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The Road to Wrestlepalooza is almost coming to an end!

Let's get to the action!



37 seconds into the song, the opening pyro goes off inside the MVP Arena in Albany, New York. 

The crowd then pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks. 

Mauro: It is a rowdy crowd here in Albany, as we prepare for another wild night! Hello everyone, Mauro Ranallo here, alongside Nigel McGuinness, and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix! Guys, are you ready for some wild action?

Nigel: When are we not, Mauro? And tonight looks to be a good night, we're gonna see two more cruiserweight qualifiers featuring some familiar faces who made LWF what it is today! The Rockstar, Luna Loud, is back to jam as she faces Tyson Granger for one spot in the Cruiserweight Open!

Beth: And Luna's not the only Loud in the building! Her younger sister Lana is also looking to make a comeback and looks to do so at the expense of the Tracer, Trailblazer, Speed Chaser, I'm talking about the Daredevil, Robin Sane!

Before the commentary could continue…


The crowd cheers as Ruby makes her entrance.

Mauro: And what a way to kick off LWF: Reborn, then to start with the Red hooded Sultan of Speed!

Ruby makes her way down to the ring, high fiving fans as she walks down the ramp. 

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, RUBY ROSE!!!

Beth: And at Wrestlepalooza, she's in a must-win match! One more shot at the Wattpad Championship, no rope breaks, no excuses, and if Ruby comes up short, then she can't go after the Wattpad Championship as long as Spongebob is the Champion!

Nigel: Talk about big pressure for Miss Rose, I'm sure she's nervous about the stakes despite the confidence she's been exuding as of late.

Mauro: Well who WOULDN'T? A do-or-die stipulation is the highest of stakes! 

Ruby then gets a microphone, and enters the ring. She looks around at the crowd as they chant her name before she speaks.

Ruby: Soooo…. I've got a big double-header ahead of me coming up, huh?

The crowd gives a mixed reaction, but mostly cheers.

Ruby: Beach Blast, I got Starlight. Regardless if she's Champ or not, I'll show her what REAL Equality is all about! But I'm not worried about that right now, my focus is a hundred percent on Wrestlepalooza, and FINALLY getting the Wattpad Championship!

The crowd cheers.

Ruby: "Abrasive" Spongebob can say that he will beat me for the last time as much as he wants, but after Wrestlepalooza, all that talk is just gonna be empty words. Because I'm walking into Wrestlepalooza, more determined than ever, and spoiler alert, I WILL FINALLY BECOME WATTPAD CHAMPION!!!

The crowd cheers loudly.

Ruby: *Looks into the camera* Spongebob, you got lucky at End Of The Line. But your luck ends here. No rope breaks, no excuses, no SCE, no Foodie Friends, it's just you… and me. At Wrestlepalooza, the last thing you will see is me with my hand raised, and the Wattpad Championship around my waist. And I'm gonna enjoy seeing the look on your face when-

She was cut off by the quote "Live, the Ravel-ution!" Echoing through the arena. 



The crowd boos as the trio of Ravel Phenex and The Hybrid 2 came out.

Mauro: It's the Ravel-ution, Ravel Phenex and The Hybrid 2, what brings them out here, I don't know!

Ravel then held up her hand, and her theme faded.

Ravel: Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. You shouldn't be making promises that you can't keep! You said that when you walked into End Of The Line, and what happened? You FAILED. And you're gonna fail again at Wrestlepalooza, now that you talked yourself up like that. If you wanna see a good example of what keeping a promise is like, look no further than your FUTURE LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions! *Points to Jack Evans and Angelico* At Wrestlepalooza, the whole world is going to see just how wrong they are about TH2, when they ascend to the heavens, and grab the Tag team Championships!

Ruby: I'm gonna stop you right there, Ravel. What reason did you have, to come and interrupt yours truly, other than to just try and rip into me? Last I checked, you haven't made good on promises either. I mean, didn't you get eliminated in just the first round of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament?

The crowd shouted "Oooh!" At that. And Ravel wasn't happy with the reminder from Ruby. 

Ravel: Mind you, Konkeo got lucky! I had her beat for the 3 count, and frankly if I had my way-!

She was cut off by the fans chanting “Yakitori!" At her, followed by five claps.

"Shut up!" Ravel shouts. Even Angelico and Jack Evans tried to make the crowd stop, but to no avail. 

Ruby: Y'know, I think it's pretty fitting that you three are hanging out together, considering the fact that you three haven't done anything of intrigue as of late.

The crowd ooh'd at that remark.

Ravel: Okay, that's enough!!! Put some respect in our name, Ruby!!!

Ruby: And if I refuse?

Ravel: Then I will beat some respect into you!

Ruby: *Surprised* Oooh, is that a challenge?

Ravel: What do you think, Little Red? Of course it is!

Ruby: Then… I dare you to come down here and try it, you piece of-

Jack Evans: *Takes Ravel's microphone* DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!! Can't you see she's not dressed to fight right now!?

The crowd boos.

Ruby: *to the fans* It's okay guys, I've got this. *Turns her attention back to the Ravel-ution* If you don't wanna fight right now… then how about… *Thinks for a moment* later tonight?

The crowd cheers. Ravel then asks for her microphone back, and Evans hands it back to her.

Ravel: Deal! Spongebob's gonna be the least of your worries once I'm done with you!

The Ravel-ution's theme plays again as the four of them stared each other down.

Mauro: Well it looks like we could have ourselves a Main Event tonight! Ravel Phenex and Ruby Rose, one on one!

Nigel: That's gonna be quite an encounter, we've seen what both Ravel and Ruby can do in the ring! But we’ll get to that later! We've still got lots to get through tonight! Which includes our two Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers, and a very interesting encounter between Adagio Dazzle and the BTWF Women's Champion, "Amazing" Luna Collins!

Beth: Adagio has dared Collins to come and fight her here in LWF Reborn, and she's come to do just that! What’ll happen when those two collide?!



(OPENING MATCH: Issei Hyoudou and Koneko Toujou vs. Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest)

The crowd boos as Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest made their entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your opening contest is a Tag team Match, Scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: Let's get down to business! First tonight, with a tag team match! Last episode, after Issei Hyoudou qualified for the Cruiserweight Open against Indigo Zap, she and her fellow Shadowbolt Lemon Zest didn't take too kindly to the loss after the fact, and decided to retaliate by attacking the Devil's Favorite Underdog after the bell!

Nigel: Issei looked like he wasn't gonna be able to make the Cruiserweight open at all, but then who else should come to his rescue, than his friend, Konkeo Toujou! She sent them into retreat, and afterward, she and Issei challenged both Shadowbolts to this tag team match tonight! 

Zap and Zest entered the ring, and awaited their opponents.

Beth: I'm sure Zap and Zest want nothing more to get back at the two of them and make sure they're not a threat at all, but something tells me it won't be easy!



Issei comes out to the ring in a good run, pumping his fist as he greets the cheering crowd. Koneko then shortly made her entrance, walking out with purpose. She fist bumps Issei, then they make their way down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing their opponents, hailing from Kuoh Town, Japan, the team of Koneko Toujou, and ISSEI HYOUDOU!!!

Beth: Whether the Shadowbolts like it or not, Issei earned his chance to compete for the Cruiserweight Championship at Wrestlepalooza, and he's going in there with lots of worthy contention. Look at the field as it is already! Kushida, Ken Warren, Nathan Frazer, A-Kid, and Rev Runner! Issei's sure got his work cut out for him, but I'd say he wouldn't have it any other way!

Mauro: He's been through worse, and made it out alive. Issei's got a fighting chance at Wrestlepalooza. Tonight, though, Issei's got two Shadowbolts to deal with, but he's got a strong ally!

Nigel: Let's not forget, Issei is coming off that hellacious match with Arthur Watts in the Adrenaline Rush tournament Semi-finals! He could still be under a hundred percent!

Mauro: That's true! But Issei will not let that deter him from anything, let alone this Tag Team match!

Issei and Koneko get inside the ring and pose to the crowd before facing off with Zap and Zest.

The referee gets both teams situated, and then calls for the bell to start the match! 

Starting out for their respective teams were the Cruiserweight Open Qualifier contenders, Indigo and Issei.

"We meet again, Red Dragon geek!" Zap says to Issei. Issei paid the comment no mind as the two locked up in the middle of the ring. Issei overpowers her and pushes her into a corner. The referee begins the 5 count, and at 3, Issei breaks the hold.

Issei then steps back, making a clean break. Indigo then connects with a Cheap Shot!

Nigel: Issei wins the test of strength, but doesn't get off that easy!

That cheap shot gave Indigo an opening, but before she could capitalize, Issei responded with a back elbow. Issei then throws Indigo to his corner, and tags Koneko in.

Koneko wasted no time getting into the action. She and Issei grabbed Indigo and pulled her out of the corner. Koneko then hoisted her up, then Issei leapt up, and hits a flying kick before Koneko dropped Indigo with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: Wow, impressive combination by the Devilish duo!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Indigo kicks out at 2.

Koneko sits up Indigo, then lands a swift kick to her chest. Koneko sits her up again, then lands another one on her back.

Beth: Koneko has been impressive so much since she first appeared in LWF, small in stature, but boy does she hit hard!

Mauro: One of the hardest hitters in LWF right now, and Indigo is finding that out firsthand!

Koneko then picks her up, and throws Indigo to the ropes with an Irish Whip. Indigo rebounded, and then Koneko tossed her with an Overhead Belly-to-belly Suplex!

Mauro: Oh, wow!

Nigel: Size matters not to that young lady!

Indigo gets up, and leans on the ropes. Koneko charges but Indigo sends her over the top rope with a Back Body Drop. She lands on the apron and then knocks Indigo back with a Forearm Smash. Koneko then springs off the top rope, looking for a Flying Clothesline, but then Indigo hits her in mid air with a Dropkick!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Nigel: What a Dropkick!

Mauro: Just when things were looking so right for Koneko, Indigo turned it wrong in a hurry!

Indigo then dragged Koneko to the Shadowbolts corner, and planted Koneko on the mat with a Body Slam before tagging in Lemon Zest. Lemon Zest then looked poised to Slingshot herself over the top rope. She does so, but instead of hitting a powerful move, she simply lands on her feet, and then delivers a taunting kick.

Nigel: A little cockiness there from the rocking Shadowbolt, not sure if it's wise to lower your stance on someone like Koneko.

Lemon Zest then picks up Koneko, and then slams her down with a Snap Suplex. Lemon Zest gets up, and then goes and grabs her legs. 

Koneko tried to fight her off, but Zest was able to withstand her attacks, and then delivered a Leg Drop!

Mauro: Leg Drop right across the Neck!

Lemon Zest covers Koneko, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Zest then tags in Indigo, and together they pull off a Double team maneuver of their own. Zest rolls Koneko to Indigo into a Wheelbarrow position then Zest hits the ropes and Zap and Zest hit a Wheelbarrow Facebuster/Single-handed Bulldog combo!

Indigo rolls over and into the cover, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Koneko out again!

Mauro: The Shadowbolts, showing some great Tag Team chemistry!

Beth: Koneko hasn't been anywhere near Issei since she got in!

Then, Lemon Zest, ensuring Issei wasn't going to go back into the match, took the time to run over to him, and then yanked him off the apron, and slammed him into the barricade!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Indigo had one knee on Koneko's back, and pulled her head back in a Camel Clutch.

Beth: Issei out of commission for the moment, meanwhile, Indigo's got a submission locked in!

Mauro: Koneko's in quite a predicament here.

Koneko then elbows Indigo right at her thigh, which makes Indigo break the hold. 

Koneko then gets up, and then starts to land some boxing style punches to Indigo's torso!

Mauro: And Koneko, fighting back with those fists of fury!

Nigel: This is what Indigo should've avoided, you don't want Koneko throwing her hands!

After a couple of strikes, Koneko then went for a right hook punch to the face, but Indigo parried it! Indigo then goes for a haymaker of her own, but Koneko blocks it, spins her around and then drops Indigo with a Clothesline to the back of her neck!

Mauro: And Koneko! What a Clothesline!

At this point, Issei had recovered, and was now climbing back onto the apron. Koneko then makes the crawl to Issei, Issei rallying the crowd to cheer her on as she does so.

Beth: And now Issei wants back in the match, can Koneko get there?!

Indigo then also began to crawl to Lemon Zest, and then both made the tag to their respective partners!

Mauro: There are the tags! In comes Issei, and in comes Lemon Zest!

Issei and Zest jump into the ring, then Issei knocks down Zest with a Forearm Smash! Zest gets up, but is met with a Dropkick!

Issei picks up Zest, throws her to the ropes with an Irish Whip, then as she rebounded, Issei connects with a jumping Back Elbow!

Issei then got up, and then balled up his fist, cocked it as if it was a shotgun, and then measured Indigo.

Nigel: Issei locked and Loaded, looking for the Hand of Ddraig!

Issei did indeed go for it as Indigo got back to her feet, but Lemon Zest from the apron, tries to prevent Issei from going for it, but gets a Back Elbow from Issei. 

Indigo tries to take advantage of the opening, but Issei sees her coming and jumps out of the way!

Beth: Indigo and Zest trying to stall issei, but he's one step ahead of both of them!

Koneko then enters the ring, hits the ropes, and then wipes out Zest with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida by Koneko takes out Zest!

Koneko gets back in the ring, then looks at Indigo. Koneko then goes to the corner, and hits Indigo with a Step-up Enzuigiri! She then tosses Indigo to Issei, who hits her with a Rolling Elbow! 

Indigo staggers, and Koneko hits another Step-up Enzuigiri! Indigo then walks into Issei, who hits a singles-knee face breaker! Koneko then grabs Indigo, and drops her with a German Suplex! Koneko bridges, then Issei runs and rolls up Indigo with a Jackknife Pin!

Mauro: and now both Occult Club members with a fast and furious combination!

Nigel: They could have her here!

The ref goes into the count on Issei's pin, but Indigo was able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: But Indigo is able to escape!

Koneko rolls out of the ring, and Issei picks up Indigo. Issei then tosses Indigo into the corner, but she hops onto the second turnbuckle and looks to spring off the turnbuckle. Issei ducks, but it was a fake-out. Indigo then springs off the second turnbuckle for real, and rolls him up with a Sunset Flip!

Issei kicks out at 2, both of them get up, and then Indigo goes for a Clothesline but Issei counters with an Arm-trap Swinging Neckbreaker!

Issei gets up, Indigo does too, clutching the back of her head, then Issei drops her with a Reverse Unprettier!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Issei, plants Indigo Zap again!

Issei goes for the cover but Indigo kicks out at 2!

Issei picks up Indigo, throws her to the ropes, but Indigo turns the momentum around, and drops him with an STO!

Indigo gets up, and drags Issei to her corner. Zap tags in Zest, and Zest makes the climb.

Mauro: Lemon Zest now, looking for the exclamation point!

Zest then goes for the Swanton Bomb, and she hits it!

Mauro: And there it is, in the form of a Swanton!

Beth: The Shadowbolts are gonna get their revenge!

Zest covers issei, the referee counts, Indigo blocks Koneko, but Koneko was too strong for her and plows Indigo onto Zest, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh, and Koneko just bulldozed her way into the breakup!

Nigel: Koneko's just that powerful!

Zap and Zest recover as Koneko retrieves Issei from the pile. Koneko then tags herself in, and then goes straight for Lemon Zest.

Koneko hoists her up, and drops her with a Brainbuster! Koneko then gets up, charges at Indigo, who was now on the apron, and Koneko knocks her off the apron with a Bicycle Kick!

Lemon Zest gets up in a daze, but is able to roll up Koneko with a Schoolgirl Pin, but Zest kicks out at 2!

Both girls get up at the same time, looking to get at each other. Zest goes for a Clothesline, but Koneko ducks it, springs off the second turnbuckle, and lands an Enzuigiri!



Nigel: And a bit of a Slice of Hell for Lemon Zest!

Koneko then tags in Issei. Koneko gets up, and and wipes out Indigo with a Suicide Dive, meanwhile Issei makes the climb to the top turnbuckle, with Lemon Zest in his sights!

Mauro: Zest is down, Isseis up top, we all know what's coming!

Issei then, without a second thought, hits the Red Dragon Bomb perfectly on Zest!


Mauro: Red Dragon Bomb!!!

Issei got the legs hooked, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: Issei gets one over on the Shadowbolts again!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, Koneko Toujou and ISSEI HYOUDOU!!!

Nigel: Issei may be a pervert, but he picks his friends well! Koneko was the difference maker in many ways as she helped the Harem King score the win tonight!

Mauro: Major momentum scored for Issei, headed into the Cruiserweight Open at Wrestlepalooza, and if this momentum continues, we could be seeing our first Cruiserweight Champion!

The referee raises both Koneko and Issei's hands, and their celebration continues. 

Beth: But some potential new faces looking to secure their spot in the Cruiserweight Open might have something to say about that! We have two qualifier matches set up tonight, and one of them is up next! Lana Loud takes on Robin Sane, who's going to fill our next slot?



In the interviewing area, Kayla Braxton was standing by with FSU.

Kayla: I'm standing by with Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, better known as FSU. Eddie, Mark, last Episode, you demanded that you be added to wrestlepalooza in a match, preferably the ladder match for the tag team titles, but instead, Chard put you in two separate singles matches that pit you against opponents that the other can't be ringside for. Is this the result you wanted?

Mark: Um… yes? 

Kayla: But, you don't seem-

Mark: Oh, are you oblivious!? That was sarcasm! Of course not, Kayla! This isn't the result we wanted! When I separated myself from Webster and it was confirmed he was sent home indefinitely, I thought it was all behind me! But now Chard thinks he can just bring him back and put me in a match with him?! It may not be the match I WANT, but finally getting Webster out of my hair for good is something that NEEDS to be done! At Wrestlepalooza, The Modfather is getting shelved, permanently!

Eddie: And as for me… well… Erza Scarlet is getting a one-way ticket back to where she came from. 

FSU then leaves the interviewing area. 

In another area backstage, Sonata Dusk was sitting on a production box, obviously thinking about her repetitive losses. That's when fellow Foodie Friends member Zayden Trudeau appeared.

Zayden: … Not doing well as of late, eh?

Sonata: No kidding…. I've been trying to get Adagio's attention, and nothing is working!

Zayden: Well, you know, if trying to impress her in the ring isn't working, maybe you should try… something different?

Sonata: *Lightens up* That's a good idea! *Hugs Zayden* Thank you, Zayden!

Sonata then ran off, and all Zayden did was look on, unsure of what just happened.

Back at ringside…


Beth: Well, Zayden seems to have inspired something in Sonata, but even he doesn't know what it is!

Nigel: We will have to wait and find out exactly what that is, out right now, it's time to welcome back a familiar face who put the L in LWF!

Lana Loud makes her entrance and the crowd cheers. 

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is a Qualifying Match for the Cruiserweight Open, and it is set for one fall! Making her way to the ring from Royal Woods Michigan, LANA LOUD!!!!

Mauro: Overalls? Check! Backward red cap? Check! Lana Loud is back and ready to go! And earlier today, she shared her thoughts about coming back to where she got her wrestling start, and this opportunity!

A side-by-side screen appears as Lana makes her way to the ring.

Lana: Man, does it feel SO good to be back at the place where it all began for me! I couldn't believe it when Chard called me and Luna up for this chance to not only return to LWF, but also get a chance at going to Wrestlepalooza to win the Cruiserweight Title! Things may have changed around here a little, but what hasn't changed about me is how I do things in the ring, and Robin Sane is gonna see that when I do things, I get down to the gritty!

The promo ends, and Lana adjusts her cap, as she enters the ring.

Beth: Mauro, Nigel, you've been around Lana longer than I have, what can we expect from her for anyone about to see her for the first time?

Mauro: Expect Lana to get dirty. And I'm not referring to cheating tactics!



The crowd cheered again as the music kicked up, and out came Robin Sane. 

"Tara, let's go!!!" He shouts, then he high-fives the fans as he makes his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, hailing from San Juan City, Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 130 Pounds, he is the Tracer, Trailblazer, Speed Chaser, the Daredevil, ROBIN SANE!!!

Nigel: He may have come up short in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, but Robin sane is not gonna let that slow him down! In fact, he's ready to get his second wind and looks to take off tonight!

Mauro: The first-ever MWF Champion, and the one who introduced High Flying action to the Philippines, Robin Sane is definitely a trailblazer! The cruiserweight championship was almost completely made for him! But of course, he has to get to the Open to earn it, and Lana stands in his way! This will be a battle of two different kinds of risk-takers!

Robin Sane enters the ring, stands in the middle of the ring and shouts "Tara, let's go!!!" One more time before going to his corner.

The referee set up both contenders for the match. Lana adjusted her straps on the overalls before hopping in place, and Robin warms up a bit.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Lana and Robin lock up in the middle of the ring. Lana uses her smaller stature as an advantage to execute a quick go-behind and get Robin in a Waistlock behind him. Robin was able to break free and get Lana in a Wristlock. 

Lana counters it into a Wristlock of her own, but then Robin takes her down with an Arm Drag. Lana gets up, Robin charges, and then Lana trips him with a Drop Toe Hold. 

Lana then quickly pins Robin with an Oklahoma Roll, but Robin kicks out at 2!

They both get up at the same time and measure each other's moves so far. 

Nigel: An interesting clash of styles we have here! Both are risk-takers, but Lana prefers a more unorthodox approach to her game, while Robin is all about taking to the air every chance he gets.

They circle around the ring before they lock up once more. Robin Same then gets Lana in a Wristlock. Lana then does a forward roll, lays on the mat and kicks free, then gets Robin in a Wristlock of her own.

Robin Sane then does a forward roll, then a backwards roll, and counters back into a Wristlock. Lana then counters with a Forward roll and gets Robin in a Wristlock once more.

Robin Sane, being a bit taller, was able to push Lana to the ropes, and then threw her with an Irish Whip. Lana however was able to turn the momentum around, and sent Robin to the ropes!

Robin rebounds, and Lana sidesteps him and drops down. Robin hops over her, hits the ropes, and Lana leapfrogs over him! Robin hits the ropes, and then Lana takes him down with an Arm Drag!

Mauro: Oh, what a takedown by Lana!

Both Lana and Robin get up, charge at each other, then Robin takes her down with an Arm Drag of his own!

Robin charges at Lana, then Lana sweeps his legs to take him off his feet! Lana covers him, but gets a 1 count out of it! Lana gets up before Robin, charges at him, but Robin sweeps her legs, goes for the cover, but Lana kicks out at 1 also!

They both get up, Lana then goes for a Clothesline, but Robin catches it, and then counters it into a Vertical Suplex, but Lana blocks it! Robin goes for it again, but Lana again blocks it! Robin tries one more time, again, Lana blocked it, this time she counters it into a Small Package pin, but Robin kicks out at 2 and then both of them get up, and paused as the crowd applauds both of them.

Mauro: And a stalemate, once again!

Beth: Guys, are you loving this as much as the crowd and myself right now?

Nigel: Robin Sane might have just now realized what Lana's capable of!

Robin Sane, impressed by Lana's skills, also applauded. "You got some moves, kid!" He says to her.

“Thanks! Gotta show I still got it, y'know?” Lana replied as it had been a while since her last LWF match.

Lana and Robin then lock up for a third time, and then Robin gets her in a Side Headlock. Lana breaks free, and then gets Robin in a Side Headlock of her own, and then takes him down with a Side Headlock Takeover. 

Robin wraps his legs around her neck, then Lana bridges up, and onto her feet, but her head is still locked in the Headscissors. Lana then rolls over, flipping Robin so that he was laying face down, then Lana bridges up and out rolls across his back, and into a Front Facelock!

Mauro: And there is that unorthodox proficiency that you referred to earlier Nigel! Lana can pull off her Technical game, like a mechanic who knows when to switch tools!

Nigel: You honestly can't prepare for Lana, because one second she does one thing, she immediately changes into another style the next!

Robin Sane then gets back to his feet after a couple of minutes, and then counters the Front Facelock into a Vertical Suplex, and slams Lana down!

Mauro: Ooh, and Robin Sane with a Vertical Suplex!

Robin floats over into the cover, and then Lana kicks out at 2. 

Robin Sane picks her up, and puts her into a corner. Robin then lands a Knife Edge Chop! 

Robin then takes a few steps back, then charges, looking for a flying attack, but Lana jumps out of the way! 

Robin is now leaning in the corner, then Lana springs off the second rope, and connects with a Missile Dropkick!

Lana then sends him into the corner diagonally across with an Irish Whip. Lana then charges and Robin slips out of the way, and onto the apron!

Lana was able to stop herself, and then Robin connects with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri!

Robin then begins to hype up the crowd, and measures up Lana.

Mauro: And Robin Sane, looking to fly like he always does!

Robin then slings himself up, but before he could land on the top rope, Lana had ran up to him, and shot him out of the air with a Shotgun Dropkick, sending Robin flying backwards, and 
land onto the floor with a splat!

Beth: OH MY GOD!

Mauro: Lana with a well-timed Dropkick, sends Robin Sane crashing down!

Lana then started to hit the ropes, and once Robin got up, Lana drove through the ropes, and then planted Robin with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: Tope Suicida into a Tornado DDT!

Nigel: The young risk taker, back where she felt most comfy!

Lana then throws him back into the ring, hops onto the apron, and measures him up for a couple seconds before executing a Slingshot Senton Atomico, and connecting with it!


Mauro: And a Senton Atomico from Lana!

Lana covers off the successful connection, but Robin kicks out at 2.

Lana went for the ropes and hit, looking to execute a flying Headscissors on Robin sane, which would be the transition into her version of a Crossface she aptly dubs "Stuck Like Gum"!

Mauro: And now Lana looks to end things early!

Nigel: Could be time for Robin to get Stuck Like Gum!

As soon as Lana executes the flying headscissors on Robin, and just before she could lock in the submission, Robin turns it around into a Crucifix pin, but Lana rolled through before he could even get a 1 count. Lana gets up before Robin, goes for a Basement Dropkick, but Robin gets out of the way and pins her with a Lateral Press!

Lana kicks out at 2, both of them get up, Lana leaps up and goes for a Clothesline, but Robin ducks, hits the ropes, and then takes down Lana with a Hurricanrana!

Robin gets up, hits the ropes again, and Lana does a Drop Down. Robin hops over her, Lana gets up and goes for a Hip Toss on Robin but he reverses it into an Arm Drag! Both of them get up, and then Lana charges at him. Robin sidesteps her, Lana hits the ropes, but runs into a Dropkick by Robin!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Lana Loud just ate a Dropkick!

Robin goes for the cover, but Lana kicks out at 2. Robin then gets a Grounded Headlock locked in off the kick out.

Mauro: And now Lana Loud, in a predicament here. 

Beth: That Headlock looks so tight! Lana needs to think fast, and try to escape!

Lana then gets up, and, with a bit of struggle, was able to push Robin to the ropes. Lana lands a few punches to Robin's stomach, then takes his arm, and flips him over her shoulder. 

Robin gets up, and then Lana jumps up, and takes him down with a Hurricanrana, draping him on the second rope!

Mauro: Lana able to escape, and now places Robin Sane in trouble!

Lana then hits the ropes, and connects with a Cannonball Senton!

Nigel: BEAUTIFUL Cannonball by Lana!

Lana then drags him to the center of the ring, gies for the cover, but Robin Sane kicks out at 2!

Lana picks up Robin, but then he starts to fight back. After a couple of Forearms, he sends her into the nearest corner. He goes for a flying attack, but Lana jumps out of the way!

Robin was able to stop himself this time, Lana goes for a flying attack of her own, but Robin slips out and onto the apron, and hits a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri before measuring Lana.

Mauro: Oh, and Robin Sane, this is what he tried earlier! Can he hit it this time!?

Lana staggers a bit, then Robin springs off the top rope, and flattens Lana with a Crossbody!

Beth: And he does! Robin with an incredible Crossbody!

Robin then picks her up, and throws her into the corner. Robin charges, and then lands a Double Knee Strike!

Lana staggers out of the corner, Robin hits the ropes, and then slams Lana down with a Sling Blade!

Mauro: Robin now, with a Sling Blade!

Lana rolls out of the ring, and Robin's eyes widened. He looked at the crowd, who began to cheer louder and louder.

Nigel: And it looks like Robin Sane is about to do what he does best!

Robin stands in the center of the ring, and the crowd shouted along with him, "Tara, let's go!!!".

And with that, Robin hit the ropes and soared through the air, wiping out Lana with a Tope Con Giro! 

Mauro: And Robin Sane, with the Sui-Sane Dive!

Beth: The… what, Mauro?!

Mauro: That's what he calls it! The Sui-Sane Dive!

Nigel: That is ridiculous, yet apropos at the same time!

Robin grabs Lana and gets her back in the ring with him following behind. 

Robin goes for the cover, but Lana kicks out at 2!

Robin then drags her into position, and starts to make the climb.

Nigel: Robin Sane now, starting to close in!

Mauro: He wants the 450 Splash, the move that no one in the Philippines has ever executed in wrestling, until he did!

Robin makes it up top, but Lana was able to recover in time so as soon he went for it, Lana rolled out of the way!

Mauro: Ooh, nothing but canvas for Robin Sane!

Robin was now laying prone, and Lana now started to climb!

Mauro: And Lana now, looking to take flight herself!

Nigel: Probably about to stomp a mud hole!

Lana then leaps, and hits a Double Foot Stomp on Robin!

Mauro: And she does exactly that!

Beth: That could do it for Lana!

Lana then picked him up, grabbed him by the head, ran up the corner, and dropped him with a Bulldog!


Mauro: And down goes Robin Sane!!!

Nigel: Just a pinfall away to Wrestlepalooza!

Lana then goes for the cover, but Robin kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: No, only 2 and a half!!!

Beth: That couldn't have come any closer without the bell ringing!

Lana knew she was close to entering the Cruiserweight open, and she had to do one more move to do it. So she prepared to lock in her "Stuck Like Gum" Crossface to clinch a Submission Victory. But Robin again, saw it coming, and grabbed hold of her! Robin then gets up, and slams her down with a Back Suplex!

Nigel: Lana again, looking for Stuck like Gum, but not so fast!

Robin then ran right to a nearby corner, ran up the turnbuckles as Lana got up, and planted her with a Tornado DDT called the "Daredevil DDT!"

Mauro: And the Daredevil DDT connects!

Robin had Lana right where he wanted her, and then picked her up. 

Robin then sets her up for his patented Sunset Driver, which he calls the "Spider Driver", and he connects with it!



Nigel: Whoa! What was that!?

Mauro: Robin Sane calls that the Spider Driver!

Robin had the cover in deep, but Lana was able to kick out at 2.5!

Mauro: And Lana out at 2 and a half!

Beth: Lana has got some guts! She won't let that Cruiserweight Championship opportunity slip!

Lana was now beginning to pull herself up. But then Robin puts her on his shoulders. 

Lana elbows out and once she was down, she runs and hits the ropes, but as she did, Robin sidestepped her as she came off the rebound, then began to spin one way, then spun the other way and connected with a chop as she came off the rebound again!

Lana clutches her chest, then he picks her up, and connects with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Lana lays out on the mat, then Robin drags her into position, and makes the climb yet again.

Mauro: And now Robin, looking for the 450 again!

Lana then gets up, and meets him up at the top turnbuckle, and begins to punch away at him.

Mauro: And Lana now, It's a battle up there!

Nigel: Someone is going to crash and burn!

After a couple of shots to the gut, Robin doubled over, and then Lana began to deliver some clubbing blows to his back. But then suddenly, Robin grabbed her legs, and slowly raised up, putting her in position for the Spider Driver!

Mauro: Oh, no! Not there! Not from up there!

But Robin didn't hear Mauro's pleas, and off the second turnbuckle, Robin leaps, and plants Lana with the Spider Driver!

Nigel: OOOH!!!


Robin then quickly got up, and went up top again, and prepared himself to fly.

Beth: And Sane up top once again! 

Mauro: Is the second time the charm!?

Robin jumped, and this time hit the 450 splash dead center!

Nigel: Yes, it is!

Mauro: 450 Splash, and he got all of it!!!

Robin Sane covers, and he gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Robin Sane moves on!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, ROBIN SANE!!!

Mauro: What a Rebound back for the Daredevil from the Philippines! Robin Sane is now the 7th man in the Cruiserweight Open!

Beth: Well this is gonna be interesting! Because Rev Runner, one of the competitors in the Cruiserweight Open, was the one who eliminated Sane in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament!

Nigel: That will be interesting to see, for sure! But let's give credit to Lana, though she lost, she made a really successful return!

Robin Sane helped Lana to her feet, and they shook hands in respect. The ref went on to raise Robin's hand in victory as Lana pointed to the Daredevil. 

Mauro: Robin Sane is our next man in the Cruiserweight Open, but to your point, Beth, indeed Rev Runner is in the Cruiserweight Open, and Robin Sane might look to settle the score with him!

Beth: Exactly, this could be Sane's shot at redeeming himself!

Nigel: Or, will that shot at Redemption, turn into history repeating itself? We shall see. We shall also see who joins him later on. Lana might not have made it to the cruiserweight open, but maybe her big sister Luna will, as she takes on Tyson Granger, another Adrenaline Rush Tournament competitor looking to get a second chance at LWF Gold!

Mauro: And after what transpired between Ruby and the Ravel-ution at the top of the show, Ruby Rose and Ravel Phenex will settle their differences, inside the ring in our Main Event!

Beth: But coming up next, it's a BTWF vs. LWF Interpromotional Match as "Amazing" Luna Collins, takes on Adagio Dazzle, with the BTWF Women's Championship on the line!

Nigel: High stakes, this one!

A vignette for The Peerage plays. The Peerage were inside the Occult Research Clubhouse, having tea and relaxing as they watched highlights of all the other Kuoh town residents who have competed inside the LWF ring. Including Issei, Koneko, and Ravel.

Wiess: So… these are your friends who have made their names in LWF so far?

Rias: Yes. They are all making me proud. Especially Issei. 

Akeno: Yeah, I love a man who has a fighting spirit!

Rarity: I must say, Rias, I didn't expect much of him at first, but he's turned out to be quite the fighter! No wonder you took quite a liking to him. 

Rias: Yes, that's why I chose him to be a member of my club. And just like Issei, Ravel, and Koneko, we will all make a name for ourselves in LWF. And soon, that company's gonna reach greater heights due to our leadership!

Weiss: Precisely. Because we are The Peerage, and we will show everyone that Elegance…

All 4 of them: … Meets Excellence!

They all raised their glasses up to that, and the vignette ends with the caption - "THE PEERAGE, COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN"

The camera cuts the catering area, where Ruby Rose was munching on a cookie, and reading a comic book. Then, Zayden Trudeau walked up to her.

Zayden: Hey, Ruby! Have you seen Sonata?

Ruby: No. Why are you looking for her?

Zayden: I… may have said something?

Ruby: … What exactly did you say to her?

Zayden: Well, she was frustrated about not getting Adagio's attention, and then I said "Why not try something different?" Then she just ran off! So I'm trying to find out what exactly she's thinking of doing!

Ruby: Oh, well good luck trying to find her. Because I haven't seen her.

Zayden, a little bit disappointed, walks off, continuing to look for Sonata. As soon as he left, Ruby went back to her comic book, and ate her cookie.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


(MATCH 3: Adagio Dazzle vs “Amazing” Luna Collins for the BTWF Women's Championship)

The crowd boos, as Adagio Dazzle, sporting some round sunglasses, makes her entrance. 

Her attire has changed. She was now sporting a dark purple crop top, and a Kip Sabian style, Single-sleeve Leather Jacket. And her pants, in a matching purple and yellow color scheme, were one side short, and one side long. Similar to that of Zema Ion's outfit.

Mauro: And here is Adagio Dazzle, sporting a new outfit with all the arrogance and confidence in the world! She has made it clear on multiple occasions that she believes the true contender to Starlight Glimmer for the LWF: Reborn Championship at Wrestlepalooza, should be herself and no one else, not even Will Ospreay!

Beth: That's exactly right Mauro, Adagio is insisting that the only one that is more deserving to defeat Starlight Glimmer is her and her only!

Nigel: Well tonight, she's not facing the LWF: Reborn Champion, she's facing BTWF's Women's Champion!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this next contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the BTWF Women's Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: For those wondering how this match came to be, it all started when Adagio made some insulting comments on BTWF, and Luna Collins quickly caught wind of them and challenged Adagio to a match, even putting her title on the line!

Nigel: And last episode, Adagio responded to that challenge, saying Collins wasn't worth her time to go to BTWF, and even said she didn't WANT the BTWF Women's title, but here we are!

Adagio then enters the ring, and takes off her jacket. 

Beth: Adagio also had a challenge for the Champ. She told Collins to come to LWF if she wanted to take her on so badly.

And right as Beth said that….


As soon as the music hit, the crowd cheered.

Beth: And that's exactly what she did! Here comes the Champ!

Luna Collins then makes her entrance. She holds her title belt up high as she makes her way to the ring. 

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent! From New York City, New York, she is the BTWF Women's Champion, "Amazing" LUNA COLLINS!!!

Luna then places the belt on her shoulder as she walks down the ramp.

Nigel: You're absolutely right Beth, once Collins heard Adagio's words last episode, she was all, “You know what? I think she needs to put some respect on not only my company's name, but my name too!" But was it a wise decision to put that title on the line as well? Adagio is one sly and cunning Siren under all that flamboyance and pizazz!

Mauro: Adagio may not want to capture the BTWF Women's title, but surely if she wins tonight, she might just prove a definite point that she really does deserve the chance to compete for the LWF Reborn Championship!

Luna enters the ring, and gets right up into Adagio's face, holding the belt up high. 

The referee pushes Luna back and then takes the belt and holds it up high.

Adagio then slides out of the ring, and grabs a microphone.

Mauro: And it looks like Adagio has something to say!

Adagio taps the mic to check that it's working before speaking.

Adagio: Luna, just for the record, win or lose, your Women's Championship, means NOTHING to me!

The crowd boos.

Adagio: So after I beat you, and become the Women's Champion of that stupid Indy Show that you call "BTWF" Luna, I'm gonna do it justice, by putting that title where it belongs… in the F*CKING TRASH! Because YOU, and that company you represent, are exactly that! Garbage! And after this match is over, you're gonna learn to keep my name out of your mouth, and it's gonna be YOU who will put some respect in MY name!

Adagio then turns and tosses the microphone back to the production crew member. But once she turned back around, Luna Collins wiped her out with a Suicide Dive, followed by some rapid-fire punches!

Nigel: Whoa!!!

Mauro: And that may have just lit a fire in the Champion! Luna Collins, hammering away at Adagio!
Beth: Adagio sure didn't see that coming!

Luna gets Adagio back into the ring as the referee backs her off to make sure both sides get ready.

Adagio shook off the attack and got back up, not happy with what just happened. 

“That does it! Ring the bell!" she ordered. The referee then calls for the bell, and the bell rings to officially start the match. 

And right from the bell, Collins and Adagio charge at one another, but Adagio stops Luna in her tracks with a knee to the gut! Adagio then follows up with a Forearm Smash, then a clubbing blow to the back.

Adagio then stomps on Luna before picking her up.

"Go on! Cheer for her!" Adagio says to the fans before throwing Luna into a corner with an Irish Whip. Adagio follows behind her, but then Luna was able to hop off the bottom rope, and evade Adagio. 

Adagio was able to stop herself in time. Then she turns around and charges at Luna, but Luna takes Adagio down with an Arm Drag! Adagio gets up, and then Luna takes her down with another Arm Drag!

Both women get up, they charge at each other, then Luna Collins goes behind and rolls her up with a Schoolgirl Pin, but gets a 2 count.

They both get up, Adagio then goes for a Clothesline, but Luna counters with an Arm-trap Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oooh, what a Neckbreaker by Luna Collins!

Luna goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2, and slides out of the ring. Luna Collins gets up, and starts to get the crowd to clap along with her. 

Mauro: And Luna Collins, firing up this crowd here in Albany!

Beth: Both superstars want respect to be dished out in two different ways!

Nigel: It’ll go either way in any shape or form, but for now, Luna is looking to fly!

Luna then goes to hit the ropes, but Adagio grabs her ankles, tripping her! 

Mauro: And Adagio! Just as Collins was about to kick it into another gear!

This gets the fans to boo, and Adagio mocks the fans as she drags Luna out of the ring. 

Adagio then turned her around so that Luna was facing her, then Adagio bull-rushed her into the apron spine first!

Mauro: Oooh, spine meets apron!

Nigel: Doesn't matter who you are, that's gonna do a number on ya!

Adagio then throws Luna back into the ring and stomps on her back.

"I fall short? I'm mistreated! Get your facts straight!" Adagio says to Luna before covering her.

Luna kicks out at 2, then drapes Luna on the second rope. Adagio then hits the ropes, and connects with a Double Knee Strike to the back!

Mauro: And now Adagio! Double Knees to the spine!

Adagio covers Luna again, but Luna kicks out at 2.

Luna was now writhing in pain, favoring her lower back. Adagio then dragged her to the middle of the ring, picked her up, and then dropped her with a Vertical Suplex. Adagio then sits Luna up, and delivers a swift kick across Luna's spine!

Luna arches back, wincing. Then Adagio digs her knee into Luna's back, grabs both of Luna's arms, and pulls back as far as she can.

Mauro: And now Adagio, working on the compromised back of Collins!

Beth: That hard contact with the apron, really shifted the match in Adagio's favor.

Luna begins to scream in pain. The referee asks her if she wishes to tap, she says "No!".

Nigel: Luna Collins, not gonna give in of course, she has a massive will to fight, larger than anyone's.

After a few minutes, Luna, with the crowd cheering her on, begins to get up. Luna was able to turn back around, and free herself with a headbutt to Adagio's gut.

Luna now begins to fight back. First with a punch to the gut, then a Forearm Smash to the face. Luna then winds up for a big haymaker, but Adagio hits a Superkick to Luna's midsection! 

“Is this really what BTWF has to offer?!” Adagio asks after Luna dropped to one knee. She then picked up Luna and threw her to the ropes with an Irish Whip. 

Adagio bends over, looking to send Luna flying with a Back Body Drop, but off the rebound, Luna backflips over her! Adagio pops up, turns around, then goes for a Clothesline, but Luna Collins ducks, hits the ropes, and then takes Adagio down with a Satellite Arm Drag!

Mauro: Adagio, talking smack, looking to do more pain- but ooh, nice Satelite Arm Drag by the champion!

Luna and Adagio get up, Luna charged at Adagio, but Adagio sidestepped out of the way. Luna hits the ropes, then rolls her up with a Victory Roll pin!

Nigel: Oh wait for a second!

Mauro: Luna Collins could retain here!

Adagio kicks out at 2, and both women get up, Luna tries to land more offense, but Adagio stops her with a kick to Luna's gut.

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: And Luna Collins gets stopped in her tracks once again!

Adagio then goes to throw Luna into the nearest corner, but Luna turns the momentum around and sends Adagio into the corner instead! Luna charges and goes for a Monkey Flip on Adagio, but Adagio catches her and plops her on the top turnbuckle. 

Adagio then goes for a Haymaker, but Luna kicks Adagio away! 

This causes Adagio to stagger back a bit, then off the second turnbuckle, Luna leaps and takes Adagio down with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: And Luna Collins, off the second turnbuckle!

Beth: What a move by the BTWF Women's Champion!

Both Luna and Adagio get up. Adagio then goes for a Clothesline, but Luna ducks and hits the ropes. Luna rebounds, and Adagio goes for a Back Elbow, but Luna ducks that too! Luna rebounds again, and then plants Adagio with an impactful Satellite DDT, spiking her on the top of her head!

Nigel: Oooh, ho-ho!!!

Mauro: Luna Collins, Satellite DDT with authority!

Beth: Collins may have Adagio here!

Luna Collins goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, Adagio kicks out!

Nigel: Man, that DDT could've had her! Adagio got spiked! 

Adagio gets up in a daze. Luna Collins gets up as well and sized her up. Once Adagio turns around, Luna drops her with a Clothesline! Adagio gets up, and Luna connects with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And the Champion, getting the better of Adagio Dazzle here!

Adagio gets up, then Luna goes for another Clothesline, but Adagio ducks it! Adagio then hits the ropes, but Luna catches her, and connects with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker! 

Adagio rolls out of the ring, and then Luna smacks the mat before letting out a determined scream, getting a cheer from the fans.

Nigel: Luna Collins is rolling, nothing can stop her now!

Adagio gets back to her feet, then Luna goes to the apron, and springs off the second rope, landing on Adagio with an Asai Moonsault!

Mauro: And Luna Collins! Pulling out all the stops!

Nigel: Picture perfect Asai Moonsault!

Collins then throws Adagio back into the ring, then goes to the nearest corner, and readies up for her patented Step-up Axe Kick she calls the Amazing Kick.

Beth: Oh, guys! Here comes the Amazing Kick, we've seen this do in Nagisa Misumi before!

Mauro: If it connects, then it's Lights out for the Sensational Siren!

Luna then goes for it, but as she went for it, Adagio countered it into an Ushigoroshi!

Nigel: Oooh!!! Wow, what a counter!!!

Mauro: Adagio saw it coming, and turned it into an Ushigoroshi!

Adagio gets up, and stumbles into a nearby corner. Luna Collins gets up, clutching the back of her head, and Adagio, with a full head of steam, hits a Shining Wizard!

Mauro: And now Adagio- SHINING WIZARD!!! 

Nigel: We're gonna see a new BTWF Women's Champion here in LWF!

Adagio covers as Nigel said that, but Luna kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Oh, Not quite!!! The Champion stays alive!!!

Beth: Luna Collins fought, and has shed her blood for BTWF, and she's not gonna let Adagio get away with what she said about the company that made Collins a star!

Nigel: This is not just for the title, this is about honor!
Adagio had no time to vent frustrations about it supposedly being a 3 count. She went to the corner, and started measuring Luna Collins from behind.

“Get up, you second-rate champion! Get up!” Adagio called, ready to hit the Blind Kiss.

Mauro: And now Adagio, all tuned up in the corner, and she has a Blind Kiss with Luna's name on it ready for her!

Luna was now up to one knee, then Adagio went for it. But suddenly, Luna popped up and connected with a Pélé Kick!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Pélé Kick by Collins, right on Adagio Dazzle!!!

Nigel: Collins had it scouted!

Luna Collins then picks up Adagio, and plants her with a Hangman's Facebuster, which she calls the "Luna Eclipse"!


Mauro: And now Luna Collins, with the Luna Eclipse!!!

Nigel: Cover her!

Luna rolls Adagio over, goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: And a near fall! Adagio escapes in the same instance as Collins!

Beth: Adagio may not want the BTWF Women's Championship, but she darn sure isn't out to lose this! She has a lot on the line as well!

Nigel: For Adagio, this is about proving to every single person that she belongs and that she alone, deserves everything that everyone else is getting!

Luna then gets up, and begins to stalk her. Once Adagio got up, Luna hoisted her up onto her shoulders! But unfortunately, her back gave out.

Mauro: Oh, and Luna's back gave out! All that damage is now beginning to take its toll!

Adagio then sized up Luna, and then dropped her with a Backstabber!

Mauro: Backstabber!

Adagio goes for the cover, but Luna kicks out at 2!

Adagio then picks up Luna Collins. Adagio then hoists her up for a Brainbuster, but Luna was able to reverse out of it! Adagio then turned around, and walked into a Spinning Back Kick to the face!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Spinning Kick by Collins! Adagio's stunned!

Luna then hooked Adagio up, and slammed her down with a Snap Half Nelson Suplex!

Beth: Ooh, wow!

Mauro: Half-and-half Suplex!

Luna then gets up, and makes the climb.

Mauro: And now Luna Collins, the BTWF Women's Champion, looking to put Adagio Dazzle away!

Once Luna was at the top, she stabilizes herself, then leaps, and flattens Adagio with a Frog Splash!

Mauro: Frog Splash!!!

Luna has the leg hooked, but Adagio kicks out at 2.9!

Mauro: No!!! It's still not enough!!!

Nigel: What's it gonna take!?

Adagio then rolls to the nearest corner. Luna Collins gets up, and goes towards Adagio, but then Adagio grabs her! 

Then, with a Reverse STO, Adagio drives Luna face-first into the second turnbuckle!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Luna Collins just got a mouthful of the second turnbuckle!

Nigel: Adagio was playing possum, and lying in wait!

Adagio then shoves Luna off her, gets up, and then begins measuring Luna up.

Mauro: And now Adagio Dazzle, looking to kiss Luna Collins goodnight…

Once Luna was on one knee, Adagio goes for the Blind Kiss, and connects!

Mauro: … with the Blind Kiss!

Adagio however, didn't go for the cover. She instead grabbed Luna's legs, and then locked on an Inverted Sharpshooter!


Mauro: Oh, look at this! Adagio, locking in a Submission on a knocked out Luna Collins!

"Tap, Luna! Tap!!!" Adagio shouts.

Nigel: Let her go, Adagio! She's out cold!

The referee asks Luna if she quits. "Don't you dare stop this match! I want her to tap!" Adagio shouts at the referee.

Beth: And Adagio, not letting the referee end this match! She wants to humiliate Luna Collins!

After what felt like an eternity, the crowd suddenly began cheering. But that was because Sonata Dusk had showed up, steel chair in hand!

Mauro: Hey!!!

Nigel: It's Sonata Dusk!!!

Adagio lets go of Luna, wondering what the commotion was, and once she turned around, Sonata threw the chair into Adagio's face, causing a disqualification!

Mauro: Oooh! Chair shot to the face! 

*Bell rings repeatedly!*

Adagio was stunned by the chair shot, then Sonata takes her down and hammers away on her!

Mauro: And Sonata! Unloading on her Siren sister!

Nigel: Well I guess we know what Sonata’s plan was! If Adagio won't come to her, she'll go to Adagio instead!

Sonata continues to hammer away on her. More referees show up, and try to separate the two.

Beth: Adagio gets the win via Disqualification, but unfortunately for her, the title will stay with Collins!

Mauro: That is true, but I don't think Adagio cares!

Adagio then pushes Sonata off, slides out of the ring, and begins to run away.

Mauro: Now Adagio, trying to get away!

Sonata then hits the ropes, and then wipes out Adagio with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida! Sonata is all over Adagio!

Adagio runs off, and referees restrain Sonata.

Mauro: And Adagio gets away, what's gonna come of this!?

Nigel: I have absolutely no idea, but it looks like Adagio still wins in the end, with the rivalry between herself and Sonata not over in the least!

Beth: I'm sure we’ll be hearing Adagio's thoughts about all this sometime soon, or never. But for now, let's head backstage with Kayla Braxton, who is standing by!


Kayla Braxton was standing by in the interviewing area. 

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest, The Tracer, Trailblazer, Speed Chaser, Robin Sane!

And to a rally of cheers, Robin Sane walks in.

Kayla: Robin, first off, congratulations on winning your match against Lana Loud, you are the 7th man in the Cruiserweight Open, joining A-Kid, Nathan Frazer, Kushida, Issei Hyoudou, Rev Runner and Ken Warren. Care to tell us what's going through your mind right now?

Robin: Kayla, I feel absolutely excited! Even though I didn't get as far as I wanted in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, I feel like this is my second chance at destiny!

Kayla: Well, you’ll definitely have a chance to settle some scores, as Rev is also the one who eliminated you in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament.

Robin: Hey, I have no hard feelings about it. We went in there, hungry, and determined. Rev was just the better competitor that night.

He was then stopped by some chuckling that was happening behind him. Robin turns around, and sees Snips and Snails.

Snails: Hey, Snips! Get a load of this guy! Speaking like a true loser, am I right? *Chuckles*

Snips: Yeah, how pathetic! Y'know, our boss is only giving some of these guys from the tournament chances because they didn't go far enough!

Snails: Exactly! It's a pity offer! *Laughs*

Snails laughs along with him. But once Robin walked up to them, he and Snips immediately stopped laughing.

Robin: What's so funny?

Snips: *Nervous laughter* Oh! Um… I-it's nothing! We-we weren't talking about you! Right, Snails?

Snails: Oh we totally were!

Snips: *Punches Snails' arm* Snails!!!

Robin: Don't even try to deny it, I actually heard everything. If you two think we, in the Adrenaline rush tournament, are getting these efforts out of pity, you're dead wrong. Would you like me to show you?

Snips: *Scoffs* A tough guy, huh? Well, hate to break it to you, but Snails and I are a bit busy tonight. 

Snails: Yeah! Besides, what're you gonna do about what we said? There's two of us, and one of you!

Suddenly, an unexpected individual walked up and sided with Robin…. Rev Runner!

Rev: Okay-now-maybe-my-mathematics-might-be-incorrect-or-maybe-they-are-not-but-by-the-looks-of-things-now-that-there-is-two-of-us-and-two-of-you-I-say-the-playing-field-is-now-even! 

Robin: *Looks at Rev and satisfyingly nods before turning back to Snips and Snails* Does that answer your question?

Snips and snails were taken aback, hoping to get out of this. They look at Rev and Robin before looking at each other, then run off.

Rev: I-guess-we-will-be-seeing-em-in-the-ring-sooner-or-later-probably-never-but-that-is-just-my-assumption-anyway-I-do-agree-with-you-that-we-went-out-there-and-did-our-thing-and-gave-it-a-hundered-percent-and-then-some-and-yes-I-did-come-out-victorious-and-I-was-the-better-fighter-that-night-but-you-did-pretty-good-yourself!

Robin: … I have no idea what you just said. That was so quick. But yeah!

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


The crowd cheers as Chard makes his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please Welcome LWF: Reborn founder, CHARD CARANTO!!!

Mauro: From announcing Velocity to unveiling the Adrenaline Championship, Chard hasn't disappointed in what he's announced this far!

Beth: And it makes you wonder what he's gonna announce next! It could be something amazing, as he's really made LWF’s comeback great!

Nigel: Well I've got high hopes for his next announcement, so let's listen up!

Chard enters the ring, and gets a microphone. 

The crowd cheered for him before he spoke.

Chard: Now, I know we just came off an outstanding match between Luna Collins and Adagio Dazzle…

The crowd cheers a bit.

Chard: So… what I'm about to announce, might top it? I don't know. That's for you, LWF fans, to decide. So coming off my announcement for Velocity, I also took the liberty of finding someone to run the show. Now, as much as I want to do it myself, I think it'll be better if someone else did it. After a few days of looking, I found the PERFECT individual to run Velocity. He's got the skills to make sure everything is in order, and the capability to make sure he pulls out the best content, and I have high hopes that this individual will make Velocity as I envisioned it. So everyone, give a warm welcome to the General Manager of Velocity…

Chard pauses, and the crowd gives a mixture of reactions in anticipation. 

Mauro: Who did Chard select to be the General Manager of Velocity?

Beth: My money's on somebody I've known for awhile, maybe Teddy Long?

Nigel: In that case, I'm picking Johnny Saint!



The crowd pops loudly, and Chard had the biggest of grins on his face as he looked at the fans.

The camera then cuts to the stage where the name "Mr. Herriman" was on the Titantron in a fancy font. Then, in hopped Mr. Herriman himself!

Nigel: OH, MY! It ain't Johnny Saint, but it might be better!

Beth: Is that…?!

Mauro: It is! It's Mr. Herriman! 

The fans in the MVP Arena gave Mr. Herriman a standing ovation, and Mr. Herriman waved to the crowd as he hopped to the ring.

Mauro: A HUGE ovation for the newly elected GM! What a spectacular choice by Chard! Mr. Herriman has great experience with running a position like this!

Nigel: Indeed he does, Mauro! As the House President back at Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends, he should know a thing or two about keeping things in order!

Beth: You never know what to expect with Fanfiction Wrestling, but this, I think, is very apropos! Welcome to the LWF Family, Mr. Herriman!

Mr. Herriman enters the ring, and Chard hands him a microphone. 

The crowd chanted "Herriman!" At him, then Mr. Herriman clears his throat before speaking.

Mr. Herriman: First of all, I would like to send my thanks to you, Master Chard, for giving me this opportunity. Second, with me in charge, as General Manager of Velocity, I will ensure that not only will the show run smoothly, but it's the best show it can be!

The crowd cheers.

Mr. Herriman: Now then, I'm sure you would all like to know just what Velocity will entail in terms of entertainment, do you now?

Herriman was then met with another rally of cheers.

Mr. Herriman: Well, it is exactly how Master Chard described it when he first announced it. Loads of nonstop action, and showcases of the best wrestlers from all walks of entertainment. I've already taken the liberty of organizing the first episode, in fact.

Herriman looked at the titantron as a match card was shown.

Mr. Herriman: As announced by Master Chard himself, we shall see Master Panzer in action as he looks to show his upcoming opponent at Wrestlepalooza, Stan Smith, what he is capable of against his opponent, Master Anthony Henry.

Mr. Herriman then looked back at the fans as he was about to continue speaking, but then…


Both Mr. Herriman and Chard looked up at the stage as soon as the song began to play.

Then, to mixed reactions, leaning towards mostly boos, out came Aria Blaze. She looked at Chard and Mr. Herriman, and shook her head as she casually walked to the ring.

Nigel: Hold on a second! Aria Blaze? What's she doing out here?

Beth: Well whatever her reason is, couldn't it wait for another time?

Mauro: Aria Blaze does whatever she wants, whenever she feels like, Beth. And it seems like she has something on her mind that she can't wait to get out!

Aria enters the ring and snatches the microphone out of Chard's hands and confronts him and Mr. Herriman. 

Aria: *Looks at Chard* Did you seriously take this time to announce this dead beat *Pointing at Mr. Herriman* as the General Manager for your stupid show, instead of giving that time to ME!? Why am I not given any chance to compete in that Cruiserweight open?! In fact, why am I always standing around doing nothing in the back, while everyone else has all the fun!? Where's my chance!? Ever since The Dazzlings split, I've wanted to make my own path, and I thought I was gonna get that in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament. But, I got eliminated. I thought "No matter, I can bounce back from this." But not a single opportunity to do so came! And why is that, huh!? You got a problem with me!?

Mr. Herriman didn't let Aria's claims go unnoticed, as he decided to speak once Aria stopped ranting.

Mr. Herriman: Ms. Blaze. If I may, despite your rude interruption… You're absolutely right. You have not been given enough chances to show your skill here in this business. You have every right to be as relevant as your sisters are now. You just need a proper place to do so. So, I have decided to have you featured on Velocity in the upcoming inaugural episode.

The crowd support in favor of Aria cheered at that.

Aria: *Looks at Mr. Herriman and scoffs* Is that out of pity? I'm not taking any handouts like that, especially from an oversized rabbit!

Mr. Herriman: No, It's certainly not. Quite the opposite, actually. You see, I have been watching your growth as a performer here. From your time with The Dazzlings, to your run in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament. I feel you should have the chance to showcase your ability. And I have just the perfect opponent for you. Matter of fact, this opponent… is quite similar to you in many ways.

Aria: *Sarcastic tone* Oh, really? 

Mr. Herriman: I make no such false promises. On the inaugural episode of LWF: Velocity, you shall come face to face with…. *gestures to the entranceway* 

After a couple of seconds of pause…


To a rally of cheers, Bombay Suarez makes his entrance, locking eyes with Aria.

Mauro: Oh My! Velocity General Manager, Mr. Herriman is on fire already! 

Beth: Aria Blaze, one on one with Bombay Suarez on day one of Velocity?! Sign me up!

Nigel: This man faces Mandy at Wrestlepalooza, and what better way to warm up to it, than to face off against Aria Blaze!

Aria met Bombay's gaze with a sarcastic sneer.

“Mandy's gonna be the least of your worries now!” Aria said to the Philippine Wrestling Hardcore Legend.

Mauro: Well you heard it from Mr. Herriman! Velocity is already shaping up to be great on its first episode! Chris Panzer goes one-on-one with Anthony Henry! And now, Aria Blaze, the Sinister Siren, meets The Heart and Soul of PWR!

Nigel: But that's Velocity later, Reborn is now! And we still have plenty to show before it comes our way! Don't forget our main event, a clash of standings between the #1 Contender to the Wattpad Championship, Ruby Rose, and the Leader of the Ravel-ation, Ravel Phenex!

Beth: Up next, though, The Crusts are at it again! It's time, once again, for the Test Your Limits Challenge!

Nigel: Oooh, I can't wait! 

A vignette for Darby Allin and Lucy plays.

They were back in the abandoned warehouse. Darby was dragging a dummy that was dressed as Dennis across the ground. 

He then lays it on a table.

Darby: You know Lucy, I feel like Dennis and I have been fighting forever, even though we've only faced each other on two separate occasions.

Lucy: …Such is the way of a long-standing rivalry. But you will end things with him very soon. And I’ll be there to watch over you as you do. 

Darby then gets a ladder and sets it up in front of the table. He then begins to climb it.

Lucy: Dennis thought he ended you. But what he failed to realize… is that you will always keep on coming back. And every time you do come back, you become much harder to kill. 

Once Darby was at the top, he looked down at the Dennis Dummy.

Darby: And if it's my time… I'm not gonna go alone. I'm gonna take him with me.

Darby then does a Coffin Drop off the ladder, and crashes through the dummy, through the table!

The Vignette cuts to a few minutes later, with Darby and Lucy putting the dummy in the body bag with Dennis's name on it.

Lucy: What goes around… comes around.

Darby then hops on his skateboard, and skates off, exiting the warehouse and dragging the body bag behind.

The vignette ends with a cut to black.

In another area backstage, specifically in the garage area, Adagio Dazzle was getting out of the MVP arena when she just so unfortunately had to be stopped by Kayla Braxton. 

Kayla: Adagio, after what transpired earlier tonight-

Adagio: Ap, Ap, Ap! Kayla, can't you see I'm trying to get away from a Maniac here?! I already know what you were gonna ask anyway. I said I didn't want the BTWF Women's title, and I meant it. So no, it doesn't matter to me if I won via a disqualification, that changes NOTHING! Now if you'll excuse me-

She was suddenly cut off by a wild scream, and Sonata Dusk came flying in! 

Mauro: Oh, whoa!

Nigel: It's Sonata!

Beth: Where did she come from!?

She tackled Adagio to the ground and she started wailing at her for a few minutes before referees and security came to break it up.

“Keep her away from me!!!!” Adagio shouted.

“I'm not finished with you!!!" She responds. Sonata then broke free, and kept on hammering away on Adagio. They then scrambled into the inside of a Semi-truck Trailer, and Sonata began beating Adagio with every single object she could get her hands on!

Mauro: And now Sonata and Adagio, in the back of a Semi!

Nigel: Sonata has gone completely nuts!

Sonata then tries to throw Adagio into the wall of the trailer with an Irish Whip, but Adagio turns the momentum around and sends Sonata into the wall instead!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Adagio makes Sonata crash and burn!

Adagio then gets out, and sees the button for the door. She then pressed it, and the door began to come down!

Nigel: Oh wait a second!

Mauro: Adagio's sealing Sonata in that Semi Trailer!

Beth: That's one way to get someone outta your hair!

Sonata finally came to, but it was too late, the door had come down, and Sonata began banging on it.

“Better luck next time, dunce!” Adagio says with a giggle as she continues on her way. Meanwhile, the referees and security team went to assist Sonata in getting out.

Back at  ringside…


The Crust Cousins make their entrance.

(MATCH 3: The Crust Cousins Test Your Limits Challenge)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: This next match is set for one fall,  and it is the Test Your Limits Challenge! Introducing first, the team of Britt, and Tiff Crust, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Mauro: It seems like everytime this challenge happens, the Crust cousins have been met with a swarm of bad luck, facing dominant tag team after dominant tag team, some of them just thrown together at first!

Beth: You're right Mauro, but as they always put it, they say they lost due to many wardrobe malfunctions or something like that. Their luck didn't change for the better last episode either when FSU totally trounced them.

Nigel: Andrews and Dennis had no business being there, if all they do is break the rules! If you ask me, that one doesn't count!

Mauro: Will the Crust's luck change for the better this time? Let's find out!

After they enter the ring, Brit Crust then gets a microphone. 

Brit: I specifically said last Episode that if you were gonna step up, you are to abide by OUR rules! So FSU, you didn't beat us!

Beth: Oh, brother!

Tiff then gets a microphone. 

Tiff: So let's try this again. If you got what it takes, then test your limits, and follow the Crust's rules!

Brit and Tiff then tossed their microphones to the side, and awaited their opponents. 

Mauro: Who's it gonna be today that steps up?!

Beth: Given the wackiness of the challenge, it could be anyone!

Nigel: Everybody wants a piece of the most iconic tag team in LWF: Reborn!



The Crusts looked confused, as out came Snips and Snails!

Mauro: Snips and Snails!?

Beth: But I thought they were busy with other stuff!

Nigel: Hah! Easy win for the Crusts! I'm counting on it! 

Both Snips and Snails had a microphone. 

Snips: Ha ha ha! Just showed Robin Sane and his buddy Rev!

Snails: Yeah! We ran away for THEIR safety!

The crowd booed them.

Snips: Aah, shut up! You guys don't understand! But you will soon enough after we beat the Crust Cousins, Rev and Robin will probably change their mind in facing us!

Snails: And that's a promise!

Snips and Snails then tossed their mics to the side, and then made their way to the ring. 

Once they entered the ring, Snips and Tiff start it off, and then the bell rings.

Tiff and Snips circle the ring for a bit, but Tiff, instead of locking up with Snips, turns around and swiftly knocks Snails off the apron with a Forearm Smash!

This turned out to be a mistake, because Snips quickly rolled her up with a Schoolboy pin, but fortunately for Tiff, she kicked out at 2!

Mauro: Oh my god! Tiff almost got pinned by Snips!

Beth: Oh man, that would've been so embarrassing!

They both get up, then Snips charges at Tiff, but she catches him, and plants him with a Spinebuster!

Mauro: And Tiff made Snips pay for it! 

Beth: As JR would put it, a little Spine on the Pine!

Tiff then tags in Brit, and they set Snips up for a combination finisher. Tiff had him up for a Backpack Stunner, then from out of the corner, Brit runs, and hits a Sick Kick!

Mauro: OH, and that looks familiar! The Crust Cousins with the Proton Pack!

Nigel: I do believe they call this the "Deadly Makeup Routine"!

Brit then covers Snips, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And the Crusts! The Crust Cousins get their first victory!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Brit and Tiff got up and looked at each other with glee and excitement as they hugged each other.

Mauro: After a string of bad luck, The Crusts finally did what many thought to be impossible for them, gaining their first win!

Nigel: A grand reversal of Fortune for the Crusts, knocking off the arrogant pair of Snips and Snails and securing their first tag team win!

Beth: I gotta admit Nigel, it was pretty satisfying to see Brit and Tiff shut Snips and Snails up.

The Crusts get out of the ring, continuing their celebration, when all of a sudden…


Robin Sane came out, accompanied by Rev Runner, the crowd giving them a warm welcome.

Mauro: Oh, here come Sane and Rev! We heard Snips and Snails smack talk to them earlier saying they ran away from them for their safety, but now let's see what Robin thinks of that!

Rev and Robin both looked at each other. Then they picked up the microphones that Snips and Snails dropped.

Robin: *Sarcastic tone* Wooow, real intimidating, guys! You sure scared me! You guys lost in record time! *laughs*

Rev: Yeah-you-guys-must-be-incredibly-scary-seeing-how-you-lost-in-a-matter-of-seconds-which-is-even-faster-than-me-talking-but-was-that-you-guys-said-about-running-away-for-our-safety? Oh-yeah-care-to-explain-further-on-that? 

Robin: Don't answer that now. Just know, there won't be any running away from us. Because, we just got done talking with the boss! So guess what, next episode, if you thought getting beat by the crusts was bad….

Rev: Wait-till-you-guys-get-a-load-of-this! This-announcement-is-HUGE!

Robin: We have ourselves a tag team match! Snips and Snails, against the speedster from Acmetropolis, Rev Runner…

Rev: Go-on-Robin-tell-them-who-my-partner-is!

Robin: … and the Tracer, Trailblazer, Speed Chaser, the Daredevil from San Juan City, RO… BIN… SANE!!! 

The crowd cheered at that announcement, while Snips and Snails looked horrified. 

Robin: Handa ka na ba, Snips and Snails? That's Tagalog for, "Are you ready?" Because Handa! Na! Kami!

Rev: That-was-Tagalog-for-we-are-ready-in-case-you-were-wondering.

Robin: See you guys in Episode 22! And don't forget…

Then the crowd said along with him…

Robin: TARA, LET'S GO!!!

Robin's theme plays, and Snips and Snails began complaining about not only the loss, but the match they were soon about to compete in.

Mauro: Strap yourselves, everyone! Because come Episode 22, we're gonna be taking off at the speed of light!

Beth: Robin Sane and Rev Runner on the same team?! That's gonna be one lightning-fast pair!

Nigel: I don't think we'll be able to keep up!



Faith and Kindness, the team of Fluttershy and Asia Argento, were looking around the backstage area. They still were on the hunt for a third team member to help them in their Trios match against Scarlet and Graves at Wrestlepalooza, but unfortunately, they were not having much luck.

Fluttershy: Oh, this is awful… we've asked around, but no one wants to help us against Scarlet and Graves.

Asia: If nobody's willing, we're on our own. 

Fluttershy: 3 against 2??? That isn't fair!

Asia: Well, Scarlet and Graves have shown that they don't care, unfortunately. 

And speak of the devil, in walked Scarlet and Graves. 

Dave Crist: Awwww, having trouble making new friends?

Zachary Wentz: Sucks to be you.

Dezmond Xavier: Looks like we have you two all to ourselves at Wrestlepalooza. Without any sort of backup, we're gonna make sure we fulfill our mission of ridding LWF of you two.

Asia: W-Well we haven't given up yet! I'm sure someone will help us at Wrestlepalooza!

Dave Crist: Well it doesn't matter if you have a partner then or not. Won't make a difference anyway.

Dezmond Xavier: This isn't an innocent world, you two. You'll get killed out here. 

Dave Crist: Yeah, and we're the killers. *Smiles*

Scarlet and Graves then walk off. 

Faith and Kindness knew that they were in for one uphill battle at wrestlepalooza, and it wasn't easy to hide the worry on their faces.

Then, "You Better Pray" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus plays.


Mauro: A special thanks goes out to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus for their song, “You Better Pray”, the official theme song of Wrestlepalooza! Which is available now on Apple Music, and Spotify! Guys, Wrestlepalooza is shaping up to be big this time around! Plenty of star-studded matches to go around for everyone! Of course, headlining the Grandest Stage of Fanfiction will be the LWF: Reborn Championship Match! Starlight Glimmer, the Head of the Society of Complete Equality, looks to put on a big demonstration of her ideals at the expense of her challenger, the Commonwealth Kingpin, Will Ospreay! Can Ospreay come up big and add another title to his extensive resume of accolades?

Beth: Starlight isn't the only member of the SCE in action then! At Wrestlepalooza, there are no rope breaks, no excuses, and no assistance or dirty tricks! “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants faces Ruby Rose one last time for the Wattpad Championship, and if Ruby loses, no more title shots for her as long as Spongebob is the champ!

Nigel: And let's not forget about Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, who will be in the 4-Way Ladder Match with Team Weird N' Wild, The Hybrid 2, and The Workin' Miners, with the Tag Team Championships hanging above the ring!

Mauro: Also at Wrestlepalooza, The Finals of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament will take place! Yugi Muto takes on Arthur Watts, to determine our inaugural Adrenaline Champion!

Nigel: And making its return after years on the shelf, the Cruiserweight Title will be up for grabs! It will be awarded to the winner of the Ten-Man Cruiserweight Open! We already know 7 of the illustrious men and women, and later tonight, we will see who will be Number 8, between Tyson Granger, and Luna Loud!



(MATCH 4: Chris Panzer in action)

The crowd cheered once the music hit, as Chris panzer came 10 seconds into the song as he walked to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall! Introducing at this time, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs tonight at 179 Pounds, CHRIS PANZER!!!
Mauro: Speaking of matches going on at Wrestlepalooza, facing Stan Smith of BTWF, is this man! Chris Panzer! This match came about when Stan insulted Panzer's nationality as a Filipino-American, and on BTWF One Night Stand’s Legends Night, Stan had some less than flattering words to say to Panzer regarding his response to him in Episode 19!

Nigel: That he did, and he even warned Panzer that he might show up here! I actually talked to him about this, and he simply said "Okay, the door is open, let him show his face! He's got a Panzerschreck Kick waiting for him!".

Panzer enters the ring, with his opponent, a 6 foot tall man in white shorts and matching Kick Pads on.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, hailing from Santiago, Chile, he weighs in tonight at 205 Pounds, ALEJANDRO SAEZ!!!

Saez then stands in the center of the ring, and throws his arms up in the shape of an "X".

Mauro: Alejandro Saez, a man I came to know very well during the Cruiserweight Classic 6 years ago, will be Panzer's opponent tonight! Saez is a hard-hitting striker, and at 6 foot 1, he just barely towers over Panzer!

Nigel: Well this should be quite a task. At Velocity, he has Anthony Henry, at Wrestlepalooza he's got Stan Smith, and tonight, he has the Warrior from Chile standing across the ring from him!

Beth: Panzer's got his work cut out for him against Stan, I'm not gonna lie. He’s a big guy with an Amateur Wrestling Background, but if there's one thing we've learned about Chris Panzer, it's that he will not back down from any challenge, and with the Panzer Army by his side, nothing can stand in his way!

Panzer and Saez were ready to go, both taking their shirt and vest off. 

Then the referee calls for the bell and the match is underway!

Saez and Panzer lock up in the middle of the ring, then Saez gets Panzer in a Wristlock. Panzer then does a forward roll to reverse it, and then pulls him into a Side Headlock. 

Saez escapes after a few seconds, and goes behind Panzer to attack him at the rear with a Forearm across the upper back. 

Saez then goes for a Back Suplex, but as Saez lifts him up, Panzer elbows him in the back of the head. Saez drops him, then Panzer goes for a Clothesline, but Saez ducks it, hits the ropes, and then knocks down Panzer with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: Oooh, and the much bigger Saez knocks Panzer off his feet!

From there, Saez then hits the ropes again, then Panzer does a drop down. Saez hops over him, Panzer then gets up, and catches Saez as he was coming off the rebound, looking for a Hip Toss, but Saez blocks it! Panzer tries again, but Saez blocks it again!

Nigel: Panzer now, looking to try and take down the Chilean, but Saez just won't budge!

Saez then knees Panzer in the gut, dropping him to one knee!

Mauro: And Saez with a knee!

Saez then delivers a big blow to the back, knocking him down to both knees. Saez then hits the ropes, but then Panzer takes him off his feet with a Lou Thesz Press, and begins punching away at him, the fans cheering loudly for Panzer!

Beth: Oooh, and Panzer!

Mauro: Thesz Press on Saez!

Saez pushes Panzer off of him. Both men get up, Alejandro goes to retaliate with a big clothesline, but Panzer catches him, goes for the D-Town Piston, but Saez had it scouted, and prevented him from doing it with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: Both men recover, Panzer looking for the D-Town Piston, but Saez, making sure he doesn't hit it!

Panzer then goes for a Clothesline but Saez ducks, hits the ropes and drops Panzer with a Big Boot!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: What a boot by Alejandro Saez!

Saez pins Panzer, but Panzer kicks out at 2.

Saez continues his offense with stomps to Panzer's sternum. He then targets his arm, and stomps on it too.

Nigel: Saez now working on the arms of Panzer, hoping to weaken him.

Saez then delivers one more Stomp to Panzer's arm before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar. 

Mauro: And now Saez, weakening that arm.

Beth: Great submission, this could soften Panzer up for something more devastating.

After a couple of minutes of struggling, Panzer tried to reach for the ropes. Unfortunately, he was just an inch too far.

Panzer then used his legs to reach over, and he was able to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break. 

Mauro: And Panzer breaks the submission, using his legs to get to the ropes!

Saez refuses to let go, and the referee begins to count to 5. At the count of 3, Saez lets go. 

Panzer gets back up, Saez goes up to him, but then Panzer kicks him in the gut! Panzer then lands a few punches to Saez's face, then he hits the ropes, but Saez cuts him off with a kick to the gut!

Saez then lands a few punches of his own to Panzer's face. Panzer responded with a punch to the gut, but Saez rained down with more punches, followed by a clubbing blow to the back, another kick to the gut, and then a big Forearm Smash.

Mauro: Oooh, what a combination of blows by Saez!

Beth: He's showing himself well in this match, Panzers really having a hard time!

Saez then throws Panzer into the nearest corner, and charges, looking to flatten him, but Panzer does a Forward Roll to evade Saez, and Saez ends up eating the top turnbuckle! Panzer then goes to the corner diagonally across, and flattens Saez in the corner with a Clothesline, before dropping him with a running Bulldog!

Nigel: Oh, Panzer turns things around!

Mauro: Chris Panzer, now starting to climb back!

Panzer goes for the cover, but Saez kicks out at 2!

Panzer then stands in place, and then leaps up and lands an Elbow Drop on Saez. Panzer gets up, hits the ropes, and then he connects with a Leg Drop!

Panzer gets up, Saez slowly gets up to his feet as well, Panzer then hits the ropes, but Saez hits him with a Superkick!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Alejandro Saez with an Extra Large Superkick, stopping Panzer in his tracks!

Saez picks up Panzer, then throws him to the ropes. Panzer rebounds and then Saez goes for a Clothesline, but Panzer ducked it, springs off the second rope, and takes down Saez with a Crossbody!

Mauro: And Panzer! Crossbody off the second rope!

Panzer hooks the leg off the Crossbody, but Saez kicks out at 2! Panzer then smacks the mat before getting up, and shouting "Come on, Panzer Army!" At the top of his lungs, gaining a cheer from the fans.

Beth: Panzer, calling his Panzer Army!

Nigel: He's all fired up now!

Panzer sizes up Saez, and once he got up, Panzer knocks him down with a Flying Forearm Smash! Saez gets up, then Panzer knocks him down with a Clothesline!

Saez gets up, Panzer then hits the ropes, and then connects with a Calf Kick!

Mauro: What a kick by Panzer! Saez is down, and Panzer's back in this match!

Panzer then picks up Saez, and throws him into a nearby corner as hard as he could. Upon impact, Saez staggers out of the corner, and then Panzer plants him with a Flapjack!

Mauro: Beautiful Flapjack from Chris Panzer!

Nigel: Panzer, with so much accomplished in PWR, Path of Gold winner, 3 Time PWR Champion, and of course a former Cruiserweight Champion, right here in LWF, and now looking to get back to the top!

Beth: He certainly has all the skills to get back there, I’ll say that!

Panzer then went to the nearest corner, fixed his kick pad, and began demanding Saez to get up.

Mauro: And that journey might start, right after this match, which may end very soon!

Beth: Panzer’s locked and loaded with heavy artillery!

Nigel: Prepare to fire the Panzerschreck!

Saez gets up, turns around, Panzer goes for the Panzerschreck Kick, but Saez jumps out of the way! Panzer turns around, and Saez clocks him with a Roundhouse Kick to the head!

Mauro: Oh, Panzer misses, and Saez hits him with a kick of his own!

Panzer staggers into the ropes, then off the rebound, Panzer lands the Panzerschreck Kick, and now both Saez and Panzer are down!

Nigel: Bang!!! He got it!!!

Mauro: Panzershreck hits the mark!

Beth: But both Panzer and Saez are down!

Both men weren't moving. The referee then begins to count.

Once the Referee's count got up to 6, Panzer and Saez got back up. Saez then hits him with an Elbow Strike, Panzer then responds with a Knife Edge Chop. Saez answers back with a downward Chop! 

Panzer winces then responds with a Forearm Smash. Saez then delivers a Forearm Smash of his own, then Panzer lands an Uppercut! This makes Saez stagger backward, then he rebounds off the ropes in a daze, and clocks Panzer with a Discus Lariat!

Mauro: And now, back and forth they go! Saez with a forearm, but Panzer comes back with an Uppercut- Saez though with a Discus Clothesline, knocking him down!

Saez then weakly crawls to Panzer, and drapes his arm over him for the cover, but Panzer kicks out at 2!

Nigel: Not enough!

Beth: Panzer has got more grit than anybody!

Saez slowly pulls himself up and then picks up Panzer. He throws Panzer into the corner, but Panzer staggers out of the corner and then goes for the Panzerschreck Kick again, but Saez catches him!

Mauro: Oh Panzer going for the Panzerschreck- But Saez! Saez caught the Panzerschreck!

Saez then throws down Panzer's leg, goes for a Clothesline, but Panzer ducks. Saez turns around and goes for the Clothesline again, but Panzer catches him, and drops him with a Spinebuster!

Nigel: Oooh, ho-ho!

Mauro: Spinebuster with authority!

Panzer then lets out a determined roar, and the crowd cheers loudly.

Panzer then heads to the nearest corner, and makes the climb.

Beth: And Panzer now, I think we all know what's coming next!

Mauro: The Eagle's spreading his wings!

Once at the top, Saez got up, and then yanked Panzer off the top turnbuckle, and onto his shoulders!

Mauro: Oh, but Saez is not gonna allow him to fly!

Panzer, however, was able to wiggle free, and reverse Saez's Fireman's Carry into a Twisting Brainbuster!


Nigel: Wow!!!

Mauro: Panzer with a Brainbuster to Saez!

Panzer then goes for the cover, but Saez kicks out at 2!

Nigel: No, not quite enough!

Beth: Oh my gosh, how did Saez kick out of that?!

Mauro: He doesn't want to be easily defeated!

Panzer slowly pulls himself up, and Saez rolls out of the ring and lays on the apron. 

It was then Panzer saw where Saez was, and then got up and tried to pick him up. Once he did, Saez pushed him off, then clocked Panzer with a Roundhouse Kick to the head!

This made Panzer stagger back a bit, Saez then springs off the top rope, looking for a Front Dropkick, but Panzer shot him out of the air with a Panzerschreck Kick!

Nigel: Oooh!!!!

Mauro: Panzerschreck!!!

Beth: Caught him right in midair!!!

Panzer then got up, and immediately began climbing to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now, Chris Panzer, wings all spread!

Panzer then leaps, and with his patented Frog Splash, called the "Eagle Splash", he flattens Saez!

Mauro: Eagle Splash!!! Chris Panzer lands all of it!!!

Panzer hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Panzer wins!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHRIS PANZER!!!

Panzer stood up as the referee raised his hand in victory.

Nigel: Hard-fought win for the leader of the Panzer Army! This is what Stan Smith faces come Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: Give props to Alejandro for hanging in there as long as he did! That was a back-and-forth exchange!

Saez gets up, pushes the referee out of the way, and stands face-to-face with Panzer.

But, just as it looked like Saez was about to attack Panzer, Saez actually held out his hand. Panzer shakes his hand, and Saez leaves the ring.

Mauro: And major respect is given by Alejandro Saez to Chris Panzer! This is what makes this industry so incredible to-

While Panzer was celebrating in the ring, Stan Smith came from behind, and jumped him!

Mauro: Oh, wait a second!

Nigel: It's Stan Smith! Panzer's Wrestlepalooza opponent!

Beth: Where did he come from!?

Stan Smith then began stomping away on him, then he picked him up, and threw him into a corner and stomped on him some more as the bell rang repeatedly. 

Stan Smith then dragged Panzer to the center of the ring. 

"Wanna hit me with that Panzerschreck, huh!?" He asks. 

He then grabbed his ankle. "Then hit me with it now!!!" He shouts as he locks on the Patriot Lock, his signature Ankle Lock! Panzer cried out in pain as he did so!

Mauro: Stan did not make an empty threat, here's here in LWF: Reborn, attacking the Leader of the Panzer Army!

Nigel: And he must have heard what Panzer said to me earlier! He's got the Patriot Lock in, trying to break Panzer's ankle!

Beth: Stan wants to make sure that Panzer doesn't make it to Wrestlepalooza at 100%!

Several Referees then came out, and tried to pry Stan off of Panzer. After another couple of minutes, Stan releases Panzer, and with his hands up, he backs off.


Once Stan's theme began, he hopped the barricade, fixed his suit and tie, and exited the arena through the crowd as Panzer clutches his ankle.

Mauro: Stan has stuck, and he has struck hard! This rivalry of nationality just got taken to a much bigger level!

Beth: If you ask me, Stan came off as a coward! After what we've seen from Panzer just now, I think Stan was watching too and had a feeling Panzer had a chance and wanted to ensure that chance is slim to none!

Nigel: Whatever means it takes to win, Beth! I don't think this will be any short of physical come Wrestlepalooza between these two!


Ravel Phenex and The Hybrid 2 were getting ready for the Main Event, when suddenly Koneko Toujou walked in.

Ravel: Ugh, you're the last person I wanna see right now!

Koneko: Likewise, Fried Chicken. I heard you talked your way into a match with Ruby. In other words, you backed yourself into a corner. 

Ravel: Oh, you think I can't beat one red twerp?

Koneko: *Bluntly* Yeah?

Ravel: Ugh. If this is why you came here, then get out!

Koneko then picked up her bags.

Koneko: I actually came here to grab my things, and you just so happened to be here. *Turns to leave but turns back around* oh, and one more thing, teach your mouth to write checks your ass can actually cash.

Koneko then leaves, shutting the door behind her. 

In another area backstage, Luna Loud was shredding in her guitar, and then her roadie, Chunk, walked up to her.

Chunk: Oi, Luna! Stagehands back 'ere told me yer on next! Y’Ready?

Luna: *Puts down her guitar* You bet I am, Chunk! LWF, get ready to rock, cuz the rockstar is back!

With a smile on her face, Luna jumps off a production box and heads her way to the ring.

Mauro: It's the start of the LWF Comeback Tour of Luna Loud, and she's ready to rock, next!


Back at Ringside…



Mauro: We are back with the 8th Cruiserweight Open Qualifying Match, and it's time to Let it Rip!

The crowd Cheers as Tyson Granger makes his entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, TYSON GRANGER!!!

Nigel: After his unfortunate exit from the Adrenaline Rush tournament, Tyson finds himself back for more! Let it never be said that this young man doesn't know the meaning of quit!

Beth: I'm sure you were impressed by his outing in the tournament, even if he was eliminated by Vali Lucifer, right Mauro?

Mauro: I indeed was. Granger has that fighting spirit that can't be matched.

Granger enters the ring, and awaits his opponent. 



The crowd cheers, as Luna Loud makes her entrance, rocking out to the beat.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Royal Woods, Michigan, LUNA LOUD!!!

Nigel: Well I'm sure lots of people have been waiting for this all night! Luna Loud is back at last, and she came here to rock!

Mauro: The Rockin’ and Ravin’ Rebel from the Loud Family, who is no stranger to competing in title matches no matter where she goes! 

Beth: She's been with LWF since day one much like her Sister Lana who we saw earlier tonight, and she could be a Stage Dive away from being one step closer to a Wrestlepalooza Moment!

Luna slides into the ring, and continues to rock on to her theme.

Luna then goes to a corner, and waits for the bell to ring.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Tyson and Luna lock up in the middle of the ring, Luna then gets Tyson in a Hammerlock. Tyson then counters it into a Wrist Lock. Luna then does a forward roll, then rolls back and gets Tyson in a Wrist Lock of her own. 

Tyson then does the same thing. He does a forward roll, then rolls back, but then he grabs Luna's ankle, and then sweeps her off her feet!

Tyson then goes for a Double Foot Stomp, but Luna rolls out of the way! Luna then gets up, then she and Tyson charged at each other, but Tyson went behind her, and rolled her up with a Schoolboy pin!

Luna kicks out at 2, they both get up, then Luna does a Double-leg Takedown on Tyson to take him off his feet! She then does a Jackknife pin, but Tyson bridges out at 2, then he turns it into a Backslide pin!

Luna kicks out at 2, then Tyson gets up, and pins her again, this time with an Oklahoma Roll, but again, Luna kicks out at 2!

They both get up once more, Tyson then lunges forward, looking to lock up with Luna, but she ducked underneath, and went behind him. She then takes him down with a mat return, and gets a Front Facelock locked on.

Tyson was then able to escape, and counter the Facelock into a Wrist Lock. Luna then does a forward roll, then nips up, and takes Tyson down with an Arm Drag.

Beth: Nice control by Luna there! So Mauro, Nigel, what's there to know about Luna when she's in the ring?

Nigel: What makes Luna very dangerous, is that she's explosive. Once that fuse is lit, she'll start rolling and nothing can stop her!

Tyson gets up, and staggers into a corner. Luna charges, and then Tyson stops her with a boot!

Tyson then hopped up onto the top turnbuckle, goes for a Crossbody, but Luna lands a Dropkick on him!

Mauro: And Luna! Perfectly timed Dropkick, shooting Tyson out of the air!

Luna then goes for the cover, but Tyson kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Not enough to keep Granger down, however!

Tyson gets up, and then Luna slams him down with a Back Suplex. Luna covers Tyson again, but Tyson kicks out at 2.

Luna then crosses Tyson's legs, and then locks on a Bow and Arrow hold on him.


Mauro: Bow and Arrow applied, and now Luna, stretching out Tyson Granger!

After a few minutes, Tyson was then able to pop out of the hold, and pin Luna to the mat, but Tyson only got a 2 count out of it!

Mauro: Granger able to escape, gets the cover, but Luna kicks out!

Beth: But how much did that affect Tyson?

Tyson gets up, favoring his lower back. Luna gets up as well, grabs Tyson, and throws him into a corner. 

Tyson staggered out of the corner, and then Luna went for a Back Body Drop on him but Tyson landed on his feet! Tyson turned around, so did Luna, and she went for a Clothesline but Tyson ducked it! Luna turns around, and then Tyson connects with a Spinning Jaw-jacker!

Mauro: Oooh, and Granger! Jacking Luna's jaw with that unique move!

Tyson goes for the cover, but Luna kicks out at 2!

Tyson gets up and then picks up Luna. He then hits the ropes, and knocks down Luna with a flying Forearm Smash! Luna gets up, and then Tyson knocks her down with another flying Forearm Smash!

Luna gets up, and then goes for a Clothesline on Tyson, but he catches her and connects with an Inverted Atomic Drop! 

Luna doubles over, Tyson hits the ropes, and then drops Luna with a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Nigel: And look at Granger go!

Mauro: Swinging Neckbreaker drops Luna!

Beth: Tyson's beginning to fire up!

Tyson quickly goes for the cover, but Luna kicks out at 2! 

Mauro: But Luna is not about to give up that easily!

Tyson then picks up Luna, but Luna lands some punches to his gut to stall him. Tyson answers back with a Back Elbow. Luna staggers back, but then connects with a Superkick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Luna Loud with a beautiful Superkick!

Tyson staggers back, and spills out of the ring, and onto the floor. 

Tyson was now out on his feet, and then Luna goes for a Wrecking Ball Dropkick, and connects with it!

Mauro: Tyson falls out to the outside of the ring! And a Wrecking Ball dropkick, pushes him back some more!

Luna then rolls back into the ring, and then she climbs up to the top turnbuckle. 

Nigel: Oh, Tyson does not wanna be out there with Luna up there!

Tyson gets up, and then Luna leaps, and flattens Tyson with a Crossbody!

Mauro: And the Rockstar soars!

Nigel: Tyson's in trouble!

Luna throws Tyson back into the ring, and then covers him, but only gets a 2 count out of it!

Beth: Tyson, still able to kick out, though!

Luna gets back up to her feet and measures Tyson from behind. Tyson gets up, and she hits a Dropkick on him from behind, sending Tyson face first onto the middle turnbuckle. 

Luna then takes a few steps back, and then charges and lands a Knee Strike to the back of Tyson's head!

Mauro: And Luna with a knee right to the back of the head!

Luna then dragged Tyson into position, and climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Nigel: And the Rocker, looking to take flight one more time!

Luna then leaped and went for her signature Swanton Bomb, the "Stage Dive", but Tyson rolled into the corner, evading it!

Mauro: No! Nothing but canvas for Luna!

Luna then gets up to her knees, arching back in pain, then Tyson got up, and planted Luna with a Reverse STO!


Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Tyson Granger! Planting Luna Loud!

Beth: This could be it!

Tyson scrambles into the corner, but Luna kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: No, only a near fall!

Beth: That's gotta be the closest Tyson got thus far!

Tyson wasn't about to settle for a 2 and a half. He wanted to put one more nail in the coffin.

Tyson gets back up, and then he picks up Luna. Luna however, pushes him off! Tyson then goes for a Clothesline, but Luna ducked, hit the ropes, and came off the rebound, hitting Tyson with a flying Forearm Smash! She lays for a couple seconds before nipping up, getting a pop from the fans.

Mauro: And Luna all fired up like a rockstar ready to play their smash hit!

As soon as Tyson got back up to his feet, Luna quickly kicked him in the gut, hooking him up for the Twist of Fate, which she affectionately dubs “E. Minor”, and drilled him with it!


Nigel: Oh, and Tyson just experienced pain in E. Minor!

Luna then headed up to the top turnbuckle one more time.

Beth: And we know what comes after that, akin to the Hardy Boyz!

Luna then poses like Jeff Hardy, and then hits the Stage Dive on Tyson!

Mauro: Say it with her everybody, STAGE DIVE!

Nigel: Luna Loud's going crazy!

Luna then picked Tyson up. "Get ready to rock!!!!" She shouts, before hitting Tyson with a Lifting DDT she calls the "Smash Hit"!


Mauro: OH! And speaking of Smash Hits, there was one for Tyson for good measure!

Nigel: Heath Slater would be proud of that one!

Luna then goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Luna's our 8th Cruiserweight Open competitor!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, LUNA LOUD!!!

Mauro: Welcome back, Luna! She has shot to title contention in fast and furious fashion!

Nigel: With one big move after another in that sequence just now, there was no way Tyson was getting up from that! Luna joins the field for the Cruiserweight Open, and she's definitely gonna rock the house at Wrestlepalooza!

Luna's right hand gets raised by the referee in victory as she throws up the goats with her other hand, celebrating her first win back.

Beth: Well guys, with 8 confirmed competitors now in the Cruiserweight Open, there's only two spots left! And we're gonna find out who gets them next episode! Episode 23 will see the Canadian Dragon, Zayden Treudau, in action to get his own shot at a title like his Foodie Friend Ruby, against the brash and ego-driven Danger Duck!

Mauro: Maybe Duck's luck will turn around here, but in the final Qualifying match, we have Applejack, taking on the hard hitting Aussie, Shane Thorne!

Nigel: But up next, its main event time! A score is to be settled, as Ruby Rose and Ravel Phenex go one on one!


Aria Blaze was on her way out of the building, when Kayla Braxton walked up to her. 

Kayla: Aria Blaze, care to give your thoughts on what transpired earlier tonight, about your upcoming match with Bombay Suarez at Velocity?

Aria: My thoughts? I'm gonna send Bombay packing.

Aria then leaves, the exit door shutting behind her.

In another area in the back, Zayden finally meets up with Sonata, having been rescued from the Semi truck trailer.

Sonata: Hey, Zayden.

Zayden: Not gonna lie Sonata, that was the craziest I've ever seen you! What were you thinking?!

Sonata: Well, you DID say "Do something different"...

Zayden: Touche.

Sonata: But anyways, I bet you are stoked for the next episode! 

Zayden: I sure am. Nothing's gonna stop me from going to Wrestlepalooza to compete for the Cruiserweight Championship.

???: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, buster!

That's when Danger Duck came into view, confidently getting into Zayden's face.

Danger Duck: If anyone is going to Wrestlepalooza to contend for the Cruiserweight Championship, and winning, it's me. And I'll be plucked if I let some hockey player ruin my journey!

Zayden: I don't know, your last couple of matches don't seem to add up with the first half of your sentence. And besides… I'm more than just a hockey player. I've stood in equal contention to people just like you, and you wanna know what happened to them? I beat them. Next episode, you're gonna be just like those I've beaten before, laying on the mat and looking at the lights.

Danger Duck: *Scoffs* Dare to dream, Canadian Dragon. Dare to dream.

Danger Duck then walks off. Both Sonata and Zayden looked on, unimpressed. 

Sonata: He's gonna find out the hard way just how hot your flames are.

Zayden: I don't breathe fire, but youre right. I'm gonna show him. *Pats Sonata on the back*

Back at Ringside…

"Live, the Ravel-ution!" Echoed through the arena. Then…


(MAIN EVENT: Ravel Phenex vs. Ruby Rose)

Ravel Phenex makes her entrance, The Hybrid 2 following behind her. 

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen… this is your MAIN EVENT of the evening, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by The Hybrid 2, RAVEL PHENEX!!!

Mauro: To kick off the show tonight, Ruby was declaring she would be victorious at Wrestlepalooza, when Ravel and TH2 came out to trade blows with the Sultan of Speed! Things were said, and now here we are! Our main event, where scores need to be settled!

Nigel: With Angelico and Evans in tow, Ravel has no shortage of confidence, and I'm sure TH2 feels the same going into their Ladder Match for the tag titles at wrestlepalooza!

Beth: Jack Evans talked with me about his and Angelico's odds for the Ladder Match, and he wasn't sweating over it or anything of the sort. 

Ravel enters the ring, as do Evans and Angelico, and Ravel raises a fist up into the air, as The Hybrid 2 stand behind her. Then all 3 of them looked up at the stage, awaiting Ravel's opponent. 



The crowd pops, and Ruby Rose makes her entrance, throwing her hands up, rallying the fans.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent! Hailing from the Kingdom of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!!!

Mauro: I'm sure somewhere, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants, the Wattpad Champion, is watching this match closely. 

Nigel: I'm sure he will, seeing as how these two are gonna be battling for the second, and maybe Ruby’s, last time.

Ruby, with a running start, then dives through the ropes, and nips up before punching the air, with a smile on her face.

Beth: That's a tall order at Wrestlepalooza for Ruby Rose, a win here may boost that confidence and momentum!

The Hybrid 2 then exits the ring, and Ravel just looks at Ruby with a smug expression on her face.

Ruby then goes to a corner, and then the bell rings to start the match.

Ruby and Ravel then lock up in the middle of the ring, then Ruby gets Ravel in a Wrist Lock. Ravel then counters it into a Wrist Lock of her own before pulling Ruby into a Side Headlock. 

She then transitioned into a Hammerlock before letting go, and getting Ruby in a Cravate Headlock. 

Mauro: Ravel now, with a Cravate cinched in.

Nigel: Ravel, looking to turn the match to her favor as soon as she can.

Ravel wrenched on the hold as hard as she could, putting a lot of pressure on Ruby's neck. She then tries to take Ruby down with a Snapmare, but she lands on her feet! Ruby then hits the ropes, Ravel does a drop down, and Ruby hops over her. Ravel gets up, and looks to send Ruby flying with a Hip Toss, but Ruby reverses it and goes for the Hip Toss on Ravel, but Ravel blocks it!

Ruby tries again, but Ravel continues to block it. Ruby then lands a punch to the gut, and Ravel doubles over. Ruby then placed her leg across the back of Ravel's neck, and then did a backflip before finally hitting the Hip Toss on Ravel!

Mauro: And Ruby finally connects with the Hip Toss!

Ravel gets up, then Ruby connects with a leaping Enzuigiri! Ravel was stunned, then Ruby got up, and hits a Dropsault, knocking Ravel off her feet!


Beth: Oh, wow, what a Dropsault!

Nigel: That's a beautiful maneuver right there!

Ruby then goes for the cover, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

Ravel gets up, so does Ruby. Ruby goes to lock up with Ravel again, but Ravel cuts her off with a kick to the gut! Ravel then gets a Side Headlock on her, but after a few seconds, Ruby pushes Ravel to the ropes before finally shoving her off.

Ravel hits the ropes, and then off the rebound, she knocks Ruby off her feet with a Shoulder Block!

Ravel goes to hit the ropes, then Ruby does a drop down. Ravel saw that, and was able to stop herself.

Mauro: Drop Down by Ruby Rose, but Ravel was able to put on the brakes!

Ravel then got onto Ruby's back and repeatedly stomped her face onto the mat! The crowd boos as the referee begins the 5 count. At the count of 2, Ravel gets off of Ruby's back, and does a mocking crying taunt.

Nigel: And now Ravel, showing a bit of a mean streak!

Ravel then picked up Ruby, and threw her out of the ring. Ravel then hits the ropes, looking for a Suicide Dive, but Ruby gets out of the way! Ravel was able to change direction however, and still managed hit the Suicide Dive on Ruby!

Beth: Ooh!

Mauro: Ravel Phenex, with the misdirection!

Ravel gets up and gets back in the ring. The referee begins to warn Ravel but as soon as that happened, Jack Evans ran up to Ruby and delivered a swift kick to her ribs!

Mauro: And Jack Evans! 

Nigel: Like a weasel picking its spot to strike!

Evans then throws Ruby back into the ring, and then Ravel picks her up, and drapes her on the second rope. 

She then presses her knee across the back of Ruby's neck, choking her! The referee begins the 5 count, and Ravel releases Ruby at 4. Ravel steps back, but then delivers a Roundhouse Kick to the back of Ruby's head!

The referee again, pulls Ravel away from Ruby, and now it's Angelico who gets involved, who delivers a big Boot as Ruby involuntarily stuck her head out of the ring!

Mauro: And now Angelico picks his spot!

Ravel then gets a Grounded Headlock locked in and then transitions into a Front Facelock. After a minute or so, she lets go of Ruby, and then delivered some knee strikes to her head and shoulder blades!

Ravel then locks on the Front Facelock once more.

Beth: Ravel Phenex, with a more ground game approach here!

Mauro: Wasn't expecting this out of Ravel! 

The crowd begins to cheer Ruby on, and then after a few minutes, Ruby slowly gets back to her feet. Ruby then lands a few punches to the gut to loosen the hold, but then Ravel cuts her off with a knee to Ruby's gut.

Ravel then goes to throw Ruby to the ropes, but Ruby changes the momentum around and throws Ravel to the ropes instead! Ruby then looks to do a Back Body Drop on Ravel, but Ravel backflips over her!

Ruby turns around, Ravel lunges towards Ruby, but Ruby was able to take her down with a Schoolgirl Pin! 

Mauro: Oh, Ruby rolls up Ravel!

Nigel: She could have her here!

Ravel kicks out at 2, both girls get up, then Ruby gets her with a Victory Roll, rolls through, and then she flattens Ravel with a Frog Splash!

Beth: Wow! What a beautiful splash!

Ruby hooks the leg, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

Ruby gets up, and the fans rallied on. 

Mauro: And now Ruby Rose, looking to pick up the pace!

Ravel gets up, and then Ruby knocks her down with a flying Forearm Smash! Ravel gets up, and then Ruby knocks her down with a Back Elbow!

Ruby then picks her up, tries to throw her to the ropes but Ravel turns the momentum around. Ruby hits the ropes, and then off the rebound, she takes down Ravel with a Hurricanrana!

Nigel: And now Ravel Phenex, finding out firsthand what Ruby Rose is capable of!

Ravel rolls out of the ring, and into the arms of Evans and Angelico. 

Mauro: And now Ravel, finding sanctuary in the arms of The Hybrid 2…

Ruby then hits the ropes, and wipes out The Ravel-ution with a Fosbury Flop!


Mauro: Oooh! But she wasn't safe for very long! 

Nigel: Ruby took out everyone!

Beth: This is her big chance!

Ruby throws Ravel back into the ring. She then sets up in the corner and measures Ravel.

Nigel: A Silver Flash or Crescent Rose Slice could be coming!

But before she could do anything, she felt something holding her ankles. She looked down, and saw both Evans and Angelico had gotten up, and grabbed her feet!

Mauro: And The Hybrid 2 AGAIN, getting involved in this match!

Beth: How is this even fair to Ruby!? This is basically three against one!

Ruby was able to free herself, but that distraction was the last straw. The referee had spotted them, and ejected both Evans and Angelico from ringside, getting a cheer from the fans. The Hybrid 2, and even Ravel, were absolutely furious!

Mauro: And the referee, doing the right thing, and sending Evans and Angelico packing!

Nigel: Got too overzealous with the involvement, and it cost them!

Beth: Well this changes everything! It's finally one on one! Ravel Phenex is on her own!

Ravel pleaded with the referee, but from behind, Ruby grabbed her, lifted her up for a Back Suplex, and then flipped her over into a DDT!

Mauro: And Ruby Rose!

Beth: Now that's a unique DDT!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Ravel kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, Ruby only got a 2 out of it!

Nigel: Turning point of the match now, this is anyone's game!

Ruby then gets up, and once Ravel was up to one knee, Ruby quickly went for the Silver Flash, but Ravel ducked it!

Ruby falls flat on her face, then Ravel gets back up. Ruby gets up too, then Ravel does a forward roll into a Drop Toe Hold, and then delivers a swift Kick to the back of Ruby's head!

This stuns Ruby, and then Ravel quickly ran to the nearby corner and climbed up top.

Mauro: Ravel up top, I think Ruby is about to experience a Ravel-ation!

“Say good night, Little Red!" Ravel says. She then goes for the Ravel-ation, but as she leapt, Ruby countered it into a Sitout Powerbomb!

Mauro: Ravel off the top- OOOH! Sitout Powerbomb!!!

Beth: What an amazing counter by Ruby!

The referee started to count, but Ravel kicked out at 2 and a half!

Mauro: And Ravel's out at 2 and a half!

Nigel: Ravel, kicking out at the last second, I thought for sure Ravel Phenex was done!

Ruby and Ravel get up, and now begin to throw strikes at each other. Ravel lands a jab at Ruby, Ruby responds with a kick to Ravel's leg. Ravel responds with a kick to the chest, and Ruby answers back with a chest level Kick of her own.

Beth: These two are now leaving everything in the ring!

Ravel then lands a Forearm Smash, and then Ruby responds with a Forearm Smash of her own, this one knocking Ravel back a bit. 

Ravel then goes for a Rolling Elbow, but then Ruby blocks it! Then, in very rapid succession, Ruby lands a Back Elbow, then a jab, and then a Knife Edge Chop before topping it off with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh, a great offensive combination by Ruby!

Ravel stumbles back, and Ruby hits the ropes, looking for the Crescent Rose Slice to finish her off, but again, Ravel countered, catching Ruby with a Spanish Fly as she came off the rebound!

Mauro: Ruby trying for a finisher again- OH! Standing Spanish Fly by Ravel Phenex!!!

Ravel then climbed to the top turnbuckle, and waited for Ruby to get up. Once she did, Ravel went for the Ravel-ation and connected!


Nigel: There it is!

Mauro: The Ravel-ation connects!

Beth: I think that's it! Almost no one gets up from that!

Ravel covers Ruby in a smug fashion, but at 2.9, Ruby kicked out, and Ravel was in utter disbelief!

Nigel: It's all over for Ruby- NO!!!  NO IT'S NOT!!! 


Beth: Ravel's in shock! That was her best shot yet!

The crowd began to chant "This is awesome!", as Ravel slowly turned and looked at the now loopy Ruby.

Mauro: I really hope "Abrasive" Spongebob is watching this match, because this isn't the same Ruby Rose he faced before! 

Beth: No, not at all! This Ruby Rose is willing to dig down to new depths!

Ravel then dragged Ruby into position, and then climbed up the corner one more time.

Nigel: Well whatever Ravel's got in mind now, it's gonna be a definitive done deal!

Ravel then went for a 450 Splash, but not only did Ruby roll out of the way, Ruby quickly locked Ravel in a LeBell Lock, and screamed at the top of her lungs as she pulled back as far as she possibly could! Ravel's eyes widened in both pain and shock as she began to get frantic, trying to escape!

Mauro: Oh, Ravel went for the 450- but Ruby!!! Ruby Rose with the LeBell Lock!!!

Nigel: Ruby's got it in deep! Is Ravel gonna tap?!

Beth: She may have no choice!

Ravel was able to scoot close enough to the ropes, but then Ruby pushed off the bottom rope, and rolled to the center of the ring! 

Mauro: Oh, and just as Ravel was about to force a break, Ruby made sure that wasn't gonna happen!

Ruby then wrenched back even further, and Ravel finally succumbs and taps out!

Mauro: And Ruby Rose wins!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:03)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match by way of Submission, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: This was an interstellar match between two individuals who matched in style, and put on an absolute clinic!

Nigel: Ravel had something to prove to Ruby, and vice versa! Both showed off their best moves, but in the end, it was Ruby, who capitalized on a chance, and locked in the LeBell Lock for the submission win!

The referee raises Ruby's hand, and then Ruby climbs the corner and throws a fist up into the air in celebratory fashion, getting a louder cheer from the fans. 

Beth: This is major momentum for Ruby as she heads towards Wrestlepalooza, because it's do or die for her! No excuses, no rope breaks, no tricks! If Ruby loses, then no more opportunities as long as Spongebob is Wattpad Champion!

Mauro: One more shot at destiny for Ruby Rose. At Wrestlepalooza, will that be the day Ruby's destiny is fulfilled?

Nigel: Or will that destiny go up in smoke, courtesy of the Abrasive one?


Man, Wrestlepalooza is shaping up to be an awesome event! What did you all think of Episode 21?

I mean, The Crusts got their first win, the matches were amazing, Adagio and Luna Collins put on a clinic, same with Panzer and Saez, and Ruby and Ravel!

What shall be in store for Episode 22? Well stay tuned!

See y'all there!

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