EPISODE 6 (Elimination Enclosure Go Home Show)

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It's the last Episode before Elimination Enclosure!

Let's see how this goes.....



The opening pyro goes off inside State Farm Center in Champaign, Illinois.

Then the camera pans around the arena as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Elimination Enclosure is just around the corner, and what better way to end the road to Elimination Enclosure, than to come to you in the State Farm Center in beautiful Champaign, Illinois! Mauro Ranallo here as always, alongside Nigel McGuinness, and WWE Hall Of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Beth: Go-home Shows usually have some chaos here and there, and this Episode is no exception! Tonight, the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer, and her Elimination Enclosure opponent, Ricochet, are gonna be in the ring in a final confrontation before their match!

Nigel: And also, Dennis has some words for Darby Allin, and we're gonna hear those words later tonight!



(OPENING MATCH: Jenny vs. Lemon Zest)

Lemon Zest comes out, rocking out to her entrance music.

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this opening contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: We have already seen what her and Indigo can do as a duo, so it'll be interesting to see what they can do in solo competition.

Beth: From what we've already seen, it looks like Zest is more unorthodox, and will just throw herself onto her opponent even if it means she gets hurt also, and her partner, Indigo, she's more methodical.

Zest slides into the ring, and continues to rock on to her theme.

Once her theme faded...


Out comes Jenny.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, representing Team Wheels Extreme, JENNY!!!

Mauro: Jenny, the more agile one of Team Wheels Extreme, but like Zest here, she's also unorthodox!

Nigel: Both agile, similar wrestling styles, this may go down to who makes the first critical mistake!

Jenny slides into the ring, and goes into the nearest corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Jenny and Zest lock up in the middle of the ring, Zest gets Jenny in a Side Headlock, Jenny tries to escape, but Zest takes her down, maintaining the hold.

Jenny wraps her legs around Zest's neck to get her to let go, then they both get up, then Jenny takes her down with an Arm Drag.

Zest gets back up, goes for a Side Headlock again, but Jenny was able to slip out, and then drops Zest with a Back Suplex!

Mauro: Back Suplex by Jenny, dropping Lemon Zest!

Beth: Nice sequence to start the match!

Nigel: This is definitely not gonna be easy for either of these two ladies!

Zest slowly gets up, then Jenny and Zest just look at each other. Zest smirks, Jenny does the same.

Jenny and Zest then lock up again, Zest gets behind, slams Jenny down with a Sit-out Rear Mat Slam she calls the "Zest-O-Matic", and then she grabs Jenny's legs for a pin, but Jenny kicks out at 2!

Jenny and Zest get up, Jenny then lands a Leaping Lariat, knocking Zest down!

Mauro: Jenny now! Clothesline takes Zest off her feet!

Zest gets back up, Jenny goes for another clothesline, but with a Double Axe-handle, Zest blocks the Clothesline, then lands a few Elbow Smashes on Jenny.

Jenny is now stunned, Zest runs and hits the ropes, but gets a Back Elbow from Jenny!

Jenny then follows up with a Knee Drop, sits Zest up, then delivers a kick to the back.

Zest arches backwards in pain, then Jenny picks her back up, and then connects with a Vertical Suplex!

Jenny floats over into the cover, Zest kicks out at 2.

Jenny quickly picks Zest up, and then gets her in a Stretch Plum submission!

Mauro: And now Jenny, with a Submission attempt, and Zest is in quite a predicament here!

Beth: Jenny showing off her Hidden Technical skills!

Lemon Zest wasn't in it for long. She was able to scoot close enough to get her foot on the bottom rope, and Jenny lets go.

Jenny gets up to make a clean break. Once she did, she advances towards Zest, who catches her by surprise with a Drop Toehold!

Jenny was now draped on the middle rope, and Zest hits the far ropes to gain momentum.

But as she did, Jenny also got back up, and Zest got struck with a Lariat from Jenny off the rebound, turning inside out!

Mauro: OH, MY!!!

Nigel: What a clothesline!

Beth: Jenny may have knocked her into tomorrow!

Both Jenny and Lemon Zest were laying in the middle of the ring, and the referee began to count.

Mauro: What a way to kick things off in LWF: Reborn!

Nigel: And to think we still have a lot more in store!

Beth: For an opener, this is a damn good match!

At the count of 7, both Jenny and Zest got up, Jenny goes for the first shot with a left jab, Zest dodges, goes behind, then flips over Jenny's shoulder, and into a Rolling Cutter!

Lemon drags herself to get over Jenny and make the pin, Jenny kicks out at 2, but Zest quickly gets up, and climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Jenny surviving that move, now Zest climbing to the top!

Jenny was lying on the mat, Lemon jumped from the top rope to do a Swanton Bomb but Jenny rolled away, and Lemon got nothing but the mat!

Mauro: OH! Swanton from Zest, nobody home!

Beth: Zest crashed and burned!

Jenny gets up, takes advantage, and gets Zest in a Modified Koji Clutch, she calls the "Garage Rot"!


Mauro: Oh look at this hold!

Nigel: That's the Garage Rot! Jenny's patented Submission maneuver!

Beth: Jenny has it on tight!

Lemon feels the pain of the clutch but she refuses to give up. Jenny continues to keep the hold on, wrenching farther back.

Lemon Zest continues to fight it, but then Zest ultimately has no other choice, but to tap out.

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, JENNY!!!

Mauro: If she's able to lock that on Zest or Indigo at Elimination Enclosure, it's gonna be game over!

Beth: That Garage Rot move did her in real quick! Once that was in, Zest had no chance!

Jenny continues to celebrate in the ring as Team Wheels Extreme's theme plays.


Charly Caruso was standing by in the interviewing area.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, Mabel Pines and Star Butterfly, Team Weird N' Wild!

And in walked the Tag Team Champions, all smiles.

Charly: Girls, at Elimination Enclosure, you will be taking on Best Friends for those titles, will there be any words you would like to say to them?

Mabel: Absolutely! Best Friends, despite everything that seems to be going on as of late, you guys are a heck of a team, and a team that'll give us their best shot.

Star: But with all due respect, that's all it's gonna be. A good shot. Because at the end of the final bell, Team Weird N' Wild's friendship is winning in the end, and we'll be taking these beautiful tag titles back home with us!

But before they could continue, the Society of Complete Equality walked in on them.

Starlight: Wow. Must feel good to be different, huh?

Star: Yeah, it does feel good. It makes us unique from everyone else.

Mabel: Exactly. If everyone was the exact same person or acted the same way, where would the fun be in that?

Starlight: *Sighs* You're just like Ricochet. Blinded by Exceptionalism, and your own unique talents. You don't understand what kind of chaos you're causing by being different, do you?

Mabel: If by Chaos you mean "Having fun and sharing that fun with everyone" then yes. That's EXACTLY what we're doing.

Star: Look. Equal treatment is an idea I can get behind. It's how my family and I have ruled Mewni for generations. EVERYONE is treated fairly whether they be rich, poor, male, female, or anything in between. But YOUR definition of "Equality", is what I call a "Dictatorship". Borderline, a CULT.

Starlight: Excuse me? I'm the last real crusader for true Equality, *Pats her title that is on her shoulder* and this proves it. Because when I'm Champion, everyone is Champion. You, just like Ricochet and his friends, fail to see that!

Star: Really? "Everyone is Champion?"... Then why don't you let Danny or Trixie hold the belt?... Hmmmmmm?

Starlight: Should it matter?

Mabel: Yeah, it should. Because if your group WAS all about "Equality" then you shouldn't have an issue allowing someone else to hold onto that belt. That's unless everyone ISN'T really a champion... right?

Starlight brushes that off with a chuckle.

Starlight: All these allegations... well then.
All I can say now is, I really hope you watch my match with Ricochet at Elimination Enclosure. Because when I beat him, you two will suffer the same fate.

Then the SCE walked off.
(MATCH 2: Chris Brookes in action)


Out came Chris Brookes, and he spits out water into the air before continuing his way to the ring.

**Bell Rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, making his way to the ring, from Tipton, England, weighing in at 182 pounds, he is the Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

The camera then switches to the ring where a man with short blonde hair and a beard was standing inside.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent already in the ring, from Leicester, England, JACK STARZ!!!

Starz raised his arm up after the announcement as if on cue.

Mauro: And now Chris Brookes taking on a fellow Englishman, Jack Starz.

Nigel: Not too far away from each other too. Starz coming from Leicester in the East Midlands, and Brookes of course from Tipton over in the West Midlands.

Brookes enters the ring, and takes off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Starz and Brookes lock up in the center of the ring, Jack Starz goes for a Side Headlock, Brookes escapes, and gets Starz in a Hammerlock.

Starz lands a few Back Elbows to create some separation, then Starz hits the ropes, but Brookes stops him dead in his tracks with a Chop!

Mauro: Oh! Starz ran right into that chop by Chris Brookes!

Starz was now laying on the floor winded, and Brookes dragged Starz to the center of the ring.

Brookes then delivers a Knee Drop across Starz's chest, goes for the cover, but Starz kicks out at 2.

Starz sits up, but then Brookes gets Starz in a grounded Headlock.

Mauro: Brookes now, keeping control of Jack Starz with that grounded Headlock...

Starz then scoots to the ropes, and was able to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break.

Brookes released Starz, then the referee created distance once he got up.

Brookes then advances towards Starz, who shot up to his feet, and headbutted Brookes in the midsection!

Nigel: Oh look at Starz!

Mauro: Headbutt to the gut!

Beth: Jack Starz may have an opening!

Starz then lands a series of Uppercuts before throwing Brookes into a corner.

Starz then charges at Brookes, Brookes sticks out his foot to try and kick him, but Starz catches the kick.

Brookes then uses his free leg to get out, then lands a Knee Lift.

Mauro: Brookes now, fighting back with a great counter!

Brookes then threw Jack into the corner, switching places with him. He then ran to the other corner, and connected with his patented Single-Leg Front Dropkick!

Mauro: And there it is, his Single Leg Dropkick in the corner!

But Brookes didn't go for the cover. He immediately picked him up, held him in a front face lock, and draped Starz's feet on the top rope!

Beth: Oh, Brookes isn't done!

Nigel: Looking for that Neckbreaker!

Brookes then looked into the camera, and shouted "This is your fate come Elimination Enclosure, Dragunov!" Then in one swift motion, Brookes hits his Rope Hung Swinging Neckbreaker!

Beth: OH!

Nigel: That's it!

Brookes then covers, and gets the 3 count, staring right at the camera all the while to send a clear message to the Muscovite Madman.

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:07)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, CHRIS BROOKES!

Mauro: If Brookes connects with that Neckbreaker, that may very well be the fate of Ilja Dragunov at Elimination Enclosure!

Beth: But we all know just how tough Dragunov is, I don't think he even cares about what moves Brookes has up his sleeve to be honest.

The referee then raised Brookes' hand, but soon after, Brookes turned back to Starz, and began assaulting him!

Nigel: Oh now what!?

Mauro: Chris Brookes assaulting Starz!

Beth: Well we know Brookes can be sadistic, but this is just uncalled for, he already won the match!

Then Brookes went to the outside area, looked under the ring, and pulled out the bent steel chair he had used on Dragunov in Episode 2!

Mauro: And there's the chair! The same chair Brookes bent across the back of Dragunov!

Brookes then slid back into the ring, eyed Starz, and got ready to swat him with the chair.

Mauro: And he is looking to bend it across the back of Starz!

But then....


Out came Dragunov, and he made a B-Line for Brookes, who then took a swing, but Dragunov ducked, rebounded off the ropes, and landed the Torpedo Moskau on Brookes!

Mauro: Oh, here comes Dragunov! He's not gonna let this stand! And there's the Torpedo Moskau!

After getting hit, Brookes slid out of the ring, and Dragunov stared down Brookes as he was scuttling away, taking the chair with him.

Beth: These two definitely have some business to be settled, and it'll be at Elimination Enclosure!

Nigel: But speaking of business to be settled, LWFs most dangerous mercenary Dennis has some words to say about his Street Fight with darby allin! What is on his mind? We'll find out soon!

Mauro: But up next, it's time for the long awaited debut of one "Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy! It's Cassidy vs. Curt Hawkins, next!


Charly Caruso was now standing by with The Dazzlings.

Charly: Ladies, later tonight, you, Aria and Sonata, will be taking on the Time Splitters in a Resurgence rematch-

Adagio then cuts her off.

Adagio: Let me stop you there. *Looks at Sonata* Sonata, you know that little outburst you had in the fallout of last episode?

Sonata silently nodded.

Adagio: Well tonight, is your chance to rewrite history, and maybe, just maybe, you might earn our love and respect that you wanted.

Sonata wanted to say something, but she knew she was gonna get shut down anyway. She still had the pep talk that Robert Squared had with her in the back of her mind, so regardless of whatever Aria and Adagio said, she was gonna show her sisters she meant business.

Aria: Giving us the silent treatment, huh? That's fine. It's better that you don't talk back to us. Save it until we win. IF we win that is.

The three of them then walked off, Sonata following slowly behind.


Beth: Poor sonata, being played with her emotions like that? It's no wonder Robert Squared stood up for her.

Nigel: But will she be able to be at her best tonight, pressured by Adagio and Aria? We'll just have to see.


Out came the duo of Hawkins and Ryder. Ryder in his casual street clothes, and Hawkins all geared up.

(MATCH 3: Curt Hawkins vs. Orange Cassidy)

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Zack Ryder, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 pounds, CURT HAWKINS!!!

Mauro: Hawkins and Ryder, raring to go tonight, and for good reason! They've been trying to get their old friend Trent back on their side because they believe that brothers are better than best friends.

Beth: Hawkins and Ryder really do think that Trent's better off with them than he is with Chuck and Cassidy. But that opinion can change if Best Friends can defeat Team Weird N' Wild at Elimination Enclosure for the Tag Team Championships!

Nigel: I suppose for Trent, it's a matter of knowing where his loyalties lie. Does he want to go back to his family, Hawkins and Ryder, or is he going to stay being a great team with Chuck Taylor? It will all depend on what happens in the events that come to pass.

Hawkins and Ryder pose on the ring corner, and then Hawkins gets ready to go.

Mauro: I suppose you're right, Nigel. But, for right now, Hawkins has a match to compete in!

Hawkins paces left and right, waiting for Cassidy. Then...


The crowd cheered once the music hit.

Then 16 seconds into the song, Orange Cassidy came out with Trent and Chuck by his side. Both of them had a lot of gear with them as Cassidy sauntered onto the stage, garnering the crowd to roar at his arrival.

Jeremy Borash: And introducing his opponent, making his LWF In-Ring debut! Accompanied by Best Friends, Trent and Chuck Taylor. From... wherever, weighing.... Whatever, "Freshly Squeezed", ORANGE CASSIDY!!!

Mauro: You heard right! It's finally time for Orange Cassidy to have his first match ever in LWF! For those who are seeing him for the first time, don't be fooled by his laid back attitude. He may not give a flip, but the second he starts trying, he'll give it 100% and then some!

Nigel: As much as I don't like Cassidys lazy attitude, I'll admit that when he gets serious, he can bring it.

Cassidy then slowly rolled into the ring, took off his jacket and shirt, then slipped on his elbow pad before giving a lazy thumbs up.

Beth: As usual, not even taking his sunglasses off. I don't think he ever takes them off before a match.

Nigel: I don't think he takes them off at all!

The bell then rings, getting the match underway.

Hawkins took up a defensive stance, but Cassidy's guard wasn't nearly as up as Curt's. In fact, he hasn't even moved.

Mauro: And we are officially underway in this match, and Cassidy... er....

Beth: Um... does he even know the bell has rung?

"Come on, Cassidy! Get over here!" Hawkins shouted, but Cassidy didn't even flinch.

Zack and Curt were taken aback by Orange Cassidy's laid back approach.

Mauro: Oh, already Hawkins and Ryder who's at ringside, getting aggravated by Orange Cassidy!

Nigel: This is what happens when you get inside the ring with someone as nonchalant as Freshly Squeezed here. That feeling that you aren't taken seriously, it gets in your head.

That's when Hawkins walked right up to him, and deliberately slapped Cassidy in the face...

But even THAT didn't get a reaction!

Mauro: Oh! Hawkins blatantly slapping Cassidy, but Cassidy isn't fazed one bit!

Hawkins slaps him again, this time hard enough to knock his sunglasses off.

Mauro: Oh and Hawkins slapping him again, and there goes the sunglasses!

Cassidy still hasn't reacted, and that's when Hawkins finally had enough. He spun Cassidy around, grabbed him from behind, and brought him to the center of the ring.

But then Cassidy stuck his hands in his pockets, shimmied his way out, and scooted underneath Hawkins to escape.

Beth: Wow, that was creative!

Nigel: Well, he may be a sloth, but you can't deny that Cassidy knows how to get out of a situation. Just like that dog in Lady And The Tramp.

Once he got up, Hawkins turned around, went for a Side Headlock, but then Cassidy quickly countered, and brought Hawkins to the mat with a Wristlock Takedown!

Hawkins immediately sat up, and looked at Cassidy who was now nonchalantly walking aimlessly in the ring.

Beth: Oh wow!

Mauro: Hawkins wondering where that came from!

Hawkins then got up and faced Cassidy, eye to eye.

Then, Cassidy started to execute his "brutal" kicks, and the crowd went "Oh!" After every kick.

Nigel: *In a sarcastic tone* And there it is! I was wondering when Cassidy would finally bring that out!

Mauro: Cassidy laying it to Hawkins!

Beth: Look at Hawkins! He can't even block them!

Cassidy wound up, going for his last kick...

"Get em' Hawkins!" Ryder called from the outside. Then as if on cue, Hawkins looked to nail Orange Cassidy with a clothesline, but then Cassidy ducked the move, rebounds off the ropes, and then spiked him with a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT!


Mauro: I warned those watching, didn't I, Nigel?! Cassidy might not look like he can bring it, but man he can bring it!

Cassidy then went for the cover, but Hawkins kicked out at 2!

Trent and Chuck continued to cheer Cassidy on as Hawkins then scrambled out of the ring, and Zack Ryder was there to catch him and help him up to his feet.

Beth: Hawkins clearly was not expecting Cassidy to surprise him like that! I think he and Ryder are gonna take him more seriously now!

Hawkins then cautiously enters the ring, not taking his eyes off of Cassidy.

Cassidy then held his hands up in the air, and looked to stick them in his pockets, but Hawkins quickly stopped him, getting a rally if boos doing so.

"Not today, punk!" He said, then not caring in the slightest, Hawkins slung him into a Fireman's carry, Cassidy then wiggled into a Sunset Flip pin, getting only a 2 count!

They both get up, and Hawkins finally lands a Clothesline on him!

Mauro: OH! Hawkins with a Clothesline!

Hawkins goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out at 2.

Hawkins then picks up Cassidy, then slams him down with a Vertical Suplex, goes for the cover again, Cassidy still kicks out at 2.

Hawkins now sits him up, and applies a Chinlock on Cassidy.

Nigel: Hawkins in firm control now...

Mauro: Can Orange Cassidy be able to turn this back around?

Cassidy tried all he could to escape, but Hawkins had a vise-like grip. Hawkins then transitioned into a Grounded Headlock, and maintained his grip.

Cassidy was now slowly beginning to fade, the referee then raised his hand, let's go, and Cassidy's arm dropped to the mat.

Mauro: Looks like he can't! He's going out!

The referee counts 1, and does it again. Cassidy's arm drops, now it's a 2 count.

The referee does it a third time, this time Cassidy's arm didn't drop, it stayed in the air, and his hand began to ball up into a fist!

Mauro: Or maybe not!

Beth: Cassidy showing life!

Cassidy slowly rises to his feet, and elbowed Hawkins in the stomach to break free!

Cassidy hits the ropes, looking for a running attack, but Hawkins caught him, and planted him with a Michinoku Driver!

Mauro: OH! Curt Hawkins slamming Orange Cassidy with authority!

Hawkins then positioned him in place for a diving move, then he climbed onto the top turnbuckle.

He looks at Trent and says "I hope this changes your mind, Trent!" Which gave Cassidy time to roll away.

Mauro: Hawkins telling Trent this beatdown on Cassidy was gonna "Change his mind", but in doing so, gave Cassidy the chance to get out of harm's way!

Cassidy rolls out of the ring... and right next to Zack Ryder.

Chuck Taylor immediately walks up to Zack, who was now backing up upon seeing Chuck coming.

Hawkins climbed down, and went out of the ring to grab Cassidy.

He picks Cassidy up, and he throws him back into the ring, where he continues to lay.

Mauro: Cassidy now back in, but at the moment, unable to get to his feet!

Hawkins gets back in the ring, picks Cassidy up, goes for a Vertical Suplex again, but this time Cassidy countered into a Stunner!

Beth: Whoa!!!

Nigel: Hawkins didn't see that coming!

Hawkins was now staggering, then Cassidy got him into a Small Package pin...

Mauro: Small Package now by Orange Cassidy!

Hawkins kicks out at 2, they both get up, and then Cassidy lands a Superman Punch on Hawkins!

Beth: OH, WOW!!!

Mauro: Massive right hand by Cassidy!

Nigel: Where is he even getting this from!?

Hawkins was now laying on the mat, and then Cassidy climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Hawkins, now slowly coming to, gets back up to his feet, only to get spiked onto his head by Cassidy with a Diving DDT!

Mauro: DDT off the top!!!

Cassidy scrambles into the cover, but Hawkins kicks out at 2!

Mauro: NO!!! Hawkins survives!

Trent and Chuck were now cheering louder and louder for Cassidy, as Cassidy slowly pulled himself up to his feet.

Cassidy then hooked Hawkins up for a Fisherman Suplex. Hawkins tries to break free before Cassidy could execute the move, but Cassidy was able to connect!

Cassidy however, didn't have enough strength to bridge into a cover. Hawkins and Cassidy were now both laying in the middle of the ring.

Mauro: Cassidy with a Fisherman Suplex, now both Cassidy and Hawkins are down!

The referee now begins his count.

1... 2... 3... 4...

By the time the ref reached 7, Cassidy was the first to get up, and Hawkins followed shortly after.

Cassidy then suddenly went for the Superman Punch again, but Hawkins had it scouted, and dodged it!

Mauro: Oh looking for the Superman Punch! Cassidy got nothing!

Beth: Curt Hawkins narrowly avoided that!

Cassidy turns around, and Hawkins lands a Single Leg Front Dropkick!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: And Cassidy eats a kick by Hawkins!

Hawkins then picked up Cassidy, and got him hooked up for the Taste Of Pain, his patented Hangman's Facebuster, and plants Cassidy with it!

Mauro: And Hawkins with the Taste Of Pain!

Hawkins then goes for the cover, and looks right at Trent as he gets the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, CURT HAWKINS!!!

Mauro: And Hawkins must be feeling pretty good getting a bit of retribution with that win over Cassidy.

Hawkins then looks at Trent. "This is who your loyalties lie with? Come on, Trent!" He says pointing to the downed Cassidy.

Then Hawkins exits the ring, and he and Ryder make their way to the back as Chuck and Trent help Cassidy up.

Beth: Hawkins gets the win tonight, and Trent and Chuck better watch out. Because who knows? Maybe Hawkins and Ryder might be watching their match at Elimination Enclosure?

Mauro: That may very well happen. But switching gears now, earlier we saw Jenny get a win over Indigo's friend Lemon Zest, can Indigo Zap get a win over Maurecia to even the score? That match happens later on, but up next, Dark Danny of the SCE steps into the ring once more since Episode 1, he's gonna be in action next!

Nigel: Whoever his opponent is, they better pray...

The camera switches to the outside of the building where Dennis was rolling in on his Motorcycle.

Mauro: And there is Dennis arriving at the arena, and there are a lot of things he has to say to Darby Allin about the street fight.

Beth: And I'm sure Darby Allin is gonna be somewhere watching and listening very closely.

Dennis continues to ride into the building, and into the Backstage parking lot.

In another area backstage, Maurecia was getting prepared for her match with Indigo Zap, when Jenny walked up to her.

Maurecia: Hey, Jenny! Saw your match with that Lemon Zest girl! You got her to tap!

Jenny: Sure did, Sister Mo! And I know in your match with Indigo Zap, you're gonna knock her teeth out!

Maurecia: Oh, I sure will! *Grins sinisterly*

(MATCH 4: Dark Danny in action)


Out comes the Society of Complete Equality, and then Dark Danny stepped forward, walked down the ramp, and the SCE shortly followed.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is set for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by the Society of Complete Equality, DARK DANNY!!!

The camera then switches to the ring where a young girl, looking about 5 feet tall, with long blonde hair in a school uniform was standing inside.

Jeremy: And his opponent, already in the ring, ASIA ARGENTO!

Mauro: And there is Danny's opponent, the young and beautiful Asia Argento.

Beth: I actually had a chance to talk to Asia earlier today, she's a pure soul, and such a sweet young lady when you get to know her.

Nigel: Yeah, but that purity is not gonna help her here in her match with Dark Danny. It's gonna take more than just that.

Danny enters the ring, and stares coldly at Asia.

The bell rings, and immediately, Danny went on the attack, and flattened Asia in the corner with a Lariat!

Mauro: Oh my GOD!

Nigel: Dark Danny exploding out of the gate!

Asia was stunned from the sudden blow, and was sitting on the floor in the corner as Danny began punching away on her.

The referee pushed him off of Asia and once the ref got Danny separated, Danny circled around the ring, wide eyed, and full of rage.

Mauro: Look at those eyes, there is no humanity in them.

Nigel: Dark Danny is a man with no compassion, and no conscience. He is truly an evil individual!

Asia began to slowly get up, and then Dark Danny lifted her up onto his shoulders, threw her up into the air, and delivered a Forearm Smash on her way down!

Beth: Oh, man!

Mauro: Forearm to the jaw!

Asia was now barely conscious, and the second she got up to her knees, Danny landed a running Bicycle Knee Strike!

Nigel: Oh! What a Knee!

Asia was now laying on the mat motionless. Danny goes for the cover, but then he lifts her up off the mat at 2.

Mauro: Oh, Dark Danny not wanting to end it there!

He gets up, picks up Asia, then he gets her in a Hammerlock, flipped her upside down, and delivered a Tombstone Piledriver!

Beth: Oh my god!

Mauro: A Hammerlock Tombstone Piledriver by Dark Danny!

Dark Danny then hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Dark Danny wins in convincing fashion!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, DARK DANNY!!!

Mauro: And Dark Danny making quick work of Asia Argento.

Beth: Asia did not stand a chance. Danny came right out of the gate, and from there it was all him that entire time.

At ringside, Starlight then signalled the rest of the SCE to get in the ring. Once she did, Spongebob, Trixie, and Kassius Ohno slid into the ring, and they, along with Dark Danny, began assaulting Asia!

Nigel: Oh come on!

Mauro: And now the SCE! Swarming poor Asia Argento! Spongebob! Trixie! Danny! And Ohno! A damn 4 on 1 mugging!

Beth: Asia just got absolutely destroyed by Dark Danny! There's no need for this!

Nigel: I don't think they care!

Spongebob and Danny then slid out of the ring, and grabbed a table from under the ring, and threw it in.

Mauro: Oh my, Danny and Spongebob... bringing in a table!

Ohno then sets up the table. Once he did, Ohno looked back at Starlight who was watching at ringside.

She then held a thumbs up, then after a few seconds, the thumbs up turned into a thumbs down. Then as if on cue, Dark Danny picked her up with a Full Nelson, and Ohno grabbed her legs.

Mauro: Thumbs down from the Champion, Ohno and Danny delivering the execution!

Once they got her in position, they slammed her through the table with a Full Nelson Slam/Powerbomb Combo!

Mauro: OH, MY, GOD! Through the table Asia goes!

Beth: The SCE wreaking havoc! Nobody is safe!

Nigel: I believe that was more than just an act of random chaos. I think that was an emphatic message to Will Ospreay and his partners Kacy Catanzaro and Robbie Eagles that come Elimination Enclosure, this will be their fate!

Mauro: Nigel, I do believe you are right!

Starlight then entered the ring, and held her Championship belt up high. Spongebob then did the same with his Wattpad Championship belt, and the rest of the SCE raised one arm up.

Mauro: Message sent loud and clear, the Society of Complete Equality, looking to eradicate Ricochet and Co. Come Elimination Enclosure!

Beth: If Ricochet, Ospreay, Catanzaro, and Eagles can't stop them, who will?

Nigel: No one. There's your answer.

A vignette is now playing, and it starts with a slow 10 second countdown.












Once it hit zero, Bombay Suarez's theme plays, and then out from the shadows, came Bombay Suarez.


Bombay: It's time!

Then a caption popped up. And it said: BOMBAY SUAREZ RETURNS... AT ELIMINATION ENCLOSURE.

(Start at 0:34)


"We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? We are fake! We are afraid, you know it's far from over! We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? Look closer! Are you like me? Are you ugly?"

Mauro: LWF would like to thank The Exies for their song "Ugly", the official theme song for Elimination Enclosure. You can get this song and their album "Head for the door" which is available on iTunes and Spotify.

The camera then switches to the ring, where a ton of objects were scattered everywhere. Tables, chairs, pipe wrenches, Kendo Sticks, pretty much everything... including the kitchen sink.

Mauro: Now we turn our attention back to the ring, where it looks like a tornado ripped through!

Nigel: Looks like a warzone!



Out came Dennis on his bike, and he circled around the ring as if he owns it.

Mauro: And Dennis circling the ring, and he has some words for Allin in regards of the street fight, and we're gonna hear it now!

Dennis then gets off his bike, grabs a chair, and opens it as he enters the ring.

He then plopped the chair down in the center of the ring, grabbed a mic, and sat down, looking at the chaotic looking scene before speaking.

Dennis: You see this? This carnage & this mayhem in my ring? THIS is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to Darby Allin at Elimination Enclosure. Darby.... I am going to massacre, and annihilate you to the point they'll have to drop YOU in a coffin! You may fall & rise again Darby, but in the end, you are going to die.

Dennis then got up from his chair, grabbed the nearest cameraman, and looked straight into the camera.

Dennis: And once I'm done with Allin, my eyes will be on the Elimination Enclosure Match, because I'm entering the match itself & getting my shot at the LWF: Reborn title! And I don't care if it's Starlight Glimmer or Ricochet, they are standing in my way of becoming Champion, and they... will... die... because EVERYBODY dies!

He lets go of the cameraman, throws his mic down, and his theme plays once more.

Mauro: Guys, if the Elimination Enclosure match wasn't dangerous, it is now!

Beth: I would not wanna be whoever's locked inside with him!

Nigel: If he wins the whole thing, nobody is gonna be safe!

Dennis gets on his bike, and rides to the back.


The SCE were walking back to their locker room when Kayla Braxton caught up to them.

Kayla: Starlight, what you and the SCE did to Asia Argento was what some people are calling an "Act of random chaos", is there a reason why you let Ohno and Danny do that?

Starlight: An act of random chaos? Please, what that was, was not random, that was in fact, a message. A message sent by Kassius Ohno and Dark Danny, to Will Ospreay, and his friends Kacy Catanzaro, and Robbie Eagles. Those three think that this Tables and Stables match is gonna slow us down? No, not in a million years. If they think they can just-

Starlight suddenly stopped, and looked at who was walking up to her.

In walked a girl, looking about 4-5 feet tall with white hair and hazel eyes. She had 2 white cat ears, and a pair of matching cat tails.

Her name was Koneko Toujou.

Starlight: Um... Do I know you?

Koneko: Not completely. Let's just say I'm a friend of that girl you messed up pretty badly.

Starlight: Who? Oh, that girl that Dark Danny made an example of! Right...

Koneko: You know, for a group like yours that preaches Equality... what you did out there wasn't very Equal.

Starlight: Oh, that's where you're wrong. See, what that was, WAS an act of Equality! Your friend didn't fit that mold, so we had to destroy her, and besides, a message had to be sent. Hopefully that message was sent clearly to anyone, ESPECIALLY Ricochet and his friends, that true Equality, is true peace. But you don't understand that, do you?

Koneko: Oh I do understand. I understand that you're like a dictator. You would feed a whole village back where you're from the same thing, wouldn't you?

Starlight raised an eyebrow. But brushes off her rebuttal.

Starlight: What is it that you want from me exactly? Besides insulting me. Because you're not really my priority at the moment.

Koneko: Plain and simple. You, and me. In the ring.

Kassius: You? Take on Starlight? You don't even GO here, shorty!

Starlight: Now, now, Kassius. No name calling here, but you do have a point. *looks back at Koneko* You're NOT even part of LWF, so that's an immediate no.

Koneko: Oh, going with that route.... Okay.

Koneko then gives Starlight a hard shove, sending her crashing into some stacked metal poles. Trixie, Ohno, Spongebob, and Danny then lunged forward, but before it got any crazier, referees began to break them apart.

Koneko casually backed away, and Starlight looked up at her from the ground, shocked and embarrassed.

Mauro: Looks like one of Asia's friends had stood up to Starlight and the SCE!

Nigel: I get you wanna stand up for your friends, but 1, that's the Society of Complete Equality, and 2, it's 1 against 5. That's suicide!

Beth: The thing is, that girl isn't part of the roster!

Mauro: Unless Chard finds a solution...

(MATCH 5: Aria and Sonata vs. Kushida and Alex Shelley)

The lights suddenly go out, and the arena was pitch black.



Once the song started playing, a 10 second countdown started on the tron, and smoke was being emitted from the stage.

16 seconds into the song, the smoke cleared, the countdown hit zero, and under a blue spotlight, there stood Alex Shelley, arms up in the air, looking up into the ceiling, and Kushida was in front of him, down on one knee.

Then, Chris Sabin, in his casual clothing, came out, and the trio made their way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this tag team bout is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Chris Sabin, at a combined weight of 407 pounds, Alex Shelley, and "The Time Splitter" Kushida... THE TIME SPLITTERS!!!

Mauro: This is somewhat of a Resurgence rematch, as Kushida and Shelley have fought Aria and Sonata in the Tag Team gauntlet match, with Kushida and Shelley eliminating the Siren duo!

Beth: Maybe this time things will go differently?

Nigel: Who knows? But remember, there's animosity within The Dazzlings. Specifically with Sonata. Ever since Robert Squared had that chat with her, there's been dissension within the ranks!

Nigel: And with Elimination Enclosure just around the corner, how long will The Dazzlings last as a team?

Shelley and Kushida enter the ring, stand in the center of it, and then do the same pose they did on the stage.



The lights dim the second the song started, then the spotlights flickered, changing from purple to yellow as Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk came out.

Then finally Adagio comes out last. She turns around, and seductively sways her hips left and right before looking over her shoulder, winking at the camera, then she turns around, and The Dazzlings walk down the ramp.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, accompanied by Adagio Dazzle, representing The Dazzlings, the team of Aria Blaze, and SONATA DUSK!

Mauro: As mentioned earlier, The Dazzlings as of late, have been having problems with each other. Specifically Aria and Adagio, having a problem with Sonata.

Beth: Things especially got worse when Robert Squared had a little Heart-to-heart conversation with Sonata, and now Sonata is showing some independence, much to the chagrin of Aria and Adagio.

Nigel: But if they wanna get a win over the trio of Sabin, Shelley, and Kushida, they must be on the same page.

Mauro: With what went down in the recent Episodes, I doubt that will last long.

Aria and Sonata entered the ring, Aria coldly staring down Kushida and Shelley, while Sonata quietly stepped out of the ring, and stood on the apron.

Kushida and Shelley then agreed with one another on Shelley starting it off, which then gave Aria and Adagio an idea.

They both looked at Sonata, and Sonata looked back at them. "What?" She asks.

"You start." Aria replied.

"Yeah, he made you tap, wanna get a little vengeance?" Adagio asks.

"Yeah, you may even get our love and respect doing so." Aria adds.

But Sonata refuses. "Oh, no, I don't want to, what if I mess up and upset you guys again?" She says. "Besides, that Alex Shelley guy isn't so bad-"

"GET IN THERE!!!" Aria and Adagio shouted, pointing into the ring.

Sonata flinched, then without another word, Sonata reluctantly entered the ring.

Mauro: And against her will, Sonata is starting it off, with Alex Shelley.

Beth: They are just making her miserable playing with her emotions like that!

The bell then rings, and Shelley and Sonata lock up in the middle of the ring.

Shelley gets Sonata in a Hammerlock, wrenching back to inflict some pain.

Sonata then immediately countered into a Snapmare, escaping from the hold, while simultaneously taking Shelley down.

Sonata then followed up with a Dropkick to his back, went for a quick cover, but Shelley kicked out at 2.

Beth: You can imagine the struggle that Sonata must be feeling, dealing with a lot of mixed emotions right now. Forced to start the match by her sisters, but also getting that encouragement from Robert Squared, it has to be eating at her.

Nigel: It's like she can't tell from right and wrong.

Sonata then picks up Shelley, Shelley fires back with a Forearm Smash. Sonata staggers back, Shelley then went for a Step-up Enzuigiri, and connects!

Shelley then drags Sonata to his corner, and tags in Kushida.

Mauro: There's the tag, Kushida the legal man now!

Kushida enters the ring, and waited for Sonata to get up.

Sonata gets back to her feet, and Kushida fires away with some kicks to the legs, then a series of chops to the chest.

Mauro: And Kushida laying in those strong style strikes!

He then went for the Wind-up Punch, but then Sonata ducked, hit the ropes, then took Kushida down with a Hurricanrana!

Sonata gets up, and so did Kushida. She then Wheelbarrows into a Victory Roll, but instead of going for the pin, she got up, and connected with a Double Foot Stomp!

Sonata now goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2.

Sonata now makes the tag to Aria. Aria then picked Kushida up, and delivered a few Short-arm Clotheslines before finally slamming him down with a Snap Suplex.

Aria then rolled him over, then waited for him to get to one knee. Once he got to one knee, she hits the ropes, then planted Kushida with a Cutter!

Mauro: And now Aria with a grounded Cutter!

She continues her offense by picking Kushida up once more, and then hitting an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a DDT!

Mauro: What a flurry of moves by Blaze!

Nigel: Kushida in trouble now!

Aria hooks the leg, but Kushida still kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Kushida still manages to kick out!

Beth: Aria Blaze is in total control!

Aria now has Kushida in a Front Facelock.

Nigel: Front Facelock applied now...

After a couple of minutes in the hold, Kushida begins to slowly get up, trying to counter out of the Front Facelock.

Kushida begins to land some punches to Aria's midsection, and after 3 blows, Aria lets him go.

Mauro: Kushida landing some shots to the gut, now Kushida is free!

Aria tries to land some shots, but Kushida takes her down with an Arm Drag!

Aria gets up, but Kushida Clotheslines her over the top rope, sending her tumbling to the floor!

Mauro: And now Aria sent to the outside!

Aria then looks under the ring, and pulls out a Kendo Stick!

Mauro: Ooooh my! Aria with a Kendo Stick in hand!

Nigel: Looks like The Dazzlings don't wanna just beat them!

That's when Chris Sabin stepped in, and tries to snag the Kendo Stick off of her hands.

Mauro: And Chris Sabin making sure Aria doesn't use that weapon!

Beth: Aria is not letting go though!

After a few seconds of Tug-of-war with the stick, Aria then grinned, and pulled as hard as she could to keep the stick.

She then whacked the apron with it, then threw the stick to Sabin, then fell to the floor and acted like she got hit with it!

The referee then turned around, and sees Aria on the ground, and Sabin holding the stick!

Mauro: Uh oh! Sabin caught with the smoking gun!

Sabin tried to deny it, but the referee wasn't buying any of it. Then, the referee ejects Sabin from ringside!

Mauro: And Sabin gets ejected!

Beth: Now the numbers advantage goes to The Dazzlings!

Nigel: This is basically 3 on 2 now!

Sabin angrily walks to the back, and Aria waves goodbye as she gets back In the ring.

Once Aria was in the ring, she kicks Kushida in the knee, to take him off his feet.

She then turns around, hits the ropes, and ran right into a Handspring Kick by Kushida!

Mauro: Oh! Kushida with a Handspring attack!

Kushida then brings her to the center of the ring, goes for a Discus Elbow Smash, but Aria caught him with a Bicycle Kick on the way around!

Mauro: Oh! Kushida looking for a Rolling Elbow, gets a Pump Kick to the mush instead!

Kushida spins around in a daze, then suddenly clocked Aria with a Péle Kick!

Now both Aria and Kushida are down!

Beth: OOH!!!

Mauro: And Kushida with a Péle kick! Both of them are down!

The referee begins to count to 10, Shelley and Sonata rallying their respective partners on.

1... 2... 3... 4...

Kushida begins to stir, so does Aria.

Beth: Turning point of the match right here!

5... 6... 7...

Kushida is the first to get up, and he makes the hot tag to Shelley!

Mauro: Tag! In comes Alex Shelley!

Aria gets up, and Shelley knocks her down with a Clothesline.

Aria gets up again, and gets hit with another Clothesline.

Shelley then picks Aria up, but Aria counters with a Jawbreaker!

Shelley was now stunned, Aria hits the ropes, but runs into a Superkick by Shelley!

Nigel: Ooh, Shelley with a Superkick!

Mauro: Caught her flush on the face!

Shelley then drags Aria into his corner, tags in Kushida, and goes to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Tag made, and now the Time Splitters! Shelley up top!

Shelley then leapt off and connected a Splash, while Kushida simultaneously connected with a Standing Moonsault!

Beth: Wow!!!

Nigel: Moonsault/Splash combo!

Kushida goes for the cover, but Sonata was able to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And Sonata breaks the count at 2!

Sonata quickly scurried back to her corner before Shelley could chase her down, and the referee was now ordering Shelley to get back into his corner.

With the referee's back turned, Adagio slides into the ring, Aria then got Kushida hooked for a Reverse STO, and then Adagio hits the Blind Kiss, then Aria planted Kushida with the Reverse STO!

Mauro: OH! Adagio hitting the Blind Kiss, then Blaze driving Kushida to the mat!

Nigel: The Dazzlings using the numbers advantage!

Beth: An unfair advantage might I add!

Aria then gets up, and looked at Sonata.

Aria then she looked down at Kushida, then she rolled him over so that he was laying face up, and tagged Sonata in.

Sonata looked at her in surprise, then slowly entered the ring.

"Go for it. Pin him." Aria told her.

Sonata looked at Kushida, then looked back at Aria, shaking her head to say "No".

"Take the pin, idiot!" Aria shouts.

"If you want our love and respect, then just pin him already! Come on, the win is right there!" Adagio adds.

Sonata continues to hesitate. Battling with her conscience and her feelings on what to do.

Finally, after some thought, she refuses to pin Kushida. "I can't do it! I-I just can't!" She shouts.

Mauro: Aria and Adagio just handed Sonata a win on a silver platter, but Sonata refuses!

This gave Kushida enough time to recover, and he rolled up Sonata with a Schoolboy pin!

Mauro: Oh wait! Kushida has Sonata!

Sonata kicks out at 2, both Sonata and Kushida get up, then Kushida clocked her with the Wind-up Punch!

Mauro: And there's the Wind-up Punch by Kushida!!!

Kushida then tagged in Shelley, Shelley picks up Sonata, and hooks her up for a Neckbreaker, all the while Kushida climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Tag to Shelley, and now it's Kushida going up top!

Nigel: What's gonna happen here!?

Once Kushida was ready, Shelley and Kushida then did their signature Double team move, the Moonsault/Neckbreaker combo they called "Outatime"!

Beth: OH, WOW!!!

Mauro: That's the Outatime by Kushida and Shelley!

Shelley then hooked the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And it is out of time for Aria and Sonata!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, THE TIME SPLITTERS!!!

Mauro: If they keep this up, The Time Splitters and Sabin could walk out of Elimination Enclosure with the win!

Nigel: But for The Dazzlings, this has been a total tailspin. The Dazzlings had the match won, albeit it was with Adagio getting involved, but Sonata refused to follow the same path, and chose not to take the win.

Beth: Well you gotta respect that. Sonata wanted a win that she worked for, not a win handed to her.

Sonata finally comes to, and sees Aria and Adagio looking down at her.

Sonata sits up, and tries to apologize and explain why she didn't wanna take a free win.

Adagio looks at Aria, then back to Sonata. Then without hesitation, Adagio slapped Sonata in the face!

Mauro: Oh my god!

Beth: Adagio just slapped Sonata!

Nigel: All because she didn't wanna take the low road. Come on! At least Sonata has decency!

Sonata held her face after the slap, then Aria and Adagio walked out on her, leaving her in the ring. And all Sonata did was cry.

Beth: I actually feel bad for Sonata Dusk! She did the right thing, and got punished for it!

Mauro: Aria and Adagio claiming to be more sister-like to Sonata, but just showed the exact opposite!

Nigel: Something tells me, that The Dazzlings won't be able to stay on the same page come Elimination Enclosure.


In the first aid room, Asia has semi-recovered from her beatdown from earlier, and leaves the first aid room.

That's when Charly Caruso walked up to her.

Charly: Asia, looks like everything is looking just fine after you fell victim to the SCE earlier tonight. How are you feeling right now?

Asia: Still in a lot of pain, but I also heard that my friend Koneko stood up to the leader of that SCE group. That's very brave of her, but I really hope she knows what she's doing.

The interview ends, Asia continues on her way, but accidentally bumps into Chris Brookes.

Chris: Hey! Watch where the f-ck you're going!

Asia: Oh! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to-

Chris: Wait, you didn't do it on purpose did you?

Asia: What!? What are you talking about!?

Chris: Oh, you're lying now, huh? You wanna really start something with me?

Asia: No! Not at all! I don't even know you! Please don't hurt me! *Covers herself, bracing for impact*

Chris: *Looks at the bent chair in his hands* I'm in a foul mood after what happened earlier. You picked the wrong time to test me!

He then went for a swing, but then someone punched the chair out of his hands.

It was Koneko again! And just in the nick of time!

Koneko: Don't even think about it, buster! Or I'm gonna drop you where you stand!

Chris: *Smirks, and hold his hands up* alright. You win. *Picks up the chair* But I want that friend of yours in the ring next episode!

Chris Brookes then walks away.

Koneko: You alright, Asia?

Asia nods.

Koneko: He tries that again, and he won't be so lucky.

In another area backstage, Ricochet was in suit and tie, and was making his way to the ring.

Mauro: And there you see Ricochet, all ready for the final confrontation with Starlight Glimmer before Elimination Enclosure!

Beth: As long as Starlight is the champion, Starlight and the SCE will rule LWF under their version of Equality, and Ricochet doesn't want that to happen!

Nigel: Will he succeed this time?

(MATCH 6: Maurecia vs. Indigo Zap)


Out comes Indigo Zap.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen this contest is set for one fall, introducing first, INDIGO ZAP!!!

Mauro: Earlier tonight, Indigo's friend Lemon Zest faced Jenny of Team Wheels Extreme, but came up short. Indigo Hope's she doesn't suffer the same fate against the other half of Team Wheels Extreme, Maurecia!

Beth: Maurecia is one hard hitting tough girl! So Indigo Zap has to watch out for her hard strikes, especially her punches.

Zap slides into the ring, and then stretches out in a corner.


And out came Maurecia.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, representing Team Wheels Extreme, MAURECIA!!!

Beth: This should be interesting to see. Not only do both of them have a brash attitude when it comes to the ring, this is a clash of styles. Maurecia being more of a striker, and Indigo being more methodical and strikes at the best opportunity!

Nigel: Then that means Maurecia has to be very cautious when striking because Indigo Zap may just be one step ahead of her.

Maurecia enters the ring, and she goes to her corner.

Mauro: And we know that at the pre-show of Elimination Enclosure, Zap and Zest are taking on Team Wheels Extreme in a Tornado Tag match. Jenny got the momentum in her match with Lemon Zest, let's see if Maurecia can do the same.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Indigo and Maurecia lock up in the middle of the ring, Indigo then went behind, and got Maurecia in a Hammerlock.

Maurecia lands a couple of Back Elbows to break free. She then turns around, looked to hit Indigo with a Clothesline, but then Indigo ducked, hits the ropes, went for a flying Back Elbow, but Maurecia dodged it.

Indigo manages to gather herself upon landing, and evades an incoming Pump Kick from Maurecia.

Indigo then Wheelbarrows Maurecia into a Victory Roll pin, Maurecia kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Maurecia then slammed Indigo to the mat with a Double-leg Takedown, gets her in a Jackknife pin, but Indigo kicks out at 2!

They got up again, and then got an applause from the crowd.

Mauro: And Zap and Maurecia in a stalemate!

Beth: Looks like Maurecia did a bit of homework on Indigo Zap! She found a counter for every move Zap did!

Nigel: One has to give, but I don't think either of these two will!

Indigo smirked, Maurecia smirked back, and then they circled the ring.

Then they lock up once again, this time Maurecia got Indigo in a Side Headlock, then brings her to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown!

Indigo then wrapped her legs around Maurecia's neck to escape. Indigo gets up, so did Maurecia, then Indigo went for a jumping Knee Strike, but Maurecia sidestepped out of the way, and caught her.

Maurecia then went for a German Suplex, but Indigo landed on her feet! Then Indigo went for a Double Foot Stomp, but Maurecia rolled out of the way before her feet could connect!

Maurecia gets up, Indigo charges at her, but Maurecia lowered the top rope, and Indigo tumbled to the floor!

Mauro: Back and forth they go, and Maurecia low bridging Indigo! Sending Indigo tumbling to the floor outside!

Indigo gets back on her feet, then Maurecia lands a Baseball Slide Dropkick, sending Indigo crashing into the barricade!

Mauro: Maurecia with a Baseball Slide!

Maurecia then slides out of the ring to throw Indigo back into the ring.

Once she did that, she slid back in, then went for the cover.

Indigo kicks out at 2, Maurecia picks her up, goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Indigo blocked it, then went for a Small Package pin, but Maurecia kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Maurecia went for a Wind-up Punch, but Indigo blocks it, grabbed the arm, and then connected with an Overhead Kick to it!

Mauro: Oh! Indigo catching that punch! Then delivered a kick!

Beth: Right on the arm too!

Maurecia clutches her arm, then Indigo hits the ropes, and with a Flying Clothesline, she hits Maurecia!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: And Indigo connecting with that Clothesline, she may have stunned Maurecia!

Maurecia was now sitting up in a Daze, then Indigo pushed her down, and went for the cover.

Maurecia kicks out at 2, then Indigo rolled her over, and locked on a Fujiwara Armbar.

Mauro: And now Indigo Zap, Fujiwara Armbar applied, neutralizing Maurecia's strongest weapon by inflicting more damage!

Nigel: Can't punch with a busted arm!

Maurecia now uses her free hand to try and crawl to the ropes, but then Indigo dropped her arm, dragged her away from the ropes, and then locked on the Fujiwara Armbar again.

A few minutes into the hold, Maurecia was able to get to one knee, and hit Indigo's nearest arm with her free hand!

Mauro: Oh Maurecia now! Breaking free from Indigo's Fujiwara Armbar-

Indigo releases her, and clutches her own arm. Then Maurecia, still using her good hand, plants Indigo with a single handed Bulldog!

Mauro: Oh! And a Bulldog drives Indigo to the mat!

Maurecia then shakes her damaged arm to regain some feeling. Then she picked her up, and threw Indigo into a corner.

Maurecia then went for a leaping Clothesline into the corner, but Indigo escaped from the corner, narrowly dodging it!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Clothesline, but no one was home!

Indigo then hits the ropes again, and lands a Flying Forearm Smash on Maurecia!

Mauro: And Indigo with a Forearm!

Nigel: Maurecia in trouble now!

Maurecia crawls to a nearby corner, and slowly gets up. Then Indigo sized her up, then connected with a Running Dropkick the moment Maurecia got up!

Indigo then dropped Maurecia with a Brainbuster, floated over into the cover, but Maurecia kicked out at 2!

Mauro: Brainbuster! But Maurecia kicks out at 2!

Beth: Indigo is seeing just how durable Maurecia is!

Nigel: She is tough as nails! It's gonna take more than that!

Indigo then picked Maurecia up, but then in a sudden burst of energy, Maurecia lifted Indigo up onto her shoulders, and spun her out into a Knee Lift!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Maurecia with a Knee!

Indigo was now staggering, Maurecia hits the ropes, but then Indigo caught her with a Calf Kick!

Mauro: Oh! Indigo caught her with a kick off the rebound!

Indigo then got her up onto her shoulders in an Argentine Rack, then she flipped her into a Cutter!

Beth: Wow!

Mauro: What a unique cutter by Indigo Zap!

Indigo then hooked the leg, and got the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Zap gets the win!

**Bell rings!**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, INDIGO ZAP!!!

Mauro: Indigo Zap with a hard fought win over Maurecia! Boy did Maurecia bring a fight!

Beth: Uh huh. Maurecia had an answer for every move Zap threw at her, but Zap was able to stay one step ahead of her, and get the victory!

Nigel: 1 win and 1 loss for both Team Wheels Extreme and Zap and Zest, come Elimination Enclosure, all it needs to settle the score, is 3 seconds, or a tap.

Indigo smirks as she walked to the back, looking at Maurecia who was on her knees defeated.


Backstage, Aria and Adagio were continuing their way to their locker room, when Charly Caruso walked up to them.

Charly: Aria, Adagio, earlier you deliberately slapped Sonata in the face, then walked out on her after Kushida and Alex Shelley won. Why did you walk out on Sonata?

Adagio: Charly, we walked out on Sonata because that was a warning. A warning that at Elimination Enclosure, a victory over Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns, is her only way, to make it up to us. Sonata now has one more chance at our "love and respect"

Aria: Which she doesn't deserve by the way!

Suddenly from a distance, Robert Squared walked in and stopped Aria and Adagio.

Robert: If anyone DOESN'T deserve "love & respect", it's you two harlots! Here I thought you two couldn't possibly be any worse, but then you pulled THAT crap tonight! You two are absolutely the most vile and repulsive witches I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!

Adagio: Repulsive? Really? We know what's best for Sonata! You don't!

Aria: Yeah, she's just thick-skulled!

Robert: Ahem, the only thing "thick" around here, besides Dagi's hips which by the way, aren't even as good as mine, is the size of your egos! If you honestly believe verbally & mentally abusing your "sister" is what's best for her, gimme a break!

Adagio: Okay. Listen here, bub! I don't even know how this is even your business in the first place, but if Sonata knows better, she would just forget about you!

Robert: But she hasn't, and she WON'T. Deep down she knows I have her best interest in mind, unlike you do.

Aria: Yeah, that's what you think.

Adagio: Exactly. This isn't even your business to begin with, so piss off! Sonata will listen to us, and there's nothing you will do about it.

Robert: We'll see. But when you two take the one step too far, She's gonna whoop you all over that ring, and I'll be SURE I get my licks in too.

Adagio: *Smirks* Sonata won't.

And with that, Aria and Adagio walk away. Robert stood in his spot, and watches them leave.

Robert: Sonata WILL.

In another area backstage, Charly Caruso was standing by with Mark Andrews.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by with Mark Andrews, and Mark, before we went live, you said you had a surprise for us.

Mark: Indeed I did say that, and I couldn't think of a better time than now, so...

Then in came Flash Morgan Webster!

Flash: Surprise! I'm back! But I'm also looking for revenge. I want that masked man that jumped me in Episode 4, in the ring!

Mark: How's that for a surprise?

Before Charly could respond, the masked man jumped Andrews and Webster from behind, and then assaulted Webster!

The masked assailant then turned to Andrews, who was getting up, and ready to strike.

The masked assailant looked at him for a few seconds, before slowly backing away.

Mark then turned his attention to Webster, who was also getting checked on by referees.

(MAIN EVENT: Starlight and Ricochet's final confrontation)

I was standing in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand.

Me: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the final confrontation between Starlight Glimmer and Ricochet. So allow me to introduce first, the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer.


Out came Starlight, championship belt on her shoulder.

Mauro: Elimination Enclosure is just around the corner, and that is where this gal here, Starlight Glimmer, will face Ricochet for that coveted LWF: Reborn Championship!

Beth: At Resurgence, she won with the help of Spongebob and Dark Danny, but at Elimination Enclosure, she's gonna be all alone.

Starlight enters the ring, and the crowd boos as she held her title up high.

Me: And now, her challenger at Elimination Enclosure, Ricochet.

The crowd cheers at the mention of his name.



A spotlight shone down on the stage, and there stood Ricochet, still in Suit and Tie.

Mauro: And there is the challenger!

Nigel: A second chance at dethroning Starlight. Ricochet better make this count because there's a good chance he won't get a third!

Ricochet enters the ring, and then Starlight and Ricochet have a stare down.

Me: Ricochet, Starlight, let's try and keep this confrontation as civil as we can, okay? Any final words you want to say to each other?

Starlight and Ricochet both get mics, then Starlight speaks first.

Starlight: Ricochet. When are you gonna finally wake up, and realize that what you are doing is wrong? When are you gonna finally see that doing things that other people can't do, will only cause fights among friends, thriving to do what you do, but better? Ricochet you are one talented man, no doubt, but that also means, you are exactly what is wrong with LWF. You make people wanna be better than everyone else with your influences, you make people think that it's okay to be different, but difference is frustration! When people are different from one another, it causes competition, and competition leads to inequality, and that's where I step in! I'm gonna make sure that you stop filling people's minds with inequality, by beating you, and staying, LWF: Reborn Champion. Because true equality... brings true peace!

Starlight then smiles as she holds her championship belt up high, and then places it on her shoulder.

Ricochet then spoke next.

Ricochet: Y'know Starlight, I'm all for being equal in mindset, but many people, like myself, thought you were done pulling this. Do you realize what your equality does to people? It hurts them. Both mentally, and physically! Considering what your goons did to that Asia girl earlier tonight, you and your little gang here need to realize that you can't just do whatever you want. And it will happen in three possible scenarios that could happen at Elimination Enclosure: 1, Spongebob loses the Wattpad Championship, 2, Trixie, Ohno and Dark Danny get put through tables by Eagles, Ospreay and my girl Kacy, or 3, and I need you to REALLY keep this one in mind.... When I beat you, and become the new LWF: Reborn Champion.

Starlight tries to respond, but Ricochet cuts her off.

Ricochet: Wait! I just remembered, it's not 3 scenarios, it's 4. The fourth scenario... is when all 3 happen. If that happens, you're in for a rude awakening.

Starlight: *giggles* Wow, you're soooooo defiant aren't you? I like that, Ricochet. I really do. But your defiance is gonna lead to your downfall. Play the hero, Ricochet! Go ahead! I want no excuses when you are left laying in defeat... that is if you make it to Elimination Enclosure of course.

That's when the SCE came out, and surrounded the ring.

Mauro: Oh, look who showed up.

Beth: The SCE!

Nigel: So much for a civil confrontation!

Before any of the SCE members could make a move, Robbie Eagles, Kacy Catanzaro, and Will Ospreay came out, and evened the odds.

Mauro: Here comes the cavalry!

Beth: The field is now even!

Ricochet looked back at his friends for a second, and that gave Starlight the chance to connect with a cheap shot, hitting Ricochet from behind with the belt!

Mauro: OH! Starlight Glimmer from behind!

Starlight then pummeled away on Ricochet, and then in the outside of the ring, Eagles, Ospreay, and Catanzaro began brawling with Spongebob, Danny, Ohno, and Trixie!

Beth: Oh here we go!

Nigel: The brawl is on!

Mauro: All hell has broken loose!

Danny and Spongebob double teamed on Eagles, but that is when Damian Priest, Dezmond Xavier, and "The" Brian Kendrick showed up. Spongebob saw them coming, and quickly darted into the crowd!

Mauro: Oh wait here comes the men Spongebob is facing in the 4 Way!

Beth: And Spongebob is retreating!

The 4 way competitors quickly gave chase, and Priest managed to catch him.

Spongebob fights back, and eventually Kendrick and Xavier caught up, and all 4 of them were fighting in the crowd.

Back in the ring, Starlight held her title up at Ricochet's face after hammering away on him.


That's when Ricochet struck with a Headbutt, knocking Starlight back!

Ricochet gets up, and throws Starlight out of the ring.

At ringside, the scuffle between the SCE and Eagles, Ospreay, and Catanzaro got more and more intense, Starlight then got up, Ricochet hits the ropes, and then with a Tope Con Hilo, Ricochet takes out everyone!


Meanwhile in the crowd, Kendrick, Priest, and Spongebob were having a scuffle, but Dezmond was nowhere to be seen.

Beth: And in the crowd! Kendrick, Priest and Spongebob battling it out!

Nigel: Wait, hold on, where's Xavier?!

But then there was Xavier... up on the second balcony!

Mauro: I think that answers your question, Nigel! He's in another timezone up there!

Beth: I think I know what he's planning on!

Mauro: Yeah! A big impact!

Dezmond then prepared to jump... and did so, landing on Priest, Spongebob, and Kendrick with his patented Corkscrew Senton, the Final Flash!

Nigel: OH MY GOD!!!!


Beth: Guys, the SCE's chances of winning all three of their matches may be in jeopardy! They're all completely laid out!

In the ring, Ricochet had just slid back in, spotted the LWF: Reborn Championship on the ground, picked it up, and to a rally of cheers, he held it up high as his theme played.

The camera then changes to the crowd, where Xavier was laying on Priest, Kendrick, and Spongebob, who were are all laying in a pile.

Nigel: You may be right, Beth! It's full speed ahead to Chicago, and there is a LOT on the Society's plate come Elimination Enclosure!

Mauro: Spongebob has to brave the odds as he takes on Kendrick, Priest, and Dezmond Xavier in a Fatal 4 Way for the Wattpad Championship, Danny, Ohno, and Trixie will be in a Tables and Stables match against, Ospreay, Catanzaro, and Eagles, and to top it all off, Starlight will he defending her LWF: Reborn Championship against Ricochet, and in the ring right now, might be the image we could see at Elimination Enclosure!

Ricochet then tosses the belt back to Starlight who looks on in disgust as Ricochet tells her "That title is mine. Your reign is over at Elimination Enclosure!"
And that's the Go Home Show everyone!

Can Elimination Enclosure be any more hyped? With animosity boiling within The Dazzlings, to Ricochet's defiance, and who will be safe in the Elimination Enclosure match, knowing Dennis is gonna be in there!?

You will soon find out when Elimination Enclosure comes to the Allstate Arena!

See you at Elimination Enclosure!

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