Best Friends vs. Team Weird N' Wild (TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH)

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Darby Allin was sitting in a dim lit room on his chair. He then looked up at the camera.

Darby: Y'know, lately people have been saying I'm way over my head for taking this match with Dennis tonight. That when I go in there against him, it'll be a slaughter. Maybe they're right. Maybe I am crazy to mess with a vicious, cold blooded predator. But I'm not letting that stop me. Dennis has to fall, and if my total destruction is all it needs for that to happen, then so be it.



Beth: Wow, Darby Allin willing to risk EVERYTHING to take down Dennis, even his life.

Nigel: He's relentless as said on the back of his neck, but relentlessness won't matter against a monstrous murder machine like Dennis.


Out came Chuck and Trent, and the crowd cheers for them. They however did not come out with Orange Cassidy, which is an odd thing to see for many.

*Bell Rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is set for one fall... and it is for, THE LWF: REBORN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS! Introducing first, the challengers, at a combined weight of 406 pounds, the team of Chuck Taylor, and Trent.... BEST FRIENDS!!!!

Mauro: Best Friends, Chuck and Trent going it alone for this match without their running buddy Orange Cassidy tonight. Probably preparing for the Elimination Enclosure match later tonight, so they left him to it.

Nigel: What preparation? That lazy slacker is probably snoozing in their locker room right now! But regardless, Taylor and Trent have a huge opportunity not just to become the new tag team champions, but to prove to Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins that Trent doesn't need them to win!

Beth: That's right, Hawkins and Ryder have been proclaiming for the last few episodes now that if Trent is looking for success, he wasn't gonna find it in Chuck and Cassidy, but side by side with him and Zack! If Trent can pull off the win with Chuck tonight, it'll definitely shut them up for good.

Chuck and Trent get up on the ring, grasp hands, and raise their free ones before getting in the ring.


Mauro: But that won't be easy for the best friends, because they're facing a team that goes together like Chocolate and Peanut Butter! Here come the Champions!

Star Butterfly came out first, wearing her studded police outfit. Then once the chorus of the song began to hit, Mabel, also wearing her studded police outfit, leapfrogged over her.

The gems on their gear glitter in the spotlights as they make their way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, they are the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: One of the most dynamic teams from RCCW, Star and Mabel have proven that they are a force to be reckoned with! They eliminated one half of the Queens of Strong Style, that half I'm told is to never be heard from again after 5-way dance, when they lost big time to Lodezonia!

Nigel: This should be a spectacle for sure. Two of the wackiest duos from their respective promotions, battling for the Tag Team Championships here in LWF!

Beth: Hold on a second, Nigel. Star and Mabel I get, but what makes Best Friends wacky? They're just a normal duo of close pals.

Nigel: They entered an arena in Trent' mom's minivan for crying out loud! Who does that???

Beth: People who wanna make a grand entrance?

Nigel: Grand Entrance? Pshhh, give me a break!

At this point, Mabel and Star have entered the ring, and the referee was holding the Tag Team titles up high.

The bell then rings, and it's Mabel and Trent who start it off.

Mabel and Trent lock up in the middle of the ring, then Trent gets Mabel in a Side Headlock.

Mabel manages to slip out of it, and locks on a Sleeper Hold.

Trent counters with a Snapmare, Mabel gets up, and runs right into a chop by Trent!

Mabel clutches her chest, and then Trent slammed her down with a Snap Suplex!

Mauro: Nice Textbook Suplex by Trent!

Trent floats over into the cover, Mabel kicks out at 2.

Trent then drags Mabel to his corner, and tags in Chuck Taylor.

Mauro: There's the Tag, Chuck Taylor now legal!

Taylor picks Mabel up, then he and Trent Irish Whip Mabel to the ropes, she rebounds, and Trent and Chuck hit a Double Back Elbow!

Mauro: And Best Friends! Double Back Elbow rocks Mabel Pines!

Chuck goes for a quick cover, but Mabel again kicks out at 2.

Chuck Taylor picks up Mabel again, then he plants her with a Body Slam, then hits the ropes, and follows up with a Pointed Elbow Drop.

Chuck goes for another cover, Mabel again kicks out at 2.

Chuck then picks her up, looking for a Snap Suplex, but Mabel counters it into a Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh Mabel countered!

She gets up, and tags in Star.

Nigel: There's the Tag!

Once Star got in the ring, she immediately hits the ropes, then Mabel Hip Tosses her onto the top rope, and Star flattens Chuck with an Arabian Press Moonsault!

Beth: Look at that!

Mauro: Beautiful Double Team offense by the Tag Team Champions!

Star hooks the leg, but Chuck kicks out at 2!

Star Butterfly gets back up, and begins to throw Chuck around with a series of Butterfly Suplexes. She nails 3 in total, then she sets up for the Butterfly Drive, her patented Double Underhook Piledriver, but Chuck counters with a Back Body Drop!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Back Body Drop by Chuck Taylor! Star landed rough!

Star lands hard on the mat, then he climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Chuck Taylor now, looking to take to the skies!

He goes for a Diving Double Foot Stomp, but Star gets out of the way, and Taylor luckily lands without breaking his legs.

Mauro: Oh Star gets out of the way...

He rolls forward upon landing, turns around, and runs right into a Frankensteiner by Star!

Mauro: And Star Butterfly!!! Spiking Chuck Taylor!

Star rolled into a pin, got both legs hooked, but Chuck kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh man! Only a 2 count!

They both get up, Star turns around, and runs into a Superkick from Chuck Taylor!

Beth: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Chuck Taylor catching Star with that Superkick!

Star however swung from the ropes like a pendulum, and whacked Taylor with the Mewni Kick!


Mauro: Chuck didn't see that coming!

But then suddenly Chuck spun around, and smacked Star with a Discus Lariat, and both Chuck and Star are down!

Mauro: And CHUCK TAYLOR!!! Nearly taking Star's head off!

Beth: Both of them are down! Who's gonna get up first!?

The referee begins to count. At 6, Star and Taylor begin to move, and began to crawl to their respective partners.

Mauro: Chuck and Star now! Trying to tag their partners in!

Beth: Mabel and Trent are chomping at the bit!

Star and Chuck make the hot tag to their respective partners, and they both come in hot! However it's Trent that gets rolling. Clothesline after Clothesline, he knocks down Mabel.

Mabel then gets up, goes for a Clothesline of her own, but Trent ducks, gets her hooked up for a Half-Nelson Suplex, and he connects with it!

Mauro: Trent is on fire!

Trent then went to a corner, and began to measure up Mabel.

Mauro: And Trent now! Sizing up Mabel Pines!

Nigel: Probably looking for that Gobstopper Knee Strike!

Beth: If this hits, we could have new Tag Team Champions!

Mabel gets up, Trent goes for the Gobstopper Knee Strike, but then Star rushed into the ring, pushed Mabel out of the way, and took the Knee instead!

Mauro: OH! Star takes the Gobstopper instead!

Beth: She had just saved her own partner, and probably the Tag Team Titles doing so! 

With Mabel now in perfect positioning, she grabbed Trent from behind, and slammed him with the Mabel-izer!

Mauro: Mabel-izer!!!

Beth: Team Weird N' Wild are gonna retain!

Mabel had both legs hooked, but Chuck Taylor jumped in, and broke the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh, Mabel would have retained the titles for her team there if it weren't for Chucky T!

Nigel: If he was a second too late, we would have seen Star and Mabel walk out still champions there!

Chuck then gets up, but then Star dove off the top turnbuckle, and planted Taylor with a Cutter!

Chuck Taylor rolls out of the ring, but when Star got up, Trent Clotheslines her over the top rope, sending her out of the ring.

Mauro: Bodies being dumped out of the ring!

Beth: But remember, Trent and Mabel are the legal ones here!

Trent then turned around, and walked into a Roundhouse Kick by Mabel!

Nigel: OOOHHH!!!

Mauro: Kick to the temple!

Mabel then hooked up Trent, looking for The Big Dipper, and she connects!

Beth: Look at that!

Mauro: Shades of her brother!

Star climbed back on the apron, and Mabel makes the tag.

Mauro: There's the Tag!

Mabel and Star then set up for the Star-Pine Drop.

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild now!

Then in one swift motion, the Star-Pine Drop connects!


Nigel: THAT'S IT!!!

Star then covered Trent, and Star gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Team Weird N' Wild retains!

*Bell Rings!*

(Start at 0:43)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match, and STILL the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Beth: Best Friends gave it all they had, but Star and Mabel with the leg up, and got the victory with their advantage!

Nigel: Hawkins and Ryder pretty much called this.

Speaking of Hawkins and Ryder, the duo were watching the match backstage in the interviewing area, and were not pleased.

"We told him." Hawkins said. 

“He just wouldn't listen, huh?” Zack asked.

Hawkins shakes his head to say "no".

Back at ringside, Trent and Chuck got back together in the ring, and both teams shook hands in sportsmanship. Best Friends then leave the ring, and Team Weird N' Wild continue to celebrate in the ring.


UP NEXT: The Street Fight between Dennis and Darby Allin.

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