Kushida and The Guns vs. The Dazzlings

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The lights dim, and the spotlights then turn to purple and yellow the second the song began to play.

Then out came Aria and Sonata, with Adagio coming out last. Adagio then turned around, and seductively swayed her hips left and right before looking over her shoulder. She then turns around, and The Dazzlings make their way to the ring. 

*bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next contest is a 6-person tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk… THE DAZZLINGS!!!!

Mauro: As of late, The Dazzlings have had some dissension within the ranks, in other words, Adagio and Aria have some problems with who they think is the weakest link, that being Sonata Dusk!

Beth: It can't be disputed that Sonata hasn't been as useful to Adagio and Aria as they have thought, but now Sonata has a chance to rectify that, if she can help them beat Kushida and the Guns.

Nigel: And if not, we might see a breaking point in this trio!

The three of them get in the ring, and after their pose, they huddled up.

“This time, we're gonna do it,” Sonata says to Aria and Adagio, “This time we beat them together!”

Aria then gave Sonata a cold stare. "Hopefully nobody screws up!" Aria says.

“Focus, girls.” Adagio butted in. “We have a match to win.”



A countdown begins on the titantron starting from ten, showing a glimpse of Kushida's face.

Once it hit zero, smoke emitted from the stage, and under a blue spotlight, there stood Kushida. He thrust his arms out wide, then did a wind up pitch as the titantron came on.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents! First, from Tokyo Japan, weighing in at 192 lbs… KUSHIDA!!!

Mauro: One of Japan's greatest wrestlers, Kushida has more than a few bones to pick with The Dazzlings. And he's not alone in this endeavor at all!

Kusida stopped halfway down the entrance ramp, then he turned and looked back…


Then, out came Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, in their MCMG gear, and they pointed their finger guns at the ring, and fired before making their way to the ring. 

Jeremy Borash: And his tag team partners! From Detroit, Michigan, at a total combined weight of 420 pounds, Chris Sabin, and Alex Shelley… THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!!!!

Mauro: Reunited and it feels so good! Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley, 2-time Tag Team Champions in IMPACT, and both of them, are former X-Division champions!

Nigel: Apart or together, Sabin and Shelley's careers are indeed quite similar, and perhaps that's what makes them a great team, because they can strike it out on their own, and still come back together with each other to great success.

Beth: And they have been all around the world, so they both have a little bit of every style in their arsenal!

The trio of Kushida and The Guns enter the ring, then they took off their respective jackets.

The bell rings, and it's Shelley and Adagio that start it off.

Adagio and Shelley lock up in the middle of the ring, then Shelley gets her in a Wrist Lock.

Adagio reverses it, and then pulls Shelley into a Side Headlock. 

Shelley tries to push her off, but Adagio didn't let go. Shelley then did the next best thing, and countered with a Back Suplex. That time, Adagio releases him, but lands on her feet! Shelley turns around, Adagio went for a Pump Kick, but Shelley caught it!

Mauro: Shelley and Adagio going back and forth, but Shelley now has Adagio!

Adagio then quickly used her free leg, and delivered a Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh! Adagio now, getting out of that predicament!

Shelley was sent flying into a corner, then Adagio got up, and with a running start, she delivered a Forearm Smash!

Nigel: Oooh! What a Forearm!

Mauro: Flattening Alex Shelley in the corner!

Beth: Adagio Dazzle turned her aggression on real quick!

Shelley falls, then Adagio picks him up, puts him in the corner again, and while holding the top rope, she hits an Enzuigiri, followed by a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: And Adagio! Enzuigiri followed by a Tornado DDT!

Adagio then goes for the cover, but Shelley kicks out at 2!

Beth: Ooooh Adagio almost ended it early!

Adagio gets back up, drags Shelley to her corner, and tags in Aria.

Mauro: Tag made, now Aria Blaze is the legal competitor!

Aria and Adagio pick up Shelley, then they both deliver a chop to his chest.

Adagio exits the ring, then Aria throws Shelley out of the corner. 

Shelley begins to crawl to his corner, reaching out for his partners... 

Mauro: Alex Shelley reaching out to Sabin and Kushida-

But then Aria quickly flattened him with a Double Foot Stomp to his back!

Mauro: And Aria Blaze! Double Foot Stomp to the spine!

Aria then flipped the bird at Sabin and Kushida before picking up Shelley. 

Aria then attempts a Vertical Suplex, but Shelley blocks it, and slams Aria down with a Vertical Suplex of his own!

Nigel: Oh Aria tried to follow up, but Shelley counters!

Mauro: Alex Shelley with a Suplex, now he has an opening!

Shelley then gets up, and tags in Sabin.

Mauro: Tag! In comes Sabin!

Shelley then connects with an Inverted Atomic Drop, then Sabin hits a low Dropkick to Aria's legs to take her off her feet.

Shelley then hits the ropes, then rolls into a Muta Lock. Then Sabin also hits the ropes, and hits a Basement Dropkick!

Mauro: And now the Guns showing off their famous Tag Team chemistry!

Sabin goes for the cover, but Aria kicks out at 2!

Both Aria and Chris Sabin get up, then Sabin hits Aria in the gut with a spinning Back Kick. 

Aria is now down to one knee, Sabin hits the ropes, but then Aria got back up, and smacked Sabin off the rebound with a Calf Kick! 

Aria quickly got up, went to her corner, looking for another big attack on Sabin, but then Sonata tagged herself in, and hopped over the top rope, and into the ring!

Mauro: Now Sonata tagging herself in!

Nigel: Not sure what she has in mind, but nonetheless she is now legal!

Just as Sonata entered, Adagio immediately tagged herself in, and the fans immediately booed her for it.

Beth: Oh not so fast!

Mauro: Adagio is now legal, Sonata didn't even have a chance to get involved!

"Sorry, Sonata. But… I just don't think it's time yet." Adagio says to Sonata as she enters the ring.

With her back to Sabin, Sabin gets her in a Backslide pin!

Mauro: Oh wait! Chris Sabin with a Backslide! Adagio was distracted!

The referee counts, but Adagio kicked out before the ref could count three.

Mauro: Almost had her, Adagio kicking out in time!

Nigel: Adagio was so focused on Sonata, she wasn't paying attention to Sabin, that almost cost her and their team!

Beth: No blaming Sonata for that one, that was all on Adagio!

Adagio got to her feet and looked back at her two sisters. Aria was also dumbfounded on the fact Adagio didn't have her eyes on Sabin.

She then turned to Sonata. "Look what you almost did, Sonata!" She scolds.

“Me!?” Sonata asked. “It's Dagi's fault she didn't pay attention to him!”

Adagio decided to let Aria and Sonata bicker, and looked back to Sabin to focus on the match herself. 

But the second she turned around, Sabin had clocked her with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Beth: Oh! Adagio with her eyes off sabin again!

Adagio now out on her feet, Sabin then springs off the second rope, and spikes her with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: Springboard Tornado DDT by Sabin! 

Sabin covers Adagio again to put her away, but Adagio kicks out at 2!

Sabin quickly gets up, and makes the Tag to Kushida!

Mauro: Adagio kicks out again, Sabin though, he makes the tag! Here comes the Time Splitter!

Adagio gets up, turns around, and gets a Clothesline from Kushida!

Adagio gets up again, and gets another Clothesline!

Adagio gets up again, Kushida went for a third, but Adagio ducks.

Adagio then went for a Clothesline of her own, but Kushida ducked it, and then hopped onto the apron.

Adagio runs up to him, but Kushida quickly connects with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri! Adagio staggers back, then Kushida sprung off the top rope, and delivered a Tomahawk Chop!

Nigel: Kushida with unrelenting offense! Adagio trying to get away, but to no avail! She needs to tag out, and fast!

Kushida quickly went for a cover, but Adagio kicked out at 2 again!

Kushida wasted no time, and went up to the second rope, ready to deliver a diving axe handle. But as he leapt off, Adagio got her senses back and hit Kushida with a Superkick!

Mauro: Kushida looking to press the advantage, off the second rope- SUPERKICK BY ADAGIO!

Adagio then looked to tag out, Aria ready to go, but Sonata reached her hand out, desperately wanting in. "Please, Dagi! Tag me! I won't mess up! Honest!" Sonata pleaded. 

“Let me do this, she's a screw-up!” Aria fired back.

Adagio thinks about it, not realizing her hand was still stretched out. This then gave Sonata the chance to make a tag. She leaned forward, and swiftly smacked her hand, making the Tag!

Beth: Oh, there's a tag! Sonata is in!

The crowd cheered widely as Sonata made the tag. Rushing in before Aria and Adagio could reverse her decision! She plowed into the Guns and knocked them off the apron, hitting Shelley with a Front Dropkick, then knocking Sabin off with a Forearm! Then she turned to Kushida, and Delivered a Jumping Neckbreaker! And the crowd loved every second of it!

Nigel: This place has gone crazy!

Mauro: So is Sonata!

Sonata kipped to her feet and shouted a battle cry. Kushida then got to his feet, and Sonata set him up for the G.B.2.S Cutter, but on the Cutter, Kushida, ever the innovative Submission Artist, was able to get her in a Cross Armbreaker!

Mauro: Oh no! Kushida with a Cross Armbreaker!

Kushida had it locked in tight, but Sonata was able to roll over, pinning Kushida's shoulders into the mat!

Nigel: Wait! Sonata reversed it! Sonata could have him here!

Kushida kicks out at 2, gets up, then Sonata spikes Kushida with a Frankensteiner!

Sonata pins him again, but Kushida still kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Sonata- OH, FRANKENSTEINER!!!

Beth: Sonata is on fire!

Sonata now looks back at Adagio and Aria, whose mouths were agape in shock and disbelief.

"I told you I wasn't gonna mess up!" Sonata said. Then she turned around, picked up Kushida, went for the G.B.2.S Cutter again, but failed to notice how close Kushida was to his corner!

When she spun him out of the ripcord Shelley was able to reach far enough to Tag Kushida's free hand!

Shelley wasted no time in getting into the ring. Sonata connected the G.B.2.S Cutter on Kushida, but when Sonata got up, Shelley sprung off the top rope, and struck Sonata with a missile dropkick!

Shelley then quickly got up, and Dropkicked Adagio off the apron!

Then Sabin from outside, grabbed Aria's legs, and pulled her off the apron!

Sabin then tried to throw Aria into the barricade, but Aria swiftly changed the momentum, and sent Sabin flying into the Timekeepers Area!

Nigel: It's breaking down in a hurry!

Aria gets back on the apron, and then Sonata tags her in. They then Irish Whip Shelley to the ropes, and then off the rebound, they hit a Double Dropkick!

Outside the ring, Kushida helped Sabin over the barricade. While Shelley was down, Aria and Sonata then turned their attention to Sabin and Kushida, and they wiped them out. Aria did a Suicide Dive to Sabin, while Sonata did a Tope Con Hilo on Kushida!

Beth: Oh, look at this!

Mauro: Aria and Sonata are working in tandem!

The two then slid back into the ring to finish off Shelley. Aria got him in a front facelock as she nodded to Sonata.

Mauro: Aria and Sonata now…

With the two of them finally on the same page, they then hit the Magic Killer!


Aria covers Shelley, but Shelley somehow kicked out at 2 and a half!


The Dazzlings couldn't believe it. But they were on a roll, and they didn't intend to lose it.

“Finish this, Adagio!” Aria says. 

“Oh, I will.” Adagio said as Aria made the tag to her. Then, Aria and Sonata then held Shelley up as Aria was ready to deliver the Blind Kiss.

Beth: The Dazzlings finally working as one, and I think they're ready to end this!

Nigel: You're right Beth, Adagio thinking Blind Kiss!

Adagio then grabbed Shelleys face,  and looked in his eyes.

“You’ll never drive a wedge between us, EVER AGAIN!” She shouts, as if she was looking at Robert Squared. Then she sets up for the Blind Kiss, but then Kushida from outside, grabs Adagio's ankles!

Nigel: Oh wait a second, Kushida!

He pulls Adagio out of the ring, and Sabin then flies in and takes out Aria and Sonata, hitting both of them with a Crossbody!

Mauro: And Sabin through the air! Wiping Aria and Sonata!

Kushida then climbed up onto the apron. Adagio then pulled him back down, tried to land a punch, but Kushida was able to meet her first with his signature wind-up punch to the face!

This made Adagio stumble around in a daze, and Kushida gets back on the apron. Meanwhile, Sonata semi-recovered from the crossbody, and rolled to the apron. 

Aria also rolled to her corner, Adagio finally gets back in the ring, goes to tag Aria, but Sonata tags herself in! Then she tried to hit Sabin with a G.B.2.S Cutter, but then Sabin countered off the Ripcord, and stunned Sonata with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh Sonata tried to seal the deal herself, but Sabin made sure she wasn't going to!

Sabin then tagged Shelley in, and he climbs to the top turnbuckle while Sabin held Sonata in position for a Neckbreaker. 

Mauro: And now The Guns! Could be looking for the end right here!

Shelley leaps off with a Splash, and the Guns hit Skull and Bones on Sonata!


Shelley then hooked the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*

Mauro: And once again, Kushida and The Guns victorious over The Dazzlings!


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, Kushida, and the MOTORCITY MACHINE GUNS!!!

Mauro: What an incredible Six-Individual Tag match! It was fast paced and the action went everywhere!

Nigel: You're right Mauro, but once again, Sonata tried to get the win herself, but she ended up costing herself and her sisters!

Beth: Sonata had the right idea in mind, Adagio was stunned and she wanted to finish this herself. Unfortunately, Sabin was ready for her, and in the end, the Guns finished off Sonata instead!

The trio of Kushida and the guns were up on the entrance way below the titantron as they looked at The Dazzlings reconvening.

Mauro: What a win for Kushida and the guns, but I think Sonata is about to be recieve another insult to injury.

Sonata recovered as Aria was talking to Adagio.

“See?! I told you she was gonna mess up!” Aria protested. “And after we finally got in sync!”

“It wasn't my fault! I wanted to do something!” Sonata said. “Dagi was dazed from Kushida's punch, so I needed to-!”

“But I was fine, and was gonna tag Aria, Sonata! but no, you just had to take the spotlight for yourself, huh!?"

“This is why you're always gonna be a screw up! You shouldve left this to me and Adagio!” Aria started.

“But I wanted to prove myself! I didn't mean to mess-"

Adagio then cuts Sonata off with a kick to the midsection, and then Aria and Adagio began to beat her down!

Mauro: WHAT THE HELL?!?!

Beth: Sonata's heart was in the right place, but I don't think Aria and Adagio think the same!

After they finished beating up Sonata, Adagio tapped Aria's shoulder.

Barely audible, Adagio says, “I'm gonna fix this farce. I've entered my name in the Elimination Enclosure match, and I hope nobody messes this up for me!"

Aria and Adagio then leave Sonata laying in the ring, and now the referees and doctors began to check on Sonata.

UP NEXT: The Tables and Stables match between Dark Danny, Kassius Ohno, and Trixie of the SCE against Kacy Catanzaro, Will Ospreay, and Robbie Eagles.

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