The Elimination Enclosure Match

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Team Weird N' Wild were talking to each other, when Sarah Schreiber walked up to them.

Sarah: Team Weird N' Wild, first of all congratulations on your successful defense earlier tonight, so now that you've defeated Best Friends-

That's when Starlight Glimmer and the SCE walked in on them, and cut Sarah off.

Starlight: What's next for them? Is to finally be put in their place, in TRUE Equality.

Star: Yeah... "Equality."

Mabel: "Equality" meaning centered around YOU, and ONLY you!

Suddenly Spongebob and Danny stepped forward to defend Starlight.

SpongeBob: If this centered around JUST Starlight, I wouldn't have this title.

Mabel: You only have that title because of the giant butthead following you around.

Dark Danny: Watch it, twerp. Otherwise you'll be vacating those titles rather than being pinned for them.

Star: Your phony little group doesn't fool OR even scare us in the slightest.

Starlight: We don't scare you, huh? Look where that got Ricochet's friends.

Star: All your group is, is just numbers, Starlight... And the moment those drop to one is the day your reign is numbered. Eventually, they're gonna realize that.

Starlight: *Smiles* Sure... pay attention to the main event then, when I beat Ricochet to retain this title. Maybe that will change both of your perspectives.

The SCE then walks away.


Back at ringside, the Hell In A Cell structure was coming down as the lights flickered.

Mauro: There it is, ladies and gentlemen! One of wrestling's most torturous structures ever built! Now it's getting a new style to it! It's Hell in a Cell, plus Gauntlet Match rules!

Nigel: Just looking at this is just making my skin crawl!

Once the cell was fully lowered, the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen! It is now time for....THE ELIMINATION ENCLOSURE MATCH!!!

The crowd roared.

Jeremy Borash: The rules are as follows. Two competitors start it out in the ring. Once a pinfall or Submission has been made, a new competitor enters the cell. This will go until all 20 competitors have entered. The last competitor remaining will be the winner, and will earn a LWF: Reborn Championship match, AT WRESTLEPALOOZA!!!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: And now, it's time to find out, who drew number 1!


Mauro: And here we go! We're kicking off the Elimination Enclosure match with number one, and it's the Worst!

Out came Shane Thorne as he lifted his arm up into the air. Then he took his vest off, and made his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing competitor 1, from Perth, Western Australia, weighing in tonight at 225 pounds, SHANE THORNE!!!

Beth: Shane Thorne, not really in the most envious of spots for this match, he's gonna have to go post to post to win this.

Mauro: But let's think of who in WWE won in the #1 spot, Shawn Michaels! It was down to him and the British Bulldog in 1995, and Michaels went the distance. Shane Thorne, looking to do the same here!

Shane grabbed part of the cell and shook it, before entering through the door as he got in the ring, and posed on the turnbuckle.

Soon after Thorne entered, it was time for Number 2 to enter.

Suddenly the Minecraft theme song played, and Thorne looked on in confusion.

Then, to the surprise of the crowd, out came Steve! He waved to the fans, and made his way to the ring.

Nigel: What on earth? Is that really….?

Mauro: It is! Steve from Minecraft! 

Beth: Well this is a surprise! 

Steve waddles his way to the cell as he looks up at it, never seeing anything like this where he comes from. He thinks about how he could ever build something similar to it.

He then makes his way inside, and the officials then lock the door.

Mauro: So, we now know who will start this match! It's Shane Thorne, and Steve! 

The bell rings, and then Steve and Thorne lock up in the middle of the ring. 

Mauro: And here we go! The first ever match of its kind, the Elimination Enclosure match, is officially underway!

Thorne begins to handle Steve pretty quickly. Locking in a Side Headlock.

Steve then shoves Thorne off, he rebounds, and Steve knocks Thorne down with a Shoulder Block!

Mauro: Oh, and Steve knocks Thorne down with a literal shoulder block!

Thorne sits up in shock, and Steve begins to shuffle his feet. 

Beth: Oh, and there's a little swagger from Steve!

Nigel: Shane Thorne, literally has no clue what to make of him!

Thorne gets back up, and tries to lock up with Steve again.

Steve however was able to win that battle, and get Thorne in a Hammerlock. 

He then brings him to his eye level to force contact with him, and then delivers rapid fire blows to his face.

Mauro: Oh, and there he goes! Steve laying down the strikes on thorne like he's finding diamonds!

Nigel: I don't think he's going to find diamonds in there!

Shane Thorne pushes him off, and stumbles away, holding his face.

Steve then raises his arm, getting an applause from the crowd. He then measures thorne for a Discus Clothesline and goes for it. However Thorne had it scouted, and stopped Steve in his tracks with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh, Steve going for a Discus Lariat, but Thorne gives him a superkick to stop him!

Steve collapsed in the corner, then Thorne quickly flattened him with a Cannonball!

Nigel: And now a Cannonball by Thorne!

Throne then dragged him to the center of the ring, and rolled him over.

Beth: Thorne now, looking for the quick elimination!

Steve then got to one knee, and then Thorne delivered his signature flying Penalty Kick!

Mauro: There's that flying Penalty kick, Thorne now with the cover!

Thorne covers Steve, and gets the 3-count, eliminating Steve!

Mauro: And there's the 3 count! 

Jeremy Borash: Minecraft Steve has been eliminated!

Nigel: Short night for Steve, but what a good showing he had with those moves! 

Steve leaves the cell, then the next competitor came in.

Beth: Here comes number 3!

Mauro: Whos is it gonna be!?


And to a loud pop, out comes Zachary Wentz!

Mauro: And it's one third of the high flying trio known as The Rascalz, here's Zachary Wentz! 

Wentz hypes up the crowd a bit before taking off his Rascalz t-shirt, and runs down the ramp.

Once he slid in, Thorne went for a Clothesline, but Wentz ducked, and then landed a Handspring Knee Strike!

Mauro: And look at Wentz go! High octane offense right from the very start!

Beth: Zachary Wentz, looking to follow up off of Dezmond Xavier's tremendous performance at the start of the show! 

Wentz then looks to continue to keep his offense going, but then Thorne from behind, leveled him with a Chop Block to the back of his knee!

Mauro: Oh! Thorne with a chop block!

He then grabbed Wentz by the shoulders, and prepared to toss him through the ropes and face first into the Cell, and he did just that to Wentz!

Mauro: And now-OOOOH! Face first goes Wentz into that unforgiving steel!

Beth: Shane Thorne using the cell as a weapon! Thatthat'sod strategy, I've  seen plenty of superstars use this method before!

Thorne now exits the ring, and picks up Wentz. He then proceeded to slam Wentz's face repeatedly into the cell wall!

Nigel: And now Thorne is damaging Wentz’s face!

On a following attempt, Wentz stopped himself using his hands and foot, and back elbowed Thorne which drove him back in the ring.

Wentz quickly scrambled up to the apron, and looked for "Thnks fr th mmrs". But the second Wentz poked his head through the ropes, Thorne kicked him in the chest!

Mauro: Oh Wentz tried to go for the kill, but Thorne saw it coming!

He then pulled Wentz into the ring, and then drops him with a Saito Suplex, and bridged into a cover!

Nigel: Saito Suplex, bridges into the cover!

Wentz kicks out at 2! Wentz then rolled backwards, Thorne also got up, went for the Penalty Kick that he eliminated Steve with, but Wentz dodged it, got back up, and landed a series of rapid fire strikes, followed by a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Mauro: The action now fast and furious! Wentz turning up the gas!

Wentz then goes up top and leaps off, looking for a Swanton Bomb, but Thorne got his knees up, and Wentz got nothing but his knees!

Nigel: Oh, Wentz tried to take off, but Thorne countered!

After Thorne blocked him, he got Wentz in a crucifix Pin, and eliminated him!

Mauro: Thorne now with the crucifix cover-got him!

Jeremy Borash: Zachary Wentz has been eliminated!

Mauro: Shane Thorne is on a roll!

Nigel: But how long can that last? Thorne still has 17 more people to take on!

Beth: Yeah, Thorne still has a long way to go!

Wentz exits the cell, and Thorne gets up, and smiles, waiting for the next entrant.

Mauro: And now, we await Entry #4!


"Good day for a swell battle! Now go!"

The crowd popped, recognizing the music.

Nigel: WHAT?!

Mauro: OH MY!!!!

Beth: Is it really him?!

Out comes Quatro, and he jumps up and down on the stage as the crowd gave him a huge ovation!


Mauro: One of the biggest breakout starts in his native country, The Philippines in 2019, Quatro is here! And how fitting is it that he enters at #4?!

Beth: The 2019 Path to Glory Winner, a former PWR Champion, and a decorated high flyer, I think Shane Thorne is gonna have a fun time with him!

Quatro sprinted to the ring, locked on thorne, the latter telling him to get in.

Once Quatro slid into the ring, he immediately rocked Thorne with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And here comes the Light Bringer! The young man who received one of the most definitive wins of his breakout year, defeating then PWR Champion, Ralph Imabayashi for the title, and he just clocked Thorne with an Enzuigiri!

Nigel: Quatro giving Thorne a run for his money!

Thorne staggered into a corner, and then Quatro flattened him with a Clothesline, then he ran into the corner diagonally across, and ran back, hitting Thorne with a Back Elbow!

Thorne then collapsed, and sat on the mat in the corner, then he goes back into the corner diagonally across, and ran back, delivering a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: And there's Quatro's rush of offense, the Air Stampede!

Beth: Shane Thorne is completely thrown off his game!

Quatro then goes through the ropes to the outside, and then heads up top.

Nigel: And now Quatro going up high, this didn't work out for Wentz previously!

He then waited for Thorne to get up. Once he did, Quatro leaped off the top turnbuckle, and landed a Back Elbow!

Mauro: And there's a flying Back Elbow!

Quatro goes for the cover, but Thorne kicks out at 2!

Beth: Oh, Quatro almost had him there!

Quatro gets up, and claps his hands to get the crowd going for him. But when he turned around, Thorne landed a two-handed slap to the midsection!

This causes Quatro to stagger into a corner, then Thorne went for a Leg Lariat in the corner.

But somehow Quatro caught him, and now he gets Thorne in position for a Powerbomb!

Mauro: Oh, look at the power of Quatro, lifting Thorne off his momentum!

He then slammed him down with a Sit-out Last Ride Powerbomb, he called the "Hyperbomb"!

Mauro: And Quatro! He calls that move the Hyperbomb!

He then lifted Thorne up, and then spins Thorne around, and then quickly delivers his go-to finishing move, the Destino!

Mauro: Followed up by the Destino!

Nigel: Thats it! Quatro into the cover!

Quatro scrambles into the cover, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Thorne!

Mauro: See ya later, Thorne! Thanks for coming!

Jeremy Borash: Shane Thorne has been eliminated!

Beth: Unfortunately, the luck of Shawn Michaels was not in Thorne's corner tonight! But now we move on down the number line.

Thorne exits the cell, and Quatro gets up, waiting for the next entrant.

Out came Adagio Dazzle, all alone, and she does her entrance before making her way to the ring.

Mauro: And entering at Number 5, looking for some retribution after losing to Kushida and the Guns earlier, it's Adagio Dazzle! 

Nigel: And she wants nobody to mess this up after their loss earlier in the show, so she decided to do this alone.

The camera then zooms up to Adagio's face as she points at herself.

“I'm going to Wrestlepalooza, and this time, NOBODY is gonna mess this up for me!" she says before walking into the cell.

She gets in the ring before facing off with Quatro. The two then immediately locked up, and Adagio quickly gets Quatro in a Wrist Lock. 

Quatro quickly reverses it into a Wrist Lock of his own, then he transitioned into a Hammerlock. 

He then lets her go, and swiftly grabs her from behind, and then he slammed her with a Rear Waistlock Takedown!

Mauro: Starting off strong with a back and forth lock up! Now Quatro has Adagio on the mat!

Quatro transitions into a Front Facelock, to try and keep her down, but after a few seconds Adagio gets back on her feet, and elbows him in the gut to break free.

Then she lands a Leaping Enzuigiri, and Quatro falls into a heap!

She then sits him up, hits the ropes, and connects with a Shining Wizard!

She goes for the cover, but Quatro kicks out at 2!

Adagio then slid out of the ring, looked underneath it, and pulled out whatever she got her hands on.

She pulled out some chairs, and threw them into the ring. She even pulled out a toolbox, and threw it in the ring as well.

Unbeknownst to her, she also had given Quatro enough time to recover. He gets up, and waited for Adagio to stand.

Once she did, Quatro sent her crashing hard into the cell wall with a Baseball Slide Dropkick!

Mauro: And Quatro with a Baseball Slide!

Quatro quickly gets back to his feet, hits the ropes, goes for a Suicide Dive, but unbeknownst to him, Adagio had pulled out another chair! So when he went to dive, Adagio threw the chair into his face, knocking his lights out!

Beth: OOOHH!!!

Mauro: Tope Suicida thwarted with a wicked chair shot!

Nigel: And in this match, it's totally legal!

Quatro was now draped on the middle rope, Adagio then slingshots herself over, and rolls Quatro into a Sunset Flip pin.

Quatro kicks out at 2, both of them get up, and then Quatro stuns Adagio with a Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And Quatro with a Forearm!

Quatro turns around, hits the ropes, but off the rebound, Adagio clocks him with a Pump Kick!

Mauro: Oooh! Pump Kick by Dazzle!

Nigel: She rocked Quatro pretty hard there!

Quatro was now down to one knee, Adagio hits the ropes, and suddenly Quatro shot back up to his feet, and slammed Adagio down with a Spanish Fly!

Beth: OH, WOW!!!

Mauro: Spanish Fly out of nowhere!!!

Quatro gets back up, and then he quickly hits a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: And a Standing Moonsault to follow up!

Quatro hooks her leg, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Almost had her, Adagio kicks out at 2!

Beth: Adagio isn't willing to give up after what she endured tonight, she WANTS that title shot at Wrestlepalooza more than anything else right now!

Quatro and Adagio get up, then Adagio knees him in the midsection. 

She then measured him for a few seconds before slamming Quatro down with a Rolling Yoshi Tonic!

Adagio even crossed his legs, but Quatro still managed to kick out at 2!

Mauro: Oh, Quatro almost eliminated!

Adagio pounded her hands on the ground. “Stay down, you Luchador wannabe!” she yelled, before going to the corner.

Nigel: She's going for the second rope, maybe looking for something big!

Adagio then got on the second turnbuckle, but then Quatro connected with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Oh Quatro not gonna let her do it!

He then goes to the apron, springs off the top rope, and does an Avalanche Victory Roll Pin he calls the "Morning Star"!

Beth: Oh, Quatro may have her here, he's got her pinned!

Mauro: That's the Morning Star! Adagio is in trouble!

Adagio however, kicks out at the last second!

Mauro: Oh, almost had her!

Quatro picks up Adagio, goes for the Destino, but Adagio pushes him off mid-move! 

Quatro luckily lands on his feet, Adagio goes for a Clothesline, Quatro ducks, then springs off the second rope looking for another Back Elbow, but then Adagio knocks him out with a sudden Blind Kiss!


Adagio then covers Quatro, and decisively gets the 3 count, eliminating Quatro!

Mauro: And Adagio Dazzle, eliminates Quatro!

Jeremy Borash: Quatro has been eliminated!

Nigel: What an instant shock to the royale, one of the instant favorites is gone!

As Quatro heads out, Adagio recovers.

Beth: So far the elimination enclosure match full of shocks and surprises, what could be next!

Mauro: We now await entry number 6 as the advantage changes to Adagio, can she hold the ring for the rest of the match?!

Adagio catches her breath, and after a few seconds...

“What the…?” Adagio asked herself.

Beth: Uh oh… I know what those sounds mean!

The name "Ken Warren" popped up on the titantron, and out came The Social Media Sinister himself!

Mauro: Oh man! Well Adagio has been known to kick people in the back of their heads, well here's a guy who knows a thing or two about that! It's the Face of Facebook, the OG of IG, the Human Trending Topic, among many other things, it's Ken Warren!

Nigel: The Social Media Sinister is in the building! We haven't seen Warren in LWF since forever!

Beth: And he too, had won PWR's Path to Gold match just the year prior to Quatro winning it also!

Ken Warren danced his way to the cell, not intimidated in the least. He then looked into the camera.

Ken: Did ya miss me, LWF? Well, watch me make a big splash in my return! Hashtag… *Snaps Fingers* that!

Mauro: A former 2-time PHX Champion, Ken Warren ready to trend worldwide!

He enters the cell, takes off his jacket, then reclines on the top turnbuckle, and Adagio stared right at him.

“So, you're one of LWFs OGs?” Adagio asked. “How's it feel knowing the new breed is running the show?”

Ken Warren responds with a chuckle. "As long as I'm here, I'm running the show. By the way, why haven't you answered my calls? I want my move back!" He says to her.

“Come and get it.” Adagio smiled, beckoning him to come forward.

Ken Warren then leaps off the turnbuckle and gets ready to go.

Mauro: And here we go, Ken Warren and Adagio facing off, and this face off is a little personal, guys!

Nigel: Adagio and Warren both use the same Superkick to the back of the head, Adagio calling it the Blind Kiss, Warren calls his, the Winning Finish, or for short, the Wi-Fi!

Beth: It's bragging rights time, who does it better? Will it be the Social Media Sinister, or the Dazzlings' leader?

Adagio and Warren lock up, Warren gets Adagio in a Side Headlock, but then Adagio pushes him off. 

Warren hits the ropes, then off the rebound, Adagio lands a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Warren is stunned, then Adagio follows up with a Snap Suplex, floats over into the cover, Warren kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Warren right now, struggling in the early going, but now, don't be fooled by his cocky attitude. At his core he is a very impressive wrestler. Or at least, that's how he wants people to see it.

Adagio gets Warren in a Front Facelock, trying to keep him down. Warren tries to get up, but then Adagio changes the Facelock, into a Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh, And Adagio! with the ring execution.

“Want your move back?” Adagio said before going to the corner behind Ken. “Well, here it comes!” she called.

She went for the blind kiss as soon as Warren got to a vertical base, but Warren somehow sidestepped to avoid it, kicks Adagio in the midsection, then he hooks her up.

“Not today, Sweetheart!” Warren called before connecting with his Sitout Gourdbuster, the Googlebuster!

Mauro: Oh, Warren was able to evade his patented maneuver, and there's the Googlebuster!

Ken then covers, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Almost had her!

Ken then brushed his hair back and went to the corner himself.

“How about I show you how it's done!" He says. Then he stomped on the ground, went for the Wi-Fi, but then Adagio flops down onto the mat.

Mauro: Huh? I think Ken was gonna show Adagio how he does it, but Adagio looks to be knocked out!

Nigel: Could she be playing possum perhaps?

Ken Warren picks her up, but then Adagio wrapped him in a Small Package pin, but Warren kicks out at 2!

They both get up, both tried to go for a Superkick, but their legs get tangled up in the middle! They quickly untie themselves, then Adagio connects with a Pump Kick!

Adagio slides out of the ring, then looks under it, pulls out a Trashcan, and throws it into the ring. 

She then slides it onto Warren, and stands him up.

Mauro: Adagio, stuffing Warren's head in side that trashcan, is she thinking of taking out the trash?

Nigel: I can only guess what shes planning right now.

Adagio then measured Warren with a dinger gun and then smirked.

“Night night, sweet prince!” Adagio called before hitting the blind kiss to Ken Warren, with the trashcan on him.

Mauro: Adagio bidding the Social Media Sinister sweet dreams-OOOOH! WOW! THE BLIND KISS TO THE TRASH CAN, WITH WARREN STUFFED IN IT!

She then pulls Warren out, covers him, then gets the 3 count to eliminate him.

Jeremy Borash: Ken Warren has been eliminated!

Nigel: Emphatic statement to Ken Warren by Adagio, now up two eliminations!

Beth: But like we saw with Shane Thorne, that can't last forever.

Mauro: How far can Adagio go in the Elimination Closure match? We now await Entry number 7!

Nigel: Thats Jonah’s lucky number!

Adagio got Ken out of the ring, and awaited the next entrant.

And entry number 7 was….

The song hits, and the lights go out as the crowd cheers loudly.

Nigel: What?!

Mauro: Are you kidding me?!

Adagio then looked around as spotlights danced around in the darkness.

Beth: Is he really here?! He always makes an entrance, where will he come from?!

Then, Suicide, coming in from the heavens from a Zipline, comes down, and lands on top of the cell!

Nigel: There he is!

Mauro: Coming from the sky, it's the masked vigilante who knows no fear!

Adagio looks up, sees him, and didn't seem to like Suicide being on top ot the cell.

“Oh, you don't wanna come in here, huh? Okay, don't move an inch!"

Adagio climbed out of the ring and called for the door to be opened. Once the referee outside opened the door, Adagio started climbing the cell.

Mauro: Oh, Adagio not taking umbridge with Suicide's entrance! She's gonna go fetch him herself and now, Adagio Dazzle is climbing the cell!

Beth: I have a bad feeling one of them is gonna get hurt REAL bad!

She makes it to the top, and her and Suicide stared each other down.

Mauro: This is a Surreal moment!

Nigel: These two are both crazy, but you gotta do whatever it takes!

Adagio then charged Suicide as the two began battling on top of the cell. Suicide sidesteps, Adagio manages to put on the brakes, then Suicide knocks her off of her feet with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Nigel: Ho! I'm holding my breath just watching this!

Beth: What will happen first? Will one of them be thrown off the cell roof, or go crashing right through it?!

Adagio gets back up, goes for a Superkick but then Suicide ducked, and immediately hooked her up for the Suicide Solution, and he connects with it! 


Nigel: How long can that cell take the punishment before it ultimately breaks???

At this point, the referee has climbed to the top, Suicide then goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Suicide sits up, and looks around in disbelief. He then looks at the edge of the roof, and then back to Adagio.

He then picks her up, brings her over to the edge, and hooked her up for the Suicide Solution!

Nigel: Oh No, he's not…!

Beth: I think he is!

Mauro: He's really gonna go for that same move? FROM RIGHT THERE?!

Adagio then comes to, sees what's about to happen, and quickly fights out of Suicide's grasp!

She breaks free, and then Suicide lands a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection!

He then grabs her, proceeds to unceremoniously throw Adagio off the roof, but she was able to turn it around, but Suicide stopped himself!

Mauro: They're going back and forth on this! Suicide escaping disaster!

He turns around, then Adagio bull rushed, and they both fall, and crash through the announce table below!

Nigel: OH MY GOD!!!!!


The camera then stared at Suicide and Adagio laying on the announce table.

Beth: Oh my god…


The three announcers stare at the broken bodies.

Nigel: We need some help out here!

Mauro: Where are the damn medics!?

After a few minutes, Adagio and Suicide began to stir. Adagio was the first to get up, she picks up Suicide, and they began fighting into the cell.

Nigel: Good lord, they're still going!

Beth: How?! Every bone in their bodies must be broken!

Once they were back in, Suicide hits a Kick in the midsection, goes for the Suicide Solution again, but Adagio landed on her feet, and then clocks Suicide with the Blind Kiss!

Mauro: And there's the Blind Kiss!

Adagio covers, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: Adagio with Elimination number 3!

"NOTHING, AND NOBODY, IS GONNA RUIN THIS FOR ME!!!" Adagio screams as she sits up.

Jeremy Borash: Suicide has been eliminated!

Adagio then got up, wobbled around the ring and collapsed in the corner, and demanded a microphone.

Mauro: Suicide eliminated, and now adagio asking for a microphone?

Nigel: At a time like this?

A ring crew member slips a mic into the cell, a cameraman gets it, then hands it to Adagio.

Adagio: *Heavily breathes into the mic* Do you see that?! DO YOU SEE THAT?! I don't care who comes out next! I will fight in this ring, on top of the cell, outside, hell, in the crowd…. Even fall 20 feet from the roof if I need to! I will go to Wrestlepalooza, and have MY moment!

The crowd booed with some mixed reactions.

Adagio: Now… send out number 8, and make that person line their ass up, so that I can-!

When the crowd heard the music play, they popped.

Nigel: No…. NO!!! Please tell me she's not facing HIM next!!!

And to a roar of cheers, Orange Cassidy casually walks out, and takes off his denim jacket. Then he also takes his shirt off, slipped on his Elbow Pad, and with his hands in his pockets, he continues to somberly walk to the ring.

Mauro: And at #8, it's Orange Cassidy!

Beth: Oh my gosh, I don't think Adagio was expecting this at all!

Nigel: By what measure of unholy coincidence was this able to happen?! Of all the entries he could have picked, this lazy, sluggish, sloth of an oaf, Orange Cassidy, just happened to enter, right at the exact moment Adagio is at her most vulnerable! That can't be right!

Mauro: Hey, it's just like the Royal Rumble Nigel! You never know who's gonna show up, or when they're gonna enter!

Nigel: He must have traded with someone! I can't bear to see Cassidy move on and win the whole thing!

Cassidy slowly rolls into the ring, but Adagio thought quickly, and began to stomp away on him!

Mauro: Oh, but Adagio not gonna let Orange Cassidy come out of the box! She's looking to put him away before he starts trying!

The referee then pulls her off of him, and she limps back a bit. Then she advanced towards Cassidy, but Cassidy got up, and then knocked her down with a Shotgun Dropkick!

Beth: Oh, but Orange Cassidy fighting back!

Nigel: Don't let him win, Adagio!

Cassidy kips up, Adagio gets up as well, but then stops in her tracks when Cassidy puts his hands out in front of him.

He then held his hands up high before putting them in his pockets. Then, he began to deliver his patented “brutal” kicks! The crowd gave their reactions as Cassidy did so.

Beth: And now Cassidy is just making some mockery of Adagio!

Nigel: How can you even take this man seriously?!

He then winds up for the "fatal" Superkick, but Adagio Superkicks him in the face, gaining a massive rally of boos from the fans.

Mauro: Awww… you knew Adagio wasn't gonna let this play out for very long.

Nigel: Now all that's left is for Adagio to put him away!

Adagio then went to a corner and tuned up the band.

“Get up… get up you lazy Sloth! Come on!" Adagio screams out. But Cassidy just rolls out of the ring, and onto the floor.

Mauro: And Orange Cassidy, doing the wisest thing, and simply rolls out of the ring!

Beth: Orange Cassidy dodging a bullet there!

Adagio then goes out of the ring, and then throws him back into the ring… only to slowly roll to the other side, and looks to roll back out.

Nigel: What… on earth?

Mauro: A smart tactic, well executed by Orange Cassidy!

"Ooohhh no. I've seen this before!" Adagio says as she angrily stormed to the other side of the ring.

She meets Cassidy there, and when Cassidy saw her, he giggles a little bit. 

Beth: And Cassidy sees Adagio waiting for him, and he's smiling!

Cassidy then rolls back to the center area as Adagio begins to get more and more furious.

“Oh you wanna laugh at me?! I’LL SHOW YOU!!!” Adagio screamed.

Adagio, with all of her cool totally lost, scrambled back into the ring to try and attack Cassidy...

But when that happened, Orange Cassidy leaped to his feet, ducked an incoming Clothesline, rolled back, then got her in a headscissor, spun around, and gave a thumbs up before taking her down!

Mauro: Oh, and just like that, Orange Cassidy takes control!

Nigel: Not for long, I’ll assure you-!

Nigel was cut off when Adagio recovered and tried to attack Cassidy again, but he was ready, and got to his feet, and ducked another Clothesline!

He then jumped to the top turnbuckle, and came down on Adagio with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Crossbody by Freshly Squeezed!

With a Lateral Press, he goes for the cover, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh! Only a 2 count!

Nigel: Adagio not out of this yet!

They both get up, this time Cassidy went for the Superman Punch, but Adagio caught him out of the air with a Leaping Enzuigiri! Now both Adagio and Cassidy were down!

Beth: What an incredible matchup here!

Mauro: Just as Cassidy went to throw that devastating punch, Adagio clocks him with a kick!

That's when Sonata came limping out, holding a nightstick in her hands.

Mauro: Wait... Sonata Dusk?

Beth: She's coming out to help Adagio!

Nigel: But why?! after what Adagio and Aria did to her!?

Sonata made it to the cell and proceeded to push the nightstick through a hole in the steel link and into the ring, but Robert Squared came out to stop her.

The camera catches the barely audible conversation. 

Robert: Sonata! Wait just a second!

Sonata: What?

Robert: What're you doing? After what she did earlier, you're gonna let her get a win scot free???

Sonata: Well I felt so sorry for letting her down earlier!

Adagio sees this, and crawls to Sonata.

"Sonata, as mad as I am for you to be out here, I'll forgive you, if you could just hand me that nightstick!" Adagio says.

Robert: And what'll happen when something goes wrong again? You will just blame her. The only reason she's so nice right now, is because you have power over her.

Adagio: NOT true, Sonata is finally doing the right thing for once! *Turns to Sonata* Now hand me the nightstick!!!

Sonata was now conflicted. She begins to constantly look at Robert, then Adagio, then back at Robert.

Robert: And she would have been doing it more had you not been abusing her this whole time?

Adagio: I don't know what you're talking about. Why is this even your business anyway? This is between me and her!

Then before Sonata could react, Adagio reached through the hole of the steel link wall, and grabbed the nightstick!

"Thanks, Sonata. I guess you're not as useless as I thought you were." She says.

Then she rolled back into the ring, but when she got up, Cassidy got up as well, and landed the Superman Punch!


Beth: Orange Cassidy got all of that one!

Cassidy then falls into the cover, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Adagio!


Nigel: No way!

Jeremy Borash: Adagio Dazzle has been eliminated!

Sonata then headed inside the cell and got Adagio out of there, carrying her. But once they were out of the cell Adagio shoves her off.

"IDIOT!!!" Adagio shouts at Sonata. Then she turned to Robert. "We were trying to make her better, but you're clearly the problem!" she then stormed to the back.

Robert called back at her as she made her way up the ramp.


Robert then helped Sonata up, and they too went to the back.

Sonata: Why? Why does she hate me so much?

Robert: Because you're not some stooge like Adagio is.

Mauro: And it looks like the bad blood continues to boil!

Nigel: I just can't get over the fact that Orange Cassidy is advancing in the Elimination Enclosure match.

Beth: Well, get used to it. He’ll be there until he's eliminated.

Nigel: Lets hope its soon, here comes #9!


Out comes Curt Hawkins, and he has a big smile on his face. 

"Ready for round 2, you stupid moron!?" He shouts as he makes his way to the ring.

Mauro: And #9 is Curt Hawkins, who also has a win over Cassidy, so this is a big advantage for the Prince of Queens!

Nigel: Hawkins did it once, and I bet he's sure he can do it again!

Hawkins entered the ring and rushed right at Orange Cassidy, who then ducked his attack, hits the ropes, and as if out of desperation, Cassidy hits a Flying Clothesline!

Cassidy then gets up, goes to the top turnbuckle once more, but Hawkins got up as well, and pushed his feet off, sending Cassidy tumbling back down!

Beth: Oh, Hawkins was ready!

Mauro: He may have Cassidy!

“Your friends have failed, and you're gonna fail also!” Hawkins shouts as he picks Cassidy up, looking for the Taste of Pain.

Cassidy however was able to spin out of it, and clocked Hawkins with a Roundhouse Kick to the ear!

Mauro: Oh, Hawkins wanted the Taste of Pain, but Cassidy was ready this time!

Cassidy then goes for a Superkick, but Hawkins caught it, and then he slaps Cassidy in the face!

He then throws Cassidy's foot down, and lands a Forearm Smash. 

Hawkins then follows up with a Clothesline, then he lands an Elbow Drop to the chest of Cassidy.

Hawkins goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out at 2.

Hawkins then picked up Cassidy, then Cassidy delivered some lazy chops.

Hawkins was having none of it, and just shoves him to the ground. Cassidy rolls backwards, gets back to his feet, but then Hawkins lands a Single Leg Front Dropkick to knock Cassidy down!

Mauro: And Hawkins! Kicking Cassidy right in the mush!

Then he sets him up for the Taste of Pain, and he connects!

Mauro: Taste of Pain!!!

Nigel: Didn't waste any time to execute that one!

Hawkins then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Cassidy!

Jeremy Borash: Orange Cassidy has been eliminated!

Mauro: And Hawkins again, pins Orange Cassidy!

Beth: Curt Hawkins must be feeling pretty good, knowing he has now pinned him twice!

Hawkins then waved goodbye to Cassidy as he gets up, and was being helped to the back.

Mauro: And we now wait for entry number 10! 

Nigel: We are now halfway through!

After a few moments of silence…

The crowd pops again, and Hawkins looks on in confusion. 

And the crowd gives a big ovation as out came the leader of Team RWBY, Ruby Rose! She stands at the center of the stage, and slowly raises her arms. Then she high fives some fans as she made her way to the ring.

Beth: OH WOW!!!

Nigel: Look who's come around!

Mauro: Making her first appearance in LWF ever, at Number 10! It's the Red-Hooded Sultan of Speed, the leader of Team RWBY, Ruby Rose!

Ruby threw up her hands to the crowd as she called, “Helloooooooo, LWF! Guess who's here!" 

She then slid into the ring, and faced down Hawkins. The crowd was chanting “Welcome, Ruby!”, and they looked at the fans as they chanted it. 

Ruby smiles, then looks back at Hawkins. 

Hawkins then goes for the first shot, but Ruby ducks, then springs off the second rope, and lands an Enzuigiri!

Mauro: Oh Hawkins fired and missed, and Ruby Rose makes him pay!

Hawkins gets up, then she takes Hawkins down with a Snapmare, then follows up with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And Ruby now taking it to Hawkins!

Ruby quickly covers him, Hawkins kicks out at 2.

Both Ruby and Hawkins get up, but it's Hawkins who turns the tables by sweeping Ruby off of her feet with a Double Leg Takedown, and then locking in a Grounded Headlock. 

Mauro: Oh Hawkins! Quickly turning the tables, and now has Ruby on the ground!

Beth: Hawkins is now slowing Ruby down to his speed, and when he does that, Curt Hawkins can maintain control!

Ruby slowly starts to get back up. Once she did that, she shoves Hawkins off, Hawkins then turns around and goes for a Clothesline, but Ruby ducks, causing him to miss wildly. He then hits the ropes, but Ruby clocks him with a Forearm Smash!

Beth: Oh, look at Ruby!

Mauro: Dodging a Clothesline from Curt Hawkins, then lands that quick shot!

Ruby then jumps back up to her feet, then she goes behind him, and measures Hawkins.

Once Hawkins got to his feet, she goes for a Jumping Neckbreaker, and connects!

Ruby covers Hawkins, but Hawkins again kicks out at 2! 

Hawkins is still dazed, and Ruby looks to take advantage of this, and she picks him up.

Suddenly Hawkins takes her by surprise, and wraps her up in a Small Package pin!

Mauro: Oh Hawkins playing Possum!

Nigel: He suckered her in!

Ruby kicks out at the last second, they both get up, then Ruby connects with a Hip Toss Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Wow! What a move by Ruby! 

Ruby then went to a corner, and began to prepare for a running attack.

Mauro: And now Ruby Rose! Looking to score an Elimination!

Hawkins gets up, and she lands her patented Shining Wizard, the "Crescent Rose Slice"!

Mauro: Oh! What a Knee! Ruby calls that the Crescent Rose Slice, and Hawkins felt all of it!

Ruby then scrambled into the cover, and gets the 3 count to eliminate Hawkins!

Jeremy Borash: Curt Hawkins has been eliminated!

Mauro: And thanks for coming, Hawkins!

Nigel: We are more than halfway through, Ruby just needs to get through a couple more people!

Beth: That's right, Nigel! Let's see who's #11!

Once Hawkins left the cell, and Ruby gets up…

The crowd cheered once the name "Lori Loud" popped up on the titantron. And sure enough, out came Lori Loud!

Beth: Oh-Ho, man! Look who’s back!

Mauro: An LWF original, Lori Loud has returned, and what a way to return than at Elimination Enclosure!

Nigel: Been there since day one, and now Lori looks to shine here once again!

Lori then enters the cell. Ruby tries to get the upper hand by striking first, but Lori kicked her in the shin to trip her, draping Ruby on the second rope. 

Lori then hits the ropes, and she delivers a Front Dropkick right onto Ruby's back!

Lori then quickly got her hooked for her patented Pumphandle Reverse STO, the "Bitter Breakup". But as she went for it, Ruby turned it into a Crossbody mid-move!

Mauro: Oh Lori was looking for the Bitter Breakup, but Ruby Rose prevents it from connecting with a Crossbody!

Both Lori and Ruby get up, Ruby goes for a Clothesline, but then Lori catches her, and plants her with a Michinoku Driver!

Lori then sits Ruby up, hits the ropes, and delivers a Sliding Clothesline!

Lori goes for the cover again, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Cover off the Clothesline, but only a count of 2!

Lori picks up Ruby, then with a bit of a running start, she slams her down with a Vertical Suplex.

Lori floats over into the cover, but Ruby again kicks out at 2!

Lori gets up, then she slides out of the ring, and looks for weapons to use.

Mauro: Now Lori, looking to take advantage of the No Disqualification rule!

She pulls out a few chairs from under the ring, and throws them in. She also found a few Kendo Sticks as well, and she throws that in also.

Mauro: And it looks like Lori has found a few goodies under the ring!

Nigel: The next few minutes are not gonna be pretty!

She then slides back into the ring, and picks up a chair.

Ruby gets up, Lori then throws the chair at Ruby, Ruby catches it, and Lori smacks the chair into Ruby's face with a Calf Kick!

Mauro: Oh! What a kick by Lori!

Beth: Kicking the chair right into her face!

Ruby rolls out of the ring to try and regroup. All the while Lori was now getting ready for a big attack. 

Nigel: Lori now, looks like she's got something in mind!

Ruby gets back on her feet, Lori hits the ropes, and she Suicide Dives into Ruby, slamming her hard into the cell wall!

Mauro: OH! Tope Suicida by Lori Loud! Ruby's spine meeting the unforgiving steel!

Lori then throws Ruby back into the ring, then climbs to the apron. 

Mauro: And now Lori Loud, looking to give Ruby another devastating blow!

Ruby gets up, and with her back still turned to Lori, Lori springs off the top rope, and delivers a Front Dropkick to the back!

Mauro: OH, WOW!

Nigel: Right on upper the back!

Beth: It hurts more when you don't see it coming!

Ruby was now out cold, but Lori didn't go for the pin. She picked her up, got her hooked for the Bitter Breakup, and she successfully hits it!

Mauro: And the Bitter Breakup connects!

Lori goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count to eliminate Ruby!

Jeremy Borash: Ruby Rose has been eliminated!

Mauro: Lori shutting down Ruby's momentum before it clicked into full gear!

Beth: I have a feeling this is not the last we will see of Ruby!

Nigel: Well with Ruby gone, we now move to Entry #12!

A few seconds pass, then…

Red and white spotlights danced around the arena, and then 7 seconds into the song, Zayden Trudeau came out! He kneels down on the top of the ramp, then 15 seconds into the song, he throws his fist up into the air, pointing to the sky. He takes his Team Canada Hockey Jersey off, then makes his way to the ring.

Nigel: Oh, my! The Canadian Dragon is back!

Beth: Welcome home, Zayden Trudeau! It's been so long since we've seen him!

Mauro: Another LWF original, and PWR star, all the stars are coming out tonight!

Zayden slides into the ring, Lori goes for a Clothesline, but he ducked and went behind her, grabs her by the waist, then he proceeded to do an O'Conner Roll, but he rolls through, and into a German Suplex!

Zayden bridges into the cover, but Lori kicked out at 2!

They both get up, Lori goes for a Big Boot, but then Zayden sidesteps to dodge it, goes for a Bicycle Knee Strike, but Lori evades it!

Zayden turns around, and Lori lands a Spinning Back Kick to his midsection! Zayden is now down to his knees, then Lori sets him up for a Low DDT, and she spikes him!

Mauro: And Lori! DDT plants the Canadian Dragon!

Lori rolls him over, covers him, but Zayden kicks out at 2!

Lori then gets up, tries to set Zayden up for the Bitter Breakup, but Zayden fights it, then breaks free.

Lori then goes for a right hand jab, but Zayden blocks it, then gets her in Ripcord position, spins her around, then pulls her into a Bicycle Knee Strike!

Mauro: And Zayden! What a knee!

Lori then falls down, and into the perfect position for a diving move.

Zayden then goes to the top turnbuckle, and measures Lori.

Mauro: Zayden Trudeau now! Looking to go big!

Zayden leaps, and lands a 450 Splash!

Mauro: 450 Splash on the mark!!!

Zayden goes for the cover, but Lori kicked out at the last second! Zayden looks up in disbelief!

Nigel: Oh! So close!

Mauro: 450 Splash doesn't get the job done!

Beth: That move has put a lot of opponents away, but it didn't put away Lori!

Zayden gets up, Lori gets to one knee, then Zayden delivers some shoot kicks to her chest.

Zayden then stepped back, looking for one big kick to the head, but when he went for it, Lori ducked, then she rolled him up, rolls through, and lands a kick!

Mauro: Oh! Lori with a roll-up kick!

Zayden was now stunned, Lori picks him up gets him hooked for the Bitter Breakup, and she connects!

Mauro: And there's the Bitter Breakup!

Lori then hooked the leg, and gets the 3 count to eliminate Zayden!

Jeremy Borash: Zayden Trudeau has been eliminated!

Mauro: And Lori makes quick work of the Canadian Dragon!

Nigel: First Ruby, now Zayden. Who else is gonna step up?

Beth: Well, let's see who comes in at #13!


Lori gets up, and sees Dezmond Xavier coming out, and making his way to the ring.

Mauro: And at #13, it's Dezmond Xavier! He was not successful in the 4 Way match for the Wattpad Championship earlier in the show, but he hopes to redeem that loss with a win here!

Nigel: We saw Dezmond's friend Zachary Wentz take a shot, but came up short. Dezmond hopes to win this for him!

Once Zayden leaves the cell, Dezmond enters, and he hops over the top rope, and into the ring.

Dezmond and Lori then went at each other. Lori tries to land some punches, but Dezmond blocks all of them, then he delivers some quick strikes to the body, then a few kicks to the legs before finally dropping her with a Cutter!

Mauro: And Dezmond out of the gate! 

Nigel: Plenty left in the tank!

Beth: Hopefully it's enough to make it past Lori and 7 more entrants.

Lori quickly gets up, staggering into a corner, then Dezmond goes for a Forearm Smash in the corner, but Lori steps out of the way, and Dezmond crashes into the corner!

Lori then takes advantage, goes for a Back Suplex, but Dezmond lands on his feet!

Lori turns around, Dezmond goes for a Clothesline, but Lori ducks, and takes her down with an STO!

Lori goes for the cover, but Dezmond kicks out at 2.

Mauro: Oh, Lori off the STO, only gets a 2 count!

Lori picks him up, then she sees a chair laying on the mat.

She moves towards it, then plants Dezmond on the chair with a Brainbuster!

Mauro: And now a Brainbuster onto the chair!

Lori goes for a cover but Dezmond kicks out at 2!

Dezmond sits up dazed, then Lori lands a few knee strikes to his back before delivering a Dropkick to the back.

Lori then picks him up, and throws him into a corner. 

Lori then charges at him, then delivers a big Dropkick in the corner!

Mauro: And Lori with another big Dropkick!

She then pulls him out of the corner, and into a Northern Lights Suplex, rolls through, and then she smacks Dezmond with a Knee Strike!

Lori then goes out of the ring, and pulls out a table.

She slides into the ring, then sets it up.

Mauro: Lori now, looks like she has evil intentions in mind regarding that table!

She then went to the top turnbuckle, but then Dezmond got off the table, and then met Lori at the top turnbuckle!

Nigel: Oh wait a second!

Mauro: Dezmond meets Lori at the top!

Beth: This is gonna end badly for one or both of them!

Dezmond then held Lori tight, and puts Lori through the table with a Spanish Fly!

Mauro: MAMMA MIA! Spanish Fly off the top!!!

Dezmond gets up, then picks up Lori. Lori was stunned and wobbly on her feet, then with some distance, Dezmond turns around, and does his signature Double Backflip Kick, and connects!

Mauro: And Dezmond! With that beautiful but devastating Double Backflip Kick!

Dezmond then covers Lori, and he eliminates her with the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And thanks for coming, Lori!

Jeremy Borash: Lori Loud has been eliminated!

Mauro: And with that elimination, we are now well past the halfway mark in the Elimination Enclosure match!

Beth: But does Dezmond have any left? Remember he went through a Fatal 4 Way earlier!

Dezmond gets up, and when Lori leaves the cell…

(Start at 0:25)

The lights turned red, and Chris Brookes slowly walked out through the curtain, and onto the stage.

Mauro: Well here's someone who also had a match earlier in the show! At #14, it's Chris Brookes, who also showed a new, but also ruthless, and heinous side!

Beth: Chris Brookes decimated Dragunov in that match! And in the Elimination Enclosure, where there's no rules other than pin or submit to eliminate, who knows what kind of homicidal violence this new side of Brookes is gonna create in that cell!?

Brookes then takes off his jacket, and enters the cell. When he got in the ring, Dezmond immediately went on the attack, delivering a few punches to Brookes' midsection!

Mauro: And Dezmond! Dezmond taking the fight to Brookes before he takes the fight to him!

Brookes pushes Dezmond off of him, then Brookes went for a Knee Strike, but Dezmond blocks it, then clocks Brookes with a Forearm Smash!

Dezmond then Irish Whips Brookes to the ropes, Dezmond was looking to hit Brookes with a Dropkick, but Brookes stopped himself on the ropes. Luckily Dezmond backflips and landed on his feet!

Chris Brookes then delivered a Pump Kick, Dezmond still on his feet, and Dezmond hits a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Dezmond gets up, then Brookes hits Dezmond with a Superkick!

Dezmond falls into a heap, Brookes goes for the cover, but Dezmond kicks out at 2! 

Mauro: 2 count again! Dezmond doing everything he can to soldier on!

Chris Brookes then picks up Dezmond, puts him on his shoulders, and then spins him out into a Facebuster!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Chris Brookes planting Dezmond Xavier on the mat!

Dezmond rolls over, and sits up. Brookes then picked up a chair, and just chucks it at Dezmond!

Mauro: And Chris Brookes! Dezmond must be out with that shot!

Dezmond was now out cold, then Brookes picked him up, and swiftly connected with his patented Draping Swinging Neckbreaker!

Nigel: There it is!

Mauro: The move that defeated Ilja Dragunov earlier in the show, this time Brookes does it to Dezmond Xavier!

Chris Brookes then covers Dezmond, and gets the 3 count to eliminate him.

Jeremy Borash: Dezmond Xavier has been eliminated!

Mauro: And with that elimination, we now move to Entry #15!

Beth: With that win against Dragunov, Chris Brookes feels like he can go through the last few entrants!

Nigel: Thorne felt that emotion, but he didn't last long. Brookes better be careful!

Then, in came Entry #15.

The crowd pops the moment the song started.

And then, after a few seconds, Bombay Suarez, dragging a black garbage bag, comes out. He spits red mist into the air before making his way to the ring.

Nigel: Ooooh, my goodness! Bombay Suarez is #15!

Mauro: The Bitch Killer is back! Listen to this place! The crowd giving Bombay a huge ovation!

Beth: Chris Brookes showed how violent he can be, well let's see if that malice can match up with one of the most physical and Hardcore wrestlers to come from The Philippines!

Bombay throws the bag into the ring, then enters it. Chris Brookes wasn’t intimidated in the least.

“I’m not scared of you! You’re an old-school superstar from a bygone era of your brand, and this one! I’m the future!” He claimed to Suarez as he entered the ring.

“I don’t give a damn what era it is, son.” Suarez replied. "Imma make you my bitch."

Chris Brookes chuckles, then he immediately slapped Bombay in the face!

Nigel: Oh, not wise, Brookes!

Bombay laughs it off, then responded by knocking him silly with a slap of his own!

Mauro: Oh! Not wise indeed! Bombay brought it right back to him!

Bombay then picked him up, and threw him  out of the ring. 

Bombay exits the ring, and then proceeds to press Brookes's face into the steel link wall!

Mauro: And now Bombay Suarez! Showing Chris Brookes just how it is to be brutal!

Chris Brookes struggles to try and get Bombay off of him. 

Chris Brookes then kicks Bombay off, and Brookes gets up.

Brookes then pulls out a trash can lid from under the ring, and he smacks Bombay in the head with it!

Mauro: And Brookes with a shot to the cranium!

He then lands another shot with that trash can lid. Then Bombay answers back with a Forearm Smash!

Chris Brookes goes for another strike with the trash can lid, but this time Bombay ducked, then he spat out red mist into the face of Brookes!

Beth: Oh my god!

Nigel: What the hell is that!?

Mauro: Bombay with some red mist into Chris Brookes' face!

Brookes starts staggering around frantically, the mist burning his eyes, then when he turned back around, Bombay bull rushes him, and spears him through the wall! The wall falls, narrowly dodging the Spanish Announce Table!


Brookes and Bombay laid there as the crowd began cheering very loudly.

Mauro: Both men are down! And the fans here are going nuts!

Beth: But you can't eliminate just by laying there! You need to pin or submit your opponent!

The two men begin to stir, but it's Bombay who gets up first. He picks up Brookes, and throws him back in the ring. He gets back in the ring as well, and begins to measure him up.

Nigel: Oh, look at the eyes of Bombay! I think this is some foreshadowing!

Mauro: Bombay looking for that Enzuigiri he calls the K.O.T.D, the Kick Of The Day!

Brookes gets up, Bombay goes for the K.O.T.D, but Brookes with a Roundhouse Kick to the ear, cuts him off before Bombay even did the Step-up portion of the K.O.T.D!

Mauro: Oh! Brookes catching Bombay on the ear!

Bombay stumbles into a corner, Brookes goes for another patented move of his, the Single Leg Front Dropkick in the corner, but Bombay jumped out of the way, luckily Brookes was able to stop himself before he leapt off the ground!

Bombay then reaches into his black garbage bag, and pulls out a Kendo Stick. 

Mauro: And Bombay! Pulling out a Kendo Stick from his bag of goodies!

He swings at Brookes, but manages to get him despite Brookes trying to dodge!

Mauro: And he uses it to play a tune in Brookes' head!

Nigel: I don't think he got all of it, but just enough to stun Brookes!

He then props up Brookes in the corner, then he pulls out a bottle of lighter fluid, and douses his right hand with it.

Mauro: Oooh! I think Bombay is going for what I think he's going for!

Bombay then pulls out a lighter, sets his hand on fire, and chops Brookes on the chest!

Beth: Oh my god!!!

Nigel: Oh, no!!!

Mauro: There's the signature Flaming Chop of Bombay Suarez!

Chris Brookes begins to writhe in pain, then Bombay picks him up, and sets him up for his Spinout Side Slam, the "Bomb Shelter"!

Bombay goes for it, but then Brookes reverses it into a Kimura Lock mid-move!

Mauro: Oh! Suarez went for the bomb shelter, but Brookes countered into the Kimura!

Brookes even wrapped his legs around Bombay's waist, and continued to wrench on the arm. But Bombay being much stronger, was able to counter the Kimura into a Northern Lights Suplex! He bridges into the cover, but Brookes kicks out at 2!

They both get up, but it's Brookes who hits Bombay with a Superkick!

Brookes then sets the stunned Bombay up for the Draping Swinging Neckbreaker, and he connects!

Mauro: Oh! There's that Neckbreaker again!

Brookes goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3 to eliminate Bombay!

Jeremy Borash: Bombay Suarez has been eliminated!

Mauro: And Brookes eliminates Bombay! We are now nearing the end of the entry list!

Nigel: Up next is Entry #16!

Beth: We've seen a lot of familiar faces return, who's it gonna be now?

Once Bombay left the cell…

The lights dim, and the crowd all went "Ooooh!"

Then out came Charlie Bonifier!

Beth: Oh my god… things are about to get even MORE crazy!

Nigel: Charlie Bonifer! The Irish-American Madman! 

Mauro: The man who will face Dipper Pines inside Hell in a Cell at RCCW Beach Blast, is here looking to get his first taste of it, and maybe earn a championship opportunity along the way!

Bonifier slides into the ring, and Chris Brookes wastes no time in trying to gain the advantage over him. He attacked Bonifer with a hold and then started bludgeoning him with hammer fists to the back.

Bonifer then quickly got up, and delivered a right jab, knocking Brookes back a bit.

Brookes hits the ropes and looks to fire back with a Pump Kick, but Bonifier catches the kick, and sweeps his other leg to take him down.

Bonifier then rolled him through, and then nailed Brookes on the jaw with a Running Knee Lift!

Mauro: Oh, man! What a Knee!

Nigel: Bonifer with that mean streak on display!

Bonifer then positioned himself behind Brookes, and then followed up with a Standing Moonsault!

Mauro: Standing Moonsault by Bonifer! 

Bonifer goes into the cover, Brookes kicks out at 2!

Bonifer didn't seem to mind, as he looked to deliver another one of his signature moves, sizing Brookes up, looking for "Death's Hand", his signature Swinging Modified DDT!

Nigel: Bonifer now, in control…

Beth: Looking for a quick kill!

Bonifer hooked up Brookes for Death's Hand, but as he went for it Brookes reversed out of it, and into a Grounded Octopus Stretch!

Mauro: Oh Brookes countered! Brookes has Bonifer!

Nigel: Grounded Octopus Hold! He may make Bonifer tap!

Beth: Can Brookes make it 3 in a row?!

Bonifier tries to break free but to no avail. He did however, manage to shift his weight, and roll up Brookes for a surprise pin!

Brookes kicks out at 2 just in time, both of them get up, Brookes catches him with a Bicycle Knee Strike, but then Bonifier caught him with a quick Single Leg Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh, what a back and forth exchange!

Bonifer then sees his opportunity, grabs Brookes quickly, and emphatically plants him with Death's Hand!

Mauro: And there it is! Death's Hand!

Bonifier hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3 to eliminate Brookes!

Jeremy Borash: Chris Brookes has been eliminated!

Mauro: And Bonifier making quick work on the Calamari Catch King!

Beth: 2 eliminations, but Brookes just couldn't put away the Death Dealer!

Mauro: We now await entry #17! 

Nigel: Oh, I wouldn't wanna be whoever it is! Bonifer is not a guy you would want to fight in an alleyway!


The crowd, upon hearing the music, Let out the biggest pop of the night!

Nigel: WHAT?!?!?!

Mauro: OH…. MY!!!!

Beth: You hear the song, you hear the fan's reaction! This can only be one man!

And then, the words “Are you ready for this?!” were sang, and out slowly walked Kenny Omega, wearing his 2019 Double or Nothing Gear.

Nigel: HE'S HERE!!!!! 

Mauro: One of the Greatest Wrestlers in the modern era, from NJPW, to AEW, and now, back to LWF! The Cleaner, the Best Bout Machine, the one and only, Kenny Omega!

Beth: What!? I can't hear you! The fans in Allstate Arena are blowing the roof off this place! It's deafening!

Kenny then raised his fingers to the sky as pyro went off. Afterwards, omega took his jacket off and marched to the ring.

Mauro: It has been a long time since we've seen Omega in LWF! He was part of the Bullet Club and participated in the war with Nick Club during the early days, and since then, he's been around the world, and now it has come full circle! 

Omega then got in the ring, then he and Bonifier had a standoff, all the while the crowd chanting Omega's name.

Both Bonifer and Omega looked at the fans, as the cheers continued to pour down, and get louder and louder.

Mauro: What a moment this is!

Nigel: Omega's been with LWF since day one, and now he's back!

The fans were chanting “Welcome Back!” to Omega, and he smiles a bit.

He then turns to Bonifer, Bonifier grinning as well. But then in an instant, Bonifer went for a right hand punch, but Omega dodged it, went for his patented Snap Dragon Suplex, but Bonifier landed on his feet!

Omega gets up to see Bonifier standing, goes for a Clothesline, but Bonifier ducks it, and connects with a German Suplex!

Bonifer then sees the black garbage bag Bombay had brought in earlier. He picks it up, and dumps out all the contents. Street signs, more Kendo Sticks, brass knuckles, and a small grey bag, fell out. 

He picks up the grey bag, and dumps out the contents. The contents being Thumbtacks!

Nigel: Oh, no!

Mauro: Charlie Bonifer, plundering the goods of Bombay Suarez, and I think he's planning on putting Kenny Omega onto those thumbtacks!

Bonifier set Omega up and looked for a Powerbomb onto the thumbtacks, but then Omega quickly pushed him off.

Bonifier answers back with an Uppercut, Omega returns it with one of his own. Omega then hits the ropes, goes for the V-Trigger, but Bonifier jumped out of the way!

Bonifier then grabs Omega, and slams him down with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

Bonifier goes for the cover, but Kenny kicks out at 2!

Kenny gets up, and so did Bonifier. Bonifer charged at Omega, Omega sends Bonifer over the top rope, but Bonifier lands on the apron!

Bonifier then pulled Omega to the apron, and now both of them are on the apron.

Bonifier then lands a Spinning Back Kick to Omega's midsection, then sets him up for a Powerbomb. 

He lifts Omega up, but then Omega fights back, punching Bonifer in the face a couple times before hopping off Bonifer's shoulders.

He then spun him around, and then planted Bonifer face first on the apron with the Kotaro Crusher!

Mauro: OH! Omega! Kotaro Crusher on the apron!

Omega rolls Bonifier into the ring, covers him, but Bonifer kicks out at 2!

Omega then lifts Bonifer up onto his shoulders, looking for his Fireman's Carry Senton/Moonsault combo.

Mauro: Kenny Omega now, looking to gain some momentum!

With a running start, he successfully executed the Fireman's Carry Senton, but on the Moonsault, Bonifer got his knees up!

Mauro: Oh Bonifier got his knees up!

Nigel: Bonifier may have created an opening!

Bonifer then took one glance at the tacks, and he then grabbed Omega, and then puts him on his shoulders.

Mauro: Oh look at Bonifer! With Omega on his shoulders!

Bonifer inches towards the tacks, then once he was close enough, he slams Omega down on the tacks with a Widowmaker!

Nigel: Oh, no!!!

Mauro: My god! Omega landing right on the unforgiving thumbtacks!

Beth: Bonifer just turned Omega into a human pin cushion!

Omega arches back in pain, then he rolls over, showing the hundreds of tacks stuck on his back.

Mauro: Oh my God, look at the tacks!

Bonifer then rolled him over so that Omega was looking face up, hooks his leg, but somehow Omega kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Omega kicks out!

Beth: Omega is not letting that keep him down!

Bonifier picks him up, goes for a Uranage on the tacks, but Omega back elbows him to counter out if it, then Omega does a Back Body Drop to Bonifer, sending him flying into the tacks!

Mauro: OH, NO! Now it's Bonifer's turn to go into the tacks!

Omega then picked up Bonifier, and connected with the One Winged Angel!

Mauro: And Omega!!! One Winged Angel connects!

Omega had his legs hooked, and Omega gets the 3 count to eliminate Bonifer!

Jeremy Borash: Charlie Bonifier has been eliminated!

Mauro: Now we're down to 3 more entrants! 

Nigel: Bonifer may have weakened Omega enough for Entry #18, can Omega somehow pull through?


Will Ospreay comes out, and his midsection was heavily taped.

Mauro: And at #18, it's the Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay! And there you see his ribs have been taped from that Tables and Stables match he went through earlier!

Beth: Ospreay is clearly not 100% after that match, will he have enough to survive 2 more entrants?

Nigel: Same goes to Omega! Who knows how bad the beating Bonifer gave him was!

Ospreay enters the cell, then he and Omega smile at each other.

Mauro: Ospreay and Omega, no stranger to one another. 

Nigel: These two have fought in the past, now they cross paths once again inside the Elimination Enclosure!

Omega gets up, then the two lock up in the middle of the ring.

Omega quickly gets Ospreay in a Side Headlock, but Ospreay shoves him off.

Omega turns around to hit a Step-up Enzuigiri, but Ospreay dodges it. Then with Omega still down, he went for his patented 720° Corkscrew Enzuigiri, but Omega rolls out of the way!

The both of them get up, both went for a Dropkick, but got nothing but their feet.

Then they land, both of them on one knee, and they looked at each other as the crowd applauded. 

Mauro: Wow! Despite the injuries these two have, Omega and Ospreay manage to go back and forth!

Beth: Well with the opportunity at the LWF: Reborn Championship as the grand prize, you'll need to go through a LOT!

Nigel: And adrenaline can make a man do crazy things, it's just a matter of who has more of it!

Ospreay and Omega get back to their feet, then Omega goes for a Clothesline, but Ospreay ducks, goes for a Handspring Enzuigiri, but Omega jumps out of the way!

Ospreay lands on his feet, narrowly misses an incoming V-Trigger from Omega, hits the ropes, goes for the OsCutter, but Omega catches him, and gets him up for the One Winged Angel!

Mauro: Oh Ospreay looking for the OsCutter, but Omega caught him!

Beth: One Winged Angel incoming!

Ospreay begins to fight out, hitting Omega on the top of his head with some clubbing blows. He eventually hops off his shoulders, but Omega catches him, then drops Ospreay with a German Suplex!

Mauro: Oh! What a German Suplex by Omega!

Omega bridges into the cover, but Ospreay kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And again! Ospreay kicking out at 2!

Ospreay gets up, so does Omega. Ospreay goes for a Clothesline, but Omega dropped down to dodge it, then quickly went behind him to hit the Snap Dragon Suplex!

Mauro: Oh! Omega dropping Ospreay on his head!

Ospreay was now on his knees, dazed, and glassy eyed, then Omega got up, and he landed the V-Trigger!

Mauro: Oh!!!

Nigel: V-Trigger!!!

Beth: Kenny Omega caught him flush on the jaw!

Omega scrambled into the cover, but somehow Ospreay kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Ospreay!!! Down, but not out!

Ospreay was now slowly beginning to come to, Omega then picked up Ospreay, but then in an instant Ospreay spun around, clocking Omega with a Backhand!

Omega spun around, dazed from the strike, then Ospreay landed a Hook Kick!

Omega was now down to his knees, and Ospreay began to measure him up. 

Mauro: Ospreay! Getting a second wind, and look at the intensity in his eyes!

Ospreay lined up with Omega, then he clocked him from behind with the Hidden Blade!

Mauro: Backhand from behind!!!

Nigel: That's it, he is out cold!

Ospreay wasn't done. He then propped Omega up into his feet, then he sprung off the second rope, and drove Omega down to the mat with the OsCutter!

Mauro: And Ospreay! OsCutter to Omega!

Beth: Exclamation point right there!

Ospreay goes for the cover, and he gets the 3 count to eliminate Omega!

Jeremy Borash: Kenny Omega has been eliminated!

Mauro: We are now down to our last 2 entrants! The end is just at the horizon, Will Ospreay just needs to get past 2 more people!

Nigel: Ospreay needs to really dig deep here! He wasn't 100% to begin with the moment he entered the match, and Omega may have done quite a number on him!

Then, entry #19 came out.

And out came Robert Squared.

Mauro: And our second to last entry, none other than Robert Squared! We saw him earlier trying to talk some sense into Sonata Dusk, which got Adagio eliminated by Orange Cassidy, now he's officially in the match!

Nigel: This could be easy picking for Robert Squared, Ospreay is very debilitated from his battle with Omega, so this might be easy for Squared.

Robert enters the cell, Ospreay gets up, then Ospreay lands a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection. He then goes for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, connects, but Robert was able to roll through and hit Ospreay with a Basement Dropkick!

He gets up, picks up Ospreay, pulls him into an Emerald Flowsion, but Ospreay landed on his feet, and hits a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh, Robert looking for an Emerald Flowsion, Ospreay lands on his feet and kicks Robert!

Ospreay then sets Robert up for his signature Front Flip DDT, the Essex Destroyer, and he connects!

Mauro: And the Essex Destroyer by Ospreay connects!!!

Ospreay has both of Robert's legs hooked, but Robert kicks out at 2! 

Ospreay picks up Robert, hooks his arms for his finisher the Storm Breaker, but Robert quickly reverses it into a Back Body Drop!

Ospreay slowly gets up, then Robert hits a Clothesline! Ospreay gets up again, Robert hits another Clothesline!

Ospreay gets back up for a third time, gies for a Clothesline of his own, but Robert ducked, hits a Superkick, then followed up with a German Suplex!

Robert then went to a corner and began to measure up Ospreay.

Mauro: Oh looks like Robert is going for the Pineapple Surprise!

Nigel: That devastating knee strike, if that hits, Ospreay is gonna be eliminated!

Suddenly, Adagio and Aria ran down the ramp, snagged the keys from the outside referee, then opened the cell door!

Mauro: Oh hold on! It's Aria and Adagio!

Beth: Adagio must be pretty upset with how Robert got her eliminated in the match, and looking to get even!

Aria took a Kendo Stick, and swung at Robert! Robert luckily ducked, and clocked Aria with the Pineapple Surprise!

Mauro: OH! Pineapple Surprise to Aria Blaze!

Adagio then tried to get her hands on him, but then he popped her up into the air, and he caught her with a punch on the way down!

Mauro: And Robert disposing of Aria and Adagio in quick fashion!

Nigel: Robert was ready for them!

Aria and Adagio rolled out of the ring, Robert turns his attention back to Ospreay, but then Ospreay caught Robert with a Spinning Hook Kick!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Hook Kick by Ospreay may have knocked Robert's lights out!

Robert was now staggering around, and Ospreay quickly sprung off the second rope, and drilled Robert with the OsCutter!

Mauro: OsCutter!!!

Ospreay goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3 to eliminate Robert!

Jeremy Borash: Robert Squared has been eliminated!

Mauro: If it hadn't been for Aria and Adagio getting involved, Robert may have had a chance to move on in the match!

Beth: Aria and Adagio must be feeling pretty good but I'm sure Robert is gonna get them back!

Nigel: Oh for sure, but now, we have the final entrant!


And 12 seconds into the song, Dennis came walking out.

Nigel: Oh no…. So this is why Dennis was very satisfied! He drew Number 20!

Beth: This is the LAST person anybody would want coming out in the final spot!

Mauro: Ospreay is basically a sitting duck right now! The minute Dennis enters that cell, he's gonna destroy whatever is left of Ospreay!

Dennis then made his way slowly into the cell. After staring at Ospreay for a few seconds, Ospreay tossed his fear out the window, and charged at him, only for Dennis to come full speed at him and nail him with a Clothesline from Hell!

Nigel: There goes Ospreay-OH GOOD LORD!

Mauro: Ospreay trying to bring the fight to Dennis with whatever he had left, but Dennis just shuts him down!

Dennis then goes into the cover…

Mauro: It's academic! Dennis is going to Wrestlepalooza-!

But to his surprise, Ospreay kicked out!


Nigel: Ospreay not gonna go down until he has nothing left!

Dennis then picks up Ospreay and lets him stare into his eyes.

“Just give up. I'm going to Wrestlepalooza, lie down and give me-"

Ospreay then spits on his face, and dares him to bring everything he has.

Irate, Dennis hooks up Ospreay for the Dead End, and he emphatically slams him down!

Mauro: Careful what you ask for Ospreay...  DEAD END, WITH AUTHORITY!!!!

Nigel: That's it! It's over!

Mauro: Dennis is gonna go to Wrestlepalooza for sure!

Dennis hooks his legs, and Ospreay still kicks out!


Beth: Ospreay is not gonna let his opportunity go up in smoke!

Dennis, having enough, stood Ospreay up and went for the Hellavator. 

Mauro: Dennis looking to put Ospreay away for good, looking for the Hellavator...

But as he lifted him up, Ospreay countered it into a Stunner!

Nigel: Oh my word! Ospreay!

Beth: He countered with a Stunner!

Dennis staggered back as Ospreay got to his feet, a new rush of energy now flowing through him. He gave a battle cry as he went for the StormBreaker, but as he put him between his legs, Dennis countered with a Back Body Drop, but Ospreay lands on his feet.

Dennis then went for another Clothesline from Hell, and he hits it!

But instead of going for the cover, he lifted Ospreay up for a Buckle Bomb, and he tosses him into a corner!

Upon impact, Ospreay staggered forward, and Dennis lands a Big Boot!

Mauro: Oh!!!

Beth: Dennis with a huge combination!

Then he sets him up for the Last Ride Powerbomb, but as lifted him up, "I Fell" began to play!

Mauro: Dennis now looking to give Ospreay his last- WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Nigel: There's no way!

Dennis looked up at the stage, waiting for Darby Allin to come down the ramp…

… but Allin came through the crowd, entered through the broken wall, and jumped Dennis from behind!


Nigel: This man is out of his mind!

Beth: He's not gonna stop until he's through with Dennis!

Dennis shakes Allin off his back, but then Allin picked up his skateboard, and chucked it at his face!

This stuns Dennis momentarily, then Allin went behind him, floated over his shoulder, and delivered a Stunner!

Mauro: Stunner to Dennis!

Dennis however staggered backwards, hits the ropes in a daze, and delivered a Discus Lariat to take out Darby!

Dennis then unceremoniously dumped Allin over the top rope. He turns his attention back to Ospreay, but it was too late! Ospreay clocked him with a Pump Kick!

Mauro: Dennis dealing with Darby, but hold on a second! Ospreay’s back in the fight!

Beth: He didn't know it, but Allin may have given him enough time to recover!

Ospreay then lands a low Dropkick to bring him down to his knees, then he quickly hits a high speed Roundhouse Kick to the ear to bring him down to all fours!

Mauro: And now Ospreay! Kick to Dennis! 

Then he lands his patented 720 Enzuigiri,, the Robinson Special!

Mauro: And there's the Robinson Special!

Nigel: Usually that's the Prelude to the end which is…

Dennis begins to slowly rise, and Ospreay quickly lands the OsCutter!

Nigel: The OsCutter!!!

Beth: He got all of it! Right on the mark!

Ospreay then covers, hooking Dennis’s leg!

Mauro: The OsCutter! Ospreay now! The hook to the leg...! 

The referee counts, the crowd counting along, and Ospreay gets the 1-2-3, to not only eliminate Dennis, but win the Elimination Enclosure match! 


The crowd was in full cheers for Ospreay, giving him a standing ovation as he kneeled on the ground next to a fallen Dennis and threw his arms to the sky, yelling in victory.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen! Your winner, of the Elimination Enclosure match, and going to the main event of Wrestlepalooza, The Aerial Assassin… WILL OSPREAY!!!

Mauro: He was driven through a table earlier, but Ospreay bounced back when it counted, and won a crucial match to cement his spot at Wrestlepalooza! The Aerial Assassin has his target, the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Nigel: What a win for Ospreay, to defeat not only Omega, but power through his injuries and beat Robert Squared, and Dennis!

Beth: Well we know who's the challenger, but who's gonna be the Champion at Wrestlepalooza?

Mauro: That question will be answered next! It's our main event! Starlight Glimmer! Ricochet! The LWF: Reborn Championship hanging in the balance! Can Ricochet finally dethrone Starlight Glimmer, and save the LWF from her Equality, or will the Champion continue to build LWF into the SCE's image?


UP NEXT: The Main Event. Ricochet vs. Starlight Glimmer, for the LWF: Reborn Championship.

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