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Oh my God... 20 Episodes already????

Welcome to Episode 20!

Let's see what we have in store here!



38 seconds into the song, the opening pyro goes off inside Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mauro Ranallo speaks as the camera pans around the arena.

Mauro: It is the 20th Episode of LWF: Reborn, and we have a hot crowd here in Cincinnati, inside the Heritage Bank Center!

But before Mauro could even continue…


The crowd boos as Adagio Dazzle strutted out through the curtain, and onto the stage. She smirks as she looks at the crowd, then makes her way to the ring. 

Mauro: Well it looks like we're gonna start this program off with a smug Adagio Dazzle, who is pretty proud of herself after what she did in Episode 19!

Nigel: She felt she deserved that spot, and decided to take matters into her own hands. That backstabber to the spine of Will Ospreay is just the beginning it seems!

Beth: She not only called her shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship last Episode, she's looking to take Ospreay's spot!

Adagio then grabs a steel chair and a microphone. She enters the ring, unfolds the chair in the middle of the ring, and sits down. She looks at the crowd before speaking. 

Adagio: Last episode, I told not only Kayla Braxton, but every single viewer, to keep their eyes on me, because I was gonna show the world what I had in store…

The crowd boos. 

Adagio: Last episode, I took the liberty of making it clear that not only was I coming after the LWF: Reborn Championship, but I was reclaiming a spot that was rightfully mine, since day one! *Stands up* I have been a constant presence in LWF since Episode 1! Hell, since DAY ONE! It has been ME holding this company on my back! But rather than allow ME to contest for the world title, what do they do? They have some self obsessed looney and a guy who fits better in a circus fight for MY title! And sadly thanks to… circumstances, I was screwed out of a match for the belt in the main event of Wrestlepalooza. And WHO should be the one to get that match? Why it’s William Ospreay! A man who SAT ON HIS ASS at home for a whole month after he won the shot! While my hard work gets repaid by me getting pushed down the ranks, settled to an ass backwards rivalry with some halfwit!

The crowd booed as they knew who she was referring to and some even began to chant “Sonata!”. Adagio looks around, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

Adagio: Say “Sonata” if you're an idiot.

Some of the fans are caught by the sudden insult and continue to chant.

Adagio: My point exactly. Moving on.

The crowd boos as she continues.

Adagio: My time has been wasted LONG enough. And as I have stated time and time again, I am ready to move on with my career and what better way to make up for lost time by becoming LWF: Reborn World Champion? There’s just one little issue in my way… Will Ospreay.

The crowd cheered at the mention of Ospreay's name, and even chanted "Ospreay! Ospreay! Ospreay!" Adagio, again, looks annoyed at the sudden interruption.

Adagio: Chant “Ospreay” if you screw your sister.

Once again, some members of the crowd are caught off guard and chant.

Adagio: Disgusting… But at least you're all honest. Moving on.

The crowd boos louder as Adagio continues.

Adagio: Ospreay, let’s call it like it is. EVERYONE knows you don’t deserve that spot at Wrestlepalooza. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, it doesn't matter that you won the Elimination Enclosure match to earn that opportunity. I was always the most deserving. Because I'm the Siren Sensation, Adagio Dazzle, baby! If things were different, I would be the one challenging Starlight Glimmer, not you! And Starlight, I could care less about your little Equality B.S, and your Society, you got something that is rightfully mine, and the ONLY thing that matters to me is making sure I get what's rightfully mine!

The crowd went back to booing her.

Adagio: Now… I would have stopped right there, but there's just… one more thing to address. 

She sat back down on her chair, crossed her legs, and leaned back before looking into the camera.

Adagio: "Amazing" Agent Luna Collins. It seems like calling your home for what it really is, really got to you. So much so, that you want me to go over there, and face you for your Women's Championship. *scoffs* Hon… WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WOULD WANT THAT TRASH YOU CALL A TITLE!? *Laughs*

The crowd boos some more. Adagio then stops laughing, and regains her composure. 

Adagio: Luna, you must not know me very well. Because if it's a match with ME you want, you're getting it on MY terms, and my terms only! And that means no way in hell am I gonna go over to that pathetic company that you call "home"! You wanna get back at me for calling BTWF out for exactly what it is? Then carry that crap company on your back, and step into my turf! On an unrelated note, you're right about one thing. I'm not on your level. Matter of fact, I'm ABOVE your level. By MILES! And hon, at least I wasn't born into a company. *Chuckles* Oh wait! I forgot, you're ADOPTED! *Laughs* like that even matters! But the bottomline is, if you really wanna fight me, then make the effort, and come to LWF. If not, then keep… my name… OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!

Adagio then stands up, and is about to leave, when suddenly…


Adagio stopped in her tracks, and looked up at the stage as Will Ospreay, mic in hand, made his entrance. 

Mauro: And there's the man that Adagio Dazzle nailed the Backstabber to! And Will Ospreay wasn't gonna take it lying down!

Nigel: You can see it in his eyes, Ospreay is not gonna have someone like Adagio swoop in and steal the spot he earned!

Ospreay enters the ring, and circled around Adagio with a sneer before speaking.

Will: Adagio, Adagio, Adagio… What was it that you said? About me not deserving of a Championship Opportunity, after I won the Elimination Enclosure match? The same match that you competed-

Adagio: Ap! Ap! Ap! Again, you winning that match and earning that shot, doesn't matter! Let me remind you, that after Elimination Enclosure, you went radio silent, and we haven't heard from you since. Then when you came back, you tried to justify your absence by saying that "The SCE would come after me"! Ospreay whether you know it or not, you're pathetic. And don't say you're not, because then you'd be lying. Just like how you lied to yourself that you earned the Main Event spot.

All Ospreay did was scoff at her.

Will: Really? Is that what you actually think? *mutters to himself* man, "Delusional" runs through everyone here. 

The crowd laughs at his remark, then Ospreay turns his attention back to Adagio.

Will: Adagio, I did not come this far, just to have someone like you come by and take away everything I worked so hard for. Who outlasted 19 other people? It wasn't you, that was ME. When I won the Elimination Enclosure match, I made a promise to myself that I was gonna be the one to defeat Starlight Glimmer, and end her Equality tirade. And I'm not gonna let YOU, or ANYONE try and set me back! I have Starlight right where I want her now, and at Wrestlepalooza, I'm gonna go for the kill! And if you even try to get in my way…

Before Ospreay could finish his sentence…


The crowd boos as both Ospreay and Adagio look up at the stage to see Starlight making her entrance. She too had a mic in her hand, but she stayed up on the stage instead of going to the ring. Her theme fades out before she speaks.

Starlight: Tsk tsk tsk. This is EXACTLY what I was trying to prevent, everyone! *Motions towards the ring* THIS! THIS RIGHT HERE! This is the very thing that will destroy LWF! Ospreay, look what you've done! This right here is a living, breathing example of "Actions have consequences"! Your disappearance was the cause of this inequality, Ospreay! This is why I have to eradicate you at Wrestlepalooza, so that things like this never happen again! And Adagio, I totally sympathize with you! Nobody deserves that type of mistreatment! I can assure that once I'm done with Ospreay-

Adagio: Ap! Ap! Ap! Save it, Glimmer! I don't need sympathy from you, or anyone! All you're good for is keeping that title warm for me! That title will come home soon, which is right here, in my hands! And sweetheart, you won't see me coming! *Turns to Will Ospreay* and neither will you! Ospreay, I don't give a shit about your stupid little promise. Promises are made to be broken anyway! What I did last Episode was just the beginning. *Gets right into Ospreay's face* The worst is yet to come, hon. *Smirks*

Ospreay steps back a bit.

Will: Good luck with that. Because now I just made another promise. I promise YOU, that if you try and pull that stunt on me again… you're gonna see firsthand, the Hidden Blade, is mightier than a Blind Kiss. 

Ospreay's theme plays, then leaves the ring. Once he was up at the top of the ramp, he took one glance at Starlight and the title before continuing on his way.

Mauro: Will Ospreay, getting the last word in as the title picture gets more intense! With Adagio Dazzle in the mix now, Starlight and The SCE are now the least of Ospreay's worries! Ladies and gentlemen, what a way to kick off Episode 20 of LWF: Reborn! Mauro Ranallo here alongside my colleagues Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer Beth Phoenix, Wrestlepalooza is getting a lot hotter, hasn't it!?

Nigel: Well with Adagio calling her shot, who knows when Dazzle will strike again!

Beth: Well one thing's for sure, you'll never see her coming!

Mauro: And we're just getting started! Tonight we have quite an event in this Episode! The Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers continue, with Issei Hyoudou taking on Indigo Zap, and "Cure White" Honoka Yukishiro, taking on "The Social Media Sinister" Ken Warren in the other!

Beth: And Sonata Dusk looks to try and rebound in an Episode 12 rematch of sorts as she takes on an old adversary in Neopolitan!

Nigel: And it's not Sonata Dusk who's gonna be in action! Dennis makes his return, and I feel sorry for the poor lad that's gonna step in the ring with him!

Mauro: And in our Main Event, we have a Ladder Match sneak peek of sorts as Mabel Pines, Angelico, and Dark Danny take on each other in a Triple Threat Match!

Nigel: That can be anybody's game! All three individuals are skillful in their own right, but which one will reign supreme? We will find out later tonight!




The crowd gives mixed reactions as Indigo Zap, with Lemon Zest by her side, makes her entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest is a Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Lemon Zest, INDIGO ZAP!!!

Mauro: Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest look to get back in the swing of things here in LWF, and it looks like step one in achieving that, looks to start with Indigo Zap!

Nigel: A win for Indigo here tonight is definitely a step in that direction, but knowing who her opponent is, if you've witnessed the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, then you should know that qualifying for the Cruiserweight Open is NOT gonna be a walk in the park!

Indigo enters the ring, and awaits her opponent. 

After a few seconds of silence…


Beth: And here comes the Tournament's underdog!

Issei makes his entrance. He spins around with his arms outstretched, and high fives some fans as he makes his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing her opponent, hailing from Kuoh Town, Japan, ISSEI HYOUDOU!!!

Mauro: And just like the case of another Adrenaline Rush Tournament competitor, Rev Runner, Issei also has a chance to be Double Champ!

Nigel: And what makes this really interesting, is that not a lot of people thought he would make it far in the tournament, but here he is in the Semifinals! Could he pull off the same magic here in this Qualifier match?

Beth: If he can make it to the Semifinals, Issei can punch his ticket to Wrestlepalooza. That "Red Dragon Warrior" in him is what pushes him forward, and that's exactly what he's gonna need tonight!

Issei enters the ring, and throws his arms up, gaining a cheer from the fans.

Once he was across the ring from Indigo, the bell rings, officially starting the match.

Indigo and Issei lock up in the middle of the ring, Issei goes behind and slams Indigo down with a Mat Return before transitioning into a Front Facelock. Indigo escapes, and counters the Facelock, right into a Fujiwara Armbar.

Issei was able to roll over and counter into a Crucifix Pin, but Indigo kicked out at 2. They both get up, and then Indigo gets Issei in a Side Headlock. Issei shoves her off, Indigo rebounds, and Issei leapfrogs over her.

Issei then does a drop down, and Indigo hops over him. Issei gets up, Indigo rebounds for a third time, this time she knocks Issei down with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: And Issei knocked off his feet with that Shoulder Block!

Indigo then hits the ropes, but Issei trips her with a Drop Toe Hold. He gets up, and then wraps her up with an Oklahoma Roll pin, but again, gets a 2 count out of it. 

Issei then grabs Indigo, but Indigo lands a knee onto his gut. Indigo then grabbed a handful of Issei's hair, and threw him down to mat aggressively!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Indigo Zap with a handful of hair!

Nigel: Some call it dirty, others effective!

Indigo then stomped away on Issei before picking him up. She then tossed him to the ropes with an Irish Whip, Issei rebounded, and Indigo trips him with a Drop Toe Hold. Indigo then hits the ropes, and then delivers a Knee Strike across his back!

Indigo goes for the cover, but again, Issei kicks out at 2. Issei was now on all fours, slowly rising back to his feet, but one swift kick to the ribs by Indigo knocked him back down. She then propped Issei up to one knee, hit the ropes once more, and then delivered a Bicycle Kick right into the side of his face!

Indigo goes for the cover, but Issei kicks out at 2. Indigo gets up, and then presses her foot across Issei's throat while spitting out insults at him.

The referee then began to count, and at the count of 4, Indigo got off of Issei and began to gloat at the crowd.

Indigo then turns her attention back to Issei, picks him up, but Issei starts to fight back. Issei lands a few punches to her stomach before pushing her away. He then goes for a Clothesline, but Indigo blocks it, and then knocks Issei down with a Clothesline of her own! Indigo then turns around, and flattens him with a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: And Indigo Zap showing off some amazing athleticism!

Nigel: Beautiful Standing Moonsault!

Indigo hooks the far leg, but Issei was still able to kick out at 2.

Indigo sits up Issei, then delivers a couple of Knee Strikes to Issei's back before locking in a Grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: Indigo Zap now, slowing the pace of this match.

A couple of minutes pass, and Issei begins to roll towards the ropes. He grabs the bottom rope to force a break, and Indigo releases the hold. 

Issei crawls to the nearest corner and begins to get up. But before Issei could do anything, Indigo charges and flattens him with a Clothesline, and then smoothly lands on the apron.

Mauro: And Indigo again, using that agility!

Nigel: Issei Hyoudou is in a very bad way!

Beth: It's been all Indigo Zap since the beginning of this match!

Issei staggers out of the corner. Once he got up, Indigo slingshots herself through the ropes, doing a forward roll, and then hits Issei with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Mauro: Indigo with another big move from the apron!

Indigo goes for the cover, but Issei kicks out at 2.

Mauro: And Issei kicks out again! But you have to imagine that Issei's mind probably isn't right in this match, after all, girls are his kryptonite!

Nigel: Very true, we know how he can get when it comes to the female species, but that didn't stop him from prevailing over Aria Blaze, and it won't make him stop now.

Indigo then picks up Issei, but Issei shoves Indigo away, and staggers backwards onto the ropes.

Indigo then charged at him, but Issei was finally ready for her. He sends Indigo over the top rope, and Indigo crashes down onto the floor below!

Mauro: And Indigo Zap, toppling down to the floor below!

Beth: This time, Issei was ready! 

Issei, seeing this as an opportunity to climb back, started to hit the ropes, and then once Indigo was back on her feet, Issei vaulted over the top rope, and wiped out Indigo!

Mauro: And Issei Hyoudou takes flight, taking out Indigo Zap!

Issei brought Indigo back into the ring to continue the match and continued to keep pressure on the Crystal prep student. Issei then measured up Indigo, but Indigo superkicks Issei before he could do anything!

Indigo then pulled him back into the ring, and placed him in the nearest corner. 

Indigo then created some distance, and then charged full speed, only for Issei to blast out of the corner, and pop Indigo in the mouth with his signature Superman Punch, "The Hand Of Ddraig"! 

Mauro: Ooh, the hand of Ddraig! Indigo recklessly charged right into it!

Beth: Indigo's full-throttle strategy backfired!

Issei falls into the cover, but Indigo kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Indigo with energy left to escape!

Issei gets up, and Indigo does the same. Issei then knocks her down with a Forearm Smash. Indigo gets up, and then Issei knocks her down with a Clothesline. 

Issei picks up Indigo, and attempts to throw her into the corner. But then Indigo turned the momentum around, and Issei was sent into the corner instead. 

Indigo charges, but Issei slips out of the corner and onto the apron. Indigo couldn't break in time, and Issei then connects with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri, causing Indigo to stagger back!

Mauro: And again, Issei evading Indigo Zap!

Nigel: Indigo continues to hit the throttle, but so far in this match, that hasn't worked for her!

Beth: Well after a long hiatus and not gaining a single win, desperate measures tend to be executed!

Lemon Zest continues to watch from the outside, wondering whether to assist Indigo or not.

As this happens, Issei waits for Indigo to get close. Once she was, Issei sprung off the top rope, and landed on her with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Crossbody off the Top Rope!

Issei had Indigo pinned with a Lateral Press, but Indigo kicked out at 2!

Indigo is now dazed, and Issei drags her towards the ropes. Issei then goes to the apron, and then points to Lemon Zest, saying "Don't even think about it!" Before turning his attention back to Indigo.

Beth: And Issei, fully aware of Lemon Zest on the outside, and he knows better than to let her interfere!

Nigel: Even an unsuccessful ladies man like him needs to watch out for stuff like that!

Indigo was now coming to, but she then grabbed the referee, and pulled the referee towards Issei, knocking him off the apron!

Mauro: Ooh, but Indigo, using the referee as a weapon!

The referee didn't take kindly to that.

“What are you doing?!" The referee shouted. 

While the Referee's attention was on Indigo, Issei got back up, and then Lemon Zest took off her headphones, and decked Issei with them!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And Lemon Zest with the Headphones!

Beth: Timing is everything!

“Good thing these are custom made.” Lemon Zest said to herself as she adjusted them to check for any damages.

Lemon then tossed Issei back into the ring before putting her Headphones back on.

Mauro: And now Indigo off the interference from her schoolmate…

Indigo then picked up Issei, and planted him with a Gory Bomb!


Mauro: …. GORY BOMB!

Nigel: That's it!

Indigo rolls him onto his back, pins him with a smile on her face… but Issei kicks out at the last second!

Mauro: No! Not even an assist from Lemon Zest was able to keep Issei Hyoudou down!

Beth: That Cruiserweight Open dream is still alive for Issei!

Nigel: But Indigo can't let this opportunity pass herself! She has to keep fighting!

Indigo wasn't about to give up. She knew she had to do one more big move to put Issei down. So she picked him up once more and places him in an Argentine Backbreaker position on her shoulders. 

She then flips him over, but Issei lands on his feet! Issei then went for the Hand Of Ddraig again, but Indigo avoided it!

Mauro: Hand of Ddraig attempt number two, but Indigo evaded it!!

Indigo then lifted Issei onto her shoulders, and went for a Detonation Kick.

Nigel: Oh, Indigo thinking Detonation Kick…!

However on the way down, Issei caught the kick, rolled her through, and once she was onto her knees, Issei landed a Shining Wizard!

Nigel: WHAM! Issei with a BEAUTIFUL kick of his own!

Issei, instead of going for the cover, dragged Indigo towards the corner, repositioned her, then climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: And Issei's not done! 

Once he was at the top, Lemon tried to stop Issei, but Issei kicked her off the apron!

Mauro: Issei looking for the finale! Lemon Zest, trying to cut him off, but Issei cuts her down, and now…!

Issei stabilizes himself, then turns around, and hits the Red Dragon Bomb on Indigo!



Issei covers Indigo, and gets the 3 count for the win!

Mauro: And Issei is going to Wrestlepalooza!

*bell rings*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, ISSEI HYOUDOU!!!

Mauro: Issei now joins Kushida, Rev Runner, A-Kid, and Nathan Frazer in the field of 10 for the Cruiserweight Open! What an opportunity he now has, to now vie for two separate titles!

Beth: Indigo got too focused on beating Issei as fast as she could, and that ended up costing her big time!

Nigel: Even with some assistance from Lemon Zest, it was not enough. Issei Hyoudou prevailed, and now 5 spots remain!

Issei gets up, and the referee raises his hand. But then from behind, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest jumped Issei before he could celebrate his win!

Mauro: Oh, from behind! Indigo and Lemon jumping Issei before he could even celebrate!

Beth: Talk about sore losers!

The bell rings repeatedly as Indigo and Lemon beat him down. The referee tries to get them to stop, but to no avail. Indigo then scared off the referee and continued hammering away on Issei.

But then…

(Start at 0:23)


Indigo continues the beatdown on Issei while Lemon looks up at the entrance way, to see Koneko Toujou, with a steel chair in her hands, running down the ramp!

Mauro: Oh, here comes Koneko! A fellow member of the Occult Research Club!

Koneko slides in, Lemon then goes after her but gets a chair shot to the gut! Indigo gets up, and Koneko swings at her! Indigo jumps back to avoid the chair, rolls out of the ring, then her and Lemon Zest retreat.

Beth: And both Shadowbolts are high tailing it! They do not want any part of the Nekoshou armed with a chair!

Nigel: Issei would've never made it to Wrestlepalooza had it not been for Koneko Toujou!

Koneko then helped Issei up to his feet. "Do it for the club, numb-nuts." She says in a deadpanned tone before raising Issei's hand as “Taking you With me” starts up again. 

Issei then smiles, proud of his victory.

Mauro: A seal of approval by Koneko for her clubmate, as Issei heads to Wrestlepalooza to contend for the coveted Cruiserweight Championship!

Nigel: And not only that, Issei also has the chance to win the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, and claim the Adrenaline Championship as well! Will we see Issei win two titles at once? Only time will tell.

Beth: Well, later on in the show, we’ll see who joins Issei in the Open, as Ken Warren, the Social Media Sinister and two-time PHX champion, looks to get back in the LWF spotlight as he faces off with Honoka Yukishiro for the sixth spot!

Mauro: But up next, the destructive force known as Dennis, looks to pick up where he left off!

Nigel: EMT's better be on standby!



Sonata Dusk was standing by with Kayla Braxton in the Interviewing Area. 

Kayla: I'm standing by here with Sonata Dusk, Sonata, tonight you have a chance to rebound from some tough times against an old adversary in Neopolitan. Are you sure you're ready to get in the ring again with one of Adagio’s allies?

Sonata: Yes I am. Adagio reminded me that I technically haven't beaten her one on one, so what better way to get her attention than to go after her lackey? 

Kayla: Well recently, Adagio has acknowledged that Neo has "Done her part"...

Sonata: That doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me is I'm not finished with Adagio yet, and I wanna end it! Besides, I haven't beaten Neo yet, either.

Sonata then walks off.

In another area backstage, Jack Evans and Ravel Phenex were warming up Angelico for the Triple Threat match.

Mauro: And there you see one of the three competitors of the Triple Threat Match that will take place later tonight, Angelico, getting ready for the Main Event!

Nigel: Ravel is making sure her new partners in the Ravel-ution, the Hybrid 2, are ready for their time to shine!

Back at ringside...


The lights dim, and Dennis drives out onto the entrance ramp on his motorcycle as soon as “everybody dies!” is dropped. He revved his engine for a bit before driving down to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: This next contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, he is the RCCW NXT Hardcore Champion, DENNIS!!!

Dennis then circles around the ring on his bike before stopping at the bottom of the ramp. He parked his bike as he got off, hanging the RCCW NXT Hardcore Title on one of the handlebars.

Beth: Hey guys, I have a question. When is anyone gonna try and seize the opportunity to try and claim the Hardcore Championship from Dennis, if ever?

Nigel: I'll answer that with two questions. Who's brave enough, and who's dumb enough? 

Mauro: Dennis has been the proud holder of the RCCW NXT Hardcore championship ever since he crashed Takeover DC and claimed it in convincing fashion from Drax! Since then, nobody has even dared to try and go after Dennis!

Dennis then entered the ring, and standing across from him was a tall long haired muscular man sporting black trunks.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 264 pounds, REX LAWLESS!

Rex Lawless then turns to the fans and does an intimidating pose.

Mauro: And here's a man that might match up with Dennis. Standing at an opposing 6'6 height, and with 264 pounds of muscle!

Nigel: "Might" being the key word there, because Dennis has proven to be dominant, and has also made it clear that he doesn't care who he has to run over to to get to the top of LWF!

Dennis refrains from removing his hat. Then the referee sounds for the bell, and Rex Lawless immediately rushes towards Dennis. Dennis immediately grabbed him, and chucked him into the corner before landing a series of Back Elbows.

Beth: Ooh, not a wise decision by Rex Lawless to go right at Dennis like that! 

Mauro: And he's paying for it with all those Back Elbows to the face!

The referee steps in to issue his 5-count. Dennis then swiftly turned to the referee, towering over the referee, and the referee backed off, intimidated by Dennis. 

With his back turned, Rex Lawless goes for a cheap shot, but Dennis was only knocked a couple feet, and didn't go down! 

Mauro: Ooh, Lawless with a cheap shot, but it didn't even make a dent on Dennis!

The hired gun responded in kind, grabbing Rex Lawless, and throwing him to the ropes.

Off the rebound, Dennis hits him with the Discus Big Boot aptly named "The Bigger Boot"!

Beth: Oh, the Bigger Boot to the face!

Nigel: When Dennis hit Drax with that, he knocked him out cold, and Rex Lawless might have just suffered the same fate!

Dennis then hoists Lawless up onto his shoulders, and plants him with the Black Skies Mist!

Mauro: And there's the Black Skies Mist! It's over!

Dennis covers Lawless, but at 2, Dennis lifts him off the ground, and shakes his head.

Nigel: oh, not quite, Mauro! Dennis wants to send a message to everyone in LWF!

Dennis then picks up Lawless, hits the ropes, and hits the Bigger Boot again!

Mauro: One more Bigger Boot!

But Dennis wasn't satisfied just yet. He picked up Lawless one more time, and then lifted him up for the Last Ride, and planted him with authority!

Mauro: And the finishing touch, one emphatic Last Ride!

Dennis then placed one foot on Lawless' chest, and got the easy 3 count.

Mauro: And Dennis claims another victim!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Nigel: Another day on the job for Dennis, and he loved every second of it!

Beth: I can't think of anybody who'd ever wanna step to Dennis, and stop his rise to the top, much less take the Hardcore title.

Mauro: As long as it's with Dennis, there's no need for him to be on the watch 24/7! 

Dennis then exited the ring, snatched the microphone from Jeremy Borash's hand, and grabbed a steel chair before getting back into the ring.

Mauro: Looks like Dennis has a few words to say!

Dennis unfolds the chair, and sits down before speaking. 

Dennis: Before anyone gets any ideas, I want to remind everyone that as long as I'm here, LWF is MY world, and this ring is MY yard! You wanna try and take me down, be my guest. I will enjoy every minute of your pain, and I will revel in your demise. Which brings me to… Darby Allin.

The crowd cheers at the mention of his name. But Dennis is unbothered.

Dennis: I heard he's resurrected, and has a new companion now. Like that's gonna make a difference. *Chuckles evilly* if he's smart, he's gonna cherish his living half and not step back into this ring, because Darby knows how close I was to killing him! *Stares intently into the camera* Darby… I promise… if you come back, I will put you in the ground again, this time for good! *Drops mic*

Dennis then leaves the ring, puts his Hardcore Championship on his shoulder, and starts up his bike as Black Skies Mist plays once more.

Mauro: Message loud and clear, Dennis promises to kill Darby Allin if Allin steps back into LWF!

Nigel: Knowing Darby Allin, I don't think he's gonna be taking heed!

Beth: If Darby does come back, it's gonna be a fight to the death between him and Dennis!


The SCE were standing in a dark room.

Starlight: Earlier tonight, inequality reared its ugly head as Adagio Dazzle aired her grievances and let out her frustrations, and Will Ospreay, once again, forced his inequality upon her to make sure it's only him who matters like the selfish man he is! At Wrestlepalooza, I will eradicate Will Ospreay. Thus bringing LWF closer to a peaceful and brighter future. And tonight, Dark Danny will have a chance to show everyone exactly why Equality is the strongest form of harmony, as he takes on two unequal individuals in Mabel Pines and Angelico. Tonight, we, the Society of Complete Equality, will once again, show why Equality is the only way to a happy and bright future for all! *smiles*

The camera cuts back to the Interviewing Area with Kayla Braxton standing by.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, The Social Media Sinister, Ken Warren!

The crowd cheers as Ken Warren struts in.

Kayla: Ken Warren, tonight you finally get a big opportunity here in LWF as you get a chance to qualify for the Cruiserweight Open against Honoka Yukishiro, and after what Honoka has shown-

Ken: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm gonna stop you right there, Miss Braxton! If you're gonna ask if I'm prepared for her, then the answer is yes. I'm Ken Warren, Kayla! The Face of Facebook, The OG of IG, The Human Trending Topic, The Hashtag "Candid Attention Bandit", among many other nicknames. I'm prepared for anyone, and everyone. Nothing against Honoka, she's hella amazing in the ring! But I'm much better.

Kayla: Well one more ques-

Kayla didn't even get to finish that sentence because Ken Warren got onto his phone, and walked away. 



The camera cuts back to ringside, where the Crust Cousins were in the ring. 

(MATCH 3: The Crust Cousins "Test Your Limits" Challenge)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Tag Team Contest scheduled for one fall, introducing first, Brit and Tiff, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Mauro: Well back to more action, and it looks like it's a "Test Your Limits" Challenge that's about to take place!

Nigel: Well so far a string of bad luck, due to an untied bootlace and whatnot!

Beth: Or it could simply be that they're way over their heads?

Nigel: Now what makes you think that's the case, Beth!? Brit Crust is the brains, and Tiff is the Brawn, a powerful combination that can take on anyone, and you think they're way over their heads???

Beth: I'm just saying, Nigel.

The Crust Cousins both had mics in their hands, and Brit held up her hand before speaking. 

Brit: Ahem, LWF, I think you know what time it is!

Tiff: It's time for the Test Your Limits Challenge!

Brit: Now our last opponents were a couple of scrappers who weren't really that fair!

Tiff: Yeah, those guys were too animalistic to play by our rules!

Brit: Exactly, so whoever wants to step up and test your limits, you better play by our rules!

The Crust Cousins dropped their microphones and awaited for their opponents. 

Mauro: Last time it was an untied shoelace, this time it was unfairness from Adam Brooks and Wally Beatles.

Nigel: I mean, come on! Did you see how Wally and Adam fought!? I don't blame the Crust Cousins!

Beth: Well, now it looks like the Crusts are heavily enforcing the rules tonight-

Then all of a sudden…


The crowd pops a bit, and the Crust Cousins just look on in horror as out comes FSU!

Beth: Oh, no!

Nigel: Well this isn't good at all!

Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis then fist bumped each other, and made their way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 377 Pounds, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, FSU!!!

Mauro: The Crust Cousins wanna talk about playing by their rules, here's a couple of guys who will break any rule thrown at them! 

Beth: I don't think Brit and Tiff are gonna make any excuses outta this when they lose to Andrews and Dennis!

Nigel: But what's the reason for them accepting the challenge? It can't be just for the sake of it!

Mauro: They do have a reason, Nigel! That reason, well, that's for them to know, and for us to probably never know!

Andrews and Dennis entered the ring and took off their jackets, ready to go as Mark Andrews prepared to start with Brit Crust. 

Brit for her part though, was trying to call the match off, hoping to avoid facing FSU for her own sake and Tiff’s, but it was too late as the referee called for the bell.

Andrews then immediately tagged in Eddie, and Eddie Dennis dropped Brit Crust with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: Oooh, and Eddie Dennis with a Forearm!

Beth: Brit was trying to call off the challenge, but there's no backing out now!

Nigel: I mean, come on! What happened to playing by the Crusts' Rules!?

Mauro: This is FSU, Nigel! They don't care about the rules anyone sets!

Eddie then grabbed Brit and set her up for the Severn Bridge. However, Brit was able to escape before Eddie could get a running start. More fortunate for her, Eddie had tried to go for it from the Crusts corner, and she was able to Tag in tiff right after.

Tiff then goes after Eddie, attacking with right and left jabs to the gut, but Eddie shoves her off. Tiff charges at Eddie, only to get caught, and then Eddie spins her out into a Backbreaker!

Eddie then charged at Brit, and then knocked her off the apron with a Boot!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis wiping out both Crusts!

Eddie then tagged in Mark, and then hoisted Tiff up for the Neck Stop Driver as Mark Andrews climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: And now it looks like FSU has had their fun!

Andrews then leaps, and FSU hit the Double Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo on Tiff!

Mauro: And FSU, spiking Tiff Crust!

Mark then covered Tiff, getting the easy 3 count, chalking up the fastest Test Your Limits Challenge win to date

Mauro: And it's over! 

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:07)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, FSU!

Mauro: And FSU, probably just claimed the fastest Challenge win to date!

Beth: Let's see the Crust Cousins try and justify this loss!

Mark and Eddie then demanded for a microphone, and they both were handed one.

Mark: Oy, oy, oy! This isn't what we came out here for!

The crowd continued to give out mixed reactions. 

Eddie: Ay! How about you loudmouth smarks shut up for one second, if you wanna hear what we have to say!

The crowd boos at the insult.

Mark: You know, when we heard that a Ladder Match for the Tag Team Championships was announced for Wrestlepalooza, Eddie and I thought that it was finally time for our moment! But when we were not even mentioned in that announcement, it became apparent that we were being held back!

Eddie: And why is that, huh!? Is it because we oppose too much of a threat? Or is it because in the eyes of management, we're not good enough?

Mark: We didn't reunite, only to be left out! So here's what we're going to do! We're not gonna leave this ring, until we get a Wrestlepalooza match!

They then dropped their mics and looked up at the stage, waiting for a response. 

Mauro: FSU, upset that they were left out of the Ladder Match, is now taking this show hostage!

Nigel: The frustration built up in them for so long, and I can't blame them! They came so close to winning the tag titles at High Acceleration, but they lost due to the intervention of Flash Morgan Webster.

Beth: And then at End of the Line, when they had that hellacious No DQ Match with The Beautiful People, they thought that would've been enough!

That's when Chard Caranto popped up on the titantron. 

Chard: Andrews, Dennis, I understand your frustrations, and I do deeply apologize for not including you in the ladder match. Now I unfortunately can't add another team to that match so let me make it up to you like this. Since you both want a Wrestlepalooza match, you'll get a Wrestlepalooza match. But… you will be banned from ringside in your respective matches. In other words, you both will be competing in Singles Competition, but you're not gonna be in each other's corners!

Andrews and Eddie couldn't believe what they just heard back to back. 

Chard: Mister Andrews, for your match, I felt I kinda handled your little situation a bit poorly by sending your adversary home indefinitely. So to properly conclude this, your opponent at Wrestlepalooza… is gonna be your former Tag Team Partner, Flash Morgan Webster!

Mark Andrews looked down, looking like he was about to lose it.

Beth: Oh-ho! I'm sure that wasn't what Mark Andrews wanted to hear!

Nigel: Andrews thought he was done with Webster, but he's now forced into a match with him at Wrestlepalooza with no help from Eddie Dennis!

Chard then continued.

Chard: And as for you, Eddie Dennis, well, your opponent… is in the arena tonight, so you're gonna have to see for yourself. Good luck you two, you're gonna need it. *Smiles*

Once his announcement ended, Andrews picked up the microphone. 

Mark: Okay, is that the game we're gonna play here!? Alright, then! But whatever happens to Webster, is not gonna be my fault, it's gonna be YOURS, Chard!

Mark then handed the mic to Eddie. 

Eddie: And whoever my opponent is, I'm gonna end your LWF Career before it even starts! It's gonna happen… with a NECK… STOP… DRIVE-

Eddie was cut off with the lights going out, and then…


Once the music hit, the crowd fell silent in anticipation.

42 seconds into the song, the name "Erza Scarlet" popped up on the titantron, and the crowd erupted!

Beth: WHAT?!?! NO WAY!

Erza Scarlet then slowly came out with her sword in hand and her armor on, to the roar of thousands of fans in the Heritage Bank Center.


Mauro: Someone both Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis know VERY well! And I'm just getting confirmation now! Erza Scarlet… is officially a member of the roster, and her first match is indeed, against Eddie Dennis at Wrestlepalooza!

Both members of FSU couldn't believe their eyes! Andrews and Dennis both couldn't believe Erza was here, without Alexis or Asuka beside her.

Erza then stood on the stage, and pointed her sword towards them. 

"You wanna do this again, huh!? I beat you once, I'm gonna beat you again!" Eddie shouted, while Erza just stood her ground on the stage.

Mauro: What an announcement by Chard Caranto! Erza Scarlet vs. Eddie Dennis, round 2! While Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster go at it one more time!

Beth: I hope Eddie Dennis is ready! At Wrestlepalooza, Eddie is not facing the Erza Scarlet of the Beautiful People! He's going against the REAL Erza Scarlet, the Queen of the Fairies!

Nigel: Eddie Dennis may have a win over her, but now that Erza is on her own, things might end differently!

A vignette for The Peerage plays.

The Peerage are once again, gathered around the dining table, having a divine feast.

Rias Gremory: So… LWF continues to be disorderly. 

Weiss Schnee: Uh huh. It's kinda tragic, don't you think?

Rarity: Oh, definitely. Maybe even the worst… possible… thing!

Rias Gremory: All these Empires and individuals vying for control, yet they have no idea how to lead. 

Akeno Himejima: But once we arrive, we’ll be the ones to lead everyone.

Rias Gremory: Of course. Because we have the tools to lead. Something that everyone says they have, but in reality, they don't. 

Rarity: And we're royalty! Only royalty is required to lead!

Weiss Schnee: Exactly. But for now, we continue to watch on, and wait for the opportunity to step in. 

Akeno Himejima: Soon, LWF will recognize…

All four members: … that Elegance Meets Excellence!

They all raised a glass, and took a sip before continuing their feast.

The vignette ends with the caption: THE PEERAGE - COMING SOON TO LWF

The camera then cuts back to the backstage area, where Issei and Koneko were standing by.

Issei: First of all, thanks Koneko for being there earlier. 

Koneko: You're lucky I care about you. Any other day I would have left you hanging. *Playfully punches his arm*

Issei: *Chuckles* Anyway, Indigo, Lemon, you guys proved that you're the sorest of the sore losers that we've ever seen. 

Koneko: You guys seemed real tough when it was two against one. But ran off once I stepped in. So how about we see how good you two really are?

Issei: Or… you can ignore this, and show us all that Shadowbolts are nothing more than dogs with all bark and no bite. Choice is yours.

The promo ends with Koneko crossing her arms, and Issei walks off. Koneko followed shortly after.

The camera cuts back to ringside. Then…


Mauro: Issei and Koneko down laying down a challenge to Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap, but right now, it's Neo and Sonata going one on one!

Neopolitan makes her entrance as the song starts up, her umbrella put in front of the camera on the entrance way. Once the chorus began, the umbrella closed, revealing Neo behind the umbrella. She winks before making her way to the ring.

*Bell rings!* 

Jeremy Borash: This next contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, NEOPOLITAN!!!

Nigel: As always, whenever Neo enters the building, she may not say much, but her In-Ring skill speaks on her behalf!

Mauro: As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, and from what we saw from Neo, her actions have spoken real loud and clear!

Neo puts her umbrella on the steps, and hangs her bowler hat on the top of the ring post before entering the ring. 

Beth: So far the only blemish in her career is that 6 Person Tag Match, but other than that, Neo has yet to suffer a singles loss!

Neo skips around as she awaits her opponent. Then…


8 seconds into the song, Sonata Dusk makes her entrance, rocking out to her theme song.

Jeremy Borash: And introducing her opponent, SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: Sonata Dusk has fallen on hard times as of late. Ever since her stretcher match against Adagio Dazzle at End of the Line, Adagio has taken on a persona of absolute confidence and thinks her siren sister is nothing more than an afterthought. However Sonata looks to get her attention tonight!

Nigel: Easier said than done. Adagio is looking forward to the LWF: Reborn Championship, and has no time for Sonata at all. Sonata can try her hardest, but it's gonna take more than just taking out an associate of Adagio, you ask me.

Beth: Still, we don't know exactly what Adagio plans to do to get her LWF: Reborn Championship shot. Is she planning to somehow make it a triple threat, or take Ospreay out so she can take the spot herself? There's still so many questions from earlier in the night!

Sonata enters the ring, and stares down Neo.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Sonata and Neo lock up in the middle of the ring, and Neo was able to quickly lock Sonata in a hold.

Sonata was able to escape, and then took her down with an Arm Drag. 

Neopolitan gets up, and then Sonata takes her down with another Arm Drag. 

Neopolitan gets up, goes for a Clothesline, but Sonata floats over and takes her down with another Arm Drag, this time keeping a hold of Neo's arm!


Mauro: And Sonata Dusk, what an Arm Drag!

Beth: Looks to me that Sonata's focused on Neopolitan now!

Neopolitan then bridges up to escape, and then connects with a Basement Dropkick!

Neo then sits up Sonata, hits the ropes, goes for a Penalty Kick, but Sonata falls back to avoid it, goes for a Roll-up, but Neo rolls through!

Mauro: Roll-up attempt, but Neopolitan rolls through!

Sonata gets up, so does Neo. Sonata then goes for a head level Roundhouse Kick, but Neo ducked! Sonata spins back around, and lands a Leaping Enzuigiri to the side of Neo's head!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Enzuigiri finds the mark!

Beth: Caught Neopolitan on the ear!

Sonata goes for the cover, but Neopolitan kicks out at 2, and rolls out of the ring. 

Mauro: Sonata looking to put her away early, but Neopolitan out at 2. I wanna also add that Sonata has lost to Neopolitan in the past, so for Sonata, this is more than just to get Adagio's attention!

Nigel: A little score to settle, but with Adagio in her mind and not Neo, Sonata's prone to mistakes.

Sonata measures up Neo, and then Sonata grabs the top rope, and slingshots herself up and over, landing on Neo with a Pescado!

Mauro: And a Pescado to follow up!

Sonata throws Neo back into the ring, but instead of getting back in, Sonata looks up at the stage, as if waiting for someone to interfere.

Nigel: Sonata once again, distracted. Obviously still expecting Adagio to show up.

That slight hesitation from Sonata was enough for Neopolitan to recover. She then hit the ropes, ran right at Sonata, and when Sonata turned around, Neopolitan wiped her out with a Suicide Dive! 

Mauro: And now it's Neo's turn to fly, with a Tope Suicida!

Neo throws Sonata Dusk back into the ring, herself following after. She covers Sonata right away, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Neopolitan then picked her up, and threw her into the corner. Neo takes a few steps back, and then does a Cartwheel into an Enzuigiri!


Beth: Wow! What athleticism from Neo!

Mauro: Goes to show that Neopolitan can do absolutely anything and everything!

Nigel: Well she isn't named after a three-in-one-flavor ice cream for any old reason!

Neo goes for the cover again, but Sonata was still able to kick out at 2.

Mauro: Sonata, able to kick out!

Neo then wrapped her legs around Sonata's neck, and locked on a Headscissors Hold. 

Mauro: Neopolitan now, squeezing the air out of Sonata Dusk with that Headscissors!

Beth: All it took was Sonata taking her eyes off the ball for a split second, and Neopolitan took advantage of that!

After several minutes, Sonata Dusk now tries to use her legs to touch the bottom rope. She stretched her leg out as far as she possibly could, but she was just an inch too far. Neopolitan sees this, and rolls to the center of the ring. 

Mauro: Oh, wise thinking by Neo, getting Sonata away from the ropes!

Nigel: Just made escaping the hold much harder!

Sonata was then able to turn herself over, and did a couple hops before finally flipping out of Neo's Headscissors!

Mauro: And Sonata Dusk, finally escaping the Headscissors!

Neopolitan quickly got up, and then went for a Clothesline, but Sonata ducked! Sonata then hits the ropes, and off the rebound, she dropped Neopolitan with a spinning Cutter!

Beth: Oooh, wow!

Mauro: Sonata Dusk with a beautiful maneuver!

Nigel: That's gotta stun Neopolitan!

Sonata then gets up, and measures Neo.

She gets up, turns around, and then Sonata gets rolling. Sonata knocks down Neopolitan with a Clothesline, then she gets up, and Sonata hits her with another Clothesline!

Neopolitan gets up for a third time, but stops Sonata dead in her tracks with a kick to the midsection. She then throws Sonata to the ropes, and pops her up into the air as she comes off the rebound, but Sonata caught her with a Dropkick!


Mauro: Nice move by Sonata! Her head is finally back in the game!!

Nigel: She's gotta keep Adagio out of her mind now!

Neopolitan rolled out of the ring and staggered a bit. Sonata then hits the ropes before executing a Triangle Plancha to knock her down! Sonata letting out a determined scream upon landing!


Mauro: And Sonata! Kicking it into full gear!

Nigel: She's focused, and ready to finish this!

Sonata threw Neo back into the ring, not even thinking about interference now. She had Neo where she wanted her, setting her up for the GB2S cutter.

Mauro: And now Sonata, looking to close the deal!

Sonata spins her out, but Neo countered the Cutter part, and right into perfect position for her patented Inverted Snapmare Driver, the "Shattered Silence"! 

Mauro: GB2S- no! Neopolitan countered!

Nigel: Shattered Silence, incoming!

Sonata was able to counter before Neo could hit it, and then Sonata drops her with a Half-and-half Suplex!

Mauro: No, Sonata avoids the impact! Half and Half Suplex!

Sonata then dragged Neopolitan into position, and made the climb to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: Sonata now going up top!

Nigel: What's she thinking? 

Mauro: Possibly looking for that 450 Splash that she has yet to connect with! Could this be the moment!

Sonata then glanced back at the stage before doing anything else. 

Mauro: And AGAIN, Sonata looking back at the stage, thinking Adagio might show up!

Beth: Just go for it, Sonata!

After a few seconds, she then readies herself. Once she was ready, Sonata went for the 450 Splash, but Neopolitan got her knees up!

Nigel: Oh, and the distraction cost her again!

Mauro: Sonata was looking to get in Adagio’s head, but there's no doubt it's the other way around!

Neo wasted no time, and recovered as Mauro was talking. Neo picked up Sonata with a Full Nelson locked on, then she spun her out and into the Shattered Silence!

Mauro: And it will cost her yet again tonight! Neo with the Shattered Silence!

But instead of ending it there, Neopolitan wrapped her leg around Sonata's, and then locked on an Inverted STF of sorts, a move which she calls "Trivia Vanille"!

Mauro: And she's not done yet! She calls this submission move, "Trivia Vanille"!

Beth: Sonata's got nowhere to go!

After a brief struggle, Sonata succumbs, and taps out!

Nigel: And that's it!

*bell rings rapidly*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner by Submission, NEOPOLITAN!!!

Nigel: Once again, the thought of Adagio’s interference haunts Sonata, causing another loss!

Beth: Shades of what happened in her match with Trent Beretta, and as the saying goes, history repeats itself! Sonata again took her eyes off her opponent, ultimately costing her the match!

Sonata sits up, burying her face into her hands in frustration as Neopolitan makes her exit. She smiles as she pops her parasol and walks up the rampway as the camera cuts away.



Ruby Rose and Zayden Trudeau just finished watching the match themselves, both disheartened about the loss.

Ruby: Poor Sonata… hope she gets over this whole thing.

Zayden: From what we've seen recently, I don't think she will. But let's not worry about that. You gotta focus on what's coming for you. Beach Blast, you have a MASSIVE opportunity. Wrestlepalooza, you're fighting in what may be your very last chance at the Wattpad Title. Which one is your priority the most?

Ruby: Well, that's a silly question. Of course both of them are my priorities! Yes, I do wanna win the Wattpad Championship, and at Beach Blast, it's not just about taking the LWF: Reborn Championship. This is about what Starlight did to my sister! Yang had nothing to do with that whole thing between Starlight and Robert, yet she decided to attack her anyway!

Zayden: So you wanna defeat Starlight at Beach Blast to get some payback for Yang?

Ruby: Yep! And nabbing me the LWF: Reborn Championship along the way, is just the cherry on top! And if I happen to have the Wattpad Championship with me when I win at Beach Blast or the other way around at Wrestlepalooza, then that's just sweetening the deal!

That's when "Abrasive" Spongebob walked in on them.

"Abrasive" Spongebob: *Scoffs* You? Taking my title, and Starlight's? You couldn't beat me on your best day, so what makes you think you can beat Starlight? You’ll fail at beach Blast, just like you will when you lose to me again, one last time!

Zayden: Yeah, well this time the ropes won't save you.

"Abrasive" Spongebob: *Points to Zayden* You stay out of this. *Turns back to Ruby* No excuses, no SCE, no Rope Breaks. At Wrestlepalooza, I will finally get rid of you.

Ruby: In your dreams, cheese head.

Ruby and SpongeBob stare at each other for a moment before Spongebob walks off. 
The camera then cuts to black and white vignette of an empty and abandoned looking skate park, and Lucy Loud was sitting on top of one of the mounds, beside her a body bag with the name "Dennis" written in it.

Shortly after a second or two, Darby Allin skated into the scene. He does a few tricks before stopping in front of Lucy. Lucy then pulled out a deck of Tarot Cards.

Lucy: *Shuffles the deck* Allow me to predict your future…

Darby: Sure. 

After a few seconds of shuffling, Lucy pulls out a card, the card shows a picture of a Grim Reaper.

Lucy: It looks like… tragedy is coming.

Darby: … If it's for me, that's nothing new. I've been in a lot of situations where my life is on the line.

Lucy then pulled out another card, and it showed a picture of a sun.

Lucy: A sun… a sign of success, joy, and celebration.

Darby seemed interested in where this was going, just a bit.

Darby: I get it… you're predicting that I will get my vengeance. Am I wrong?

Lucy: Only time will tell. 

Lucy then pulled out one more card, it was a card that had a sword and scales on it, with the word "Justice" on the bottom.

Lucy: Justice. A sign of truth, clarity, and a sign of Cause and Effect. 

Darby: Dennis, he caused my near death experience… and it looks like the effect will come in due time.

Lucy: *Nods* You will get your revenge on Dennis, Darby. And that time will for sure come soon.

Darby: And what about you? 

Lucy: As part of our agreement, I will be by your side to ensure you don't perish permanently. 

Darby then pulls out a Dennis mask, and puts it on. Lucy then hands Darby the body bag.

Lucy: Dennis will soon take his last ride.

And with that, Darby skates off, dragging the body bag across the ground.

The vignette cuts to black, ending the vignette. 
The camera cuts back to the backstage area, specifically the Stage Entrance, where Honoka was getting ready for her match when Kayla Braxton walked up to her.

Kayla: Honoka, in just a matter of moments, you are gonna be competing for a spot in the Cruiserweight Open against Ken Warren. What is your game plan going into this match and how do you combat Ken?

Honoka: Well, Kayla. I've got an extensive knowledge of Ken and his background. Sure, he's a very talented and intelligent performer, but I know his one weakness. His arrogance and overbearing Ego. He’ll for sure underestimate me because I'm not very known in LWF, but I’ll show him exactly what I'm capable of, and It's time for an OG of Philippine Wrestling to find out about an OG Pretty Cure.



Honoka's theme hits, and she heads out to the arena.

The camera then cuts to the view of the main stage of the Heritage Bank Center, as Honoka makes her entrance, skipping out to the rampway as she did her Cure White pose sequence before heading down to ringside.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest, is a Cruiserweight Open Qualifying Match, and it is set for one fall! Introducing first, HONOKA YUKISHIRO!!!

Mauro: What an amazing opportunity for Honoka tonight! She may have lost a chance at the Adrenaline Championship, but when one door closes, another one opens! 

Beth: Both Honoka and her tag team partner Nagisa Misumi have opened up a lot of eyes since they've competed together and apart, and now Honoka looks to keep that trend going, by punching her ticket to Wrestlepalooza!

At the bottom of the ramp, Honoka then sprints and slides under the ropes to enter the ring, and then throws two fingers up with a smile.

Honoka then turns to look up at the stage, awaiting her opponent. 

Nigel: Easier said than done when you're facing a wrestler with the caliber of someone like Ken Warren. If Honoka wants to win tonight, she has to bring everything she's got, not just her smarts!

Right after Nigel mentioned Ken's name….


The familiar sound of the American Online Dial-up and sounds of notifications popping and a vibrating phone blared throughout the arena, as the lights began to dim.

Mauro: And speak of the devil, here he comes!

The lights then turn red, and 17 seconds into the song, Ken Warren makes his entrance. He then struts down the ramp to the beat of his theme as he holds his Iphone in his hand.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, hailing from The World Wide Web by way of the City Of The Stars, he weighs in at 11 Million Gigabytes, he is… The Social Media Sinister, KEN WARREN!!!

Mauro: Ken Warren is no stranger to winning big! He's the first-ever and only 2-time Philippine Hybrid X Champion, and the 2018 PWR Path Of Gold Winner! He may have an ego, but no one can deny that when it comes to wrestling in the Philippines, he's made quite a name for himself!

Nigel: But this isn't The Philippines, this isn't PWR, this is LWF. But that doesn't deter him. He may have an ego, and is a very obnoxious human being, but he's cunning. Behind that arrogance, and behind that technical prowess, there lies a very, very, sly individual, who will not hesitate to cut corners when the opportunity presents itself! And that's something Honoka Yukishiro should REALLY look out for!

Once Ken was at ringside, he checked his Social Media feeds before leaping up and onto the apron stylishly. He then slowly slid himself through the ropes before taking off his jacket and sitting on the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: Ken's got confidence, and so does Honoka! This is gonna be a good technical tussle!

The referee was then ready to begin the match. Honoka was ready, and so was Ken as he hopped off the top turnbuckle and removed his sunglasses. The bell was called for, and the match officially began.

Honoka and Ken lock up in the middle of the ring. Ken, being the taller competitor, was able to utilize the size advantage, to get into a Side Headlock. Honoka was then able to use her evasiveness to slip out before he could lock it in tight, and then get him in a Side Headlock of her own. 

Ken Warren then grabbed one of her arms and pried it off to break free, locking in a Wrist Lock on the process. Honoka then does a Backflip to counter it, and then takes Ken down with an Arm Drag!

Mauro: And Honoka! Well studied, and well-versed in technical skills! Amazing transition out of that starting lockup!

Nigel: Maybe Ken Warren IS underestimating Honoka a little bit! 

Ken gets up, goes for a kick to the midsection, but Honoka catches the kick, and takes him down again, this time with a Dragon Screw Legwhip!

Mauro: Beautiful Dragon Screw by Honoka!

Ken sits up, then Honoka lands a Basement Dropkick, goes for a quick cover but Ken kicks out at 2.

Honoka picks up Ken, goes to Irish Whip him to the ropes, but Ken Warren was able to block the momentum and send her into a corner. However, Honoka was able to escape by hopping up and over Ken, then took him down with a Hip Toss! Ken gets up, and then Honoka connects with a Dropkick!

Nigel: Wow!

Mauro: Honoka is so many steps ahead of Ken Warren right now!

Ken Warren gets up in a daze, then Honoka begins to deliver some Forearm Smashes and kicks to the legs.

Mauro: And Honoka now, lighting up Ken Warren with a series of strikes!

Beth: Now this is impressive from Honoka!

Honoka then took a step back, then went for a jumping Roundhouse Kick, but Ken ducked! Honoka lands, and then swiftly connects with a jumping Back Kick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Dodged one, didn't avoid that one!

With Ken on wobbly legs, Honoka then turned and ran towards the ropes. Unbeknownst to her, Ken Warren was running as well, and once Honoka hopped onto the second rope, Ken Warren shoved her off the ropes, and Honoka crashed down hard on the apron with an ugly landing, before tumbling down to the floor!

Mauro: Oooh! Honoka takes a nasty fall!

Nigel: This is exactly what Honoka should be wary of! Honoka tried to go for Style Points, and Ken Warren made her pay for it!

Ken Warren then picked her up, and threw her into the steel steps.

Beth: And Honoka, driven into the steps!

Ken Warren then slides back into the ring, and demands the referee to count her out.

Mauro: Ken Warren, looking to take a Count-out victory!

Nigel: Hey, a win's a win!

At the count of 5, Honoka rolls back into the ring, and Ken immediately starts stomping away on her. 

Ken Warren goes for the cover, but Honoka kicks out at 2. He then sat her up, and locked on a Grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: Honoka avoids being counted out, but is now quickly being worn down by the Social Media Sinister!

Honoka tries to escape however she can. But she then lands a couple back elbows to loosen the grip. She then lands a few more punches to the gut, and finally, Ken Warren lets her go.

Nigel: Honoka able to escape…

Honoka then hits the ropes, but Ken Warren quickly shuts her down with a Back Elbow!

He then sets up for the Googlebuster, but Honoka was able to block it, and then counter it into a Northern Lights Suplex! Honoka then rolled through, and crushed Ken Warren with a Double Foot Stomp!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Northern Lights Suplex, into a Double Stomp! Honoka Yukishiro, so impressive!

Honoka goes for the cover, but Ken kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ken, able to escape!

Honoka then gets up, and measures Ken Warren. 

Mauro: And Honoka Yukishiro…

Nigel: Looking for that Dual Aurora Wave!

Beth: Ken's about to be logged out!

Ken gets up, Honoka then hits the Sling Blade part, but once she went for the Swinging Reverse STO, Ken Warren countered it into a Double Underhook DDT!

Mauro: Oh! What a counter by Warren!

Ken wasted no time and backpedaled tho the closet corner, setting up and ready to strike.

Nigel: Oh, here we go! Honoka's connection is about to be cut!

Honoka gets up to one knee, then Ken goes for the Wi-Fi, but Honoka was able to see it coming, and ducked it!

Mauro: Oh, Ken Looking for the wi-fi, but Honoka with enough awareness to duck!

Honoka then jumps up to her feet, Ken turns around, and then Honoka stuns him with a Superkick! Honoka then wasted no time in grabbing him. Then Honoka, with a running start, ran up the nearest corner, and dropped Ken Warren with a Sliced Bread #2!


Nigel: Sliced Bread #2! That could be it!!

Honoka pins him with a deep cover, but she covers him too deep as Ken was able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Honoka with a deep cover, but that may have been Ken's saving grace!

Nigel: Yeah, Ken was folded at just the right angle to easily roll the shoulder up!

Beth: Honoka can still definitely see that she has the edge though, she's been able to take advantage of the weakness she sees in Ken!

Honoka wasn't about to let up, and got ready to hit the Dual Aurora wave again.

Mauro: Yukishiro, seeing Wrestlepalooza and the Cruiserweight Open in her sights, and now looking for the Dual Aurora Wave again!

Ken Warren, sensing she was going for it again, rolled out of the ring, and laid on the apron.

Mauro: And Ken Warren, veteran instincts kicking in, rolls out onto the apron to save himself for the time being!

However, Ken wasn't as safe as he thought, as Honoka looked to go after him.

Beth: Honoka, not gonna let him get away though!

Honoka then grabbed Ken Warren, unfortunately for her, she stuck her head out through the ropes, and the Referee's vision was just obstructed enough for Ken Warren to rake her eyes!

Nigel: Oh, no!

Mauro: Warren raking the eyes of Honoka! No way for the referee to see it! 

Honoka was temporarily blinded, and then Ken Warren hoisted her up onto his shoulders, and dropped her on the top rope! Honoka bounced off of it, clutching her chest, then dropped to one knee.

Ken Warren then quickly went behind her, and without hesitating, he goes for his patented Superkick from behind, the Wi-Fi, and he connects with it!

Mauro: And there it is! The Winning Finish!

Nigel: The Wi-Fi!

Ken Warren then stylishly covered Honoka, and counted along with the Referee as he got the 3 count!

Mauro: And the Human Trending Topic, is gonna be trending live at Wrestlepalooza!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, The Social Media Sinister, KEN WARREN!!!

Beth: Major props to Honoka for doing all she could to take Ken Warren down! But in the end, Ken backed up his talk.

Nigel: And that's exactly why Ken is the experienced man he is. Sure he played dirty, but who can argue with the results? 

Ken's hand was raised in victory as he rightly smirked with confidence.

Mauro: Well hook or by crook, the bottom line is, Warren now joins A-Kid, Nathan Frazer, Issei Hyoudou, Kushida, and Rev Runner in the Cruiserweight Open as participant number six, and next episode, we’ll see two more join them!

Beth: That's right, coming up on Episode 21, Robin Sane, the Daredevil of The Philippines, will jump into the action as he takes on an LWF OG in Lana Loud!

Nigel: And Lana's not the only one coming back! Her older sister Luna will be here in the next episode too, and she's ready to return to rock the world, as she takes on Tyson Granger!

The camera then cuts to the backstage area, where Mabel was done finishing up her warmup, Star Butterfly watching on.

Star: You totally got this in the bag!

Mabel: Hell yeah I do!

Star: Time to show them how weird you can really get!

Mabel nodded, then took her Tag Team Championship belt, and made her way to the stage.

Mauro: And there's Mabel Pines finishing up her match preparations, because coming up next, it's our main event! We're gonna get ourselves a preview of the 4-Way Tag Team Ladder match at Wrestlepalooza! Mabel, Angelico, Dark Danny! They're in a triple threat, and it's next!




The camera cuts back to ringside, then… 


The Ravel-ution makes their entrance, Angelico out in front as he dances his way to the ring.

**Bell rings***

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your MAIN EVENT for tonight, is a triple threat match, set for one fall! Introducing first, Representing the Hybrid 2, accompanied by Jack Evans and Ravel Phenex, from Johannesburg, South Africa, he weighs in tonight at 213 Pounds, ANGELICO!!!

Nigel: Make way for a new Ravel-ution! Recently, the Hybrid 2 have made a partnership with Ravel Phenex, and it has paid off in more ways than one as they are now a climb away from becoming the new LWF Tag Team Champions!

Mauro: At Wrestlepalooza, team Weird and Wild defend their titles in a ladder match against 3 other teams, which include the Hybrid 2! Will Jack Evans and Angelico prove their superiority, or will Team Weird N' Wild prove why they're the Tag Team Champions?

Angelico slides into the ring as Ravel and Evans go to ringside, Angelico dancing and shaking off his jacket.



The Society of Complete Equality makes their entrance. They then all stepped aside, as Dark Danny slowly made his way out.

Jeremy Borash: Next, representing the Society of Complete Equality, DARK DANNY!!!

The SCE then made their way to the back and Dark Danny continued down the ramp. 

Mauro: Or… will it be the powerhouse of SCE, Dark Danny and the hard hitting Kassius Ohno that claims the prize?

Beth: Looks like the SCE are letting Dark Danny go this one alone, and honestly, from what we've seen Dark Danny do when he's in the ring, does he even need help?

Nigel: Of course not. The SCE has faith in Dark Danny.

Dark Danny enters the ring, and just looks at Angelico with a cold, and soulless expression on his face.

After that….


Out came Mabel as soon as the music hit, as she skipped out to the beat before she hyped the crowd, cheering for her as she went to both sides of the entrance way.

Jeremy Borash: And representing Team Weird N’ Wild, wrestling out of Gravity Falls, Oregon, she is one half of the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, MABEL PINES!!!

Beth: Check out this crowd, they absolutely LOVE Mabel up here in Cincinnati!

Nigel: No doubt, considering how she's the brother of Dipper Pines, one of RCCWs most popular stars. And when it comes to how similar they are in style and moves in the ring, the similarities run in the family.

Mauro: Mabel is all smiles tonight as she heads into this match, but speaking of Dipper, you have to wonder if, in the back of her mind she’s worried for her brother because, at RCCW Beach Blast, it's him against Charlie Bonifer?

Beth: I'm sure she is worried, but I think her priority now is to survive this Triple Threat Match, and then go on to Wrestlepalooza and retain the Tag Team Championships. She's not only up against a skilled Submission artist in Angelico, but also an unstoppable force in Dark Danny. And don't forget, all of them will have ladders at their disposal at Wrestlepalooza, and that's not even mentioning the Workin’ Miners are also involved!

Mabel slid into the ring after she made her way to it, eyeing up Angelico and Dark Danny. She took her championship belt off and handed it to the Referee, who handed it to Jeremy as he took it to the timekeepers area with him.

The bell then rings, and the match is underway.

All three competitors looked at each other before Mabel and Angelico looked at Dark Danny. Mabel and Angelico then looked at each other and nodded, but instead of both of them attacking Danny, Angelico rolled out of the ring, leaving Mabel high and dry!

Nigel: Ooh, thought we were gonna see a team up on the biggest threat, but Angelico wanted no part of it!

Mauro: And now Mabel is left all alone with Dark Danny, the Bewitched Behemoth!

Mabel did not back down, she then went after Danny, but Dark Danny simply brushed her off. Mabel goes after him again, but Dark Danny tosses her into the nearest corner, and pummels away on her!

Nigel: Oh, Danny! Right into the corner, and there are some good ol’ fashioned Soup Bones strikes!

After hitting Mabel with one punch after another, he then sent Mabel flying across the ring with a Biel Throw!

Mauro: And what a biel! Mabel went all the way to the other side of the ring!

After that, he slid out of the ring, and locked his eyes on Angelico. Angelico tries to get away, but Dark Danny was in hot pursuit!

Mauro: Oooh, and Angelico wasn't safe for very long!

Beth: Run, Angelico!

Angelico slides back into the ring, Dark Danny right behind. Angelico then slides out, but Danny was gaining on him.

Jack Evans tried to help out by cutting Danny off as there was no disqualification, but he was no match for Dark Danny. Everything Evans threw at him wasn't affecting Danny at all.

Nigel: Oh, bad idea, Jack Evans!

Danny shoves Jack Evans out of the way, giving Angelico enough time to take advantage! Angelico kicked the knee of Dark Danny, which drops him down to one knee.

Beth: Oh, Angelico with perfect timing! Dark Danny's down!
With Dark Danny prone, Angelico then goes for a Knee Strike, but Danny caught the knee, and popped him up into position for a Powerbomb, and Danny powerbombs Angelico onto the apron!

Mauro: And Angelico! My God, what a Powerbomb!

Beth: Angelico's spine just got rearranged!

Mabel then attempts a Suicide Dive, but Danny caught her, and dropped her on the steel ramp with an Exploder Suplex!

Mauro: And Mabel with a Tope Suicida attempt, only to meet the unforgiving steel ramp, courtesy of an Exploder by Dark Danny!

Dark Danny then gets up, and tossed Angelico back into the ring. Angelico tries to crawl to the ropes, but Danny drops an Elbow to the small of his back to halt him!

He then picks up Angelico, and then drops him with a Pendulum Backbreaker. 

Mauro: And Dark Danny now, working on the damaged back of Angelico!

Nigel: That damaged spine is gonna slow Angelico down, by a lot!

Dark Danny then locks on a Camel Clutch, and then Mabel slides back into the ring, and then clocks Danny with a running Knee Lift!

Mabel then shoves Danny away, goes for the cover on Angelico, but he kicks out at 2.

They both get up, then Angelico slams Mabel down to the mat with a Double-leg Takedown and then goes for a Jackknife Pin, but Mabel bridges out at 2, and then, while maintaining hold of Angelico, she turns it around into a Backslide Pin, but Angelico kicks out at 2!

They both get up, then Mabel takes Angelico down with a Side Headlock Takeover, then transitions it into a Crucifix Pin, but Angelico kicks out at 2!

Nigel: Mabel and Angelico, with a bit of a back and forth exchange!

Beth: Pin, after pin, after pin, after pin!

They both get up, Danny also gets back up, and then Clotheslines them both!

Mauro: And Dark Danny shuts both of them down!

Beth: Dark Danny can't be stopped!

Dark Danny then picks up Angelico, and delivers some Knife Edge Chops.

Angelico then goes for a Knife Edge Chop of his own, but then Danny connects with a Right Hook Punch! 

Mauro: Oooh, Dark Danny with a right hand!

Danny then slams Angelico down with a Mat Return before delivering Forearm Smashes to the back of his head and neck!

Mauro: And Danny unloads with some vicious strikes!

Nigel: Ground and pound to the technically sound Angelico, and Angelico is in a lot of trouble!

Danny then deadlifts Angelico off the mat, and throws him into a corner. Danny then continued to hammer away on Angelico with chops and forearms until Angelico finally collapsed and sat on the mat.

Danny then takes a few steps back, but Mabel, from behind, brings Danny down to one knee with a Chop Block!

Mabel then goes in front of him, and kicks his other leg, bringing him down to both knees.

Mauro: Oh, Mabel now, chopping Danny down to size!

Mabel then hits the ropes, and drops Danny with a Floatover DDT!

Mauro: And a DDT stuns him!

Nigel: Mabel Pines is climbing back into this match now!

Mabel gets up and sees Angelico sitting in the corner, and Danny on all fours. Mabel then takes a few steps back, and with a running start, Mabel launches off Danny's back, and flattens Angelico with a Cannonball Senton in the corner!

Beth: Oh, look out!

Mauro: Cannonball by Mabel!!!

The crowd was behind Mabel, cheering for her back-to-back incredible moves. 

Nigel: And the crowd here is getting behind Mabel!

Beth: Mabel Pines, showing why she's a Champion!

Mabel then drags Angelico out of the corner, and goes for the cover. Angelico kicks out at 2, then goes for Dark Danny but he lands a few punches to her stomach. 

Danny then threw her into the steel ring post! Mabel staggers backwards, clutching her shoulder, and then Danny clobbered her with a Lariat to the back of her neck!

Mauro: Oooh, wicked Clothesline to the back of the neck!

Danny gets up, turns around, and Angelico lands a Bicycle Knee Strike just under Danny's jaw!

Mauro: And Angelico! Big knee strike!

Dark Danny reeled from the shock to the jaw as he fell over. Angelico then measured Danny up. 

Once Danny was back on his feet, Angelico hits the ropes, and then went for a Hurricanrana, but Danny blocked it!

Danny then turned to see Mabel hopping off the second turnbuckle, and Danny used Angelico like a Baseball Bat, and picked Mabel off the air!

Nigel: Oooh, good Lord!!!

Mauro: Dark Danny just turned Angelico into a human Baseball Bat!

Nigel: That's a homerun! 

Dark Danny then threw Angelico into the nearest corner, and then he took Mabel, and placed her in the corner diagonally across from Angelico. 

Beth: And I think I know what Dark Danny is gonna do next, with both his opponents in opposite corners!

Danny then turns to Angelico, and with a full head of steam, he flattens him in the corner with a Clothesline! Danny then turns to Mabel, and then connects with a running Enzuigiri!

He went back and forth between the two of them, connecting both respective moves to his targets in stereo.

Mauro: Dark Danny is going all out! Clotheslines for Angelico, Enzugiri’s for Mabel!

After a few minutes of back and forth, Danny tosses Mabel towards Angelico, and then Danny flattens them both with a Leg Lariat in the corner!

Mauro: And a Leg Lariat to end the stampede!

Angelico rolls out of the ring, and then Danny pins Mabel, but Mabel kicks out at 2!

Danny then picks up Mabel, but then Mabel stomps on Danny's foot! This makes Danny let go of her, and then Mabel creates separation with a Jawbreaker!

Mabel then lands a few Forearms, then hits the ropes and knocks Danny back with a flying Forearm Smash!

Angelico slides back into the ring, and then he and Mabel nod at each other, this time, actually working together. Angelico tosses Mabel to Danny with an Irish Whip, and then Mabel knocks Danny to the ropes with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Nigel: Oh, and this time, Mabel and Angelico, working together!

Beth: Dark Danny's up against the ropes!

Angelico then charges and Clotheslines him out of the ring.

Angelico then hits the ropes, and then wipes out Danny with a Tope Con Hilo!

Mauro: And Angelico soars!

Angelico gets up, but when he turned around, he sees Mabel coming with a full head of steam, and then she dives through the ropes and drops Angelico with a Tornado DDT!

Nigel: And Mabel goes right after him!

With Dark Danny down, Mabel sees her chance. She throws Angelico back into the ring and gets ready to finish him off with her brother's move, the Elevated Sitout Facebuster, the "Big Dipper", but when she went for it, Angelico countered it into a roll through pin!

Mauro: Oh! Mabel, looking for the Big Dipper a la her Brother, but Angelico rolls through into a pin! He may have her!

Mabel kicked out at 2, then both of them got up, then Angelico swung, but Mabel ducked, and then planted Angelico with an Inverted Crush,  called "Gravity Falls"!

Mauro: Oh, Mabel kicks out, avoids Angelico's swing- GRAVITY FALLS!!!

Beth: Gravity Falls, in the center of the ring!

Mabel then climbs to the top turnbuckle, and is preparing herself to fly. Danny however, had enough time to regroup, and then tried to push Mabel off the top turnbuckle, but she kicked him away.

Mauro: And Dark Danny, sensing Mabel was closing in, now trying to intervene!

That slight delay was enough for Angelico to recover, and then he gets up, and then tries to do a Superplex on Mabel!

Mauro: And that slight delay gives Angelico an opening!

Nigel: Superplex incoming!

Mabel then began to fight back, and after a couple of punches to Angelico's midsection, Mabel successfully knocked Angelico off the turnbuckle, but now Angelico is in the Tree Of Woe position!

Beth: Oh, Angelico isn't in the best spot right now!

He was not indeed, as Mabel prepared to hit him with a Double Stomp. However, Dark Danny came in, and stopped her. He then tries to Superplex Mabel, and Mabel fights back.

Angelico then sat up, grabbed Angelico from behind, and tossed him with an avalanche German Suplex, causing Danny to Superplex Mabel!

Beth: WOW!

Nigel: OH MY LORD!!!

Mauro: Dark Danny was looking to Superplex Mabel, but Angelico sent them both crashing down to the mat below!

After a few seconds, Angelico then wasted no time. He freed himself from the tree of woe, rushed over to Mabel, and then hoisted her up for the Fall Of The Angels!

Mauro: And now timing is of the essence for Angelico! Dark Danny is down, and Mabel is vulnerable! 

Beth: Angelico now, looking for the Fall Of The Angels!

Angelico took a few steps back, but was too close to the corner behind him, which gave Mabel an opening. Mabel kicks off the top turnbuckle, and flips over Angelico's head to escape! Angelico then goes for a Clothesline, but Mabel ducked, went behind him and pinned him with an O'Conner Roll, but Angelico rolled through at 2, but Mabel kept a hold of him!

Angelico then breaks free by landing a couple back elbows, and then he attempts the Fall Of The Angels again, but then Dark Danny clocks him with a straight jab!

Angelico drops Mabel, then Angelico himself drops to one knee. All three competitors then got on their feet, and then looked at each other. Mabel then fires a shot with a Forearm Smash to Danny. Danny then looks at Angelico, and connects with a Big Boot! Angelico then looks at Mabel, and connects with a Bicycle Knee Strike!

Mabel then answered back with a Step-up Enzuigiri to Angelico! Angelico then turns towards Dark Danny, and clocks him with a head level Roundhouse Kick! 

Mauro: And all three of these competitors now! Hitting each other with whatever they got left!

Danny then grabbed Angelico, and prepared to plant him with a Chokeslam, but Angelico fought out of it. Angelico then went for a low sweep, and Danny jumped over it! But Danny unfortunately didn't avoid the Au Batido Kick that came immediately after!

Angelico then got up, but then Mabel took him down with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: The action has been fast and furious!

Beth: I dunno who's gonna be the winner anymore!

Nigel: This is anyone's game, now!

Angelico then got up, and then Mabel quickly measured him, then did a Somersault into a Clothesline!


Mauro: And it looks like Mabel is planning to make it her game!

Mabel picks up Angelico, and then plants him with the Mabel-izer!


Mauro: Mabel-izer!!!

Nigel: This could be it!

Mabel had the cover tight and deep, but Dark Danny was able to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Dark Danny breaks the count!

Beth: Danny wasn't gonna let the champs get momentum before Wrestlepalooza!

And now it was Dark Danny's turn to try and finish things off. He set Mabel up for his patented Pumphandle Shell Shock, which he has now called the "Black Future", then he takes a few steps back, and then hits it with all the force he could put behind it!

Mauro: And now it's Dark Danny's turn! There's the Black Future!

Nigel: Will the momentum go to Danny and Ohno?!

Danny hooks the leg, but Angelico, from out of the sky, breaks the count at 2 with a Swanton Bomb!

Beth: Angelico, just in the nick of time!

Dark Danny couldn't believe he was interrupted, just when he had things won and looked to take out his frustration on Angelico, cornering him.

Nigel: But how wise was that, to get in the way of Dark Danny, and the victory? Angelico just signed his death warrant!

Angelico tried to talk his way out, but Danny didn't intend on listening. He grabbed Angelico by the throat, and then planted him with a Chokeslam! Danny then picked him up, and dropped him with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: And Angelico pays the price for his interference!

Beth: Now all Danny has to do is pin Mabel, and it's over!

Danny then went to pick up Mabel, but then Mabel caught him by surprise with a Small Package pin!

Danny kicks out at 2, both of them get up, and then Danny knocks her out with a Big Boot!

Nigel: Oh, Mabel almost had him, but Danny made her pay!

Danny then picks up Mabel, and puts a Hammerlock on her before flipping her upside down, and dropping her on her head with a Tombstone Piledriver!


Danny then picked up Angelico, and did the same thing to him!

Beth: and one for Angelico too!

Dark Danny then laid them on top of each other, covered them both, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: And in convincing fashion, Dark Danny wins this match!

*Bell Rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match, DARK DANNY!!!

Nigel: Talk about dominance! Dark Danny was in total control throughout most of the match, despite Mabel and Angelico throwing whatever they got in their bag of tricks!

Beth: If that was the extent of what he can do in the ring to two other competitors, can you guys imagine the carnage he’ll create with Ladders on the other teams?

Mauro: And with Kassius Ohno by his side, they might be unstoppable!

Dark Danny raised his hands in victory as Ravel and Jack Evans could only observe his handiwork.

Mauro: And there you see the carnage left in Danny's wake. This could be the scene come Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: You could be right with that one, Mauro! Dark Danny has proven that he's a massive threat in this match!

Nigel: Dark Danny and Ohno, Team Weird n’ Wild, The Hybrid 2, and The Workin’ Miners, in a fatal 4-way ladder match! Who will walk out tag team champions?!

What a way to close the show!

Dark Danny dominated the match, we got 2 new Cruiserweight Open competitors, and Adagio is dead set on inserting herself into the LWF: Reborn Title picture!

The road to Wrestlepalooza is getting more intense now as Wrestlepalooza draws nearer and nearer. More Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers next Episode, and much more action!

That's it for me. See y'all in Episode 21!

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