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It is now one episode post Draft!

This should be an exciting one!



The opening pyro goes off inside Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo starts speaking.

Mauro: We are set for action here up north here in Vancouver, BC, for another night of LWF Reborn! I'm Mauro Ranallo, as always joined by Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix. Nigel, Beth, are you both ready to kick off the road to Global Warning?

Nigel: Oh, you better believe I am indeed Mauro! I have a feeling tonight is gonna be a good one, I promise you that!

Beth: Summer may just be starting, and the temperature in Canada may get hot this time of year, but I have a feeling we're gonna be turning up the heat!

Then suddenly...


The arena lights dim, and The Peerage's theme hits. The crowd erupts in a mix of boos and cheers as The Peerage: Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Rarity, and Weiss Schnee make their way to the ring. 

The four women exude confidence and power, each with their unique flair. Rias leads the group, a smirk on her face, while Akeno follows with a playful yet dangerous demeanor. Rarity walks with elegance, and Weiss showcases her icy determination.

Mauro: And we're kicking things off tonight with a group that made a big statement at the tail end of the last episode! The Quartet of Quintessence, the Peerage!

Beth: Big statement is right, Mauro. They finally made their big move after a lot of time building the anticipation for their arrival on Reborn, and they did it at the expense of Nathan Frazer and Rev Runner, who were putting on a show over the LWF Cruiserweight Championship!

Nigel: When you're as elite as these 4 fine ladies, nothing else matters except what they do on their own time! Rias Gremory, the heiress of the Gremory Household, has a commanding presence like none other, and is never seen anywhere without her closest confidant, her Queen, Akeno Himejima, and god help you if you're the subject of her whims!  They are joined of course by Weiss Schnee, an elitist in her own right from the Schnee Family, and the elegant and sophisticated Rarity, who always knows what's in good taste when it comes to fashion!

They step into the ring, and all four members of The Peerage take a microphone, standing at the center, their presence commanding respect.

Rias: (Smirking) Last week, we made a statement. A statement that the LWF has been desperately needing. For too long, this place has been mired in mediocrity, with so-called champions parading around as if they are the pinnacle of this industry. (She pauses, letting the boos subside) Well, The Peerage is here to change all that.

The crowd's reaction intensifies, a mix of curiosity and disdain.

Akeno: Oh, come now, don't be so surprised. You all knew deep down that this place was crying out for real talent for true aristocracy. And that's exactly what we represent. (Her voice drops to a sultry tone) Power, elegance, and most importantly, superiority.

Rarity steps forward, flipping her hair back with a disdainful look at the crowd.

Rarity: The fashion in this league has been simply dreadful. Not just in terms of style but in terms of wrestling prowess. We couldn't stand by and let those... pedestrian athletes continue to make a mockery of what could be a truly magnificent brand such as LWF.

Weiss: So that begs the question, why Rev Runner and Nathan Frazer? They are nothing but placeholders. Placeholders in a division that has lacked true competition, true excellence. We attacked because we needed to send a clear message. And that message is… The Peerage is here to elevate not just the Cruiserweight Division, but this entire federation, to heights it has never seen.

Rias then raised her hand to silence the crowd.

Rias: (Confidently) We didn't just attack for the sake of it. We attacked because we are here to dominate and to restore order in the LWF. What we did in the Cruiserweight Championship match is just the beginning. Rev Runner, Nathan Frazer, and anyone else who dares to stand in our way... take this as a warning. The Peerage has arrived, and we will not be stopped.

The Peerage stands together, their message clear and their dominance undeniable. The crowd's reaction is a mix of boos and awe as they stand tall in the ring.

Mauro: The message could not be any clearer sent by the Peerage. They won't be stopped, and everyone else better stay out of their way.

Nigel: I'm quite sure there isn't anybody in the Reborn roster who's stupid enough to get in the direct path of these four.

Beth: Well, after what they did to Frazer and Rev, who would?



The crowd's attention shifts to the entrance ramp as Nathan Frazer's music hits, and the young, determined wrestler strides out with a microphone in hand.

Mauro: Oh, wait, just a second! It looks like someone begs to differ with The Peerage!

Beth: And that someone hasn't forgotten what happened Last Episode!

The audience erupts in cheers, eager to hear his response.

Nathan: Hold on, just a second!

He pauses at the top of the ramp, glaring at The Peerage in the ring.

Nathan: Oh, excuse me. Where are my manners? I am Nathan Frazer. And I am a man who speaks of hard truths. And right now, I have a hard truth for all four of you.

The Peerage exchanged glances at each other.

Nathan: You think you can just waltz in here and make a name for yourselves by attacking Rev and me? Do you think that's how you're gonna elevate LWF? Well, I've got news for you. You do that through hard work and fair competition. Not by sneak attacks!

He starts walking down the ramp, his eyes never leaving The Peerage.

Nathan: Rias, Akeno, Rarity, Weiss, you four talk a big game about dominance and changing the landscape. Do you want to make an impact? Fine. How about you step up and face me in this ring, one-on-one?

The crowd roars in approval, chanting Nathan's name.

Mauro: Wow! Nathan Frazer is throwing down the gauntlet! He's daring the Peerage to back up all their talk and face him tonight!

Nigel: All four of them, though? Frazer’s gotta be out of his mind!

The Peerage looked at each other again, as if saying how dare he challenge them to each other.

Nathan: Let's see if you have what it takes to back up all that talk. Rias, Akeno, Rarity, Weiss, I don't care which one of you it is. Face me tonight, and we'll see who the real star is in LWF!

He stands his ground at the top of the ramp, staring the Peerage down, unwavering, and ready for a fight.

Rias Gremory smirks, clearly amused by Nathan's challenge. She raises her microphone.

Rias: Nathan, your bravery is commendable, if not a bit foolish. But if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. And since you seem so eager to prove yourself, why don't you face Weiss tonight? We'll show you exactly why The Peerage is the future of LWF.

The crowd applauds Rias, accepting Nathan's challenge. Weiss then stepped forward.

Weiss: Nathan, you have no idea what you’re in for. But if you insist on a lesson, I’ll be more than happy to provide it.

Nathan: Bring it on, Weiss. Tonight, we settle this in the ring.

With that, Nathan drops the microphone and exits the ring, the crowd buzzing with excitement for the showdown to come.

Mauro: We're turning up the heat indeed, Beth! What a match we have coming up later tonight!

Beth: Nathan asked The Peerage to back up their claims in the ring, and they accepted the challenge! I can't wait to see Frazer square off with Wiess!

Nigel: And we have plenty more excitement to come tonight, like Nagisa Misumi, who has an LWF: Reborn Championship opportunity against Starlight Glimmer. But tonight, she's not going against the Champ, but against the SCE's newest member, Ricochet!

Beth: Seeing what he has become, Nagisa took exception with Ricochet's choice to embrace The SCE's vision of equality!

Nigel: In her quest to improve her winning ways before facing Starlight herself, will Nagisa be able to subdue the former Future of Flight?

Mauro: We’ll also see if Ken Warren will accept Marin Hollow’s challenge to face his clientele, Brandish Myu, in a one on one match! Marin gave Ken until tonight, and time is almost up. What is the Social Media Sinister's answer?



Out came Lynn Loud Jr., wearing her varsity jacket over her normal clothes. She smiled, the crowd cheering for her arrival. Taking a few warm-up hops, she then went down to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your opening contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Royal Woods, Michigan… LYNN LOUD!!!

Mauro: And it looks like we're starting tonight's action off hot! We’re not gonna be kept in suspense to witness this Adrenaline Rush Tournament rematch. It is happening right now!

Nigel: You just know these two couldn't wait to cross paths once again! What we saw in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament was a battle for the ages! How could they possibly top that here tonight?

Beth: Well, we know one thing about Lynn, and it's that she does NOT like to lose! Even if she didn't take her loss at the tournament too personally, I'm sure she's been wanting a rematch for a while!

Lynn then climbs up the turnbuckles and rips open her tracksuit, revealing the #1 on her red and white jersey.



Mauro: The same can be said for this young lady!

6 Seconds into the song, the lights go out for a brief moment, and when the lights come back on, Koneko stands at the top of the ramp, arms outstretched before walking down to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing her opponent, residing in Kuoh Town, Japan… KONEKO TOUJOU!!!

Beth: Well, when Koneko faced Lynn in the Adrenaline Rush tournament, she was still trying to find her way as a new face in LWF. But throughout the last few matches she’s had, she has been able to find her identity in professional wrestling and even improve her in-ring skills as well!

Mauro: Indeed, Koneko has vastly improved herself as a competitor at a very impressive pace for a newcomer! She has been leaning into the roots of the Traditional Japanese Strong Style, owning up to her power and fierce striking ability!

Nigel: A very impressive change to be sure, but the question at hand is this: Will this new version of Koneko be just as a match for Lynn as the old one was?

Koneko then entered the ring, and the two girls had a standoff before going to their respective corners.

Mauro: We won't have to wait long to find out, Nigel! Lynn vs. Koneko will begin just as soon as the first bell rings!

Once both parties are ready, the referee calls for the bell. The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Koneko and Lynn circle the ring, looking to make a move. After a few seconds, they lock up in the middle of the ring. Koneko then gets behind Lynn with a rear waist lock, but then Lynn breaks free and gets Koneko in a rear waist lock of her own and slams Koneko into the mat! Koneko rolls over and sits up as Lynn stares her down.

Mauro: An impressive opening sequence, and Lynn comes away with the early advantage!

Nigel: But look at Koneko, not fazed in the slightest at all!

Beth: That's that stone-faced seriousness we've come to know from Koneko!

Koneko then gets up, and the two ladies circle each other once again. The two of them then hold each other with a Greco-roman knuckle lock, and then they do a test of strength.

Mauro: And now it's time for a test of strength between these two!

Koneko then kicks one of Lynn's hands to break free and then gets Lynn in a wrist lock before pulling her into a side headlock. Lynn then pushes Koneko into the ropes, using the rebound momentum to shove her off. Koneko hits the ropes and goes for a shoulder block, but Lynn doesn't go down! Lynn then responds by delivering a knife-edge chop!

Mauro: Off the break, the pace quickens, Koneko with a shoulder block, but Lynn doesn't budge!

Nigel: And she then responds with a wicked chop!

Beth: But Koneko isn't fazed either!

Koneko answers back with a chop of her own, and then Lynn answers back with a right-hand jab.

Koneko then swings with a right-handed hook punch, but Lynn ducks and sweeps her to the mat with a single-leg takedown. Lynn then hits the ropes, and Koneko does a drop-down. Lynn hops over her, Koneko gets up, and Lynn hits the ropes again. Lynn comes off the rebound, but Koneko leapfrogged over her! Lynn stops and turns around, going for a kick to the gut, but Koneko catches the kick!

Mauro: And the pace quickening yet again! Koneko evades Lynn, and the athlete tries to take her by surprise - no, Koneko catches her!

Koneko then spins Lynn around, grabs her arm, and uses it for leverage to bring Lynn to her knees. Koneko then steps in, sweeping Lynn's leg, and Lynn is now down to both knees. Once that happened, Koneko quickly wrapped her up with an Oklahoma Roll pin but only got a 2 count!

Both girls get up, Lynn goes for a clothesline, but Koneko ducks and hits the ropes. Koneko comes off the rebound and catches Lynn with a flying boot!

Mauro: Oh, what a kick by Koneko!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Lynn kicks out at 2. Lynn rolls into a corner, and Koneko measures her up.

Nigel: The advantage is now in Koneko's favor, and she doesn't plan to waste it!

Mauro: The No-Nonsense Nekoshoku wants to lay in more pressure as soon as Lynn gets up!

Beth: Once she has the edge, Koneko doesn't give it up that easily!

Lynn gets up and staggers into a corner. Koneko then charges, looking for a Forearm Smash, but Lynn jumps out of the way. Koneko crashes into the corner, and then Lynn lands a swift punch to the gut!

Mauro: Oh, but Lynn recovers just in time to make Koneko crash, and there's a blow right to Koneko's stomach!

Lynn then hits the ropes as Koneko staggered out of the corner, but as Lynn came off the rebound, Koneko caught her with a dropkick!

Mauro: But that doesn't stop Koneko for long, as she hits a dynamic dropkick!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Lynn kicks out at 2. Koneko then picks up Lynn, but Lynn shoves her away and staggers back into the corner.

Koneko charges again, but Lynn gets her foot up this time. However, Koneko caught her foot, but Lynn acted quickly and connected with an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Koneko blocks Lynn's foot - oh, but it was a fake out into an Enzuigiri!

Lynn then grabs her with a rear waist lock, looking for a German Suplex, but Koneko is able to counter into a Victory Roll pin, but only gets a 2 count!

They both got up, then Koneko went for a big boot, but Lynn sidestepped and scooped her up! She then looked at the nearest corner and unceremoniously dumped Koneko into it!

Mauro: Oooh, and Lynn unceremoniously dumps Koneko into the corner!

Nigel: That has to hurt, just having your body driven into the bottom turnbuckle head first!

Beth: You're telling me!

Lynn drags Koneko out of the corner and goes for the cover, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Koneko uses the ropes to pull herself back up, and then Lynn delivers a clubbing blow across her back. Koneko fights back with a kick to the gut, but Lynn responds with a forearm to the face.

Koneko is now leaning against the ropes, and Lynn delivers another chop, followed by another forearm. She then throws Koneko with an Irish Whip, and Lynn knocks Koneko down with a back elbow when she comes off the rebound!

Mauro: And now Lynn, taking control with a fierce combination offense!

Koneko shakes her head to try and regain focus after that big hit, and then Lynn grabs her. Koneko fights back with some punches to the gut to cut her off.

Lynn then lets her go after a few punches, and then Koneko hits the ropes. Koneko came off the rebound, but Lynn scooped her up, looking for a Samoan Drop, but when she did, Koneko countered it into a Crucifix Pin

Mauro: Koneko fighting back as much as she can, and now hits the ropes to fire back - but Lynn catches her on her shoulders!

Nigel: Going for a Samoan Drop- wait hold on, there's a counter! Crucifix pin!

Lynn kicks out at 2, and then they both get up. Koneko charges in for a clothesline, but Lynn catches her and drops her with a half-nelson backbreaker!


Mauro: Lynn escapes, and now Koneko gets right back on the attack - but Lynn catches her, and there's a Backbreaker!

Nigel: Just driving Toujou down across her knee, believe me, that hurts!

Beth: The only one who does it just as good is Roderick Strong himself!

Lynn kept a hold on Koneko and transitioned into a Crash Thunder Buster!

Mauro: And now Lynn transitions into a big slam, driving Koneko face first down into the mat!

Lynn rolls her over, hooks the leg, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Koneko starts to stir, but Lynn sits her up and applies a headlock. Koneko tries to get up, but Lynn uses her strength to power her back down.

Mauro: And now Lynn looks to ground Koneko with that applied headlock, and her strength is overpowering Koneko for the moment!

The crowd rallies behind Koneko, and slowly, Koneko starts to get back to her feet.

Nigel: But there is no quit in Koneko. She's getting back to feet!

Mauro: The Vancouver crowd, rallying behind Koneko!

Beth: Drawing on all the support she can!

Once she was back up, Koneko elbows Lynn in the gut until she's broken free. Once she was, Lynn quickly shut her down with another clubbing blow to her back.

Mauro: Oh, but Lynn stifles the rally with that blow to the back!

Lynn then goes for a Back Suplex on Koneko, but Koneko lands on her feet! Lynn turns around, and then Koneko goes for a kick to the gut, but Lynn catches it. Lynn then spins Koneko, but when she comes back around, Koneko connects with a Discus Forearm Smash!

Because Koneko put all her weight into that desperate move, she falls over. Lynn is visibly loopy, stunned by that forearm. Koneko gets the crowd cheering as she hypes herself up.

Lynn then gets up, and when she goes towards Koneko, Koneko kicks her in the shin, tripping her.

Lynn then rises up to her knees, clutching her face, Koneko then hits the ropes and lands a busaiku knee!

Mauro: And now Koneko with a flying knee!

Nigel: Right across the face!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Lynn kicks out at 2!

Lynn rolls into a nearby corner and gets up. Koneko charges again, but Lynn sends her flying over the top rope. Koneko lands on the apron, Lynn turns around, and Koneko knocks her back with another forearm.

Once she was far enough, Koneko springs off the top rope and takes Lynn down with a clothesline!


Mauro: Incredible clothesline from the top rope!

Nigel: Striking, power, high-flying, Koneko can do pretty much anything!

Beth: Don't underestimate her just because she's 4’6!

Lynn gets up in a daze, and then Koneko puts her in a ripcord position. Koneko then spun her around and proceeded to slap Lynn across the face!

Lynn drops to her knees, and then Koneko steps back before swiftly connecting with a Penalty Kick!

Mauro: And Koneko Toujou with an Empathic PK!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Lynn kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: But it only gets her 2 and a half!

Lynn was starting to gain her bearings, and when Lynn got back up, she started to fight back, landing a few strikes of her own before Koneko knees her in the stomach.

Koneko then tries to run to a corner for an attack out of there, but Lynn has followed closely behind and hits a knee on Koneko! Lynn then proceeded to clothesline her out of the ring before hitting the ropes and delivering a dropkick through the ropes to wipe Koneko out!

Mauro: Oh, Lynn swiftly retaliates and then sends Koneko outside! And she follows up with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick through the ropes!

Nigel: Now Koneko's the one who's reeling!

Beth: This could be Lynn's chance to turn things around!

Lynn then throws Koneko back into the ring, and Koneko staggers into a corner. Lynn gets back in the ring, charges, but gets caught with a back elbow from Koneko! Lynn staggers back, Koneko then goes for the Slice Of Hell, but Lynn catches her leg and applies an ankle lock!

Mauro: Oh, Koneko catches Lynn by surprise and hopes to turn things around - but no! Lynn with an amazing counter!

Nigel: Koneko wanted the Slice of Hell, but instead, she's trapped in the Ankle Lock!

Beth: This is such a dangerous submission move. Is Lynn gonna make Koneko tap out?!

Koneko reaches for the ropes but is too far away. After a couple minutes of struggle, Koneko was able to roll herself onto her back and used her free leg to try and kick Lynn off of herself.

Mauro: Not quite yet, Koneko is attempting to fight back!

Lynn wouldn't let go. Instead, she grabbed Koneko's free leg and proceeded to spike her with a Piledriver!

Mauro: But Lynn, having none of Koneko's resistance- MAMA MIA! What a Piledriver!

Nigel: Just driven down on her head, that's it!

Lynn then hooks the leg, but shockingly, Koneko kicks out at 2.9!

Mauro: Oh, WOW! Koneko at the last possible second!

Nigel: How on earth did Koneko kick out after getting spiked like that?!

Beth: It must be that Rook resilience she's known for!

Both Lynn and Koneko were now down, trying to catch a breath. Lynn was the first to get up and picked up Koneko.

Lynn then proceeds to land a few more chops. She then scoops her up, but Koneko wiggles free. Lynn tries to cut her off with a clothesline, but Koneko ducks it! Koneko goes to the corner that is in front of her, comes flying out of the corner, and sends Lynn flying with a John Woo Dropkick!

Mauro: And Koneko, exploding out of the corner with a burst of energy!

Koneko then picks Lynn up and props her up in the corner. Koneko then charges, but Lynn jumps out of the way! Koneko was able to hop onto the second turnbuckle to stop herself, however. Lynn tries to knock her off, but Koneko jumps off to avoid her!

Koneko hits the ropes and goes for a boot, but Lynn blocks it! Koneko then goes for an Enzuigiri, but Lynn ducks! Koneko gets up, only to be stunned by a big haymaker from Lynn!

Mauro: Oh, what a big haymaker by Lynn!

Lynn then hooked both of her arms as if going for an Underhook Suplex, but Koneko countered out of it and connected with a Bicycle Kick!

Mauro: Another bicycle kick by Koneko!

Lynn was now out on her feet, and then Koneko got her in a Full Nelson before slamming her into the ground with a Dragon Suplex!

Mauro: Followed up by a Dragon Suplex!

Nigel: Firing on all cylinders!

Koneko goes for the cover, but Lynn kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: But Lynn at 2 and a half again!

Lynn then rolls out of the ring and onto the apron, and Koneko then begins to measure her up. Once Lynn was up, Koneko then drilled Lynn into the apron with a Slingshot DDT!

Mauro: And Koneko! Spiking Lynn onto the apron!

Lynn falls into a heap down on the floor below, then Koneko gets back in the ring and waits for Lynn to get up. Once Lynn was up, Koneko then hit the ropes and wiped out Lynn with a Tope Suicida!

Mauro: Tope Suicida, my god!

Nigel: Like a torpedo!

Beth: Neither of these girls is giving an INCH!

The crowd starts chanting “This is awesome!”, as Lynn and Koneko laid on the floor.

Mauro: What an opener for LWF Reborn!

Nigel: But how will this match end? Some things gotta give between these two!

Beth: If they had their way, Lynn and Koneko could go the whole night!

The referee started counting, and at the count of 6, Koneko was the first to get up and threw Lynn back into the ring. Koneko then proceeds to cover Lynn, only to get a close 2 count!

Lynn is still down, allowing Koneko to climb to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Koneko is going up to the high-rent district!

Lynn, however, was able to get back up and meet her at the top! The two battled it out, but Lynn was able to overpower Koneko and threw her halfway across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly Suplex from the top turnbuckle

Mauro: OH MY GOD!!! Avalanche Belly to Belly Suplex!

Nigel: Koneko was thrown clear halfway across the ring!

Beth: I can't believe Lynn just did that!

Lynn then goes to the apron, but Koneko gets up, still wincing from impact. She goes up to Lynn, Lynn tries to knock her back, but Koneko stuns her with a roundhouse kick to the side of her head!

Koneko then proceeds to go for a shoulder barge through the ropes to knock Lynn off the apron, but Lynn slid out of the way and delivered a kick across Koneko's chest!

Mauro: Lynn evades disaster on the apron and knocks Koneko down with a kick!

Koneko slumped down onto the apron, and then Lynn got back in the ring. Lynn then proceeds to hit the ropes, and with a lot of speed, Lynn collides with Koneko with a crossbody!

Mauro: And now just driving Koneko out of the ring with that Crossbody!

Nigel: What speed and force to push them both out of there!

Lynn then throws Koneko back into the ring, and the crowd cheers for Lynn as she stands tall over Koneko Toujou.

Mauro: And Lynn finally stands tall over Koneko, both women pushed to their limits!

Nigel: And this could very well be the prelude to the end!

Beth: I think you could be right, Nigel!

Lynn then signaled for the end, hooking Koneko up for her patented Suplex Backstabber, the “Killer Lynn-stinct”, but Koneko swept her off her feet with a single leg takedown, and into a jackknife pin!

Mauro: Going for the killer Lynn-stinct…but this time Koneko was ready! Reversal into a Jackknife cover!

Koneko only gets a 2 count out of it, they both get up, Lynn looks for a German Suplex on Koneko but Koneko knocks her back with a back elbow! Koneko then followed up with another bicycle kick!

Mauro: And Koneko, fighting back again!

Koneko then hits the ropes, but Lynn turns her inside out with a clothesline when she came off the rebound!

Mauro: Oh my GOD, what a clothesline!

Lynn then wastes no time, waits for Koneko to get up, then Lynn proceeds to hit the ropes, and connected with a Sick Kick!

Mauro: And Lynn connects with a kick!

Lynn had a deep cover on Koneko, but Koneko kicked out at a close 2.5!

Mauro: But Koneko escapes at 2 and a half yet AGAIN!

Nigel: How much more punishment can these two give to each other?!

Beth: This can't go on forever, as much as they want it to!

Both Lynn and Koneko were now on their knees, and the two were now butting heads, with intensity in their eyes.

Mauro: Neither Lynn nor Koneko want to quit!

Both continued to fight with all that they had, trading punches and elbows before they both got to a vertical base. Koneko then gets the advantage with a spinning kick to Lynn's gut! Koneko then grabbed her, and drops Lynn with a Brainbuster!

Mauro: And they're still going at it with all they have! Getting back to a vertical base now are both of them- Oh! Koneko catches Lynn with a spinning kick, and there's a Brainbuster!

Koneko then wasted no time in climbing up to the top turnbuckle, and goes for a double foot stomp, but Lynn rolled out of the way!

Mauro: And now Koneko up top to finish Lynn off! Coup De Grace attempt- Lynn avoids it!

Koneko was able to land on her feet safely and did a forward roll to slow her momentum down a bit. But the second Koneko turned around, she ran right into another Sick Kick from Lynn, turning her inside out!

Mauro: Koneko able to avert disaster- OH MY GOD!!! Lynn with another sick kick, turns Koneko inside out!

Lynn got up, and slid her thumb across her throat.

Mauro: And now, the end might truly be coming as you predicted Nigel!

Nigel: Is the second time the charm?!

Lynn then picked up Koneko, and successfully executed the Killer Lynn-stinct!


Mauro: Yes it is! There's the Killer Lynn-stinct!

Koneko was down and out, and Lynn, with what little energy she had left, slowly crawled towards her, and just barely got an arm draped across Koneko, and got the 3 count!

Mauro: And Lynn evens the score between her and Koneko! She picks up the win!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, LYNN LOUD!!!

Beth: Mauro, Nigel, I think it's safe to argue that this match felt more like a Main Event on the card than an opening match!

Nigel: I agree wholeheartedly! Lynn and Koneko threw everything at each other, and no quarter was given in this clash of strong style! We talked about their previous match being hard to top, but I think they did that tonight!

Mauro: It was a hard-hitting affair that saw neither side getting the advantage for long, and just when one of them had the match won, the other would somehow kick out! But this time, it would be Lynn who persevered and powered through it all, and came away with the victory by barely covering Koneko off her all-or-nothing Killer Lynn-stinct, and with the 3 count, Lynn avenged her loss at the Adrenaline Rush Tournament!

In the aftermath of the match, both Lynn and Koneko were so exhausted that they had to support themselves with the ring ropes to get themselves back up to standing positions. Koneko then turns to Lynn, and sticks her hand out. Lynn shakes her hand, and Koneko raises it as well.

Nigel: Pure respect shown by these two. The only question is… what now?

Beth: Who knows, Nigel? These two just tore the house down!

Koneko then exited the ring, to give Lynn and moment to celebrate. But the second she did, the LWF Tag Team Champions, Kassius Ohno and Dark Danny of the SCE, blindsided Lynn!

Mauro: Hey!

Nigel: It’s the Tag Team Champions!

Beth: Ohno and Danny, come on! What do they have to gain from attacking Lynn?!

Mauro: This has gotta be an order from Starlight Glimmer!

Ohno and Danny stomped away on the battered Lynn, and Koneko swiftly came back, and tried to fight them off!

Mauro: And here comes Koneko to save Lynn! She won't stand by and let the Society do whatever they please!

Koneko, despite being spent from the battle she had, was able to fend off the Tag Champs, but then out of nowhere, Ricochet, the SCE's newest member, cracked her in the back with a steel chair!

Mauro: Oh, Ricochet! Aiding his new compatriots!

The three SCE members then continue to pummel away on the two girls, when suddenly…


Mauro: Wait a second, here comes Nagisa Misumi! She has her issues with the SCE, being the #1 Contender to the LWF: Reborn World Championship!

The trio looks up at the ramp and sees Nagisa Misumi come running down the ramp with a steel chair of her own, and then Ricochet and the Tag Team Champions retreat the second Nagisa slides into the ring!

Mauro: And now the SCE is getting out of town! But later tonight, Misumi has Ricochet one on one!

Nigel: Ricochet won't be able to run once it's him and Nagisa later tonight, that's for sure! And this just in, it is official! Nathan Frazer challenged the Peerage to step up and back up their claims to dominance, and they accepted! Rias has volunteered Weiss Schnee to teach Frazer a lesson, but will she be able to? Or will Frazer get his revenge?


The crowd cheers as the camera opens backstage where Nathan Frazer is seen warming up for his upcoming match. As Nathan taped his wrists, Mirajane Strauss approached him with a microphone in hand.

Mirajane: (smiling) Nathan, can I have a word with you?

Nathan straightens up, nodding to Mirajane with a friendly smile.

Nathan: Of course, Mirajane. What's up?

Mirajane: Well, earlier tonight, The Peerage explained their reasons for debuting by attacking you and Rev Runner during your Cruiserweight Championship match last week. Then you responded by issuing a challenge to The Peerage, and they selected Weiss Schnee to face you. So I have to ask, do you really know what you’re getting yourself into?

Nathan chuckles softly, running a hand through his hair.

Nathan: I appreciate the concern, Mirajane. Last episode, The Peerage made a statement, but I’m not one to back down from a challenge. They want to prove something by targeting me, and I respect that. But tonight, I’m going to show not just Weiss, but The Peerage, that they picked the wrong target.

Mirajane: But seeing that there are 4 of them and only one of you, are you worried about potential interference from Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, or Rarity?

Nathan’s expression turns serious, his eyes reflecting determination.

Nathan: I'm aware of what The Peerage could be capable of, but I've got my eyes wide open. I know they could possibly play the numbers game. And when they do, I'll be ready for it. My focus tonight is on Weiss, and giving these fans a match they won’t forget. If The Peerage tries to get involved, I'll deal with them. But I’m not letting anything distract me from my goal tonight.

Mirajane: You've got a lot of confidence, Nathan. Any final words before you head out there later tonight?"

Nathan: (smiling) Confidence comes from knowing what you’re capable of, Mirajane. Weiss is going to get everything I’ve got, and win or lose, she’ll know she’s been in a fight. The Peerage might think they’re untouchable, but tonight, we’ll see just how far that belief gets them.

Mirajane: Thank you for your time, Nathan. Best of luck out there.

Nathan nods, giving a thumbs-up before turning back to his warm-ups. The camera zooms in on his determined expression before cutting back to the arena.

Mirajane then walks off as the anticipation for the upcoming match builds, leaving the audience eagerly waiting for the clash between Nathan Frazer and Weiss Schnee.

Back at ringside…

Mauro: Nathan Frazer, showing no lack of confidence!

Nigel: But will he truly be in over his head, as he goes head to head with Wiess? We’ll find out later tonight!

Then suddenly…


Beth: Oh, hold on a second guys! Looks like the Good Doctors in the Building!

The crowd gave a mostly negative reaction as Arthur Watts, the inaugural Adrenaline Champion, made his entrance.

Mauro: And the LWF fans, letting their thoughts be heard about the Adrenaline Champion, and I'm willing to bet it's because of how he won it!

Nigel: Watts and Yugi put on quite the show at Wrestlepalooza, but ultimately Watts would resort to underhanded tactics to put the King of Games away, by using a loaded hand, full of lead, and then add insult to injury by earning a Technical Submission Victory using the Black Queen Virus! But them's the breaks I'm afraid. The ref didn't see him load the block of lead in his glove, so it didn't happen, those are the rules!

Beth: After winning the Adrenaline Championship, Watts would declare that if anyone disagreed with how he won the match and dared to prove a point, he'd gladly prove them wrong, but he looks confident in that he'd beat just about anyone!

Watts struts confidently to the ring, his newly won title prominently displayed around his waist. He steps into the ring, grabs a microphone, and waits for the boos to settle before beginning his speech.

Arthur: Ladies and gentlemen, I told you so!

The crowd boos even louder, clearly showing their disdain for the arrogant champion.

Arthur: At Wrestlepalooza, I did exactly what I said I would do. I defeated Yugi Muto, and I became YOUR inaugural Adrenaline Champion!

The crowd's boos intensify, with some fans shouting insults at Watts.

Arthur: Yugi Muto, you may be the King of Games, but last night, you were just another pawn in my game. You see, it's not about heart, it's not about spirit, and it's certainly not about the fans. It's about intelligence, strategy, and sheer superiority—qualities I possess in abundance.

He smirks as the boos continue to pour in, clearly enjoying the negative reaction.

Arthur: This Adrenaline Championship is now synonymous with excellence because I am synonymous with excellence. There isn't a single person in that locker room who can outthink me, outmaneuver me, or outclass me. And that includes every so-called hero you people cheer for.

The crowd's hostility grows, but Watts remains unfazed.

Arthur: To the rest of the LWF: Reborn roster, understand this: you will never be good enough. You will never be smart enough. And you will never, ever take this title from me. Because while you're all busy pandering to these pathetic fans, I'm busy plotting my next move, always three steps ahead.

He lifts the Adrenaline Championship high above his head, taunting the crowd with his dominance.

Arthur: And to you fans, your opinion means less than nothing to me. Boo all you want, it only proves my point. I don't need your approval. I don't need your cheers. All I need is this championship and the knowledge that I am better than each and every one of you.

The boos reach a deafening volume, but Watts' smirk only widens.

Arthur: I am Arthur Watts, your Adrenaline Champion, and this title will remain around my waist for a very, very long time. Get used to it.



Mauro: Quite the declaration from the Adrenaline Champion! But let's see what our Founder and Reborn General Manager has to say about that!

The crowd's reaction changes to cheers as LWF Founder, Chard Caranto, and Jonah Shwarts, appear on the stage. Chard, microphone in hand, and confident looks on their faves. Watts looks annoyed as the two men stood at the top of the ramp.

Chard: Arthur Watts, first of all, congratulations on becoming the inaugural Adrenaline Champion. I have to admit, your victory last night was impressive, albeit you DID use a block of lead to do it but I digress. Anyways, Jonah and I are out here to remind you that in LWF, champions don't just talk the talk—they have to walk the walk as well!

The crowd cheers in support, and Watts rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed.

Chard: You see, Arthur, being a champion in LWF: Reborn means you have to constantly prove yourself. So, I’ve got some news for you. At our next big event, Global Warning, you WILL be defending your Adrenaline Championship!

The crowd erupts with excitement at the announcement.

Mauro: Wow, Chard laying down the law! Watts will be in his first title defense at Global Warning!

Nigel: Watts said there's no one good enough to defeat him for the Adrenaline Title, but we’ll see if he can prove that claim true!

Beth: Whoever is going to compete against him, Watts definitely has to show now he just wasn't talking out his mustache!

Watts looks visibly annoyed, despising the fact his first defense was gonna be really soon.

Arthur: Defending my title? Against who, exactly?

Chard: I’m glad you asked, Arthur. Starting next episode, we’re launching the Adrenaline Rush Series—a Contender Series where the best of the best will compete for the chance to become the number one contender to your Adrenaline Championship!

The crowd cheers loudly at the announcement, appreciating the new competitive series.

Chard: And with the help of my buddy, Jonah Shwarts, over here, we have determined 8 people to compete in the Adrenaline Rush Series. And here they are!

Chard and Jonah then stepped back, and then…


The crowd cheered as Robin Sane made his entrance.

Mauro: Wow! Robin Sane! The literal definition of Adrenaline!

Beth: With him in the mix, the Adrenaline Rush Series is promising to be a hit already!

Robin stands in between Chard and Jonah, and then he shouts “Tara, let's go!”

Then shortly after…


Mauro: And how do you add to this already exciting mix? You give it a little Country!

Applejack makes her entrance, much to the delight of the fans.

Beth: Applejack opened up a lot of eyes in the Adrenaline Rush tournament, she made it to the quarterfinals before being taken out by Rev Runner, but boy did she impress!

Nigel: She's bound to make an impact again with her innovative Country Style offense, great to see her back in action!



Issei makes his entrance, and the crowd cheers as he throws his hands up to hype up the crowd. Arthur wasn't happy to see him again, and Issei knew it, smirking as he pointed right at him to say one more time.

Mauro: And here's someone Arthur is very familiar with! The very man he beat to make it to the Tournament Finals, Issei Hyoudou!

Beth: And you know Issei for sure wants to give Watts some payback after he eliminated him in the Semifinals!

Nigel: The devil always gets his due as they say, will it be true for the Devil’s Favorite Underdog?



The crowd quickly went from cheers to boos as Chris Brookes made his entrance.

Mauro: And the mood just turned sour in here, because here comes Chris Brookes! Despite the questionable way he earned it, he is riding some momentum after winning at Wrestlepalooza.

Beth: Brookes has had his fair share of opportunities at Championship gold, but they've always slipped through his fingers at the last second, could this be his chance to win it all at last?

Nigel: If it is, I'm sure Brookes will do anything it takes to make sure he gets it!

The 4 competitors all looked at each other, when suddenly…


The crowd cheered, and Chris Brookes immediately perked up, his face looking like he had seen a ghost.

Mauro: Oh my! I don't think it will be as easy as Brookes thought now!

Ilja Dragunov made his entrance, and he immediately locked eyes with Brookes, not forgetting how their match at Wrestlepalooza ended.

Nigel: The Mad Dragon is locked into the Adrenaline Rush Series! Good luck to the rest of the field, Brookes especially!

Beth: Yeah, after how Brookes got away with the victory, Dragunov has entered the field with a vengeance!

Chard immediately stepped in to keep Dragunov from attacking Brookes, telling him to save it for the series.



As soon as the music played, the field was treated to a surprise, Issei especially, as out came Xenovia Quarta!

Mauro: Oh my, what a surprise! Xenovia Quarta is back! We haven't seen her since she was eliminated in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament’s second round!

Nigel: And who was responsible for taking her out of the running, one may ask? Why, none other than Applejack of course, and what a banger those two put on!

Xenovia looked straight at Applejack, eyeing her up as she smiled. “I'm running it back!” Xenovia says to Applejack.

Mauro: And Xenovia making it clear that she is ready for Round 2 with the Country Gal!

Applejack responds by saying, “And ah’m ready for ya!”.



The Assertive then made their entrance.

Beth: Oh, this is a game-changer! The Assertive is a part of this!

Mauro: But which member of this new faction will represent them in this Series?

Iron Will, Adam Brooks, and Wally Beatles then looked back, and out came Shane Thorne.

Mauro: And there's our answer, it’s gonna be Thorne!

Nigel: I’m sure he's raring to go for this chance to finally get a golden opportunity!

Beth: And no doubt thanks to Iron Will, he’s got it at last!

Thorne looks at the competition in front of him, and makes a statement, telling them that he will not be pushed over by any of them.

Mauro: Before joining the Assertive, Thorne declared that no one would forget his name, and now he has the chance to cement his name in history!



The crowd pops loudly, Watts now more annoyed than ever as Yugi Muto makes his entrance, and stares the champion down!

Mauro: OH MY! The best for last! The King of Games himself!

Nigel: If you thought Dragunov was the only one entering this series with a vengeance, think again!

Beth: Out of everybody in the field of 8, only Yugi knows what it's like to come so close to winning it all, but Watts took things away from him at the last second! Now it's time for a new game to begin for Yugi, can he go all the way again?

The crowd chanted Yugi’s name, then Chard stepped forward.

Chard: Every match in the Adrenaline Rush Series will showcase the top talent of LWF: Reborn, and at the end of the series, the winner will earn the right to face you at Global Warning. So, Arthur, you better be ready, because you won’t know who you’ll be facing until the series is over.

Watts looks frustrated, but Chard continues, undeterred.

Chard: This is your chance to prove that you truly deserve to be the Adrenaline Champion. No block of lead to save you this time around. It’s time to back up your words with action, and also with honor. Are you up for the challenge, Arthur?

Watts glares at Chard, then responds.

Arthur: Challenge accepted. Whoever wins this little series of yours will just be another name on my list of opponents I have bested. I’ll be ready, and I’ll show the world why I will be known as the greatest Adrenaline Champion this company will ever see!

The crowd boos as Watts holds his belt up high.

Chard: We’ll see about that, Arthur. Good luck. You’re going to need it!

Chard’s music hits as he exits the stage, leaving Watts to contemplate the challenge ahead. The camera captures Watts’ determined expression as the segment ends.

Mauro: What an all-star lineup! Yugi, Applejack, Brookes, Issei, Thorne, Dragunov, Sane, and Xenovia! One of these 8 individuals, will win the Adrenaline Rush Series, and challenge Arthur Watts for the Adrenaline Championship at Global Warning!

Nigel: That’ll be great to see! But coming up later tonight, Nagisa Misumi is looking to strike at the Society of Complete Equality, by taking on their newest initiate, Ricochet!

Beth: Can Nagisa gain some momentum before she faces Starlight, or will Ricochet shut her down?



A CMC Vignette starts to play. The Vignette opens with shots of the city streets, a fancy neighborhood, and the countryside before Scootaloo speaks.

Scootaloo: They said we were too young. Too inexperienced. Too small to make an impact!

The vignette then showed clips of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom, thriving in their respective environments.

Sweetie Belle: But what they didn't see… was our passion. Our drive. Our determination!

Then it cuts to a city park, and they meet up.

Applebloom: We put in the work, day in and day out. We didn't let anything hold us back!

Sweetie Belle: But don't worry. You will all see soon enough!

They looked at each other with confident smiles on their faces, then they fist-bumped each other.

Scootaloo: For me, it's about proving that speed and agility can outshine brute force!

Sweetie Belle: For me, it's about showing that grace and technique can topple giants!

Applebloom: And fer me, it's about harnessing raw strength and an unyielding heart!

They then gave one final nod to each other and started walking together.

Scootaloo: They told us we were too young!

Sweetie Belle: But we have a message for the doubters.

Applebloom: Prepare to witness the rise of the next generation. Prepare to witness… The Cutie Mark Crusaders!

All three in unison: The future is now!

~We're singin’....HEY! You can't count us out! We’ve been runnin’ up against the crowd! Yeah, we are the Dark Horses! We’re singin’.....WAIT! It's not over now! We’ve been down, but we’ve never been out! Yeah, we are the Dark Horses!~

The vignette then ends with the caption: C.M.C - COMING SOON TO LWF: REBORN.

The camera then cuts to the backstage area, where the Society Of Complete Equality is gathered in their private lounge. The room is adorned with banners and posters promoting their ideology of absolute equality. Starlight Glimmer, the LWF: Reborn Champion, stands at the forefront, her championship belt draped over her shoulder. Flanking her are Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, the LWF Tag Team Champions, both looking slightly disheveled after their earlier confrontation. Trixie Lulamoon, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants, the LWF Wattpad Champion, and their newest member, Ricochet, complete the group. Ricochet also appears a bit shaken from the earlier encounter.

Starlight Glimmer: (with a confident smile) Alright, everyone, gather around. Tonight is a special night for the Society Of Complete Equality. Our newest member, Ricochet, has his first major match against Nagisa Misumi. Ricochet, how are you feeling after that earlier... incident?

Ricochet: (nodding, though still visibly tense) I'm ready, Starlight. I know what’s at stake, even after what happened earlier. Danny, Ohno, and myself may have been chased off, but I’m prepared to show everyone what we, the SCE, are all about.

Dark Danny: (with a dark chuckle) Good. Remember, this isn’t just a match; it’s a statement. Nagisa Misumi is just like all the unequals we have encountered. She thinks she can stand against us, but we’re stronger together.

Kassius Ohno: (patting Ricochet on the back) Nagisa may be tough, and she may have her pals Billy Kidman and Honoka, but you’ve got the support of the SCE. Stay focused, stick to the plan, and remember why we do this. We’re here to establish equality, and we won’t falter!

Trixie Lulamoon: The Society Of Complete Equality believes in you, Ricochet! Show not only Nagisa but EVERYONE, that in the Society, we all rise above inequality, no matter the obstacles!

"Abrasive" Spongebob: (with a smirk) Don’t let her push you around. Be the Ricochet you know y’can be. Inequality hasn't stopped us. Not now, not ever!

Starlight Glimmer: (stepping closer to Ricochet, her voice filled with conviction) Ricochet, tonight is your chance to show why you made the right choice. You have fully embraced our vision, and now, what happened earlier will not matter. When you go out there, show the world that in our Society, everyone is equal, and that there is no room for Inequality here!

Ricochet: (with a determined look) I won’t let you down. I’ll make sure EVERYONE knows exactly what the Society stands for, and that we will not stand for any inequality!

Starlight Glimmer: (smiling proudly) That’s the spirit! Remember, we’re with you every step of the way. Make us proud, Ricochet!

Ricochet nods, feeling the strength and support of his faction behind him as he prepares for his match later tonight.


Back at Ringside….

Mauro: The SCE, not lacking any sort of confidence, as Ricochet prepares for his match with Nagisa Misumi later tonight!

Beth: Well I hope Nagisa Misumi knows exactly what she's getting herself into. She may have Honoka and Billy Kidman in her corner, but will that be enough?

Mauro: Well from what we've seen from Nagisa Misumi, she's got a fighting chance, but right now let's head to the ring, where our commentary partner Nigel McGuinness, is in the ring with a very special guest!

The camera then cuts to the ring where Nigel McGuinness is standing in the middle of the ring.

Nigel: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome… Wallflower Blush!

Wallflower, who was in the corner, steps forward and waves to the fans. The crowd gives a polite cheer, eager to learn more about the newcomer.

Nigel: Wallflower, welcome to the LWF. You're a new face here, and many are curious about what you bring to the table. What can you tell us about yourself and your goals here in LWF?

Wallflower takes a deep breath, her nervousness apparent but so is her resolve.

Wallflower: Nigel, I've spent most of my life feeling invisible, like I didn't matter. But I've always had a passion for wrestling, and now I have the chance to show the world who I really am. My goal here in LWF is to prove that I belong, to make a name for myself, and to show everyone that even someone like me, who has been overlooked, can achieve greatness.

The crowd's reaction is supportive, with some fans beginning to cheer louder for Wallflower.

Nigel: That's a very inspiring story, Wallflower. But with your inexperience, stepping into this ring can be quite a challenge. How do you feel about facing the competition here in LWF, knowing that you have to prove yourself from the ground up?

Wallflower's expression hardens with determination as she responds.

Wallflower: I know it's not going to be easy, Nigel. But I'm ready for the challenge. I've trained hard, and I'm not afraid to face anyone. Tonight is my first step in showing everyone that I'm not just here to fill a spot; I'm here to make an impact.

Nigel nods, clearly impressed by Wallflower's resolve.

Nigel: Well, Wallflower, it sounds like you have the heart and determination to go far. Now, it's time to introduce your opponent for tonight.

Nigel and Wallflower then looked up at the stage, and then…


Wallflower immediately paled upon hearing the AOL Dial Up sounds.

Beth: Oh boy…Wallflower might've picked the wrong day to try to make an impact!

Out came Ken Warren, 17 seconds into the song as he danced his way to the ring. As soon as he got close, he looked inside the ring to Wallflower.

“Oh, bad day to break out, sweetheart! Don't worry, I'll make this quick.” he said.

Mauro: Wallflower's reaction says it all, Ken Warren is a technically sound performer, Wallflower Blush has quite a challenge here!

Nigel: *Putting on his headset* Well, this should be an interesting match, don't you think?

Beth: Interesting is right, and knowing Ken’s reputation, I don't think this match will last very long!

The referee then calls for the bell, and the bell rings to officially start the match.

Wallflower, visibly nervous, goes and locks up with Ken Warren in the middle of the ring. Ken, being much stronger, easily pushes Wallflower into a nearby corner.

The referee then enforces the 5 count, and at 4, the referee steps in to break them up. Ken backs away with hands up, then slaps Wallflower across the face! The crowd boos as he did so!

Mauro: Oh, and Ken just paintbrushes Wallflower Blush!

The slap only served to snap Wallflower out of her nerves, and riled her up, as she quickly burst out of the corner, and started to unload on Ken with some forearms to the face!

Mauro: And now look at Wallflower all fired up, rapid-fire forearms!

Nigel: That slap certainly cleared away the butterflies in her stomach!

Wallflower then threw Ken to the ropes with an Irish Whip. As he came off the rebound, Wallflower went for a clothesline, but Ken ducked it! Wallflower turns around, and Ken drives a knee into her midsection, dropping her to her knees!

Mauro: And just like that, one knee, and Wallflower is stopped dead in her tracks!

Ken rolls her onto her back and covers her, but only gets a one count. Ken gets up and starts to stomp away on Wallflower.

Beth: and there's Ken’s mean streak in full force!

Ken then sat her up and landed a boot right between her eyes!

Mauro: And it's topped off with a boot to the face!

Ken covers Wallflower again, but she kicks out at 2. Ken sits her up again and puts her in a chin lock.

Mauro: And now Ken Warren, taking full control of the match…

After a few minutes of struggling, Wallflower slowly gets back up. The crowd starts to rally behind her, and then Wallflower elbows Ken in the gut.

Beth: But look at Wallflower, she's fighting back!

Wallflower then gives Ken a few more elbows, the last one breaking the chinlock. Ken stumbled back clutching his stomach, allowing Wallflower to try and mount a counter-offensive. But before she could follow up, Ken drops her with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: But not for long, Ken shuts her down!

Ken covers Wallflower, but she kicks out at 2.

Ken got up and relished in the reactions the crowd was giving before picking her up. When he did, Wallflower then catches him by surprise with a jawbreaker, creating separation!

Wallflower then got up and stumbled into a corner to recuperate. Ken recovered from her surprise move as he rubbed his jaw, and then charged straight at Wall flower looking for a Corner splash. But Wallflower was able to get her foot up in time! Ken runs right into her boot, and staggered back.

Wallflower comes out the corner, Ken goes for a clothesline, but Wallflower Blush ducks it, and plants him with a DDT!

Mauro: And Wallflower, DDT!

Nigel: A very impressive counter, but she can't capitalize!

Beth: But she's doing way better than anyone ever expected against Warren! I don't think she's gonna be invisible to anyone after this!

The crowd rallies behind Wallflower as she tries to climb back into the match. After a while, they both get up. Warren and Wallflower trade punches, but Wallflower was able to out-strike him, and knock him down.

Wallflower then grabs Ken and picks him up, and then lands an uppercut. Wallflower then hops onto the second turnbuckle and waits for Warren to get up.

Mauro: Wallflower in complete control, and now up on the second turnbuckle-!

Ken gets up, then Wallflower leaps and flattens him with a crossbody! Wallflower has both legs hooked, but Warren kicks out at 2!

Beth: Wow, Wallflower was so close to putting Ken away!

Nigel: That would have completely stunted his momentum, after all, Brandish Myu has had her eyes on him.

Ken Warren slowly gets back to his feet, and then Wallflower grabs him. Warren fights back with a punch to the gut, then gets her in a front face lock before planting her with the Googlebuster!


Mauro: Oh, and Warren! Googlebuster out of nowhere!

With Wallflower down, Ken quickly went behind her, and signaled for the end.

Nigel: And now it looks like Wallflower’s trend is about to be cut!

Mauro: Indeed Nigel, because here comes Ken's best shot!

Beth: Tune up the band, or rather dial up the connection!

Once she got up to one knee, Ken Warren goes for his patented Superkick, the Wi-Fi, and hits it square on the back of Wallflower's head!


Mauro: The Wi-Fi!

Ken then rolls her onto her back, hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: Thanks for coming, Wallflower!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, “The Social Media Sinister”... KEN WARREN!!!

Nigel: Quite the valiant effort from Wallflower, but unfortunately, she’ll have to try making her name another day. Ken was just too much to handle, and her trend ended before it even started!

Beth: But let's take nothing away from her, Wallflower really showed some good ring skills, and the crowd was supporting her too!

Ken celebrated in the ring when suddenly he was interrupted by Marin Hollow coming out, microphone in hand, saying “Well, well, well, about time I got you!”.

Mauro: Oh, and Look who's here! The personal assistant to the Ultimate Influencer Brandish Myu, Marin Hollow!

Beth: He was probably looking for Ken so he could get an answer to the challenge he laid out on Brandish’s behalf last episode.

Marin enters the ring, and stands face-to-face with Ken.

Marin: Not bad there Ken, gotta say, very impressive! But we both know that you're not gonna get anywhere beating third-rate wrestlers, especially when someone like Brandish Myu, has a bone to pick with you. Speaking of, the challenge was made, and yet we are still waiting for an answer! I gave you until this episode to think about facing Brandish in a match, which will determine which one of you is TRULY, a “Social Media Sinister”!

Ken looks at him with an eyebrow raised, then Marin holds the microphone up to Ken's mouth, awaiting a response.

Mauro: It is the moment of truth, will Ken meet Brandish in a match to determine which one of them can claim the throne of Social Media supremacy?!

But before Ken could even respond, Marin took the microphone away.

Marin: Oooh, there was one thing I forgot to mention, and that is… *Grins evilly* sorry, you have no say in the matter.

Ken looks at him confused, and then…


The crowd pops, and out came BTWF’s Influencer, Brandish Myu!

Mauro: Oh my god, she's actually here!

Nigel: Brandish has graced LWF with her presence all the way from BTWF!

Beth: She didn't want to wait for Ken to give his answer, she's making it clear this is gonna happen one way or the other!

Brandish Myu enters the ring, and the two have a standoff as the crowd cheers.

Marin: *Turns to the crowd* Ladies and gentlemen, DO YOU WANT THIS?!

The crowd cheers loudly .

Marin: I want it too! Brandish Myu ALSO wants it too! But if this is gonna happen, this is gonna happen in the biggest stage possible! Ken Warren, Brandish Myu… one on one… at Global Warning!

The crowd cheers loudly at that.

Mauro: The world wants to see it, and we're gonna get it! Ken Warren, Brandish Myu! The Battle for Social Media Supremacy will take place at Global Warning!

Nigel: How much do you guys want to bet that all social media platforms will go crazy over this news?!

Beth: A lot, I'll bet! But before we get there, we still have some matches coming up! Nathan Frazer wants payback on the Peerage, and he's got his chance to take it against Wiess Schnee! We’ll see if Frazer can get his will to get his revenge, or if Wiess can stop him cold!



The camera cuts to the backstage area where Lynn Loud Jr. is seen leaving the Trainer's room, a proud but weary smile on her face after her hard-fought victory, despite the attack that came after. She walks through the corridor until she spots Koneko Toujou, who is leaning against the wall. Lynn approaches her, still holding her towel.

Lynn: Hey. That was one heck of a match out there. Y'know despite what happened after our match, you pushed me to my limits.

Koneko looks up, her usual stoic expression slightly softened by the exertion of the match.

Koneko: I always knew you were a tough nut to crack, Lynn. I expected a tough battle, and you didn't disappoint.

Lynn: Yeah. The same can be said about you, too. You know, I was thinking... We’ve torn it up in the ring against each other twice now, and the fans loved it. But imagine what we could do if we teamed up. We could dominate the tag team division together.

Koneko's eyes narrow slightly as she considers Lynn's proposal. She takes a moment before responding.

Koneko: Teaming up sounds nice and all, but there's just one problem. We're now tied one apiece. You won tonight, but I won our first match back in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament. We have an even score, and in my book, that means we've gotta settle this.

Lynn nods, acknowledging Koneko's point. She steps closer, her competitive spirit flaring up.

Lynn: I get it. We’re both too competitive to let a tie stand. How about this: we settle the score once and for all. One final match to determine who the better wrestler is. After that, no matter the outcome, we join forces and take the tag team division by storm. What do you say?

Koneko pauses, then slowly nods, a determined glint in her eyes.

Koneko: You got it. One final match for all the marbles. After that, we show everyone what we can do together.

Lynn extends her hand, and Koneko looks at it for a moment before shaking it firmly. The camera zooms in on their clasped hands, symbolizing their mutual respect and the intense rivalry that will soon come to a head.

Lynn: Deal. Let's give the fans a match they’ll never forget.

Koneko: And then, we take over the tag team division.

The segment ends with both wrestlers nodding at each other, the anticipation of their next confrontation hanging in the air.

In another area backstage, Mirajane Strauss stands in front of the LWF logo, holding a microphone. She smiles warmly as the camera zooms in on her.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Nagisa Misumi, Honoka Yukishiro, and their manager, Billy Kidman.

The camera pans to the right as Nagisa, Honoka, and their manager, Billy Kidman, step into the frame. Nagisa looks determined, Honoka supportive, and Billy confident.

Mirajane: Nagisa, tonight you face a tough challenge in the form of the Society of Complete Equality's newest member, Ricochet. Can you tell us why you chose to take on this match?

Nagisa: (taking a deep breath) Mirajane, this match isn't just about facing Ricochet. It's about sending a message to Starlight Glimmer and the entire Society of Complete Equality. Starlight Glimmer might be the LWF: Reborn Champion, but her vision for this company is something I can't stand by and accept. Ricochet, he's an incredible athlete, but seeing him give in to their ideologies is disheartening. He had the potential to be a beacon of individuality and freedom, but instead, he chose conformity.

Honoka: (nodding) Nagisa and I have always believed in the power of teamwork and the strength of our bonds. We're here to show that standing together, while embracing our differences, makes us stronger. Ricochet might be a phenomenal wrestler, but he's lost sight of what really matters.

Mirajane nods at the response, then turns her attention to Billy.

Mirajane: Billy, as their manager, how do you feel about Nagisa taking on Ricochet tonight?

Billy: (smirking) Mirajane, I've seen Nagisa grow and evolve into one of the best competitors in this business. She's got the heart and determination to take on anyone. Ricochet might have the Society behind him, but Nagisa's got something more powerful—she's got the support of her friend right here, and the belief in herself. That’s something you can’t teach.

Mirajane: (Looks back at Nagisa) Nagisa, any final words for Ricochet and the Society of Complete Equality?

Nagisa nods.

Nagisa: (looking directly into the camera) Ricochet, you may have all the talent in the world, but tonight, I'm fighting for something bigger than myself. I'm fighting to show Starlight Glimmer and the Society of Complete Equality that individuality and freedom can't be suppressed. I'm disappointed you've chosen to align with them, but that makes this fight even more important. You're going to see just how powerful individuality can be when it's backed by heart and determination. Tonight, it's not just about a match—it's about standing up for what we believe in.

Mirajane: Thank you, Nagisa, Honoka, and Billy. Best of luck tonight.

The camera focuses on Mirajane as Nagisa, Honoka, and Billy walk off-screen, ready for the upcoming battle.

The camera cuts back to ringside, where the next match was about to begin. Then…


Mauro: We will see Nagisa and Ricochet engage in battle very soon, but before that, the Motor City Angel is about to be in action!

Chris Panzer makes his entrance, to a positive and loud reception.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall, introducing first, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in tonight at 172 pounds, CHRIS PANZER!!!!!!

Beth: Since defeating Stan at Wrestlepalooza, Panzer’s been riding a huge wave of momentum! Who knows, it might translate into a future title opportunity!

Nigel: I agree with you there Beth, and although “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants warned Panzer to not even consider the idea, he could already be interested in chasing the Wattpad Championship.

Panzer enters the ring, then Jeremy Borash introduces his opponent.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, already in the ring, he weighs in tonight at 205 pounds… TONY BARONI!

Mauro: Tony Baroni, an established veteran in the Vancouver Independent Wrestling Scene, with 15 years of experience on his resume!

Nigel: A very extensive career compared to Panzer, who has only been wrestling on the Philippine Independent Circuit for  9 years, that's quite a gap there!

Beth: We’ll just have to see if experience trumps young skill here.

Baroni and Panzer stood In their respective corners, and then the referee called for the bell. The bell rings, and the match begins.

Panzer and Baroni circle the ring before locking up in the middle. Baroni then stomps on Panzer’s foot, and then a clubbing blow across Panzer’s back.

Mauro: And Baroni takes the early advantage!

Baroni then throws Panzer into a corner, charges, and then connects with a clothesline before throwing him out of the corner. Baroni then takes the time to antagonize the crowd, gaining jeers from the fans.

Nigel: Baroni has Panzer down, but instead he turns his attention to the crowd outside, but that's not a good idea!

Baroni turns his attention back to Panzer, and Panzer starts to fight back with back elbows to his gut. Baroni answers back with a knee to the gut, then hits the ropes.

Beth: that caused Panzer to capitalize on the distraction, but Baroni is still on him!

Baroni comes off the rebound, only for Panzer to catch him with a Lou Thesz Press, followed by a barrage of punches!

Mauro: And Panzer! Thesz Press on Baroni, and now Panzer! Unloading on Tony Baroni!

Nigel: Just like that, the match has been changed in an instant!

Baroni pushed Panzer off, and Panzer was starting to fire up. Baroni gets up, and Panzer grabs him, and drops him with a Brainbuster!

Panzer then gets up, and sizes him up, waiting for Baroni to get back onto his feet.

Mauro: And Panzer not letting Baroni off so easily, as he spiked him with a Brain buster!

Beth: Panzer's in the driver's seat now!

Nigel: And he's gonna go full throttle till the end!

Panzer then gets Baroni set up for the D-Town Piston, but Baroni elbows him to escape. Baroni tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Panzer ducks, hits the ropes, and hits the Panzerschreck Kick!

Mauro: Oh, Tony blocks the D-Town Piston, misses with a clothesline as he tries to retaliate-OOOOH! But he didn't block that direct hit with the Panzerschreck Kick!

Baroni laid there stunned, and then Panzer climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Nigel: And now Panzers looking for one more shot to seal the deal in short order!

Beth: Time for the Motor City Angel to flight…!

Panzer wasted no time, and leapt for his patented frog splash, the Eagle Splash, and he flattened Baroni with it!

Mauro: And he does! Panzer with Eagle Splash!

Panzer hooks the leg, and gets a convincing 3 count!

Mauro: Panzer knocks off Baroni in no time flat!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHRIS PANZER!!!

Mauro: What a win for Panzer in convincing fashion! He knocked off Tony Baroni with all the time in the world to spare!

Beth: There was a 6 year experience gap in between the two, but Panzer made that look easy! It was almost like he was the one with 15 years of experience!

Nigel: Baroni thought he had Panzer’s number early on, but he made the rookie mistake of taking his eye off the ball, and Panzer capitalized on it for a quick and emphatic victory!

Chris Panzer stands victorious after that match. The crowd cheers loudly, their excitement palpable. Panzer then picks up a microphone.

Mauro: And it looks like Panzer has something on his mind!

Panzer takes a moment to catch his breath, then stands in the middle of the ring before speaking.

Chris: Wow, what a win! You know, every time I step into this ring, I give it my all. Whether it's against the toughest opponents or under the brightest lights, I always strive to be the best. And tonight, I think I proved that yet again.

The crowd roars in approval as Panzer pauses, a confident smile on his face.

Chris: But you see, there's something more. Something that's been on my mind lately. As I look around this arena and see all of you amazing fans, I realize there's still something out there that I haven't achieved.

He paces the ring, the anticipation building.

Chris: I've faced many challenges, conquered many opponents, but there's one mountain I haven't climbed yet. And that mountain stands with a title around his waist. A title that represents the pinnacle of our sport. A title that someone very… abrasive is holding right now.

The crowd catches on to his hint, murmuring excitedly.

Chris: Now, I won't name names, but you all know who I'm talking about. He's a unique competitor, someone who's proven his worth time and time again. But just because he's abrasive doesn't mean he's unbeatable.

Panzer stops and looks directly into the camera, his eyes filled with determination.

Chris: So, consider this a notice. I'm coming for that title. It's not just a challenge; it's my destiny. To the current champion, you know who you are, enjoy your reign while it lasts. Because when Chris Panzer sets his sights on something, he doesn't miss.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Panzer drops the microphone, his message clear. His theme plays once more as he exits the ring, leaving the audience buzzing with excitement over the potential showdown.

Mauro: Chris Panzer, calling his shot with a definitive statement! He will not heed the warnings, he wants Abrasive Spongebob, and the Wattpad Championship!

Nigel: I wonder how “Abrasive” Spongebob and the rest of the Society will react to Chris Panzer targeting their Championship Collection now? They've already got enough problems handling two contenders to Starlight’s title!

The camera briefly cuts to the locker room, where “Abrasive” Spongebob was watching on a small monitor. He had watched and listened to that message, and a sneer grew on his face.

Mauro: Well, there's the Wattpad Champion himself right now, and he does not look happy! We’ll see if the Society will allow Panzer anywhere close to the Abrasive one to allow him a chance to compete for one of their coveted prizes!

Nigel: But before all that, the SCE have to deal with a current issue in front of them! One of the Number 1 Contenders has a bone to pick with a new initiate of the society, and we're gonna see her in action coming up later tonight! Ricochet looks to stunt Nagisa's momentum before she faces off with Starlight, but can he shut her down?

Beth: But coming up next, Nathan Frazer wants a piece of the Peerage, and he’s gonna get it! He's gonna square off with Weiss Schnee in just a few moments!



The camera transitions to backstage where Arthur Watts, the Adrenaline Champion, is making his way out of the arena. He walks confidently, the Adrenaline Championship draped over his shoulder, a smirk on his face. As he approaches the exit, he is intercepted by Mirajane, microphone in hand, and ready for an interview.

Mirajane: Excuse me, Arthur, could I get a moment of your time?

Arthur pauses, clearly annoyed but deciding to entertain the interview. He adjusts the championship on his shoulder and looks at Mirajane with a mixture of arrogance and impatience.

Arthur: Do keep it short, Mirajane. I have places to be.

Mirajane: Well Arthur, earlier tonight we heard from LWF Founder Chard Caranto about the new Adrenaline Rush Series that will determine the number one contender for your Adrenaline Championship. What are your thoughts on this series and the fact that you'll be defending your title at Global Warning?

Arthur: My thoughts? My thoughts are that Chard Caranto is doing what he does best—stacking the deck against me. But I’ll humor you, Mirajane. Let’s talk about these so-called competitors in the Adrenaline Rush Series.

Mirajane listens intently, her expression neutral as she holds the microphone steady.

Arthur: First up, Robin Sane. A flashy, high-flying risk-taker who’s all style and no substance. Robin, he might wow the fans with his flips, but in this ring, it’s brains over style. And he is severely lacking in the brains department.

He smirks, clearly enjoying the opportunity to belittle his potential challengers.

Arthur: Then we have Applejack. Strong, determined, and as stubborn as they come. But this isn’t the farm, Applejack. This is my domain. Her country strength won't save her from the inevitable beatdown she will receive if she dares to challenge me.

The crowd watching the interview on the arena screens responds with a mix of boos and cheers, showing their divided opinions.

Arthur: (Sighs) Issei Hyoudou. The self-proclaimed ‘Harem King’. Issei, his focus seems to be everywhere but where it should be. You see, he's too distracted by his fantasies to be a real threat in this series. He should know what I'm capable of, I beat him on my way to the top.

Mirajane’s expression remains professional as she continues to hold the microphone steady.

Arthur: And then there's Chris Brookes. A technician, sure, but one who hasn’t quite figured out how to close the deal. Chris is good, but he isn't great. And in this business, there’s no room for second best. He'll find that out the hard way if he makes it to Global Warning.

He adjusts the championship on his shoulder, the gold gleaming under the backstage lights.

Arthur: And then, Ilja Dragunov. A powerhouse with a penchant for pain. Ilja thrives on intensity, but intensity alone won’t win him this title. When he steps into the ring with me, he will find that raw power is no match for superior intellect.

The crowd’s reaction grows louder, the tension building with each name he addresses.

Arthur: Xenovia Quarta. Strong, skilled, and with a warrior’s spirit. But Xenovia's spirit can only take her so far. When she faces someone like me, she'll learn that strategy and cunning are what truly matter. And she’s not on my level.

He smirks arrogantly, clearly enjoying the sound of his own voice.

Arthur: Shane Thorne. A veteran with plenty of experience, but experience doesn’t equal success. Shane has been around, but he has never faced anyone like me. If he goes on to face me, I’ll show him why he should have stayed in the past where he belongs.

Mirajane waits for him to address the final competitor, the anticipation palpable.

Arthur: And finally, Yugi Muto. The man I already defeated to become the Adrenaline Champion. (Looks into the camera) Yugi, you gave it your all, and it still wasn’t enough. What makes you think a second chance will be any different? You’re living in a fantasy world, and I’m the harsh reality.

He smirks as the crowd’s boos reach a fever pitch, clearly enjoying every second of his tirade.

Arthur: So there you have it, Mirajane. Eight competitors, and not one of them stands a chance against me. At Global Warning, I will prove once again why I am the greatest Adrenaline Champion this company will ever see. Let them come. They’ll all fall just like the rest.

Mirajane nods, acknowledging his statement, as Arthur turns to leave. Suddenly, Issei Hyoudou steps into the frame, his expression a mix of determination and irritation.

Issei: Hold on a second, Arthur.

Arthur turns back, looking both annoyed and amused.

Arthur: Well, well, if it isn’t the Harem King himself. What can I do for you, Issei?

Issei: You think you’re untouchable, don’t you? You think none of us stand a chance?

Arthur: That’s exactly what I think. And I stand by it.

Issei: You know Watts, you might be smart, you might be cunning… but you’re also arrogant and dismissive. And that’s going to be your downfall. You can mock me all you want, but when we face off in that ring, you’ll see that I’m not just all talk. You should know, I gave you a fight the last time we were in the ring! I’m coming for that title, and I’m going to show everyone that even the so-called smartest champion can be outmatched.

The crowd cheers loudly at Issei’s bold statement. Arthur smirks, but there’s a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

Arthur: Issei, you’re more than welcome to try. You're right. You did give me a fight the last time we were in the ring together. But know this: if you step into the ring with me to contend for this title I hold now, you’re stepping into a game you can’t win. Good luck. You’re going to need it.

Arthur turns and walks away, leaving Issei standing there, determined and ready for the challenge.

Back at ringside….

Mauro: In the face of impossible odds, the Red Dragon Emperor refuses to back down! Among 7 other contenders, will he be the one to face Watts at Global Warning?!

As Mauro was speaking…


6 Seconds into the song, a comet streaked across the Rogers Arena and then struck the top of the entrance ramp near the titan tron. From a plume of white smoke rose Nathan Fazer, who sprinted down to the ring and slid inside, instantly ready for action.

*Bell Rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring at this time from the Isle of Jersey in the British Channel, he weighs in at 180 lbs… NATHAN FRAZER!!!

Frazer jumps up to one of the corners and hypes up the fans as Jeremy Borash is speaking.

Nigel: At the top of the show tonight, just as the Peerage were expressing their dominance, Frazer came down in defiance and challenged any of them to face him in this a match, and that's what led to this situation right now! I have to question Nathan's judgment again on this, he may only have one member of the Peerage to deal with inside the ring, but it's still 4 against 1!

Beth: Well if we know one thing about Nathan Frazer, it's that despite the odds, he still goes in and gives a match all he's got!

Nathan hops off the corner he was in and proceeds to take off his vest to face his opponent.



The lights of the arena dim again, and the Peerage soon made their entrance. As smoke rolled across the stage floor, Rias Gremory, followed by Akeno, Rarity, and Weiss, stood at the top of the ramp side by side, and did the Fortune taunt as spotlights shone down upon the four women. Weiss then stepped forward, and made her way to the ring, with the rest of The Peerage following not too far behind.

Jeremy Borash: And now, introducing his opponent, from The Kingdom Of Atlas, in Remnant, representing The Peerage, WEISS SCHNEE!!!

Mauro: No matter what your stance is on these four women, one thing is undeniable, their confidence! Wiess was volunteered for this match by Rias Gremory, and she did not show any signs of objection in the slightest to step in the ring with Frazer tonight!

Beth: Probably because she knows she has the advantage in numbers, with the rest of the Peerage in her corner.

Nigel: Oh, please! Weiss has never had to rely on anyone else to get where she is. As the most refined and focused member of Team RWBY, Weiss Schnee only has to rely on her skills, and her skills alone in this match with Frazer!

The four women then entered the ring, and stood side by side once again in the center before exiting, leaving only Weiss in the ring.

Mauro: The Peerage, debuting just last episode, by disrupting the Cruiserweight Championship match between Rev Runner, the Cruiserweight Champion, and that man in the ring right now, Nathan Frazer. And in just a few short moments, Frazer will have the opportunity to seek some sense of retribution!

Nathan and Weiss stood in their respective corners as the referee called for the bell. The bell then rings, and the match is officially underway.

Nathan and Weiss circle around the ring for a second, then they both lock up in the middle of the ring. Frazer was able to use his quickness to get behind Weiss, and get her in a rear waist lock. Weiss quickly responds by breaking free, and getting Frazer in a rear waist lock of her own.

Mauro: And as we kick off this match, Frazer immediately uses his speed to gain the early advantage to get behind Weiss, but Weiss immediately counters!

Frazer tries to break free, but Weiss quickly trips him up, taking him to the mat. Frazer doesn't give up, and was able to roll back up to his feet, and finally frees himself, and gets Weiss in a rear waist lock once again.

Nigel: Frazer now in a bit of a predicament, but not quite for long!

Weiss then lowers herself down so that she's seated on the mat. She then takes a hold of Frazer’s wrist, rolls to the side to break free and gets back onto her feet. She then gets Frazer in a Half-nelson before spinning Frazer around, and taking him down with a Snapmare.

Mauro: Wow, Wiess with an incredible transition that's as smooth as ice!

Beth: Her technical game is no joke! Unlike Ruby, who loves to go fast just like Frazer, Weiss is more tactical in her approach to wrestling.

Nigel: That's what I like in a wrestler.

Weiss then goes for a grounded headlock, but Frazer sensed it, and was able to grab Weiss's arm, and apply a wrist lock on her! Weiss struggles for a second, then she does a forward roll, then rolls back, grabs one of Nathan's legs with her free hand and sweeps him off his feet!

Mauro: Oh, and Wiess takes Nathan down again!

Weiss then goes for a jackknife pin, but at two Nathan bridges up. Nathan and Weiss then twirl around before Nathan gets Weiss with a backslide pin, only to get a 2 count!

They both get up, Weiss then goes for a clothesline but Frazer ducks. Frazer hits the ropes, but Weiss catches him with a hip toss, only for Frazer to land on his feet!

Beth: Whoa!

Mauro: Nathan Frazer, what agility!

Even the other members of The Peerage were impressed by Nathan’s athleticism. The match continues, and Nathan goes for a clothesline, Wiess ducks. But as she did, she grabbed his arm, and then connected with an overhead kick to it as she came back up!

Mauro: Frazer coming in with a clothesline- oh, but Weiss intercepts, grabbing his arm as she ducks, and nails Frazer across the head!

Nathan clutches his arm as he gets back up, then Weiss grabs him and throws him to the ropes. Nathan comes off the rebound, then Weiss goes for the hip toss again, this time she was able to slam him down. She then does a handspring before hitting a basement Dropkick!


Mauro: And Weiss Schnee, showing a bit of her own athleticism!

Nigel: Flawless handspring into that dropkick to the face!

The Peerage applaud Weiss as she goes for the cover, but Weiss only gets a 2 count.

Weiss gets up, and as Frazer gets to his knees, Weiss throws him down with another Snapmare before hitting another Dropkick, this time to the back of Frazer’s head.

Frazer gets up as he clutches the back of his head, but then Weiss lands a thrust kick to Frazer’s midsection, causing him to double over.

Weiss then hits the ropes, and connects with a knee lift! She then follows it up with a Side Russian Legsweep, then floats over into a Fujiwara Armbar.

Mauro: And now Weiss- oooh, what a knee! Follows it up with a Side Russian Legsweep to take Frazer down… into a Fujiwara Armbar!

Nigel: In the center of the Ring!

Beth: What a combo into that submission, is Frazer going to tap?!

Frazer struggles for a bit, even reaching for the ropes, but he is too far away. Weiss digs her heels into the mat and pops her hips up, putting more pressure on the arm as she wrenches back even farther. The crowd rallies behind Frazer as he tries to find a way to escape.

Mauro: Wiess has her armbar on deep, but the crowd here in Vancouver is behind Frazer all the way as he aims to escape!

After a few minutes, Frazer was able to get the leverage he needed to pop his hips up, and got on all fours. He then does a forward roll, which in turn pins Weiss's shoulders into the mat, but Frazer only gets a two count!

Because Weiss had to kick out, she also had to break her submission. But, the damage had clearly been done to Frazer’s arm. Frazer recovered from the pin as he clutched his arm, and stumbled into a corner. Weiss charges in, looking for another attack but Frazer rolls underneath the attack to evade it! Weiss crashes into the corner, Frazer then gets up. Frazer charges in but Weiss quickly evades him, and hits a pendulum kick!

Mauro: Frazer able to turn things around, but only just for a moment as Wiess turns things right back!

Frazer stumbles back, then Weiss comes back in with a Shotgun Dropkick through the ropes!

Mauro: And Weiss follows up with a dropkick through the ropes!

Nigel: Weiss has had this match in the palm of her hand this entire time!

Weiss goes for the cover, but Frazer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Frazer, still able to keep things going!

Weiss then picks up Frazer, but Frazer starts to fight back. Using only his good arm, Frazer punches Weiss in the gut to cut off her momentum. Weiss responds with a knee right to Frazer’s gut, then she follows it up with a hammerlock on the damaged arm, then spikes Frazer on his head with a snap DDT!

Mauro: And Wiess, driving Frazer down with a Devastating DDT!

Weiss covers Frazer again, and Frazer is still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Oh, but Frazer is STILL able to keep fighting!

Beth: That just goes to show Frazer's heart, and willingness to never give up!

Nigel: Even with all the damage done to him, Frazer is still defiant in the waves of change!

Weiss then decides that it's now time to go to the top. She goes to the apron, and proceeds to climb to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: And now Wiess, making the decision to go to the top turnbuckle!

Weiss steadies herself as she makes it to the top, but that gives Frazer enough time to recuperate, and he climbs up to the top turnbuckle to meet her. Weiss fights back, trying to knock Frazer back down onto the mat, but Frazer holds on, and slams her back down onto the mat with a Spanish Fly!

Nigel: Oh my GOD…!

Mauro: MAMA MIA! Frazer with a Super Spanish Fly, bringing Weiss Schnee off the top the hard way!

Frazer then immediately clutches his arm upon landing, and after writhing in pain, he covers Weiss, only to get a 2 count out of it!

Mauro: And that slight delay thanks to the damage done earlier, saves Wiess from a three count!

Frazer smacks some feeling back into his arm, and sizes up Weiss. Once Weiss was up, Frazer then knocked her down with a flying Forearm Smash. Weiss gets up, and then Frazer knocks her down with a flying back elbow.

Mauro: And now Frazer is starting to climb back into this match, after all the damage Wiess did to him prior!

Weiss gets up for a third time, and goes for a clothesline to intercept him, but Frazer ducks, springs off the second rope, and gets Weiss in an inverted face lock. He then screams at the top of his lungs before spinning out into an elbow drop!

Mauro: Down goes the Ice Queen!

Nigel: Don't call her that, she hates that nickname!

Beth: It still doesn't change the fact that Frazer's now in complete control!

Frazer gets up and the crowd cheers for him while Weiss rolls out of the ring, and flopped right at the feet of her Peerage mates.

Mauro: So much so that Wiess has exited the ring to take a breather with the rest of the Peerage!

Frazer sees that Weiss is now outside the ring, and the crowd starts cheering for him as he psyches himself up.

Frazer Then hits the ropes, and with a Tope Con Giro, he lands on top of Weiss!

Mauro: And now Frazer is set to take flight! Tope Con Giro, right on target!

Upon landing, Frazer again clutches his arm.

Mauro: And again, how much damage did he do to himself doing that!?

Nigel: The more Frazer lands some offense in, the more he destroys his already bad arm!

Beth: Nathan’s always taken big risks, so this isn't any different, but how much can he take after Wiess softened him up this much?

Frazer then gets up and throws Weiss back into the ring. He then turns his attention to Rias and Akeno who backed away with their hands up. The referee also spots Rarity, and she backs up as well.

Mauro: And both Frazer and the referee are aware of the rest of the Peerage on the outside.

Nigel: They shouldn't have any worry about them, they know better than to interfere in a compatriots match.

Beth: Somehow I doubt that's the truth, Nigel.

The distraction was enough for Weiss to recover, and when Frazer turned his attention back to the match, Weiss caught him with a Baseball Slide Dropkick!

Wiess then sent Frazer back inside the ring, and received approval from Rias to finish him off. Weiss then grabbed both of Frazer’s arms and then set up for her patented modified backstabber, called “Myrtenaster”. Before she goes for it however, Frazer stomps on her foot, giving him enough leverage to break free, then he follows it up with a superkick!

Weiss falls into place, and as the crowd rallies behind Frazer, he climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Beth: Wiess is in the drop zone!

Mauro: It could be time for Frazers grand finale!

Frazer was all set up to execute his signature Phoenix Splash, but as he steadied himself, Rias and Akeno closed in on him. So instead of going for the Phoenix Splash on Weiss, he dives onto Rias and Akeno!

Mauro: Oh, but Rias and Akeno, trying to insert themselves into the equation after all- but Frazer makes them pay for it!

Nathan then headed back inside the ring to refocus on Weiss, but just as he did, Weiss stopped him in his tracks with a swinging Neckbreaker when he came through the ropes!

Mauro: And Wiess catched Frazer as he goes back to focus on her!

Nigel: Savvy by Wiess, lying in wait for the perfect time to strike!

Weiss then picks up Frazer, grabs both his arms, and executes her patented Backstabber, Myrtenaster!

Mauro: And there it is, Wiess’s patented backstabber! Named after her signature weapon, Myrtenaster!

Beth: Frazer felt that last episode, and it doesn't get any less painful this time around!

But Wess wasn't done. She then grabbed Frazer’s bad arm, and then locked on a bridging Fujiwara Armbar!

Mauro: And now off Myrtenaster, Wiess locks in another fujiwara armbar, this time with a bridge!

Beth: And it’s right on the arm Weiss targeted this whole match!

Nigel: Nathan won't be able to resist this for very long!

Frazer screams out in agony, he tries to reach for the ropes, but he is just an inch too far away from the bottom rope. After a minute of struggle, Frazer succumbs to the hold, and taps out.

Mauro: You're right Nigel, Frazer’s had enough! Wiess Schnee has won her LWF Reborn Debut!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match… WEISS SCHNEE!!!

Mauro: Talk about making a statement, the Peerage wanted to assert their dominance right from the start and Wiess did just that for them with a very convincing win!

Nigel: Weiss was absolutely cerebral throughout the entire bout! She used her technical skills to slow Nathan down and took her time to pan out her plan of attack! And once she had a target in sight, she capitalized on it!

Beth: Granted, Nathan did have the match in his favor at a few points in the match. It looked like he had Weiss beat when he was all set up for his Phoenix Splash, but the distraction by Wiess and Akeno paid off and allowed Wiess to turn things around again, and from there, it was Checkmate!

The Peerage then entered the ring, and all four of them joined hands, and raised their hands up into the air before holding up four fingers Fortune style.

Mauro: With Wiess’s victory here tonight, this could be all but a preview of what is to come from the show of dominance the Peerage will bring as they begin their mission to forge Reborn in their image.

Nigel: I can't wait to see what their plans are to make Reborn even more spectacular than it already is now!

Beth: Whatever they have planned, I'm sure they’ll stop at nothing to achieve it. But until then, we have one more match to focus on tonight, guys! Our main event!

Mauro: To get to her ultimate goal of challenging Starlight Glimmer for the LWF: Reborn World Championship, Nagisa Misumi must now fight for what she believes in against the SCEs own beliefs of Equality! With Honoka and Billy Kidman by her side, she looks to take on an obstacle standing in her way, being the Society's newest initiate, Ricochet!

Nigel: Ricochet will stop at nothing to make sure Nagisa doesn't get her chance to face Starlight, will Nagisa pull through and continue to fight her way to Glory?


Applejack is seen making her way out of the building, when Xenovia Quarta confronts her.

Applejack: Well, howdy there, Xenovia. Ya know, I'm glad I ran into ya. ‘Cause I wanted to tell ya face to face, that ya put up one heck of a fight out there in the Adrenaline Rush Tournament.

Xenovia: (Sternly) Well thanks for that. But don’t think for a second that this is over, Applejack. You might have gotten the better of me then, but you are not gonna do it again! I'm ready for you, and I’m not backing down!

Applejack: (Nodding) I wouldn’t expect ya to. Ya got a lotta heart and fight in ya. But I reckon that’s what makes this competition so excitin', don’t ya think?

Xenovia: (Clenching her fists) Heart and fight aren’t enough. I’ve been training relentlessly, and I know I can beat you. The Adrenaline Championship Contender Series starts next episode, and I promise you, Applejack, I’m going to run it back and prove that I’m the rightful contender.

Applejack: (Chuckling softly) I admire yer spirit, Xenovia. But don’t forget, I ain’t just gonna roll over. I’ve worked just as hard to get here, and I plan on keepin' this momentum goin'. If ya wanna prove yerself, then by all means, bring yer best.

Xenovia: (Stepping closer, her eyes narrowing) Oh, I will. This isn’t just about proving myself. It’s about showing everyone that I’m championship material. I respect you, Applejack, but when we meet in that ring again, I’m leaving everything on the line.

Applejack: (Extending her hand for a handshake) Then let’s make it a match to remember. May the best gal win.

Xenovia: (Grasping Applejack’s hand firmly) Count on it.

The camera focuses on their intense handshake, the determination in both their eyes clear as day. The tension and mutual respect are palpable, setting the stage for an epic rematch in the Adrenaline Championship Contender Series. The screen fades to black as the audience is left buzzing with anticipation.

The camera then cuts to the interviewing area where Mirajane Strauss was standing by with Ken Warren.

Mirajane: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, "The Social Media Sinister" Ken Warren. Ken, you requested this time, what's on your mind?

Ken: Yes I did indeed request this time, Mirajane. And it's because I've seen a lot of things go viral, but what happened earlier tonight? That was something else. Brandish Myu thinks she can waltz into my turf and step into my ring, I'll let that slide. I mean, I don't blame her for trying to get… a bit of my popularity, for lack of a better word.

Mirajane: Brandish Myu has certainly made an impact in LWF Reborn by just showing up. Do you feel prepared for this match?

Ken: Prepared? Mirajane, I was born ready. Brandish Myu may have her tricks and her talent, but she doesn't have what I have. The followers, the fans, the clout—I'm the Social Media Sinister for a reason. At Global Warning, I'm not just going to beat her; I'm going to make her trend for all the wrong reasons.

Mirajane nods, maintaining her professional demeanor.

Mirajane: And what about Marin Hollow? He seems to have a vested interest in this match. Any thoughts on his involvement?

Ken: Marin Hollow? I don't really care about him. He can be at Brandish's corner for as long as he wants, but it won't change the outcome. At Global Warning, I'll show the entire world why you don't mess with Ken Warren.

Ken Warren leans closer to the camera, his smirk widening.

Ken: Brandish Myu, you better be ready, because come Global Warning, you're not just stepping into the ring with Ken Warren—you're stepping into my spotlight. And trust me, not everyone can handle the heat. And you can hashtag… (snaps fingers) that!

Mirajane turns back to the camera, wrapping up the segment.

Mirajane: There you have it, folks. "The Social Media Sinister" Ken Warren is ready for his match against Brandish Myu at Global Warning. This is one showdown you won't want to miss. Mauro, Nigel, Beth, back to you!


Back at ringside…

Mauro: Thank you as always Mira, we are looking forward to what is coming, because as Xenovia mentioned, the Adrenaline Rush Series starts next episode, and between the fields we have, we could be looking at some stellar matchups before we even get to Global Warning! Here's how it will work: the 8 competitors selected by Chard and Jonah will face each other across a series of separate matches. 3 points are awarded to the competitor who wins via pinfall or submission, 2 Points if the win was done by a Disqualification, 1 point for a Draw, whether by Double Count-out or if neither competitor can continue, and obviously, a Loss gets no points. The top 3 competitors with the most points will then battle in a triple threat match, with the winner going on to face Arthur Watts at Global Warning!

Beth: And the series will start red hot with some exciting face offs! Next episode, the series starts with a match that would surely be a challenge for one Issei Hyoudou, as he takes on the daredevil, Robin Sane!

Nigel: And if that doesn't get any more action packed than that, we got a clash of styles between Applejack, and Chris Brookes! They were in separate brackets during the tournament, but they are clashing now. How will Applejack’s innovative country offense stack up against Chris Brookes’ brutal Submission style?



The crowd booed as Ricochet, followed by the Tag Team Champions, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, made their entrance. There was no showmanship at all in Ricochets moves as he made his way down to the ring.

**Bell rings**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your LWF: Reborn Main Event, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, representing the Society of Complete equality…RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: It is so very disheartening to see how low Ricochet has stooped. Once he had fought with all he had to resist the society's corrupting influence.

Beth: And now he's just another one of Starlight's crusaders. Stripped of everything that's made him unique and reduced to accepting his limits.

The trio then entered the ring, and stood in the center of the ring as the fans booed them.

Nigel: It is so sad to see when someone so beloved turns into someone so hated and despised. And you can see it in how Ricochet moves, hes not even doing his usual feats of flight in his entrance. Energy only saved for the match ahead.

Mauro: It is safe to say that this version of Ricochet will be the one we have to get used to for a long time to come.



The crowd cheers as Billy Kidman makes his entrance, waving to the fans.

Jeremy Borash: And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, Pretty Cure's mentor… BILLY KIDMAN!!!

The crowd cheers even louder, then Kidman gets a microphone.

Billy: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, accompanied by her best friend, Honoka Yukishiro… she is one half of the hottest breakout Tag Team in LWF right now, Pretty Cure, the Number One Contender for the LWF: Reborn Championship, and is your FUTURE LWF: Reborn Champion, I give you… “Cure Black”... Nagisa Misumi!!!



The crowd cheers as Pretty Cure made their entrance, and doing their signature pose in the middle of the stage while Billy Kidman applauded them.

Mauro: A very passionate intro from Billy Kidman himself, the new mentor of the original dynamic duo, Pretty Cure! And it will be Nagisa Misumi in action in our main event, set to take on Ricochet, as she’s taken umbridge with the SCEs mantra, and looks to make a statement!

Beth: Billy was right in saying Pretty Cure was the hottest breakout Tag Team, as they've become extremely popular! Even more so ever since Nagisa won the Casino Battle Royale and tied with Adagio Dazzle for Number 1 Contendership to Starlight! Now Nagisa looks to show she's earned it so she can fight for the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Nigel: It's never an easy feat for a Tag Team Competitor to find Singles Success, but with Honoka's support and Kidman's mentorship, Nagisa may just have the right formula to get it! But can she start her path to the Reborn World Championship on the right foot by defeating the society's representative tonight?

As the three of them made their way down the ramp, Nagisa then slid into the ring while Kidman and Honoka stayed at ringside.

Nagisa soon found herself facing off with Ricochet, the latter staring a hole through the undeterred Magical Girl's eyes as she warmed up, Ricochet taking his hoodie off. The referee called for the bell, and the main event was underway!

Nagisa and Ricochet start with a lock-up, but Ricochet quickly turns it into a wrist lock. Nagisa was forced down to the ground, but she didn't stay down for long as she quickly did a forward roll, and nipped up back to her feet before getting Ricochet in a side headlock.

Ricochet, being bigger than Nagisa, was able to quickly break free and get Nagisa in a side headlock of his own.

Nagisa then quickly scrambles to the ropes to force a break. Ricochet does a clean break, but then lands a cheap shot to the gut after!

Mauro: Oh, Ricochet not letting Nagisa get off scot-free!

Ricochet then takes Nagisa down with a Snapmare, Nagisa gets up, hits The ropes, and Ricochet does a drop-down. Nagisa hops over him and hits the ropes once again. Ricochet leapfrogged over her as she came off the rebound, then he went for a clothesline but Nagisa ducks it! She then comes off the rebound one more time, and knocks Ricochet down with a flying back elbow!

Mauro: The match's pace is now beginning to pick up, both individuals are going back and forth- but Nagisa stays one step ahead and nails Ricochet!

Nigel: Not very easy to get the jump on Ricochet in a test of speed!

Nagisa Misumi then hits the ropes again, but Ricochet drops down again. Nagisa hops over him, Ricochet gets up, and this time, he catches her with a hip toss!

Mauro: But Ricochet quickly was able to turn things back his way!

Ricochet goes for the cover, but Nagisa kicks out at 2, and they both get up.

Mauro and Nagisa stared each other down as they circled the ring. They both go and lock up, but Ricochet surprises her with a kick to the gut, followed by a right handed punch!

Mauro: Oh, and yet again Ricochet catches Nagisa by surprise!

Beth: Par for the course via the new tactics employed while in the SCE!

Nagisa staggers into a corner, and then Ricochet unloads on Nagisa as he repeatedly kicks her in the midsection.

Mauro: Indeed Beth, Ricochet is showing his more brutal side now!

Ricochet then throws her into the corner diagonally across, but Nagisa was able to go up and over Ricochet as he came charging in. She then hits the ropes, and ducks a clothesline from Ricochet as she comes off the rebound. Ricochet goes for the hip toss again, but this time Nagisa lands on her feet!

Mauro: Oh, Nagisa not going to fall for the same trick twice!

Nagisa then goes for a punch, but Ricochet ducks it and grabs her from behind with a rear waist lock. Nagisa struggles a bit, but she is able to break free and get Ricochet in a rear waist lock of her own. Nagisa then pushes Ricochet over to the ropes, looking to use the rebound momentum to do an O'Connor Roll, but Ricochet holds on! Nagisa gets up, and does a tiger feint kick to his gut!

Mauro: Tiger Feint Kick by Nagisa!

Nigel: She's been smartly outwitting Ricochets moves one after another!

Beth: Maybe grounding his offense as part of the Society wasn't the best idea after all!

Ricochet staggers back as he clutches his gut. He then turns around, and Nagisa springs off the top rope before hitting a Shotgun Dropkick on Ricochet!

Mauro: And now, Nagisa jumps back in the ring, and Nails ricochet with a shotgun dropkick!

Nagisa goes for the cover, but Ricochet kicks out at 2.

Ricochet immediately slides out of the ring, to regroup and he, along with Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, starts to rethink their strategy.

Mauro: And Ricochet, overwhelmed so much, decides to take a breather!

At the count of 4, Ricochet cautiously enters the ring. They lock up one more time, and then Ricochet lands another right-handed punch. Nagisa then responds with a Forearm Smash that stuns Ricochet. Nagisa then goes to throw him to the ropes, but Ricochet turns the momentum around. Nagisa comes off the rebound, Ricochet looks to go for a back body drop but Nagisa leapfrogged over him! Nagisa rebounds one more time, and then takes Ricochet down with a Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors!

Mauro: And Nagisa, back in the drivers seat with an incredible manuver!

Nigel: Ricochet thought he could take a breather for a bit and strategize, but nagisa said nuts to that!

The crowd cheers for Nagisa as Ricochet gets up. Nagisa then follows it up with a Dropkick, sending him into a nearby corner. Nagisa then hops into the second rope, basically trapping Ricochet in the corner, and proceeded to lay in some punches on him as the crowd counted along.

Mauro: And now, the crowd getting in the rhythm as Nagisa lays in the heavy leather!

But then suddenly, Ricochet grabs a hold of Nagisa and looks to slam her down with a Powerbomb. However, Nagisa lands a few more punches, and counters with a Hurricanrana!

Nigel: Not for long, Nagisa in powerbomb position by Ricochet-not so fast!

Mauro: What a well timed hurricanrana!

Ricochet gets up, and Nagisa takes a running start, looking for another Dropkick, but Ricochet side steps, and catches her with a pendulum backbreaker!

Nigel: Oooh!!!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Nagisa was on a roll until Ricochet pulled that out!

Nagisa writhes in pain, then Ricochet picks her up. He throws her to the ropes, then goes for another hip toss, this time putting as much strength as he could in it to inflict more damage to the back as he slams her down!

Mauro: And theres a THIRD backbreaker, this one with even greater force!

Nigel: Ricochet has a target in sight now, and does not plan to let it out of his vision!

Beth: It’s all part of his more slow, methodical pace that the rest of the SCE are so used to!

Ricochet covers her, but she kicks out at 2. Ricochet then scooped her up, and slammed her down with a textbook body slam. As the crowd booed Ricochet, Ricochet hits the ropes, then lands a knee drop on Nagisa.

“I am doing this for all of you!” Ricochet shouts at the fans as he stands up. Nagisa crawls to a corner, then Ricochet turns his attention back to her.

Ricochet knees her in the gut, dropping her down to all fours, then he proceeds to land a stomp on her.

Mauro: And now Ricochet, firmly in control as the Tag Team Champions rally behind him.

Meanwhile, Billy Kidman and Honoka Yukishiro try to rally behind Nagisa as Ricochet antagonizes the crowd. Then, as he went to pick up Nagisa, she fought back with a punch to the gut, which barely fazed him. Ricochet then answered back with a knee to the side of her head, then proceeded to try and lift her up.

Mauro: Nagisa is trying to rally, but Ricochet is not about to let her go!

However, Nagisa suckered him in, and proceeded to wrap him up with a small package pin, but only got a 2 count! they both get up, and then Nagisa tries again, this time with a Crucifix Pin!

Nigel: Ricochet with a near victory small package, and Nagisa returning the favor with a crucifix!

Ricochet kicks out at 2, they both get up, Ricochet then goes for a backhanded attack, but Nagisa goes low and goes for a Schoolgirl pin, but again, she only gets a 2 count!

Beth: Nagisa so close on another pin attempt!

They both get up, then Nagisa goes for a backslide pin, again only 2 for her efforts. Nagisa and Ricochet then get up, and then Ricochet stops Nagisa dead in her tracks with a big boot!

Mauro: Oh, and Ricochet stops Nagisa dead in her tracks at last with a big boot to the face!

Beth: That’ll knock anybody for a loop, no matter how resilient you are!

Nigel: I concur with that!

Ricochet covers Nagisa, but she kicks out at 2. Nagisa was now loopy from that boot to the face, and now Ricochet proceeds to follow it up with a clubbing blow across her back, followed by another clubbing blow.

Mauro: And Ricochet continues to lay on the pressure!

Ricochet then drags her to the nearest corner, props her up, and then goes to land a couple shoulder barges to her ribs. He then throws her out of the corner, and Nagisa falls flat on her face, clutching her midsection.

Mauro: And Nagisa Misumi, she's in a VERY bad way right now!

Beth: She's been taking some major hits to her midsection the whole match, how much longer can she hold out?!

Ricochet then drags her over to the ropes before going to the apron. He then proceeds to get her in a front face lock, looking to Suplex her over the top rope and out of the ring to the floor below, but Nagisa tries to fight out of it.

Mauro: And now Ricochet looks to throw her out of the ring the hard way!

After a few tries, Nagisa successfully avoids the Suplex attempt and lands a Forearm on Ricochet. She then grabs him and looks to throw his face into the top turnbuckle, but Ricochet was able to stop the momentum, and threw Nagisa face first into the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: Nagisa's able to thwart the Suplex- but Ricochet initiates plan B!

Nagisa drops to her knees, her head draped on the second rope. Ricochet then sized her up, and proceeded to land another big boot, this one sending Nagisa tumbling through the second rope and out of the ring!

Mauro: And another boot sends Nagisa outside the ring!

Beth: And that's definitely not where she wants to be!

Unfortunately for Nagisa, she landed at the feet of Danny and Ohno, but luckily Billy Kidman and Honoka Yukishiro were there to ensure they didn't try anything.

Nigel: Thankfully Honoka and Kidman being there even things out so that Nagisa doesn't suffer Societal wrath!

Ricochet proceeds to scream out Equality propaganda for a few seconds, causing the crowd to boo even louder. Then he exits the ring to get Nagisa.

As he picked her up, Nagisa then fights back again, and they start trading punches for a bit before Nagisa finally got the upper hand in that exchange, only to be cut off with another knee to the gut by Ricochet, followed by Ricochet throwing her face first onto the apron!

Mauro: Ricochet now, continuing Cure Black's brutalization!

At this point, the referee's count was at 6, then Ricochet rolled back in, then back out, resetting the count.

Nigel: Smartly resetting the count as well, as not to be counted out doing so!

Ricochet then throws Nagisa back into the ring, and was about to get in himself until something catches his eye. He goes over, and grabs a fans’ sign which read “Why, Ricochet?”, and he proceeds to tell the fan that it was for his own good, and that it was a stupid question to ask before re-entering the ring.

Mauro: I see Ricochet isn't shy about voicing his opinions to his former fans.

Ricochet grabs Nagisa, then lands a big Forearm to knock her down. He then goes for a cover, but she kicks out at 2. He then proceeds to sit her up. Then he gets up, hits the ropes, then lands another boot to the face! He goes for the cover again, and again, Nagisa kicks out at 2.

Nigel: You have to applaud Nagisa for showing so much grit, despite all the damage shes taken, she still wants to keep fighting!

Ricochet then sized Nagisa up as she slowly rose to her feet. Ricochet then looked to slam Nagisa down with a Back Suplex, but Nagisa landed on her feet! Ricochet then turned around, and Nagisa charged in and dropped him with a jumping neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh! Nagisa is back in the game, catching Ricochet by surprise!

Ricochet gets up, clutching the back of his head, then Nagisa follows up with a Step-up Enzuigiri! Nagisa then takes the stunned Ricochet to a corner, and proceeds to throw him to the corner diagonally across. But then, Ricochet turns the momentum around. Nagisa lands in the corner, Ricochet charges in, but then Nagisa jumps out of the way as he flies in for an attack!

Mauro: And now, firing on all cylinders, is the #1 Contender!

As Ricochet was in the corner, Nagisa then charges in and lands a Forearm Smash! Ricochet staggers out of the corner, then Nagisa springs off the second rope and drilled Ricochet into the mat with a Tornado DDT!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Tornado DDT from the Second Rope!

Beth: Nagisa is on a complete tear right now!

Ricochet gets up, and staggers into a corner. Nagisa then charged in again, and lands a flying clothesline before sliding out and onto the apron.

Ricochet staggers out of the corner, turns around, and Nagisa, who was perched on the top turnbuckle, dives off the top and slams Ricochet down with a Diving Blockbuster!

Mauro: BIG Blockbuster off the top rope!

Beth: Ricochet’s in trouble now!

Nigel: You said it, its not looking good for the society's newest recruit!

Billy and Honoka then smacked the apron to rally behind Nagisa, and the crowd started cheering louder and louder, getting behind the young girl. Once Ricochet got up, Nagisa goes for a standing Sliced Bread #2, but Ricochet deflected it! Nagisa lands on her feet, but then Ricochet was able to turn around quickly and hit her with the Recoil!

Mauro: And now, Nagisa, to lay the finishing blow, Ricochet deflects it- OH! A Sudden Recoil!

Nigel: That's it! Nagisa's momentum is gonna go up in smoke!

Ricochet covers Nagisa, but Nagisa was close enough to the bottom rope to get her foot on there to force a break at 2!

Mauro: Not yet, Nigel! Ricochet wasn't aware of where he was pinning Nagisa, and she forced a rope break!

Nigel: How lucky was that?!

Ricochet was now starting to show some frustration as he picked her up. Ricochet then goes for another Powerbomb, but again, Nagisa counters it, this time with a sit-out facebuster!


Mauro: And now frustration is setting in for Ricochet,  Powerbomb attempt number 2-! OH MY GOD, Nagisa with an unbelievable counter!

Billy Kidman smacks the apron harder to try and rally Nagisa on. Nagisa crawls over to Ricochet and drapes her arm across his chest for the cover, but Ricochet kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Oh, Ricochet at 2 and a half!

Nagisa sits up, wondering what to do next. She then gets up, and proceeds to climb up the turnbuckles in the nearest corner.

Mauro: And now Nagisa is going up top once again!

Nigel: What is she planning now?

Beth: Something big, but i dont know what it is!

Ricochet then gets up too, and is able to stop her with a well-placed Dropkick! Ricochet then climbs up to meet her and looks to attempt a superplex.

Mauro: But Ricochet, able to cut her off at the pass!

Nagisa fights back, and is able to send Ricochet onto the apron. Ricochet lands on his feet and proceeds to stun her with a rope-assisted Enzuigiri across her back!

Nagisa tumbles down onto the mat, and Ricochet begins to stalk her. Ricochet then goes for the Recoil, but upon landing it, Nagisa actually turns it into a Jackknife pin!

Mauro: Oh, Nagisa able to turn things around!

Ricochet kicks out at 2, they both get up, and then Nagisa hits a Superkick!

Nigel: Wham!

Mauro: Superkick by Nagisa!

Beth: Right to the face!

Ricochet falls into perfect position for a top rope move, and Nagisa wasted no time climbing to the top.

Mauro: And now, Ricochet, in the drop Zone again!

Beth: This could be it!

Nigel: What does she have in mind?!

But just before she could steady herself, she looked back up at the stage, where Team Weird N’ Wild were making their way to the ring… wearing black t-shirts with equal signs on them!

Mauro: W-Wait a second, It’s Team Weird N’ Wild…. Oh my god, look at their shirts!

Nigel: Oh good lord, not them too!

Beth: When did Starlight convert Star and Mabel?!

Star and Mabel then hop onto the ring apron, getting the referee's attention. Nagisa then hopped down and confronted the former Tag Team Champions.

As Nagisa asked them what they're doing, Star and Mabel just looked at each other, and hopped off the apron.

Mauro: Star and Mabel giving the silent treatment, not explaining what the reason behind this is…!

Nagisa was just as confused as everyone in the arena, but as she turned around, Nagisa walked into a Recoil from Ricochet!

Mauro: And Ricochet with a Recoil at the most opportune moment!

Nigel: Not like this!

Ricochet hooks the leg, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Yes like this! Ricochet has won!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:20)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match, RICOCHET!!!

Team Weird N’ Wild looked up at the ring as they backed up the ramp, Danny and Ohno exchanging confused, yet happy expressions.

Mauro: I-I don't know what to say to this! Nigel, Beth, what did we just bear witness to?!

Nigel: More than likely, it appears Starlight got to Star and Mabel when we weren't looking! No wonder they were missing after Wrestlepalooza ended!

Beth: And thanks to their distraction, they stalled Nagisa, who was on a major roll, Long enough for Ricochet to take advantage and win the match!

Danny and Ohno then enter the ring, and they help up Ricochet and raised his hands as Honoka and Billy Kidman help Nagisa out of the ring.

Mauro: Certainly not the outcome we were expecting of this main event, but could this mean even more worse news, for the state of Reborn?

Nigel: If what we are seeing really is the truth, then we truly have lost LWFs greatest tag team to Equality.

Backstage, Starlight Glimmer watched it all go down, and as she held the LWF: Reborn Championship on her shoulder, she nodded slowly with a big grin on her face.

Beth: And there's Starlight, she seems to be loving every second of this, knowing more people are joining her side in her beliefs.

Mauro: If Team Weird N’ Wild really have joined the side of Equality, this could be a major coup for the Society!

Nigel: Indeed it will be, and I think Star and Mabel have some explaining to do about all this! What could have gone through thier heads to arrive at this decision?! Lets hope we find out soon, we’ll see you all next time!

Well there you go! That's Episode 26!

I don't know about you, but I'm excited for the Contender Series! What about you? Let me know what you’re excited for!

Anyways, I don't know what else to say but... see you in the next one!

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