Fatal 4 Way for the Wattpad Championship

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Ricochet was in the backstage area stretching out, and warming up for his match with Starlight Glimmer for the LWF: Reborn Championship, when Kayla Braxton walked up to him.

Kayla: Ricochet, tonight you have another shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship against Starlight Glimmer...

Ricochet: Yes you're right. I do have a shot at her title, and finally get rid of this B.S Equality she's been spreading throughout LWF. I already said it once, and I'm gonna say it again. Starlight is nothing but a hypocrite. She's saying all these things about true Equality, and bringing peace, yet she practices the exact opposite. Oh, and that whole "When I'm Champion, everyone is Champion" line, that's basically saying she's not a fighting champion, and is only doing this whole scheme to stay Champion. Whether she admits it or not, she knows I'm right, and tonight, she will know firsthand, what TRUE equality is like, when I take that title off her.

Ricochet then walks away, and Kayla smiles.

The camera then switches back to ringside where the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a Fatal 4 Way Match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship!

The crowd cheers.



20 seconds into the song, "The Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants comes out, and he stands on the stage, and holds his title up high before making his way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, from Bikini Bottom, representing the Society of Complete Equality, he is the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, "The Abrasive" SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!!

Mauro: Now we move on to our first Championship match of the night! The fatal 4-way for the Wattpad Championship!

Nigel: This is the first of 3 high stakes matches for the Society of Complete Equality, and the odds could not be more against Spongebob! He has to defend the Wattpad championship in a match scenario he himself instigated!

Mauro: Spongebob was supposed to defend the Wattpad Championship against either "The" Brian Kendrick or Dezmond Xavier, but he tried to make sure he didn't have to defend his championship in a Triple Threat match by causing a Disqualification, and it totally backfired! Now, he has to face all three opponents!

Beth: Fortune didn't favor spongebob when he tried to take matters into his own hands, but will it be the same tonight?

Spongebob entered the ring and climbed on the top turnbuckle, slapping his hand on the title and raised it high, showing it to the disapproving crowd.



"The" Brian Kendrick comes out in his 2008 attire, and dances out into the stage, and to the ring.

Jeremey Borash: And his opponents! First, from Venice, California, weighing in at 157 pounds, "THE" BRIAN KENDRICK!!!

Nigel: And here comes the veteran in this match, "The" Brian Kendrick, who's looking to rebound after he lost his chance to become the first LWF: Reborn Champion!

Beth: Kendrick has been saying that the reason he lost is because he looked too far into the future, and that he had to take some more steps. One of those steps is the Wattpad Championship, and he has warned everyone that he will stop at nothing to get that title!

Kendrick then gets into the ring and eyes spongebob, giving him a silent warning that he will do anything and everything to make sure the Championship was his.



The crowd cheers as out came Dezmond Xavier. As he makes his way to the ring, he high fives a few fans.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing competitor number two, from Dayton, Ohio, he weighs in at 187 pounds, DEZMOND XAVIER!!!

Mauro: And here's another contender who was in the running for the LWF: REBORN Championship, but came up short. A young and hungry Dezmond Xavier!

Nigel: Xavier has to be an underrated favorite in this match, or Wild Card if you will. If Spongebob and the others take their eyes off him, he's bound to get the win unexpectedly.

Beth: Dezmond wants to redeem himself as much as Kendrick, and he might just do it as he left everybody laying at the go home show!

Xavier slides into the ring, and immediately puts his guard up, as he looks at both Kendrick and Spongebob.

Then, the lights go out. Then on the blacked out titantron, "LIVE FOREVER" showed up in a fiery font.

And then, as soon as it vanished...


In the opening moments of the song, Damian Priest appeared under a bright spotlight off to the far left, then vanished and repeated closer to the center of the ramp. On the second vanish, he reappeared a few seconds later on the center of the entrance ramp.

When the music picks up, he turns back towards the titantron screen and visualizes shooting the screen with an arrow as his name appears on the screen. He turns back towards the ring and makes his way towards it.

Jeremy Borash: And the final competitor, from New York City, he weighs in at 249 pounds... DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Mauro: And now our final competitor, who has come close to the Wattpad Championship at Resurgence, and has been looking to get it ever since!

Nigel: This is a man who Jonah Shwarts wanted to make amends with, even going as far as wanting to be at his corner, but Priest refused the help.

Beth: And Priest wants to make sure he can win a title on his own, but he also appreciated what Jonah wanted to do. But now, Priest has his own visions on his mind.

Once he got into the ring, 52 seconds into the song, Priest began thrashing about, and then he shot up into the air where his name appeared on the mini tron above the ring.

He then looks at all 3 of the other competitors as he takes his best off.

Spongebob then handed his title to the referee. The referee then stood in the center of the ring, and held the belt up high.

Mauro: And there it is, ladies and gentlemen, that's what it is all for! The LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship! 4 competitors, but only 1 will walk out with it!

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Kendrick quickly slid out of the ring, and the 3 other competitors looked at him.

Mauro: There's the bell, and Kendrick gets out of the ring!

Nigel: Kendrick entering the fight in his own terms!

While everyone looked at Kendrick, Spongebob turned to Dezmond, kicked him in the gut, and delivered a couple blows to his back to drop him.

Then Priest grabbed Spongebob from behind, and slammed him down with a German Suplex!

Dezmond Xavier gets back up, and Priest quickly clocked him with a Roundhouse Kick to the side of his head!

Then he turned to Kendrick, and dared him to get into the ring.

Mauro: Damian Priest taking out Spongebob and Xavier, and now Kendrick is the only other competitor standing!

Beth: Oh-ho-ho man, Kendrick isn't gonna like the beating he might receive!

Kendrick cautiously enters the ring, not taking his eyes off of Priest.

Kendrick and Priest then lock up, Kendrick gets Priest in a Side Headlock, but Priest easily shoves him off.

Kendrick hits the ropes, and Priest delivered a Clothesline!

Priest then picks up Kendrick, sets him up for South Of Heaven, but Kendrick fights back, landing a couple Back Elbows to break free.

Mauro: Oh Priest looking for South of Heaven, but Kendrick not letting it happen!

Kendrick then delivered a Big Boot, but Priest was still on his feet!

Kendrick then delivered some Forearms, but Priest was still standing!

Mauro: And now look at Kendrick! Firing away on Priest!

Nigel: Priest is still on his feet though!

Priest shoves Kendrick off, Kendrick then went for a Superkick, but Priest caught the kick!

Priest then threw his leg down, and clocked Kendrick with a Forearm Smash of his own!

Mauro: And a Forearm by Damian Priest rocks Kendrick!

Beth: Kendrick just got his bells rung!

Kendrick staggers back, and spills out of the ring. Meanwhile, Spongebob was now back in the match. Priest turned to Spongebob, who then delivered a Dropkick to his shin, bringing Priest down to one Knee!

Then Spongebob, wasting no time at all, got up, and delivered a Step-up Kick to the back of Priest's head!

Mauro: And now Spongebob picks his spot, and Priest is down!

Spongebob goes for the cover, but Dezmond breaks the count at 2!

Now Dezmond and Spongebob begin to fight. Dezmond landed a few strikes, then went for a Cutter. But Spongebob pushed him off on the Cutter, and when Dezmond turned back around, Spongebob nailed him on the jaw with a Jumping Knee Strike!

With Dezmond Xavier dazed, Spongebob sets up for Hurricane Sandy, his patented Corkscrew Enzuigiri, but from outside the ring, Kendrick grabbed his feet, and pulled him out of the ring!

Mauro: Oh Spongebob looking for Hurricane Sandy, Kendrick averted it!

Nigel: If he had hit that on Dezmond, it surely would have been over!

Kendrick then slammed Spongebob onto the steel steps, and slid back into the ring.

Brian Kendrick then grabbed the still dazed Dezmond Xavier, and slammed him down with a Snap Suplex.

Kendrick then sat him up, and delivered a kick to Dezmond's back!

Kendrick then goes for the cover, Dezmond kicks out at 2.

Dezmond still having no idea where he is, Kendrick takes this moment to wrap his legs around Xavier's head.

Mauro: Kick out at 2, and Kendrick now. Constricting Dezmond's airway!

Nigel: A Headscissor of sorts applied, "The" Brian Kendrick now, in control of Dezmond Xavier!

Kendrick didn't keep the hold on for long. Damian Priest was now back in the match, and he stomped on Kendrick, causing Kendrick to release Dezmond.

Beth: Priest is back in the match now!

Priest then picked Kendrick up, looked for The Reckoning, but Spongebob came back in the ring in time, and landed the Torpedo Kick on Priest!

Mauro: Oh Priest! Wanting to hit The Reckoning on Kendrick, but the champion stepped in and absolutely clocked him!

Beth: Damian Priest is stunned!

Priest lets go of Kendrick, and is now staggering. Spongebob then grabbed Priest in a Front Facelock, then turned it into a Neckbreaker.

Spongebob then quickly went for the cover, but Priest kicked out at 2!

Spongebob then quickly scrambled to Kendrick, and covered him. But Kendrick also kicked out at 2!

Spongebob then picked Kendrick up, looked for a Brainbuster, but then Kendrick reversed it. He lands on his feet, then plants Spongebob with a Reverse STO!

Mauro: OH! Kendrick planting the Champion!

Nigel: What a Flatliner by "The" Brian Kendrick!

Kendrick then rolled over, and laid on top of Spongebob for the cover, but then Dezmond Xavier from out of nowhere, broke the count at 2 with the Final Flash!


Beth: Where the Hell did he come from!?

Dezmond then covered Spongebob, but then Priest broke the count at 2!

Mauro: And Damian Priest breaks the count!

Priest then picked Dezmond up.

Mauro: And now the Archer of Infamy!

Priest then sets him up for The Reckoning, and he hits it on Dezmond!

Mauro: There it is! The Reckoning!

Nigel: We may have a new Wattpad Champion!!!

Priest goes for the cover, but Kendrick stomps on Priest to break the count at 2!

Mauro: And now it's Kendrick that breaks the count!

Kendrick now picks up Priest, and immediately sets him up for the Sliced Bread #2.

He goes for it, but the second he launched off the corner, Priest stopped him, and held him up high. Then he tossed him out of the ring, and Kendrick landed hard on the floor below!

Mauro: Oh! Kendrick looking for Sliced Bread #2, but Priest unceremoniously dumping Kendrick out of the ring!

Priest saw what he did, and was now admiring his work.

What he didn't see though, was Spongebob, hyping himself up in the opposite corner.

Mauro: Damian Priest admiring his dirty work, but he's not seeing the Champion stalking him!

When Priest turned around, Spongebob went for Hurricane Sandy to put Priest away just like he did at resurgence, but this time Priest was ready. He caught the kick the second Spongebob went for it, stopping him in his tracks.

Mauro: Spongebob- OH WAIT A MINUTE!

Nigel: Thought we were gonna see a Resurgence replay there!

Now with Sponegbob at his mercy, Priest was ready to pay Spongebob back. He pushed his leg back, then kicked him in the gut and raised him up high to set up for Razors Edge.

Priest turns around, and Dezmond Xavier Slingshots into the ring, and connects with his signature Double Backflip Kick!

Beth: Priest looking to take out spongebob... but there's Dezmond Xavier! He got Damian!

Nigel: New champion!

Xavier was aiming to cover Priest, but Spongebob, who thanks to Xavier was released from Priest, grabbed Xavier and hooked him up for 47 Meters Down!

Mauro: Oh, but Spongebob gets to him first! Spongebob has Xavier!

Nigel: Looking for 47 Meters Down!

But before Spongebob could go for it, Kendrick delivers a boot to Spongebob!

Mauro: OH! Brian Kendrick stopped him just in time!

Kendrick then went right to Spongebob, and locked in the Captain's Hook!

Mauro: And now Kendrick with the Captain's Hook locked in! Do we have a new Wattpad Champion!?

Beth: If Spongebob taps, Kendrick may be closer to fulfilling his destiny!

Kendrick wrenched on Spongebob's neck, screaming at him to tap, but Dezmond stomped on Kendrick to break the hold!

But before Dezmond could do anything else, Priest immediately hooked him up for The Reckoning, and swiftly connected!



Kendrick then suddenly got up, and then slammed Priest down with the Sliced Bread #2!

Mauro: Sliced Bread from Kendrick!

Then Spongebob spun Kendrick around, hooked him up for 47 Meters Down, and he hits it!

Nigel: There it is!!!

Mauro: 47 Meters Down on Kendrick!!!

Spongebob then sees Dezmond slowly getting up, and he hits Dezmond with Hurricane Sandy to knock him out!

Mauro: And a Hurricane Sandy for Dezmond Xavier! He might be out!

Spongebob then covers Dezmond, and gets the 1-2-3 to retain his title!

*Bell rings!*

Mauro: And Spongebob beats the odds! He's still the Champion!

(Start at 0:08)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and STILL the Wattpad Champion, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

The referee hands Spongebob his title belt, and Spongebob quickly darts out of the ring, holding the Wattpad Championship close to him.

Mauro: It was not an easy battle, all four superstars threw everything they had at each other, and there were some close calls, but Spongebob, by a miracle or otherwise, is STILL Wattpad Champion!

Beth: Spongebob told everyone that his game plan coming into this match was to win, and that game plan totally worked for him!

Nigel: The Society of Complete Equality has retained a piece of their gold, but what will happen later on between Starlight and Ricochet?

Mauro: And what will happen during the Tables and Stables match? All of this happens later on, but up next, another rivalry comes to head when the trio of Kushida, and the Motorcity Machine Guns, take on the Siren Trio, better known as The Dazzlings, in 6-Person Tag Team Action!


Starlight Glimmer was in the Interviewing Area, watching the match on the TV Screen, and was pleased with what she saw. That's when Charly Caruso stepped in.

Charly: Starlight, it looks like you seem to be happy with-

Starlight: Hold on, I know why you're here, Charly. You want my thoughts on Spongebob's match, don't you? Well, let me make your job easier. That victory is why our Equality is the real Equality. Despite the unfair odds, he still triumphed at the end. Why? Because while everyone was trying their best to be better than the other in that match, Spongebob only tried to win, and didn't think of being better than everyone else. And that's exactly what all of us in the SCE will do in our matches coming up. And I also heard what Ricochet had to say earlier before that match. I do NOT condone what he said about me not being a real champion! Tonight I'm going to show him, and the whole world, what sort of Champion I am, and True Equality will be seen, when I beat Ricochet. And it doesn't matter who is next for me at Wrestlepalooza after the Elimination Enclosure match. Because not a single person who will enter that cage, can truly say they can stand against true Equality. Because not only does True Friendship come from being Equal, in True Equality, there's true peace. *Smiles*

Charly: Now onto my second topic, in Episode 6, you had a bit of a run-in with Team Weird N' Wild. So are you gonna be watching the Tag Team Championship match, and if you are, who are you rooting for?

Starlight: That is none of your concern, and it definitely isn't anyone else's either.

Starlight then walks away.

UP NEXT: The Dazzlings vs. Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns.

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