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It's the first Episode of 2023! How appropriate it's Episode 23!

Let's see how this goes!



31 seconds into the song, the Opening Pyro goes off inside the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, Washington, and LWF: Reborn was live! The entire Stage Setup was given a complete new overhaul with it now being the HD Stage from the late 2000's WWE.

The camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: New look, same feel, we are Live in Seattle, welcoming you all, to LWF: Reborn! 



To a rally of boos, out came Charlie Bonifer, mic in hand. 

Mauro: And it looks like we are gonna be hearing from the Death Dealer to kick things off!

Nigel: For those who have forgotten, they fought once, and it ended in a count-out victory for Omega, and that hasn't sat well for Bonifer!

Beth: Well at Wrestlepalooza, they get a chance to run it back!

Bonifer then enters the ring, and his music fades before he speaks.

Bonifer: Wrestlepalooza, Kenny and I will have the match of a lifetime, as he and I clash one more time in LWF's biggest stage possible. Kenny, I know, I can beat you. And I'll prove it at Wrestlepalooza, when I beat you within an inch of your life, and show the world that the God of Pro Wrestling, is nothing more… than a mortal man. And that the Best Bout Machine-



The crowd cheers as Kenny Omega makes his entrance.

Mauro: Say his name and he appears! It's the Best Bout Machine himself, Kenny Omega!

Nigel: We might not have to wait till Wrestlepalooza at this point to see these two fight!

Omega enters the ring, and stares down Bonifer as the music fades out.

Kenny: I'm sorry, what were you talking about just now? I-I don't think I heard that clearly. Did you say you were gonna… beat me senseless, and then call me a "Mortal Man"? Listen here, pal. You might be the death dealer, but I am what I say I am, and that means, you can't kill a God, buddy!

The crowd cheers.

Bonifer: *Chuckles* No. No, you're not a God. If you were, your injuries would've been nonexistent.

The crowd booed at this remark.

Bonifer: If you really were a God, you wouldn't have lost all the titles you won.

The crowd beat a “What?!”

Bonifer: And if you really were a God… you wouldn't have gone to a time-limit draw with Kazuchika Okada.

The crowd couldn't believe Bonifer said that.

Beth: Oh, wow…..

Mauro: That's one of Kenny’s biggest regrets! Dominion 2017, the night Kenny could not beat the Rainmaker for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship!

Kenny was silent after that.

Bonifer: Oh, what's wrong? Did I touch a nerve? Well I'm glad I did. The truth hurts, doesn't it? And soon enough- 

Kenny: I'm gonna stop you there. Y'know what, forget Wrestlepalooza, how about we give the people here in Seattle what they want, and settle this, right here, right now! *drops microphone*

The crowd cheered in response. Bonifer dropped his mic, ready to go, but then…


They both looked up, and saw Chard making his way out onto the stage.

Chard: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't you even THINK of laying a finger on each other, jeopardizing your Wrestlepalooza match!

The crowd boos.

Chard: We are so close to Wrestlepalooza, and I don't want the energy to explode prematurely. But since you guys are itching to compete tonight, I'll let you compete, but not with each other. Instead I'm gonna have you guys pick an opponent for each other!

The crowd gave mixed reactions.

Kenny: Alright. Well, I don't have to think long and hard for who I want you to face, Charlie. I already have an opponent in mind for you, but I'm not gonna say.

Bonifer: Well if you're not gonna tell me who my opponent is, then I won't tell you your opponent is either. 

Kenny: Fine by me. Chard wants us to Pick our Poison, then so be it. Let's see if you're really as bad as you say you are.

Bonifer: Likewise. *Evily grins*

That's when Bonifer leaves the ring, with Voices playing through the arena as he exits.

Mauro: Well it looks like we won't get Wrestlepalooza early, but Chard had a solution! He got Omega and Bonifer to send out their choices for opponents, basically picking a Poison for one another!

Before Kenny can Leave the ring himself…


Sonata Dusk then makes her entrance, greeting the crowd, who cheered upon her arrival. 

Bonifer continued his way to the back to prepare for his match, and Sonata continued making her way to the ring.

(OPENING MATCH: Sonata Dusk vs. Curt Hawkins)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, SONATA DUSK!!!

Sonata makes her way into the ring, with Kenny still inside. She noticed him and apologized to him. Kenny told her it was alright, and then made his way to the back to prepare for his match.

Mauro: Well, it looks like Sonata is ready to go despite coming out to the aftermath of a very close confrontation! Good evening everyone, Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix, and guys, we're gonna start tonight with an Episode 17 Rematch!

Nigel: And with Sonata finally getting another match to prove she CAN beat Adagio to boot, it was made official! Adagio's had enough of Sonata, and the two are finally going to settle things for the final time at Wrestlepalooza, Last… Siren… Standing!

Beth: But Sonata STILL has to focus tonight! She may have got what she wanted, but she's facing a man who hasn't forgotten how their last encounter went down!

Then as if on cue…


The crowd booed as Curt Hawkins made his entrance, with Zack Ryder and Trent Beretta following behind.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by Zack Ryder and Trent Beretta, hailing from Queens, New York, he weighs in tonight at 223 Pounds, CURT HAWKINS!!!

Mauro: And here's the man that Sonata beat in Episode 17, and I know Hawkins hasn't forgotten!

Beth: That loss had to be eating away at Hawkins ever since, and Beretta may have avenged him with a win over the taco lover, Hawkins wants to finish her off with another W.

Nigel: I'm sure Hawkins feels he has things said and done already, considering he's got backup in Ryder and Beretta. But we can't underestimate Sonata. We've seen how well she handles being in tough situations similar to this, but for Hawkins, he needs all the help he can get, because he's gonna be facing a Siren on a mission!

Hawkins enters the ring, and Ryder and Beretta circle around ringside. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Hawkins and Sonata lock up in the middle of the ring, Hawkins then gets behind her and applies a rear waist lock. Sonata counters by breaking free, and putting Hawkins in a wrist lock. Hawkins then counters it into a wrist lock of his own, but then Sonata does a forward roll, nips up, and then gets Hawkins in a wrist lock again before transitioning into a hammerlock.

Hawkins then used his free hand to counter into a side headlock. Sonata pushes him to the ropes, hoping to use the momentum off the rebound to push him off, but Hawkins holds on. Sonata was then able to counter it back into a hammerlock, and then Hawkins once again used his free hand to pry his other hand free. Once he did, he quickly spun around and clocked Sonata with a Forearm Smash!

Sonata staggered to the ropes, and then Hawkins continued to rain down on her with forearms. Sonata then responds with punches to the gut and face, and then drives Hawkins' face into the nearest top turnbuckle. 

She then sends him to the corner diagonally across, charges, but Hawkins jumps out of the way. Hawkins then delivers some kicks to Sonata's ribs, the referee conducts the 5 count, and Hawkins backs off at 4.

Curt Hawkins then throws Sonata out of the corner with a Snapmare. Now that she is sitting on the mat, he then delivers a kick across her back.

Mauro: Hawkins with a kick across the spine!

Hawkins goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2. Hawkins gets up, and continues to stomp away on Sonata.

He then takes a second to gloat, getting a rally of boos from the crowd. He then goes to pick up Sonata, but then she fights back with a back elbow to the gut. She then lands a few more body punches, but Hawkins cuts her off with one clubbing blow to her back!

Sonata then staggers towards the ropes, and then Hawkins drapes her on the middle rope before pressing his knee on the back of her neck, choking her!

Mauro: And now Hawkins, choking Sonata on the second rope!

The referee does the 5 count, and again, Hawkins releases at 4. With the referee's back turned, Beretta then delivered a right handed jab to Sonata!

Mauro: And Trent Beretta with a right hand!

Beth: This is where the numbers come to play!

Hawkins then picked Sonata up, and grazed her face across the top rope. Hawkins then lets her go, and Sonata drops to her knees, checking for blood on her forehead. 

Hawkins then lifts her up for a back suplex, and slams her down.

Nigel: Beautiful back suplex by Curt Hawkins!

Hawkins goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Hawkins continues to lay the pressure on Sonata. He goes for another back suplex, but this time she flips over his shoulder and lands on her feet!

Hawkins turns around, and then Sonata lights him up with some kicks to the legs, and then a series of body punches and forearms. 

Then Sonata does a big wind-up, and then goes for a clothesline, but Hawkins ducked it!

Nigel: Sonata able to come back, but she took too much time on that clothesline!

Sonata turns around, and then yelling at the top of his lungs, Hawkins scooped her up and slammed her down with a Michinoku Driver!

Mauro: And Hawkins! 

Beth: Slamming Sonata down with authority!

Hawkins then goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Mauro: But Sonata, able to survive! 

Hawkins then sits her up, and delivers some knee strikes on her back before applying a grounded headlock. 

Mauro: And now Hawkins, grounded headlock applied, and wearing down Sonata.

Beth: Hawkins now showing that New York attitude! 

Sonata then gets to her feet after a few minutes, and then after a couple back elbows to the gut, she pushes Hawkins to the ropes, and uses the momentum off the rebound to push him off.

Hawkins then rebounds off the ropes, and then knocks her down with a flying Forearm Smash!

Hawkins then picks up Sonata, and then Hawkins goes for a lifting Reverse STO, but with a back elbow, Sonata was able to break free. Sonata then grabs Hawkins, but Hawkins stuns her with a Pélé Kick!


Hawkins then gets up, but as he goes to hit the ropes, he runs into a Superkick!

Mauro: Hawkins stunning Sonata with that Pele Kick-OH! Superkick!

Sonata then hits the ropes, and with Hawkins now on his knees, she then plants him with a Float-over DDT!

Mauro: And now Sonata with a DDT!

Sonata goes for the cover, but Hawkins kicks out at 2!

“Cmon, Hawkins, get back in the game!” Ryder cheered from outside. Sonata then gets up, so did Hawkins, and then Sonata knocks Hawkins down with a clothesline! Sonata then measured Hawkins, and when he got up, Sonata knocked him down with another clothesline!

Mauro: And now Sonata, climbing back into this match!

Hawkins then gets up, then Sonata goes for an Irish Whip, but Hawkins turns the momentum around. Sonata hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline by Hawkins, and then Sonata hits the ropes one more time, and Hawkins pops her up into the air, and then Sonata hits him with a Dropkick!


Nigel: Dropkick on target!

Mauro: And now Hawkins is reeling!

Beth: Sonata's totally focused, and is now really giving Hawkins a run for his money! It's like she's not even phased by the extra set of hands that Hawkins has!

Hawkins then rolls out of the ring, and into the arms of Beretta and Ryder. Sonata then hits the ropes, and then wipes out the trio with a Tope Con Giro!


Mauro: And here comes Sonata!

Beth: Sonata Dusk just took all 3 men out!

Nigel: This is what Hawkins didn't want happening!

Sonata then throws Hawkins back into the ring, and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Hawkins gets up, and then Sonata leaps and flattens him with a crossbody! 

Mauro: And Sonata flies again! This time with a crossbody!

Sonata has both legs hooked, but Hawkins kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Hawkins gets the shoulder up!

Nigel: Sonata's now on a roll!

Sonata then gets up, and measures Hawkins up. That's when Beretta got up on the apron, and then Sonata knocked him back down to the floor below.

Mauro: And now Trent Beretta, trying to get involved but Sonata makes him pay for it!

Sonata then turns around, and then Hawkins, with a loud scream, runs with a full head of steam and almost turns Sonata inside out with a clothesline!

Mauro: Oooh, but that gave Hawkins just enough time to recuperate!

Beth: Nearly knocked her head off with that clothesline!

Hawkins then sets up Sonata for the Taste of Pain to put her away, and connects with it!


Mauro: And Hawkins, giving Sonata a Taste Of Pain!

Nigel: Is that it?

Hawkins covers her, expecting the 3 count, but Sonata gets her shoulder up at 2.9!

Mauro: Oh, wow! Sonata just in the nick of time!

Both Hawkins, Ryder, and Trent Beretta had the same facial expression. Hawkins gets up, and argues with the referee, and the referee tells him it was only 2.

That's when Ryder went to one side of the ring, getting the referee's attention, and then Beretta handed Hawkins something. That "something", was Hawkins' walking stick.

Beth: Uh oh, it looks like the New York boys are going below the belt to seal the deal!

Nigel: NO doubt, at this point you gotta do whatever it takes! This is where the numbers come into play!

While Ryder was insisting that it was a 3 count, Sonata got back to her feet, and then Hawkins swung, but he missed! Sonata then grabbed Hawkins, but he was able to jab his walking stick into her gut, immediately dropping her to her knees!

Mauro: Oh, and right to the stomach did that cane go!

Hawkins then threw the stick back to Beretta, and attempted to finish off Sonata. He then goes for his patented Overhead flipping leg hook belly-to-back suplex, the "One Night Stand", but Sonata landed on her feet, with a hold of Hawkins' arm, and then she spun him out into the G.B.2.S Cutter!

Nigel: And now Hawkins, going for a one night stand- WOW! 

Mauro: Sonata with an amazing reversal! Go Back 2 Sleep, Hawkins!

Sonata then got up, clutching her ribs from the stick shot to her gut. Then she picked up Hawkins, and hooked both his arms.

Mauro: And now Sonata, looking for one more nail in the coffin!

She then lifted him up, and slammed Hawkins down with a move she calls "Raining Tacos"!


Nigel: Wham! Double Under hook into a one-armed slam of sorts!

Mauro: It's Raining Tacos, courtesy of Sonata Dusk!

Sonata hooks Hawkins leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Sonata prevails in our opening match!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, SONATA DUSK!!!

Beth: It took 3 seconds to put away Hawkins, but at Wrestlepalooza, it's gonna take 10 to put away her Dazzling ally turned Rival, Adagio Dazzle!

The referee then raised Sonata's hand, and then replays of the match started playing. Starting with the Taste of Pain, Hawkins hit on Sonata.

Nigel: Let's take a look back here, we all thought it was over right at this moment when Hawkins hit the Taste of Pain, but in a sheer stroke of will, Sonata escaped at 2.9!

The replay then cuts to when Beretta handed Hawkins his walking stick, missed wildly, but caught Sonata in the gut.

Mauro: And desperate times, call for desperate measures, as Trent Beretta handed Hawkins his walking stick. Hawkins took a swing but as you can see, Sonata dodged that shot, but didn't avoid the other shot!

Then one more replay started. It was the closing moment of the match, starting from Hawkins attempting the One Night Stand on Sonata.

Beth: And Hawkins could've gotten away with it, but Sonata fought through the pain, and the odds, to hit the G.B.2.S Cutter, but that wasn't all!

Mauro: Nope, she went for one more exclamation point, and made it Rain Tacos at the Prince of Queens' expense, with that brand-new move!

The replays ended, and Sonata was now making her way to the back, high-fiving fans as she walked up the ramp.

Nigel: Major momentum for Sonata tonight as she heads towards Wrestlepalooza! But in terms of action, Episode 23 is just getting started! Sonata isn't the only member of the Foodie Friends to see action tonight. Ahead of their all-or-nothing Wattpad Title Match, both Ruby Rose AND “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants will be in action, with the challenger taking on Spongebob's running mate in the Society of Complete Equality, the Knockout Artist, Kassius Ohno!

Beth: Also coming up tonight, we've got something I know you’ll like, Nigel! Nagisa Misumi wants payback on the Crusts for their victory over her and Honoka last Velocity, so she's going one on one with the muscle of the two, Tiff Crust, tonight!

Mauro: But up next, it's a clash of Wrestling styles as the Calamari Catch King, Chris Brookes, takes on Anthony Henry!

Nigel: That one's gonna be physical!


The camera cuts to the backstage area, where the SCE was standing by.

Starlight Glimmer: At Wrestlepalooza, Equality will once again rid this world of another inequality. With me, finally erasing Will Ospreay from existence, Spongebob disposing of Ruby Rose, and Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno claiming the Tag Team Titles, not for them, and not just for us, but for everyone. Because as I've said before, when I'm champion, EVERYONE is Champion.

“Abrasive” Spongebob: You're right, Starlight. When we’re champs, everybody's the champ. And once I'm done with Little Red, I will continue to carry that Wattpad Championship division for the good of Equality!

Kassius Ohno: And for me and Danny, we, along with ALL of the Society of Complete Equality, will watch every single Tag Team fall, and we will show that Equality is the way to success! 

Dark Danny: And nothing will stand in our way. Absolutely… nothing.

As Starlight, Spongebob, Ohno, and Danny revel in their words, Trixie just watched on.

Trixie: As a member of this family, the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't NEED to have a championship title to be a champion, because I already am one, with Starlight as Champion, she won it not for herself, but for me, and everyone who has felt like they've been left behind, and even those who were superior than others!

“Abrasive” Spongebob: Say, where is ol’ Ricochet today? Ain't he supposed t’be learning all of this?

Starlight: Oh don't worry about him, he's in good hands back at our village, learning everything from the book. 

She then pulls out a remote from her pocket, and turns on a TV. The TV shows Ricochet, pacing around in a small room, with an open book on the floor that has just a big equal sign on the pages, with a voice speaking through the megaphones on the ceiling, blaring out quotes:

"Choose Equality as your special talent"

"Be your best, by never being your best"

“Exceptionalism is a lie”

"To excel, is to fail"

Ricochet was slowly starting to lose his mind, then Starlight turned the TV off.

Starlight Glimmer: Soon, Ricochet will finally be one of us, as he accepts his limitations. Once he does, he'll finally find true happiness. *Turns back to the camera* And the same will be said for all of LWF. Let this be a message to not just Will Ospreay, Ruby Rose, and everyone in the Tag Team Ladder match, but to EVERYONE in Loud Wrestling Federation that even think of trying to stop what we started, your unequal minds are no match for Complete Equality!

The promo ends with Danny and Ohno holding up a banner with a huge equal sign on it, and Starlight smiles.

The camera cuts back to ringside where "Venting Your Spleen On Low" was playing through the arena, and Anthony Henry was pacing around the ring. 


*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first already in the ring, from Augusta, Georgia, he weighs in tonight at 180 Pounds, ANTHONY HENRY!!!

Mauro: Anthony Henry is set for one on one action tonight, and obviously laser-focused on the task ahead of him, and not on what the SCE just preached!

Nigel: Yes indeed, but that task is very monumental! He has yet to score a victory here and on Velocity, and I do believe that task is easier said than done!

Then, the lights go out.


(MATCH 2: Chris Brookes vs. Anthony Henry)

16 seconds into the song, Chris Brookes made his entrance to a rally of boos, spitting water into the air before slowly walking to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Tipton, England, he weighs in tonight at 187 Pounds, The Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Nigel: And here's why that task is monumental. Chris Brookes, is a technically sound competitor, with an even more dangerous mean streak!

Mauro: Tonight, Brookes has Anthony Henry, but soon at Wrestlepalooza, he has a grudge match with a recovered and reinvigorated Ijia Dragunov! And I think Brookes aims to show the Mad Russian just what he's in for, at Henry's expense!

Chris Brookes enters the ring, and then takes off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Henry and Brookes lock up in the middle of the ring, and then Brookes gets Henry in a side headlock. Henry then slips out and gets Brookes in a hammerlock.

Brookes was then able to counter out of the lock, and then knock Henry back with a back elbow. Henry then goes for a clothesline but Brookes ducked it, and when Henry turned around, Brookes sent him flying with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Mauro: Oooh, wow! And just like that, Chris Brookes takes control of the match!

Henry then gets up in the corner, and then Brookes charges, and then drops Henry with a single leg Dropkick!

Mauro: And Brookes, not letting up on Anthony Henry!

Henry staggers out of the corner, then Brookes goes to the apron. Once Henry was staying in place, Chris Brookes then dropped him with a Slingshot Cutter, then quickly picked him up and dropped him with his patented draping swinging neckbreaker!

Nigel: Ooh!

Mauro: Swinging neckbreaker!

Beth: Brookes could end it right now!

Brookes drags Henry to the middle of the ring, and gets a convincing 3 count.

Mauro: And as quickly as it started, it's over!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:16)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Brookes then gets up, and demands for a microphone. A stagehand gives him one, and asks for his music to be cut. He then sits on the top turnbuckle, and looks at the crowd before speaking.

Chris Brookes: If you didn't get the picture, *Points at Anthony Henry* I could have broken this pathetic excuse of a wrestler if I wanted to. But I chose not to. But not because he isn't worth the time, and it's definitely not because I'm scared that he'll fight back. It's because that'll give Ilja Dragunov an idea of what he will expect when I cross paths with him again. You see, as long as Ilja is still breathing, this conflict between him and myself won't end, until one of us perishes. It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter where. Last episode was a message, that if I see Ilja, him and I will battle on site, until one of us-


The crowd pops as Brookes quickly looks up at the stage, and hopped down, ready to fight.

Mauro: Uh oh!

Beth: Speak of the devil!

Ilja Dragunov rushed to the ring, and then slid into the ring and he and Chris Brookes began to brawl!

Nigel: And here we go! Fists are flying!

Mauro: All hell has broken loose! Dragunov, beating down the man that sidelined him!

Dragunov takes down Brookes, and continues to rain down on Brookes before Brookes pushes him off.

Brookes gets up, but gets hit with a Torpedo Moskau!


Mauro: And Dragunov!

Nigel: Torpedo Moskau!

Brookes spills out of the ring, and limps away, clutching his jaw as he looks back at the ring, with Dragunov standing his ground as his theme song plays.

Mauro: Brookes was saying last episode he sent a message, well I think Dragunov just sent one of his own right back!

Nigel: No doubt that Dragunov is hell bent on getting back at Chris Brookes! 

Beth: And like Brookes said, this won't end until one of them drops, and I think Dragunov agrees with him!

Mauro: One falls, the other rises. But who's gonna be the one who rises? Well, only time will tell. But moving on, still to come, the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants will be in action, as well as Ruby Rose as she takes on Kassius Ohno!

Nigel: Also coming up, Nagisa Misumi looks to get a little bit of payback as she takes on Tiff Crust one on one!

Beth: And we will see Darby Allin in the ring later on too, but up next, The Death Dealer will be in action against an opponent of Kenny Omega's choosing!

Mauro: This should be interesting!


Kayla Braxton was standing by with Sonata Dusk.

Kayla: Sonata, first of all, congratulations on a very impressive win tonight over Curt Hawkins, and it seems like your attention problems towards Adagio Dazzle are a thing of the past now that you have this Last Siren Standing match coming up with her at Wrestlepalooza.

Sonata: Thanks Kayla! And you're right, I'm feeling more focused than ever! But I'm not out of the woods, just yet. Winning this Last Siren Standing match at Wrestlepalooza will be the defining moment of my career. Because not only will I beat Dagi by getting her down for the count of 10, but I'll also get my first LWF: Reborn World Championship opportunity ever! That's gonna be even better than being first in line for Taco Tuesday!

Before Kayla could ask another question, the Crust Cousins walked in.

Brit: Awww, the little odd Siren out thinks she's gonna be a breakout star!

Tiff: *Laughs* That's even funnier than that Pretty Cure girl challenging me to a one on one match!

Brit: Which one?

Tiff: Who cares? They're not popular, like us! And most importantly, they're not…

Sonata: … Iconic?

The Crusts turn to Sonata as she says that.

Sonata: *looks at them and shakes her head* Oh, sorry. I thought you two were another pair of loud mouthed nitwits with annoying voices. 

Brit: *Gasps* What are you saying!?

Sonata: I'm saying, you guys are not popular, even if you wish to be. If anything, you guys are just a nuisance in the Tag Team division. Think of it like… you guys as the female version of Snips and Snails!

Tiff: *Shocked and appalled* How DARE you! We've been on a roll ever since we beat those two idiots! And we're going to keep our winning ways going, because there's no one that can beat us now, tag teams, or individuals!

Brit: Exactly! Now if you'll excuse us? *Walks past Sonata then looks back* We will remember this, Taco Freak!

The Crusts then headed off as Sonata and Kayla looked at each other.

Sonata: I give ‘em… until Velocity? *Shrugs*

In another area backstage, Ruby Rose was sitting on a production box, reading a comic book.

Ruby: *Looks up* Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there! Well, tonight, it just so happens that Spongebob and I are on the card, in separate matches. While I'm facing his, one of many, partners in crime, Kassius Ohno, he's gonna be facing whoever's in the ring looking for a match. He got easy work, but I'm not gonna complain. Like what a friend of mine once said, "Easy isn't fun, anyway." *stretches a bit before relaxing* I know Kassius is a veteran with lots more wrestling experience than me. He's seen it all, and faced the best the industry had to offer. But tonight, I'm gonna show him just how someone from Remnant wrestles! So bring it on, Wrestling Genius, and let's see if you can figure me out! Oh, and Spongebob, I hope you watch the match very closely. Because not only are you gonna witness your future, I'm gonna be watching your match as well. *Smiles*

Ruby then puts on some headphones, and goes back to her comic.

Back at ringside…


Mauro: Ruby clearly game to face the self-proclaimed Wrestling Genius from Ohio, we’ll see that coming up! But right now, let's see what Poison Omega picked for this man!

Out came Charlie Bonifer, all geared up for competition as he made his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

(MATCH 3: Charlie Bonifer vs. An opponent of Kenny Omega's choosing)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, "The Death Dealer", CHARLIE BONIFER!!!

Mauro: Earlier tonight, Chard booked Bonifer and Omega in singles matches, in which they choose an opponent for one another, and in just a matter of moments, we will see who Kenny Omega picked for the Death Dealer to deal with!

Beth: Well Kenny said he had the perfect person in mind for Bonifer to face, but given the people he's crossed paths with, it could be anybody. 

Nigel: No matter who it is, I doubt Bonifer’s going to care less, he just wants to brutally beat whoever comes out!

Bonifer enters the ring and paces around,  taking off his jacket and waiting with anticipation.

The lights go out, and then…


5 seconds into the song, "SILENT AGGRESSION" popped up on the titantron, and then a spotlight shone down on the center of the stage to reveal Vali Lucifer standing in the middle of the stage! 

The crowd cheered at the sight of him, making his first appearance in LWF since his Adrenaline Rush Tournament run.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, wrestling out of Kuoh Town, Japan… VALI LUCIFER!!!

After Jeremy introduced him, Vali began to make his way to the ring.

Mauro: Well, this is certainly a welcoming surprise! Vali Lucifer from the Adrenaline Rush Tournament is Omega's pick!

Beth: It's great to see him here! He was a real contender in the Adrenaline Rush tournament, and showed a lot of potential with his style of wrestling!

Nigel: The two words up on the tron said it all, Vali’s ring style is based around Silent Aggression! A grappler with a boiling rage inside, which will blast out at any time!

Vali enters the ring, and takes off his jacket and t-shirt. 

He then stands in the corner diagonally across from Bonifer, then the bell rings. 

Bonifer and Vali circle around the ring for a few seconds before finally locking up in the center. Bonifer then gets behind Vali, and grabs him around his waist. Vali quickly breaks free, and gets Bonifer in a wrist lock. 

Bonifer then laid down on the mat, and bridged up before getting back up to his feet and then getting Vali in a wrist lock of his own. Bonifer wrenches the lock as hard as he can, but then Vali does a forward roll, then rolls back, and then hooks his left leg around Bonifer's left leg, then grabs the other leg with his free hand, and then Vali sweeps Bonifer off his feet, holding onto his ankle. 

Bonifer then pushes him off and gets back to his feet. They then charge at each other, but then Bonifer goes behind Vali, and drops him with a mat return, and gets him in a front face lock.

Vali then counters by sitting up, and grabbing Bonifer's head for leverage as he gets back up to his feet. Vali then pulls Bonifer into a side headlock, and takes him down with a side headlock takeover.

Bonifer shifts his weight to pin Vali's shoulders on the mat, and Vali sits up at 2. Bonifer was then able to free himself, and get Vali in an armbar but Vali held on to his hand to prevent the full arm extension. 

Mauro: And Bonifer, armbar attempt, Vali trying to prevent the hold from locking in fully!

Nigel: A very smart and fast decision by Vali to block a dangerous submission!

Vali then rolled up Bonifer, pinning his shoulders to the mat, but Bonifer kicked out at 2, and then both men got back to their feet, and the crowd applauded when they had a standoff. 

Mauro: And we have a stalemate!

Nigel: A very good exchange between these two for sure!

Beth: Kinda hard to tell who has the advantage thanks to that!

Vali and Bonifer then circle around the ring before locking up once more. Bonifer goes behind Vali, but he knocks him back with a back elbow. 

Vali then pulls him into a side headlock, but Bonifer counters, and puts Vali in a side headlock of his own.

Vali then pushes him into the ropes and uses the rebound to push Bonifer off. Bonifer bounces back, and then knocks Vali down with a shoulder block!

Bonifer then hits the ropes, and then Vali does a drop down. Bonifer hops over him, then Vali gets up. And when Bonifer hits the ropes, Vali trips him with a sliding leg sweep! Vali then does a forward roll, and then connects with a Basement Dropkick!


Mauro: Oooh, look at Vali!

Nigel: Silent Aggression in full force!

Vali then goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Bonifer is able to escape, however!

Bonifer crawls to the ropes, and then Vali advances toward him, but the referee pushes him back. Bonifer takes advantage of the opening by kicking Vali in the leg. 

Vali drops to one knee, then Bonifer knocks him down with a big boot before going to the cover. 

Bonifer only gets a 2 count out of it, then Bonifer begins to unload on Vali, raining down on him with vicious elbow strikes.

Mauro: And now the Death Dealer, dealing out elbows on Vali Lucifer!

He then picks him up, and drops him with a snap Vertical Suplex. Bonifer floats over into the cover, but Vali kicks out at 2. Off the kick out, Bonifer grabbed Vali's arm, and then locked on a Fujiwara Armbar.

Mauro: Vali kicks out at 2, but Bonifer's quick to react!

Nigel: A deep Fujiwara locked in, potentially popping that arm out its socket!

Beth: Vali needs to unleash that Silent Aggression, quick!

After a couple of minutes, Vali then starts to crawl to the ropes. He struggles, but he manages to grab the bottom rope to force a break.

Bonifer lets go, and gets up. Vali uses the ropes to pull himself back up to his feet, Bonifer advances toward him, but Vali cuts him off with a kick to his gut.

Vali then delivers some right-hand jabs, then some forearms, but Bonifer cuts him off with a knee to the midsection, then knocks Vali back with a Forearm Smash. 

Bonifer hits the ropes, but Vali pops him up into the air off the rebound, and connects with a knee lift! Bonifer was now staggering, then Vali clocks him with a step-up enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Vali! 

Nigel: Bonifer's down, all he needs to do now is capitalize!

Bonifer crumbles to a heap, then Vali goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2.

Vali gets up, and then sizes up Bonifer. Bonifer then gets up, and Vali knocks him down with a clothesline! Bonifer then gets up, and Vali knocks him back down with a Forearm Smash!

Vali then picks up Bonifer, goes to throw him to the ropes but Bonifer switches the momentum around. Vali hits the ropes, but holds on to the top rope to stop his momentum. Bonifer charges, then Vali pops him up into the air, and drapes Bonifer on the top rope!

Bonifer turns around, and walks into a flying roundhouse kick!


Mauro: And Vali, now picking up steam!

Vali goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Shoulder's up at 2!

Nigel: That Silent Aggression is slowly coming to the surface!

Vali then gets up, and measures Bonifer up one more time. Once Bonifer got to his feet, Vali hoisted him up onto his shoulders. Bonifer however, was able to fight out of his grasp by elbowing him in the side of his face. 

Vali then attempted a clothesline, but Bonifer ducked it, and then planted him with an Irish Curse Backbreaker!

Mauro: And Bonifer with an Irish Curse Backbreaker!

Bonifer goes for the cover, but Vali kicks out at 2! 

Bonifer then picked up Vali, and set him up for a Widowmaker. Vali then popped up, and dropped Bonifer with a Poisoned Frankensteiner!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Poisoned Frankensteiner by Vali, drilling the Death Dealer into the mat!

Bonifer was down on one knee, completely dazed, then Vali hits the ropes. But then Bonifer suddenly popped back up to his feet, and off the rebound, Bonifer caught him, and violently wiped out Vali with Death's Hand!


Mauro: And Bonifer! Oh my God, what a Death's Hand!

Beth: Just stopped Vali in his tracks!

Bonifer, in a loopy state, drapes his arm across Vali's torso, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And the Death Dealer prevails!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHARLIE BONIFER!!!

Mauro: And Bonifer picks up the win, with the most vicious Death's Hand imaginable!

Nigel: You can count to 20, and Vali still wouldn't get up from that!

The referee raises Bonifer's hand, and then leaves the ring.

Beth: Bonifer's victorious against Omega's choosing, and later tonight, we'll see if Omega has the same exact result when he goes up against the competitor that Bonifer selects for him!

Nigel: And also later tonight, Ruby Rose looks to add more momentum on her way to Wrestlepalooza, but to do that, she has to get past Kassius Ohno!

Mauro: Speaking of Ruby, her opponent, the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants, is in action, and that's next!

A vignette for The Peerage plays.

The vignette begins with a shot of the Space Needle. The scene then cuts to inside the observation deck, where The Peerage were looking down at the city.

Rias Gremory: Look at that, ladies. The beautiful city of Seattle. 

Rarity: Quite an elegant sight, isn't it?

Rias Gremory: Indeed, it is. It's quite breathtaking.

Weiss: Looking down on the city from up here, I feel like we’ll soon be watching over every Division in LWF.

Rias Gremory: That's exactly why I brought you all here. You see the city? Imagine that's the whole of LWF.

Akeno Himejima: Oooh, that is a good perspective of things, Rias!

Rias Gremory: Thank you, Akeno.

Weiss: You know, why stop at just LWF? Why not restore order in the whole world?

Rias Gremory: One day, Weiss. But for now, LWF is our main priority. When we arrive, everything will become exactly how we envision it to be. Once we do that, THEN we restore order in the world, as is the goal of the peerage. Where Elegance…

All 4 members: … meets Excellence!

They then continue to look down at the city as the vignette ends with the caption: "THE PEERAGE - COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN" 

The scene now cuts back to the backstage area, where Anthony Henry was sitting on a production box, muttering to himself when Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Anthony Henry, tough couple of losses to start your LWF Career here, but do you still believe there's a chance for you to bounce back, however? 

Anthony: Of course! I'm the Patron Saint of Wrestling! I don't care how many matches I lose, whenever I show up, I always show out! So bring on whoever-

He was then cut off by Skye Blue walking into the scene.

Skye: Always show out? Man, you may have "shown out", but I don't recall anyone talking about your performance after your match.

Anthony: That's tough talk, coming from a girl who hasn't scored a single win either!

Skye: *Laughs* Gotta go for the low hanging fruit, huh? Well, mister "Patron Saint of Wrestling", if you really do show out in your matches, then you wouldn't mind putting your money where your mouth is, and face me at Velocity?

Anthony: *Scoffs* You serious?

Skye nods.

Anthony: Then you're on. But be careful what you wish for, sweetheart. *Gets up in Skye's face* Because you might just get it.

Skye just smirks, and then walks away.


Back at ringside, "Corrosive" was playing as Koneko was inside the ring, warming up her hands.


Nigel: Skye Blue better be careful what she asks for, because she’ll be in for a fight come velocity!

Mauro: But in the case of the No-Nonsense Nekoshoku, Koneko Toujou, she's always ready for a fight!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall! In the ring at this time, residing in Kuoh Town, Japan… KONEKO TOUJOU!!!

Beth: And Koneko finds herself once again in a match with a champion from the SCE tonight.  She came up short in an impressive showing against Starlight Glimmer in her first-ever match here in LWF: Reborn, and now she's going up against the Wattpad Champion in non-title action!

Nigel: A win tonight could perhaps set her up for a future Wattpad Championship opportunity!



The crowd booed as "Abrasive" Spongebob made his entrance 12 seconds into the song, dragging his Wattpad Championship across the ground.

(MATCH 3: “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants vs. Koneko Toujou)

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, representing the Society of Complete Equality, he is the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: But will Spongebob be so lenient as to give Koneko that chance to shine? Ever since obtaining the wattpad championship, he's proven to be quite the challenge for anyone steeping to him to overcome!

Nigel: I wouldn't be surprised if Spongebob isn't perhaps taking Koneko lightly because of what happened between her and Starlight before, but never doubt the Wattpad Champions skill!

Beth: I wouldn't put it past Spongebob to look over Koneko towards Ruby, where their match at Wrestlepalooza is all or nothing! If he's not careful, his face could get swollen shut!

Spongebob enters the ring, and holds the title up high as he stands on the middle turnbuckle, looking out towards the fans.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Both competitors lock up. Sponegbob tries to use his height advantage as leverage to overpower Koneko who's smaller. Unfortunately for him, Koneko, being stronger than she looks, pushes Spongebob back all the way close to the corner he started from!

Beth: Not the smartest idea for Sponegbob to try and battle Koneko in an exchange of power!

Nigel: Small in size she may be, but Koneko is not a wimp by any means!

The referee pulled Koneko off of Spongebob, and then Spongebob took advantage of the opening, then charged and blasted Koneko with an Elbow Strike!

Mauro: And Spongebob with a nasty elbow!

“If you can't beat Starlight, then you sure ain’t no match for me!” Spongebob declared to the pushed back Koneko as he hit her again, but Koneko took it in the face.

“Suck it.” she nonchalantly said before pulling back her right arm and hitting Spongebob right in the face with a devastating right hand jab!

Nigel: WHOA!

Mauro: Oh, what a Right Hand by Koneko!

Spongebob stumbles back as he holds his Abrasive face in pain. Koneko then puts him on his shoulders, looking for the "White Sound", her patented Detonation Kick, but as she went for it, Spongebob caught her leg and then rolled her over into an ankle lock! Koneko however, was able to counter it into a Victory Roll pin, but gets only a 2 count out of it!

They both get up, and then Koneko takes Spongebob down with a side headlock takeover. Koneko had the grounded headlock locked on tight, then Spongebob wrapped his legs around Koneko's head, then Koneko was able to counter into a Jackknife Pin, but Spongebob kicked out at 2, and quickly got up.

Koneko gets up as well, then Spongebob lights her up with a slap, then a knee to the gut, then a roundhouse kick to the chest before finally taking Koneko off her feet with a low leg sweep!

Mauro: And now the Champion, with a series of strikes!

"Abrasive" Spongebob goes for the cover, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Not enough to put Koneko away, however!

Spongebob then sits her up, and then he delivers a kick across her back.

Then he grabbed her arm, and then tried for a cross armbreaker, but Koneko held onto her hand, preventing Spongebob from fully extending the arm.

Mauro: The Abrasive one now going for a cross arm breaker, but Koneko hanging on!

Koneko was then able to shift her body weight over to pin his shoulders to the mat, but at 2 she deadlifted Spongebob up!

Nigel: 2 count, but look at Koneko's impressive feat of strength!

Mauro: I've said it once, I will say it again! She's so small in stature, but big in strength! Koneko now, with Spongebob up…!

Koneko then ran to the nearest corner and tosses Spongebob with a Buckle Bomb!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Buckle Bomb!

As Spongebob was leaning in the corner, he knocked an incoming Koneko backwards with a boot to the face.

Koneko charges again, Spongebob goes for a clothesline but she ducks it, and springs off the second turnbuckle, hitting Spongebob with a Slice of Hell!

Mauro: And the Wattpad Champion, feeling a little Slice of Hell, courtesy of the fierce Nekoshou!

Nigel: Right on the ear, too!

Koneko scrambles into the cover, but Spongebob is still able to kick out at 2!

Beth: No, Spongebob is still able to kick out, but give Koneko some credit! She's making incredible strides against the Wattpad Champion!

Nigel: There's no better way to make a name for yourself than adding a match against another champion to your resume!

Koneko heads out to the Apron and goes up top. She looks for a Diving Double Foot Stomp,  but Spongebob moves out of the way! Koneko rolls through, landing safely.

Mauro: And Koneko, missing the stomp…

Koneko charges back to Spongebob, who gets up quickly and goes for Hurricane Sandy, but Koneko caught it, and then started twisting the ankle!

Mauro: Spongebob with Hurricane Sandy- wow, Koneko caught him!

Nigel: Ankle lock applied!

Spongebob was then able to quickly counter into an ankle lock of his own before Koneko could do any damage, and to ensure she wasn't going anywhere, he grapevines the leg!

Mauro: And now Spongebob with an ankle lock of his own!

Nigel: Grapvined, center of the ring, nowhere to go! Koneko has to do something, lest Spongebob breaks her damn ankle!

Koneko struggled for a few minutes, but mustered up the strength to crawl to the bottom rope, and grabbed it to force a break.

Mauro: And Koneko Toujou, with whatever energy she had left, gets to the ropes!

Beth: But I think the damage is done guys! What does Koneko have left?

Spongebob stood up, measuring Koneko with intentions to finish her off. As Koneko slowly got to her feet he soon kicked her in the gut and set her up for 47 meters down, but as soon as he got her set up for it, Koneko flipped him over with a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: Spongebob ready to send Koneko 47 Meters down- oh wait a minute! Koneko flipping Spongebob like a pancake!

Nigel: Well, I guess she still has plenty left!

Koneko then slid her thumb across her throat, and when Spongebob got up, she sent him flying into the corner with a John Woo Dropkick!


Mauro: John Woo Dropkick!!!

Koneko wasted no time. She immediately got up, went back to the corner diagonally across from Spongebob, and came charging back, flattening him with a cannonball senton!

After that, she prepared for the finishing touch. She dragged him to the center of the ring, and picked him up. She then placed him on her shoulders, and then spun around a couple times before finally dropping him into her patented Detonation Kick, the "White Sound"!


Nigel: Koneko now with all things in her favor! Airplane Spin….WHAM! White Sound, that's it!

Unfortunately, Spongebob didn't fall into a heap, but rather he staggered backwards, and spilled out of the ring!

Mauro: Yeah that WOULD have been it! But the Champion fell out!

Koneko, knowing she couldn't defeat Spongebob unless he's inside the ring for a 3 count, made her way outside to get Spongebob back in. But that cost her valuable time. As she finally got him back in the ring, that gave Spongebob just enough time to regain his senses, so when Koneko covered him, he kicked out at 2!

Nigel: And that time wasted gave the champion recovery time, and he survived!

Mauro: Those little seconds of delay from spilling out of the ring, saved him!

Koneko then got up, looked down at her knee, then went into a corner, and sized up Spongebob, lying in wait, ready to strike. 

Mauro: And Koneko, taking one glance at her knee before stalking Spongebob!

Nigel: Potentially a Busaiku Knee awaits the Abrasive one?

Spongebob gets up, and then Koneko charges, but runs right into a Torpedo Kick from the champion!

Beth: Ooh, ran right into a Torpedo Kick!

Spongebob then picked up Koneko, and then executed the Kirifuda Clutch, which he calls the "Tattletale Strangler"!


Mauro: Oh wow, Spongebob! He calls that the Tattletale Strangler!

Nigel: Choking the life out of Toujou!

Koneko struggles, but the more she struggles, the more she fades, and in what feels like seconds, Koneko eventually passes out.

Mauro: And Koneko's out! The Wattpad Champion prevails!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:10)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, “Abrasive” SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

The referee raises Spongebob's hand in victory, but he clearly didn't get an easy win as he was holding his jaw before the referee handed him his Wattpad Championship.

Nigel: Score another win over Koneko for the SCE, but Koneko herself has nothing to be ashamed of! She showed she can hang with the Champion, and potentially, we might see them face off in the future!

Beth: You're on the ball with that one, Nigel! Koneko definitely has a bright future here in LWF!

Mauro: Sponegbob himself gains huge momentum heading into his match at Wrestlepalooza with Ruby, who also has a lot of momentum. But coming up later tonight, will Kassius Ohno kill it? We’ll see when they go at it!

Nigel: We’ll also see the LWF in-ring return of Darby Allin later tonight, as he looks to send Dennis a message ahead of their Last Ride Match! But up next, it's my favorite match of the night? Why? Because The Crusts are in it! Tiff Crust, with Brit in her corner, takes on Nagisa Misumi!

Beth: If she loses, I wonder what the excuse will be.


The crowd was treated to a surprise, as instead of Kalya Braxton standing by in the interview area, it was someone unexpected, yet wholly welcomed… Mirajane Strauss! 

The crowd cheered before she spoke.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, FSU!

Andrews and Dennis walked in, and they were uncharacteristically obedient around Mirajane.

Mirajane: Andrews, Dennis, first off, quite a convincing win over in Velocity-

Mark Andrews: Yes, of course it was convincing. It was Quatro and Webster. What did you expect?

Eddie Dennis: Mark, take it easy. This is her first day on the job.

Mark Andrews: Riiight… 

Mirajane: *Clears her throat* Anyway, you two did request this time, so… what's going through your guys' minds?

Mark Andrews: First of all, thank you for stating the obvious. That was quite an easy win for us in Velocity, which brings us to why we're here. 

Eddie Dennis: You see everything was fine, until…

Mark Andrews: … That dope showed up.

Mirajane: Who, Erza? If I were you two, I wouldn't want her within earshot of that-

Eddie Dennis: No, not Erza, you dope! We're talking about that Chilean idiot, Alejandro Saez! He had absolutely ZERO business being out there! Which is why, at Velocity… Saez is gonna take on me!

Mark Andrews: And when it's all said and done, everyone will see why FSU doesn't just stand for "Friends Stand United".

They then leave, and Mirajane just looks on.

Mirajane: Oh well, so much for my first day.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


Beth: I sure feel sorry for Mira to have FSU as her first guests as our new Backstage Reporter.

Nigel: Ah, I'm sure she can handle it, she works in a raucous guildhall all the time! But more importantly, here comes the brightest Tag Team to walk the earth today!

The crowd boos as the Crust Cousins made their entrance.

*Bell rings*

(MATCH 4: Tiff Crust vs Nagisa Misumi)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen this next contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Brit Crust, TIFF CRUST!

Mauro: FIrst singles match in the career of Tiff Crust tonight, and she looks confident as always!

Nigel: When is she NOT confident? Never! The Crusts are on a roll, and I don't see them stopping!

Tiff enters the ring, and she fixes up her leather gloves as she stands in the corner, waiting for her opponent. 



The crowd cheers as Pretty Cure makes their entrance. They then did their signature pose in the middle of the stage before making their way down the ramp, high-fiving the fans.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, accompanied by Honoka Yukishiro, NAGISA MISUMI!!!

Beth: Wow, great reception for Nagisa and Honoka, they're sure becoming popular!

Mauro: It's only natural Beth, they've had a slow journey to becoming a duo to look out for, but all that aside, the reason this match came about was because of what happened in Velocity. 

Then, a replay of the match in question played. Specifically the closing moments.

Mauro: There you see Brit rolling up Nagisa for the pin, and to make sure they won, Tiff assisted her cousin by holding her hand just outside the referee's vision to make sure Nagisa didn't escape!

Nigel: Quite crafty if you ask me!

Beth: That's cheating, is what it is.

Nigel: Call it what you want, but at the end of the day, it's hook or by crook to get a win!

Nagisa then entered the ring, and then walked backwards towards the ropes before swiftly turning around and looking out at the audience before turning back to Tiff. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Tiff and Nagisa lock up in the middle of the ring, Tiff being the stronger one, was able to take Nagisa down pretty easily. She then begins to unload on her, and Nagisa covers up to try and shield off the downward punches and forearms. 

Mauro: And Tiff Crust, just laying it to Nagisa with that mean streak!

Tiff then gets up, and tries to pick up Nagisa by her hair, but Nagisa fights back, punching her in the ribs to try and create separation. This ends up working as Tiff releases the young hero. Nagisa then gets up to her feet, and goes for a big punch, but Tiff quickly drops her to one knee with a knee to the gut!

She then throws Nagisa over the top rope, but she lands on the apron. Tiff tries to knock her off the apron, but Nagisa blocks the attack, and connects with a Forearm. Tiff staggers back and drops to one knee, but then hits Nagisa in the gut with a Savate Kick out of nowhere!

Tiff then grabbed Nagisa's hair, and drove her face-first into the ring post!

Mauro: And Nagisa's face meets the ring post!

Beth: It doesn't take a genius to know who wins that one.

Nagisa slumps down onto the floor, and then Tiff goes to retrieve her. She throws Nagisa back into the ring, goes for the cover, but Nagisa gets the shoulder up at 2.

Tiff gets up, and then starts stomping on her. She then walks backwards towards the ropes, and off the rebound she jumps and lands a knee drop across Nagisa's face.

Mauro: Tiff continues to show her viciousness, and Nagisa's taking it full force!

Tiff goes for the cover again, but Nagisa kicks out at 2. Tiff then drapes Nagisa on the second rope, and pushes down on the back of her neck, choking her!

Nigel: Tiff is just relentless on Nagisa right now!

The referee pulls Tiff off of Nagisa, giving Brit an opening to deck her with a forearm!

Mauro: And Brit Crust, right as soon as the referee's back was turned! The crust cousins continue their coordinated acts!

Beth: This is what you call the brightest Tag Team, Nigel?

Brit quickly jumped back with her hands up as soon as Honoka came over. Meanwhile back in the ring, Nagisa was lying face down on the mat and Tiff was delivering elbow drops on her back.

Nagisa reaches for the ropes, but Tiff stomps on her back to knock her back down. She then places a knee on Nagisa's back, and then she pulls her as far back as possible. 

After a minute or two, Nagisa started to show some grit and resilience as she started to push herself off the mat despite Tiff digging her knee deeper into her back.

Nigel: Tiff now pressuring Nagisa, but look at Nagisa fighting back! Even in the face of Tiff, I got to admire her resiliency!

Nagisa was only a fingertip away, but Tiff released her, and repositioned her back to the center of the ring!

After a minute or so of struggling, Nagisa was able to pop her hips up, and shifted her weight to escape. With Tiff still holding on, Nagisa grabs one of her arms and attempts to put her in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Tiff was able to pull away before she could lock it in. 

They both get up, Tiff goes for a clothesline but Nagisa ducks, Tiff comes off the rebound and Nagisa clocked her with a twisting Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And look at that! Nagisa, blasting Tiff Crust with a Forearm as she came off the ropes!

Nagisa then goes for the cover, but Tiff kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Nagisa only gets a 2 count!

Nigel: Boy that would've been disastrous for the Crusts!

Beth: Would it have ever!

Nagisa gets up and continues to keep the pressure on Tiff. Once Tiff got up, Nagisa knocked her down with a clothesline! Tiff gets up again, and then Nagisa knocks her back down with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And now Nagisa Misumi, beginning to fire up here in this match!

Tiff gets up, and then Nagisa tries to throw her to the ropes with an Irish Whip, but Tiff switches the momentum around. 

Nagisa held on to the top rope to stop herself, then Tiff charged at her and went for a flying attack, but Nagisa jumped out of the way, and Tiff ended up getting draped on the top rope!

Mauro: And Tiff Crust, attempting to try and slow her down, gets nothing but the top rope!

Tiff staggers, then Nagisa hits the ropes, and then drops her with a Side Russian Leg Sweep!

Mauro: And Nagisa, bringing the fight to Tiff!

Nagisa then quickly got up, and then sprung off the second rope and connected with a Leg Drop!


Mauro: Leg Drop off the second rope!

Nagisa goes for the cover, but Tiff kicks out at 2!

Tiff was now all loopy as she slowly started to get back on her feet. Nagisa gets up too, and measures her up.

As the referee checked on Tiff, Brit hops on the apron and tries to deck Nagisa again, but Nagisa ducked, hopped off the second rope, and then knocked her off the apron with a back elbow!


Mauro: Brit trying to involve herself again- and this time she pays for it!

Brit gets up, and that's when Honoka took a running start, and used the steel steps as a launching pad to fly and drop Brit with a Tornado DDT!

Nigel: Whoa!

Mauro: And Honoka, taking Brit out of the equation!

Nagisa smiles at her partners' handiwork, pointing to her, before pointing back to Brit as she pandered a bit to the crowd before setting Tiff up for another big move.

Tiff gets up, and then Nagisa, with a running start, goes for a flying clothesline, but Tiff catches her, and drops her with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

Nigel: Oooh, wow!

Mauro: What a throw by Tiff!

Tiff then goes for a Powerbomb, but Nagisa counters into a sitout facebuster!


Mauro: Tiff now looking to put Nagisa down-OH, WOW! Powerbomb reversed into a Sitout Facebuster!

Beth: For the Crusts, that's the worst possible thing to happen!

Nigel: Oh, for sure! Tiff worked really hard on getting that eyeliner right!

And then it was Nagisa's turn to try and capitalize. With Tiff now laying prone, Nagisa gets up and then makes the climb to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Nagisa, looking to take flight!

Nigel: Pretty Cures can't fly, but they sure can jump!

Then as if on cue, Nagisa leaps and hits a Five Star Frog Splash!


Beth: That might make RVD blush!

Nagisa clutches her ribs upon landing, then goes for the cover, but Tiff kicks out at the last second!

Mauro: No, not enough to put Tiff away!

Nigel: It's always so risky for anybody to use the 5-star frog splash because it puts so much pain on you!

Tiff gets up and goes to the nearest corner to recuperate. Nagisa is still clutching her ribs to which Tiff sees this. She then goes right after her as Nagisa walks right into her arms, looking for the Double-A Spinebuster, but Nagisa breaks free and shoves her away. But by doing so, Tiff's head made contact with the Referee's!

Mauro: And Nagisa, averting disaster, but it looks like Tiff and the Ref bonked heads!

With the referee stunned, it gave Brit the perfect opportunity to slide in and help her cousin. Before she did anything, though, she grabbed Honoka, and slammed her against the same steel steps she had launched off of a minute ago!

Beth: And Brit on the outside, shutting down Honoka!

Brit then entered the ring to help out tiff, and she was ready, so they set up the Deadly Makeup Routine, and connected with it!

Mauro: Brit now into the ring to help Tiff while the referee is recovering- Deadly Makeup Routine!

Brit quickly gets out of the ring in time as the referee recovers, Tiff hooks Nagisa's leg, and gets the win!

Mauro: And like it or not, Tiff scores her first singles victory!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner… TIFF CRUST!!!

Mauro: And once again, The Crusts take the low road to gain a victory!

Nigel: Opportunistic is what it is! Take nothing away from Nagisa though, she showed us lots more than we have ever seen from her last few matches!

Beth: But still, Tiff didn't win on her own! She still needed Brit around to put away Misumi!

The Crusts celebrate their win as they go up the ramp. Honoka checks on Nagisa, and the Crusts mocked Pretty Cure as they left the arena.

Mauro: Regardless, Tiff Crust walks away the winner here tonight, but switching gears now, later tonight, we still have our Main Event, Ruby Rose taking on Kassius Ohno! Will the Knockout Artist crush Ruby's dreams of becoming a champion?

Beth: And also coming up, Kenny Omega will be in action against an opponent of Bonifer's choosing! 

The camera then cuts to the parking lot, where to loud pop, Darby Allin rolls up on his skateboard, with Lucy on her scooter following shortly behind.

Nigel: But up next, Seattle's own, Darby Allin, is here, and he's in action, next!



The camera then cuts back to Kayla Braxton back in the interviewer section backstage.

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, Steve and Big Mac, The Workin' Miners!

Big Macintosh and Steve came in. Big Mac himself looked happy to be there, while Steve was snacking on some freshly cooked steak.

Kayla: Big Mac, Steve, you two aren't known for saying much, but you must feel pretty happy about your upcoming opportunity for the LWF Reborn Tag Team Championships at Wrestlepalooza in that 4 way ladder match, right?

Big Macintosh: Eeyup.

Suddenly a "Howdy, big bro!" Came from a distance. 

The camera pans around to bring none other than Applejack into frame. 

Applejack: Didn't think ah’d see you here, Big Mac.

Big Mac: Nope.

Applejack: *Looks overcoming Steve* So that there's your partner, Steve, huh? 

Steve simply waved.

Applejack: Heh, he's way less of a talker than you.

Big Mac: Eeyup.

Applejack then patted Big Mac on the back, wished him good luck in the ladder match, then leaves. As soon as The Workin' Miners turned to do the same, The Hybrid 2 were blocking their way.

Jack Evans: Look at this, Angelico. Another duo looking to outshine the last true Hybrids.

Angelico: *Scoffs* Don't keep your hopes up. It's just gonna make the sight of us with the belts more painful for you.

The Hybrid 2 then walked away.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then the lights go out. 

A sad piano piece plays, as up on the titantron, a video of Darby Allin skating around the Seattle streets during the day played, with Lucy following behind him. The video then cuts to a bridge where Darby, wearing a Dennis mask, was standing, tied to a bungee cord.

And then, with Lucy sitting on the edge, Darby leaps, and the video abruptly ends.



The crowd inside the Climate Pledge Arena absolutely exploded once I Fell started to play. Soon enough, out came Darby Allin himself, wearing his hooded leather jacket, and Lucy Loud, with her pet bat Fangs on her shoulder, following not too far behind him. 

*Bell rings!*

(MATCH 5: Darby Allin in action)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall! Being accompanied to the ring by Lucy Loud, from Seattle, Washington…!

At that, the crowd pops.

Jeremy Borash: …He Weighs in tonight at 175 lbs, DARBY ALLIN!

Mauro: In this very arena not too long ago, Darby Allin defeated Samoa Joe, to claim AEW's TNT Championship for the second time in his career! And now, he looks to Wrestlepalooza with Lucy by his side, where it is official! Allin, Dennis! In a Last Ride Match!

Beth: Similar to that of an ambulance match, but instead of putting your opponent in an ambulance, you're putting them in the back of a hearse!

Nigel: Somehow that just makes the match more horrifying!

Darby and Lucy together walked down to ringside, both going the left hand path. 

Darby then went up the steps first, went through the ropes, then ran to the nearest corner to pose to the crowd.

While that was going on, Lucy followed right behind, slowly going up the steps and onto the apron. Fangs then flies up as Lucy then slingshots herself through the middle rope and somersaults into the center of the ring, sitting down cross-legged, as Fangs landed perfectly on her shoulder.

Mauro: And of course, Lucy, always entering the ring the way she wants to do it best.

Then the camera cuts to a corner, where a man looking about 6 feet tall, was standing.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Balzac, Alberta, Canada, he weighs in tonight at 154 Pounds, ALEX PLEXIS!

Alex Plexis throws a fist up into the air upon the announcement of his name.

Darby Allin takes off his leather jacket, and stares down Plexis.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Plexis and Allin lock up in the middle of the ring, Plexis then gets behind Allin and takes him down with a mat return. He then gets him in a front face lock, but Allin counters, and puts him in a front face lock of his own. 

They then both got up, Plexis landed a few punches to the gut, went for a vertical suplex but Allin was able to counter into a float-over stunner!


Mauro: Plexis goes for a suplex- but darby with the Vintage Stunner!

Plexis goes down, and he was in prime position as Darby went up top to the nearest corner.

Nigel: And here comes the Nail in his metaphorical coffin!

Darby, without any hesitation, goes for the Coffin Drop, and flattens Plexis!


Mauro: Coffin Drop!!!

Darby goes for the cover, and gets a convincing 3 count!

Beth: And it's already over right after it starts, wow!

*Bell rings*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Mauro: That Coffin Drop put away Plexis, but at Wrestlepalooza, that's not gonna get him the win. He's gotta put Dennis down just long enough to get him in the back of a Hearse to win!

Nigel: I hope Darby knows what he's getting into, because when there are no rules and it's just a straight knockout fight, that's where Dennis truly thrives!

Beth: That's the interesting part. Because as a matter of fact, Darby also thrives in no-rules fights! 

Nigel: That's the problem. Darby thrives way too intensely! He doesn't know when to stay down, and he has no regard for his well being! If you ask me, his relentless mentality is gonna backfire on him!

Darby was with Lucy as the ref presented him as the winner. As this was happening, the camera cuts to the backstage area where Dennis was watching the whole match on a monitor. Mirajane then walked up to him.

Mirajane: Hello, mister Dennis. Pretty interesting to find you watching one of Darby's matches. Looking forward to your Last Ride Match with him, I take it?

Dennis: As a matter of fact, I am. And if you think that I'm intimidated in the slightest, well then you might as well be brain dead. Because watching this, just shows that Darby's basically digging his own grave. All I need to do is just send him there. And by the looks of it, that's not gonna be too difficult. 

Dennis then walks away, and then the camera pans to the left to catch Dennis mounting on his bike and driving off. It then pans back to Mira as she smiles, trying not to let Dennis’s brain dead comment get to her.

Mirajane: Well, it seems LWF's ruthless cold blooded killer knows where he stands. But don't go anywhere just yet. It's almost time for the main event as Ruby Rose takes on the SCE's Kassius Ohno!

Mauro: Right you are, Mira! But before that, Kenny Omega will be in action next, as he goes against the opponent Bonifer picked for him, next!

In another area backstage, Kassius Ohno and "Abrasive" Spongebob were having a conversation. 

"Abrasive" Spongebob: Make sure you leave some for me. I wanna be the one to put her down.

Kassius: You got it, man. 

"Abrasive" Spongebob: And make sure you and Danny get those tag titles for not just you and Danny, but for all of Equality!

Kassius: For Equality!

They then fist bump, and Spongebob walks off as Kassius warms up by doing some shadow boxing.

The camera cuts back to ringside, as "You Better Pray" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus plays.


Nigel: We would like to take this Tim's to send a special thanks to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus for "You Better Pray", the official theme song of the Grandest Stage of LWF, Wrestlepalooza! You can get this song on Apple Music and Spotify!

Mauro: And this just in, another match has been added to the Card! Straight from Chard's desk, he has organized the debut of the Casino Battle Royale!

Beth: Sign me up! A huge battle royale where the winner gets a guaranteed LWF Reborn Title opportunity? Who wouldn't want to miss that?!

Nigel: Many matches are headlining Wrestlepalooza, such as the LWF World Heavyweight Championship match! Can Will Ospreay defeat Starlight Glimmer, or will equality reign supreme over the Commonwealth Kingpin? Also, the Tag Team Titles will be high above the ring in a 4-way Ladder Match, as Team Weird n’ Wild look to retain over The Workin’ Miners, Hybrid 2, and the SCE's Dark Danny, and Kassius Ohno!

Beth: And the Finals of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament will take place! The two finalists, Yugi Muto and Arthur Watts will clash to determine the inaugural Adrenaline Champion!

Nigel: And another Championship match that's gonna be happening, the 10-Person Cruiserweight Open is gonna take place! 

Mauro: And this just in, a while ago Robert Squared made the challenge to Lord Mirage, and it's officially happening! Robert Squared gets his match against Lord Mirage in what should be a physical encounter!

Nigel: Lets just hope for our sake that no matter who the winner is, Mirage doesn't decide to stick around!

Beth: Totally agree with you there, Nigel. 


Mauro: But right now, let's gear up for another match at Wrestlepalooza! Here comes the Cleaner!

The crowd cheered as Kenny Omega made his entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

(MATCH 6: Kenny Omega vs Charlie Bonifer's choice of opponent)

Jeremy Borash: ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a Pick your Poison match! Introducing first at this time, From Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, he weighs in at 218 pounds, KENNY OMEGA!!!

Mauro: Well, we just saw Omega's pick get decimated by Bonifer, now can Omega do the same here in a matter of moments?

Beth: Mauro, you've commentated for New Japan Pro Wrestling more times out of all three of us so I think you know the answer to that question better than me or Nigel.

Mauro: You would think I know, but Bonifer could pick anyone, so Omega beating his opponent in similar fashion is gonna be up in the air.

Nigel: Exactly, Mauro. Omega's good, but how can you prepare for an opponent you don't even know yet?

Omega enters the ring, and takes off his long coat before doing his signature taunt.

Then, the lights go out, and…


The crowd pops as a 10 second countdown shows up on the titantron, and smoke emitted from the stage floor. At 0, the song picked up, and out of the smoke… Kushida came!

Nigel: Oh My goodness!

Kushida made his way to the ring, as Kenny smiled at the Time Splitters appearance.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, he weighs in tonight at 187 pounds, The Time Splitter, KUSHIDA!!!

Beth: Mauro, I mentioned you did work for New Japan, and who would show up to face Kenny Omega but Kushida! This is gonna be amazing!

Mauro: Unexpected pick by Bonifer, but no doubt a welcome one! And like you said Beth, I've witnessed Kushida's career in Japan, and Bonifer couldn't have picked a better opponent! 

Nigel: Lots of history here, I can tell you that much!

Mauro: That's right, Kushida and Omega are no strangers to each other! They've battled for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship before, so these two should know each other like the back of their hands!

Beth: And with Kushida being in the Cruiserweight Open, this is gonna be HUGE momentum if he can knock off Omega here!

Kushida enters the ring, climbs up the top turnbuckle and does his signature time pose. After that, he faces down Omega as he takes off his jacket and shirt.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Kenny and Kushida lock up in the middle of the ring, Omega then gets Kushida in a hammerlock, but Kushida quickly counters into a wrist lock. 

Omega then does a forward roll, then rolls back before grabbing Kushida's leg, and sweeping him off his feet!

Kushida then kicks Omega away, and gets up. Omega charges and goes for the V-Trigger, but Kushida jumps out of the way! Kushida then goes for a German Suplex, but Omega lands on his feet!

Kushida gets up, Omega goes for a punch but Kushida blocks it. Kushida then goes for a punch, but Omega avoids it. He then goes behind Kushida, but Kushida connects with a back elbow. 

Omega staggers back, Kushida then hits the ropes, and Omega does a drop down. Kushida hops over him and hits the ropes again. At the same time Omega gets up, then gets Kushida off the rebound with a hip toss!

Omega goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2.

Kushida tries to get up, but Omega grabs him. But Kushida punches him in the gut to try and create separation.

Omega cuts him off with a knee lift just under the jaw. He picks him up, then gets him up on his shoulders for the one winged angel, but Kushida hammers away on him, and safely gets off his shoulders. 

Omega turns around, and goes for a clothesline, but Kushida ducks, goes for a handspring back elbow, and connects!

Mauro: And Kushida! Handspring back elbow takes Omega off his feet!

Kushida covers Omega, but only gets a 2 count out of it. 

Omega crawls to the ropes and tries to pull himself up. Kushida also gets to his feet, sprints full speed, and then hits a Dropkick on Omega's arm!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And just as Omega was about to get back on his feet, Kushida attacked the arm!

Beth: Softening the arm for his patented Hoverboard Lock, which Omega has felt before!

Kushida gets up, and starts delivering some kicks to the arm, inflicting more damage.

Kushida then takes his arm, and drives it down across his shoulder.

Omega doubles over, clutching his arm. He turns around, and then Kushida takes him down with an arm drag.

Omega sits up, clutching his arm again, trying to shake some feeling back into it, then Kushida does a cartwheel into a basement Dropkick!

Kushida covers after that, but Omega kicks out at 2. He then takes Omega's arm and puts it in an arm-bar, further softening the limb.

Mauro: Target acquired for Kushida now, as he continues to further soften that arm up!

After a few minutes of struggling, Omega was able to get up and reverse the hold to escape.

Kushida tries to push him back down, but Omega punches him in the midsection, and Omega eventually breaks free. 

Omega advances towards Kushida, but before he could react, Kushida stuns him with a wind-up punch!

Mauro: And Kushida, ringing Omega's bell with that punch!

Omega was staggering, Kushida then hits the ropes, but then Omega blasted him with a sudden Lariat!

Nigel: Oooh, wow!

Mauro: Omega explodes, and Kushida didn't see that Lariat coming at all!

Omega clutches his arm upon impact, then goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Kushida, just out at 2!

Omega tries to shake some feeling back into his arm once more, and the crowd starts to get behind him.

Once Kushida got up, Omega knocked him down with a clothesline, and immediately winced! But he fights through the pain, and knocks Kushida down with another clothesline!

Mauro: Kenny Omega, trying to fire up, fighting through the pain!

Beth: He's known for doing that a lot!

Kushida gets up, Omega goes for a third clothesline, but Kushida ducks it. Kushida then goes for a straight jab, but Omega kicks the punch away, then connects with a bicycle knee strike!

Kushida drops down onto all fours, then Omega hits the ropes. Kushida gets up, and off the rebound, Omega drops him with the Kotaro Crusher!


Mauro: And Omega, Kotaro Crusher plants Kushida!

Omega goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Shoulders are just up!

Nigel: Omega's beginning to feel it here!

Omega then picks up Kushida, and throws him out of the ring. He then goes to the middle of the ring, gets down to one knee with his fists on the mat, and the crowd starts clapping the Terminator theme song, and the fans in the front row smack the barricade to the beat.

Mauro: Uh oh, when you hear this, you know what's coming next!

Omega then hits the ropes, gaining as much speed as possible. Once Kushida got up, Omega soars, and wipes him out with a Tope Con Giro!


Nigel: And Omega flies!

Mauro: Kushida, wiped out by the Best Bout Machine!

Kenny Omega then throws Kushida back into the ring. He too gets back in, and then measures him up.

Kushida gets up, then Omega hoists him up onto his shoulders. Omega then crushed him with a rolling senton, followed by a Moonsault off the second turnbuckle!


Mauro: Kenny Omega, not letting up on the gas!

Beth: What a flurry of offense!

Omega hooks the leg, but Kushida is still able to kick out at 2!

Omega, not letting up, stands Kushida up and tries to set up for the Tiger Driver ‘98. He goes for it, but Kushida countered it into a hurricanrana!

Mauro: Omega still in the driver's seat, looking for the Tiger Driver ‘98- oh, but Kushida with an amazing counter!

Kushida had Omega's shoulders down, but Omega pushed him off at 2!

They both get up, Omega charges, but Kushida stuns him with a discus forearm smash! Omega was still on his feet, and then responded with a simple forearm smash.

This got Kushida to spin around, but then Kushida connects with an overhead kick, and Omega falls!

Mauro: And Kushida with a Pélé Kick! Omega's down!

Kushida gets back up, Omega tries to do the same, but then Kushida grabs him by the back of his neck, and rapidly kicks him in the face!

Mauro: And now Kushida, utilizing those rapid fire kicks, made famous by one Toshiaki Kawada!

He then spins him around, and Kushida slams Omega down to the mat with a German Suplex! Kushida bridges into the cover, but Omega kicks out at 2!

Kushida, starting to feel the momentum, prepares for his next move. He goes to the apron, and measures up Omega.

Mauro: Kushida, looking to close in with another high flying maneuver!

Omega gets up, Kushida then goes for his patented springboard chop, but Omega ducked under it, and dropped him with a snap Dragon Suplex!

Mauro: Oooh, going for the Tomahawk Chop! But Omega with the Dragon Suplex!

Kushida clutches the back of his head as he was on his knees, leaning against the ropes. Omega gets up and sees this, and quickly hits the ropes. He goes for the V-Trigger, but Kushida was able to jump out of the way!

Mauro: Oh, V-Trigger attempt, but Kushida saw it coming!

Omega clutches his knee after hitting the ropes, then Kushida gets up, hits the ropes, and then does a Tilt-a-Whirl into the Hoverboard Lock!

Mauro: And Kushida! Hoverboard Lock is in!

Nigel: He finally got it cinched in! After all that damage done, Omega's now in trouble!

Beth: Kushida's just a tap away from victory!

Omega was screaming out in pain as Kushida wrenched the arm as hard as he could. Omega tries to escape, but to no avail. 

Mauro: Kenny’s attempting to escape the Hoverboard Lock to no avail currently!

Beth: How long can he last like this?!

Nigel: I'm not sure, but we do know he's in serious pain!

Omega then used his legs to try and reach for the ropes, and he was able to stretch his leg out just barely enough to get his foot on the bottom rope!

Mauro: And Omega survives the ordeal!

Nigel: The match continues, but Omega's gonna be fighting with one good arm!

Omega clutches his arm once Kushida releases him. Omega then gets up, and stumbles into the nearest corner. 

Kushida then charges, but when he goes for a flying attack, Omega jumps out of the way, and Kushida gets nothing but the turnbuckles!

Mauro: And Kushida- ooh, got too overzealous!

Nigel: Omega now has an opening!

Kushida staggers out of the corner, and then Omega drops him with the V-Trigger!

Mauro: Omega with an opening indeed- BANG, V-Trigger connects!!!

Beth: This has to be it now!

Omega shakes his damaged arm before trying to lift the deadweight onto his shoulders for the One Winged Angel, and drops Kushida with it!


Nigel: And over it is because nobody gets up… From the One-Winged Angel!

Kushida is down and out as Omega covers off his finishing move, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Goodbye and goodnight, as Kenny would say!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, KENNY OMEGA!!!

Mauro: Another instant classic between Kenny and Kushida is in the books, and it looks like Omega and Bonifer are more than ready for each other at Wrestlepalooza!

Nigel: When they clash at Wrestlepalooza, it'll be a clash of the ages!

Beth: This is a rematch you don't wanna miss!

Mauro: Something's gotta give between those two, but up next, it's our Main Event! Ruby Rose, takes on Kassius Ohno!

Nigel: Can Ruby prevail against the hard-hitting Ohno? Let's find out!


Mr. Herriman was on camera as he fixed up his monocle and bow tie.

Herriman: Greetings, LWF patrons. In regards to the conversation Miss Blue and Master Henry had earlier in the night, I have now made the match official. The two of them will settle their differences on this upcoming episode of Velocity. In other news-

He was suddenly interrupted by Shane Thorne.

Shane: You the GM of Velocity? Good. I'm tired of being pushed aside, and I'm tired of being a loser. I'm coming to Velocity, and you better have someone ready to face me, or else-

Mr. Herriman: Actually, I do have an opponent in mind. Matter of fact, she came to me earlier today, and asked me for a similar opportunity. 

Then, as if on cue, a beaten up Koneko Toujou walked in.

Mr. Herriman: Well now, let's make it official for the LWF Universe, shall we? Master Thorne, Miss Toujou, you two are going to be squaring off against each other on the upcoming velocity. Between you two, I trust this match will be VERY hard-hitting.

Shane: *Smirks* Any last words before I kick your teeth down your throat?

Koneko: *Deadpan tone* Not really.

Koneko then walks away.

In another area backstage, Mirajane Strauss was standing by.

Mirajane: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are just moments away from our Main Event-

She was cut off by some ruckus in the distance. She goes and sees what the commotion was, the cameraman following her.

They turn the corner, and see that The Crusts and Pretty Cure were brawling around backstage! Refs and security were trying to get things under control, and then Chard stepped in.

Chard: Okay, break it up you guys! All this over one dirty tactic!? Well, I got an answer for that! *Turns to the Crusts* You think you can get away with that little cheatsy route? I don't think so. So at Wrestlepalooza, you and Pretty Cure are gonna go at it one more time!

Tiff: Fine by us! We're on a roll, and we ain't gonna stop! Once we finally deal with these two, were gonna be untouchable for the rest of-

Chard: I'm not done yet. Just to ensure you don't pull any of your tricks again, I'm gonna add two things. One being that the referee's gonna have an extra pair of eyes in the form of a special enforcer, that I will introduce next Episode. The other addition… *turns to Pretty Cure* Since Nagisa had a match with Tiff earlier, next Episode, it'll be Honoka… *turns back to the Crusts* taking on Brit. Winner… chooses the stipulation for the match!

Nagisa: I know you can win, Honoka. You're not my partner for no reason.

Brit: Don't keep your hopes up. As my cousin was saying, nobody is going to stop us from winning. And at Wrestlepalooza, we’ll beat you and finally prove we are the greatest tag team TODAY!

Nagisa: Not with your practices!

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


(MAIN EVENT: Ruby Rose vs. Kassius Ohno)

The crowd boos as Kassius Ohno comes out, wearing his Black SCE gear and hooded cloak over his head as he makes his way to the ring.

*Bell Rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS… is your LWF: Reborn MAIN EVENT! It is a singles match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first representing the Society of Complete Equality, from Dayton, Ohio, he weighs in tonight at 270 Pounds, KASSIUS OHNO!!!

Mauro: Main event time! For the SCE, this is an execution. For Ruby, this is about getting one step closer to making good on her promise! But first, she has to get past this man, the Self-Professed Wrestling Genius, Kassius Ohno!

Nigel: Earlier tonight, Abrasive Spongebob told Ohno to devastate Ruby tonight, and leave just enough for him to finish off at Wrestlepalooza, so that she will never get another chance at the Wattpad Championship so long as he has it!

Beth: This is gonna be a tough test for Ruby for sure, because Ohno is a master of technical skill and striking. Not to mention he's intelligent as all heck.

Ohno enters the ring, and removes his hooded cloak. 



5 seconds into the song, the crowd cheers as Ruby makes her entrance. She walked out with confidence before giving a twirl before flipping her hood up and presenting to the crowd, hyping them up as she made her way down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from the Kingdom of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: And here comes the #1 Contender! Ruby's had a new fire in her silver eyes ever since she got this last shot at glory!

Nigel: Has she ever! And with everything on the line at Wrestlepalooza, it's literally sink or swim as her music always blasts!

Beth: You can't deny that passion and energy Ruby always brings to the table. Where the SCE preaches to accept limits, Ruby just breaks her own every single time she shows up and gets in that ring!

Ruby enters the ring, and then she stands across from Ohno.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Ruby and Ohno lock up in the middle of the ring, and then Ohno, being the stronger one, was able to push Ruby onto the ropes. The referee enforces the 5 count, and Ohno backs up at 3.

The crowd boos as Ohno raises a fist up into the air. Ruby and Ohno then circled around the ring, and then locked up once more.

Ruby then goes behind Ohno, but then Ohno counters, and tries to go behind her, but Ruby grabs his arm, and drives it down across her shoulder before putting him in a wrist lock. 

Ohno tries to pull his arm out of the hold, but is unable to. So, he resorts to raking Ruby's eyes, gaining more boos from the fans. 

Mauro: And Ohno just merciless, going for the eyes!

Nigel: I'd hardly say that's befitting behavior of an equalist, but the SCE would say otherwise!

Ruby shakes it off, and then she and Ohno lock up for a third time, and then Ruby gets behind Ohno again, but again, Ohno counters into a wrist lock. Ruby then does a forward roll, gets up, and pushes inwards towards Ohno to counter into a wrist lock of her own on Ohno.

Ohno struggles for a bit, but Ohno gets out by stomping her foot! He breaks free, and then gets her in a side headlock. 

Mauro: Beautiful back and forth from Ruby and Ohno, so far neither competitor has gotten an advantage, but it looks like this match may turn to the favor of Ohno.

Ruby tries to push him off, using the ropes for added momentum, but Ohno doesn't let go. He then takes her down with a side headlock takeover, and further wrenches on the hold.

Ruby then turns her body to pin his shoulders on the mat, but Ohno sits up at 2. After a couple seconds, Ruby tries the same move again, but Ohno sits up at two that time as well.

After a few more minutes, Ruby finally gets up. After a few gut punches, she then tries again to use the ropes to push her off, and this time she was able to push him off. Ohno hits the ropes, and then knocks Ruby down with a shoulder block!

The crowd boos as Ohno shouted "For all of Equality!", throwing his fist up into the air as he did so. He then hits the ropes, then Ruby does a drop down. Ohno hops over her, and then Ruby gets up, leapfrogged over the incoming Ohno, and then as he came off the ropes, Ruby takes him down with a hip toss!

Mauro: And Ruby, using Ohno's momentum to take him down!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at 2. They both get up, Ohno tries for an elbow strike, but Ruby goes low, and sweeps him off his feet with a single-leg takedown. Ruby then hits the ropes, and now it's Ohno who does the drop down. Ruby hops over him, hits the ropes again, Ohno gets up and leapfrogged over Ruby, then gets down, looking to kick Ruby up into the air but Ruby leaped over him and did a forward roll upon landing.

They then both get up, and then Ruby takes Ohno down with an arm drag! Ohno gets up again, and Ruby takes him down with another arm drag! Ohno gets up again, and then Ruby knocks him down with a Dropkick, and Ohno rolls out of the ring as Ruby nipped up, and stood her ground in the center of the ring, gaining cheers from the fans!

Beth: And how fast is Ruby to turn things around!

Mauro: Just a second ago, Ohno was all over her, and now Ohno is out of the ring, and Ruby's standing tall!

After driving Ohno out of the ring, Ruby aimed to hit him with a Suicide Dive, hitting the ropes to charge right at him. She goes for the suicide dive, but Ohno runs out of the way, and Ruby stops.

Mauro: And Ruby looking to fly, but Ohno getting out of the way!

Ruby then tries to dive again, but the referee stops her this time. As Ohno climbs up onto the apron, Ruby walks past the referee, and then stuns him with a Superkick!

Nigel: Ohno trying to take advantage-!

Mauro: Oh, Ruby with a Superkick!

Ohno hangs on, Ruby then hits the ropes for momentum, looking to knock him off the apron with a big attack, but she made the mistake of hitting the ropes where Ohno was at, and Ohno clobbered her with an elbow to the back of her neck!

Beth: Oooh, man!

Mauro: Ohno with an ugly elbow right to the back of the neck!

Ohno gets back in the ring and covers her, but only gets a 2 count.

Ohno keeps the offensive coming with some stomps before topping off the flurry with a knee drop. 

He then gets up, and as Ruby gets on all fours, he connects with a baseball slide Dropkick to the side of her face!

Mauro: And Ohno, so methodical!

He then picks her up, and slams her down with a Back Suplex! Ohno goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2.

Ohno then flips her over, and puts her in a camel clutch.

Beth: And now Ohno with a Camel Clutch in, that's gonna be hard on Ruby's back!

Ruby was now struggling to get out. After a few minutes, she was able to slip out. Ruby gets up, but Ohno knees her in the gut. He then hooks her up in a front face lock, then Ohno slams her down with a release Vertical Suplex!


Mauro: Oooh, and Ruby Rose suffers a crash landing!

Ohno goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Ohno then sits her up, and Ohno connects with a big boot to her face.

Ruby was now all loopy, then Ohno hits the ropes. He leaps up as high as he can, going for a senton, but Ruby gets her knees up!

Mauro: Senton attempt- no! Ruby got her knees up in time!

Ruby gets up and shakes the cobwebs out of her head. Ohno also recovers, clutching his back for a solid bit.

Ohno turns around, and then Ruby knocks him down with a Forearm Smash! Ohno gets up again, and then Ruby knocks him down with another Forearm Smash!

Ohno gets up for a third time, and then goes for a clothesline, but Ruby ducks it, hits the ropes, and then she takes him down with a hurricanrana! Ohno gets up in a daze, then Ruby drops him with a Handspring DDT!

Ruby goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ohno kicks out!

Ruby gets up, and begins to measure up the Knockout Artist.

She goes for the Silver Flash, but before she could even run, Ohno slipped out of the ring. But that didn't stop ruby. She instead ran and hit the ropes.

Nigel: And now Ruby's gonna try to hit Ohno again…!

Ruby then launched herself out the ring and this time, successfully drops Ohno with a Tope Tornado DDT!


Mauro: And Ruby rolls the dice once more, and this time she scores!

Ruby gets Kassius Ohno back into the ring. She then climbs onto the apron, and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: Ohno's in deep trouble now! Ruby up on the top rope!

As soon as Ohno got up, Ruby leaps, and connects with a Missile Dropkick!

Mauro: Missile dropkick knocking Ohno down again! 

Ruby then goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Still not enough!

Nigel: Ohno is resilient, everyone can give him that!

Ruby then tries to pick him up, but then Ohno punches her in the gut. He then gets back on his feet, and drops Ruby to her knees with a blow to the back. He then hits the ropes, and then connects with a big boot!

He then picks her up, and then sets her up for a Tombstone Piledriver, and plants her with it!

Mauro: And Ohno! Tombstone Piledriver!

That wasn't enough. He picked her up again, threw her to the ropes, and then dropped her off the rebound with a Rolling Elbow!


Nigel: And he's not done- POW! There it is, the fatal Knockout Blow!

Ohno then goes for the cover.

Mauro: The Rolling Elbow which has felled so many of Ohnos opponents, and it looks like Ruby is going to be added to that list…!

“The dream is dead!” Ohno says as the ref counts. But to his complete shock, Ruby, by some miracle, kicked out at the last second as the crowd popped!

Mauro: NO! Ruby's dreams are still alive! 

Ohno was furious. “Why won't you stay down and accept your fate!?" He shouted. "You're just making your execution more painful!"

He then goes to the nearest corner, and stalks Ruby, chomping at the bit as he waits for her to get up.

Nigel: Kassius Ohno now, is looking to put Ruby out of her misery! 

Once Ruby was up, Ohno went for a Cyclone Kick, but as he made the full spin, Ruby connected with a Superkick!

Beth: Look out Ruby- OH! WOW!

Mauro: Ohno wanted the Cyclone Kick, but Ruby rose with a well-timed counter!

Ohno was out on his feet, which made it easy for Ruby to take him down, and put him in a LeBell Lock!

Nigel: The Knockout artist is knocked out on his feet, and Ruby is taking him down- yes! LeBell Lock, center of the ring!

Kassius had nowhere to go, and Ruby was wrenching the hold in deep. Ohno scrambled desperately to grab the ropes or pry her arms off, just something to do to escape, but nothing was working as Ruby pulled back even further, making the pain in hold more excruciating.

Beth: Ohno can't do anything to escape! I think he's gonna tap!

After what felt like an eternity, it looked like Ohno was about to succumb, but as he was on the verge of tapping, "Abrasive" Spongebob slid in, and stomped on Ruby, causing a DQ finish to the match!

Mauro: Oh, and there's “Abrasive” Spongebob! He couldn't sit back any longer and watch as Ruby was about to defeat his SCE Comrade!

*Bell rings repeatedly!*

Spongebob then hammered away on Ruby before picking her up, and then executing the Tattletale Strangler on her!

Nigel: And he's got her in the Tattletale Strangler! Sending a message to Ruby!

Despite Ruby's efforts to fight, she eventually passed out. Ohno gets back on his feet, then Spongebob picks Ruby up.

“You will NEVER win! You're an Inequality, and this is what we do to Inequalities like you!" Spongebob shouted as Ohno hits the ropes, and dropped her with the High Tension Elbow Strike!

Mauro: Oooh, and Ohno with the High Tension Elbow Strike!

Beth: And this is what they call equality!?

Ohno gets up, and does his signature taunt as Spongebob knelt down and raises the Wattpad Championship up high as his theme, the drop remix of "Own Little World" played.

(Start at 0:10)


Nigel: Well, it's safe to say that we know how long Spongebob wants to be Wattpad Champion… Forever! And he's not gonna let anybody he sees as an unequal, take the title that he says belongs to everyone away from him!

“WE'RE the ONLY Wattpad Champion LWF needs! The LWF needs US to survive!" Abrasive Spongebob says.

Beth: This will all end one way or another for either Sponegbob and Ruby, when it's all on the line at Wrestlepalooza! No Rope breaks, no assistance, no excuses!

Mauro: But after what we just witnessed, could this be the fate of Ruby Rose come Wrestlepalooza!? 

Nigel: If things go the SCE's way like it did just now, that'll be so, I'm afraid!

Mauro: Either Ruby gets her act together and finally wins big, or her dreams will die… permanently! 

The episode ends with Spongebob basking in his own self-glory, Kassius ohno standing right behind him in praise, fist high in the air as the crowd booed them both.


And that was Episode 23!

That was quite an Episode, wasn't it? Just one more Epsiode to go, and it's Wrestlepalooza Time!

It just seemed like yesterday I was just finishing up Elimination Enclosure, and now here we are!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this Episode, let me know what you liked (or disliked) about it by leaving a comment if you wish.

And don't forget to vote this Episode too.

Other than that, see ya!

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