EPISODE 24 (Wrestlepalooza Go-Home Show)

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The Go-Home Show is here!

Let's see how this plays out!



32 seconds into the song, the crowd cheers as the camera panned around the center of Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, in Tokyo, Japan.

As an outdoor venue, the ring was posted right near the front entrance to the mall, with fence barricades in place to keep the crowds at bay with the logos decorating the barricade. 

The entranceway was right near the steps to the shopping center with the LEDs set up and a few screens, but no titantron. There were a few speaker systems to play music, however.

Mauro: It's great to be back in Japan on the cusp of a massive collaboration! Welcome to the Wrestlepalooza Go-Home Show, here on LWF: Reborn! Mauro Ranallo here with Beth Phoenix and Nigel Mcguinness, and guys, it's fitting that we're putting on a show here in Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, because our next stop is Wrestlepalooza, and we're sharing the stage with some pretty heroic people!

Beth: That's right Mauro, as Chard first announced on his Discord Server, Wrestlepalooza will be held in the Sports Festival Stadium here in Japan, and as you can see, we got a lot of LWF fans here who are stoked about it!

Nigel: Not just in the Sports Festival Stadium, Beth! During the Sports Festival itself! And we're gonna warm up the crowd here tonight with a few matches to preview this huge collaboration! First off, some major match implications for the big event itself! Brit Crust is going to teach Honoka a lesson as they go one on one in front of these fine people, and if either one wins, which I'm positive Brit will, The Crusts will get to choose the special rule that will be added to their Tag Team match, and the interesting part is there will be a special enforcer to ensure no funny business from either party!

Beth: Faith and Kindness will also be in action tonight to warm up for their trios match against Scarlet and Graves! Let's hope Asia and Fluttershy have found someone, though! Otherwise it's gonna be 2 against 3!



The crowd cheered, and some started chanting "Freshly Squeezed!"

Beth: Uh oh…!

Mauro: And what better way to kick things off, than to have this man in action!

16 seconds into the song, Orange Cassidy made his entrance, and Chuck Taylor followed shortly after him. Cassidy also had a backpack slung around his shoulder, likely containing the AEW All-Atlantic Championship. 

(OPENING MATCH: Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy vs. Zack Ryder and Trent Beretta)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your opening contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Chuck Taylor, and the AEW All-Atlantic Champion…”Freshly Squeezed”... ORANGE CASSIDY!!!

Cassidy "fist bumps" the fans as he makes his way to the ring, and then tossed his backpack into the ring, rolling into it right after.

Nigel: As impossible as it is to believe, I'm actually impressed that Orange Cassidy is a Champion, and has held a title for as long as he has!

Mauro: Well right now, he's not in a Championship match, he's in a match with revenge being the main idea!



The crowd boos as the trio of Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder and Trent Baretta made their entrance. 

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Curt Hawkins, the team of Trent Baretta, and ZACK RYDER!!!

Mauro: It's been since High Acceleration that Trent Beretta betrayed Chuck and Orange, and the feeling still stings with the latter two!

Beth: Well when you've known someone as long as these guys know Trent, and then out of the blue they backstab you, it's definitely painful! And since then, Chuck's been wanting to get even!

Nigel: He did once, but Trent snuck away with a dirty pin, and from what it looks like, it's not over unless Chuck says it's over!

Both teams were in the ring, with Hawkins at ringside. The referee calls for the bell, and the match starts!

Starting the match was Zack Ryder and Orange Cassidy. Cassidy slips on his elbow pad, and then meets Ryder in the middle of the ring. 

Ryder starts to talk some trash at Cassidy, but Cassidy wasn't even rattled by it. Cassidy then held his hands up high, and to the crowd's delight, he shoved his hands into his pockets.

Mauro: And into the pockets Cassidy's hands go!

Ryder looks back at Trent and Hawkins asking "Is he for real?", and they both just shake their heads in disapproval. 

Ryder then tries to pull his hands out of his pockets, but is struggling to do so. After a minute of trying, Ryder gives up. Cassidy then began to lay in his "deadly" kicks, the crowd chanting "Oh!" After every kick.

Beth: Classic Orange Cassidy!

Mauro: Everyone in Japan is seeing every devastating kick connect!

Cassidy then winds up, and hits his Superkick topping off the "flurry". Zack Ryder has now had enough. He goes for a clothesline, but Cassidy ducks it. He hits the ropes, Ryder then bends over, looking to send him flying with a back body drop, but Cassidy, with his hands still in his pockets, does a diving forward roll over Ryder and then knocks Ryder back with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Mauro: Cassidy with some stylish moves, and Ryder's down!

Cassidy then gets up, and tags in Chuck. Chuck proceeds to grab Zack, but he punches him in the gut to cut him off. 

Ryder then grabs him by the hair, and throws him down onto the mat! Ryder then hits the ropes, and Chuck Taylor does a drop down. Ryder hops over him and continues to hit the ropes, Chuck gets up and goes for a clothesline, but Ryder ducks, hits the ropes one more time, and knocks Chuck down with a shoulder block!

Ryder hits the ropes, then Chuck gets up to one knee, sweeps him off his feet, and covers him. Ryder kicks out at 2, both men get up, and then Ryder lunges at Chuck, but Chuck scooped him up and slammed him down onto the mat! Chuck then hits the ropes, and connects with a pointed elbow drop!

Chuck goes for the cover, but Ryder kicks out at 2.

Chuck Taylor gets up, and then picks up Ryder. He then goes for the Awful Waffle, but when Chuck flipped Ryder over for it, he landed on his feet! Chuck then swings, but Ryder parries the attack. Ryder then connects with a couple of forearms, then he throws him into the ropes, and then knocks him down with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Ryder with a Dropkick!

Ryder then gets up, and tags in Trent. Trent comes in, and starts to unload on Chuck Taylor!

Nigel: In comes Trent to the action, and now decimating his former friend!

Trent Baretta stomps away on him, then goes for the cover, but Chuck kicks out at 2. Chuck then tries to get up, but Trent draped him on the second rope, and pressed against his neck, choking him. The referee started the 5 counts, and Trent released him at 4.

Chuck Taylor clutches his throat, Trent then sits him up and puts him in a grounded headlock.

Mauro: And now Trent, keeping Chuck Taylor grounded.

After a few minutes, Chuck Taylor starts to get up. He lands some back elbows into Trent's gut, Chuck then goes for a Back Suplex, but Trent lands on his feet! Trent pushes him to the ropes, and then lands an elbow strike on the kidneys, dropping Chuck to his knees!

Chuck Taylor winces, and then Trent picks him up, and throws him with a Half-Nelson Suplex!

Mauro: And Trent Baretta with a Half-Nelson Suplex!

Trent goes for the cover, but Chuck kicks out at 2!

Trent goes for the tag to Ryder, and makes the Tag. Ryder gets in the ring, and then picks up Chuck Taylor. Chuck then creates separation with a jawbreaker, gets up, but Ryder cuts him off with a Forearm Smash.

Ryder then hits the ropes, and goes for the Rough Ryder….

Nigel: Ryder looking for the Rough Ryder….!

… But Chuck countered it into a sit out Powerbomb!

Mauro: No, Chuck catches Zack-Sit out Powerbomb!

Beth: Incredible counter!

Both Ryder and Chuck are laying on the mat, and Orange Cassidy just limply draped his hand over the top rope as if to reach out for Chuck Taylor. 

Nigel: And it looks like Cassidy wants back in the match!

The fans watching from behind the barricades smacked the barricade to urge on Taylor, then a couple minutes later, after crawling to their respective partners, Chuck and Ryder made the Tag!

Trent and Cassidy enter the ring, and Trent goes for a clothesline on Cassidy, but he simply just ducked it, and Trent fell flat on his face!

Cassidy, hands in pockets, just stands there, looking down at Trent. Trent gets up, goes for a clothesline again, but Cassidy stuck out his foot, and tripped him!

Beth: Cassidy is just having his way with Trent, and he hasn't even gotten serious yet!

Trent, now getting frustrated, gets up, and grabs Cassidy. He throws him into a corner, and then connects with a flying back elbow, not only knocking Cassidy silly, but also cracking his sunglasses!

Mauro: Oh what a shot by Trent! And that broke Cassidy's shades too!

Cassidy just looked down at his broken shades, Trent then went for a clothesline, but Cassidy ducked, and as if a fire was lit inside, Cassidy just suddenly started unloading on Trent with a series for Forearms!

Nigel: And that was not a wise move! Cassidy now in High Gear!

Beth: When Orange gets serious, it's never good for anyone facing him!

Cassidy then throws him to the ropes with an Irish Whip, but Trent turns the momentum around, and then Cassidy spikes Trent with a Satellite DDT!

Mauro: And Cassidy with a beautiful DDT!

Trent rolls out of the ring, and into the arms of Hawkins and Ryder.

Beth: The New York boys do not wanna be out there, I don't think!

Cassidy then nips up, and then he hits the ropes, and wipes them out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida!!!

Nigel: Knocked the trio down like they're bowling pins!

Cassidy then throws Trent back into the ring, and goes for the cover, but Cassidy only gets a 2 count out of it!

Mauro: And shoulder's just up!

Cassidy gets up, and then starts to take off the elbow pad.

Nigel: Cassidy loaded up, the Orange Punch might be in Trent's future!

But as Cassidy went into a corner to set up for it, Hawkins hopped up onto the apron!

Mauro: And now Hawkins, getting involved!

Chuck then came by, yanked Hawkins off the apron, and then slammed him into the steel steps!

This however gave Trent an opening. The second Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, he ran right into a Gobstopper Knee Strike by Trent!

Mauro: And Trent with the Gobstopper!

Nigel: Light's out!

Trent goes for the cover, Chuck tries to break the count, but Ryder was to hold him back, and Trent gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And just like that, Trent and Ryder pick up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, Zack Ryder, and TRENT BARETTA!!!

Nigel: Yet again, the New Yorkers use the numbers game to get one over on Chuck and Cassidy!

Beth: It's hard to argue when they use it so effectively, I have to say!

As the trio celebrate, Hawkins gets in the camera.

“We're not done just yet! You think this makes us unstoppable? Just you wait, when one of us wins the Casino Battle Royale!" Hawkins shouts.

Mauro: And now Hawkins and co, reaching for even greater heights! All three will be entered in the Casino battle Royale, where the winner receives a future shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Nigel: That's gonna be quite interesting if they all end up being the final three!

Beth: But anyway, guys, can you believe we're gonna be putting on Wrestlepalooza for the first time in front of thousands of people who all have literal Superpowers? 

Mauro: It's not surprising at all, beth! I mean, we do have a few superheroes on the roster as well! One of them is very excited at the chance to represent the city he defends, the same as the Pro heroes here, Rev Runner!


The camera cuts to an interview promo with Rev.

Rev: Well-isn't-this-amazing?! A-chance-to-perform-for-all-sorts-of-people-with-powers-or-should-I-say-quirks-and-at-Wrestlepalooza-do-it-for-a-shot-at-the-Cruiserweight-Championship! Lots-of-young-heroes-in-training-will-be-watching-us-some-of-them-fans-of-LWF-so-i-gotta-make sure-to-set-a-great-example-for them. What-better-way-to-do-that-then-possibly-win-the-Cruiserweight-title? So-bring-on-the-other-nine-competitors-i'm-ready-to-show-that-im-not just born-to-fly… I'm-born-to-be-the-inaugural-Cruiserweight-Champion! Oh-and-by-the-way-Nathan-Frazer-rooting-for-you-buddy!

In another area around the shopping mall, Mirajane Strauss was standing by with the Crust Cousins.

Mirajane: I'm standing by her with Brit and Tiff Crust, Brit, tonight you will be facing off against Honoka Yukishiro, where the winner chooses the stipulation for the Tag Team match at Wrestlepalooza. Do you already have some stipulations in mind?

Brit: *Chuckles* Of course we do, Mira. Brit and I already came up with them while we were shopping at this mall. It took us a while to pick the right one, but stipulations are just like trendy clothes, they change on a dime.

Tiff: But we settled on the right pick. So once Brit wins, those Pretty Cure losers will do nothing about it!

Mirajane: Well what about the special enforcer that mister Chard has put in the match? Are you sure your stipulation won't be affected?

Brit: Not in the slightest! No matter who Chards picked, we’ll win with the perfect stipulation that won't affect us at all!

The crusts laughed as they left Mirajane to herself.


Back at Ringside…

Beth: Wow, the Crusts sure are confident they can win later tonight, and again at the Sports fest!

Nigel: When you're them, confidence equals results!



(MATCH #2 Faith and Kindness in action)

The crowd cheers, and Faith and Kindness make their entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Tag Team match, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Asia Argento, and Fluttershy… FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Nigel: Fan favorites Faith and Kindness are for sure! Asia Argento was put together with Fluttershy on Chard's advice, and boy does this team pay off!

Beth: Agile, Technically sound, and like you said, a favorite to the LWF Faithful, Faith and Kindness are definitely a Tag Team to look out for!

As they got in the ring, awaiting them were two individuals. One of them being Serpentico, and by his side was a young man of average height with slick blond hair, which gets shorter the further down his head it goes, styled so that it’s parted to the right, his bangs left hanging over his right eye.

His eyes are shaped so that they’re slanting downwards towards the far sides of his face, usually left half-closed, this, along with his signature smirk and head tilt, giving him a rather contemptuous look.

His ring gear consisted of a black, double-breasted tuxedo with two long tails reaching almost down to his ankles. Three clocks hang on one of two belts around his waist,, and he leaves his shirt collar upturned, a blue and black dotted tie done up around his neck. A left breast pocket can be found on his tuxedo, a small blue handkerchief sticking out. Both his tailcoat and his pants are plain black, with the exception of the cuffs of his sleeves and the inner-facing sides of his tails, and his shoes are white with a simple design. He had a confident smirk on his face as Faith and Kindness entered the ring, while Serpentico himself didn't really know what to make of his partner.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Serpentico, and NEITO MONOMA!!!

Monoma wasn't impressed at all, and with a smug look on his face, he reached back, asking for a microphone. 

Mauro: And it looks like Monoma has something on his mind.

He then entered the ring, and looked at the two girls.

Monoma: *Laughs hysterically* Seriously?! THESE are our opponents?! I don't know what's more pathetic, Class 1-A being dubbed the much cooler class, or this Wrestling Federation claiming these two as an awesome pairing! *Points to Faith and Kindness* I'll be sure to show you two who's really the superior one, as a little preview of what to expect when you watch the Sports Festival! *Gets right up into Fluttershy's face* And maybe, just maybe, after I beat you and your friend… we can go out for a date. Whaddaya say, sweet cheeks?

This was met with a slap across Monoma's face, and the crowd cheered!

Mauro: Oooh!

Beth: Well that's what running your mouth gets you! 

Monoma stumbled back into his corner, then the referee called for the bell for the match to start. 

Monoma clutched his face as he walked out of his corner, and with his vision obscured, ran right into a Dropkick by Fluttershy! 

Fluttershy gets up, and Monoma starts cowering. He scooted back, hands up, begging her to not come any closer, and he tags in Serpentico, which made the crowd boo loudly.

Nigel: And Monoma, wanting no part of Flutters now!

Beth: Once again, Serpentico finds himself with a questionable Tag Team partner!

Mauro: May I just add, this Monoma kid, is also a UA Student, and who is also looking to be a hero. But those ambitions and his actions here aren't adding up! *Chuckles*

Serpentico asked him why he tagged him, but Monoma wasn't giving him a straight answer. And with a shrug, Serpentico, again, found himself in an unenviable spot. He enters the ring, and reluctantly locks up with Fluttershy. 

Fluttershy and Serpentico struggle for a bit. He then puts her in a side headlock, but then Fluttershy shoves him off. He hits the ropes, and off the rebound, knocks her down with a shoulder block!

Serpentico then hits the ropes again, but as he did, Monoma tags himself in! Serpentico was annoyed, but Monoma didn't care. He entered the ring as if he just came off a hot tag, and stomped away on Fluttershy!

"Faith and Kindness?! More like Weak and Fragile!" He shouts as he lands an elbow drop. He covers Fluttershy, but he only gets a 2 count.

Monoma sits her up, and then puts her in a chin lock.

"Big mistake, slapping me! Now I'm pissed!" Monoma says to her. “Witness a preview of the strength of the Superior Class, 1-B!" He exclaimed, gaining more boos from the crowd. 

Beth: Quite a brash individual this Monoma is! Where is this coming from, anyway?

Nigel: According to what I have heard when we got here, he believes his Hero Course Class at UA High to be better than the other. I suppose this is a preview of his viewpoint before we even go to UA.

After a minute or so, Fluttershy starts to get up. Once she was back on her feet, she elbows him in the gut.

Once she was free, she reached out to Asia, but Monoma grabbed her hair and threw her down to the mat!

The referee warns him about the hair pull, and he simply puts his hands up, and says "Alright, I'm sorry" in a snarky and smug tone.

He then went to pick Fluttershy up, but then she swung her foot up, and kicked him right between the eyes!

Nigel: Ooh, kick to the face!

Fluttershy backpedaled and then tagged in Asia. Once Asia was in the ring, she quickly ran and knocked Serpentico off the apron!

Asia then turned her attention back to Monoma, and once he got up, Asia knocked him down with a Dropkick! Monoma gets up, and then Asia knocks him down with another Dropkick!

She then picked him up, and threw him into a corner. Monoma slumps down, then Asia takes a few steps back.

Mauro: And Asia now, picking up steam!

Asia then charges, and hits a Shining Wizard in the corner!

Asia then dragged him out of the corner, and climbed to the second turnbuckle. Once he got up, Asia leapt and dropped him with a diving bulldog!

Mauro: And a bulldog of the middle turnbuckle!

Monoma was down, and Asia soon tagged Fluttershy back in. 

Beth: Tag back to Fluttershy, we know what's coming next!

They then set Mononoma up for the Compassionate Conclusion, and take him down!

Nigel: Wham! Compassionate Conclusion!

Asia then gets up, and wipes out Serpentico with a Suicide Dive as Fluttershy covers Monoma, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Thanks for coming, Monoma!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:05)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, FAITH AND KINDNESS!!!

Nigel: Huge momentum gained for Faith and Kindness with that win heading into Wrestlepalooza! If they bring that same drive against Scarlet and graves, they might not even need a third person!

But just as he said that…

(Start at 0:32)


The lights went out, and once the song started to pick up, the lights came back on, and Scarlet and Graves were beating down Asia and Fluttershy!

Mauro: Oh no! Nigel, you jinxed it! Because there's Dave, Wentz, and Dez right now, and they're beating the hell out of Faith and Kindness!

"You still don't get it, do you?! This is a cruel world!" Dave shouts at Asia as he holds her by her hair. 

Dave Crist then positioned Asia in one corner, and then positioned Fluttershy in the corner diagonally across. 

Beth: And now it looks like a Faith and Kindness execution!

Wentz and Dezmond then both went up into the top turnbuckles, and then Dave Crist held up two thumbs up. 

But before he could do anything else…


The crowd pops, Dezmond and Wentz both hopped down from the top turnbuckle, and gathered in the middle of the ring.

Beth: Wait a second!

Nigel: Is she really here?!

30 seconds into the song, and nobody was coming down the ramp, but behind Scarlet and Graves, Velvet Scarlatina, to the crowd's elation, was perched on the top turnbuckle! 

Beth: She is!!!! Velvet Scarlatina is back!

Once the three men turned around, Velvet leapt, and took all three men down with a crossbody!

Nigel: WHOA!

Mauro: Scarlet and Graves took her out of commission, and now Scarlatina is back, and better than ever!

Zachary Wentz was the first to get up, and then Velvet connects with a Bicycle Kick!

Dezmond and Crist get up, and then Dezmond lunges at her, but Velvet ducked, hits the ropes, and with a hurricanrana, she sends Dezmond into Dave Crist!

This gave enough time for Faith and Kindness to recover and they got up. Scarlet and Graves also get up, and the three girls all did Dropkicks in stereo, knocking the three men down 

Unfortunately for Wentz, while Dezmond and Crist rolled out of the ring, he didn't make it. He gets up, and sees the messy situation he's in. 

He wasn't able to escape, because as soon as he moved, Velvet hit him with a Jumping Knee to the face!

He then stumbled into Fluttershy's arms, and then Asia readied herself as Fluttershy slammed him down with a Powerslam, and with that, Asia and Fluttershy hit their combo, "More Faith for your Kindness"!

Nigel: And Wentz, atoning for his sins the hard way!

But the ordeal wasn't done. Fluttershy and Asia picked up Wentz, and then Velvet sealed the deal with a jumping Superkick!

Beth: And Velvet, getting some payback!

Wentz spilled out of the ring, and the three girls stood tall in the middle of the ring.

Mauro: And it looks like Faith and Kindness have found their partner to take on Scarlet and Graves at Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: The field has been evened! Now it looks like Scarlet and Graves are in for a fight!

Nigel: Scarlet and Graves preached to Asia and Fluttershy every time that they had no one to turn to, but it looks like they were dead wrong!

Mauro: Wrestlepaloza continues to heat up, and we still have plenty of action to get to here on the Go Home show, as still to come, Starlight Glimmer and Will Ospreay face each other one more time before their clash for the LWF Reborn Championship!

Beth: And the Tag Team Champions, Team Weird n’ Wild, will be in action to warm up for their Ladder Match against 3 other teams!

Nigel: But next up, we're gonna see a preview of the Cruiserweight Open, as the high flyer from the British Isles, Nathan Frazer, goes one on one with a Pioneer of Philippine Wrestling, the Social Media Sinister, Ken Warren!

A vignette for The Peerage plays.

The Peerage was then seen strolling in Takoba Municipal Beach Park. They had heard the rumors of how it was riddled with trash, but were surprised to see that it was clean as can be.

Rias: Here we are, ladies. Takoba Municipal Beach Park. A once decorated hotspot for people, turned into a dumpsite. But as you can see, it's been restored, and it was restored in just under a year.

Rarity: I simply can't believe it. Who would have the strength and fortitude to clear all the garbage off this beach?

Wiess: Someone who wanted to start their journey to achieve their greatest dream in this Society of Heroes, I’ll bet. Someone who started with nothing, and yet, managed to overcome such a task.

Rias: It would appear that maybe this is where a story began. Restoring this beautiful hotspot, just like how we intend to restore LWF. *Holds up an hourglass, that's just ¾ of the way through* The time's almost here. And soon, OUR story will commence. 

Akeno: *Glances at the hourglass* Everything that's led up to this has been just a prologue. And in short-order, Chapter 1 will begin. 

Rias: Because we are the Peerage…

All 4 women: … and Elegance, meets Excellence!

The vignette ends with the caption: "THE PEERAGE - COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN"

The camera cuts back to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, where Mirajane Strauss caught up to Scarlet and Graves, leaving the ringside area.

Mirajane: Scarlet and Graves, now that Faith and Kindness have a partner-

Dave Crist: SHUT UP! GET OUT OF HERE! *Shoves Mirajane, then turned to Wentz* What the hell, Zach?! 

Zachary Wentz: What do you mean-

Dave Crist: I don't wanna hear it! We were supposed to have those two begging for mercy! But what did you do? You got your ass beat, and made us look weak!

Dezmond: Hey, man, it was 3 on 1, what do you think was gonna-

Dave Crist: Did I ask for your opinion? What, you think you're just gonna throw yourself in there and make us look weak too?!

Dezmond: That's not what I'm getting at, man! Just calm down-!

Dave Crist: Calm down?! Dezmond, you know this, *looks at Wentz* and YOU know this, this is a violent and cruel world, where the weak are picked off! Scarlet and Graves, we're at the top of the food chain! *Glares at Wentz* but because of YOU, we're made to look like prey! And that's NOT what we are! We're the predators in this world, not the prey! At Wrestlepalooza, we're gonna expose Faith and Kindness as nothing but the prey that they are, and show not just everybody who is watching the Sports Festival, but the entire world, that it's everybody for themselves! For Faith and Kindness, Wrestlepalooza is their rude awakening. *Looks back at Wentz* And don't make us look weak again! 

Dave then storms off, and both Wentz and Dezmond look on in frustration.

The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


(MATCH #3: Nathan Frazer vs. Ken Warren)

Nigel: High tension going on between Scarlet and Graves, we could be seeing them implode with one wrong move!

Mauro: But in the case of this man, he's never had to worry about anyone else, but his spot in the top trending topics list!

To a mixed reaction after 17 seconds, Ken Warren makes his entrance, strutting to the beat of his theme.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, from the World Wide Web by way of the City of the Stars, he weighs in tonight at 11 Million Gigabytes, he is the Social Media Sinister… KEN WARREN!!!

Beth: He's also called the Human Trending Topic, the OG of IG, but I think our ring announcer, Jeremy Borash will be there all day just listing out every single nickname! *Laughs*

Nigel: What's not a laughing matter though, is that Warren is looking to get his first LWF Title Win since the brands' revival! And he told me that if he's able to do it in front of a crowd where superheroes are super common among them with real superpowers, he's assured he’ll be trending among Hero Social Media for a long time!

Mauro: He's certainly got the skills to do so, but will he be able to back up his smack talk in the Cruiserweight Open, against 9 other individuals who also want that coveted Cruiserweight Title?

Ken enters the ring and relaxes on the top turnbuckle, and then…


Mauro: A field of 9 that also includes… this man!

Panning across the entire ringside area, a shooting star graphic streaks across the screen, and then through the smoke, Nathan Frazer runs out, the crowd cheering for his arrival.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent! From the Isle of Jersey in the British Channel, he weighs in tonight at 180 pounds, NATHAN FRAZER!!!

Nigel: Now here's somebody who would make one heck of a Pro Hero if he ever had a Quirk! Frazer's fast and high flying, so he fits the bill already!

Mauro: A UK breakout star who now wants to make waves in LWF, Frazer looks ready to have his moment here, and even Rev Runner is rooting for him as we've heard!

Frazer enters the ring, and he and Ken prepare to face off, taking off their jackets.

The bell rings, and the match begins.

Frazer and Warren meet in the middle of the ring. Frazer, only reaching just under Warren's chin in height, looks up at the Social Media Sinister. 

Mauro: And Ken Warren, towering over Frazer!

Beth: Ken Warren definitely has the height advantage, but that just means he's got a higher center of gravity.

Warren and Frazer lock up in the middle of the ring, and then Warren takes down Frazer with an arm drag. Both men get up, and they circle around the ring before locking up again.

Frazer then goes behind Warren, grabbing him with a rear waist lock. Warren breaks free, and then goes behind Frazer, but Frazer grabs his arm, and gets him in a wrist lock. 

Warren tries to escape, but struggles. He then does a forward roll, and counters, getting Frazer in a wrist lock of his own. 

Frazer struggles a bit, but then he grabs the referee, and does a front flip, landing on his feet before getting Warren in a wrist lock again!

Warren then knees him in the gut, and pulls him into a side headlock. Frazer then uses the ropes as an assist to push him off, and he successfully does so. Warren comes off the rebound, and then knocks Frazer down with a shoulder block!

Mauro: And Warren off the ropes, knocking Frazer off his feet!

Warren talks some smack before hitting the ropes, and Frazer does a drop down. Warren hops over him, Frazer gets up, and then leapfrogs over Warren. Warren comes off the rebound, Frazer goes for a hip toss on Warren but he blocked it! Warren then tries to hip toss Frazer, but he lands on his feet, and then takes him down with an arm drag! 

Nigel: And look at Frazer!

Beth: Incredible agility!

Warren, absolutely flabbergasted, frantically slid out of the ring, and called for a timeout. 

Mauro: And Ken Warren, calling for a timeout!

Nigel: Frazer's absolutely incredible. He's running rings around Warren!

Ken Warren then raises his left hand as if to challenge Frazer to a test of strength. Frazer accepts, and just as he was about to lock up with him, Warren lowered his left hand, and raised his right hand. Frazer goes for the lock up again, but Warren lowered his right hand, and raised his left hand again.

Frazer was starting to get irritated. He goes to lock up, but Warren lowered his hand and raised the other again. This went on for about another 10 seconds, and then when he raised his right hand for the final time, Frazer, now being cautious as he slowly goes for the knuckle lock, was just about to fully lock up, Warren slaps him across the face!

Nigel: Oooh, Warren with a slap to the face!

That's when Frazer snapped. He rushes in, landing some rights and lefts backing Warren up against the ropes. 

Mauro: And I think that only ticked off Nathan Frazer!

Warren then partially exits the ring, and the referee pulls Frazer away from him, telling Frazer to back away. "Yeah, ref! Tell him to back up!" Warren shouts.

Once there was a clean break, Frazer charged in, but Warren slipped out of the ring, wagging his finger with a smile on his face, and the crowd started to boo him.

Beth: Man, Ken Warren is really taking his sweet time here in this match.

Mauro: Well after what Frazer did earlier, that's his best option right now!

Nigel: He's been with PWR since its formation, so he's truly a veteran. An OG of the scene, and he takes pride in that. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

At the count of 4, he rolled back into the ring, but rolled back out as soon as Frazer came charging in.

Ken Warren walked around the ringside area, and antagonized the fans in the front row. But then the second he turned around, Frazer came soaring with a Suicide Dive, and wiped him out!

Mauro: And Frazer! Tope Suicida takes down the Social Media Sinister!

Frazer hammers away on Warren, and then he throws him back into the ring. He followed Warren right after, but at that point the Social Media Sinister was done fooling around. Once Frazer charged at him again, Warren kneed him in the gut!

He then goes for an Irish Whip, throwing Frazer to the ropes. Frazer came off the rebound, and then took Warren down with a hurricanrana!

Nigel: Warren shifting the advantage on Frazer, but not for long!

Frazer gets up, and when Warren got back to his feet, Frazer sprung off the second rope, and planted him with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: Frazer continuing to put the pressure on- oh, Tornado DDT!

Frazer goes for the cover, but Warren kicks out at 2.

Frazer then stomps on Warren, and then he delivers a knee drop. He covers Warren again, but Warren kicks out at 2.

Frazer picks up Warren, and then places him in the corner. Frazer then takes a few steps back, and then with a running start, he delivers a knife edge chop! Frazer then throws him into the corner diagonally across, and then delivers another running chop!

Frazer throws him back into the corner they originally started in, and goes for one more running chop, but this time Warren avoids it! Frazer's now in the corner, and then Warren unloads on Frazer, raining down on him with clubbing forearms. Frazer slumps down, and then Warren stomps away on him. 

Warren drags him out of the corner, covers him, but Frazer kicks out at 2.

Warren picks up Frazer, but Frazer fights back, punching Warren in the midsection. Warren then lands a blow across Frazer's back to cut him off, and then throws him over the top rope. Frazer lands on the apron, Warren tries to knock him off, but Frazer blocks the attack! Frazer then tries to knock him back with a straight jab, but Warren catches his attack, and drapes his arm across the top rope hard!

Mauro: And Ken Warren! Dropping Frazer's arm across the top rope!

Frazer was now clutching his arm, and then with a Dropkick, Warren knocked him off the apron!

Warren then slid out of the ring and then grabbed Frazer. 

Mauro: And now the Social Media Sinister, like a shark smelling blood in the water!

He then gets Frazer in a hammerlock, and then shoves him into the nearest ring post!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Shoulder first into the ring post!

Nigel: So methodical, Warren is!

Warren threw Frazer back into the ring. And then slammed Frazer's arm down on the mat before landing an elbow drop on it.

Frazer sat up, clutching his arm again, and then Warren laid him down and went for the cover, but only got a 2 count.

Warren sits up Frazer, and then gets him in a French Triceps Lock. 

Mauro: Ken Warren now, working on the now compromised arm of Nathan Frazer!

After a few minutes Frazer starts to get up. He turns around to punch Warren's ribs. And once he was loose, Frazer tries to shake some feeling back into his arm, and then connects with a jumping Enzuigiri!

Frazer gets up as Warren stumbles into a corner, then he charges and connects with a Forearm Smash!

Frazer then drags Warren, and then goes for a Suplex, but Warren blocks it, and then goes under his arm to escape. He kicked Frazer in the gut, then went for the Googlebuster, but Frazer shoved him away as he was in the air!

Frazer lands on his feet, Warren charges at him, but runs into another jumping Enzuigiri by Frazer! He then grabbed Warren, and then connected with his patented twisting Suplex!

Mauro: And Frazer, dropping Warren!

Nathan goes for the cover, but Warren kicks out at 2!

Frazer gets up, and the crowd in Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall start to cheer him on.

Mauro: And the LWF faithful here in the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, cheering on Frazer!

Warren gets up, then Frazer hits the ropes, and knocks him down with a flying Forearm Smash! Warren gets up, and then Frazer knocks him down with another flying Forearm!

Frazer nips up, and once Warren gets back up, Frazer takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press, and hammers away on him!

Beth: And look at Frazer, unloading on Ken Warren!

Ken Warren gets up, and is totally disoriented. He leans against the ropes, and then Frazer clotheslines him over the top rope, and out of the ring. 

Mauro: And Frazer, sending Warren out of the ring!

Nigel: This is a place Ken Warren shouldn't be in!

Frazer hits the ropes, and looked to hit Warren with another Suicide Dive, but just as he headed through the ropes, the Human Trending Topic caught him!

Mauro: Tope Suicida- no! Ken Warren was ready for him this time!

Warren then lifted Frazer up, and dropped him on the hard floor with the Googlebuster!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: And Ken Warren, with the Googlebuster on the floor!

Nigel: Just as Frazer was climbing back, Ken Warren shut him down in a hurry!

The crowd booed as Warren got up, and Warren responded by flipping off the fans, which made them boo even louder.

He then threw Frazer back into the ring, and started tuning up the band for the Wi-Fi.

Mauro: And it looks like it could be nighty night for Nathan Frazer!

Warren goes for the Wi-Fi, but Frazer, as if his spidey senses kicked in, somehow ducked it! And before Ken Warren could even turn around, Frazer got up, and then planted him with a Poisoned Frankensteiner!

Beth: Holy cow!!!

Mauro: Poisonrana by Nathan Frazer! 

Warren rolls out of the ring, and staggers around in a daze. Frazer wasted no time, and he got up, hits the ropes, and then soared through the air, wiping Warren out with a Tope Con Giro!

Nigel: And the third times the charm!

Mauro: Frazer soars with grace!

Now it was Frazer's turn to throw Ken back in the ring, as he went up top for the Phoenix Splash to put Warren away. But then Warren got up, and shifted the top rope to knock Frazer off balance!

From there, Warren pulled frazer down to the mat the hard way, and then hopped onto the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: Wait, hold on! Ken's gonna leave his feet! He never does any high flying moves!

Frazer gets back on his feet, still doubled over, and then Warren leaps, and connects with a Double Foot Stomp across Frazer's back!

Mauro: And Ken Warren! He calls that "Warren's Way"!

Ken Warren then goes for the cover, but Frazer kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: No, not enough for 3! Frazer stays alive!

Warren then gets up, and goes up to the top one more time.

Mauro: And Ken Warren now, looking to fly one more time!

Beth: If one Warren's Way doesn't do it, maybe one more could!

But just as he made it to the top turnbuckle, Frazer got up, and met him up there, wearing Warren down with rapid fire forearms and punches.

Mauro: And now both men are in a precarious position!

Nigel: This will end badly for whoever falls!

Warren then pushed Frazer off the top turnbuckle, but Frazer landed safely on his feet, and hopped right back up there before grabbing Warren, and slamming him down with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: OH, WOW! Spanish fly off the top, Mamma Mia!!!

Frazer gets up, Warren also sits up, and then Frazer connects with a Superkick!

Mauro: And Frazer with a kick to the face!

Frazer falls into the cover, but Warren kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ken Warren, out at 2 and a half!

Frazer then picks up Warren, but he fights back with a Forearm to the face. Frazer responds with a knife edge chop. Warren winces, and then responds with a chop of his own!

Frazer winced, and then clocks Warren with a discus Forearm Smash! Warren staggers, and then responds with a big boot! Frazer staggers towards the ropes, bounced back in a daze, and then hits Warren with a bicycle kick!

Warren spins and then doubles over, and then out of nowhere, Warren drops Frazer with a Pélé Kick!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Pélé Kick!!!

Now both men are laying in the middle of the ring, and the crowd began to cheer!

Mauro: Both men are down, and potentially out! 

Nigel: If they're bringing this performance out here, imagine what they're gonna do in the Sports Festival Stadium, with eight other competitors, for the coveted Cruiserweight Championship!

The referee was now at the count of 5, and Warren was the first to get up. He picks up Frazer, setting him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb. He then goes for it, but Frazer counters it into a hurricanrana, sending Warren face first into the middle turnbuckle!

Mauro: And now Ken Warren- oh, wait! Frazer!

Beth: Amazing counter!

Warren staggered out of the corner, clutching his face as he doubled over. Frazer then gets up, and with a running start, he springs off the second rope, and does a backflip, but then Warren, A-La Adam Cole to Ricochet, Superkicked him out of the air!


Beth: He couldn't have timed that any better!

Ken Warren then picked up Frazer, and dropped him with a double underhook DDT!

Mauro: DDT to Frazer!!!

Ken Warren rolls him over and hooked the leg, but Frazer kicked out at 2.9!

Mauro: And Nathan Frazer!!! How the HELL is he still alive in this match?!

Nigel: Beats me! Any normal person would've been lights out!

Ken Warren was now starting to get frustrated. He picks up Frazer, and throws him into the nearest corner. He then charges, and flattens him with a Stinger Splash, and then drops him with a snap Vertical Suplex. 

Frazer then rolls out of the ring, and onto the apron. Ken Warren follows him, and then picks him up. He then sets him up for the double underhook DDT once again.

Mauro: Uh oh, Ken Warren, with evil intentions in mind!

Frazer then reacted quickly, and rammed Warren into the ring post!

Mauro: And Nathan Frazer, averting certain disaster!

Nigel: That would've been bad!

Frazer then throws Warren back into the ring. Once Warren got back up, Frazer springs off the top rope, and lands a single leg Front Dropkick!

Frazer then picks him up, and gets him in an inverted headlock before spinning out into an elbow drop!

Mauro: And Frazer with an elbow to the heart!

Frazer, now seeing Warren incapacitated, makes the climb to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: And here we go, guys!

Mauro: It looks like Nathan Frazer is closing in!

Frazer then goes for the Phoenix Splash, but Warren rolls out of the way, and Frazer gets nothing but the canvas!

Nigel: No!!!

Mauro: Nobody home, and Frazer crashed and burned!!!

Warren then got up, and as Frazer got up to his knees, clutching his chest, Warren went for the Wi-Fi, and connected with it!

Mauro: And there it is!!!

Nigel: He got it!!! The Wi-Fi!!!

Beth: Goodnight, Frazer!

Ken Warren rolls him onto his back, hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count, finally putting Frazer away!

Mauro: And it's Warren with the Wrestlepalooza Momentum!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, "The Social Media Sinister"... KEN WARREN!!!

Despite Ken getting the win, the Crowd still applauded for the amazing match.

Nigel: That… was…Incredible! Frazer showed incredible resilience, and so did Warren! That was main event level stuff if we ever saw it!

Mauro: Oh, absolutely, Nigel! If this is what Frazer and Ken Warren are capable of, then the other 8 individuals in the Cruiserweight Open better watch out!

The replays of the match then began to play, starting with Frazer's Spanish Fly off the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Let's take a look back at this instant classic, there you see Warren looking for a second Warren's Way, but Frazer was not gonna let that happen!

Nigel: Yeah, a Spanish Fly off the corner, followed by a devastating Superkick into Warren's face!

Then the replay switches to the moment Warren superkicked Frazer.

Beth: Speaking of Superkicks, let's talk about this awesome Superkick from Ken Warren! If you thought only Adam Cole could pull off a shot like that, you're dead wrong now!

Nigel: And then to top it off, Warren drops him with a scintillating Double-arm DDT, but that wasn't enough to put Frazer away!

The final replay plays, and it's the closing moments, where Frazer went for the Phoenix Splash.

Mauro: But it would all end when Warren had the wherewithal to avoid the Phoenix Splash from Frazer, and quickly follow up, with the Wi-Fi!

Warren celebrated, going up the rampway as he held his phone, and took some selfies and posted them to social media to take in all the glory.

Beth: Well Ken Warren was able to win against Frazer, but if he wants to be Cruiserweight Champion, he's gotta beat 8 other people to do it! 

Mauro: Warren, Sane, Frazer, Rev, Applejack, A-Kid, Trudeau, Issei, Luna, and Kushida! 10 will come to the Sports Fest, but only one can survive and win the Cruiserweight Open! But switching gears now, up next, the Tag Team Champions, Team Weird N' Wild, will be in action!

Beth: Things are about to get weird!


Mirajane was standing by with Darby Allin and Lucy Loud. 

Mirajane: I'm here with Darby Allin and Lucy Loud. Darby, you look very focused going into your upcoming Last Ride Match with Dennis. So tell us, how are you preparing yourself for such a match?

Darby: Well Mira, it's pretty simple. I-

Darby was cut off by Dennis rushing in, and the two men began to brawl, going all over the Shopping Mall! Security noticed, and one of the guards radioed in.

"Darby Allin and Dennis are fighting inside Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall! Refs and security might not be enough, send Heroes!" The guard shouts, and soon, Refs and Security come in, but they couldn't stop Darby from pursuing Dennis. Neither of them wanted to wait for Wrestlepalooza, and then the two men disappeared around the corner, still brawling with each other. 

The camera then switches to some dimly lit and secluded area.

There stood Sonata Dusk, and her forehead was leaning against the wall.

Sonata: Adagio... remember the good old days? When it was you, me, Aria...The Dazzlings, we were on top, but it was always you who got all the credit. You were the main Siren, and Aria and I were just side characters. *Chuckles* I guess nothing has changed. Because you still acted like same entitled jerk even on the night I pinned you, 1-2-3. But in Episode 17, you know, the day you jumped me? There was something you said that echoes in my mind. You said, you tried to make me more. Dagi, who are you trying to fool? The only reason you came at me the way you did, was because you knew I was gonna be the most adored one of the bunch and your own ego couldn't accept that! But at the same time, you spoke some truth. I DIDN'T beat you on my own, and you fulfilled your promise at End Of The Line, by sending me home on a stretcher. Congratulations, sis! You're the Siren! I'll give you credit where it's due. But Wrestlepalooza, we settle this once and for all. You said you wanted me to be a Siren...

She then turned to the camera to show the left half of her face painted to look like a scary dragon, and her left eye was now red.

Sonata: Wish, granted. You wanted me to be a Siren, well here you go. But at Wrestlepalooza, we won't have teammates, we will have only each other, and the weapons at our disposal! And not only will I be the Last Siren Standing... but I will go on, and become the NEW LWF: Reborn Champion!

The vignette ends with the camera slowly zooming in on her face.
The camera cuts back to ringside, and then…


Beth: Holy moly, a new side to Sonata we just saw, guys! She definitely is ready for Wrestlepalooza!

Nigel: Sonata is gonna need that attitude and spirit if she wants to win against Adagio and be the Last Siren standing!

(MATCH #4: Team Weird N' Wild in action)

Mauro: Exactly. But right now, here comes the Tag Team Champions!

13 seconds into the song, Star Butterfly made her entrance, and then Mabel leapfrogged over her. They posed for a bit energetically, then made their way to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a tag team contest set for one fall! Introducing at this time, they are the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions…. Star Butterfly, Mabel Pines… TEAM WEIRD N’ WILD!!!!

The camera then cuts to the ring, where two Adrenaline Rush Tournament competitors were standing in a corner. The two individuals were Kuroka Toujou and Bikou.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, already in the ring, the team of Bikou, and KUROKA TOUJOU!!!

Nigel: Tag team champions in action against Kuroka and Bikou from the Adrenaline Rush tournament! Two individuals, looking to bounce back from their first round eliminations.

Mabel and Star enter the ring, and the crowd cheered as they posed in the middle of the ring, holding their tag team title belts up high. They then hand their belts to the stagehands and they place them in the timekeepers area.

But before either team could select who would start the match, "Live the Ravel-ution!" Echoed through the arena. Then…


Ravel and the Hybrid 2 suddenly appeared on the entrance way, confusing everyone.

Beth: Well well well, looks like we've got company!

Nigel: Ravel Phenex and the Hybrid 2! They must be out here to see the tag champs in action before Wrestlepalooza and the 4-way ladder match!

That's when the trio turned to the commentary desk, and placed headsets on their heads.

Mauro: And it looks like they'll be doing their observations here in the commentary booth! Welcome aboard, you three!

With the trio seated, the bell rings for the match to begin. Starting the match off was Bikou and Mabel, and they locked up in the middle of the ring. 

Ravel: Thanks for the warm welcome, Mauro. We just couldn't resist the opportunity to see the soon-to-be former champs in action before Evans and Angelico’s big moment, right boys?

Jack Evans: Exactly. It'll be nice to see the belts around their waists one more time before we climb the ladder to victory!

Angelico: Yeah, and when that happens, we will be forever Champions, just you wait and see.

Back in the ring, Bikou takes down Mabel with a side headlock takeover. Mabel gets back up, and then tries to shove him off, but Bikou holds on tight.

Mauro: Bikou with that Monkey like grip, keeping Mabel grounded.

Mabel struggles a bit, then she goes for a Back Suplex, but Bikou lands on his feet, and goes back to the side headlock!

Mabel then runs to the ropes, and chucks Bikou over her shoulder to throw him out of the ring!

Right as he was tossed, Kuroka made the quick tag to legalize herself, as she took over the fight.

Nigel: Bikou thrown out, but Kuroka goes in! And here's the lady Angelico defeated in the Adrenaline Rush tournament!

Angelico: Yeah, I asked her out after that, but she gave me the silent treatment. *Chuckles*

Kuroka tried to roll her up quickly, but Mabel kicked out at 2.

Mabel and Kuroka get up, and then Kuroka knocks Mabel back with a straight jab.

Kuroka then hits the ropes, and Mabel trips her with a drop to hold. She then tags in Star, and they double-team Kuroka, as Mabel, with a bit of an assist by Star, drills her with a DDT when she got up!

Mauro: And Mabel Pines! Star Butterfly with the assist!

Mabel rolls out of the ring, Star goes for the cover, but Kuroka kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Kuroka, out at 2!

Ravel: *Sarcastic tone* Wow, really impressive. 

Nigel: not really seeing the appeal of Star and Mabel, are you? I suppose that's warranted.

Jack Evans: Hey, we give them credit for holding on to tag team gold for as long as they have since LWF was revived. But they aren't exactly around as much as they wanna be, which means they're not exactly good when the pressures on.

Beth: Oh you'd be surprised. 

Star and Kuroka get up, and then Star knocks Kuroka down with a Dropkick. Star gets up, picks up Kuroka, and throws her to the ropes. Star then bends over, looking to throw Kuroka up into the air with a back body drop, but Kuroka holds onto the ropes to stop herself. 

Kuroka then lands a kick on Star, then Kuroka lands a series of knees to her gut. She then throws her out of the ring. Star lands on the apron, Kuroka tries to knock her off, but Star lowers the ropes, but Kuroka lands on the apron as well.

Star then goes for a clothesline, but Kuroka ducks the clothesline, and then plants Star with an STO!

Mauro: Both girls on the apron- oh! Kuroka plants star on the hardest part of the ring!

Kuroka pushed her back into the ring, and then went for the cover. Star kicks out at 2, and then Kuroka stomps away on her.

Beth: Kuroka showing off her vicious side now. True fact, she is Koneko's big sister, but I think she's jealous of all the progress Koneko's made compared to what Kuroka has done.

Kuroka then sat her up, and went for a bicycle kick, but Star fell back to avoid it. She then goes for a Schoolgirl pin, but Kuroka rolls through, they both get up, and then Kuroka stuns her with a bicycle kick!

Beth: Oh, Kuroka caught her!

Ravel: That's what overconfidence gets you!

Kuroka then covers her again, but Star kicks out at 2.

Kuroka then gets Star in a chin lock, digging her knee deep into Stars' back.

Mauro: And now Star Butterfly, being worn down!

Jack Evans: And these are your Tag Team Champions? What a joke.

After a few minutes, Star starts to get up. She then stomps on Kurokas' foot to loosen her grip. Star then elbows her in the gut, and after a few strikes, escapes Kurokas grasp. Star then hits the ropes, but off the rebound, Kuroka connects with a high roundhouse kick on the ear!

Kuroka then grabbed Star, and then dropped her with a Fisherman's Neckbreaker!


Mauro: Star building momentum, but Kuroka shuts her down! And now a Fisherman's Neckbreaker!

Kuroka covers star…

Jack Evans: That's it for the champs…!

But Mabel was there to save the match just in time at 2!

Nigel: Not quite, Jack Evans! Mabel with a timely intervention!

Ravel: What?! That had to be 3 before that brace-riddled idiot could get in!

Bikou comes into the ring to get Mabel out. Mabel avoids a kick from him, and sends them both out of the ring!

After that occurred, Kuroka hooked Star up and prepared to finish her with her Jumping Unprettier, but Star pushed her away. Right as Kuroka turned around afterwards, she ran right into a Mewni Kick!

Mauro: Mabel and Bikou eliminate each other, meanwhile Kuroka in the ring looking for the Jumping Unpretter, Star gets free- OH, Mewni Kick!

Bikou and Mabel get back to their respective corners, while both Star and Kuroka are loopy. The former then tagged in to the match to take back over.

Nigel: Tags are made, back in come Mabel and Bikou!

Once the hot tag was made, Bikou and Mabel enter the ring, and then Mabel knocks Bikou down with a flying Forearm Smash! Bikou gets up, and then Mabel knocks him down with a clothesline!

Mabel picks up Bikou, and then she throws Bikou to the ropes. He comes off the rebound, and then Mabel plants him with a Flapjack!

Beth: And Mabel is rolling, look at her go!

Angelico: Gotta give it to that spaz, when she gets going, she's hard to stop.

Bikou gets up, and then Mabel dropkicks him out of the ring. Mabel then smiles, knowing what to do next.

Nigel: Bikou knocked outside, and Mabels got the idea to fly!

Mabel hit the ropes, and wiped out Bikou with a Tope Con Giro!

Mauro: And that Mabel does, wiping out the Monkey King!

Jack Evans: That's nothing, I can do that way better.

Mabel throws Bikou back inside the ring and follows suit. She then gets ready to hit the Mabel-izer, but Bikou blocks it. 

Bikou then turns it into a backslide pin, but Mabel kicks out at 2!

Mabel gets up before Bikou, and then plants Bikou with a DDT!

Mabel goes for the cover, but Bikou kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And shoulder's just up!

Beth: Bikou and Kuroka do NOT want to waste this second chance!

Mabel then tags in Star, and then she and Mabel hoist Bikou up for the Star-Pine Drop.

Nigel: Well it could be over before they know it, Star-Pine Drop incoming!

But before they could hit the move, Kuroka came in and blasted Mabel with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: But it's Kuroka in to save the day, dropping Star!

Bikou then escapes Star's fireman's carry, and then hoists her up, and then with a roundhouse kick from Kuroka, Bikou drops Star with a Brainbuster!


Mauro: And the Nekoshou and the Monkey King, taking a page from ReDragon!

Nigel: Chasing the Dragon, all of it on the mark!

Ravel: That's it, it's over!

Bikou then covers Star while Kuroka watches his back. Mabel comes in, and Kuroka tries to hold her back, but Mabel was able to topple Kuroka onto Bikou, breaking the count at 2!

Beth: Oh, Mabel just in time!

Ravel: Awww, come on! Are you kidding me?!

All 4 competitors get up, as Kuroka tries to dispose of Mabel, but Mabel turns the momentum around and dumps Kuroka out of the ring. 

Star and Mabel then turn their attention to Bikou, who just got back to his feet. They then started to light him up with strikes. They kick his legs, then Star connects with a bicycle kick to drop him to his knees, Mabel then lands a roundhouse kick on his chest, Star then connects with a Superkick to the face, and Mabel hits the ropes, and connects with a Discus Forearm Smash!

Nigel: And Bikou now just getting lit up by the Tag Champs!

Mabel then hits the ropes, and then wipes Kuroka out with a Suicide Dive!

Back in the ring, Star picks up Bikou, and then she starts to throw Bikou around with some Butterfly Suplexes before finally dropping Bikou with a Vertical Suplex transitioned into a Sit-out Powerbomb!

Star holds Bikou there for the cover, but Bikou kicks out at 2!

Star then picks up Bikou, but Bikou punches her in the gut. Bikou gets up, hits the ropes, and Star stops him dead in his tracks with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: Bikou trying to climb back into this MATCH-! WOW, a Standing Spanish Fly from Star!

Mabel then hops back onto the apron, and Star tags her in.

Ravel: Mauro, don't you dare say it….!

And with no Kuroka around to stop them, they go for the Star-Pine Drop, and connect with it!

Mauro: There's no stopping them now, Ravel- STAR-PINE DROP!!!

Jack Evans: No, No, No…!

Mabel covers Bikou, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild pick up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

The Ravel-ution then took off their headsets, and made a b-line for the ring.

Nigel: Ravel, Evans and Angelico were not happy with the win, we knew this was going to happen…!

The Hybrid 2 soon bumrush Star and Mabel, and a brawl ensues as Ravel watches on!

Beth: You're right Nigel, we've got a brawl at the mall!

That's when The Workin' Miners came in and joined the fray, and Steve brought a little something to the party, a ladder that he created himself!

Mauro: And here come the Workin' Miners to this melee, and Steve's got some apropos material!

As soon as Steve started rapidly swinging the ladder he made, he struck down The Hybrid 2, even the Tag Team Champions, albeit it didn't look like it was on purpose. Angelico gets back up, and then Big Mac drops him with a Spinebuster!

Nigel: Angelico trying to stop Steve's flurry, but oh! Big Mac with the assist to his mate!

The Workin' Miners held the ring, but when they turned around, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno dropped them with big boots!

Beth: And there's the fourth team involved! Danny and Ohno with a sneak attack!

Dark Danny then grabs Steve's Self-Made Ladder, and breaks it into a bunch of pieces. 

Kassius Ohno then picks up Big Mac, throws him to the ropes, and knocks him out with a rolling elbow!

Mauro: And a Knockout blow to Big Mac by Ohno!

Danny and Ohno then spotted the Tag Team Championship belts, and then they picked them up, and the crowd boos as they held them up high. "For Equality!" They exclaimed as Anthem For The Year 2000 played.

Nigel: I dunno about you guys, but we could be looking at the next couple of champions in the SCE, with that Dominance displayed by Ohno and Danny!

Beth: Even though they'd much rather not compete in a ladder match and have things more equal, I bet they're willing to do what it takes to make those tag team titles belong to everyone, as the Society’s claimed lots of times before!

Mauro: Speaking of tag teams, coming up next is a match that will define what's in store for the match between Pretty Cure and the Crust Cousins! Honoka Yukishiro faces Brit Crust one on one, winner picks the stipulation of the match to go with a Special guest enforcer, that's coming up!


In an "Earlier Today" segment, Snips and Snails were venturing the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall.

Snips: Man, this place is boring. Nothing seems cool here.

Snails: I know! We're in a city full of Super Heroes with real superpowers, and I haven't seen one Pro Hero today! Not even one!

That's when Snips and Snails stopped dead in their tracks, and they saw Yu Takeyama, AKA Mt. Lady patrolling the mall.

Snips: Hey, hey hey! Isn't that the new hero on the block around here, Mt. Lady? Y’know, the one who can grow to the size of a… you know… mountain?

Snails: Uuuhhh, I dunno, is that really her? It could just be a cosplayer….

Snips: Good point. We need some actual proof that's really the real deal…

And that's when the two caught sight of another Pro Hero who also happens to be a newcomer, Shinji Nishiya, AKA Kamui Woods, approaching his fellow rookie as they seemed to engage in some sort of conversation.

Snails: Ah, you mean like that?

Snips: That's Kamui Woods! And he's talkin’ to her, that means they're both real!

Snails: Nah, he's probably just complimenting this cosplayer. 

That's when Snips and Snails walked up to them. Kamui notices them.

Kamui Woods: Is there something we can help you two with?

Snips: Yeah, that's a nice Mt. Lady cosplay! Yours is pretty cool too, the wood actually looks like the real thing!

Kamui Woods: Umm… excuse me?

Snails: Yeah, whoever made this costume got every little detail!

Mt. Lady: Oh, this is no cosplay, you two. This is the real deal. *Giggles*

Snips: Oh really? It's not really if i can touch this guy's arm and…*Touches Kamuis' arm and feels that its actually real wood* … Wait… this is really lumber I'm feeling! You two are the real deal!

Snails: Nuh uh! We still don't know if this is the real Mt. Lady though!

Mt. Lady: Wow, these two are definitely from out of town.

Kamui Woods: They must be with that Wrestling Federation that's collaborating with UA High for the Sports Festival this year.

Snips: Yeah, that's us.

Snails: We're practically famous! Anyway, how do we know you're the actual Mt. Lady? We're not gonna be convinced unless you two show proof you're actually the real new rookies on the scene.

Kamui and Mt. Lady then take out their hero licenses .

Kamui Woods: Would this convince you?

That's when Snips and Snails' eyes lit up. 

"Wow! So It really is you guys! You guys are awesome! I heard so much about you!" Snips exclaims.

"Mt. Lady I love you! Can you go out with me?!" Snails suddenly blurted out. 

The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward, and Snails started blushing hard, realizing what he just let slip, and Snips was trying everything in his power to not crack into a fit of laughter.

Mt. Lady: Ew, what?! No way kid, you're still too young for me.

Kamui Woods: Let's go, Takeyama.

That's when the two heroes left, and Snips couldn't hold it any longer. He laughed hysterically as Snails held his head down in humiliation. 

The camera then cuts back to the commentary desk.

Beth: Ouch, poor Snails. 

Nigel: What did he expect, he's still young and in highschool asking a pro hero out! Totally dumb on Snails' part!

But before they could continue, they were suddenly met with someone flying across their table!

It was Darby Allin! And Dennis, not too far behind, walked over the guardrails, and continued to beat down Allin!

Mauro: Oh my god, Beth, Nigel, watch out! Darby Allin and Dennis, right in front of us!

Darby got back up, and fought back landing some forearms punches on Dennis. Dennis shoved Darby back into the Guardrail behind him, and then charged at him. Darby stepped out of the way, but Dennis stopped himself. He turned around, but before he could react, Darby plowed through him and the guardrail with a Coffin Splash!

Mauro: And Darby Allin! Through Dennis, and the guardrail!

Nigel: Looks like security couldn't stop these two from brawling all over the Mall!

Beth: Where's a Pro Hero when you need them?!

The two individuals continued to brawl, amongst the crowd, until Darby finally went up a nearby escalator and disappeared. Dennis tried to go after him, but security and other referees were holding him back.

Mauro: And now referees and security, trying to keep Dennis from pursuing Darby…

But then, up on the top and highest bridge, there was Darby.

Mauro: Wait, hold on a second! Darby wasn't running away at all! 

Beth: Look how high he is!

Everyone, including Dennis, looked up, and without Hesitation, Darby leapt, and took out everyone with a Coffin Drop!

Nigel: And what goes up must come DOWN…!


Darby gets up, and lets out a determined scream from the top of his lungs as his theme plays throughout the Mall. It was clear that Darby was more than ready for Dennis at Wrestlepalooza, and Darby walked on his own up to ringside. 

Mauro: What a message from Darby to Dennis! But it's gonna take more than a two-story coffin drop to win at Wrestlepalooza! In a Last Ride Match, it's only over when one of them gets put in a hearse!

Nigel: God, I can't imagine what extremes these two will go to!

Then, as Darby was going up to the entrance way…


Darby looked back and saw the Crust Cousins making their entrance behind him. They come up to him, take one look at him, and pretty much don't hide their distaste for Darby's look as they strut by him.

(MATCH #5: Brit Crust vs Honoka Yukishiro (winner chooses stipulation for Wrestlepalooza match))

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your final match of the day, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied by her cousin Tiff….BRIT CRUST!!!!

Beth: Wow, in all that chaos, we almost forgot about our last match of the day! And this one has major implications for whoever wins! 

Nigel: Yeah, and I hope the Crusts win! I wanna know what stipulation they came up with!

The Crusts enter the ring, and Tiff just smirks as she looks up at the stage, and Brit awaits her opponent.



The crowd cheers as Pretty Cure make their entrance. Honoka and Nagisa appear together and do their signature pose on the entranceway, then make their way down.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent! Accompanied by Nagisa Misumi, representing pretty cure… HONOKA YUKISHIRO!!!!

Mauro: Pretty Cure, back in their home country, and what a reception for the Emissaries of Light!

Nigel: Well deserved honestly. But will that be enough?

Beth: Honoka and Nagisa have never given up despite the setbacks they've had, so I'm positive they’ll have the will to succeed!

Honoka enters the ring, and Nagisa stares Tiff down at ringside, while in the ring, Honoka and Brit go to their respective corners.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Brit and Honoka lock up in the middle of the ring, and Brit goes behind Honoka with a rear waistlock. Honoka breaks free, and then gets Brit in a wrist lock.

Brit then does a forward roll, and then uses her free hand to grab Honoka's ankle, and sweep her off her feet. 

Brit then flipped her onto her stomach, and wrapped her legs, looking for a bow-and-arrow hold, but as she went for it, Honoka was able to roll off her knees, and into the cover.

Honoka kicks out at 2, both girls get up, and Brit cuts her off with a low Superkick to the gut.

Honoka drops to one knee, then Brit lands a punch to knock her down to the mat. Honoka crawls to the ropes, and then pulls herself up. As she did, Brit charges, and then Honoka lowers the ropes, and Brit goes tumbling out of the ring!

Beth: Oh, Honoka with the ring awareness, sends Brit to the floor!

Knowing what to do next, Honoka hits the ropes, but Tiff hopped onto the apron, and in front of Honoka, causing her to stop!

Mauro: And Honoka, looking to go airborne, but Tiff stops her short!

Nigel: That's called "protection"!

The crowd boos. "Like I'm gonna let you-" but before she could even finish her sentence, Nagisa yanked her off the apron!

Mauro: And Nagisa! Pulling Tiff off the apron and making her pay for her interference!

Beth: That's called “justice”!

The playing field was now even, but that gave Brit an opening. Once Honoka wasn't looking, Brit grabbed her ankles again, and pulled her out of the ring. Brit goes for a punch, but Honoka blocks it! Honoka then goes for some punches, but when she goes for a roundhouse kick to the head, Brit ducked, and Honoka ends up connecting with the ring post!

Beth: Oooh, no!

Mauro: Brit ducks, and Honoka hits the ring post!

Honoka starts limping, and then Brit kicks her foot out from under her! She then picks Honoka up, and throws her back into the ring. She covers her, but Honoka kicks out at 2.

Brit continued to hurt Honoka, Stomping away on her leg, and then landed some elbow drops right below her knee.

Nigel: Look at brit, smartly targeting that compromised knee! I'm telling you guys, it's only a matter of time!

Honoka clutches her leg, then Brit drags her to the ropes, and wraps her leg around the bottom rope. She then pulled her leg to put pressure on her knee!

Mauro: And now Brit Crust, softening up the leg, for possibly a deadly submission!

Beth: If Honoka wants to win, she's gotta fight the pain!

The referee administered the 5 count, and Brit broke away at 4, just before the referee counted 5. But before she backed up, Brit kicked the rope, inflicting more damage to the knee area.

Brit backs up, and then Honoka gets back to her feet and limps to the nearest corner. Brit then charges, and connects with a Forearm Smash, before pulling her out of the corner, and then slamming her down with a Northern Lights Suplex, bridging into the cover!

Mauro: Brit now in full control with Honoka wounded, smashes her with a forearm! Followed by-oh, Northern Light Suplex with a bridge…!

Brit had a good bridge, but Honoka kicked out at 2.

Mauro: But bad leg and all, Honoka is able to escape!

Brit got up, then grabbed the damaged leg, and kicked it right at the hamstring. 

Beth: Brit, still targeting Honoka's bad leg!

Nigel: She knows exactly what Honoka is capable of, and Brit's taking out the foundation!

Brit then picks her up, and throws her to the ropes with a Snapmare!

Honoka writhes in pain, and then places her leg on the bottom rope. Brit then hammered away on Honoka to incapacitate her. 

She then makes the climb up a nearby corner, and eyed Honoka's leg. She then leaps, and crushes Honoka's leg with a double foot stomp!

Mauro: And a double stomp off the top turnbuckle, and onto the bad leg!

Brit then drags Honoka to the center of the ring, sets her up for a Single Leg Crab, and then pulls back once she locked it in.

Nigel: And Brit looking to finish Honoka off right now, Single Leg Crab in!

Nagisa spurred Honoka on to fight, while Tiff cheers her cousin on. Honoka tries to escape, but no luck. So, she decides to crawl to the ropes. Once she was about to reach for the bottom rope, Tiff pulled the bottom rope away!

Beth: And Tiff again, helping Brit out!

The referee sees this, and Tiff lets go of the ropes and puts her hands up. This gave Brit the opportunity to walk back to the middle of the ring.

Meanwhile, Nagisa, who was on the side perpendicular to Tiff, pulled out a Kendo Stick from under the ring! She then walked up to Tiff while Tiff was getting warned by the referee.

Tiff then suddenly had a bad feeling come over her. She slowly turned to her right to see Nagisa with Kendo Stick in hand. Nagisa then took a swing, and Tiff ducked, but narrowly as Nagisa had knocked her hat off her head! Nagisa then started swinging wildly, and Tiff started to run for her life!

Mauro: And Nagisa Misumi! She's had enough of Tiff's shenanigans!

Nigel: Someone stop that maniac!

With Tiff chased out, Brit loses her groove and lets go of the Single Leg crab.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Brit yells to Tiff. This gave Honoka the time she needed to recover, getting feeling back in her leg.

Brit turned around to refocus back on Honoka too late, as she went to pick her up, Honoka catches her with a small package pin!

Brit kicks out at 2, they both get up, and then Honoka goes for a kick to the gut, but Brit catches it! She then throws her leg down, but Honoka uses the momentum to spin around, and then connect with an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Honoka with an Enzuigiri!

Beth: This may be the opening Honoka needed!

Brit drops down to one knee, and then she gets back on her feet, doubled over. Honoka then takes a running start, and then takes Brit down with a float-over arm drag!

Brit then gets up, and then Honoka connects with a Dropkick! Brit rolls out of the ring, and Honoka goes to the apron.

Once Brit was up, Honoka goes for an Arabian Press, and takes out Brit!


Mauro: And Honoka-WOW!

Beth: Bad leg and all, she is still able to push through!

Honoka limps a bit and then throws Brit back into the ring. She follows soon after and then sets up for the Dual Aurora Wave to put Brit away, but as soon as she catches Brit in the backbreaker to transfer into the Swinging STO, Brit was able to shove herself out of her grasp. She then lands a Superkick just below the knee, and then lands another Superkick to her face before falling to the cover.

Brit had the leg hooked, Honoka kicked out at 2, and then with her grasp still on the leg, Brit used Honoka's momentum to flip her over, and into a knee bar!

Mauro: Oh, Honoka escapes- but what a transition by Brit!

Nigel: Into a Kneebar on the bad leg! Brit planned this all perfectly!

Despite Honoka's best attempts to escape again, but no luck. She then tried reaching for the ropes, but Brit had her in the center of the ring. She screams in pain, and after a while, she finally succumbs and taps out.

Mauro: And Honoka with no choice but to Tap! Advantage, Crusts!

*Bell rings rapidly*

(Start at 0:30)


Brit got up in victory, Tiff coming back to join her as Nagisa came to Honoka's side as the crowd booed at the result

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner… BRIT CRUST!!!!

Nigel: Well, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so! Brit is victorious like i thought, and the all important stipulation pick goes to the Crusts!

Beth: Well, in an earlier interview with Mirajane, they said they had the perfect one in mind, but what is it?

The two cousins both grabbed mics to speak.

Mauro: It looks like we're gonna find out!

It didn't take long for the crusts to speak.

Brit: Too bad, so sad, Pretty Bores! It just goes to show you that you can't beat either half of the fastest rising, trendsetting, and most popular tag team today! And once we defeat you at Wrestlepalooza again? *laughs* Oh! That will just cement our biggest accomplishment!

Tiff: And as for our stipulation? Hey, Nagisa, when your friend wakes up, Brit and I want you to relay this to her. It won't even matter WHO Chard picked to act as Special Guest Enforcer!

Brit: Because, well… our stipulation is guaranteed victory for Tiff and I. 

Tiff: We choose an Extreme Rules Match! But there's a catch…

Both cousins look at each other and smile before turning back to Nagisa.

Both Brit and Tiff: The Extreme Rules ONLY apply to US!

The crowd booed as The Crust Cousins laughed into their mics, and their theme played again.

Nigel: Wow!!! Extreme Rules only for The Crusts?! Absolutely brilliant!

Beth: It's selfish is what it is, Nigel! Brit and Tiff have completely made this match pretty much impossible for Pretty Cure to win! 

Mauro: This is the exact same tactic Dolph Ziggler used against Drew McIntyre at the Extreme Rules Horror Show 3 years ago! It didn't work out for Ziggler, but two might just be better than one in this case!

Nigel: As it should be! Never doubt Brit's intellect! I can see why this is guaranteed victory!



As soon as the gunfire was heard, Brit and Tiff's eyes went wide as the crowd in the mall cheered, and Allex Shelley made his way out, wearing a referee jersey!

Beth: I think that just answered your question, Tiff!

Mauro: Here's a man who's had his fair share of being extreme!

The crowd cheers, and starts chanting Shelley's name.

Chard: Ladies and gentlemen, your special enforcer, Alex Shelley! He will be the extra set of eyes in this match, and will ensure that at Wrestlepalooza, the best Tag Team wins! Good luck to you all, because you're gonna need it!

Chard's theme plays once more, and Nagisa looks at the Crusts with a confident smile.

Beth: Brit and Tiff thought they had the perfect plan to get their Wrestlepalooza Moment, but Alex Shelley’s involvement as Enforcer just threw a Detroit-sized wrench in it!

Nigel: Impossible! Like Brit said, Shelley is basically just a waste of space in this match!

Mauro: We will see how it all unfolds, Nigel! Wrestlepalooza is just round the corner! But before that, the main event contenders meet one last time! Ospreay, Starlight, face to face, next!


Mirajane Strauss was standing by in the center of the mall.

Mirajane: What a match made for Wrestlepalooza, the Crusts and Pretty Cure, but the Crusts have the Extreme Rules only for themselves, while Alex Shelley's the Special Enforcer! But joining me at this time, please welcome… Nathan Frazer!

Nathan came into view, holding an ice pack on his shoulder, banged up from his banger with Ken Warren, but otherwise okay.

Mirajane: Nathan, tough loss after giving it everything against Ken warren. But, despite all that, I know for a fact you're still aiming your sights on the Cruiserweight Open, with every intention to win the Cruiserweight Title if possible. What's your take on the rest of the field, and who do you have your eyes on the most?

Nathan: Well Mira, I know I’ll be looking for payback on Warren if I can get it. But I also have to be wary of a few others. Kushida is one of the premiere Cruiserweights here in Japan, so he's going to be tough to beat. And then there's Applejack's strength, Issei’s determination, Robins' daring-

That's when Rev Runner walked in. 

Rev: Well-Frazer-don't-forget-about-my-speed-okay? You-may-be-fast-but-I'm-faster-and-I'm-sure-you've-seen-me-go-already-but-I-digress-the-fact-of-the-matter-is-this-I-love-your-tenacity-and-how-you-showed-out-against-Ken-Warren-is-the-exact-same-tenacity-I-wanna-see-in-the-Cruiserweight-Open! 

Nathan: Thanks. I wanna expect the same thing from you. 

Frazer then held out his hand. Rev and Frazer shake hands, and then Rev leaves.

Mirajane: How in the world did you understand him when he was talking so fast?

Nathan: Just a hunch.

The camera cuts back to the ring, where Chard was now standing in the middle. 

Chard: Ladies and gentlemen, Wrestlepalooza is here at last, but before we head over to the Sports Festival Stadium, we've got two individuals that wanna say a few words before the eventual battle. Let me introduce one of them first. Individual number one, the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer!



The crowd boos as Starlight Glimmer made her entrance, but with no SCE around. It was likely that Starlight kept them back because it was going to be a civilized face to face… hopefully.

She entered the ring, LWF Reborn Championship over her shoulder and was well dressed for the final confrontation. 

Chard: And now, introducing the challenger, a man with a high caliber, who has won many championships around the world, and looks to add the LWF: Reborn Championship to his list of accolades, The Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay!


The crowd cheers, and Will Ospreay makes his entrance. He was dressed for the occasion as well, no stranger himself to face to face encounters with many opponents.

After he entered the ring, the champion and challenger faced each other, mics in hand, different hues of confidence on their faces. 

Chard: Ospreay, Starlight, this has gotta be the most anticipated match of the card. So before you two clash, I'll let you two take this time, and say your peace.

Chard then leaves the ring, and Starlight was the First to Speak.

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, Ospreay… while I dislike the idea of defending this title in front of the thousands of people who all possess supernatural gifts that throw the world into chaos, in truth, I can't think of a better place to defeat you in, than right here in the Land of the Rising Sun. A country where you gained most of your accolades and fame. But you won't be adding this title to your illustrious resumé! *Adjusts the LWF: Reborn Championship on her shoulder* Because Equality has gotten stronger every day that passes! And for every victory you have won, and every championship you have earned, you have also lost in return. Such as the IWGP United States Championship, which Kenny Omega took from you just recently at Wrestle Kingdom 17!

The crowd reacted to that, and Will didn't take that reminder lightly.

Starlight Glimmer: So you see, you can call yourself whatever you desire Will. Aerial Assassin, Commonwealth Kingpin, Billy G.O.A.T…. but none of those nicknames matter to me. Because your Empire is nothing in the face of my world of inclusivity, and Equality. At Wrestlepalooza, you think everyone will see you as the hero that will defeat the villain they see me as? Well that won't happen, because in front of all the members of the Hero Society here in Japan watching the Illustrious festival, I will set another example, of why accepting your Limits and rejecting your gifts is the only true path to happiness and harmony. I will become the ONLY hero this society will ever need.

The crowd boos as starlight finishes her speech. And now it was Ospreay's turn to speak. 

Will Ospreay: You're right Starlight. My career here in Japan has had its ups and downs. But when it comes to wins and loses… you've left one thing out of that speech you gave about my accolades. All the championships I've rightfully earned here in this damn country!

The crowd cheers at that.

Will Ospreay: Lemme list them off for you. Like you mentioned earlier, I held the IWGP US title. But I was also… the winner of the Best of The Super Juniors Tournament on 2 separate occasions, and the winner of the 2021 New Japan Cup! Oh, and did I mention, I also won both the IWGP Junior Heavyweight, World Heavyweight, and NEVER Openweight Championships? So you tell me now if what I've done is nothing compared to you!

The crowd cheers.

Starlight: See, this is EXACTLY what's wrong with this Society! You just listed every accomplishment like you're better than everyone! This is what causes rifts among the closest of friends, what distances families from each other! All because of YOU and your total foolishness for thinking so highly of yourself! Ricochet made that same mistake, but now he's on the road to the better path of life. You on the other hand, I must eliminate you. You're a threat to the equal LWF that we, the SCE, have envisioned. I… no… WE THE SCE, are LWF's saving Grace, and we will-!

Will Ospreay: Starlight Glimmer, for the love of god, would you do us all a favor and stop talking your arse off?!

The crowd cheers at that, Starlight cut off from her speech.

Will Ospreay: At Wrestlepalooza, I suggest you keep that mouth of yours in check. Because if you make one little mistake against me? The vision you keep talking about for the world? That's all gonna come crashing down! Because let's be honest, this world you envisioned, is just you putting yourself above others, simply because you can't handle being what you really are. A lesser individual! And the reason you have people "fighting for your cause", is because, without them, you couldn't hack it here!

At this, Ospreay and Starlight get up in each other's faces and Starlight raises the LWF Reborn Championship in the air.

Starlight: Look at our championship very closely, because this is as close as you will get. I will defeat you for Equality in LWF and the World, and remove your stain of disharmony and chaos from the world forever. Prepare yourself Will Ospreay… because this is one Championship in Japan, you will NEVER win!

Ospreay and Starlight continue to stare each other down, and with a smirk, Will turns and leaves. Starlight nodded, and then suddenly charged and looked to hit Ospreay from behind with it but Ospreay had a feeling, and ducked before she could connect! Starlight turns around, and Ospreay hits her in the face with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oooh! Starlight with an attack from behind but Ospreay was too clever for that!

Starlight was stunned, and then Ospreay hooked her up and set up for the Stormbreaker, and dropped her with it!


Mauro: And he's not done there…! STORMBREAKER!!!

Ospreay gets up to one knee, and holds the LWF: Reborn Championship in his hands as he looks down at Starlight. 

"Wrestlepalooza, you're in my house, and I promise to dethrone you!" He exclaimed. 

But then all of a sudden, the crowd began to react loudly, and then from behind, someone kicked Ospreay in the back of his head! It was Adagio Dazzle!

Mauro: Whoa!

Nigel: It's Adagio Dazzle! Where on earth did she come from?!

She then looks down at the LWF: Reborn Champiomship belt. She picked up the belt and grinned. She then had it up high as her theme played. 


Mauro: She may have a Last Siren Standing match with Sonata at Wrestlepalooza, but she made her intentions clear! She's after the LWF: Reborn Championship, and nothing and nobody's gonna stand in her way!

She then laid it down in between Ospreay and Starlight. "Keep it warm from me, okay?" Adagio says to both of them before exiting the ring and leaving through the crowd. She then turns to the camera. "Oh, and Sonata, like putting on some face paint is gonna intimidate me and change the future. The outcome is never gonna change! I beat you again, and it'll be ME who will get the next shot!"

Beth: That message by Adagio couldn't be any more clear! Whoever wins the Last Siren Standing match gets the next shot at either Starlight or Ospreay, and she's confident that the one whos the next #1 Contender is gonna be her!

Nigel: And now it's on to Wrestlepalooza to find out for sure! Combined with the Sports Festival, this should be one heck of a show!

Mauro: We’ll see you at the Sports Festival for the LWFs Grandest Stage! For myself, Nigel and Beth, thanks for tuning in!

The camera was focused on Adagio smirking in the crowd before the camera cut to black.

And that was Episode 24!

Man, what's there to say, except, who's ready for Wrestlepalooza?!

I don't know what else to say at this point, I'm just glad Wrestlepalooza is here!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and see you at Wrestlepalooza!

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