Starlight Glimmer vs. Ricochet (LWF: REBORN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH)

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A promo for the next LWF Event begins to play.

"20 warriors have come and gone in the Elimination Enclosure, but only one stands tall, with the opportunity of a lifetime! But before Wrestlepalooza..."

The sound of a revving engine is heard.

"We shift things to a whole new level!"

(Start at 0:48)

🎶So feel it! I can't control these feelings anymore! Believe it! My heart is racing, and I can't seem to get enough! Am I dreaming? Feels like a drug, but I know it's adrenaline, go! Just feel it! Oooohhh, my heart is beating faster!🎶




(Start at 0:33)

🎶We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? We are fake! We are afraid, you know it's far from over! We are dirt! We are alone, you know we're far from sober? Look closer! Are you like me? Are you ugly?🎶

Mauro: We would like to thank The Exies for their song "Ugly". The official theme song for Elimination Enclosure! You can get this song and their album, "Head For The Door", available on iTunes and Spotify! And yes after Elimination Enclosure, things are gonna be going into the fastlane! Our next event is High Acceleration! Buckle up, because it's gonna be a fast ride!

Nigel: A fast ride that will be for sure, but Elimination Enclosure is not done yet, up next is the Main Event! Starlight Glimmer, defending her title against Ricochet! One of them is walking out, the Champion!


The crowd boos once the song starts to play.

Then Starlight Glimmer came out, with her championship belt on her shoulder.

Beth: And there's the current Champion, the leader of the Society of Complete Equality, Starlight Glimmer! At Resurgence she won the title by beating Ricochet after both of them won their respective 5 way matches. Then on the first Episode of LWF: Reborn, Ricochet beat Starlight in a Non-title match, and now here we are! Starlight and Ricochet once again, this time, for the title!

Starlight enters the ring, goes to a corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle, then holds her title up high in the air.

She then climbs down, and waited for her opponent.

That's when the lights go out.

11 seconds into the song, a spotlight shone down on the center of the stage, where Ricochet was standing.

Then he threw his hand forward, and the lights come back on.

Mauro: And here comes the challenger! Ever since Resurgence, Ricochet has been on a mission to stop Starlight's Equality from coming into fruition!

Nigel: And to do that, he needs to dethrone Starlight, and take the Championship off of her.

That's when the lights begin to dim, and the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for... THE LWF: REBORN CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, the challenger! From Paducah, Kentucky, he weighs in tonight at 193 pounds... RICOCHET!!!

Upon Borash announcing his name, Ricochet does a Backflip, and raises his hand up into the air.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, she is the LWF: Reborn Champion... STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Starlight then held her title up high before handing the belt to the referee.

The referee then holds the title up high in the middle of the ring, before placing it in the timekeepers area.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Starlight and Ricochet lock up in the middle of the ring, Ricochet tries to get control with a Side Headlock, but Starlight reverses it into a Side Headlock of her own.

Ricochet tries to push her off, but Starlight tightens her grip.

Mauro: And right out of the gate Ricochet tried to get the upper hand, but Starlight turned it around!

Nigel: Starlight maintaining control of the match right now...

Starlight then brings him to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown. Ricochet tries to reach for the ropes, but is clearly too far away.

Ricochet doesn't stay on the ground for long, though. He quickly gets up, goes for a Back Suplex, and connects!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Back Suplex to Starlight!

Ricochet quickly gets up, goes for a Standing Moonsault but Starlight rolls out of the way!

Luckily Ricochet landed on his feet, narrowly dodges a Knee Lift, goes for chop but Starlight avoids it. Ricochet goes for another one, again Starlight evades it, goes for a chop of her own, and connects!

Ricochet clutches his chest from the chop, then she grabs Ricochet, and slammed him down with a Snap Suplex.

She rolls through to sit him up, then with a little bit of distance, she runs, goes for a Penalty Kick, but Ricochet quickly falls back to avoid it, and kips up!

Mauro Look at the speed of Ricochet!

Beth: Dodging a bullet right there!

He then turns around, and he stuns Starlight with a Pump Kick!

Starlight staggers around in a daze, then Ricochet goes for a Shotgun Dropkick, but Starlight moves out of the way, and Ricochet ends up draped on the ropes!

Starlight then takes advantage, and hits a Backstabber!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight with a Backstabber, rearranging Ricochet's spine!

Starlight then dragged Ricochet to the center of the ring, goes for the cover, but Ricochet kicks out at 2!

Starlight now picks up Ricochet, throws him to the ropes, then off the rebound, Starlight catches him with a Hip Toss.

She sits Ricochet up again, and then delivers a Dropkick to the upper back!

Starlight quickly goes for the cover, but Ricochet still manages to kick out at 2.

Starlight gets up, then delivers some Elbow Drops. After 3 Elbow Drops, she flips him over, and then locks on a Camel Clutch.

Mauro: Starlight now... Camel Clutch applied, keeping Ricochet grounded.

Beth: Ricochet needs to get out fast if he wants to end Starlight's reign!

Ricochet then began to use his strength, and slowly began to rise, with Starlight on his back!

Mauro: Oh! Look at Ricochet!

Beth: Ricochet is piggybacking Starlight!

Nigel: His strength is absolutely insane!

Ricochet was back on his feet, and then he ran backwards into a corner to flatten Starlight!

Mauro: And into the corner he goes! Starlight Glimmer sandwiched!

He then throws Starlight out of the corner, then flattens her with a Standing Shooting Star Press!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Shooting Star Press!

Nigel: Ricochet building momentum now!

Ricochet hooks the leg, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Oh! Ricochet only got a 2 count out of it!

Beth: We almost had a new champion right there!

Ricochet gets up, and puts Starlight on his shoulders for the Benadryller.

But the moment he put Starlight on his shoulders, Starlight began to deliver some Back Elbows!

This causes Ricochet to drop her, and then Starlight hooks him up for a Forward Russian Leg Sweep, and she hits it!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Face first goes Ricochet!

Starlight rolls him over, hooks the leg, but Ricochet kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Ricochet is still in the match!

Beth: Starlight drove him full force into the mat, but that didn't put Ricochet away!

Ricochet starts to crawl to the ropes, but Starlight grabbed his feet, and dragged him to the center of the ring.

She then picked him up, but as she did, Ricochet began to land some punches to her midsection.

Ricochet then gets back to his feet, hits the ropes, but then Starlight caught him off the rebound with a Leg Lariat!

Mauro: OH, WOW! What a kick by Starlight!

Starlight then picked Ricochet up, and then plants him with the Double Underhook DDT!


Beth: Ricochet got spiked!

Nigel: She could retain right here!

Starlight quickly goes for the cover, but Ricochet somehow kicks out at 2!

Mauro: NO! Ricochet survives!

Beth: That may be Starlight's best shot yet, but Ricochet's resiliency is keeping him alive!

Starlight then picked up Ricochet, and pulled him into the nearest corner.

She then hopped onto the second turnbuckle, and hooked him up, looking for a Tornado DDT.

She goes for it, but Ricochet pushes her off once she leapt! She lands on her feet, but then Ricochet gets her with the Recoil!


Nigel: Starlight is in trouble!

Starlight landed in the perfect position, and Ricochet wasted no time to climb to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Ricochet closing in now!

Beth: We might have a new champion!

Once he was ready, he goes for the 630 Senton, and connects!

Mauro: THERE'S THE 630!!!

Nigel: New Champion!!!

Ricochet quickly hooked both legs, but Starlight kicked out at the last second!

Mauro: NO!!! Still not enough!

Beth: We saw Starlight's best shot at putting away Ricochet, now we saw Ricochet's best shot at putting Starlight away!

Ricochet gets up, and picks up Starlight. He then goes for the Recoil again, but this time Starlight had it scouted, and she grabbed his leg, and turned him over into a Single Leg Boston Crab!

Mauro: Oh Starlight! Single Leg Crab on Ricochet!

Starlight didn't have the hold on for long. Ricochet was able to roll over, and kick Starlight off.

Mauro: Oh wait! Ricochet, able to get out!

He then gets up, hits the ropes, but then Starlight catches him with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker!

Then off the Backbreaker, Starlight flipped him over, and into a DDT!

Mauro: WOW! What a combo!

Starlight then went to the nearest corner, and climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: And Starlight now, normally we don't see her go to the top!

Nigel: I wonder what she has in mind.

She measures Ricochet up. Then once he got to his feet, Starlight went for a Crossbody, but Ricochet picked her off the air with a Dropkick!

Mauro: OH! Starlight wanted a Crossbody, but Ricochet dropkicks her out of the air!

Ricochet then picks her up, slams her down with a Northern Lights Suplex, rolls through, and drops her with a Deadlift Suplex!

Mauro: And Ricochet putting his strength to use once again!

Ricochet quickly gets up, and waits for Starlight to get up.

Once Starlight got up, he clotheslined her over the top rope. 

Once Starlight got up, Ricochet went for a dive, but Starlight jumped out of the way!

Ricochet however, only did a Handspring, and landed In the middle of the ring.

Starlight unfortunately didn't see it, and Ricochet takes advantage, by going to a corner, and then charge full speed, and take out Starlight with a Tope Con Hilo over the corner!

Mauro: OH!!! Ricochet takes flight!

Beth: Ricochet doing what he does best!

He then throws Starlight back into the ring, and hops onto the apron.

Starlight gets up, turns around, and Ricochet springs off the top rope and lands a Clothesline!

Ricochet gets up, and the cheers from the crowd begin to fuel him.

Mauro: Ricochet now beginning to feel it!

Ricochet picks up Starlight again, and puts her on his shoulders. 

Ricochet then goes for the Benadryller, and connects!

Mauro: Benadryller!!!

Starlight falls into a heap, Ricochet flips her over, gies for the cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! Starlight kicks out!

Nigel: What does Ricochet have to do to put her away!?

Beth: Dig deeper! That's all I'll say!

Ricochet goes to pick up Starlight, but then, as if out of desperation, Starlight smacks him with a sudden Shotei Palm Strike!

Mauro: Oh!!!

Nigel: Starlight with a Palm Strike!

Starlight then grabbed him, then lifted him up for a Vertical Suplex, lets go, and kicks him on the back of his head!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight may have knocked him out!

Starlight scrambled into the cover, but Ricochet kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Ricochet is still in this!

Nigel: What does Starlight have left!?

Beth: I don't know! It just goes down to who makes the first mistake at this point!

Starlight picks up Ricochet, Ricochet then began to deliver some Forearm Smashes to try and fight back.

Starlight tries to block them, but then Ricochet kicked her in the gut, then delivered an Axe Kick, followed by a Roundhouse Kick to the temple!

Starlight is now stunned, Ricochet then hits the ropes, but then Starlight caught him, and plants him with a Release Flapjack!

Mauro: Oh! Flapjack catches Ricochet!

Nigel: This might be the opening she needs!

Starlight then gets up. Ricochet gets up as well, and is now on his knees.

Starlight then hits the ropes, and strikes with a Flying Knee to the back of his head!

Beth: OH!

Mauro: What a Knee from behind!

Starlight then rolls him over, goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And just like that, Starlight Glimmer is still the Champion!

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and STILL LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: And just like at Resurgence, Starlight Glimmer walks away your LWF: Reborn Champion! 

Beth: So many times Ricochet came so close, but in the end, Starlight manages to stay one step ahead of him, and once again beat Ricochet!

Nigel: Both of them gave each other whatever they had. They both fought hard, and once the dust had settled, it was Starlight Glimmer who walks out, still champ.

The referee hands Starlight her title, then raises her hand.

She then rolled out of the ring, and limped up the ramp, looking back at the defeated Ricochet. 

Mauro: And Starlight limping away, looking back at what's left of Ricochet…

Once she was at the top of the ramp, the SCE came out, and congratulated her.

Mauro: And there's the Society of Complete Equality! The SCE have won all of their respective matches, despite the deck heavily stacked against them!

Nigel: That's right, Mauro. Spongebob outlasted 3 other men to retain the Wattpad Championship, Danny, Trixie, and Ohno beat Catanzaro, Ospreay, and Eagles in a Tables and Stables match, and Starlight defeated Ricochet in a hard fought effort!

Danny and Ohno then lift Starlight up onto their shoulders, and Starlight holds her belt up high.

"Long live true Equality!!!" She shouted.

And that Elimination Enclosure, everyone!

But we're not done just yet. Stay tuned for some Exclusive interviews and segments...

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