EPISODE 7 (The Post Elimination Enclosure Show)

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Welcome to the Post Elimination Enclosure edition of LWF: Reborn!

With Elimination Enclosure coming and going, let's see what goes down here...


The Dazzlings arrived at Allstate Arena for the post Elimination Enclosure show for LWF: Reborn, and Adagio was not in her best mood.

Sonata was unsure if she wanted to say anything, knowing Adagio's bad mood. Aria then looked at Sonata.

Aria: You know, it's YOUR fault Adagio is like this, Sonata.

Sonata: Yeah... I know...

Aria: Oh, finally you said something smart for once!

Adagio: ENOUGH! I don't want to deal with you two after what I went through at Elimination Enclosure! *Glares at Sonata* ESPECIALLY you!

The Dazzlings continue on their way, but then they see Orange Cassidy laying on a production box.

Adagio: *Gasps* YOU!

Adagio swiftly walks towards Cassidy (Possibly napping).

Adagio: HEY! Listen, at Elimination Enclosure, you got lucky. Don't you dare think that because you eliminated me, you can beat me any day of the week! Tonight, I want you in the ring, so I can exact a bit of revenge on you!

Cassidy tilts his head to the right to look up at Adagio, still not saying a word.

Adagio: Well?

Cassidy just lightly shrugs.

Adagio: I'm taking that as a "yes". Oh, and by the way... *Turns to Sonata* put on a referee shirt. You're calling that match.

Sonata: Me!?

Adagio: Yeah, who else did you think I was speaking to?

Sonata points to Aria.

Adagio: *Sighs* Touche. Well I was talking to you!

Aria: If you haven't figured it out yet, Dagi wants YOU as the ref so things can be more-

Adagio: *Clasps her mouth* Not... in front of him!

As the three walked off, Cassidy then opened his mouth, and surprisingly spoke!

Orange Cassidy: Hey, Adagio.

The three sirens then stopped in their tracks, and Adagio looked back.

Adagio: Oh he speaks. HALLELUJAH! What do you want?

Orange Cassidy: Nothing. Just be ready to lose... again.

Adagio: Oh, really? Well I hope you find the mat comfy. Because you're gonna be laying there after I kick you in the back of your head.

The Dazzlings then leave, and Cassidy continues to lay on the production box.



53 seconds into the song, the opening pyro goes off in the Allstate Arena. After the pyro, the camera pans around to view the hyped crowd as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Elimination enclosure is officially in the books, but we're staying in Chi-Town one more night before we go full throttle to LWFs next big Show, High Acceleration! Mauro Ranallo here, alongside Beth Phoenix and Nigel McGuinness. Guys, let's talk about what went down earlier today between Orange Cassidy and The Dazzlings first!

Beth: Definitely a strong message sent by Adagio, and as for Chard, he's made it official! Later tonight, it will be Orange Cassidy vs. Adagio Dazzle, and unfortunately for Sonata, she's yet again, forced into a position she doesn't want to be in, this time as the Special Referee!

Nigel: Personally, I hope Sonata does her job right so Adagio won't have to deal with another loss, especially when it's that lazy oaf, Orange Cassidy that gets the win.

Beth: On the topic of The Dazzlings, after Aria and Adagio got involved in the Elimination Enclosure match to get Robert Squared eliminated, Robert will be facing off against one of the two sirens that got involved, Aria Blaze, in tonight's Main Event!



The crowd cheers as soon as the song began to play.

Then, at the chorus, out came the Tag Team Champions, Team Weird N' Wild.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: And coming off of a hard fought battle against Best Friends, here comes Team Weird N' Wild, STILL your Tag Team Champions!

Beth: It wasn't a one and done night for these two, however. Not only did they get the win against Best Friends, it seems like the Society of Complete Equality are coming after their tag titles!

Nigel: Well whenever you're a Champion, there's a big target on your back, and I'm sure they know that.

Mabel and Star enter the ring, holding mics, and all smiles.


The crowd erupts.

Star: Let's get right to the point here folks! It seems like the tag team division here in LWF has their priorities in check because their #1 goal are these belts we have around our waists!

Mabel: And it seems like a certain "Society" is making a claim to be next in line. And that's perfectly fine with us, because we are fighting champions and we are prepared to take on ANY challenges! And any chance to expose your phony little group is fine by us!



To a rally of boos, out comes the SCE in full force.

Mauro: Uh oh, speaking of Society of Complete Equality...

Beth: Team Weird N' Wild were not the only ones who walked out winners, these guys all did!

Nigel: And like you said Beth, they have eyes on the prize!

All of them had mics.

Starlight: Cute. Truly cute, girls. But clearly you haven't seen our dominance. Let me remind you of what happened. Spongebob and myself retained our championships. Not to mention, Trixie, Danny, and Ohno put Ospreay, Catanzaro and Eagles through hell. We silenced them once and for all, and I will finish Ospreay come Wrestlepalooza. The SCE, owned the night... However, it seems everyone is talking about you two.

Dark Danny: We clean swept all three matches and destroyed EVERYONE who stood in our way last night.

Trixie: We sent a message at ALL of their expenses and Starlight will do the same to Ospreay come Wrestlepalooza!

SpongeBob: And whoever faces ME come Wrestlepalooza will face the same damn fate!

Kassius: And we have zero qualms about making an example at the expense of the two of you as well.

Mabel and Star look at each other in disapproval.

Mabel: Hey, that's fine by us!

Star: Yeah, you can try, but this is the one team your "Equality" won't be able to stop!

The crowd cheers, much to the chagrin of Starlight.

Then Dark Danny stepped forward.

Dark Danny: Keep that perky spirit, girls... It will make it so much more painful for these fans to watch you fall.

Mabel: Fat chance, Danny Boy!

Starlight: Oh, is that the road you wanna take? This is a warning to you two! We're coming for your titles, so enjoy your reign while you still can.

The SCE then leaves.

Mauro: And a threat has been made by the SCE!

Beth: And if there's one thing we've learned from the SCE, if they make a threat, you can bet your life they're gonna follow through with it!

Nigel: I'd have my eyes in the back of my head if I were Team Weird N' Wild!


Best Friends were in their locker room giving Cassidy a pep talk, and Cassidy responded with a thumbs up.

That's when Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder barged in.

Curt: Still hanging out with these losers? Really? After what I did to THAT loser over there? *Points to Orange Cassidy*

Zack: Bro. You lost at Elimination Enclosure, your only win was in that 4 way tag match. Trent do you really wanna throw your potential away, and stay in the same place you are in right now?

Curt: Zack has a point. Remember back when we trained together, and you said that one day you'll be at the top? Well where you're at right now, you're never gonna be there.

Trent: Guys, when will you finally take "No" for an answer? You guys are literally the definition of Insanity.

Chuck: Yeah. Besides, if he does join you, the second he does become successful, you'll just become jealous of him, and eventually, you'll turn your backs on him. Not once have I turned my back on Trent! Since the day I met him, up to this point!

Curt: And? Look, friendship can only last so long. Family however, lasts a lifetime. And we are Trent's family.

Zack: Still got a problem with that?

Chuck: As a matter of fact, I do. How bout the four of us have a tag team match? Then we'll see if Trent REALLY needs you two!

Curt: You and Trent, against us? Well, after your performance at Elimination Enclosure, I don't think it should be hard to beat you two. You're on... but only on our time!

Zack: And our time is pretty limited on this show-

Chuck: Don't make any excuses. Name a place right now.

Zack and Curt looked at each other before nodding on a decision.

Curt: High Acceleration.

Chuck: Great.

Trent: And by the way, Zack, Curt, hopefully after Chuck and I beat you two, that shuts you up for good.

Curt: No promises.

Then, Hawkins and Ryder leave.

(OPENING MATCH: Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster)


The crowd cheered as out came Wales' Favorite Sons, Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Tag Team match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Mark Andrews, and FLASH MORGAN WEBSTER!!!

Mauro: And we are back in the action, and to start off the show, we have the exciting duo of Andrews and Webster!

Nigel: As of late, there has been a masked attacker who has been targeting these two, and Webster promised that he was gonna get his hands on him tonight!

Beth: Well right now, he, along with Andrews, need to focus on their match.

Andrews and Webster enter the ring, and await their opponents.



Out comes Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: Zap and Zest were also at Elimination Enclosure, but luck was not on their side when they took on Team Wheels Extreme in the pre show.

Nigel: Well hopefully these two Shadowbolts can turn their luck around tonight.

Zap and Zest enter the ring, and discuss who is gonna start the match first.

After a short discussion, Indigo starts it off against Mark Andrews, and the bell rings.

Andrews and Zap lock up in the middle of the ring, Andrews then gets Indigo in a Wristlock.

Indigo reverses, and with a Wristlock Takedown, she flips Andrews, slamming him down onto the mat!

Indigo then gets Andrews in a Grounded Headlock, Andrews then wraps his legs around her neck to try to escape.

Indigo lets go, they both get up, Andrews goes for a Step-up Enzuigiri, and hits it!

Andrews then rolls up Indigo for the pin, but Indigo kicks out at 2!

Indigo gets up, Andrews goes for a Jumping Knee Strike, but Indigo avoids it, Andrews then goes for a Clothesline, but Indigo blocks it, and takes Andrews down with an STO!

Mauro: Oh! STO by Indigo Zap, taking Andrews off his feet!

Zap then drags Andrews to her corner, and tags Zest in.

Mauro: There's the tag!

Indigo then props Andrews up in the corner, and pins him there with a Shoulder Barge to the gut.

Lemon Zest then enters the ring, creates distance, then runs back and hits Andrews with a Forearm Smash!

Nigel: Look at that teamwork!

Mauro: Zap and Zest keeping Andrews isolated!

Beth: Smart strategy by the two Shadowbolts!

Indigo then releases him, and Zest throws him out of the corner with a Snapmare.

She then sits Andrews up, and hits a Dropkick to his upper back!

Mauro: And Zest follows up with a Dropkick!

Zest then goes for the cover, Andrews kicks out at 2.

Zest then flips him over so that he's now face down, and she begins to deliver some Elbow Drops to his back.

She then hooks his legs, and locks on a Grounded Surfboard Stretch.

Mauro: Zest on the offensive, and now has Andrews in quite a predicament!

Beth: A unique Surfboard Stretch applied by Zest, she's pretty skilled in the ground game for an agile competitor!

Nigel: Well that's the benefit of an Unorthodox Competitor. Your opponent doesn't know what your strengths and weaknesses are, and you can easily adapt to whatever is being thrown at you!

Mark Andrews then begins to free himself. He manages to free one of his legs, and kicks Zest off.

Andrews begins to crawl over to Webster, but then Zest knocks Webster off the apron!

She then turns her attention back to Andrews, and Andrews grabs Zest's ankles, and sweeps her off her feet!

He then goes for the cover, Zest kicks out at 2!

Zest gets up before Andrews, and Zest hits the ropes, and hits a Sliding Knee Strike!

Mauro: And Lemon Zest! Knee to the temple!

Zest goes for the cover, Andrews kicks out at 2!

Zest gets up, and waits for Andrews to rise.

Once Andrews began to stir, Zest went for the Sliding Knee again, but this time Andrews shot back up to his feet, and hit a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: What an Enzuigiri by Mark Andrews, Zest is seeing stars!

Nigel: Andrews may have an opening!

Webster then climbs back up to the apron, and Andrews begins to crawl to Webster!

Zest begins to crawl to Zap, and both Zest and Andrews make the hot tag!

Mauro: There's the tag!

Zap and Webster hop into the ring, and Webster lands a Clothesline on Zap!

Zap gets up, and Webster hits another one!

Zap gets up again, goes for a Clothesline of her own, Webster ducks, hits the ropes, and leaps off the ground, delivering a third Clothesline!

Mauro: And Flash Morgan Webster beginning to feel it!

Zap gets up, and then Webster puts her on his shoulders. Then without hesitation, he drops her with a Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh!!! Webster dropping Zap onto his knee!

Webster goes for the cover, and Zap kicks out at 2!

Indigo Zap begins to stir, then Webster picks her up.

Zap then counters with a Jawbreaker, then Zap connects with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Zap then goes for the cover, but Webster kicks out at 2!

Flash Morgan Webster was now dazed, and now Zap looks to take advantage.

Zap tags in Zest, Zap then hooked up Webster, for a Reverse STO, and Zap and Zest hit a Reverse STO/Enzuigiri combo!

Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: Zap and Zest with a devastating combo!

Zest then goes for the cover, but Mark Andrews breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: And Mark Andrews saving the match for his team!

Indigo Zap then takes out Andrews by throwing him over the top rope with a Clothesline.

Andrews gets up, and then Zap tries to wipe him out with a Slingshot Corkscrew Plancha, but Andrews jumps out of the way in time!

Mauro: Oh Corkscrew Pescado attempt by Zap, Andrews avoided it!

Luckily she lands on her feet, but gets knocked by a Jumping Knee Strike by Andrews!

Mauro: Oh! And Andrews with a big time Knee!

Back in the ring, Lemon Zest looked to hit a Penalty Kick to the sitting Webster, but Webster fell back to dodge it, and kips up to his feet!

Zest then goes for a running attack, but gets hit with a Superkick by Webster!

Zest was now stunned, and then Webster hit his patented move, "Eton Rifle"!


Mauro: Eton Rifle!

Nigel: Webster didn't waste any time with that one!

Andrews hops back to the apron, and Webster tags him in.

Mauro: And Webster! Tag made to Andrews!

Andrews then quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle, and swiftly hit his signature Shooting Star Press, "Fall To Pieces"!

Mauro: Fall To Pieces connects!

Andrews goes into the cover, and gets the 3-count!

*Bell rings!*

Mauro: Andrews and Webster with the victory!

(Start at 0:13)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match, Flash Morgan Webster, and MARK ANDREWS!!!

Mauro: Andrews and Webster tasting their first win in LWF!

Andrews and Webster regroup, but there was no time for them to celebrate, they then demanded for mics.

They begin to speak once their theme fades.

Andrews: Well... a victory for the favorite sons of wales is all well and good. But, what we really want, is whoever's been attacking us, specifically Webster, these last couple of episodes!

Webster: Whoever you are, we're right here, we just came off a match, we're easy picking! Come on, where are you!?

Andrews then slid out of the ring, grabbed chairs, and handed Webster one.

Mauro: And now Andrews and Webster, armed and ready for their attacker to strike at any moment!

Then, slowly, the masked attacker showed up on the stage, with a chair of his/her own.

Webster: So there you are! Not a coward it seems. Now, do us a favor and take that mask off so we, and the audience here, can see who you really are!

The masked attacker continued to make his way down the ramp, and stopped at the bottom.

Andrews and Webster stood ready as the attacker stood there.

Mauro: An ominous feeling here...

Nigel: Whoever this person is... I have a feeling this could be something grandiose.

Webster then dares him to step into the ring, and then Andrews suddenly whacked Webster with the chair from behind, shocking the audience!

Mauro: WAIT, WHAT!?

Beth: What the hell!?

Nigel: Andrews just stabbed Webster in the back!

Mauro: What the hell was that for!?

Andrews then looked at the attacker, and smiled.

That's when the masked man dropped his chair, and took off his mask, to reveal...

The Welsh Dragon, Eddie Dennis! The crowd gasps in shock!

Mauro: Oh my GOD!!!

Beth: Nigel! Thats....!

Nigel: Eddie Dennis! The Welsh Dragon!

Eddie then slid into the ring and joined Andrews side by side.

Mauro: Eddie Dennis is a longtime friend of Andrews and Webster! But now it seems that Andrews has abandoned Webster to join up with this man!

Then, Dennis and Andrews quickly began stomping away on the prone Webster!

Mauro: And now Dennis and Andrews! Attacking Webster!

"You brought this upon yourself, Webster!!! This is YOUR fault!!!" Andrews shouts at Webster as he hammers away on him.

Eddie then motioned Andrews aside as he picked up Webster.

"I've been waiting a long time to do this to you!" Eddie says as he smiled maliciously as he hooked him up for the Neck Stop Driver.

Then Andrews climbed to the top turnbuckle, and then Andrews and Dennis hit a Double Foot Stomp/Neck Stop Driver combo!

Mauro: And now the pair planting Webster!

The two then stood up again, and they hugged as the crowd began to boo.

Beth: I can not believe what we're seeing! Andrews has just abandoned Webster for Eddie Dennis! For what!?

Mauro: They just came off a victory against a game Zap and Zest, and then all of a sudden, Mark Andrews threw away his friendship with Webster, in an instant!

Nigel: Gone are Wales's favorite sons! It's the reunion of Friends Stand United!


Ruby was happily waltzing around the backstage area, and then Charly Caruso walked up to her.

Charly: Ruby Rose! Welcome to LWF! You made a very shocking debut at Elimination Enclosure, coming out at Number 10. What made you want to come here?

Ruby: Oh, that's easy. When I heard LWF was making a comeback, I wanted to step into the brand that had so much history behind it, so I thought "Hey, it would be great to step into the brand that started it all!" so, I called Chard if I could come here, and he said "Absolutely"!

Charly: That's great, but unfortunately, you didn't get the chance to challenge for the LWF: Reborn Championship. What are your plans now?

Ruby: Y'know, I may have lost my shot at the big title in LWF.... but I've always got a Plan B. And that Plan B is-

She was suddenly cut off by the SCE walking in.

Starlight: Well, well, well... What is this I see? Someone else who believes being different will bring them success? You poor, sweet, misguided little thing.

Kassius: Look where being "special" or "different" got all of us... NOWHERE. But the moment we saw the way of Starlight, and joined her cause for Equality, THAT is when our success truly began!

Ruby: Equality? It kinda sounds like you guys all sold your souls, and gave up on what made you unique. So you know what I'm gonna do? What I'm gonna do is take a long, hard look at the title you have.

Starlight began to speak but Ruby shushed her.

Ruby: No, not you... *Looks to Abrasive Spongebob* You. That Wattpad Championship is looking Pretty tempting to me. I likes it... and I wants it.

SpongeBob: And what makes you think you even DESERVE a shot at me, punk? Contrary to popular belief, popping up doesn't give you any claim to anyTHING at all!

???: Now hold on a minute!

They then see Damian Priest walking up.

Damian: No one is getting their hands on the Wattpad Championship but me. Listen little girl, with that title square around my waist, I'll be one step closer to Infamy.

Ruby: Oh really? Sounds like a challenge to me! You wanna go? I'll be happy to show you what this "little girl" can do!

SpongeBob cut in between them.

SpongeBob: No! No! Hell no! NEITHER of you are getting a shot at my title! *He points at Priest* I beat you not once, but TWICE. So... back of the line! *He turns to Ruby* And you? All you've done is show up to appease a few little nerds on their computers! The two of you have ZERO claim to this title!

Starlight: Here's some advice to the BOTH of you. Know your limitations, and stick to them to find TRUE harmony. Try and surpass them... and you will fall.

???: Hey!

Everyone then turned to see Chard come in.

Chard: I can hear this argument all the way from my office. So you know what, since Starlight has a match later tonight with the debuting Koneko Toujou, that leaves... *Points to Kassius, Danny, SpongeBob and Trixie* you four, totally free. Talk amongst yourselves because only two of you are gonna be facing Priest and Ruby later tonight in a Tag Match.

Chard then leaves the scene. Priest and Ruby look at each other, and then back to the SCE before going their separate ways.

In another part of the backstage area, in The Dazzlings' locker room, Sonata had just put on the referee uniform, and Adagio, still a bit salty, walked in.

Sonata: Dagi, I don't know about this... why me?

Adagio: Because Sonata, this is your LAST chance to make things right! See, ever since Robert stepped into our business, he's been making you a loser, he's been making US losers! So just listen to me, Sonata! FOR ONCE, listen to me! Your job is to call the match in my favor. Okay?

Sonata: But... isn't that a bit unfair for Orange Cassidy?

Adagio: Oh for Pete's sake, that idiot doesn't care about a single thing! Like, at all! I don't think he'll even notice!

Adagio then walks away, and slams the door.

Sonata then looks down at her referee jersey, continuing to ponder on her thoughts.

(MATCH 2: Chris Brookes vs. Asia Argento)


To a rally of cheers, out walks Asia Argento, all smiles, and she high fives the fans on her way down the ramp.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall, introducing first Residing in Kuoh Town, Japan, ASIA ARGENTO!!!

Mauro: And look at this, the sweet Asia Argento has been accepted into LWF! After her heinous attack at the hands of Dark Danny, she looks to bounce back, stronger than ever!

Beth: I didn't think Asia would be back after what the SCE did to her!

Nigel: Neither did I. Now, let's go back to Episode 6, where this match came to be…

Then a replay of Asia bumping into Chris Brookes plays.

Nigel: It all started here, after Asia had just recovered from her match against Dark Danny, she inadvertently bumped into Brookes, who was not in the best of moods!

Then the replay cuts to Koneko jumping in before Brookes could attack, and says "I want that friend of yours in the ring next Episode!" To Koneko.

Beth: And then Koneko would step up before Brookes could even lay a finger on her, but the challenge was laid down, and now we're here.

Asia climbed into the ring and kneeled down into a praying position as spotlights danced around.

Then, the arena became pitch black.


Red spotlights began to dance around, and then, 25 seconds into the song, out came Chris Brookes.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Tipton, England, he weighs in tonight at 170 pounds, the Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: At Elimination Enclosure, Chris Brookes stunned the world when he showed a more darker, and violent side!

Beth: And since then, Ilja Dragunov has been silent! We haven't heard from Dragunov since!

Nigel: Chances are, Brookes put Dragunov on the shelf, and he might be gone for a long while…

Brookes then takes off his jacket, and slides into the ring.

Brookes looks at Asia with a smirk on his face, and Asia shudders a bit.

The bell rings, and Brookes immediately went for his Single Leg Front Dropkick right out of the gate, but Asia jumped out of the way!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes went for that destructive Flying Kick of his, Asia able to avoid it!

Brookes quickly gets up, and Asia quickly rained down with some Forearms!

Mauro: And look at Asia go! Bringing the fight to Chris Brookes!

Brookes pushes Asia off, Asia tries to go for more offense, but Brookes shuts her down with a Superkick to her midsection!

Brookes then slams Asia down with a Snap Suplex, goes for the cover, but Asia kicks out at 2.

Asia begins to crawl, but then Brookes viciously stomps on her hands!

Mauro: And there's that mean streak running loose!

Asia begins to scream in pain, then Brookes lays her face up, and he crushes her with a Senton!

Mauro: Oh! Asia flattened with a Senton by Brookes!

Brookes goes for the cover, but again, Asia kicks out at 2!

Asia was now tearing up, clutching at her midsection, but Brookes continued his unmerciful offense.

He picks up Asia, and forcefully throws her into a corner, causing her to bounce off the turnbuckles and fall face first onto the mat!

He then sat her in the corner, and began to press his foot across her throat!

Mauro: And Asia, much like in her match with Dark Danny, is getting absolutely destroyed!

Beth: Man, I feel really bad for Asia right now!

As Asia was squirming around, trying to push Brookes' foot off her throat, the referee began his count to 5, and Brookes released her at the count of 4.

Asia was now on her hands and knees coughing, and then Brookes picked her up, and puts her on his shoulders.

But just as he was about to do something, Asia countered into a Reverse Frankensteiner!

Mauro: OH, WOW!

Nigel: Asia hit a Poisoned Frankensteiner!

Beth: What a counter!

Mauro: Asia Argento may have just made an opening!

Brookes was now sitting in the corner, then Asia charged at him, and landed a Shining Wizard!

Mauro: And Asia, now landing some offense!

Beth: Asia may have a chance!

Asia then dragged Brookes out of the corner, and climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Nigel: Asia Argento now! Looking to fly!

Mauro: Asia Argento on the attack…

Brookes gets to his feet, and then Asia plants him with a Diving Bulldog!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Bulldog off the top!

The crowd cheers as Asia quickly scrambles into the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2!

Mauro: NO! Brookes out at 2! That may have been Asia's best shot!

Beth: What an upset that would have been!

Asia then picked up Brookes, but then he pushed her off. With some distance made, Brookes then quickly hits Asia with a Superkick!

Mauro: OH! Superkick!

Nigel: Just like that, Asia's momentum has been cut right from under her!

That's when Brookes then hooked her up for the Draping Swinging Neckbreaker, and in one swift motion, he connects!

Mauro: And Brookes with that Whiplash Neckbreaker!

Brookes then hooked the leg, and got the 3 count.

Nigel: Thanks for coming, Asia.

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:25)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: Just as Asia was about to start rolling, Chris Brookes stopped her momentum before it even began!

Replays of the match began to roll, starting with Brookes throwing Asia into the corner, and then choking her.

Mauro: Let's look back at some of the action here, look at the malice behind every move Brookes did! That throw into the corner wasn't to set up for a bigger move, that was to hurt her!

Nigel: And then that mean streak would continue to dish out punishment as he choked her mercilessly.

Then the replay cuts to Asia countering Brookes' Fireman's Carry.

Beth: And just as this whole battle was fully in Brookes' control, Asia Argento would spike Chris Brookes on the mat with that Reverse Hurricanrana!

The replay then cuts to Asia on the top turnbuckle, going for the Diving Bulldog.

Mauro: Yeah and it looked like Asia may have had a chance! Look at this! Bulldog off the top turnbuckle, we all thought that was it right there, but Brookes was able to kick out in time!

The replay then cuts to Brookes hitting the Superkick, and then sets up for his Swinging Neckbreaker. 

Nigel: But that would all change after one Superkick by Brookes. After that Superkick, he would set up for the death blow, that Whiplash Swinging Neckbreaker, and once it hit, that was all she wrote.

The replays were done, and the referee raised Brookes' hand.

Brookes then leaves the ring, but stops halfway up the ramp. He then shook his head, turned around, and slid back into the ring, where he would continue to beat Asia down!

Mauro: Oh, come on!

Nigel: What point is he trying to prove here!?

He then picks her up, and delivers the Draping Swinging Neckbreaker over and over and over again!

Mauro: And now Brookes! Just like at Elimination Enclosure, giving Asia the same treatment he gave Ilja Dragunov!

After multiple Whiplash Neckbreakers, he gets up, exits the ring, and tears of the protective padding, exposing the concrete floor!

Mauro: Oh my god, no… no he can't be serious!

Nigel: Chris Brookes has gone absolutely mental!

Chris Brookes then grabbed a mic.

Chris Brookes: *Heavily breathes into mic* What I did at Elimination Enclosure, was exactly what I said was gonna happen. I was gonna beat Dragunov, and not only that, I was gonna end him! Now I'm the most dangerous Motherfu-ker in LWF, and nobody can touch me!!! 

The crowd boos him.

Chris Brookes: And if you still don't believe me, then you'll believe me after I do this!

He drops the mic, and then dragged Asia by the hair, and then, draping her feet on the bottom rope, he sets up for the Whiplash Neckbreaker, right above the concrete!

Mauro: Oh my god! If Brookes hits this, it's over for Asia!

Beth: Somebody stop him!

But before he could go for it, the crowd began to cheer, and Brookes looked to his left, dropped Asia, and then bolted because Bombay Suarez came running out to make the save!

Mauro: It's Bombay! Bombay Suarez coming to the aid of Asia Argento!

Beth: Thank goodness for Bombay Suarez, otherwise Chris Brookes would've ended Asia's career before it even began!

Bombay then picks up the mic Brookes dropped.

Bombay: HEY!!! Brookes! Where do you think you're going, son!?

Brookes was halfway up the ramp, and he turned to look at Bombay who was now standing in the middle of the ring.

Bombay: Brookes, you talk about how because you put the indestructible Ilja Dragunov out indefinitely, you think you're the baddest mo-fo in LWF? All I see is a gutless coward, son. If you really are the baddest, you wouldn't be running away from someone who earned the right to be called the baddest! So how about this. If you really are what you say you are, then here's a challenge for you, Brookes. You and me, at High Acceleration! Whaddaya say?

The crowd cheers, but Brookes didn't even show any fear. He laughs, and nods.

"See ya there, Bombay!" Brookes said, barely audible from the camera.

Bombay: Looks like I got my answer. But you better bring all ya got. Because at High Acceleration, I'm gonna show you… how I KILL… THIS… BITCH!!! *Throws down mic*


Asia recovers on the outside, silently saying her praises for Bombay saving her life.

Mauro: Oh, wow! Bombay Suarez and Chris Brookes at High Acceleration! My god, is that gonna be a fight!

Beth: Well this is a good chance for Brookes to back up his claim! If he's really the most dangerous person in LWF, Brookes has gotta beat that man, Bombay Suarez, in the ring!

Nigel: This will be a fight for sure!


Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis were making their way out of the arena, when Sarah Schreiber walked up to them.

Sarah: Mark Andrews, earlier tonight, you shocked the world by turning your back on your longtime friend, Flash Morgan Webster. What made you do this?

Andrews didn't even say a word, and he and Eddie continued on their way out.

(Start at 0:47)


🎶So feel it! I can't control these feelings anymore! Believe it! My heart is racing, and I can't seem to get enough! Am I dreaming? Feels like a drug, but I know it's just adrenaline, go! Just feel it! Oooohhh, my heart is beating faster!🎶

Mauro: We would like to take this time to thank 12 Stones for their song, "Adrenaline". The official theme song for High Acceleration. You can get this song, and their album "Anthem For The Underdog", which is available on Apple Music, and Spotify! Guys what a night this has been already! From SCE warning Team Weird N' Wild about a potential future, to Bombay Suarez challenging Chris Brookes at High Acceleration!

Beth: A crazy night it has indeed been, and so much to come later tonight, but first let's go back to earlier tonight where Sonata was getting ready for her role as the special referee, then Adagio had this to say. 

The replay of earlier tonight in The Dazzlings' locker room where Adagio told her it was her last chance.

Adagio: … Sonata, this is your LAST chance to make things right! See, ever since Robert stepped into our business, he's been making you a loser, he's been making US losers! So just listen to me, Sonata! FOR ONCE, listen to me! Your job is to call the match in my favor. Okay?

Sonata: But… isn't that a bit unfair for Orange Cassidy?

Adagio: Oh for Pete's sake, that idiot doesn't care about a single thing! Like, at all! I don't think he'll even notice! 

The replay then ends.

(MATCH 3: Adagio Dazzle vs. Orange Cassidy (W/Sonata Dusk as the special guest referee))

Sonata was now already in the ring, in full referee uniform, then the lights dimmed.


Out comes Adagio, doing her usual entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall, introducing first, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: At Elimination Enclosure, Adagio was able to get 3 eliminations in, before Sonata came, looking to help her get a 4th, but that would soon backfire after Orange Cassidy walloped her with a big right hand!

Nigel: And I'm sure Adagio would like to forget that ever happened!

Beth: Well tonight, she can exact some revenge as she takes on the man that eliminated her!

Adagio enters the ring, then goes up to Sonata.

"Remember, call this in my favor." She tells her. Sonata reluctantly nods.



The crowd cheers the second the song begins to play. Then 15 seconds into the song, Orange Cassidy slowly walks out.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent! From… wherever, weighing in… whatever, "Freshly Squeezed"... ORANGE CASSIDY!!!

Mauro: And there's the man that eliminated Adagio Dazzle! Orange Cassidy, cool, calm, collected, but how will this fair him knowing that Sonata is the guest referee?

Beth: That's tough to say. Sonata knows right from wrong, but after what The Dazzlings, especially Adagio, went through at Elimination Enclosure, I think the last thing she wants is a more furious Adagio.

Nigel: I agree.

Cassidy then took his denim jacket off, then his shirt. He then slipped on his elbow pad, and rolled into the ring.

He gets up, and chills out in the nearest corner. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Adagio and Cassidy meet in the middle of the ring, then Adagio goes for a lock up, but Cassidy doesn't move a muscle.

Adagio looks at him with confusion, but then shrugs and gets Cassidy in a Side Headlock. 

Cassidy then slipped out, grabbed her arms, then flipped her with a Wristlock Takedown!

Mauro: Wow! Cassidy takes Adagio down!

Beth:He's fast when he wants to be!

Adagio sits up, and then Cassidy raises his hands, and puts his hands in his pockets. 

Mauro: And now the hands are in the pockets!

Beth: Orange Cassidy is ready to go!

Adagio gets up, shoves him to the ground, but then Cassidy kips up back onto his feet!

Adagio then grabbed Cassidy, and threw him into a corner. She then proceeded to kick him repeatedly in the midsection, and Sonata began her 5 count.

Adagio backs off at 4, and turns to Sonata.

"Didn't I tell you to call this match in my favor!?" She yells at her. 

"But I'm a referee! Shouldn't referees be calling it down the middle?" Sonata asks.

"No! Not this time! You are gonna help me win, or I will-"

Adagio gets cut off by Cassidy catching her with a surprise Roll-up pin!

Sonata counts, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Cassidy and Adagio get up, Cassidy goes for the Superman Punch, but then Adagio smacks him with a Calf Kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: What a Kick by Adagio!

Adagio goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out at 2.

Adagio then unleashes her aggression. She gets Cassidy in a Hammerlock, and began to repeatedly elbow his head!

Mauro: And Adagio letting out all of her frustration!

Nigel: Cassidy getting absolutely annihilated!

Adagio then lets Cassidy go, then repeatedly begins to stomp on his head.

Beth: Man, Adagio really letting it all out!

Adagio then puts Cassidy on her shoulders, then drops him onto her knee!

She then sits up Cassidy, and delivers a Shining Wizard!

Mauro: And now a Shining Wizard knocking Cassidy's lights out!

Instead of going for the pin, she slides out of the ring, and pulls out a chair from underneath. 

Mauro: And now Adagio, pulling out a chair!

Beth: Well when you have a referee calling the match in your favor, anything is fair game!

Adagio slides the chair in, goes to use it, but Sonata stops her.

"Sonata, what did I just say!?" Adagio screams.

"Dagi, not like this!" Sonata says.

"Since when did you call the shots, huh!?" Adagio barks. "Remember, I LEAD YOU AND ARIA, YOU LISTEN TO ME!!!"

She then pulled the chair out of Sonata's hands, but she failed to see that Cassidy had recovered!

So when she turned around, Cassidy, much like at Elimination Enclosure, whacked her with the Superman Punch!


Beth: This was how he eliminated Adagio!

Adagio was now dazed, then Cassidy rolled her up with a modified Magistral Cradle pin called the "Mouse Trap"! 

Mauro: And there's his pinning combination, Sonata with the count!

Nigel: No way!

Adagio tried to wiggle free, but Sonata counted the 1-2-3 for Cassidy!

*Bell rings!*


(Start at 0:16)


Cassidy rolls out of the ring, and Adagio sits up, realizing what had just happened. Then she angrily looked up at Sonata who immediately looked apologetic. 

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the match! “Freshly Squeezed” ORANGE CASSIDY!!!

Nigel: No, no, NO! Sonata, you had one job!

Beth: I guess her conscience got the best of her, and hey! I don't blame her! She's doing the right thing is all!

Adagio gets up, and walks right up to Sonata.

Sonata didn't even wanna look at her, and she knew what was coming next.

"Look at me!" Adagio scolds. 

Sonata then looked at her, and Adagio slapped her so hard, it echoed!

Mauro: Oh, man! What a slap!

Adagio then asked for a mic, and once she got one, she immediately began berating Sonata.

Adagio: Sonata, you… stupid… ignorant… simple-minded… MORON!!!! You had one job! One SIMPLE job, and you couldn't do it!!! All you had to do was call the match, in my favor! But you didn't! What do you have to say for yourself!?

Adagio then puts the mic up to Sonata's mouth.

Sonata: Dagi… it's not like I was the one who got sucker punched by Orange Cassidy twice.

The crowd went "Ooooh!" At that remark, Adagio looked at her with shock.

Mauro: Whoaaaaaaa!

Beth: Sonata talking back!

That remark definitely hit a soft spot in Adagio.

Adagio: *through gritted teeth* What did you just say to me?

Sonata: I said-


Sonata has finally heard enough! She cuts her off with a big right hand punch, and the crowd pops as she takes her down, and begins hammering away at Adagio!


Beth: It was bound to happen sooner or later, and now it has happened!

Sonata throws her out of the ring and continues her onslaught, slamming Adagio onto the barricade!

Nigel: Sonata has snapped! She couldn't take the verbal abuse anymore!

Mauro: Adagio Dazzle finally getting what was coming to her!

Sonata backpedaled all the way back to the ring apron and looked to spear Adagio through the barricade. But she only took a few steps before Aria blasted her from behind, and  tackled her to the ground!

Beth: Sonata looking to send Adagio-OH NO!

Mauro: Oh, Aria Blaze! Looking to give Adagio the numbers advantage!

Adagio and Aria furiously beat down Sonata before they rolled her back into the ring.

“Pick her up!” Adagio orders.

Then, using her foot, Adagio lifts up Sonata's head, and Adagio begins to take a few steps back for the Blind Kiss, Aria holding her in place.

Mauro: Oh, not this! Not the Blind Kiss!

Suddenly, Aria and Adagio immediately began to high tail it as Zayden Trudeau and Robert Squared came rushing to the ring!


Beth: Here comes the cavalry!

Zayden helps Sonata up, and then Sonata dares Adagio to get back in the ring, while Robert picks up a mic. 

Robert: Hey, you two! You think you're really funny ganging up on Sonata, but when the odds are even you run off! Well guess what, you won't be running for much longer because I'm challenging you two to a match! You two and a partner of your choice, against me, Zayden and Sonata, at High Acceleration!

Adagio looked on as she was backing away, Robert, Sonata, and Zayden standing tall in the ring as Robert's theme began to play.

Mauro: Wow! Another challenge laid down, this time it's Robert Squared, with Sonata and Zayden by his side, challenging Adagio, Aria, and a partner of their choosing!

Nigel: Well this is gonna be hard for them! They haven't made a lot of friends here!

Beth: Well with High Acceleration just down the road, Aria and Adagio need to find a 3rd Partner, otherwise it's gonna be 3 against 2!


Koneko Toujou was in the backstage area in full gear, doing some air sparring, warming up for her match with Starlight Glimmer later tonight.

Mauro: And there you see Koneko Toujou, warming up for her LWF Debut, against the LWF: Reborn Champion, the leader of the SCE, Starlight Glimmer, looking to exact a bit of vengeance for Episode 6 after Asia Argento fell victim to the hands of Starlight's group!

Nigel: Well when that match comes, Starlight is for sure gonna be in for a fight because I'm sure Koneko isn't gonna go easy, especially if she's avenging a friend of hers!

Chris Brookes has just exited Chard's office, and Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Chris Brookes, what were you doing in Chard's office just now?

Chris Brookes: Well since you wanna know, my match with Bombay Suarez at High Acceleration has been made official. How dare he call me a "coward"! And to think he's still the baddest person here!? Come High Acceleration, I'm gonna kill the Bitch Killer.

Brookes then storms off.

(MATCH 3: Ruby Rose and Damian Priest vs. Two members of the SCE)


The crowd boos as Trixie, Kassius Ohno, Dark Danny, and Spongebob of the SCE came out onto the stage. 

Then, Kassius and Spongebob fist bumped Danny and Trixie before making their way to the ring. 

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is a Tag Team bout, scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing the Society of Complete Equality, Kassius Ohno, and the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, "The Abrasive" SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: Tag Team match time, and it looks like Spongebob and Ohno will be the two members serving for the SCE, fighting against the unlikely duo of Damian Priest, and the debuting Ruby Rose!

Nigel: And this should be an interesting one at that. This is Ruby's debut match!

Beth: Well we know what Ruby can do after witnessing her performance in the Elimination Enclosure match, but can she pull off a successful debut?

Ohno and Spongebob entered the ring. Spongebob then climbed the nearest corner, and held his title up high while Ohno did his signature taunt.

Then, the arena became pitch black, and then, in a fiery font, "LIVE FOREVER" appeared on the titantron. 


In the opening moments of the song, Damian Priest appeared under a bright spotlight off to the far left, then vanished and repeated closer to the center of the ramp. On the second vanish, he reappeared a few seconds later on the center of the entrance ramp.

When the music picks up, he turns back towards the titantron screen and shoots an imaginary arrow as his name appears on the screen. He turns back towards the ring, and then…


Ruby Rose comes skipping out onto the stage. Her and Priest then look at each other, she nods, Priest nods back, then they both make their way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Damian Priest, and RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: And now here comes Priest and Ruby, who earlier had just a bit of a heated conversation of their own before Chard put them together for this match.

Beth: Yeah that was starting to boil, I wonder how long they're gonna stay on the same page.

Nigel: Hopefully long enough to get a victory…

Priest and Ruby enter the ring, and then they go into a corner. 

But before the match could begin…


Chard then comes out, mic in hand.

Chard: Hang on, hang on, before we get this Tag Team match going, there was one thing I threw in, and forgot to mention. *Looks at Spongebob* Spongebob, if you get pinned or submitted by either Ruby Rose, or Damian Priest, whoever it is, they are gonna be facing you, for your Wattpad Championship at High Acceleration. 

"WHAT!?" Spongebob exclaimed. 

Chard: Hey, you wanted competition, well I'm giving it to ya. 

Chard then leaves.

Mauro: Well didn't that get anymore interesting! If Ruby or Priest pins or submits the Wattpad Champion, then they're getting a title shot!

Beth: The stakes have been raised a lot higher now!

The bell rings, and it's Kassius and Priest starting it off.

Priest and Ohno lock up in the center of the ring, Ohno then quickly goes behind Priest, looking for a Rear Waistlock Takedown, but Priest was able to break free. 

Priest then quickly spun around, going for a swift high kick, but Ohno dodges, goes for a right hook punch, Priest ducks, and lands a right hook of his own!

With Ohno stunned, Priest then throws Ohno to the ropes, then knocks him down off the rebound with a Back Elbow!

Priest goes for the cover, Ohno kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Priest looking to put away Ohno early off that Back Elbow, but Ohno out at 2!
Priest gets up, then he tags in Ruby.

Beth: And here we go! Let's see what "Little Red" here can do!

Ruby hops over the top rope, and into the ring. Priest then picks up Ohno, and throws him into a corner. 

He then grabs Ruby, throws her at Ohno with an Irish Whip, and then Ruby lands a Forearm Smash!

Ruby then continued her offense with a Snapmare, followed by a Dropkick from behind!

Mauro: And Ruby putting her educated feet to good use!

Ruby quickly covers Ohno, but only gets a 2 count.

Ruby flips Ohno over, then quickly applies a Front Facelock. She then transitions into a Fujiwara Armbar, keeping Ohno on the ground.

Mauro: And Ruby wisely attacks the arms of Kassius Ohno. 

Nigel: Ohno's strongest weapons are his arms, his vicious Elbow Strikes. Weakening that will definitely give Ohno a big disadvantage!

Ohno slowly begins to get to his feet, but once he did, Ruby quickly twirled around, looking to connect with an Overhead Kick to his arm.

However Ohno broke free before she could go for the kick, and stuns her with a Pump Kick!

Mauro: Oh! Ruby wanted to inflict more damage to the arm, but Ohno quickly clocked her with a Boot!

Ruby was now sitting up in a daze, Ohno then picked her up, locked her up in a Cravate, then connected with a Cravate Suplex!

He then gets up, and tags in Spongebob. 

Mauro: Tag made, here comes the Wattpad Champion!

Once Spongebob has entered the ring, Ohno picks up Ruby, throws her at Spongebob, then Spongebob catches her with an Inverted Gutwrench Suplex, and slams her down!

Mauro: And now Spongebob and Ohno of the SCE showing their Tag Team Chemistry!

Spongebob then covers Ruby, but Ruby kicks out at 2.

Spongebob continues to pummel away on Ruby, then he gets off her.

Ruby begins to crawl to the ropes, then Spongebob kicks her on her side!

Ruby now clutches her side, then Spongebob delivers an Elbow Drop.

He then picks Ruby up, and locks on an Abdominal Stretch. 

Mauro: And now the Wattpad Champion, slowing the match down to his pace.

Nigel: Spongebob doing everything he can to hurt Ruby Rose, and make her regret calling her shot at his title!

Ruby tries to break free, but Spongebob was able to transition into a Rear Waistlock Takedown, and he drives Ruby into the mat!

He then props Ruby up to her knees, and then lands a few knee strikes.

He rolls Ruby over, covers her, but Ruby kicks out at 2.

Ruby then tries to pull herself back up using the ropes, but then Spongebob quickly delivers some shoot kicks!

Spongebob then picked up Ruby, and then he proceeded to set her up for 47 Metres Down!

Mauro: Spongebob now! 

Nigel: Looking for 47 Metres Down!

Ruby then counters it into a Back Body Drop, creating an opening!

Beth: Oh wait a minute! Ruby countered!

Mauro: Back Body Drop drops the Wattpad Champion, Ruby may have bought herself some time!

Ruby and Spongebob both get up, Spongebob then grabs Ruby from behind, this time Ruby lands some Back Elbows to break free, then she clocks Spongebob with a Superkick!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Superkick by Ruby Rose!

Ruby drops to her knees, and Spongebob staggers backwards into his corner off the Superkick. 

Then as if receiving a shot of Adrenaline, Ruby jumped back up to her feet to Tag Priest in, while at the same time, Ohno tags himself in!

Mauro: Tag! In comes Priest and Ohno!

Priest and Ohno enter the ring, and Damian Priest begins to knock Ohno down with a series of Shoot Kicks! Each kick, harder than the last!

Ohno was able to stun Priest momentarily with a right hand jab, but Priest continued to deliver more kicks, before finally knocking Ohno down with a Discus Forearm!

Priest then yells out a battle cry, and the crowd cheered loudly.

Mauro: Damian Priest is on fire!

Beth: Priest is feeling it!

Ohno crawls into a corner, and begins to get up.

Priest then lined himself up, waiting for Ohno to get to his feet. Once Ohno was up, he shot an imaginary arrow, charges, then lands a Back Elbow!

Ohno was now totally stunned, and then Priest hooked him up in a Front Facelock, and flings him across the ring with the Broken Arrow!

Mauro: And now the Broken Arrow! Ohno sent flying across the ring!

Priest then quickly pins Ohno, but Ohno kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Ohno out at 2!

Priest then gets up, deadlifts Ohno, and hooks him up for The Reckoning!

Mauro: And now Damian Priest! 

Beth: Could be time for The Reckoning!

Spongebob then entered the ring, and clocked Priest with a Bicycle Knee Strike, causing Priest to let Ohno go!

Mauro: Oh! Spongebob not gonna let him hit it!

Ruby then entered the fray, and tried to throw him out of the ring, but he switched the momentum around, and threw Ruby out of the ring!

Spongebob then turned around, and then Priest delivered a jumping Roundhouse Kick, knocking Spongebob's lights out!

Mauro: And Damian Priest! What a Kick! Down goes the Wattpad Champion!

Spongebob rolls out of the ring, but then Ohno grabs him from behind, throws him to the ropes, and then delivers a Rolling Elbow, knocking out Priest!

Mauro: OH, MAN!

Beth: Rolling Elbow by Ohno, and the Archer of Infamy may be out!

Ohno goes for the cover, but Ruby was able to jump in to break the count in time!

Mauro: And Ruby Rose just barely making it!

Ruby then ran to her corner, Priest then rolled over to her, and tag in Ruby.

Ruby hops into the ring, but Ohno had also made the tag to Spongebob, and now Ruby and Spongebob began to trade blows.

Ruby then went for a high kick, but Spongebob ducked, then landed a jumping Knee Strike. 

Spongebob then connects with a German Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Spongebob then quickly picked her up, threw her into a corner, but Ruby bounced back, and hits the Crescent Rose Slice on Spongebob!

Mauro: WHOA!!!

Nigel: The Crescent Rose Slice!

Ruby immediately went to the cover, but then at 2, Damian Priest pulled the referee out, stopping the count!

Mauro: Oh and Priest pulling the referee out, Ruby had the match won!

Nigel: But remember, whoever pins or submits Spongebob in this match, is gonna go to High Acceleration with a Wattpad Title Opportunity!

Ruby looks at Priest asking why he did that. 

"If anyone is going to get that title, it's me!" Priest exclaims.

But then out of nowhere, Ohno blindsided him with a Big Boot!

Mauro: Oh! Kassius Ohno blindsiding Priest!

He then threw Priest onto the steel steps, but when he turned his attention to Ruby, Ruby had hit the ropes, and did Suicide Dive Tornado DDT, spiking Ohno!

Mauro: Oh look at Ruby!

Beth: Ruby taking down Ohno with that DDT, it's an even playing field now!

Ruby rolls back into the ring, gets up, and narrowly dodges an incoming Hurricane Sandy from Spongebob!

Mauro: Oh Spongebob looking for Hurricane Sandy! Ruby avoided it!

With Spongebob missing wildly, Ruby quickly applied a LeBell Lock on him while he was still down!

Mauro: And Ruby takes advantage! A LeBell Lock applied now!

Beth: Ruby Rose might be on her way to High Acceleration!

Ruby had him in the center of the ring, wrenching back as far as he could, making Spongebob scream louder in pain.

Ohno then tries to break the hold, but Priest drags him out of the ring, tries to break the hold himself, but Ohno drags him out of the ring, and the two men begin to battle it out!

Mauro: Oh look at this! Priest wants that title opportunity, but Ohno is stopping him!

Back to the two legal competitors, Spongebob had actually tried to crawl to the ropes.

Mauro: Now back to Ruby and Spongebob, Spongebob is just right there! He just needs to reach a bit more...

Spongebob was now fingertips away, but Ruby used the ropes to gain some momentum to roll back to the center of the ring!

Mauro: Oh but Ruby! Ruby springs off the ropes, and now they're back in the center of the ring!

After a couple of minutes, Spongebob finally succumbs to the hold, and taps out!

Mauro: And Spongebob! No choice but to tap, Ruby is gonna meet him at High Acceleration!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, the team of Damian Priest, and RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: Talk about making a vital impression! Ruby Rose has punched her ticket to a title match in a big way!

Nigel: Priest tried to stop Ruby and get the title shot for himself, but Ohno got in the way, and Ruby took advantage, and tapped out Spongebob emphatically!

Replays of the match began to play, starting with Ohno turning the tables on Ruby with a Boot. 

Mauro: Now let's go back to some of the action here, in here Ruby was looking good, trying to neutralize Ohno's strongest weapon, his arms, but Ohno was able to prevent that from happening, with that emphatic boot to the face!

The replay then cuts to Ruby hitting the Crescent Rose Slice, but Priest breaks the count. 

Beth: And then just as Ruby was able to turn things around, and had the match won, Damian Priest breaks the count by dragging the referee out. Remember, whoever pins or submits Spongebob gets a title opportunity, and Priest wanted that opportunity!

The replay continues, and it shows Ohno attacking Priest.

Nigel: And then as Priest was telling her what his intentions were, Ohno with a blindside attack on Damian Priest…

The replay then cuts to Ruby with the LeBell Lock on Spongebob. 

Nigel: … And with Ohno and Priest battling outside the ring, Ruby would then get this locked on! A LeBell Lock cinched in tight! Spongebob tried to reach for the ropes, but Ruby was able to roll him back to the middle of the ring, and it was all she wrote right there.

The replays were now done, and Ruby was celebrating in the ring.

Mauro: What a big win for Ruby Rose, not only submitting the Champion, but earning a title shot at High Acceleration in the process. Guys, we might see a meteoric rise in Ruby's future!

Beth: Well Spongebob just got a glimpse of what Ruby is capable of, Spongebob must be very careful come High Acceleration, otherwise Ruby might just pull off a big upset!


Bombay Suarez was sitting on a production box drinking out of a plastic water bottle, then he looked into the camera.

Bombay: So, it's official. Me and that wannabe badass Chris Brookes have a match at High Acceleration. Well Brookes, I hope you're listening. Because you put Dragunov on the shelf, and tried to do the same to your opponent earlier tonight, doesn't make you dangerous. What makes you dangerous, is doing all those things, but you never run from a fight. Sure at Elimination Enclosure, you brutalized Ilja Dragunov, one of the toughest fighters to come from the European scene, but earlier tonight you ran when I showed up. That to me, means you're just all talk, picking fights with people weaker than you just to feel tough. Well Brookes, High Acceleration is your proving ground, son. There will be no running and hiding. And after I'm done with you, you're gonna be just another name in my list of bitches I killed. At High Acceleration, I'm gonna Kill… This… Bitch!

Bombay continues to look into the camera as his segment ends.

Back at ringside…


12 seconds into the song, Dennis rose out on his motorcycle. 

Mauro: And here comes someone who just came out of a Street Fight, and then later on come up short in the Elimination Enclosure match! Dennis walked into the Elimination Enclosure, with a Street Fight victory over Darby Allin, but it was Allin, who by some miracle was still walking, cost Dennis the match, and Dennis is understandably irate!

Beth: Well he let that rage out in a Post Elimination Enclosure exclusive, where he viciously assaulted Darby Allin backstage, and then proceeded to use his spiky boots to damage Allin even more! And from the updates in the LWF Message Board, Allin had sustained severe puncture wounds on his face, some near the eye area, doctors are unsure when he will recover, so Allin may be out indefinitely. 

Dennis then dismounted his bike, and then entered the ring, mic in one hand, a steel chair in the other.

Once his theme faded, he opened up the chair in the middle of the ring, and sat down, looking around as the fans booed him.

Dennis: I'm getting right to the point... Darby Allin? Let what I did to you, be a warning to not just you... but EVERYONE in LWF! Not a damn soul is safe until I get my hands on the LWF: Reborn title, the same title that YOU screwed me out an opportunity of! The LWF Wrestlers, Fans, Backstage Personnel, even the Commentators. NO ONE is safe! And everybody... is gonna fucking die!

Dennis then dropped his mic, and proceeded to exit the ring. 

But once he got on his bike…


Out comes Bonifer, walking down the ramp with purpose. 

Mauro: An emphatic warning sent by Dennis, and now here comes Charlie Bonifier, he's gonna be in action…

But once Bonifer was at the bottom of the ramp, Bonifer began to stare a hole through Dennis before entering the ring.

Mauro: Oooohh, Bonifer staring daggers at Dennis, what could this mean?

Nigel: Probably another person Bonifer wants to make an example out of?

Beth: I don't know if that's smart of him if that's the case.

Mauro: Well whatever it is, Dennis is in his sights, but right now, he needs to focus in the next match at hand! It's Bonifer, versus the high flying Quatro! Next!


(MATCH 4: Charlie Bonifier vs. Quatro)

It's now back to the match, Quatro is now in the ring, and the bell has rung, officially starting the match.

Mauro: We are back in LWF: Reborn, and Bonifer vs. Quatro is officially underway!

Bonifer and Quatro lock up in the center of the ring, Quatro goes behind him looking for a Rear Waistlock Takedown, but Bonifer was able to break free.

Bonifier turns around, goes for a Clothesline, but Quatro ducked, hit the ropes, but then Bonifer caught him off the rebound, and tossed him with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

Mauro: Oh Quatro off the ropes! Bonifer caught him! What a throw!

Bonifier then picked him up, and then went for a Back Suplex, but Quatro landed on his feet!

Mauro: Back Suplex attempt- no! Quatro lands on his feet-

However before Quatro could do anything, Bonifer swiftly turned around, and clocked him with a Lariat!

Beth: OH!!!

Mauro: And Bonifer shuts him down before he could even start!

Quatro was now barely moving, but then Bonifier grabbed him, and quickly locked on his finishing Submission hold, the Full Nelson STF he calls the "Swords Stretch"!


Mauro: Oh look at this hold!

Nigel: The Swords Stretch from Bonifer!

Beth: I've never seen this hold before!

And as quickly as Bonifer locked it on, Quatro taps out.

Mauro: And the Swords Stretch gives Bonifer the win!

*Bell Rings!*

(Start at 0:10)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, CHARLIE BONIFER!!!

Mauro: And Bonifer puts away Quatro without even breaking a sweat! 

Nigel: Just like that, Bonifer has proven himself to be a deadly threat, and a force to be reckoned with!

The referee raises Bonifier's hand, and Bonifer stares deep into the hard camera.

Beth: Everyone in LWF, better take heed. Bonifer is here, and he's gonna steamroll through anyone and everyone!



Aria and Adagio were conversing with each other, when Sarah Schreiber walked up to them.

Sarah: Aria, Adagio, earlier Robert Squared just challenged you to a match at High Acceleration-

Adagio: Tell us something we don't know. Look it doesn't matter if we have to go at it outnumbered. The only reason we kept losing was because Sonata was a waste of space! Without her now, we'll be on our winning ways. *Grabs mic, and looks into the camera* Robert, all you did, was get rid of the dead weight that kept us down, and you put it on yourself. So come High Acceleration, whether it's 3 on 2, or 3 on 3, there's no Sonata to screw it up for us, no bumbling idiot to bring us back down to square one, just us two successful sirens. And it'll be a pleasure to have fun at your expense!

Adagio then shoves the mic back to Sarah, and the two sirens walk away.

Mauro: Well there's some confident words out of Adagio Dazzle, her and Aria look to go just as a duo if they can't find anyone!

Nigel: Well High Acceleration is just a long way away, so they have plenty of time to go partner hunting.

(MATCH 5: Koneko Toujou's LWF debut against Starlight Glimmer)


And with the SCE following behind, to a rally of boos, Starlight Glimmer comes walking out, LWF: Reborn Championship on her shoulder. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: This next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by the Society of Complete Equality, she is the LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: And now we move on to our next match. The Champion, Starlight Glimmer, takes on a debuting Koneko Toujou! How this match came to be, started all the way back to Episode 6 after Dark Danny decimated Asia in that match, and Koneko would later confront Starlight backstage, and challenge her to a match, looking to get even.

Nigel: Yeah but this is pretty much a 5 on 1 situation when you have the SCE running around at ringside!

Beth: You're right on that one, Nigel. But if Koneko wants to walk out with a victory, she needs to focus on Starlight more.

The SCE stayed at ringside, while Starlight entered the ring, and then stood on the middle turnbuckle, holding her title up high.

Once Starlight handed the belt to the ring crew to place in the timekeepers area, she paces left and right, waiting for her opponent.

Then after a few seconds…


To a rally of cheers, Koneko, in an all black 2-piece ring gear, comes walking out.

30 seconds into the song, she turns around. Then 42 seconds into the song, she spins right back around, and continued her way down the ramp, throwing a hand up into the air to hype the fans up.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, making her LWF Debut, residing in Kuoh Town, Japan, KONEKO TOUJOU!!!

Mauro: And you heard it from our Ring Announcer himself! This is Koneko's debut, and what a way to do it, then to have it against the top Champion!

Nigel: And get this. If she somehow defies the 1 vs. 5 odds, and walks away victorious, that puts her in line for a title shot down the road!

Beth: What an upset that will be!

Koneko then slid into the ring, and began staring down Starlight as she stood in the nearest corner. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Starlight and Koneko lock up in the middle of the ring, Starlight goes behind Koneko with a Rear Waistlock, Koneko quickly breaks free, and gets Starlight in a Wristlock.

Koneko then pulls her into a Side Headlock, and then takes her down. Starlight then wrapped her legs around Koneko's neck, and Koneko released her.

Koneko gets up, Starlight on her knees, and Starlight sweeps Koneko off her feet, covers her quickly, but Koneko kicks out at 1!

Mauro: Starlight looking for a quick cover, Koneko out at 2!

They both get up, Koneko goes for a Pump Kick, Starlight sidesteps to dodge it, then hooks her up for a Forward Russian Leg Sweep, but Koneko quickly reverses it into a Short-arm Clothesline!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Wicked Clothesline by Koneko!

She then pulls Starlight back up to her feet, and then Koneko delivered another Clothesline!

Mauro: And another one!

Koneko then pulled her back up looking for a third, but Starlight immediately turned things around, bending Koneko's arm back, and threw her down to the mat with a Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh look at that! Starlight Glimmer turning things around!

Nigel: And inflicting damage on the arm at the same time!

Koneko clutches her arm, Starlight sits her up, and then delivers a boot to her face!

Starlight goes for the cover, but Koneko kicks out at 2.

Starlight then went to work on the arm. Delivering knee drops and hammering away on the targeted limb.

She then sits Koneko up again, and applies a French Triceps Lock on her.

Beth: And now Starlight dissecting the arm of Koneko Toujou!

Mauro: A big target now on that arm!

Starlight continues to apply pressure on the hold, Koneko struggling to break free.

After a couple of minutes, Koneko begins to slowly get back to her feet.

Mauro: And now Koneko, back to a vertical base!

Nigel: She's gotta try and turn the match to her favor somehow!

Then with her free hand, Koneko begins to throw punches, hoping to get Starlight to let go. After 3-4 punches, Starlight finally lets Koneko go.

Starlight charges at her, then Koneko kicks her in the shin, tripping her!

Mauro: Oh!!! Koneko with a swift kick to the shin, takes the Champion off her feet!

Then with Starlight on her hands and knees, Koneko jumps up, and flattens Starlight with a Double Foot Stomp!

Mauro: And Koneko! Double Stomp to the spine!

Koneko rolls her over, hooks the leg, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, not enough to put Starlight away!

Koneko then picks Starlight up, but Starlight gets her with a Small Package pin, but Koneko quickly kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight almost stole it there!

Koneko was the first to get up, and then when Starlight got to her knees, she hit her with a Superkick!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Starlight Glimmer getting the brunt of that Superkick!

Beth: Koneko may have her here!

Koneko goes for the cover, and Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And again! Koneko was so close!

Beth: Koneko Toujou is witnessing firsthand, just how resilient the champion is! 

Nigel: And I think she'll soon learn how smart Starlight is as well!

Mauro: That's right, Nigel! Usually in this point of the match, this is where Starlight finds ways to get ahead of the curb!

Koneko gets up, goes for a running attack, but Starlight trips her with a Drop Toe Hold, and Koneko lands face first onto the middle turnbuckle!

Mauro: And there's one of those ways! Drop Toe Hold sends Koneko into the second turnbuckle!

Starlight then gets up, and with Koneko's face on the middle turnbuckle, Starlight lands a Dropkick from behind!

Mauro: And now Starlight follows with a Dropkick to the back!

Starlight then quickly picked her up, and then she did a Release Vertical Suplex, and kicked Koneko on her way down!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: We saw her do this on Ricochet at Elimination Enclosure! Will this put away the up and coming Koneko!?

Starlight scrambles into the cover, and at the very last second, Koneko kicks out!

Mauro: And just like Ricochet at Elimination Enclosure, Koneko kicks out!

Starlight sits up, with total disbelief written all over her face. 

Beth: Starlight Glimmer can't believe it! She thought that was it right there!

Starlight picks up Koneko, but then she shoves Starlight off, and then she delivers a Pump Kick!

Koneko then tries to throw Starlight to the ropes with an Irish Whip, but Starlight turns the momentum around, and Irish Whips Koneko instead!

Koneko hits the ropes, Starlight goes for a Clothesline, but Koneko ducked, and then did a Suicide Dive through the bottom and middle ropes, taking out Danny and Ohno!

Mauro: Look at Koneko! Ducking a Clothesline and then does a Tope Suicida to take out Danny and Ohno!

Beth: She may have evened out the playing field!

Trixie and Spongebob then go in opposite directions to try and surround her. 

Spongebob then tries to hit Koneko with the Wattpad Championship belt, but she ducked, and then with a Shotgun Dropkick, she sends him flying into Trixie! 

Mauro: And there goes Spongebob and Trixie!

Beth: Koneko making sure the SCE didn't get involved!

Koneko now turns her attention back to Starlight, who then lands a Baseball Slide Dropkick, sending Koneko into the barricade!

Mauro: And Starlight! Baseball Slide sends Koneko into the barricade!

Starlight then throws Koneko back into the ring, then waits on the apron. 

Once Koneko was back onto her feet, Starlight connects with a Slingshot DDT!

Mauro: Slingshot DDT! Starlight spiking Koneko!

Starlight then hooked the leg, but somehow,  Koneko was still able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Koneko! Kick out at 2!

Beth: Where is Koneko getting this resiliency from!?

Koneko was now trying to pull herself up, using the ropes. Starlight then goes up to her, and then pulls her up to her feet. 

Starlight then tries to pull Koneko into a Clothesline. But as she did it, Koneko ducked, and connected with a Float Over DDT!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight missed wildly, and Koneko made her pay for it!

Koneko now gets up, being fueled up by the cheers of the crowd. She then smacks her arm to try and regain some feeling, then picks Starlight up.

She then throws Starlight into a corner, then she delivers a running Forearm Smash!

She then runs to the corner diagonally across, then runs back to Starlight, hitting an European Uppercut!

Starlight collapses, and is now sitting on the mat in the corner. Koneko then creates some distance, and then she lands a Hesitation Dropkick!

Koneko begins to favor her arm, but continues to push forward. 

Starlight slowly gets back up, Koneko goes for another running attack, but Starlight gets out of the way, and Koneko crashes shoulder first into the steel post!

Beth: Oh no!

Mauro: Starlight avoiding another attack from Koneko, and Koneko ran right into that post!

Nigel: If that arm wasn't severely damaged then, it sure is now!

Starlight then grabs Koneko, and plants her face first with a Wristlock Takedown!

Mauro: And now Starlight Glimmer! Looking to close in…

Koneko gets up to her knees, clutching her injured arm, and then Starlight hits the ropes, and connects with a flying knee to the back of Koneko's head!

Mauro: And there's another move we saw at Elimination Enclosure! That devastating Knee from behind!

Starlight rolls her over, then she hooks Koneko's leg, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And with that, Starlight shuts Koneko down!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, the LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: Starlight Glimmer, although it was a hard fought battle, she walks away with a win over a vengeful Koneko!

Beth: Koneko put up a wonderful effort, no doubt about it, but tonight, Starlight just proved why she is the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Starlight gets up, the referee then hands Starlight her title, then she signalled the SCE to get in the ring.

Once the SCE got in the ring, they surrounded Koneko, and Koneko began to get up, preparing to fight back.

Mauro: Oh this is bad! The SCE closing in on a wounded Koneko!

Beth: Koneko not backing down though, I don't know if that's smart!

Nigel: Yeah not exactly the best time to try and fight! I'd try to run!

The SCE now have Koneko fully surrounded, then Koneko fired the first shot, landing a Forearm on Trixie, but the SCE quickly swarmed Koneko, and they began their assault!

Mauro: And Koneko lands a shot on Trixie, but again, it's 1 against 5! The SCE, like a pack of wolves!

Beth: This is what they call Equality!? They're completely swarming her, somebody do something!



Ricochet, Kacy Catanzaro, Will Ospreay, and Robbie Eagles then came sprinting down the ramp, and began to fight off the SCE!

Mauro: Oh, here comes Ricochet! And he's not alone, he brought Catanzaro, Eagles, and the man who will face Starlight Glimmer at Wrestlepalooza, Will Ospreay!

Nigel: Ricochet and Co. absolutely REFUSING to be left in the Society's rearview mirror!

Ricochet ducks a Cyclone Kick by Ohno, then Clotheslines him over the top rope. 

Trixie and Catanzaro begin their scuffle, but a Dropkick from Kacy sends Trixie flying out of the ring!

Spongebob and Danny go after Eagles, but he was way too quick. He swiftly went to the apron, and then knocked them both down with a Springboard Front Dropkick!

Starlight was now all alone, and Ricochet, Ospreay, Eagles, and Catanzaro surrounded the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Mauro: Oh, take a look at this! Starlight getting a taste of her own medicine!

Nigel: Doesn't feel good to be on the other end, huh, Starlight?

Starlight then swung her belt at her Wrestlepalooza opponent, Will Ospreay. Ospreay ducks, and then planted Starlight with the OsCutter!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight went for a shot, Ospreay with the OsCutter!

As Starlight rolled out of the ring and joined her comrades, Ospreay went in front of the others and hung on the ring.

“Enjoy holdin' onto that title while ya can, because at Wrestlepalooza, I'm taking it off your hands!" Ospreay yells.

But then Ricochet grabbed a mic.

Ricochet: Hey, Starlight! It's no surprise that you're facing my friend at Wrestlepalooza. But… something has been on my mind since Elimination Enclosure. What if… it's friend against friend, in a friendly match at Wrestlepalooza…

"Oh no, no!" Starlight says as she gets a mic of her own.

Starlight: NO! No, no, no! You had your chances against me, and you’ll get no more! All I want to focus on... *Points to Ospreay* is him! 

Ricochet: I figured you were gonna say that. So there's something I wanna throw in to make you think over this offer a bit more. High Acceleration, you and me, for the title  one more time. But if I lose… I'll willingly join you guys.

Eagles, Ospreay, and Kacy were a bit shocked by that statement, while Starlight and the rest of the SCE smiled at the offer.

Starlight: An interesting offer, Ricochet. Y'know, we could use a man like you, who always goes around inspiring others, and is a superhero to many. You will be a great example to show to the world, an example that even a man like you, beaten by me for a third time, can accept his own limits. So, we’ll consider that proposition. And you’ll have your answer, VERY soon.

The SCE's theme plays as both factions stared each other down, while Koneko was recovering behind Ricochet and his group.

Mauro: Oh... my. Ricochet wants one more match with Starlight at High Acceleration, a-and if he loses, he’ll willingly join the Society?!

Nigel: You talk about putting it all on the line, this is a great example! Ricochet, willing to put his own unique talents, and pretty much everything that made him who he is, on the line, just to get that title that is in Starlight's possession! 

Beth: I understand that the title means a lot to Ricochet, but is he way over his head???


In the backstage area, Flash Morgan Webster was sitting on the floor, looking into space, until Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Flash Morgan Webster, earlier in the show, your own friend, Mark Andrews, turned his back on you. What's your current state of mind?

Flash Morgan Webster: Right now, I have just one question in my mind. "Why?". Why did Mark do what he did after we won the match? Why did he decide to kick me to the curb, and replace me with Eddie Dennis? I never thought, in a million years, Mark Andrews was gonna be capable of doing this.

Kayla: Well, you know them better than anyone. I mean… you, Andrews, and Dennis started out together.

Flash Morgan Webster: Yeah, that's true. Eddie, Mark, and myself, we did start in wrestling together. It goes back for years. Because of that, I should've expected Eddie to do something like this eventually. Now he's back together with Mark, and those two decided to move on without me. And you know what… *Stands up* if Mark thinks that I'm just gonna lay on the ground after his betrayal, he's got another thing coming.

Webster then walks off.
(MAIN EVENT: Aria Blaze vs. Robert Squared)


Aria Blaze comes out. Then 16 seconds into the song, she stomps on the floor, and then pyro goes off. She then pops the collar of her denim vest, and walks down the ramp.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening! Introducing first, ARIA BLAZE!!!

Mauro: Here we go, your Main Event for this episode! At Elimination Enclosure, this woman right here, Aria Blaze, along with Adagio Dazzle, got involved in the Elimination Enclosure match when Robert and Ospreay were battling it out!

Nigel: The distraction was enough for Ospreay to advance, and tonight Robert Squared, looks to exact some revenge on one of the sirens, and that is Aria Blaze. 

Beth: And you heard, earlier that come High Acceleration, regardless if they have a 3rd partner or not, Aria and Adagio look to put Robert Squared and his newfound friends in the rearview mirror!

Aria enters the ring, and then takes off her vest.


And in flamboyant fashion, out came Robert Squared. 

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he weighs in at 192 pounds, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Mauro: And here comes the Pittsburgh native! Earlier in the show, Robert and Zayden came to the aid of Sonata after she finally had enough of being verbally abused by Adagio, then he would then lay down a challenge for High Acceleration! Him, along with Sonata and Zayden, versus Aria, Adagio, and a partner of Adagio and Aria's choosing!

Beth: And you heard it from Adagio! If they don't find a 3rd partner, it wouldn't matter to them! They believe without Sonata, they'll finally get to their winning ways.

Nigel: And if doesn't, then what?

Robert enters the ring, but Aria quickly charges at him, and begins to hammer away on him, and the bell rings!

Mauro: And Aria! Attacking Robert Squared! There's the bell, this match is officially underway!

Nigel: Aria bringing the fight to Robert!

Aria then throws Robert into a corner, then Aria goes for a Clothesline in the corner, but Robert was able to jump out of the way, luckily Aria was able to stop herself.

Aria then turns around, and Robert lands a Jumping Back Elbow on her!

Robert then throws her out of the corner. Then he hits the ropes, goes for the Pineapple Surprise, but Aria quickly slides underneath it, rolls him up for a pin, but Robert kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh Robert going for the Pineapple Surprise, but Aria rolls him up, and almost puts him away!

They both get up, then Aria stuns Robert with a Calf Kick!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: And just like that, Aria Blaze takes control of the match!

Robert was down on his knees, but he quickly got up, still rocked from the kick.

Robert's back was however, turned to Aria, and from there she delivered a Chop Block to the back of Robert's knee!

Robert immediately collapsed to his knees, as he screamed in pain.

Beth: Oh, no!

Mauro: Aria Blaze attacking the knee!

Nigel: She may have neutralized Robert's strongest weapon!

With Robert down on his knees, Aria immediately pushed him down, covered him, but Robert was still able to kick out at 2!

Aria quickly rolled him over, grabbed his ankle, and began to repeatedly throw his leg down onto the mat with as much force as she can exert, driving his knee into the mat!

Mauro: And now Aria Blaze, at her most dangerous! 

Beth: That knee now has a big target on it after Aria struck it with a chop block, and now she's going to inflict more damage!

Nigel: And one of Robert's go-to moves, is the Pineapple Surprise, which you saw him try to do earlier! Now with that knee badly hurt, that's gonna affect Robert in some way!

Aria then dragged him to the center of the ring, and wrapped his legs up in a unique Leg Lock!

Mauro: Oh! Look at this! Aria tying Robert's legs up, weakening the leg even more!

Beth: Usually we don't see this from Aria Blaze! Aria is more of an "In-your-face" type of competitor, and will inflict pain just by simply beating the crap out of you!

Nigel: Well she's also unpredictable, and this is definitely something we didn't expect!

Robert was now reaching for the ropes, but he was too far away. He turns to his side, and begins to scoot closer to the bottom rope. 

Mauro: Robert now, using his upper body strength to try and get to the ropes…

Robert scoots a bit more, and he eventually gets close enough where he can grab the bottom rope to force a break!

Mauro: … and that he does!

The referee then orders Aria to break the hold, but she refuses to let go. The referee then begins his 5 count, and Aria releases at 4.

Nigel: And Aria utilizing the 5 count to injure that leg more.

Aria gets up, Robert also tries to get up, using the ropes to pull himself back to his feet, but Aria clotheslines him over the top rope. 

Robert however was able to land on the apron, but as he stood up, Aria knocked him down to the floor with a Triangle Clothesline!

Beth: OH!!!

Mauro: Wow! Aria came off the ropes and just absolutely walloped Robert Squared with that Clothesline!

Nigel: Could have taken his head off right there!

Robert begins to get up again, then Aria hits the ropes, and crashes into Robert with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida! Aria dive bombing into Robert!

Beth: It's been all Aria Blaze this whole match!

Aria then throws Robert back into the ring. She goes for the cover, Robert kicks out at 2, and then gets to one Knee, and looks at Aria with a look of intensity, as if a fire had just ignited in him!

Mauro: Oh it WAS all Aria Blaze, but I think all that's gonna change! 

Aria was shocked by this. But she quickly gets up, and delivers a Knee Lift, but it didn't faze him!

Aria began to rain down with punches, but it wasn't slowing down Robert! He quickly got back up to his feet, Aria still trying to knock him back down!

Mauro: Robert Squared, hulking up like the one and only Hulk Hogan!

Nigel: Aria might not like what's gonna come next!

Robert then pointed at Aria, and the whole crowd shouted "You!". He then did the finger wag, much to the fans' pleasure, but then Aria slapped his hand away, then delivered 2 slaps, a backhand strike, followed by a Roundhouse Kick to the head, knocking him down, and the crowd immediately booed.


Mauro: Oh, Aria shutting that down in a hurry!

"I didn't come here to play games!" She yells at Robert. She then hits the ropes, but at the same time Robert kipped up, and Clotheslines Aria off the rebound!

Mauro: OH! And Robert! 

Beth: Out of nowhere, just shot back up to his feet, and nearly decapitated Aria!

Robert gets up, slapping his leg to regain some feeling, then he begins to size Aria up.

Once Aria got up, Robert clotheslined her! She gets up, Robert delivers another one!

Aria gets up again, this time Robert connects with an Inverted Atomic Drop, then he lands a Superkick, followed by a German Suplex!

Robert gets right back up, the cheers from the crowd, feuling him.

Mauro: Robert Squared beginning to fire up!

Robert then grabbed Aria, looking for the Broadway Bomb, and he connected with it!

Mauro: And now Robert with the Broadway Bomb!

Beth: Made famous by his good old friend and mentor, The Artist!

But the second he hit it, he immediately collapsed, and clutched his knee.

Mauro: Oh but that leg, the leg that Aria worked on earlier in the match! It gave out on him!

Despite that, Robert was able to scramble into the cover, but Aria kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Aria kicks out! That small delay may have saved her!

Robert slaps his leg some more, then he goes to a corner, and begins to measure her up for the Pineapple Surprise. 

Mauro: And Robert, despite having one good leg left, trying for the Pineapple Surprise!

Nigel: Will it have the same effect, though!?



Beth: Uh oh…

Nigel: Look who's coming this way.

Adagio came out, and the referee began to order her to go to the back.

Mauro: Adagio Dazzle, making her presence felt in this match, and the referee trying to eject her from ringside!

Beth: But Adagio just won't budge!

Suddenly Zayden Trudeau and Sonata Dusk grabbed her from behind, and threw her into the steel steps!

Beth: Oh look who's here!

Mauro: Sonata and Zayden! Taking Adagio out of the equation!

Robert was glad they showed up, but when he turned his attention back to Aria, she clocked him with a Single Leg Front Dropkick!

Mauro: OH, ARIA BLAZE!!!

Beth: Aria taking advantage of the distraction by Adagio!

Aria goes for the cover, and somehow Robert kicks out at the last second!

Mauro: OH! Robert Squared survives!

Aria Blaze sat up in total disbelief, then she began to plead with the referee.

Nigel: Aria though she had won right there! Well to be honest, I thought it was over as well!

After a few minutes of arguing with the referee, she turns her attention back to Robert. 

Suddenly Robert gets her with a Small Package pin, but Aria kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh! Robert with the small package! Almost got him the win!

They both get up, Aria goes for a Clothesline, Robert ducks, hits the ropes, then lands the Pineapple Surprise on Aria!


Nigel: Robert Squared got all of that one!

Robert then goes for the cover, the crowd counts along with the referee, and Robert gets the count, and Sonata and Zayden begin to celebrate at ringside!

Mauro: And Robert Squared walks away victorious!

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, ROBERT SQUARED!!!

Mauro: To your question, Nigel, will the Pineapple Surprise have the same effect with a bad knee, yes it will!

Beth: Aria Blaze was in control for a good portion of that match, even starting the match by bringing the fight to Robert, but Aria learned firsthand that when Robert fights back, he fights back everything he's got, and then some!

Aria rolls out of the ring, and she and Adagio begin to walk to the back, and look on as Robert, Sonata, and Zayden celebrate in the ring.

Nigel: Maybe after this, they'll take back what they said about not needing a 3rd partner, because at High Acceleration, they're gonna definitely need one!

Robert, Zayden, and Sonata then looked back at Adagio and Aria. 

"See you two, at High Acceleration!" Robert shouts. "You and your 3rd partner too!"


And that was Episode 7!

Boy was that an eventual show! Challenges for High Acceleration being made, and stellar matches, what will come in Episode 8? Well stay tuned to find out.

See y'all in Episode 8!

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