Zap and Zest vs Team Wheels Extreme

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The camera is now panning around inside the Allstate Arena where it's almost full, and Mauro Ranallo speaks. 

Mauro: Thank you to our backstage analysts over at the control panel, Mauro Ranallo alongside Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Beth: As always, a pleasure to be here, Elimination Enclosure is just about to start and I can't wait to see what will go down!

Nigel: Same here, but before we could get to the event, let's go through the Pre-Show match, the Tornado Tag between Zap and Zest, and Team Wheels Extreme!

Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest then came out.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is a Tornado Tag Team Match set for one fall, introducing first, the team of Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: Tornado Tag match time between Team Wheels Extreme and the duo of Zap and Zest! All team members are legal, anything goes! After Zap and Zest stole a win over team Wheels Extreme in Episode 3, Zap and Zest have every advantage they could get!

Nigel: But there is a good chance Team Wheels Extreme could turn the tables on them and beat them at their own game!

Zap and Zest then get on the apron. Indigo throws her arm up into the air, and Lemon leaned forward hanging onto the top rope.

Beth: Zap and Zest look ready to go! Hopefully for them this goes well.

Zap and Zest then enter the ring, and await for their opponents.

Out came Jenny throwing her fist up into the air, and Maurecia came out after, pointing to the crowd.

They then high fived each other before making their way to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, the team of Jenny and Maurecia, TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!

Mauro: Now this match came about when in Episode 3, Zest got Maurecia in a Backslide, with Zest putting her foot on the ropes, and Zap holding her there, to get the win!

Beth: And since then Jenny and Maurecia wanted to get even. Hopefully in this Tornado Tag, they get some revenge.

Jenny and Maurecia enter the ring, not taking their eyes off of Indigo and Lemon. 

The bell rings, and immediately they went at each other. Zap went straight for Maurecia, and Zest going after Jenny!

Mauro: There's the bell, and just like that, Team Wheels Extreme and the Zap and Zest duo begin the battle!

Lemon Zest now has Jenny on the ropes, and she Clotheslines her over the top rope, sending Jenny falling to the floor!

Zest then turns to Indigo, and helps her with Maurecia. Zap and Zest threw her to the ropes with an Irish Whip, they both look for a Double Hip Toss, but Maurecia took them both out with a Double Clothesline!

Mauro: And Maurecia with a Double Clothesline!

Beth: Two for the price of one!

Lemon Zest was the first to get up. Maurecia then threw Zest into a corner, Maurecia then charged full speed, and flattened her with a Corner Clothesline!

Indigo now gets up, Maurecia then throws Zest into Indigo. Indigo was now holding her partner in a Front Facelock, Maurecia then connected with a Running Neckbreaker on Indigo, causing Indigo to spike Zest head-first onto the mat with a DDT!

Mauro: And Maurecia AGAIN killing two birds with one stone!

Beth: Team Wheels Extreme is on a roll!

Jenny now gets back in the ring, and she pins Zest, while Maurecia pinned Indigo.

They both got the legs hooked, but Indigo and Lemon both kicked out at 2!

Indigo starts to crawl to the ropes, Jenny cuts her off, and picks her up.

Meanwhile, Maurecia and Zest have their own scuffle. Zest dodges a punch from Maurecia, then hits Maurecia with a Dropkick!

Back with Jenny and Indigo, Jenny attempts to throw Indigo into a corner, but Indigo reverses, and throws Jenny into a corner instead!

Indigo then with a full head of steam, connects with a corner Enzuigiri!

Indigo then threw Jenny out of the corner, but Jenny suddenly turned around, and caught Indigo in the corner with a High Knee!

Mauro: Oh look at Jenny! High Knee after taking an Enzuigiri in the corner!

Jenny then brings Indigo to the center of the ring. Jenny then gets Indigo in a Front Facelock, but before she could do anything, Lemon Zest clocks Jenny with a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh! Zest intercepts!

Jenny was stunned, then Zap and Zest looked at each other with smug looks, and hit Jenny with Team Wheels Extreme' double team move, the Flying Clothesline/Spear combo!

Nigel: Oh, wait a minute! That's Jenny and Maurecia’s finisher!

Beth: Indigo and Lemon wanna humiliate Team Wheels extreme using their own move!

Zap and Zest then stack on Jenny to put the match away.

Mauro: Zap and Zest stacking on Jenny! This would be humiliating to Team Wheels extreme!

Just before the referee counted to 3, Maurecia jumped in to break the count!


Beth: Boy was that close!

Nigel: All it needed was 3 seconds, Zap and Zest almost had it!

Maurecia then picks up Zap, Jenny gets up, then Maurecia throws Zap into Jenny.

Jenny then connected with a Jawbreaker, Zap turned around, and ate a Right Forearm Smash from Maurecia, then Jenny pulled Indigo into a Reverse STO!

Indigo Zap gets back up, then tried for a Clothesline on Maurecia, but Maurecia ducked it, and got her hooked.

Maurecia then lifted her up, Jenny got up as well, and they hit Zap with a Uranage/Backstabber combo!

Mauro: Wow! What a combo on Zap!

Zap rolls out of the ring, Zest now gets up, and Team Wheels Extreme were now sizing Zest up.

Mauro: Now Team Wheels Extreme! Stalking Lemon Zest!

Nigel: This could be the beginning of the end!

Jenny and Maurecia then shouted "WHEELS EXTREME!!!" And when Zest turned around, Jenny and Maurecia connected with their Flying Clothesline/Spear Tag Team Combo!

Beth: There it is, the real thing!

Mauro: Showing Lemon Zest how it's done!

Maurecia then hooked her leg, and Team Wheels Extreme get the 3 count!

Mauro: And Team Wheels Extreme get the win!

**Bell rings!**

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winners...TEAM WHEELS EXTREME!!!!

Nigel: Jenny and Maureica, finally settling things with Indigo and Lemon once and for all!

Mauro: Where both teams go from here, we will see sometime soon!
Beth: For right now though, it is almost time to kick off Elimination Enclosure, and we're gonna start it off with a bang!

Mauro: We’ll see all you readers on the main show of Elimination Enclosure! Stay tuned!

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