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I wonder what's in store...



38 seconds into the song, the camera cuts to inside of SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, then the opening pyro went off.

After the opening pyro, the camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: It is electric here inside SoFi Stadium, Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix as always, and boy, do we have a card for you guys!

Beth: What a card indeed! Tonight, the RCCW NXT Hardcore Champion, Dennis, is gonna be in action, oooh I wouldn't want to be whoever's on the other side of that ring when that match happens.

Nigel: And later on, Faith and Kindness will also be in action, and Team Weird n' Wild will be addressing the Tag Team Championship picture. Plus, it's the return of Kushida! After getting jumped by Scarlet and Graves in Episode 8, Kushida is back, and he's gonna be in one on one action tonight!

Mauro: And headlining tonight's show as the main event, will be the Casino Scramble Match to determine the number one contender to Starlight Glimmer and the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line! Chris Brookes, Quatro, Adagio Dazzle, and Robert Squared will all be in contention for it, alongside our mystery 5th participant!



The crowd cheers, Ruby sprinted out before warming up and removing her hood as steam poured out.

(OPENING MATCH: Ruby Rose vs. Ricochet)

Behind her, Sonata walked out, applauding her friend.

*bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your opening contest scheduled for One fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Sonata Dusk, hailing from the kingdom of Vale, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: Ruby Rose has been on a mission to get back into the Wattpad Title picture as of late, and that road leads right through Ricochet, the reluctantly newest member of the SCE. If she can beat Ricochet, then Chard will consider putting her back in Wattpad Title contention!

Nigel: Ever since that result at High Acceleration, Ruby has made it her personal mission, to finally do what she knows she can do, beat Spongebob, and claim the Wattpad Championship!

Beth: And she's not afraid of the numbers either! Ruby would run through every SCE member if she needs to in order to get to him!

Ruby slides into the ring while Sonata stays out at ringside. Ruby then climbed the ropes and points to the sky before pointing to the fans.



The crowd booed, then out came Starlight Glimmer.

Shortly after, Ricochet walked out, wearing black and white attire, with equal signs on the sides.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing her opponent, accompanied to the ring by the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer, hailing from Paducah, Kentucky, he weighs in tonight at 198 pounds, RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: It was clearly quite a shocker at High Acceleration, when we thought Ricochet was gonna dethrone Starlight, by putting everything he stood for on the line, he came up short and now, look where it got him.

Nigel: Yeah, and earlier today, Starlight gave Ricochet a bit of a pep talk, have a look.

A picture-in-picture then plays, and it's an "Earlier Today" clip, and the clip is Starlight and Ricochet standing somewhere backstage.

Starlight: Ok, so Ricochet, you're facing Ruby tonight. Now, instead of beating her your way, you're doing it in the way of Equality.

Ricochet: Just what do you mean by that?

Starlight: Don't do things... that nobody else can do.

The picture-in-picture then ends, with Ricochet already in the ring.

Mauro: It's clear as day that Starlight wants Ricochet to win, not in his way, but hers!

Nigel: Yup. Clearly there's no place for Ricochet's fast paced offense in her vision of Equality, and this is her first step to get it out of his system.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Ruby and Ricochet lock up in the middle of the ring, Ricochet then gets Ruby in a Wristlock, but then Ruby rolls forward to reverse it, and then takes Ricochet down with an Arm Drag.

They both get up, Ruby goes for a Superkick but Ricochet catches it! He sweeps her other leg to take her down, but Ruby kicks him off.

She gets up, catches a kick from Ricochet, throws his leg up, but Ricochet was able to backflip and land on his feet!

Ricochet goes for a Clothesline, but Ruby ducks, hits the ropes, then knocks Ricochet down with a Front Dropkick!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Ricochet kicks out at 2.

Ruby then picked Ricochet up, but then Ricochet created separation with a Jawbreaker!

Mauro: Ricochet now, Jawbreaker to create some sort of distance...

Ricochet then delivered an Uppercut, and then he planted Ruby with a Body Slam, followed by a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: ... And Ricochet! Body Slam followed by a Moonsault...

Ricochet then went for the cover, but Ruby kicked out at 2!

Mauro: But Ruby out at 2!

Ricochet then looked at Starlight, who began berating him for hitting a Moonsault.

Nigel: Starlight Glimmer, not happy with Ricochet for hitting that Standing Moonsault!

Beth: See, this is what's wrong with Starlight's "Equality", it's basically stripping everyone of individuality, and becoming nothing more than sheep, and that's what she's doing to Ricochet!

Mauro: And Ricochet is doing everything he can to make sure he doesn't get molded into her image!

"Don't do things nobody else can do, Ricochet!" Starlight shouts.

"You're just taking me out of my comfort zone! How am I supposed to win this match for you guys if I can't be in my comfort zone!?" protested Ricochet.

"I'm showing you the right way to win!" Starlight said.

Ricochet sighs, turns around, but then Ruby rolls him up, rolls through, and then connects with a Listo Kick!

Mauro: And Ruby! Taking advantage of Ricochet being occupied with Starlight!

Ricochet gets up, clutching his head as he staggers into a corner.

Ruby gets up, and then flattens Ricochet in the corner with a running Forearm Smash!

Ruby then throws him out of the corner, goes up to the second turnbuckle, and measures Ricochet up.

Mauro: And now Ruby, looking to fly!

Ricochet gets up, then Ruby plants him with a Tornado DDT!

Nigel: Tornado DDT!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Ricochet kicks out at 2!

Ruby picks up Ricochet, then throws him into a corner.

She then goes for another running Forearm Smash, but then Ricochet stuck out his feet, and pushed her to the floor!

Ruby rolls backwards, then Ricochet rolls forward and connects with a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Ricochet now fighting back!

Ricochet picks up Ruby, then he drops Ruby with the Kickback!


Mauro: And the Kickback on target!

Ricochet quickly went for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Both Ricochet and Ruby get up, butRuby was staggering now. Then Ricochet went to the apron, and immediately went for a Springboard Uppercut, and he landed it!

Mauro: And Ricochet, not wasting any time, and he hits an Uppercut!

Ricochet then picks up Ruby, then he slams her down with a Northern Lights Suplex, rolls through, and then deadlifts her into a Brainbuster!

Nigel: Look at the strength of Ricochet!

Beth: Northern Lights into a Brainbuster!

Ricochet then goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Ricochet then dragged Ruby into position, and the crowd cheered as he climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: And Ricochet now! Looking to go 630!

Nigel: Ruby is in the drop zone!

Then Starlight hopped onto the apron, and demanded Ricochet to get down.

Mauro: Oh, and now Starlight telling Ricochet to get down!

"No! You're not winning like this! This is not how winning is done in Equality!" Starlight shouts.

Ricochet didn't even listen. He goes for the 630 anyway, but Ruby rolled out of the way, and he got nothing but the mat!

Mauro: No!!! Ricochet, goes for it, whether Starlight liked it or not, and Ruby got out of the way!

Beth: Ricochet spent too much time listening to Starlight Glimmer, and that gave Ruby just enough time to regroup!

Ricochet begins to slowly get up, then Ruby gets up, and connects with the Silver Flash!

Mauro: Silver Flash from Ruby!

Ruby immediately goes for the cover, but then Spongebob slid into the ring and attacked Ruby, causing a disqualification!

Mauro: And Spongebob! The Wattpad Champion causes a disqualification!

*Bell rings!*

Spongebob continues to stomp away on Ruby. Sonata tries to come to her aid, but then Starlight stops her by whacking her in the face with a LWF: Reborn Championship!

Mauro: And Starlight taking Sonata out!

Beth: SCE doing what they do best! Beating "Equality" into anyone in their way!

Ricochet gets up, and pushes Spongebob off of Ruby.

"Hey, come on, man! There's no need for this!" Ricochet says, trying to reason with Spongebob.

"This is for Starlight's cause, Ricochet! This is for Equality!" Said Spongebob.

"Something you'll understand soon enough!" Starlight adds.

Starlight and Spongebob pick up Ruby, then they throw her to Ricochet, who catches her.

"Do it! Hit the Recoil on her!" Starlight orders.

Ricochet looked at Starlight with disbelief, then he looked down at Ruby who was being held up by his arms.

Nigel: And now Starlight Glimmer, ordering Ricochet to hit the Recoil!

Beth: The SCE doing whatever they can to make Ricochet one of their own!

After some thought, Ricochet couldn't bring himself to do it, and he threw Ruby out of the ring.

"This is what you call Equality!?" Ricochet says.

"This is what's best for LWF!" Starlight shouts.

"Come on, this isn't how it works!" Ricochet protests.

"Who are you to say what Equality should be!?" Shouted Starlight.

"Yeah! Who do you think you are!?" Spongebob adds.

Before the argument got more heated, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno ambushed Ricochet from behind!

Mauro: And now Ohno and Danny from behind!

Then Ohno, Danny, and Spongebob began beating down Ricochet, with Starlight directing traffic. She then grabbed a mic.

Starlight: Let this be a lesson to whoever wins the Casino Scramble tonight! At End Of The Line... *points to Ricochet getting beaten down* this is what your fate will be! And until we successfully bring harmony and peace into LWF through Equality, this is what will happen to ANYONE who stands in our way!

She then drops her mic, Danny and Ohno hold Ricochet in place, then Starlight hits the ropes, and connects with a Flying Knee to the back of his head!

Mauro: And there's that knee to the back of Ricochet's head!

Starlight gets back up then Ohno puts Ricochet on his shoulder, and the SCE leave the ring as their theme begins to play.

Nigel: The SCE are here to stay, and they will not be denied Equality being given to ALL of LWF!

Nigel: Starlight Glimmer thinks she's doing good for LWF, but it's clear as day, she's only doing this to stay the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Mauro: Well, the Casino Scramble will determine Starlight's next challenger, and all four participants revealed so far, are ready to go, and they're after the LWF: Reborn championship for all different reasons! Chris Brookes wants it to rule LWF with an Iron Fist, Adagio wants the title to get her hands on Sonata, and for Quatro and Robert Squared, this is an opportunity of a lifetime!

Nigel: And whoever makes it to End Of The Line, has a chance to headline Wrestlepalooza!


Adagio and Neo were watching what had happened on a TV in the interviewing area when Kayla Braxton walked up to her.

Kayla: Adagio, after seeing the SCE's example, are you still confident you can win the Casino Scramble, and to an extent, beat Starlight Glimmer?

Adagio: Kayla... I KNOW I can. Why do I know? Because this match means everything to me. If Sonata won't give me the match I want, I'll force her into a match with me, when I win the Casino Scramble, and beat Starlight at End Of The Line!

Kayla: But... you do know that if you do become the LWF: Reborn Champion, you're gonna be facing Will Ospreay at Wrestlepalooza first, right?

Adagio: Oh, I know that, but I will not let that stop me.

Adagio then walks off, then Neo tips her hat before following her.

In another area backstage, Chris Brookes was in a dark, and secluded room, with only a dim incandescent lightbulb lighting the room up.

Chris Brookes: Tonight, I have a chance to go on to claim the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line. Let this be a warning to everyone in the Casino Scramble, I will hurt every single one of you, and when I get the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line, you all better stay out of my way. And to whoever sent me a message after my match with Chris Sabin, you're gonna be no different, because when I find out who you are, I will make sure you suffer, as slow... as... possible.

The promo ends with the camera zooming in on Brookes' face.

(Back at ringside...)


The crowd cheers as out came Asia Argento and Fluttershy.

(MATCH 2: Faith and Kindness in action)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is a Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing team number 1, making their way to the ring, the team of Fluttershy, and Asia Argento, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

The camera then cuts to inside the ring, where Snips and Snails were standing.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, already in the ring, the team of Snips, and Snails!

Snips and Snails then high five each other, then threw their fists up into the air.

Mauro: Back to more action, and here's Faith and Kindness taking on Snips and Snails!

Nigel: Faith and Kindness look to pick up where they left off after a lengthy absence, while Snips and Snails look to start their careers on the right foot.

Asia and Fluttershy then enter the ring, and they discuss who should start off.

After a couple of seconds, Fluttershy goes to the ring apron, thus Asia will start off.

Snips tells Snails he'll start it off for his team, then the bell rings.

Asia and Snips lock up in the middle of the ring, Snips then goes for a Side Headlock, but then Asia slips out, then gets Snips in a Backslide pin, but Snips quickly kicks out at 2.

They both get up, Snips charges, but Asia tosses him with an Arm Drag!

Snips gets up, then Asia knocks him down with a Dropkick!

Mauro: Look at Asia! Dropkick knocks Snips down!

Beth: She hasn't skipped a beat!

Snips rolls out of the ring, then Asia tags in Fluttershy.

Mauro: Asia with the Tag now! Here comes Fluttershy!

Fluttershy enters the ring, hits the ropes, then with the help of Asia, Fluttershy flips over the top rope and wipes out Snips!

Mauro: And Fluttershy! Asia with the assist, and Faith and Kindness is on a roll!

Fluttershy throws Snips back into the ring, then she goes for the cover, but Snips kicks out at 2.

She then sits up Snips, hits the ropes, then lands a Basement Dropkick!

Fluttershy then picks him up, looks to throw Snips to the ropes but Snips turns the momentum around, and throws Fluttershy to the ropes.

Fluttershy rebounds, but takes Snips down with an Arm Drag, and floats over into the cover!

Snips kicks out at 2, gets up, and then stuns Fluttershy with a running Knee Lift!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Snips with a big knee!

Beth: That halted Fluttershy pretty quickly!

Snips then dragged her to his corner, and tags in Snails.

Mauro: And now Snips with the tag, here comes his partner in crime, Snails!

Snips and Snails then pick up Fluttershy, throw her to the ropes and knock her down with simultaneous Back Elbows.

Mauro: And now Snips and Snails with the Double Team!

Snails goes for the cover, but Fluttershy kicks out at 2.

Snails then sits Fluttershy up, and drills a knee right into her back before laying her down, and locking on a grounded Headlock.

Fluttershy however, was able to get back up, and shove Snails to the ropes. Snails rebounds, and Fluttershy knocks him down with a Calf Kick!

Fluttershy gets up, then makes the tag to Asia, and Asia enters the ring.

Mauro: Tag made, Asia is back in!

Snails gets up, and then gets knocked down with a Clothesline by Asia! Snails gets up, and gets hit with another Clothesline!

Asia goes for a third Clothesline, but Snails deflects it with an Axe-handle!

He then throws Asia into a corner but she springs off the bottom rope and onto the second rope before flying into Snails, and flattening him with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Wow! Asia with a Crossbody!

Asia hooks the leg, but Snails kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Snails out at 2!

Nigel: Asia Argento has really honed her skills!

Both Asia and Snails get up, but Snails lands the first shot with a Forearm Smash.

He then throws her into a corner, goes for a running Clothesline, but Asia stuck out her foot to stop him dead in his tracks!

Asia then hops onto the second turnbuckle, and then plants Snails with a diving Facebuster!

Mauro: And Asia off the second turnbuckle!

Beth: Snails just got driven into the mat!

Asia goes for the cover, but Snips comes in and breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: And Snips breaking the count on the nick of time!

Snips gets up, but Fluttershy takes him out with a flying Knee Strike!

Mauro: Oooh! And a big knee from Fluttershy!

Fluttershy then went back to the apron, Asia tags her in, and Fluttershy climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Tag! Now Fluttershy climbing to the top!

Nigel: Faith and Kindness looking to close in!

Asia picks up Snails, then Fluttershy leaps off the top turnbuckle, and Asia hits a low Leg Sweep, a Double Team move they call the "Compassionate Conclusion"!

Mauro: Oooh! That's the move they used to beat the Motorcity Machine Guns! They call it the Compassionate Conclusion!

Fluttershy then covers Snails, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And the Compassionate Conclusion, concludes this match!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:05)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Nigel: Faith and Kindness with another impressive outing today! They're really showing us their stuff!

Mauro: It looks like they have not missed a step, despite a long absence!

Asia and Fluttershy hug in the middle of the ring then the referee raises their hands.

Beth: Well another win for Faith and Kindness, but there is still more to come! Later tonight, Trent looks to put Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy behind him, starting with Orange Cassidy.

Nigel: And still to come, we have the Casino Scramble match, to determine the #1 Contender for the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line!

Mauro: But up next, it's the In-Ring return of Kushida! After Scarlet and Graves took him out in Episode 8, Kushida looks to get back in stride!


Kayla Braxton was now standing by in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest, Robert Squared.

Robert then walks in.

Kayla: Robert, later tonight you will be competing in the first ever Casino Scramble match, and I just want to get your thoughts heading into that match.

Robert: Well, Kayla, the Casino Scramble match is definitely going to be a hoot of fun for me. It's definitely clear that the fans see me as a major player in this match, which boosts my confidence even more, but don't get it twisted. Because everyone in this match certainly has as much to prove if not more to prove than I do. So let's run then down, shall we?

Robert pulls out a piece of paper, nobody asks how he got it but he pulls a paper out and puts glasses on.

Robert: *clears throat* First we have Adagio... I could say a lot and have all my points be proven right but someone like Adagio isn't new to me, she is one of a million. OUCH! Did I hurt the ego ma'am? If so I don't apologize. Next is Chris Brookes who has been more than dangerous recently with the fact he has been testing the roster apart bit by bit, I'll definitely need to keep more than an eye out for him. Our other lucky friend is Quatro who from what I've seen definitely has his sights set bug in this match but it's all about how he executes his plan and only then will he find out if he can get the job done and we also have the final mystery person so I will say this, I may not know who you are but you better be prepared because I'm preparing even harder for you simply for the fact that you are a mystery. I've put everyone on notice now let's all have fun when this match goes down and may the best person win! *Smiles*

Robert smiles as he walks away humming All-star by Smash Mouth.

(Back at ringside...)


The lights go out, and the crowd cheers as the 10 second countdown shows up on the titantron.

Then 13 seconds into the song, a blue light shone down on the middle of the stage, and there stood Kushida. He then does a wind-up punch, and the lights come back on.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Tokyo, Japan, he weighs in tonight at 192 pounds, he is the Time Splitter, KUSHIDA!!!

The camera then cuts to inside the ring, where a man with blonde shoulder length hair was standing.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, he weighs in tonight at 176 pounds, COLLIN CUTLER!!!

Mauro: And now back with more action, Kushida looks to get back into the swing of things as he takes on Collin Cutler!

Kushida enters the ring and takes off his Back To The Future themed jacket and glasses.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Cutler goes for a lock up, but Kushida was able to slide underneath him!

Cutler turns around, and then Kushida clocks him with a Wind-up Punch!

Mauro: Oooh! Kushida with a right hand!

Cutler falls into a heap, then Kushida quickly gets Cutler in a Hoverboard Lock!

Mauro: And immediately into the Hoverboard Lock!

And as quickly as the match has started, Cutler taps out.

Mauro: And just like that, Kushida wins!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:14)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, KUSHIDA!!!

But before Kushida could celebrate...

(Start at 0:31)


The lights turn red, and Scarlet and Graves come walking out.

Mauro: Uh oh, it's Scarlet and Graves!

Then, Dezmond Xavier and Zachary Wentz rushed into the ring, Kushida went after Wentz, but Kushida was immediately swarmed by Dezmond and shortly after, Dave Crist joined in on the beatdown.

The beatdown however, didn't last long.


Chris Sabin and Alex shelly come running out to the aid of Kushida.

Mauro: And here comes the Guns! All six of these men will meet in a tag team match at End Of The Line, but it looks like none of them want to wait till then!

Sabin and Shelley slid into the ring, and took care of Dezmond and Wentz, throwing them out of the ring after trading a couple of blows. Kushida and Dave Crist then went at it, Crist went for a Clothesline, but Kushida ducks it, and runs into a Superkick by Alex Shelley!

Crist rolls out of the ring, and Scarlet and Graves start to retreat.

Mauro: And as quickly as they had come, Scarlet and Graves are high tailing it!

Nigel: Whatever plan they had, it backfired here tonight!

Beth: Well at End Of The Line, there will be no running and hiding! Scarlet and Graves better be ready, because it looks like Kushida and The Guns are!

Mauro: Well, switching gears now, as still to come, Dennis is gonna be in action, boy that's gonna be a massacre, and our main event, the Casino Scramble, also later tonight! But up next, it's Best Friends turned enemies, as Trent takes on Orange Cassidy! Don't go anywhere!


Ruby was exiting the trainers room, cleared to continue on and was greeted by Sonata and Zayden.

Zayden: Hey, we saw what the SCE did. It's a total bummer Spongebob caused a DQ, especially since if you pinned Ricochet, Mr. Chard would've considered granting you a rematch.

Ruby: I know! Starlight's cronies ruined everything!

But before she could continue, Adagio and Neopolitan attacked Zayden and Ruby in front of Sonata with Steel Chairs! Sonata then intervened, Pulling Neopolitan's chair out of her hands, but then Adagio swatted her from behind!

Adagio: That's just a taste of what's to come when I become LWF Reborn: Champion, Sonata! You better be ready, because I'm gonna show everyone just how pathetic you are!

Then, after one more chair shot to her back, Adagio and Neo walk away.

In another area backstage, Quatro was getting his wrists taped up. Then Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Quatro, tonight you're gonna be one of the participants competing in the Casino Scramble, but it's due to the fact that FSU Inadvertently helped you due to their grudge against flash Morgan Webster. After what happened in your qualifying match, are you confident you can win on your own against four other competitors?

Quatro: I don't blame myself for being in the middle of FSU's situation with Flash Morgan Webster, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from winning the Casino scramble tonight. I've been to the top before, I've also gone the distance, and won, when everyone else said I couldn't do it. Tonight, I'm the wild card in that match, and I'm gonna do, what I've always done, turn doubters, into believers.

Kayla: And if you do move on to End Of The Line, what's your message to Starlight Glimmer?

Quatro: Well, Starlight believes that accepting limitations is the right way? I say no way. When I win tonight and move on to End Of The Line, I'll show her what it means to always better yourself.

Quatro then finished taping up, and headed off.

(MATCH 4: Trent vs. Orange Cassidy)


The crowd cheered as Orange Cassidy came slowly walking out.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from... wherever... weighing in at... whatever... "Freshly Squeezed", ORANGE CASSIDY!!!

Mauro: He may not show it, but Cassidy is just as hurt as Chuck was when he saw what Trent had done at High Acceleration!

Nigel: How would you know? This man does not care about a single thing!

Mauro: Well, that's what Chuck Taylor said to me earlier today, and he even said that Cassidy's gonna inflict the same pain Trent inflicted on, onto Trent himself!

Nigel: I strongly doubt that will happen!

Cassidy rolls into the ring, takes off his jacket and shirt before slipping on his elbow pad.



The crowd booed as out came the trio of Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, and Trent.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, accompanied by Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, hailing from Long Island, New York, he weighs in tonight at 215 pounds, TRENT!!!

Mauro: And the black sheep of the family, flanked by his brothers, Hawkins and Ryder.

Nigel: With Trent now with Hawkins and Ryder, he looks to put Chuck and Orange Cassidy in his rearview mirror, a win over Cassidy is step one.

Beth: So many times Hawkins and Ryder tried to get Trent to "come home" and it eventually paid off.

Trent enters the ring, and smirks as he looks at Cassidy.

Then the bell rings, and Trent quickly kneed Cassidy in the stomach!

Cassidy fell to his knees, and then Trent stomped away on him.

Mauro: There goes the bell, and right away, Trent unloading on his former friend!

Nigel: Trent releasing this aggression that I didn't even know was in him!

Beth: Ever since High Acceleration, Trent has changed!

Trent then picked up Cassidy, and tossed him with a Half-Nelson Suplex!

Cassidy was now lying motionless on the floor, and Trent then measured him up.

Cassidy gets to one knee, then Trent lands a Gobstopper Knee Strike!

Mauro: And Trent with a knee!

He then goes for the cover, but then Trent lifts him up at 2!

Mauro: And Trent, not done with Cassidy yet!

Trent then rolled Cassidy over, and went behind him.

Beth: Trent has just one thing in mind, and it's not "Beat Orange Cassidy", it's "END Orange Cassidy"! It doesn't matter to Trent if he walks out victorious or not, he just wants to get rid of anything that had to do with Best Friends!

Cassidy begins to slowly rise, and once he was on his knees, Trent landed a Gobstopper Knee Strike to the back of his head!

Mauro: Ooooh, my god!

Nigel: My word, that surely may have knocked him out!

Beth: Cassidy's not getting up from that!

Trent rolls him over, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And Trent picks up the victory!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, TRENT!!!

Trent didn't even celebrate. He immediately went back to Cassidy, and pummeled away on him!

Mauro: And Trent's not satisfied! Hammering away on Orange Cassidy!

Nigel: Beating Cassidy wasn't enough!

Then, Hawkins and Ryder slid in, and they joined the beat down, stomping away on Cassidy!

Beth: And now Hawkins and Ryder join the fray!

Mauro: The family from New York, mugging a defenseless Orange Cassidy!

Then, the crowd began to cheer as Chuck Taylor came sprinting out! He slides into the ring, and then begins to fight off Hawkins and Ryder!

Mauro: It's Chuck Taylor! Taylor coming to the rescue!

Taylor takes out Hawkins with a Superkick, then ducked a Clothesline by Ryder, followed by hitting Ryder with Sole Food!

Mauro: Taylor taking out Hawkins and Ryder!

Taylor then turned around, and stared down the cornered Trent.

Nigel: Oooh-ho-ho-ho! Here we go!

Mauro: Trent has nowhere to go! Chuck Taylor confronting his backstabbing friend!

Trent then began to prepare to fight back, and Chuck did the same!

Beth: Oooh, looks like we're gonna have a fight!

Mauro: Best Friends, turned enemies! Looks like we're gonna have a fight between two former friends!

Then, just as Trent was about to go for the first attack, he rolls out of the ring, gaining a collection of boos from the crowd.

Mauro: And Trent, looks to live to fight another day!

And with a smirk on his face, Trent regroups with Hawkins and Ryder, and the trio make their way to the back.

Mauro: Well, the trio of Hawkins, Ryder, and Trent look to live to fight another day!

Nigel: Chuck Taylor obviously not gonna let Trent get away with what he did!

Beth: Trent may have gotten away tonight, but this is clearly far from over!

**Commercial Break**

After a quick commercial break, Dennis walked out of the locker room, and mounted his bike, starting it up. He then revved up the engine before riding out to the entrance way.


Mauro: No words from Dennis, he just wants to beat up somebody right now! And he's gonna get his victim soon enough!

Dennis came out on his motorbike and stopped at the center of the stage. He then took off the Hardcore Championship from his waist, and held it up high before riding down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing at this time, he is the RCCW NXT Hardcore Champion, DENNIS!!!

Nigel: Dennis is sure wearing that RCCW Title Proudly! So far, no one has come up and tried to take it from him yet!

Beth: You've gotta be a fool to even try to step up to Dennis! I mean, kudos to you for having the guts, but... this is Dennis here.

Mauro: One of, if not, the toughest son of a gun in the deep blue sea, that is Dennis! He made it clear he wants a shot at the LWF Reborn championship himself, and he's willing to pile on the bodies to do it!

The camera then panned to a burly man wearing a vest like gear with a flaming skull on it.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from New York City, IAN ALDWIN!!!

Dennis climbs into the ring and gave the hardcore title to the ref.

Beth: Not the best idea to send an indy competitor to Dennis...

Nigel: I'd give this guy under a minute at best.

The ref signals the bell to ring.

Ian foolishly charges in to take down Dennis. He lands some Forearm Smashes but Dennis easily shoves him off, then clobbered Ian with a Discus Lariat!

Mauro: OH! Not the smartest of ideas!

Nigel: I think all Ian did was make Dennis angry!

Dennis then picks him up, and tosses him into a corner with a Buckle Bomb!

Ian staggered out of the corner, and then landed a running boot!

He then lifted Ian up onto his shoulders, and planted him with the Black Skies Mist!

Mauro: And there's the Black Skies Mist! That will do it for Aldwin!

Dennis goes for the cover, but Dennis lifts him up at 2.

Mauro: And Dennis is not gonna end it like that!

Nigel: Too easy for him!

Dennis gets up, then he sets him up for the Last Ride Powerbomb, and he slams Ian to the ground with force!

Mauro: Last Ride with authority!!!

Dennis covers Ian Aldwin, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And that does it!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Mauro: Another victim has been added to Dennis's list!

Nigel: I don't think anyone is gonna stop the warpath of Dennis!

Beth: If nobody has taken notice, they better!

Mauro: Still to come, we'll hear from the TAG Team Champions, Team Weird N' Wild, and address the Tag Team division!

Nigel: I wonder what the Champs have to say!



The crowd cheers as out came the Tag Team Champions, Team Weird N' Wild.

Mauro: And look who's here! The Tag Team Champions, Mabel and Star, Team Weird N' Wild!

Nigel: It's been a while since we've seen them in action, I wonder what this unique duo has to say!

They entered the ring, and grabbed mics as the crowd cheered for them.

Mabel: We missed you guys, too.

The crowd continues to cheer for them.

Star: How long has it been? Well shoot, too long, can't count! It's been a while since we've defended these belts of ours don't you think Mabel?

Mabel: My thoughts exactly, it gets pretty boring when you have something that everyone wants and you don't do much with it. I'm looking at various former title holders when I say that, but we're not here to take shots, we are out here tonight because we want people to step up.

Star: People have seemed to be occupied with other events as of late with the hype of LWF & FXWF Heaven of Hell going around, which has made us think that we should step up our game. While sad we couldn't get on the Heaven or Hell card, we are out here as Mabel said, to get a Challenge for our tag titles.

Mabel: So to any team in the back, you know the drill.

Star: You want some?

Both Mabel & Star: Come get some!

They wait for a few seconds, no response.



Out walked Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Mauro: Wow, and look who answered the challenge!

Nigel: No stranger to Tag Team gold, Hawkins and Ryder are stepping up.

Mics in hand, Hawkins and Ryder began to applaud.

Curt: Finally, just what we were waiting for! An opportunity!

Zack: Ladies, you may be the best Tag Team in Fanfiction Wrestling right now, but you guys nothing compared to us.

Curt: And besides, you guys vanished, while WE were here, making our way up to the mountain. So I hope you two are ready, because we are!

Hawkins and Ryder then slid into the ring, and got into Mabel and Star's faces.

Just then the lights go out. Then a vignette for the Workin' Miners plays.

The vignette starts with a panoramic view of a tropical Minecraft jungle.

Narrator: Well well well, look at this, this is a Minecraft Jungle, where parrots and pandas are out and about. Lavish plants, exotic fruits, quite a forest, this is!

Just then, Steve and Big Mac walk through the foliage, Steve cutting through with a machete in hand.

Narrator: Oh! Well it's our good friends, the Workin' Miners! And it looks like their treasure hunt is still ongoing!

Steve takes a look at the map, then points to something on it. He then pointed forward and the two continued walking in that direction until they walked into a temple.

They go inside, and after dodging a few booby traps, and more skeletons, they make it to the heart of the temple, where another chest was sitting on a small table.

They opened it, and inside it, was more diamonds, rubies, gold, and another map.

On the map, had a picture of the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships!

Steve and Big Mac looked at each other, then nodded.

The camera then cuts to them on the beach, loading up their boat.

Narrator: Well, would you look at that! It looks like their adventure in the Minecraft world is sending them to LWF now! And now with gold in their sights, the Workin' Miners look to fulfill their quest! Because the Workin' Miners aren't done, until their mission... is Complete.

The vignette ends with the caption: "THE WORKIN' MINERS: COMING SOON TO WATTPAD"

The lights came back on, and Weird N' Wild and Hawkins and Ryder looked at each other.

Mauro: Well, the Tag Team division just got interesting!

Nigel: Hawkins and Ryder stepped up to the plate, but it looks like the Workin' Miners are stepping up too!

Beth: I cannot wait until the day Big Mac and Steve arrive in LWF: Reborn!

Mauro: But up next, it's the match we've all been waiting for! 5 superstars, one opportunity on the line! The Casino Scramble for the #1 Contendership to the LWF: Reborn championship, is next!


After a brief intermission, the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen.... It is now time, for... THE CASINO SCRAMBLE MATCH!!!!

The crowd roared and applauded.

Jeremy Borash: The rules are as follows, all five competitors in the match have been given a card suit. The first two competitors whos suit has been drawn, will then start it off, and every five minutes, the deck is shuffled for a new competitor to enter, and whoever drew the Joker, will enter last. Competitors can become the interim #1 Contender by pinfall or Submission, and must hold it for the entirety of the match to officially be #1 Contender. Once all 5 competitors are in the ring, whoever is the interim #1 Contender after a period of 15 minutes, will be the winner, and will advance to End Of The Line to compete for the LWF: Reborn Championship!

The crowd cheered as the camera turned to Jeremey Borash in the ring.

Jeremy Borash: We will now draw the first suit.

Then a drum roll played, and the first suit drawn was a heart.

Jeremy Borash: It is the Heart Suit! And so, introducing first at this time...



The crowd cheered as out came Robert Squared.

Jeremy Borash: ... from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he weighs in tonight at 192 pounds, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Nigel: In this type of match, It's highly unfavorable to be picked first, but I'm not sure Robert Squared cares when he enters!

Beth: Robert always gives his all no matter where or when, and even though he's going first, I doubt he's gonna back down from a challenge!

Robert then enters the ring, and climbs up the turnbuckles and points to the fans.

Jeremy Borash: And now, to reveal his opponent!

The drumroll played again, and the next suit to be drawn was a spade.

Jeremy Borash: It is the Spade Suit!



The crowd cheers as Quatro comes out.

Jeremy Borash: And competitor number two, from The Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 140 pounds, the Light Bringer, QUATRO!!!

Mauro: It's now time to shine for Quatro already, as he goes against Robert Squared to kick off the Casino Scramble!

Beth: Quatro said he's the wild card in this match, and with a valid point! He got this spot after FSU cost Flash Morgan Webster in their personal agenda!

Nigel: It's true that he didn't get here on his own, but Quatro aims to prove that he doesn't need any help to get to End of the Line to face starlight! Let's hope that he can!

Quatro enters the ring, and stretches out in a corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

A 5-minute clock pops up, and then Quatro and Robert lock up in the middle of the ring.

Robert then went for a Side Headlock but Quatro was able to beat him to the punch by swiftly getting him in a Hammerlock.

Robert then dropped down, and twirled around to reverse out of it. He then gets up, and throws Quatro to the ropes.

Quatro rebounds, ducks a Clothesline from Robert, then goes for a Springboard Back Elbow off the second rope, but Robert catches him and tosses him with a release German Suplex!

Quatro gets up, staggers around, then Robert hoists him up into the air with a Military Press, but Quatro quickly wriggled free.

Quatro then went high with a Roundhouse Kick, Robert dodges and goes for a Roundhouse Kick of his own, but Quatro ducks it!

Quatro then tried to go for a Snap Dragon Suplex but Robert quickly slipped out of the hold, and rolled him up with a Wheelbarrow Pin!

Quatro was able to kick out at 2. They both get up, then they have a standoff, and the fans begin to clap for them.

Mauro: And right away, you can see just how much it means to be #1 Contender to these competitors!

Nigel: A stalemate right now between Robert and Quatro, neither of them could get the upper hand on the other!

Robert and Quatro smiled at each other, then shook hands and paced around the ring.

3 minutes are now remaining on the clock, Robert and Quatro lock up again, Quatro goes for a Wrist Lock, but then Robert reverses it into a Hammerlock, then slams Quatro down with a Hammerlock Suplex!

Mauro: And Robert with a Hammerlock Suplex!

Robert goes for the cover, but Quatro kicks out at 2.

2 minutes and 30 seconds are now on the clock, Robert then throws Quatro to the ropes, and knocks him down with a Calf Kick off the rebound!

Robert goes for the cover again, but Quatro was still able to kick out 2.

Robert then sat Quatro up, and delivered a kick to his back!

Quatro arches back in pain, then Robert picks him up and slams Quatro repeatedly with a series of Float-over Gutwrench Suplexes.

Nigel: Quatro taking quite a beating right now! Multiple Gutwrench Suplexes to take the Light Bringer off his game!

Mauro: Robert definitely has the strength advantage, and Quatro needs to get out of this predicament fast if he wants to move on to End Of The Line!

After 5 or so Gutwrench Suplexes, Robert lets him go, then he sets him up for the Broadway Bomb!

Beth: And Robert now, looking for the Broadway Bomb!

Robert lifts him up, but then Quatro quickly counters into a Hurricanrana!

Robert quickly gets up, then runs into a Bicycle Knee Strike by Quatro!

Mauro: Oooh! Quatro with a knee!

Robert rolls out of the ring, then paced around a bit.

Quatro then hits the ropes, and wipes Robert out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: And a Tope Suicida! Quatro is now beginning to climb back into this match!

Quatro then threw him back into the ring, and hopped onto the apron.

Once Robert got up, Quatro springs off the top rope, and knocks him down with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: And a Back Elbow knocks Robert down!

1 minute was now on the clock, Quatro quickly goes for the cover but Robert kicks out at 2!

Quatro then got up, and began to size up Robert.

Nigel: With the final minute counting down 'til the next entrant, Quatro seems to be looking to become the interim contender right here! Looking for the Destino!

Robert got up, then Quatro went for the Destino but Robert got out as he flipped!

Quatro landed on his feet, but was immediately stunned by Pélé Kick by Robert!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Pélé Kick!

With both competitors down, the clock was now in the last 10 seconds.

Mauro: With that Pélé Kick, both of them are down as we now await the next competitor to enter the match!

9... 8... 7... 6...

Jeremy Borash: We will now shuffle the deck in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!

A drum roll plays, and the next card drawn was a club.

Jeremy Borash: The next suit drawn, is a Club!



The crowd boos as Adagio comes out.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the competitor who drew the Club... ADAGIO DAZZLE!

Mauro: And Adagio Dazzle is the next competitor in, and this siren is in this to win the Championship at End Of The Line, just to get Sonata Dusk in a one on one match!

Quatro begins to get up, Adagio then slid into the ring, and immediately planted Quatro with a Snap DDT!

Mauro: And Adagio! DDT to Quatro!

Adagio quickly covered Quatro, but Robert broke the count at 2!

Mauro: And Robert makes it there to break the count!

Beth: Just 2 more competitors to go, one is Chris Brookes, and the other is the mystery entrant who drew the Joker!

Adagio gets up, so did Robert.

"I am not gonna let you ruin this for me!" Adagio says through gritted teeth, then began landing Forearm Smashes on Robert!

Adagio then hits the ropes, and runs into a Superkick by Robert!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: And Adagio runs into a Superkick!

Adagio was now stunned, and Robert immediately followed up with a German Suplex!

Mauro: And Robert! German Suplex, and Adagio is immediately rocked!

Adagio rolls out of the ring, then Robert gets up, turns around, and sees that Quatro has gotten up, and Quatro lands a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Quatro! Spinning kick to the face!

Robert was now on spaghetti legs, then he sets up for the Destino, and he hits it!

Mauro: And there it is!!!

Nigel: Destino!!!

Quatro hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your current #1 Contender, Quatro!

Then, on the titantron, it read, "QUATRO: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER"

Mauro: And Quatro is the interim #1 Contender! Now all Quatro has to do is hold on to it for the rest of this match!

Nigel: And he has to be careful! He doesn't have to be pinned to lose it!

Beth: Quatro has to make sure to defend himself, and keep eyes on his opponents should they try to pin each other! It'll get more difficult the more competitors there are in that ring!

3 minutes and 30 seconds were now on the clock, Adagio rolls back into the ring, then Quatro stomped on her, picked her up, went for the Hyperbomb, but Adagio was able to slip away!

Mauro: Oh Quatro looking for the Hyperbomb, Adagio had it scouted!

She turns around, and brings him down to one knee with a chop block, then followed up with the Blind Kiss!

Mauro: Blind Kiss!!!

Robert then got up and measured her up. Adagio then turned around, and Robert hits the Pineapple Surprise!

Mauro: And Robert with the Pineapple Surprise!!!

Robert hooked the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Robert Squared!

Then on the titantron it read "ROBERT SQUARED: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER"

Mauro: And just like that, Robert Squared takes the #1 Contendership!

Nigel: That's why you should always have your head on a swivel in matches like this!

3 minutes and 6 seconds were on the clock now, and Robert now begins to play defense.

Beth: 3 minutes left now, and we're just waiting for Chris Brookes, and the mystery entrant!

Quatro was the first to get up, and now him and Robert began trading blows.

Mauro: And Quatro now, looking to reclaim the #1 Contendership!

Quatro then took Robert off his feet with a Double Leg Takedown, went for a Jackknife pin, but Robert kicked out at 2!

Robert and Quatro get up, then Robert stops Quatro in his tracks, with a kick to his gut, then he goes for the Broadway Bomb, and he connects with it!

Mauro: Broadway Bomb!

Adagio then came from behind, and threw Robert out of the ring!

Adagio then picks up Quatro, takes him down with a Snapmare, then she hits the Blind Kiss on him!

Mauro: And Adagio with the Blind Kiss!

Adagio covers Quatro, and gets the 3 count!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Adagio Dazzle!

Then on the titantron, it read "ADAGIO DAZZLE: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER"

Mauro: And now it's Adagio who's the interim #1 Contender!

The crowd boos as Adagio begins to gloat.

"Be ready, Sonata! Once this entire match is over, you and me will FINALLY clash!" She says into the camera. Unbeknownst to her, Robert had just got back into the ring, and she backed up right into him.


Beth: Speaking of Sonata, here's one of her best friends!

Nigel: I don't think she's gonna like what she's about to see!

Robert didn't even let her talk when she turned around. He immediately kicked Adagio in her midsection, then dropped her with a Brainbuster!

Robert then got up, but the second Robert turned around to measure up Adagio, he was met with a Shotgun Dropkick by Quatro, and on Quatro's way down, he flattened Adagio with a Senton!

Adagio rolls into a corner, then Quatro goes up to Robert, and sweeps him off his feet. With Robert now sitting on the floor in the corner, he creates some distance, and then lands a Hesitation Dropkick!

He then sees Adagio sitting in the corner as well, and he creates distance and does the same thing!

Mauro: Quatro is on a roll!

With one minute on the clock now, Quatro drags Adagio out of the corner, goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Quatro gets up, but then Robert comes up to Quatro from behind, and drops him with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Saito Suplex by Robert Squared!

He then picks up Adagio, but Adagio rakes his eyes, dropping Robert to one knee, then she follows up with a Bicycle Kick!

Mauro: And Adagio rakes the eyes, followed by a Boot!

Beth: That obsession for a rematch is the only thing driving Adagio Dazzle!

Adagio then hits the ropes, but off the rebound, Robert gets up all of a sudden, then he scoops her up and slams her to the ground with an Emerald Flowsion!

Mauro: Oooh! Robert with an Emerald Flowsion!

He immediately goes for the cover, but Quatro breaks up the count at 2!

Mauro: And Quatro not letting Robert get the #1 Contendership!

10 seconds was on the clock now.

9… 8… 7… 6…

Jeremy Borash: Shuffling the deck in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

Then with a drum roll, the Diamond was drawn.

Jeremy Borash: The next card drawn is a Diamond!

Then as if on cue…

"My name... is Chris Brookes, the Calamari Catch King."

(Start at 0:26)


Out walks Chris Brookes, and he rips off the bandanna covering his mouth, and takes off his jacket.

Jeremy Borash: And the competitor to draw the Diamond… CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: And the Calamari Catch King has now joined the fray!

Nigel: Safe to say he and whoever Drew the Joker is, are the two lucky ones, because they're the most fresh!

Brookes then hopped onto the apron, and when Quatro got up, Brookes quickly dropped him with a Slingshot Cutter!

Mauro: And Brookes planting Quatro!

He gets up, grabs Adagio, and lands a Cobra Clutch Knee Strike!

Mauro: And a Knee to Adagio!

Robert then grabbed him from behind by the waist, but Brookes was able to break free from his grasp, and follow up with a Superkick!

Robert staggers, then Brookes sets him up for the Praying Mantis Bomb, but then Robert counters it into a Back Body Drop!

Robert then picks up Brookes and then hoists him up with a Military Press!

Mauro: And look at the strength of Robert!

He then drops Brookes, and flattens him with a Standing Moonsault!

Nigel: And his agility!

Beth: Don't let his flamboyant and sweet personality fool you! Robert is quite an athlete!

Robert gets up, and he gets hit from behind by Adagio.

Mauro: Oh, and Adagio is not gonna let Robert get a chance to pin Brookes!

Adagio then turns around, and Quatro knocks her down with a Clothesline!

Quatro then picked her up, and threw her out of the ring. Robert then grabbed Quatro from behind but Quatro landed some Back Elbows to create some separation.

Quatro then hits the ropes, goes for a Bicycle Knee Strike but Robert catches him, and then flings him across the ring with an Exploder Suplex!

Mauro: And Quatro sent halfway across the ring!

Quatro rolls out of the ring, Robert gets up, so did Brookes, and Brookes stuns Robert with a Bicycle Kick!

Brookes then grabbed him in a Front Facelock, and with a sinister smile across his face, he draped Robert's feet on the top rope!

Mauro: Oh no, Robert's about to fall victim to that Swinging Neckbreaker!

Before Brookes could execute it however, Robert was able to fight out of it, and throw Brookes over the top rope! 

Brookes lands on the apron, goes for a Slingshot Cutter, but then Robert catches him and drops him on his head with a German Suplex!

Brookes rolls out of the ring, and then Robert gets back up.

Adagio gets back up as well, and just as Robert and Adagio were about to have a standoff, Quatro rolled back into the ring. 

3 minutes on the clock now, and Adagio, Robert, and Quatro have a standoff. 

Then, in a swift motion, Adagio slid out of the ring, and the crowd booed her.

Mauro: And Adagio not wanting any part of the standoff!

Nigel: Playing it smart! Let them beat each other's brains out, and pick up the scraps!

Quatro shrugs, turns around, and he narrowly dodges a right handed jab!

Robert then turns around, and Quatro clocks him with a head level Roundhouse Kick!

Mauro: And Quatro! High kick stuns Robert!

Robert staggers, hunches over, then Quatro plants him with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb!

Mauro: And planting Robert into the mat!

Quatro now has Robert in a pinning predicament, but then Adagio slid back into the ring, and clocks Quatro from behind with the Last Shot!

"That #1 Contendership is MINE!!!" She shouts, but when she turned around, Chris Brookes planted her with a Slingshot Cutter!

Mauro: And now Chris Brookes back into the action! 

Nigel: Slingshot Cutter plants Adagio face first!

Then he picked her up, and without hesitation, connects with his patented draping Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And Adagio gets hit with the Neckbreaker!

Brookes hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Chris Brookes!

Then on the titantron, it read: "CHRIS BROOKES: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER"

1 minute and 50 seconds were on the clock now, and Brookes sits up with an evil grin on his face. 

Adagio rolled out of his way, holding her neck, and everyone recovered in the other corners. Right now, it was a standstill.

Mauro: Chris Brookes is now in possession of the #1 contendership, now he has the power!

Adagio was now ticked off that Brookes stole the #1 Contendership. She goes after him, but Brookes sidesteps her and throws her out of the ring.

Brookes then turned around and looked at Quatro and Robert.

"What!? I dare you! Come on!" Brookes shouts. Quatro then steps up, but then Brookes immediately shuts him down with a knee to his gut.

He then goes for the Draping Swinging Neckbreaker but then Quatro wriggles out of it, and then Back Body Drops Brookes out of the ring!

Mauro: And Brookes takes a nasty fall to the outside!

47 seconds now on the clock, as everyone was regrouping. Quatro was hanging his arms on the ropes, Robert was now in a corner, and Adagio got back inside the ring, hanging onto the ropes for support.

Nigel: And now everyone is recovering, having expended a lot of energy. And let's not forget! The one who drew the Joker is coming shortly!

“I'm winning this match! None of you are ruining this for me!” Adagio yelled.

Robert and Quatro then looked at each other, then they both went after her!

20 seconds now on the clock, Chris then slid back in, and got in on the action as it now became a free for all melee!

Mauro: And here we go! 

Nigel: Total chaos in the Casino Scramble!

Robert was soon caught in the middle of the fist-and-cuffs before he blasted everyone off him. Adagio held her ground as she hit him with a Superkick, and Robert stumbled back. She turns around, and Brookes hits Adagio with a Superkick of his own! He then turns around, and Quatro clocks him with a Bicycle Knee Strike! Everyone was now laying as the clock ticked down!

Mauro: Everybodys down, and here comes the final man to enter! It's time to see who the mystery man is! 10 seconds!

9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1!

Everyone in the ring struggled to their feet as the drum roll began.

Jeremy Borash: And now, ladies and gentlemen, the final competitor who drew the Joker…

The joker card was then drawn as the titantron showed it spinning once in the air before it stopped. 

For a moment, all was silent as the card was just standing there, and then….


At the sound of a loud boom, a hole was put right through the card, then the two words "Panzer Army" were being shouted, and the crowd erupts into cheers!

Then, from the stage, to everyone's surprise, out came Chris Panzer, his titantron coming on as he came onto the entrance way!


Beth: I can't believe what I'm seeing! 

Nigel: I am in complete, and utter disbelief right now! Chris Panzer was one of the forefathers of not just PWR, but LWF as well!

Chris Panzer slowly walked towards the ring as everyone inside stopped at the sight of him.

Mauro: Panzer is here, and he looks to make waves again! 

Panzer entered the ring, and looked around as the crowd cheered for Chris Panzer.

Brookes then walked up to Panzer and told him: "You're not the king around here, anymore. I am!"

Panzer looked to the camera, before jerking his head, and slugging Brookes with a right hand! The crowd cheered as the two trading blows as the final 10 minutes began ticking down!

Mauro: And here we go, the final stretch of the match! Here's Broookes, taking a right from Panzer! And Panzer takes a shot from Brookes!

Panzer then landed a haymaker that sent Brookes to the ropes. Brookes rebounds, and looks for another bicycle knee, but Panzer catches him halfway, and drops him with a Rock Bottom, which he calls the D-Town Piston!

Mauro: D-Town Piston to the Calamari Catch King!

Panzer pops up to his feet, and Adagio rushed Panzer before he could cover Chris Brookes. However, Chris Panzer was ready, and he ducked a Clothesline from her!

Beth: Oh, Adagio trying to spoil Panzer's comeback-!

He then hits the ropes and hits Adagio with the Panzerschreck Kick!

Nigel: WHAM!!!


Chris Panzer then covered Adagio, and got the three count!

Mauro: And just like that, Panzer explodes into the top spot!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Chris Panzer!

Then in the titantron, it read "CHRIS PANZER: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER"

Panzer got up, but it was no time to rest, as he was confronted by Quatro, and the two men stood face to face, with the crowd cheering.

Beth: Uh oh…! Here they are again, guys!

Mauro: For anyone who isn't aware, these two have quite a history over in the Philippines! Panzer and Quatro have developed quite a rivalry over the PWR Championship!

Nigel: And here they are now! Fighting for an opportunity at the LWF: Reborn Championship at End Of The Line! 

Quatro and Panzer then nod at each other, and then Panzer goes for a Clothesline, but Quatro ducks, and springs off the second rope and knocks Panzer down with a Back Elbow!

He then picks up Panzer, and then he lifts him up for the Hyperbomb!

Quatro then goes for it, and slams Panzer down with authority!

Mauro: And Quatro with the Hyperbomb!

Suddenly Brookes came from behind and picked up Quatro!

He then sets him up for his signature Double Underhook Piledriver, the Praying Mantis Bomb, and he drills Quatro with it!

Mauro: And Chris Brookes! Praying Mantis Bomb!

Brookes then covers him, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Chris Brookes reclaims the #1 Contendership! 

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Chris Brookes!

The titantron then reads "CHRIS BROOKES: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER".

“I'M taking this win! Go back to the Philippines and stay there!" He says to both Quatro and Panzer.

He then looked up at the clock and saw that 7 minutes were remaining. 

"Just a little bit longer, and I'm on my way." He says to himself.

He was then caught by Robert from behind, and he drops Brookes with a Snap Dragon Suplex!

Brookes gets up, clutching the back of his head, then Robert pulls him into a Clothesline!

Robert then pulled him back up, and he hits another Clothesline!

He pulls him back up for a third time, but when he went for another Clothesline, Brookes ducks, and gets him up on his shoulders!

Then, with a loud scream, Brookes spins him out, and slams him down!

Mauro: Oh my god, Brookes with authority!

5 minutes and 54 seconds were now remaining, and the crowd booed as Brookes got up, and gloated.

Quatro then grabbed him from behind and threw him into a corner! Quatro then charges, but Brookes sticks out his boot to stop him in his tracks.

He then hops up to the second turnbuckle, and then knocks Quatro down with a Front Dropkick!

Brookes gets up and throws Quatro out of the ring. Adagio then grabs Brookes, and throws him shoulder first into the ring post!

Mauro: And Adagio from behind!

Nigel: Right into the post! Brookes is in trouble now!

Adagio then threw Brookes out of the corner, and began to measure him up for the Blind Kiss.

Adagio then goes for it, and connects!

Mauro: And the Blind Kiss hits the mark!

Adagio then turns around, and Chris Panzer hits her with the Panzerschreck Kick!

Mauro: And Panzer! Panzerschreck Kick right in the mush!

Panzer then goes for the cover, but then Robert and Quatro came in and broke the count at 2!

Mauro: And Panzer almost had it!

Adagio rolls out of the ring, Robert picks up Panzer, and Quatro picks up Brookes. 

Quatro tries to throw Brookes into a corner, but Brookes turns the momentum around, and Quatro gets thrown into the corner!

Chris Brookes then goes for his patented flying single leg Front Dropkick, but Quatro gets out of the way!

The camera then cuts to the backstage area where Starlight Glimmer and the SCE were watching the match on a TV Screen. 

Mauro: And there you see the Champion, watching all 5 competitors vying for an opportunity at her title!

Nigel: She's got quite a challenge, she has no idea who her opponent is gonna be until the time runs out!

The camera then cuts back to the match where Robert and Quatro were now battling it out.

Quatro then rained down on Robert with Forearm Smashes, hits the ropes, but then Robert shuts him down with a Back Elbow!

Robert then picked him up, went for a Brainbuster, but Quatro was able to reverse out of it and plant Robert with a Snap Dragon Suplex!

Mauro: Snap Dragon Suplex by Quatro! Time is of the essence right now!

Beth: He has to pin Robert quick!

With 3 minutes left, Quatro quickly goes for the cover, but Brookes breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: And Chris Brookes breaks the count! Brookes playing defense, making sure a pinfall or a Submission does not occur!

Nigel: Brookes doing whatever he can to ensure he goes on to End Of The Line!

Brookes takes a glance up at the titantron, and sees that there's 2 minutes and 54 seconds left on the clock. 

Adagio slides back into the ring, and then takes down Brookes with a Chop Block to the back of his knee!

She then backed up a bit to set up for the Blind Kiss, but Quatro got behind her, and then planted her with the Destino!

Mauro: And Quatro!!!

Nigel: Destino connecting!

The crowd cheered as Quatro hooked her leg, but Brookes, despite having one good leg, was able to limp his way over, and break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Brookes, bad leg and all, keeping the #1 Contendership in his possession!

Beth: He's gotta be alert, but on one good leg, how's he gonna be able to make it there to stop the pins? He barely made that pin attempt from Quatro!

Chris Brookes begins to slap some feeling back into his leg, then Robert goes after him.

He puts Brookes on his shoulders, and then he does a Cartwheel Death Valley Driver, followed by a knee strike!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: What a knee by Robert!

But before Robert could do anything else, Quatro plants him with a Reverse Frankensteiner!

Mauro: Ooooh! Poisoned Frankensteiner by Quatro!

Quatro gets up, then Adagio comes up from behind and delivers a Backstabber!

Mauro: And Adagio with a Backstabber!

Adagio goes for the cover, but Panzer comes out of nowhere with a Frog Splash, breaking the count at 2!


Nigel: Frog Splash from out of the blue!

Panzer goes for the cover on Adagio, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Adagio kicks out!

2 minutes and 30 seconds were now on the clock, and everyone was laying.

Beth: We are at the final couple of minutes in the Casino Scramble, Chris Brookes is the current #1 Contender, and if he's able to keep it until the clock hits zero, he's on his way to End Of The Line!

Panzer gets up, and then he picks up Adagio and throws her out of the ring. 

Quatro is the next one to get up. He lands a few punches, Panzer answers back with a couple of punches of his own, then he hits the ropes, and with a flying Forearm Smash, he knocks Quatro down!

Brookes now gets up, Panzer goes for a Brainbuster on him, but Brookes was able to counter him, and he stuns Panzer with a high Roundhouse Kick!

Panzer drops to one knee, then Brookes knocks him out with a Superkick!

Mauro: Chris Brookes, as of this moment, has held the #1 Contendership the longest in this match!

Beth: Chris Brookes might have this match in the bag!

Nigel: Yeah, a good defense, and spotting the first cover attempt he sees!

Chris Brookes picks up Robert, but then Robert creates distance with a Jawbreaker!

Brookes staggers back, then Robert delivered a downward chop! Robert then delivered another chop, and another, and another, and then another! Then he throws him to the ropes, and off the rebound, Robert pops Brookes up into the air, and lands a punch on his way down!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: What a right hand by Robert!

Robert quickly goes for the cover, but Brookes was able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Not enough to put Brookes away!

Robert looks up, and sees that it's just under 2 minutes now remaining. 

Mauro: We are now less than 2 minutes left in this match, and so far, Brookes hasn't let go of the #1 Contendership!

Beth: He's gonna have to keep that death grip on it for 2 more minutes!

Nigel: And Robert has to make a pin or make someone submit, and fast!

Robert then immediately picked up Brookes, but then Quatro knocked them both down with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Brookes rolls out of the ring, Quatro picks up Robert, and he hits the Destino!

Suddenly Adagio came out of nowhere, and threw Quatro out of the ring!

She covers Robert, but he kicks out at 2! 

Adagio screams in frustration, smacking the mat as she does so!

Mauro: And Adagio, looking to pick up the scraps, but Robert out at 2!

Nigel: And Frustration beginning to set in!

Adagio gets up, seething with anger, but walks into a Slingshot Cutter from Brookes!

Mauro: OOOH!!! And because she was seeing red, she didn't see Chris Brookes coming with that Slingshot Cutter!

Brookes then picked up Adagio, and then he draped her feet across the top rope, and swiftly dropped her with the Swinging Neckbreaker! 

Mauro: And Adagio! Dropped by that deadly Neckbreaker by Chris Brookes!

He gets up, sees that Quatro has been measuring him up, and when he went for the Springboard Back Elbow, Brookes caught him as soon as he hopped onto the top rope and quickly sets up for the same Swinging Neckbreaker, and connects! He then picked up Panzer, and did the same thing, and finally hit one more on Robert!

Nigel: Neckbreakers for everyone!

The crowd booed as Brookes got up, and surveyed the scene, admiring his dirty work.

Then, with just under 1 minute left, he picked up Quatro, and threw him out of the ring. He then did the same thing with Adagio, and Chris Panzer. 

The crowd continues to boo him, but then, with 30 seconds left on the clock, the lights suddenly go out.

Then, glitchy sound effects began to play.

Then up ok the titantron, the crowd erupted in shock as Junko Enoshima popped up on the titantron!

Junko: Hi, Brookes! I told you one day we would cross paths! Well, today's the day! *Maniacally laughs*

Chris Brookes looked on in a mix of shock and confusion as she continued to laugh.

Mauro: Oh my god!

Nigel: It's Junko Enoshima!

Beth: Probably the craziest woman to ever walk the earth, and she has her crosshairs pointed at Brookes!

Junko: Oh… sorry, it looks like you're busy. But this won't be the last time you'll hear from me! *Ends transmission*

The lights come back on, now there's 17 seconds left, Brookes turns around, and Robert hits him with the Pineapple Surprise!

Mauro: Oooh!

Nigel: Pineapple Surprise!!!

Robert quickly covers him, and gets the 3 count!

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your NEW current #1 Contender, Robert Squared!

Then on the titantron, it read "ROBERT SQUARED: CURRENT #1 CONTENDER".

Mauro: And just like that, Robert Squared swoops in and steals the #1 Contendership!

10 seconds were now left, Adagio and Quatro slid back in, and began to fight over who pins the knocked out Brookes.

Robert sees this, and then tries to make sure neither of them get to, causing a pile on as the fans counted down!

9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

*Bell rings!*

The crowd cheers as Robert jumps up, raising his hands in victory!

Mauro: And it's over! Robert's going to End Of The Line!


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, and the OFFICIAL #1 Contender, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Then on the titantron, it read: "ROBERT SQUARED: OFFICIAL #1 CONTENDER".

Mauro: Just as Brookes thought he had won this match, Junko Enoshima made her presence felt, and it cost the Calamari Catch King!

Nigel: And Robert Squared, taking advantage over a stunned Brookes, once he turned around, Robert strikes with the Pineapple Surprise, and that was it!

The referee raised his hand in victory, but he didn't get to celebrate. The SCE rushed into the ring, and began to assault Robert!

Mauro: Oh no! It's the SCE! Starlight Glimmer getting the first shot in!

The crowd then cheered as Ruby, Zayden, and Sonata came out!

Mauro: And here comes the cavalry! Still beaten up from Adagio's attack earlier, but it's not stopping them from rescuing their friend!

They slid in, but tried as they might, the SCE quickly swarmed them, and they took them out pretty easily.

Spongebob and Trixie then picked up Robert, and then Danny and Ohno pulled Ricochet forward. 

"Do it! Hit the Recoil on him!" Starlight demanded. 

Ricochet became hesitant. He shakes his head, refusing to hit Robert with the Recoil.

Mauro: Oh no… another trial for Ricochet courtesy of the SCE!

"DO IT!!!" Starlight yells.

Then, Danny and Ohno began to surround him. Ricochet looked at them for a second.

"Do it, Ricochet!" Ohno shouts.

"Do it for Equality!" Trixie shouts.

"You lost at High Acceleration, Ricochet! You're one of us now, now DO IT!!!" Starlight says.

Ricochet, now defeated mentally, hits the Recoil on Robert reluctantly!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Recoil on Robert against his will!

Beth: The SCE are mentally destroying Ricochet!

Immediately after, Ricochet got down, and began apologizing. 

"Robert, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't wanna do it! I'm sorry!" He cried as Danny and Ohno pulled him away.

Starlight then crouched down, and held the Championship up at Robert's face.

"This is as close as you'll get. You understand!?" She says.

Then, with a snap of her fingers, Trixie and Spongebob propped him up to his knees, then Starlight hits the ropes, and delivered her patented Flying Knee Strike to the back of Robert's head!

Mauro: And the Champion with the final blow!

Starlight gets up, then the SCE lined up, with Starlight in the middle.

That's when Anthem For The Year 2000 played, and she held her belt up high as the crowd booed.


Mauro: With the challenger now official, can Robert finally be the one to dethrone Starlight Glimmer? Or will this be the scene at End Of The Line!?

Nigel: The SCE are stronger than they've ever been! Robert is just as strong, but with even Sonata, Ruby, and Zayden Trudeau in his corner, is it gonna be enough to do the impossible!?

Beth: Robert overcame 4 people in the Casino Scramble, but can he overcome Starlight and the 5 members of the SCE?

Mauro: With Robert, anything is possible! But after what we've just seen, I'm not sure!

And that is Episode 14!

Boy, wasn't that an Episode? And now with Robert Squared as the next challenger to Starlight's LWF: Reborn Championship, can he overcome the odds?

Well, End Of The Line is still on the way, there's still some more Episodes to go! So stay tuned for action on the road to End Of The Line!

See y'all then!

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