EPISODE 25: The Post Wrestlepalooza Show

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And it's also Draft Day! Let's see how this goes down!



The opening Pyro goes off inside the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

The crowd goes nuts as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Happy New Year, LWF Fans! We are just removed from a big Wrestlepalooza from the other side of the world, and no sooner have we returned to America, that things are about to change! I'm Mauro Ranallo alongside Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix! And guys, tonight, we are about to see the futures of both Reborn and Velocity unfold, because guess what day it is? Draft Day!

Nigel: Yes, Mauro, tonight, and also on Velocity, we are gonna have a major shake-up, as tonight on Reborn, Night 1 of the LWF Draft gets underway! Here's how it works, all Superstars who currently are under LWF Contract are on the market in this two-night cross-brand event. Top Champions are excluded, but the other titles, like the Adrenaline and Cruiserweight Champions, are fair game!

Mauro: Each round's draft picks will be determined randomly. Stars from Velocity and Reborn will be competing in matches to determine the first pick in each round. And since it's randomized, neither Reborn nor Velocity will know who they are getting!

Beth: I am so excited about this, guys! The Draft was always a big deal in WWE, and we're gonna find out who goes where tonight!

But then, as soon as they were done explaining the draft rules, the lights went out. Then…


To a rain of boos, out came the Society of Complete Equality, once the song picked up. Starlight Glimmer, the LWF: Reborn World Champion, led the way, flanked by Trixie, the Wattpad Champion, “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants, and the newly crowned Tag Team Champions, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno. 

Then, Starlight stepped to the side, and the crowd booed when Ricochet slowly made his entrance, all smiles, and the SCE applauding him, before they went down to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome at this time… THE SOCIETY OF COMPLETE EQUALITY!

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, it was The SCE's day at Wrestlepalooza! Abrasive Spongebob defeated Ruby Rose for the last time to retain the Wattpad Championship, and then Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno captured the LWF Reborn Tag Team Championships in the 4-Way Tag Team Ladder Match, snapping Team Weird and Wild's perfect run!

Nigel: But the biggest shocker of the night was when Starlight not only defeated Will Ospreay in Japan but with the assistance of Ricochet, who to our utter shock, is now fully converted! 

Beth: I'm still shaken from Ricochet's sudden change of heart! It must've taken so much to break his spirit and finally turn to Starlight's ways of the world. And with Ricochet now a part of the Society and them having nearly all of LWF Reborn’s gold, The SCE may very well make LWF Equal, or at least, THEIR idea of Equal!

The SCE enters the ring, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Starlight. Out of them all, it was Starlight who had the mic, and the floor.

Starlight: *Looks at the crowd for a moment* Do you all get it now? It's like I said before, no matter how many times I have proven that Equality was the way of life, you never listened! You didn't listen when I defeated Robert, you didn't listen when I defeated Ruby, and by the looks of it, you didn't listen when I defeated Will Ospreay!

The crowd boos.

Starlight: But… but one person did. That one person… finally came to his senses, and embraced Equality wholeheartedly! Ladies and gentlemen, yours truly, Ricochet!

The crowd booed even louder, then Starlight handed Ricochet her microphone. 

Ricochet: Now, by the sounds of it, you don't sound too pleased that I did what was right. 

The crowd booed some more.

Ricochet: You don't get it do you?! Allow me to explain. You see, ever since Resurgence, I thought I was doing the right thing, by being myself, and by being myself, I mean being the superhero y'all admired! But it didn't get me the win there. At first, I thought “Well, it was Resurgence, I was a bit exhausted already so I wasn't 100%”, but when I was, I lost at High Acceleration, and I ended up joining against my will. But now, looking back, with this clean mind of mine… that was the best thing to ever happen to me. *smiles* Because now, it makes sense! What I was doing for you, was wrong! Being a high flyer was wrong! Being a superhero… was wrong! I was wrong, and being in the SCE made me realize that! *Looks at Starlight* Starlight, forgive me for not seeing this sooner. You were right the whole time. Being unique only leads to conflict.

Starlight says to him that it's okay and that he was only misguided. 

Ricochet: *Turns back to the crowd* Equality is the only way to live! And Starlight Glimmer is the leader to give you peace and harmony! Because now, my mind is clear, and I'm free from Inequality, and as long as Starlight is a Champion, EVERYONE is a Champion. *Points to the fans* including all of you.

Ricochet hands the microphone back to Starlight. 

Starlight: Exactly, Ricochet. You are clear-minded now, and yes, everyone won at Wrestlepalooza! Will Ospreay unfortunately, had to pay the ultimate price. But let this be a reminder for Nagisa Misumi and Adagio Dazzle. I know you two are looking to destroy what I have done for LWF, but I'll give you two choices. Conform to Equality, and find true happiness, or suffer. *Drops microphone*

15 Minutes plays once more, and the SCE exits the ring.

Mauro: The message could not be sent any more clearer. Ricochet now knows where he stands, and Starlight has issued the warning to her next two challengers, Adagio and Nagisa! Join her, or suffer the consequences!
Nigel: But Ricochet and Trixie best not get too comfy with the Society. Starlight, Spongebob, Danny, and Ohno may be safe from getting traded, but those two are fair game.

Beth: While all that's happening, LWF Founder Chard Caranto has announced on Social Media that Rev is looking to defend his newly crowned Cruiserweight Championship tonight, and tonight, he's gonna have his first defense against Nathan Frazer! That's gonna happen tonight!

Mauro: We’ll also be hearing from the Seven-Colored Star Athlete, Rainbow Dash herself, who appeared in the Casino Battle Royale as the Joker at Wrestlepalooza! A shocking development surrounded the sports star at RCCW Beach Blast, and she's here in Chicago to tell us how things are gonna go with her around! 

Nigel: And of course, headlining tonight's action as we mentioned, will be the first half of the LWF Draft! 5 Matches across 5 rounds, where Reborn and Velocity will go head to head to see who gets first pick in each! And Round 1 is set to start! Let's see who Chard and Mr. Herriman send out to represent each brand first!



The crowd gives mixed reactions as Anthony Henry makes his entrance. 

*Bell rings*

(OPENING MATCH: Chris Panzer vs. Anthony Henry)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your opening match of the night is set for one fall, and it is for the First Pick of Round 1 in the LWF Draft! Introducing first, representing LWF: Velocity,  hailing from Augusta, Georgia, he weighs in tonight at 180 Pounds… ANTHONY HENRY!!!

Mauro: And it is Anthony Henry who Mr. Herriman has chosen to represent Velocity in Round 1 of the Draft! Henry hasn't had the best of fortunes lately in finding his footing in LWF, and he hopes tonight, he can turn his luck around!

Nigel: Well a win here may just propel him in the right direction.

Henry enters the ring, and he removes his vest, pacing around the ring awaiting his opponent.



The crowd cheers, as Chris Panzer makes his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, representing LWF Reborn, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, CHRIS PANZER!!!

Beth: Looks like guys in the Reborn War Room wanna grab the early advantage right from the Start, Chris Panzer is up first for us! At Wrestlepalooza, he claimed victory over Stan Smith in a hard-fought battle of national pride, and it looks like he wants to ride his momentum into another victory tonight!

Mauro: And what's interesting about this matchup is that Panzer has beaten Henry once before!

Nigel: That's true, on Velocity itself! I can see the first draw rights handed to Reborn already! 

Panzer enters the ring and takes off his vest and bandanna, as he and Henry stare each other down.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Panzer and Henry lock up in the middle of the ring. Panzer then goes behind him, but Henry breaks free and gets behind Panzer.

Panzer breaks free and then gets Henry in a wrist lock. Henry then counters it into a hammerlock, but Panzer is able to counter it into a hammerlock of his own.

Henry then counters it back into a wrist lock and wrenches on the arm. Panzer then does a forward roll and kips up. He then sweeps Henry off his feet and covers him for only a 1 count. Panzer gets up first and charges at Henry, but Henry sweeps his legs, and covers him for a 1 count!

They both get up and then Henry gets Panzer in a side headlock. Panzer then pushes him to the ropes and uses the rebound to push Henry off of him. Henry hits the ropes, and then Panzer does a drop-down. Henry hops over him, and hits the ropes again, only for Panzer to knock him down with a shoulder block!

Panzer then hits the ropes, and Henry does a drop-down. Panzer hits the ropes, Henry goes for a hip toss, but Panzer blocks it and throws Henry with a hip toss of his own!

Mauro: And Panzer takes the early advantage!

Nigel: Having fought Anthony once already, he knows how to handle his hard-hitting offense!

Beth: The same can be said for Henry knowing Panzer, so this is still too close to call.

Panzer then sizes up Henry, and when he gets up, Panzer takes him down with an arm drag. Henry gets up, staggers, and then Panzer hits him with an atomic drop. He then scoops him up, and plants him on the mat with a textbook body Slam!

Mauro: And Panzer, slamming Henry down on the canvas!

Beth: Panzer-monium is surging through his veins!

Henry was lying prone, and then Panzer, with a running start, Panzer flattened Henry with a Vader Bomb. Panzer hooks the leg, but only gets a 2 count.

Mauro: Ooh, and Panzer with a Vader Bomb! Hooks the leg to give Reborn first choice- Henry kicks out at 2!

Nigel: Henry's far too resilient to give in that easily. It took a lot on Velocity episode 1 to take him down, especially considering Panzer was not at 100% then!

Beth: There's no telling how things will end up now that they're both at 100!

Panzer then picks up Henry and throws him to the ropes. Henry comes off the rebound and ducks a clothesline from Panzer. Henry comes off the rebound again, and this time, Panzer takes him down with a Lou Thesz Press, and starts hammering away at him!

Mauro: And Panzer with a Thesz Press!

Beth: Things are not looking good for Anthony Henry in this match!

He then gets off of Henry and throws him into a corner. Panzer then knees him in the gut, and then lands a knife edge chop. Henry staggers to another corner, and Panzer lands another chop.

Henry then goes to the corner diagonally across, but when Panzer went for another chop, Henry cuts him off with a chop of his own. Henry then fires back with a series of chops and forearms. But Panzer quickly responded with more knife edge chops, increasing the speed after every chop!

Beth: And now Chris Panzer, firing away with those machine gun chops!

The referee enforces the 5 count, and Panzer backs off at 3. Henry rolls onto the apron, and when he got up, Panzer springs off the second rope, and connects with a triangle Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Panzer, what a move!

Panzer gets up, and the crowd cheers him on. Unbeknownst to Panzer, Henry rolled under the ring!

Beth: Panzer soaking in the cheers from his Panzer Army, but wait, look at Anthony!

Mauro: He vacated the ring, possibly to get some breathing room, goes underneath….

Panzer then hits the ropes, looking to dive, but stops when he sees that Henry isn't there. He stands there confused, and Henry rolls out from the other side, slides back into the ring, and blindsided Panzer!

Mauro: And Anthony Henry!

Nigel: How wise was that?!

Henry then puts him on the top turnbuckle, looking for a superplex to the outside.

Mauro: And now Anthony Henry, looking for a superplex, but that's gonna be a hard landing for both men!

Panzer punches Henry to thwart the attempt, and Henry gets knocked off the corner, and lands on the apron. Panzer then flies, looking for a double axe handle on Henry, but Henry catches him with a kick to the gut! Henry then hoisted him up, and spiked him on the apron with a Piledriver!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Piledriver on the apron!

Panzer slumps to the floor, and Anthony Henry rolls back into the ring to recuperate. 

Nigel: And just like that, Anthony Henry has turned the tables!

Henry then demanded the referee to count faster, looking to take a count-out victory.

Mauro: The referee administers a 10 count, and Henry hopes Panzer doesn't get to it!

At the count of 8, Panzer slides back into the ring. Henry then picks him up, and drops him with a Death Valley Driver. Henry goes for the cover, but Panzer kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Henry off the Death Valley Driver, only a 2 count!

Henry picks up Panzer, and then takes him down with a Snapmare. With Panzer now sitting on the canvas, Henry winds up, and then connects with a swift kick across Panzer's back!

Mauro: And Anthony Henry! Hard kick to Panzer's spine!

Henry then picks up Panzer, and throws him out of the ring. Henry follows Panzer, and Panzer, still lying on the ground, starts kicking at Henry's legs. Henry simply took those kicks, picked up Panzer, and then landed another knife-edge chop!

Panzer leans against the barricade, and then Henry grabs him. He takes him down with a Snapmare, and lands another kick across Panzer's back!

Mauro: And Henry with another hard kick!

Beth: I'm wincing just hearing those kicks connect! I can only imagine what Panzer's feeling right about now!

Henry then picks up Panzer, and throws him back into the ring. Panzer gets up, and is now leaning against the ropes. Henry then sized him up, and connected with a roundhouse kick across Panzer's chest!

Mauro: And Henry AGAIN, utilizing his deadly kicks to cut Chris Panzer down to size!

Anthony Henry was now stalking Panzer. But Panzer fights back! Knocking him back with a kick to the gut, and then throwing more knife-edge chops. But then Anthony Henry pushes him back, and then connects with a downward chop that drops Panzer! The impact was so loud, it echoed through the arena!

Mauro: Oooh, wow!!!

Nigel: Now THAT'S a chop!

Beth: Sounded like a firecracker going off!

Panzer staggered back in pain, and Anthony used the chance to grab him and then slammed him onto the canvas with a textbook body slam. He then placed Panzer's head in between his feet, and twisted!

Mauro: And a neck twist!

The crowd booed Henry while some cheered Panzer on. Henry stomps on Panzer and then props him up so that he is seated. He then lands a roundhouse kick across Panzer's chest, then another one on his back. He then quickened the pace, lighting up Panzer with kicks to his chest and back.

Mauro: Chris Panzer, taking these kicks, how much more can he endure?!

Henry then steps back, and gloats, soaking in the jeers coming from the crowd. He then hits the ropes, looking for a penalty kick, but Panzer falls back to evade it, and then rolls him up with a schoolboy pin!

Mauro: Oh hang on, Panzer got Henry!

Henry kicks out at 2, Henry gets up before Panzer, but Panzer stuns him with a jawbreaker!

Panzer gets back to his feet as Henry staggers into a corner. Panzer then charges, and then connects with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And now Panzer is gaining momentum!

Beth: This could be the opening Chris Panzer needed!

Panzer threw him out of the corner, and then hopped onto the second turnbuckle. Panzer sized him up, and then leapt into the air, taking Henry down with a crossbody!

Mauro: Crossbody off the second turnbuckle!

Panzer hooks both legs, but Henry kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And ooh, Henry, out at 2!

Panzer gets up, and the crowd cheers for Panzer. He then charges, looking for the Panzerschreck Kick, but Henry cuts him off with another roundhouse kick to the solar plexus!

Mauro: Oooh, Panzer was possibly going for the Panzerschreck, but Henry kicked the air right out of him!

Nigel: Henry no doubt knew it was coming, and with enough wherewithal, struck Panzer first before he could fire the main gun!

Henry then hooked him up, looking for a possible Powerbomb, but Panzer rams him into a nearby corner! Henry and Panzer have a tussle, then Henry just tosses Panzer to the side like a ragdoll. Henry then sized up Panzer, and went for a clothesline, but Panzer ducks, and hops onto the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: Clothesline- no! Henry misses!

Panzer then goes for a Moonsault off the top turnbuckle, and wipes him out!

Beth: Look at that! 

Mauro: What a beautiful Moonsault!

Panzer covers Henry, and Henry kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And another near fall!

Panzer looks to capitalize on the opportunity and goes for a Brainbuster. Henry blocks the attempt and then goes for a Brainbuster of his own. Panzer drops his knee on top of his head to block the attempt, but Henry doesn't let up. He goes for the Brainbuster again, but Panzer is able to escape!

Panzer then grabs him and tries to use the momentum of the ropes to roll him up with an O'Conner Roll, but Henry holds on to the top rope. 

Mauro: Panzer trying to roll up Henry, but Henry using the real estate to block!

Panzer gets up, Henry goes for the clothesline, and again, Panzer ducks it! He hits the ropes, and then Panzer knocks him down with another Forearm Smash! Panzer then picks him up, and then drops him with a twisting Brainbuster!


Mauro: And Panzer has Henry- Twisting Brainbuster, straight down into the mat! Could this do it, to give Reborn the first pick?!

Panzer hooks the leg, but Henry kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Henry kicks out at 2 and a half!

Henry rolls out of the ring, and clutches the back of his head. Panzer then gets up, and sizes up Henry.

Beth: Panzer’s got Henry in his sights!

Panzer then hits the ropes, and wipes out Henry with a suicide dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida by Panzer!

Nigel: Anthony Henry is reeling!

Panzer then throws Henry into the ring, and climbs to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Chris Panzer, possibly closing in on Anthony Henry!

Nigel: If this hits, Reborn's getting the first pick of Round 1!

Panzer then leaps for the Eagle Splash…

Beth: Panzer's going for broke!

… but Henry rolled out of the way! Panzer hits the canvas, and Henry quickly locks in a crossface on Panzer!

Mauro: Oh, Anthony Henry! Panzer missed with the Eagle splash, and now Henry with a submission on a vulnerable Motorcity Angel!

Nigel: Henry with a Crossface, will he make Panzer submit?!

Panzer however, was able to shift his weight, and roll Henry over to pin him, but Henry kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh, wait Panzer- no, Henry out at 2!

Both men get up, Henry goes for another kick, but Panzer ducks! He then grabs Henry with a rear waist lock, but Henry was able to break free and go behind Panzer, then rolls him up with a schoolboy pin, but at 2, Henry deadlifts him up, and slams him down with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Oh my god! Look at the strength of Henry!

Nigel: Textbook Saito Suplex!

Henry then picks him up, and finally drops Panzer with the Brainbuster!

Mauro: Brainbuster, this time Henry got him!

Both men laid on the floor, exhausted, and the crowd cheered.

Mauro: What an opener for Episode 25!

Beth: And what an outing for Henry, he's improved a lot since we last saw him!

Henry then slowly rises back to his feet, while Panzer rolls onto the apron. Henry goes over to Panzer, but the Panzer lands a shoulder barge through the ropes! Panzer then slingshots himself over Henry, rolling him up for a Sunset Flip, but Henry rolled through before a 1 count! Henry gets up, goes for a penalty kick again, but Panzer was quick enough to trip him with a drop toe hold before he could swing!

Panzer then picks him up, but Henry pushes him off, then goes for a clothesline, but Panzer ducks, and then connects with a Superkick when Henry turned around!

Mauro: And Panzer! Superkick to the jaw!

Panzer then hoisted him up onto his shoulders, but then Henry elbowed out of his grasp! 

Mauro: Oh but Henry, he's fighting out!

Once Henry was free, Henry hoisted Panzer on his shoulders! He then threw him up into the air, and then punted Panzer in the midsection on his way down!

Nigel: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Henry with a big shot to Panzer’s gut!

Not wasting any time after that, Henry then set Panzer up for the Crucifix GTS, but before he could lift him up for it, Panzer countered with a double leg takedown, and then rolled him up with a jackknife pin!

Mauro: Oh wait a minute! Panzer with a jackknife!

Henry tried to wriggle free, but Panzer had the pin deep enough, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: And Chris Panzer! Panzer wins the match!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHRIS PANZER!!!

Mauro: This is not only the opening match for Episode 25, but it may just be a candidate for the match of 2024! Holy cow!

Beth: What a way to start the year off strong! Panzer and Henry put on a classic, and both left everything in the ring! Anthony didn't even have to cheat anywhere in the match, it was all skill!

Nigel: Panzer’s string of momentum continues, and not only did he secure Reborn getting first pick in this round of the draft, he may very well set himself up for title contention this year!

Mauro: I can't wait to see Panzer vie for championship gold, but to your point Nigel, Chris Panzer’s win translates to Reborns advantage in the draft this round! So let's fire up the randomizer and see who's going where!

Then the draft randomizer pops up on the tron.


After a few minutes, the first draft pick for Reborn is… Adagio Dazzle!

Mauro: Oh my!

Nigel: Yes! The Sensational, Superior Siren! Adagio Dazzle is staying in Reborn!


Adagio then makes her entrance, and she has a microphone in her hand, with a big grin on her face, obviously due to the fact she was drafted to Reborn #1. 

Adagio: Well, I feel honored to be Reborn's first pick! And why shouldn't I be? I'm the hottest star in LWF right now! Reborn and Velocity were DYING to have me in their roster, because I'm that damn good! And now that I'm a full fledged member of the Reborn roster, just wait and see what I can do. And Starlight, just try and stop me! *Walks away smiling*

Adagio's theme plays once more as she makes her way to the back.

Beth: Well, nice to see Adagio not lacking confidence as ever! And this is good news for us, but bad news for Starlight, as Adagio is one of the current #1 Contenders to the LWF: Reborn World Championship!

 Then, the Draft Randomizer fires up again. 


Mauro: Now let's see who Velocity is able to acquire!

The randomizer runs for a few seconds, and then the first pick for Velocity is revealed to be… all three members of The Ravel-ution!

Mauro: Wow!

Beth: Oh ho ho, it looks like Velocity is gonna experience a Ravel-ution! Ravel Phenex, Jack Evans, and Angelico are all heading to Velocity!

Ravel's “Live the Ravel-ution!” Quote echoed through the arena, then…


The Ravel-ution then make their entrance, Ravel stylishly presenting herself to the crowd, as Jack Evans backflips his way out to the stage, followed by Angelico, strutting out.

Nigel: Quite the pickup for Velocity in these three! Ravel has done a lot for Evans and Angelico’s careers ever since she started associating herself with them!

Ravel then looks into the camera and says “Velocity ain't ready for us, but WE are ready for them!”, they then make their way to the back.

Mauro: A hot start to the Draft already, and now it's back to us here on Reborn!

The randomizer then started up again.


After a few seconds, Reborn’s second pick of Round 1, the Randomizer selected… Dennis! The crowd pops!


Nigel: Reborn's got Dennis!!!



Beth: Is he here?!

Lo and Behold, to answer Beth's question, Dennis rolled up in his motorcycle and circled the ring.

Beth: This is unreal! I can't believe Dennis even made it here to Chicago after that brutal Last Ride Match he had with Darby Allin!

Mauro: You just can't kill Dennis!

Dennis then glared into the camera and drove back up the ramp.

Nigel: That look said it all, Dennis isn't done with LWF just yet, and now that he's back on Reborn, he's gonna go through whatever it takes, to get to the top. And God help you if you get in his way!

Then, the randomizer fires up once more for the end of round 1.


The randomizer runs for a few seconds, and Velocity's last pick for Round 1… was A-Kid!

Beth: Oooh, look who Velocity also picked up!

Mauro: It's the Spanish Sensation, A-Kid!


Once the song picked up 20 seconds in, A-Kid came running out to the entranceway.

Mauro: This young man is just breathtaking in the ring, and with Velocity being all about action-packed matches, who knows what A-Kid will do?!

Nigel: And with that, Round 1 concludes, and what a group of picks Reborn and Velocity have made! But the draft isn't over yet, we have 4 more rounds to go through, plus our main event, Rev Runner makes his first Cruiserweight Title defense, against Nathan Frazer!


Mirajane Strauss was standing by in the interviewing area. 

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, FSU.

The crowd boos as FSU walked in.

Mirajane: FSU, with your Wrestlepalooza matches now out of the way, what can we see from you two in the new year?

Eddie Dennis: We may have lost due to a miscommunication against the Junior Detectives at Beach Blast, and I may have lost to Erza at Wrestlepalooza…. but all is not lost. Mark still claimed victory over Flash Morgan Webster, and with the draft in play, we aim to be more dominant than we were in the previous chapter of LWF.

Mark Andrews: Yeah, exactly. See, it doesn't matter where we go, Reborn, or Velocity, we are gonna do what we do best. And that's F*ck, sh*t, up!

Mirajane: So does this mean we could see you go after the Tag Team Championships?

Eddie Dennis: Absolutely. LWF is not ready for FSU, because they haven't seen exactly what Mark and I are capable of. 

Mark and Eddie then walk away.

Back at ringside….

Nigel: You heard it straight from the mouths of Andrews and Eddie, no matter where they go, things are just getting started for FSU!

Beth: To all the members of the Reborn and Velocity roster, I'd stay clear of FSU's path!



Pretty Cure makes their entrance. Honoka, now sporting a knee brace. They hi five each other and then do their signature pose as pyro erupts in red, blue and white colors.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first at this time, the team of Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro… PRETTY CURE!!

Mauro: The Dynamic Duo, Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, Pretty Cure are on the scene in LWF: Reborn! It was quite the rollercoaster for the two of them from Wrestlepalooza till now, after winning a hard fought match against the Crust Cousins, Brit and Tiff assaulted these young ladies, and threatened Honoka's career with a con-chair-to to her left leg!

Nigel: But it would be a grand reversal of fortune for Nagisa afterwards, as she entered the Casino Battle, lasting from the Spade Group entering first all the way to winning the entire match in shocking fashion! Now Nagisa and Honoka are back in action together again, and you can see the knee brace on Honoka's left leg, Recovery Girl worked her magic and saved Honoka weeks or even months of recovery! She's not quite recovered fully as of yet, but she is cleared to compete tonight!

Nagisa and Honoka soon enter the ring. Across from them were their opponents for tonight, Bikou and Kuroka Toujou.

Mauro: And there you see Pretty Cure's opponents for tonight, the duo of Bikou and Kuroka Toujou, a devious looking dynamic, looking to make a mark in LWF's Tag Team Division!

Nigel: The last time they were here, they came up short against Team Weird N’ Wild, but tonight they look to bounce back, and get on the right track!

Beth: And with the draft happening now, and in Velocity, a win here for both Bikou and Kuroka would make a good enough impression so that they have some kind of a chance to get drafted!

The two teams then take their positions, as the referee calls for the bell. The bell rings, and starting out for their respective teams are Nagisa and Bikou. 

Bikou and Nagisa lock up in the middle of the ring, Bikou then gets Nagisa in a side headlock. Nagisa quickly counters it into a hammerlock, but Bikou is able to reverse it into a wrist lock. Bikou then mocks Honoka by letting Nagisa reach out for her before going to his corner, and tagging in Kuroka.

Kuroka enters the ring, and takes over the wrist lock Bikou had applied. Kuroka wrenches hard on the arm, but then Nagisa does a forward roll to reverse the pressure, and then gets Kuroka in a wrist lock of her own. Nagisa then pressed her foot into the back of Kuroka's knee, taking Kuroka down to one knee.

Kuroka then gets back up, and then kicks Nagisa in the gut. She then grabbed Nagisa by her hair, and threw her down onto the mat!

Mauro: Ooh, nothing pretty about that!

Beth: Mean streaks run through the Toujou family!

Kuroka then hits the ropes, and then Nagisa does a drop down. Kuroka hops over her, and hits the ropes one more time. Kuroka comes off the rebound, and then Nagisa gets up, and knocks Kuroka down with a Dropkick!

Nigel: Ooh!

Mauro: What a Dropkick by Misumi!

Nagisa then gets up, and tags in Honoka. Honoka then measured Kuroka up, and then when she got up, Honoka slingshots herself over the top rope, and connects with a clothesline!

Mauro: And in comes Honoka!

Beth: Bad leg and all, Honoka Yukishiro isn't going to be deterred!

Honoka then covers Kuroka, but Kuroka kicks out at 2.

Honoka and Kuroka both got up, then Kuroka went low with a basement Dropkick to Honoka's left leg! Honoka clutched her leg once it was hit.

Mauro: Oooh, and Kuroka, bullseye in sight, exploiting Honoka's injured leg!

Kuroka then got up, dragged Honoka by her bad leg, and tagged in Bikou, who then went to work on the compromised limb of Honoka Yukishiro. He would do this by rapidly kicking at Honoka's left leg, before delivering a few elbow drops around the knee area.

Nigel: The target is in sight for Bikou and Kuroka, and they aim to make this excruciating for Honoka!

Honoka gets up, desperately trying to tag Nagisa in, but Bikou still has a hold of her leg, and he takes her down with a Dragon Screw Legwhip!

Bikou maintains a hold on her leg, and then he stomps on her knee.

Bikou then tags in Kuroka, and then Honoka tries to crawl away. But Honoka gets picked up by Kuroka, and then she throws her into the ropes with a Snapmare!

Mauro: Oooh, Snapmare into the ropes! Honoka Yukishiro is being torn apart!

Honoka continues to clutch her leg, then Kuroka picks her up, and lifts her up with a back Suplex, before tossing her up into the air!

Nigel: Ooh, and Kuroka showing off a bit of strength!

Kuroka then covers Honoka, but she kicks out at 2.

Kuroka then tags Bikou back in, and he locks in a knee bar of sorts to weaken her leg.

Mauro: And look at Bikou and Kuroka, keeping each other fresh with the frequent tags!

Beth: And Bikou has Honoka trapped in a submission on her injured leg! They're making sure to keep her away from Nagisa, she hasn't been in this match since Honoka tagged in!

Honoka struggled for a few minutes, but she was soon able to roll over to the ropes to enforce a rope break.

Honoka pulls herself up to her feet, but as the referee keeps Bikou back, Kuroka kicks Honoka in the face!

Mauro: And Kuroka Toujou! Caught Honoka square in the face!

Honoka stumbles towards Bikou, allowing the Monkey King to get her up on his shoulders, and then drops her with a rolling senton.


Bikou goes for the cover, but Honoka kicks out at 2!

Nigel: Oh, and Honoka is still fighting! You gotta admire her resiliency!

Mauro: Injury or not, she still wants to support Nagisa's career with all that she's got, and that's what she's doing!

Honoka reaches out to Nagisa, but Bikou grabs her leg, and pulls her farther away from her partner. He then drops an elbow on her back, and then picks her up.

Then, Honoka starts fighting back. Honoka connects with a couple of jabs, but then Bikou kicks the left leg, bringing her down to one knee.

Beth: But how much longer can Honoka hold on?! She's gotta find some way to break away from this!

With Honoka down on one knee, Bikou hits the ropes, and lands a basement Dropkick! He then picks her up, and throws her into a corner. 

Bikou then charges, but then Honoka catches him with a Hurricanrana, driving him face first into the middle turnbuckle!

Mauro: Bikou now has Honoka in a dangerous position- oh! What a Counter by Honoka!

Beth: Bikou got too overzealous! 

Honoka then pulled herself up, the crowd was willing her on, and so was Nagisa as she pumped them up.

Nigel: And now the crowd in Chi-Town, spurring Honoka on, can she make it back to her corner?!

Bikou and Honoka then crawl to their respective partners, looking to make the hot tag. They both make the hot tag, and they both come in hot! 

Kuroka enters the ring, only to be met with Nagisa springing off the top rope and knocking her down with a clothesline!

Kuroka gets up, and then Nagisa knocks her down again with a Forearm Smash. Kuroka gets up, and then Nagisa lands a Dropkick. 

Nagisa then picks her up, looks to throw Kuroka into the ropes, but Kuroka reverses the momentum! Nagisa comes off the rebound, and then connects with a twisting back elbow!

Kuroka gets up in a daze, and then Nagisa throws her into a  corner. Nagisa then runs and connects with a Forearm, then grabs her by the head and connects with a knee! Kuroka was now staggering  and then Nagisa dropped her with a neckbreaker!

Beth: Wow, Nagisa is totally on FIRE!

Mauro: She has a secured #1 Contendership to the LWF: Reborn World Championship just like Adagio has, by winning the Casino Battle Royale! So of course she's fired up for a chance that rarely comes around!

Kuroka then rolls to the outside of the ring to recuperate. But when she got up, Nagisa quickly acted, and sprung off the second rope before wiping Kuroka out with a Triangle Crossbody!


Mauro: Oh my! Look how quick Nagisa is moving!

Beth: Nagisa's sending a message here tonight!

Nagisa Misumi then throws Kuroka back into the ring. Nagisa then hooks the leg, but Kuroka kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh, but Kuroka fights her way out!

Kuroka pulls herself back up, and then Nagisa grabs her. Nagisa then sets her up for a sliced bread #2, but Kuroka blocks it. Kuroka then goes for a Back Suplex, but Nagisa flips over her and lands on her feet. 

Kuroka turns around, goes for a clothesline, but Nagisa ducks, and then knocks Bikou off the apron with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Nagisa, taking out Bikou!

Nagisa gets up, but because she took the time to take out Kuroka's partner, it gave Kuroka enough time to recover, and when Nagisa turned around, she walked into a high roundhouse kick! Kuroka then quickly followed it up with a Half and Half Suplex, bridging into the cover!

Mauro: And Kuroka! Half and Half Suplex with a bridge, off the high kick!

The ref would have counted 3, but Honoka dove in and broke the count up!

Nigel: Oh, Honoka just in the nick of time! Even after all that punishment, she finds a way to make sure Pretty Cure stays alive!

Bikou then slid in, and targeted Honoka's injured leg to stop her in her tracks, then unceremoniously threw her out of the ring.

Bikou then turns around, and gets hit with a Superkick by Nagisa! Bikou spills out of the ring, and then Kuroka grabs her from behind, looking for the Unprettier. 

However, Nagisa quickly fought out of her grasp, and quickly stuns her with a back elbow when Kuroka turned around. 

Honoka got back on the apron as quickly as she could, and then Nagisa tagged her in. Once she did, Honoka quickly tagged Nagisa back in, and grabbed Kuroka as Nagisa climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And Nagisa, tag made back to her trusted partner as she goes up top!

Nigel: What do these two have in mind?!

Once Nagisa was at the top, Honoka then planted Kuroka with a standing Shiranui!


Beth: Honoka, bad leg and everything- look at THAT!

Mauro: Standing Sliced Bread, adrenaline coursing through Cure White’s veins!

Honoka quickly gets out of the way, then Nagisa leaps and lands on Kuroka with a Frog Splash!

Mauro: And Nagisa! Right on target!

Nagisa hooks the leg, and scores the 3 count for Pretty Cure!

Mauro: Pretty Cure picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, PRETTY CURE!!!

Nigel: Perseverance pays off for Pretty Cure! Kuroka and Bikou had the game plan of isolating Honoka from Nagisa once she got into the match, but even with her injured leg not completely healed, they didn’t count on her having that much resiliency!

Beth: Honoka was able to fight through the pain and Punishment, and turn things around once Bikou got too greedy! After that, Nagisa would come in, and blaze an amazing comeback!

Mauro: That just shows the tenacity these two have!

Nagisa then grabs a microphone, and Pretty Cure's theme fades out before Nagisa speaks.

Nagisa: *Heavily breathing* Another night, another win for Honoka and I! That just means Pretty Cure is on the right path to gold! Speaking of… I heard what you said earlier, Starlight Glimmer!

Nagisa leans over the ropes, and looks into the hard cam.

Nagisa: You think what you said is supposed to deter me? Like I'm supposed to be intimidated? That's not gonna happen! And if you think I'm gonna conform to your Equality, then you're just as dumb as you look! So let me tell everyone this right now…

But before she could continue…


Nagisa laughs at how she got interrupted, and then Nagisa watches on as Adagio makes her entrance, microphone in hand.

Mauro: Oh, this should be interesting, Adagio has returned! She was drafted 1st Overall and shares the #1 Contendership to Starlight Glimmer with Misumi!

Adagio enters the ring and speaks.

Adagio: If you think for one second that you're gonna have the shot before me, you've got another thing coming!

Nagisa doesn't back down from Adagio.

Adagio: You see, I don't know if you know this, but there's a pecking order here in LWF. *Raises her hand up high* I'm up here… *lowers hand down to the mat* And you're WAY down here. And the unwritten rule around here is… those highest in the pecking order, get the shot first. So if you don't mind… get behind ME.

Nagisa: *Smirks* And why do you think I'm all the way down at the bottom? Is it because of my win-loss ratio? Is it because I'm just a Tag Team specialist? Or is it because… you feel threatened by me, showing that I am capable of beating anyone?

Adagio: Threatened? By you? You got lucky at the Casino Battle Royale, and I'm supposed to be threatened by you? Listen here, you orange-haired twerp, you haven't won one singles match in your entire career here. You got beat by Luna Collins, you got eliminated in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, hell, even in Tag Team action your win-loss ratio isn't on par with Championship material! And then you say I'm threatened by you?! That statement can't be any more ridiculous! Look at me, I scored victory after victory, I haven't been pinned or submitted since High Acceleration. I'm on a roll! While you… you've been subpar, at best. And that's me being generous. 

That remark struck a nerve with Nagisa.

Adagio: So I’ll say it again, little girl. Don't even THINK about taking the title shot before me. You're not good enough to be on my level, you're not good enough to be a contender, and you're even good enough to be in the title picture!

The crowd boos at Adagio's words, then Nagisa speaks up.

Nagisa: So you think I should just throw it all away? And then leave it to you to try and take the championship off Starlights hands? 

Adagio nods, mouthing that was exactly what Nagisa wanted to do. 

Nagisa: Well too bad! I'm not doing that! You're not the first person who told me that, and you're not the last! I love Pretty Cure, Honoka is my ride and die, but I'm a lot more, and even Honoka knows that!

Honoka nods.

Nagisa: And by the way… who's to say that you're gonna eat your words, and Starlight DOES beat you, huh?

The crowd oooh'd at that remark.

Nagisa: Then what, Adagio? Then what? You gonna have another mental breakdown until finally you win? 

That comment struck a nerve with Adagio, and she bit her tongue as she glanced away for a moment. 

Nagisa: I at least take my losses, and acknowledge them. But Adagio… you are right with one thing. I have been subpar. I'll give you that. That's why as of late, I've been under the watchful eye of one of my heroes. I'm under the guidance of someone who promises to take me and Honoka to the next level, and especially take me to the LWF: Reborn Championship, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me!

Adagio looks confused, asking who she's talking about, and then…


The crowd pops, and Nagisa grinned with confidence as the name “Kidman” popped up on the titantron. 

Mauro: OH MY! 

Beth: Is it really…?!

The crowd cheers loudly as Billy Kidman comes out!

Nigel: It is!!!

Mauro: Mamma Mia, it's Billy Kidman!!!

Beth: A mainstay of WCW and WWE in the 90's and 2000's, and a former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, I say Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro are in good hands!

Pretty Cure then exits the ring, and Kidman meets up with them at the bottom of the ramp.

Kidman then raised both Nagisa and Honoka's hands, and the crowd cheered as Adagio watched on, with a smirk on her face.

Mauro: If I were Starlight Glimmer, I'd be watching Nagisa much more closely now!

Nigel: Nagisa and Honoka are under a new watchful eye to help them become more than they thought! As an underdog himself, there is no one else better suited to help take the careers of Pretty Cure to the Next Level, than Billy Kidman! And we will have to see via the Draft if this new alliance stays on Reborn so Nagisa can take her shot at Starlight, or if it's null and void once they switch to Velocity!

The camera then cuts to a vignette playing.

An instrumental version of Switchfoot's Dark Horses plays, and the vignette starts at Sweet Apple Acres, where Applebloom was doing work around the farm.


Applebloom: Growin’ up on a farm in the countryside, taught me to work hard. Because hard work always pays off!

The vignette then cuts to the city streets, where Scootaloo skidded down the sidewalk on her scooter.

Scootaloo: In the city, you learn to stay true to yourself, and survive the wild side of the streets with one vital element… grit!

Then the vignette cuts to a fancy-looking house, where Sweetie Belle was standing at the door.

Sweetie Belle: When you live in a high-class society, you build up confidence, and learn to take the first opportunity presented to you!

The vignette continued to show all three of them, doing their thing in their respective subcultures.

Applebloom: And while the three of us come from different parts of life…

Scootaloo: We share one common goal…

Sweetie Belle: And that goal… is making a change!

Then the chorus of Dark Horses plays.

~ Were singin’... HEY! You can't count us out! We've been running up against the crowd! Yeah! We are the Dark Horses! We're singin’... WAIT! It's not over now, we've been down but we've never been out! Yeah! We are the Dark Horses! ~

The vignette ends with the caption: C.M.C - COMING SOON


Mirajane Strauss was standing by in the interviewing area.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the leader of the Panzer Army, Chris Panzer!

The crowd cheered as Chris Panzer walked in.

Mirajane: Chris, you put on an instant classic against Anthony Henry earlier tonight to earn Reborn first pick in Round 1 of the draft, and of course, you're also coming off that big win against Stan at Wrestlepalooza. So with all that said and done, with the Draft in full swing, do you have a brand preference?

Chris Panzer: Honestly, Mira, I actually don't. Because wherever I go, Panzer-monium will be running wild, with the Panzer Army locked and loaded, ready for battle!

Mirajane: Well, I'm sure with your momentum building, it won't be long until you're in the title hunt no matter what brand you're on. Any championship belts catch your eye lately?

Before  Panzer could answer the question, in walked the Wattpad Champion, the SCE's “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants. 

He didn't say anything. He just gave a look that said “Don't even think about it”, and continued on his way.

The camera then cuts back to the commentary desk.

Nigel: Well that's a warning for Chris Panzer if I've ever seen it! If Panzer stays here on Reborn, Spongebob’s letting him know the Wattpad title is off-limits!

Mauro: And as we know, Spongebob is not part of the Draft due to being Wattpad Champion, but two championships that are legible to change brands are the Adrenaline and Cruiserweight titles! 

Beth: And that means that the Cruiserweight Championships place in LWF depends on the result of our main event!

Suddenly, in walked a young-looking man with black spiky hair, dressed in a purple suit, walked out, and strutted to the ring with confidence. 

He then grabbed a microphone, and entered the ring.

???: Ladies and gentlemen, I am… Marin Hollow. And I am the personal photographer, and assistant, to The Influencer of BTWF, Brandish Myu!

The crowd gives mixed reactions, not sure how to react.

Marin Hollow: Today, I came alone. By myself. Which is strange because usually when Brandish is here… I'm usually not too far behind. So you might be asking, “Well what are you doing here? This is LWF!”. Don't worry, I'll answer that question soon. Because you see, Brandish and I, we have topped the Top Trending lists on every social media platform known to man, because we have what it takes, to be the biggest influencer out there. Hell, Brandish has topped even the biggest of influencers! Influencers such as… Selena Gomez… Cristiano Ronaldo… and even Kylie Jenner! BUT… one name that is missing in that list of influencers… is KEN WARREN!

The crowd cheers at the mention of Ken.

Marin Hollow: You see, Ken Warren calls himself the “#CandidAttentionBandit”, The Face of Facebook, The OG of IG, The Human Trending Topic, among other things, but the idea of Ken Warren being a bigger social media star than The Influencer, could not be more ridiculous! Ken Warren is none of those things, hell, Ken isn't even the biggest social media star in fanfiction wrestling! 

The crowd boos at that remark.

Marin Hollow: Ken Warren being the top trend over Brandish Myu, has gotta be the biggest joke in Social Media history! And that brings me to why I'm here in LWF! *Looks into the nearest camera* Ken Warren, if you are what these people think you are, then listen closely, because I have a challenge for you. If you really are The OG of IG, if you really are The Human Trending Topic, and if you REALLY ARE The Social Media Sinister, then you will face… the woman who has over two million subscribers on YouTube, over a million followers on Twitter, no I am NOT calling it X, 1.5 million followers on Instagram, and now has over 500K followers on Twitch! If you really are The Social Media Sinister, then you will face The Influencer, Brandish Myu! 

The crowd cheered at the idea of that.

Marin Hollow: Ken Warren, I'm giving you a week to make a choice. Think about it, pal. And if you DO decide to accept this challenge, then you will bear witness to The Influencer, proving why she is the top trend in ALL of social media. And you can Hashtag… *snaps fingers* That!

Marin Hollow then leaves the ring.

Mauro: Wow, Marin Hollow, throwing down the gauntlet! A challenge for an LWF vs BTWF Interpromotional Match that has mega-hit written all over it, Ken Warren vs Brandish Myu, the Ultimate Influencer!

Beth: And it probably couldn't be better timed, Ken’s facing Danger Duck as part of round 4 of the Draft tonight! Ken might not need a whole week to think about Marin’s challenge!



Nigel: Speaking of the Draft, it’s time for round 2, and look who represents reborn!

Once the song really kicks up 7 seconds in, Sonata makes her way out, confidence on her face as she rhythmically steps out to the music's beat. Back to her usual self, she energetically greeted the fans before heading down to the ring.

(Match 3:  Sonata Dusk vs Skye Blue)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first at this time, representing the Foodie Friends…SONATA DUSK!!!!

Beth: It was at Wrestlepalooza Night 2, where Sonata Dusk, may have just had the biggest match in her career yet. Despite coming out not the Victor, she seems to be in high spirits!

Nigel: Well Sonata said to me backstage that even though she might not have beaten Adagio, what mattered to her was that she proved herself to be Championship contender worthy, face painted or not, and she's content on taking the hard and slow climb back on track.

Sonata then enters the ring, climbs up the turnbuckles, and throws her hands up into the air to hype up the crowd.

Mauro: And her road back to success starts now, with earning Reborn another right to claim first pick in the draft! She had her fill of tacos in catering, and now it's time for some after-meal exercise!



The crowd cheers, as out comes the hometown girl, Skye Blue! She smiled as she waved to the crowd while making her way down to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, hailing from Chicago, Illinois… SKYE BLUE!!!

Nigel: The Chicago crowd giving Skye Blue the warmest of Welcomes to their hometown gal!

Beth: And while she's got an even Win-loss ratio currently, a win here could potentially give Skye a chance to be drafted to Reborn, or stay in Velocity, whoever wins here tonight!

Skye enters the ring, and the two competitors shake hands before going to different corners. 

The referee calls for the bell and the match gets underway. Skye and Sonata lock up in the center of the ring, and then Skye goes behind Sonata with a rear waistlock. Sonata then breaks the hold, and gets Skye in a hammerlock. Skye struggles for a bit, but then reverses it with a Snapmare. 

Sonata gets up, and then Sonata gets caught with a side headlock from Skye. Sonata then reverses it into a side headlock of her own. 

After a couple of minutes, Skye then pushes Sonata to the ropes and uses the rebound to shove Sonata off. Sonata hits the ropes, and then knocks Skye down with a shoulder block!

Sonata hits the ropes, and Skye does a drop down and Sonata hops over her. Skye then gets up as Sonata hits the ropes again, and then Skye doubles over, looking for a back body drop. 

Sonata leapfrogged over her, springs off the second rope, and flattens Skye with a crossbody, and hooks the leg!

Mauro: Sonata with amazing offense! Into a cover off the springboard crossbody…!

Skye kicked out at 2, then Sonata got up. She grabs Skye, but she creates separation with a jawbreaker. 

Skye then lands a few blows to Sonata's back, then throws her to the ropes. Sonata comes off the rebound, and Skye goes for a hip toss, but Sonata counters it into a monkey flip!

Mauro: Oh, Sonata counters just as Skye was trying to fire up! 

Skye gets up, but Sonata trips her with a drop to hold. Sonata then gets up, hits the ropes, and connects with a basement Dropkick to the side of Skye's head!

Mauro: And now look at Sonata go!

Nigel: Absolutely quick!

Sonata gets up, and the crowd cheers. Sonata then measures up Skye Blue, but as she advances towards her, Skye throws Sonata out of the ring, but unbeknownst to Skye, Sonata hangs on to the middle rope!

Mauro: And Skye Blue- oh, wait! Sonata hung on! Skye Blue doesn't realize it!

When Skye turned around, Sonata skinned the cat back into the ring, and then landed a heel kick, then nipped up!

Mauro: And what a heel kick to the jaw, by Sonata! 

Beth: Skinning the cat and hitting right on the mark! Wow!

Skye rolls onto the apron, then Sonata measures her up. She then grabs Skye, but Skye pushes her away. Skye then goes for a punch but Sonata blocks it. Sonata then swings with a left hook punch, but Skye ducks it, then connects with a Forearm. 

With Sonata stunned, Skye then grabbed Sonata by her hair, and drove her down on the top rope with a hot shot!

Mauro: Skye now avoiding another blow from Sonata, counters with one of her own! And now she uses the ring to her advantage, and stuns Sonata!

Skye then slides back in the ring, goes for the cover but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Skye then looks to take advantage of the opening she had made, and delivers a few elbow drops across Sonata's back.

Nigel: Sonata kicks out, but Skye is clearly striking the iron while it's hot!

Skye then picks up Sonata, turns her around, then drops her with a backstabber!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Skye Blue is really putting the hurt in Sonata right now!

Skye goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Sonata tries to get up, but Skye is focused on keeping her down. She lands a few more blows to the back, but then Sonata fights back with punches to the gut.

Sonata then scoops Skye up, but then she reverses out of Sonata's grasp, and shoves her into the nearest corner. Skye then sized up Sonata, then with a running start, Skye does a cartwheel before connecting with an uppercut!

Mauro: And Skye with a BEAUTIFUL cartwheel uppercut!

Skye then throws Sonata out of the corner before covering her. Skye has Sonata's legs hooked, but Sonata was still able to kick out at 2.

Skye then grabbed Sonata, and puts her in a Dragon Sleeper, looking to wear Sonata down.

Mauro: Sonata, able to escape, but look at this! 

Nigel: Skye off the counter, immediately transitions into the Dragon Sleeper!

Beth: Sonata will tap out for sure if this is on for long!

After a minute or so, Skye then releases the hold, and starts to deliver roundhouse kicks across Sonata's chest and back.

Skye then grabs Sonata and picks her up, then she starts landing a few knee strikes to the gut. But then Sonata fights back once again, landing a few jabs on Skye's face!

Mauro: Skye Blue in total control, but here comes Sonata! Right hands to Skye!

Skye then shuts her down with a big knee strike to the midsection. Skye then looks for a snap Suplex, but Sonata was able to counter out of Skye's hold, and throw her to the ropes. When Skye came off the rebound, Sonata drops her with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker!


Mauro: Skye off the ropes, and Sonata- what a Backbreaker!

Beth: She finally cut Skye off, and now she’s back in control!

The crowd rallies behind Sonata. Then when Skye got up, Sonata connected with a Dropkick! Skye gets up again, then Sonata lands another Dropkick!

Sonata then goes to the apron, and sizes up Skye. Skye then gets up, and then Sonata springs off the top rope, and flattens Skye with a crossbody!

Mauro: Crossbody off the top rope!

Sonata hooks the leg, but Skye kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Ooh, a near fall!

Sonata then picks up Skye, looks to throw her to the ropes, but Skye switches the momentum around and instead it's Skye throwing Sonata to the ropes.

Sonata comes off the rebound, and then drops Skye with a Satellite DDT!

Mauro: Skye attempting to stall Sonata's momentum, but-OOH, DDT by sonata!

Sonata then repositioned Skye, then climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Sonata going up to the high-rent district!

Beth: She probably wants that 450 Splash she loves using!

Nigel: It's cost her a few times before in the past, I'm not so sure about this-!

Sonata then leaps, going for a 450 Splash, but Skye rolls out of the way!

Mauro: Sonata, going for it- OOH, Skye Blue evades, and Sonata crashes hard!

Nigel: Exactly what I was afraid of!

Skye takes a moment to recuperate then she grabs Sonata, and puts her in a Full Nelson.

Mauro: And now Skye Blue, taking advantage and hoping to finish Sonata off!

Skye then looks to spin Sonata out into a Flatliner, but then Sonata counters, putting Skye in ripcord position! Sonata then spins Skye around, and drops her with the G.B.2.S Cutter!

Mauro: And Skye, oh wait just a second- GO BACK TO SLEEP! Sonata with the G.B.2.S out of nowhere!

Nigel: What an unbelievable counter!

Sonata then hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Sonata with the victory!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:06)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: An incredible comeback victory by Sonata tonight, against a very game Skye Blue!

Beth: Skye brought the fight throughout the entire match, and I'm sure she wanted to make her hometown proud, but she sure didn't see that last move coming!

Nigel: Sonata would miss with the 450 splash, and Skye would attempt to capitalize on the situation, but in reality, Sonata played possum, and from out of absolutely nowhere, Sonata reversed that Full Nelson Flatliner, into G.B.2.S! And from there, Skye Blue really did go to sleep!

The referee then raises Sonata's hand, and then the draft randomizer fires up on the titantron. 


Mauro: And in addition to gaining momentum back, Sonata has earned the right for Reborn to go first in Round 2 of the Draft! So let's see who we pick up this time!

The randomizer goes on for a few seconds, then the first draft is selected. The first draft for Reborn… is Ruby Rose!

Mauro: Wow! Already, we have ourselves some star power!

Beth: You got that right Mauro, Reborn is keeping Ruby Rose!



Ruby makes her entrance, and makes her way to the ring.

Nigel: No doubt this must feel good for Sonata, to know that her fellow Foodie Friend will be staying with her on Reborn thanks to her efforts tonight!

Ruby enters the ring, and then Sonata and Ruby embrace.

Mauro: The Breakout Star of 2022, Ruby now hopes to break through with her friends at her side!

Then, the randomizer fires up once more.


The randomizer goes on for a few minutes, and then Velocity's first pick for Round 2 is selected… and it is Aria Blaze!

Nigel: Oh my! Speaking of Breakout Stars, Velocity is keeping theirs!

Beth: Aria Blaze, Sonata's own sister!



Aria makes her entrance, and stands on the stage as she looks out at the crowd.

Mauro: It was on Reborn Episode 21 where Mr. Herriman would invest in Aria's untapped potential, giving her a platform in Velocity on which to jump start her career, and now she's there to stay!

Beth: I bet she's glad to be staying in Philly to run roughshod over the developing roster!

Nigel: She says she's Velocity's top dog, and now that she's fully signed to Velocity, she’ll continue to prove it! Now it's back to us here on Reborn!

Then, the randomizer runs once again.


The randomizer runs for a few seconds, and then the next draft pick for Reborn is… Robin Sane!

Mauro: Oh-Ho! We've got ourselves a Tracer, Speed Chaser and Trailblazer!

Beth: The Daredevil is staying on Reborn!



The crowd cheers, and Robin Sane makes his entrance. He then stands at the center of the stage, and the crowd shouts along with Robin, “Tara! Let's go!”.

Mauro: Robin Sane, the Inaugural MWF Champion, is locked in on Reborn! New Haircut, New Music, and a new wardrobe, but he still has the same mantra and energy as always!

Then for the last time for Round 2, the Randomizer runs once again. It runs for a few minutes, and then Velocity's pick for Round 2 is… “The Light Bringer” Quatro!

Nigel: Oh, Velocity not to be out done, they've just grabbed a popular Filipino Star themselves!

Mauro: Quatro himself!



The crowd cheers, and Quatro makes his entrance, and stands proudly on the stage.

Mauro: The Light Bringer wraps out Round 2 in the Draft, as he’ll be bringing the light to Velocity!

Nigel: But we've still got more rounds of the draft to come, along with our Main Event, Rev Runner defending the Cruiserweight Championship against Nathan Frazer!

Beth: We’ll also be getting a word in from Rainbow Dash as she’ll tell us her goals as an LWF Superstar! Don't go anywhere, you don't wanna miss a second of any of this!


Billy Kidman and Pretty Cure were walking around backstage, when Mirajane Strauss caught up with them.

Mirajane: Mr. Kidman, earlier Nagisa Misumi just announced that you were mentoring her, tongue surprise of everyone tonight. So, what can we expect from Nagisa going forward?

Billy: Well it's simple. I see untapped potential in Nagisa Misumi, and she's acknowledged the fact that she's a 98% wrestler at best, and I'm gonna be the mentor that unlocks that missing two percent.

Nagisa nods at Billy's remarks.

Mirajane: Will you be doing the same with Honoka as well?

Billy: Of course. Wherever Nagisa goes, Honoka goes. I'd never try to separate an inseparable duo. We’ll work on getting her injured leg back into shape.

Mirajane: Okay, sounds like Pretty Cure is in good hands. Now, last question, why did you choose to mentor Pretty Cure?

Billy: Well, Mirajane, to be honest with you, I see a lot of myself in these two. They came to LWF without anyone knowing who they were, but built up their reputation regardless, just like me. I used to be in their position back when I was a competitor in WCW and WWE. I may be retired now, but that doesn't mean I can't have someone carry my legacy. If you ask me, these two young ladies have what it takes to fill my shoes.

Nagisa: We’ll be sure to make you proud, Billy! I’ve been a fan of yours ever since Honoka and I started wrestling here, and I couldn't believe it when you wanted to be our manager!

Honoka: We won't let this chance go to waste. I may not be able to compete at my best now, but I will still support Nagisa with my best efforts. But once my leg is fully healed, I promise that I'll be right at Nagisa and Billy's side as we continue to climb our way to the top.

Mirajane thanks them for their time, and the trio continues on their way.

The camera then cuts back to the commentary desk.

Mauro: Quite a surprise to see Billy Kidman, a Cruiserweight Champion in his own right, willing to take Pretty Cure under his wing! And we’ll see our Cruiserweight Championship defended tonight in the main event! As announced by Chard on Twitter, Rev Runners first defense of the LWF: Reborn Cruiserweight Championship, will be against the man he pinned to win the title, Nathan Frazer! But now Ladies and Gentlemen we would also like to take this time to announce our next event after Wrestlepalooza, “Global Warning”!

Nigel: A special event that has Reborn vs. Velocity matches throughout the event, to celebrate a Mid-Season Milestone for LWF!

Beth: Taking place inside the famous Nassau Coliseum, you don't wanna miss this! 



Beth: Oh my god…

Nigel: Yes! Finally, the REAL stars take the stage!

The Crust Cousins, Brit and Tiff, make their way out into the Allstate Arena dressed in their usual attire. Despite their loss at Wrestlepalooza, they didn't seem to be lacking in confidence, posing as cameras flash.

(Match 4: Tiff Crust vs. An opponent from Velocity)

Mauro: It is time for Round 3 of the Draft, and here come the Crusts! It will be Tiff in action tonight to represent Reborn, of course flanked by her cousin Brit!

Beth: Nigel, how can you still be a fan of these two after what they did at Wrestlepalooza? They were the ones responsible for injuring Honoka's leg with that Con Chair To in a Sore Loser manner!

Nigel: Oh, please! The better team lost and you know that! The Crusts were simply letting everyone know that fact! They had the match won at Wrestlepalooza, but Alex Shelley didn't do his job!

Beth: He was bribed to call the match as enforcer in their favor! Lucky for Pretty Cure, he didn't fall for the temptation.

Brit and Tiff then soon entered the ring, cameras still flashing.

Mauro: The Crusts now look to get back on track by having Tiff score yet another win for reborn, but the problem is, Tiff has no idea who her opponent is tonight!

Brit and Tiff grab some mics, eager to speak out, not even bothered by the circumstances of Tiff's opponent being a mystery.

Brit: We were robbed at Wrestlepalooza, all because SOMEONE didn't do as told!

Tiff: We should've known you weren't gonna be a team player, Alex Shelley! But no matter, we are STILL the popular Tag Team going right now!

Brit: Exactly, Tiff! And you're going to show all of Chicago that claim is true, when you defeat whatever opponent that Mr. Herriman sends you from that gaudy arena in Philadelphia in style.

Tiff: Man, I don't even care who it is! Imma send whoever that rabbit picked back to that ancient history city! *smiles* I mean they're already outta style as it is.

The crowd boos at that statement, as there were likely a few attendants from the City of Brotherly Love in the audience.

Brit: So come on out whenever you're ready, Tiffs soon-to-be beat opponent! Hope you're ready for a lifetime of sewing hemlines.

Brit and Tiff face the entranceway, mics still in hand as Tiff was ready to go. And then after a minute, the lights go out and then…


Once the music starts and the Crusts hear it, who should come out 5 seconds later a spotlight shines down on the stage, and in the spotlight was none other than Mina Ashido! Suited up in her hero costume, she started dancing in place before doing a very impressive Back Spin on the center of the entrance ramp before she stylishly faced the direction of the ring as the chorus hit.

Needless to say, from their perspective on fashion, between Mina's pink skin and hair, her horns, and her choice of style for her Hero Costume, the Crusts’ shocked reaction to seeing her for the first time was…valid.

Brit: Nooooo! It Can’t be!

Tiff: It’s horrible! Oh, that ain’t right!

Mauro: Well it seems we know who Tiff’s opponent is now! She and Brit are about to experience a Close Encounter of The Funky Kind, courtesy of Mina Ashido, one of LWFs newest stars reporting to Velocity!

Beth: I can't think of a better time than after Wrestlepalooza than for Mina to show her stuff, and did you see the way the Crusts reacted? It's like theyre living a nightmare!

Nigel: Can you blame them? As far as opposition for Tiff goes, Ashido is the WORST possible option! Just look at her! Abnormally colored skin, messy hair, those horns, and don't even get me started on her choice of outfit! Pink and turquoise camo, with a coat like that? And what's with those boots?!

Beth: Oh, zip It, Nigel! Have you seen what she can do in the ring?! Don't be fooled by her looks, she's one heck of an athlete and can pull off some amazing feats-!

Mina gets to the ring, and makes her way up the ring steps onto the apron as Beth was talking, and cut her off when she jumped up onto the top rope, switching directions, and then sprang off the top rope with a backflip, landing on her feet inside the ring, transitioning into ANOTHER backflip perfectly!

Beth: -Just like that, wow!

Mauro: And that’s just a sample of Ashido’s arsenal of acrobatics! Let’s hope Tiff is ready to get down, because the ring is gonna be lit up like a Dancefloor in a nightclub!

Tiff and Mina then go to different corners, and the referee calls for the bell. The bell rings, and then Tiff and Mina lock up. Tiff knees Mina in the gut, and then gets her in a side headlock. 

Mina counters it into a hammerlock, but Tiff quickly countered the hammerlock with a Snapmare. Tiff then gets Mina in a headlock again, keeping Mina on the ground. 

Mauro: The match is underway, and Tiff, reluctantly locking up with Ashido as the Crust cousin tries to ground her!

Mina slowly gets back on her feet, and then elbows Tiff in the gut. Mina then gets Tiff in a wrist lock, but Tiff then turns it around and gets Mina in a wrist lock of her own. Mina then cartwheels and takes Tiff down with a Headscissors!

Tiff then gets up, and goes for a clothesline. Mina ducks, and then Tiff charges. Mina then kicks Tiff, and flips over the top rope and onto the apron.

Tiff tries to knock her off the apron, but Mina knocks her back with a roundhouse kick!

Tiff charges once more, but Mina springs off the top rope, and flips over her! Mina then hits the ropes, and evades another clothesline by Tiff! Mina hits the ropes one more time, and then knocks Tiff down with a somersault Shotgun Dropkick before nipping up!

Mauro: And look at Mina go!

Nigel: Strange in appearance she is, but that athleticism is uncanny!

Tiff rolls out of the ring, and then Mina looks to fly. Mina springs off the top rope, does a 450 plancha, but Tiff gets out of the way!

Mina lands on her feet, but then Tiff grabs her and throws her into the ring post!

Mauro: And Ashido now, taking flight to the outside- Tiff avoids the crash, Mina landing on her feet-OH! Tiff shoving Ashido into the ring post!

Tiff then slides back into the ring, and while the referee was dealing with Tiff, Brit kicks Mina while she was down!

Mauro: And Brit Crust, getting a shot in!

Beth: This is what's so dangerous about the Crust cousins, they know a lot of ways to utilize their numbers advantage to take control!

Mina writhes in pain before rolling back into the ring. Mina pulls herself back up to her feet, but then Tiff rains down on Mina with clubbing blows.

Nigel: And here we go, Tiff going to work and showing Ashido just what she thinks of her sense of taste!

Tiff rains down punches on Mina in the corner for a while, and then Tiff wraps her up on the ropes before landing more knee strikes. 

The referee then enforces the 5 count. Tiff backs off at 4, and then charges and connects with a big boot on Mina!

The referee warns Tiff, and once the referee's back is turned, Brit again gets a few shots in!

Mauro: And yet again, Brit, inserting herself into the equation! It's obvious Mina isn't exactly a favored individual of the Crusts!

Brit punches Mina a couple more times before the referee turns back around. Tiff then drags Mina back into the ring, covers Mina, but only gets a 2 count.

Mauro: Tiff with the cover on Ashido, but despite all that punishment from the both of them, Ashido withstands at 2!

Tiff gets up off the cover and grabs Mina by her horns, pulling her up. She then throws her into a corner, and then runs, connecting with a Forearm Smash.

Tiff then takes Mina out of the corner, and grabs her before hopping onto the second turnbuckle. She then leaps, and slams Mina onto the mat with a Tornado Suplex!


Tiff covers Mina, but yet again, Mina kicks out at 2!

Tiff got a little frustrated, but she quickly composed herself and went right back on the attack. She then gets Mina in a chin lock to keep her on the ground. 

Mauro: Tiff is still applying the pressure, making sure Ashido does not employ any offense.

Tiff kept Mina grounded for a bit, as the crowd tried to get her back in the fight by clapping her on. Mina was able to start to stand back up after a while, slowly getting back up to a vertical base.

After she was able to fully stand up, she elbowed Tiff in the gut before swiveling around in Tiff's grasp to break the chin lock. Tiff tried to grab her again, but Mina fended her off with a kick to the gut.

Mina then hits the ropes, but then Tiff planted her with a Spinebuster!

Beth: Mina creates a little separation-OH!

Mauro: Tiff with an authoritative Spinebuster!

Tiff then goes for a Powerbomb, but Mina turns it into a Hurricanrana, rolling into the pin! 

Tiff kicks out at 2, and both girls get up. They charge at each other, but then Mina catches her with a Spanish Fly! 

Mauro: Oh, Standing Spanish Fly!

Mina slowly rises to her feet, using the ropes for support. She then sized up Tiff once she got back to her feet. The moment Tiff got up, Mina knocked her down with a clothesline! Tiff gets up,  and then Mina lands another clothesline.

Tiff gets up, goes for a punch to cut her off, but Mina blocks it, and then connects with a Roundhouse Kick! Mina then quickly followed it up with rapid fire kicks, and then another head level kick to knock Tiff back down!

Mauro: And now Ashido, climbing back into the match! 15 years old and enrolled at UA High, and she just showed off her educated feet, lighting up Tiff!

The crowd cheers for Mina as Tiff rolls out of the ring, and into her cousin's arms. Mina sees this, and grabs hold of the top rope, looking to launch herself.

Beth: Uh oh, keep your eyes on Mina!

Mina then springs off the top rope, and lands on the Crusts with a 450 Splash!


Mauro: MAMMA MIA! Springboard 450, and Brit and Tiff BOTH get wiped out!

Mina then grabs Tiff and throws her back into the ring. Mina goes after Tiff to continue her offense on the Crust, but  just as she almost got back in the ring, Brit intervened yet again and tripped up Mina just as she slipped inside the ropes. Unfortunately for Brit, the ref noticed and caught her red-handed.

Beth: Oh, Brit was trying to interfere again, and this time she got caught!

While Brit was arguing with the referee, begging for her not to get ejected, Tiff took advantage of the situation and fished a block of lead out of her pants pocket, and loaded her glove up with it.

Mauro: And now Tiff, once again taking advantage of the official distracted. Brit has interfered several times on behalf of her cousin, and she tried to do it right there, and now it's Tiff Crust with a loaded hand full of lead-!

Tiff then charged once Mina got back to her feet, looking for a Knockout Punch with her lead armed fist, but Mina dodged, and Tiff swung and missed!
Tiff almost collided with the corner, just managing to stop herself, but  when she turned around, Mina stunned her with a big Heel Kick right to the face!


Mauro: Oh, Tiff misses the knockout shot-OH, what a KICK!

Nigel: Not the face! Mina, you monster!

With Tiff stunned, Mina then climbs up top rope, standing on the top Turnbuckle and hypes up the crowd a little. Once Tiff was in good position, Mina went for the Rainbow DDT and connected, planting Tiff face-first! 


Mauro: It’s now Ashido on the Top Turnbuckle…. Rainbow DDT!
Tiff was now down, in perfect position for Mina's next move, as she grabbed the top rope and lookee behind her with a smile.

Mauro: And Tiff Crust in the Drop Zone!

Beth: Ground control to Major Ashido, could we see it?!

Mina then leaps up, and connects with Starship Pain!


Mauro: Ashido, cleared for Launch! STARSHIP PAIN CONNECTS!

Mina then goes for the cover, the ref notices and goes for the count, and Mina gets the 3!

Mauro: Mina Ashido scores big for Velocity!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:37)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner of the match…MINA ASHIDO!!!

Mauro: You talk about making an impression, that's just what this young lady has done! Mina Ashido, otherwise known as Pinky, has put on another impressive performance!

Nigel: You call that impressive?! That's thievery! Once again, The Crusts were robbed of a victory, courtesy of a referee's incompetence!

Beth: Well the ref wouldn't have been distracted had Brit not got his attention, and Tiff tried to take advantage with a loaded fist, but Mina’s UA training paid off in spades as she avoided the cheap shot and then went on to finish the match in style!

Mina celebrated in the ring, smiling as the ref raised her hand in victory.

Beth: And since Mina won the match, that means Velocity gets first pick in the draft this round, which I don't mind honestly.

Mauro: Lets see who Velocity has first dibs on, fire up the randomizer!

The randomizer fires up on the tron.


It runs for a few minutes, and then, Velocity's first pick for round three is selected… in cruel irony, The Crust Cousins!

Nigel: Oh, no!!!

Brit and Tiff look up at the tron, and they both get on their knees, with looks of dismay on their faces as their theme plays. The Crusts were just traded to Velocity!


Mauro: Talk about a serious case of Bad Karma! The Crusts threw shade on the City of Brotherly Love just before the match began, and now Mina has sealed their fates! The Crust Cousins, now a part of the Velocity Roster, and being shipped off to Philly!

While Brit and Tiff complain, mostly because they feel like they've been demoted, the randomizer runs once again.


It runs for a few minutes, and then the Randomizer picks LWF: Reborn's pick… which is Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis, better known as FSU!

Mauro: Now this is interesting!

Beth: FSU are off the market, they're staying on Reborn!



Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis then made their entrance, and looked into the camera. 

“Look out, LWF! FSU is gonna make this place our personal playground!” Mark Andrews says. Eddie Dennis then slid his thumb across his throat.

Nigel: FSU said it didn't matter where they'd end up, they're still gonna do what they do best, and since they remain on Reborn, that means they’ll run through everybody until they get back to the Tag Team Title Picture!

Then, the randomizer runs.


After a few minutes Velocity's last pick for the third round… a UA Student in Eijiro Kirishima!

Mauro: Look at this!

Beth: Now THIS is a surprise!



As soon as Mina, who was walking up the ramp, saw Kirishima make his entrance, she rushed up to her fellow 1-A Classmate, and the two hugged.

Mauro: We saw him compete in the casino battle royal, but we did not expect other students of UA to be part of the roster of superstars to be drafted! Look at Ashido, she is for sure happy about this! Able to bring a fellow classmate from Class 1-A into LWF as part of Velocity, in the Rock-Hard Hero, Ejiro Kirishima!

Then, the randomizer runs one more time for the third round.


And the final selection Reborn received… was Will Ospreay, and the crowd cheered loudly for it!

Mauro: OH, MY!

Nigel: Reborn is keeping Ospreay!



Will Ospreay makes his entrance, and the crowd chants his name.

Mauro: Ospreay may have not walked out of the Sports Festival Stadium the LWF: Reborn Champion, but with Ospreay now a full fledged member of the Reborn Roster, we could see him in the title picture very soon!

Nigel: That wraps up Round 3, such a shame to lose star power in the Crusts, but overall the picks were worth the match we had! And we still have more matches to come! In the final two rounds of this part of the draft, we will see the Social Media Sinister, Ken Warren, take on Danger Duck! Will the challenge laid out earlier by Marin Hollow on behalf of Brandish Myu be on his mind during the confrontation?

Beth: And we're also gonna get a preview of Global Warning in another match, as it’s Champion vs Champion! The NXT Champion lija Dragunov is going head to head with the first ever FPW Champion, the Walking Death, Mike Madrigal! And speaking of champions, Rev Runner is set to defend the Cruiserweight Championship against Nathan Frazer in our main event!

Mauro: But before we get to all that, we will hear from the gal that appeared as the Joker in the Casino Battle Royal! There's a lot of speculation surrounding her, especially after the shocking events at Beach Blast. What will happen when she arrives here in LWF to speak her mind? We will hear from Rainbow Dash, next!


The SCE were walking to their locker room, when Nathan Frazer walked up to Ricochet. 

Nathan: Really? After everything you tried to do to resist, after all of your efforts to try and save us… *looks at Starlight* from her… you decide to give in and join her? I thought you were bigger than that.

Ricochet: *Scoffs* Aren't you all about “hard hitting home truths'', lately? Huh? Well here's a hard hitting truth for YOU. The hard hitting home truth is… this is what I always needed. I just needed to accept it. I suggest you do the same.

Nathan: Wow… they've really poisoned your mind. Well how about you watch me beat Rev Runner, and become Cruiserweight Champion. After that… maybe I'll come after you, and show you… *looks back at Starlight* and you… a hard hitting home truth, and that's that YOUR Equality… is a farce.

Frazer then walks away.


Beth: Nathan Frazer standing defiant in the full force of the SCE, I'm not sure if that was wise or not.

Nigel: We will have to see if Frazer can deliver on his promise, and that all starts with hopefully winning the Cruiserweight Championship!



The crowd cheers, and Rainbow Dash makes her entrance. 

Mauro: In Night 1 of Wrestlepalooza, Rainbow Dash made one heck of an appearance, by being revealed as The Joker in the Casino Battle Royal! Now that she's in LWF, who knows what she's going to do!

Nigel: Well the last time Chicago saw Dash here, she was in RCCW Beach Blast, and not only showed a new side, but said, it's her way, or the highway!

Beth: Could she be bringing that new attitude to LWF too?

Rainbow enters the ring, microphone in hand, and she looks out at the crowd, and lets them chant her name before speaking.

Rainbow: How you guys doing tonight? 

The crowd cheers in response. 

Rainbow: Wrestlepalooza, Night 1, Casino Battle Royal, yours truly, the one and only, Rainbow Dash, shows up as the Joker! That's one hell of a moment don't ya think?!

The crowd cheers even more.

Rainbow: And to think, one girl, who was the team captain of every sport in School, became a pro wrestler in the Fanfiction Wrestling scene, it just feels damn good! And now, I'm here, I have arrived, in LWF! It's about dang time I got here! I picked my time, and I picked my place, and I intend on putting EVERYONE on notice!

“LWF” Chants began to ring out.

Rainbow: And when I say everyone, I MEAN everyone! I could go for Starlight's LWF Reborn Championship, and FINALLY end that stupid Equality crusade I've been hearing about, maybe I could go to Velocity, and tear through that brand! Hell, I could go after Rev Runner, or Nathan Frazer, whoever wins tonight, and take the Cruiserweight Championship for myself! NOBODY is safe, now that Rainbow Dash is in the house! Which brings me to the million dollar question… “Which Rainbow Dash?” Well… I have a little something to answer that question. 

Then, a few stagehands carried out what looked like a stand that was draped over a black sheet, and placed it in the ring.

Rainbow: If you guys know me, and if you've followed my career up to this point, you know I've been a LOT of things. Allow me to show you.

Rainbow Dash then pulled off the sheet and it's a collage of all the gimmicks that Rainbow Dash has portrayed. 

Rainbow: As you can see, I've done basically every gimmick in the book. RVD, Hurt Business, V1… you name it, I've done it. So when it comes to the question “Which Rainbow Dash?”, well…

Rainbow then slid out of the ring, looked underneath, and pulled out a bucket of assorted spray paint cans.

She then went back in the ring, and proceeded to spray paint her cutie mark on the collage, and grabbed the microphone when she was done.

Rainbow: THERE’S your answer! LWF, when you ask the question, “Which Rainbow Dash?”, you're getting the OG Rainbow Dash! In LWF, I'm doing me! I'm doing me, for all of you, LWF Fans, and that is being 20% Cooler, and being Awesome as I wanna be! And if anyone has a problem with that, then get ready to be outdone… by the Original One! *drops microphone*

The crowd cheers loudly as Quarter Mile It plays once more. Rainbow Dash goes up one of the turnbuckles, whips her hair back, and throws her hands up into the air to hype up the crowd.

“The Original One is here to stay, and nobody's going to stop me!” Rainbow shouts.

Beth: Now THAT'S the best possible path you can take! Rainbow Dash wont be anybody else in LWF, she's just going to be herself!

Mauro: No gimmicks, just the original! This is Rainbow Dash at her core, and LWF, take heed, because, in her words, you'll be outdone by The Original One!

Nigel: What's next for Rainbow? Heck if we know! But we do know that whatever she decides to do in LWF, it's going to be nothing short of Awesome as she wants to be!

Beth: But I know what's next for us in LWF! Round 4 of the draft is coming up, and it's Ken Warren, taking on Velocity's Danger Duck!


Rev Runner, the Cruiserweight Champion, was warming up for his first title defense, when Ace Bunny walked up to him. They hugged, and Ace congratulated him.

Ace: Look at you dere Rev! First ever Cruiserweight Champion, and now onto your first defense!

Rev: Well-what-can-I-say-I-feel-like-this-is-a-good-start-don't-ya-think-and-you-coming-out-in-the-Casino-Battle-Royal-WOW-I-don't-think-anyone-could-have-ever-expected-that-well-now-that-begs-the-question-what-are-you-gonna-do-now-that-I'm-doing-my-thing?

Ace: I'll figure it out, Rev. In the meantime, I'll be rooting for you. Good luck out there.

Ace then walks off. 

In another area backstage, the door to Chard's office opened, and the crowd cheered when Lynn Loud walked out. Mirajane Strauss then walked up to her.

Mirajane: Lynn Loud Jr, what a surprise! We haven't seen you since the Adrenaline Rush Tournament, what brings you to Reborn?

Lynn: Well, simply put… I got a match set for the next episode. 

Mirajane: May I ask, against who?

That's when the door opened again, and Koneko Toujou walked out, to the sound of loud cheers.

Koneko: *Looks at Lynn* One more time. Be ready.

She then walked away, and Mirajane looked on as Lynn smiled, and left.


Mauro: Well it is official, straight from Chard's desk! Lynn and Koneko will run it back on Episode 26!

Beth: I can't wait to see them go at it one more time, the match they had during Round 2 of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament was amazing, and they could possibly one up it next episode!



The crowd cheered as the recognizable AOL sound and various notification tones played.

Then, as Ken's signature catchphrase rang out, Ken Warren made his entrance. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, hailing from the World Wide Web, by way of the City of The Stars, he weighs in at 11 Million Gigabytes, he is the Digital Demon, The Social Media Sinister… KEN WARREN!!!

Mauro: We now transition into Round 4 of the LWF Draft, with Ken Warren representing Reborn! Earlier tonight, Ken was the subject of a challenge made by Marin Hollow on behalf of BTWFs Brandish Myu to find out who is the true Social Media Superstar, but it looks like Ken’s not sweating the gauntlet Marin has thrown down.

Beth: Ken’s always cool as a cucumber, only focused on what's ahead of him, be it a match or trying to find the best way to go viral.

Nigel: Well whatever he does, we can guarantee that we can all… Hashtag that!

Ken enters the ring, and the crowd cheers as he takes a bow in the middle of the ring. 



The crowd boos a little, and then 15 seconds into the song, Danger Duck Makes his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Acmetropolis, DANGER DUCK!!!

Beth: Duck hasn't been having the best of luck as of late, but I don't think he's gonna improve his streak by going against Ken. Warren's a 2-time PHX champion, and one of PWR’s most accomplished talents!

Mauro: But you can't deny his confidence! 

Nigel: Confidence, or ego? Either way, he doesn't lack either.

Duck enters the ring, and antagonizes the crowd, gaining jeers from the crowd. He then faces down Ken, as the Social media sinister hops out of the sitting position in the corner he was in, and takes off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match begins. Duck hastily charges right at Ken, and gets the jump on him at the first sound of the bell!

Mauro: And Danger Duck! Right out of the gate!

Beth: Danger Duck has something to prove here tonight!

Ken Warren shoves him off, and starts fighting back. He then throws him into a corner, and flattens Duck in the corner with a Stinger Splash!

Duck staggers out of the corner, and then Ken grabs him and sets him up for the Googlebuster. Ken goes for it, but Duck blocks it. He then shoves Ken into the ropes, and uses the momentum to push him off. 

Ken rebounds off the ropes, and knocks Duck down with a flying Forearm Smash. Ken covers Duck, but he kicks out at 2.

Duck rolls out onto the apron, and then Ken grabs Duck, only to be draped on the top rope with a hot shot by Duck!

Mauro: And Danger Duck, baiting Ken Warren!

Duck slips back into the ring, and starts throwing bombs at Warren. He then goes for a quick cover, but could only muster a count of 1.

Duck brings Warren back to his feet and then slams him down with a vertical suplex. Duck covers him again, but Ken kicks out at 2.

Danger Duck picks him up again, and this time, he locks in a Cravate. While holding him in the Cravate, Duck throws some insults at Ken, then delivers a knee lift right into his face.

Nigel: I honestly gotta give Duck credit here, he's striking while the iron is hot, and controlling Ken very well to this point!

Duck then lands another knee lift. “Hashtag THIS, buster!” Duck says before transitioning into a side Russian Leg Sweep!

Mauro: Ooh, Side Russian Leg Sweep by Duck!

Duck drags Ken to the center of the ring, then covers him. The referee goes for the count, but Ken kicks out at 2. Duck gets up, and argues with the referee. 

Beth: Kick out at 2, and Duck disagrees with that!

Duck then grabs Ken, and lands a straight punch on Ken's face. Ken drops to one knee, and then Duck grabs him again.

Duck takes him to a nearby corner, and drives his face into the top turnbuckle. Duck then sets him up in the corner, and starts landing some kicks to the midsection. The referee enforces the 5 count, and Duck backs up at 4 before grabbing Ken again, and throwing him out of the corner with a Snapmare takedown. Then with a knee across Ken's back, Duck applies a chin lock on him, and starts to wrench back.

Mauro: And now Duck, he's got Ken in a tight spot, Warren not able to get out of the box at all!

Nigel: I like this new strategy from Duck. A newfound aggression, this could be the missing ingredient he needs to thrive in LWF!

The crowd begins to rally on Ken, and Ken starts to slowly get back on his feet. Once he did, Ken then stomped on Duck's foot! He then lands a shot on Duck's gut, then a knee. 

Mauro: And Ken Warren now, starting to climb back into this match!

Ken then goes to hit the ropes, but then Duck runs right behind him, and connects with a Forearm as Ken comes off the rebound!

Duck then wraps Ken's arms around the top rope, then he hits the ropes before coming back and landing a flying boot!

Mauro: And Danger Duck with a flying kick!

Ken crumbles into a heap, then Duck lays him flat before covering him. Duck hooks the leg, but Ken was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Ken Warren is still fighting out!

Duck now grabs Ken, and throws him out of the ring. Ken is now slowly trying to get back up, but Duck grabs him once again, and throws him into the steel steps! Duck gloats, and the crowd showers him with boos.

Mauro: And now taking the time to admire himself, much to the chagrin of the fans here!

Duck then proceeds to throw Ken into the ring post, but Ken was able to turn the momentum around, and send Duck into the ring post instead!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Ken was able to turn the tables!

All the while, the referee was counting them. At the count of 5, Ken throws Duck back into the ring. He then takes a moment to recuperate before getting back in the ring. But as he was getting back in, Duck delivered a swift punt across Ken's face!

Mauro: Ooh, man! What a kick by Danger Duck!

Duck rolls Ken away from the ropes, goes for the cover, but Ken was STILL able to kick out at 2!

Ken Warren lies there, still loopy from the punt Duck had delivered, then Duck puts Ken back in the Cravate. 

He wasn't able to hold him in there for very long, because Ken was now elbowing him in the gut, but Duck cuts him off with a blow across Ken's back. Ken drops to both knees, then Duck picks him up.

He then proceeded to throw him into the ropes, but Ken turned the momentum around again, sending Duck into the ropes! Duck comes off the rebound, and then Ken catches him, rolls through, and then delivers an elbow drop!

Beth: Whoa, look at that!

Mauro: Great athleticism from the Social Media Sinister!

Ken hooks the leg, but Duck kicks out at 2!

Nigel: But now it’s Duck's turn to kick out!

Both Duck and Ken were now laying there, Ken trying to find his bearings to climb back in this match.

Mauro: Danger Duck came into this match like a house on fire, and now Ken Warren looks to try and weather the storm, and put Duck away!

Beth: He certainly may have Danger Duck where he wants him!

Both Duck and Ken got up, then Ken grabbed Duck and landed some body strikes, before throwing him into the ropes. Duck comes off the ropes, and then Ken knocks him down with a clothesline! Duck gets up again, and gets hit with another clothesline!

Mauro: And now Ken Warren, making a comeback!

Nigel: This is the opening he needs!

Duck gets up, Ken then goes for a backhand, but Duck avoids it! Duck then hits the ropes, but as he comes off the rebound, Ken hits him with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And there's a Dropkick!

Ken covers Duck, but he kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, Danger Duck stays alive!

Ken and Duck get up, then Ken knees Duck in the midsection, and calls for the Googlebuster. Ken goes for it, but again, Duck blocks it. Duck then breaks free from Ken's grasp, and then connects with a swift jab to stun Ken!

Mauro: Both get up, Ken going for the Googlebuster- no, Duck blocks it and stuns him!

Duck then sets Ken up for the Danger Zone DDT, but Ken was able to counter out of it, and go behind Duck for a Schoolboy Pin!

Mauro: Danger Zone coming up- but wait, Ken could have him here!

Duck kicks out at 2, they both get up, Duck goes for a clothesline, but Ken ducked underneath it! Duck turns around, and Ken kicks him in the gut before dropping him with a Double Underhook DDT!

Mauro: Oooh!!! Ken drilled him with that DDT!

Ken drapes his arm over Duck for the cover, but Duck kicks out at 2.5!

Nigel: Oh, but Danger duck at 2 and a half!

Ken gets up before Duck, and knees him in the gut again before throwing him into a nearby corner. Ken then lands a knife edge chop, then proceeds to sit Duck down on the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: Ken Warren now, looking to send Duck for a ride!

Before Ken could do anything else, Duck begins to fight back with punches to the gut, and then he shoves Ken down to the mat!

Beth: Oh, but Duck thwarted Ken’s plans, and he's now in the drop zone!

Duck then looked in both directions, before steadying himself, then quickly leaping off the top to nail Ken with the Heat Seeking Elbow, and connected with it!

Mauro: Ken crashing down to the mat, and now Duck on the top… HEAT SEEKING ELBOW!!!

But because of how long they've been going for, Duck didn't have any energy to crawl over for the cover!

By the time Duck had gotten enough energy to crawl to the cover, it gave Ken enough time to breathe, and Ken easily kicked out at 2.

Mauro: And Ken’s saving grace is all the damage these two have done to each other in a short amount of time!

Duck then picks up Ken, and puts him on his shoulders, but Ken was able to wiggle out of the fireman's carry, and then kicked him in the back of the knee!

Duck drops to one knee, and then Ken quickly went for the Wi-Fi, but Duck ducked underneath it! Ken then went for a Superkick, but Duck caught that, and then Duck connects with a roundhouse kick to the face!

Mauro: Ken Warren, right to knee, all lined up.. Wi-Fi- no, avoided by Duck! Ken Warren, Superkick- no! Duck with a shot!

Duck then did a springboard attempt off the second turnbuckle, but Ken nailed him in midair with a Superkick!

Nigel: Duck has Warren stunned, this could be it- OOOH, GOOD LORD!

Mauro: Ken Warren shot Danger Duck out of the air!!! Duck got too careless!

Ken then draped his arm across Duck again, but Duck kicked out at 2.5!

Mauro: No! How did Danger Duck kick out?!

Beth: It’s all heart, I think! Duck wasn't about to lose after everything he's been through! He may have an ego, but he's got toughness!

Ken Warren gets up to one knee, and takes a moment to catch his breath. Meanwhile, Duck was also getting up, but he was playing possum! He rolls up Ken by surprise, and puts his feet on the middle rope!

Mauro: Oh wait! Danger Duck! Feet are on the ropes!

Ken tries to wriggle free, but at 2, the referee catches Duck with his feet on the ropes!

Mauro: And the referee, spotting the misconduct and voiding the count!

Duck got up and argued with the referee about the decision. But this was a mistake on Duck’s part, as it allowed Ken to recover! When Duck turned around, Ken kicked him in the gut, and finally planted Duck with the Googlebuster!

Mauro: And the opportunistic Warren with the Googlebuster!

The crowd cheered him on as he quickly went behind Duck, and waited for him to rise up. 

Beth: Ken's now got a chance, I think we know what's coming!

Duck gets up to one knee, then Ken hits the Wi-Fi!

Nigel: WHAM! The Wi-Fi! That's gotta be it!

Ken covers Duck, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Indeed it is, Ken scores first pick for Reborn in Round 4!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner… KEN WARREN!!!

Nigel: It may have taken more effort than he had thought, but Ken still prevailed, showing why he's one of the best wrestlers in the Philippines!

Beth: But let's not take anything away from Danger Duck, he really showed he had a lot more to him than just talk, he brought it more today than any of the matches he's had in LWF so far!

The referee raised Ken's hand in victory as he gave a smirk.

Mauro: And with this win, the draft continues, and Reborn gets first dibs in Round 4, let’s see who we pick up.

The randomizer soon fires up.


After a few minutes, it stops, and Reborns first pick is revealed as… Darby Allin and Lucy Loud!

Beth: Alright!

Mauro: We've got a Pillar of AEW, and his new confidant!


Darby and Lucy make their entrance, and they look out at the crowd.

Nigel: Now that Darby’s finally settled things with Dennis, what will he strive for in his future on Reborn with Lucy by his side?

That's when the randomizer started again.


Once it stopped, it revealed Velocity’s first pick… the Motor City Machine Guns, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley!

Mauro: Wow! Velocity's tag team division just got itself a huge upgrade!



Sabin and Shelley made their way out, holding out their signature taunt.

Nigel: Sabin and Shelley, a highly decorated tag team and also individual stars! I’m sure all up and coming tag teams in Velocity will have a lot to learn from their experience!

Beth: Well Mr. Herriman made quite a choice with bringing in the guns!

Then, the randomizer runs.


It runs for a bit, before stopping to reveal the second pick for Reborn… and it was a new faction that made its first appearance at Wrestlepalooza, the trio of the Loose Ledge Adam Brooks, Wallaby “Wally” Beatles, and Shane Thorne, along with their manager, Iron Will!

Beth: Uh oh…!

Mauro: This could definitely usher change in Reborn, but not the kind anyone was thinking till now!



Iron Will comes out, the massive Minotaur flanked by Adam, Wally and Thorne.

Nigel: I have a feeling this group will be a force to be reckoned with! Anyone who stands in their way may just suffer the same fate as Faith & Kindness and Velvet!

The randomizer fired up for the final time in Round 4.


After a few minutes, Velocity's other pick was selected…. Luna Loud!

Beth: Wow!

Mauro: Luna Loud’s got a new gig in Philly!



Luna came out full of energy, throwing rock signs up in the air as she jumped up and down across the entrance stage.

Mauro: One of the Original faces that made LWF what it is today, Luna will for sure rock the house on Velocity, as she continues her comeback tour! We still have one more Round of Draft action to go before our main event, and that's coming up next! Two men who nearly seem identical in style go head to head in what is sure to be a hard hitting encounter, as the Mad Dragon Ilija Dragunov, meets the Walking Death, Mike Madrigal!

Nigel: Lets just see who hits harder in LWF, shall we?


The Crust Cousins were devastated about being drafted to Velocity, and Mirajane Strauss walks up to them to get an insight on what they were thinking.

Mirajane: Brit, Tiff, after the match Tiff had earlier tonight, you two must have a lot on your minds about what's going to happen to you two next-

Brit: Are you stupid, Mira?! There's only one thing on our minds as of right now, and that's the fact that not only did Tiff lose to an unfashionable freak of nature… but now we've been demoted!

Tiff: This ain't happenin’ Brit! No way are we takin’ orders from some giant rabbit! And there's no way I'm wrestling in Philadelphia!

Brit: I know! That city is nothing but cheesesteaks and-

That's when A-Kid, someone who was drafted to Velocity earlier, walked up to them.

A-Kid: Girls, I can hear you complaining from all the way in catering. If you want my advice, just make the most of it. *Shrugs* 

A-Kid then continues on his way, without saying another word, and all The Crusts did was look at each other, as if they were offended.


Cutting back to ringside…


Nigel: Not the best of moves, A-Kid! You just made yourself two new enemies! And here comes someone NOBODY wants as an enemy!

Mike Madrigal makes his entrance, and the crowd boos as Mike flips them off. 

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Death Valley Verde, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, “The Walking Death”, MIKE MADRIGAL!!!

Beth: He may represent Velocity, but you can definitely hear nobody has any love lost for Madrigal, and as usual he doesn't even care. But what he does care about is the history he's made last year though!

Mauro: In late 2023, we witnessed the birth of Filipino Pro Wrestling, and like it or not, we are looking in Mike Madrigal, as the inaugural FPW Champion, as he defeated the two other men, Ralph Imabayashi and Cali Nueva, in a Triple Threat match!

Mike makes his way up the ring steps and goes through the Apron, taking off his skull mask and making his death signal, sliding his thumb across his throat. 

Nigel: Well, being the face of FPW, is a lot different than representing Velocity, so let's see how he fairs…



Nigel: … With this man!

The boos from the crowd turn to cheers as Ilja Dragunov marches his way out. He wasted no time in going straight down the ramp to the ring, not taking his eyes off Madrigal.

Jeremy Brash: And his opponent, he weighs in tonight at 209 pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Mauro: Mike Madrigal may be the inaugural FPW Champion, but he's competing tonight against Ilija Dragunov, the current NXT Champion! And I'd bet he's ready to take out his pent up frustration from Wrestlepalooza on the Kupal Kid!

Beth: Definitely Mauro! Dragunov was in the thick of it at Wrestlepalooza in a brawl for the ages against Chris Brookes, but at the end of it all, Brookes took the low road and barely escaped with the win! I bet Dragunov wants to get his hands on Brookes again, but for now he's got Madrigal in front of him.

Dragunov gets inside the ring and climbs up in one of the corners, orchestrating his theme song to the crowd.

Nigel: And this may very well be the hardest hitting contest of the entire Draft Period tonight. Dragunov and Madrigal are nearly the same in terms of in-ring styles.

Mike just looks at Dragunov with a smirk on his face while the crowd cheers Dragunov. 

Dragunov jumps down from the turnbuckles and takes off his robe, and stares down Mike.

The bell rings, and the two men circle around the ring. But as Ilja went for a lock up, Madrigal flipped him off. Ilja initially laughed it off, and then, as if a switch got flipped inside Ilja's brain, Ilja stuns him with a big right hand before bombarding him with open handed shots to the head and body!

Mauro: Mike Madrigal, trying to get in Dragunov's head, and Dragunov made him pay!

That was a sign to Madrigal that told him to get serious. He blocked one of Dragunov’s headshots, and retaliated back on the Mad Dragon with shots of his own. Soon enough, the two of them were exchanging blows.

Soon enough, Dragunov had Madrigal reeling. While Mike was stunned, Dragunov grabbed him and threw him into the middle of the ring, and quickly called for the Torpedo Moscow!

Mauro: And now Dragunov, looking to end it early perhaps!

The crowd shouted along with Dragunov “UN! BE! SEIG! BAR!”, and then Dragunov goes for Torpedo Moscow, but Madrigal, with a Forearm Smash, catches Dragunov just as he leapt off the canvas!

Nigel: Oh, my word! 

Mauro: Madrigal with a wicked Forearm, shot Dragunov out of the air!

Dragunov quickly checks his nose, then Mike covers him. But he kicks out at 2. 

Madrigal then gets up, and picks up Dragunov. He then takes him to a corner, and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly. He presses his face into the top turnbuckle, the referee enforces the 5 count, and Madrigal backs off at 3.

Madrigal then throws Dragunov out of the corner with a Snapmare,then takes a few steps back, and then delivers a swift kick across Dragunov's back!

Mauro: And now Mike Madrigal, wearing down Ilja Dragunov, and a scintillating kick right on the spine!

Beth: That's some rough contact!

Madrigal then applies a grounded headlock, keeping Dragunov on the ground.

Mauro: And now Dragunov, in a bit of a pickle right now!

Madrigal was able to keep Dragunov on the mat for a while, but Dragunov was soon able to wield himself back to his feet, resisting Madrigal's headlock. Mike lands a few punches to his face while maintaining the headlock, but eventually, Dragunov was able to break free, and then connected with a chop across Mike's chest.

Mauro: Dragunov now, with some hard hitting chops, looking to create some sort of distance between himself and Mike Madrigal!

Dragunov started to land more strikes to the face and body, but Mike, utilizing his Martial Arts background, shuts down Dragunov with some Muay Thai knee strikes to the gut. He then throws Dragunov into a corner, and charges. Dragunov gets out of the way, and Mike crashes into the corner!

Mauro: And that could do it right there!

Beth: Nobody home in the corner, this is the opening Dragunov needed!

Dragunov takes a moment to check his nose, then he charges, and connects with a boot in the corner!

Mauro: And a boot to the face! Here comes the Mad Dragon! Dragunov gets back in gear, and takes it to Madrigal!

Dragunov throws Mike out of the corner, and then hops to the second turnbuckle. He measures Mike Madrigal for a brief moment, then leaps and lands a knee drop across Madrigal's sternum!

Nigel: Vicious knee drop from the middle turnbuckle!

Mauro: Dragunov could have him here!

Dragunov covers Madrigal, but he kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Mike Madrigal still has some fuel left in the tank! 

Ilja sits up and then gets to his feet, waiting for Mike to recover. Once Madrigal had done so, Dragunov nailed him with a forearm to the face, then another chop to the chest, followed by a chop to the thigh, then a chop across Madrigal's back!

As Mike stood there wincing, Dragunov then went for his patented tiger feint clothesline, the Constantine Special, but Madrigal caught him with a clothesline of his own!

Mauro: Oooh! Dragunov intercepted!

Mike then grabbed Dragunov while he was stunned, then wrapped him up, and dropped him with a Package Piledriver!

Nigel: And Madrigal, not finished yet-oooh! 

Mauro: Package Piledriver, dropping Dragunov high on his shoulders and neck!

Beth: This might end it!

Madrigal pins him with a deep cover, but somehow, Dragunov kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Not yet! Iija showing his resilience yet again!

Beth: Dragunov is something else, man! 

Both men were now getting up, but were on their knees, trading punches and forearms. They slowly got back on their feet, and then Dragunov went back to knife edge chops. Mike responds with a roundhouse kick across Dragunov's chest, then Dragunov answers back with a boot to the face!

This sends Madrigal staggering backwards into the ropes, but when he bounced back, Madrigal knocked Dragunov off his feet with a rolling elbow!

Mauro: And Mike Madrigal off the ropes!

Mike then picks up Dragunov, locks on a hammerlock, and connects with the Sarsi Twist!


Nigel: Dragunov stunned, and now Mike’s got him- WHAM! 

Mauro: There's the Sarsi Twist, Madrigal's signature Hammerlock Lariat!

Madrigal hooked the leg, but Dragunov kicked out at 2.5 again!

Mauro: And Dragunov AGAIN, at 2 and a half!

At this point, Mike was getting frustrated, having hit 2 of his best moves and still not being able to pin Dragunov cleanly. He then calls for the Near Death Experience, and hooks Dragunov up for it!

Mauro: Madrigal obviously frustrated he hasn't been able to get a three count off Dragunov just yet!

Nigel: But that may not be the case for long, he’s calling for the end right now!

Beth: He wants his best move, and he wants it now!

Mike then goes for it, but Dragunov was able to flip out of it!

Mauro: Near Death Experience- no! Dragunov escaped it!

He spins back around, and goes for a clothesline but Mike ducks!

Mauro: Clothesline, no! Madrigal avoided it!

Mike turns around, but Dragunov catches him with the clothesline the second time he goes for it!

Mauro: Oooh, but Dragunov caught him there!

Dragunov then dragged him into position, and climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: And now Ilja Dragunov, going for broke!

Dragunov leaps, and flattens Mike Madrigal with a senton!

Mauro: Diving Senton from the top!

Dragunov covers Mike, but Madrigal kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: No! Two and a half only!

Dragunov gets up, and with Madrigal still prone, the Mad Russian drags Madrigal to the middle of the ring, and hits the ropes, looking to connect with an H-Bomb. But when he went for it, Madrigal rolled out of the way!

Mauro: Dragunov now aiming to continue the pressure, going to drop an H-Bomb- NO! Madrigal dodged, and Ilja got nothing but the canvas!

Ilja clutches his arm, and then Mike gets him on his shoulders, and connects with a GTS!

Mauro: GTS connecting!

Dragunov was now out on his feet, and Mike ran and sprung off the middle turnbuckle, looking to knock Dragunov down, but Dragunov shot him out of the air with the Torpedo Moscow!

Nigel: And Mike looking for the coup de grace, off the ropes he goes-OHHH! Torpedo Moscow out of nowhere!

Mauro: How in the heck did Dragunov have the focus to land that?!

The crowd rallies Dragunov, and with one loud battle cry, Dragunov hits the ropes, and lands the H-Bomb on Madrigal!

Mauro: And the H-Bomb drops! Direct hit!

Dragunov hooks Madrigal's leg, and gets the 3 count!

Nigel: Dragunov picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!

Beth: That was a hard hitting match for sure! Madrigal definitely had the skills to keep up with Ilja, but Dragunov had Mike beat in resilience!

Nigel: Indeed, Madrigal couldn't keep the Muscovite Madman down, not even with his best moves! It looked like Madrigal had the win when he hit the Go 2 Sleep, but as he went for one final move to put him down, Dragunov out of nowhere would connect with Torpedo Moscow! And it would be after that, that the H-Bomb would land on Madrigal's back, and this one is over!

The referee raises Dragunov’s hand in victory, then the draft randomizer runs. 


Mauro: And since Dragunov was representing Reborn, Reborn gets the first pick of the final round for Night 1!

The randomizer runs for a while, and soon, Reborn’s first pick of round 5 was revealed… and when Chris Brookes was revealed as it, Dragunov gained a huge smile!

Beth: Oh boy, does Ijia look happy or what?!

Nigel: There is unfinished business waiting for Chris Brookes!



Chris Brookes makes his entrance, and just stares Dragunov down while Dragunov warns Brookes that he's coming for him.

Mauro: It may very well be just a matter of time until the Mad Dragon and the Calamari Catch King lock horns again, now that Chris Brookes is cemented to Reborn!

The randomizer fires up again, as now it was Velocity’s turn to get a pick.


After a minute, the randomizer stops, and Velocity receives… Kuroka Toujou!

Nigel: Oh, this is interesting! We saw Kuroka compete earlier tonight in a losing effort, but she's getting drafted anyway!


Kuroka Toujou makes her entrance, and poses for the crowd in the middle of the stage.

Beth: Kuroka Toujou is now a part of the LWF Roster officially, so that's good for her! We’ll see just how good she’ll be in the future once opportunities come her way in Velocity!

Then, the randomizer runs again.


It ran for a minute or so, and then Reborn's next pick… was Pretty Cure, along with their new manager, Billy Kidman!

Nigel: Oh, and here's the twosome that were the ones who defeated Kuroka earlier!



Nagisa and Honoka make their way out, with Billy Kidman close behind as he raises their hands.

Mauro: And now we know that Nagisa's opportunity at Starlight Glimmer stays intact! She said that she's gonna fight to prove herself worthy of being a championship contender every bit as worthy as Adagio is, and I bet the LWF universe can't wait to see that!

The randomizer ran for the final time of the night, aiming to select Velocity's last pick for tonight.


When it stopped, the fans in Chicago were treated to another Draft Day surprise…Velocity picked up yet another Casino Battle Royale surprise participant, Ochako Uraraka!

Beth: Oooh! This is interesting!

Mauro: Another pickup for Velocity coming from UA, in Ochako Uraraka!


Uraraka comes out onto the entrance way, beaming with happiness that she's now part of LWF, and being picked for Velocity to boot.

Nigel: We didn't see a lot of what Uraraka had to offer in the ring, but this young lady showed plenty of determination at the Sports Festival! It’ll be interesting to see what kind of competitor she is in Velocity!

Mauro: What a first half of the Draft this has been, solid selections all around! But we are not done just yet! Coming up next, we have one mach speed main event just ahead! The cruiserweight championship is on the line, will Nathan Frazer redeem himself by defeating Rev Runner, or will the lightning fast Loonatic go 2-for-2?


Rainbow Dash was walking around backstage, greeting everyone she came across, and then, the SCE's newest member, Ricochet, walked up to her.

Ricochet: I heard what you said earlier. Now it may sound like being original is a good thing, but being original is just as bad as being an Inequality. They go hand in hand with each other, and that just makes you another enemy with the SCE. Take this as a simple warning. Don't even try. It'll only lead to nothing. I should know. I've been there.

Rainbow: Y'know, you used to be 20 percent cooler before joining this… cult. But now… you're just another sheep.

And with that, she walks off.


Back at Ringside…

Mauro: A very tense encounter between Rainbow Dash and Ricochet, that could very well lead to a ring confrontation, we never know!

Nigel: Never say never in this business Mauro! But right now, it's time for the main event at last!



6 seconds into the song, a comet strikes the entrance stage as Nathan Frazer rises up into view through a veil of white smoke. He then sprints down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, quickly posing on the top turnbuckle.

Beth: Nathan Frazer came so close to becoming Cruiserweight Champion at Wrestlepalooza, but he fell just too short at the Sports Festival. But now he's got a second chance, and this time, he doesn't plan on wasting it!

Nigel: And this time, Frazer doesn't have to worry about going through one or more opponents to win the championship. It's just him and Rev this time, and I think the hard hitting home truth is, it's just the way he prefers it!

Nathan leaps down from the top turnbuckle, facing the entrance way, and then…


The crowd cheers, and Rev makes his entrance, showing off his Cruiserweight Championship that was around his waist.

Mauro: And here's the Cruiserweight Champion! 

Nigel: Honestly, you can't think of anyone else more qualified to hold the revived Cruiserweight title more than Rev Runner! Speed is his forte, and he loves to go fast and take to the sky!

Beth: Rev's also the first Loonatic ever to become a Champion in LWF, which I think he's proud of himself for doing so! He's not letting anybody down anymore!

Rev then slides into the ring, and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He then points his fingers in the shape of a gun, and aims it at the crowd.

Rev and Frazer then face each other, and the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Main Event of the evening, scheduled for one fall, and it is for… the LWF: Reborn Cruiserweight Championship!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing the challenger, hailing from the Isle of Jersey in the British Channel, he weighs in tonight at 183 pounds… NATHAN FRAZER!!!

The crowd cheers for Frazer. 

Jeremy Borash: And now, ladies and gentlemen, introducing his opponent, hailing from Acmetropolis, he is the LWF: Reborn Cruiserweight Champion… REV RUNNER!!!

Rev holds the belt up high, and the crowd cheers. 

Rev then hands the belt to the referee, who held it up high in the air to signal that the title was on the line. The fans in Chicago were about to witness a fast paced Cruiserweight Championship match.

(MAIN EVENT: Rev Runner vs. Nathan Frazer for the Cruiserweight Championship.)

The referee then takes the belt to the timekeeper's area, and calls for the bell. Rev and Nathan shake hands, and then the bell rings.

Rev and Nathan circle around the ring, and then lock up. Rev then quickly goes behind and rolls up Nathan with a schoolboy pin, but Nathan kicks out at 1. They both get up, then Nathan catches Rev with a victory roll pin, but he only gets a 1 count too! Nathan and Rev get up, and the two have a standoff. 

Mauro: Both Champion and Challenger going for the quick pin, but neither of them could muster even a 2 count!

Nigel: This is so fast paced already!

Rev and Nathan then lock up again, and then Nathan gets Rev in a side headlock. Rev pushes Nathan to the ropes, looking to use the rebound momentum to shove him off, but Nathan doesn't let go. Rev then pressed his foot on the back of Nathan's knee to lower him and get some leverage to escape, and indeed, Rev escapes, and gets Nathan in a side headlock of his own.

Mauro: A fast paced exchange of technicality, to kick off our main event here tonight…!

Nathan then did what Rev did earlier, and pushed Rev to the ropes looking to utilize the rebound momentum. This worked for Nathan and he successfully shoves Rev off. Rev hits the ropes, but he knocks Nathan down with a shoulder block! Rev covers Nathan, but Nathan kicks out at 1 again! They both get up, and have another standoff. 

Mauro: And again, another stalemate!

Beth: Rev and Nathan are so equally matched!

Nigel: We could see them one up their confrontation at Wrestlepalooza at the pace they're going!

The two lock up for a third time, this time Nathan gets Rev in a wrist lock. Rev then counters it, and gets Nathan held in a wrist lock of his own. 

This drops Nathan to one knee, and Rev gets Nathan in a side headlock again, and takes him down with a side headlock takeover. Nathan counters by wrapping his legs around Rev's neck, and Rev rolls over, then manages to flip out of the hold.

Rev then charges, and Nathan catches him with a side headlock takeover of his own. Rev quickly gets up, and tries to shove Nathan off with the rebound momentum again, and this time he gets it. Nathan hits the ropes, Rev goes for a hip toss, but Nathan countered it into a backslide!

Mauro: Oh, Nathan countering Rev, backslide press-!

Rev kicks out at 1, but Nathan doesn't let up. He goes for the backslide again, but gets only a 2 count! Nathan then went for a la majistral, but Rev swept him off his feet, covered him, but Nathan kicked out at 2!

Rev and Nathan were now holding hands in a Greco-Roman Knuckle lock, and Rev is using all the power he had to keep Nathan's shoulders on the mat, but Nathan keeps getting his shoulder up. After a third attempt to keep Nathan pinned, Nathan kips up at the count of 2, and now tries to pin Rev's shoulders into the mat. 

Rev bridges, avoiding any contact with the canvas with his shoulders, but Nathan kicks Rev's feet out from under him. Nathan now has Rev pinned, but Rev gets the shoulder up at 2.

Mauro: Rev and Nathan, trying to keep each other down, but neither of them could get an advantage!

Already, the crowd was loving Rev and Nathan's exchange, and neither of them had attempted to leave their feet to go airborne. Rev then Rolls backwards, putting all of the pressure in the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock on Nathan. Rev then lets him go, transitioning into a double underhook.

Nathan struggles for a bit, but then, with his arms still hooked in Rev's grasp, counters it into a Northern Lights Suplex!

Nigel: Oh, Frazer's  got Rev at last!

Mauro: Northern Lights Suplex!

Nathan bridges into the cover, but Rev gets the shoulder up at 2! Rev still has Nathan in the double underhook, and lifts him up for a double underhook Powerbomb. Nathan then countered it into a Sunset Flip, but Rev rolled through, pinning Nathan instead! Nathan kicks out at 2, Rev gets up, and Nathan sits on the bottom rope.

Mauro: And Rev- ooh  though he had Nathan there again!

Beth: Counter after counter, pin after pin, these two are just sprinting it!

Nigel: Never… Slow… Down! It's all in the name of Frazer!

Mauro: Same can be said for Rev!

Rev and Nathan then charged at each other, and then Nathan got Rev in a side headlock. Rev lifted him up into the air, and threw Nathan off, and into the nearest corner.

Rev then charges, but Nathan evades him by slipping through the ropes and onto the apron. Rev crashes into the corner, Nathan then looks to fly, but Rev blocked the attempt. He then grabbed Nathan, looking to throw him back into the ring, but Nathan landed on his feet!

Nathan then grabs Rev from behind with a waist lock, but Rev runs, and drops down, sending Nathan tumbling through the ropes, and out of the ring!

Mauro: And out the ring Frazer goes!

Nigel: he may have gone too fast for his own good!

Rev then goes out of the ring to grab Nathan, but Nathan gets back in the ring as soon as Rev stepped out. Rev gets back in the ring, and then the two combatants get in a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock again. Nathan then kicks one of Rev's arms, and gets him in a front face lock, before transitioning back into a side headlock.

Rev then pushes Nathan off, Nathan hits the ropes, then Rev does a drop down. Nathan hops over him, and then Rev gets up. Nathan hits the ropes again, and Rev leapfrogged over him. Nathan hits the ropes one more time, and then both men go for a crossbody, causing a collision!

Nathan gets up, and stumbles into a corner. Rev gets up as well, and goes on the attack. Nathan fights back with some Forearms, one in particular, knocks Rev back. Nathan then went for an O'Conner Roll, but Rev rolled through! At 2, Nathan rolled back! At 2, it was now Rev who rolled through, and since they were pretty close to the ropes, Rev dumped Nathan out of the ring again!

Mauro: And now Nathan again, dumped out of the ring.

From all the counters these two did, Nathan was now slow to get to his feet, and so was Rev. Rev pulled himself up, and then climbed to the top turnbuckle. Mauro: Oh, Nathan is dumped to the outside again!

Nigel: And I think this time, Rev wants to join him!

Nigel was right, as Rev wasted no time. He leaps off the top turnbuckle, flattening Nathan with a sensational flip dive!

Mauro: And Rev Runner! The Champion taking it to the skies!

Nigel: Let it never be said that Road Runners don't know how to fly!

Rev then gets up, and throws Nathan back into the ring. Rev then slides back into the ring, and sizes up Nathan.

Nathan then gets up, and then Rev charges, and knocks him down with a flying Forearm! Nathan then gets up, and Rev knocks him down with a Dropkick!

Rev then picks him up, throws him to the ropes, but Nathan turns the momentum around, and sends Rev into the ropes instead! Rev hits the ropes, and takes Nathan down with a hurricanrana, draping Nathan on the second rope!

Mauro: Frazer turning the momentum around back inside the ring, if only for a split second!

Beth: And now he's in a precarious position!

The crowd then cheers Rev on, and Rev hits the ropes before connecting with a Tiger Feint Kick! Nathan staggered, and once he got back on his feet, Rev sprung off the top rope, and clocked him with a flying elbow to the back of his head!

Nigel: Oooh, and with that move, the champion’s back in control!

Rev then gets up, and covers Nathan, but he kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Frazer is out at 2!

Rev gets back up, and as Nathan slowly rises, Rev lands a kick, followed by a Superkick to the chest, and another one to the back of the neck!

Nathan then crawls to the ropes, but Rev grabs Nathan's legs. But as he yanked Nathan, Nathan landed on his feet!

Nathan then landed a back elbow to create some distance, and leaned against the ropes to recuperate. Rev then charged, but Rev countered with a back body drop, but Rev landed on the apron. Nathan sees this, and knocks him off the apron with a leaping Enzuigiri!

And now it was Nathan's turn to take a high risk, as he hits the ropes, and sends Rev crashing into the barricade with a suicide dive!

Mauro: Tope suicida!!!

Nigel: And now it's the Champion that's reeling!

Nathan then throws Rev back into the ring, and then covers him. Rev kicks out at 2, but as he did, Nathan transitioned into an STF!

Mauro: Rev out at 2, but look at Frazer! Frazer has an STF applied!

Nigel: Frazer could be one tap out victory away from ending Rev's title reign before it could begin!

Fortunately for Rev, he was close enough to place his free foot on the bottom rope, forcing a break.

Nathan then gets up, and then picks up Rev. Rev then fights back, landing a kick to the leg, followed by a back elbow and a forearm smash!

Nathan staggers back, but Nathan responds with a clothesline attempt, but Rev ducked it, and then springs off the second rope, and takes Nathan down with a Sling Blade!

Rev then climbs to the top turnbuckle, and sized up Nathan. 

Mauro: And now the Cruiserweight Champion has Frazer in the crosshairs!

Nathan then gets up, and then with a Forearm Smash, Nathan stops Rev. Nathan then hops onto the top turnbuckle to meet him, and then as soon as he was stable, Nathan takes him down with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: And Frazer, with a Spanish Fly from up top!

Nathan then got up, and as Rev sat up, Nathan connected with a Superkick!

Mauro: And now on the mat- SUPERKICK!

Nigel: right in the face!

Nathan falls into the cover, but Rev kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: And Rev out at 2 and a Half!

Beth: He’s not about to lose the cruiserweight championship in just his first defense!

Nathan sat up, frustration slowly sinking in. He then grabs Rev, gets up, and puts him in a front face lock. Rev then counters out of it, kicks Nathan in the gut, and then gets Nathan set up for the Rev Theory!

Mauro: Frazer now settin Rev up again- hold on, Rev with a counter!

Nigel: Here comes the declaration of the Rev Theory!

Nathan then shoved him away, thwarting Rev's finisher. Nathan then went for a Superkick, but Rev caught it, and then flipped him over his shoulder, slamming him down with a Turbo Backpack!

Mauro: No, Frazer avoids it, goes back into attack- oh, Rev catches him-TURBO BACKPACK!

Beth: What a move by Rev!

Rev then gets up, and climbs to the top turnbuckle one more time.

Mauro: And now Rev, up the high rent district!

Nigel: Here it comes!

Beth: Rev gonna go airborne again..!

Rev stabilizes himself for a moment. And once he is stable, he leaps, and connects with a Shooting Star Press!

Mauro: the very same move that won him the title! SHOOTING STAR PRESS!

Unfortunately for Rev, he was too exhausted to go for the cover. 

Mauro: Rev hits his target, but he's too exhausted to go for the cover to finish this!

Nigel: Both he and Frazer went top speed this entire match, and now that's come back to bite them!

But as Nathan and Rev were laying on the mat, the crowd suddenly got loud, and suddenly, 4 women rushed into the ring, and attacked Rev and Nathan!


Nigel: What's this about?!?!

*Bell rings repeatedly!*

Two of them were stomping away on Nathan, while the other two were beating up Rev in the corner!

Beth: We were getting a banger of a Wrestlepalooza rematch here, and then these girls, whoever they are, just cut it off at the best part! Who are they-?!

Then, the two women who were assaulting Rev turned around, revealing the identities of… Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima!

Mauro: Oh my god, there's half your answer beth! It's Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima! Which means the other two must be…

Then, the two women who were beating up Nathan got up, and it's revealed to be… Weiss Schnee and Rarity!

Nigel: Wiess Schnee and Rarity! The Peerage are finally here!

Beth: They've been warning us on the road to Wrestlepalooza that the time was coming for them to arrive in LWF, and it looks like the time is now!

Rev then got up, and went after Rias, but the other three ganged up on him, and started swarming the Cruiserweight Champion!

Mauro: And the first order of business for this Quartet of Quintessence is to make a statement, at the expense of the Cruiserweight Champion and his challenger!

Nathan then got up, and tried to help Rev, but Akeno caught an incoming kick from Nathan, and then Rias connected with a Superkick! Nathan was dropped, and then Akeno pulled him into a Piledriver, spiking Nathan on his head!

Mauro: Oooh, and Akeno spikes Frazer!

Akeno then picked up Rev, put him in a cobra clutch, then spun him out into a wicked elbow!

Mauro: And an elbow leveled the Champion!

Rias then grabs Rev, and picks him up. She puts him in an inverted face lock, and then drops him with a lifted rolling cutter!

Mauro: Ooh! Face first goes Rev!

Beth: Rev and Frazer are being destroyed!

Akeno then drags Nathan into position, while Rarity climbs to the top turnbuckle. 

Mauro: Akeno now dragging Nathan into position, and now Rarity’s gonna get herself a piece of her share!

Once Nathan was in position, Rarity leaps, and flattened Nathan with a beautiful Moonsault!

Mauro: Whoa! What a Moonsault!

Rarity then gets up, clutching her midsection for a second, and then Weiss picks up Nathan. Weiss goes behind Nathan, grabs his arms, and connects with a unique take on the backstabber!


Mauro: Backstabber by Weiss!

And then Rias and Akeno brought Nathan to the center of the ring, and propped him up to his knees.

Mauro: And now the Piece De Resistance for the Peerage!

To top off the beat down, Weiss and Rarity get into separate corners, sized up Nathan, and charged. Rarity then connects with a knee from behind, while Weiss connects with a Superkick across Nathan's face!


Mauro: Wiess and Rarity…. Meeting in The Middle!

And as soon as it began, the assault was over. Rias, Akeno, Weiss, and Rarity all stood in the middle of the ring, and threw up four fingers into the air, Fortune style.

Mauro: If we weren't aware of the dominance these ladies would bring to LWF, we sure are now!

Nigel: The Peerage have arrived in style, and they've just put EVERYBODY on notice!

Beth: They said their goal was to become proper leaders in LWF, and what a statement they have made!

Mauro: As we close out the Reborn after Wrestlepalooza, we bear witness to the brutal yet beautiful arrival of the Peerage, LWFs newest faction! For Nigel Mcguiness and Beth Phoenix, im Mauro Ranallo, we’ll see you next time!

What an ending!

Some surprising drafts, some new faces in LWF, especially with the arrival of The Peerage!

Well, the draft isn't over yet! The draft will continue on Velocity, and hopefully we get more surprises!

Anyways, stay tuned for more action!

See ya!

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