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We've made it to Episode 5!

This Episode has become sweeter...



The opening pyro goes off inside Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Then Mauro Ranallo speaks as the camera pans around.

Mauro: Off of another action packed Episode, and into another one! Welcome everyone to LWF: Reborn! Live inside the Staples Center in beautiful Los Angeles! Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix as always!

Beth: And what a night this is going to be! Come Elimination Enclosure, Damien Priest, "The" Brian Kendrick, Dezmond Xavier, and the Wattpad Champion, Spongebob Squarepants will be in a 4 Way match for the Wattpad Championship. But tonight, they're gonna be in singles competition, with the Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest, taking on Dezmond Xavier, and "The" Brian Kendrick, taking on the Wattpad Champion, Spongebob!

Nigel: Also later on, after Dennis choked him out with a chain in Episode 1, Darby Allin returns to in-ring action, looking to gain momentum for his upcoming Street Fight against Dennis at Elimination Enclosure!



Out comes Dezmond Xavier.

(OPENING MATCH: Dezmond Xavier vs. Damian Priest)

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first! From Dayton, Ohio, weighing in at 183 pounds, DEZMOND XAVIER!!!

Mauro: And we're opening the night with 1 of those 2 singles matches! Dezmond Xavier, the young and always exciting to watch, Kardiak Kid from Ohio, with a lot to prove, and what an opponent he has tonight!

Nigel: Dezmond Xavier is a fast man, but Damian Priest is fast also!

Dezmond then slides into the ring and awaits his opponent.

The lights go out and then "LIVE FOREVER" in a fiery font showed up on the titantron.


The song hits as the arena fills with darkness.

14 seconds into the song, a spotlight shines down on the top of the ramp, where Damian Priest was standing.

Then he turns around, and shoots an imaginary Arrow to the mini tron behind him, and his name pops up.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 249 pounds, DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Mauro: And a man, who came close to winning the Wattpad Championship at Resurgence, has a second chance at infamy come Elimination Enclosure!

Beth: And let's not forget, Fatal 4 Way matches are No Disqualification! Which means anything goes, and we know just how dangerous Priest could be with his retractable nightstick!

Priest then enters the ring, and stood in the center of it. Once he did, he thrashes about, 58 seconds into the song before shooting another imaginary arrow into the air.

Once he was settled, he took off his vest, and stared directly at Xavier.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Priest goes for a Lock Up, but Xavier dodges him. Priest tries to grab him again, but Xavier keeps on ducking and dodging.

Mauro: Match is underway, and Dezmond Xavier doing the smart thing right now, getting the bigger Damian Priest moving.

Nigel: I don't think I would call it a smart move, Priest is just as fast as Dezmond!

Dezmond then tried to slide between Priest's legs, but Dezmond got caught, and Priest threw him into the nearest corner!

Priest began to deliver some open handed strikes and shoot kicks right to the upper body of Dezmond, causing him to collapse, and sit on the floor.

Priest then pressed the bottom of his foot across his throat, and Dezmond began wriggling around trying to lift his foot off.

Mauro: Damian Priest now, choking Dezmond in the corner!

The ref begins his count to 5, then Priest releases Dezmond at 3.

After a clean break, Priest advances towards Dezmond, and then he kicked Priest in the knee, creating some distance!

Mauro: Oh! Dez fighting back! Shot to the knee!

Dezmond then gets up, then connects with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And now Dez with an Enzuigiri!

Priest was still standing, but he was definitely rocked by the kick. Dezmond takes advantage of this, and goes for his double Backflip Kick, but Priest manages to step out of the way!

Mauro: Oh Dezmond looking for the kill early, Priest managed to avoid it!

Dezmond lands on his feet, but then gets another Shoot Kick to the chest by Priest!

Beth: Ooohh!!!

Mauro: Dezmond felt all of that kick!

Nigel: I felt that one too!

Dezmond was now sitting on the mat, Priest grabs him, and throws him across the ring!

Mauro: And Priest using his strength!

Priest picks him up again, and then sets him up for "South Of Heaven". Dezmond elbows out of it, creates some distance, and then lands a Dropkick!

Damian Priest is still on his feet, Dezmond gets back up, and lands a few blows to his upper body, followed by a kick to his leg!

Dezmond goes for a Cutter, but Priest shoves him away. Dezmond turns back around, and Priest walloped him with a big Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh!!! Damian Priest nearly taking Dezmond's head off!

Dezmond was now laying on the mat, Priest goes for the cover, but Dezmond kicks out at 2.

Priest sits him up, and then kicked him in the spine. Dez is now writhing in pain, arching his back, and Priest follows up with a Knee Drop.

Priest then picks him up, holds him up vertically as if stalling for a Vertical Suplex, then proceeds to toss him halfway across the ring!

Nigel: Wow! What strength!

Dezmond now rolls out of the ring, and lays on the floor.

Priest slides out of the ring, picks him up, and slams him across the side of the barricade!

Mauro: And Dezmond onto the barricade!

Beth: Dezmond is getting absolutely manhandled by Damian Priest!

Damian Priest throws him back in the ring, and begins to size him up.

Dezmond gets up, Priest goes for a Roundhouse Kick to the head, but Dezmond ducks it, and then hits Priest with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh, and Dez! Priest is stunned!

Priest is now staggering, Dezmond hits the ropes, and then takes down Priest with a Sling Blade!

Mauro: Sling Blade by Dez! Priest is down!

Nigel: Dezmond is getting fired up!

With Priest now lying on the mat, Dezmond then stands beside Priest, and flattens him with a Corkscrew Moonsault!

Beth: Oh, wow!!!

Mauro: Corkscrew Moonsault to the Archer of Infamy!

Dezmond goes for the cover, Priest kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Priest gets out at 2!

Dezmond now gets up, and is measuring up Priest.

Priest gets up to one knee, and then Dezmond began to deliver kicks to his chest!

Beth: And now Dezmond delivering kicks!

But Damian was somehow not affected by the kicks, and Dezmond then began unloading with some left and right punches!

Mauro: But those kicks prove to be ineffective! Damian Priest just ate those kicks! And now Dez, delivering some lefts and rights!

It didn't take long for Priest to get back to a vertical base. Priest goes for a clothesline, but Dezmond ducked, hits the ropes, and planted Priest with a Tilt-a-whirl DDT!

Mauro: OH! Dezmond with a DDT!

Nigel: If those strikes weren't gonna keep Priest down, that certainly will!

Dezmond gets up, and Priest slides to the outside.

Priest tries to recollect himself, but then Dezmond hits the ropes again, and with a Tope Con Hilo, takes Priest down again, and lands on his feet!

Beth: Whoa!!!

Mauro: Dezmond Xavier soars through the air, and Damian Priest is once again down!

Nigel: And he landed on his feet!

Beth: But now he has to get Priest back in to cover him!

Damian Priest begins to get up, Dezmond grabs him from behind, and throws him back into the ring.

Dezmond then climbs to the top turnbuckle, and waited for Priest to get up. Once Priest was back up, Dezmond went for a Missile Dropkick, but Dezmond missed because Priest moved out of the way!

Mauro: Oh, Priest avoiding the Dropkick-

Dezmond manages to land on his feet, but Priest connects with a Roundhouse Kick right on the side of his head!

Mauro: OH! And Priest ringing Dezmond's bell with that devastating kick!

Dezmond is now down to one knee, and Priest sets him up for The Reckoning, and he connects!


Mauro: And Priest with The Reckoning!

Priest covers Dezmond, and gets the 1-2-3!

**Bell rings!**

(Start at 0:15)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Mauro: Dezmond really tried to hold his own, but it's Priest who walks out with the win tonight!

Nigel: Spongebob and Kendrick better watch out, because 1 of the 4 competitors in the 4 way match, has felt Priest's wrath!

The light dims, and Priest stands in the middle of the ring victorious.


Charly Caruso was standing by in the interviewing area.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest, Will Ospreay.

And to a rally of cheers, in walks Ospreay.

Charly: Ospreay, last Episode, you challenged Trixie, Dark Danny, and Kassius Ohno of the Society of Complete Equality in a Tables and Stables match against you, Kacy Catanzaro, and a partner of your choosing. Have you found that partner?

Will: As a matter of fact Charly, I have. Furthermore, he's here. Those guys think they're a family, well I've brought mine. That's all I'll say.

And with that Ospreay walks off.

The camera switches to outside of the arena, where Darby Allin skated into the arena, dragging along a body bag with Dennis's name written across it.

Mauro: And here comes the enigma. The one of a kind, Darby Allin! He will be in action later tonight, looking to warm up for his upcoming Street Fight at Elimination Enclosure against Dennis!

Beth: And there you see the body bag he's bringing along with him, which I'm sure he wants to put Dennis inside of!

Darby continues his way into the arena, and enters the building.

In another area backstage, Abrasive Spongebob, the Wattpad Champion, was getting prepared for his match against "The" Brian Kendrick, when Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Spongebob, tonight you're facing one of the competitors in the Fatal 4 Way at Elimination Enclosure, "The" Brian Kendric, but I gotta ask you, with Dark Danny, Kassius Ohno, and Trixie in a Tables and Stables Match, and Starlight having a title match with Ricochet, what is your gameplan for Elimination Enclosure knowing there's a good chance that the SCE won't be at ringside?

SpongeBob: Simple. WIN. I plan to WIN. See, the issue with all of you sad sacks, is that all of you think I NEED help to win. But I am perfectly fine on my own! And come Elimination Enclosure I'll retain my title, ON. MY. OWN. Now if you'll excuse me...

Spongebob then walks away.

(MATCH 2: Sonata Dusk vs. Shane Thorne)


Out comes Sonata Dusk.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, SONATA DUSK!

Mauro: Now if anyone is wondering how this match came to be, let's go back to the Exclusive where Adagio kicked Sonata out of the first aid room, and Thorne had few words to say to her.

The Exclusive then plays at the part where Thorne walked up to her.

Shane: *Chuckles* Dissension within the ranks?

Sonata didn't even look at him.

Shane: Aww, what's the problem? Wait, I know, after what I've seen, you are! *Laughs*

That's when Sonata turned around, and clocked him a boot to his mouth!

Nigel: And with those remarks, Thorne would get a boot to the face for it, and Thorne is looking to get a bit of payback here tonight.

The footage ends, and the camera is now back on Sonata who was now in the ring, waiting for her opponent.


Shane Thorne comes out in a cocky manner, and then he throws his arm up into the air, and continues his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Perth, Western Australia, weighing in at 220 pounds, SHANE THORNE!

Mauro: Speaking of Thorne, here he comes, and after what we saw from Sonata, he better not take her too lightly.

Beth: Same goes for Sonata about Thorne. Yes, Thorne may not have tasted victory yet, but Thorne can go!

Thorne enters the ring, and takes off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Thorne and Sonata lock up in the middle of the ring, Sonata gets Thorne in a Side Headlock, Thorne then manages to reverse it into a Hammerlock.

Mauro: Shane Thorne, getting out of that Headlock attempt, and applying a Hammerlock...

With her free hand, Sonata grabs Shane by his neck, and connects with a Stunner, creating separation!

Mauro: Oh! Stunner by Sonata Dusk, and Thorne may have been rocked!

Thorne staggers into a corner, Sonata goes for a Running Forearm Smash, but Thorne jumps out of the way, and Sonata crashes hard into the corner!

Sonata clutches her chest, and then Thorne clocked her with a Lariat from behind!

Mauro: OH! But Shane Thorne manages to turn the match back to his favor!

Beth: Sonata went for a Forearm in the corner, but Thorne was able to see it coming, and turned the tables with that Clothesline to the back of her head!

Thorne rolls her over, goes for the cover, but Sonata kicks out at 2.

Sonata sits up, and Thorne proceeds to kick and stomp away on her.

Nigel: Thorne now letting his mean streak loose!

Thorne then picked her up, grabbed her arm, and planted her face first onto the mat with an Arm Wringer!

Mauro: And that mean streak is getting Sonata into a world of hurt right now!

Thorne then grabs the arm again, and delivers knee drops onto it.

Mauro: And Thorne now, working on that arm!

Thorne then sits her up, and applied a French Triceps Lock. Sonata now begins to squirm around in pain, kicking her feet around to try and break free.

Beth: Oooh! The arm is not supposed to bend that way!

Mauro: Thorne utilizing his Technical skill to inflict more damage to Sonata's arm.

Sonata begins to climb back into the match by slowly getting to her feet. Once she was back up, she turns around to counter out of the hold, then takes Thorne down with an STO!


Mauro: Oh, and Sonata! STO taking down Thorne!

Sonata shakes her arm a bit to regain some feeling. Thorne gets up, goes for a clothesline, misses wildly, and then Sonata despite having a weak arm, was able to throw Thorne with an Inverted Exploder Suplex!

Nigel: Wow!!!

Mauro: Inverted Exploder sends Thorne halfway across the ring!

Beth: Bad arm and all, Sonata was able to pull that off!

Thorne gets up, tries to go for a running attack, but Sonata low bridges him, and Thorne spills to the outside!

Mauro: And now Sonata sends Thorne tumbling to the outside!

Thorne gets up, and then Sonata goes flying through the air with a Triangle Plancha, and lands on Thorne!

Mauro: And SONATA! Sonata going Airborne!

Nigel: Throwing caution to the wind, and Sonata successfully wipes out Thorne!

Sonata throws Thorne back into the ring, then repositions him.

Once she was done with that, she hops back out onto the apron. She then goes for her patented Slingshot Corkscrew Splash, but Thorne got his knees up, and rolled her up into a Small Package pin!

Mauro: Oh Thorne got the knees up! Small Package by Thorne!

Sonata was able to kick at 2. They both get up, Thorne went for a clothesline, Sonata ducks, hits the ropes, then lands a Flying Roundhouse Kick to the chest of Thorne!

Mauro: Wow! Sonata kicking out at 2, and lands a big time kick on Thorne!

Sonata goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Thorne kicks out at 2!

Beth: Another close call for Sonata!

Thorne comes to, and uses the ropes to pull himself up. All the while Sonata was now sizing him up.

Once Thorne was up, Sonata went for a kick to the gut, but Thorne caught it. He throws her leg to the ground, but Sonata spun right back around, and clocked him with a Dragon Whip kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Another kick ringing Thorne's bells!

Shane Thorne was stunned, and Sonata sets him up for the G.B.2.S Cutter.

Mauro: Sonata now! Could be time for the G.B.2.S!

She spins him out of the Ripcord, but at the Cutter part, Thorne catches her, and drops her with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Oh no! Thorne caught her! And Thorne connects with a Saito Suplex!

Thorne gets up, and waits for Sonata to get up to her knees.

Nigel: Shane Thorne now stalking... looking for that big final blow!

Once Sonata was on one knee, Thorne charged full speed, and delivered a flying Penalty Kick!

Mauro: And there's that blow! That devastating looking kick by Thorne!

Thorne hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Thorne picks up the win!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, SHANE THORNE!!!

Thorne rolls out of the ring, and raises his hand up in victory.

Mauro: Shane Thorne picks up his first LWF win, albeit it was a hard fought one!

Beth: Sonata showing once again she can hang with anyone she's put in front of. But just like in her match with Alex Shelley, she unfortunately came up short.

Nigel: Only difference is, Sonata went for too much with Shelley, here Thorne was one step ahead of her.

Sonata now comes to, and the referee begins to check on her as Thorne continues his way to the back.

Mauro: What an Episode so far! And we still have more to go! Earlier tonight, we saw Damian Priest pick up a win against Dezmond Xavier, well later tonight, the Wattpad Champion, Spongebob Squarepants, will be in Non-Title Competition with "The" Brian Kendrick!

Nigel: And also still to come, Darby Allin will be in action since Episode 1, and he looks to gain momentum for Elimination Enclosure!

Mauro: And also, tonight, apparently from Chard's message board, this Episode is gonna become Sweeter! Maybe will find out what that means later tonight!

Beth: But coming up next, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder look to show Trent that they are the better team to be with, and by doing that, they have to knock off their opponents, The Hybrid 2, which in my opinion, is not gonna be easy.

Mauro: At Resurgence, we saw just what Jack Evans and Angelico can do, but can Hawkins and Ryder pull it off? We'll find out next.


In the locker room, Adagio and Aria had just watched Sonata's match, and were not pleased.

Aria: Again, she loses. If we lose at Elimination Enclosure, we know just who to blame.

Adagio: Sonata is such an embarrassment. Why is she even still with us?

Aria: She better be useful in our match with Kushida and the Motor City Machine Guns, but I highly doubt it.

The scene then switches to the interviewing area, where Charly Caruso was standing by.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Mark Andrews.

In walks Mark, but Flash Morgan Webster wasn't there beside him.

Charly: Now Mark, obviously your partner Flash Morgan Webster is not here due to the actions of a masked assailant who jumped him in the first aid room. What's going through your mind right now after what happened?

Mark: Well Charly first of all, I wish Webster a speedy recovery. Second, whoever that was, is obviously a coward. He went after an already beat up person in Webster, but didn't go after me! And to top it all off, he, or she, hides his or her face! *Looks into the camera* listen stranger, I will not let you get away with hurting my close friend, Flash Morgan Webster! When I find you, I'll make sure you will pay for what you've done... with interest.

Andrews then walks away.

(MATCH 3: TH2 vs. Hawkins and Ryder)


Mauro: A stern message sent to Webster's attacker by Mark Andrews, but now we go on to Hawkins and Ryder vs. TH2!

Out comes Jack Evans doing some backflips, and slowly but surely, Angelico comes strutting out.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, at a combined weight of 377 pounds, the team of Jack Evans and Angelico, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: The last time we saw this duo, it was at Resurgence, now they are gonna have their 1st LWF: Reborn match!

Beth: These guys are gonna be fun to watch!

Nigel: Hawkins and Ryder better not take these guys lightly.

Angelico enters the ring, Jack Evans then breakdances as Angelico shakes off his jacket.



Out comes Curt Hawkins, and he holds his walking stick up high in the air, then came Zack Ryder, who did his signature taunt as he came out.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 435 pounds, the team of Curt Hawkins, and ZACK RYDER!!!

Mauro: Over the past couple of Episodes, Hawkins and Ryder have been trying to get Trent to split with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy, and saying that "Family lasts forever, friendship doesn't."

Nigel: Well a win over TH2 will get part of the message sent loud and clear, the other, well Trent has said what he thought about the whole offer, but that's not gonna stop Hawkins and Ryder!

Ryder then climbs up to the outer part of the second turnbuckle, and does his signature taunt again, and Hawkins hops up to the apron, and holds his walking stick up high.

After Hawkins took his vest off, he and Evans start it off, and the bell rings.

Evans and Hawkins lock up in the middle of the ring, Hawkins gets Evans in a Side Headlock, but then Evans was able to reverse it into a Wrist Lock.

Hawkins reverses into a Hammerlock, but then Jack Evans counters with a Snapmare, causing Hawkins to let go.

Evans hits the ropes, and lands a Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: Basement Dropkick by Jack Evans!

Evans rolls Hawkins over, and tags in Angelico.

Mauro: Now in comes Angelico!

Evans then gets Hawkins in a Last Chancery hold, then Angelico kicks Hawkins in the face!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Nasty kick to the face by Angelico!

Angelico rolls him over, goes for the cover, but Hawkins kicks out at 2.

Angelico then picks him up, delivers some kicks to the legs, followed by a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection.

Angelico then goes to hit the ropes, and Hawkins swept him off his feet with a Modified Canadian Trip!

Mauro: Oh and Hawkins now! Tripping up Angelico!

Hawkins slides back into the ring, and tags in Ryder.

Mauro: There's the tag, in comes Zack Ryder!

Hawkins and Ryder then threw Angelico into their corner. Angelico walks forward, Hawkins and Ryder flipped him up, and they do a Double Backbreaker!

Nigel: Oh! Double Backbreaker!

Mauro: Hawkins and Ryder showing that Tag Team chemistry...

Just as things were rolling for Ryder and Hawkins, Orange Cassidy casually waltzed out.

Mauro: Oh wait a second! It's Orange Cassidy!

Beth: And I know Hawkins and Ryder, they don't like this guy very much!

Hawkins and Ryder notice him, and this gave Angelico the chance to roll up Ryder!

Nigel: Oh wait! Angelico has Ryder!

Hawkins tries to make the save, Evans tries to stop Hawkins, but Hawkins shoves Evans into Angelico, breaking the count at 2!

Evans gets up, and Hawkins clotheslines him over the top rope, sending Evans tumbling to the floor.

Hawkins then turned his attention to Orange Cassidy, who was now at the bottom of the ramp, and walked up to him.

"So Trent and his buddy sent ya out here, huh?" He said to Cassidy. Cassidy didn't give an answer. He just stood there, hands in his pockets, just looking at him.

Back in the match, Ryder was working on Angelico, having him in a Grounded Headlock, then Angelico countered into a Crucifix pin, but Ryder kicks out at 2!

Ryder and Angelico get up, Angelico goes for a Leg Sweep, Ryder jumps to avoid it, but then Angelico caught him with an Au Batido Kick!

Mauro: Look at Angelico! Wow!

Nigel: Missed the sweep, didn't miss the kick! Ryder may be stunned!

Before Angelico could go for the cover, Ryder rolls to the outside.

Mauro: And Zack Ryder rolling to the outside to recover!

Back with Hawkins and Cassidy, Hawkins was trying to get some answers out of Cassidy, but Cassidy hasn't responded at all.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, lazy limbs!" Hawkins shouts, shoving Cassidy.

"You know what, forget it!" Hawkins says. But once he turned around, Jack Evans, with a running start, hopped off the steel steps, and clocked Hawkins with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Beth: Whoa!!!

Mauro: Mamma Mia, what a kick by Jack Evans!

Nigel: Absolutely incredible!

Evans gets up, drags Zack Ryder to the side near the bottom of the ramp. He then dragged Hawkins to the same place.

Mauro: What on earth is Evans doing?

Hawkins and Ryder begin to get up, and in the ring, Angelico was measuring them up, and Evan's in the outside, was hyping him up.

Beth: I think it has something to do with Angelico! He looks ready to fly!

Once Hawkins and Ryder got up, Angelico ran full speed, vaulted over the corner, and took them out!

Mauro: And that he did! Angelico goes airborne! TH2 in full control!

Evans jumps up and down, cheering Angelico. Angelico high fives Evans, and throws Ryder back into the ring.

Evans hops back to his corner, and Angelico tags him in. Evans hops in, then Angelico from behind takes one of his feet, and boosts Evans up into air, and Evans lands a 450 Splash onto Ryder!

Mauro: And TH2 with an Assisted 450 Splash!

Evans hooks the leg, Ryder kicks out at 2!

Meanwhile, Orange Cassidy now gets a Steel Chair from under the ring, opens it up, and sits at the bottom of the ramp, "watching" the match.

Mauro: And now Cassidy, sitting at ringside, and I don't know if he's actually watching this match, or just plainly sitting there!

Back in the ring, Evans had picked up Ryder, and threw him to the ropes. Evans looked for a Back Body Drop, but Ryder counters with a Kneeling Facebuster!

Ryder then picked him up, threw him into a corner, and then delivered a Running Forearm Smash!

Mauro: Meanwhile, Zack Ryder, climbing back in this match!

Evans slumps down in the corner, then Ryder tags in Hawkins. Hawkins enters the ring, and lands a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: And Hawkins with a Dropkick!

Hawkins rolls Evans out of the corner, hooks the leg, but Evans kicks out at 2!

Hawkins gets up, but instead of continuing his offense, he turns around, and knocks Angelico off the apron.

Once he did, he looked at Orange Cassidy. "I hope you're watching this real close, pal! Because I want you to see how good we are, and tell Trent all about it!" He says before turning his attention back to Jack Evans.

Hawkins picks him up, sets him up for his signature move, the "One Night Stand", but as he went for it, Evans landed on his feet!

Hawkins turned around, and Evans delivered a Headbutt to his chest!

Mauro: Oh Hawkins went for the One Night Stand, Evans lands on his feet and Headbutts Hawkins!

Evans then sees Angelico has climbed back onto the apron, and Evans tags him in.

Angelico goes for a Bicycle High Knee, but Hawkins dodges it, and then delivered a Running Clothesline!

That's when Cassidy stood up, and climbed onto the apron.

Beth: Oh wait a second!

Mauro: Orange Cassidy climbing onto the apron!

Hawkins gets into his face, and then begins to taunt Cassidy.

Mauro: Hawkins now, trying to rattle Freshly Squeezed here...

That's when Trent and Chuck Taylor came out.

Mauro: Oh here comes Best Friends!

Trent and Chuck get Cassidy down, and Hawkins was now smiling.

"Well I'm glad you're here, Trent! Now you'll see-"

He was cut off by Angelico rolling him up!

Mauro: Oh Angelico! Roll up from behind!

Ryder tries to break the count, but Evans tackled him to the ground, and Angelico gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Oh my god! TH2 stole the win!

**Bell rings!**

(Start at 0:08)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen the winners of this match, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Evans and Angelico quickly ran up the ramp, celebrating their win, and Trent and Chuck started laughing at Hawkins and Ryder who were now beside themselves.

Mauro: Evans and Angelico with a big upset, and Hawkins and Ryder are in total disbelief!

Beth: Hawkins had Angelico right there, but instead he got too focused on Best Friends, which opened the window of opportunity for Angelico!

Nigel: There is certainly gonna be hell to pay for all of this!

Trent and Chuck continue to laugh at Hawkins and Ryder, Cassidy gives a lazy thumbs up.

Mauro: Well while Hawkins and Ryder let that loss sink in, let's take you now to this whole debacle with Chris Brookes and Ilja Dragunov. This all started at the 5 way match at Resurgence, when Dragunov eliminated Brookes, then later on, Brookes would get involved, and cost Dragunov a shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship, and since then, Brookes has been on a mission to end Ilja Dragunov. Well at Elimination Enclosure, Brookes looks to do that in his match with the Muscovite Madman, but tonight, Brookes had this to say.

That's when the scene switches to a Camcorder Recording in a dark secluded area, and Brookes sits on a wooden crate.

Chris Brookes: Ilja Dragunov, it seems every single time we crossed paths, you always win. But I know that you know, I have your number. Remember the Super Strong Style 16 tournament that you beat me in? Somehow you managed to get past me, but I know, that you know I had you. Then there was Resurgence. You eliminated me, but I had a hand in getting you eliminated. Then your match with Thorne. After you decimated him, I kicked you so hard in the face, and then left you laying on the floor after I dropped you onto the back of your neck!

Then Brookes shot up from the crate, and picked up the camera. He then looks into the camera deeply

Chris Brookes: Has it finally set in, Dragunov? Do you finally realize that you're on borrowed time? *Smiles* Because Dragunov, you're days are numbered. Now this is not a message, but a warning. Come Elimination Enclosure, I will slay you. And I promise you this, I will...not... falter.

The recording ends, and the screen is black.

The scene then switches to the Backstage area, where Sonata was now sitting on a storage box, clutching her arm, and sulking over her defeat against Shane Thorne.

"I haven't won a single match." She said to herself. "I got us eliminated at Resurgence, I screwed up with Aria in her match, maybe they are right. Maybe I am useless..."

That's when an individual with Strawberry Blonde hair, with a purple streak in front, walked up to her.

That individual was Robert Squared, and the crowd gave a loud pop!

Sonata: Look, I don't know who you are, but if you're gonna make fun of me, I'm not in the mood! *Looks away*

Robert only offered her a genuine smile.

Robert: Make fun of you? Why would I do that?

He popped himself up beside her on the storage box, scooting over a bit to make himself comfortable. His smile then became more toothy and excitable.

Robert: I came here to give you a little chat, silly!

Sonata: *Looks back at him with interest* Huh?

Robert stretched an arm over Sonata's shoulder, pulling her into a small embrace. His tone now, more soft, and serious as he looks at her.

Robert: I've been watching the show lately, seeing how things have changed for Chard since I was last here. And I've been EXTREMELY impressed in so much of the talent here and what they've been able to do. But I don't think anyone caught my eye more than you did. Not just because of your talent, but because of your story.

Sonata: Really? *sighs* I wish Dagi and Aria thought the same way.

Robert: You know, I'm gonna say something that may shock you... To hell with what THEY think.

Sonata: Huh!? But-but I wanna make them believe in me, after all I been through with them-

Robert then cuts her off.

Robert: What HAVE you been through with them? Years of them calling you "Stupid", or "Useless", or a "Failure"? Years of Aria bullying you & Adagio belittling you? Years of doing your best, only to be mocked and ridiculed for your efforts? Sonata, I know what you want to do. I know you just want them to be proud of you, but some people just don't WANT to be pleased. All they wanna do, is find EVERYTHING wrong with you. So what you have to do, is cut them outta your life. Believe me, it's hard. But it HAS to be done. I would know. I've been in your shoes before.

Sonata: You have?

Robert: *Nods* I've hung around the wrong crowd before. Where all they wanted to do was make me a fool. To have SOMEONE to blame for everything even when I tried my best. So, with support from my TRUE friends, I cut them loose...*smiles* And look where that got me. And I know that you can make that choice too. To trim the negativity from your life. YOU should be told to your face that YOU are a fantastic wrestler, AND an absolutely darling little lady...

Sonata smiles at that remark.

Robert: ... And YOU have so much potential, and YOU deserve SOOOOOO much more than what your so-called "Sisters'' have given you.

That's when the rest of The Dazzlings show up.

Aria: Well, if it isn't Miss Lose-a-lot.

Adagio: *Sees Robert* And just who the hell do you think you are?

Robert's brow furrows as he eyes them down.

Robert: Robert Squared. Former VGW Nex-Gen Champion, 3rd Piece of the Grandview Gang, CWA Original, and apparently, more sibling-like to poor Sonata here in 5 minutes than you two have been to her in centuries.

Adagio: Excuse me? Well listen here, ROBERT, you don't know a single thing about us. So what makes you think you're more "sibling-like", when we've been with Sonata more than you have?

Robert: Well, if you, treating her like you have recently is any indication of how you've treated her your entire lives, the competition isn't exactly the hardest to get ahead in.

Aria: *Looks at Sonata* Sonata, don't be like your usual self. You know nothing about this guy.

Sonata: But he has a point-

Adagio: Sonata! Are you REALLY considering whatever he said!?

Sonata looks down, looking all guilty and ashamed. Robert notices this, and steps up to Adagio.

Robert: Hey! Maybe you should let Sonata think for HERSELF, rather than tell her what to think. If she says I have a point, then maybe I DO have a point! She does what she can out there, and you do nothing but dog on her time & time again no matter what it is! The BOTH of you do!

Adagio: Oh is that so? Think you can prove that when I kick you in the back of the head?

Robert: Nope. *Leans in closer, almost going nose-to-nose with her* I KNOW I can.

Adagio: Oh it's so on! *Turns to Sonata* Sonata, you better make the right choice!

Aria: Yeah! You know what happens when you don't!

Adagio and Aria walk off, Robert then turns to Sonata.

Robert: I'm not gonna tell you to make a choice right now. If anything, I want you to think more about it. And don't think about what THEY want...

He softly lifts up her chin, bringing her to eye level with him.

Robert: ... Think about what YOU want, Sonata.

And with that, Robert leaves to prepare, and Sonata sits there, thinking about what he had said.


Mauro: Well what a surprise that was! And this place certainly did get sweeter! Robert Squared is back in LWF! And I just got word that this match is official! Later on, it's Adagio Dazzle, taking on Robert Squared!

Beth: Well Adagio better back up that talk! Robert Squared is someone you better not sleep on!

(MATCH 4: Darby Allin in action)


Nigel: Well that match is later tonight, right now, it's Darby Allin in action!

Out comes Darby Allin. In one hand, was his skateboard, and the Body Bag that had Dennis's name written on it in the other.

**Bell rings**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Seattle, Washington weighing in at 173 pounds, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Allin then hops onto his skateboard, and skated down the ramp, dragging along the body bag.

Mauro: At Elimination Enclosure, Allin and Dennis will collide in a Street Fight, and that body bag that Darby has in his hands, well, he intends to put Dennis inside it!

Beth: Well we've seen just how dangerous Dennis and Darby are, one of them is gonna be walking out of Elimination Enclosure for sure!

Then the camera switches to the ring where a young looking man with shoulder length hair is standing.

Jeremy: And his opponent, already in the ring, weighing in at 176 pounds, COLLIN CUTLER!

Cutler raises his arm up into the air as his name was announced.

Mauro: And there's Darby's opponent for tonight, Collin Cutler! 12 years of experience in this business, and looking to get noticed here in LWF: Reborn!

Darby Allin has now entered the ring, and did his signature taunt before taking off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Immediately out of the gate, Darby launched Cutler into a corner with a Front Dropkick!

Nigel: OH, HO-HO!!!

Mauro: Darby Allin right off the bell!

Allin then flattened Cutler with a couple back thumps, and then he throws Cutler into position.

Beth: Darby Allin showing a lot of intensity here!

With Cutler laying in position, Darby Allin climbs to the top turnbuckle, and then lands the Coffin Drop!


Darby Allin goes for the cover, and gets an easy 3 count!

Mauro: And Allin wins in convincing fashion!

**Bell rings!**

(Start at 0:34)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Mauro: I guess it's safe to say, Darby Allin is ready for the Street Fight!

Nigel: But knowing Dennis, this won't faze him a bit.

Beth: Allin and Dennis are gonna rip each other apart come Elimination Enclosure!

A Bombay Suarez vignette plays, and it starts with sounds of a clock tick away being heard.

Bombay: The clock is counting down. The time of my return draws near, and trust me when I say this. If you get in my way, you better pray I'm on my good side!

Then the ringing of an alarm clock rang out, and Bombay took a bat, and destroyed the clock on a table as his theme began to play.


Bombay: The time for my arrival is upon us, and soon, y'all will see... how I KILL! THIS! BITCH!

The vignette ends with the caption: BOMBAY SUAREZ: RETURNS SOON...


The scene now changes to the interviewing area where Kayla Braxton is standing by.

Kayla: Well it's no surprise, Bombay Suarez is coming back to LWF, but now allow me to introduce-

She was cut of by loud crashing noises, and the camera turned to see that around the corner, Mark Andrews was fighting with the masked assailant!

The masked assailant then grabbed Andrews by the back of his neck, and threw him into a brick wall!

The individual then stomped away on Andrews before referees began to pull the assailant off of him.

Moments later, referees picked him up, and helped him to the first aid room.

(MATCH 5: Adagio Dazzle vs. Robert Squared)


Out comes Adagio Dazzle. She then stands in the middle of the stage, turns around, and she seductively sways her hips left and right before looking over her shoulder, and winking at the camera.

Then she turns back around and makes her way to the ring.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: And here we go! Adagio Dazzle, soon will be taking on the returning Robert Squared!

Nigel: I can already tell you now, this won't be a walk in a park. Don't let Robert's bubbly demeanor fool you! He is a force to be reckoned with! When that bell rings, he's a well-oiled machine!

Adagio enters the ring, and awaits for her opponent.

Adagio paces left and right, and then a few moments of silence...


And in flamboyant fashion, out came Robert Squared.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in tonight at 192 pounds, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Mauro: And what an entrance by Robert Squared! All flashy and with poise!

Nigel: He sure knows how to make a grand presentation!

Robert enters the ring, and takes off his cape.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Robert and Adagio lock up in the middle of the ring, Robert gets Adagio in a Side Headlock, Adagio tries to escape, but is struggling.

Adagio eventually slips out of the hold, and gets Robert in a Wrist Lock. Robert reverses, and with an Arm Wringer, he plants Adagio face first!

Adagio now holds her face, and looks up at Robert who who then did her signature hip swivel in front of her!

Mauro: Oh, and Robert! Showing that he can move his hips like Adagio!

Nigel: I don't think Adagio found that funny for a second!

Adagio angrily gets up, goes for a Side Headlock of her own, but Robert sidestepped her before she could even grab him, went for the Pineapple Surprise, his patented knee strike, but Adagio stopped in her tracks and slid out of the ring.

Mauro: Oh Squared went for the Pineapple Surprise, but Adagio had it scouted, and slides out of the ring!

Adagio slowly enters the ring. Now both Robert and Adagio circle the ring, looking to make a move.

They lock up again, this time it's Adagio who finally gets Robert in a Side Headlock, then transitions into a Hammerlock.

Robert reverses, and then gets Adagio in a Hammerlock of his own, before getting Adagio hooked for a Hammerlock Suplex, and he connects with it!

Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: Hammerlock Suplex by Robert Squared!

Adagio immediately began to shake her arm. And when she got up, Robert began to pick up steam. He starts with a few shoot kicks to the legs, followed by a Forearm Smash.

Adagio is knocked down. Robert then picks her up, hits the ropes, but then Adagio stuns Robert with a Bicycle Kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Adagio stopping Robert in his tracks!

Adagio then spins him around, measured him up, then takes him down with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And now a Neckbreaker brings Robert to the ground!

Adagio goes for the cover, Robert kicks out at 2!

Adagio rolls him over, and gets an Omoplata applied.

Nigel: Adagio now, with an Omoplata locked on!

Adagio pulls back on his arm, inflicting more damage, but Robert pulls through, and gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Mauro: And Robert Squared manages to get his foot on the ropes to force a break!

Adagio lets go, gets up, and then hits a Baseball Slide Dropkick, knocking Robert out of the ring, and onto the floor!

Mauro: Oh! Baseball Slide, and Robert now in the outside of the ring!

Robert gets up, then Adagio goes for a Suicide Dive, but he caught her, popped her up in the air, and delivered a big punch on her way down!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: Adagio got caught! And Robert Squared lands a big time right hand!

Beth: He may have knocked her lights out!

Robert throws her back into the ring, goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Adagio kicks out!

Adagio slowly crawls to the ropes, but then from behind, Robert grabs her, hooks her up for a Snap Dragon Suplex, but Adagio lands a couple of Back Elbows to break free.

Once he released her, Adagio turns around, and lands a Leaping Enzuigiri on Robert's ear!

Mauro: Oh! Adagio with a kick to the ear!

She then hooked his arms, and connected with a Reverse Unprettier!

Mauro: And now driving Robert into the mat!

Adagio covers him with both legs hooked, but Robert kicks out at 2!

Adagio picks him up, but then Robert caught her with a Jawbreaker!

Mauro: Oh, Jawbreaker by Robert Squared...

Robert gets up, and follows up with a Superkick, then he turns her around, and threw her with a German Suplex!

Mauro: ... And then a German Suplex to take Adagio down!

Robert gets back up, and is now calling for the Pineapple Surprise. He gets in the corner, and begins to measure up Adagio.

Nigel: Oh, this could be it!

Mauro: If this hits, it's gonna be lights out for Adagio Dazzle!

Adagio gets up, and then Robert went full speed, but Adagio pulled the referee into his path, and Robert clocked the referee with the Pineapple Surprise instead!

Beth: Oh no!

Mauro: Adagio pulling the referee into the incoming Pineapple Surprise!

Robert sees what happened, and then from behind, Adagio delivered a Backstabber!

That's when Aria Blaze came out, and she had a steel chair in her hand.

Mauro: Ooohh, boy. Here comes Aria!

She slid the chair into the ring, then she looked under the ring, and pulled out a ladder.

Nigel: And now she's bringing in a ladder!

She slides the ladder into the ring too, and then Adagio stuck Robert's head in between the rungs!

Then Aria picked him up, and holding one end of the ladder, she held Robert in place. Adagio then picked up the chair, and aimed to hit the other end of the ladder!

Mauro: And now Aria and Adagio! Looking to spoil Robert's return!

Nigel: They're gonna cut his career short!

Suddenly, the crowd lifted up in spirits as out came Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns!

Beth: Here comes the cavalry!

Mauro: It's Kushida and The Guns!

Aria and Adagio dropped their weapons, and immediately fought the trio!

But because it was 3 on 2, Aria was quickly taken care of. Sabin and Shelley threw her out if the ring, and then once she got back up, Sabin wiped her out with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: And Chris Sabin! Tope Suicida takes out Aria Blaze!

At this point, Robert was able to free himself. Outside the ring, Aria was beginning to high tail it, and Kushida, Sabin, and Shelley went after her.

Back in the ring Adagio turned around, only for Robert to take her down, and lock on his patented Calf Crusher he calls the Stroke of Misfortune!

Mauro: There's the Stroke of Misfortune! Adagio is in trouble!

At this point, the referee had recovered and Adagio frantically tried reaching for the ropes.

But unfortunately for her, she was in the center of the ring, and after a couple of minutes she finally taps out!

Mauro: And Adagio is forced to tap!

**Bell rings repeatedly!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Mauro: What a return for Robert Squared!

Beth: It's like he has not skipped a beat!

Nigel: Adagio Dazzle came so close to spoiling that return, but with a little bit of help from Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns, Robert Squared walks out victorious!

Robert continues to celebrate his victory as Adagio now makes her way to the back.


In a dark and secluded area, Darby Allin was sitting on the floor, and was lost in thought when suddenly, Charly Caruso walked up to him.

Charly: Darby, at Elimination Enclosure, you will be taking Dennis on in a Street Fight. Do you have a strategy going into this match?

Darby didn't even look at her. But then after a few seconds, he turned to look at her, and he shook his head to say "No."

Then he got up, and skated away.

(Start at 0:34)


🎵We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? We are fake! We are afraid, you know it's far from over! We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? Look closer, are you like me? Are you ugly?🎵

Mauro: We would like to take this moment to thank The Exies for their song, "Ugly", the official theme song for Elimination Enclosure! You can get this song and their album "Head for The Door" which is available on iTunes and Spotify!

Beth: And what a show Elimination Enclosure is shaping up to be, guys! The Society of Complete Equality has their work cut out for them, because every single member is in a match all of their own! First of all, we have Will Ospreay, Kacy Catanzaro, and a partner of their choosing, facing Dark Danny, Kassius Ohno and Trixie in a Tables & Stables match, and the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants will be in a Fatal 4 Way against Dezmond Xavier, Damian Priest, and "The" Brian Kendrick, with the Wattpad Championship hanging in the balance!

Nigel: And of course we can't forget about the leader of the Society. The LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer, will be defending her LWF Reborn Championship against Ricochet! But the main attraction is the first of its kind! The brutal Elimination Enclosure match!

Mauro: 20 competitors walk in under Gauntlet Match rules inside the Hell in A Cell structure, but only one will walk out the #1 Contender for Starlight's title, and that title match will take place in LWF's biggest stage, Wrestlepalooza!

Beth: Also at elimination Enclosure, Team Weird N' Wild have their first title defense, and it's against the winners of the 4 way Tag Team Match, Chuck Taylor and Trent, better known as Best Friends. Speaking of Best Friends, as of late Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins have been trying to get Trent to come back to them. Saying that "Family is forever", and that to succeed he needs his brothers, not his friends. Can Trent and Chuck dethrone Star and Mabel, and prove Ryder and Hawkins wrong?

Nigel: And of course, Chicago has a history of memorable Street Fights in wrestling, but what will happen when these two are in that very match?! The Relentless Darby Allin, and the just as dangerous Dennis, who have nothing but pure hatred for one another! These two will collide in a Street Fight, where you can expect the unexpected!

Mauro: Speaking of fights, here's another fight with some bad blood, earlier tonight, Chris Brookes said he was gonna slay Ilja Dragunov, well at Elimination Enclosure, he's gonna have the chance to do so when he faces the Muscovite Madman!

Nigel: And another match with bad blood in it, the 6 person tag against Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns, taking on The Dazzlings! The Dazzlings haven't been having a good start here in LWF: Reborn, a win here against their rivals could be what gets them back on track!



(MAIN EVENT: Spongebob Squarepants vs. "The" Brian Kendrick (NON-TITLE MATCH))

Out comes "The" Brian Kendrick.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Non-Title match is set for one fall, introducing first from Venice, California, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, "THE" BRIAN KENDRICK!!!

Mauro: Earlier tonight we saw 2 of the 4 competitors of the 4 way Wattpad Championship match in Damian Priest and Dezmond Xavier go at it, with Priest decimating Xavier. Now we see the other two go at it!

Nigel: This gonna be interesting. Kendrick and Spongebob. Both equally crafty, but I think the aggressor advantage would go to the champion.

Beth: But Kendrick has the experience! This could be a game of chess!

Kendrick enters the ring, and awaits for his opponent.


Out comes Spongebob, with Starlight and Dark Danny in tow.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, accompanied by the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer, and Dark Danny, from Bikini Bottom, he is the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, the Abrasive... SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: And there's the Wattpad Champion, along with the LWF: Reborn Champion, and the enforcer, Dark Danny!

Spongebob takes his time making his way to the ring. Then he held his belt up high. "This is as close as you can get to this!" He says to Kendrick, and Kendrick replies with a smirk, and says: "I don't think so".

Beth: And Spongebob saying that that's as close as Kendrick will get to the Wattpad Championship, Kendrick doesn't think the same.

Nigel: Remember, Kendrick is very crafty, and is not afraid to cut corners. Spongebob has to be very aware of that.

Spongebob then enters the ring, and gets face to face with Kendrick, holding his belt up high.

The referee breaks them up, and then Kendrick and Spongebob went to their respective corners.

Spongebob hands his title to Danny, then the bell rings.

Kendrick and Spongebob lock up in the middle of the ring, Spongebob then goes behind Kendrick, and slams him onto the mat with a Rear Waistlock Takedown, then transitions into a Front Facelock.

Kendrick tries to get back up, but Spongebob brings him back down.

Mauro: Spongebob in control in the early going!

Kendrick tries to get up again, this time he successfully gets back up to vertical base, and gets Spongebob in a Hammerlock.

Mauro: And Kendrick reversing!

Spongebob reverses into a Hammerlock of his own, but Kendrick lands a couple of Back Elbows to break free.

Nigel: Oh, and now he makes some separation with those Back Elbows!

Spongebob staggers, but he immediately recovers, and clocks Kendrick from behind with a Northern Lariat!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Northern Lariat to the back of the neck!

Spongebob rolls him over, goes for the cover, but Kendrick kicks out at 2.

Spongebob now gets on top of him, and unloads with a series of punches to the face.

He then sits him up, goes behind him, and delivers a knee to the back of Kendrick before locking in a Straight Jacket Chinlock, and Starlight and Dark Danny were enjoying every second of it at ringside.


Mauro: The Wattpad Champion now, wearing down Kendrick...

Nigel: A Straight Jacket Chinlock applied, making sure he doesn't punch his way out!

Kendrick wriggles around to try and get out, but to no avail.

Until finally, he was able to lower himself enough to deliver a few Overhead Kicks to get Spongebob to let go!

Mauro: Kendrick now! Breaking free with some kicks to the face!

Kendrick gets up, and staggers into a corner. Spongebob followed him, but then Kendrick quickly grabbed him, and drove him face first into the middle turnbuckle with a Reverse STO!

Mauro: Oh! Kendrick driving Spongebob into the second turnbuckle!

In the outside of the ring, Starlight was showing some concern, and Dark Danny continued to watch Kendrick menacingly.

Nigel: Concern on the face of Starlight Glimmer, and Danny is not taking his eyes off of Kendrick!

Spongebob pulls himself up to his feet, and then Kendrick delivers a running Forearm Smash in the corner!

Beth: Kendrick taking it to the Wattpad Champion!

Kendrick then picked Spongebob up, and then connected with a Tiger Suplex, and bridged into a pin!

Mauro: Tiger Suplex with a bridge!

Spongebob kicks out at 2, both of them get up, but it was Kendrick who lands the first shot with a Big Boot!

Mauro: Oh Kendrick with a boot!

Spongebob was down on one knee, Kendrick goes to hit the ropes, but at the same time Spongebob got up, ran with him, and then he Clotheslines Kendrick over the top rope, sending Kendrick tumbling to the floor, and right in of Starlight and Dark Danny!

Mauro: And Spongebob sends Kendrick to the outside!

Beth: But Kendrick is in the wrong part of town!

With the referee's back turned, Danny lifted Kendrick up, and then he Lawn Darted him onto the post!

Mauro: Oh! Dark Danny getting involved!

Nigel: You just knew sooner or later the SCE were gonna get their hands dirty!

Spongebob slides out of the ring, and then slams Kendrick onto the steps!

Mauro: And now Kendrick sent onto the stairs!

Nigel: There's that aggression from Spongebob!

Spongebob throws Kendrick back into the ring, and measures him up.

Spongebob then went for the Torpedo Kick, but Kendrick avoided it, then sets Spongebob up for the Sliced Bread #2, but Spongebob shoves him off!

Mauro: Oh Kendrick dodging the Torpedo Kick, sets up for Sliced Bread #2, but Spongebob avoided it!

Kendrick turns around, and then Spongebob kicks him in the gut, hooks him up for his patented Double Underhook Facebuster, 47 Meters Down, and he connects!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: 47 Meters Down by the Abrasive Spongebob!

Spongebob goes for the cover, but Kendrick barely gets his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count at 2!

Mauro: And Kendrick! Great ring awareness by the veteran!

Nigel: If he had been any further, that surely would have been 3!

Spongebob then picked him up, but Kendrick got him in a Small Package pin, Spongebob luckily kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Whoa! Kendrick almost had him there!

They both get back up again, this time, it was Spongebob who landed a shot, in the form of Hurricane Sandy!

Mauro: And Spongebob! Hurricane Sandy connecting!

Spongebob hooks the leg, and Spongebob, along with Starlight and Danny, smile as Spongebob got the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And the Wattpad Champion picks up the win!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen the winner of the match, the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

Nigel: And that's all it's gonna take for Spongebob to retain his title. 3 seconds!

Beth: Well that's easier said than done come Elimination Enclosure, Nigel. Tonight he only face 1 of the 3 Contenders, but come the 4 way, he's gonna face all 3 of them at the same time!

Mauro: And Spongebob doesn't have to be pinned or submitted to lose his title! So he has to be extra careful-

Suddenly Dark Danny and Starlight entered the ring, and Danny, Starlight, and Spongebob began assaulting Kendrick!

Mauro: And now Danny and Starlight! The SCE mugging "The" Brian Kendrick!

Danny holds him up, and Spongebob holds his Wattpad title up to his face and yells "You're never beating me for this title! You hear me!?" Before nailing him with the Wattpad Championship!

Mauro: And now Spongebob hitting Kendrick with the belt!

That's when Ricochet and Will Ospreay came running out! They slid in, and Ospreay went after Danny, and Ricochet went after Starlight!

Mauro: It's Ospreay and Ricochet! Going after their respective Elimination Enclosure opponents!

Soon after, Trixie and Kassius Ohno came out to give the SCE the numbers advantage!

Beth: Here comes the rest of the SCE!

Nigel: Trixie and Ohno, coming to aid their fellow Society comrades.

That's when Kacy Catanzaro came out, and went after Trixie!

Mauro: Here comes Kacy!

Beth: Went straight for Trixie!

Kacy and Trixie began fighting in the outside of the ring, then Ospreay with an Os-Cutter, took out Dark Danny!

Mauro: Os-Cutter by Ospreay!

But the second he got up, Ohno clocked him with a Rolling Elbow!

Nigel: OH-HO-HO!

Mauro: Rolling Elbow by Ohno levels the Aerial Assassin!

Starlight then fought back against Ricochet, and threw him shoulder first onto the ring post!

Outside, Trixie dodged a clothesline from Kacy, and planted her with a Falling Inverted DDT!

Mauro: And Trixie plants Catanzaro!

Starlight, Danny, Ohno, and Spongebob were now standing tall in the ring.

Mauro: And the SCE standing tall, could this be the scene-

That's when suddenly...


The crowd pops as soon as the song hits.

13 seconds into the song, out came Robbie Eagles!

Mauro: OH MY GOD!!!


Beth: You've got to be joking!

Mauro: Ospreay said SCE thinks they are family, well Ospreay brought his family! And boy did he bring family!

Eagles then sprinted down the ramp, slid into the ring, and took out Ohno with a Tilt-a-whirl DDT!

Mauro: And Robbie Eagles with a DDT!

Dark Danny then tries to dispose of him, but Eagles hits him with a Roundhouse Kick, followed by a Superkick, then a Step-Up Enzuigiri to top it all off!

Trixie then slid into the ring, but gets hit with a Wheel Kick by Eagles!

Beth: Oh Trixie tried to go after Eagles, Eagles made her pay!

Trixie, Ohno, and Danny roll out of the ring, and the SCE went to retreat!

Mauro: And the SCE is High Tailing it!

Ricochet gets back up, so did Ospreay, and Kacy slid into the ring, and all 4 of them stood tall as Eagles' theme plays again.

Mauro: Well now we know who the mystery partner is for the Tables and Stables match! It's gonna be Trixie, Danny, and Ohno of the SCE, taking on Ospreay, Catanzaro, and Robbie Eagles!

Beth: The deck has been stacked against the SCE! Will they be able to pull through!?

Nigel: Who knows!? But if they do, it's definitely not gonna be easy!


And that's Episode 5, everyone!

Boy, was that an Episode! We saw the return of Robert Squared, and the debut of Robbie Eagles!

With Elimination Enclosure just around the corner, what will happen next Episode? Only way to find out is to stay tuned!

See you all in the next Episode!

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