Dennis vs. Darby Allin (STREET FIGHT)

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Jonah was next to a Bingo Tumbler as he rubbed his hands.

Jonah: Step right up, get your drawing numbers for the Elimination Enclosure match if you're in it!

I then walk in.

Me: Jonah, what are you doing?

Jonah: I'm heading the drawings for the upcoming Elimination Enclosure match. Look, I got the tumbler all set up, the numbers inside-

Suddenly Dennis stormed in, and the whole room became quiet.

Dennis: Spin the tumbler.

Jonah: Uh… y-yes sir!

Jonah then gave the Bingo tumbler a good spin until a number popped out.

Dennis quickly snatches it, takes a glance, and smirks under his bandanna.

Dennis: Heh… easy picking.

Then as quickly as he came, Dennis leaves the room.

Jonah: That was scary… guess he's satisfied with his number. Should we uh… continue the drawings?

Me: Um… yeah sure you go ahead and run this. Right now, I'm gonna go and run some errands.

I then leave as well, and Jonah claps his hands.

Jonah: Okay, who's up next?! Cmon, we got a couple of numbers left in here...

The camera switches back to ringside, where "I Fell" began to play.

Mauro: I wonder what kind of number Dennis got? Perhaps He's a Late Entrant! But right now, things are gonna get brutal in Chicago! It's street fight time!

Darby Allin comes out, skateboard in one hand and a body bag, presumably filled with weapons, in the other.

He then skates down the ramp to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest… IS A STREET FIGHT!!!!

The crowd roared.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, skating to the ring, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 172 pounds, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Mauro: Allin said this earlier. Some say that he is out of his mind for challenging the menacing Dennis to a street fight like this, but he does not care!

Nigel: And that's what's scary about Darby Allin. He's willing to put himself in danger to meet his end goals!

Darby Allin now hops off his skateboard at the bottom of the ramp, and throws the body bag into the ring before doing his signature taunt on the turnbuckle. 

Beth: "Relentless" isn't tattooed on the back of his neck for nothing. He's willing to kill himself to put Dennis out, but you gotta wonder, does this environment favor him, or Dennis?

Then the moment Allin got down…

Mauro: Speaking of Dennis!

Once the 5 second countdown ended at 1, "Everybody Dies!" Is shouted out, and out came Dennis in his motorcycle.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, DENNIS!!!

Dennis rode down the entrance ramp, stopping just in front of the ring. When the chorus hit, he thrust his fist into the air, causing a small blast of pyro to go off.

Mauro: Since Episode 1, when Dennis choked out Darby Allin with a chain, Allin has been longing to get even with Dennis, and it comes to a head here in this Street Fight!

Beth: These two are chomping at the bit to get at each other. This is going to be a big fight just right before the Elimination Enclosure match!

Nigel: Let's just hope for Dennis’s sake he ends this quickly, because if he got an early number, he's gonna have to go inside the cell with little time to rest.

Dennis gets off his bike, but the moment he turned around to get in the ring, Darby Allin dive bombed into Dennis with a Suicide Dive, and the bell rings!


Allin was able to push Dennis back into the barricade, and Allin then delivered a few punches to his gut.

Dennis, being bigger, was able to easily shove Allin off of him. Allin then charged at him, but Dennis floored him with a Boot!

Beth: OH, MAN!

Mauro: Darby bringing the relentlessness to Dennis early on, but a Big Boot stops him in his tracks!

Dennis grabs Darby and throws him into the ring. He then tosses him into the corner and clocked Allin with a heavy Uppercut!

With that one shot, darby collapsed in the corner. Dennis then dragged him out of the corner, then he covered him to try and end the match quickly, but Allin kicked out at 2.

Mauro: And Allin kicks out after that wicked haymaker!

Dennis then looks to the body bag Darby brought with him, and walks towards it.

Nigel: And now the ruthless assassin taking an interest in what Darby brought to this fight!

Dennis opens the body bag, and inside, were Kendo Sticks, trash can lids, and chairs. He then proceeds to empty the bag.

Mauro: And look at the goodies that Darby Allin left in that bag!

Dennis then went to ringside and searched under the ring for more weapons. He then pulls out a ladder, and throws it into the ring.

Beth: Dennis upping the ante too, he's bringing a ladder in there!

Dennis set the ladder up in the corner. He saw Allin getting to his feet, and went back to him.

Allin lands a few shots to the gut, and Dennis reels back a bit.

Allin then goes for a John Woo Dropkick, Dennis staggers, then Darby quickly dashes for a Kendo Stick, and whacks Dennis on the leg!

Nigel: Allin staggering Dennis now, and now taking the opportunity to grab one of the weapons he brought!

Beth: Darby Allin trying to chop him down to size!

Darby pressed the attack, increasing the speed of his strikes with the Kendo stick, wearing it out on Dennis’s body. But then Dennis shot back up, and caught an incoming swing!

Beth: Oh! Dennis absorbed all those attacks!

Dennis then pulled the Kendo Stick out of Allin's hands, tries for the "Dead End” on the ladder, but Allin elbows out of Dennis' grasp, and staggers a bit to gather himself.

Mauro: And oooh, that would've been disastrous right there if Dennis had slammed Darby allin onto that ladder with that Dead End Uranage!

Nigel: You gotta admire Allin's resiliency. Normally any other person would just lay there!

Allin tries to lay in some offense, but when he charged at him, Dennis knees him in the gut.

Allin was now down to one knee, and Dennis goes out of the ring, to look for more weapons.

The crowd chanted “We want Tables!”, and Dennis heard them loud and clear. So, he dug under the ring, and to a loud cheer, he pulled out a table!

Mauro: Dennis giving the Chicago crowd what they want, and that's a table!

Just as Dennis was about to set it up, Darby Allin landed a Baseball Slide Dropkick!

Now the brawl is outside, and Dennis and Darby continued slugging each other. He then shoves Allin off, and then Clotheslines him over the barricade!

Mauro: This street fight is going off the rails! Dennis and Allin are fighting up and down and all over the arena!

Dennis looks back to the table he brought out, but instead, he climbs over the barricade, and he continues to beat down Allin in the crowd.

Beth: Oh, you're right Mauro! Dennis taking his fight with Darby into the crowd!

Dennis stomps on Allin, then he picks him up, but Allin lands an uppercut.

Dennis then lifted him up, and slammed him into the nearest wall.

Darby Allin falls into a heap, then Dennis sees a nearby table that is set up. He grabs the limp Darby, and drags him to it, looking for a Chokeslam.

Mauro: Dennis eyeing that table, looking to Chokeslam Darby into it!

He lifts him up, but Allin reverses, and he grabs the nearest object, which is a steel pipe, and clocked Dennis on the head with it!

Dennis begins to sit on the table, and then Darby continues to hit Dennis with the pipe. Eventually, Dennis was laid out on the table. 

At this moment, Darby knew what he had to do. He goes through the exit in the crowd, and disappears.

Nigel: Wait, where's Darby going?!

Beth: Well wherever he's going, it's probably gonna do damage to Dennis.

A few seconds had passed, and Darby Allin was now on the balcony. He goes on top of the guardrail and then turned around.

Nigel: Oh no, he's not thinking…!

Beth: I think he is!

Nigel: Then he's out of his mind!

Mauro: Darby Allin! The daredevil! The thrill seeker….!!

Then with all of his weight, he goes for the Coffin Drop, and puts Dennis through the table!


Nigel: That's it, Dennis is OUT!

Beth: Falls count anywhere in a street fight! Darby could have him here!

Darby covers with the strength he's able to summon. The referee arrives to count, but Dennis was able to kick out at 2!

Mauro: And Dennis! Kicking out of the Coffin Drop!?

Nigel: Dennis is not normal! He's like a Terminator! If this didn't keep him down, nothing will!

Darby Allin looked to press the attack while Dennis was down. He got to his knees to look for a way to take out Dennis.

But then Dennis slowly gets back to his feet, grabs Allin by his throat, and then lifts him up to his feet.

Darby Allin then slapped his hand off, and continued to land some Forearms but Dennis again pushed him off. Allin then jumped onto him, and continued to Wail on Dennis!

Mauro: Allin not backing down! He's still going!

Allin mounts on Dennis, legs locked around his waist, continuing to punch him in the face as he got Dennis to move back to the ring.

Nigel: And now Darby bringing the fight back to the ring! If he wants any chance of beating him, he's gonna need the hardware setup there!

Dennis then wrapped his arms around Allin, and with a running start, he drilled Allin through the barricade!

Mauro: And now Allin through the barricade!!!

Dennis got himself up, and flipped Allin so that he was face down, and waited for him to get up.

Mauro: What's Dennis got in mind now?

Dennis crouched, and measured Allin. Once Allin got to his feet, still bent over, Dennis then ran forward...

Mauro: Oh no, oh no...!

… and Dennis, with full speed, landed a devastating punt to Darby's head!


Dennis then covers him again, but Allin kicks out at the last second!


Nigel: How is Darby still alive?!

Beth: It's tattooed on his neck, Nigel! He's relentless!

Dennis sat up, and looked at Allin, who was now on his knees. 

Allin then punches himself in the face, and dares Dennis to give him everything he can throw.

Beth: And a defiant Darby Allin! Daring Dennis to bring it!

Dennis happily obliged, and then he delivered a right jab. Darby eats it, and then gets to one knee. Dennis then lands a Forearm, but Darby eats that as well, and now Allin was back on his feet, and now he and Dennis were face to face, and butting heads. Then a second passed, and the two began trading blows once again!

The crowd loved every second of this, chanting “Fight!” 

The two drove each other back inside the ring, Darby positioning Dennis right near the ladder he set up in the corner before. 

But then Dennis suddenly grabbed him, looked to pull Allin onto the ladder, but Allin turned the momentum around, and then floated over his shoulder into a stunner!

Mauro: Oh, Allin with the Floatover Stunner!

Dennis was now leaning against the ladder. Allin backed up into the corner, measured him for another John Woo Dropkick. Allin then charged, ready to drive Dennis into the steel…

Beth: Here comes Darby…!

But Dennis then caught him, and with a Spinebuster, he drilled Allin through the ladder, bending it in half!

Nigel: OH MY LORD!!!


Dennis then wasted no time. He grabbed Darby from the wreckage, and brought him to the center of the ring. He then sets him up for the Last Ride, and he slams Allin down so hard, Allin folded!


Nigel: That has to be it!!!

Dennis then hooked both of Allin's legs, and gets the 3 count!

*Bell Rings!*

Mauro: And there's an emphatic 3 count!! Dennis wins the Street Fight!

Dennis got up with a bit of pain in him, but regardless, looked as fresh as ever as the referee raised his hand.

Jermey Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DENNIS!!!

Nigel: What a match! That was one of the most amazing Street Fights I have ever witnessed!

Beth: Darby Allin just kept on going, even starting right out of the box! But now Allin has learned the hard way, that Dennis is nothing like all the opponents he's ever faced.

Dennis then looks towards the Wrestlepalooza sign, and points to it.

“Thats whats next.” He said to the camera. “The main event of Wrestlepalooza. 19 victims will be laid in my wake!" He then exits the ring, and mounted on his bike.

Mauro: And now Dennis is looking towards the next match! It's what this event was named for! 20 competitors, inside Hell In a cell, gauntlet style! It's the Elimination Enclosure Match!



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