Show Rundown.

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Charly Caruso was sitting at a table with me and Jonah Shwarts.

Charly: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Elimination Enclosure pre-show! Charly Caruso here, and joining me is the founder of LWF, Melchard Caranto, and his partner in crime, "Lucky 7" Jonah Shwarts!

Me: Yep, thanks for introducing us Charly, and boy, this show is gonna be a blast. I can just sense it.

Jonah: I agree with that notation. Hey chard, thanks for inviting me onto the pre show rundown.

Me: Don't mention it, bro.

Charly: Well first thing is first, let's talk about the top story in LWF right now, and that is the SCE, and their respective matches.

Jonah: Oh yeah, the SCE have DEFINITELY got a lot on their plates tonight! Every member is in a match, and their titles may be in jeopardy. But, since I was appointed tonight as LWF's Backstage Analyst, let's run over the Society's members, shall we?

I then hand him a list of what matches the SCE members will be in.

Me: Just in case you forget.

Jonah: Thanks. So, first off. “Abrasive” Spongebob Squarepants, is putting his Wattpad Title on the line, in a fatal 4 way match. His opponents? "The Archer of Infamy" Damian Priest, “The” Brian Kendrick, and the wild card in the mix, the high flying Dezmond Xavier. My buddy here sanctioned this match when Spongebob caused a Disqualification in who would face him tonight a few episodes ago.

Me: Yeah specifically the match between Dezmond and Kendrick. I just can't let that go unpunished. And besides, he wanted competition, I gave it to him. Continue?

Jonah: Right. Next up we have Trixie, Dark Danny and Kassius Ohno, going up against Kacy Catanzaro, Will Ospreay and their recently revealed mystery partner, Robbie Eagles! But it's not a six person tag match at all. No, this is something totally different. This is a match I haven't even heard of before, a Tables & Stables match!

Charly: Melchard, you have more experience in watching wrestling, just what IS a Tables & Stables match?

Me: Thought you'd never ask. Well you see, it's basically a Tables Match with Elimination rules. In other words you eliminate someone by putting them through a table. But be careful, if you accidentally put yourself through a table, that counts, and you are eliminated.

Charly: The thing about this ordeal is that the Society wants to promote an equal world. But they're competing in a match that goes against everything Starlight stands for.

Jonah: I see it this way. The Society of Complete Equality… they're a lot like Imperium over in NXT. Imperiums' message is that “The Mat is Scared” and they wanna restore the true honor and traditional values of wrestling. I think the SCE is a lot like that. They don't want any matches with special stipulations, they want things to be, in their mind, “Equal”. That's why Spongebob protested the idea of a Fatal 4 way, it just makes sense.

Me: That it does, Jonah. That it does. But let's not forget the leader, and her match with her bitter rival.

Jonah: That's right, it's the MAIN EVENT of Elimination Enclosure, Starlight Glimmer, the Leader of the Society, takes on Ricochet for the LWF: Reborn Championship. But, whichever of these two comes out of that match with the title, they had better pay attention as Wresstlepalooza returns, because their next challenger will be the winner coming out of the Elimination Enclosure match. More on that match later, but first I wanna bring up possibly one of the heavy favorites to win the thing… Dennis.

Charly: That's right, Dennis made it clear at the go-home show he will enter the match personally after he's done with Darby Allin in their Street Fight. Guys, personally, I think Darby might be in over his head on this one.

Jonah: Over his head? Not in the slightest. I've seen Darby compete, he doesn't back down from anything.

Me: Jonah I can see where you are coming from, but I'm with Charly on this one. This is Dennis we're talking about, and you saw what he did when he went out hunting for Darby.

Jonah: I know what you're saying Chard. Dennis has recently adapted the mantra of a certain Muderhawk Monster, which can be summed up in two words: Everybody… Dies, and will go through everyone and ANYONE so he can be at the top.

Charly: That is very true. Switching gears now, another top story in LWF currently is the whole ordeal between The Dazzlings, and the trio of Kushida and the Motorcity Machine Guns!

Me: And let's not forget, that Robert Squared in a way, owning the mix as well. At least between Sonata, Aria, and Adagio.

Jonah: There's no questioning there's already friction between those three. Sonata has been off her game to Aria and Adagio, and she's starting to see how the tactics of The Dazzlings are evil. I'm betting that if the Dazzlings don't come out with a win over The Time Splitter and his guns… that’ll be the last straw.

Charly: Well we'll just have to see about that, but on the subject of Tag Teams, The Best Friends have their own championship opportunity against Team Weird n’ Wild for the LWF Tag-Team Championships, and Recently, Trent has been approached by Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, and saying he should stick with his brothers more than his friends. Is Trent gonna be able to focus and win the titles with Chuck taylor and prove them wrong?

Me: Well as long as Curt and Zack don't get involved, Best Friends shouldn't have a problem.

Jonah: Look, the Best Friends have amazing Tag Team Chemistry. I don't know why Hawkins and Ryder would want to split Trent up from Chuck and Cassidy at all. If Trent can prove he and Taylor are a force to be reckoned with, and beat Team Weird N’ Wild, that's gonna prove to Hawkins and Ryder that friends are just as important as brothers.

Charly: Well, we’ll see about that. But now it's time to talk about the match that's the namesake of this event. The Elimination Enlcosure match. A grueling combination of The Royal Rumble, and Hell In a Cell.

Me: Well I wouldn't say Royal Rumble, more like a typical Gauntlet Match in a Hell In A Cell cage. 

Jonah: Yeah. There's gonna be 20 competitors inside that cell enclosed ring, and after one superstar is pinned or submitted, another will enter one by one until we have a number one contender for the LWF: Reborn championship at Wrestlepalooza. We already one superstar who is gonna be in that match, and that is Dennis-

Suddenly Trent and Chuck Taylor, with Orange Cassidy slowly walking them, walked in.

Me: Oh! Well this is a surprise!

Charly: Best Friends! What brings you here?

Trent: Well we overheard what you guys were talking about, and Orange Cassidy here told me and Chuck, that he is gonna be in the Elimination Enclosure match as well!

Chuck: And he also said he's gonna try.

Cassidy then gave a lazy thumbs up.

Jonah: Wow! A fan favorite is in the match!

Charly: Um… he's gonna possibly be in there against Dennis, don't forget.

Suddenly she gets a message through her earpiece. 

Charly: And hang on…. I just got confirmation about ANOTHER confirmed entry. We've been hearing about his return leading up to this event, and now we can confirm that the one and only Bombay Suarez is actually gonna be in the Elimination Enclosure Match!

Me: Well isn't that exciting!

Jonah: There's no better match for the Bitch Killer to return in! Chard, you and I both know that Bombay is known for taking things to the Extreme, this match is gonna be right in his wheelhouse!

Me: Exactly. And there's a good chance Bombay may encounter Dennis.

Jonah: Now we know three official entrants. I guess the other 17 are gonna be revealed as they come out. But, as I understand it Chard, we've got some action to get to on the pre show.

Me: Well first off, let's get some Lucky 7 predictions out from you?

Jonah: Okay, uh… let's see. Normally I root for the good guys, but I gotta say, this event should be different. Here are my victors for this event excluding the Elimination enclosure match. Starlight, Team Catanzaro, Priest, Dennis, Best friends, and...Kushida and the Guns.

Charly: Nice predictions you have there Jonah, but let's take it to our commentary team for the Pre-show match!

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