Adagio back into the ring but then Neo came up to her, and Ruby stopped in her tracks.

Mauro: And Neo now, running interference for Adagio!

Adagio was still holding on to her Microphone as she recovered.

Ruby then turned her focus back to Adagio and headed inside the ring. Adagio then went for a swing with the mic in her hand but Ruby dodged it!

Beth: Oh, Adagio's thinking cheap shot with the mic-!

Adagio then turns around, and Ruby hits a Superkick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And Ruby denies it with a Superkick!

The mic flew out of Adagio's hand and out of the ring, but Adagio didn't go down.

Ruby then hits the ropes, but Adagio stops her with a Pump Kick!

Nigel: The Leading Siren is still on her feet, and pays Ruby back!

"This is a message to you, Sonata!" Adagio said as she looked into the camera and hooked Ruby up in a Reverse Facelock, and then she delivered a Backstabber out of it!

Mauro: And now a Backstabber to the aspiring huntress!

Nigel: That could be it!

Adagio covers, the ref counts, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Adagio then picks up Ruby, hooks her up for the same move, but Ruby counters out of it, goes for another Superkick but Adagio catches it!

Adagio then swept her other leg, and then flipped her over and locked on a Kneebar!


Nigel: Adagio Kneebar Submission applied! Is Ruby gonna tap?

Ruby screams in pain, and as quickly as the match had started, Ruby taps out.

Mauro: And she does! Ruby didn't have any other choice!

*Bell rings!*


Adagio does not let go despite the match already over.

Neo then slid into the ring, and began stomping away on Ruby!

But the assault didn't last long.


Adagio lets Ruby go, gets up and Sonata comes sprinting out, steel chair in hand!

Mauro: And here comes Sonata! And she's got an equalizer!

Sonata slides in, Neo tries to get a shot in on her but gets a chair shot to her midsection!

Sonata then turns around and tries to swat Adagio in the face, but Adagio manages to slip out of the ring in time, and her and Neo begin to retreat!

Sonata then helped up Ruby, and Sonata made sure she could stand on her own.

"Is your leg okay?"

"Sore, but it's not broken. You really need to give her what she wants, she's going crazy, look at her."

Adagio was screaming at Sonata. "Give it to me! Give me my rematch!"

Sonata then grabbed a mic.

Sonata: Seriously!? You're willing to take it this far just to have a rematch? Face it, Dagi! I beat you, live with it!

Adagio then demanded for a mic of her own.

Adagio: I won't stop until I get you in that ring! Sonata, I promise when I become the Number 1 contender to Starlight's title next Episode, and become champion at End Of The Line, I will make you my first challenger, whether you like it or not! It doesn't matter if i'm in there with Chris Brookes, Quatro, or that other stupid friend of yours, Robert Squared! Not even that mystery entrant will stop me from getting you to face me!

Sonata just shakes her head, as Neo and Adagio continue to make their way to the back.

Mauro: Sonata just can't believe how far her Siren sister has fallen! She wants the match so badly, she's driven herself insane!

Beth: Some people just can't take defeat!

Nigel: Sonata Dusk really wants to move on, but the only person that's stopping her from doing so is Adagio! How long can she keep refusing her rematch?

Mauro: As long as she can, but there's still more action to come later on in the show! Later tonight, both members of FSU are gonna be in singles action! Mark Andrews, taking on "The Light Bringer" Quatro, and Eddie Dennis taking on Erza Scarlet, oh man what an encounter that's gonna be!

Beth: Also later, in what might become a physical encounter, Bombay Suarez and Charlie Bonifier are gonna confront each other in that very ring tonight!

Nigel: But Up Next, it's gonna be Honoka Yukishiro taking on one half of The Hybrid 2, the technical master known as Angelico!

Mauro: This is gonna be like a game of chess between these two!


FSU were standing in the interviewing area.

Eddie Dennis: Tonight, Mark and I are gonna show The Beautiful People what FSU is all about.

Mark Andrews: Asuka, Alexis, Erza, watch closely as I make an example out of Quatro later tonight.

Eddie Dennis: And this message is going straight to you, Erza Scarlet. Tonight, you and me, are gonna be in the ring, one on one. But if you think for one second that you're gonna walk out victorious, oh Erza you're so mistaken. The chaos that I'm going to bring in our match, is gonna be too much for an S-Class Mage like you!

Mark Andrews: Tonight, I will put out the Light Bringer's light, and the Welsh Dragon... is gonna slay Titania.

Eddie Dennis: And at End Of The Line, Asuka and Alexis, we will exploit your weaknesses!

Mark Andrews: And you will remember the three letters... F... S... U!

The promo ends with Mark and Eddie looking into the camera.

In another area backstage, Honoka Yukishiro was standing in the gorilla position when Kayla walked up to her.

Kayla: Honoka, in a matter of moments, you will be facing one of the members of The Hybrid 2, that being Angelico, what's your game plan heading into this match?

Honoka: Well, Kayla, it's simple. Outsmart him. That's how I pinned him the last time Nagisa and I fought The Hybrid 2, and that's exactly how I'm gonna beat Angelico!



And to a rally of cheers, out walked Honoka.

(MATCH 2: Honoka Yukishiro vs. Angelico)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first representing Pretty Cure, HONOKA YUKISHIRO!!!

Mauro: This is gonna be one heck of a technical battle! Honoka and Angelico, the Technical Wizards of their respective tag teams!

Beth: Between Honoka and Angelico, Honoka has the most momentum heading into this match since she was the one who pinned Angelico back in Episode 11!

Nigel: But there is a height disadvantage for her, Angelico is a tower of an individual compared to Honoka who's just barely half his size!

Honoka enters the ring and poses in the center of the ring.



Once the song began, Angelico comes strutting out to the beat of The Hybrid 2's theme.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, representing The Hybrid 2, from Johannesburg, South Africa, he weighs in tonight at 198 pounds, ANGELICO!!!

Mauro: Don't let this laid back demeanor fool you. This is one of the most skilled competitors in this Wrestling business today!

Nigel: A wide variety of submission holds in his arsenal, combined with mind-blowing agility, Angelico is a total package!

Beth: A 14 year veteran, Angelico also has the experience advantage! This should be an interesting bout right here!

Angelico enters the ring, and shakes off his jacket.

Honoka and Angelico then stand in their corners, then the bell rings.

Honoka and Angelico lock up in the middle of the ring, Honoka goes for a Side Headlock but Angelico was able to counter it into a Back Suplex, but Honoka was able to land on her feet!

She then tries to go for a Rear Waistlock Takedown, but then Angelico lands a couple of Back Elbows, and Honoka releases him.

Angelico then turns around, goes for a Bicycle Knee Strike, but Honoka dodges it and stuns Angelico with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Honoka then hits the ropes, and takes Angelico down with a Flying Clothesline!

Mauro: And Honoka, Clothesline off the Enzuigiri!

Honoka goes for the cover, but Angelico kicks out at 2.

Angelico slowly gets up, then Honoka goes for a Roundhouse Kick to his chest but Angelico catches it!

Angelico then swept her other leg to take her down, then went for a Jackknife Pin but Honoka was able to kick out at 2!

They both get up, and then Angelico goes low with a sweep but Honoka jumps to avoid it, but then Angelico lands a Capoeira Kick!

Mauro: And Angelico using those long legs of his!

Angelico gets up, then with a running start, he springs off the top rope and takes her down with an Arm Drag!

Honoka is now down, Angelico sits her up, then he delivers a kick to her back, and connects!

Angelico then lays her down, covers her, but Honoka was still able to kick out at 2.

Angelico then picks her up, wraps her up in a Cloverleaf-esque hold, and Honoka begins to scream out in pain.

Beth: Oh my goodness, look at the torque in that hold!

Mauro: Honoka in a world of hurt right now!

Nigel: Angelico is contorting her with that Submission Maneuver!

After a few minutes, Honoka was then able to free one arm, and she smacks him in the back of his leg.

This makes Angelico break the hold, and then Honoka slowly crawls to a corner.

Honoka pulls herself back up to her feet, then Angelico tries to go for a running Syuri-Knee in the corner, but Honoka jumps out of the way and Angelico hits the top turnbuckle instead!

Mauro: Ooh! Honoka dodges that knee of Angelico, and he hits the turnbuckle instead!

He then hobbled out of the corner, and walked into a Corkscrew Enzuigiri from Honoka!

Mauro: And now Angelico eats a Spinning Enzuigiri by Honoka!

Beth: Right in the face too!

Angelico staggers around a bit before falling onto his back.

Honoka then got into position, and landed a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: Standing Moonsault to top it all off!

Honoka hooks the leg, but Angelico kicks out at 2!

Honoka gets up, picks up Angelico who then created distance with a Jawbreaker.

He then follows up with the Syuri-Knee, and now Honoka is down!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Angelico with the Syuri-Knee!

Angelico fell into the cover, but Honoka was just close enough to put her foot on the bottom rope to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Honoka! Just close enough to put her foot on the ropes!

Beth: Just barely!

Angelico sees this, and gets frustrated.

In frustration, he picks her up for "Fall Of The Angels", but then when he went for it, Honoka countered it into a Hurricanrana and Angelico eats the second turnbuckle!

Mauro: Oh, Angelico was looking for "Fall Of The Angels", but Honoka countered!

Angelico staggers around, then Honoka does a Sling Blade into a Swinging Reverse STO, a move she calls the "Dual Aurora Wave"!

Beth: Oh, WOW!

Mauro: She calls that the "Dual Aurora Wave"!

Honoka then crawled into the cover, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: And Honoka picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, HONOKA YUKISHIRO!!!

Mauro: Honoka has pinned Angelico once again!

Nigel: And with a move I've never seen in my life, the "Dual Aurora Wave"! It was a Sling Blade, right into a Swinging Flatliner, never in my tenure in Wrestling have I ever seen anything like that!

Beth: And if she hits that again in the Tornado Tag Match at End Of The Line, The Hybrid 2 are gonna be on the losing end for sure!

Mauro: Well later tonight, let's see if Jack Evans can bounce back for The Hybrid 2, when he takes on the other half of Pretty Cure, Nagisa Misumi.

Nigel: And up next, Mark Andrews looks to make an example out of Quatro to send a message to The Beautiful People!

Mauro: While Andrews looks to send a message, Quatro looks to get even! This match should be very interesting!



In the first aid room, Ruby was sitting on the examination table, with Sonata Dusk standing beside her.

Sonata: Well, at least you're leg's okay.

Ruby: Thanks again for saving me out there, but how long are you gonna keep turning down her rematch?

Sonata: Why are you asking?

Ruby: What if she goes after me again? Or even your other friend, Zayden Trudeau?

Sonata: Until she gets it into her head! Ruby, I want to move on and you know that! Adagio is in my rearview mirror, and I really want to keep it that way, that's why I'm refusing!

Ruby: I know you want this to be over, but trust me. If this isn't dealt with, Adagio's gonna be even more incensed! You heard what she said last Episode, if she wins the scramble coming up and successfully becomes champ, she'll deem you her first challenger.

Sonata: *Sighs* If she's only gonna be thinking of me walking into that Scramble match, then she's not winning it. That's all I'm gonna say. But enough about me, let's talk about you and your rematch against Spongebob...

(Back at ringside...)


The crowd boos, and Mark Andrews makes his way to the ring.

(MATCH 2: Mark Andrews vs. Quatro)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Cardiff, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 147 pounds... MARK ANDREWS!!!

Mauro: For those who need a recap, it was last Episode during the match between Quatro and Flash Morgan Webster for a spot in the Casino Scramble, and just when Webster was about to close in, FSU got involved, costing the Modfather.

Nigel: Well Quatro got the spot, but he wasn't happy about how he got it, and when he confronted Eddie and Andrews about it, well FSU retaliated with a beat down, and now The Light Bringer looks to get a little payback!

Andrews entered the ring, and then turned to look up at the stage, waiting for his opponent.

Beth: Mark Andrews may be a well decorated high flyer, but he better not take Quatro lightly. Quatro has faced many people from every corner in his home continent of Asia, so Andrews better be prepared!



Quatro comes walking out with a purpose, staring a hole into Andrews.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from The Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 140 pounds, he is "The Light Bringer", QUATRO!!!

Mauro: Quatro is one of the five competitors that will be competing in the Casino Scramble match next Episode, but tonight, he's only focused on Mark Andrews!

Nigel: While that's good, keeping your focus on what's currently in front of you, but how much will be left of Quatro after this match? Andrews said earlier that tonight, he was gonna make Quatro an example, I can only assume that beating the Light Bringer is just a bonus for him!

Quatro enters the ring, takes off his shirt, and stands in a corner.

The referee calls for the bell, then the bell rings to officially start the match.

Quatro and Andrews lock up in the middle of the ring, Andrews then gets Quatro in a Wristlock, but Quatro quickly reverses it into a Hammerlock.

Andrews then scrambles to the ropes, and grabs the top rope as if holding on for dear life, and Quatro quickly breaks the hold.

Mauro: And now Andrews getting to the ropes to break the Hammerlock...

As Quatro was about to back away, Andrews swiftly turned around, and landed a swift Forearm Smash, knocking Quatro down!

Mauro: ... and then a cheap shot to take down Quatro!

Mark Andrews goes for the cover, but Quatro easily kicked out before the count of 1.

Quatro sits up, clutching his jaw, then Andrews connects with a kick to his back.

Quatro arches back in pain, then Andrews puts him in a grounded Headlock.

Mauro: Now normally Andrews would try and out-fly Quatro, but it looks like Mark Andrews wants to try and keep Quatro on the ground!

Nigel: Usually we don't see this in Andrews, but ever since reuniting with Eddie Dennis, he's been changing his game plan, especially with the No DQ match at End Of The Line drawing nearer.

After several minutes in the hold, Quatro begins to get up, then he goes for a Back Suplex to counter it, but Andrews lands on his feet, and drills Quatro with a Reverse Frankensteiner!

Mauro: Oooh! Back Suplex attempt by Quatro, but Andrews answers with a Reverse Frankensteiner!

Andrews goes for the cover, but Quatro kicks out at 2!

Mark Andrews then picked up Quatro, went for a Short-arm Clothesline, but Quatro ducked it and slammed Andrews to the mat with a Snap Dragon Suplex!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Snap Dragon Suplex! Andrews dropped on the back of his head!

Andrews gets up, clutching the back of his neck and staggering around, then Quatro sends him flying into the corner with a running Shotgun Dropkick!

With Andrews now in the corner, Quatro then connected with a jumping Back Elbow, then he swept his leg to take Andrews off his feet, went to the corner diagonally across and then he charged full speed and connected with a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: And Quatro now! Beginning to fight back!

Quatro drags Andrews out of the corner, then goes to the apron.

Beth: And now Quatro, sizing up Mark Andrews!

Andrews gets up, then Quatro springs off the top rope and connects with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: And Quatro off the top rope with a Back Elbow!

Quatro quickly goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Shoulder's just up!

Andrews then rolls out of the ring, and Quatro slowly gets up.

While Quatro was waiting for Andrews to get up, he didn't see Andrews pulling out a steel chair from under the ring! So when Andrews got up, Quatro went for a Suicide Dive, and took a steel chair to the face, causing a disqualification!

Nigel: Ooooh!

Mauro: Andrews with the chair to Quatro! Andrews has been disqualified!

*Bell rings!*

The match was now over, but Andrews kept on hitting Quatro with the chair!

Beth: I think this is what he meant by making Quatro an example!

Nigel: This is exactly what I thought! It didn't matter if he beat him or not, he just wanted to send a message at Quatro's expense!

Andrews then ripped the mic out of Jeremy Borash's hands.

Mark Andrews: ASUKA, ALEXIS! I hope you're watching this somewhere in the back! Because what I'm about to do to this little prick right here... *pointing to Quatro* is exactly what Eddie and I will do to you, at End Of The Line!

Quatro gets back up, then Andrews rammed the chair to his stomach to knock him back down.

He then wedged Quatro's head into the chair, and climbed up to the second turnbuckle.

Mauro: Oh no! He's gonna end Quatro's career right here!

Nigel: If he does this, Quatro may not make it to the Casino Scramble!

But before Andrews did anything else...


The crowd popped as out ran Flash Morgan Webster!

Mauro: Uh oh, here comes the Modfather!

Nigel: Webster still has some unfinished business with Andrews!

Webster slid into the ring, and then Andrews and Webster began to trade blows!

Mauro: And here we go! Webster getting a piece of Mark Andrews!

Nigel: Webster has been wanting to get his hands on Andrews ever since he backstabbed him in Episode 7!

Andrews then manages to push Webster away, then he slid out of the ring and retreated!

Webster then takes the chair off Quatro's head, and helps him up to his feet.

Mauro: Flash Morgan Webster makes the save, it's now abundantly clear that Webster is not done with Mark Andrews!

Nigel: Webster averted a certain disaster, had it not been for him, Quatro's journey to End Of The Line would've been stopped!

Beth: Well later tonight, Mark's partner Eddie Dennis will be in action against Erza Scarlet, let's see if Eddie can get a win for FSU.

Mauro: Also later tonight, the other halves of Pretty Cure and The Hybrid 2 are gonna go at it as Nagisa Misumi takes on Jack Evans, and also still to come, Bombay Suarez and Bonifer will be in the ring, at the same time, expect this confrontation to get physical!

Nigel: But up next, The Ravel-ation is upon us! Ravel Phenex is in action!


Ravel was with The Hybrid 2 as she didn't look happy.

Ravel: I can't believe this! After you two stuck your necks out for me in my debut *points to Angelico* you get your butt kicked by a magical girl brainiac! If we want to work together, you two need to be more attuned to winning, understand?

Jack Evans: Hey! Who the hell do you think you are, just walking up to us, and telling US what to do!?

Angelico: *Steps up* Sorry about him. Look Ravel, I'm sorry about losing to Honoka. Personally, I think-

Suddenly Koneko walked in on them.

Koneko: ... Really? Guess you were more of a chicken than I thought.

Ravel: Uhhhh... look... *Nervous giggling* It was completely coincidental that these two showed up when I was in my debut. I didn't know that they were feuding with those two magical girls.

Jack Evans: That's right, it wasn't totally intentional, we just wanted to get back at Pretty Cure.

Ravel: See? Now if you'll excuse me...

Ravel then walks away.

Angelico: *Looks at Koneko* How do you put up with her all the time?

Koneko: Don't ask me. You two aren't really planning on teaming up with her, right?

All Evans and Angelico did was look at each other and shrugged.

(Back at ringside)


(MATCH 3: Ravel Phenex in action)

Mauro: Well... that was an interesting encounter...

Nigel: Ravel was probably just giving The Hybrid 2 a pep talk.

Beth: Sure, that was exactly what it looked like.

30 seconds into the song, Ravel made her entrance underneath a spotlight.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, RAVEL PHENEX!!!

Mauro: Well it was a successful debut for Ravel Phenex last Episode, albeit it was with the help of The Hybrid 2. Something tells me that there's probably more to this sudden relationship between Ravel and TH2...

Nigel: Nah, I'm sure it happened unintentionally, and I'm sure The Hybrid 2 was only doing it just to get into Pretty Cure's heads.

The camera then cuts to inside the ring, where a man, looking like in his early 20's was standing in the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, already in the ring, from Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada, JUDAS ICARUS!

Mauro: And there's Ravel's opponent for tonight, Judas Icarus! A B.C born wrestler looking to shine here in the Fanfiction Wrestling World!

Beth: I always love a good Local Competitor match. Now we get to see just what Ravel is capable of without any help.

Ravel slides into the ring, and stretches out in the corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Judas Icarus goes for a lock up, but Ravel swiftly evades him, and brings him tongue mat with a Rear Waistlock Takedown!

Ravel then quickly transitioned into a Front Facelock, but Icarus was able to get up and turn it into a Northern Lights Suplex!

Icarus bridges into the cover but Ravel easily kicks out at 2!

Icarus gets up, but when he picked up Ravel, she countered with a Jawbreaker!

Mauro: Ravel now with a Jawbreaker, creating some separation...

Ravel then went for a kick but Icarus caught it! Ravel then went for an Enzuigiri but Icarus ducks it, but Ravel changed direction and caught him with a Heel Kick!

Mauro: And Ravel, kick to the face stuns Judas Icarus!

Ravel then gets up, then after sizing him up for a second, Ravel then takes him down with a jumping Meteora!

Mauro: And a Meteora takes Icarus down!

Ravel then climbed to the top turnbuckle, and measured Icarus up.

Nigel: And now Ravel... looking to fly...

Icarus gets up, then Ravel connects with the Ravel-ation!

Mauro: And The Ravel-ation, right on target!

Ravel goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Ravel Phenex makes quick work of Judas Icarus!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:20)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, RAVEL PHENEX!!!

Mauro: A dominant performance by Ravel here tonight!

Nigel: Fast, and effective! Judas Icarus didn't stand a chance!

After the referee raised her hand, Ravel rolled out of the ring, and began walking to the back.

Mauro: Well another win for Ravel Phenex, but still to come, we have a confrontation between Bombay Suarez and Charlie Bonifer!

Beth: Also still to come, in what may be a physical encounter, Erza Scarlet is back in the LWF ring, taking on FSU's Eddie Dennis!

Nigel: And up next, the other halves of Pretty Cure and The Hybrid 2 will go at it! Jack Evans, versus Nagisa Misumi!

Mauro: Can The Hybrid 2 bounce back, or will Nagisa rack up another win for Pretty Cure?

A Workin' Miners vignette then plays. This time it was panning around a beach.

Narrator: Ahhh, look at that. From the Minecraft Forest, to its beach. The sun is out, clear blue sky...

Then, Steve and Big Mac walked into the scene. They had digging tools in their hands.

Narrator: Oh would you look at that! It's the Workin' Miners! It looks to me they're here to look for treasure!

Steve then pulled out a map, looked at it for a few seconds before pointing forward.

They then reached the spot, and started digging.

They find the chest, open it, and find more diamonds, and another map.

They read it, and the map showed that they had to go to a temple in a jungle.

Narrator: Well well well, it looks like they're going on an adventure! Well that's just what The Workin' Miners are all about, they're always ready for anything. Whether getting ready to work, getting ready to battle, or even ready for an adventure! Isn't that right, Big Mac?

Big Mac: *Looks at the camera* Eeeyup.

Steve nods, and then they continue their journey.

The vignette ends with the caption: THE WORKIN' MINERS - COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN


The camera now cuts to the backstage area, specifically the door to the back parking lot.

It opens, and in walked Bonifer.

Mauro: And there he is, Charlie Bonifier, he meets Bombay Suarez in the ring later tonight!

Nigel: Well whatever it may be about, it's gonna end in a throwdown that's for sure!

(Back at ringside...)

(MATCH 4: Nagisa Misumi vs. Jack Evans)


To a rally of boos, Jack Evans comes out doing Handspring Backflips.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Parkland, Washington, he weighs in tonight at 165 pounds, JACK EVANS!!!

Mauro: Jack Evans is probably one of the best High Flyers in this industry, but Evans chose to do a lot of talking instead of letting his skill do all the talking!

Nigel: He's quite a loud, and arrogant one for sure, but he can definitely back it all up!

Evans then entered the ring, and break-dances before taking off his hoodie.



The crowd cheered as out walked Nagisa Misumi.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing his opponent, NAGISA MISUMI!!!

Mauro: Now earlier it was Nagisa's partner, Honoka who came out on top, can Nagisa do the same against Jack Evans?

Nigel: Hopefully the last couple of battles that The Hybrid 2 and Pretty Cure had with each other, Evans had learned to not take Nagisa too lightly.

Beth: I agree. If Evans runs his mouth too much, and gets complacent in the slightest, Nagisa is gonna take advantage, and possibly get a win over him.

Nagisa slides into the ring, and then goes to a corner and climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses for the fans.

Then she climbs down, and turns to look at Evans.

Then the referee calls for the bell, and the bell rings to start the match.

Nagisa and Evans lock up in the middle of the ring, Nagisa then gets Evans in a Side Headlock but Evans quickly slips out and locks on a Wrist Lock.

Nagisa then does a forward roll to reverse it into a Wrist Lock of her own, but then Evans cartwheels to counter Nagisa's Wrist Lock back to his.

Evans then throws Nagisa to the ropes, looks to Clothesline her off the rebound but Nagisa ducks!

Nagisa hits the ropes again, this time knocking Evans down with a flying Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And Nagisa off the ropes, taking Evans down with a Forearm!

Evans sits up clutching his jaw, then Nagisa picks him up. Nagisa then began hitting Evans with some left and right jabs, followed by some Knife Edge Chops.

Mauro: Nagisa now raining down lefts and rights, Evans being lit up!

Evans was now staggering, Nagisa then hits the ropes, but Evans quickly stopped her dead in her tracks with a jumping Roundhouse Kick to her chest!

Nigel: Oooh, wow!

Mauro: Roundhouse Kick to the chest, and just like that, Jack Evans changes the momentum to his favor!

Nagisa sits up clutching her chest, then Evans hits a kick right on her back.

Evans then went for the cover, but Nagisa kicked out at 1.

Evans then picks up Nagisa, and he slams her down with a Snap Suplex.

He floats over into the cover, but Nagisa was able to kick out at 2.

Jack Evans then stomps on Nagisa before picking her up, and then driving his knees into her face before throwing her down!

Nigel: Jack Evans now unleashing some aggression on Nagisa!

Evans goes for the cover again, but Nagisa kicks out at 2.

Evans then laid her face down, and then locked on a Kimura lock.

Mauro: Evans now playing the ground grappling game on Nagisa Misumi.

Nigel: A Double Wristlock applied, commonly known as a Kimura in the MMA world, a really painful hold that one.

Beth: Painful indeed, it's hurting me just watching!

Mauro: And Nagisa's strong suits are her punches, like that Springboard Uppercut she does, so Evans is really neutralizing Nagisa as well!

After several minutes, Nagisa was able to get back to a vertical base, but Evans still had his hold on her.

Then with her free hand, Nagisa lands some punches to his gut, and after a few jabs, Evans lets her go.

Evans advances towards her looking to lock the Kimura on again, only to eat an Uppercut by Nagisa! But immediately after she hit the Uppercut, Nagisa began clutching her arm!

Mauro: And Nagisa fights out of the lock, but the damage is already done!

Nagisa shakes off the effects, but then Evans clocks her with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Jack Evans! Spinning Enzuigiri right on the head!

Nagisa falls into a heap, Evans rolls her onto her back, hooks the leg, and Nagisa barely kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Shoulder's barely up at 2!

Evans then picks Nagisa up, goes to throw her into the corner but Nagisa reverses, throws him into the corner, and drops Evans with a Clothesline as he staggers out of it!

Beth: Oh, man!!!

Mauro: Nagisa with a wicked Clothesline!

Nagisa goes for the cover, but Evans kicks out at 2!

Evans and Nagisa get up, then Nagisa knocks Evans down with a Forearm Smash! Evans gets up again, and gets hit with another Forearm Smash, knocking him down!

Evans gets up, looks to intercept with a Clothesline but Nagisa ducks, hits the ropes, and takes Evans down with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: Look at Nagisa go!

Beth: Looks like the fire inside her has been lit!

Evans gets up, staggers around, and then Nagisa lands a picture perfect Dropkick!

Mauro: Beautiful Dropkick by Nagisa Misumi!

Evans rolls out of the ring, and Nagisa gets up, throwing her fist up into the air, gaining cheers from the fans.

Nagisa then measured Evans, and once he was back to his feet, Nagisa hits the ropes, and then wiped out Evans with a Suicide Dive, crashing onto the side of the barricade!

Mauro: And a Tope Suicida to Evans!

Nagisa then threw Evans back into the ring, and hopped onto the apron, sizing Evans up once more.

Mauro: And Nagisa isn't done!

Evans gets up, then Nagisa slingshots over the top rope, and springs off the middle rope, landing a Flying Uppercut!

Mauro: Uppercut off the middle rope!

Nagisa hooks the leg, and Evans kicks out at 2 and a half!

Mauro: Evans out at 2 and a half! What a near fall!

Nigel: That flurry of offense was somehow not enough to put Jack Evans away!

Nagisa looked at the referee in disbelief, and then smacked the mat in frustration.

Nagisa gets up, but then Evans catches her with a Backslide pin, and then puts his foot on the ropes!

Mauro: And now Evans! This is how he got away with the win at the High Acceleration Pre-show!

The referee counts, but catches his feet on the ropes, stopping the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh but the referee catches Evans!

Beth: Evans not getting away with it this time!

Evans begins to argue with the referee, but then Nagisa rolls him up, but Evans kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Nagisa looking to steal the win here, Evans out at 2!

Beth: That almost cost Evans the match!

Evans gets up, ducks a Clothesline, then gets Nagisa in a Backslide once more, but then he flips over into a bridge!

Mauro: Oh look at this pinning maneuver!

Nigel: Backslide into a bridge...

Nagisa tries to wriggle free, but Evans was able to get the 3 count!

Nigel: And he got her!

*Bell rings*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, JACK EVANS!!!

Evans scrambles out of the ring, and raises his hands up in Victory.

Mauro: Now The Hybrid 2 and Pretty Cure are tied 1 win a piece!

Nigel: Evans with a unique way into a pin, and was able to once again sneak out with a win!

Nagisa looked on as Evans continued to rub it in.

Mauro: Evans walking away with the win here tonight, but up next, it's time! The much anticipated Interpromotional match is in just a matter of moments! Eddie Dennis, Erza Scarlet, one on one!

Nigel: This is gonna be one hell of a battle!


Kayla Braxton was standing by in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests, Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns!

The crowd cheered as Sabin, Shelley, and Kushida walked in.

Kayla: Gentlemen first off, welcome back, Kushida, second of all, now that you three are back in full strength, it seems you guys aren't through with Scarlet and Graves just yet.

Alex Shelley: Oh, far from. *Looks into the camera* You see, Dave Crist, you and your goons Zachary Wentz and Dezmond Xavier, may have struck Kushida, Sabin, and myself down, but we didn't stay down, did we?

Chris Sabin: Scarlet and Graves, you want to eradicate us? Well at End Of The Line, you'll get the chance to do so.

Alex Shelley: Finish us... if you can.

The three men then walk away.

In another area backstage, Adagio and Neo were on their way out when they bump into Sonata and Ruby.

Sonata: Look, Dagi. When are you gonna learn? I already beat you, and you gotta live with it!

Adagio: *Snickers* Sonata, I think you've forgotten just what lengths I will go to, just to get what I want. Next Episode, when I become #1 Contender, and walk out of End Of The Line as the NEW LWF: Reborn Champion, I'll pull whatever string I need to pull, to make sure you're my first challenger.

Sonata: You need to let it go.

Adagio: I need to let it go? Pfft! YOU, need to be prepared.

Adagio and Neo then walked away.

(Back at ringside...)


FSU came out, and the crowd gave mixed reactions.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest, is an Interpromotional Match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Mark Andrews, from Swansea, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 230 pounds, EDDIE DENNIS!!!

Mauro: Earlier tonight Andrews got scared off by Flash Morgan Webster after he assaulted Quatro after his match with him, but now he's back, and he's gonna be in the corner of his friend Eddie Dennis in this match!

Nigel: That's what friends are for, I'm sure Webster is still around somewhere, but I think Andrews would rather focus on The Beautiful People rather than Webster.

Eddie enters the ring, then pokes his head through the ropes and screams.

Beth: You know, ever since this match has been announced, people have said that after Erza's performance against Sonata, Eddie has no chance of beating Erza, and also that FSU has no chance of beating Asuka and Alexis at End Of The Line, FSU look to prove those people wrong.



To a rally of boos, out came Erza Scarlet, with Asuka Langley Soryu and Alexis Rhodes behind her.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing his opponent, accompanied by Asuka Langley Soryu and Alexis Rhodes, representing The Beautiful People, ERZA SCARLET!!!

Mauro: Last time Erza Scarlet was in the LWF ring, she had quite a match with Sonata Dusk, but now this is an entirely different ballgame!

Nigel: Sonata Dusk brought her A-game in that match, but Erza came out on top, albeit it was because of Adagio causing a distraction, but now, she's fighting a much bigger opponent in the Welsh Dragon, Eddie Dennis!

Erza enters the ring, and immediately, her and Eddie have a standoff.

The referee gets in between them before they start a pre-match fight, then Erza and Eddie go to their respective corners.

The referee calls for the bell, then the bell rings to officially start the match.

Erza and Eddie lock up in the center of the ring, Erza then gets Eddie in a Side Headlock. Eddie tries to push her off but Erza keeps her grip.

Erza then takes Eddie down and continues to wrench on his head with the Headlock.

Eddie then threw punches to her face, but Erza wouldn't budge. Eddie then rolled over to pin Erza's shoulders to the mat, but Erza was able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Ooh, Eddie Dennis almost had her there!

They both get up, then Erza stuns Eddie with a Forearm Smash!

Nigel: Oooh, wow!

Mauro: Erza with an emphatic Forearm!

Beth: Eddie Dennis might be seeing stars!

Eddie drops down to one knee, then Erza drops him with a boot to the side of his face.

Erza rolls him onto his back, goes for the cover, but Eddie was able to kick out at 2.

Erza then picks Eddie up, hits the ropes but then Eddie intercepted her with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: OOOH, MAN! Eddie Dennis blasting through Erza Scarlet with that Back Elbow, and just like that the Welsh Dragon just turned this match around!

Eddie then goes for the cover, but Erza kicks out at 2.

Eddie gets up, and begins to violently stomp on Erza Scarlet, then he connects with a Knee Drop.

Eddie then goes for the cover again, but Erza was still able to kick out at 2.

Eddie then picks up Erza and gets her in a Cravate.

He then lands a few knee strikes to her face before slamming her down with a Cravate Suplex.

Eddie goes for the cover again, but Erza kicks out at 2.

Eddie then picked her up for his patented Crucifix Powerbomb, "Severn Bridge", but then Erza wriggled free.

Mauro: Ooh, Eddie looking for Severn Bridge but Erza was able to get out of dodge...

Eddie turns around, swings with a left hook but Erza ducks then hits an Uppercut on Eddie!

Mauro: And Erza with an Uppercut!

Eddie Dennis staggers away, then Erza turns him around, scoops him up for a Body Slam but Eddie was able to slip out.

Erza turns around, Eddie goes for a Clothesline but Erza blocks it, then she hits a Big Boot, followed by a Lariat from behind!

Mauro: And Erza! Down goes Eddie Dennis!

Erza then picks him up, places him on her shoulder, and sends him flying into the middle turnbuckle with a Lawn Dart. A move she calls the "Scarlet Arrow"!


Mauro: And Erza with the Scarlet Arrow!

Erza then began to measure Eddie up, and went into a corner, looking to hit her signature running Lariat, the "Sword's Edge".

Mauro: And Erza now, looking to close in…

Suddenly, Mark Andrews grabbed her ankle, causing a distraction!

Mauro: And Mark Andrews, knowing damn well what was coming, is now getting involved!

Nigel: Andrews delaying the Sword's Edge, I don't think that was smart on his part!

Erza pulls her leg out of Mark's grasp, then Andrews puts his hands up.

"Don't you dare try and screw me over!" Erza shouts at Andrews. Then Asuka and Alexis walk over to Mark, and they corner him.

Mauro: Uh… oh…

Nigel: Andrews caught in a pickle!

Andrews then quickly tried to give them the slip, but Asuka grabbed him, slammed him into the side of the barricade, then Alexis delivered a running Boot, sending him over the barricade and into the crowd!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And The Beautiful People taking care of Andrews!

Beth: Now Eddie's all alone! It's pretty much 3 on 1 now!

Erza smiled as she saw what Asuka and Alexis did to Andrews. But when she turned her attention back to Eddie, Eddie had gotten up, and Erza walked right into a Uranage!

Mauro: OOOH!!! Uranage by Eddie Dennis!

Nigel: Erza walked right into that!

Eddie goes for the cover, and Erza barely kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Erza's still in this match!

Nigel: So close for the Welsh Dragon!

Beth: Eddie put a lot of force behind that too!

Eddie then picks her up, looks to throw her to the ropes but Erza changes the momentum around, and throws Eddie to the ropes instead! He rebounds off the ropes, and Erza connects with the Sword's Edge!

Nigel: OOOH!!!

Mauro: Erza hits the Sword's Edge!!! Eddie Dennis could be done for here!

Erza wasted no time picking Eddie up, and she sets him up for her patented Shell Shocked move, the "Heaven's Wheel", and she hits it!

Mauro: Heaven's Wheel!

Nigel: That's it, it's over!

Erza then went for the cover, but Asuka quickly told her not to pin Eddie just yet.

"Do it one more time, Erza!" Asuka says.

"What do you mean!? I already have him beat!" Erza protests.

"Hit it one more time, Erza! One more so that FSU learns not to mess with us!" Said Asuka.

"This is to send a message, Erza! A message why they should have never messed with the Beautiful People!" Alexis adds.

Then, with a defeated sigh, Erza picks up Eddie, looking for one more Heaven's Wheel. 

Mauro: Erza now, looking for one more Heaven's Wheel despite not wanting to do it…

But then as she was about to go for it, Eddie was able to slip away, and land on his feet.

Mauro: And that may cost her! Eddie Dennis was able to slip out before Erza could hit another Heaven's Wheel!

Then Eddie quickly sets her up for the Neck Stop Driver, and he connects!

Mauro: And there it is!!!

Nigel: Neck Stop Driver!!!

Eddie then hooked the leg, and Eddie gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis is victorious!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:08)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen your winner of the match, EDDIE DENNIS!!!

Eddie Dennis sits up, and looks at Asuka and Alexis with an evil grin on his face, while Asuka and Alexis are livid about the result.

Mauro: What a statement made by FSU! Eddie Dennis had just beaten The Beautiful People's enforcer of the group!

Nigel: What must be going through Asuka and Alexis's minds right now? Their strongest member of the trio has just been defeated by who THEY thought was beneath them!

Beth: Talk about eating your words! But that was entirely their fault. Erza had Eddie Dennis beat, but it was because of Asuka ordering her to hit one more Heaven's Wheel that cost Erza the match.

Eddie rolls out of the ring, helps Mark over the barricade as Asuka and Alexis look on.

Mark congratulates Eddie, and then laughs at Asuka and Alexis, who then lashed out at them in anger, and the two women began brawling with Mark and Eddie!

Mauro: Oh, and now it's on! Mark Andrews setting Asuka and Alexis off, and now it looks like End Of The Line came early!

Nigel: Andrews pushed the wrong buttons!

Eddie was able to overpower Asuka by throwing her onto the steps, but Alexis was able to overpower Andrews, and slam him onto the side of the ring apron.

She then took Eddie Dennis down from behind with a Chop Block to his knee and helped Asuka up.

Asuka and Alexis then pulled out Kendo Sticks from under the ring. Eddie turns around and sees this, and begins to scoot away.

Mauro: The Beautiful People, now armed with Kendo Sticks, FSU may now be regretting making it a No DQ Match!

Nigel: Oh I'm sure they are!

Then, Andrews comes up from behind, diving off the ring apron and taking both Asuka and Alexis out with a Crossbody!

Eddie gets up, helps Andrews up, and FSU begins to limp away.

Asuka and Alexis get up and watch FSU retreat.

"We'll see you at End Of The Line!" Eddie shouts.

"And we're gonna f*ck you up!" Andrews adds.

"Oh, sure!" Asuka retorts, then she rolls into the ring, and looks over at Erza who is now beginning to get up.

Instead of helping Erza up, Asuka began to berate her.

"Why couldn't you just hit another one!?" She yells.

"Asuka, I had him beat! Another one wasn't necessary!" Erza explains. 

"Yes it was! FSU ran their mouths at the wrong girls, and hitting one more Heaven's Wheel was gonna get that message into their heads!" Asuka shouts before Alexis plays peacemaker and gets between the two to stop the in-fighting.

"Guys! End Of The Line is soon, and if WE want to succeed, and get that message sent as well, we have to be on the same page!" Says Alexis.

Asuka and Erza fell silent, then Erza gave Asuka a dirty look before shaking her head, rolling out of the ring, and walked away.

Mauro: Looks like there is dissension within the ranks of The Beautiful People!

Nigel: This may affect their match come End Of The Line, and I can guarantee you, when FSU learns about this in-fighting, they're gonna take advantage of it!

Beth: Yeah, if they really wanna beat FSU at End Of The Line, they need to get on the same page.


The camera now cuts to the Locker Room door. It opens, and out walks Bombay.

Mauro: And there he is Ladies and gentlemen, the moment is here! Bombay Suarez, Charlie Bonifer, they're gonna meet in that ring!

Nigel: This is no match, this is a confrontation, expect this to get physical!




The crowd cheered as Bombay came out walking with purpose.

Mauro: And here comes the Heart And Soul of PWR, Bombay Suarez! Ever since Bonifer attacked him at High Acceleration, he's been wanting to get his hands on Bonifer!

Nigel: Bonifer is one mean and gritty man, but so is Bombay, this encounter may not be contained by this arena!

Bombay entered the ring, and demanded for a mic. A production crew member then hands him one.

Bombay: Okay, okay, cut my music!

The music stops, and the crowd cheers for Bombay.

Bombay: Bonifer, get your ass out here, because what I wanna say, I wanna say it to your face!

The crowd continued to cheer as Bombay paced around the ring.

Mauro: And Bombay, going straight to the point, calling out Bonifer.

Nigel: Well we saw him enter the arena earlier tonight, so he's definitely here!



Out came Bonifer, mic in hand.

Mauro: And here comes the man who's been wanting a rematch with Kenny Omega ever since his count out loss, and he's been trying to get his attention, but no response yet!

Nigel: Well when he attacked Bombay, he got a response… It's just that it was from Bombay himself.

Bonifer then entered the ring, and got right up in Bombay's face.

Beth: I can feel the tension building between these two men, one of them is surely gonna snap!

Bombay stepped back a bit, then spoke.

Bombay: Now Bonifer, I respect the fact that you wanted to get Kenny's attention by any means necessary, even if it means, beating up some people left and right. But I don't think you truly know what you did at High Acceleration. See, if you had just attacked any other random guy, things would've gone completely fine, you sent your message, and Kenny may or may not respond. But of all the people you chose… you chose ME, and that's where you made a mistake. Because if you use me as an example, I'm not gonna stay down and let you do that, son. No, I'm gonna fight back! And when I fight back, I MEAN I fight back! So how about this, Bonifer. You and me, at End Of The Line, one on one! Hell, it doesn't have to be sanctioned, it'll just be us beating the sh*t out of each other! Whaddya say?

Bonifer: Really? Is this the hill you want to die on? I figured better. But then again, who am I to judge your decisions? Since you're so keen on having this fight with me, then I will be more than happy to wipe you off the face of LWF!

Bombay: *Smirks* Oh yeah? You wanna try and wipe me out of LWF? All to get Kenny's attention? Well at End Of End Of The Line, Bonifer, you're gonna see… how I KILL… THIS… B*TCH!

Then Bombay strikes Bonifer with the mic, and the two men begin to begin to brawl!

Mauro: OOH! Bombay with the mic shot, and the fight is on!

Bonifer then swept Bombay off his feet with a Double Leg Takedown and began to hammer away on him.

Nigel: You just knew it was gonna get physical! No doubt about it! 

Beth: And Bonifer taking it to Bombay right now!

Referees began to rush out, and they separated the two.

Mauro: And now referees are beginning to break these two apart…

Suddenly Bonifer was able to break free, and he jumped onto Bombay, continuing to pummel away on him!

The referees pry him off, and the two men are now fully restrained, and all they could do was talk trash to each other.

Mauro: What an encounter this is gonna be! End Of The Line, Charlie Bonifer! Bombay Suarez! This is gonna be no battle, this is gonna be a WAR!

Nigel: These two are gonna absolutely kill each other!

Beth: The physicality is just unimaginable! What's gonna happen at End Of The Line!?

Mauro: Chaos! Just complete, and utter chaos!

And that was Episode 13!

Boy, what a chaotic way to end it!

End Of The Line looks to be pretty stacked! But there's still more ways to go!

Next Episode is gonna be another crazy one! Why? Because the Casino Scramble for the #1 Contendership for the LWF: Reborn Championship will take place!

Who will walk out the #1 Contender for the title? Well stay tuned to find out!

See ya!

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