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EPISODE 22 is here! Merry Christmas, everyone!

Let's see how this Episode goes!



37 seconds into the song, the opening pyro goes off inside the Viejas Arena in San Diego, California. 

The camera then pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks. 

Mauro: It's another rowdy night here in LWF! We are here in the Viejas Arena, in San Diego, California! Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Nigel: Episode 21 was a banger of an Episode, and tonight promises to be just as explosive! Tonight our last two Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers will take place! One match featuring the man from the land down under, Shane Thorne, taking on the gal from Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack! The other match will be the Canadian Dragon, Zayden Trudeau, taking on the brash Danger Duck!

Mauro: Also happening tonight, we will see Ilja Dragunov return to In-Ring action after making a return to LWF back in Episode 17, now he's got one thing in mind, get his hands on the man that put him on the shelf, and that man is Chris Brookes!

Beth: Also happening later tonight, in an attempt to weaken Flash Morgan Webster heading into Wrestlepalooza, Eddie Dennis will be taking on the Modfather with the intent to break and injure Webster!

Nigel: And after scoring their first win last Episode, The Crust Cousins will have their Test Your Limits Challenge later tonight! Also, the hired assassin, that is Dennis, will be in action. Whoever stands across the ring from him, better start praying!

Mauro: And in our Main Event, as stated in an LWF Exclusive, Adagio Dazzle will finally get her chance to shine! Tonight, the Sensational Siren takes on the Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay. If Adagio wins, she will be added to the title match, and the Main Event will be contested under Triple Threat rules! But enough talk, let's head to the action!



(OPENING MATCH: Snips and Snails vs. Rev Runner and Robin Sane)

The crowd boos as Snips and Snails made their entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest is a Tag Team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of… SNIPS AND SNAILS!

Mauro: These guys haven't had the best of luck as of late. They took losses left and right, even giving the Crust Cousins their first win!

Beth: And at Velocity, they got smoked by Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel! Then they talked their way into this match, so Snips and Snails are just really unlucky!

Snips and Snails enter the ring, and then they high five each other before throwing their hands up into the air, the crowd booing them some more.



The crowd cheers as Robin Sane makes his entrance. 

"Tara, let's go!" Sane shouts. Then he high fives some of the fans as he makes his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, first from San Juan, Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 180 Pounds, he is the Tracer, Trailblazer, Speed Chaser, the Daredevil, ROBIN SANE!!!

Robin Sane then stops halfway down the ramp, and then…


Rev Runner makes his entrance, and the crowd cheered loudly.

Jeremy Borash: And his Tag Team Partner, from Acmetropolis, REV RUNNER!!!

Mauro: These two, Rev Runner and Robin Sane, have a second chance at Championship gold at Wrestlepalooza, but tonight they're gonna fight side by side, against Snips and Snails. 

Beth: We've seen what these guys can do in the ring on their own, but together? We probably might have the closest thing to our very own Air Force One!

Nigel: No way Snips and Snails are gonna keep up!

Rev meets Robin at the halfway point at the ramp, then they continue onwards to the ring. Rev slides into the ring, and Robin slingshots himself over the ropes to enter. Both of them stand in the middle of the ring, and Rev throws up two fingers while Robin shouted "Tara, let's go!".

Robin and Snips then start it off, and the bell rings.

Snips and Robin lock up in the middle of the ring, and then Snips gets Robin in a Wrist Lock. Robin then does a forward roll and then gets Snips in a Wrist Lock of his own. 

Snips then tries to do the same thing, but he couldn't get up. He then tried to nip up but he failed, getting laughter from the fans.

Snips eventually got back to his feet, and then stomped on Robin's foot! This loosened Robin's Wrist Lock, and then Snips easily broke free. He then began to land some punches to the head and gut of Robin. This got Robin to stagger backward into a nearby corner, and Snips continued to land more strikes to Robin's head and body before throwing him to the corner diagonally across. 

However as he tried to do so, Robin was able to turn the momentum around and send Snips into the corner instead! Robin charges, but then Snips sends him flying out of the ring with a Back Body Drop! Robin safely lands on the apron, though. Snips sees this and tries to knock him off, but Robin intercepts with a Shoulder Barge through the ropes and into Snips' gut!

Robin then slingshots himself over the top rope and rolls up Snips with a Sunset Flip pin!

Mauro: And Robin Sane, looking to put Snips away!

Snips kicks out at 2, and then they both get up. Robin goes for a Clothesline on Snips, but he ducks it and goes behind Robin. Snips tries to lock on a Full Nelson on Robin, but Robin fights out of it, and takes him down with an Arm Drag! Snips gets up, and then Robin takes him down with another Arm Drag!

Mauro: Robin Sane now, taking Snips down with a series of Arm Drags!

Snips gets up, and tries to intercept with a Clothesline, but Robin ducks and fluently drops him with a Side Russian Leg Sweep!

Mauro: And a textbook Side Russian Leg Sweep to top it off!

Beth: Snips is caught in a Whirlwind of hurt right now!

Robin goes for the cover, but Snips kicks out at 2. Robin gets up, and hypes up the fans, getting a cheer from them. He then goes to pick up Snips, but he fights back with a two-handed chop to Robin's throat!

Mauro: And Snips with a shot to the throat!

Robin clutches his throat, and drops to one knee. Snips then grabs Robin and goes to throw him out of the ring. But again, Robin turned the momentum around, and it was Snips who got tossed out of the ring! Robin gets back on his feet, and raises his hand, getting cheers from the fans.

Mauro: And now Snips, getting thrown out of the ring!

Nigel: This is now a new personal best record for Snips and Snails! They lasted more than ten seconds this time!

Robin then tags in Rev, and then Rev hits the ropes, but then Snips cuts him off by grabbing his ankles and dragging him out of the ring. Once he did, Snips threw him into the steel steps!

Mauro: Oooh, and as quickly as he got into the match, Snips shuts him down!

Beth: Driven into the steel steps!

Snips throws Rev back into the ring, and then tags in Snails. Snails throws Rev into Snips with an Irish Whip, and Snips trips him with a Drop Toe Hold. Snips then gets on all fours, and Snails, with a running start, launches off Snips' back and lands an Elbow Drop!

Snips gets up, props Rev up to one knee, and holds him in place. Snails measures him up, then charges and connects with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Mauro: And now Snips and Snails showing some impressive Tag Team chemistry!

Nigel: Where was this, the last couple of matches they had!?

Snails rolls Rev away from the ropes, then goes for the cover, but Rev kicks out at 2.

Snails gets up, picks up Rev, and throws him into the nearest corner. Snails then charges, and then connects with a Forearm Smash. He then takes him down with a Snapmare, and then inflicts more damage with a Rolling Neck Snap!


Snails goes for the cover again, but Rev was still able to kick out at 2. 

Snails then drags Rev to Snips, and Snails tags Snips in.

Snips then picks up Rev, then drops him with a Pendulum Backbreaker and holds him in place. Snails then hits the ropes, and then connects with a Knee Lift to the side of Rev's head!

Mauro: And look at Snips and Snails go!

Snips goes for the cover, but Rev kicks out at 2. Rev reaches out to Robin, but Snips lands a few Forearm Smashes to the lower back, then drapes him on the second rope. 

Snips then presses his knee into the back of his neck, choking Rev on the second rope!

The referee starts the 5 count, and Snips releases Rev at 3. Snips steps back, then drags Rev to the center of the ring and gets a Grounded Headlock on him.

Mauro: And Snips now, taking it to Rev Runner!

Beth: I'm actually impressed with how Snips and Snails have improved! 

Nigel: Perhaps Rev and Robin have taken them too lightly!

After a couple minutes, Rev was able to get back up, and then elbowed Snips in the gut. Rev then pushed him to the ropes and used the momentum to shove Snips off.

Snips comes off the rebound, but instead of knocking down Rev, Rev actually caught him and slammed him down with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: And Rev Runner! What a Spanish Fly!

Rev covers Snips, but Snips kicks out at 2!

Rev and Snips then began to make the slow crawl to their respective corners, Robin and Snails cheering their respective partners on.

Nigel: And now this could be the turning point of the match! Both Snails and Robin Sane want in!

After making the slow crawl, Snips and Rev make the hot tag! Snails and Robin get in, and Robin knocks down Snails with a flying Forearm Smash! Snails gets up, then Robin knocks him down with another Forearm Smash!

Snails gets up, and then goes for a Clothesline but Robin ducks, hits the ropes, and then takes Snails down with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: And Robin Sane, living up to the Speed Chaser nickname!

Snails gets up, and staggers into the nearest corner. Robin Sane then charges, and connects with a Double Knee Strike!

Nigel: Robin Sane's firing on all cylinders now!

Snails staggers out of the corner, and then Robin hits the ropes and drops Snails with a Sling Blade!

Mauro: Sling Blade!

Beth: Snails has been shell-shocked!

Snails slides out of the ring, and Snips joins up with him, trying to motivate him. Unbeknownst to them, Rev has joined up with Robin in the ring! They then hit the ropes, and they both did a Tope Con Giro at the same time, wiping out Snips and Snails!

Mauro: Robin and Rev! Flying through the sky, and wiping out Snips and Snails!

Robin then throws Snails back into the ring, and goes for the cover. Snails kicks out at 2, and Robin gets up, and tags in Rev.

Rev then picks up Snails for the Rev Theory, but Snails elbows him in the gut!

Mauro: And Rev looking for the Rev Theory, but Snails saw it coming!

Nigel: For someone who's pretty dim, Snails had some awareness to scout that!

Snails then hits the ropes, but is sent flying by Rev with a Back Body Drop! Rev then charges at Snips, and knocks him off the apron with a Dropkick!

Beth: And there goes Snips!

Rev then tags in Robin, and then Robin picks up Snails, and sets him up for the Spider Driver, but Snails countered it into a Sunset Flip!

Mauro: Oh, Robin looking for the Spider Driver, but Snails!

Robin was able to kick out at 2, then they both got up, Robin went for a Clothesline, but Snails ducked and then dropped him with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Wow, Neckbreaker by Snails!

Nigel: Maybe Snips and Snails have potential after all!

Snips at this time, was back on the apron, and Snails tags him in. Snips and Snails then pick up Robin, and throw him to the ropes. Robin rebounds, and then he drops them both with a Flying Clothesline!

Mauro: And Robin Sane!!!

Beth: Two for the price of one!

Snails rolls out of the ring, and then Rev flattens him with an Asai Moonsault!

Nigel: And look at Rev!!!

Mauro: Asai Moonsault takes out Snails!

Back in the ring, Robin picks up Snips, and plants him with the Spider Driver!


Mauro: And Robin Sane! Spider Driver connects!

Sane then gets up, and drags Snips into the corner. He then climbs to the top, and then tags in Rev.

Mauro: And now Robin, tagging Rev in!

Robin then leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits the 450 Splash! 

Nigel: 450!!!

Rev climbs up afterwards, and then Robin gets up, and shouts "Give it to 'em!".

Beth: And I think we're about to see a flying Roadrunner!

Rev then leaps, and flattens Snips with a Shooting Star Press!

Mauro: And Rev Runner, going airborne!!!

Rev hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Sane and Rev walk out victorious!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:12)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, Robin Sane, and REV RUNNER!!!

Mauro: What a way to kick off Episode 22! Robin and Rev, victorious in their first tag team outing, shutting up Snips and Snails!

Nigel: But you gotta give them credit! After losing so easily the last two times to The Crusts, and to Natsu and Gray over in Velocity, Snips and Snails finally showed what they were all about! But unfortunately, their string of losses continues!

The referee then raises the hands of Rev and Robin, and Snips and Snails look on in disgust and defeat.

Beth: A valiant effort from Snips and Snails, but tonight, the better team was Rev Runner, and Robin Sane. 

Mauro: Tonight, Sane and Rev were partners but at Wrestlepalooza, they will be opponents in the Cruiserweight Open. 

Nigel: Well speaking of the Cruiserweight Open we only have two more Qualifiers to go through!

Beth: And later tonight, Ilja Dragunov makes his In-Ring return, and in our Main Event, Adagio Dazzle takes on Will Ospreay, and if she wins, she is added to the Main Event at Wrestlepalooza!

Mauro: But up next, is one of the last two Cruiserweight Open Qualifiers, as Applejack takes on Shane Thorne!

Nigel: This one should be hard hitting!


Ruby and Sonata were with Zayden Treudau as he was warming up for his own Cruiserweight open qualifier.

Sonata: You totally got this, Zay! Tonight is your night!

Zayden: Thanks, Sonata. 

Ruby: Just get past that loud mouthed duck, and-

That's when Danger Duck walked in.

Danger Duck: Still dreaming, eh? Well don't worry, I'll wake you up. 

Ruby: *sighs* Speaking of whom….

Danger Duck: Y’know, I think the two of you are dreaming. *Points at Sonata* Dreaming about getting back at someone… *Points at Ruby* and you, dreaming about championship gold. Well I, *Scoffs* Well I'm wide awake, and I'm here to tell you all, that I, Danger Duck-

Zayden cuts him off by sticking out his hand in front of Duck's face.

Zayden: Dreaming? Well if I'm dreaming, you're delusional. You do a lot of talking, but what you don't wanna admit is that you lack the skills to back up your talk. Me, I beat a 15 year veteran with less than 6 Months of Wrestling experience. What have you done? 

Danger Duck just stands there silently.

Zayden: I thought so. Tonight, it's gonna be ME who wakes YOU up.

All Duck did was smirk, and with a scoff, he walked off, leaving the three to their devices.

In another area backstage, specifically the parking lot, a black, modern car rolls up, and Adagio Dazzle comes out. But as she did, Kayla Braxton walked up to her.

Kayla: Adagio, tonight, you will be competing in what may be your biggest match to date against Will Ospreay, and if you win, you will be added to the Main Event of Wrestlepalooza, making it a Triple Threat Match! Cate to tell us what's going through your mind?

Adagio: Really? That's the best question you got for me? *Sighs* Well, since you asked, my thoughts are that LWF management finally did something right for once. They put me center stage where I belong, in a match I know I’ll win, to finally get the title shot that I've been owed. Whether management likes it or not, and whether the fans like it or not, I'm LWF's standard bearer! And I will once again prove it, when I punch my ticket to Wrestlepalooza. 

Kayla: Okay, and one more question, after what Sonata did last Episode, are you afraid that she might-

Adagio: Ap! Ap! Ap! No, we are not doing that again! Goodbye!

Adagio then walks off.

The camera then cuts back to ringside, and then…



Shane Thorne makes his entrance, and the crowd boos him.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Cruiserweight Open Qualifier match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, hailing from Perth, Western Australia, he weighs in tonight at 220 Pounds, SHANE THORNE!!!

Nigel: In terms of big opportunities, unlike Adagio, none have come the way of Thorne until now! He's been extremely bitter about it, and he's not gonna wait one more second to get his shot at glory!

Beth: Nope, and he looks to plow through anyone just to get to the top!

Shane Thorne enters the ring, and sits on the top turnbuckle, waiting for his opponent. 



Mauro: And here comes the gal Thorne has to beat! One of the biggest standouts in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament!

The crowd cheered as Applejack made her entrance, walking out as she smiled, tipping her stetson hat to the crowd. 

She takes a drink from her cider bottle as fountain pyro goes off. Once she did, she held the bottle up high, and another blast of pyro went off before she made her way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, hailing from Sweet Apple Acres, APPLEJACK!!!

Beth: First off, let's hope that Cider is non-alcoholic! Second, Applejack has shown to be SO impressive right from the very first round of the Adrenaline Rush tournament! She scored a major upset win against Chris Panzer, had an amazing match against Xenovia Quarta in the second round, and she fought valiantly against Rev Runner! That country girl has a bright future here in LWF!

Nigel: No denying that for Applejack, she's got the talent to support everything as well! Country Strong, with an arsenal of moves derived from some of the best roughneck athletes back in the day, with a bit of a modern twist!

Applejack made her way down to ringside, sauntering up the ring steps. She finished up her cider before setting the bottle down near the steps. 

She held her hat as she entered the ring, then she climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and waved her hat around in the air, gaining cheers from the fans.

Mauro: She was a standout in the Tournament, and she may be a standout in the Cruiserweight Open if she walks out the ninth entrant!

Applejack then places her hat on top of the ring post, and warms up in the corner opposite to Thorne as the music fades out.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Thorne and Applejack lock up in the middle of the ring, Thorne then gets behind Applejack and grabs her with a Waistlock. Applejack breaks free, and then gets him in a Rear Waistlock of her own. Thorne quickly breaks free, and gets her back in the Rear Waistlock. 

Applejack then grabs one of Thorne's hands, breaks free, and applies a Wrist Lock. She then transitioned into a Hammerlock, but Thorne quickly reversed it into a Side Headlock. Applejack then pushed him into the ropes, and used the rebound momentum to shove off Thorne. Thorne hits the ropes, and then he knocks her down with a Shoulder Block!

Thorne goes for the cover, but Applejack kicks out at 2. Thorne then gets up, goes to hit the ropes but then Applejack does a drop down. Thorne hops over her and hits the ropes again, Applejack gets up, and then catches Thorne with a Hip Toss, planting him on the mat!

Mauro: Beautiful Hip Toss by Applejack!

Applejack goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at 2. Thorne gets up, and staggers into the nearest corner. Applejack then charges, but Thorne jumps out of the way!

Applejack was able to stop herself in time, but that gave Thorne an opening, and he delivered a swift Roundhouse Kick to the back of her head!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: What a shot by Thorne!

Beth: Applejack's gotta be rocked now!

Thorne then began to rain down on her with clubbing Forearm Smashes before throwing her out of the corner. 

Thorne then goes for the cover. Applejack kicks out at 2, and rolls out of the ring.

Thorne followed suit, and then began to punch, stomp, and kick away at Applejack!

Nigel: And now Thorne, in pursuit of Applejack! And just inflicting more damage!

Beth: To get his opportunity, he's gotta get her back in the ring! He can't get too overzealous!

Thorne then picked her up, and slammed her down on the apron with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: And Thorne with a Belly-to-Back Suplex onto the hardest part of the ring!

Applejack rolls into the ring, Thorne then goes for the cover, but Applejack kicks out at 2.

Thorne sits up, grabbing Applejack and standing her up with him. “No one is stopping me this time, not even you!” he says before getting up, and wrapping her arm in a French Triceps Lock.

Mauro: And now Thorne, looking to pull Applejack's arm out of its socket!

Nigel: Just wrenching at that arm, rendering it useless!

After a couple of minutes, the crowd began to clap, rallying behind Applejack. Applejack then gets to her feet, and uses her free hand to punch Thorne in the gut. But just as she was about to  climb back into the match, Thorne cuts her off with a knee to the gut. He then follows it up with a blow to the back, dropping her to one knee. He then placed her in the nearest corner, and delivered some Knife Edge Chops.

He then throws her into the corner diagonally across, but Applejack was able to hop off the bottom rope to evade Thorne! 

Applejack then hits the ropes, and then knocks Thorne down with a Clothesline! Thorne gets up, then Applejack plants him with an Inverted Atomic Drop! 

Applejack then goes to hit the ropes, but Thorne grabs her by the waistline of her pants, and pulls her into a Back Suplex! Luckily for Applejack, she landed on her feet!

Mauro: Back Suplex attempt- but no, Applejack lands on her feet!

Thorne turned around and swiftly went for a Clothesline, but Applejack ducked and hit the ropes. But as she came off the rebound, Thorne caught her with a Leg Lariat, connecting dead center on her face!

Mauro: Oh, wow!!! Thorne with a perfectly timed Leg Lariat!

Beth: Caught her right in the mush!

Thorne goes for the cover, but Applejack kicks out at 2.

Thorne then picks her up, and throws her into a corner. Thorne then charges, and connects with another Leg Lariat, and Applejack slumps down.

Thorne gets up, and then creates some distance, and goes for the Cannonball Senton, but Applejack was able to jump out of the way!

Mauro: And Applejack! Nobody home for Thorne!

Applejack gets back on her feet, and measures up Thorne. 

Once Thorne rolled back up to his feet, ready to strike back, Applejack hits the ropes and hits him with an Axe-handle strike! Thorne gets up, and then she connects with another Inverted Atomic Drop! Thorne doubles over, and then Applejack knocks him down with a Clothesline!

Mauro: Applejack's beginning to feel it, and Shane Thorne's reeling!

Thorne gets up, staggering around. Applejack then hits the ropes, drops him with a Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Neckbreaker by Applejack!

Nigel: Thorne's opportunity is slowly slipping away!

Applejack goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at 2, and slides out of the ring.

Applejack gets up, and then goes out and onto the apron.

Mauro: And Applejack, what does she have in mind here?

Thorne gets up, and then Applejack, with a running start, wipes him out with a Shooting Star Press off the apron!

Nigel: WOW!!!


Beth: When's the last time you saw Applejack do something like that!?

Nigel: Never! Wow, she's pulling out all the stops!

Applejack gets up, and throws Thorne back into the ring. She then slides into the ring, and measures up Thorne once more.

Mauro: And now Applejack, looking to close the deal!

Thorne gets up, then Applejack hoists him up onto her shoulders.

Beth: Uh oh, you know what she's going for!

Nigel: I indeed do!

Mauro: Thorne's about to go for an Eight Second Ride!

Applejack then goes for the Eight Second Ride, but Thorne lands on his feet and drops her with an impactful Saito Suplex!

Mauro: No, Thorne had it scouted, and drops Applejack on her head!

Nigel: Applejack is out!

Thorne then sees that Applejack is laying on the mat prone, and instead of going for the cover, he decides to climb to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Thorne, looking for one more exclamation point!

Beth: I hope he knows what he's doing!

Thorne then turns around, looks back down at Applejack for a brief moment, then he leaps and goes for a Phoenix Splash, but Applejack rolls out of the way, and Thorne hits the mat with a loud thud!

Mauro: And Thorne gets nothing but the canvas!

Nigel: Applejack was playing Possum!

Applejack then gets up, and Thorne gets up as well, doubling over and clutching his gut. Then he turned around, and walked right into a Last Call Superkick!

Beth: And Thorne, back onto his feet and- OH-HO-HO!


Applejack wasn't done, as Thorne fell into her arms, she hooked him up for the Cider Driver, and she successfully hits it!


Nigel: And that Last Call… was for THAT!


Applejack goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Applejack is Competitor Number Nine in the Cruiserweight Open! 

*Bell rings*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match… APPLEJACK!!!

Beth: Thorne's string of bad luck continues, but for Applejack, she's punched her ticket to Wrestlepalooza, and possibly become Cruiserweight Champion!

Replays of the end of the match then began to play.

NIgel: Take a look at this final moment! Off the failed Phoenix Splash, Thorne gets up, and walks right into this! WHAM! A Last Call by Applejack that would make James Storm proud!

Mauro: And that wasn't all, Applejack wanted to make sure that the ninth spot was hers, and planted Thorne with a scintillating Cider Driver!

The replays end, and the camera cuts back to the ring where Applejack's hand was raised by the referee. Then she crosses her legs and bows with a smile.

Mauro: Applejack now joins Robin Sane, Ken Warren, Luna Loud, Rev Runner, Kushida, A-Kid, Nathan Frazer, and Issei Hyoudou in the Cruiserweight Open. And not just that, she's also the fourth person from the Adrenaline Rush Tournament to get a second chance at Championship gold!

Beth: Well that's gonna be interesting! Four Tournament competitors all vying to get a second chance at glory! 

Mauro: Nine spots down, only one more left! We’ll know who rounds out the field of ten later tonight, as Zayden Trudeau, the Canadian Dragon, goes against Danger Duck!

Nigel: But up next, oh this is my favorite moment, The Crusts will have their Test Your Limits Challenge take place! After they scored their first victory, who's gonna be next!?

A vignette for The Peerage then played.

The Peerage were back in the Occult Research Club room. And Rias placed an hourglass that was halfway down on the coffee table.

Rias: You see this, Ladies? The time is almost here. Soon, LWF will be in good hands.

Rarity: And once we're in control, the brand is sure to reach new heights!

Weiss: and it's not just LWF that will reach new heights, but also the Fanfiction Wrestling world as a whole!

Akeno: Indeed. There will be no stopping our movement, and we shall reign till the end of time and beyond!

Rias: Well put, Akeno. Our time to strike is drawing near, so we must prepare for our arrival. And soon, LWF will witness the rise of The Peerage, and will know that Elegance…

All four of them: … Meets Excellence!

The vignette ends with the caption: THE PEERAGE - COMING SOON TO LWF

The camera cuts back to the Interviewing area, where Kayla Braxton was standing by.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, The Modfather, Flash Morgan Webster!
Webster then walked into the scene, wearing all of his ring gear, including his big aviator coat and holding his helmet. His round sunglasses were on and shiny, and he was also clean shaven. 

Kayla: Webster, it's great to see you back in LWF, and finally at Wrestlepalooza, you get to finally get even with Mark Andrews. But tonight, you will be facing his friend Eddie Dennis one on one. Are you concerned at all?

Flash Morgan Webster: Concerned? No, not at all, Kayla. I knew this was gonna happen. Pretty sure it's safe to assume Mark asked Eddie to soften me up for him. Because he knows what I'm capable of, and he knows that on my best day, I'm just as good of a High Flyer as he is, probably even better. 

Kayla: Alright, now this match between you and Andrews is obviously really personal, but do you still have some compassion for Mark Andrews after what he did?

Flash Morgan Webster: No. I'm still peeved that he dropped me to reform FSU with Eddie! We had a good team going, yet he decided to think that I was slowing him down? I don't know what went through his head that day to make him think of that, but what I do know is that with or without Mark by my side, going into not only Wrestlepalooza, but into 2023, not only is Mark gonna regret kicking me to the curb, LWF is going to be… the Modfather's house!

And with a smile, Webster leaves the Interviewing area.

The camera cuts back to ringside. Then…


The crowd boos as The Crust Cousins, Brit and Tiff, made their way out. They were feeling on top of the world, just one day removed from finally getting their first win.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for…. THE TEST YOUR LIMITS CHALLENGE!!! Introducing at this time, Brit and Tiff Crust, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Mauro: These girls have got to be on cloud nine after beating Snips and Snails to get their first win!

Nigel: Oh, I definitely was! Beating those two half-wits in a record 10 seconds even! You two have to admit, that was great to see!

Beth: Well, after so many losses on account of what they call… "Wardrobe Malfunctions" I guess that win was well deserved for Brit and Tiff, but let's hope the success doesn't go to their heads.

Nigel: Nah, I'm sure they're smarter than that!

Brit and Tiff enter the ring, then a stagehand gives them microphones. 

Brit: Hello, you people of California! You must be feeling good, because we are!

Tiff: 10 seconds! In just 10 seconds, we scored our first Tag Team win, erasing all our mistakes and getting us on the winning track! 

The crowd gave off mixed reactions.

Brit: So to celebrate our first win, this Test Your Limits Challenge is gonna be special!

Tiff: Uh huh, because tonight, WE picked a duo that may have what it takes to topple us!

Nigel: Aww, isn't that sweet of them?

Brit: Indeed we have.

Brit then looked behind her and in the far corner stood two girls. One was blonde-haired with a grayish-blue skin tone and purple eyes. The other was a lavender skin toned girl with blue eyes, and short, fuchsia colored hair.

Brit: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome tonight's contestants for the Test Your Limits Challenge, Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush!

Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush then all raised their hands as the crowd gave mixed reactions. 

Tiff: Alright you two. Ya got what it takes? Let's test your limits, shall we?

Brit and Tiff then tossed their microphones to the side, and got ready for the match.

Nigel: Well aren't they just sweethearts? They picked out a Tag Team that they feel has what it takes to hang with them. Kinda nice of them, huh?

Beth: More like someone they could stomp out in record time, the way I see it!

Nigel: Oh, you're just a Crust hater!

Beth: I'm just saying, Nigel.

Tiff and Lavender Lace start it off, and the bell rings.

Tiff and Lavender lock up in the middle of the ring, then Tiff takes Lavender down with a Side Headlock Takeover. 

Lavender Lace then gets back on her feet, and elbows Tiff in the ribs. Once she is free, Lavender Lace hits the ropes, but then Tiff catches Lavender Lace and slams her down with a Spinebuster!

Mauro: And Tiff Crust, with a Back-breaking Spinebuster!

Nigel: Someone call a Chiropractor for her!

Tiff gets up, and then knocks Fuschia Blush off the apron.

Beth: And Tiff getting rid of Fuschia Blush.

This distraction gave Lavender Lace an opening. She latched onto Tiff, putting her in a Sleeper Hold!

Mauro: Oh, Lavender Lace from behind!

Nigel: Tryin' to choke her out, but that's not so wise in that position now!

Tiff tries to break free, but can't. So she backs up into her corner, and Brit tags herself in.

Mauro: You're right Nigel, Brit tags in, and Lavender is all set up!

Tiff then turned around and held onto Lavender Lace, and the Crusts then hit the Deadly Makeup Routine on her!

Mauro: And the Deadly Makeup Routine hits the target!

Tiff rolls out of the ring, Brit covers Lavender, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And The Crusts gain their 2nd win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, THE CRUST COUSINS!!!

Mauro: The Crusts have now got two wins in their resume! Their record is improving!

Nigel: No no, that first win nullifies everything that came before it! So in my eyes, it's 2 and 0!

Beth: I see what you're trying to do, Nigel. It's not working.

The Crusts' hands were raised in victory, and their confidence and elation soared ever higher.

Mauro: I have to say though, I get some… Iconic vibes from these two.

Nigel: That's true Crust power, right there, Mauro. Isn't it inspiring?

Mauro: I'd say. It's something, regardless. But nevertheless, the action rolls on in LWF! Later tonight in our main event, Adagio Dazzle and Will Ospreay go one on one! Should Adagio win, her name is added to the Wrestlepalooza main event, and it becomes a Triple Threat Match! Is Adagio destined for the Wrestlepalooza spotlight she thinks she deserves?

Nigel: She would tell you, "yes!". Also later on, our last Cruiserweight Open Qualifier will take place between Zayden Trudeau and Danger Duck! Who's going on to Wrestlepalooza? And not only that, Eddie Dennis looks to make things easy for his friend Mark Andrews come Wrestlepalooza, as he takes on Flash Morgan Webster. 

Mauro: And Dennis, the hired assassin, looks to add another name to his hit list as he is in action later on. But up next, it's the In-Ring return of Ilja Dragunov!

Nigel: The Czar has come back!


The camera cuts to a dark room, where the SCE was standing by.

Starlight: So tonight, my one-on-one Wrestlepalooza match with Will Ospreay, is in jeopardy. Because Adagio Dazzle has stuck her nose where it didn't belong, and now she has a chance to take the LWF: Reborn Championship away from us. Away from the right path to happiness, and away… from Equality. But I won't worry. If Adagio wins, I will not complain. As per the way of True Equality, whatever one wants, one gets. *Smiles* But don't be mistaken. I will stomp out the inequalities at Wrestlepalooza! Whether it's against one or two people, Equality will always triumph! Because an army filled with Inequality, will always turn against each other. But Equality, because no one is superior than the other, and no one is the weakest link, Equality is stronger. And at Wrestlepalooza, Triple Threat or not, Equality will be… forever.

Starlight then smiles as the promo ends.

The camera cuts back to another area backstage, where Rev Runner and Robin Sane just left the locker room, and then Kayla Braxton walked up to them.

Kayla: Rev, Robin, first off, congratulations in your match against Snips and Snails so will this affect your recently blooming friendship moving forward?

Robin: Absolutely not. Rev and I are aware that we will be opponents at Wrestlepalooza, no doubt about it. But we won't have any sort of negative feelings towards each other before, AND after the Open, regardless of who becomes Cruiserweight champion.

Rev: I-absolutely-agree-with-everything-you-said-right-there-and-considering-how-you-and-I-gelled-together-earlier-maybe-we-could-win-Tag-Team-gold-if-neither-of-us-are-Champion-after-Wrestlepalooza-but-only-if-you-want-to-of-course-but-then-again-if-one-of-us-DID-become-Cruiserweight-Champion-we-agree-that-you-will-give-me-the-first-shot-if-you-won-and-if-I-won-I-will-give-you-the-first-title-shot-yeah?

Robin: Umm… what?

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


(MATCH 4: Ilja Dragunov in action)

Nigel: Did anybody else not make out a word of what Rev just said?

Mauro: *Laughs* I didn't catch it either! But right now, it's time for the return of Ilja Dragunov!

And out came the Muscovite Madman himself, the crowd cheering for his return as he was still in the same gear he always wears. He gets down on his knees, and smacks the floor before getting up, and letting out a battle cry before marching to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Moscow, Russia, he weighs in at 216 pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Beth: It is so amazing to see Dragunov back here in LWF after he was injured by Chris Brookes awhile ago! 

Mauro: And now the only thing in his mind is revenge, and he wants to serve it, Muscovite Madman style!

The camera then cuts to the ring, where Anthony Henry was standing in the corner. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, from Augusta, Georgia, he weighs in tonight at 180 Pounds, ANTHONY HENRY!

Mauro: If you did not catch Velocity, then get ready! Because Anthony Henry has proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with when he took on Chris Panzer, and brought out the very best in him!

Beth: This is gonna really bring out the best in two hard-hitters who know nothing about holding back, I can feel it!

Nigel: If Henry can bring Panzer nearly to his limit, imagine what he'll do here with Dragunov!

Dragunov takes off his coat, and stares daggers at Henry.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Dragunov goes for a Lock Up, but Henry goes straight for a Roundhouse Kick to the chest! Dragunov was unaffected by it, and he smiled back at him.

Mauro: There's the bell- and oooh, Anthony Henry not locking up and just going for a fist-fight!

Nigel: But per usual, Dragunov just takes it!

"Come on!!!" Dragunov shouts. Anthony Henry obliges, and lands more Roundhouse Kicks. Henry may have delivered 4 kicks, but as he went for a 5th, Dragunov blocked it and then responded with a series of rapid fire Machine Gun Chops!

Mauro: And Dragunov answers back!

Henry staggers into the corner behind him. Dragunov then lands some Uppercuts before creating some distance, and then charging at full speed and connecting with a Knee Strike!

Henry then staggers out of the corner, and then Dragunov clocks him with the Constantine Special!

Nigel: Wham!!! Constantine Special!

Beth: Anthony Henry just got leveled!

Dragunov didn't opt to go for the cover, as Henry got back up for more, but he wasn't looking too good. 

"Ain't gonna cut it!" He says before spitting on Dragunov's face. 

Nigel: Oh man, you shouldn't have done that, Henry!

In response to his taunt, all Anthony got was a flurry of open-handed strikes to the face!

Mauro: And now Henry's getting lit up!

Dragunov then steps back and delivers a jumping boot!

Anthony was stunned, and Dragunov was ready to follow up as his target was stumbling. 

He measures Henry, then delivers a Spinning Knife Edge Chop, knocking him down! Henry sits up, clutching his chest, then Dragunov lays him down, and then flattens him with a jumping Senton!

Beth: Dragunov is just having his way with Anthony Henry right now!

Dragunov gets up, then goes to a nearby corner, and had that wild look in his eyes as he measured Henry up once again.

Mauro: And that might spell the end for Anthony Henry!

Nigel: You see that look in his eyes, you know what's coming!

Henry gets up, then the crowd shouts along with Dragunov, "UN… BE… SEIG… BAR!”. Dragunov then charges, and his signature move, Torpedo Moskau, nails a direct hit!



Beth: Lights out!

Dragunov covers Henry, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: Welcome back, Dragunov!

*Bell rings*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Dragunov then asked for a microphone. A stagehand gives him a mic, and Dragunov takes a second to catch his breath before speaking.

Ilja: Chris… Brookes… The Czar… is coming for you! *Drops mic*

His theme plays once again as Ijia continues his celebration by orchestrating the crowd.

Mauro: Well, the threat has been made! Dragunov is going after Brookes, the man who put him on the shelf all those episodes ago!

Nigel: Well why wouldn't he? Brookes nearly ended his career, and quite possibly his life as well! 

Beth: Well Brookes better start running because this doesn't look like the Ilja Dragunov he encountered last time!

Mauro: Not at all! This is a new and improved Ilja Dragunov! And I think he's going to be a threat to anyone who dares to try and strike him down!

Nigel: And god help you if you get in his way!


The Crust Cousins were celebrating in the catering area, drinking some pop in fancy wine glasses at their private table.

Brit: Finally, we're on a roll here, Tiff! No more being looked upon as a joke, but as a solid Tag Team!

Tiff: We were the most popular girls at Tremorton High, and now soon, we'll be the most popular Tag Team in the division!

Brit: And soon, we'll be holding the Tag Team Championships!

Tiff: Only a matter of time, Brit!

???: That's not how we see it.

The Crusts then look up, and see Pretty Cure walking up to their table.

Brit: Um… excuse me? Can't you see this is a reserved, and private table? If you wanna eat, go somewhere else? Thank you! 

Nagisa: Your only victories were against people you knew you could easily beat, and you think you own the Tag Team division? We beat The Hybrid 2. Which big Tag Team have you beaten?

Honoka: Yeah. The way we see it, you have no right to say that you rule the Tag Team Division.

Nagisa: If anything, we're more eligible to say that compared to you two!

Honoka: N-Nagisa! That wasn't the point I was trying to-!

Brit: No, no, we totally get what your tomboy friend is implying, bookworm.

Tiff: How 'bout this. Velocity Episode 2, we find out whose viewpoints are right?

Nagisa: Sounds great! See you guys there! *Leaves*

Honoka: *Sighs with a smile* I swear, Nagisa… *follows Nagisa*

Brit: *Smirks* More eligible to say that, huh?

Tiff: I know, right? Like, what a joke!

The camera then cuts to the stage entrance where Eddie Dennis was getting ready, then Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Excuse me, Eddie Dennis, in a matter of moments, you will be facing Flash Morgan Webster one on one, and everyone is wondering, do you intend on winning this match?

Eddie: What kind of a question is that!? It seems like every day your questions become much stupider! If my friend Mark can't be at ringside at Wrestlepalooza, then he might as well take a day off. Does that answer your question?



Eddie then makes his way out to the arena, and makes his entrance to a rally of boos. 

(MATCH 5: Eddie Dennis vs. Flash Morgan Webster)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Swansea, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 230 pounds, he is one half of FSU, The Welsh Dragon, EDDIE DENNIS!!!

Nigel: Eddie Dennis is upset as always, but this time you can't blame him! At Wrestlepalooza, he and Mark Andrews will be in Singles matches with neither able to come to ringside to support the other. And Eddie's opponent just so happens to be the recently added member to the roster, Erza Scarlet!

Beth: Erza won't be the same woman Eddie beat before, though. Now that she's on her own, she's gonna be much more dangerous!

Eddie gets in the ring and does his signature ring taunt, sticking out through the ropes and hanging there by his arms.



The crowd cheers as Flash Morgan Webster struts out and onto the stage.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent! From Brynmawr, Wales, he weighs in tonight at 165 Pounds, The Modfather, FLASH MORGAN WEBSTER!!!

Mauro: And you wanna talk about the match Andrews is heading into at Wrestlepalooza, well here's his opponent! The man Andrews betrayed to side with Eddie in the first place, Flash Morgan Webster! But if Webster wants to get his hands on Mark Andrews, he has to survive Eddie Dennis!

Beth: Well Webster isn't going to back down at all, because we've seen him go before! On his own, he loves mixing together lots of ring styles with his high-flying ability, so to say he's gonna be fine in singles competition? That's a total given!

Webster then gets on the apron, but before he could take his jacket off, Eddie Dennis knocks him off the apron with a Big Boot!

Mauro: Oh! Eddie Dennis, not wanting to wait for the bell!

Eddie then tears Webster's jacket and shirt off, and then starts delivering clubbing blows to his back before picking him up, and planting him on the apron with a Chokeslam!

Mauro: And Eddie Dennis! Chokeslam on the apron!

Beth: Mark Andrews is gonna have it easy come Wrestlepalooza!

Eddie Dennis then gets back in the ring, and then plants Webster with the Neck Stop Driver!

Nigel: Neck… Stop… Driver!!!

Eddie then slides out of the ring, and grabs two steel chairs.

He then beckoned someone to come out, and then Take Flight played once more.

The crowd boos as Mark Andrews, dressed in casual clothes, made his entrance.

Mauro: Oh, this was NO match! This was a setup!

Nigel: We were right to assume Andrews not wanting to have a match with Flash Morgan Webster!

Beth: And now it looks like FSU are gonna permanently end Webster's career!

Eddie Dennis then hoisted Webster up, and then Andrews made the climb and they hit the Double Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo on Webster to knock him out!

Mauro: And there's their vicious double team finisher! But I don't think they are done yet!

Andrews then climbs to the top turnbuckle once more, and Eddie Dennis wedges Webster's head into it.

Mauro: Oh no!

Beth: Oh, I can't watch this! 

Nigel: Andrews looking for Fall to Pieces, and shatter Webster's skull to pieces!

But just as he was about to leap…


Eddie and Mark both look up at the titantron as the crowd started cheering.

Mauro: Hold on just a second!

Erza marches out, and then runs down the ramp 

Nigel: It's Erza Scarlet! The Queen of the Fairies is here!

Erza slides into the ring, and Eddie goes for a Clothesline. Erza ducked, however, and then hit the ropes, and nearly turned Eddie inside out with a Claymore Kick!

Mauro: And Erza with a Claymore Kick! 

Nigel: Right on his face, Eddie is down!

Mark Andrews leaped off the top rope right towards Erza, looking for a Reverse Frankensteiner, but Erza was much too powerful, and she planted him on the mat with a Reverse Alabama Slam!

Mauro: And Erza planting Andrews face first!

Beth: Well I sure was right about Erza being a totally different person!

With their plan now foiled, FSU retreated as Erza freed Webster from his steel chair, and helped him up. Her theme song played once more as both sides stared each other down.

Nigel: Looks like Webster will be going to Wrestlepalooza after all! And all four of these individuals will respectively face each other in their grudge matches!

Beth: At Wrestlepalooza, there will be no running and hiding for FSU!

The camera then cuts to the backstage area, specifically the garage, where Dennis just rolled in.

Mauro: Speaking of which, there's no running or hiding from the destruction that's about to come our way! Dennis has arrived, and we're gonna see some utter dominance, next!

A vignette then played, with the caption, "EARLIER TODAY…" popping up.

The vignette started at a bus station, and a bus pulled up. The door opened and people started flooding out. 

The last two people to exit the bus, Darby Allin and Lucy Loud. 

Darby: This is it. I'm fully healed, and I'm ready to finally get the vengeance my living half desires.

Lucy: This isn't just about vengeance, Darby. This is about reminding everyone that you can't, and will not die, no matter what you go through. Dennis will just be an example.

Darby: *Hops onto his skateboard* Let's go.

Lucy then grabs her scooter from the undercarriage of the bus, and follows Darby as he skates off, dragging a body bag across the ground.

The camera then cuts back to the backstage area, where Dennis hooked up a coffin to his motorcycle. 

Dennis: Again with these little short videos? Like that's supposed to scare me. Hell, like he's gonna come back at all! And even if he did, *places his hand on the coffin* I got a special welcome back gift waiting for him.



Going back to the ringside area, Dennis rode out on his bike to the entranceway, Coffin dragging behind him as he drove down to ringside.

*Bell rings*

(MATCH 5: Dennis in action)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing at this time, he is the RCCW NXT Hardcore Champion….DENNIS!!!

Dennis circled around the ring on his bike before stopping at the bottom of the ramp.

Nigel: Just another day on the job for our resident Hitman, who's making it clear that he doesn't have any sort of concern for Darby and Lucy's cryptic messages!

The camera then cuts to the ring where a long-haired, and slim man, looking about 5 feet was standing in the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, hailing from Pismo Beach, California, BRANDON BONHAM!!!

Brandon then raises a hand at the announcement of his name as Dennis gets in the ring.

Beth: I'm not sure Bonham has any idea about what he's signed up for, guys.

The bell rings, and before Dennis could react, Brandon Bonham charged at Dennis, and began to land some punches and Forearms!

Mauro: And Bonham going right at Dennis in an offensive flurry!

Dennis did not get bothered by these hits at all, and after a while, he just shoved Bonham away. He then hits the ropes and Dennis hits him hard with the Bigger Boot!

Mauro: And Bonham takes a Bigger Boot!

Dennis then picks him up, hoists him up on his shoulders, then slams him down with the Black Skies Mist!

Mauro: Followed by the Black Skies Mist!

Dennis goes for the cover, but he picks Bonham up off of the mat at 2.

Mauro: And Dennis, yet again, not satisfied with that!

Dennis gets up, then he sets Bonham up for the Last Ride Powerbomb, and then plants him!

Nigel: And goodnight BONHAM!

Mauro: Last Ride!

Bonham lays there limp, but Dennis isn't done. He picks up Bonham, and hits another Last Ride Powerbomb on him!

Beth: And another Last Ride!

Nigel: I think Dennis is conducting a Last Ride Symphony!

Dennis then deadlifts Bonham and hits the Last Ride 3 more times before finally placing one foot on his chest for the 3 count.

Mauro: And there's the final note!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:10)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Dennis's hand was raised in victory, but just as he was about to leave, he stopped, turned back around, and began beating Brandon Bonham within an inch of his life!

Nigel: Oh no, the match is over, but Bonham is still feeling the wrath of Dennis!

Beth: And who's gonna stop Dennis from doing what he wants?!

Dennis then looks over to the coffin he dragged out here, then back at Bonham.

That's when he had an idea. He dragged the unconscious Bonham out of the ring, and towards the coffin.

Mauro: And Dennis, looking at that casket with evil intentions!

Nigel: Brandon Bonham is about to go for a ride!

Beth: Yeah, a ride into hell!

Dennis then opened the casket, and was met with a skateboard to the face! 

Then, Darby Allin sat up, and the crowd popped!

Mauro: OH, MY!

Nigel: It's Darby Allin! He was inside the casket Dennis brought to the ring with him!

Then, as if on cue, Lucy Loud slowly made her entrance, with her pet bat, Fangs, on her shoulder.

Beth: And there's Lucy! I bet they set this whole thing up, this is classic Darby Allin!

Darby then gets out of the casket, and begins unloading on Dennis with Forearms!

Dennis then goes for a Clothesline, but he ducks it, and then connects with a Float-over Stunner!

Mauro: And Darby Allin with a Stunner!

Dennis stumbles into a barricade, then Darby and Lucy get in the ring, and Darby gets a microphone. 

Darby: Dennis! At Wrestlepalooza, it'll be… your… last… ride!!!



The crowd cheered as Darby then ran up the corner and did his signature taunt.

Nigel: It looks like Darby made the challenge! Allin and Dennis, Round 2, at Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: Oh, I hope Chard is watching and makes that official! That's something I wanna see!

Mauro: Wrestlepalooza continues to get even more exciting, and we’ll soon learn the final standings of two matches already slated to happen. Up next, we find out who will round out the roster of the Cruiserweight Open, as Zayden Trudeau and Danger Duck collide to determine who is competitor number 10!

The camera cuts back to the backstage area, where Kayla Braxton was standing by.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, what a night it has been so far, and Wrestlepalooza is indeed shaping up to be-

???: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Get out of the picture!

Kayla was cut off by a furious FSU walking into the scene. 

Mark Andrews: *Grabs Kayla's microphone* Give me that! *Shoves Kayla* Now get lost!

Eddie Dennis then reached over to the cameraman, and centered the camera into himself and Andrews.

Mark Andrews: Webster, you lucky dick. If it wasn't for Erza, I would have you out of my hair for good! 

Eddie Dennis: Erza, you're more of a pain now than when you were with the Beautiful People! But I'll be more than happy to send you right back to BTWF where you belong. And then… with no obstacles in our way, nothing will stop FSU from climbing to the top of LWF.

Mark Andrews: Actually Eddie, I have something in mind. You may have Erza at Wrestlepalooza, and since we couldn't dispose of Webster tonight, then we will do that at Velocity! 

Eddie Dennis: That is, if he can't find a partner! If he… somehow, finds one, then he won't be going down alone.

Mark Andrews: This will end, Webster. But not at Wrestlepalooza!

Eddie then drops the camera as FSU head off.

The camera then cuts to the stage entrance, where Zayden Trudeau was getting ready. Then Sonata walked up to him.

Sonata: You got this, Zay! Once you win, and I know you will, I'm gonna host a Taco Party after this show is over!

Zayden: Really? You'd do that for me? Thanks, Sonata!

Sonata: Of course I would! Why wouldn't I?

Sonata then gave Zayden a big hug, and walked off.



The song hits, and Zayden does a few warm up jumps before heading out.

The camera cuts to the arena where the crowd cheered as Zayden Trudeau made his entrance. 

*Bell rings!* 

(MATCH 6: Zayden Trudeau vs Danger Duck (CRUISERWEIGHT OPEN QUALIFIER))

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this your final Cruiserweight Open Qualifier match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he weighs in tonight at 180 pounds, The Canadian Dragon, ZAYDEN TRUDEAU!!!

Mauro: Zayden Trudeau, in his entire career in LWF, has never once competed for Championship Gold, and now, Zayden has a big opportunity!

Beth: It was so sweet of Sonata to give Zayden that encouragement just before he came out. And if he wins, talk about a big-time reward!

Nigel: This is Zayden's defining moment. He's proven to have potential here, but is he ready for a match as big as this?

Zayden enters the ring, climbs to the top turnbuckle and poses for the fans with his arms outstretched. He then hops down, and takes off his Team Canada hockey jersey before pacing around the ring, awaiting his opponent. 



The crowd boos as Danger Duck makes his entrance with a smug expression on his face.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Acmetropolis, DANGER DUCK!!!

Beth: Well we know that Danger Duck wants in at Wrestlepalooza just as bad as Zayden! Out of himself, Rev and Slam, he was the only Loonatic who didn't get as far as he hoped in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, being beaten by Issei Hyoudou, but if you say that to his face, he won't bother to hear it!

Nigel: He may have a big mouth, but Duck sure can back it up. Granted he sometimes barks up the wrong tree, but I digress. He has arrogance, but also a surprising amount of skill.

Danger duck enters the ring and warms up, facing down Zayden.

Mauro: Duck did all his talking, but now it's time he did some walking. Let's see if he can put Zayden's chances of going to Wrestlepalooza in Danger!

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Zayden and Duck lock up in the center of the ring, Duck goes for a Side Headlock, but Zayden was able to reverse it into a Hammerlock. Danger Duck then used his free hand to grab Zayden, and go for a Snapmare. He does so, but Zayden lands on his feet!

Zayden then turns around, Duck goes for a Clothesline but Zayden parries it, and then lands a Roundhouse Kick to Duck's chest! 

Nigel: What's interesting about this matchup is that both Zayden and Duck are varied technical experts. Zayden loves to employ ground and aerial offense, while Danger Duck is more on the adaptive side. If Zayden flies, he'll fly. If Zayden goes to the ground, he'll play that game!

Mauro: But can he play the striking game, as Duck takes a hard kick to the chest, nearly caving in his ribcage!

Zayden then takes Duck down with a Snapmare, hits the ropes, goes for a Penalty Kick but Duck falls back to avoid it and then rolls him up with a Schoolboy Pin!

Mauro: Oh wait, Danger Duck could steal it here!

Zayden kicks out at 2, Duck and Zayden get up, and then Zayden drops Duck with an Arm-trap Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Neckbreaker by Zayden!

Zayden Trudeau then goes for the cover, but Duck kicks out at 2.

Duck then slid out of the ring, but Zayden was right on his tail as he prepared to fly.

Nigel: Looks like the Canadian Dragon's gonna fly!

Zayden hits the ropes, but puts on the brakes because Duck frantically gets out of the way. 

Mauro: Zayden, looking to take flight but Duck gets out of dodge!

Zayden gets out of the ring and pursues him anyway. Duck slides back into the ring, Zayden does the same, but then Duck, being on his feet before Zayden, was able to hit a Baseball Slide Dropkick on the Canadian Dragon before he could get up, knocking him to the floor!

Duck then slides out and throws Zayden back into the ring. Duck goes for the cover, but Zayden kicks out at 2.

Duck then picks up Zayden and puts him in a nearby corner. Duck then began to deliver some chops, then followed it up with some nasty stomps.

Nigel: And now Danger Duck, taking advantage and turning the tables on Zayden!

The referee begins the 5 count, Duck then does a clean break at 3. But as soon as he did, he charged and flattened Zayden with a Flying Clothesline in the corner!


Mauro: And now Duck! Flying Clothesline in the corner!

Duck goes for the cover again, but Zayden was still able to kick out at 2.

Duck then props him up to his knees, and then puts on a Butterfly Lock on him.


Mauro: Danger Duck with a Butterfly Lock on, and Zayden Trudeau, now in a predicament here. 

Nigel: When you get past all the arrogance, Danger Duck is a really good wrestler, but he chooses to talk, and talk, and talk and expects everyone to like him.

Beth: Danger Duck is the type of person you just wanna punch in the mouth. He's that kind of guy. 

After a minute of struggle, Zayden gets back to his feet amidst the hold. He was then able to counter it into a Backslide Pin, but only got a 2 count out of it!

Zayden and Duck get up, Zayden ducks a Clothesline from Danger Duck, hits the ropes, but Duck cuts him off with a Back Elbow!

Duck goes for the cover, but Zayden kicks out at 2.

Zayden tries to shake off the effects from the Back Elbow, then Duck picks him up, and places him in a corner. Duck then lands a Knife Edge Chop, and Zayden winces as he clutches his chest. Duck then lands another Chop, and this one doubles Zayden over.

Duck then props him up for a third Chop. But once he went for it, Zayden ducked, and then landed a Knife Edge Chop of his own on Duck's chest, and Duck clutched his chest as wailed in pain!

Duck staggered into the corner diagonally across. Zayden follows him, and then lands 2 more chops before Duck staggers out of the corner, and falls flat on his face. 

Zayden goes for the cover, but Duck kicks out at 2.

As Duck gets back to his feet, Zayden goes to attack him more. He hits the ropes, but Duck sweeps him off his feet with a modified Canadian Trip!


Mauro: Ooh, smart move by Duck!

Duck then slid back in the ring, picked him up, and went for a Vertical Suplex but Zayden landed on his feet! 

Duck turns around, then Zayden goes for a head-level Roundhouse Kick, but Duck avoids it and shoves Zayden to create some distance.

Zayden turns around, and Duck charges, looking for a Lariat, but Zayden ducks it, goes behind and grabs Duck with a Rear Waistlock and brings him into the nearest corner before hitting the Chaos Theory!


Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: Chaos Theory by Trudeau!

Zayden bridges into the cover, but Duck kicks out at 2! 

They both try to get up, but Zayden gets to his feet before Duck, and then he pulls Duck into a chest-high Roundhouse Kick! Duck gets up, and Zayden lands another Roundhouse Kick to his chest! 

Duck gets up, now clutching his chest again, then Zayden knocks him down with a Dropkick, and Duck rolls out of the ring!

The crowd began to cheer, and Zayden began to hit the ropes.

Mauro: Zayden now, picking up some steam!

Beth: The Canadian Dragon's got something crazy in mind!

After gaining enough speed, Zayden does a Suicide Dive onto Duck, and wipes him out!

Mauro: Tope Suicida!!!

Nigel: Danger Duck couldn't avoid that one!

Zayden gets up, and smacks the apron, firing himself up.

He then throws Duck back into the ring, and then hops onto the apron and measures him up.

Mauro: Zayden's beginning to feel it!

Beth: He's feeling it, alright! And I think Duck isn't gonna like feeling this!

Once Duck was back on his feet, Zayden sprung off the top rope, and connected with a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Dropkick off the top rope!

Nigel: Beautiful!

Zayden goes for the cover, but again, Duck kicks out at 2!

Zayden then picked him up, and then went for the Chaos Theory again, but this time Duck held onto the ropes! Zayden rolls through, then Duck charges and hits a Clothesline, turning Zayden inside out!

Mauro: Oooh, man! Duck blocked the Chaos Theory, and nearly decapitated Zayden Trudeau!

Duck then picked him up, and planted him with a lifting DDT, which he appropriately calls the "Danger Zone DDT"!


Mauro: And Danger Duck! He calls that the Danger Zone DDT!

Danger Duck goes for the cover, but Zayden was close enough to put his foot on the bottom rope to force a break at 2, and Duck couldn't believe it!

Mauro: OH, ZAYDEN WITH HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES! His Wrestlepalooza hopes remain alive!

Nigel: That Danger Zone DDT, was for sure enough to dash Zayden’s dreams had he been farther away from the ropes!

Not wanting to waste his momentum, Danger Duck positioned Zayden, and then climbed up to the top rope.

Beth: And now Duck, going up top, I think he's going for that Elbow Drop!

Duck leaps off the top for the Elbow Drop…

Nigel: This is what cost him against Issei in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament-!

…. and just like in the Tournament, Zayden rolls out of the way!

Mauro: And history repeats itself for Danger Duck!

Beth: Danger Duck crashed and burned!

Zayden gets up, then with a running start, he flattens Duck with a Shooting Star Press! He then rolls forward, and hops onto the second turnbuckle diagonally across. 

Mauro: And now Zayden with his second wind! Shooting Star press off the ground! and now up top…!

He then hypes up the crowd, then looks back for a second before leaping, and flattening Duck with a Phoenix Splash!

Mauro: Phoenix Splash!!!

Beth: Off the middle turnbuckle!

Zayden hooks the leg, but as the hand was coming down for three, Duck kicked out!

Mauro: Oooh! No, this time Danger Duck wasn't about to let his hubris be his undoing!

Zayden was in total disbelief, but he kept on going. Using whatever strength he had left, he picked up Duck, and then placed him on the top turnbuckle. Zayden then climbed up to meet him there, and hooked him up for a Superplex. 

Mauro: And now Zayden Trudeau, Superplex in mind!

Zayden tries to lift Duck up, but Duck is blocking the move. Duck then began to land some gut punches, and he broke free. He then lands some Forearms, and this knocks Zayden back down onto the mat!

Mauro: Ooh, and Danger Duck knocks Zayden back down to earth!

Duck then steadies himself on the top turnbuckle, and leaps shouting "Got ya now!", before hitting the Heat Seeking Elbow on Zayden!

Mauro: And Danger Duck! Heat Seeking Elbow, and this time he got all of it!

Duck goes for the cover, but Zayden kicks out at the last possible moment!

Mauro: No!!! Zayden survives!!!

The shocked look on Duck's face said it all. He was now in a state of denial as frustration began to sink in. 

Beth: Duck is now beside himself, and he has no idea what to do next!

Duck then angrily picks up Zayden, but then Zayden swept him off his feet with a Double-leg Takedown, and then Duck screamed out in pain as Zayden locked on a Sharpshooter!

Mauro: And Zayden!!! Sharpshooter locked in!

The crowd cheers as Zayden puts more pressure on the hold, making it more painful for Duck.

Nigel: This could be it for Danger Duck! Zayden's one tap away from heading to Wrestlepalooza!

Duck then starts to crawl to the ropes. But just as he was half an inch away, Zayden walked towards the center of the ring, and went back to putting more pressure!

Mauro: And just as salvation was at Duck's grasp, Zayden took it away!

After a couple more minutes, Duck was able to roll over, and break free from the Sharpshooter, and the crowd boos. 

"You're all despicable!" Duck shouts at the fans. Zayden gets up, and then Duck scoops him up, and plants him with a Body Slam. 

Zayden arches back in pain, then Duck sits him up, hits the ropes, looking for a Big Boot, but Zayden falls back to avoid it! Zayden then nips up, then turns around, but Duck cuts him off with a knee to the gut.

Danger Duck then sets him up for the Danger Zone DDT, but as he went for it, Zayden went up and over his shoulder, and turned it into a Ripcord Knee Strike, knocking Duck's lights out!

Nigel: Duck trying to finish things again, but Zayden reversed the Danger Zone- OOOH, GOOD LORD!!!

Mauro: Big knee to the Duck's bill!

Danger Duck falls down onto a heap, and then Zayden positioned him properly before hopping up to the top turnbuckle.

Beth: And Zayden up top now, here it comes!

Zayden jumps, and hits his patented 450 Splash!

Mauro: 450 Splash!

Nigel: Cover that bird, Zayden!

Zayden hooks both legs, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Bring out the tacos, Sonata! Zayden's going to Wrestlepalooza!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:14)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, The Canadian Dragon, ZAYDEN TRUDEAU!!!

Zayden cried out in victory at the announcement as the referee helped him up, and raised his hand.

Mauro: What a moment for Zayden! He's in his first championship match, and it's at Wrestlepalooza as he just became the tenth and final competitor to qualify for the Cruiserweight Open!

Nigel: What an all-star group we have now! Kushida, Ken Warren, Issei Hyoudou, Applejack, A-Kid, Nathan Frazer, Luna Loud, Rev Runner, Robin Sane, and now The Canadian Dragon, Zayden Trudeau! All 10 of these competitors will compete one after the other for the Cruiserweight Championship at Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: And the best part is, in that match, you don't know who will start, and who will come next in an Open Match like this!

Zayden then hops up to the top turnbuckle and continues to celebrate.

The camera then cuts to the backstage area, where Will Ospreay was putting on his big jacket when Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Ospreay, in a matter of moments you'll be facing Adagio Dazzle in a match where your one on one title match with Starlight Glimmer is at stake. Because if you come up short, Adagio's added to the match, and it becomes a Triple Threat Main Event. What's going through your mind, heading into this match?

Ospreay: What's going through my mind? Well tonight, Adagio is gonna quickly realize that she's nowhere near my level.

And with that, Ospreay walks off.

Mauro: As one match is set for Wrestlepalooza, we move on to determine the fate of another! It's time for our Main Event! Will Ospreay, Adagio Dazzle, one on one to find out if it's gonna be a One-on-one Main Event, or a Triple Threat spectacle!


Ilja Dragunov was now leaving the building, and just as he stepped out into the parking lot, he was met with a Chair Shot to the head! The man who struck, Chris Brookes!

Chris Brookes then slowly walked around Dragunov, and then dropped the chair before crouching down.

Chris: You should have never come back. Now I'm gonna make your life hell.

Brookes then stands up, and walks away.

The camera cuts to another area backstage, where Flash Morgan Webster was standing by.

Webster: So, Andrews doesn't wanna wait till Wrestlepalooza? Well just my luck, neither can I! So you know what, I accept, Andrews! Oh and by the way, if you guys think you're gonna have a 2 on 1 advantage, think again.

That's when Quatro walked into the scene, and the crowd cheered.

Quatro: *Looks into the camera* I didn't forget. I remember when you put me out 10 Episodes ago, FSU. Come Velocity, Webster and I won't be fearing your Double Stomp Neck Stop Driver, but it's gonna be you guys, fearing the Destino…

Webster: … And the Eton Rifle!

Webster and Quatro then walked off together.

The camera cuts back to the arena view as the Velocity theme plays.

Mauro: Well coming your way on Episode 2 of Velocity, General Manager Mr. Herriman has approved the sanction of two tag team matches! The Crusts and Pretty Cure go head to head, and FSU won't be fighting in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match! Because Webster's got a partner in the Light Bringer, Quatro!



Nigel: That’ll be great to see down in our new show. But for now, it's main event time!

The crowd booed as Adagio Dazzle, rocking her Kip Sabian/Zema Ion-inspired attire, made her entrance. She had a smile on her face as she strutted down the ramp.

*Bell rings!*

(MAIN EVENT: Adagio Dazzle vs Will Ospreay (If Adagio wins, she is added to the Main Event of Wrestlepalooza))

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your LWF: Reborn MAIN EVENT, and it is set for one fall! Introducing first at this time, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: This is it for Adagio! She finally has a chance to shine, and winning this match will give her the stage she's wanted since becoming who she is today!

Nigel: This is something she felt that was owed to her since day one, and now she's gonna get it! But is she really ready for it, is the question!

Beth: If you asked her that, I'd bet she'd say she's totally ready. Adagio has no shortage of confidence now, but let's remember, she's going in tonight against one of the greatest talents in wrestling today!

Adagio gets in the ring and stands on the second turnbuckle, looking at the fans as she points to herself.

“You're looking at the NEW LWF: Reborn Champion!" Adagio exclaims.



The crowd cheers as Will Ospreay comes out 13 seconds into the song, with the IWGP United States Championship around his waist. He does the signature United Empire taunt before making his way down the ramp. 

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Essex, England, he weighs in tonight at 231 Pounds, he is The Commonwealth Kingpin, The Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Mauro: Since going on Hiatus from LWF, Will Ospreay has become a major star everywhere he has appeared, but now he looks to spell the end for Starlight Glimmer's LWF: Reborn Championship reign! He won the Elimination Enclosure match to get this opportunity, and he's not about to let Adagio upstage him!

Nigel: Whether Adagio agrees or not, Ospreay won that opportunity fair and square. And Tonight, he's gonna do whatever he can to ensure it stays one-on-one at Wrestlepalooza!

Ospreay enters the ring, as both competitors take off their coats. The time had come to determine the course of the Main Event, at Wrestlepalooza!

The referee calls for the bell, and the match begins. Ospreay and Adagio lock up in the middle of the ring, Ospreay then goes behind with a Rear Waistlock applied. Adagio breaks free and then gets Ospreay in a Rear Waistlock of her own. 

Ospreay then breaks free, and gets Adagio in a Wrist Lock. He then transitioned to a Hammerlock before finally putting her in a Side Headlock. 

He then takes her down with a Side Headlock Takeover, but then Adagio wraps her legs around Ospreay's neck. 

Ospreay tries to nip up and out of it to escape, but is unable to break free. He then rolled over so that he was now onto his knees, then rolled into a Jackknife Pin!

Adagio bridges out at 2, then she spins around and gets Ospreay in a Backslide Pin! Ospreay kicks out at 2, they both get up, Adagio goes for a Clothesline, but Ospreay ducked it and then slammed Adagio down with a Mat Return before transitioning into a Front Facelock. 

Adagio then tries to push away and sit up to escape, but Ospreay holds on and maintains control. Adagio tries again, same result.

In her 3rd escape attempt, she pushes inwards towards Ospreay, and is able to get him laying on his back. She then grabbed his hand, and got an Inside shoulder arm lock applied.

Nigel: What a Technical Exchange!

Mauro: We are witnessing a game of chess here in our Main Event!

Ospreay then does a backward roll to get back on his feet. Once he was up, Ospreay shoves Adagio to the ropes.

The referee counts to 5, and Ospreay cleanly breaks at 4. 

Ospreay and Adagio then get back in the center of the ring, and lock up once more. Adagio then shoves Ospreay to the ropes, and then lands some punches to the head and gut.

She then goes for a Snapmare, but Ospreay lands on his feet! Ospreay then hits the ropes, and Adagio does a drop down. Ospreay hops over her and hits the ropes again. Adagio gets up, looking to send Ospreay flying with a Back Body Drop, but Ospreay backflips over her!

Adagio pops up, turns and goes for a Clothesline on Ospreay but he ducked it, then went for a Handspring Enzuigiri but Adagio jumped out of the way! Ospreay was able to land on his feet, though, and the crowd cheered and applauded as he stared down Adagio, telling the Sensational Siren how close he was to nailing her. 

Mauro: And these two are now apparently even in terms of ability!

Beth: The crowd in San Diego is loving this!

Ospreay gets up, and then he and Adagio lock up for a third time. Adagio then goes low, and trips Ospreay with a Drop Toe Hold, then quickly gets a Front Facelock locked in. Ospreay quickly got to his feet, then countered with a Northern Lights Suplex!

Ospreay bridges into the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2, but Ospreay holds on! Ospreay then went for a second Northern Lights Suplex, rolled through, then lifted her up for a Powerbomb, but Adagio countered it into a Sunset Flip!

Mauro: And Adagio, Sunset Flip, she might steal it here!

Ospreay kicks out at 2, then rolls backwards and up to his feet. He then went for a Buzzsaw Kick, but Adagio fell back to avoid it, then she rolled him up with a Schoolgirl Pin. Ospreay gets up, but Adagio kicks his feet out from under him, and then drills Ospreay with a Snap DDT!


Mauro: Ooh! DDT by Adagio!

Nigel: Short ride, bad landing!

Adagio then dragged him to the center of the ring before covering him, but Ospreay kicked out at 2.

Adagio then sits up Ospreay, and then lands a Dropkick to his upper back. She gets up, and sits Ospreay up again, then hits the ropes. She hits the ropes a few times, then she slows down and puts a Grounded Headlock on Ospreay.

Nigel: Adagio, keeping the pace slow now…

Mauro: This is where she works best. Have the tempo slow, and in her favor. 

After a minute of struggle, Ospreay shifted his weight to pin Adagio's shoulders on the mat, but Adagio sat right back up at 2.

Another minute goes by, then Ospreay was able to get back on his feet.

Ospreay was then able to push Adagio to the ropes, and used the rebound momentum to shove her off. Ospreay then bends over, looking for a Back Body Drop on Adagio, but she holds onto the ropes, and then delivers a kick across his chest! Adagio then fakes a Superkick which makes Ospreay flinch, then she kicks him in the leg, dropping him to one knee.

Beth: Adagio playing smart, Ospreay's down!

Adagio then lands a Superkick to his face, and Ospreay falls to a heap. Adagio then pins him with an Oklahoma Roll, but Ospreay kicks out at 2!

Adagio then picks up Ospreay, goes to throw him into the nearest corner, but Ospreay changes the momentum around, sending Adagio into the corner.

Ospreay then charges but Adagio slips through the ropes, and then connects with a Pendulum Overhead Kick!


Adagio then climbs up top, but she does so with her back turned to Ospreay! So once Ospreay came to, he quickly delivered a blow to her back, then wedged her head in the top turnbuckle before landing a Superkick!


Nigel: Oh, Adagio trying to go up high, but Ospreay made her pay for it!

Ospreay then grabbed Adagio and pulled her off the turnbuckles into a Powerbomb position. He then runs to the corner diagonally across, and slams Adagio into the corner with a Buckle Bomb!

Mauro: And the Billy GOAT, not done there! Buckle Bomb in the opposite corner!

Adagio was now leaning limply in the corner, then Ospreay created some distance. He then charges, and connects with a Bicycle Kick in the corner!

Mauro: And Adagio, taking a boot to the mush!

Ospreay covers after Adagio staggers out of the corner and falls to the ground in a heap, but she kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Adagio out at 2! 

Nigel: This is anyone's game!

Adagio then gets up, and then Ospreay knocks her down with a Forearm Smash! Adagio gets up again, and Ospreay knocks her down with a Clothesline!

Adagio gets up, then goes for a Clothesline of her own, but Ospreay ducks and hits the ropes. Adagio then tries to intercept with a Back Elbow, but Ospreay ducked that as well, and then off the rebound, Ospreay took her down with a Hurricanrana, and Adagio slid out of the ring!

Mauro: Uh oh!

Beth: Adagio just placed herself in a place she shouldn't be in!

Ospreay then hits the ropes, and wipes out Adagio with a Sasuke Special, and lands on his feet!


Mauro: And a BEAUTIFUL Sasuke Special takes out Adagio Dazzle!

Nigel: Absolutely breathtaking!

Ospreay threw Adagio back into the ring, and then measured her up as he hopped onto the apron. Once she got back up, Ospreay sprung off the top rope, and then connected with a flying Forearm Smash!

Beth: Oooh, wow!!!

Mauro: Forearm off the top rope!

Nigel: Pip pip cheerio from Ospreay to Dazzle!

Ospreay goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Ospreay then got up, and measured Adagio once more. Once Adagio got up, Ospreay hooked her up for the StormBreaker! He hoists her up, but then Adagio wiggles free! Ospreay then goes for a Back Kick to her gut, but Adagio catches it. She then drops the leg, and drops Ospreay with an Inverted DDT!

Mauro: Oh, nice move by Adagio!

Ospreay sits up, clutching the back of his head, then Adagio picks him up and goes for a Snapmare Driver, but Ospreay does a Handstand to escape it!

Mauro: Oh, wow! What an escape by Ospreay!

Ospreay gets back on his feet, Adagio does the same, and then Adagio goes for a Clothesline, but Ospreay deflects it, and then stuns her with a Thrust Kick!

Ospreay then grabs Adagio, and puts her in an Inverted Facelock. "Kiss your title goodbye, Starlight!" Ospreay shouts before planting Adagio with a Reverse Lines Of Equality!


Mauro: And Ospreay, sending a message to the LWF: Reborn World Champion, hitting his own version of the Reverse Lines of Equality!

Ospreay hooks the leg, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Adagio is still in this match!

Ospreay then picks Adagio up, but then she pushes him off, and then connects with a Bicycle Kick! Ospreay was still on his feet, and then Adagio connects with a Superkick!

This dropped Ospreay to one knee, then Adagio hits the ropes. But then Ospreay got up, and when Adagio went for a Clothesline, Ospreay floated right over it, and into a Sitout Powerbomb, planting Adagio with authority!

Mauro: Oooh, what a vicious Powerbomb!

Adagio kicks out at 2, and does a backward roll. Ospreay does a backward roll as well, but gets to his feet first! Once Adagio was on all fours, Ospreay landed the Robinson Special!

Nigel: Oh, Robinson Special!

Beth: That's usually the prelude to the OsCutter!

And Beth was right, as Ospraey ran to the ropes, and bounced off the second rope for the OsCutter. But as he did, Adagio caught him in midair with the Blind Kiss!

Nigel: Ospreay going for it- OH MY GOD!

Mauro: Adagio with the Blind Kiss in midair! Mamma Mia, are you kidding me?!

Adagio then picked him up, and went for a Brainbuster onto her knee, but Ospreay countered it into a Stunner!

Mauro: And now Adagio, looking to follow up, Brainbuster attempt- no! Ospreay counters into a Stunner!

Now both Adagio and Ospreay were laying in the center of the ring, and the crowd began to cheer.

Mauro: What a Main Event here in LWF: Reborn! Both Dazzle and Ospreay, are in a must-win situation, and neither one of them has the upper hand!

Nigel: Something's gotta give! 

Beth: It's all gonna come down to who makes the first mistake!

The referee then begins to count.

1… 2… 3… 4…

Neither of them had moved.

5… 6… 7…

Then, both Adagio and Ospreay get up. Ospreay was up to one knee, and Adagio used the ropes to pull herself back up to her feet.

“You can't stop me from getting what's been rightfully mine from the very start!” Adagio declared. She then goes for a Superkick, but Ospreay catches it! He then gets up, and throws her leg down, but then Adagio stuns him with a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Ospreay was now out on his feet, staggering about, then Adagio hits the ropes, but then Ospreay intercepted with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: And Ospreay with a Spanish Fly!

Ospreay then got up, and then hoisted Adagio up for the StormBreaker!

Mauro: Uh oh! Ospreay's got her up!

Nigel: If this hits, it's over!

Ospreay then spins her out for the StormBreaker, but Adagio lands on her feet, and turns into a Brainbuster onto her knee!

Mauro: Mamma Mia!!! What a counter!!!

Beth: That's gonna hurt!

Adagio then got up, and measured Ospreay up.

Suddenly the crowd started cheering, and that was because Sonata Dusk, with a steel chair in hand had slid into the ring behind Adagio, and was sizing her up!

Mauro: Wait a minute! It's Sonata Dusk!

Nigel: That's the second time she showed up in Adagio's match!

Adagio then had a bad feeling coming over her. She turned around, and Sonata threw the chair, but Adagio jumped out of the way and the chair ended up hitting Ospreay instead!

Beth: Oh, but she hit the wrong person! She accidentally got Ospreay!

Nigel: That's gonna throw the match out!

Indeed, the referee was right there to see Sonata's strike, and called for a DQ!

*Bell rings repeatedly*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match as a result of a disqualification via outside interference… WILL OSPREAY!!!

Once that was announced, Adagio's face nearly turned white, and her expression turned into shock as she finally realized what had just happened!

(Start at 0:12)


Mauro: Sonata wanted to hit Adagio, but she missed and hit Ospreay, which inadvertently got him the victory! 

Nigel: Sonata attacking Ospreay caused a Disqualification which favored him! And that means, Adagio is NOT going to Wrestlepalooza!

Adagio then looked at Sonata and all she did was shrug. 

Adagio's shock, then turned into anger. "WHY YOU STUPID LITTLE B*TCH!!!" she screamed.

In a rage, she charged at Sonata, and then Adagio and Sonata began trading blows with one another!

Mauro: And here we go! Sonata finally got what she wanted! A confrontation with Adagio!

Nigel: After all that avoiding, this was the final straw!

As the two fought, Ospreay felt the back of his head after Sonata's accidental chair shot, but nonetheless, did not care and got out of dodge as the two sirens brawled in the ring. 

Referees and security then rushed out to separate them.



Chard then came out, and was not happy.

Chard: Alright! That's enough, you two!

Adagio and Sonata then looked up at the stage.

Chard: This whole thing between you guys has gone far enough! So here's what I'm gonna do. Adagio, tough luck, but at Wrestlepalooza, it's not Will Ospreay and Starlight you'll be facing… but it's Sonata Dusk!

Adagio was angry at that announcement. She then grabbed a microphone. 

Adagio: Are you serious!? After everything I went through with this idiot and you want me to beat her again!? Some unbiased, and fair boss you are!

Chard: I'm not done yet!!! Adagio, I promise this will be the last time you'll have a match with her. Because whoever wins, gets the next title shot. 

That was enough to convince Adagio to have the match. She begrudgingly agreed to have one more match with Sonata, because it meant a future title shot if she won. 

Chard: And it's just fitting that I say that this will be the last time. Because the match that you and Sonata will have, Adagio, will determine… the Last… Siren… Standing! Good luck to you both, you're gonna need it!

Catch the sun plays again as the two sirens look at one another, ready for their next clash.

Nigel: What an announcement by Chard! Sonata Dusk, Adagio Dazzle, one more time for the next Title Opportunity against Starlight Glimmer. And it will be held under the rules… of a Last Siren Standing match!

Beth: I bet those two will be willing to destroy each other, just like in their Stretcher Match!

Mauro: As Wrestlepalooza inches ever closer, things continue to heat up! What will happen in the Episodes before LWF's Grandest Stage arrives?!


And that's Episode 22!

Wrestlepalooza is gonna be hot! The Cruiserweight Open is set, some more matches are gonna be happening, this is an event you don't wanna miss!

With what went down, Episode 23 should be a banger.

But we shall see about that!

Comment below what you liked about this Episode, and don't forget to leave a vote on it too.

See you in Episode 23!

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