Bombay vs. Bonifer (UNSANCTIONED MATCH)

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FSU were getting prepared for their match when Charly Caruso walked up to them.

Charly: FSU, later tonight, you and the Beautiful People are gonna be in a No Disqualification match, how are you guys gonna manage in a 3 on 2 disadvantage?

Eddie Dennis: *Laughs* Charly, Mark Andrews is a decorated High Flyer, and I'm called the "Welsh Dragon" for a reason. When we start a fight, we end it by any means necessary.

Mark Andrews: If Erza gets involved, that's fine, because that proves that Asuka and Alexis NEED her to win a match! 3 on 2? It could be 5 against 2, and FSU would still walk out the winners!

Eddie Dennis: As for Asuka and Alexis, you better hope that you can still walk after we're done hitting you with anything and everything we could get our hands on...

Mark Andrews: And dropping both of you, on your heads!

Eddie Dennis: Now if you'll excuse us, Charly?

Eddie shoos Charly away, and FSU continues to prepare for their match.

The camera cuts back to ringside, where Jeremy Borash was standing in the middle of the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is an Unsanctioned Match! In this match, there are no rules, no count-outs, the only way to win is by stoppage, or Pinfall!


The crowd cheered, and out walked Bombay Suarez, dragging out a black garbage bag and spitting red mist into the air.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, hailing from Taguig City, in The Philippines, he weighs in tonight at 200 pounds, BOMBAY SUAREZ!!!

Mauro: If anyone knows a thing or two about hardcore matches, one of those individuals would be this man!

Nigel: This man would LITERALLY set his own hand on fire, and slap you with it!

Beth: Now THAT is Hardcore! For Bombay, this is definitely right up his alley!

Bombay tosses the garbage bag into the ring. Then upon entering the ring, he dumped out the bags' contents, which consisted of chairs, kendo sticks, and metal pipes.

Mauro: Oooh, look at that, Bombay came prepared!

Beth: Well this match IS Unsanctioned, anything goes!

Bombay then paced left and right, waiting for his opponent.

Then after a few seconds of silence...

The crowd cheered as 12 seconds into the song, Bonifer made his entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, "The Death Dealer", CHARLIE BONIFIER!!!

Beth: Mauro, remember earlier when you said Bombay knows a thing or two about Hardcore Matches? Well, the same can be said about Bonifer too!

Mauro: And with Bonifer, he's got an arsenal filled with holds and devastating moves, it'll be hard to out-wrestle him!

Bonifer then enters the ring, and he and Bombay have a staredown.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

After a few seconds, both Bombay and Bonifer picked up a steel chair.

Mauro: And now both men, not gonna go for a lock up, they went straight for the weapons!

They both take a swing, only for their chairs to collide in the middle. They swing again, same result.

Both men then held their chairs up high, then Bombay kicked him in the midsection before smacking the chair across Bonifer's back!

Mauro: And Bombay looked to go high, but then went low!

Bombay then hits the ropes, looking for a Scissors Kick, but Bonifer avoids it!

He then sets Bombay up for his patented Full Nelson Reverse STO, "From Dusk To Dublin", but before he could fully lock the Full Nelson, Bombay lands some Back Elbows to escape!

Bombay then scooped up Bonifer for his signature Spinning Side Slam, the "Bomb Shelter", but when he spun him out, Bonifer landed on his feet, and countered it into a DDT!

Mauro: Oh, Bombay was looking for the Bomb Shelter, Bonifer countered!

Nigel: Planted Bombay with that DDT!

Bonifer then slid out of the ring, and pulled out some trash cans and Kendo Sticks before finally pulling out some tables, which garnered a pop from the crowd.

Beth: More weapons now coming into play!

Bonifer then slid one table into the ring, and he propped it up in the corner.

He then picked up Bombay, but then Bombay fought back with punches to the gut.

He then sees the table, proceeds to throw Bonifer through it but Bonifer changes the momentum around!

Bombay was able to stop himself, but when he turned around he saw Bonifer charging at him! He was able to stop him in his tracks with a Big Boot, though. Then he slammed him down with a Belly-to-belly Suplex!

Bombay goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicked out at 2.

Bombay then picked up Bonifer, and landed some Forearm Smashes. He then hits the ropes, but Bonifer stuns him with a Bicycle Kick!

He then spins him around so that Bombay Suarez is facing away from him, he looks back at the pile of chairs and pipes that came from Bombay's bag for a brief moment, then he drops Bombay onto the pile with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: Ohhh!!! Saito Suplex onto the chairs!

Bonifer then got up, and began stomping away on Bombay.

Bonifer then picked Bombay up, and threw him out of the ring.

Bonifer exited the ring as well, then he pulled out a Barbed Wire Board, which got a bigger pop from the crowd!

Nigel: Ooohhhh, my word!

Mauro: Things may get bloody, now that the barbed wire has come into play!

Bonifer then threw the board to Bombay, and he caught it. Then Bonifer Drop Kicked the board into Bombay!

Beth: Oh, no!

Mauro: A Dropkick from Bonifer, and Bombay got Barbed Wire to the face!

Nigel: And everywhere else on his body as well!

Bonifer gets up once more, then he does a Double Foot Stomp, pressing the board more into Bombay!

Mauro: And a Double Stomp by Bonifer! The barbed wire digging deeper into Bombay's flesh!

Bonifer then tore the board off Bombay, and Bombay sat up, now bleeding from his arms and face.

Mauro: And there you see just what kind of damage the Barbed Wire can do! Bombay has been cut open!

Bombay starts to get up, but then Bonifer grabbed him, and threw him into the steel steps!

Bonifer then propped one end of the barbed wire board on the barricade, the other on the ring apron.

When he turned his attention back to Bombay, he was already back on his feet, and then Bombay landed a right Hook Punch.

Bombay then slammed him down with a Snap Suplex onto the floor, before reaching under the ring.

The crowd then cheered as Bombay pulled out a ladder!

Mauro: And Bombay pulls out a ladder!

Nigel: These guys are pulling out everything but the kitchen sink!

Then, as if on cue, Bombay pulled out a kitchen sink!

Nigel: Or maybe I spoke too soon!

Mauro: Bombay pulls out the kitchen sink!

Beth: That means they have pulled out every weapon, right?

Bombay then continued looking under the ring, and pulled out a pane of glass!

Mauro: Not quite! Glass is now getting involved!

Bombay then slid the glass into the ring. Unbeknownst to him, Bonifer also grabbed a weapon of his own, a handful of wooden skewers!

Nigel: Uh oh! Look what Bonifer has!

Mauro: Bonifer with a handful of skewers, Bombay has no clue!

When Bombay turned around, Bonifer immediately went on the attack, and began hammering the skewers into Bombay's forehead!

Bombay was now leaning against the barricade, screaming in pain as the some skewers fell to the floor.

Bonifer then grabbed him, and threw him into the ring post, breaking most of the skewers!

Bonifer was now in control, Bombay started to crawl away, then pulled out a barbed wire wrapped chair from under the ring!

Bombay gets up, Bonifer advances towards him, then Bombay clocks him on the head with the barbed wire chair!

Nigel: Oooh, man!!!

Mauro: Bombay with a barbed wire wrapped chair!

Almost immediately, Bonifer began to bleed from his forehead.

Bombay then picked him up, and threw him back in the ring.

Bombay then picked up the kitchen using he slid in earlier, and smacked Bonifer repeatedly with it!

Mauro: And now Bombay Suarez, playing tunes with that kitchen sink on Bonifer's head!

Bonifer was now on all fours, then Bombay hits the ropes, Bonifer started to rise but Bombay finally connected with a Scissors Kick!

Mauro: Scissors Kick from Bombay!

Bombay goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Bonifer out at 2!

Bonifer then crawled to the nearest corner, and pulled himself back up to his feet. Bombay however, flattened him with a Clothesline!

Then he sets him for a chop to the chest, but he stopped right when he went for it.

He then wagged his finger with a smile on his face, then pulled out a bottle of flammable liquid, and a lighter!

Mauro: Oh no!

Beth: You know what's coming!

Nigel: Bombay is about to light Bonifer up... literally!

Bombay soaks his hand with the flammable fluid, then takes the lighter and ignites a flame, then Bombay chopped Bonifer!

Beth: Oh, god!!!

Mauro: Flaming Chop!

Nigel: Never in my career have I ever seen anything like that! I've seen some deadly chops, hell I've even delivered some myself! But I think THAT takes the cake!

Bonifer then staggered out of the corner, and collapsed into another.

Bombay then charged, and flattened Bonifer with another Clothesline before planting him with a Bulldog!

Mauro: Bulldog out of the corner!

Bombay then slid out of the ring, brought the ladder in, and propped it up. He then took the pane of glass, and 2 chairs. He props up the 2 chairs, then laid down the pane of glass, creating a makeshift table.

He then took Bonifer, and both climbed up the ladder.

Mauro: Oh no, what does Bombay have in mind!?

At the top of the ladder, Bombay then sets Bonifer up for a Superplex, but Bonifer starts fighting back!

Nigel: Now both men at the top, Bonifer's now trying to fight out of this predicament!

Bonifer then began to headbutt Bombay, but Bombay was unfazed. He resets Bonifer up, and he slams him through the glass with a Superplex off the ladder!


Nigel: What chaos!!!

The crowd began cheering, and chanted "Holy Sh-t!".

For a few minutes, both Bombay and Bonifer were just laying there.

After a while, Bombay gets up, but then Bonifer sweeps him off his feet with a Double Leg Takedown, flipped him over, and then locks on a Full Nelson STF he calls the "Sword's Stretch"!

Mauro: Oh, Bonifer! Sword's Stretch applied!

Nigel: Looking to make Bombay pass out perhaps!

After several minutes, Bombay was able to slip one arm out, and elbow Bonifer. Bonifer lets him go, both men get up, then Bombay scoops him up, and plants Bonifer with the Bomb Shelter!

Mauro: Ohhh!!! Bombay hits the Bomb Shelter!

Bombay goes for the cover, but Bonifer kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No, Bonifer out at 2!

Nigel: He slammed Bonifer down with authority, and to think Bonifer was able to survive that, shows just how tough that man really is!

Bombay then got back up, and measured him up.

Mauro: But Bombay, thinking about one more big blow!

Once Bonifer started to rise up, Bombay charged, looking for his patented Step-up Enzuigiri, the K.O.T.D (Kick Of The Day) but then Bonifer threw a steel chair right into Bombay's face!

Mauro: Oooh! Bombay throwing that chair into the face of Bombay!

Bombay then rolled out onto the apron, and pulled himself back up. Little did he know, he was hovering over the barbed wire board Bonifer had propped up earlier!

Mauro: Bombay, back on his feet now, but he's in a very dangerous place!

The moment he got back up, Bonifer charged, and speared him through the ropes, and they both came crashing through the barbed wire board!

Mauro: And Bonifer!!! My god, they BOTH went through the barbed wire board!

Nigel: Hard to say who got the worst of that one!

Beth: I can't tell either!

Bonifer then ripped Bombay off the barbed wire, and threw him back into the ring. Then he slid in, and began to measure Bombay up.

Mauro: And now it's Bonifer who's closing in!

Nigel: Possibly looking for his main weapon!

Bombay gets up, then Bonifer hooked him up for Death's Hand, and he connected!

Mauro: Death's Hand!!!

Bonifer then covered him, and got the 3 count!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, CHARLIE BONIFIER!!!

Mauro: This was physical! Blood was shed, but in the end, it was Bonifer who walked out victorious!

Nigel: There was glass, barbed wire, chairs, ladders, tables, and bloodshed! These men were looking to KILL each other!

The referee raised Bonifer's hand, then Bonifer looked into the camera.

"Kenny Omega, do I have your attention now!? Your silence is only delaying the inevitable, Kenny! When the time comes, I'll personally sign your death certificate!" He shouts before exiting the ring.

Mauro: And Bonifer, sending another message to Kenny Omega, still looking for that rematch after their first match in Episode 8, question is, will Kenny respond?

Nigel: Well I can tell you, he won't be silent for long, so I'm sure he will!

Meanwhile back in the ring Bombay was starting to get up, when Kayla Braxton entered the ring.

Kayla: Bombay, tough loss here tonight against Bonifer. It looks like upon returning, you haven't had quite a good start, what's next for you from here?

Before Bombay could give an answer, the lights suddenly went out. Then...

19 seconds into the song, some spot lights were flashing to the beat of the song, while some were dancing around.

After the 94 second song was over, it was pitch black.


(Start at 0:13)

The moment the song hit, a spotlight shone down onto the middle of the stage, where Mandy stood, getting a pop from the crowd!

Mauro: Oh… my… god… it's Mandy! The RCCW Internet Champion!

Mandy looked around for a brief moment, before slowly making her way down the ramp.

Beth: What on earth is Mandy doing here!?

Nigel: Whatever the hell she wants! 

Mauro: What a moment here at End Of The Line! Mandy makes an appearance, but why???

Mandy enters the ring, and snatches Kayla's mic before getting up into Bombay's face.

Mandy and Bombay have a staredown. After a minute or so of silence…

Mandy: … I'm what's next! *drops mic*

Mandy then backs away and exits the ring as her theme plays once more.

Mauro: Wow! Mandy laying down a challenge to Bombay Suarez!

Beth: If this happens, this may top the Unsanctioned Match!

Nigel: What a clash that will be if he accepts!

Mauro: What a clash that will be indeed, but what about this clash coming up next! It started after Junko cost Chris Brookes the last man standing match against Zancrow, and now Chris Brookes looks to make Junko pay, in an Asylum Match!

Beth: If this cage won't contain these maniacs, I don't know what will!

(UP NEXT: Junko vs. Chris Brookes (ASYLUM MATCH))

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