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Welcome to Episode 8!

After an eventful Episode 7, let's see what awaits us here...

The show opens with the roar of the crowd inside the American Airlines center in Dallas, Texas, with Mauro Ranallo speaking.

Mauro: Hello everyone, welcome back to LWF: Reborn, inside the American Airlines center in beautiful Dallas, Texas, alongside Nigel McGuinness, and WWE hall of famer, Beth Phoenix!



The lights go out, then the crowd boos as the acronym "FSU" pops up on the titantron. Then 10 seconds into the song, Mark Andrews and Eddie Dennis came out. 

Mauro: Folks we are still shocked from what happened last episode. After a successful tag match, the masked assailant, who would eventually be revealed as Eddie Dennis, would make his presence felt, and just as we thought it would be a 2 on 1 advantage, Mark Andrews would backstab his Tag Team partner and Best Friend, Flash Morgan Webster!

Nigel: Correction, his FORMER partner and best friend. After that betrayal, I don't think Andrews wants anything to do with him!

Beth: That I get, but what I don't know, is why? Why would he throw away that friendship?

Eddie and Andrews enter the ring, mics in hand, and they look around as the crowd continues to boo them.

Mark: You know, after I struck Webster, people have been asking me, "Why Mark?", "Why did you betray your best friend?", "What made you do what you did?". Simple. I didn't want a loser to constantly drag me down, so I got rid of him! 

The crowd booed even louder.

Mark: Oh, you people don't like that!? You think Webster isn't a loser!? Well news flash, he IS a loser! Every time we lost, it was always him who got pinned! The reason we're barely on the show is because he couldn't carry his load! I carried Wales' Favorite Sons on my own! And just as we were going somewhere, somehow, Webster brings us back down to square one!

The crowd boos even more.

Mark: I'm done not being on here, I am sick and tired of having to start over! So you know what I did? I called Eddie up, and told him to get rid of the dead weight. Now with Eddie by my side, I can finally get to the top.

Eddie: LWF Tag Team division, consider yourselves warned. Because FSU is gonna turn this place upside down, and soon, gold will be in our possession. 

Mark: And one more thing! Webster, in case you're too ignorant to know, as far as the friendship between you and me goes, it's over. We are through. 

They both drop their mics, but before they could exit the ring…


The crowd pops the second Webster's theme played, then Andrews tells Eddie to go out of the ring and wait for him at the bottom of the ramp.

Mauro: Oh! Upon Webster's theme hitting, Andrews orders Eddie Dennis to stand guard at the bottom of the ramp!

Andrews sighs in relief once Eddie Dennis stood there waiting. But when he turned around, there was Flash Morgan Webster! He was standing on the apron, waiting for Andrews to turn around! And when he did, Webster sprung off the top rope, and landed a Front Dropkick!

Beth: OH!

Nigel: There's Webster!!!

Mauro: Webster looking to get a bit of payback!

Webster began to hammer away on Andrews, but then Dennis noticed this, and came to Andrews' aid. Webster sees him coming, and then begins to trade blows with him.

Then with one Dropkick, Webster sends Eddie Dennis over the top rope. He turns around, Andrews tries to go for a running attack, but Webster pulls down the top rope, and Andrews tumbles out of the ring. 

Andrews and Eddie Dennis get up, and then Webster hits the ropes, and takes them both down with a Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: Tope Con Hilo by Webster! FSU taken down!

Webster gets up, and rolls back into the ring, daring Andrews to get in.

Andrews and Eddie get up, and they begin to back away.

Mauro: I can guarantee you, there will be hell to pay for Mark Andrews!

Nigel: Flash Morgan Webster is incensed!

Beth: He did say, if Andrews thinks for a second that if Webster will stay down after the betrayal, he's got another thing coming! 


Ruby was standing in the interviewing area alongside new interviewer, Dasha Gonzalez. 

Dasha: Ruby, later tonight you will be facing Ricochet for the first time ever, how are you walking into this match knowing that your High Acceleration opponent, and his High Acceleration opponent may get involved?

Ruby: How am I walking into that match? Well first off, Ricochet is one heck of a competitor. It's an honor to be in the ring with him, really. But he is not Spongebob, and I'm not Starlight Glimmer. So, worst case scenario, if Starlight and Spongebob come, I'll be ready for them, and I'm sure Ricochet will be too.

Ruby then walks off. 

(OPENING MATCH: Kushida vs. Zachary Wentz)


And rocking out to his entrance music, out comes Zachary Wentz. 

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Baywood, Ohio, he weighs in tonight at 176 pounds, ZACHARY WENTZ!!!

Mauro: The Baywood native, energy filled, and fun to watch, Zachary Wentz making his In-ring LWF debut, against one of the best to come out of Japan, the Time Splitter, Kushida!

Beth: That's not gonna be a walk in the park, that's for sure! Kushida's MMA background makes him a master in the technical game, Wentz, as fast as he is, he needs to avoid getting caught, so his agility and evasiveness could help him!

Nigel: Yeah, and don't Kushida is not only a skilled Submission specialist, he's got that Strong Style background as well! So if Wentz wants to leave with a win over Kushida, it's best not to play the striking game with him!

Wentz slides into the ring, climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and does his signature Rascalz taunt.

Then, the lights go out.


A 10 second countdown popped up on the titantron.

Once it hit 0, there was Kushida, standing under blue light, with his arms up in the air.

He then threw a wind-up punch, and then made his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, he weighs in tonight at 196 pounds, he is the Time Splitter, KUSHIDA!!!

Mauro: And coming off a successful 6 person tag at Elimination Enclosure, Kushida looks to keep that momentum going, starting with the debuting Zachary Wentz!

Nigel: Kushida better not underestimate Wentz. Wentz, despite being a newcomer, he can be pretty explosive. 

Kushida enters the ring, and then takes his denim jacket and orange vest off.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Wentz and Kushida met in the middle of the ring, shook hands, then they circled each other.

They then lock up, and Kushida gets the upper hand with a Side Headlock.

Wentz tries to push him off, but Kushida won't let go. Wentz eventually slips out, counters it into a Hammerlock, and then transitions into a Side Headlock of his own. 

Kushida then tries to reverse it with a Back Suplex, but Wentz lands on his feet!

Kushida turns around, narrowly dodging a Jumping Knee Strike by Wentz. Then he grabs Wentz from behind with a Rear Waistlock, but Wentz quickly lands a couple of Back Elbows to break free.

Wentz turns around, and then he lands a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Look at Wentz! 

Beth: Zachary Wentz may just pull off an upset!

Nigel: Enzuigiri to the ear!

Wentz quickly goes for the cover, but Kushida kicks out at 2!

Wentz continued his offense by picking him up, and delivering some Knife Edge Chops.

Wentz then goes for a Snap Suplex, but Kushida blocks it, and then takes Wentz down with an Arm Drag!

Wentz gets up, using the ropes to pull himself back up, but then Kushida runs around him, and then lands a Dropkick on his arm!

Mauro: And now Kushida! Dropkick to the arm!

Wentz clutches his arm, Kushida then covers him, but Wentz kicks out at 2.

Kushida now turns his focus to Wentz's arm. He starts with throwing his arm down onto the mat, then he inflicts more damage by delivering a stomp to his arm.

Mauro: Kushida now, working on the arm of Zachary Wentz!

Beth: Kushida may be softening Wentz up for that Hoverboard Lock, which he has put many opponents away!

He picks Wentz up, but Wentz, using his good arm, pushes Kushida off. But Kushida quickly delivered a Roundhouse Kick to his arm to knock Wentz back down!

Wentz was now on his knees, and Kushida delivered another Roundhouse Kick to his arm.

He then picks Wentz up, then he Irish Whips Wentz into the ropes, takes him down with a Hip Toss, followed by a Cartwheel Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: And there's the agility of the Time Splitter!

Nigel: Wentz is in trouble!

Kushida goes for the cover, but Wentz kicks out at 2!

Kushida then quickly went for an Armbar, but Wentz clasped his hands together, preventing the Armbar to fully lock in!

Mauro: Oh Kushida! Thinking of an Armbar attempt! Wentz trying to make sure he does not lock it in!

Wentz then wisely used Kushida's momentum against him by rolling him up into a pinning predicament, but Kushida kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Wentz! Zachary Wentz almost had him there!

They both get up, Kushida now on the ropes, Wentz goes up to him, but Kushida kicks him away, and flipped onto the apron.

Kushida then wasted no time. He springs off the top rope, and came down on Wentz with a Tomahawk Chop!

Mauro: And now Kushida takes to the skies!

Nigel: Downward chop right onto the crown of Wentz!

Kushida goes for the cover again, but Wentz kicks out at 2!

Kushida then picks up Wentz, but then Wentz begins to fight back, delivering Uppercuts and Forearms!

Mauro: Oh and Wentz now! Trying to fight back against Kushida!

Wentz then hits the ropes, but Kushida quickly shuts him down with a Handspring Attack!

Mauro: Oh but Kushida quickly stops him in his tracks!

Kushida then looked to Clothesline Wentz over the top rope, but Wentz ducked, and then planted Kushida with the UFO Cutter!

Beth: WHOA!!!

Mauro: What a maneuver by Zachary Wentz!

Nigel: That was absolutely incredible!!!

Wentz scrambled into the cover, but Kushida was close enough to put his foot on the bottom rope to break the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh, no! Kushida gets his foot on the ropes! 

Beth: That may have been Wentz's best shot yet!

Nigel: If he had been a slight inch further from the ropes, Zachary Wentz may have been victorious right there!

Wentz then waited for Kushida to get up. When he did, Wentz attempted a Clothesline, but Kushida ducked it! Wentz turns around, and then Kushida lands a Péle Kick!

Mauro: Oh! Péle Kick by Kushida!

Kushida then hits the ropes to gain momentum, and then knocks Wentz down with a Handspring Back Elbow!

Wentz rolls out of the ring, but he was far from safe. Kushida climbed to the top turnbuckle, and then landed on Wentz with a Diving Senton!

Mauro: And Kushida! Again taking flight!

Beth: High risk, high reward, and boy did Kushida score big!

Nigel: Wentz thought he was safe when he rolled out of the ring, boy was he wrong!

Kushida throws Wentz back into the ring, and Wentz gets up.

Kushida then went to enter the ring, but Wentz landed a Superkick as he came through the ropes!

Mauro: Oh but Wentz! Superkick on the button!

Wentz then threw Kushida back into the ring, and then sized him up.

Kushida gets to his feet, Wentz goes for the UFO Cutter one more time, but as he sprung off the top rope, Kushida countered, and then got the Hoverboard Lock on!

Mauro: OH! Wentz wanted the UFO Cutter, but Kushida saw it coming, and got the Hoverboard Lock on!

Beth: Kushida has it on tight!

And as quickly as Kushida locked it on, Wentz taps out!

Mauro: And that's it! Wentz taps out!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:14)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, by Submission, KUSHIDA!!!

Mauro: What a way to kick off this Episode! Zachary Wentz, despite not getting the W, has definitely put on a performance!

Nigel: Wentz fought valiantly, but in the end, Kushida was able to get ahead of the curb, and got that Hoverboard Lock on when he least expected it!

Beth: Zachary Wentz is gonna be a future star in LWF, that's for sure!

Kushida then helped Wentz up, and the two shook hands. Then Wentz raised Kushida's hand before exiting the ring.

Mauro: And with that, Kushida walks away victorious, but still to come, Chris Brookes will be in the ring to send another message to his High Acceleration opponent, Bombay Suarez!

Nigel: And also later tonight, we've got 2 very interesting matches, one of those matches is Sonata Dusk vs. Aria Blaze. After Sonata snapped in the last episode, Aria promises that she'll make her regret that decision!

Beth: And that other match is gonna be an Elimination Enclosure rematch of sorts, Bonifer vs. Kenny Omega! The last time these two encountered each other, it was Omega who moved on, Bonifer looks to even the score!

Mauro: That's gonna be a very brutal spectacle, but up next, this is gonna be a very exciting Tag Team match! The LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, Team Weird N' Wild, taking on Team Wheels Extreme!

Nigel: Oh boy, that's gonna be fast paced! I can feel it!


FSU were limping down the corridor backstage, when suddenly Mark Andrews grabbed a cameraman, and looked into the camera.

Mark: *Breathing heavily* Webster, you… little… parasite. I already told you, this friendship is over, but you still want a piece of me. Please do the right thing, and walk away, before you get hurt.

Suddenly Webster came from behind, continuing to unleash his fury on his former friend!

Eddie Dennis then came to Andrews' aid, but Webster showed no fear, and fought back until referees and security grabbed Webster, and escorted him out of the arena.

"Yeah! Get him out!" Andrews shouts.

(MATCH 2: Team Weird N' Wild vs. Team Wheels Extreme)


17 seconds into the song, Jenny and Maurecia came out, gaining a loud cheer from the crowd.

*Bell Rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Jenny, and Maurecia, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

Mauro: Moving on to our next match, these two kicked off the Elimination Enclosure pre-show by walking away with the victory against Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest!

Nigel: Now with Zap and Zest in their rearview mirror, they look to finally go after the Tag Team Championships, and what better way to do that, than get a win over the Tag Team Champions here tonight!

Beth: A win here would definitely put them in line for a future Tag Team title shot!

Jenny and Maurecia slide into the ring, then they take off their helmets.


And to a loud cheer Star Butterfly comes out, patting her title belt that's around her waist, then Mabel Pines leapfrogs over her, and the duo make their way to the ring while high fiving the fans.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, they are the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: And here are your Tag Team Champions! Last episode, Starlight Glimmer and the SCE came out during what was supposed to be Team Weird N' Wild's celebratory party for their win at Elimination Enclosure, and Starlight told them that they were coming after those belts! 

Nigel: Well as champion, you're gonna have a lot of people who are gonna come after you, and Team Weird N' Wild knows that!

Beth: Those two are definitely fighting champions, and not even a stern warning from the SCE is gonna stop this duo!

Mabel and Star entered the ring, then they held their belts up High as the crowd cheered.

Soon they hand their belts to the referee, who places it in the timekeepers area. Then it's Mabel and Maurecia starting it off, then the bell rings.

Mabel and Maurecia lock up in the middle of the ring, Maurecia then gets Mabel in a Side Headlock, then she brings Mabel to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown, but then Mabel wraps her legs around Maurecia's neck, and she lets Mabel go.

Mauro: Maurecia bringing Mabel down, but Mabel was able to get back up...

They both get up, then Mabel delivers a Low Dropkick to Maurecia's shin, taking her off her feet, then Mabel gets to her feet, and quickly lands a Knee Lift!

Mauro: And Mabel! Knee to the face!

Mabel quickly covers her, but Maurecia kicks out at 2.

Mabel then dragged Maurecia to her corner, and then Mabel tags Star in.

Star enters the ring, Mabel goes for a kick to the gut of Maurecia, but Maurecia catches it!

Star tries to go for an Enzuigiri to aid Mabel, but Maurecia ducks ot, at the same time she drops Mabel's leg, but then Star spun right back around, and landed the Enzuigiri, followed by Mabel landing an Enzuigiri of her own!

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild! 

Nigel: Maurecia might be seeing Stars right now!

Star goes for the cover, but again Maurecia kicks out at 2.

Star then picked up Maurecia, and then she went for her patented three Butterfly Suplexes.

She was able to hit two before Maurecia reversed out of Star's hold, then Maurecia stuns her with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: Oh! Maurecia countering before Star could hit the third Butterfly Suplex, and lands a Right Hand!

Maurecia then follows up with a Northern Lights Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Star was able to kick out at 2!

Maurecia then picks up Star, and throws Star into Team Wheels Extreme's corner.

Maurecia then tags Jenny in, and then Jenny creates some distance. Then Maurecia holds Star in place, while Jenny charges forward, hitting a Forearm Smash!

Then Maurecia goes to the corner diagonally across, charges, and lands a Forearm of her own! Then Jenny hits the ropes, and hits an Enzuigiri!

Jenny then swept Star's leg, taking her off her feet, and Maurecia hits the ropes one more time, and connected with a Sliding Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And now Team Wheels Extreme showing their Tag Team chemistry!

Beth: What a mix of agility and hard hitting strikes by this duo!

Jenny then dragged Star out of the corner, and covered Star. Star kicks out at 2, and then Jenny gets Star in a Front Facelock. 

After a couple of minutes, Star finally gets to her knees, and begins to fight back, landing some punches to Jenny's midsection. 

This loosens the hold, and Star was able to hit a Jawbreaker to create distance. 

Star then measured Jenny up, and then Star went for the Mewni Kick, but Jenny ducked!

Jenny then goes for a Superkick, but Star darts out of the way, avoiding it!

They then both go for a Dropkick, got nothing but feet. Then they nipped up, Star goes for a Clothesline, but Jenny ducks, and then drops Star with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Wow! What a back and forth sequence!

Nigel: Neckbreaker by Jenny drops Star Butterfly!

Jenny then goes for the cover, but Star kicks out at 2.

Jenny then lays Star face down, and then locks on a Double Armbar.

Mauro: And Jenny now, keeping Star Butterfly on the mat!

Beth: Jenny again showing off her ground game, normally we would see her use her speed, but in this case, she wants to take things to a slower pace.

Nigel: And it's amazing that she can prosper in both the speed and technical game!

After a few minutes in the hold, Star was able to free one of her arms, and scoot to the bottom rope to force a break.

Jenny quickly gets up, drags Star to the center of the ring, but Star was able to kick her off, and get back up.

Once she did, she then spikes Jenny with a Wheelbarrow DDT!

Mauro: Oh! Star with a Wheelbarrow DDT! 

Beth: Now all Star needs to do is tag Mabel in!

Now Star and Jenny began to crawl to their respective partners. Both Mabel and Maurecia chomping at the bit with their arms outstretched, then Star and Jenny made the hot tag!

Nigel: And there's the tag!

Maurecia quickly entered the ring, but Mabel sprung off the top rope, landing a Clothesline on Maurecia!

Mauro: And Mabel off the top rope!

Maurecia and Mabel get up, then Mabel lands a running Forearm! Maurecia gets up again, and Mabel lands another Forearm!

Mauro: Mabel Pines firing on all cylinders!

Maurecia gets up, goes for a Clothesline, but Mabel ducks, hits the ropes, and then knocks Maurecia down with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: And again Maurecia is down!

Beth: Weird N' Wild doing what they do best!

Maurecia rolls out of the ring, then Mabel hits the ropes, looking for a Somersault Plancha, but Maurecia jumps out of the way, and Mabel stops just in time before she could go for it. 

Mauro: Oh, Mabel looked to take flight, but Maurecia saw her coming!

Nigel: Very wise of Maurecia to get out of the way…

But Mabel hits the ropes again, this time she hits a Baseball Slide Dropkick, taking Maurecia off her feet once more!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: But that doesn't stop Mabel from landing more offense!

Mabel then tagged in Star, and Star climbed to the top turnbuckle. 

Beth: Tag made, and now Star looking to take flight!

When Maurecia got up, Star wipes her out with a Corkscrew Senton!

Mauro: And take flight she does!

Star then throws Maurecia back into the ring, and begins to measure her up.

Once Maurecia got up, Star sets her up for her signature Double Underhook Piledriver, the Butterfly Drive, but Maurecia countered it into a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: Oh Star wanted the Butterfly Drive, Maurecia reverses it into a Back Body Drop!

Then she tags Jenny in, and Team Wheels Extreme look to hit their Flying Clothesline/Spear combo!

Mauro: And now Team Wheels Extreme! Looking to end the match right here!

When Star got up, they went for it, but Mabel was able to counter by getting them both with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: Mamma Mia! You've gotta be kidding me!

Nigel: Star got them both!

Beth: Now THAT was impressive!

Mabel then reached out, and Star tags her in. Mabel and Star throw Maurecia out of the ring, then they lift Jenny up, and Team Weird N' Wild hit the Star-Pine Drop!

Mauro: Star-Pine Drop connects!

Mabel hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild victorious!

*Bell Rings!*

(Start at 0:11)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: A fast paced match gave a hell of a showing for Team Wheels Extreme, but in the end, the Tag Champs were just too tough!

Beth: Team Weird N' Wild once again, showing why they deserve to be Tag Team Champions!

But just as they were about to celebrate…

???: Team... Weird N' Wild…

Mabel and Star looked up at the stage to see who was speaking, and it was Mark Andrews as FSU came out, with mics in their hands. 

Mauro: Uh oh…

Nigel: It's FSU!

Eddie Dennis and Mark Andrews both had evil smiles on their faces, and Team Weird N' Wild looked on with disinterest as Andrews kept on talking.

Mark Andrews: Mabel, Star, congratulations on your match! Eddie and myself, we were impressed! Weren't we, Eddie?

Eddie Dennis: Yeah, we indeed were. You two showed once again, why you're the Tag Team Champions. 

Mark Andrews: Exactly. However, you know that saying, "all good things must come to an end"? Well that saying fits perfectly with you two. Because now that I have someone who I know for sure won't let me down, unlike Flash Morgan Webster, I can finally get some LWF gold around my waist, and it's gonna start, with me and Eddie, taking those titles from you!

Mabel and Star glare down at the duo.

Star: Save it Mark, you snake.

The crowd "Oohs" at that.

Mabel: Let's not beat around the bush and drop the nice guy stuff. What you two pulled was completely vile and selfish. Webster didn't deserve that one bit!

Star: You want a fight? Say no more! We'll fight you and we'll fight ANYONE on this roster! At High Acceleration, you're on!

Mark Andrews: *Smirks* Guess you two are not the cowards Eddie and I thought you were! By the way, Webster DID deserve that, and you two are gonna get the same treatment!

Eddie Dennis: And at High Acceleration, the last thing you two will see, is us looking down at you, with the Tag Team Championships in our hands.

Mabel: Take your shots, punks!

Mabel and Star then held their belts up high, as Andrews and Eddie Dennis looked on.

Mauro: A challenge accepted, it looks like we have ourselves a Tag Team Championship match at High Acceleration!

Nigel: Team Weird N' Wild not backing down from FSU, and now these two are on a collision course!

Beth: Now Andrews has a chance to put his money where his mouth is! Can FSU do the job that Wales' Favorite Sons can't do?

Mauro: We'll see come High Acceleration!


Dasha Gonzalez was now standing in the interviewing area with Ricochet.

Dasha: Ricochet, later tonight you and Ruby will face each other in the ring, and earlier we heard from Ruby about how she's gonna walk into the match knowing that Starlight and Spongebob might show up and get involved, so I wanna know how YOU are going to walk into that match.

Ricochet: Well, I was listening to that interview, and Ruby said it herself. I'm not her High Acceleration opponent, and she ain't mine. I know Ruby wants to walk into High Acceleration with momentum on her side. Well so do I! But if those two SCE fools show up, if Ruby's ready for them, then I will be as well.

That's when Starlight Glimmer walked up to him, and Ricochet began to ready himself for a fight.

Starlight: Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, Ricochet! I'm not here to fight, I just wanna talk. First of all, I've thought about your offer, and earlier I talked to Chard about it. Consider your offer taken. I accept your challenge for High Acceleration. 

Ricochet smiles at that.

Starlight: Second… *Smirks* I heard that you and Ruby are in a match with one another. You two better be ready. Because we'll be watching closely. *Winks*

Starlight then walks away, and Ricochet looks on, thinking about what she had just said.

Back to ringside…

Mauro: What does she mean by "We'll be watching closely"?

Nigel: Oh I'm sure it means she's gonna have a front row seat for that match!

Beth: But knowing that High Acceleration is down the road, I think Starlight is gonna do more than just watch that match!



25 seconds into the song, and to a roar of boos, Chris Brookes comes out, with a steel chair in his hands.

He stood in the middle of the stage, then he looked back, and the crowd cheered loudly as out came Kid Lykos!

Mauro: Well now we turn our attention to Chris Brookes now, and look at this! He's brought an old friend with him!

Beth: For those wondering who this is, this Kid Lykos! He and Chris Brookes have won titles all over the UK Scene, and together, they are known as CCK!

Nigel: Short for the Calamari Catch Kings, wonder what Lykos is doing here anyway.

Mauro: Well tonight, Brookes had some words for Bombay Suarez, maybe he might have some words to say himself!

Brookes and Lykos enter the ring, Brookes then props up the chair in the middle of it, and sits down, as a spotlight shines down onto the duo.

Brookes goes to speak, but he was met with boos before he could even speak, and some were chanting "Lykos! Lykos! Lykos!".

Chris Brookes: Looks like you're glad to see my friend here in the ring once again, am I right?

The crowd cheers.

Chris Brookes: Well as happy as I am for him to be here, this is all about me right now, so shut up and listen. 

The crowd immediately booed him.

Chris Brookes: At High Acceleration, you have me, Chris Brookes, on one corner. In the other, Bombay Suarez. 

The crowd cheers at the mention of his name.

Chris Brookes: Bombay, I know all about your accomplishments from when you were in the Philippines. In PWR, you have held the PHX Championship, and you flew over to Malaysia, and took their Hardcore Title with you. Over there on the other side of the world, you're untouchable. One of the founding fathers of modern day Pro Wrestling in The Philippines. But over here, what have you done? Nothing memorable, really. As for me, well, I have been breaking people that have stepped in my way. Look what I did to Ilja Dragunov. I brutalized him so bad, it's uncertain if he's gonna come back! I would have done the same thing to Asia Argento if it weren't for you. You see ever since Resurgence, I've been looking inside myself, wondering why I'm not where I wanna be. Then when Elimination Enclosure came around, I found my answer. Up until Elimination Enclosure, I was just another wrestler. Someone who can tie people up into knots, and fly when he can. But nobody was afraid of me. So I had to be feared. Bombay, there's a really dark side of me that I only summon when I need it to succeed. *Stands up from his chair* This dark side shows no remorse, and will do anything to make sure my opponents won't walk out in one piece! At Elimination Enclosure, Dragunov got a glimpse of that Dark Side. And at High Acceleration, you're gonna get a glimpse of that Dark Side. Tell him, Lykos. 

He then hands Lykos his mic, and the crowd cheers as Lykos looks around. But unbeknownst to him, Brookes had just folded up his chair. 

When Lykos held the mic up to speak, Brookes smacked Lykos from behind with the chair!

Nigel: OH, WHAT!?

Mauro: OH MY, GOD! What in the-

Beth: W-why!? 

Kid Lykos was now writhing in pain as Brookes picked up the mic.

Chris Brookes: Shut up, Lykos. *Drops mic*

He then continued to repeatedly hit Lykos with the chair, Lykos screaming in agony. 

Mauro: But… B-but this is Brookes' close friend and Partner! What's all this about!?

Beth: And Lykos has a history of injuries which of course led to his early retirement! Why would Brookes do this!?

Brookes then grabbed a cameraman, and looked into the camera. 

"If I'm willing to do this to someone close to me, imagine what I will do to you, Bombay!" Brookes shouts. Then he places the chair near the ropes, picks Lykos up, and drapes his feet on the top rope. 

Mauro: Oh, no! 

Nigel: I think we all know what's coming!

Then he hits his Draping Swinging Neckbreaker onto the chair!

Mauro: No! Neckbreaker on the chair!

Brookes then sat up, and stared into space as doctors and referees began to check on Lykos.

Mauro: Chris Brookes has completely lost his mind!

Nigel: And did you hear what he said? He said "If I'm willing to do this to someone close to me, imagine what I'll do to you!" That's a scary thought!

Beth: What lines is he going to cross!?

Brookes then looks back at Lykos, then he rolls out of the ring, rips off the protective padding on the floor, exposing the concrete, then he drapes Lykos' feet on the bottom rope!

Mauro: Oh no! 

Nigel: No! 

Beth: Brookes don't do it!

Then in one swift motion, Brookes did his Swinging Neckbreaker onto the concrete!

Mauro: NO!!!

Nigel: My, god!

The crowd didn't even boo anymore, they were just dead silent in shock as Brookes stood up, and admired his dirty work.

Mauro: What the hell has happened to Chris Brookes!? Ever since Elimination Enclosure, he hasn't been the same!

Beth: If I were Bombay, I'd be taking this message very seriously!

Nigel: What lengths is this Chris Brookes going to go?


Charlie Bonifier was making his way to the stage, when Sarah Schreiber came up to him.

Sarah: Bonifer, in just a matter of moments you will be facing the man who eliminated you in the Elimination Enclosure match, Kenny Omega. Are there any quick words you would like to say to Omega?

Bonifer: *Glares for moment* The Cleaner dies tonight.

Bonifer continues on his way.

Mauro: It's Bonifer vs. Omega! Next!
(Start at 0:48)


Mauro: We would like to take this time now to thank 12 Stones for their song "Adrenaline". The official theme song for High Acceleration. You can get this song, and the album "Anthem For The Underdog" which is available on Apple Music and Spotify! High Acceleration, which will be taking place in the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland, is gonna be one heck of a show! First we have a 6 person tag match! The trio of Zayden Trudeau, Sonata Dusk, and Robert Squared, will be taking on the trio of Aria Blaze, Adagio, and a partner of their choosing!

Nigel: That is if they can find a partner! Then we have Chris Brookes taking on Bombay Suarez! Brookes may have met his match! Will he walk out of High Acceleration the victor, or will the… "You know what" Killer, add another name to his list of victims?

Beth: And Chard had just made this official! The Tag Team Championships are gonna be defended at High Acceleration! Team Weird N' Wild, will be taking on FSU in what should be an interesting bout!

Mauro: Speaking of interesting bouts, what about our LWF: Reborn Championship match? Ricochet and Starlight Glimmer go at it one more time, but if Ricochet loses, he must join the SCE!

Nigel: A must win situation for Ricochet now, can Ricochet finally dethrone Starlight Glimmer? Or will he become an equal in SCE?

(MATCH 3: Charlie Bonifier vs. Kenny Omega)


To some loud cheers, out comes Charlie Bonifier. 

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, "The Death Dealer", CHARLIE BONIFIER!!!

Mauro: And now we're back to the action where we are gonna have a bit of an Elimination Enclosure rematch as Bonifer here, takes on the man that eliminated him, the man known as Kenny Omega!

Nigel: Bonifer looking to redeem that elimination here tonight! But a match with Kenny Omega is no walk in the park!

Beth: I can agree with you on that, Nigel! Omega is one of, if not, the best in the Wrestling Business today! 

Bonifer enters the ring, and begins to pace around, waiting for his opponent. 



And to a loud pop, out comes Kenny Omega. 

He stands in the center of the stage, then he throws his fists up into the air, and pyro goes off.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, he weighs in tonight at 229 pounds, KENNY OMEGA!!!

Mauro: This man has held titles everywhere he has appeared, and has some stellar matches under his belt, and on top of that, he is an LWF OG, and now Kenny is back to make a bigger impact!

Nigel: It has indeed come full circle for Kenny Omega! And a win here may be his start in his quest to win LWF gold!

Beth: But he can't underestimate Bonifer! He got a taste of what he can do in the Elimination Enclosure match, and eliminating Bonifer wasn't easy!

Omega enters the ring, and he does his signature pose in the center of the ring before going to a corner. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Bonifer and Omega lock up in the middle of the ring, Omega gets Bonifer in a Side Headlock, but Bonifer slips out, and quickly turns it into a Hammerlock. 

Omega uses his free hand to land some Back Elbows, trying to break free, and Bonifer lets go, staggering backwards.

Omega turns around, quickly going for the V-Trigger, but Bonifer jumps out of the way, and hooks Omega up for a Half Nelson Suplex! But when he went for it, Omega landed on his feet!

Bonifer gets up, but Omega quickly takes him down with a Hurricanrana! 

Bonifer gets up, Omega charges at him, and Bonifer brings him to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown, but Omega wraps his legs around Bonifer's neck to break free.

They both got back up, and the crowd applauded them. 

Mauro: And again, like at Elimination Enclosure, these two are at a Stalemate!

Nigel: This match may be a long while!

Beth: Omega is known for going the distance, and I believe Bonifer can be capable of hanging with him!

They circle each other again, then Bonifer and Omega then do a test of strength. Bonifer wins that test, and pushes Omega into a corner. 

The ref begins his 5 count, Bonifer breaks at 3, then he delivered a Knife Edge Chop!

Mauro: Oh! What a chop by Bonifer!

Omega staggers out of the corner, clutching his chest, then Bonifer delivered another chop, this time a downward one, the sound of impact echoed through the arena.

Bonifer tries for a third, but Omega blocks it, and delivers a Knife Edge Chop of his own!

Mauro: And now Omega, bringing it back to him!

Nigel: These two are gonna have red and sore chests after this match!

Bonifer clutches his chest, then he quickly lands another downward chop. Omega sucks it up, and then hits another Knife Edge Chop!

Bonifer then shakes off the chop, goes for a Knife Edge Chop, but Omega ducks, gets Bonifer hooked up for a Back Suplex, and plants him on the mat!

Omega goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Omega off the Back Suplex, Bonifer out at 2!

Omega quickly gets Bonifer in a Front Facelock, but Bonifer was able to get to his feet, and reverse the Front Facelock into a Northern Lights Suplex!

Bonifer bridges into the cover, but Omega kicks out at 2! 

Bonifer picks Omega up, and then gets Omega in a Cravate, then delivered some Knee Strikes.

Mauro: And there's that mean streak from Charlie Bonifier!

Beth: Bonifer putting his MMA background into good use!

Bonifer then throws Omega with a Cravate Suplex, gets up, and measured Omega up.

Once Omega was back to his feet, Bonifer gets Omega up onto his shoulders, but then Omega elbows Bonifer on the side of his face, breaking free.

Once Omega was off Bonifer's shoulders, he goes to hit the ropes, but Bonifer stops him by grabbing him by the back of his tights, and then he delivered an elbow strike to the kidney area!

Mauro: Oh! What a shot to the kidneys!

Omega arches backwards in pain, then Bonifer goes low with a Chop Block to the back of Omega's leg!

Mauro: And now going low with that Chop Block!

Beth: Bonifer neutralizing Omega's strongest weapon!

Bonifer then quickly went to work on the leg. Picking it up, and then landing some kicks to the back of the knee. 

Nigel: Bonifer picking apart that knee now…

Bonifer then delivered a DDT on the leg, and Omega clutched his knee.

Mauro: Bonifer making sure Omega won't use the V-Trigger, because if he does, it would be over for sure!

Nigel: Yup. Bonifer learned that firsthand. 

Bonifer then wrapped his leg up in an Indian Deathlock, inflicting more damage.

Mauro: Bonifer really working on that leg of Kenny Omega!

Beth: Omega loves to use that powerful Knee Strike, the V-Trigger, now he can't be able to use it, or if he does, it would do more damage to him!

Omega was able to scoot towards the bottom rope to force a break. Bonifer refuses to let go. The ref begins to count to 5, and Bonifer releases Omega at 4.

Bonifer gets up, picks up Omega, but then Omega slaps Bonifer, creating some distance, but Bonifer stuns him with a Bicycle Kick!

Bonifer then goes to hit the ropes, but Omega chased him, and off the rebound, Bonifer got a V-Trigger to the face!

Mauro: OH!!!

Nigel: V-Trigger!!!

Omega immediately collapses, clutching his knee, and Bonifer rolled to the outside of the ring. 

Mauro: Omega out of desperation with that V-Trigger, but I think that did more damage to him than it did on Bonifer!

Omega smacks his knee to regain some feeling in his knee, then he goes to the center of the ring, and knelt down as the front row crowd began beating the Terminator theme on the barricade. 

Mauro: And now Omega! Looking to take flight despite having one good leg!

Bonifer gets up, Omega hits the ropes, then soars over the top rope, and wipes Bonifer out with a Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: Tope Con Giro!!!

Beth: Bad leg and all, Kenny Omega willing to risk it all for a win here tonight!

Both men were laying on the floor now, and the referee begins to count.

1… 2… 3… 4…

Omega was the first to get up, followed by Bonifer who was now beginning to stir.

5… 6… 7…

Bonifer now gets up, pulling Omega back to try and beat the count, but Omega does the same thing to him!

Mauro: And now both men trying to beat the count!

8… 9…

After a few seconds of battling in the outside, Omega was able to throw Bonifer back far enough to swiftly slide into the ring, and then the referee finally counted 10, and rang the bell! 

*Bell rings!*

Bonifer looked on with shock, realizing what just happened. 

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match as a result of a Count Out, KENNY OMEGA!!!

(Start at 0:34)


The referee raises Omega's hand, but then Bonifer slid in, and began to beat Omega down!

Mauro: Oh! Bonifer loses by Count Out, and now takes his anger out on Omega!

Bonifer then hooked Omega up for Death's Hand, and connects!

Mauro: Death's Hand!!!

Nigel: Bonifer is all kinds of angry, and understandably so!

Bonifer then rolled out of the ring, and then referees began to check on him.

Mauro: Something tells me this is not over between Bonifer and Omega!

Nigel: Well of course! I wouldn't wanna go out like that!

Beth: I'm afraid between these two, the worst is yet to come. 


Ricochet was in his locker room, getting ready for his match with Ruby, when Will Ospreay walked in.

Will Ospreay: Hey, man. Are you sure you wanna do this? Putting, basically your freedom, on the line, just to get the LWF: Reborn Championship?

Ricochet: It's okay. I thrive under that pressure. Starlight will be no match for a man in a must-win situation. All you have to think about is after High Acceleration, when I finally dethrone Starlight, you and I will put on a clinic at Wrestlepalooza. 

Will Ospreay: Alright then. I really hope you win. Because if there's anything the SCE will do, is to make sure you join them, by any means necessary. 

Ricochet nods as Ospreay leaves the locker room.

(MATCH 4: Sonata Dusk vs. Aria Blaze)


*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, ARIA BLAZE!!!

Mauro: A new look, but same attitude. Here's Aria Blaze, and by the looks of it, she just had an extreme, and aggressive, makeover!

Nigel: Aria Blaze, still looking for a victory here in LWF, and from what transpired between Aria, Adagio, and Sonata, Aria would be feeling pretty good if her first win was against Sonata.

Mauro: Sonata has yet to get a victory as well, and a win over Aria will be as sweet as candy for her!

Beth: And from what we've seen from both Aria and Sonata, beating Sonata won't be easy for Aria.

Aria slides into the ring, and then she takes her denim vest off, and pulls the bandanna down.



And 13 seconds into the song, out comes Sonata to a rally of cheers, throwing her fist into the air, clapping and telling the fans to cheer louder.

She too had a change in attire. She was now wearing a two piece outfit similar to that of Xia Brookside's outfit.

Jeremy: And her opponent, SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: And it's not only Aria who had a makeover! Look at Sonata!

Beth: Dressed to impress, and Sonata also looking for her first win, and a win over Aria will be the start of Sonata's road to the top!

Nigel: And Adagio may be lurking somewhere, looking to make sure that does not happen. Luckily for Sonata, she has Robert Squared and Zayden Trudeau having her back!

Sonata slides into the ring, climbs up to the middle turnbuckle, and throws up 2 fingers, and points to the fans as well.

She then turns her attention to Aria, and her and Aria begin to stare daggers into one another. 

The bell rings, and Aria immediately went on the attack with a Big Boot, but Sonata dodges it, goes for a Superkick, but Aria catches it!

Aria throws her leg down, and then she goes for a kick to Sonata's head, but Sonata ducks, and then she hits a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Sonata with an Enzuigiri!

Sonata then slams Aria with a Snap Suplex, floats over into the cover, but Aria kicks out at 2.

Aria slowly gets up, but Sonata quickly gets on the offense. She gets Aria in a Side Headlock, Aria tries to counter into a Back Suplex, but Sonata lands on her feet and gets the Headlock back on.

Aria however, was able to slip out of it, then with a Rear Waistlock Takedown, Aria brings her down to the mat.

Aria then props Sonata up to her knees, and Aria then began to land some shoot kicks to Sonata's chest.

"All you had to do was listen! But you couldn't do that! Couldn't ya, you little twerp!?" Aria shouts, landing another kick. "This all would have been avoided, if you had listened to Adagio! Not that idiot, Robert Squared!" She adds.

Nigel: Aria Blaze talking down to Sonata Dusk now...

She fakes another kick, making Sonata flinch. Sonata looks up, then Aria lands a left jab, knocking Sonata out!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Aria with a wicked jab!

Aria then goes for the cover, and Sonata somehow kicks out at 2.

Aria then grabs her arm, and gets Sonata in a Fujiwara Armbar. 

Mauro: And now Aria playing the ground game.

Sonata was able to flip herself over, and then get Aria in a Crucifix Pin, but Aria kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Sonata blocks a right jab, Aria then goes for a Clothesline, but Sonata ducks, then springs off the second rope, landing a Crossbody, followed by some punches!

Mauro: Oh! And in an instant, Sonata Dusk exploding on her former Dazzlings comrade!

Beth: This is what I like about Sonata! The second that internal switch is flipped, Sonata will be coming at you with anything and everything she can pull out if her bag of tricks!

Aria shoves her off, and rolls to the outside.

Mauro: Aria now rolling to the outside, Sonata beginning to show life!

Nigel: This match may end as quickly as it had started!

Aria gets up, then Sonata, with a full head of steam, lands on Aria with a Triangle Plancha!

Mauro: And Sonata taking flight!

Beth: Nigel, I think you're right! This match might end in a hurry!

Sonata throws Aria back into the ring, then she covers her, but Aria kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Aria kicks out!

Nigel: Sonata Dusk almost ended it there!

Sonata picks her up, then sets up for her G.B.2.S Cutter, but when she went for it, Aria caught Sonata, and then stops her with an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker!

Aria then hooks her up with a Double Underhook, then Aria followed up with a Double Underhook Backbreaker!

Mauro: And Aria! Two big shots to the spine of Sonata!

Aria then goes for a Dragon Sleeper, but Sonata hits an Overhead Kick, stunning Aria.

Mauro: Oh Sonata now! Trying to climb back after taking those moves!

Sonata gets up, and then Superkicks Aria on the leg, bringing her down to one knee!

Nigel: Aria on one knee now…

Sonata then hits the ropes, and then hits a Sliding Knee Strike!

Sonata gets up, and then measured Aria.

That's when Sonata suddenly turned her attention to the stage, where Adagio was now coming down the ramp.

Mauro: Uh oh…

Nigel: It's Adagio Dazzle! 

Beth: No surprise here. 

But before she could do anything, Sonata slid out of the ring, and confronted Adagio.

"Hey, Sonata! Relax, I'm not here to fight, I'm just spectating, relax!" Adagio says.

Mauro: Sonata getting up to Adagio's face, but that's not who she's facing right now!

Nigel: Exactly, Adagio is the least of her worries!

Robert and Zayden then showed up, Sonata smiles and rolls back into the ring, and now Robert and Zayden surround Adagio.

Mauro: And Adagio now surrounded by Sonata's newfound friends!

Nigel: They knew without being out there Adagio would have gotten involved-

Suddenly someone hopped over the barricade and jumped Zayden!

Mauro: Oh wait a second! Someone just jumped the barricade and jumped Zayden Trudeau!

Robert tried to get the assailant off of Zayden, but Adagio drops him with a Backstabber, followed by the Blind Kiss!

Mauro: And Adagio! Backstabber to Robert Squared, and then turning out his lights with the Blind Kiss!

Beth: Who the hell just-

Then the assailant stood up. The attacker was a pink and brown haired girl, wearing a bowler hat and a grey scarf around her neck, who had matching brown and pink colored eyes.

She was also sporting a white three gray button-up vest style top that is strapless and cropped exposing her midriff, and a pair of chocolate brown detached sleeves with puffy tops and pink trim alongside a pair of white funnel cuffed gloves with gray button detailing. She was also wearing white belted pants, and black and white spat styled ankle boots with cutout detail just above the ankle.

This girl, was Neopolitan!

Mauro: Oh my God, that's Neopolitan!

Nigel: Neo is in LWF!

Beth: But what is she doing here!?

Neo then eyed Zayden, and then whacked him across his head with her umbrella!

Mauro: And Neo with her umbrella across Zayden's skull!

Neo then looks at Adagio, they both smiled and Neo fist bumped her, and solidified her allegiance to her with a hug!

Mauro: I think Adagio may have just found her 3rd partner! 

Nigel: Looks like that's the case!

Sonata, who saw the whole thing unfold, looked on in disbelief. Adagio and Neo looked at Sonata, and then Neo pointed her now broken umbrella at her.

"See ya at High Acceleration, Sonata!" Adagio says. 

"Just because you evened your odds, doesn't mean you're gonna win, Dagi!" Sonata shouts. But then Aria grabbed her from behind, and slammed her down with a Snap Saito Suplex!

Mauro: And Aria Blaze from behind!

Aria then dragged her to the center of the ring, and then locked on an Anaconda Vice!

Mauro: And look at this! Aria with an Anaconda Vice locked in!

Aria wrenched as far back as she possibly can, Sonata tries to escape, but the more she struggled, the more she was fading. And seconds later, Sonata passes out.

Mauro: That's it! Sonata is out! 

*Bell rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match by Submission, ARIA BLAZE!!!

Mauro: And Aria walks away with her first singles win in LWF!

Nigel: But the most shocking part, is that Adagio and Aria now have an ally for High Acceleration, none other than the silent but deadly Neopolitan!

Beth: Despite not speaking at all, Neo can actually pack a punch! This 6 person Tag is gonna be very interesting!


Kayla Braxton was standing in the interviewing area. 

Kayla: Ladies and gentlemen, Kushida was supposed to be standing by with me right now, but he hasn't-

Suddenly referees began running in front of her.

Kayla and the cameraman then followed them into the parking lot. 

And there, surrounded by a lot of people, was Kushida, laying on the ground, busted open.

Mauro: Oh my god, that's Kushida!

Nigel: Someone had just jumped Kushida in the parking lot!

Medics soon arrived, and they began to aid Kushida.

(MAIN EVENT: Ruby Rose vs. Ricochet)


After the "One and Only" quote, a spotlight shone down on the center of the stage, and there stood Ricochet doing his signature pose.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Main Event of the evening, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, hailing from Paducah, Kentucky, he weighs in tonight at 196 pounds, RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: This one is probably gonna be hard to keep up! For the first time ever, Ricochet will be going up against Ruby Rose! 

Nigel: Both are extremely agile, but I think the Technical advantage will go to Ruby. We saw her pull off a few moves when she teamed with Damian Priest last Episode, even tapping out Spongebob with a LeBell Lock! 

Beth: But these two have to also worry about their respective opponents. These two have a common enemy, the SCE. Ricochet going after Starlight for the LWF: Reborn Championship, and Ruby going after Spongebob and the Wattpad Championship after she Submitted the Champion.

Mauro: And if there's one thing we've learned about the SCE, it's that, if they're implying that they're gonna get involved, they WILL get involved!

Ricochet then slides into the ring, does a Handspring, and lands in the center of the ring. 

After a few minutes…


And with her on, Ruby Rose comes skipping out onto the stage, and the crowd cheered for her.

She squats down, then she flips her hood off, and makes her way to the ring. 

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from the Kingdom of Vale, in Remnant, RUBY ROSE!!!

Mauro: She made one heck of an impression last Episode when she submitted Spongebob, the Wattpad Champion, in the Tag Team match!

Beth: And it's that very Submission that got her a one way ticket to High Acceleration, for the Wattpad Championship! But tonight, she isn't facing Spongebob, she's facing Ricochet, and THAT'S a totally different ballgame!

Nigel: Ricochet, a well decorated High Flyer, Ruby Rose, just as agile, this match might turn into a fast paced game of Chess!

Ruby slides into the ring, and stretches out in a corner. 

The bell rings, and the match is underway. 

Ruby and Ricochet shake hands before circling each other. A few seconds later, they lock up in the center of the ring, Ricochet gets Ruby in a Hammerlock, he tries to transition into a Side Headlock, but Ruby was able to slip out, goes for a Roll-up Pin attempt, but Ricochet kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Ruby goes for a Leaping Enzuigiri, Ricochet ducks, Ruby lands on her feet, then changes direction, going for a Jumping Back Kick, but Ricochet ducked that as well!

Ricochet then connects with a High Roundhouse Kick to the head, then slams her down with a Snap Suplex!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Ducking two kicks, and then lands one of his own! 

Nigel: Followed up by a textbook Suplex!

Ricochet then rolls through, sits Ruby up, then lands a Basement Dropkick!

Ricochet goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2.

Ricochet now picks Ruby up, and throws her into a corner. 

Ricochet charges with a full head of steam, but Ruby was able to stick out her boot, kicking Ricochet in the face, stopping him in his tracks.

Mauro: Oh, Ricochet looking to keep his offense going, Ruby stopping him in his tracks!

Ricochet staggers back, then Ruby explodes out of the corner, knocking Ricochet down with a running Forearm Smash!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: And Ruby with a Forearm!

Ricochet gets back up, then Ruby grabs his head, and swiftly drops him onto her knee!

Mauro: Oh! Ruby with a nasty looking Neckbreaker!

Nigel: Right onto her knee, one of the hardest joints in the body!

Ruby then goes for the cover, but Ricochet was able to kick out at 2.

Ruby then sits him up and then she backs up a bit before hitting a Basement Dropkick from behind!

She goes for the cover again, but Ricochet was still able to kick out at 2.

Ruby then applies a Grounded Headlock, and wrenches as far back as she can.

Mauro: Ruby now keeping Ricochet on the ground.

Beth: Don't get me wrong, Ricochet is one heck of a competitor, but this is where Ruby has the advantage. Ruby has the ground game, and knows how to keep her opponents on the mat!

Nigel: And she knows how good Ricochet is when it comes to flying. She could try to play that game if she wanted to, but even she knows it's a matter of time until Ricochet turns the tables if she went that route.

Ruby tries to keep him down, but Ricochet is now slowly beginning to rise back up to his feet. 

Once Ricochet was back on his feet, he began to elbow Ruby in the midsection. 

Mauro: Ricochet now, trying to create some separation...

Ricochet then goes for a Clothesline, but Ruby ducks. Ricochet hits the ropes, and Ruby swiftly spun around, hitting Ricochet with another Forearm!

Mauro: And Ruby! Another forearm taking Ricochet down!

Ricochet now rolls out of the ring to catch a breather. 

Ruby begins to eye him, then the moment he was back on his feet, Ruby hits the ropes, goes for a Suicide Dive, but Ricochet stops her with an Enzuigiri!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: Ruby wanted a Tope Suicida, but Ricochet brought her to a screeching halt!

Ricochet then pulled her out of the ring, then slid in, and measured her up.

Mauro: And now it's Ricochet looking to fly!

Ruby gets up, Ricochet hits the ropes, goes for a Somersault Plancha, but Ruby jumps out of the way!

Mauro: Oh Ruby Rose, getting out of harm's way...

Ricochet was able to land on his feet, Ruby was now on the apron, and landed a Superkick, stunning Ricochet!

Mauro: Superkick! 

Beth: Ricochet may have avoided crashing and burning, but he didn't avoid that!

Ruby then hopped into the ring, hits the ropes, and knocks down the stunned Ricochet with a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida connects!!!

Nigel: Ruby is really bringing it to Ricochet!

Ruby then throws Ricochet back into the ring, climbs onto the apron, then pins Ricochet with a Slingshot Oklahoma Roll.

Ricochet kicks out at 2, they both get up, Ricochet goes for the Recoil, but Ruby caught him, flipped him over, and then tied him up with a Cloverleaf!

Mauro: Oh Ricochet wanted the Recoil! But Ruby Rose! Cloverleaf now applied!

Ricochet was struggling to crawl to the ropes, but he managed to get close enough to grab the bottom rope to force a break. 

Ruby releases him, and backs away as instructed. Ricochet gets up, and slumps into a corner. 

Ruby goes for a running attack, but Ricochet, as of getting a shot of Adrenaline, connected with a Discus Forearm Smash, knocking Ruby silly!


Nigel: That may be it!

Ricochet falls into the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Ruby out at 2!

Ricochet gets up, and then he picks Ruby up. 

Ruby fights back with a series of Forearms, then she hits the ropes, but then Ricochet catches her off the rebound with a Scoop Slam!

Beth: Whoa!

Mauro: Scoop Slam by Ricochet!

Ricochet then picks her up, Irish Whips her to the ropes, but off the rebound, Ruby hits the Crescent Rose Slice!


But the second she started to crawl to the cover, Starlight and Spongebob rushed into the ring and attacked both of them, causing the whole match to be thrown out!

Mauro: Oh no! It's Starlight and Spongebob!

Nigel: The two Champions are here!

*Bell repeatedly rings!*

Spongebob hammered away on Ruby, while Starlight hits Ricochet with her LWF: Reborn Championship belt.

Mauro: Starlight and Spongebob, attacking their High Acceleration opponents!

Then with 47 Meters Down, Spongebob knocks Ruby out, and throws her out of the ring. 

Spongebob then props Ricochet up to his knees, then Starlight hits the ropes, and lands her patented flying Knee to the back of his head!

Mauro: Total destruction of Ruby and Ricochet!

Starlight then grabbed a mic.

Starlight: *Smiles* You know, Ricochet, I can't wait to add you to the family. Come High Acceleration, you will finally see the right path, and be an Equal, just like all of us. As a matter of fact, I wrote a little pledge just for you, and you're gonna recite it after High Acceleration. It goes a little something like this. 

She then sits Ricochet up, and raised one of his hands.

Starlight: "I pledge allegiance, to a society with harmony, a society with true peace, for I am not unique, I'm just like everyone else. I pledge allegiance... to the Society of Complete Equality."

She lets him go, and Anthem For The Year 2000 plays as Spongebob and Starlight left the ring.


Mauro: Starlight Glimmer, has even made a pledge for Ricochet to recite! That's how confident the Champion is on beating Ricochet!

Nigel: And Spongebob is gonna have a lot of fun, when he makes an example out of Ruby Rose!

Beth: It looks like it may be a repeat of Elimination Enclosure, and the SCE will remain on top!

The show closes with Starlight and Spongebob standing at the top of the stage, holding their respective belts up High.


And there you go! Episode 8!

High Acceleration couldn't be any more stacked! Brookes with evil intentions in mind, Aria and Adagio now have a 3rd partner, and the rivalry between Starlight and Ricochet is getting more heated, same with Spongebob and Ruby.

But High Acceleration is still a long way away, what's gonna happen on the road to High Acceleration? Well stay tuned for Episode 9.

See y'all there.

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